Penulisan Chapter 1 Untuk Tugas Akhir (Jurusan Bahasa Inggris "TEACHING")

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1.1. Background and Reason of Choosing The Title

Education is a lifelong necessity. Everyone needs education. If there is no
education, people will be difficult to develop their knowledge and intelligence.
Without the existence of education, human being will be left behind. There are a lot
of subject that can improve and develop the students intelligence, one of them is
Since years ago, English skill becomes the subject which must be learned for
Indonesian. Even, English as the subject has been applied started from kindergarten
and elementary school. It shows that English education is also important to be learned
besides the other subjects like math, science and Indonesian. Based on the previous
statements, therefore English courses have been established everywhere. It is to
increase the skill of foreign language education for Indonesian students.
The certain academic period of term in 2012, there is no English examination
or test, It because of the rule of the particular ministry of education. The previous
phenomena happened only in elementary school, in junior high school and senior
high school, there are the tests or examinations of English. English has become one of

the subjects that every student has to be learned for passing requirement in national
Unfortunately, the lack of proficiency in English is still an issue in Indonesia.
As cited in The Jakarta Post on Saturday, February 27 2016 that Responding to the
2015 Education First (EF) English Proficiency Index's (EPI) finding that Indonesia
suffered from a decline in English proficiency, the ministry's training and courses
development director Yusuf Muhyiddin pledged in November to push for the use of
English in offices and institutions This means, the decline in students English
proficiency is started from elementary school, junior high school and senior high
One of the most basic grammar conversational demands on students is the
using of degree of comparison, which students compare one person, animal, or thing
with another. It is also relevant to the daily conversation, as well as occurring in
English test frequently. Although this lesson looks very easy to understand but in
fact, based on the writers research at BIMBEL GAMA88 Course, it is found that the
students, especially in the eighth grade students are still confused about this lesson,
however they have got this lesson when they were in the seventh grade.
The reason why the writer chooses the title is because according the writers
research, there are a lot of students who still have a bad score and result in their test
related to the lesson. Even though, they have tried to learn English as the subject by
joining the English course, but why they still cannot understand about the materials

which appear on their English test. One of the problems is, there are a lot of students
who still lack in memorizing the lesson, a lot of them still not pay attention to the
lesson, some of them are talking with their friends and the others are busy with their
own cellular phone. That is why they cannot absorb the lesson very well. In the day
they get the lesson, they get the lesson very well but a few weeks or months later they
forget about the related lesson. The students watch the clock frequently because they
want time is going faster so that they can end up their school time. The students
always feel that school is a boring place. There are a lot of students who feel sleepy
when the teacher explained the materials. There are a lot of methods that can be used
by the teacher to make the lesson easy to understand and active in order to make the
students get the lesson easier in a fun way, the way which can boost the students
good mood.
Total physical response method is one of the proper methods which the
teacher can apply in their teaching process. It is a very good method in teaching,
especially in language teaching. As cited in book The Psychology Of Total Physical
Response that, Total Physical Response method, a multisensory methodology that
works through synchronizing dialogue and action. Giving a physical answer (action
or movement) to verbal input (command and dialogue) is learning without stress and
frustration. That is why the writer chooses this title because it is necessary for English
teacher to choose a good method in order to make the lesson is more interesting and
motivating so that the students can develop their English skills.

1.2. Statement Of The Problem

The teacher is one determinant of the success of efforts to improve the
education quality. The efforts which are being made in order to improve the quality of
education lead to teacher including that administer English lessons at school. The
change which become the cause of the renewal of the curriculum, the use of a
medium of learning new methods of learning and teaching and learning new
suggested in the curriculum that require the recent adjustments, both in terms of
teaching materials, teaching methods and techniques, the teaching attitudes based on
constructivism and behaviorism. To focus the research on this paper, the writer states
the problem. Those problems are:
1. How to increase learning achievement of English subject with the implementation
of learning strategies with Total Physical Response (TPR) method?
2. How does the influence of learning strategies TPR method in motivating students
learn English?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages from the use of TPR method toward in
teaching English degrees of comparison?
1.3. Scope Of The Problem
The focus of the research was on the teaching English degrees of comparison
using Total Physical Response Method. The decision was taken by considering the
importance of total physical response method as one of cooperative learnings

strategies that is useful to increase students English achievement. The writer will
limit and focus on teaching English degrees of comparison through total physical
response method for eighth grade students in BIMBEL GAMA88 course, Pinang
Ranti Branch.
1.4. Method And Procedure Of The Analysis
Curiosity is a human nature. Every intelligent person certainly has knowledge,
either from the facts, concepts, or procedures of the object. This paper is aimed at
descriptive qualitative, which focuses on documentation data, get some other
secondary and additional sources collecting the related data through internet that has
references and bibliography, books, and e-books.
The method that the writer uses in this paper is by using the library research.
To make the data can be explained more clearly, the increment of information from
related books or e-books and the other information related to the case that has
references with the good evidence are also needed. The writer got data for analysis
and then proceed the data that the writer got from the related books, e-books , and the
internet sources.
The procedures which the writer used is the writer teach for the eighth grade
students at BIMBEL GAMA88 course, Pinang Ranti branch, Jakarta on September
2015 until October 2015. The writer observed the research about teaching English
degrees of comparison using total physical response method.

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