Feynman Amplitude For Dirac and Majorana Neutrinos: Asan Damanik

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EJTP 13, No.

35 (2016) 7378

Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics

Feynman Amplitude for Dirac and

Majorana Neutrinos
Asan Damanik
Department of Physics Education
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University
Kampus III USD Paingan Maguwoharjo, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Received 17 August 2015, Accepted 5 January 2016, Published 25 May 2016

Abstract: Theoretically, neutrino can be assigned as a Dirac or a Majorana particle. Even
though the experiments that have been performed so far, i.e. neutrinoless double beta decay to
proof the nature of neutrino as a Majorana particle, gave negative result, we still have no strong
argument to put neutrino as a Dirac particle . In this talk, we study and evaluate the Feynman
amplitude for both Dirac and Majorana neutrinos for neutrino-electron elastic scattering and
hoping that the scattering technique can be used as an alternative method to decide the neutrino
nature whether neutrino is a Dirac or a Majorana particle. The results show that it is possible
to distinguish neutrino nature whether neutrino is a Dirac or a Majorana particle from its own
Feynman amplitude for low energy process for both charged and neutral current interactions. It
is also apparent that the Feynman amplitude is dierent for neutrino-electron elastic scattering
for charged and neutral current interactions.
c Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Feynman Amplitude; Charged Current Interaction; Neutral Current Interaction;
Neutrino-electron Elastic Scattering
PACS (2010): 12.15.-y; 12.15.Ji; 13.85.Dz


One of the long standing unsolved problem in neutrino physics is the question about
the nature of neutrino whether it Dirac or Majorana particle. Theoretically, the nature
of neutrino can be Dirac or Majorana particle. If neutrino to be Majorana particle,
then the neutrinoless double beta decay should be detected in experiments that have
been performed so far. But, there is no neutrinoless double beta decay experiment with
positive result and for review of the neutrinoless double beta decay experiments can be

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Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics 13, No. 35 (2016) 7378

read in Ref.[1]. To conclude neutrino is a Dirac particle, we should show that neutrino
and its anti-neutrino have dierent helicity. As we know so far from experiments that we
have only observed left-handed neutrino in nature. It is the motivation of this study to
look another technique or method for probing the neutrino properties especially the type
of neutrino particle whether it Dirac or Majorana. Zralek [2] suggested that the neutrino
chirality and helicity can be used to distinguish whether neutrino is Dirac or Majorana
particle by comparing Feynman amplitude (M ) for neutrino process: i j +. Another
technique to distinguish the nature of neutrino whether neutrino is Dirac or Majorana
particle is the neutrinos with two-particle interferometry suggested by Gutierrez [3].
As we know, there are three kind of tools in physics that can provide us some information about the matter and its interactions in nature, i.e. scattering, decay, and bound
state. The concept of scattering is widely used to obtain and to test some parameters in
physics especially in nuclear and particle physics. From the scattering experiment we do
not only obtain the information of the incident and scattered beam but also about the
structure of target and interaction of the particle beam and target.
One of the important parameter in the scattering that can be used to study the
interaction of the incident particle (or scattered) beams and target is the dierential
). In particle physics, the dierential cross-section depend on the square
cross-section ( d
of absolute value of Feynman amplitude which is called transition probability density.
It is well known that Majorana neutrinos have a pure axial neutral current interaction
while Dirac neutrinos have the standard vector-axial interaction. In spite of this crucial
dierence, usually Dirac neutrino processes dier from Majorana processes by a term
proportional to the neutrino mass, resulting in almost unmeasurable observations of this
dierence [4].
In this talk, we study the Feynman amplitude for both Dirac and Majorana neutrinos
that undergo elastic scattering with electron in center of mass system. In section 2 we
derive Feynman amplitude in center of mass system for electron-neutrino (e e) elastic
scattering by considering charged and neutral current interaction for both Dirac and
Majorana neutrinos and discuss some phenomenological implications. The section 3 is
devoted for conclusions.

Feynman amplitude for neutrino-electron elastic scattering

The scattering process is very important subject both experimentally and theoretically
for investigating the properties of fundamental particles and its interactions. One of the
main parameter in particle scattering is the transition probability which is dened as
the absolute square of Feynman amplitude that used to determine the dierential crosssection of particle scattering. For example, the dierential cross-section (d/d) for the
particle a + b 1 + 2 that undergo scattering is given by:
1 pf
|Mf i |2 ,

64 s pi
where pa = pb = pi , p1 = p2 = pf , s = (Ea +Eb )2 , and Mf i is the Feynman amplitude.

Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics 13, No. 35 (2016) 7378


One of the scattering processes which is very important because it can give us an
understanding of the neutrino interactions with other fundamental particles is the neutrino scattering, i.e. + e e + . Theoretical studies of QED corrections to the
scattering process: e + e e + e were studied by Lee and Sirlin using the eective
four fermion V A Lagrangian [5], and shortly afterward Ram [6] extended their calculations by including hard photon emission. Passera [7] investigated the contributions
of the O() QED corrections to the spectrum energy of recoil electron for the process:
l + e e + l + , where indicate the possible emission of photon and l is charge
lepton: e , , . The cross-section for elastic scattering: l + e e + l in the Born
approximation and exactly xed polarization states of the target and nal states of the
electrons, discussing their sensitivity on the incident anti-neutrino or neutrino avor were
investigated by Minkowski and Passera [8]. From the experimental side, the measurement
of elastic scattering cross-section for: + e e + were performed by Heisterberg
et al. [9], Bergsma et al. [10], and Baker et al. [11].
To formulate the Feynman amplitude for neutrino-electron elastic scattering, rst we
consider the Feynman diagram for the electron-neutrino ( e) elastic scattering for
charged and neutral current interactions as shown in Fig. 1. According to the Interme-

Fig. 1 Neutrino electron elastic scattering (a) charged current and (b) neutral current

diate Vector Boson (IVB) theory in the scheme of the Standard Model Particle Physics
for electro-weak interactions, one should use the following Feynman rules:
To each approriate vertex, one should use the factor:

(ig/2 2) (1 5 ),
for charged current interaction (l W vertex) and for neutral current:
(1 5 ),
4 cos w


(1 4 sin2 w 5 ,
4 cos w


for Z vertex, and:

Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics 13, No. 35 (2016) 7378


for l Z l vertex, where g is coupling constant, l is lepton, is neutrino, w is the

Weinberg angle, and is the Dirac matrices.
To every propagator with mass M and spin-1, the factor to be used read:
i(g q q )/(q 2 M 2 c2 ),


An incident (incoming) particle is denoted by u(i) and the outgoing (scattered)

particle is denoted by u(i).
Using the Feynman rules to the Feynman diagrams in Fig. 1, and remembering that
Dirac particle is dierent to its own antiparticle ( = ) whereas Majorana particle is the
same with its own antiparticle ( = ), then we have Feynman amplitude for the Dirac
neutrino :

i(g q q /Mw2 )
Mcc = u(e) (1 5 ) u(e )
u(e ) (1 5 ) u(e)),
q 2 Mw2
2 2
2 2
for charged current interaction of neutrino-electron elastic scattering, and

i(g q q /Mz2 )

(1 4 sin w 5 ) u(e)

Mnc = u(e)
4 cos W
q 2 Mz2


u(e )
(1 5 ) u(e )),
4 cos W
for neutral interaction of electron-neutrino elastic scattering, where q is the momentum
transfer. If we assume that the q 2 << Mw2 , Mz2 and the q q term arises from the mode of
W or Z -boson propagator longitudinal polarization which contribute only me m which
is very small compare to Mw2 and Mz2 , then Eqs. (6) and (8) read:

Mcc =
u(e) (1 5 )u(e )][
u(e ) (1 5 )u(e)],
8 Mw
for charged current interaction of neutrino-electron elastic scattering, and

u(e) (1 4 sin2 w 5 )u(e)][
u(e ) (1 5 )u(e )],
Mnc =
16 Mz cos w


for neutral current interaction.

For the Majorana neutrino case, since the neutrino is its own antiparticle (antineutrino), the term: u(e ) (15 )u(e) in Eqs. (8) and (9) should be replaced by: u(e ) (1
5 )u(e) u(e ) (1 + 5 )u(e) = 2
u(e ) u(e), then the Feynman amplitudes for the Majorana neutrino will be:

u(e) (1 5 )u(e )][
u(e ) 5 )u(e)],
Mcc =
4 Mw


Mz cos w


u(e) (1 4 sin2 w 5 )u(e)][
u(e ) 5 )u(e)],


Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics 13, No. 35 (2016) 7378


for charged and neutral current interactions in neutrino-electron elastic scattering respectively.
From Eqs. (8)-(11), one can see the dierences of the Feynman amplitude for neutrinoelectron elastic scattering when we put neutrino to be a Dirac and a Majorana particles.
It is also apparent that the Feynman amplitude is dierent for neutrino-electron elastic
scattering for charged and neutral current interactions. As we stated in section 1 that
Feynman amplitude (square of absolute value of Feynman amplitude) is an important
parameter in dierential cross-section, thus we can use the scattering process to determine
the nature of neutrino whether neutrino is a Dirac or a Majorana particle. In this talk we
only evaluate the Feynman amplitudes for low energy process by taking the approximation
q 2 << Mz2 , Mz2 . For very high energy process (very large momentum transfer), indeed,
the mass eects of W or Z boson propagator contributions to the Feynman amplitudes
must can not be neglected.


We have studied and derived systematically the Feynman amplitudes for neutrino-electron
elastic scattering in the frame of Standard Model Particle Physics for both Dirac and
Majorana neutrinos for the cases charged current and neutral current interactions. We
can distinguish neutrino nature whether neutrino is a Dirac or a Majorana particle from
its own Feynman amplitude for low energy process for both charged and neutral current
interactions. It is also apparent that the Feynman amplitude is dierent for neutrinoelectron elastic scattering for charged and neutral current interactions.

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