XXX Geothermal Exploration Best Practices XXX

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The document discusses various techniques for geothermal exploration including geology, geophysics, drilling, geochemistry and isotopic analysis.

Some of the exploration techniques discussed include seismic methods, borehole geomechanics, well design, drilling practices, and monitoring of reservoir response to production.

Some of the geophysical methods covered include seismic acquisition, processing and interpretation as well as other methods like gravity, magnetics and resistivity.



Geothermal Exploration
Best Practices
Exploration Drilling

IFC - International Finance Corporation

Developers Workshop
Izmir, Turkey, 18.-19.11.2013



Vol. 1 / Dec. 2013
Geothermal Exploration Best Practices
Geology, Exploration Drilling, Geochemistry, Geophysics


IGA Service GmbH, Bochum, Germany
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Further information







Classification of geothermal plays according to geological habitats



Characteristics of Geothermal Reservoirs in Turkey



Borehole Geomechanics and Well Design



Geothermal Drilling Best Practices: The Geothermal translation of

conventional drilling recommendations - main potential challenges



Geothermal Exploration Best Practices, geophysical methods,

seismic, general aspects



Geothermal Exploration Best Practices, geophysical methods,

seismic, equipment



Geothermal Exploration Best Practices, geophysical methods,

seismic, data acquisition



Geothermal Exploration Best Practices, geophysical methods,

seismic, data processing



Geothermal Exploration Best Practices, geophysical methods,

seismic, geological interpretation



Resistivity surveying and electromagnetic methods



Water-Rock Interaction, Alteration Minerals and Mineral




Isotope and gas geochemistry of geothermal systems

Moeck: Classification
geological habitats






IGA Academy Report 0101-2013

Supported by:

Classification of geothermal plays according to geological habitats

I. Moeck
Faculty of Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2E3, Canada
Abstract: Geothermal resources can be found in a large variety of geological environments ranging from volcanic
arcs to sedimentary basins to crystalline rock provinces. Two large groups can be distinguished between all
geothermal resources types: Either the heat transport is dominated by convection leading to accumulated heat, or the
heat transport is conduction dominated leading to distributed heat. Considering the source of heat, heat transport,
and thermal energy storage capacity of rock to store heat or to host hot fluids, it becomes obvious that geologic
controls influence significantly the placement and formation of geothermal resources. The new geothermal play
concept follows the basic approach of general resources assessment to group exploration targets according
geologically controlled tiers, connected by similar geodynamic, sedimentary, magmatic and/or tectonic evolution.
This lecture introduces into the geothermal play concept, play analysis and play assessment comprised by
meaningful natural groups placing this concept directly into a geologic context. Worldwide case studies are
demonstrated and exemplify the application of this new geothermal play concept.

The play type concept

In his article about exploration plays, well known

petroleum explorationist Harry Doust (2010) refers to
the almost mythical status of plays in the
hydrocarbon industry. Playmakers are considered as
heroes of the industry, and the successful play feeds
everlasting legends about incredible discoveries,
exploration efforts and glory men. Basically, the play
type concept is a fundamental part of resources
assessment in hydrocarbon industry. The analysis and
understanding of play types is recognized as essential
to strategically focused and successful exploration
Amazingly, the geothermal community is lacking
such a concept although the utilization of geothermal
heat and energy looks back to a much longer history
exhaustingly try to classify geothermal resources
according to temperature (low-, medium-, hightemperature), to depth (shallow, medium-shallow,
medium-deep and deep) or to hydrothermal versus
petrothermal systems. Obviously such a classification
focuses on the end-user or the probable utilization
concept that may be demanded at a certain site. It
clearly prevents, however, from analog comparisons
because a certain temperature can be found in all
kinds of geological environments at various depths

and it does not help in decision making for the

appropriate exploration strategy. Two major
problems rise from such an unspecific classification
scheme: the first problem is that these criteria are not
known prior to exploration, therefore we cannot
classify a geothermal resource before exploration and
therefore we cannot estimate the success of an
exploitation venture. The second problem is that low,
shallow, medium, deep are adjectives that invite us to
guess a whole suite of subjective interpretations and
ultimately numbers.
Let us have a look to one example: moderate
temperature is described as between 90-150C
(Muffler, 1979), 125-225C (Hochstein, 1988), 100200C (Benderitter and Cormy, 1990) and 180-230C
(Sanyal, 2005). Global explorationists may struggle
with a classification scheme that leads to such a wide
range of temperature between 90-230C. Obviously
this concept is globally not applicable: in a standard
sedimentary basin 230C is not in economically
drillable depth while at volcanic systems this
temperature might be accessed in a few couples of
hundreds of meters. Important factors as porosity,
permeability, type of heat source, distribution of heat
(vertical or horizontal) are completely neglected in
such an approach. The ultimate question is: what are
we actually looking for? Is it temperature, or flow
rate, or fluids in place? What answers need to be

Moeck: Classification of geothermal plays according to

geological habitats

IGA Academy Report 0101-2013

provided by geothermal exploration, and how can we

learn from geothermal field to field worldwide?
Eventually how to avoid over-estimates and underestimates of resources?

and permeability enhancement. There are clearly

physical limits to extract thermal fluids from any
rock types and main focus of play assessments is
on the description of the reservoir unit therefore.

An alternative way to categorize geothermal

resources may be based on a globally applicable play
type concept (Moeck, submitted). A play type in
petroleum geology represents a particular
stratigraphic or structural geological setting, defined
by source rock, reservoir rock and trap. Translated to
geothermal systems, a play type might be defined by
the heat source and the geological controls on heat
transport and thermal energy storage capacity. The
geological setting not only controls the play type but
also the most appropriate exploration and heat
recovery technologies.

The heat charge system, comprising the type of

heat source and the heat transport, expelling heat
from deeper to shallower parts in a geothermal
The regional topseal or caprock, a low
permeability unit which traps the thermal fluids at
a (litho)stratigraphic level and concentrates steam,
liquids or thermal fluids in specific locations,
allowing commercial exploitation either without or
with EGS treatments.
The timely relationship of the above four
ingredients, for example that a pluton intrudes into
a porous rock formation, which is then covered by
low-permeability rock as fine grained mlange at a
forearc region of a subduction zones.

Certainly the geothermal community would benefit

from a consistent globally applicable framework.
Moreover a logical and consistent framework for a
geothermal play type catalog needs to be simple
enough to communicate important aspects of
geothermal energy potential to both non-experts and
the general public. Additionally, it must be
comprehensive enough to provide a geological
framework to cover the whole range of possible
geothermal systems applicable for experts in industry
and academia. Plays can best help if they comprise
meaningful natural groups that can be used both for
reliable analog comparison and for exploration
decision making in a specific geologic context. In this
lecture we will learn about a new catalog of
geothermal play types based on geologic controls.

The play fairway, the geographic area over which

the play is believed to extend as for example the
size of an intrusion in diameter and depth, or a
fault zone hosting vast volumes of circulating
fluids. The mapping-out of the play fairway
belongs to the essential task in the early
exploration phase and conceptual model building.

Geologic tiers in geothermal plays

Key defining elements of this play type catalog are

whether heat transfer is dominated by conduction or
convection, and the characteristics of the heat source,
reservoir and host rock, porosity-permeability
structure and fluid types. This new catalog is
explicitly not based on temperature, depth or
hydrothermal versus petrothermal systems but on
geological tiers (Moeck, submitted; Moeck, in press).

Play definition

Before we talk about geothermal play types in

particular it might be indispensable to define a play.
A play may initially be defined as a model in the
mind of a geologist of how a number of geological
factors might generate a recoverable geothermal
resource at a specific structural position in a certain
geologic setting. Comparable with the general play
concepts described by Allan and Allan (2005) these
geological factors must be capable of providing the
essential ingredients of a geothermal play, namely:

Geothermal plays can be separated at the system

scale into two large groups referring to heat transport:
either the heat transport is dominated by convection
leading to accumulated heat, or the heat transport is
conduction dominated leading to distributed heat.
Whether convection or conduction dominates
depends primarily on the characteristics of the heat
source and the distribution of permeability within the
host rocks at the system scale (Bogie et al., 2005;
Lawless et al., 1995). It is important to recognize that
convection and conduction are end-members of a
heat transfer continuum. Conductive intervals always
exist in localized parts of a convective regime, while
convective intervals can sometimes exist within

The reservoir unit, porous or fractured enough to

store thermal fluids and yielding them to the well
bore at commercial rates. Man-made reservoirs
units must be capable for stimulation treatments as
fracturing or acidizing (Enhanced Geothermal
Systems-EGS). The more brittle the reservoir unit
the better the requisite for hydraulic stimulation

Moeck: Classification of geothermal plays according to

geological habitats

IGA Academy Report 0101-2013

geothermal systems (Gianelli and Grassi, 2001). They

include all known high temperature (>200C)
geothermal reservoirs shallower than 3,000 m. These
invariably lie adjacent to plate tectonic margins or in
regions of active tectonism (Nukman and Moeck,
2013), active volcanism (Bogie et al., 2005), young
plutonism (< 3 Ma), or regions with elevated heat
flow due to crustal thinning during extensional
tectonics (Faulds et al., 2009; Faulds et al.,2010). In
convection-dominated geothermal plays, heat is
transported efficiently from depth to shallower
reservoirs or the surface by the upward movement of
fluid along permeable pathways. Laterally extensive,
porous high-permeability formations act as the
geothermal plays are grouped primarily according to
the nature of the heat source.

conductive systems. For example, gravity-driven

convection might occur within a discrete aquifer
within a conduction-dominated system in steep
mountainous terrain where recharge zones are at a
higher elevation than discharge sites. Alternatively,
buoyancy variations due to different concentrations
of fluid salinity can result in local convection.
Geothermal play types in convection-dominated
systems are grouped into Magmatic, Plutonic and
Fault-controlled in Extensional Domains referring
to the nature of the dominant heat source and tectonic
setting (Moeck, submitted). Geothermal play types in
conduction-dominated systems are grouped into
Intracratonic Basins, Orogenic Belts with
Adjacent Foreland Basins and Basement types
divided according to the dominant permeability
control; lithofacies, fractures, or a combination of
both. In the next chapters the geologic controls on
each play type are described and constrained by realworld case studies. This new catalog of geothermal
play types provides a range of generic conceptual
models that serve as basis for refinement through
appropriate exploration methods.

Favorable tectonic settings for convection-dominated

Geothermal Play Types include (I) magmatic arcs
above subduction zones in convergent plate margins
(e.g. the Indonesian Sunda Arc or the PhilippineJapan Arc); (II) divergent margins located within
oceanic (e.g. the Mid-Atlantic Ridge) or
intracontinental settings (e.g. East African Rift); (III)
transform plate margins with strike-slip faults (e.g.
the San Andreas Fault in California or Alpine faults
in New Zealand); and (IV) intraplate ocean islands
formed by hot spot magmatism (e.g. Hawaii)

Convection dominated plays

Convection-dominated Geothermal Play Types

include those often referred to as viable or active

Figure 1: Plate tectonic setting of major geothermal play types upon which this catalog is based. CV1 =
convection-dominated magmatic type; CV2 = convection-dominated plutonic type; CV3 = convection-dominated
extensional domain type; CD1 = conduction-dominated intracratonic type; CD2 = conduction-dominated orogenic
belt type; CD3 = conduction-dominated basement type. The map shows the locations of examples of production
projects developed from the different Geothermal Play Types in relation to plate tectonic setting (from Moeck,
submitted). (Geothermal fields from; Plate tectonic map based on
Frisch and Lschke, 2003

Moeck: Classification of geothermal plays according to

geological habitats

IGA Academy Report 0101-2013

It is possible for different types of convectiondominated plays to lie geographically close to each
other where the structural setting varies over short
distance scales.

Figure 2: Generic model of an extrusive magmatic

play associated with active volcanism (from Moeck,
in press)


Magmatic play type

An active magma chamber does not always produce

volcanism. Influenced by active faulting, deep rooted
magmas can intrude beneath flat terrain with no
volcanism, but with upflow of liquid and the
formation of hot springs, fumaroles, boiling mud
pools and other geothermal surface manifestations.

A Magmatic Geothermal Play (CV1) is distinguished

by a shallow, intense heat source in the form of a
young magma chamber. A relatively shallow magma
chamber is the dominant feature in all Magmatic
Geothermal Plays. The chambers parental melts,
recharge of basalt, and crystallized melts control fluid
chemistry, fluid flow and the overall geothermal
system. Ultimately, the placement of the magma
chamber relative to the surrounding terrain controls
the geometry of the geothermal system and affects
the hydraulic head of steam and brine. Faults can act
as seals or conduits, playing a role in the formation of
reservoir compartments or hydrothermal convection,
while accommodation zones of faults can sustain
enhanced vertical permeability and channel
hydrothermal plumes (Rowland and Sibson, 2004).

Intrusive magmatic plays

Figure 3: Generic model of an intrusive magmatic

play associated with active faulting (from Moeck, in
Hence, the Taupo Volcanic Zone (New Zealand) is
also an example of this sort of Geothermal Play
(Bogie et al., 2005).

Extrusive magmatic plays

Such plays can be identified in regions with active

basaltic volcanism at divergent plate margins (e.g.
Iceland), basaltic to andesitic volcanism along island
arcs (e.g. Java), or recent andesitic to dacitic
volcanism (e.g. South American Andes or Taiwan).
This play type may include an upflow zone and an
outflow zone, provided the topography of the volcano
supports this zonation (Williams et al., 2011;
Giggenbach, 1992; Hochstein, 1988). The outflow is
generally modified from the original fluid, and has a
lower temperature and higher pH than the upflow due
to lateral migration (with associated heat loss) and
loss of gases (during boiling) towards the flank of the
volcano (Hochstein, 1988). Vertically extensive, lowpermeability, clay-rich layers in steep terrain, such as
andesitic strato-volcanoes, can cap high temperature


Plutonic play type CV2

A Plutonic Geothermal Play (CV2) incorporates a

heat source in the form of a crystalline rock enriched
in heat generating elements or a young, crystallized
but still cooling, intrusive igneous body. Such Play
Types are located where surrounding mountain
ranges provide high recharge rates of circulating
meteoric water, driving a hydrothermal system with
possible vapor partition above the hot rock. This play
type can co-exist with Magmatic play types and is
convergent margins with recent plutonism, such as
the southern periphery of the Alpine Orogeny.

Plutonic play without recent volcanism

The placement of felsic plutons is characteristic for

mature subduction zones and decaying volcanism in
continental crust.

Moeck: Classification of geothermal plays according to

geological habitats

IGA Academy Report 0101-2013

The K-horizon sits above a granite intrusion

emplaced during a Pliocene extensional event (1.33.8 Ma). Melts emplaced during a subsequent
Pleistocene (0.3-0.2 Ma) magmatic event provide the
primary heat source, while low-angle normal faults
from the Pliocene event control the recharge of
meteoric water into the system.

In an Extensional Domain Geothermal Play (CV3)

the mantle is elevated due to crustal extension and
thinning. The elevated mantle provides the principal
source of heat for geothermal systems associated with
this Play Type. The resulting high thermal gradients
facilitate the heating of meteoric water circulating
through deep faults or permeable formations.

Figure 4: Generic model of a plutonic play without

recent volcanism (from Moeck, in press)
This play type can be found therefore in fields with
declining volcanism and fore- or back-arc regions of
fold-thrust belts along subduction zones. An example
is the Geyers geothermal field in California where a
long history of subduction during Mesozoic and early
Cenozoic was followed by strike-slip offset along the
San Andreas fault during the late Cenozoic (Argus,
2001). This Andean-type continental margin
produced forearc deposits, volcanism and accretion
of terranes and mlange. A silicic pluton emplaced in
early Quaternary representing the heat source. The 7
km deep and 14 km in diameter large pluton is
overlain by porous greywacke sandstone representing
the reservoir rock which is overlain by a low
permeable caprock formation preventing the steam to
percolate from the reservoir formation upwards.
Since the recharge volume from meteoric water is not
sufficient for steam production, sewage from adjacent
communities is injected replenishing the geothermal

Extensional domain play type CV3

Figure 6: Generic model of a fault controlled

extensional domain play with elevated mantle due to
active crustal extension (from Moeck, in press)
Examples of geological settings hosting Extensional
Domain Geothermal Plays include the Great Basin
(Western USA), Western Turkey, pull-apart basins
along the Sumatra Fault Zone, and the African Rift.
In general, segmented faults are more favorable for
geothermal systems than large faults with large
offsets. The local stress regime and its orientation
relative to fault geometry has a controlling impact on
permeability pathways, with faults oriented
perpendicular to the minimum compressive stress
direction more likely to be permeable (Barton et al.,
1997). Belts of intermeshing, overlapping, or
intersecting faults, such as step-over regions, fault
terminations and accommodation zones, often
provide high permeability pathways through closely
spaced, breccia dominated fracture networks (Faulds
et al., 2010). In the Western USA, for example, most
known geothermal fields are located at step-over
regions or relay ramps (Faulds et al., 2012), while
geothermal systems are relatively rare along
displacement maxima or on the mid-segments of

Plutonic play with recent volcanism

An example is the Lardarello geothermal system,

which is controlled by the interaction between
igneous rocks and faults.

Figure 5: Generic model of a plutonic play

associated with recent volcanism (from Moeck, in
Lardarello is known for its recent volcanism with
occasional phreatic eruptions. This play includes a
vapor-dominated layer (H-horizon) above a fluiddominated layer (K-horizon) (Bertini et al., 2006).

Conduction dominated plays

Conduction-dominated Geothermal Play Types (Fig.

1) include all of what could be called passive

Moeck: Classification of geothermal plays according to

geological habitats

IGA Academy Report 0101-2013

Faults do not naturally channel heat in their natural

condition in conduction-dominated Play Types.
However, faults can play an important role as a fluid
conduit or barrier during production from these
compartmentalization of the reservoir into separate
fault blocks. Lithofacies (a rock unit formed in a
certain depositional environment affecting grain size,
pore geometry and mineralogy), diagenesis and
karstification greatly influence reservoir quality.
Evaluation of fault and lithofacies characteristics
should therefore be primary goals of exploration
within these Geothermal Play Types.

geothermal systems due to an absence of fast

convective flow of fluids or short-term variations in
fluid dynamics. These Play Types dominate within
passive tectonic plate settings where there has been
no significant recent tectonism or volcanism. In these
settings, temperature increases steadily (although not
necessarily linearly) with depth. Conductively heated
geothermal reservoirs with potentially economic
temperatures are located at greater depth than
convectively heated geothermal reservoirs. Economic
viability, therefore, is closely linked to the
geothermal gradient. Gradients higher than the global
average can be found in regions of high heat flow (for
example, due to elevated concentrations of heat
generating elements in the crust), or where overlying
strata are thermally insulating (Beardsmore and Cull,


Intracratonic basin type CD1

An Intracratonic Basin Geothermal Play (CD1)

incorporates a reservoir within a sedimentary
sequence laid down in an extensional graben or
thermal sag basin.

Conduction-dominated Geothermal Play Types can

be sub-divided according to the natural porosity
permeability ratio within the potential reservoir rock,
and the absence or presence of producible natural
reservoir fluids. Conduction-dominated Play Types in
this Guide are divided into Intracratonic Basin Type,
Orogenic Belt Type, and Basement Type. Favorable
Geothermal Play Types include (I) extensional,
divergent margins and grabens, or lithospheric
subsidence basins such as the North German Basin or
the Otway Basin in Australia; (II) foreland basins
within orogenic belts, such as the Molasse Basin
north of the Alps, or the Western Canadian
Sedimentary Basin east of the Rocky Mountains; (III)
crystalline basement underlying thermally insulating
sediments, such as the Big Lake Suite Granodiorite
beneath the Cooper Basin in Australia.

Figure 7: Generic model of an intracratonic basin

play and sub-plays therein due to the typical
formation of several troughs or sub-basins. Similar
structure is characteristic for inactive rift basins and
graben systems (from Moeck, in press)
Intracratonic basins that originate from lithospheric
thinning and subsidence are commonly divided into
several troughs or sub-basins (Salley, 2000). The
long geological history of intracratonic basins usually
produces a several kilometer thick sediment fill that
spans a wide range of depositional environments that
may include fluvial siliciclastics, marine carbonates,
muds and evaporites. Lithology, faulting, and
diagenesis control the pattern of high and low
porosity domains (Wolfgramm et al., 2009; Hartmann
and Beaumont, 2000), and are themselves strongly
influenced by basin evolution and subsidence rates.
Lithology, faults and the stress field control
permeability and its anisotropy.

Conduction-dominated Geothermal Play Types with

low permeability potential reservoirs such as tight
sandstones, carbonates or crystalline rock can only be
developed using engineered geothermal systems
(EGS) technology. Although EGS techniques might
be applied to improve the productivity of any
geothermal reservoir, development of many
conduction-dominated geothermal systems depends
strongly on them. Through the application of EGS
techniques, non-commercial reservoir conditions (for
example, rocks with naturally low transmissivity or
storativity) might be improved. The in situ stress field
is a critical parameter for EGS technology because
the successful planning and management of largescale injection and hydraulic stimulation requires
knowledge of stress direction and magnitudes (e.g.
Moeck, 2012; Moeck and Backers, 2011).

Geothermal plays are located in different basin

portions depending on the internal present-day
structure of the basin. Formations above salt diapirs
might provide suitable geothermal reservoirs for
district heating because high thermal conductivity of
salt rock causes local positive thermal anomalies in
the overburden (Norden and Frster, 2006).
Formations in deeper parts of the basin might provide
suitable reservoirs for power and heat production,
provided they can produce at a flow rate of about 70

Moeck: Classification of geothermal plays according to

geological habitats

IGA Academy Report 0101-2013

kg/s or more (Tester et al., 2007). In all potential

sedimentary reservoirs, primary porosity (affected by
deposition through lithofacies or biofacies) and
secondary porosity (affected by diagenesis) have a
major influence on the fluid storage capacity.
Potential reservoir units are terrestrial sedimentary
rocks, such as aeolian and fluvial siliciclastic
sequences, and shallow to deep marine sediments
from carbonate sequences to shale and pelagic clays.

Typical fluids are high-Cl brines (referred as basinal

fluids) or HCO3-rich fluids (referred as infiltration

Orogenic belt type CD2

An Orogenic Belt Geothermal Play (CD2)

incorporates a sedimentary reservoir within a
foreland basin or orogenic mountain belt.

Figure 8: Generic model of an orogenic belt play with adjacent foreland basin with typical conductive thermal
structure (red isotherms), groundwater flow paths and discharge temperatures (blue arrows). The deeper parts of
the foreland basin may provide targets for sedimentary geothermal reservoirs (from Moeck, in press)
Hutcheon, 2001). Figure 8 illustrates a typical
disturbed, thermal structure in an orogenic zone.

Sedimentary sequences in foreland basins are

influenced by significant crustal subsidence (up to
several kilometers) towards the orogen due to the
weight of the thickened crust of the orogenic belt and
loading of erosional products from the mountain belt
on the non-thickened crust. The result of this process
is downward bending of the non-thickened
lithosphere, forming areas of local extension and
normal faulting in an overall compressional plate
tectonic setting (Cacace et al., 2013). The wedge
shape of foreland basins results in a progressive
deepening of potential aquifer rocks towards the
orogen, with an associated increase in temperature.
Faults and reef complexes provide prime reservoir
targets in carbonate rocks of the Bavarian Molasse
Basin, Germany, (Cacace et al., 2013) while highly
permeable and porous sandstone in the Williston
Basin in Saskatchewan, Canada, and North Dakota,
U.S.A., also provide potential geothermal reservoir
targets (Bachu and Burwash, 1991).


Basement type CD3

The key feature of a Basement Geothermal Play

(CD3) is a faulted or fractured crystalline (usually
granitic) rock with very low natural porosity and
permeability but storing vast amounts of thermal

Figure 9: Generic model of a basement play in

crystalline rock with geologic controls on
temperature (from Moeck, in press)
Such low porosity-low permeability rocks underlie
large areas of continents but require reservoir
development by EGS techniques to allow circulation
between injector and producer wells using the hot
rock mass as a heat exchanger (Cuenot et al., 2008).
Fractured crystalline rocks attain potentially
economic temperatures through elevated heat flow or
thermal insulation in the overburden. Heat flow is
likely to be elevated if underlying rocks have
elevated radiogenic heat production from heat
producing elements such as thorium or uranium.

Within the orogenic mountain belt itself, the

conductive thermal regime can be locally disturbed
where groundwater infiltration cools the rock mass.
Groundwater flow and thermal gradient are both
strongly influenced by extreme relief and resulting
hydraulic head (Bachu and Burwash, 1991; Toth,
2009). The great depth and small width of mountain
belt valleys result in relatively shallow penetration of
recharge water, discharging in valley floors or on
shallow valley slopes (Toth, 2009). Conductive
thermal gradients can vary from about 15-20C/km
beneath high mountains at to about 30-50C/km
beneath deep valleys (Craw et al., 2005; Grasby and

Since crystalline rocks are generally not natural

aquifers, fluids need to be injected both to improve

Moeck: Classification of geothermal plays according to

geological habitats

IGA Academy Report 0101-2013

The basic unit of geothermal resource assessment is

the play. Another meaningful approach might be the
geothermal system concept which is also a useful
way for practicing geothermal exploration geologist
to organize her/his investigations. But this might be
matter of another short course in the IGA Academy.

the transmissivity of the rocks and to charge the

system with geothermal fluid. Mineralogy and
crystal size may have major effects on the success of
stimulation and the self-propping of induced
fractures, critical to maintain fracture transmissivity
after stimulation and shear-offset along a rough
fracture surface.


Application of the play type

concept: Exploration and play

Discussions with C. Harvey, H. Rueter, J. Lawless

and L. Rybach significantly improved this play type
catalog. Special thank is addressed to G. Beardsmore
for thoughtful review, fruitful discussions, helpful
advice and overall patience.

For this course the geothermal play type concept is

applied in a case study for extensional domain plays.
Western Turkey and the Western U.S.A are examples
how analog comparison of similar play types helps to
characterize structural controls in geothermal
reservoirs and how to develop exploration strategies
specifically for extensional domain plays (Faulds et
al., 2010).

Reference List
Allen, P.A., Allen, J.R.: The Petroleum Play, in:
Basin Analysis Principles and Applications, 2nd
ed., pp. 309-396, Wiley-Blackwell Science Ltd., 560
pages, 2005.

The optimal aim is to identify likely Geothermal Play

Types at the earliest stage of assessment of the
geothermal potential of a region in order that an
optimal and logical exploration process can be
designed. The most appropriate exploration methods
for geothermal systems vary according to the
Geothermal Play Type. In a broad sense, exploration
for convection-dominated Geothermal Play types
relies on mapping surface geothermal phenomena,
geochemical data and select geophysical data against
background geology. Exploration for conductiondominated Geothermal Play Types places greater
importance on subsurface rock properties and
mapping through 2D/3D geological modeling of
geophysical data.

Argus, D.F.: Present tectonic motion across the Coast

Ranges and San Andreas fault system in Central
California, GSA Bulletin, v. 113, no. 12, pp. 15801592, 2001.

A geothermal play may be considered as proven if

recoverable heat (steam, vapor, brines, water) are
known to have resulted from the operation of the
geological factors that define the play. These
geological requirements must be thus known to be
present in the area under investigation, and the play
may be defined as working (e.g. the Geysers
geothermal field). In unproven plays, there is some
doubt as to whether the geological factors actually do
combine to make a viable heat and/or fluid and/or
permeability accumulation. One of the objectives of
play assessment is to estimate the probability of the
play working, and this can be defined as play chance.
The play chance combines conceptual model risk and
conditional play risk into one factor and helps to
determine the uncertainty range (Allan and Allan,

Benderitter, Y., Cormy, G.: Possible approach to the

geothermal research and relative cost estimate, in:
M.H. Dickson, and M. Fanelli, eds., Small
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Small Energy Resources, Rome, Italy, pp. 61-71,

Barton, C.A., Hickman, S., Morin, R.H., Zoback,

M.D., Finkbeiner, T., et al.: Fracture permeability and
its relationship to in-situ stress in the Dixie Valley,
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Beardsmore, G.R. and Cull, J.P.: Crustal Heat Flow:
A Guide to Measurement and Modelling. Cambridge
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Bertini, G., Casini, M., Gianelli, G. and Pandelli, E.:

Geological structure of a long-living geothermal
system, Larderello, Italy. Terra Nova, v. 18, pp. 163
169, 2006.
Bogie, I., Lawless, J.V., Rychagov, S. and Belousov,
V.: Magmatic-related hydrothermal systems:
Classification of the types of geothermal systems and
their ore mineralization. In: Rychagov, S. (Ed.),
Geothermal and Mineral Resources of Modern
Volcanism Areas, Proceedings of the International
Kuril-Kamchatka Field Workshop, July 16August 6,

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Chemical Geology, v. 181, no. 1/4, pp. 113130,


Bachu, S. and Burwash, R.A.: Regional-scale

analysis of the geothermal regime in the Western
Canada Sedimentary Basin. Geothermics, v. 20, no.
5/6, pp. 387407, 1991.

Giggenbach, W.F.: Magma degassing and mineral

deposition in hydrothermal systems along convergent
plate boundaries. Economic Geology, Society of
Exploration Geologists Bulletin, v. 97, pp. 1927
1944, 1992.


Cacace, M., Bloecher, G., Watanabe, N., Moeck, I.,

Boersing, N., et al..: Modelling of fractured carbonate
reservoirs: outline of a novel technique via a case
study from the Molasse Basin, southern Bavaria,
Germany. Environ Earth Sci, Online first, doi:
10.1007/s12665.013.2402.3, 18 pp., 2013.

Grasby, S.E. and Hutcheon, I.: Controls on the

distribution of thermal springs in the southern
Canadian Cordillera. Canadian Journal of Earth
Sciences, v. 38, pp. 427440, 2001.
Hartmann, D.J. and Beaumont, E.A.: Predicting
reservoir system quality and performance. In:
Beaumont E.A. and Foster, N.H. (Eds.), Exploring
for Oil and Gas Traps. Treatise of Petroleum Geology
Handbook Series. AAPG Publishing, Tusla (OK).
1146 pp., 2000.

Craw, D., Koons, P.O., Zeitler, P.K. and Kidd, S.F.:

Fluid evolution and thermal structure in the rapidly
exhuming gneiss complex of Namche Barwa-Gyala
Peri, eastern Himalayan syntaxis. Journal of
Metamorphic Geology, v. 23, pp. 829845, 2005.

Hochstein, M. P.: Assessment and modelling of

geothermal reservoirs (small utilization schemes).
Geothermics, v. 17, no. 1, pp. 15-49, 1988.

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Szablinski, D.: The European EGS project at Soultzsous-Forets: from extensive exploration to power
production. IEEE Power and Energy Society General
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Lawless, J.V., White, P.J., Bogie, I. and Andrews,

M.J.: Tectonic features of Sumatra and New Zealand
in relation to active and fossil hydrothermal systems:
A comparison. Proceedings of the PACRIM 95
Congress, Publication SeriesAustralasian Institute
of Mining and Metallurgy 9/95, 311316, 1995.

Doust, H.: The exploration play: What do we mean

by it? AAPG Bulletin, v. 95, n. 11, pp. 1657-1672,

Moeck, I. and Backers, T.: Fault reactivation

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stimulation. First Break, v. 29, pp. 6774, 2011.

Faulds, J.E., Bouchot, V., Moeck, I. and Oguz, K.:

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Moeck, I.: Iterative development of stress models for

deep geothermal reservoirs. Proceedings of the 74th
EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Copenhagen,
Denmark, 47 June 2012. 5pp., 2012.

Faulds, J.E., Coolbaugh, M., Bouchot, V., Moeck, I.

and Oguz, K.: Characterizing structural controls of
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exploration strategies in extended terranes.
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Sustainable Energy Reviews, in review.
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Exploration, C. Harvey, G. Beardsmore, H. Rueter, I.
Moeck (eds), International Geothermal Association,
in press.

Faulds, J.E., Hinz, N. and Kreemer, C.: Structural and

tectonic controls of geothermal activity in the Basin
and Range province, Western U.S.. Proceedings of
New Zealand Geothermal Workshop, 19-21
November 2012, Auckland, NZ, 2012.

Muffler, L.P.J.: Assessment of geothermal resources

of the United States 1978. U.S.G.S. Circular 790,
163 p., 1979.

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Norden, B. and Frster, A.: Thermal conductivity and

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Blackwell, D.D., DiPippo, R., et al.: Impact of
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Karamanderesi: Characeristics of Geothermal Reservoirs in


IGA Academy Report 0102-2013

Supported by:

Characteristics of Geothermal Reservoirs in Turkey

. H. Karamanderesi
EVKA-3 Mah. 126 Sokak No:1 D:6 35050 Bornova/zmir Trkiye.
Abstract: Turkey is the product of a wide variety of Alp-Himalaya tectonic processes. Depending on the regional
geology, compression between Eurasion-Africa continental crust and Arabian plate generate compression tectonic in
eastern Anatolia. Conversely this geological mechanism creates tensional tectonic regime in western Anatolia.
Depending on this mechanism Tertiary volcanism in eastern Anatolia and graben tectonics in western Anatolia have
formed and they are most characterestics geological features for these regions.
Depending on the structures observed in geothermal systems have evolved due to the geological structure developed
in Anatolia. The edges and/or within grabens developed geothermal systems creates large structures in western
Anatolia. Developing data systems and geothermal drilling in the region have created standard models for suitable
geological reservoirs. Well-known geothermal fields such as Kzldere, Germencik, Salavatl, Alaehir-Alkan,
Salihli-Caferbeyli, MDO-1 well, Sandkl AFS wells, Afyon geothermal area develop within the metamorphic
basement, and the zones of hydrothermal alteration occurs within the advanced geological reservoirs which consist
dominantly marble and volcanics. Reservoirs studied in anakkale Tuzla, central and eastern Anatolia indicates that
faulting and volcanic activity developed these reservoirs. In addition, drilling of low enthalpy fields shows that
development of such a reservoir depends on occurences of dykes and sills. In this workshop, I will try to describe
characteristics of the geothermal reservoirs of Turkey.


The geothermal fields of western Turkey provide a

unique setting of extremely high enthalpy combined
with a large variation in chemical composition. The
distribution of the geothermal systems follows the
tectonic patterns of Turkey. The presence of active
structural systems that characterizes western
Anatolia is associated with young acidic volcanic
activity, block faulting (grabens), hydrothermal
alteration, fumaroles, and more than 600 hot
springs with temperatures up to 1000C (alar,
1961; Ercan et al., 1985; 1997). The major highenthalpy geothermal fields of Turkey are Kzldere
(2002400C), merbeyliGermencik (2320C),
(165 C), Alaehir Kavakldere 2870C and zmir
Seferihisar (1400C) (imek and Gle, 1994;
Gkgz, 1998; Vengosh et. al. 2002, Fig. 1.1).
The geothermal energy potential of western Turkey
is used for electricity production. During 1998,
Turkey produced enough geothermal heat for
50,000 houses and greenhouses of 200,000 m2 with

350 Mwt, as well as 190 hot springs with 285 Mwt

(Gkgz, 1998).
Kzldere geothermal field was the first field utilized
for electricity production in Turkey. Electricity
production from Kzldere goes back 1974 where a 0.5
MWe pilot plant was used to supply electricity for
1984 (10 years) after which there exist new additions
almost every year. Installed capacity has increased with
an increasing trend within the period of 2009 2013. It
is expected that four more power plants will be in
operation by the end of 2013 with a total installed
capacity of 150.2 MWe.
Finally, the projects received license from Energy
Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) of Turkey. If all
these projects are realized the total installed capacity
will reach a value of 642.8 MWe (162.2 MWe already
in operation, additional 150.2 MWe expected by the
end of 2013 and 330.4 MWe received license).

Karamanderesi: Characeristics of Geothermal Reservoirs in


IGA Academy Report 0102-2013

N-S between Simav and Gkova grabens, and about

150 km E-W between Denizli and zmir in western
Anatolia (Ketin, 1983). Philippson (1910) described
the Menderes Massif as a dome-like structure, broken
by faulting during the Alpine orogeny; whereas Dixon
and Pereira (1974) regarded the Menderes Massif as
one of a number of the "zwischengebirge" massifs;
essentially microcontinental blocks, made up of preMesozoic basement rocks having some of the
characteristics of the cratons but displaying evidence of
Alpine tectonic and magmatic involvement.
The crystalline Menderes Massif is divided into two
major units: the core and the cover series. The core
series consist of Precambrian to Cambrian high-grade
schist, metavolcanic gneisses, augen gneiss,
metagranites, migmatites and metagabbros. The cover
series are composed of Ordovician to Paleocene
metacarbonates and metaolistostrom. In many places,
metabauxites (probably upper Jurassic to Cretaceous in
age) occur in the upper levels of the metacarbonate
sequence (Dora et al., 1995). Candan et al. (1992)
observed that high-grade metamorphic rocks are
located along tectonic contacts within the schist,
phyllite and marble series which envelope the core.
This is enforced by the field and drilling data
comprised by the Germencik merbeyli geothermal
system (imek et al. 1983; Karamanderesi and
zgler, 1988a; Karamanderesi et al.,1988b).

Fig. 1.1. General map of western Turkey and

location of investigated geothermal systems (after
Vengosh, et al., 2002).

In a large scale, regional suture means this postmetamorphic compressional phase conjugated with the
paleotectonic evaluation of the western Anatolia is in
N-S direction; but the pushing is in northward
direction. This compressional force has given rise to an
extreme cataclastic structure. The post metamorphic
granite plutons in Early Miocene are extremely
subjected to this compressional tectonics, and the
allochtonous units are cut across by the graben systems
of neo-tectonic phase started in Tortonian. According
to these data this effective compressional tectonism in
the Menderes Massif must be in the Early-Middle
Miocene period. Neogene sediments overlie the
allochthon and autochthon grouping rocks with angular
unconformity at the south of the target area. The
Neotectonic period of the Menderes Massif and
surrounding areas have been the subject of regional
research for many years (Ketin, 1966; McKenzie,
1972; Dumont et al. 1979; Angelier et al. 1981).

Goelogical Setting of Turkey and

Menderes Massif

Turkey is located within the Alpine-Himalayan

orogenic belt. The distribution of seismicity and
active regimes are concentrated along high strain
zones; many of which are major strike-slip faults,
such as the North Anatolian Fault (Ketin, 1968),
East Anatolian Transform Fault (Dewey and engr
1979) and graben zones (e.g. Byk and Kk
Menderes Grabens, Gediz, Simav, Manyas, and
Kzlcahamam grabens) (Angelier et al., 1981;
engr, et al., 1985). The broad tectonic framework
of the Aegean region and the eastern Mediterranean
region are dominated by the rapid westwardly
motion of the Anatolian plate relative to the Black
Sea (Eurasia) plate, and west to south-westwardly
motion relative to the African plate (McKenzie,
1972, Dewey and engr 1979).

Extensive tectonic activity and formation of east-west

grabens have formed the shape of western Anatolia. Of
these, Byk Menderes and Gediz grabens host the

Menderes Massif is one of the largest metamorphic

massifs in Turkey, with a length of about 200 km

Karamanderesi: Characeristics of Geothermal Reservoirs in


IGA Academy Report 0102-2013

direction since the Miocene (Dewey and engr, 1979;

engr, 1987). The upper crust of western Anatolia
deforming under this extensional regime was broken by
normal faults controlling E-W trending grabens (Fig.
2.1). The most important and the largest grabens are:
(1) Gediz (Alaehir) graben and (2) Byk Menderes

main and the most important geothermal fields of

western Turkey. The distribution of geothermal
fields in Turkey closely follow the tectonic patterns.
All of the hot springs with temperatures above
500C-1000C in eastern and western Anatolia are
clearly related to young volcanic activity and block
faulting. The post-collosional volcanic activities,
lasting from the upper Miocene to modern time
have been responsible for heating up the
geothermal fields in Turkey (Demirel and entrk,
1996). The high thermal activities are reflected in
the forms of widespread acidic volcanic activity
with much hydrothermal alteration, fumaroles, and
more than 600 hot springs with temperatures up to
100C (alar, 1961).
Two different views have been proposed for the
timing of the development of the east-west grabens.
According to one view; the grabens began to
develop during Late Oligocene-Early Miocene
times and have progressively enlarged since then
(Seyitolu and Scott, 1996). The other view
proposes that the grabens have been forming from
the Late Miocene period to the present time (engr
et al. 1985; Grr et al. 1995). Resolution of this
question requires a fully understanding of the
geology of the region, as well as the detailed
geology of the grabens.

Fig. 2.1. Geological map of western Anatolia showing

the major tectonostratigraphic units on which the
Neogene and Quaternary sedimentary basins
developed. SDF, Simav detachment fault; GDF, Gediz
detachment fault; BMDF, Byk Menderes detachment
fault; SSz, Selimiye shear zone; NMM, Northern
Menderes Massif; CMM, Central Menderes Massif;
SMM, Southern Menderes Massif. The map is compiled
from Okay and Siyako (1993), Bozkurt and Park
(1994), Szbilir (2001, 2005), Collins and Robertson
(2003), zer and Szbilir (2003), Bozkurt (2004),
Bozkurt and Szbilir (2004) and Ik et al. (2004) (after
Karaolu and Helvac, 2012).

Most of the thermal waters, of which host rocks are

Menderes Massif metamorphics, discharge from the
rims of east-west trending faults that form Byk
Menderes, Kk Menderes, Gediz and Simav
grabens. The circulation of thermal waters is
closely related to major faults and fractured zones.
Fractured rocks of the Menderes Massif, such as
quartz-schists, gneiss and granodiorite and karstic
marbles, the shale and sandstone and limestone
megablocks of Bornova Mlange
nonmetamorphic Mesozoic carbonates are the
reservoir rocks. Relatively impermeable Neogene
sedimentary units occur in different facies in the
northern and southern parts of the Gediz graben and
northern parts of Byk Menderes Graben. These
rocks cap the geothermal systems. Increasing of the
geothermal gradient by the effects of graben
tectonism may be the heat resource of geothermal
systems. Thermal waters from Gmky,
Germencik, Kzldere, Tekkehamam, Ortak,
Bayndr, Salihli, Turgutlu, Simav, Sarayck, Gediz,
Uak-Emirfak and Gcek fields are hosted by
Menderes Massif rocks.

Byk Menderes Graben is a E-W trending depression,

150 km long and 10-20 km wide, bounded by active
normal faults (Paton, 1992). The graben changes its
direction in Ortaklar, extends NE-SW through Ske,
intersects with Gediz graben in the east of Buldan and
turns to Denizli basin from Sarayky (Westaway,
1993). The historical earthquakes occurred in B.C. 31,
26 and D.C. 2, 1653, 1895, 1899 and 1955 along the
graben bounding faults show that the region is
seismically very active (Koyiit et al., 2000).

The west Anatolia has a seismically very active

crust, which is extending approximately N-S in

Karamanderesi: Characeristics of Geothermal Reservoirs in


Materials and Methods

IGA Academy Report 0102-2013

Selected thin section samples were analysed using the

petrographic microscope.

Relatively detailed rock-cuttings analyses along

with various borehole logs were used to assess the
geothermal system into which AS-1 and AS-2,
MDO-1 or other wells were drilled.

X-ray diffractometric analyses were done on the ~4 m

fractions of particular samples from the cuttings in
order to confirm and identify the types of clay minerals
present in the cuttings. Approximately two tea spoons
of drill cuttings were placed into a test tube, and dust
was washed out with distilled water. The tubes were
filled 2/3 full with distilled water and plugged with
rubber stoppers. The tubes were placed in a mechanical
shaker for 4-8 hours, depending on the alteration grade
of the samples. The content were alloowed to setle for
1-2 hours until only particles finer than approximately
~4 microns were left in suspension. A few millilitres of
liquid was pipetted from each tube and about 10 drops
placed on a labelled glass plate. An effort was made to
avoid thick samples. A duplicate was made of each
sample and left to dry at room temperature overnight.
One set of samples was placed in a desiccator
containing glycol (C2O6O2) solution and the other into
a desiccator containing CaCl22H2O. The samples were
stored at room temperature for at least 24 hours. Thick
samples needed a longer time in the desiccator - at least
48 hours. Both sets of samples were run from 2 to 150
on the XRD. One set of the samples (normally the
glycolated one) was placed on an asbestos plate and
heated in a preheated oven at 550-600C. The oven
temperature did not exceed 600C. The exact location
on the asbestos of individual samples was established
before heating because labelling disappears during the
heating process. The samples were cooled sufficiently
before further treatment. Then the samples were run
from 2 to 150 on the XRD.

During drilling, rock cuttings were taken at every 2

m depth interval and than properly labelled. At the
well site, a binocular microscope (Nikon 64114)
was used for the analyses of the rock cuttings. The
mud circulation losses and the rate of penetration
were recorded for each drill pipe sunk. Rock
cuttings of thin sections were analysed at MTA
Laboratories. After the regular X-ray difractometer
analyses of the 2 to 400, the samples were
glicoloted and than heated in the oven. The X-ray
diffractometer analyses were made in the
laboratories both at the MTA, and the Sivas
Cumhuriyet University.
Temperature logs were carried out during drilling to
locate aquifers and assess the condition of the wells
for drilling. Temperature logging equipment was
provided by Amerada Logging tools. This logs
provided important information on temperature
conditions, flow paths and feed-zones in the
geothermal systems. Temperature logs have also
been recorded and prepared after the drilling and
the production.
The well-testing method was controlled by
lippressure measurements that give total mass-flow
rate and the heat content (enthalpy) of a two-phase
geothermal fluid from a discharge pipe.
Samples in the well or drill boxes are wettened by
pouring water onto them. Wetting the cuttings is
necessary in order to enhance the visibility of the
samples or certain features such as finely
disseminated sulphides (e.g., pyrite). The wet
samples were then placed onto the mounting stage
of the microscope for investigation. Cutting
examination was done using binocular microscope
with a 5x10 magnification of the field of study.
stratigraphic/sedimentological features, alteration
mineralogy and evidence of permeabilities. In
addition to binocular microscopic study, thin
sections for petrographic study were made in order
to expand or confirm preliminary findings from the
cuttings. However, this method intends to
complement rather than replace careful binocular
microscopic studies and adds understanding with
regard to rock-mineral deposition and alteration.

Kzldere (Denizli) geothermal field

Geothermal energy explorations in Turkey have been

carried out by the General Directorate of Mineral
Research and Exploration (MTA). The inventorial
works and hemical analyses of hot springs and mineral
waters started in 1962. All geothermal fields in Turkey
are in the water-dominated character (Fig. 4.1).
Kzldere geothermal field is in the SaraykyBuldan
area, and is associated with the major fault along the
northern boundary of the Byk Menderes Graben
(Fig. 4.1). As for other fields in the graben, the
basement in the Kzldere field is made up of
metamorphic rocks of the Menderes Massif: augen
gneisses, schists, and an alternation of quartzites,
micaschists and marbles known as thedecik
Formation (Fig. 4.1). These rocks are overlain by
fluvial and lacustrine Pliocene sediments, which have
been divided into four lithologic units (imek, 1985a)

Karamanderesi: Characeristics of Geothermal Reservoirs in


IGA Academy Report 0102-2013

(Figs.4.1 and 4.2). From bottom to top these are:

the Kzlburun Formation (Tk), a 200-m thick
formation of alternating red and brown
conglomerates, sandstones, shales and lignite
layers; the Sazak Formation (Ts), comprising
intercalated gray limestones, marls and siltstones,
100250m in thickness; the Kolonkaya Formation
(Tko), made up of yellowish green marls, siltstones
and sandstones, 350500m in thickness, and,
finally, the Tosunlar Formation (Tt), composed of
conglomerates, sandstones and mudstones with
fossiliferous clay units, about 500m in thickness.
Quaternary alluvium unconformably overlies these
sedimentary units. The regional geological structure
is controlled by EW trending faults associated
with the Byk Menderes Graben, but some NW
SE trending, active faults have caused the uplift and
dissection of the northern and southern flanks of the
metamorphic basement. (imek et. al. 2005)

Fig. 4.2. The Well log of the TH-2 Reinjection well

(after etiner. 1999).

Fig. 4.1. Geological map of the Kzldere

geothermal field (after imek, 1985, etiner,

Fig. 4.3. Kzldere Geothermal field deep reservuar

well R-1 Well log (after, etiner, 1999)

Karamanderesi: Characeristics of Geothermal Reservoirs in


IGA Academy Report 0102-2013

At the first stage of the project the 2001 m depth

deep well calIed as TH-2 were drilled in 1996 (Fig.
4.2). At the second stage of the project, 2261 m
depth drill well named as R-1 that investigates
metamorphic basement rocks (Fig. 4.3), same as the
TH-2 well, has been completed in 1998. A third
reservoir has been discovered by the completion of
the R-1 drill well first time in 1998.
The First, the Second and the Third Geothermal
Reservoirs in the field have been compared in this
study with respect to their productivity indexes,
calcium scal1ing risks and enthalpies. The results of
comparison showed that the schist formation of the
metamorphic basement (the third Geothermal
Reservoir) is not available for the reinjection
purpose. On the other hand, the third Geothermal
Reservoir has been found as a good production
zone. The second reservoir, which is being used for
the production at present, has enough permeabiIity
for reinjection comparing with the other reservoirs.
The geothermal fluid from R-l will cause calcium
carbonate scalling in the well, separator and further
and waste water channel because of the over
saturation of calcium carbonate as it is in running
production wells of 2nd Reservoir.

Fig. 4.4. Kzldere (Denizli) geothermal field well

number 17 well log (after Enel Company, 1989

As a result of this study, the new production and

reinjection zones have been proposed. In the near
future, author suggests that the 3rd Reservoir should
be used for production of electricity generation
while the 2nd Reservoir should be evaluated for
reinjection purposes (etiner, 1999).




The Germencikmerbeyli geothermal field was found

in the western part of the Byk Menderes Graben in
1982 as a second high enthalpy geothermal field of
Turkey. merbeyli geothermal fields is situated at
110km far away from to zmir of Aydn-zmir highway
and near Germencik (Fig. 5.1).

KD-17 Well geology

Fig. 4.4 Kzldere (Denizli) geothermal field well

number 17th well log is showed to us that the well
was not very well planned usefull drilling. Because
well cutting undetermined by hydrothermal
alteration. So that well blow-out then finally the
well was lost (ENEL, 1989).

In the Aydn- Germencik area the preliminary studies

were carried out in 1967. Later on, detai1ed geological
geochemical studies and drilling tests were
implemented. Germencik area was discovered in 1982
as the second important high-enthalpy geothermal field
after Kzldere area of Turkey to produce electricity
(imek, 1984a).

Fig. 4.1 shows that geologycal descriptions and

controlling of the well have been sucssesfully
completed. XRD and microscope analyses
completed from sediments of this well as well as
B-20 are shown on Table 1 (Karamanderesi,

The basement in the Germencik field is comprised by

the Paleozoic metamorphics of the Menderes Massif.
These rocks are extensively exposed in the adjoining
higher ground of the Byk Menderes Graben, namely
the Bozda horst in the north, Kzlcagedik horst in the
central part of the graben, and the Koarl horst in the
south. The metamorphics consist of gneisses and
schists, as well as marbles, quartzites and calcschists.

Karamanderesi: Characeristics of Geothermal Reservoirs in


Gneisses make up the major part of the

metamorphics and is overlain by schists. In between
the gneisses and the schists, gneiss-quartzite
alternations are recognized. The Cenozoic rocks
unconformably overlie the basement metamorphics.
Miocene deposits are not extensive in the area. The
succession starts at the base with conglomerates
and is followed by alternation of lignite-bearing

IGA Academy Report 0102-2013

clayey Iimestones and sandstones. Pliocene sediments

are rather extensive in the region and rest largely on the
metamorphic rocks of the Menderes Massif. The
succession starts with conglomerate-sandstonesiltstone-claystone alternation and is followed by
loosely cemented conglomerates and sandstones (Fig.
5.1) Quaternary alluvium unconformably covers all the

Fig. 5.1. The Geological map of the Germencik merbeyli geothermal field (after imek. 1984)
According to the geological studies young tectonic
activities, regional faults of high slip, young acidic
Mineralogy and petrography of B-4 well could be
as follows according to the study of Gevrek at
al.(1989). Mineralogy of well-logging starts with
Illite + kaolinite paragenesis. The ratio of illite
incrises towards to the depth and becomes
dominant paragenesis after 270 m The percentage
of kaolinite decreases from upper levels towards
depth as seen from Fig. 5.2. Illite takes place of
chorite minerals after the depth of 250 m. The
variations of clay minerals are due to the
physicochemical conditions observed in the well.
The disturibution of clay minerals in this well is
shown on Fig. 5.2.

Fig. 5.2. The merbeyli well number 4 of the well log

(after Karamanderesi, vd., 1986, Gevrek, et. al., 1989)

Karamanderesi: Characeristics of Geothermal Reservoirs in



B-4 Well Geology

alters to clay minerals (kaolinite and montmorillonite),

sericite and chlorite at the weathered zones. But, in
those weathered zones orthoclase mineral always
altered, thus orthoclase mineral indicates the leakage
zones in this geothermal area.

B-4 well was drilled during the year of 1984 and

it's total depth is 285 m. During the drilling
operation of this well, some problems had been
occurred due to the lack of practice and application
of the well geology knowledge and data. The main
problem was that well managment because of
shallow drilling (Fig. 5.2). Production temperature
droped quickly as the production was made from
clastics sediments. Later, after the study of well
geology during the year of 1989 the interpretation
of the field was changed. Thus, for this reason the
well geology is very important for the interpretation
of a geothermal area.

IGA Academy Report 0102-2013

Plagioclase alters to sericite, chlorite and clay minerals

at the temperature of 150-165oC. They alters to sericite,
chlorite and clay minerals at the temperatures between
150-165oC whereas they alters to only sericite above
200C temperatures.
Biotite alters to opak ninerals, carbonate and
phylogopite at the temperatus between 150-165C, at
the temperatures between 165-200C to carbonate and
phylogopite, and above the temperatures of 200C to
only phylogopite.

B-9 Well Geology

Mineralogy of B-9 well-logging starts with

Illite+klorite paragenesis. Illite is dominant mineral
upper and lower levels of the well whereas middle
part of the well, between 200-900m, the amounts of
this mineral decrease. Montmorillonite occurs
between 110-700m, 1050-1200m and 1300-1460m.
Kaolinite is observed at 700-950m and 10001460m. Chloriteis present between 950-1050m and
1100-1400m. In this well, the variations of clay
minerals are due to the physicochemical conditions
similar to thosed of the B-4 well. The
disturibution of clay minerals in this well is shown
on Fig. 5.3.

As a result of the study of alteration minerals indicates

that the water-rock interaction between geotermal fluid
and reservair rocks has been almost completed and the
geothermal system has been partly in equilibrium.
The amount of illite increases according to depth and
temperature in all investigeted wells. Kaolinite mineral
decreases with depth and temperature in the Neogene
formations whereas increases with related to depth and
temperature in the Paleozoic formations, and upto the
temperature 210C it keeps its stable position.
Montmorillonite decreases with regard to temperature
and depth in Neogene and Paleozoic formations and it
becomes unstable after the temperature of 200C.
Chlorite occurs as different horizons and it is stable
between the temperatures 200-225C. Illite+kaolinite
and illite+chlorite paragenesis indicates reservoir
horizons (Gevrek, et. al.1989).

Salavatl geothermal field

The Aydn-Salavatl geothermal field is located in the

middle part of the Byk Menderes Graben, and is
characterized by E-W-trending normal faults (Fig. 1.1).

Fig. 5.3. Well logging of the Aydn Germencik

merbeyli-9 well (after Gevrek et al., 1989)
Those all well where the orthoclase mineral occurs
as either pure and unaltered forms as well as it

Karamanderesi: Characeristics of Geothermal Reservoirs in


IGA Academy Report 0102-2013

near Salavatl were studied by petrographic microscopy

and XRD methods, and the nature and distribution of
their mineral parageneses were determined. The data
obtained from the drill cores of these wells are used to
explain a model for the geothermal system of the
Aydn-Salavatl field. Today, three different
geothermal power plants are in operation after
additional wells opened in the Aydn Salavatl
geotermel field

Geology of the Aydn Salavatl area

The Aydn-Salavatl geothermal field is located in the

north-central part of the Byk Menderes Graben, and
covers an area about 8 km long and 2 km wide (Fig.
6.1). The geological sequence of this area includes
orthogneiss and paragneiss, fine-grained schists,
coarsegrained augen gneiss, mica schist, quartz schist,
metaquartzite and marble units. Structural analysis
shows that these units have been reverse-faulted and
that the gneisses have been thrusted over the schists
and marbles. These structures can be seen at the surface
(Akartuna 1965) and also in the cross-section between
the AS-1 and AS-2 wells (Figs. 6.4 and 6.5).

Fig. 6.1. Geological map of the Aydn Salavatl

geothermal field (after Karamanderesi and Helvac,

Tertiary sedimentary rocks, which have been filling the

graben that developed as result of neotectonic activity,
have been deposited over the metamorphic basement.
These Neogene sedimentary rocks include coarse- and
fine-grained sandstones, siltstones, and wellcemented
conglomerates, and are separated by a thin lignite layer
at the base of the sequence. Sediments thicker than
1000 m have been drilled through in the Byk
Menderes Graben at the Germencik-merbeyli
geothermal field (Karamanderesi et al. 1987).
Travertine deposits, precipitated from cold or hot
springs along the faults, are present locally. Hot springs
having 2 C temperatures near Malgaemir village are
evidence of present geothermal activity.

The stratigraphic sequence of the field is composed

of metamorphic rocks of the Menderes Massif and
overlying the Miocene sedimentary rocks deposited
during the Miocene exhumation of the massif. Field
data suggest that there is a connection between
tectonic development and periods of hydrothermal
alteration. Several deep wells were drilled (AS-1,
1510 m and AS-2, 962 m) and revealed low
resistivity zones (Karamanderesi 1997).
Preliminary studies were conducted on a regional
scale by Karamanderesi (1972). Geochemical
analysis of water from hot springs near Salavatl
village indicated that the area has hot-waterdominated geothermal potential, and geophysical
studies outlined the structural situation of the
geothermal field. Geophysical studies using gravity
(Glay 1988) and electrical resistivity methods
(ahin 1985) indicated that the geothermal field is
located along fault systems near the towns of
Salavatl and Sultanhisar.

Based upon their mineral parageneses (Table 6.1),

metamorphic rocks of the Menderes Massif are known
to be the products of regional metamorphism
characterized by medium to high temperature and
pressure. A mineral paragenesis including chlorite biotite - muscovite - garnet - staurolite - kyanite sillimanite occurs within allochthonous augen gneisses
and cover schists. Observations within the massif show
that large fissures and fracture zones developed during
neotectonic activity, and quartz veins and calcite and
chlorite veins occur in swarms related to deep-seated
intrusive bodies. These intrusives are not exposed
because of the greater depths of their magma chambers,
but a few outcrops bearing rutile, titanite, limonite,
quartz, calcite and siderite can be observed in the

A couple of deep wells were drilled by General

Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration
(MTA) (AS-1, 1510 m below ground level; and
AS-2, 962 m, Fig. 6.5) within a low resistivity zone
(5-10 ohmm) outlined by resistivity-depth sounding
studies. Cuttings from the AS-1 and AS-2 wells

Karamanderesi: Characeristics of Geothermal Reservoirs in


IGA Academy Report 0102-2013

carbonate mineralization are surface

manifestations along these faults.

Ovack plateau at the northern end of the study area

(Fig. 6.1). The erosion surfaces of these outcrops
have altitudes of 900 m from the Ovack plateau
toward the south at lower altitudes, dykes of gabbro
and its derivatives, which have intruded along
small-scale fracture zones and cooled during the
Quaternary, are present. Silicified zones have
developed along the margins of these dykes. The
mineralogical composition of the gabbroic intrusive
rocks (of Early Miocene age [or postmetamorphic]) is as follows: plagioclase,
clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, olivine, biotite,
uralite, zoisite, chlorite, apatite, magnetite and
garnet. Locally, these gabbroic rocks have schistose
textures. Where erosion has been slow, travertine
deposits are present along the margins of these
silicified zones at the altitudes of the regional
discharge zones. Fracture-related mineralization
includes epidote, pyrite, arsenopyrite, garnet and
clay minerals. An example of such an outcrop is at
the Kabakldere locality. Toward the south, a
similar sort of activity is present within the vicinity
of Malgaemir and Azapderesi. The gabro intrusion
exposed near Malgaemir village continues to be a
heat source (Fig. 6.1).


Fig. 6.2. Geological cross section of the AydnSalavatl geothermal field (see Fig. 6.1 for location)
(after Karamanderesi and Helvac, 2003).

Fig. 6.3. Cross section through the Aydn-Salavatl

geothermal field (See Fig. 6.1 for location) (after
Karamanderesi and Helvac, 2003)

Travertine deposits along fossil discharge areas are

at an altitude of 550 m due to regional neotectonic
uplift. Quartz veins and travertine deposits are
exposed at a discharge altitude of 600 m in
Azapderesi village. Quartz veins facilitated the
development of alteration zones of dolomite,
calcite, quartz, and clay along fracture zones within
the host rock.

The chemical composition of geothermal waters is

shown in Table 6.3. The reservoir temperature, with
respect to the chemical composition given in Table 6.3,
has been stated to be 160-1750C according to the
method of Giggenbach (1986). Also, the values of two
deep well temperatures were measured with Amerada
logging tools as 169.77-175.620C (Tables 4 and 5). The
chemistry of the waters was determined to be of the
Na-K bicarbonate type. Naturally, it is necessary to
determine the chemistry of the encrustation that will
develop from these sorts of waters, which, in this case,
precipitate calcite and illite. Water samples were taken
from the total discharge of the wells thrown out into
the atmosphere. Total discharge was measured from
the well, which had been opened for a vertical
production test. Total discharge data are as follows
WHP (bar) 2.27; Patm: 14.6 psi.a; 11% steam, 297 t of
water; 39.8 t of steam. Total production was calculated
at 336.8 t/h (after Karamanderesi and Helvac, 200 ).

The fault systems, clearly traceable around

Salavatl, Eskihisar and Gvendik villages where
regional neotectonic activity continues, are imprints
of partially cooled intrusives. Vein mineralization
of calcite, quartz, gypsum, sulphur, pyrite and clay
occurs along these faults. It has been observed that
travertine and travertine-sulphur deposits are
located in NE-SW and N-S-trending fault zones,
respectively (Fig. 6.1). The N-S-trending faults can
be correlated with cross-faults described by engr
(1987), and are illustrated in Figs. 6.1 and 6.3.
Sulphur efflorescence related to the fracture zones
is exposed at a 100-m altitude to the east of
Salavatl village, and sulphur deposits with
travertine are exposed at the same altitude at
Gvendik village. At an altitude of 50 m, calcite,
quartz, clay and sulphur efflorescence ocur between
Sultanhisar and Ata (Fig. 6.1). Sulphur
efflorescence, clays, gypsum and small-scale

The mineralized zones observed along the N-S

traverse, as mentioned above, are related to E-W fault
systems which become younger toward the south. This
type of structure can be observed clearly in the NW-SE
cross-section (Fig. 6.2). There are two N-S-trending


Karamanderesi: Characeristics of Geothermal Reservoirs in


IGA Academy Report 0102-2013

strike-slip faults that form the east and west

boundaries of the Salavatl geothermal field; the
first outcrop is exposed in Yavuzky village and the
second outcrop is between Gvendik-Malgaemir
villages and Sultanhisar.
Evidence of surface mineralization is also present
in the cuttings of the AS-1 and AS-2 wells. Mineral
products of hydrothermal activity (Table 6.1),
including quartz, calcite, dolomite, siderite, pyrite,
kaolinite, dickite (seen at 378 m within Miocene
sandstone of AS-1 borehole, as an acidic
alteration), montmorillonite, illite, (seen above the
lost circulation zone as the product of scaling and
cap rock in AS-1), hydrobiotite, vermiculite (seen
at 583 m in AS-1), sericite, chlorite, albite,
limonite, and opaque minerals, have been noted in
the AS-2 and AS-1 wells.
X-ray diffraction analyses were done on selected 4
mm samples of cuttings to identify and confirm the
types of clay minerals present in the cuttings.
Especially detailed study was done on well number
AS-1. Relevant data are given in Table 6.2.
XRD analyses for clay minerals were done on
samples taken from several depths in the AS-1 and
AS-2 wells, and indicate the presence of
montmorillonite, illite, chlorite, vermiculite,
hydrobitite and dickite. Figs. 5 and 6 show two well
sections with five different clay zones
distinguished. From top to bottom they are as
follows: a mixed-layer clay zone, an illite-kaolinite
zone, a chlorite-illite zone, an illite-montmorillonite
zone and a chlorite-epidote zone.

Fig. 6.4. Well log and temperature profile of the AS-1

well (see Fig. 6.1 for location) (after Karamanderesi
and Helvac, 2003).
Albitization and chloritization in the metamorphic
sequences of AS-1 and particularly in AS-2 were
clearly observed. Miocene sediments in the same wells
show acidic alteration such as dickite. Vermiculite,
observed at the base of the gneisses, indicates the
presence of a nearby intrusive body which apparently
intruded the flor of the graben (Boles 1977). Feldspar,
garnet, muscovite, biotite, tourmaline, rutile, apatite,
graphite, cristobalite and epidote observed in the same
zones are either early high-temperature products of
hydrothermal alteration or relict minerals from regional
metamorphism (Table 6.2). Albite, chlorite,
vermiculite, dickite, quartz, calcite, kaolinite, dolomite,
montmorillonite, and illite are products of
hydrothermal alteration and occur as vein fillings and
in vesicules (Table 6.3). These minerals indicate a
temperature range between 150C and 300C (Henley
and Ellis 1983).
An NE-SW cross-section through the AS-1 and AS-2
wells (Fig. 6.3) suggests that the NE-SW fault systems
passing through marble are the production zone for


Karamanderesi: Characeristics of Geothermal Reservoirs in


geothermal fluids in the region. Well-finishing

testing was completed for the AS-1 well. Eleven
temperature measurements were taken during the
well testing (Table 6.4). These temperature
measurements indicate that the reservoir of this
field is a horizontal-flow type located within the
fault zones between 750-780 m and 990-1000 m.
Temperature measurements are given in Fig. 6.4. A
negative thermal gradient was measured at 1000 m
depth in the AS-1 well. Stefansson and
Steingrimsson (1981) showed that there is a
negative gradient below the horizontal-flow zone in
the horizontal-flow system (after Karamanderesi
and Helvac, 200 ).

IGA Academy Report 0102-2013

is 14.5. The maximum temperatures measured in the

AS-1 and AS-2 wells were 169.77C and 175.62C,
respectively. These maximum temperatures were
recorded between 770 and 990 m in both wells. Below
this level, the temperature in AS-1 decreased to 155C.
These temperature data indicate that the fault systems
control the geothermal activity in the area, and that the
maximum attainable reservoir temperature can be
found to the south where the normal-fault systems are
both younger and deeper (see Fig. 6.2).
The thermal systems of western Turkey exhibit a wide
range of chemical compositions that reflect the
complex nature and different sources of thermal waters.
Vengosh et al. (2002) distinguish four major groups
that reflect different origins and mechanisms of waterrock interactions.
The NaCl type originated from deep circulation and
waterrock interactions of modern sea water in the case
of Seferihisar and Bodrum systems and from deep fosil
brines originated from dissolution of Miocene
evaporites in the case of Tuzla geothermal waters.
The NaHCO3 type characterized thermal waters from
the systems of Aydn Ilcaba, Salavatl, Urganl,
Alaehir, Denizli- Kzldere and Salihli. Thermal
waters from Germencik merbeyli and IzmirBalova
have a mixed NaClHCO3 water composition. 18O
D data (Filiz, 1984; Ercan et al., 1994) suggest that
the origin of these waters is meteoric whereas the
temperatureion concentrations relationships suggest
that most of the dissolved constituents were derived
from extensive waterrock interactions.
The NaSO4 type characterizes thermal waters from
EdremitGre and Havran and DikiliKaynarca
geothermal fields, which are located at the Edremit bay
in the southern part of the Kazda Massif.
geothermal systems from Karahayt and Pamukkale. It
seems that this composition reflect shallow sources and
interaction with shallow carbonate rocks.

Fig. 6.5. Well log and temperature profile of the

AS-2 well (see Fig. 2 for location) ) (after
Karamanderesi and Helvac, 2003).
The AS-2 well was terminated at a depth of 962 m
where complete loss of circulation was attained.
Wellfinishing testing was completed for the AS-2
well. Ten temperature measurements were taken
during the well testing (Table 6.5). These
temperature measurements indicate that the
reservoir of this cross-fault zone is located between
750 and 950 m. The temperature measurements are
given in Fig. 6.5. Total discharge data are as
follows: WHP (bar.g) 2; Pc (psig) 11; total
production is calculated at 313.2 t/h. WHP (bar.g)

Karamanderesi: Characeristics of Geothermal Reservoirs in


Alaehir Alkan-1 Well

IGA Academy Report 0102-2013

which alternates marble and schist bands dominately

micaschists. As seen from the final logs of the Alaehir
Alkan-1 well there are five distinct fault zones and plus
some minor zones (Fig.7.1). The geological logging
and final tests completed in the well indicate that the
geothermal field has high temperature and pressure (42
Bar) field. There is no temperature data from the well
bottom, but the well has high flow rate and 180C
temperature at the surface flow.
Breefly, when we look borhole logging in the Alkan-1
well there is no alterations in the Quaternary sediments,
Kaletepe formation and the Salihli member of the
Gediz formation. Further to the depper part of the well
the alteration starts within the Hammandere member of
the Gediz formation at 444-468 meters. From here to
below alteration continues untill the 1000meters where
the reservoir zone starts. The alteration zones in this
well is divided as kaolinte, illite and illite-chloritezones
towards the deeper part of the well. These alteration
zones indicates that granite contact alteration zone in
the Salihli-Alaehir area.

Fig. 7. Well logging of the Alaehir Alkan-1 well
section (after Karamanderesi, 2010).


Hydrothermal Alteration in well

Tuzla-2, anakkale
General geology of tuzla field

The Tuzla geothermal field is located in the NW-part

of Turkey. Tuzla village lies within the geothermal area
(Fig. 8.1).

Introduction to Local Geology

The Alaehir town is located within the eastern part

of the western Anatolia, and eastern part of the
Gediz Graben which trends east-west direction
Alaehir town was placed in middle of graben
structure and is bounded by high mountains at the
south and north. The Gediz Graben is on of the
main structure of the western Anatolia. The well cut
the metamorphic rocks of the Menderes Massif as a
reservoir, and Tertiary rocks as capping units
The logging of the Alkan-1 geothermal well starts
with 20 meters thick river sediments, old terrace
materials between 20-62meters, and Kaletepe units
between 62-198meters. Further depths, the Salihli
member of the Gediz Formation between 198-348
meters, and the Hamamdere member of the Gediz
Formation were cut. The unit between 1038-1052
meters is described as Alaehir Formation(?). The
rocks of the Menderes Massif start at the depth of
1052meters where a fault occurs and hot waters are
present. From this depth to untill 1198meters the
well cuts only Menderes Massif metamorphic rocks

Fig. 8.1. Geological map of the Tuzla Field (after

Karamanderesi, 1986).
The basement of the tuzla geothermal field consists of
metamorphic rocks of Permian age (older than 200

Karamanderesi: Characeristics of Geothermal Reservoirs in


IGA Academy Report 0102-2013

m.y.). The metamorphic rocks include calcschist,

quartzite, marble and dolomites. The metamorphic
basement is intruded by a large granodioritic
pluton, which has been dated as young as 28 m.y.
(Fytikas et al. 1976). The basement rocks are
overlain by andesitic lavas, which have been dated
by Borsi et al. (1972) as late Tertiary (22-17 m.y)
(see Table 8.1). Therefore a chronological
relationship between the pluton and the subaerial
volcanics is evidenced, as well as a major
unconformity between the Permian and the late
Tertiary rocks.
Table 8.1 : Simplified stratigraphic division of
Tuzla geothermal field.
Unit Thickness Age
1. 50 m
--------------------Unconformity-----------------------2. 100 m
--------------------Unconformity------------------------3. 150 m
17.1 m. y.
4. 200 m
19.1 m.y
5. 250 m
21.5 m.y.
28.1 m.y.
Metamorphic rocks

Fig. 8.2. Cross section between T-1 to T-2 in Tuzla

Field (after Karamanderesi, 1986).
The strata is composed of Quaternary and Recent
alluvium sediments, underlain by Miocene volcanic
rocks; including rhyodacitic ignimbrite, trachyte and
trachyandesite lavas, monzonite intrusion, granodiorite
intrusive rocks, and a Permian metamorphic basement
rocks (Fig. 8.2).
The strata cut by well T-2 are divided into 6 units.
Unit 1 : 0 - 30 m depth. Alluvium. In the uppermost
part of the well the sediment layer ranges in grain size
from sand to gravel. Volcanic fragments of trachyte,
ignimbrite and tuff are found in some parts of the
gravel. Primary minerals in these volcanic rock
fragments include K-feldspar, plagioclase and biotite.

(From : amilgil 1966; Ages from Borsi et al.

1972; ngr 1973; Fytikas et al. 1976) (after
Karamanderesi, 1986).

Unit 2 : 30 - 130 m depth. Rhyodacitic ignimbrite

intercalated with lithic tuff and tuff layers. The
ignimbrite is extensively altered and clay replacement
of the glass is the most prominent mineralization.
Primary minerals are andesine, oligoclase and biotite.

The author was awarded a six month UNU

fellowship to study Borehole Geology from April to
October 1986, at the UNU Geothermal Training
Programme, National Energy Authority, Iceland.
This report includes a general description of the
tectonic relationships of the Tuzla geothermal field
with respect to the hydrothermal alteration in well
T-2. (after Karamanderesi, 1986).

Unit 3 : 132 - 212 m depth. Altered trachyte lavas.

Quartz, K-feldspar (sanidine), plagioclase and big
crystals of biotite are clearly seen. Matrix is highly
altered. Secondary minerals include clays, calcite and
hematite. Pyroxene pseudomorphs may be formed as
well as opaque minerals and apatite.

Tuzla T-2 well section geology

A study was made of the hydrothermal alteration

mineralogy found in well T-2, a 1020 m deep well
in the Tuzla geothermal area.

Unit 4 : 214 - 462 m depth. Highly altered porphyritic

trachyandesite. The phenocrysts are feldspar, highly
altered amphibole and biotite, and micro-phenocrysts
of sanidine. In a core sample from 413.50-415.30 m

Karamanderesi: Characeristics of Geothermal Reservoirs in


depth the following minerals were determined by

Gultekin Elgin "MTA" Laboratory: Altered feldspar
microliths and small phenocrysts of sanidine,
altered biotite, volcanic glass, opaque minerals,
accessory apatite. Hydrothermal minerals include
quartz and calcite in matrix and mineral veins. The
veins additionally include chalcopyrite (CuFeS2),
pyrite (FeS2) and iron oxide (hematite).

IGA Academy Report 0102-2013

found in well T-l, suggesting a contact metamorphic

origin in well T-2.
The second hydrothermal event, which relates to the
present day hydrothermal system is evidenced by
smectite, mixed layer clay, kaolinite, mica, pyrite,
haematite, quartz, calcite, barite and gypsum.
A model of the Tuzla geothermal system suggests a
strong relationship between the geothermal waters and
a N-S striking fault zone.

462 - 583 m depth. No cuttings are available from

this depth interval due to total circulation loss. A
core was taken between - 535 m depth. The core
sample is composed of highly altered andesite or
trachyandesite, suggesting that main unit 4 continue
down to at least 535 m. Similarly the penetration
rate, down to 582 m, suggests that the andesite may
continue down to that depth.


Lost Circulation During Drilling

Circulating drilling mud was lost completely four times

during drilling. In all cases the circulation loss was
plugged by cement slurry. The loss-zones are listed
below and the apparent nature of aquifer discussed in
each case.

Monzonite intrusion : 583 - 591.70 m depth. Drill

core mostly consisting of Quartz monzonite
intrusion. The monzonite 583.50- 589.50 m is
composed of plagioclase (oligoclase), orthoclase,
highly altered pyroxene, augite, biotite, minr
quartz, and accessory minerals of titanite, apatite,
opaque minerals (pyrite and sparser chalcopyrite).
Metamorphic basement rock micaschist, marble and
dolomite is found in the upper and lower parts of
the core.

I . 214 - 234 m depth. About 10 m3 of drilling mud was

lost into this aquifer, which occurs at the boundary
between units 3 and 4 (trachyte to trachyandesite). The
water table sank to 25 m depth suggesting, a pressure
of about 20 bars in this aquifer. 8 tons of cement were
used in two cementing operations. Compared with well
T-1 at a 1 km distance from T-2 circulation loss also
occurred at this boundary, suggesting a horizontal (or
stratification) aquifer.
III. 412 - 440 m depth. About 55 m3 of drilling mud
was lost into this aquifer, which occurs in an open
fault, dipping about 50, as seen in core sample from
413 m depth. First the water table sank to 73 m depth,
but went up to 22 m as drilling continued. 5 tons of
cement vere used to plug the aquifer.

Unit 5 : 590 - 702 m depth. Metamorphic basement

rock. The upper part of the rock is in contact with
monzonite while the lower part is in contact with a
granodiorite. In both cases an increase in typical
contact metamorphic mineralisation is found (e.g.
garnet, pyroxene, and magnetite). The metamorphic
basement rock itself consists of quartz, orthoclase,
albite, oligoclase, biotite and, muscovite.

IV. 462 - 583 m depth. This depth interval was drilled

vith a total circulation loss. The nature of this aquifer is
not clear, but one of two cores showed slickensides and
fault clay at fracture surface. This may indicate a fault
zone. Water table sank to 22 m depth suggesting a
connection with aquifer III above. The well was cased
with 6 5/8" down to 590.25 m depth (Fig. 8.3).

Unit 6 :702 - 1020 m depth. Granodiorite intrusive.

Granodiorite intrusion consisting of quartz,
orthoclase, albite, oligoclase and biotite (after
Karamanderesi, 1986), (Fig. 8.3).
The hydrothermal mineralogical data include
minerals which are associated with both low and
high temperature geothermal environments. A
comprehensive study of cross-cutting vein
relationships and mineralogical evolution is
suggestive of at least two hydrothermal events.

The deepest part of well is uncased (barefooted).


Mineral Evolution And Discussion

During the study an effort was made to map the

hydrothermal evolution in cores and cuttings of well T2 of the Tuzla field. A practical training in mapping
hydrothermal evolution had been gained earlier in the
fossil alteration zones of the Geitafell volcano,
described by Fridleifsson (1983, a, b). Thin sections
from the core samples of well T-2 were made to
include any apparent time relation feature, like cross-

The first hydrothermal event, involved high

temperature conditions, resulting in contact
metamorphic calc-silicate mineralization, including
garnet, epidote, chlorite, sphene, magnetite,
actinolite, diopsite and prehnite. This high
temperature ( >300C) mineral assemblage was not


Karamanderesi: Characeristics of Geothermal Reservoirs in


cutting mineral veins and amygdales. The same

features were looked for in the cutting samples.

IGA Academy Report 0102-2013

calc-silicate minerals. The high temperature calcsilicate mineralization, however, is lacking in well T-l,
as are intrusive rocks, which is then taken to imply that
the calc- silicate mineralization in T-2 is related to an
episode of contact metamorphism. Therefore, two
hydrothermal mineralizing periods are realized from
the lower part of well T-2; that of an early contact
metamorphism (garnet, magnetite and diopside) and
associated high-temperature hydrothermal system
(chlorite, epidote, sphene, actinolite), followed by the
superimposition of the present-day calcite-quartz-clay
mineralization. In spite of a lack of cutting samples
between 462-583 m depth, due total circulation loss, a
core sample (530-535 m) from this depth interval does
not show high-temperature mineralization (Fig.8.3). An
evidence of a high-temperature hydrothermal system
established by the granodiorite and monzonite intrusive
activity is therefore not found in the overlying
subaerial volcanics. This implies that the hightemperature hydrothermal activity of late Tertiary age
pre-dates the volcanic extrusive rocks, which more or
less confirms the chronological order of volcanic rocks
gathered from outside the Tuzla field. Evidently this
rules out the other possibility of a eontemporaneous
origin of the intrusive and extrusive rocks in the Tuzla
field (after Karamanderesi, 1986).

In the upper 600 m of the well cross cutting veins

suggest two chief hydrothermal episodes. The
earlier is characterized by hematite, with or without
calcite and quartz. The later is characterized by
calcite and quartz and clays, and apparently relates
to the present day hydrothermal system. The clay
minerals in veins between 320 m and 600 m were
analyzed separately by XRD, as a darkening in
colour from light to dark green had been noticed.
The XRD results did not reveal the possible
presence of dickite, which in acid hydrothermal
alteration assemblages occurs at temperatures
between 120- 260C (Reyes 1986). The Tuzla
geothermal waters are of near neutral pH (table 2),
while acid alteration may form, contiguous with
neutral pH alteration, assemblages (Reyes 1986).
The change in colour of the clay minerals from
300-600 m depth in T-2 well should be studied by
different methods, a.g. by microprobe.

A high-temperature hydrothermal system of late

Miocene age, related to the 28 m.y. old granodiorite
intrusion is found below 600 m depth within the Tuzla
field. The high-temperature mineral assemblages
suggest temperature above 300C (e.g. Browne 1984).
Assuming hydrostatic condition to prevail this high
temperature would imply a pressure of approximately
100 bars. Therefore a considerable erosion in the order
of 1 km is visualized prior to the early Pliocene
volcanism. The Pliocene volcanics appear to have been
only neathered and oxidized up to the time the presentday hydrothermal system became active, the age of
which is unknown. The mineral assemblages related to
this system are relatively simple, involving carbonates,
sulphides, oxides and intermediate and lowtemperature clay minerals (Fig. 8.3).
The geothermal model indicates an upflow along the
N-S striking fault west of the drillholes and a
horizontal flow to the west and east along stratification
boundaries. Furthermore, the isothermal pattern
suggests that the fault east of the drillholes, cut by well
T-2, may introduce cold surface water into the
hydrothermal system.

Fig. 8.3. Drilhole T-2; distribution of secondary

minerals, temperature profile and simplified
geological section (after Karamanderesi, 1986).
In the lower part of the well, calcite-quartz veins
are found in the granodiorite and monzonite
intrusions, while clear cross- cutting evidence was
not found between these and the high- temperature

A geothermal model presented of the Tuzla field

indicates an upflow of hot water along N-S striking
fault in the western part of the Tuzla field and a

Karamanderesi: Characeristics of Geothermal Reservoirs in


IGA Academy Report 0102-2013

subhorizontal outflovr along stratif- ication

boundaries to the east and west. Cold water inflow
from faults east of the field is also suggested.
The hydrothermal alteration pattern of the field
shows that a fossil high-temperature hydrothermal
system of late Tertiary age rests unconformably
below the Pliocene volcanic rocks.
The hydrothermal minerals related to the presentday hydrothermal system form a relatively uniform
mineral assemblage of calcite, quartz, pyrite,
hematite and clay minerals. No distinctive mineral
zonation is found within the system, while colour
changes of the clay minerals with depth requires
further study.

Fig. 9.1. Geological map of the Sarayky (Gerali)

Geothermal field (after Karamanderes and lenolu,

Otherwise, the main difference in hydrothermal

alteration from the surface to depths involves a
slow but progressive increase in the amount of
hydrothermal alteration minerals. No obvious
correlation between aquifers and hydrothermal
minerals was found, but in some cases an increase
in vein mineralization was seen close to the

The well was cased as follows: 0.00 100 m

20casing, 0.00 488.50 m 1 /8 casing, buttress
thread, 0.00 1452 m 9 5/8 casing, buttress thread,
1452 2119 m slotted casing.
Geological stratification of Gerali geothermal field
from the bottom to top is as follows; at the bottom
biotite-chloritecalc- quartzschist. Above them marble
and metamorphic basement of Menderes Massif take
place. Then Miocene and Pliocene sediments of 1950
meters thickness are found. Geological section is
divided into two different hydrothermal alteration
zones (Fig. 9.3). At the well log too many fault zones
have been seen. Faults cutting sedimentary limestone
and marble are the main production zones.

Further drilling in the field should be aimed

towards cutting the N-S upflow zones in the
western part of the field at a greater depth to meet
fluids above 200C.

MDO-1 Well Geology

The Denizli-Sarayky (Gerali) geothermal field is

located in the eastern part of the Byk Menderes
Graben, and is characterized by normal fault
structures (Fig. 1). The stratigraphic sequence of
the Denizli-Sarayky (Gerali) geothermal field
consists of metamorphic rocks of the Menderes
Massif and sedimentary rocks deposited during the
rifting period of the Menderes Massif in the
Miocene and Pliocene. This is the first geothermal
field studied and drilled by private enterprise for
energy production in Turkey. In the field following
geological studies, 24 geophysical resistivity
measurements had been taken and the location of
well number MDO-1 was given (Figs. 9.2 and 9.3).
The well has been drilled down to 2120 meters in
depth and than completed at this depth. Later the
well was deepened down to 2401 due to the request
of the owner (Fig. 9.3). During drilling at every 2
meters cuttings were taken and properly labelled.

Fig. 9.2 Geological cross section through the Denizli

Sarayky (Gerali) geothermal field (after
Karamanderes and lenolu, 2005).
During the drilling, after 600 meters alteration has
begun. Loss of mud circulation started after 900
meters. At the 1607-1619 meters, total of 300 m3 loss

Karamanderesi: Characeristics of Geothermal Reservoirs in


of mud circulation has occurred. After this level,

the drilling has been continued; partial loss and
alteration have been inspected continuously.

3-4% feldspar, 7-8% calcite, 8-10 % Quartz and the

rest is mainly illite. Hydrothermal alteration zone is
illite zone. 584-588 m To 692-698 m various coloured
clay, heavy pyrite and as a secondary mineral,
pyrrhotite have been detected. Additionally, remains of
plant, organic materials, pyrite, calcite, and very small
amount of silica have been seen at 798-799 m level.
The samples from the level of 806-810 meters showed;
gray clay, siltstone and the traces of heavy micro
crystalline pyrite, chalcopyrite, secondary calcite and
quartz (Fig. 9.3).

After the well completion tests, 1250C bottom hole

temperature was measured by Amerada temp
gauge. Production of the well was determined at 50
lt/sec. At productions test deposition of CaCO3
scalling was seen from the surface down to 120
meters in depth (Karamanderesi and lenolu,

IGA Academy Report 0102-2013

Borehole geology

814.00- 1143 m Sazak formation. Light brown and

milky brown limestone have been detected by the
microscopic analyses. In addition to sparry calcite,
heavily fossiliferous ostracoda, vesicular limestone
have been detected. The limestone veins contained
secondary calcite and quartz as well. Between 878-896
meters, secondary silica and calcite as well as traces of
manganese have been detected, under the microscope
(Fig. 9.3).

MDO-1 Borehole geology, has been studied in

location by both binocular microscope and
examination of handspecimens analyses. In the
deeper sections, microscopic and X-ray diffractive
analyses have been done. The results are as follows;
00-60.00 m Layered with uncemented old terrace
deposits, slope debris, and alluvium fans materials
as in sandstones pebble, clay, silt etc. In the bottom
section up to ten meters there is an aquifer (Fig.

The first loss of mud circulation has been detected at

901 m totalling 3 m3. Between 984-992 meters, the
loss of mud circulation was 5 m3. Later on between
1002-1010 meters, the loss of mud circulation was
measured as 16.13 m3. Additionally, between 10801082 meters the loss of mud circulation was measured
as 7 m3. At the level of 1110-1112m, the loss of mud
circulation was measured as 5 m3 (Fig. 9. 3).
Below the 1143-m level, change in colour and
formation as well as kaolinization was observed. Eight
fault zones were discovered in the MDO-1 well.
1143-1607 m Kzlburun formation was clearly
defined. Kzlburun formation consists of coarse or fine
conglomerate layers. Secondary pyrite, calcite, quartz
and clay matter can be seen in the conglomerate and
sandstone layers. Scattered gren layers appear to be
relict that resulted after the chlorization.
The cuttings from 1181-1184 m layer show the
slickenside, clay and heavy pyrite remnants. Between
1205-1212 meters, second fault line has been
discovered. The maroon clay and sandstone layers are
mylonitic in nature. The third zone was discovered in
between 1243-1245 meters. Between 1267-1268
meters, 8-m3 loss of circulation in mud has been
measured. The same fault zone appeared up to 1278
meters. The fourth faulting zone in between 1375-1376
meters. The casing (9 5/8) has been set at 1452 m
and than cemented. Heavy faulting, interbedded clay,
siltstone and sandstone (Fig. 9.3) have stratified 15381566 meters.

Fig. 9.3. Well log of the MDO-1 well (after

Karamanderesi and lenolu, 2005).
60.00-814.00 m Zone is covered with grey clay.
The samples from this zone have been analysed by
X-ray difractometer at the University of Dokuz
Eyll in zmir. The results showed 2-3 % dolomite,

Karamanderesi: Characeristics of Geothermal Reservoirs in


IGA Academy Report 0102-2013

Zone 2: 2050-2401 m Mica schist zone (decik

formation, imek, 1985a, b).

1607-1950-m The most important latest discovery

was the limestone stratification in between 16071950 meters in the Kzlburun formation.
Phenomenally, in the Buldan Horst, this limestone
has situated itself as outcrop on top of Menderes
Massif metamorphic-schist. These limestone layers
contained fossils, ferrous oxide, sferolitic silica,
recrystallized limestone, calcium carbonate
cemented sandstone, siltstone, fragments of
volcanic rock, tuffite, quartzite, opaque rock,
smoky quartz and feldspar.

At the 1950-2036 m strata, milky white marble have

been confirmed as the top level. Additional studies
with the X-Ray diffractometer have resulted in
minerals such as calcite, dolomite, quartz, possible
various alkali feldspar (albite), muscovite and
kaolinite. Various thin section samples have shown
mica-quartz schist, quartz-mica-calc schist, quartzite,
and silicified rock fragments as well as carbonitized
rock pieces. The X-ray diffractometer analysis have
confirmed the same results as above.

1613 to 1617 meter zone appeared to be the main

fault zone. The mud completely disappeared at
1615 m. The total loss of mud circulation was
measured as 300 m3. As a result 1607-1617-m zone
have been temporarily cemented. Remnants of the
fault was discovered at 1644-1668 m level.

At the 2036-2050 m different mineral composition

have been noticed. The X-ray diffraction studies have
discovered calcite, dolomite, quartz, feldspar, chlorite,
simectite (montmorillonite), mixed clay (possibly
mica-simectite), amphibole (hornblende), muscovite
and kaolinite respectively.

At the 1712-1766 m level, maroon clay fault lines,

secondary quartz veins and calcite fragments can be
seen in the Kzlburun Formation. The loss of mud
circulation was very low (3.5 m3 at 1732-1758 m
and 4.5m3 at 1758-1766 m in (fig. 9.3).

The 2050-2401 m Zone 2. 2050-2041 m mica schist

zone (decik formation. imek, 1985a). These zone
cuttings contained quartz-mica-calc-schist, quartz-calc
schist, micaquartz-schist, quartzite, mica-quartz-schist,
mica-schist, and very small amount of epidote schist.
The mineral compositions of the cuttings have been
discovered as quartz, mica (muscovite/biotite), chlorite,
simectite (montmorillonite) and kaolinite. This is the
second alteration zone discovered in the drilling

Petrographic analysis of 1774-1780 m cuttings: The

main material samples from this level contained,
limestone fragments, sparritic, micritic and mosaic
patterned quartzite. Traces of muscovite and
amphibole were noticed as well. In addition; chert
fragmented metamorphic rocks, quartz-micaschist,
quartzite-schist, quartz-calc schist which coloured
by ferrous-oxide have been detected in the study
microscope. In the microscopic study, quartz (mono
crystalline/Polly crystalline), biotite and muscovite
have been detected. The biotite must have been
coloured green as a result of chloritization.

Even though there has not been any surface

manifestation, the correlation between the geophysical
data and geological survey, Sarayky (Gerali)
geothermal field has been discovered as the newest
geothermal area in the Denizli Basin.
The exact location has been discovered to be the center
of Sarayky town. It spreads toward Babadag in the
direction of N-S.

Petrographic analysis of 1834-1836 m cuttings from

this level contain; micritic limestone fragments,
chloritization, silicified ferrous oxide fragments,
slate, schist, quartzite, quartz, feldspar, garnet and
opaque minerals. In the cuttings from 1862-1900 m
strata; calcite, dolomite, quartz, feldspar, muscovite
and kaolinite have been detected by the X-ray
diffraction analysis.

During drilling, two reservoirs have been discovered.

The first one has been drilled at 814-1143 meters and
the second one at 1650-2050 meters. In the first
reservoir, the temperature was measured as 96-1000C
degrees. The Sazak limestone formation has been
found to be the main rock formation.

As a result, at the end of the drilling operation at

Kzlburun Formation, seven fault zones have been
discovered (Fig. 9.3).

The second (Main) reservoir has been measured at

1250C degrees maximum. Kzlburun formation (Sand
stone and Limestone) and Menderes Massif marbles
have been drilled.

Menderes Massif metamorphics have been studied

in two separated zones as follows;

In the conclusion, the first reservoir is stated to be the

limestones of Sazak Fm. and the second reservoir to be
the Kzlburun Fm. and the Menderes Massif

Zone 1 : 1950-2050 m Marble zone,


Karamanderesi: Characeristics of Geothermal Reservoirs in


IGA Academy Report 0102-2013

alteration and geothermal system has developed in the

study area. Mutlu and Gle (1998) were studied on
the chemical compositions of thermal waters in
Turkey. According to the authors, the hot springs are
all aligned along the faults bordering the major grabens
in western Anatolia. The reservoir rocks of the region
are pre-Mesozoic metamorphics (marbles, gneisses and
quartzites) of the Menderes Massifs, Mesozoic
limestones, and the Neogene volcanosedimentary units
(Tolluolu et al., 1997). The distribution of hot springs
in the Sandkl (Afyon) region roughly parallels to the
fault system that caused intense porphyry-type
hydrothermal alteration at 4.5 km NE of the
Karacaren village (Sandkl) (Fig. 1) (Gndoan et al.,
2009). Miocene volcanism, around the Sandkl region,
formed different products at wide ranges, and alkaline,
calcalkaline lavas such as trachyte, andesite,
trachyandesite (latite), latite basalt, phonolite and
tephrite, tuffs and ignimbrites have formed during
Hydrothermal alteration is very common in these

metamorphics. This statement is in conformity with

those in Fig. 9.2. In Fig. 9.3, however, the first
reservoir is shown as the limestones of Kzlburun
The field has been measured approximately for.3
sq. Km. Two mineral alteration zones have
separated the two reservoirs.

10 Afyon Sandkl geothermal field

The Afyon-Sandkl region lies along the western
part of the Taurus mountain range of Turkey. The
Afyon zone is lowgrade metamorphic terrain lying
from the Menderes Masif on the west towards the
Uak-Sandkl (Afyon) on the east (zgl 1976). In
the Sandkl region, Paleozoic, Mesozoic and
Tertiary units are observed (Fig. 10.1) (Gndoan
et al.2010).
The study area is located in the Sandkl region at
40 km SW of the Afyon (Fig. 1). As related to the
neo-tectonism and active volcanism of western
Anatolia, a widespread and intense hydrothermal

Fig. 10.1. Simplified geological map of the Sandkl area (compiled after Gndoan, et al.,2010
In the Sandkl region, hydrothermal alteration of
the volcanic rocks is commonly observed from the
Hdai thermal springs towards east and northeast of
present geothermal system.

type hydrothermal alteration zone has developed in the

Neogene Sandkl volcanics at 4.5 km NE of the
Karacaren village, as a result of the intrusion of
syenite-monzonite porphyries. From distal zone to the
intrusion center, propylitic (epidote, chlorite, carbonate
minerals, albite, K-feldspar), argillic (alunitization,
illitization), phyllic (sericitic; quartz, sericite, pyrite)
and potassic (alkali metasomatic; K-feldspar and
biotite) developed, respectively, under wide range of
pH and Eh conditions.

Samples from two wells were kindly made

available for this study, namely from AFS-12 and
AFS-13 drilled to depths ranging from 450 to
The wells were located in a major fault controlled
porphyry hydrothermal system (hydrothermal
upflow zone). A widespread and intense porphyry-

The reservoir is hosted by interbedded pyroclastic and

lavas of trachyandesite composition with some basaltic

Karamanderesi: Characeristics of Geothermal Reservoirs in


IGA Academy Report 0102-2013

Mutlu and Gle (1998) reported that the temperature

of the spring waters reaches up to 100 C in western
Anatolia. The waters are weakly acidic to alkaline with
pH values ranging from 6.10 to 9.61, and have TDS
contents between 550 and 54884 ppm.

andesites and trachytic tuffs. The primary minerals

present in the Sandkl subsurface rock samples are
mainly sanidine, pyroxene, biotite, plagioclase,
nosean and apatite. In general, carbonatization and
chloritization are common in the matrix and
pyroxene phenocrysts of the trachytic rocks.
On mineralogic (XRF, SEM-EDS) and petrographic
investigations on the wells at 50-60 m,
silicification, and chalcedony and hematite
formation are common. In the SEM-EDS studies,
0.75 1.25 % Ag was measured from the
hydrothermal quartz. At deeper levels, abundance
of hematite and pyrite with marcasite and sericite
increase due to the hydrothermal alteration. At 110180 m levels, euhedral Fe-Ti oxide minerals
(hematite-Fe2O3 or titanomagnetite-Fe2.5Ti0.5O4,
including Ti) are observed. However, primary
apatites and titanomagnetite minerals associated
with sanidine and euhedral pyroxene (augite) occur
within the trachyandesite. In the SEM study, it is
observed that the surfaces of the apatites were
rounded and decomposed, due to the intense
hydrothermal alteration. At 350-400 m levels,
depends on hydrothermal alteration, euhedral pyrite
crystals were formed within the dolomitic
limestones (the altepe formation is not observed
on surface). Within this pyrite which replaced the
dolomite and at the boundary of dolomite-pyrite,
euhedral gypsum minerals were formed. At deeper
levels, in sandstone alternating with dolomitic
limestone, epidotization is common.

Fig. 10.2. Thermal water pipe line scaling in Afyon

Sandkl Hdai hot springs from hot water production
well (after Gndoan et al., 2010)
The majority of waters are either Na-HCO3 or Na-Cl in
nature, although SO4-type waters are also present. The
chloride-rich waters are characteristic for the coastal
areas (eme, Seferihisar, Doanbey-zmir; Kestanbol,
compositions suggest a possible seawater intrusion into
the reservoir (Vengosh et al., 2002; Tarcan and Gemici,
2003). It is important to note at this stage that some of
waters from the inland areas, such as Balkesir and
Afyon, also have Na-Cl nature which cannot be
attributed to seawater intrusion but probably results
from the involvement of connate fosil waters (Mutlu
and Gle, 1998).

10.1 Subsurface Geology

Hdai geothermal system is an area of out-flow
zone in the Sandkl (Afyon) region. In ancient
times, Hdai hot springs were a geothermal area
that its flowrate was totally 100 L/s. In previous
studies indicated that there were several natural
springs in the Sandkl geothermal area (e.g. alar,
1950; Ronner, 1962). alar (1950), Ronner (1962)
have also reported that the thermal water
temperatures as 65-69 C and 85 C, respectively. In
study of MTA by Akku et al. (2005) from old
wells measured thermal water temperatures and
flow rates are 45-70 C and 112 L/s, respectively. In
this study, thermal water temperatures and flow rate
from the wells AFS-12 and AFS-13 measured 80.678C and 75-80 L/s, respectively. Although scaling
is common in the wells near the Hdaihamami
(Sandkl) in the wells AFS-12 and AFS-13, scaling
occurs (Fig. 10.2).

The major lithologies in the studied wells (AFS-12 and

13) are alluvium, Quaternary sediments, epiclastic
volcanoclastics and lava flows and basement rocks, and
the subsurface sequences are similar in the wells.
Well AFS-12 was drilled down to 550 m (UTM
coordinates x=4258911, y=257191, z=1020 m). The
lithologies in the well from surface to depth are
alluvium (10 m), Quaternary sediments (40 m),
epiclastic-volcanoclastics and lava flows belong to the
Neogene Sandkl Formation-Pliocene Hamamay unit
(220 m) and basement rocks Geyikda Otoctone) (280
m), respectively.
Well AFS-13 was drilled down to 422 m (UTM
coordinates x=4259211, y=257591, z=1020 m).
Similarly, the lithologies in the well from surface to
depth are alluvium (10 m), Quaternary sediments (33
m), epiclastic-volcanoclastics and lava flows belong to
the Neogene Sandkl formation-Pliocene Hamamay


Karamanderesi: Characeristics of Geothermal Reservoirs in


unit (200 m) and Paleozoic Sandkl group

basement rocks (142 m), respectively (after
Gndoan et al., 2010).

IGA Academy Report 0102-2013

interbedded siltstone-mudstone. Euhedral pyrite

minerals are common in this formation. In the
Seydiehir Formation that consists of interbedded
mudstone-siltstone alternating with dolomite-dolomitic
limestone, fossil shells are observed. Hematite- and
pyrite bearing ore formation is common in dolomitic
limestone unit. In cements of the Hdai quartzite,
consisting of interbedded siltstone and sandstone
including quartz, sericitization is commonly observed.
In the well AFS-12, hematite- and pyrite-bearing ore
formations increase from surface to depth.

10.2 Hydrothermal alteration

On mineralogic-petrographic investigations on the
well AFS-12, volcanic and volcanoclastic rocks
observed at 50-270 m, are commonly
trachyandesite in composition (Fig. 10.3).

Fig. 10.4. Photomicrograph showing pyroxene

minerals in trachyandesite replaced by calcite related
to the hydrothermal alteration (Pseudomorphic calcite
minerals)(after Gndoan et al., 2010).
On mineralogic-petrographic investigations on the well
AFS-13, silisification and formation of chalcedony,
hematite and pyrite minerals are observed between 50
and 60 meters (Fig. 10.5). Chalcedony replaces the
sanidine minerals (Gndoan, et al., 2010).

Fig. 10. 3. Photomicrographs showing the

lithological facies of the well AFS-12 from surface
to depth (after Gndoan et al., 2010).

In deeper levels, abundance of hematite and pyrite

increase due to the hydrothermal alteration. At 110-180
m levels, euhedral However, primary apatites and
titanomagnetite minerals associated with sanidine and
euhedral pyroxene (augite) occur within the
trachyandesite. Because of hydrothermal alteration, the
surfaces of the apatites were rounded and decomposed
(Fig. 10.6).

Rarely, the clasts, derived from lamproitic rocks,

were obtained in the volcanoclastics. Xenolith
inclusions rich in mafic minerals, are common in
trachyandesites. In some of volcanic clasts, nosean
and apatite as an accessory mineral are observed.
At 120-135 meters, because of alteration of
euhedral leucites, cavities had developed in rock
clasts belong to leucitites. At 200-270 meters, a
series that consists of interbedded pyroclastic,
epiclactic rocks and trachyandesitic lava flow, were
determined. Carbonatization and chloritization are
common in matrix and pyroxene pheoncrysts of
trachytic rocks (Fig. 10.4). At 270-550 meters, the
units belong to the Sandkl basement rocks
(Derealan Formation, Seydiehir Formation,
altepe Formation and Hdai quartzite) are
observed. The Derealan Formation consists of


Karamanderesi: Characeristics of Geothermal Reservoirs in



IGA Academy Report 0102-2013



Fig. 10.5. Photomicrograph showing sanidine

mineral in trachyandesite replaced by chalcedony
and pyrite related to hydrothermal alteration (after
Gndoan et al., 2010).


Fig. 10. 7. Backscattered-SEM image showing

euhedral Fe-Ti oxide titanomagnetite (Fe2,5Ti0,5O4) or
Ti-bearing hematite (Fe2O3) minerals within the
trachyandesitic rock fragment (chips) from the well
AFS-13 at 110 m level. (A) and EDS analyses (B)
(after Gndoan et al., 2010).

Fig. 10.6. Backscattered-SEM image showing

euhedral apatite crystal [Ca5(PO4)3(OH,F,Cl)]
within the trachyandesitic rock fragment from the
well AFS-13 at 185 m level. Because of the
hydrothermal alteration, the surfaces of the apatite
were rounded (after Gndoan et al., 2010).

The anhedral pyrites which replaced dolomite in

dolomitic limestone, have Ag, Te, and As (< 1%), and
Nb (3-4%) anomalies (Fig. 11). Measured Ag values
for euhedral secondary (epigenetic) quartz minerals,
formed due to the hydrothermal alteration, range from
0.75% to 1.25% (Fig. 10.12). Zeolite (amisite?) and
Mg-calcite minerals were also obtained in this
dolomitic limestone. EDS analyses of these two
minerals give Nb (>5%), Te (1.5-6%) and Ag (0.4-1%)

Fe-Ti oxide minerals (hematite-Fe2O3 or

titanomagnetite-Fe2.5Ti0.5O4, including Ti) are
observed (Fig. 10.7).
At 405 m level, due to the hydrothermal alteration,
euhedral pyrite crystals were formed within the
dolomitic limestones (called the altepe formation,
not observed on surface). Euhedral gypsum
minerals were obtained within the pyrite which
replaced the dolomite, and at the boundary of
dolomite and pyrite minerals (Figs. 10.8, 10.9 and

A widespread and intense hydrothermal alteration

zones and geothermal systems have developed in the
Sandkl (Afyon) region. In the study area which
geothermal system is observed, Miocene age volcanism
formed different products at wide ranges, and alkalencalc alkalen lavas such as trachyte, andesite,
trachyandesite (latite), latite basalt, phonolite and
tephrite, tuffs and ignimbrites have formed during
middle-upper Miocene at different stages. The hot
springs of the Sandkl region are located along the
fault system that caused intense porphyry-type

Karamanderesi: Characeristics of Geothermal Reservoirs in


hydrothermal lateration and mineralization at 4.5

km NE of the Karacaren village (Sandkl).

IGA Academy Report 0102-2013

calcedony and hematite formation are common near


Fig. 10.8. Backscattered SEM images showing

euhedral gypsium minerals formed at the boundary
of dolomite and pyrite minerals from the well AFS13 at 405 m level (after Gndoan et al., 2010).

Fig. 10. 10. (A) Backscattered-SEM image showing

euhedral gypsum minerals formed by replacement of
pyrite at the boundary of dolomite and pyrite minerals
within the dolomitic limestone (altepe Formation)
from the well AFS-13 at 405 m level due to the
hydrothermal alteration, (B) EDS analyses of gypsum
which replaced dolomite, (C) EDS analyses of
euhedral dolomite (after Gndoan, et al., 2010).

Fig. 10.9. Photomicrograph showing dolomite

minerals, replaced by pyrite related to the
hydrothermal alteration (after Gndoan, et al.,

Abundance of hematite and pyrite with marcasite and

sericite increase due to the hydrothermal alteration
from surface to depths. Primary apatites and
titanomagnetite minerals associated with sanidine and
euhedral pyroxene (augite) occur within the
trachyandesite at deeper levels.

The major lithologies of the wells AFS-12 and 13

are alluvium, Quaternary sediments, epiclasticvolcanoclastics and lava flows and basement rocks.
The primary minerals present in the Sandkl
subsurface rock samples are mainly sanidine,
pyroxene, biotite, plagioclase, nosean and apatite.
In general, carbonatization and chloritization are
common in the matrix and pyroxene phenocrystals
of the tracytic rocks. On mineralogic-petrographic
investigations on the wells, silisification, and

Karamanderesi: Characeristics of Geothermal Reservoirs in


IGA Academy Report 0102-2013

Figure 10.12. Backscattered-SEM image showing

euhedral secondary (epigenetic) quartz formed within

the dolomitic limestone (altepe formation), related to
the hydrothermal alteration from the well AFS-13 at
410 m level (A) and EDS analyses (B). Measured Ag
values for quartz range from 0.75% to
1.25%.(Gndoan, et al., 2010).

Fig. 10.11. Backscattered-SEM image showing

euhedral secondary (epigenetic) quartz formed
within the dolomitic limestone (altepe formation),
related to the hydrothermal alteration from the well
AFS-13 at 410 m level (A) and EDS analyses (B).
Measured Ag values for quartz range from 0.75%
to 1.25%(Gndoan, et al., 2010).


The hydrothermal mineral paragenesis suggests that

there were several mineralizing episodes, and this
geothermal system must be considered with the
mineralization at 4.5 km NE of the Karacaren
village (Sandkl). The Sandkl geothermal field is
one of good example for the type of reservoirs
related to faulting in the porphry systems.

I gratefully extend my thanks to employers, the

Mineral Research and Exploration General Directorate,
for their recommendation and granting leave of
absence during my training and working period in the
I am also greatly indebted to Prof. Dr. Cahit Helvac,
for his great advice and help towards my understanding
of borehole geology and for his careful reading and
constructive criticism of this repor.
My thanks also extends to Ezgi Yrk and Onur Melih
Kasimolu for their drawing the figures. Also my
thanks goes to Ali Kndap and his Company for his
permition of using the data of Alkan-1 well logging.
Sandkl Project was supported by TBTAK
(Scientific and Technological Research Concil of
Turkey) with the Project Nr:106Y153.


Karamanderesi: Characeristics of Geothermal Reservoirs in



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El Tatio, Chile

N. Z. Volcanic Zone

Kawah Kamojang, Java


Phillippines fields





























Kzldere, Turkey


Germencik, Turkey



Salavatl, Turkey


Olkaria, Kenya

Pauzhetsk, Kamchatka

The Geysers, Calif.



Larderello, Italy




High Temp., Iceland


Low Temp., Iceland



Otake, Japan

Matsukawa, Japan

Kaolin group
Interlayered illite/mont.
Alunite, Natroalunite
Base-metal sulphides

Yellowstone, Wyoming

Cerro Prieto, Mexico

Table.1. Distribution of some hydrothermal minerals in active geothermal fields (after Browne, 1984 and
Karamanderesi, 2000)





















Karamanderesi: Characeristics of Geothermal Reservoirs in


IGA Academy Report 0102-2013

Table. 6.1. Mineral paragenesis of surface sample and well cutting in the Aydn-Salavatl geothermal field (after
Karamanderesi and Helvac, 2003).

- Two different stages of mineral crystallisation.


Karamanderesi: Characeristics of Geothermal Reservoirs in


IGA Academy Report 0102-2013

Table 6.2. XRD results for well AS-1 clay samples (after Karamanderesi and Helvac, 200 ).
Sample Well depth Temperature

Air-dried Mg-ethylene glycol

K-550 C

K-700 C



(T C)

lines d

lines d

lines d




lines d



less montmorillonite








































































































































































Karamanderesi: Characeristics of Geothermal Reservoirs in


IGA Academy Report 0102-2013

Table. 6.3. Analyses of spring waters and well waters (well head) from the Aydn-Salavatl geothermal field (after
Karamanderesi and Helvac, 2003).









< 0.1

< 0.1



Temp. C
K+ (mg/l)
Na+ "
Ca++ "
Mg++ "
Cl ' "
B+++ (total)
so4-- "
HCO3 "
SiO2 "
Calculated reservoir temperature (0C).

Table 6.4. Well AS-1 temperature measurements (T0C). (after Karamanderesi and Helvac, 2003).

Depth (m)

17.07.1987 19.07.1987

19.07.1987 19.07.1987

Number 1

Number 2

Number 3




Number 4

20.07.1987 20.07.1987 20.07.1987

Number 5

Number 6

Number 7



Number 8

22.07.1987 28.07.1987 16.09.1996

Number 9

Number 10

Number 11















































































































































































































































































Karamanderesi: Characeristics of Geothermal Reservoirs in


IGA Academy Report 0102-2013

Table 6.5. Well AS-2 temperature measurements (T C) (after Karamanderesi and Helvac, 2003).

Depth (m)



Number 1

Number 2


22.01.1988 25.01.1988 27.01.1988

Number 3 Number 4

Number 5





Number 6

Number 7

Number 8

Number 9


Number 10
































































139.2 166.4


















142.6 168.3
















145.7 169.1


































Backers: Borehole Geomechanics and Well Design

IGA Academy Report 0103-2013

Borehole Geomechanics and Well Design

T. Backers 1)

) geomecon GmbH, August-Bebel-Str. 27, 14482 Potsdam, Germany

Abstract: A good understanding of the mechanics of a borehole is a prerequisite for safe and effective drilling of
deep wells. This paper gives a short introduction to the topic and summarizes the most important boundary
conditions and mechanisms leading to borehole instability. Based on that the principles for planning the drilling
mud weight (aka mud window) and the geomechanical well layout are explained.


One of the largest assets of investments required for

the extraction of geothermal energy is the
development of the reservoir. A cost effective drilling
directly improves the rentability of geothermal
projects; therefore an efficient drilling phase without
major delays due to instability issues should be aimed
Drilling of deep boreholes and pressure variations in
the reservoir lead to the alteration of the local stress
field close to the wellbore at depth. This may have a
negative impact on the construction of a well or the
reservoir performance. Possible consequences

Failure of borehole walls with resulting

Swelling of shales or creep of evaporites
into the well
Activation of existent joints resulting in fluid
Initiation of kicks (or the like)
Compaction of porous rocks resulting in
reduction of reservoir porosity/permeability.

This contribution describes and discusses the main

boundary conditions, mechanisms and consequences
that should be considered from a geomechanical
point of view.
The drilling of a borehole aims at creating a
dimensionally stable cylindric excavation, in which
the casing can be installed. Operation situations that
put the drilling progress at risk due to instability of

the borehole or creation of hydraulic connections that

lead to loss of drilling fluid or that have a negative
impact on the reservoir are not supposed to occur.
The stability of a deep borehole is basically
controlled by three factors:

the in-situ state of stress

the geomechanical properties of penetrated
the drilling fluid

The first two factors are given and should be

determined as exactly as possible. The drilling fluid
on the other hand, with its crucial properties for
borehole stability like weight, mud cake formation,
and temperature, is the parameter that can be used to
control the geomechanical integrity of the borehole.
Given the geological model that summarizes the
sequence of rocks and their thicknesses, faults and
further observations, the geomechanical analysis of a
borehole is done as a function of the drilling fluids
density aka mud weight. The typical procedure of a
borehole stability analysis is given in Figure 1. The
single steps shown are explained in more detail in the
following section.

Backers: Borehole Geomechanics and Well Design

IGA Academy Report 0103-2013

Figure 1: Workflow of a borehole stability analysis.

In-situ stress field

The knowledge of the in-situ stresses is a prerequisite

to a robust and comprehensive geomechanical model.
Failure will occur when the resulting stresses around
a borehole are larger than the rock strength. Joints
and fractures are being activated when the ratio of
shear stress to normal stress exceeds the frictional
strength of the material; the hydraulic properties of
the reservoir can be altered by variations in effective
stresses by e.g. formation of compaction bands.

Identification of local stresses

The redistribution of in-situ stresses around the

borehole leads to local increase and decrease of
stresses along the borehole walls. This is shown
schematically in Figure 2. The stress variations can
be described analytically with the so-called Kirschequations (Brady and Brown 2004).
For a vertical borehole in a stress field where the
vertical stress is a principal stress axis, the local
effective radial (r) and tangential stresses () are
trigonometric functions of the principal stresses SH
and Sh, the reservoir pressure PP, the weight of the
drilling fluid Pm and possible thermally induced
stresses T as they result from a difference between
rock and fluid temperature. At the borehole wall
these are defined as

The vertical component of the stress field can be

estimated reasonably well from the rock sequence,
their thicknesses and densities (logs).
In case there are no stress measurements available
from neighboring wells, the horizontal stress
components can be derived by several methods. The
minimal horizontal stress can be estimated e.g. by
hydraulic fracturing where the weight of the drilling
fluid is increased until a fracture is induced and
propagated in the rock mass. Leak-off tests should be
conducted during the drilling process in order to
constantly update the stress state. Therefore, the
weight of the drilling fluid is increased until the fluid
infiltrates the rock. Additional information on the
subject can be found e.g. in Zang and Stephansson
(2010) and Zoback (2010).

where P is the difference between borehole pressure
resulting from mudweight and reservoir pressure.
The maxima and minima of the resulting tangential
stresses at the borehole are given by

Backers: Borehole Geomechanics and Well Design

IGA Academy Report 0103-2013

Geomechanical rock properties

Rocks react with deformation to changes in stress

condition. Small changes basically cause elastic
deformation that can be described by Hookes law.
Larger changes however often lead to brittle failure
of the rock mass (e.g. sandstone, limestone, granite)
with formation of a macroscopic rupture but also to
ductile, time-dependent deformation, so-called creep
(clays, salts). Drilling induced rock deformation can
lead to ovalisation of the borehole or spalling of the
borehole wall (Figure 3); both can lead to delay of
the drilling process or even loss of the borehole.
The time-dependent, ductile deformation depends on
the magnitude of change in stress below a critical
value for failure. If a critical stress (rock strength) is
reached, fractures are initiated that coalesce. Failure
occurs when the fractures connect to a free surface.

Figure 2: Stress redistribution around a vertical

borehole. The in-situ stress field with its vertical
(SV), maximum (SH) and minimum horizontal (Sh)
stress components is deflected at the borehole walls.
Locally S acts tangential with respect to the
borehole wall and Sr acts orthogonally to it.

The strength of any material depends on a set of

boundary conditions (e.g. ratio of principal stresses,
pore pressure, strain rate, temperature) and describes
the loading conditions that will lead to failure and
where applicable, how the material fails.

where the maximum tangential stress lies in direction

of Sh and the minimum tangential stress lies in
direction of SH. Depending on the ratio of SH/Sh the
minimum tangential stress can become negative, i.e.
a tensile stress.

Some typical values of rock strength are presented in

Table 1. A summary of experiments for estimation of
rock strength parameters can be found in Ulusay and
Hudson (2009), further analyses on the deformation
behavior of salt can be found in Liang et al (2007).
For a more in-depth discussion of the failure criteria
the reader is referred to Benz and Schwab (2008).

Thus, a triaxial stress field results for the borehole

[S]=[, r, z]T
where z is the stress component acting parallel to the
borehole axis, which equals the vertical stress SV in
case of a principal stress field normal to the borehole
SH, Sh, PP and the temperature of the rock mass are
given in-situ conditions. Hence the available
parameters that can be controlled are the mud weight
and mud temperature. An increase in mud weight
leads to a local reduction of stresses; tensile stresses
will act on the borehole wall when the weight is
increased sufficiently. A decrease of temperature has
a cooling effect on the rock mass and generally
results in lower stresses.

Figure 3: Schematic diagram of phenomena

associated with stress redistribution. Stress field as in
Figure 2; the numbering corresponds to the text.

The preceding analyses are valid for vertical wells, a

transfer to inclined wells is possible by stress field

Backers: Borehole Geomechanics and Well Design

IGA Academy Report 0103-2013

Table 1: Typical ranges of rock strength for several

rock types.


larger the breakout angle. An increase in mud weight

limits the breakout width. Breakouts are generally
stable, producing only moderate caving material. The
breakout width increases with an increasing
difference in the in-situ stresses (differential stress) or
a reduction of the mud weight.

tensile strength

(3) If a certain breakout width is exceeded (typically

>90) the borehole section is likely to collapse and
significant cavings, potentially blocking the drill
string, can be expected.




30 - 150

3 - 15


50 - 150

5 - 15


5 - 50

0,5 - 5


100 - 250

10 - 25


250 - 400

25 - 40

(4) Swelling or creep can reduce the borehole

diameter. Most of times such borehole sections need
to be re-drilled. The usage of inhibitors or adequate
mud weights can limit swelling or creep processes,
(5) A special case of compressive failure are
compactions bands. Under high compressive stresses,
porous rocks (e.g. sandstone) develop planar zones
featuring significantly reduced porosity. This
phenomenon frequently occurs due to a reduction of
the pore pressure in the rock, i.e. an increase of the
effective stresses, during the production of the energy
bearing fluid and can reduce the flow towards the
borehole. (Tembe et al. 2008; Fortin et al 2009).

Variations in the hydro-chemical properties of the

rock mass can furthermore induce swelling of clay
minerals. Within this process, water particles are built
into the structure of the clay minerals, which triggers
a volumetric expansion. Given an appropriate clay
content in the rock mass, this can lead to a stress
increase (some MPa) in the rock.

(6) Besides the change of the intact rock mass,

alterations of the stress state can also lead to
activation of pre-existing faults or fractures.
Especially high mud weights can cause propagation
of existing fractures. In case of high fracture densities
and unfavorable orientation, the interaction of
fractures can increase the failure zones and the size of
the cavings around the borehole. A so-called slip
tendency analysis (Moeck and Backers 2011) can
identify the fracture sets that may be prone to
reactivation by alterations of the stress field.

Evaluation of the integrity of a


Figure 3 displays typical changes in the rock mass

due to alterations of the local stress field and drilling
(1) Drilling induced tensile fractures (DITF) develop
when local tensile stresses exceed the tensile strength
of the rock. Tensile stresses occur in direction of SH,
if the in-situ stresses differ significantly (i.e. if
differential stresses are high) or the mud weight is too
high. DITFs only develop in the altered stress field in
the vicinity of the borehole and, hence, do not have a
significant impact on the stability of the borehole and
mud losses are low. Under conditions of Pm > Sh
hydraulic fractures can propagate into the rock mass
(hydraulic fracturing) and increased losses of mud are
at risk, which in turn cause further instabilities due to
the reduced mud column and resulting pressure
reduction in the borehole.
(2) In case local, compressive stresses exceed
strength of the rock borehole breakouts
developed. The larger the zone in which
compressive stresses exceed the rock strength,

Estimation of the mud window

The primary aim of a geomechanical analysis is the

adjustment of the mud window. Based on the given
in-situ stress field and rock strength, the range of
possible mud weight (density of the mud) for stable
conditions is adjusted. The lower limit of the possible
mud weight is the pore pressure to suppress fluid
flow from the rock mass into the borehole (kicks) or
the mud weight at which failure (breakout) is
expected. The upper limit for the mud weight is the
smallest principal in-situ stress (here Sh), to avoid
hydraulic fractures.


Figure 4 presents a schematic example of a mud

window in combination with a casing design. The

Backers: Borehole Geomechanics and Well Design

IGA Academy Report 0103-2013

settling depths are, among others, defined by the

combination of possible mud weights and limiting

Fracture mechanics

So far, borehole stability analysis is treating rock

mass as a homogeneous material. Rock mass,
however, consists of rock and pre-existing fractures.
The rock masss fracture and crack inventory, which
commonly displays a preferred orientation, can
influence the stability of a borehole. In order to
analyse the interaction between stress changes, crack
inventory, and borehole, numerical fracture
mechanical simulations can be utilised. In these
simulations, the propagation of fractures is explicitly
modelled using fracture mechanical principles. By
means of such simulations, zones of pronounced
fracture growth can be studied with regard to the
potential of joint reactivation, interaction of fracture
to potentially increase productivity or caving material
(Figure 5). Backers (2010) gives an introduction to
fracture mechanics and its application; Figure 6
displays an exemplary result of a borehole breakout
simulation by means of a fracture mechanics

Figure 5: Schematic comparison of commonly

applied failure analysis with the results of a fracture
mechanic based simulation. Latter takes the fracture
inventory of the rock mass into account. (top)
hydraulic simulation, (bottom) borehole breakout


A detailed analysis of the geomechanics of a deep

well can significantly reduce the risk of drilling
downtime or the loss of a well section; with
implications for the cost of a well.
In geothermal applications the well is commonly
drilled in under-balanced conditions, i.e. with a mud
weight below the reservoir pressure. This is done to
avoid the contamination of the reservoir by the
drilling fluid as the hydraulic conductivity between
reservoir and wellbore would be reduced. Hereby, the
risk of borehole breakouts increases, which can lead
to caving material constraining the drilling activities.
Therefore an integrity analysis of the wellbore and
the formation/reservoir should be performed before
the start of the drilling activity, to ensure a failurefree drilling process.

Figure 4: Schematic example of a stress field

analysis for estimation of the mud window.

Backers: Borehole Geomechanics and Well Design

IGA Academy Report 0103-2013

Figure 6: Example for simulation of borehole breakouts (software roxol). (left) fracture initiation by means of the
Mohr-Coulomb criterion and subsequent formation of wellbore failure, and (right) interaction of the existing
fracture set with the wellbore. The depth of the breakouts or an interaction with an existing fracture network may
not estimated by classical analysis.

Moeck, I., and Backers T, Fault reactivation potential

as a critical factor during reservoir
stimulation, First Break, 2011, 29: 73-80.


Backers, T., Applications of fracture mechanics

numerical modelling in rock engineering. First
Break, 2010. 28.

Tembe, S., P. Baud, and T.F. Wong, Stress

conditions for the propagation of discrete
compaction bands in porous sandstone.
Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth,
2008. 113(B9).

Benz, T. and R. Schwab, A quantitative comparison

of six rock failure criteria. International
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining
Sciences, 2008. 45(7): p. 1176-1186.

Ulusay, R. and J.A. Hudson, The Complete ISRM

Suggested Methods for Rock Characterization,
Testing and Monitoring; 19742006. 2009:
ISRM. 628.

Brady, B.H.G. and E.T. Brown, Rock mechanics for

underground mining. 2004: Kluwer Academic
Fortin, J., S. Stanchits, G. Dresen, and Y. Gueguen,
Acoustic Emissions Monitoring during
Inelastic Deformation of Porous Sandstone:
Comparison of Three Modes of Deformation.
Pure and Appl. Geophys., 2009. 166: p. 823841.

Zang, A. and O. Stephansson, Stress Field of the

Earth's Crust. 2010: Springer.
Zoback, M.D., Reservoir Geomechanics. 2010:
Cambridge University Press.

10 Acknowledgments

Liang, W., et al., Experimental investigation of

mechanical properties of bedded salt rock.
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and
Mining Sciences, 2007. 44(3): p. 400-411.

Tobias Meier and Peter Gipper of geomecon GmbH

improved the manuscript by reviewing. Their
contribution is highly appreciated.

Vollmar, Wittig, Bracke: Geothermal Drilling Best Practices:

The Geothermal translation of conventional drilling recommendations - main potential challenges

IGA Academy Report 0104-2013

Geothermal Drilling Best Practices: The Geothermal translation of

conventional drilling recommendations - main potential challenges
D. Vollmar, V. Wittig, R. Bracke
GZB - International Geothermal Centre, Bochum / Germany

Abstract: The main difference between conventional hydrocarbon and geothermal drilling is the characteristics of
the source rock. The production zone of geothermal drilling is typically not a low-consolidated sedimentary rock as
in conventional drilling for hydrocarbon reservoirs. Common rock types for hydro- and petrothermal reservoirs are
hard volcanic and intrusive rocks or rigid sedimentary rocks, e.g. limestones or quartzitic sandstones. They are mostly good heat conductors and have high primary or enhanced permeabilities on fractured zones. The formation fluids
often contain highly corrosive brines. Compared to relatively soft sedimentary rocks, geothermal formations are by
definition hot, abrasive, highly fractured and have a comparable high compressive strength.


The general objective of drilling is to generate a well

in the most secure way by following standard procedures in order to recover economically the resource
out of the reservoir. For geothermal drilling the resource is stored as heat in hot fractured intrusive,
volcanic or hard sedimentary rocks.
Commonly conventional drilling procedures for geothermal wells are applied as long as the drilling process has not yet entered the production zone. For
drilling into and through crystalline petrothermal
reservoirs it is recommended to use adapted applications for geothermal well drilling.
Most petrothermal systems contain dissolved carbon
dioxide and hydrogen sulfide gases, which particular
limit the life of the drilling equipment. Higher
strength steels are not suited to prevent sulfide stress
The dual porosity of hydrothermal reservoirs compromises wellbore stability and control. Circulation
losses are able to lead to blow outs and break outs,
which may result in stuck pipe incidents. Lost circulation treatments represent possibly 15% of total well
cost [Finger & Blankenship, 2010].
A drilling plan should list and define all activities
required to securely complete the well including all
its related work and cost. It is imperative for the operator to take good care of communication and im-

plementation of his booked services. These include

planning and review of the execution plan.
The overall objective of the geothermal drilling contractor is to reduce drilling cost. The better the formation properties are known via geoscientific surveys
the larger are the possible savings from the drilling
program. Even old drilling reports from neighboring
wells can give valuable information about formation
behavior while drilling through the rock. In order to
reduce possible risks, it is essential to generate a large
data pool. All engineering assumption and, respectively, the whole drilling program, rely on these data
and surveys.

Geothermal Drilling

The main focus for geothermal drilling is the higher

costs compared to conventional hydrocarbon drilling.
In geothermal drilling there are three main well cost
drivers. The biggest one is the technical challenge
due to in-situ hardrock parameters. The 2nd driver is
the sufficient (larger) borehole diameter to guarantee
the needed mass flow. The larger the wellbore diameter the slower are drilling and completion time. The
3rd and smallest driver, but with the biggest possible
savings, is its uniqueness.
Well design is a bottom-up process. Location of the
production zone and the necessary flow to extract
sufficient energy determines the overall well geometry such as pathways and diameter. The wells profile

Vollmar, Wittig, Bracke: Geothermal Drilling Best Practices:

The Geothermal translation of conventional drilling recommendations - main potential challenges

IGA Academy Report 0104-2013

When drilling proceeds as expected, the drilling problems are well known. However, as drilling is operated
through fractured hot reservoirs, the severity of getting a blowout or even getting a stuck pipe is increased. For conventional wells this would be a depleted reservoir, which most likely would be liner
drilled in underbalanced conditions in order to avoid
high circulation losses and probability of blow outs.
An option for the geothermal well would be an underbalanced Screen Liner Drilling Sequence instead
of using conventional liners.

above the production zone is then set by iteration of

the larger casing strings required by geological considerations and / or drilling. Due to large diameters in
geothermal wells the percentage of cementing and
casing procedures are relatively high compared to the
overall cost. The ability to reduce just one string of
casing may have a major impact to reduce cost.
Figure 1 shows a typical casing profile for a geothermal well, which consists of an open hole completion. The casing depth depends on trouble zones,
which need to be completed in order to continue
drilling. Above the production zone the borehole
diameter is being increased from section to section
like a telescope in order to run the next bit size
through the cemented casing to proceed drilling with
a smaller gauge bit. Due to the liner completion it is
possible to reduce the cost for steal and cement.
However, the added cost from the larger diameter
compared to conventional drilling still remains.

The most common solution for drilling through hard

rock and petrothermal systems is the application of
controlled pressure drilling equipment. There are
three major types of controlled pressure drilling

Air drilling (AD)

Managed pressure drilling (MPD)

Underbalanced drilling (UBD)

AD is geared toward optimizing the rate of penetration (ROP), MPD minimizes rig non-performance
time and UBD increases productivity and reduces
reservoir damage. For the case of drilling through a
non-fractured source rock, it is not necessary to drill
pressure controlled before stimulating the pay zone.



Short bit life, due to of hard, fractured, abrasive and

high temperature rock conditions increases tripping
time dramatically. There are savings possible up to 5
% of the total well cost by only doubling the bit life.
Low penetration rates are common in hard, abrasive
rock conditions. By achieving penetration rates on a
routine basis not lower than 30 ft/hr cuts the overall
well cost up to 15% [Finger and Blankenship, 2010].

Stand pipe

Surface Casing

13 3/8"


10 3/4"
9 1/2"

Drilling Parameters

There are three drilling parameters, which guarantee,

in the right combination, an optimum rate of penetration. The most important parameter is the flow rate of
the drilling mud which serves as a transportation
vehicle for the cuttings and cleaning of the bit. The
efficient flow rate depends on the borehole diameter,
mud and rock parameters. The drilling mud is carried
via the inner cross section of the drill string to the bit.
The next parameter is weight on bit (WOB). To produce the cuttings, the compressive strength of the
formation has to be overcome, which is created by
2/3rd of the drill collars, called the WOB. A shift of
the neutral point towards the drill string reduces dramatically the ability to steer the tool for directional
control. The rotation of the bit assures a smooth cut-

Open Hole

Figure 1: Geothermal well profile with an open hole

The majority of experienced geothermal operators
prefer an open hole completion due to supplementary
costs associated with this completion. The high(er)
temperatures potentially make cementing and perforating challenging. On the other hand, cased holes
allow discrete zones to be fractured, isolate low temperature or thief zones, facilitate generation of multiple fracture systems and allow future remediation.

Vollmar, Wittig, Bracke: Geothermal Drilling Best Practices:

The Geothermal translation of conventional drilling recommendations - main potential challenges

IGA Academy Report 0104-2013

ting surface. The teeth of the bit are walking along

the borehole axis and are cutting the whole wellbore
bottom hole profile. The rotation additionally reduces
the drag and torque of the drilling equipment.

Drilling Tools

The main important drilling tools are the drillpipe and

the bottomhole assembly (BHA) which consists of
drill collars, jar, stabilizers and the bit. The drill pipe
acts as a conduit for the drill mud and transmits the
torque which is applied to the drill pipe at surface to
the bit. The function of the drill collars is to apply the
required WOB and thus, to keep the drill pipe under
tension. The stabilizers improve the directional control and reduce the severity of stuck pipe incidents by
centralizing the string inside the borehole. The bit
itself is rotated by the drill string and / or by a downhole motor which is hydraulically driven by the mud.
The purpose of a jar is to free the string.

Figure 3: Crater building process of a roller cone bit

Figure 4 illustrates the cutting process of a drag bit. A
drag bit shears the rock in the same way that a machine tool cuts metal. Due to their shearing action,
drag bits are inherently more efficient than rollercone bits. The benefit of drag bits is not having moving parts and thus, temperature limitations on bearings, seals, and lubricants are not a factor. For coring
and small diameter (e.g. 5boreholes) it is recommended to use drag bits.

Figure 2 illustrates the basic drill string equipment.

The drill pipe is above the BHA. During drilling the
neutral point stays in the drill collar section. The
stabilizers assure to keep stabile track of the well

Figure 4: Shearing process of a drag bit

The drilling for geothermal resources is dominated by
roller cone bits due to their durability in hard and
fractured rocks. Additionally, it is recommended to
use hard facings for abrasive formations in order to
keep the gauge of the hole and to reduce wear of the
bit. For aerated mud systems drilling with roller cone
bits is not recommended due to seal and bearing
failures as the down hole temperature increases.

Figure 2: Drill pipe section (sketch) with BHA

There are two main types of bits. Roller cone bits do
crush and gouge the rock as the cones turn. Their
teeth successively come in contact with unbroken
areas. Figure 3 shows the crater building process
while overcoming the compressive strength of the


Drill Rig

Rig specifications are intended to ensure proper selection of the rig, which is satisfactory for the well
needed to be drilled. These minimum requirements
evolve from the well plan requirements and are the
basis for the contract bid request. The API bulletin
D10 Procedure for selecting rotary drilling equip-

Vollmar, Wittig, Bracke: Geothermal Drilling Best Practices:

The Geothermal translation of conventional drilling recommendations - main potential challenges

IGA Academy Report 0104-2013

ment contains forms that help to identify the best

suited rig capabilities.
To ensure maximum operating efficiency, the rig has
to be properly sized for the well. Usually, the rig is
specified on the depth range and the hoisting horsepower. This oversimplification helps to identify the
possible rigs and serves for further comparison. Less
rig power means a lower price for the bid, but if the
lower powered rig does not meet the specifications, it
will incur higher overall costs for the contractor. On
the other hand an oversized rig will incur higher costs
as necessary.
The rig requirements also change with the well diameter and depth. As drilling rates are decreasing, the
wellbore size becomes smaller or the bit runs decrease as less rotary torque and pump power is needed. The focal point at these conditions is on hoisting
power to reduce the overall tripping time.

Figure 5: Deep geothermal drilling ( Terra Invader)

Mud pumps should have enough volumetric capacity

to create sufficient velocity in the annulus to lift the
cuttings. Their pressure capacity must provide the
desired pressure drop through the bit jets, compensate
all pipe pressure losses and potentially drive a mud
motor if that is planned or a likely contingency.


Drilling Program

The drilling program is the engineering plan for constructing the wellbore. The plan includes well geometries, casing programs, mud considerations, well
control concerns, initial bit selections, offset well
information, pore pressure estimations, economics
and special procedures that may be needed during the
course of the well. It also includes potential hole
problems and how to deal with these trouble zones.
However, the developed drilling procedures are subject to change if drilling conditions dictate different

The load handling capability of the derrick and the

top drive is of critical concern when casing drilling or
managed pressure drilling is applied. Thus, running
the casing deep limits the static depth ranging of the
derrick. For managed pressure drilling, the height of
the substructure must be sufficient enough to place a
tall BOP stack.


Figure 5 shows a geothermal drill rig with a hook

load of 350 tons. It is now common to build geothermal rigs more suitable to drill in urban areas, e.g.
hydraulically driven rigs to keep the noise down and
thus, dramatically increase public acceptance.

Mud Program

Once there is an agreement on the drilling plan, then

the mud program has to be planned. The drilling mud
flows down the inside of the drill pipe, through the
nozzles in the bit and back up the annulus between
the borehole wall and drill pipe, carrying the cuttings
produced by the bit. Thus, it is important to know the
volumes that need to be circulated and the quality of
the water. Moreover, the mud has to be adjusted to
the formation rock and fluid chemistry in order to
reduce interaction between the two. Especially temperature and pore fluids may affect mud properties
The objective of the mud is to control formation
pressure, stabilize the well, to transport the cuttings
and to keep them in suspension while not circulating.
In order to control the formation pressure and stabilize the well, the mud pressure must be controlled in

Vollmar, Wittig, Bracke: Geothermal Drilling Best Practices:

The Geothermal translation of conventional drilling recommendations - main potential challenges

IGA Academy Report 0104-2013

a small window between the pore pressure and the

formation pressure / fracture gradient of the rock. The
mud pressure is dictated by the density of the cutting
loaded mud with considerations of additional friction
losses and the True Vertical Depth (TVD).
Another important mud parameter is the viscosity,
which increases the sweep efficiency of the cutting
transport. Increasing viscosity means higher pressure
loss due to friction effects. Simultaneously, this affects the ECD (Equivalent Circulating Density) and
might cause tensile stress cracks along the highest
horizontal principal stress direction.
The majority of geothermal wells have so far been
drilled with fairly simple mixtures of fresh water and
bentonite clay, possibly with some polymers. Aerated
mud systems are preferred where lost circulation is a
significant problem. In aerated mud systems, usually
air - but sometimes nitrogen, if corrosion is serious is injected into the liquid in order to reduce the densitiy. Drilling with air only is also relatively common
in Geysers and has some advantages in drilling performance because ROP is usually higher than with
mud or aerated mud.

Figure 6: Mud Window with Casing Shoe Depth

In order to assure the mechanical strength of the
casing it is essential to know the density and the
thickness of the drilled formations. There are three
mechanical failures that influence the design of the

Especially while drilling the drill mud has to be monitored and maintained carefully in order to ensure the
predesigned physico-chemical mud parameters or to
change them if drilling conditions dictate different

The highest burst load and maximum axial

stress occur while well control operations,
integrity tests and squeeze cementing.

The maximum collapse pressure is evident

during well evacuation, cementing operations and kicks.

Casing Design

The casing design mainly depends on the lithology

and the mud program. As described above, mud density has to follow a small operational window between pore pressure and fracture gradient. Figure 6
illustrates the marginal gap for the mud gradient.

For the casing design it is recommend using API

Bulletin 5C3 in order to choose the right steel grade,
which will withstand the formation pressures. Special
attention shall be paid towards increased temperature
and corrosive pore fluids.

When the mud density intersects the pore pressure

gradient, the density can only be increased if the
previous formations are protected by a casing from
the new mud density in order to avoid a fracture
above the drilled formation. Nevertheless, the casing
shoe should be placed at impermeable and mechanically strong formations.


Potential problems

The main potential risks are driven by increased

temperatures and fractured rocks. This may lead to
situations like lost circulation, wellbore instability,
and may complicate cementations and even require
additional casing strings.

Wellbore stability issues also call for additional casing strings such as swelling formations in order to
avoid any break outs or stuck pipe incidents. For
underbalanced drilling like air drilling, the mud density is always lower than the pore pressure gradient.


High Temperature

The increased temperature of geothermal reservoirs is

transferred through the whole steel drill pipe, which
has a big effect on the downhole equipment due to
the bath in hot fluid. The following problems occur
through high temperatures:

Vollmar, Wittig, Bracke: Geothermal Drilling Best Practices:

The Geothermal translation of conventional drilling recommendations - main potential challenges

Elastomer components (seals, downhole motor stators, bridge plugs) are challenged.

Expensive and delicate electronic steering

and logging tools can be damaged or destroyed.

Corrosion rates increase and the drilling fluid itself may be degraded.

IGA Academy Report 0104-2013

The fractures, which are too large to be plugged by

lost circulation material (LCM), can be sealed by
pulling the drill string out of the hole and injecting
some viscous material, such as polymers that will
enter the fractures, solidify to seal them. Afterwards,
it should be possible to remove the residue by resumption of drilling. In geothermal drilling, lost circulation treatment practice is to lower the end of an
open end drill pipe (OEDP) near the assumed loss
zone and to pump a given quantity of cement (usually
10 m) into the wellbore.

These problems can be solved by using an isolated

drill pipe (IDP) such that the drilling fluid reaches the
bottom of the hole at a much lower temperature. Mud
cooling is sometimes an option to reduce the temperature profile of the mud system.

Lost circulation

Another main problem encountered for geothermal

drilling is lost circulation. Losses of drilling fluids
into the pores or into existing fractures of the formation result into wellbore instability or wellbore
control problems such as a blowout. Around 10% of
total cost of a geothermal project can be attributed to
lost circulation [Finger and Blankenship, 2010]. The
following problems occur through lost circulation:

Drilling fluid is expensive and losing it to

the formation instead of re-circulating it is
rather costly.

When the drilling fluid fails to clean the hole

and doesnt return cuttings to the surface
due to the missing height, the cuttings may
fall back on the bottom hole assembly and
bury the drill bit and BHA.


Mechanically unstable wellbore due to the

pre-fractured rock or due to degradation of
the wall from the invasion of liquid from the
drilling fluids. The wellbore wall - especially in formations with significant clay contents above the hard rock production zone may become weakened by adsorption of water into the clay of the wellbore rock.

Unconsolidated formations from the overburden can aggravate hole cleaning problems because it may fall in around the drill
pipe to stick it, plus it can wash out to a very
large diameter. Large washouts not only
complicate the cementing, but also lower
fluid velocity in the larger diameter, which
leads to a reduced carrying capacity for cuttings.

Swelling or squeezing clays may minimize

the borehole diameter to an extent that will
either get the pipe stuck or prevent running

Differential stresses may cause the borehole

to become unstable. This is a particular
problem whenever boreholes are deviated
away from vertical.

The reduced hydrostatic head is not able to

provide efficient force to keep the formation
fluids in the pores and may lead to an uncontrolled influx of pore fluids.

Drill ahead with lost circulation. Do not stop

pumping due to the risk of stuck pipe incidents.

Drill with a lightweight drilling fluid that

will have a static head less than the pore
pressure in the formation

Mix the drilling fluid with fibrous material

or particles that will plug the loss apertures /
pathways into the formation

Wellbore instability

Wellbore instability results from a number of reasons,

which can cause widely varying kinds of problems.

Tackling lost circulation can be approached in different ways and depends on the boundary conditions
such as the lithology. The most common ways to
combat these losses are as follows.

When the wellbore is completely clean it can

be considered to pause the drilling process
and try to seal the loss zones with some material that can be drilled out as the borehole

Each of these problems will make it difficult to clean

the hole of cuttings and will ultimately make cementing the casing or liner in place very difficult.

Vollmar, Wittig, Bracke: Geothermal Drilling Best Practices:

The Geothermal translation of conventional drilling recommendations - main potential challenges

IGA Academy Report 0104-2013

require hesitation squeezing or a second stage of

flush and backfill in extreme cases.

A solution to advance drilling by slowing the adsorption process of water into the clay and to reduce the
swelling is to use CMC, which works inhibitive for
clays. In case of swelling clays it is also common to
enlarge the clay section with a bigger diameter to
prevent sticking of the casing while running in hole.

All wells are designed to be completed with a given

size production interval. But the casing program is
aimed at minimizing the total amount of casing because it is very expensive: casing and cement can
account for 30 to 35% of total well cost. This is particularly important in geothermal wells, where the
economically necessary mass flow rates require larger diameter production intervals compared to typical
oil and gas wells.

The problem of unconsolidated formations can be

mitigated by using highly viscous drilling muds,
which can be composed from bentonite mixtures. In
order to prevent wellbore instability due to high differential stresses it is necessary to know the values of
the minimum and maximum horizontal principal
stresses and their directions.

If unexpected problems require an extra string of

casing, the production casing will become smaller
than planned, thus, reducing the potential flow rate
and adding costs. To avoid such a situation the casing
program is often designed with the upper casing one
size larger than required - in case a contingent string
is needed.

Cementation and Casing

Since geothermal wells are most likely cemented

completely to surface, there is often a problem getting a good cement job done where the formations
have shown either low strength or lost circulation.
The reason is the higher density of the cement - and
thus higher hydrostatic head - compared to drilling
fluids. Additionally, it is crucial that no water is
trapped between the cement and the casing to avoid a
collapse of the casing as the wellbore goes through its
temperature cycles.

In reservoirs of high enthalpy geothermal wells have

self-powered production through flushing in the
wellbore. The boiling process lightens the fluid column and drive the fluid up the well. This means
that a reduction in diameter can result in much less
production than planned for. There are no simple or
cheap solutions to this problem. The expandable
casing solution is routinely used in oil and gas for
these situations (as discussed in Section 10, emerging
technologies), but it is neither simple nor cheap.

In low pressure and low strength zones sometimes

cementation methods have successfully been used by
applying very light weight cements (less than 1.5
g/cm3). Lost circulation during cementing often
results in bad cement jobs where the cement either
does not reach the surface or falls back after reaching
the surface. If the cement is not very far from the
surface, it can be repaired by a top job, where the
cement is placed into the annulus between casings via
small diameter tubing, called tremie pipe. However,
this is usually only effective down to the first centralizer, as the tremie pipe may not pass that centralizer.
For this reason, the top two joints of casing are usually left without a centralizer. If the tremie pipe does
not reach the top of the cement, there is too much risk
of trapping water and collapsing the casing, so this
method should not be used.


Well control

Well control is the prevention of fluid influx of the

formation into the borehole. As long as the hydrostatic head of the drilling mud is below pore pressure, the
pore fluid will flow into the wellbore.
There are two situations that might cause a loss of

If a Blow-out-Preventer (BOP) is placed on the wellhead a back flush and back fill process can be used.
The BOP can be closed immediately after the cementation and the annular space between the casings is
flushed with water (usually 1.5 times the annular
volume). After the remaining cement has been set, an
injection rate can be established down the annulus
(probably fracturing away the fluid), subsequently
followed by cement to fill the annulus. This may

Circulating hot fluids from deeper depths to

the surface, resulting in the fluids flashing to
steam, which causes a loss in hydrostatic
pressure, and a further flashing or boil down

Lost circulation causes the fluid level, and

thus the pressure, in the wellbore to suddenly fall far enough for the same thing to happen.

For the case of a liquid influx, it is recommended to

shut in and kill the wellbore using the drillers method. This is important especially for H2S loaded liquids, where the concentrations might be lethal.

Vollmar, Wittig, Bracke: Geothermal Drilling Best Practices:

The Geothermal translation of conventional drilling recommendations - main potential challenges

IGA Academy Report 0104-2013

(100C) or slightly more if it contains some superheat. Consequently, the temperature does not exceed
the 121C working limit for normal BOP rubbers.
This is very similar to the technique called managed
pressure drilling in oil and gas reservoirs, where it
has been discovered that productivity is much improved if drilling fluid has not been forced into the
formation by excessive downhole pressure.

It is advised to kill the wellbore at hot fractured zones

with cold drilling mud in order to prevent the production of lethal gas to the surface, which breach to the
surface or boil down the equipment. Every kick
should be treated as a gas kick until confirmed otherwise.
Unfortunately BOP are equipped with the normal
temperature rubbers, which have a working temperature limit of 121C, because of the high cost and
limited availability of high temperature BOP rubbers.
Even equipping the BOPs with high temperature
rubbers may not provide adequate safety, as they
have a working temperature limit of 177C.


Advanced drilling technologies

Avoiding risks driven by uncertainties becomes a

challenge for exploitation of geothermal resources. A
consideration of advanced drilling technologies might
mitigate the prospecting risk by reducing drilling

As pressures increase when circulating out a high

temperature kick, even these higher temperatures
may be exceeded. For that reason, a cooling line
should be connected below the pipe rams to pump
cool water down through the inside of the BOP and
out the choke line during a kill operation, if the temperature might exceed the working temperature of the


Casing while drilling

One option to reduce lost circulation problems and to

gain casing depth in order to reduce the overall well
costs could be Casing While Drilling (CWD). CWD
systems can continue drilling when lost circulation is
encountered. This is accomplished by using the casing as the drill pipe, rotating to turn a bit and advancing with the hole as it gets deeper, so that it is already
in place when the hole reaches desired depth.

Unexpected steam or gas flow can be caused by drilling into a formation that is at much higher temperature or much higher pressure than predicted. Alternatively by sudden, major lost circulation, which can
drop the drilling fluid level to the point that its static
head no longer exceeds the saturation pressure at the
formations temperature. Hence, either the drilling
fluid or formation fluids flash into steam. Unexpected
steam flow in a permeable formation that is not completely sealed by casing is particularly dangerous:
because steam can begin to flow up the outside of the
previous casing string, called underground blow
out. This will eventually destroy the casings integrity and often causes loss of the drill rig.

The rock cuttings tend to be washed into the fractures

or permeable zones, acting effectively as lost circulation material. The relatively narrow annulus outside
of the casing (= drill pipe) also means that fluid flow
rates may be lower than normal with conventional
drilling in the same size hole. However, the required
torque of the rig / top drive will be higher. The ability
to drill through lost circulation zones - or other weak
formations - means that sometimes the casing can
reach a greater depth than would be the case with
conventional drilling. It is possible, for some well
designs and lithologies, that the casing program could
be re-designed to eliminate one string of casing. Figure 7 illustrates the advantages of CWD. An alternative for casing drilling into the productive zone is
liner drilling.

For geothermal reservoirs with a dry (or superheated)

steam resource, the production interval is often
drilled with air to avoid formation damage and plugging. The drilling returns include produced steam
from the reservoir. The top of the BOP contains a
rotating head that seals around the drill pipe, while
allowing it to rotate and move downward. The gaseous returns are sent through a manifold called a banjo box which is located below the BOP but above a
hydraulically actuated wellhead valve. From here it
moves on through the blooie line which exhausts a
distance away from the drill rig and where the returns
receive chemical treatment for H2S abatement.
Since the steam is exhausted to the atmosphere the
temperature only reaches the boiling point for steam

Vollmar, Wittig, Bracke: Geothermal Drilling Best Practices:

The Geothermal translation of conventional drilling recommendations - main potential challenges

IGA Academy Report 0104-2013

Figure 7: Conventional drilling versus CWD


Expandable Tubulars

Another opportunity to reduce well cost is to minimize increasing borehole diameter from section to
section by using expandable tubulars. One reason for
telescoping the well is the requirement for clearance
for the couplings of the strings, to give sufficient
annular space through which cement can flow easily
and thus, guarantee a smooth installation of the bit for
the next interval.
The larger casing sizes and cementing jobs at the top
are expensive. For this reason drilling a smaller diameter hole often is faster instead of a bigger diameter. The expandable tubular technology makes it
possible to run a string of casing with normal clearances and then expand the diameter of the inner
string so that the clearance between the two strings is
negligible. In Figure 8 is shown that a solid expandable tubular (SET) needs much less clearance compared to a conventional casing.

Figure 8: Comparison of diameters between SET

technology and conventional casing
Another possible use for expandable casing is to
repair or mitigate lost circulation. A section of casing
can be expanded into open hole, rather than into a
previous casing string and, if the open hole section
has been slightly under-reamed, there will be little, if
any, loss of diameter because of the patch.
Since no cement is used in this treatment, the casing
depends entirely on its external elastomers for zonal
isolation, making this component especially important for this application.

However, there is still some vulnerability to choose

this technology for geothermal wells. The technology
is not recommended with normally required elastomer seals due to high temperature rating, plus possibly any water trapped between casing strings, which
would collapse the inner casing. Consequently, the
geothermal applications need to rely on cementing
the casing in place. This places unusual requirements
on the cement system with a long setting time at high
temperature, because of the duration needed to expand the casing.

The largest impediment to its use are high cost, but

structural integrity (being compressively stressed
near or beyond the yield point) also still needs to be
addressed further. Another alternative to expandable
casing is using flush joint or semi flush joint casing in
a reduced clearance or lean profile design. The connection design of this application is similar to expandable casing; also the risk of cementation.

Percussion drilling

Hard, fractured formations which are typical in geothermal formations, like igneous or volcanic rocks or
metamorphous sediments are well suited for percus-

Vollmar, Wittig, Bracke: Geothermal Drilling Best Practices:

The Geothermal translation of conventional drilling recommendations - main potential challenges

IGA Academy Report 0104-2013

A rotating control device (RCD) closes the well at

surface, allowing for more precise control of the
pressure profile. The RCD directs the flow of cuttings
brought up by the aerated/nitrified fluid from the rig
to the geothermal separator. To do this, the flowline
from wellhead to separator connects to a drilling
spool below the RCD. This facility also provides the
option of flowing cold water over the top of the well
to stay within RCD rubber element temperature specifications if necessary. The rubber seal unit rotates
with and seals around the drill pipe and tool joint
when drilling, making connections or tripping in or
out of the hole. The usual rig up for a Constant Bottom Hole Pressure (CBHP) setup is shown in Figure

sion drilling. Due to their rigidity there is little or no

plastic deformation of the rock.
Percussion drilling commonly uses a reciprocating
downhole piston assembly to apply impact loading to
a one piece hammer bit set with tungsten-carbide or
nowadays even PCD inserts. Up to now mainly DTHAir-Hammers have been used in geothermal wells.
All of them showed significantly higher penetration
rates than conventional drilling under comparable
conditions. The major handicaps were e.g. gauge
wear on the solid head bits, the necessity for accurate
WOB control and the requirement for air or foam
drilling. However, most of these problems have been
solved today by using and further development of
hydraulic DTH fluid operated hammers. These systems even show better performance results. Due to
their low resistivity to abrasive mud particles all of
them have been used in shallow wells so far. Mud
operated hammers for deep wells are in the implementation phase.
PCD bits limit the gauge wear to normal. The use of
fluid/ mud allows full well control including managing WOB. Figure 9 illustrates the main working principles of a downhole hammer tool (DTH).

Figure 10 : Rig Up for a constant bottom hole pressure application

The adoption of new drilling technologies like Controlled Pressure Drilling (CPD) has proven as one
way of reducing well cost associated with geothermal
reservoirs. It is a widely accepted technique for drilling geothermal wells for a variety of reasons, e.g.
minimization of circulation losses, increase of penetration rate, material savings, elimination of differential sticking, less water consumption, the ability to
discharge during drilling, and the prevention of formation damage. CPD methods have the potential for
increasing the rate of penetration (ROP), reduce fluid
losses, allow for the management of wellbore pressures, and enable testing wells while drilling. The end
result of using CBHP is that, as the hole is being
drilled ahead or circulated clean, BHP does not
change from its static value. The benefits this brings
are as follows: drilling can be carried out with less
ECD, the formation fracture pressure gradient is less
likely to be exceeded, losses are not incurred, and the

Figure 9: Basic working principles of DTH



Controlled pressure drilling

For geothermal drilling through hot fractured rock it

is recommended to drill through the productive zone
with controlled pressure drilling methods.
Controlled pressure drilling uses a closed and pressured wellbore instead of drilling with the hole
open to the atmosphere.


Vollmar, Wittig, Bracke: Geothermal Drilling Best Practices:

The Geothermal translation of conventional drilling recommendations - main potential challenges

Energy will definitely be Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) in competent hard rock formations which
have to be stimulated after completing the well.

hole section can be drilled deeper. Constant Bottom

Hole Pressure CBHP MPD allows deeper setting of
casing shoes and may ultimately reduce the total
number of casing strings required for reaching well
total depth. This advantage allows reaching TD with
a hole size large enough to ensure well productivity
objectives [Julmar et al., 2010].

As long as the prospecting risk is too high and the

licenses for geothermal fracking / stimulation in Europe have not yet been blessed by the EU or national
parliament, it will be a struggle for the industry to be
competitive with the oil and gas industry.

The greatest benefit would result from a combination

of controlled pressure and percussion drilling. Progress in deep, hot percussion drilling has been made
with the development of high temperature air and
water hammers designed to work in temperatures of
up to 205C (400F) for air and up to 300 C for the
water hammer. Issues associated with air drilling /
hammer, however, like water production (wet formations), hole stability, gas production (small
amounts of gas can be handled) and hydrogen sulfide
presence, need to be addressed beforehand. These
problems are typically avoided using available water
hammers, which already may be run with light mud
and do allow full hydrostatic well control.

Infrastructure companies in the energy market, which

show a long term capital commitment, would have
the biggest benefit by offering a heat and energy mix
to their clients. Their commitment to long term returns might help to improve the geothermal drilling
technologies respectively IRR. Another opportunity
might be a founding of the state for geothermal drilling technologies to compensate for higher capital cost
such as the operators are doing it with additional day
rates for special equipment in the oil and gas industry
to ensure a safe operation and lower operational


A complementary drilling technology to the previous

methods might be CWD in order to overcome these
wellbore stability issues caused by reduced mud
pressure. While rotating the casing, the cuttings are
squeezed due to the small clearance into the formation where possible. This results in a far more
stable and less permeable wellbore. Casing drilling
has been proven to be a good technology in shallow
wells. However, the deeper the wellbore is drilled the
larger are torque and drag, which has to be supported
by the casing. Thus, further research is necessary and
being done for deep, hard rock, even percussion casing drilling applications.

IGA Academy Report 0104-2013

Julmar, S.; Toralde, S. and Nas, S. (2010): Controlled

Pressure Drilling Applications for Enhanced Geothermal Systems.- Proceedings World Geothermal
Congress 2010.
Teodoriu, C. and Cheuffa, C. (2011): A comprehensive review of past and present drilling methods with
application to deep geothermal environment.- PROCEEDINGS, Thirty-Sixth Workshop on Geothermal
Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford,
Thorhallsson, S; Sveinbjrnsson, B. M. and Ongau T.
M. (2011): Geothermal Drilling Effectiveness.- Presented at Short Course on Geothermal Development
and Geothermal Wells, organized by UNU-GTP and
LaGeo, in Santa Tecla, El Salvador.


In general, geothermal projects are suffering from

higher prospection risk compared to oil and gas industry projects. These higher risks are typically less
balanced compared due to the higher Investment
Revenue Ratio (IRR). The higher costs for geothermal wells - which are well known by the drilling
contractors - result from larger production diameters
and from the more challenging petrophysical production rock properties. Additionally, the rigs have to be
equipped with High-Pressure / High-Temperature
(HPHT) equipment. Geothermal drilling in fractured
petro-/hydrothermal reservoirs has been done for
centuries as in Iceland, Central America or New
Zealand. But these hot spots are mostly related to the
volcanic areas of the world. The future of Geothermal

Thorhallsson, S. (2011): Advanced Geothermal Drilling.- Presented at Short Course on Geothermal Drilling, Resource Development and Power Plants, organized by UNU-GTP and LaGeo, in Santa Tecla, El
Paul K. and Ngugi, P. K. (2008): Geothermal Well
Drilling.- Presented at Short Course III on Exploration for Geothermal Resources, organized by UNUGTP and KenGen, at Lake Naivasha, Kenya.
Finger, J. and Blankenship, D. (2010): Handbook of
Best Practices for Geothermal Drilling.- Sandia Na-


Vollmar, Wittig, Bracke: Geothermal Drilling Best Practices:

The Geothermal translation of conventional drilling recommendations - main potential challenges

tional Laboratories Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185

and Livermore, California.


IGA Academy Report 0104-2013

Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, general aspects

IGA Academy Report 0105-2013

Supported by:

Geothermal Exploration Best Practices, geophysical methods,

seismic, general aspects
Stefan Bauer, Andreas Donat, Horst Rueter1)
1) HarbourDom GmbH Kln, Germany
Abstract: Seismic exploration methods along lines (2D) or in areas (3D) are the preferred method to explore conductive geothermal targets as in basin or graben structures. Seismic exploration is widely used in hydrocarbon exploration and as a consequence highly developed. Exploring geothermal sites may participate in this sophisticated
technology that delivers high resolved images showing mainly structural features. As seismic exploration is comparatively expensive it pays mainly out to explore deeper reservoirs that finally need expensive drilling.


The application of seismic methods for geothermal

exploration has employed almost every aspect of the
seismic spectrum, using both active and passive
methods. Seismic waves propagate and interact with
subsurface structures and respond accordingly. Two
sub categories of seismic surveys exist that are relevant to the source of the seismic signal. Active seismology relies on using induced/man-made vibrations
at or near the surface. Passive seismology uses (micro-) earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or other tectonic activity as sources. Active seismology (2D and 3D
seismic) is one of the more expensive geophysical
methods. It comprehends considerable permitting efforts, extensive field logistics and complex data processing. 3D Seismic crews can consist of hundreds of
workers depending on the survey size.
The applicability of 2D and 3D seismic depends on
the local geology and is not recommended everywhere as on thick basalt layers, but it could deliver
high resolution images of the subsurface stratigraphy
and the inventory of faults at sedimental basins.


Performing a seismic survey usually a certain workflow is used, partly field work, partly office work as
data processing and geological interpretation.
Figure 1 shows a typical workflow used in the exploration industry.

Figure 1: Diagram showing the workflow of a reflection seismic survey (HarbourDom GmbH)
A seismic survey starts months before the measurements begin by getting all permits necessary. The
permitting is normally done by specialized companies. Permitting also includes compensation for damages of land, roads, pipes, buildings etc. Mobilization
of equipment and the seismic crew, setting up the
field camp, offices and workshops is the next step
before measurements begin. During a topographic
survey, the coordinates all seismic stations are recorded. The acquisition of seismic data is the next step
which also includes quality control and possibly remeasurements. Processing is done offsite in specialized processing centers during or after acquisition.
Demobilization contains the removal of all equipment, cable bridges, flags and leave of the seismic
crew. The processing itself can take months as the
interpretation of the processed data.
Reflection seismics uses the methods of seismology
to image the subsurface from reflected seismic
waves. It requires a controlled source of seismic energy, such as seismic vibrators (commonly known by
the trademark name Vibroseis), dynamite explosives

Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, general aspects

IGA Academy Report 0105-2013

or air guns for marine seismics. The general principle

of seismic reflection is to send elastic waves from the
source into the underground, where each layer reflects a part of the waves energy and allows the rest
to refract through. The reflected wavefield is recorded at the surface by a greater number of seismic receivers (geophones) that detect the motion of the
ground in which they are placed (Figure 2). In modern surveys several ten-thousand receivers may be
used simultaneously.

Figure 3: 2-D seismic lines vs. 3-D layout (after

Chaouch, 2006)

If explosives are used as seismic sources, shallow

drill holes have to be installed to house the dynamite
charge sticks. Seismic surveys can be operated in 2D
on single lines or 3D on a grid of lines (fig.4.37). A
2D Seismic survey will result in a 2D image of the
underground; a 3D survey will supply a full 3D image (seismic cube) similar to medical tomographic

Figure 4: Common 3D Seismic survey designs after

Ashton (1994)
During data acquisition the seismic signals are recorded from the receiver patch array, normally centered around the seismic source. The patch moves
simultaneously with the source along the source
line(s). Additionally refraction seismic measurements
at specified locations to get information about the
near- surface low velocity layers are necessary.

Figure 2: Main components of a reflection seismic

survey (HarbourDom GmbH)
Layout parameters of a seismic survey like general
layout (Figure 3), receiver and shot distance, line distance, source/receiver parameters, survey size, coverage, receiver patch, sampling rate, recording time and
bin-size should be evaluated before the survey or
even better before the tendering. For geothermal exploration mostly orthogonal layouts are used. Zigzag
patterns tend to suppress acquisition footprints but
are only applicable in deserts. The choice of survey
parameters depends highly on the depth and characteristics of the geological target. A fine tuning of the
parameters will be done when the survey starts conducting a parameter test program.

Figure 4: 3D Seismics fieldwork impressions (DMT,

Seismic data requires more detailed processing
(Figure 4) and interpretation than either resistivity or
gravity data. An important element of seismic processing is the development of a seismic velocity
model based on known or inferred geological conditions. This velocity model may be well or poorly constrained, depending primarily on the presence or absence of deep wells in the area to which the seismic
data may be tied.
In general, the accuracy of depth of a seismic image
depends essentially on the presence of deep wells for
The interpreted results are most commonly presented
as cross sections, or slices (horizontal and vertical)
from a seismic cube with two-way-travel-time con-

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geophysical methods, seismic, general aspects

IGA Academy Report 0105-2013

verted to depth using the seismic velocity model and

seismic migration techniques. Interpreted sections
typically show the most important seismic reflectors
and faults as solid coloured lines on top of the actual
processed data. Seismic cross sections should be presented both with and without these features high-

lighted, enabling the reviewer to assess the quality of

the reflections and the interpretation provided. The
seismic contractor should provide a report giving the
details of data acquisition, processing, and interpretation.

Figure 5: Typical seismic processing flowchart (HarbourDom GmbH)

Figure 7: Interpreted seismic cross section with interpreted faults (Erdwrme Bayern)

Figure 6: Seismic cross section with picked reflectors

(Erdwrme Bayern)

Figure 8: 3D interpretation showing faults and

planned path of drilling (Erdwrme Bayern)
For the different stages of a seismic survey the following information should be provided

Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, general aspects

IGA Academy Report 0105-2013

represented a seismic section, delivers an image of

the sub surfaces structure.

Data Acquisition
- Field Report
- Instrumentation used
- Report of equipment acceptance test
- Report of parameter tests
- Map(s) showing all data points, transmitter- statistics
- Brute stacks for QC
- Data on file (SEG2 and geometry files)and receiver
- Coordinates (x,y,z) of all datapoints, transmitterand receiver locations

Figure 9: Snells low for a seismic wave incident on

a plain horizontal layer

- Surveyers log

Propagation of the waves is defines by the propagation velocities and densities in different rock types.
Debsity however plays a minor role mainly as factor
in the product ( v) named acoustical impedance.

- Vibrator
Data processing
- Processing Report
- Detailed information about noise reduction, applied filters, velocity model, stacking, migration
and used software


Propagation of seismic waves, acoustic images

- Report

Primary reflections of seismic waves, dominant in

seismic images, origin on boundaries that separate
rock- layers with different acoustic impedance. The
difference of the acoustic impedance gives the amplitude of the reflections. Those boundary planes are
usually planes between different rocks but may also
be fractures or joints.

- Geological information

The lithological contrast is defined by different

- Detailed information about assumptions and used


- Density

- Detailed information about the interpretation/modeling process (e.g. attributes used)

- Electrical conductivity

- Seismic cubes and cross sections

- Processed data on file (SEG-Y)
Data interpretation

- Elasticity

- Interpreted cross sections and cubes

- Magnetic susceptibility

- 2D / 3D images of interpreted structures

- Radioactivity

- Data on file

Furthermore the propagation of elastic waves is influenced by a damping factor different in different
rocks. From those petrophysical parameters only density and elasticity are directly relevant fpr seismic

A good outcome of a Seismic Survey is a good and

detailed understanding of the main geological structures, faults and some stratigraphy information.
Seismic reflects more to the detailed picture of the

Elasticity is mainly defining the propagation velocities in the different rock layers.

Physical rock properties relevant

to seismic exploration

The product of density and velocity is the acoustic

impedance v. The contrast of the impedance gives
the reflection coefficient of the layer boundary:

In reflection seismology the echo, i.e. the response

of the underground on artificially generated vibration,

Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, general aspects

IGA Academy Report 0105-2013

Ar 2v2 1v1

2v2 1v

The point where a seismic wave first hits a reflector

is usually called the reflection point. For a flat layered earth, and this is often assumed, the reflection
point is identical with the mid point between seismic source and receiver. As well a reflection point, as
a mid point may be illuminated from many sourcereceiver pairs. The plurality of source-receiver pairs
belonging to one mid point resp. one receiver point
are called CMP gather (common mid point) resp.
CRP gather (common receiver point). In a not flat
layered earth mid points and receiver point do not coincide which may cause incorrect images. The process to correct for this called migration as it migrates reflectors into the proper position. The resulting sections are migrated sections.

Where R = Reflection coefficient, Ar = Amplitude of

the reflected wave; Ai = Amplitude of the incident
wave, = Density, v = Velocity of compression
waves. This formula is only valid if the incident wave
is vertical to the layer boundary. Is the incident angle
is different from 90 the situation is more complicated und also dependent on the shear wave velocities.
Also a shear wave (S-wave) will be reflected in addition to the compression wave (P-wave). Typical reflection coefficients are only a few %, which means
that most energy of a wave continues travelling to the
depth and enables the method to image deeper structures.

The differences between not-migrated and migrated

sections may be used to get estimates about the lithology of the penetrated strata using methods like
migration velocity determination (MVD).

Reflection amplitudes are able to quantify impedance

contrasts and map the laterally. They give us a possibility to image reflection horizons and other structural features. Even mapping of facies changes are possible.

Structural or geometrical reasons for deformation or

of reflector images are:

The propagation velocities are in addition to the impedances of the rock also dependent on the direction
of propagation in relation to the layer boundaries. In a
homogeneous and isotropic medium propagation is
independent of the propagation direction and wave
fronts are spheres. Amplitude decay proportional to
the source distance (1/R), energy decays according
1/R2.This usually called geometrical spreading. In
anisotropic media however, and sediments are usually anisotropic, the wave front is no longer a sphere,
but something like a ellipsoid at least if sediments are
regarded as transversal-isotropic. This means the
propagation velocities are different vertical or parallel
to the layering, but not different in different directions parallel to the layering.

- Anticline folds which are often images more flat

and more extended as in reality

Furthermore the propagation of elastic waves is influence by the damping of the waves mostly referred
to as Q-factor.

- Reflection amplitudes telling about impedance contrasts and thus impedance in the upper and lower

The propagation velocity however is not only the

most important factor to complete a seismic structural
image but is also responsible for the transformation
of time section into depth sections showing structures
in real depth. Furthermore the velocities allow estimates of parameters like porosity, which are not directly measured by seismic methods.

- Velocity analysis enabling depth conversion, migration and estimates of the lithology.

- Syncline folds which are images smaller or even as

- Major faults my cause diffraction hyperbolas which
could be misinterpreted as anticlines
- Salt diapers may cause because of their high velocity anticline structures below the salt if there are flat
layers in reality.
Putting all together we can see that reflection seismic
(2D or 3D) has the following principal potential:
- Imaging of reflectors representing layer boundaries


Petrophysical parameters and their

relevance on seismic velocities

Elastic waves will propagate in solid material as rock,

because solid material reacts on small volume- or
shape changes with reaction forces. Are those changes small finally the volume element will come back
in its original shape. For very small changes the reaction forces are proportional to the strain values
(Hooks law). Those deformations are called elastic

It is easy to imagine that velocity variations in the

overburden of a certain layer may cause depth variations of this layer even if it is flat in reality. This
means a careful evaluation of velocities is essential
even if only a structural image is desired.

Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, general aspects

IGA Academy Report 0105-2013

ticity modules than carbonates. As a consequence

propagation velocities are much lower in clay.

deformations and then stress and strain are related to

each other depending on the elastic constants or
modules. Generally 21 of those constants are needed
to describe the elastic behaviour of a solid material. Is
the rock formed by parallel layers 5 independent constants are sufficient, the situation is called transversal-isotrop.

- Increase of velocities with dept: With greater depth

usually porosity is smaller caused by compression
increasing propagation velocities of seismic waves.
This influences drastically the velocities in clay
stone. In Sand stone, carbonates or evaporates we
may find diagenic mineral transformation already in
shallow depth. In those rock types therefore the
depth dependency of velocity may be rather complicated. In alterated carbonates may mainly travel
in the rock matrix, avoiding pore volume cavities
(Sarmiento, 1961).

Most rock types are transversal-isotrop, however

usually they are regarded as isotrop, which means
that all stress reactions are equal in all directions. All
theoretical calculations are much easier for isotrop
bodies and here 2 independent constants are sufficient compared to 21 for the general case.

- Velocities in unconsolidated sediments: In the uppermost 100 to 200 meters of the subsurface often
extreme low velocities may be observed. Sediments
are unconsolidated and filled completely with water. If lowered below a certain depth water is
squeezed out by the overlaying pressure; the velocities may change drastically.

Physicist use the Lame constants and , engineers

the compression module K and the elasticity module
For seismic applications the propagation velocities
(vp und vs) are uses all well as the (Poissons ratio )
of those velocities. The term velocity refers in
seismics usually to the P-wave velocity vp.

- Velocities of evaporates: Evaporites like rock salt,

and to a certain extend anhydrite, gypsum or kali
salt may show no increase of velocities with depth,
as they dont have any porosity and therefore will
not be compacted.

Geological and petrographical relations

Elasticiyt, density and thus the seismic velocities of a

certain rock type are determined from the

- Geological age: Tertiary clay or clay stone will

have lower velocities than Jurassic rocks of the
same type. Generally geological older rock will
have higher velocities in most cases.

- Mineral composition of the rock and

- The texture of the rock as layering, grain size, grain
Mineral composition and texture define the solid part
of the rock usually named the rock matrix.

The velocity changes described above are referred to

as Normal Velocity Trends (Jankowsky, 1971). Abnormal velocity trends however are quite common.
Examples are: over pressured sediments, uplifted sediment or rock under lateral tectonical stress. In those
cases the increase of velocity with depth may be
much higher than the normal trend.

A second main part of the rock is the pore volume.

This maybe formed of small pores, interconnected or
not, small fractures or even larger cavities. The pore
volume may be filled with with air, gas, oil, water
brine). The pore volume (porosity) and the type of
pore filling may influence the elastic behaviour.

In the previous paragraphs it was shown that the reflection amplitudes are important to gain petrophysical information. However reflection amplitudes will
not be measured in a seismic survey directly. To di
this, we would need geophones planted in depth on
the reflecting boundary. The amplitudes recorded at
the earths surface usually deliver only a relative and
more qualitative about impedance contrasts. They are
not only influenced by the reflection coefficient at the
reflector but a variety of other influences may be observed. Complex interfaces will produce compels interference images (Sheriff, 1973), with Amplitudes
superimposed from many elementary wavelets.

The petrophysical status of a rock volume is dependent on recent temperature and pressure, but also the
temperature/pressure history influences the rock,
known as diagenesis or metamorphose.
Seismic velocities tell about the petrography and the
petrographic status of a rock volume and thus becomes a significant analytical rock indictor. Looking
at empirical velocity trends we may notice the following phenomena (Jankowsky, 1971):
- Specific matrix velocities: Lithologically different
rock usually also have different elastic behaviour.
Ass examples clay stone has significant lower elas-

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geophysical methods, seismic, general aspects


IGA Academy Report 0105-2013

Geometrical aspects

Until now reflections and reflection amplitudes were

described with an incident wave arriving with an angle of 0. The normal case is that this angle differs
from 0. This influences the reflection coefficient
significantly and cause many more complications
(Lavergne, 1989), as Figure 10 shows.

If the reflection coefficient change abruptly in horizontal direction, as in a situation where the interface
is approaching a fault plane we will see in addition
diffraction effects (diffraction hyperbolas) in the
seismic images.

See report 0109-2013.
Figure 10: Reflected energy in relation to incident
energy dependent in the incident angle (Fertig, 1997)

Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, equipment

IGA Academy Report 0106-2013

Geothermal Exploration Best Practices, geophysical methods,

seismic, equipment
Stefan Bauer, Andreas Donat, Horst Rueter1)
1) HarbourDom GmbH Kln, Germany

Abstract: Seismic exploration methods along lines (2D) or in areas (3D) are the preferred method to explore conductive geothermal targets as in basin or graben structures. Seismic exploration is widely used in hydrocarbon


The marked for seismic instrumentation is at least for

larger 3D surveys dominated by a few leading companies. In the following we will not try to present all
possible instruments but give some general examples.
For all components also alternatives exist that m< be
used for geothermal exploration

Seismic Sources (Vibroseis)



Generally for larger (deeper penetrating) seismic

surveys there are two alternatives for seismic sources:



As nowadays mainly vibrators are used we will describe here vibrators only. For very shallow applications additional alternatives are many other sources,
which will not be described here.
In the following we will describe vibrators from
Sercel, France, ION, USA and IVI, USA. There are
alternatives for instance from Russian companies and
others. But the given examples are sufficient to show
which parameters are available to choose the right


Vibrators from Sercel

Nomad 65/65T

Figure 1: Vibrators Nomad 65 (left) and Nomad 65 T

(right) (Sercel)
Table 1: Technical specifications of the vibrators SVNomad 65/65T (Sercel)

Nomad 65 4 x 4 Nomad 65T 4



276 kN (62000 276

(62000 lbf)

Piston area

133,4 cm2

133,4 cm2

Maximum lift

76,2 mm

76,2 mm

Weight on base 1560 kg

Sice of base plate

1560 kg

12302130 mm 12302130

Area of base plate 2,62 m2

2,62 m2

Vibrator control

Sercel VE 432


Total weight

28571 kg

41500 kg


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geophysical methods, seismic, equipment

IGA Academy Report 0106-2013


Nomad 90/90T


base 3683 kg

Sice of base plate

Figure 2: Vibrators Nomad 90 (left) and Nomad 90T

(right) (Sercel)

Nomad 90 4 x 4 Nomad 90T 4



kN 400,3
(89995 lbf)
(89995 lbf)

Piston area

157 cm2

157 cm2

Maximum lift

10,16 mm

10,16 mm

Weight on base 2300 kg

Sice of base plate

Vibrator control

Pelton Advanced III / Vib


Total weight

25968 kg 29937 kg

2300 kg
Figure 4: Vibrator X-Vib (ION)

20001430 mm 20001430

Area of base plate 2,86 m2

2,86 m2

Vibrator control

Sercel VE 432


Total weight

38500 kg

44200 kg


2,5 m2


Table 2: Technical specifications of vibrators SVNomad 90/90T (Sercel)


Area of base plate

The technical specifications X-Vib are mostly similar

to those of AHV-IV but this has a caterpillar drive.
Table 4: Technical specifications for the vibrators XVib of ION


Vibrators from ION (I/O)



Buggy, 4x4


275 kN (61800 lbf)

Piston area

132,9 cm2

Maximum lift

98,3 mm



base 3683 kg

Sice of base plate

Figure 3: Vibrator AHV-IV (ION)

Table 3: Technical specifications of the vibrators

Buggy, 4x4


275 kN (61800 lbf)

Piston area

132,9 cm2

Maximum lift

98,3 mm

Area of base plate

2,5 m2

Vibrator control

Pelton Advanced III / Vib


Total weight

3956 kg

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geophysical methods, seismic, equipment


IGA Academy Report 0106-2013

Vibrators from IVI

Pelton Vib Pro


Figure 5: Vibrator HEMI 50 (IVI)

Table 5: Technical specifications of the vibrators
HEMI 50 of IVI

Truck, 4x4 oder 6x6


223,1 kN (50160 lbf)

Piston area

107,9 cm2

Maximum lift

76,2 mm



Figure 6: Vibrator control system Vib Pro from Pelton (ION)

Table 6: Technical specifications of the Pelton Vib
Pro control system

base 2640 kg

Frequency range

Sice of base plate

1 Hz 500 Hz

Area of base plate

2,73 m2

Maximum numbers 31
of vibrators

Vibrator control

Pelton Advanced III / Vib


Time accuracy

1 ppm

Total weight

25593 kg

Accuracy of T0

+/- 20 s

Sercel VE-432

Vibrator Control Systems

Vibrator control systems are an integral and important part of the acquisition instruments chain.
They organize the
- Correspondence between the vibrator and the recording truck
- Generate the sweeps
- Synchronise the sweeps between different vibrators
- Control the vibrating force
Actually the most used vibrator control systems are
those of Pelton (now ION) (Advanced III/Vib Pro)
and Sercel (VE-432). Nearly all vibrators may use
those control systems.
Figure 7: Vibrator control system VE-432 from Sercel.(Sercel)
Table 7: Technical specifications of the Sercel VE432 Vibrator control system

Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, equipment

Frequency range

IGA Academy Report 0106-2013

1 Hz 250 Hz in 1 Hz steps

trical current proportional to the ground vibration

velocity (induction).

Maximum num- 28
bers of vibrators
Time accuracy

1 ppm

Accuracy of T0

+/- 50 s

As the coil is able to swing in its resonance frequency

it is necessary to damp their movement

Seismic receivers

With receivers we understand the entire recording

chain that consists of:



Geophone strings

Receiver electronics


Figure 9: Geofone in plastic housing with earth

coupling pin
To perform seismic field surveys large numbers of
geophones are needed which have to moved and
transported in the field. Handling will be rough including planting the geophones in the soil just by
pushing it with the boots. Geophones need to be
contracted very robust and water dense, as can be
seen in figure 9. The most significant specific parameter for geophones is its natural frequency. It defines
the lowest possible recording frequency. A higher
natural frequency allows a priory damping of low
frequent noise. This possibility is however nowadays
less important because of the high dynamic range of
modern recording instruments.


To gain information about the vibrations of the subsurface including the reflection from discontinuities
usually passive geophones are used, which transfers
the vibration into electrical signals. Those may be
recorded in analogue form, but nowadays they will be
digitized and stored digitally. Alternatives to geophones would be accelerometers. The standard geophone is a moving coil assembly where the coil
moves with a permanent magnet. This causes physically induction, i.e. 1. derivation of the vibrations
amplitudes, usually called ground velocity. The
standard geophones may pick up vibrations in frequency range from some Hz to 100 Hz. There natural
(resonance) frequency is 7-10 Hz.

The as alternative also possible accelerometers (recording the 2. derivative of the vibration amplitudes)
consist of more complicated electronics called
MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical systems). Figure
10 shows housing and interior of a typical accelerometer sensor (ION). It contains 3 components enabling
a vector recording of the ground movement.

Figure 8 shows a sketch of a typical geophone with

the permanent magnet and the coil placed in circular
opening within the magnet. The coil is also a bulk
mass and is hold by flat springs allowing movement
within the circular opening.

Figure 8: Sketch of an analog moving coil geophone.

Left vertical cut, right horizontal cut

Figure 10: Housng ansd interior of a 3 componanet

accelerometer (ION)

Caused by the vibrations the coil will move (as an

inertial mass) within the magnet and induce an elec-

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geophysical methods, seismic, equipment


IGA Academy Report 0106-2013



In field survey geophones are not used as single

phones but as larger geophone strings, switched together in parallel or serial (Figure 11). This has several reasons:

Lower sensitivity to ground coupling irregularities

Increased sensitivity (current and voltage)

Damping each other

Wavelength filtering (pattern)



Figure 12: RAM Instruments from ARAM

The RAM (Remote Acquisition System) System from
ARAM is a 24 bit (23 + sign) recording unit with 4, 6
or 8 channels per unit (programmable). In addition to
the recoding units Line tap units (LTU) have to be

Figure 11: Geofone string (ready for transport)

Environmental noise as caused from wind or rain
may be decreased by using strings. If the geophone
strings are planted in well designed patterns they act
as wavelength filters and suppress external noise
(traffic) or source generated noise (surface waves)



Scorpio, FireFly, RSR/VRSR

Actually ION offers three systems: The cable system
Scorpion, the cable less system FireFly and the system RSR/VRSR (Remote Seismic Recorder/VectorSeis Remote Seismic Recorder). All ION
systems may be used as well with traditional geophones as with VectorSeis digital accelerometers. For
geothermal exploration (until now) mainly Scorpion
or FireFly are used.

Seismic Acquisition Instruments 3D

3D seismic field surveys as part of geothermal exploration are in principle equal to hydrocarbon exploration. The explored areas are usually smaller and cost
factors may be more significant. Nevertheless the
equipment mostly used in hydrocarbon exploration is
regarded as to be used in geothermal exploration too.
We describe here the instruments of the leading producers: ARAM, ION and Sercel. Those entire instruments allow a (practically) unlimited number of
recording channels.

Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, equipment

IGA Academy Report 0106-2013

tion using LAUR-428 stations (max. 30 channels) are


Figure 13: AU Receiver (lower left) with BBU and

XLU (upper left). Upper right it the receiver unit AU2
The Scorpio system is either based on the analog 24
bit units AU or AU2 (Figure 13), with 3 recording
channels each ot on the digital units (D.units) to connect VectorSeis accelerometers (Figure 14). In addition cross line units (XLU) and battery booster units
(BBU) have to be used.

Figure 15: Receiver units 408 UL (upper part) and

428 XL (lower part) (Sercel)
The cable less Unite-system contains the receiver
units (max. 4 channels per unit) (Figure 16). The
units communicate wireless with so called Cell Acess
Nodes (CAN) and those communicate with the recording truck.

Figure 14: VectorSeis digital 3D-accelerometer (left)

and FireFly unit with antenna (right) (ION)


Sercel actually offers to cable systems (408 UL and
428 XL), which can be used partially without cables
and the principal cable less system Unite. The newer
system 428 XL (Figure 15) can be also connected to
the digital accelerometers DSU 3-428. To use those
systems cable less Wireless Line Repeater Units
(LRU) are needed. Additional wireless communica-

Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, equipment

IGA Academy Report 0106-2013

Figure 17: SUMMIT II Plus receiver from DMT



The geode system offered from Geometrix (Figure
18) has 24 bit receiver boxes with 24 channels. Those
may be connected by cable to enable larger channel
Figure 16: Digital accelerometer sensor DSU3-428
(upper part) und cable less Unite receiver unit (lower
part) (Sercel)

Seismic Acquisition Instruments 2D

The following equipment may be used for smaller 3D

applications as well but is mainly built for 2D surveys. The maximum number of recording channels is
limited and the communication speed between remote
units and central recorder may be too slow for extended 3D surveys.

Figure 18: Geode receiver from GEOMETRICS

Geode DZ
The Geode DZ System combines 24-Bit receiver
units (Figure 19) with 8 channels each that are connected via cable to an Ethernet network. Additional
Line Tap Units (LTU) are needed. The maximum
number of lines is 16 which add up to maximum 480


The company DMT produces with the system Summit II plus (Figure 17) a 24 bit system with two
channels per remote unit. Data transmission to the
recording truck is via cable. The system allows high
resolution recordings with extreme high sampling

Figure 19: Geode DZ receiver from GEOMETRICS

Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, equipment


IGA Academy Report 0106-2013

Seismic Source Co

The RAS-24 System is also marketed by ABEM,

only with different housing color.


EX-6 Explorer

Seismic Source offers with the Link II System 24-Bit

receivers (Figure 20), with 6 to 24 channels connected via cable Ethernet to a central unit.

The EX-6 Explorer from Seistronix contains 24-Bit

receivers (Figure 22), with 6 channels each, connected with the central unit. Additionally larger lay outs
need Line Tap Units (LTU) and repeater units. The
maximum number of channels is following manufacturer specifications 2400.

Figure 20: DAQ Link IIreceiver from Seismic Source



Figure 22: EX-6 receiver from Seistronix

The RAS-24 System (Figure 21) from Seistronix

contains 24 bit receiver units with 12 to 24 channels
each. They may be connected by cable to a maximum
of 240 channels.

See report 0109-2013.

Figure 21: RAS-24 receiver from Seistronix

Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, data acquisition

IGA Academy Report 0107-2013

Supported by:

Geothermal Exploration Best Practices, geophysical methods,

seismic, data acquisition
Stefan Bauer, Andreas Donat, Horst Rueter1)
1) HarbourDom GmbH Kln, Germany
Abstract: In seismic survey it is usage to split between acquisition, processing and geological interpretation. Sophisticated layout for the data acquisition is essential for successful surveys. Software tools are available to design
and analyze acquisition geometry. Acquisition layout will influence the quality of seismic images. As acquisition is
the most expensive part of a seismic survey the design is always a trade off between quality and costs.

Layout of source and receiver


Designing data acquisition field layout is essential to

match with the exploration targets and the local geological and surface situation. The noise situation and
also the available budget are further constrains. The
layout is defined by a plurality of parameters.

Optimizing signal/ noise

What is noise?

Noise is a very general term and includes all type of

content in a seismogram not useful in the given context.
Especially noise may be:
- Instrument noise
Any noise produced by the instruments themselves as
amplifier input noise or non-linearity
- Electromagnetic noise
Pick up of electromagnetic waves as radio waves,
switch on/off impulses. Sources are often unknown.
Sensitive are the analog parts of the instrument as
geophones or analog cables.
- Seismic noise
This combines are all ground vibrations picked up by
the geophones which are not signal and not useful
reflections from the subsurface.
- Environment noise

All type of vibrations generating from environment

(traffic, wind, rain).
- Source generated noise
All type of vibrations picked up from the phones
generating from the source and not reflections (Surface waves, Refractions, multiples).
Noise is an umbrella term for everything recorded in
the seismic traces that is not useful for processing and
interpretation. In the following we will not address
Instrument noise as instrument nowadays have extremely low noise levels and dynamic ranges > 130
dB. Instrument noise is neglect able even for geophones and cables.
Important may bet the environmental noise. This
could be electromagnet pickup as in the vicinity of
radio stations but also thunderstorms. This noise may
be broadband or even spiky. As digitizing is close to
the sensors EM-noise is not as important as using
analogue equipment. Measures to avoid pickup are
symmetric cables, thunder storm protection and others. During processing there are powerful methods
for spike suppression (as median filters). The suppression of electrical spikes is especially important
for vibroseis as they are correlated into a sweep contaminating the entire trace. As correlation (and vertical stacking) is usually made in the field, spike suppression has to be made in the field equipment already.
More important is the environmental noise i.e. vibrations from different sources picked up by the phones.
Those may origin from industry, traffic or nature

Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, data acquisition

IGA Academy Report 0107-2013

(wind, rain). They are noise if they are within the

frequency range used in the survey. They may be
large if the source is close to the sensor. The extreme
dynamic range of modern equipment help to handle
that noise, so in many cases fighting the noise can be
done during processing.

quency content will be more high frequent (scaling

law). Larger charges may destroy rock in a larger
volume which is related to larger wavelength and
lower frequency. Lower source power could be compensated by using more shots (vertical stacking). The
signal resolution is dependent on the signal bandwidth given in octaves. Usually 3 octaves are regarded as sufficient.

Furthermore processing may use zero-phase filters

that will not influence signal shape as heavy filtering
in the field will do. Noise can also be avoided by
using quite traffic times and avoid people moving
between the sensors.

As lateral resolution s dependent on bandwidth, vertical resolution depends on the upper corner frequency.
Finally it is a aim to limit resolution not by the selection of the source. The scaling law is in principle also
valid for liberators. Heavy and strong vibrators may
have problems to generate high frequencies. Of
course signal steering methods are better compared to

Permitting my identify noise sources and railway

tracks, high voltage power lines, streets, construction
areas. Most of those noise generated surface waves
which can be attacked by geophone patterns. Vertical
stacking or averaging reduces noise in a certain way.

As mentioned before the technology to overcome the

scaling law is the vertical stacking, i.e. use many
sources or use the source repetitively and stack (average) the output. To gain constructive stacking the
repeated signals have to be as much as possible identical and the time break (zero time) has to be known
with high precision (< 0.1 ms). Using vibrators all
this is controlled by the vibrator- or force control unit
which is part of every vibrator system.

Geothermal exploration is often close to cities and

traffic noise may be a limiting issue. All measures to
avoid too large noise amplitudes have to be taken.
Source generated noise is different for explosion and
vibrator methods. It is not suppressed by vertical
stacking. As Vibroseis uses a surface source, surface
waves are more important compared to explosion
seismics. Source- and Geophone- are the adequate
methods to fight this type of noise as described in the
following chapters. Other types of source generated
noise as refractions or reflected refractions are a topic
of data processing

The amount of useful amplitudes within a certain

bandwidth is finally given by the underground parameters. Absorption and attenuation are always
frequency dependent. Signals propagating in the earth
will become smaller and more low frequent with
increasing pathway. Damping overlays the geometrical spreading. This means that for deep targets the
resolution may not be increased by source optimization. Field test will be needed to (as an example)
optimize the sweeps.

The signal/ noise ratio

The amount of noise usually is quantified by the

signal/noise ratio measured in a moving window. It
may be increase by increasing the numerator or decreasing the denominator. This is mainly done by
increasing the source power either physically or using
vertical stacking. The improvement of S/N will be:

Besides classical absorption attenuations comes from

multiple reflections in cyclic layers (Rter, 1978).
The effect may be much more then classical absorption.

at least for random (white) noise.


S/N is frequency, time and offset dependent.


Wavelength filtering using patterns

The seismic wave field has an analogue time space

structure of ground movement amplitudes. Recorded
are the velocities of ground movements by geophones. Doing this the analogue structure is first
discredited in space by having geophones planted at
discrete pints on the earths surface. As the geophone
output is digitized by an analogue digital converter
the wave filed is now discretized or sampled in space
and time. Digitizing in time is more common for
seismic data we have however to consider time and

Methods to increase the signal amplitudes

Of course signal amplitudes may be increased by

using more powerful sources but there are limits as
well with explosives as with vibrators. Historically in
explosion seismics bigger charges had been used.
Today smaller charges are preferred to increase the
vertical resolution as with smaller charges the fre-

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geophysical methods, seismic, data acquisition

IGA Academy Report 0107-2013

space. Central is the sampling theorem asking for

sampling in a time interval < t being at least duple
as dense as the smallest period (in time) or the smallest wavelength (in space). This period or its inverse is
called Nyquist-frequency FN resp. Nyquist-wave
length N.



If the sampling theorem is violated because sampling

in time or space was not dense enough effects named
aliasing will occur (Figure 1).

Figure 2: Signals with different frequencies and 4 ms

sampling interval, (a) 75 Hz signal. (b) 175 Hz signal. (c) 250 Hz signal.
In the space domain analogue ant-alias filters are not
possible as the ground movement in space can not be
captures continuously (in space). Over sampling is
here the only possible method, i.e. first sampling
much more dense compared to the final sampling rate
and the re-sampling (decimate) using averaging in
windows. Signals recorded within an offset interval
(within the pattern) are added with analogue technology to the final seismic trace. In addition ist is assumed that natural waves may not have extreme
small wavelength because of the earth filter (damping).

Figure 1: Aliasing if sampling in time was not dense

Parts of the signal having higher frequencies then the
Nyquist will be folded into the recorded bandwidth
following certain rules. They contaminate the measured signals. It is difficult to recognize alias effects in
the data and there is no way to clean the seismic
traces afterwards by processing. It therefore is a task
for the acquisition to avoid alias effects as good as

The basic geometry in reflection seismic assumes that

the reflected waves arrive at the geophones more or
less from below the geophone at least for not to
long offsets. Arriving vertical from below means the
waves have an infinite apparent wavelength independent or the signal frequency. Even for larger offsets or dipping reflectors the wavelength are usually
large. This is totally different for source generated
noise, i.e. surface waves. The surface waves are the
problem with regard to aliasing as they may have
very short wavelength. The patterns are mainly needed to attenuate surface wavers (ground roll). They
can not be (as all alias effects) be attacked during
processing and they may have amplitudes large compared to the used signals. With limited dynamic range
of the equipment surface waves and in addition over
saturate the amplifiers.

To understand more about aliasing Figure 2 (Telford,

Geldart, Sheriff) may help. Here three signals (75 Hz,
175 Hz and 250 Hz) are recorded with 4ms sampling
interval. The 75 Hz signal is recorded as the true 75
Hz signal. However the 175 Hz signal and the 250 Hz
signal is recorded as having 75 Hz resp. 0 Hz.
Usually analogue filters are used to avoid aliasing at
least in time domain (anti-alias filters). They have to
be designed to match the sampling rate and the dynamic range of the acquisition.
An alternative to analogue filters is to sample first
with a much higher sample rate and the resample
with the final sampling rate by averaging in time
windows (over sampling).
In the space domain anti-alias filtering is more complicated. The basis of the used method is using first a
much higher special sampling and the then resample
with a lower sampling rate (over sampling). This is
done by using patterns at the source and receiver
side instead of singe stations.

Mathematically the pattern effect may be easily described by a Fourier-transform from s series if 0 and
1 with the 1 at the geophone positions. More sophisticated patterns have unequal geophone distances and

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arrive at the geophone from all direction 2D patterns

make sense. As those patterns cause a lot of additional field work often source and receiver patterns are
linear but orthogonal to each other. The combination
then is a 2D filter.

different geophone gain. The design may be supported using polynomial calculations.
Classically geophones may be planted in a row (linear pattern). The effect then is calculated with a onedimensional Fourier-transform. Is the pattern laid out
in an area we need a two-dimensional transform to
calculate the filter effect.


Pattern parameters

Generally pattern may be designed manifold. For

linear pattern the main parameters are the pattern
length (may be 20 to 50m) and the number of elements (may be 8 -36). After these two parameters are
fixed the elements may be arranged within the pattern
length in different ways. Optimum filter characteristic can be achieved if as well the individual distances
between the elements as the gain of the individual
geophones can be set to match a desired filter. In the
field praxis especially the distances will not be exact
as designed and so the filter effect may be not better
as with equal spacing. Also the mechanical properties
as cable length between phones limit the design options. In the filed usually only equidistant groups
with similar phones are used. Complex two dimensional patterns have been used sometimes in the past,
but today economic field progress in moving thousands of geophones per day allows only simple patterns. As the dynamic range of the instruments is high
enough those patters are regarded as sufficient.

Lay out of geophone and vibrator patterns

In the filed patterns are realized on the source and

receiver side. As the principal of reciprocity is valid,
the effect of the pattern at the source and the receiver
side may be added. We are free to realize patterns
more at the source or at the receiver side.
Source pattern are realized for explosion seismics
using several drill holes (3 to 5) instead of just one.
With vibrators the pattern may be realized two fold:
1. More vibrators (3 to 5) are used parallel, vibrating
in a certain distance
2. One vibrator vibrates at different points and the
results are stacked. The vibrator drives a pattern.
Theoretically both solutions are equivalent but with
method 1 the attenuation is immediately and with 2
only after stacking. It may stress the dynamic range
of the equipment. In the practical field work both
methods will be combined. 3 to 5 vibrators will drive
a pattern.

Figure 3 (upper part) shows the filter characteristic of

a 5 element linear filter. The left side shows the lay
out of the filter elements (geophones or vibrators).
The right part of the figure shows the filter effect in
dB. Red represents a bad filter effect

On the receiver side patterns are realized by bundling

of geophones. 8 to 36 geophones may be used. They
are mechanically and electrically connected as well
parallel is in line. This results in an amplification of
voltage and current and in addition the geophones
may damp each other. In general the effect of geophone bundling is not trivial and by far not a simple

It can be seen that a linear filter has, as expected a

full effect only in one direction, but the crossed
source and receiver filters have a good effect in all

Modern equipment some time offers measurements

with single phones. Here the combination of the output of the single phones is no longer made analogue
in the field but digital in the computer which is more
flexible. However effort and costs in the filed are
enormous. As an example using single phones instead
of 36 phone bundles the recoding traces needed
would rise from 1.000 to 36.000. In the hydrocarbon
industry however we see a trend to 100k equipment.
Geophones may be laid out in lines (1D) or within an
area (2D). As a result we have to one or two dimensional wavelength filter. For 2D seismic only line
patterns are needed. As in 3D seismic waves may

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IGA Academy Report 0107-2013

Lay out geometries

Lay out in 2D and 3D survey follow similar rules. As

in 2D many points are easier to understand we start
with describing the 2D situation.

Planned lay out

Lay out primarily means:

- The coordinates of source and receiver positions or
more precise the midpoints of source and receiver
- Information about which receivers are connected to
the recording unit when a certain source point is
The lay out principally refers to the planned positions. It may be advised what has to be done if
planned positions can not be reached. Often especially in 2D instead of full coordinates only numbers
along the survey line later generate coordinates from
that one-value information. This allows simple
presentations of source and receiver positions a one
(2D) plot.

Figure 3: Theoretical filter effect in dB of a linear

(upper part) and a crossed filter (lower part) (Cordsen, 2000).


As the crossing receiver and source patterns for technical reasons will not be identical the resulting 2D
filter effect is not rotation symmetrical.


When planning seismic lines many points may influence the decisions. Some are:

Patterns used by surveys in cities

Generally surveys in cities are more complicated then

outside cities and also noise may be more important.
Geometrical design parameters may not be possible
in the field and individual solutions have to be found
from point to point. In general there will be a random
component in the geometry resulting from those
problems. This is not necessarily a disadvantage, as
random components on the source or receiver side
help to avoid alias effects or footprints. This is also
valid for the pattern realization. If this is different at
every receiver position artifacts coming from the
geometry may be averaged.

Seismic lines (2D)

Structure, depth, strike, dip of the target

Location of a priori known information as drill

holes, older seismic lines etc.

Desired detail (information density)

Accessibility, topography, streets, cities, infrastructure, power lines, natural parks etc.

Near surface geology, drilling problems, static



Looking at this (incomplete) list we recognize that

non-seismic factors are dominant. Geophysicists have
to remember the importance of seismic arguments in
the profile planning phase.

Noise measurements

As patterns are used to filter surface wave noise it is

important to know the noise when designing those
filters. Specific noise measurements may help. They
should be made at selected locations using singe
phones. The result is knowledge about the wavelength of signals and that of noise. The desired filter
discrimination between signal and noise then allows a
pattern deign.


As 2D seismic looks at the subsurface as being

2-dimensional line directions should the dip direction of the target. To connect those lines usually cross lines (in strike direction) are needed.


Interpretation is mainly looking at the appearance of features in the seismic images. Those appear similar only in parallel lines. Interpretation

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geophysical methods, seismic, data acquisition

IGA Academy Report 0107-2013

becomes easier if the lines in a seismic line net

are more or less parallel.

All traces recorded with the same geophone

grup, CRP (common receiver point) gather

Both points ask for a more or less orthogonal net of

seismic 2D-lines. This principle should also be followed if the seismic net is growing over years. Figure
4 shows an example of two seismic 2D-nets. In example A it was tried to connect existing boreholes, in
example B the above mentioned point were predominantly used. Both example shows that the planning
could be ore or less good be realized in the field.

All traces belonging to the same shot-receiver

pair are located at the midpoint between shot and
receiver. The result is a CMP (common mid
point) gather. This is for horizontal layer identical with the CRP (common reflection point)

All traces with the same distance between source

and receiver, CHP (common half-offset point)

If the survey is in complicated as inside cities other

arguments may be dominant

All those sortings (gathers) are needed for different

tasks. CMP gather for further processing. CSP and
CRP for static corrections, CHP for a first look at the
data and to study offset effects. Each gather is built
up from families with different size.


The degree of coverage is one of the most relevant in

seismic 2D or 3D surveys. It finally defines the costs
if profile length and lateral sampling density are
given. Coverage defines the redundancy in the data
which is in many cases important for the overall data
quality. It may not only reduce noise but also compensate influence of near surface geological in homogeneities. Often it is not easy to proof which degree of coverage pays out.

Characteristic for a CMP family is:

The principle of multiple coverage is shown in Figure

5. Geophones and sources are positioned in a way
that the same target element is illuminated by several
shot-receiver pairs.

The traces origin from different source points

The traces origin from different geophone points

The traces have different offsets.

The traces have different ray paths

The traces have been recorded at different times.


n = 1,2,...,9


Figure 5: All traces belonging to source-receiver

pairs with the same midpoint. They form a CMP
This entirely means that (horizontal) stacking (averaging) of the traces belonging to CMP family makes
a lot of sense, reducing influences of random noise,
source- geophone coupling, near surface geology etc.
As a consequence stacking is an essential part of
seismic processing and seismic exploration in general.

Figure 4: Net of seismic lines. A: Oriented at drill

holes (red dots), B: Orthogonal net of parallel lines
The, during a seismic survey recoded traces, may be
sorted in different ways:

The size of a CMP family is identical with the degree

of coverage. The effect of stacking increases with the
coverage which is depended on the maximum offset

The traces are recorded as shot gather CSP

(common shot point)

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IGA Academy Report 0107-2013

Usually the second point yields to the linger profiles,

so as a rule, the line length should be on both ends for
about target depth longer.

and the density of shot and receiver point. These

parameters have to be selected carefully and the effect of stacking depends on the proper choice of those
parameters. It makes no sense to just increase the

Optimum offset window

The distance between source and geophones has to

planned according the geology and target depth. It is
one of the most significant field parameters. The
minimum offset is with modern equipment no issue
and this defining the offset window is defining maximum offset. The maximum offset in the field will
not be finally the offset in processing. It is redefined
and optimized during processing in time dependent
manner (fader, mute). The acquisition offset however
should be selected so that mute will not influence the
upper most interesting reflector and so that that reflector is fully covered. Theoretical considerations,
modeling and simulation may help defining this parameter. Figure 6 (Sheriff, 1983) shows an example.
Especially the dynamically corrected travel time
curves for different waves (right) show that surface
waves (a, b, c, k, l, m in the figure) can not be fully
blended out by the choice of the offset window if we
want to have sufficient travel time differences between primary and multiple reflections. To suppress
ground roll additional measures as patterns are needed. About the problems that occur with approaching
refracted waves as longer offsets can not be fully
describe by travel time consideration. Signal changes
close to critical angel may destroy stacked signals
and has to be avoided.

Example: The maximum offset should be 2.000m, the

desired CMP distance 25m and as consequence the
geophone distance 50m. Are the shots place central
within the geophone line 80 channels may be used.
The lowest shot distance would be 50m and the coverage 40. Increasing the coverage by smaller shot or
geophone distance would make no sense. It could be
possible that 100. shot distance and thus coverage 20
would have similar results at lower costs.
The term coverage may be used more flexible as it is
done in other seismic methods as Mini-Sosie, offsetVSP and others. Also in 2D seismic coverage may be
changed during processing by combining neighbor
CMP. Coverage is a measure for redundancy and thus
related to amore general measure which is information density. This can be defined as the number of
recorded traces per (square) kilometer. In the example above we have 1.600 traces/km. After stacking
we have 80 traces/km. This already shows that there
are other averaging possibilities ending with for instance 40 or 160 traces/km. It is a trade off between
resolution and noise suppression. In 3D we will refer
to this as binning.
It is important for the image coherency with a seismic
survey that all parameters are as much as possible the
same for the entire survey.

Besides the possibility for multiple suppressions

migration aperture is an argument for larger offsets.

Line length

Abbes theory (Bergman-Schfer, 1982) is sufficient

for an estimate. For more, read Berghout (1983).
Following Abb The smallest distance between two
resolved image points is:

Leslie R. Denham (1983) writes: The necessary line

length is the most misunderstood and neglected field
parameter. Of course the line length is a cost factor
and so there is a tendency to short lines. On the other
hand there are many reasons to make lines longer for
instance to connect to extern bore holes.
Mainly there are two reasons the make lines longer
then the target:

The coverage: Event the first and last CMP

should have full coverage. Thus the line should
be prolonged at each end for at least maximum


The migration: We assume 45 degrees migration

angle the line should be prolonged at each end
for the target depth.

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Figure 7: 1. Fresnel zone R (brawn) dependent on Z

Besides the definition of the maximum offset the
distribution of geophones with the offset window is
important. In 2D they are usually equidistant. In 3D
this is a real problem. Offset distribution may vary
from CMP to CMP significantly. As this is periodic it
may cause periodic footprints, as we will discuss

Figure 6: Calculated travel times curve, (d-g: Reflection from different horizons, a-c, k-m: travel times
from noise waves

Geophone distances

The inter geophone distance is as the line length a

cost related parameter as it defines (if the line length
is fixed) the necessary number of recording channels
and to a great extend the amount of work in the field.

Where A= sin is the die numerical aperture, is the

opening angle of the objective, which is in seismics
with X maximum offset and H reflector depth.

The geophone density is given by the sampling theorem and depends on the smallest wavelength to be
recorded. Here inter geophone distances and inter
shot distances have to be considered together as they
define the CMP distance. In 2D the CMP distance is
the geophone distance as long as the shot distance
is an integer multiple of the geophone distance.

This means lateral resolution may be increased by

larger offsets.
A simplified discussion about lateral resolutions
allow the so called Fresnel zones (Figure 7), assuming that an elementary-reflection originates not in a
single point on the reflector but from a reflection area
depending on wave length. The 1st order Fresnel
zone is defined by

An approximate rule could be (Bading, 1979):


4 f max sin max

with vst the stacking velocity and max the maximum layer dipping. Assuming fmax = 60 Hz, max =
30 Grad and vst = 3000 m/s we find:

v t
2 F
Is the distance between two neighbor objects smaller,
they may not be resolved.


Example: For 20 Hz signal frequency, 2s travel time

and 3km/s velocity the radius is 470 meters. Resolution after migration will however be much better.
Here a sufficient offset (about target depth) is assumed.

3000m / s
4 60 Hz 0,5

In this example the geophone distance could be 50m.

If the recorded wave field contains smaller appearing
wavelength that assumed in above formula, those
have to be filtered out using patterns to avoid alias
effects. Geophone distances may be also irregular
(random effects). This is often the case with surveys
inside cities. This is easiest with cable less systems,
however the average geophone density should match
the rules.

Even the discussion about high coverage asks for

larger offsets. For successful stacking travel paths for
CMP family members have to be different. Fresnel
zone calculations may help in this discussion.

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IGA Academy Report 0107-2013

midpoints laying in a bin (Figure 10). In a horizontally layered medium with constant velocity the CMP
(Common-Mid-Point) is also the common reflector
point (CRP). All traces belonging to the bin form the
CMP family.

3D Seismic

The term 3D seismic and its differentiation from 2D

is (surprisingly) not well defined especially not related to data acquisition. Related to data processing the
differentiation is easier as 3D processing always
handles real 3D data cubes simultaneously. How the
used data are acquired is in principle irrelevant as
long as sampling in X and Y was adequate. Even a
dense net of 2D lines could be used. This is often the
case in off shore exploration.
Today used processes however often expect a regular
3D data volume. Irregular raster data often have to be
re-sampled first (gridding). We here follow the usual
definition and talk about 3D seismic only if the data
were collected using a certain 3D acquisition lay out
at least in the planning. 3D acquisition takes advantage from recent development as GPS positioning
and a nearly unlimited number of recording channels.

Figure 9: In-Line and cross-Linedirection in an orthogonal layout (after Chaouch, 2006)

In real surveys, as well shots as receivers will not be
positioned exactly at the planned locations. As a
consequence the midpoints are not exactly in the
middle of the bin but distributed within the bin area.
The size of the bin itself is an important parameter. It
may be quadratic or rectangular or any other shape.
The smallest possible bin size is geophone spacing.

In the following we try to explain some terms used in

3D technology.
3D Layout und terminology

The possibly for 3D layout are obviously nearly unlimited as least if there are no hardware constrains as
inter-instrument cables. Figure 8 (Ashton et al, 1994)
shows some of the most used in principle, i.e. checkerboard, brick and zigzag. The checkerboard configuration is often called orthogonal configuration or
cross-spread configuration. This is especially useful
for vibrator surveys, as the vibrators have only to
move in one direction. The brick configuration or
staged line configuration may deliver better short
offset coverage but needs more time and is more
expensive. Zigzag is used in open terrain as deserts as
the moving of vibrators is continuous. Nonorthogonal designs are often also called slant spreads.

It has to be noticed that the coverage decreases outside the central part. This means the explore area has
to be much larger than the target.
Parameters of a 3D survey

All parameters influence the data quality, some of

them the costs. Costs are mainly determined by the
imaging-parameters as survey size, coverage, bin
size, migration aperture.
Imaging parameters

The coverage is the number of traces having midpoints in one bin and finally are stacked to one
stacked trace. The different members of the CMP
family have different offsets and different azimuth
(Figure 11). As stacking (averaging) improves the
S/N, coverage is important for noise suppression,
theoretically by the square root of the coverage.

Figure 8: 3D layout design Ashton (1994). Left to

right checkerboard, brick, zigzag. Receivers are red
sources green

A simple formula to calculate the coverage (Chaouch,

2006) is:
berdeckung Sd b 2 TR U

In geothermal exploration the orthogonal layout is

mostly used. Two directions are considered: In-line
and cross-line (Figure 9). In real survey the receivers
are often on straight lines and the sources follow
streets that are close to the planned lines.

with Sd : Shot density (number of shots per km2), b2:

Bin size (for quadratic bins in m2) , Tr : Number of
geophones, U : Conversion-factor (10-6).

One of the most important parameter is also in 3D the

coverage (3D-fold). This is defined by the number of

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IGA Academy Report 0107-2013

Figure 11: Seismic traces with different offset and

azimuth to be stacked for one bin (after Chaouch,
Offset statistics may be individual for every single
bin but due to the layout periodicity also the bin offset statistic will become periodical. This may be seen
in the final seismic images (acquisition footprint) as

Figure 10: Upper part: Coverage for 4 shot points

(pink, blue, yellow, green) with coverage 1 or 2.
Lower part: CMP Bin (S: Source, R: Receiver)
We have 4 receiver lines with 150 m distance 12
Geophones each, spaced 50 m. Vibrator lines are
orthogonal with 100 m and 50m shot point spacing.
Then shot density Sd will be von 200/km2 and Tr, 48.
The bit size b we chose as 25m. It follows for the

F 200 25 25 48 106

Figure 12: Offset statistic for 2D and 3D. The family

members for near, middle and far may be counted.
Lateral resolution and also the frequency content if a
final seismic image will be influenced by the selected
bin size. Questions about lateral resolution are very
complex in 3D, resolution may even be azimuth dependent. Fresnel zones (circles) are just a starting
point for discussions. The Fresnel zone (1st order) is
the area on the reflector from which the energy arrives at the surface with of the dominant period.


Using modern equipment coverage is only a cost

problem as nearly unlimited numbers of shot and
receivers are possible. Figure 12 shows that in 2D
offsets are usually equally distributed. The (color
coded) near and far (1/3) traces contribute adequately. In contrary in 3D the three offset classes (near,
middle, far) have different numbers of traces. In the
example, the far (1/3) offset has 57% (red), the middle 33% and the near traces are 10% only. As a result
the far traces may good contribute to multiple suppression.



f dom

Rf : Radius of the 1. Fresnel Zone, V: Velocity,

fdom: dominant frequency, t: Travel time.
After processing the lateral resolution is improved
my migration, as migration simulated measurements
at the reflector instead at the surface, so theoretically
the travel time becomes zero and the Fresnel zone a
point. This works for 3D much better than for 2D as
many more traces are used in migration.

Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, data acquisition

Table 1: Improvement of lateral resolution by migration (after Yilmaz, 1987).

t0 [s]



Radius 0f
Zone Rf
[m] before

Radius 0f
Zone Rf
[m] after
































IGA Academy Report 0107-2013

velocity Vmin. Then the maximum sampling interval

x(S,G): for shot and geophone will be:

x( S ,G )

2 f max

and for the midpoint:

Vmin .
4 f max
For dipping reflectors (dip angle ) the conditions

x( S ,G )

2 f max sin


4 f max sin
If those sample intervals are used alias for signals
will be avoided. In praxis often bin is selected a little
bigger (for cost reasons) and aliasing accepted to a
certain degree.

An additional aspect for bin size selection ist he correct sampling of diffractions needed for migration.
Here we find (Liner, 1999):


4 f max sin

with start angle at the diffraction point.

If we assume 30 and want to pick up 95% of the
diffracted energy, we need:

Figure 13: Decreasing the radius of the Fresnel zone

(Rf) in all directions by 3D migration


Figure 13) shows this effect graphically. In this content migration is a wave field continuation downward
to the reflector, simulating that shots and receivers
have been positioned directly on the reflector

Bringing all aspects with influence the selection of a

proper bin size together, we find:

Bin Gre dom

Following this the bin size should be selected to be

about 0f the dominant wave length dom corresponding with the dominant frequency fdom. For the
bin size follows (Chaouch, 2006):

x( S ,G )

Bin Gre dom .
To match the Nyquist conditions then

2 f max

2 f max sin


2 f max

Another important image parameter is the migration

aperture (MA), which is needed around the central
exploration area to record diffracted energy that has
to be migrated to the target image.

oder t
2 f max

should be considered. After all in the frequencywavelength plane only a certain area will be covered
by useful energy. There is a maximum wave number
|kmax| defined that all larger frequencies, above fmax
are zero (Vermeer, 1998). This relates to minimum

A simple formula for this is:

M A z tan


Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, data acquisition

with z the target depth and the reflector dip angle.

Table 2 shows the related survey costs for an example sized 10 x 20km (after Chaouch, 2006).

Edge parameters of a 3D survey

The edge parameters (width of the edge area) are

closely related to the fully covered central area
(Figure 14). The edge area is per definition not fully
covered and coverage decreases to zero approaching
the border of the acquisition area. The edge area is
often called taper. In in-line and cross-line taper
may differ.

Table 2: Survey costs dependent on migration aperture (survey area 10 x 20km)

Maximum dip

Assuming horizontal layers the inline taper (TX) is

often assumed to be 20% of the maximum offset

costs [%]

MA [m]

MA [m]

MA [m]

costs [%]


costs [%]























IGA Academy Report 0107-2013

TX 20% X max .
The cross-line taper may differ from the in-line taper.
It depends on the positioning and coverage in crossline

Figure 14: Left: Relation of taper to central area. Right: Example for decreasing coverage within the taper (after
Chaouch, 2006). Color gives the degree of coverage. Central to cover is 30-40 decreasing to 0 at the edge
quality within the acquisition area. The first area
(blue in Figure 15) will be defined during data interpretation and should cover the target. This area will
be fully migrated. The second area (red) will be used
during processing. It is fully covered but not fully
migrated. The third area (green) represents the acquisition area including taper.

As seen with the migration aperture also the tapers

will influence the survey costs. If we use again the
same example we find (Table 2) with an in-line taper

TX 20% X max
and a cross-line taper of
TY 0,7 TX
the cost estimates of the table (Chaouch, 2006):

Geometrical parameters

Maximaler Offset

TX [m]

CrosslineTaper TY

Kosten [%]








10 %




15 %

The most important geometrical parameters of a 3D

survey are the maximal offset Xmax and the maximum minimal offset Xmin. Figure 16 (after Chaouch,
2006) shows the principles. The selection of the maximum offset includes several factors as target depth,
values of NMO correction for multiple suppression
and of course the available equipment. The maximum
offset should large enough to image the target, which




20 %

X max Z .

Table 3: Tapers influencing survey costs

For imaging- and edge parameters we may conclude

that we have to consider areas with different image

For horizontal layer it may be equal the depth.


Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, data acquisition

IGA Academy Report 0107-2013

and receiver layout is very different. For cost reasons

source spacing is often selected much larger than
receiver spacing. We may call this a geophoneintensive design. The best homogeneity in bin statistics is achieved if source- and receiver intensity are
almost equal. Homogeneous bin statistics are also
useful to avoid acquisition footprints.
Recording parameters

Most important recording parameters are trace length

and sampling interval. Trace length has to be oriented
on the 2 way travel time of the deepest reflector,
sampling rate is given from the frequency content of
the wave field. Often 2ms (250 Hz) are chosen.

Figure 15: Areas of 3D survey (after Chaouch,

2006): Fully migrated (1), fully covered (2) and total
acquisition area including tapers (3).


Influence of azimuth

Beside offset the azimuth of the line between source

and receiver is important, where azimuth is the angle
toward north. Azimuth statistics are connected to the
used recording templates describing the (usually
rectangular) area with geophones connected to the
recorder when a certain shot is fired. The template is
built up of geophone lines. Depending on the geology
small or wider templates may be preferred.
Figure 17 shows on the left side relations between
offsets and azimuth (Cordsen, 2000). Every CMP bin
combines multiple shot-geophone pairs. In the Figure
17 of those are presented in a spider. For the image
quality as well offset statistics as azimuth statistics
are relevant.

Figure 16: Maximum offset (lefts) and maximum,

minimal offset (right)
During muting (as a processing step) some noise
especially direct and refracted waves will be deleted
using time variable maximum offset. Muting should
not be too strict to allow multiple suppression by
NMO stacking. This is dependent on travel time
differences between primary and multiple reflections
and that increase with offset. Also the success of
velocity analyses depends on sufficient offset.
With an orthogonal layout the central bin will have
the largest maximum offset (right part in Figure 16).
The shortest offset for this bin is the maximum minimal offset (Xmin) which influences the imaging of
near surface layers. Often the image of near surface
reflectors may be interrupted by so called coverage
gaps. The uppermost interesting reflector should be
not interrupted and at least covered with a factor 4-5.
This means:

Figure 17: Relation between offset and azimuth (left).

Connection lines between shot and geophone present
offset and azimuth. Ale midpoints are within the same
bin. Right: spiders for all bins within a certain area.
A method to show the azimuth statistic is the spider
diagram (Figure 17, right). Colors and length of the
spider legs refer to the offset and the direction to the
azimuth. If relation between shorter and longer side
of the recording template is less than 0.5 the azimuth
statistic can hardly be ok. The relation should be 0.61.0. This yields to the terms narrow (< 0.5) and wide
(0.8-1,0) azimuth survey. Figure 18 shows on the left
a recording template for a wide azimuth and right for
a narrow azimuth recording template (yellow)

X min ZOberflchennah
with Z the depth of the near surface reflector. Furthermore Xmin should be smaller than the critical
angle of the first refractor.
As well maximum as minimum offsets vary from bin
to bin. This variation is part of the offset statistics
(within a CMP family). Variations are large if shot

Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, data acquisition

IGA Academy Report 0107-2013

(Cordsen, 2000), as the noise increase with the square

root of coverage.
Small bins are desirable but are only a good choice if
data quality is good enough and high coverage not
needed. Its a tradeoff between resolution and S/N.

Figure 18: Narrow (right) and wide (left) recording

template (Cordsen, 2000). The template contains 12
geophone lines with 60 stations each resp. 6 lines
with 120 stations

Until know the midpoint between source and receiver

was distinctly within a certain bin. There are unlimited possibilities to vary the bin structure, especially
if MPs may be regarded as family members of more
than one bin. This can be done during processing. A
simple example is the combination of 4 bins to 1 bin
in areas with low S/N. Generally the bin-midpoint
raster has not to be identical with the bin size, i.e.
bins may overlap. Coverage may be increased by
increasing the bin raster without touching the bin
size. This may be done time dependent (flexible binning) to have high resolution in shallow depth and
better S/N in greater depth. This also uses the fact
that reflections from deeper reflectors have often
lower frequency signatures.

For a narrow template the general orientation should

be following strike and dip direction if the geology is
sufficiently known with long offsets in dip direction.
If geology is not known wide templates are to be
preferred. Especially in mapping faults the directions
may not be known in advance and wide templates
should be used in any case. Wide templates however
may be more expansive.
As we have seen for the offset statistic also azimuth
statistic differs from bin to bin. Bin n may be northsouth oriented and bin n+1 east-west. This can influence the necessary coherency from trace to trace. The
azimuth statistic as well is periodic and may cause
footprint problems.




Bin-, offset- und azimuth-statistics may influence the

final seismic images. We often refer to those influences using the word footprint or acquisition footprint. We will come back to those effect is chapter 4.


Usually bin-size is defined early and within the process of tender and order. It is selected to allow sufficient lateral resolution after migration and match the
budget. Then is a design task toe select source and
receiver positions and an adequate recording template
to gain the selected bid coverage in the field. Total
number of recording channels, source and receiver
density is restricted by the budget. The task is to
reach sufficient bin coverage with these constrains.
Smaller bin size will not automatically increase lateral resolution but to large bin size may destroy resolution.

Figure 19: Upper part: Relation between coverage

and bin-size. The factor is the product from sourceand receiver density. Lower part: Relation between
bin-size and S/N.
The most use from of a bin is a quadrate or at least
rectangular. In orthogonal layout this is nearly automatic the case. If the bin is elongated rectangular it
should be oriented in the expected strike direction.

With given shot- and geophone density of course

there is a relation of bin size with coverage (Figure
19, upper part). Coverage increases quadratic with
bin size (side length of the bin).

Other bin forms following the mathematical theory of

tessellation may end up in hexagons. Practical are
circles where the radii and mid-point distances may
be separately defined. Here all midpoints within a

Selecting a smaller bin my increase lateral resolution

but will decrease also S/N. (Figure 19, lower part):
For quadratic bins S/N is proportional the bin size


Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, data acquisition

IGA Academy Report 0107-2013

certain distance from the circle centre are CMPfamily members.

Modern binning possibilities are more relevant if
source and receiver position has a random component. The automatically the midpoint are not in the
bin centers. This is generally the case if the vibrators
move on (nit straight) streets. Complex binning however is mainly a processing issue but acquisition may
limit the possibilities
After binning the 3D survey each bin should have
ideally the same number of traces with equal offsetand azimuth statistics covering the entire offset range
and 360 azimuth. This would guarantee a homogeneous illumination of the subsurface. Due to costs
and logistic limitations this is not realistic.

Figure 20: Coverage (fold) of a 3D survey. Coverage

in color coded. Furthermore vibrator lines (red) and
geophone lines (blue) are shown. The black marked
parts show periodic behavior that may cause footprints

Statistic methods to analyze and optimize coverage-, offset- and azimuth


3D finally produces images and thus decision about

optimum parameters are often made looking at graphic presentations. The human eye is extremely able to
recognize patterns and regularities. Visible regularities in graphical presentations of the geometry may
end up in footprints in the final result images. Those
graphical presentations may refer to coverage-, offset- and azimuth distributions

Coverage (fold und unique fold)

Figure 21: Unique fold. Coverage is shown as function of offset. Color and numbers represent the
unique fold, contributing to the coverage. Only one
trace is counted per offset interval. Red squares are
the vibrator and blue circles the geophone positions.

A standard presentation used in all surveys is a color

coded plot of the overall coverage (fold), representing
the number of CMP family members belonging to
each bin. Figure 20 shows a coverage plot.
We may see that the coverage is 0 add the edges and
growth to 48 in the middle. Periodicities are visible in
the black marked areas. The layout was orthogonal
with line distance 400m for shots and geophones and
50m inline spacing.

If we look not only at a single box but in the entire

survey area the periodicities may be even more evident. Figure 22 shows that the unique fold is smaller
in the box centers. More structure I visible in inlinecross line and diagonal directions.

Another possibility to plot coverage is the unique fold

(Figure 21). The fold is again color coded but only on
trace is counter for a given offset interval even if
more traces are within this interval. This gives the
name unique fold. Figure 21 that the coverage in the
middle refers to 16-18 offset intervals, while 35 offset intervals may be used in other parts of the area.
Vibrator positions are red squares and geophones
blue circles. Vibrator- and geophone position form a
rectangle (called box). Within the box we observe a
X-shaped structure around the 4 central bins.


Offset- and azimuth distributions

A more detailed presentation of the off the offset

distribution shows Figure 23.For each bin a bar diagram is shown with the bar length presenting the
offset and the bars arranged from long to short. An
optimum distribution will show a homogeneous triangle. A close up is seen in Figure 24. It has to be
mentioned that the offset distribution of a singe bin is
not that important as migration and DMO smears the
energy to neighbors (Cordsen, 2000).


Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, data acquisition

IGA Academy Report 0107-2013

Figure 22: Unique fold for an entire survey. The

unique fold is color coded. Vibrator lines are red,
geophone lines blue.
Figure 24: Close up of Figure 23

Figure 23: Offset distribution for every bin as bar

diagram. Bars are sorted in relation to offset. Vibrator positions are red squares and geophone position
blue circles

Figure 25: Offset distribution of an entire 3D survey

as histogram (number of traces per offset interval)

The total offset statistic of the entire survey can be

shown as histogram (Figure 25). X-axis is the offset
interval. This gives a good overview about maximum
and minimum offsets.

Figure 27 shows a spider diagram. All midpoints

belong to the same bin.
Spider diagrams may be presented for all bins of a
survey or all bins within a box as shown in Figure 28,
with vibrator lines red and geophone lines blue. Periodic variations in the spiders are easily visible.

A totally different way to present offset distributions

is shown in Figure 26 (Cordsen, 2000) showing a row
of bins. X-axis is the CMP number and Y-axis the
offset. A column in the figure represents a bin in
certain offset intervals, the color the number of traces
within the interval. A homogeneous distribution
would result in a single color.

A larger area with a typical color pattern is shown in

Figure 29, a pattern that may be visible in final images as acquisition footprint.
As with the offsets also the entire azimuth statistic of
a survey may be presented as histogram (Figure 30).
In Figure 30 is can be seen that many traces are in
azimuths between30 und 40 Grad and between 135
und 145.

Also the azimuth distribution is (as the offset distributions) dependent firstly from the coverage. The
most popular presentation of azimuth distributions is


Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, data acquisition

Figure 26: Offset distribution in a row of bins (Cordsen, 2000).

IGA Academy Report 0107-2013

Figure 29: Periodic color pattern of a spider diagram

A possibility to present offset- and azimuth distribution for every bin is a bar diagram (Figure 31). The
colors show the offset interval. The bars are sorted
with increasing azimuth and the bar-length is the
number of traces within that interval. Also here we
can see periodic pattern.

Figure 27: Spider diagram for a bin. Offsets are

presented by colored lines with directions toward
north. The line length presents the offset.
A possibility to present offset- and azimuth distribution for every bin is a bar diagram (Figure 31). The
colors show the offset interval. The bars are sorted
with increasing azimuth and the bar-length is the
number of traces within that interval. Also here we
can see periodic pattern.

Figure 30: Azimuth distribution for an entire 3D

survey. X-axis are the azimuth intervals, Y-axis the
number of traces within this interval

Figure 28: Spider diagram for one box

Figure 31: Azimuth und offset in a combined bar

presentation. Length of the bars is the frequency of a


Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, data acquisition

certain azimuth. The bars are sorted in azimuth classes from left to right

IGA Academy Report 0107-2013

figure). As all geophones are connected coverage is

symmetric around the centre.

The often used rose-diagram (Figure 32) allows a

comprehensive view on a 3D survey (see figure caption). In the diagram in Figure 32 we may see that
offset > 3.800m are only in offsets 30-40 and the

Examples for the effects of geological

structure on coverage statistics

Until now coverage statistics were made in relation to

bins at the surface. To coverage in the subsurface
(sometimes called illumination) is more difficult and
depends on geometry of the geological targets (mainly strike and dip) and the seismic velocities. Homogeneous coverage at the surface is no guaranty for
homogeneous coverage in the subsurface (Alvarez,

Figure 33: Simplified model of a fault plane (black).

The uppermost horizon is not disturbed by the fault.
Table 4: Simplified seismic model with 5 horizons


vp above the

100 m

2100 m/s

200 m

2700 m/s

600 m

3500 m/s

1000 m

4100 m/s

1500 m

5000 m/s


from 1500 m

6000 m/s

Figure 32: Rose- diagram showing coverage, offsetand azimuth-distribution in one picture. The direction
of the rays is the azimuth (in intervals of 10). Each
ray is fragmented in 40 small boxes representing
offset intervals. The largest offset is 4.000m
To discuss the influence of geological structures on
the illumination we use a simple model including a
steep dipping fault plane and same calculation using
the software OMNI3D. The model (Table 4), includes 5 horizons displace by 1.000m at the fault
(Figure 33).
For the modeling an orthogonal Geometry with line
distances 500m and 50m spacing was used for
sources and receivers. All geophones are active for
every shot. The illumination was calculated using 3D
ray tracing. Figure 34 shows the coverage at the surface and the illumination for 2 horizons. The maximum coverage at the surface is 140 (upper part of the

Figure 34: Coverage at the surface (upper part) and

illumination for horizon 3 (middle) and 5 (lower

Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, data acquisition

IGA Academy Report 0107-2013

part). White areas are not illuminates at all. Vibrator

lines are red, geophone lines blue.

Figure 36 shows the effect if coverage is complete or

if certain positions are not accessible.

The middle part of Figure 34 shows the illumination

for horizon 3.It is to be seen that a small stripe following the fault is not illuminated at all (white). The
reason is that rays refracted at the fault plane will not
reach the geophones. The coverage is in total shifted
compared to the coverage at the surface. The coverage for the lowest horizon Figure 34 (lower part)
shows even more white areas. These are theoretical
calculations and in praxis the white areas will not be
totally white but have some reduced illumination.

The upper part of Figure 36 shows the coverage

where the lay out was rotated 45. Vibrator lines are
red, geophone lines blue. Line distance was 420m
with 60m spacing. Shown is the left part of a larger
The lower part of Figure 36 shows the coverage with
certain source point not used. The not used areas are
marked black, grey source point could not be used.
It has to be considered that both parts of the figure
use different color codes.

A vertical section in east-west direction (Figure 35)

shows the effect auf the fault on the travel paths of
the seismic waves. The figure shows 50 rays from a
shot position left of the fault (upper part) and right of
the fault (lower part). Only rays representing waves
that are reflected at the 3rd horizon are shown. Direct
waves have red, reflected waves black rays. Refractions at the fault plane are clearly visible.

Figure 36: Influence of not used shot point on the

coverage. Vibrator lines are red, geophone lines
blue. Notice the different color code



With Acquisition Footprints seismic experts integrate all type of artifacts in seismic images that reflect data acquisition. Most important is acquisition
geometry as positioning of sources and receivers but
also other effects like topography, lands use, and
weather may be seen in the final images. Her we look
only on the effects of acquisition geometry and go
under this headline again thru all acquisition parameters. As in seismic exploration redundant data are
acquired footprints may be evaluated using statistical
methods. Results of seismic measurements are often
represented as 2D color section through the 3D data

Figure 35: Vertical section with ray tracing for a

shot left of the fault (upper part) and right of the fault
(lower part) Red are direct rays, black reflected rays.

Acquisition footprints

Beispiel fr die Wirkung ausfallender

berdeckung bei Hindernissen

Because of streets, cities and other land use sometimes positions for shots and receivers are not possible. This influences the statistics of related bins.


Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, data acquisition

volume. This is a very good instrument to see the

data in a compressed form as the human eye is excellent to detect patterns.
Figure 37 shows footprints in horizontal section. For
acquisition a orthogonal design was used The resulting raster like pattern is easily visible. The red and
blue structures appear in horizontal stripes which are
not related to anything in the subsurface.

Geometrical reasons





Variations in coverage


Land use

Source-generated noise

In ideal acquisition geometry every bin has the same

number of element, the same offset and azimuth
distribution. For cost and logistic reasons this is not
possible to realize. If one of those vary systematically
footprints visible in the images are possible. In crossline designs they often cause checkerboard like structures. It is nearly impossible to avoid footprints totally (Falconer, 2008).

Surface conditions
Processing artifacts


Geometrical reasons

Line spacing:

Line spacing and orientation are the most relevant

reasons for visible footprints. The larger the distance
between lines is compared to this source/receiver
spacing with in the line the more likely are footprints.
In 3D onshore lines distances are mostly equal for the
entire survey ore repeat periodically. Especially this
regularity is dangerous. Survey balanced between
shots and receivers are less sensitive than so called
geophone intensive surveys mostly used for cost

Footprints overlay the images of geology and complicate interpretation or even make proper interpretation impossible. It is essential to try to avoid footprint
or at least to know about them. There may be some
chance to suppress footprints during processing, but
still the interpreted has to know that they exist.

IGA Academy Report 0107-2013

Reasons for footprints

Variability in coverage:

Reasons for footprints are manifold and can be sorted

in two categories (Cordsen, 2004) as seen in Table 5
resulting on geometry and others.

The most often seen appearance of footprints is cause

by the periodicity of coverage in x- and y-direction.
This may not always be the coverage itself but also
periodicity in offset or azimuth statistics. Those
changes of the bin related coverage statistics cause
amplitude changes in the tacked traces and thus footprints. Generally footprints are more visible at short
travel times (near surface reflectors) as coverage may
be reduced by faders.
Wide/narrow patch geometry:

Wide patches are generally preferred compared to

narrow patches but may be more expensive. The
footprint topic is also a reason to prefer wide patched
as they cause more homogeneous coverage.
Source-generated noise:

In addition to coverage variability the sourcegenerated noise my cause footprints if the filter effects of source and geophone pattern is periodic. As
the suppression of source-generated noise is never
100%. The residual noise may depend on the filter
effect and the amount of noise generated. As the nose
is low frequents and travels with low velocity it may
affect also deeper structures.

Figure 37: Time-section through 3D data at t =

1020ms. Layout was orthogonal. Footprints are to be
seen as stripes in east-west direction (Sahai, 2007).
Table 5: Reasons for footprints


Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, data acquisition


1. A high source point density (source points per


Non-geometrical reasons

Topography/land use:

2. A high receiver point density (receiver points per


Topography and land use may have direct influence

on the resulting seismic images because they influence the data quality. In addition dense forests, cities,
streets may cause irregularities in the acquisition
geometry as certain source or receiver positions are
not accessible. Topography may in context with insufficient static corrections cause certain footprints
where the topography is visible in the underground

3. A similar source and receiver density

4. A high number of channels and so possibilities to
connect many geophones to a shot
5. A not to large factor between line distance and inline spacing for sources and receivers
It is obvious that all the above measure increase
costs. This is the reason why they may be realistic
only in parts. Compromises are needed.

Other surface effects:

Weather (wind, rain) and near surface geological

anomalies may influence the data, as well noise as
signal. String absorption in near surface layers (as
moors) may cause a nearly total loss of signal.

Random components in source and receiver positioning will decrease the footprint risk or avoid footprints
totally. Random parts on the source (or receiver) side
only may be sufficient.

Processing artifacts:

Footprints may be increase by inadequate processing.

Examples are wrong NMO velocities. Those artifacts
are not necessarily acquisition related and are not
considered here.

IGA Academy Report 0107-2013

All the presented arguments referred until now on

planned geometries. The real geometry will differ a
lot. Especially vibro-points will be on existing streets.
As long as this doesnt influence the coverage it is
more an advantage than a disadvantage as it brings
the desired random component. As a resume: real
geometries are less risky than plan-geometries. The
footprints seen in plan-geometry show a upper risk
boundary. In any case every interpreter of seismic
data should know about the risk of footprints and
should not Step in mantraps. Footprints may be evaluated in advance using layout software as Omni3D,
delivering all necessary statistics, analyses and images.

Strategies to avoid footprints

Acquisition footprints are mainly caused by insufficient geometry. This is because of the limited number
of source points per km2 and geophone points per
km2, limited by the available budget. As geophone
points are generally less expensive than vibrator
points the layout may be preferable geophoneintensive. This will make the layout asymmetric and
increases the danger of footprints. Besides the costs
also the possibility for realization in the filed may
play a role at least for cable systems. Vibro-points
will have to be arranged along streets. Complicated
layouts like zig-zag are possible only in deserts (Sahai, 2006) even if they promise lower footprintdanger. The often used regular source and geophone
raster are more dangerous. Random components have
to be considered.

Surely data processing may help against footprints. It

may be tried to suppress footprints by compensation
missing coverage by renting traces form neighbour
bins, as in flexi-binning (Bacon, 2003). Another
possibility are Wd FFT filters (Sahai, 2006) i.e. filters
in the wave-number domain. More sophisticated
methods use attribute analysis (Falconer, 2008) to
detect footprints with following subtraction (Davogustto, 2009).

A first indicator of possible footprints is the relation

of line distances to spacing within the line. This may
easily be >10. The following remarks about reasons
for footprints give also tips to avoid footprints:

See report 0109-2013.


Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, data processing

IGA Academy Report 0108-2013

Supported by:

Geothermal Exploration Best Practices, geophysical methods,

seismic, data processing
Stefan Bauer, Andreas Donat, Horst Rueter1)
1) HarbourDom GmbH Kln, Germany
Abstract: In seismic survey it is usage to split between acquisition, processing and geological interpretation. Some
special processing steps as attributes may nowadays be part of the interpretation. Processing is made by special
companies experienced in this, using sophisticated software and powerful computers. For small geothermal survey
the same procedures are needed as for much larger hydrocarbon surveys.


The final aim of seismic exploration to deliver a well

resolved image of the underground is reached in
steps. The image may be used to decide about drilling
sites, drilling path and to gain information about the
productivity of the reservoir. A, compared to other
methods, very sophisticated processing in an essential
part of this process.

Figure 1: 3D-seismic image: Layer boundaries may

be mapped using vertical or horizontal sections.
Faults will be visible if the displacement exceeds 10m
(Nagra, 2000)
The main reservoir parameters developers want to
know are temperature, thickness and productivity of
the aquifer. Neither the temperature nor the produc-

tion rate may be directly extracted from seismic data.

The thickness of the aquifer layer however may be
mapped directly in the seismic image. Temperature is
in many cases known a priori to some extend,
productivity however are difficult parameters but
may be derived from information about faults, lithology, facies, porosities and fluid content.
Seismic methods are mainly good in imaging structures. Other parameters as temperature or productivity are in a complicated relation to structure. This
means that structural exploration is as well important
to gain knowledge about those parameters.
With structure we understand here not only the
depth and thickness of the target layer and other layer
boundaries but as well the fault inventory and facies
changes within the target horizon. By mapping the
fault inventory position and size of faults may be
imaged but nothing will be known about fluid content
and fluid move ability. Imported information about
the tectonical stress and information from borehole
logging has to be added. Mapped temperature anomalies may contain information about fluid circulation
and related convective heat transportation. In carbonates the mapping of Karst may be important.
Not only the target horizons are of interest but also
the layers that will be penetrated by the necessary
drilling. When interpreting pumping test often the
question arises about the total size of the used aquifer
and its lateral boundaries, equally the water content
of the aquifer limiting boundaries may be of interest
to parameterize reservoir modeling. In any case a

IGA Academy Report 0108-2013

Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, data processing

detailed structural image gained from seismic exploration is helpful.

Modern processing systems (software) contain hundreds al algorithms, each controlled by many parameters. Many of those parameters may be known from
the overall geology or previous surveys in the neighborhood, others need to be tested in extended test
series. Experts decisions are needed including regional geological knowledge.

The decision of the drilling sites finally defines very

much the erection of the plant. The drillings connect
the drilling site with the target horizon. The conceptional model derived from the selected subsurface
target point and the structural model finally allows
reservoir extraction simulation and sustainability
calculations. Processing of seismic data has always to
be aware of those final aims.

Not all this can be explained here, we refer for further

reading to Hatton (1986) und Yilmaz (1987).
In this text we do not consequently split between 2D
and 3D data, as both are similar in many aspects.
However there are some steps that are special for 3D,
as binning, and all processes connected to positioning
in a 3D cube. Figure 3 shows an example of a 3D
processing flow chart in some detail.

Processing sequence

In seismic exploration we usually separate data acquisition from data processing and (geological) interpretation. Processing is often made by different contractors. Processing in this context is the manipulation of the acquired data to remove noise and artifacts
and to position reflectors in a three dimensional cube
in proper position with real reflecting amplitudes.

One of the most important steps in traditional processing is the so called horizontal stacking, i.e.
combining (adding, stacking) individual traces related
to individual source and receiver positions to a resulting trace belonging to a certain bin in the underground. With reference to this important step, all
processing before stack may be called pre stack all
after this step post stack. All pre stack processes
work on traces recorded in the field (using different
sortings) all processes after this step work on (the
much smaller number of) stacked traces. Figure 3
splits between pre stack migration and post stack
migration as an example.

Figure 2 shows a simplified sequence of processing

Steps embedded in the sequence of a seismic survey.
The individual steps (blue in the figure) will be described in the following. They may differ from case
to case. Processing usually is done with adequate
computers but need manual input and control from
experienced personal.

Figure 2: Processing sequence.

Usually we may split in a standard processing and a
special processing. Standard processing contains

Gain real amplitudes

Signal shaping
Static and dynamic corrections
Stacking and migration

As a first result experts usually deliver a so called

brute stack. This may be done already in the field
crew as part of the quality control. Here default processing parameters are used for the entire survey (all

Figure 3: Typical 3D processing sequence


Upload data

Seismic data usually are already processed to some

extend in the field equipment. In Vibroseis the corre2

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geophysical methods, seismic, data processing

manually. There a variety of special processes available. An example is the spike removal by median
filtering (Anderson, 1989). Automatic processes need
criteria as thresholds.

lation is done in the field to gain readable seismograms that can be compared with seismograms from
explosion seismic. Depending on the acquisition
instrument data may be need to be demultiplexed i.e.
arranged in individual traces. As more than one vibrator sweep will be used, vertical stacking (averaging) is done in the field to gain 1 trace per sourcereceiver pair.


The most important sorting of seismic traces is the

CMP gather. Her all traces having the same geometrically midpoint between source and receiver are
combined to a CMP family. In a 3D survey the
midpoint may not be really appoint but is regarded as
a point if the midpoint falls into small square area
(bin). The selection of the size of this bin is relevant
for the final lateral resolution of the images. If the bin
is too large, the resolution is low, if the bin is to small
a CMP family has only a few members and signal/noise may be too low. Normally processing uses
the same bin size as the acquisition already did.

The field-processed seismic data will be uploaded

from DVD, tapes, mobile hard drives to the processing computer. As the data volume may be large
powerful processors have to be used. Smaller 3D
surveys (as geothermal) may have to handle several
tens of gigabytes as larger surveys easily produce
To exchange data standard formats are used world
wide organized by the American Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG). The most used format is
the SEG-Y format (Figure 4). Other formats mainly
to store raw data are SEG-D and SEG-2.
File Header

Trace 1

number of amplitude values



Amplitude recovery

As seismic amplitude diminish proportional to the

source distance (amplitude divergence), seismic traces are amplified in a time and offset dependent way.
In the field this is corrected by a simple Automatic
Gain Control (AGC) and need to be refined during
the processing. This is then called a spherical divergence correction.

Trace 2

Organizing binning parameters


channel number
trace number

In the field the amplitude divergence is

compensated by a
simple gain control
procedure (AGC). The
average amplitude in a
selected moving window is kept on the
same niveau for the
entire trace. (Figure 5).


Figure 4: Principle structure of the SEG-Y format.


Figure 5: Principle of AGC

(Gadallah, 2004)

Geometry data

Usually uploaded data are sorted as shot records. For

further processing shot (vibrator) and receiver coordinates are needed. From these coordinates other
geometry parameters as offset or CMP positions may
be calculated. The coordinates are delivered from the
surveying crew or GPS data in the special format
SPS. They will then be written in the trace headers
for further use.


Signalprocessing / Deconvolution

This processing step first combines all filters for

noise suppression, as frequency filters, high-, low-,
band pass filters, 50 Hz notch filter. It may help to
design filter parameters using frequency analysis of
singe traces or trace groups. A more special filter is
the deconvolution. Deconvolution is sometimes
called inverse filter because it tries to compensate
the natural damping of high frequencies of seismic
signals traveling within the earth. At the same time
deconvolution compresses the signals and contributes
to improve vertical resolution. It may in addition
suppress noise.

Data editing

Seismic data may have different quality. They are

polluted by many different types of noise. Noise may
even be dominant. Those traces have to be totally or
partly deleted. This can be done automatically or

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geophysical methods, seismic, data processing

Seismic traces are from definition results of a convolution defined from the reflectivity function (sequence of reflections) convolved with the source
signature. This signal is filtered by the earth (constant
Q-damping) und thus becomes more and more low
frequent traveling through the earth. Deconvolution
tries to reset this damping effect.


Static corrections

The reflection insets coming from a horizontal reflector should have a well defined hyperbola shape
(Figure 7, lower part). In reality they show irregularities.
Reasons for the irregularities in the reflections
are topography and the
near surface low velocity
layer (LVL).

The convolution is described by:

y(t ) g (t ) f (t ) ,
with y(t) as output, g(t) as input and f(t) as filter function.
In vibrator seismic surveys the source signature is
well known as autocorrelation of the vibroseis sweep.
The deco-process tries to reinstall the reflectivity
function within the given bandwidths:

Figure 7: Effect of topography and low velocity

layer on seismic data. The
lower part shows the reflection (black) before and
(red) after the basic static

f (t ) y(t ) g (t )
In reality it may be complicated to much more complicated to find the reflectivity function (Figure 6), as
g(t) is not enough known and band limited to calculate the inverse g-1(t). The problem may be attacked
using Wiener filters. Depending on the filter length
this may be spike or predictive type of deconvolution.

Those irregularities are the same for all reflectors for

a certain trace. They may be corrected by a time
independent (static) shift. Both are fixed to a certain

If during a seismic survey different sources are used

(an example is the mix of vibrator sources and explosions) deconvolution operations have equalize the
signatures (signal shaping).

Figure 6: Simplified principle of convolution

Sources and receivers are

in different altitude
(Figure 7, upper part).
Traveling through the
LVL needs different
times. Static corrections
bring sources and receivers to the same reference
level. The corrections
have two parts, a source
related and a receiver
related part.

In calculating the shift amounts the so called near

surface low velocity layer (LVL) is to be considered,
as the waves may need comparatively long time to
penetrate this layer. Thickness and velocity may be
evaluated by additions refraction surveys. In explosion seismics uphole- times are helpful.

A seismic trace y(t)

may be regarded as
convolution of source
signal g(t) convolved
with the e reflectivity
function (Figure 6). In
real all is more complicated as the source
signal input g(t) contains more components
as signal generated
noise. g(t) is sometimes
called Source Signature.

After these corrections, called basis static correction

still some static problems may remain and residual
static correction as a separate processing step is needed.


Traces with larger offsets or parts of traces with short

travel times may be more polluted with noise then
average traces of the survey. They may contain surface waves (ground roll) or refractions and could
have negative influence on the stack results. It is
usual to remove those traces or trace parts before
stacking (muting).

2.7 Brute Stack

As the name tells the brute stack is a first simple
stacking test using a homogeneous velocity from the
entire data volume without any further corrections.
This gives first insight and is mainly used for quality
control (QC). Therefore it is a processing accompanying the acquisition and done in the field crew.

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geophysical methods, seismic, data processing

Figure 8: Muting (Gaertner, 1997). Red marked

parts are deleted

Figure 9: Principle of NMO corrections

As Figure 9 demonstrates the aim of the NMO correction is to make the reflection horizontal and thus
guarantee optimal constructive stacking. These parameters have the same dimension m/s as a velocity
but they are just processing parameters. The needed
parameter is the square (m/s) 2 and in some cases this
parameter may even be negative. These parameters
(the same is valid for the migration velocities) are not
useful for time to depth conversion.

2.10 Velocity analysis and NMO (dynamic)

A well evaluated three dimension model of propagation velocities is the basis for proper stacking, depth
conversion and migration. It may bet he most time
consuming process and usually need several iterations. To parameterize different processing Steps
different velocity field are needed (De Bazelaire,
1994). Mainly these are stacking velocities and migration velocities plus the velocities needed for inversion. Those velocity fields may differ a lot.

There are different methods to analyze velocities. The

most used is via the velocity spectrum. It is working
on a CMP gather (family) and corrections are made
for a variety of velocities with a velocity range. The
coherency values are calculated checking the similarity of the corrected traces and the resulting coherencies are platted (Figure 12). High coherencies (red
in the figure) show optimum time dependent stacking
velocities. The maxima can be connected to a velicity/ time function. Picking of the maxima may be done
by the software or interactive.

To apply the Normal Move Out (NMO) process velocities or more specific the squares of the velocities
are needed. The name NMO is because of the deviation from a horizontal line. They change in tree dimensions depending on local geology. Figure 9
shows the effect of NMO corrections. For horizontal
layering the necessary NMO (or stacking) velocities
are VRMS velocities (root mean square) and could be
calculated from the individual layers if the layer
velocities would be known. In reality the way is opposite and layer velocities may be calculated from
RMS velocities.

A common measure for coherency is the semblance

as used in Figure 12. Physically the semblance is the
ratio between the output (stacked) trace and the average input (not stacked) trace. Velocity analysis is
made for discreet laterally distributed CMPs, as every
500m. For a (small) 5x5km survey this would mean,
100 estimates.

To find proper correction values different types of

velocity analysis may be used. A central part is the
curvature of the reflection hyperbolas depending on
travel time (t) and offset (x).



t ( x) t

Velocity analysis is, as the entire processing, interactive and needs several iterations. After a first analysis
following steps as DMO correction and pre stack
migration may be tested and then velocity analysis
has to be repeated if those were not sufficient.


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geophysical methods, seismic, data processing

A general problem of NMO corrections is the so

called signal stretching explained in Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden..


Usually basic static corrections will not correct for all

static effects and a second Step is needed. This correction is made without external input by correlation
techniques. Residual static corrections should in any
case surface consistent for sources and receivers.

NMO corrections are

dependent on offset and
velocity. In contrary to
the static corrections the
NMO correction values
are time dependent and
change along the trace.
Therefore the name
dynamic corrections.

Figure 10: NMO corrections using different RMS


Residual static corrections

2.12 Dip move out corrections (DMO)

The theory for NMO corrections is based on a flat
(horizontal) layered subsurface. Reflection points for
source receiver pairs having the same midpoint do
not coincide (Figure 13, right). As a consequence the
apex of the reflection hyperbola is shifted out of the
middle. In those cases (and that is the majority!) an
additional process is useful, named Dip Move Out
(Figure 14).

If the velocity was not

correct, the reflection
may appear under or
over corrected (Figure
10). Only the correct
velocity produces a
horizontal reflection
cause signal stretching
for far offset traces
(Fehler! Verweisquelle
konnte nicht gefunden
werden.). This is especially the case for low
velocity (i.e. shallow

Figure 13: Shifting of reflection points if the reflector

is dipping

Figure 11: NMO-Stretch.

For dipping layers also the stacking velocities became a function of the dip angles. The NMO correction may regenerate to a dip filter as it prefers flat
layers. This can be avoided using the DMO in addition. Problems may occur is the dip structure in a
certain depth is complicated (conflicting dips). To
gain information about the 3-dimensional dip situation a sufficient offset and azimuth coverage within
the bin (CMP family) is required.
As NMO velocities and DMO corrections influence
each other iterations between those two processes are
needed to gain optimum stacking results. If all this
doesnt work pres stack migration is necessary.

Figure 12: Interactive velocity analysis with semblance as coherency measure (left). In the middle the
uncorrected and in the right the corrected CMP family

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geophysical methods, seismic, data processing

Figure 14: CDP Family and velocity spectra before (left) and after (right). After DMO the spectrum is much clearer
and allows automatic maximum picking (Veeken, 2007).
term migrations means: moving (migrating) in the
proper position. Figure 15 demonstrates how migration works. In the upper part a simplified geological
subsurface situation (syncline) is shown. Below we
see the zero-offset stack, showing the typical bow-tie
effect in imaging synclines. The migrated section
(below) shows the proper underground geometry

2.13 Stacking
During the following stacking process NMO and/or
DMO corrected traces are added (averaged) to one
resulting trace per bin. The resulting traces represent
an improved zero-offset trace as offset influences
have been removed by the corrections before stacking. It is assumed that the information gains from a
vertical below the bin position.

The terms reconstruction, imaging, mapping und migration

are synonyms for the
same process.

Different stacking codes may be used: For all traces

the amplitudes may just be added and the result divided by the number of traces (linear average)

st , mean

1 n
n i 1

Figure 15: Migration, bow-tie.

If the traces are weighted before stacking a weighted

stack or weighted average is gained. Noisy traces
may get a lower weight :

st ,meanweighted

Migration not only

reflecting elements in
its proper position
but also focuses
diffraction hyperbolas and thus enables a
clear image. Imaging
may be considered
the better term.

To use the migration process a large variety of techniques are available. The main groups are:

1 n
i wi,t
n i1

A more sophisticated stacking method is the diversity stack. Here data points are deleted if they differ
too much from the mean value at a certain travel
time. This mainly reduces influence of spices or other

Fourier-methods (F-K Migration)


All routinely used methods are based on the acoustic

(not elastic) wave equation and consider only Pwaves. All methods have advantages and disadvantages as shown in Table 1:

2.14 Migration
Different forms of migration are central parts in every
modern data processing. As in a stack section information is arranged vertical below the bin coordinates
after migration information is moved to its proper
position within a 3-dimensiona subsurface cube. The

Table 1: Advantages and disadvantages of migration





Fourier (F-K)

Large migration

lateral velocity

IGA Academy Report 0108-2013

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angle, fast



Can take lateral

velocity variations into account

Limited migration angle, dispersion effects as



Large migration
velocity variations

May lower
sharpness of
image due

but rely on very good 3D velocity information. This

is even more valid for pre-stack depth migrations.
In addition post-stack assumes moderate propagation
angels of the wave field which is soften not the case
for larger offsets. Also anisotropy is often not considered. Horizontal velocities may be due to anisotropy
up to 15% higher then vertical velocities. All this
should be considered when applying pre-stack migration.


The result is set of CRP (Common Reflection Point)

families or traces, which refer more or less to the
same subsurface reflection point. Often the pre-stack
migration result has to be iterated with additional
velocity analyses.

We have also separately to discuss migration in time

domain and in depth domain as shown in the following chapters. Both have specific advantages and disadvantages related to handling, precision, computer
time and costs.
2.14.1 Depth conversion
All types of time sections (zero-offset stacks, time
migrations) may be converted into depth if the velocity distribution is sufficiently known. The velocities
used as parameters during processing (stack velocities, migration velocities) are not sufficient. Velocities have to be known from well bores or have to be
fixed by imaging certain leading horizons in it proper
(a priori known) depth. Figure 16) shows the principle of converting zero-offset sections or time migrated section into a depth presentation.
2.14.2 Time migration
The time migration (Figure 16 d) is, compared to
depth migration an incomplete migration process as it
dies not take refraction at layer boundaries into account. Principally it works correctly only in a 1dimensional situation where it is not needed). Nevertheless it is often used as it gives a first fast and cheap
impression of possible migrated images. The time
migration further more is much less sensitive to incorrect velocity information. Figure 16d demonstrates
the disadvantages: the lower structures are not well
presented and show crossing reflection.
2.14.3 Pre- und Post-stack Migration
Migration processes may be applied before or after
stacking. Generally post stack will deliver better
results but is much less expensive. It is used if complex structures are expected as pre-stack generally
relies on hyperbola shaped reflections which may not
at all be present in complicated structures. Pre-stack
will not be successful in those cases. The effects are
shown in Figure 17. Complex structures may be related to salt structures. Post stack does not only need
more computer time and powerful computer systems

Figure 16: Migration of different synthetic data sets

(modified after Ristow, 1997).

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influence the readability of the results and make any

type of interpretation easier. The following may be

Time variable frequency filters

Automatic gain control (AGC)
Coherency filters.

Coherency filters many be used to improve the coherency of certain reflectors. Using a 2D moving
window traces are compared to neighbors. This process may improve the picture but also may cause lost
of (lateral) resolution which is important to detect
small faults.

Figure 17: Comparison between post stack time

migration (left) and pre stack time migration (right)
(Veeken, 2007)). Pre-STM) delivers a much better
result especially for deeper structures
A pre-stack depth migration (PSDM) as in Figure 18
(right) needs in contrary to a pre-stack time migration
(PSTM) as shown in Figure 18 (left) a vers accurate
velocity model as shown in Figure 18 (middle.)

With time variable

frequency filters its may
be considered that the
upper part of the section
is more high frequent
then lower parts.

Figure 19 presents a sketch about migration technologies

used as an early step in
the processing sequence
but may be used here
for final signal shaping
to improve the visual
Figure 20: Coherency filters
(Gaertner, 1997). Upper
part: before.lower part: after

Figure 18: Comparison between pre-stack time migration (PSTM) and pre-stack depth migration
(PSDM). Pre-stack resolves the flanks of the salt
dome much better (Veeken, 2007)

AGC is used to have

amplitudes in all parts of the
image. Usually plotting
dynamics is much lower
thn data dynamics. It
may not be used when
real amplitudes are

Frequently used filter operations are:


FX-deconvolution (Wiener-Levinson-Filter)
Eigenvector-filter (Karhunen-Love-Filter).

Evaluation of methods in relation

to the reservoir type

Developing an adequate processing strategy many

points have to be considered:

Figure 19: Comparison of different migration technologies with cost estimates ()

2.15 Post-processing
After finishing the essential processing Steps some
cleaning of the final image may be needed. Those
processes are often summarized as post-processing.
They are regarded as more cosmetic but may strictly

Layout of data acquisition

Data quality
Geology of the overburden
Geology of the target layer(s)
Depth of the target
General exploration aim

Normally every processing starts with the standard

routines ending with poet-stack migration. Then it
has to be decided if pre-stack migration is needed.

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tions are often in graben-flanks. Attribute analysis

may help but has to be handled carefully. In many
cases the more expensive pre-stack migration is

Processes like attribute analysis will often be added

during interpretation or even only used for parts of
the data.
We want to differentiate for hydrothermal reservoirs
the following reservoir types (Figure 21):


Karst structures

Karst is in carbonates often a main contributor to

permeability. Therefore Karst should be mapped in
geothermal exploration using facies analysis. Also
AVO analysis and elastic inversion may be helpful.
Karst may be connected to fault structures.

Complex in this context means that several structure

elements overlap. Determination of processing parameters as velocities may be difficult. Sophisticated
interpretation tools as attributes may fail. Spectral
decomposition and elastic inversion may deliver
additional information. An understanding of the problems can come from modeling. There even simple
methods as ray tracing may help. In many CRS stack
delivered better results compared to standard processing.

Figure 21: Some possible reservoir types


Flat layers

Flat layers a perfect for seismic exploration as many

processing methods are developed for flat layers and
work increasingly bad for steep dips. This is valid for
imaging processes but also technologies like AVO.

Reporting and archive

A final Step of processing is storage of all final and

intermediate results and reporting. Traces are usually
stored in SEG-V formats. In addition important results may be stored on paper.

Assuming flat layer effects on amplitudes by focusing or de-focusing caused by curved interfaces are
not present. AVO and other attributes are straight
forward. Often even very small faults may be detected (< 10m).

Complex structures

The processing report should contain information

about used processing software and codes, a detailed
description of all processes, used parameters and in
addition the names of people involved.

Fault zones

Faults penetrating and disturbing flat layers may

often be easily mapped. This becomes more difficult
if the faults are associated with changes in dip especially if dip is beyond a certain angle. A second complication may be caused by fault density as fault
influences on the images may overlap. Those situa-

See report 0109-2013.


Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, geological interpretation

IGA Academy Report 0109-2013

Supported by:

Geothermal Exploration Best Practices, geophysical methods, seismic, geological interpretation

Stefan Bauer, Andreas Donat, Horst Rueter1)
1) HarbourDom GmbH Kln, Germany

Abstract: In seismic survey it is usage to split between acquisition, processing and geological interpretation. Interpretation is nowadays done with intensive use of computers and software. Some special processing steps as attributes are regarded as part of the interpretation.


Classical in seismic exploration processing was made

on computers by geophysicists and interpretation on
paper by geologists. Actually interpretation is computer aided and the boundary between processing and
interpretation is not clear. Especially all techniques
using seismic attribute are highly computer intensive but mostly done by interpreting geologists as the
output of the individual processes have to be checked
about the geological acceptance.

Figure 1: Possible cuts through a 3D data cube used

in geological interpretation

We describe here attribute analysis as part of the

geological interpretation.


Interpretation methods
Standard Interpretation

The final aim of the geological interpretation is a 3D

geological image of the subsurface, presenting the
stratigraphy with geological names, the structural
inventory and in addition some petrophysical information. Central part of the standard interpretation is
the stratigraphy (horizons) and the mapping of all
kinds of faults or irregularities. To this the interpreter
goes step by step through a series of processes as
shown in Figure 1 using the data cube delivered from
the data processing and marking predefined geological horizons (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Exploration in the eastern Ruhr area,

Germany. Left: horizontal cut, right: vertical sections
in x- and y-direction (Prakla Seismos, 1980)
The (for long time) largest problem in 3D interpretation is the extreme large data volume. Even a small
(geothermal) survey, sized 5x5 km and a 20m bin
contains 62.500 stacked traces after processing. If we
assume 2.000 data point per trace (trace length 4 s
and 2 ms sampling), the data cube has 125 Million
data points that have to be handled. This is one of the
reasons why wiggle plots presenting the amplitudes
are nowadays seldom used and replaced by color
coded plots (as seen in Figure 2), These plots also
need less resolution on computer screens. The wiggle
presentation is only used to see details. In a color
codes presentation amplitudes are presented by a
color pixel. Many codes are possible and every interpreter may have a favorite
A red/blue code is shown in Figure 3.

Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, geological interpretation

IGA Academy Report 0109-2013

Figure 4: Interpretation of the stratigraphy using

drill hole information (modified from Nagra, 2000)
The more boreholes are available within the survey
area or near by, the better the calibration.
The easiest way to connect travel times with depth
are check shots in boreholes. Borehole geophones are
fixed in defined depth within the borehole and seismic energy generated at the surface (explosions or
vibrators). The travel time may be directly measured.
This can be repeated to a number of depth points
preferably at known layer boundaries or in regular

Figure 3: Color codes presentation of a vertical

section with geological interpretation of horizons and
faults (Veeken, 2007).

Matching with drill hole information

A first important step in geological interpretation is

the naming of clearly interpretable horizons with
stratigraphic names. To do this information from drill
holes is needed. This matching between seismic and
borehole information delivers also the necessary
velocity model. It is a kind of calibration Figure 4).

To compare amplitudes or signatures of seismic data

with borehole information synthetic seismograms
may be helpful (Figure 5). Sonic Logs, density-Logs
and resulting impedance logs may be used. The reflection function is defined by changes in the impedance

Figure 5: Calculation of synthetic seismograms (Nagra, 2000)


Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, geological interpretation

IGA Academy Report 0109-2013

To get the resulting synthetic trace the reflection

function has to be convolved with suitable wavelet
(Figure 5). The figure also shows the relation to geology (right). In the example the wavelet was 20ms (ca.
30m) long, limiting the vertical resolution. If the
wavelet is longer than the distance between reflectors
the reflections overlap forming signatures typical for
certain layers. During interpretation usually the first
minimum is regarded as representing the reflector,
this may cause a defined time lag to the real reflector
times. In Figure 5 the interpreted marker-horizons are
drown as dashed lines. Examples are TSt (Top Stuben-sandstone) und UGi (Bottom Gypsum-keuper).


Figure 6: Decomposition of a complex trace (modified from Taner et al. 1979).

Special methods of processing

and interpretation

The attribute analysis in general delivers information

about geometry and physical parameters of the subsurface. Attributes connected to physical parameters

Seismic attribute analysis

The term seismic attributes is not very well defined.

Following Taner (2000) is puts together all information gained from seismic data either from direct
measurements, logical considerations or even experience.
In a more strict definition attributes is using complex
seismic traces and related derivations.

reflection coefficient,


absorption etc.

are extracted from amplitude information (envelopes). Phases deliver information about

A complex seismic trace is a computer generated

trace where a imaginary component is added to the
measured real component. To generate this imaginary
component several methods are possible as well in
the time- as in the frequency-domain (Upadhyay,
2004). Principally is a 90 time shifted trace (quadrature).

geometry of a reflector

position of a fault etc.


Signal- und structure describing attributes

Using up to date processing software a large number

of attributes may be generated and by linear combination of those even more attributes are available. After
Taner (2001) much more than 400 attributes are used.

The complex trace may now be presented as envelope

and phase. As the phase values are available for every
data point (time point) I is called instantaneous
phase. The same is valid for the derived frequencies
which are called instantaneous frequencies. Figure
6 shows the decomposition of a complex trace in real,
imaginary, phase and frequency and in addition the
envelope and the average frequency. The phase is
already regarded as one of the attributes. The good on
this decomposition is that the phase contains more
travel time information, the envelope information
about reflection coefficients and damping. The complex trace is an easy way to separate that information
in computer technical sense.

Usually a 3D attribute cube is calculated from the 3D

data cube. Figure 7 (right) shows as examples for
attribute cubes the instantaneous frequency as indicator for faults.

Figure 7: Data cube (right) and attribute cube (instantaneous frequency) (right). (Taner, 2001)
On more prominent example for attributes may be the
coherency cube (Chopra, 2002) presenting coherency

Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, geological interpretation

IGA Academy Report 0109-2013

in 3 dimensions. For each data point similarities with

the neighbors are quantified. Figure 8 show NO-SW
striking faults in the coherency plot (middle and
right) that could hardly be seen in the original data

Table 1: Selection of a few signal and structure describing attributes (Schlumberger, 2008)



Signal describing attributes


Energy of the
seismic signals

Discrimination of
impedance differences (Change in



Identification of
faults and lateral
changes in stratigraphy


Variance of the



Attributes may be classified in different ways. An

example is:


Phase values



Signal describing attributes (wavelet amplitudes)


Time derivative
of phases


Structural attributes.

t* Damping

dependent attenuation


Figure 8: Horizontal slice of a data cube: Seismic

amplitudes (left), coherency (middle) and a combination (right) (Chopra, 2002).

Table 1 describes a few selected attributes:



Structural Attributes
Dip Deviation

Dip derivations
from local trend

Faults with small

dip angel


Measure fort he
inner organization of the data

Identification of
faults and discontinuities

Derivation from

Identification of
local anomalies

Local dip angle

Identification of
strike slips and



Local Structural Dip


Spectral decomposition

A central part attribute analysis often is the so called

spectral decomposition which is more than a frequency analysis. Instantaneous frequency is evaluated
and amplitudes are shown depending on time, location and frequency (Davies, 2005).
In times when those technologies were not available,
interpreters try to gain comparable information using
narrow band filters but the uncertainty relation between time and frequency limited the resolution.
Modern methods use the physical possibilities much
better. The result is a complete frequency data cube.
This may be used to determine layer thicknesses
(Figure 9) and the attenuation of the wave field within a possible reservoir (aquifer).

Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, geological interpretation

IGA Academy Report 0109-2013

Figure 9: Seismic section (left) and spectral decomposition for 15 Hz (Nejat 2009).Arrows indicate
the flanks of a riff structure
For realize spectral decomposition a variety of technologies are available, as:

Short time Fourier transform

Wavelet transform
Wigner-Ville transform

Figure 10: Seismic inversion (after Veeken, 2007).

Calculating post-stack inversion usually good signal/noise is a precondition to avoid amplitude distortion. Known inversion technologies may be:

The Fourier transform method is in principle a moving window analysis, where the resulting amplitudes
are averages in the selected window. The selection of
the window length determines the resolution. The
method is mainly used to map thin layers with improved vertical resolution.

Model based inversion uses a stratigraphic start model and then calculation of synthetic seismograms. In
iteration with a great number of very thin layers a
final impedance cube is yield.
In the sparse spike inversion every seismic trace is
transformed in an impedance trace using a minimum
(sparse) number of reflectors. More sophisticated
codes use also neighbor traces. Missing low frequent
parts imported borehole data may help (Ronghe,
2002). We the may use the term constrained sparse
spike inversion (CSSI).

The wavelet transform correlates the input trace with

wavelet (from a library). The wavelet determines the
resolution. In the technology phases are comparatively important. The wavelet has to be selected to balance between time and frequency resolution.
The Wigner-Ville produces a energy function. This
is the Fourier transform of a product multiplying an
equal long time interval before and after the time
sample worked on. It maps density and thus porosity
changes quite well.
Hidden information is seismic traces may be seen
after spectral deconvolution much better. On the
other hand the large number of possibilities and parameters may be confusing.

Model based inversion

Sparse spike inversion
Colored inversion

The colored inversion (Figure 11) follows a different

approach: amplitude spectra of seismic data are compared with those of the impedance.

Post-stack Inversion

The seismic inversion sometimes also named stratigraphic deconvolution generates an impedance cub
(Figure 10). Impedance is the product of density and
velocity of a formation. Impedance data often may be
better correlated to geology the amplitudes especially
if impedance change correlates with porosity.

Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, geological interpretation

Figure 11: Seismic data

(left) and coloured inversion (right) (Veeken,

IGA Academy Report 0109-2013

AVO analysis is applied pre stack on NMO corrected

or migrated data (Veeken, 2006).

Amplitde spactra of
seismic data are compared with impedance
spectra from borehole
information. Then an
inversion operator is
generated transforming the amplitude
spectrum in the impedance
This inversion operator (in time domain
presentation) is the
used to convolve the
seismic data into an
impedance cube.

To calculate the offset dependency of amplitudes the

Zoeppritz-equations are used (Zoeppritz, 1919),
which are comparatively complicated. Therefore
approaches are in use as recommended by Shuey
(Shuey, 1985). His quadratic equation may be used
for angles up to 30. This approach allows cross plots
to determine sin2 using a linear regression (Figure

This method assumes

the data to be zero
phase. The method is
fast but quick and

Figure 12: Simplified presentation of AVO analysis

(after Young, 2005).

A basic problem in seismic inversion is the band

limited data (often 10-60Hz) (Krajewski, 2002).

The image shows the cross plot for the time t2. From
the linear regression the AVO values P and G may be
extracted. Thus the AVO analysis transforms the data
from amplitude-offset space to amplitude- incident
angle space.

As a consequence layer thickness should be more

then 10m (often more).The missing low frequencies
may be compensated using borehole data or processing velocities. It follows that the result is not only
dependent on the seismic data but also on the imported data. In case those imported data are poor its
questionable if inversion is worthwhile. At least a
sensitivity analysis is recommended.

P and G have different names, P may be called Intercept (I), zero offset amplitude or normal incident
amplitude. G is named gradient or slope or AVOgradient. Often from these primary AVO attributes
others may be calculated as from cross plots between
P and G (Young, 2003). Figure 13 shows on the left
normalized cross plots (a and c) for every CDP family. The color code gives estimates of porosity, lithology or pore filling.


The amplitude versus offset (AVO)-analysis looks at

the angle dependency of amplitudes of seismic wave
fronts before stack. Amplitudes change with offset in
a complicated way as the incident angles at the reflector change. The angle dependency of the P-wave
reflection is influenced by the P- and S-wave velocities and the density contrast (Zoeppritz). As a consequence AVP analysis (0f P-waves) allows estimates
about the shear wave velocities.

The attributes derived from AVO analysis are regarded as the most important in the hydrocarbon industry
as they are related to porosity and fluid filling. They
however need good pre-stack data quality. Also multiples, conflicting dips etc. may cause problems.
Standard AVO in addition doesnt respect anisotropy
which is often present in cyclic water bearing layers.

AVO analysis is nowadays used throughout the hydrocarbon industry to estimate pore fillings as water,
brine, oil, gas or map the front between different
fillings as those fillings influence P and S waves
totally different. Amplitudes decay above oil field
strata with offset much faster the above water filled

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geophysical methods, seismic, geological interpretation

IGA Academy Report 0109-2013

Table 2: Selected attributes derived from elastic


Figure 13: AVO-cross plots (left) and section of the

attribute cube (right) (modified from Young, 2005).

The relation Vp to Vs is in porous media

lower as in dense media

The Poisson number varies between 0

und 0,5 depending on porosity.

density *

is the shear modulus and not influenced by the fluid filling as the fluid has
no shear resistance. It is a useful lithology indicator.

density *

is the compressibility modulus of the

rock matrix. Porous rocks have a low .
The product offers a good description of

Also / may be used for aquifer characterization.

Elastic inversion has similarities to AVO but is the

more elaborated method. Applications in geothermics
are not yet sufficiently known.

It may be expected that AVO will a la longe play an

important role in geothermics mapping pore- and
fracture related porosity and via S-wave velocities the
water fills.


CRS Methode

The common reflector stack (CRS) method is not

really as attribute analysis but often used as processing additive during interpretation. As other imaging is mostly based on Huygens principle (superposition of elementary spherical waves), CRS is the
superposition of elementary plane waves.

AVO leads 3D seismic beyond structure exploration



Elastic inversion

The concept of elastic inversion may be regarded as

an advanced AVO analysis. Usually separate stacks
for small, medium and large offsets are used. Elastic
inversion was first introduced by (Conolly, 1999).

Stacking zero-offset sections are calculated improving signal/noise and reducing data but alternative
imaging is possible. One of those is CRS (Hubral,

Impedance (until now in this text) was acoustical

impedance valid for zero offset and horizontal layers.
For other angles we may talk from elastic impedance, which is a function of P and S wave velocities
and density. Conolly (1999) introduced an adequate
approach to the Zoeppritz equations. He used a polynomial presentation.

It is a paradigm change in looking at larger reflecting

area elements (elementary areas) defining size, position, curvature and angle of reflected wave fronts.
Elementary areas may be as large as they allow linear
estimates. An inverse process would be plane wave

Elastic inversion and derived attributes describe rock

properties much better than the simple acoustic approach. A great variety of attribute cubes is related to
elastic data (Table 2).

The CRS looks explicit at local geometry changes of

reflectors (Mann, 2002) allowing area approximations of travel times in the vicinity of a zero offset
time. A derivate is cinematic wave field attributes
(CRS attributes, 8 attributes for 3D).They may be
used manifold:

Geometrical spreading loss

Size of projected Fresnel zones
automatic approximate time migration
Velocity model for depth migration (Duveneck, 2004).

As the shape of an interface may be better presented

via elementary areas as via point sequences the CRS

Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, geological interpretation

IGA Academy Report 0109-2013

methods has systematic advantages but computer

time is significant. (Figure 14) shows an image comparison.

longer infinitesimal narrow but has finite width described by a Gauss bell function.

Figure 14: Comparison of an NMO-stacked section

(left) with a CRS-stacked section (right). GWC = gaswater contact (Trappe, 2001).

Figure 16:Gauss Beam

(after Rge, 1995).

Seismic modeling

Seismic modeling means all methods to simulate

wave propagation in the subsurface. Known methods

The ray accompanied by

its Gauss bell curve
propagates through the
medium and is superimposed with many others
at the receiver position
(Lehmann, 1992). The
Gauss function carries
the amplitude and frequency information. Finite Difference Models

In Finite Difference (FD) models the wave equation
is solved using numerical grids. Also the geology is
presented a grid of small elements. Each grid element
has parameters as velocity, density, moduli etc.
shows a vertical cut of an FD model of a salt dome.

ray tracing,
synthetic Seismograms
Finite difference models.

Simple methods are often used already in planning a

survey and lay out design. Ray tracing

The ray tracing is a high frequency approximation of
wave propagation what means that wave effects will
not be noticed.
Ray tracing (3D) uses a block model of the subsurface with constant velocities within the layers. Rays
will be reflected and refracted at the boundaries according Snelliuss law. Travel times of diffractions
may be calculated in addition.

Figure 17: FD-Model of a salt dome. Colors are the

seismic velocities within the grid cells
In Finite Difference (FD) models the wave equation
is solved using numerical grids. Also the geology is
presented a grid of small elements. Each grid element
has parameters as velocity, density, moduli etc.
Figure 17 shows a vertical cut of an FD model of a
salt dome.
Disadvantages as known from the previous techniques are not relevant for FD modelling but others
Disadvantages as known from the previous techniques are not relevant for FD modelling but others
occur as grid-dispersion. Resolution is dependent of
the grid size. To gain an adequate model and acceptable resolution a huge number of grid cells is

Figure 15: Ray tracing for 1 source position.

Advantages of ray tracing is the simple and efficient
modelling even for complex structures at least if an
acceptable geological block model is available. Disadvantage is the missing amplitude information.
Gauss beams
Gauss beams is a further developed ray tracing able
to estimate amplitudes and damping. The ray is no

Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, geological interpretation


IGA Academy Report 0109-2013

Extended methods

include the time component to be dynamic. They

allow prognosis and discussion about sustainability.


Vertical seismic profiling (VSP) is an additional

method to gain seismic velocities used during the
interpretation. Waves generated at the surface are
recorded within borehole by borehole geophones.
Signals may be generated by explosives or vibrators
as one or many source points.

Figure 19: Interpretation Steps toward a reservoir

model (after Bentley, 2008).
As can be seen easily the simulation results are strictly dependent on the liability of the data basis. Also
the available codes do often not include all possible
processes, as phase changes or rock fluid chemical
reactions. In addition numerical problems may occur.

Special methods for aquifer characterization and fracture mapping


Looking at the described technologies those are

mainly suitable for aquifer characterization that offers
information about:

Figure 18: upper part: Principle of a VSP survey.

Blue are borehole geophones and red the source at
the surface. Lower par: positions of source point in
massive walk away VSP

The VSP-method may in addition deliver near borehole detail information.


Aquifer characterization

Reservoir Modeling

Reservoir modeling models the dynamic behavior of

a reservoir as a geothermal aquifer. This is in contrast
to the geological (structural) model which is a static
model. The reservoir is dynamic as fluid ore energy
(heat) is flowing in the different strata. Reservoir
modeling is routine in hydrocarbon exploration and is
widely used for geothermal reservoirs. The reservoir
modeling combines all geological, hydro geological
and petrophysical information (Figure 19).

petrophysical parameters

The aquifer is not a homogenous layer and cant be

describes by a simple set of parameters. It is structured and oft cyclic layered. This is a consequence of
its generation and later geological history, which may
cause alterations and tectonic destruction. Fluid floe
may be in connected pores or fractures. The matrix
flow may be dominated by flow in larger fault zones.
In any case the matrix flow is essential for heat extraction

The used software based reservoir simulators on the

basis of 3D finite difference or finite element grids

Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, geological interpretation


IGA Academy Report 0109-2013

Seismic stratigraphy

Seismic includes a methodical approach to interpret

seismic sections using genetic and stratigraphical
basics i.e. sedimentation rules. It was originally designed for river delta situations. The seismic image
has to be the result of a long going geological process
and has to be in accordance with its generation. Sedimentation sequences will follow general rules.

Figure 21: Configuration of reflections within a

sedimentary sequence (after Mitchum, 1977 and
Weber, 1985).

A first indicator is the density of reflectors in certain

depth range. Another is the continuity of reflectors.
Those may indicate smooth sedimentation over long
times. Layers may be concordant or discordant.
The seismic stratigraphy developed own terms to
describe the situation as shown in Figure 20.

Facies analysis is done using computer software and

interactive (Figure 22).

Figure 20: Different reflection geometries as result

of sedimentation within natural boundaries (after
Mitchum et al., 1977).
Seismic startigraphy is not yet well developed for use
in geothermal projects in different geological plays.

Figure 22: Interactive facies analysis (Foster

Findlay Associates Limited).

Facies analysis

A sophisticated facies analysis may include all parameters used for processing and all available attributes as AVO or porosity mapping.

In contrary to seismic startigraphy, faciel analysis is

looking in details by analysing tiny details in the
reflection character. The following details may be
used (Weber, 1985):


Property Mapping

If in an exploration area boreholes exist they could be

combined with seismic results to property mapping,
merging petrophysical information with seismic parameters. Property mapping combines all information
including attribute analysis and imported information
of any kind. The final representation is cubic cubes
with relevant parameters.

Reflection amplitude
Reflection frequency
Reflection polarity
Reflection character
Density of reflections
Continuity of reflections
Configuration of reflections (Figure 21)
Seismo-faciel geometry (plate, lens, wedge,
fan etc.)
Interval velocities


Fault mapping

As larger faults planes or fault systems are mapped

individually, smaller (sub-seismic) faults act as an
integral rock describing parameter (fracture permeability). Fluid flow will be in the plurality of those
fractures and usually be anisotropic.

All together describe a certain reflection configuration. Figure 21 shows such configurations.

To gain information about those statistically distributed fracture systems the flowing technologies may

Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, geological interpretation

IGA Academy Report 0109-2013


Seismic stratigraphy
Facies analysis
Property Mapping.

References cited in the reports 0105-2013 to 01092013 are collected in this report. Some papers are
added for further reading:

As all this will be antistrophe there is still to research,

how contributions to geothermal exploration may be
and which experience from the hydrocarbon industry
may be used or where geothermic is different. The
statistical description of the fracture net is in any case
needed for dynamic models.

Alvarez Gabriel (2002): Toward subsurface illumination-based seismic survey design. SEP Report 111.
Stanford Exploration Project.
Anderson Richard G., McMechan George
A.(1989):Automatic Editing of Noisy Seismic Data.
Geophysical Prospecting, Vol.37, Issue 8.

Overall suggestions for interpretation strategies

Ashton P., Bacon B., Dplant C., Dickilreson T.

Redkop G. (1994): 3D Seismic Survey Design. Oilfield Review.

It is not possible to propose a general roadmap for

interpretation, as the geological situation but as well
the data can be quite different. Figure 23 however
gives a general flow chat for processing and interpretation. Basis is a careful standard processing followed
by (automatic) horizon picking and presentation in
3D cubes.

Bacon Michael, Simm Robert, Redshaw Terence

(2003): 3-D Seismic Interpretation. Cambridge University Press.
Bading R. (1979): 3-D seismics. Prakla-Seismos
Rep.; Vol/Issue: 3/4:1979.
Bee, M. F., Bearden, J. M., Herkenhoff, E. F., Supiyanto, H., and Koestoer, B., (1994): Efficient 3D
seismic surveys in a jungle environment: First Break,
12, no. 5, 253259.
Bentley Mark, Smith Simon (2008): Scenario-based
reservoir modelling: the need for more determinism
and less anchoring. Geological Society Special Publication no. 309 : The Future of Geological Modelling
in Hydrocarbon Development. Geological Society of

Figure 23: Flow chart for data analysis

Chaouch A. Mari J.L. (2006): 3-D Land Seismic

Surveys: Definition of Geophysical Parameters. Oil
& Gas Science and Technology Rev. IFP. Institut
francais du ptrole.

The following is location dependent. Cooperation

between processing and interpretation specialists is
needed. The interpretation specialist should have a
deep local knowledge.

Chopra Satinder (2002): Coherence Cube and beyond. First Break V.20.1. EAGE.

Generally exploration targets are comparable to hydro-carbon exploration; nevertheless geothermal

exploration will develop to be a specific discipline.
The will influence processing and interpretation
methods and sequences. Exploring petrothermal
systems (EGS) is not yet sufficient developed and
research is needed.

Chopra S., Larsen G. (2000): Acquisition Footprint its Detection and Removal, CSEG Recorder, October.
Connolly P. (1999): Elastic Impedance. The Leading
Edge. April Issue.
Cooper Joanna K., Margrave Gary F. and Lawton
Don C. (2008): Simulations of seismic acquisition
footprint. Back to Exploration. CSPG CSEG CWLS
Cordsen Andreas (2004): Acquisition Footprint Can
Confuse. AAPG Explorer, pg. 26, March 2004.


Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, geological interpretation

IGA Academy Report 0109-2013

Kraft-Wrmekopplung (KWK) in Deutschland. BGR,


Cordsen A., Galbraith M., Peirce J. (2000): Planning

Land 3-D Seismic Surveys. Geophysical development series; no. 9, SEG, Tulsa.

Khler, S. (2005): Geothermisch angetriebene

Dampfkraftprozesse - Analyse und Prozessvergleich
binrer Kraftwerke. Dissertation, Fakultt III Prozesswissenschaften der Technischen Universitt

Davogustto Oswaldo, Suarez Yoscel, Marfurt Kurt J.

(2009): Footprint removal using subtraction algorithms for seismic attribute quality enhancement: A
case study of Anadarko Basin red Fork incised valley
system. SEG Expanded Abstracts.

Krajewski P., de Groot P., H. Trappe (2002): Seismische Reservoircharakterisierung in der Produktion
und Exploration. DGGKolloquium. Neue Aspekte
der Explorations- und Produktionsgeophysik. Sonderband I/2002.

De Bazelaire E. and Viallix J.R., (1994): Normal

move-out in focus. Geophysical Prospecting, Vol.42.
Duveneck, E. (2004): Velocity model estimation with
data-derived wavefront attributes. Geophysics, 69.

Lehmann, Bodo (1992): Modellseismische Untersuchungen zur Transmissions- und ReflexionsTomographie unter Verwendung der Gau-Beam
Methode. Berichte des Instituts fr Geophysik der
Ruhr-Universitt Bochum. Reihe A. Nr. 33.

Falconer Scott, Marfurt Kurt J. (2008): Attributedriven footprint suppression. SEG Expanded
Abstracts 27, 2667. SEG, Tulsa.
Fertig J. (1997): Seismik. In: Kndel K., Krummel H.
Lange G., Handbuch zur Erkundung des Untergrundes von Deponien und Altlasten. Bd. 3, Springer,

Liner C.L., Underwood W.D. (1999): 3-D seismic

survey design for linear v(z) media. Geophysics, 64,

Gadallah Mamdouh R., Fisher Ray L. (2004):Applied

Seismology: A Comprehensive Guide to Seismic
Theory and Application. PennWell Corporation,

Majer E. L. (2004): 3-D Seismic Methods For Geothermal Reservoir Exploration and Assessment Summary. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Mann, J. (2002). Extensions and Applications of the
Common-Reflection-Surface Stack Method. Logos
Verlag, Berlin.

Gaertner H., Witka T. (1997): Reflexionsseismik. In:

Kndel K., Krummel H. Lange G., Handbuch zur
Erkundung des Untergrundes von Deponien und
Altlasten. Bd. 3, Springer, Berlin.

Marfurt Kurt J. (2008), Attribute Enhancement of

Seismic Noise). The Geophone. Geophysical Society
of Oklahoma City.

Gthel M. (2006): Tiefe Geothermie. Landesamt fr

Bergbau, Geologie undRohstoffe Brandenburg

Marfurt Kurt J., Scheet Ronald M., Sharp John A.

and Harper Mark G. (1998): Suppression of the acquisition footprint for seismic sequence attribute
mapping. Geophysics 63. SEG, Tulsa.

Hatton L., Worthington M. H. and Makin, J. (1986):

Seismic Data processing: Theory and practice.
Blackwell Scientific. London.
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Illumination. The Leading Edge. Vol.18, No 11.

Mitchum R. M. Jr., Vail P. R. and Thompson S. III

(1977): Seismic stratigraphy and global changes of
sea level, part 2: The depositional sequence as a basic
unit for stratigraphic analysis. In: Payton (edt.),
Seismic stratigraphy - applications to hydrocarbon
exploration. Am. Assoc. Pet. Geol., Memoir, 26,
Tulsa, Oklahoma, 53-62.

Jankowsky W. J. (1971): New Aspects of Quantitative Interpretation of Velocity Data and their Impact
on the Geological Evaluation of Exploration Prospects (unpublished paper) presented at 56th Annual
Meeting of the AAPG,Houston.
Jankowsky W. J. (1982): Physikalische Eigenschaften der Gesteine: Ihre Bedeutung fr die seismische
Interpretation. 2. Mintrop-Seminar 5. 8. Mai 1982.

Mnch W., Sistenich P., Bcker C., Blanke T.

(2005): Mglichkeiten der geothermischen Stromerzeugung im Oberrheingraben. VGB PowerTech

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Nagra (2000): 3D-Seismik Zrcher Weinland, Nagra

Bulletin 33, Nationale Genossenschaft fr die Lagerung radioaktiver Abflle, Wettingen.

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IGA Academy Report 0109-2013

Sahai Surinder and Soofi Khalid (2006): Use of Simple 2-D filters to Reduce Footprint Noise in Seismic
Data. GEOHORIZONS, July 2006.

Nejat M. R. S., Hassani H., Khorasani M. M., Javaherian A., Sokooti M. R. (2009): The Investigation
of the Spectral Decomposition Application in Detecting Reef Reservoir on Abadan Plain, Iran. Australian
Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 3(2).

Sarmiento R. (1961): Geological Factors influencing

Porosity Estimates from Velocity Logs. Bull. AAPG,
Vol 45.

Paschen H., Oertel D., Grnwald R. (2003): Mglichkeiten geothermischer Stromerzeugung in

Deutschland, Sachstandsbericht. TAB, Bro fr
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Geologisches Institut Albert-Ludwigs-Universitt

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Vermeer, G.J.O (1998): 3-D symetric sampling, Geophysics, 63,1629-1647.

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Sahai Surinder and Soofi Khalid (2007): Footprints in

Seismic Data. AAPG Explorer, January 2007.

Bauer, Donat, Rueter: Geothermal Exploration Best Practices,

geophysical methods, seismic, geological interpretation

IGA Academy Report 0109-2013

Vermeer Gijs, O. (2002): 3-D seismic survey design.

Geophysical references v.12. SEG, Tulsa.

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AVO classification. The Leading Edge. October

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Zoeppritz, K. (1919): On the reflection and propagation of seismic waves at discontinuities, Erdbebenwellen


Hersir, Flvenz: Resistivity surveying and electromagnetic


IGA Academy Report 0110-2013

Resistivity surveying and electromagnetic methods

Gylfi Pll Hersir, lafur G. Flvenz
Iceland GeoSurvey (ISOR), Grenssvegur 9, IS-108 Reykjavik, Iceland
Abstract: The task involved in geothermal exploration is the detection and delineation of geothermal resources and
the understanding of their characteristics, the location of exploitable reservoirs, and the siting of boreholes through
which hot fluids at depth can be extracted. Geological and geochemical mapping are usually limited to direct
observations on the surface and conclusions and extrapolation that can be drawn about the system and possible
underlying structures. Geophysical surface exploration methods are different. They utilize equipment that measures
directly some physical parameters on the surface that are directly created by physical properties or processes at
depth. Geophysical exploration is a young scientific discipline that developed slowly in the first half of the twentieth
Century. Geophysical exploration methods can be classified into several groups like seismic methods, electrical
resistivity methods, potential methods (gravity and magnetics), heat flow measurements, and surface deformation
measurements. Resistivity methods are the most important geophysical methods in geothermal exploration. The
reason is that the resistivity is highly sensitive to temperature and geothermal alteration processes and is directly
related to parameters characterizing the reservoir. Here, a review will be given on resistivity surveying and
electromagnetic methods; the transient electromagnetic (TEM) and magnetotelluric (MT) method as well as the DC
method: Schlumberger soundings.


Measuring the electrical resistivity, , of the subsurface

is the most powerful geophysical prospecting method in
geothermal exploration and the main method used for
delineating geothermal resources. The electrical
resistivity (m) is defined by the Ohms law, E = j,
where E (V m1) is the electrical field and j (A m2) is
the current density. Electrical resistivity can also be
defined as the ratio of the potential difference V (V)
to the current I (A), across a material which has a crosssectional area of 1 m2 and is 1 m long ( = V/I).
The electrical resistivity of rocks is controlled by
important geothermal parameters like temperature, fluid
type and salinity, porosity, the composition of the
rocks, and the presence of alteration minerals. The
reciprocal of resistivity is conductivity, (Sm1).
Therefore, it is also possible to talk about conductivity
measurements. However, in geothermal research, the
tradition is to refer to electrical or resistivity

There exist several different methods to measure the

subsurface resistivity. The common principle of all
resistivity methods is to create an electrical current
within the Earth and monitor, normally at the surface,
the signals generated by the current. There are two
main groups of resistivity methods, direct current (DC)
method and electromagnetic (EM) method (sometimes
called AC soundings). In conventional DC methods,
such as Schlumberger soundings, the current is injected
into the ground through a pair of electrodes at the
surface and the measured signal is the electric field (the
potential difference over a short distance) generated at
the surface. In EM methods, the current is induced in
the Earth by an external magnetic field. In MT,
alternating current is induced in the ground by natural
oscillations in the Earths magnetic field, and the
measured signal is the electric field at the surface. In
TEM, the current is created by a man-made timevarying magnetic field generated by a current in a loop
on the surface or by a grounded dipole. The monitored
signal is the decaying magnetic field at the surface
caused by induced currents at depth. It is customary in

Hersir, Flvenz: Resistivity surveying and electromagnetic


IGA Academy Report 0110-2013

geophysics to talk about passive and active methods,

depending on whether the source is a natural one or a
controlled (artificial) one. MT is an example of a
passive method, whereas Schlumberger and TEM are
active ones.
All geophysical exploration technologies involve four
steps: data acquisition, processing of data as an input
for inversion or modeling, the modeling of the
processed data, and finally the interpretation of the
subsurface resistivity model in terms of geothermal
parameters. In the resistivity method, the term apparent
resistivity, a, is used. This denotes the measured or
calculated resistivity as if the Earth was homogeneous.
It is a sort of an average of the true resistivity of the
Earth detected by the sounding down to the penetration
depth of the subsurface currents. The measured
apparent resistivity is inverted to the true resistivity of
the subsurface through modeling.

Figure 1: Resistivity section across the Hengill hightemperature geothermal area, Southwest Iceland, for
two different depth ranges obtained from stitched
joined 1D inversion of TEM and determinant MT data.
Inverted triangles denote MT stations, and V/H is the
ratio between vertical and horizontal axes. Section
location is shown as a blue line in the map to the right.
Red dots in the map denote MT stations (rnason et al.,

In all types of resistivity measurements, the final

product of the data acquisition and the accompanying
processing is a curve normally giving the apparent
resistivity as a function of some depth-related free
parameter. In the case of DC soundings, the free
parameter is the electrode spacing; for TEM soundings,
the time after turning off the source current; and the
period of the EM fields in case of MT soundings.

The 2D modeling means that the resistivity distribution

changes with depth and in one lateral direction, but is
assumed to be constant in the other orthogonal
horizontal direction. The last one is the so-called
electrical strike direction, which is usually the direction
of the main structure or the geological strike in the area.
In a 2D survey, soundings are made along a profile line,
which should be perpendicular to the strike. Good data
density is needed, depending on the required spatial
subsurface resistivity resolution, preferably a spacing of
less than 12 km between soundings. The 2D modeling
can account for variations in the topography.

Since the apparent resistivity does not show the true

resistivity structure of the Earth, it has to be modeled in
terms of the actual spatial resistivity distribution, that
is, resistivity as a function of the two horizontal
directions, x and y, and the vertical direction, z. This is
the task of the geophysical modeler, transforming the
measured apparent resistivity into a model of the true
resistivity structure. The procedures are similar,
whether considering DC soundings or EM soundings.
In the modeling, geometrical restrictions of the
resistivity structure are applied; the modeling is done in
a one-, two-, or three-dimensional (1D, 2D, or 3D) way.
In the 1D modeling, the resistivity distribution is only
allowed to change with depth and is in general assumed
to resemble a horizontally layered Earth (see Figure 1).

The 3D modeling allows the resistivity to vary in all

three directions. For a meaningful 3D interpretation,
high data density is needed with a good areal coverage
of the soundings, again depending on the required
spatial subsurface resistivity resolution, preferably on a
regular grid, for example, 1 km between sites.
Soundings located well outside the prospected area are
necessary to constrain the 3D subsurface resistivity
In 1D modeling, data from one and only one sounding
are supposed to fit the response from a given model.
Although a 1D Earth is assumed, in practice there are

Hersir, Flvenz: Resistivity surveying and electromagnetic


IGA Academy Report 0110-2013

different 1D models for different soundings within the

same survey area every sounding has its own 1D
model. In 2D modeling, data from all the soundings on
the same profile line are supposed to fit the response
from the same 2D model. In 3D modeling, data from all
the soundings in the survey or modeled area are
supposed to fit the response from the same 3D model.
The review given here on, Resistivity surveying and
electromagnetic methods, is to a great extend based on
previous work by the authors (Hersir and Bjrnsson,
1990; Flvenz et al., 2012).

Schlumberger soundings

In DC methods, direct current is injected into the

ground through a pair of electrodes at the surface. The
current in the Earth produces an electrical field in the
surface that is related to the resistivity of the underlying
ground. The electrical field is determined from the
measured potential difference between a pair of
electrodes at the surface.

Figure 2: Schlumberger configuration: As the spacing

between the current electrodes, A and B, is increased
the current penetrates deeper into the subsurface and
the measured potential difference at the surface
(between M and N) is affected by the resistivity of
deeper lying layers. The lower part of the Figure shows
the typical half duty square wave current and the
corresponding potential signal. (With courtesy of

Schlumberger soundings have been widely used

through recent decades in geothermal prospecting. The
electrode configuration is shown in Figure 2. The
electrodes are on a line, and the setup is symmetric
around the center. A pair of potential electrodes
(usually denoted by M and N) is kept close to the
center, while a pair of current electrodes (usually
denoted as A and B) is gradually moved away from the
center, for the current to probe deeper into the Earth.
The distance between the current electrodes is
commonly increased in near-logarithmic steps
(frequently 10 steps per decade) until the scheduled
maximum separation has been reached. In principle, the
distance between the potential electrodes MN should be
small and fixed, but in practice, it needs to be enlarged
a few times as the spacing between the current
electrodes is increased. This is to increase the voltage
signal and to maintain an acceptable signal to noise

The measured resistivity value is the apparent

resistivity, a, a sort of an average resistivity of the
material through which the current passes. By using
eqn (1), the apparent resistivity can be easily derived
from the measured current and potential difference and
the geometrical setup parameters (Figure 2) as follows:

( 2 2 )

= K


where S = AB/2, P = MN/2, and K is a geometrical

During the measurement, the apparent resistivity
obtained from eqn (1) is plotted as a function of AB/2
on a bilogarithmic scale and then inverted into a
resistivity model. For a single sounding, it is done in
1D way, traditionally by assuming that the Earth is
made of horizontal homogeneous and isotropic layers
with constant resistivity. The apparent resistivity curve
can be inverted to estimate the resistivity and
thicknesses of the layers. An example of an apparent
resistivity curve and the result of the 1D inversion are
shown in Figure 3.

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IGA Academy Report 0110-2013

needed, and second, because interpretation of the data

is intensive and relatively large computers were needed.
The principle of the TEM method is shown in Figure 4.
A loop of wire is placed on the ground and a constant
magnetic field of known strength is built up by
transmitting a constant current in the loop. The current
is abruptly turned off. The magnetic field is then left
without its source and responds by inducing an image
of the source loop in the surface. With time, the current
and the magnetic field decay and again induce electrical
currents at greater depths in the ground. The process
can be visualized as if, when the current is turned off,
the induced currents, which at very early times are an
image of the source loop, diffuse downwards and
outwards like a smoke ring (Figure 4). The decay rate
of the magnetic field with time is monitored by
measuring the voltage induced in a receiver coil at the
center of the transmitting loop as a function of time,
normally at prefixed time gates equally distributed in
log time. The decay rate of the magnetic field with time
is dependent on the current distribution which in turn
depends on the resistivity structure of the Earth. The
induced voltage in the receiver loop, as a function of
time after the current in the transmitter loop is turned
off, can therefore be interpreted in terms of the
subsurface resistivity structure.

Figure 3: One dimensional inversion (layered earth

model) of a Schlumberger sounding from the Hengill
high-temperature geothermal area, Southwest Iceland
(Hersir et al., 1990). The data points are black dots and
the calculated curve from the final model (the response)
is shown as black lines. The final model parameters
(resistivity and thickness of layers) are shown at the
Typical soundings for geothermal exploration have a
maximum current electrode spacing AB/2 of 13 km,
but much longer spacings have been used. In practice,
very long wire distances can be difficult to handle and
the injected current has to be quite large, otherwise the
voltage signal will drown in noise. For the depth
penetration of the sounding, a rule of thumb says that it
reaches down to about one-third of the distance AB/2,
but is in fact dependent on the actual resistivity

TEM soundings

The TEM method is a fairly recent addition to the

resistivity methods used in geothermal exploration,
developed and refined since the late 1980s. This is
mainly because the TEM response covers a very large
dynamic range and advances in electronics were

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IGA Academy Report 0110-2013

signal are therefore used, high frequencies for shallow

depths and low frequencies for deep probing. For
typical geometries and frequencies, the penetration
depth is of the order of or somewhat < 1 km, depending
also on the subsurface resistivity.
Typically, the size of the source loop is a 300 m x 300
m square loop (sometimes 200 m x 200 m, reducing the
depth of penetration to around 500 m), and the
transmitted current is a half-duty square wave (Figure
4) of around 2025 A with frequencies of 25 and 2.5
Hz (50 Hz electrical environment).
The results of a TEM sounding is, similarly to a
Schlumberger sounding, expressed as an apparent
resistivity, a (or more correctly the so-called late-time
apparent resistivity), as a function of time after the
current turn-off. At late times after the current turn-off,
the induced currents have diffused way below the
surface and the response is independent of near-surface
conditions. The apparent resistivity is a function of
several variables, including the induced voltage (V)
measured at the time, t, elapsed after the current in the
transmitter loop has been turned off; r which denotes
the radius of the transmitter loop, the effective area
(cross-sectional area times the number of windings) of
the transmitter loop (Asns), and the receiver coil
(Arnr); and the current strength (I0) and magnetic
permeability (0). The apparent resistivity, a, is given
as follows in eqn (2):

Figure 4: TEM sounding setup; the receiver coil is in

the center of the transmitter loop. Transmitted current
and measured transient voltages are shown as well.
(With courtesy of ISOR).
The transmitter and receiver are synchronized either by
connecting them with a reference cable or by highprecision crystal clocks so that the receiver gets to
know when the transmitter turns off the current.
Turning off the current instantaneously would induce
infinite voltage in the source loop. Therefore, the
transmitters are designed to turn off the current linearly
from maximum to zero in a short but finite time called
turn-off time. The zero time of the transients is the time
when the current has become zero and the time gates
are located relative to this. This implies that the
receiver has to know the turn-off time. To reduce the
influence of EM noise, the recorded transients are
stacked over a number of cycles before they are stored
in the receiver memory.

(, ) =

0 20 0

5 2 (,)



The apparent resistivity curve is then inverted in terms

of a horizontally layered Earth model with
homogeneous and isotropic layers to give a 1D model
below each sounding. For all the layers in the inversion,
both the resistivity and layers thicknesses can vary. An
alternative method for 1D interpretation, and a more
commonly one used today, is Occam (minimum
structure) inversion (Constable et al., 1987). It is based
on the assumption that the resistivity varies smoothly
with depth rather than in discrete layers. In the Occam
inversion, the smooth variations are approximated by
numerous thin layers of fixed thickness and the data are
inverted for the values of the resistivity (Figure 5).

The depth penetration of the TEM method depends on

the resistivity beneath the sounding as well as on the
equipment and the field layout used (i.e., the setup
geometry and the generated current and its frequency).
The depth penetration increases with time after the
current turn-off. Different frequencies of the current

Hersir, Flvenz: Resistivity surveying and electromagnetic


IGA Academy Report 0110-2013

industry in recent years, improved tremendously, on

both the acquisition side (equipment and the
measurement techniques) as well as on data analysis
and the inversion of the data. MT has become a
standard tool in surface exploration for geothermal
In the MT method, the natural fluctuations of the
Earths magnetic field are used as a signal source.
Those fluctuations induce an electric field and hence
currents in the ground, referred to as eddy currents,
which are measured on the surface in two horizontal
and orthogonal directions (Ex and Ey). The eddy
currents are also called telluric currents, derived from
the Latin word tellus, which means Earth. The magnetic
field is measured in three orthogonal directions (Hx,
Hy, and Hz). A typical setup for an MT sounding is
shown in Figure 6. It is customary to have the x
direction to the magnetic north. For a homogeneous or
layered Earth, the field is induced by its orthogonal
source magnetic field (i.e., Ex correlates with Hy and
Ey with Hx). For more complicated resistivity
structures, these relations become more complex. The
magnetic field is usually measured with induction coils
and the electrical field by a pair of electrodes, filled
with solutions like copper sulfate or lead chloride. The
electrode dipole length is in most cases 50-100 m. The
electric field equals the potential difference between the
two electrodes divided by its length. A GPS unit is used
to synchronize the data. The digital recording of the
EM fields as a function of time is done through an
acquisition unit and the time series are saved on a
memory card.

Figure 5: A TEM sounding and its 1D Occam inversion

from high-temperature geothermal area Krsuvk,
Southwest Iceland (Hersir et al., 2010). Red circles:
measured late-time apparent resistivity (different
datasets for different receiver loop sizes and current
frequencies); and black line: apparent resistivity
calculated from the model shown in green. At the top of
the Figure is the misfit function; the root-mean-square
difference between the measured and calculated values,
= 0.262.

MT soundings

MT is a passive method where the natural time

variations in the Earths magnetic field, the so-called
micropulsations and sferics, are the signal source.
Variations in the magnetic and the corresponding
electric field in the surface of the ground are registered,
which are used to reveal the subsurface resistivity

Figure 6: The setup of a magnetotelluric sounding.

(With courtesy of ISOR).

The MT method has the greatest exploration depth of

all resistivity methods, some tens or hundreds of
kilometers, depending on the recording period, and is
practically the only method for studying deep resistivity
structures. Similar to the TEM method, the MT method
has, due to developments in the electronic and data

MT generally refers to recording time series of electric

and magnetic fields of wavelengths from 0.0025 s (400
Hz) to 1000 s (0.001 Hz) or as high as 10.000 s (0.0001
Hz). Audio magnetotellurics (AMT) refers to audio
frequencies, generally recording frequencies of 100 Hz

Hersir, Flvenz: Resistivity surveying and electromagnetic


IGA Academy Report 0110-2013

is a complex impedance tensor which contains

information on the subsurface resistivity structure. The
values of the impedance tensor elements depend on the
resistivity structures below and around the site. For a
homogeneous and 1D Earth, Zxy = Zyx and Zxx =
Zyy = 0. For a 2D Earth, that is, resistivity varies with
depth and in one horizontal direction, it is possible to
rotate the coordinate system by mathematical means,
such that Zxx = Zyy = 0, but Zxy Zyx. For a 3D
Earth, all the impedance tensor elements are different.

to 10 kHz. Long-period magnetotellurics (LMT)

generally refers to recording from 1.000 to 10.000 s or
even much higher (to 100.000 s). Note that in MT, it is
customary to talk both about wavelengths, measured in
seconds (s) and its transformation, the frequency (1/T)
measured in Hertz (Hz).
The small-amplitude geomagnetic time variations of
Earths EM field contain a wide spectrum generated by
two different sources. The low frequencies (long
periods) are generated by ionospheric and
magnetospheric currents caused by solar wind (plasma)
emitted from the sun interfering with the Earths
magnetic field known as micropulsations. Higher
frequencies, >1 Hz (short periods), are due to
thunderstorm activity near the Equator and are
distributed as guided waves, known as sferics, between
the ionosphere and the Earth to higher latitudes.

From the impedances, the apparent resistivity () and

phases () for each period (T) are calculated according
to the following equations:

As noted above, Zxy = Zyx, for a homogeneous and

1D Earth, and hence, the xy and yx parameters, xy and
yx, and xy and yx are equal.
The depth of penetration of MT soundings depends on
the wavelength of the recorded EM fields and the
subsurface resistivity structure. The longer the period
T, the greater is the depth of penetration and vice versa.
The relation is often described by the skin depth or
the penetration depth (), which is the depth where the
EM fields have attenuated to a value of e1 (about
0.37) of their surface amplitude.

Following the data acquisition, the digitally recorded

time series are Fourier transformed from the time
domain into the frequency domain, cross- and autopowers of the fields are calculated to give the apparent
resistivity and phase as a function of the
period/frequency of the electromagnetic fields. The
best solution that describes the relation between the
electrical and magnetic field is found through the
following equation:


() = 0.2 ; = arg

MT signals are customarily measured in the frequency

range downwards from 400 Hz. Typically, each MT
station is deployed for recording one day and picked up
the following day. This gives about 20 h of continuous
time series per site, and MT data in the range from 400
Hz (0.0025 s) to about 1000 s. The short-period MT
data (high frequency) mainly reflect the shallow
structures due to their short depth of penetration,
whereas the long-period data mainly reflect the deeper
structures. Data qualities are to be inspected before
moving to the next site and the measurement is redone
for another day, if the data qualities are unacceptable
in particular, if the reason is found.

or in matrix notation:


() = 0.2 ; = arg

(T)500T (m)


where is the average resistivity of the subsurface

down to that depth.
The xy and yx parameters, both resistivity and phase,
are seldom the same, and in cases where they are not,
they depend on the orientation of the setup of the
measurement. In 1D inversion (layered Earth or Occam
inversion), it is possible to invert for either xy or yx
parameters, and there have been different opinions
through the years which one to use. Nowadays, it is
becoming more customary to invert for some
rotationally invariant parameter, that is, independent of
the sounding setup, which is defined in such a way that
it averages over directions. Therefore, one has not to



where E and H are the electrical and magnetic field

vectors (in the frequency domain), respectively, and Z

Hersir, Flvenz: Resistivity surveying and electromagnetic


IGA Academy Report 0110-2013

distortion, this effect is independent of the frequency of

the current.

deal with the question of rotation. Three such invariants


These three phenomena are common in geothermal

areas in volcanic environment where the surface
consists of resistive lavas. Geothermal alteration and
weathering of minerals can produce patches of very
conductive clay on the surface surrounded by very
resistive lavas, producing severe voltage distortion.
Similarly, if the conductive clay minerals dome up to
shallow depth but not quite to the surface, they can
result in extensive current channeling.




All these parameters give the same values for a 1D

Earth response. For 2D, Zdet (determinant) and Zgm
(geometric mean) reduce to the same value, but ZB
(arithmetic mean) is different. For 3D responses, all
these parameters are different.

The problem is that the amplitude of the electric field

on the surface and, consequently, the apparent
resistivity is scaled by an unknown dimensionless
factor (shifted on log scale) due to the resistivity
heterogeneity in the vicinity of the measuring dipole.
Static shift can be a big problem in volcanic geothermal
areas where resistivity variations are often extreme.
Shift factors of the apparent resistivity have been
observed as low as 0.1, leading to 10 times too lowresistivity values and about 3 times too small depths to
resistivity boundaries (rnason, 2008). In the centralloop TEM method, the measured signal is the decay
rate of the magnetic field from the current distribution
induced by the current turn-off in the source loop, not
the electric field. At late times, the induced currents
have diffused way below the surface and the response
is independent of near-surface conditions.

There are different opinions on which of the three

invariants, if any, is best suited for 1D inversion.
However, based on the comparison of model responses
for 2D and 3D models, it has been suggested that the
determinant invariant is the one to use in 1D inversion
(Park and Livelybrook, 1989) The apparent resistivity
and phase calculated from the rotationally invariant
determinant of the MT impedance tensor as a function
of the period is shown in Figure 7.
The MT method, like all resistivity methods that are
based on measuring the electric field on the surface,
suffer from the so-called telluric or static shift problem
(rnason et al., 2010; rnason, 2008; Sternberg et al.,
1988). It is caused by resistivity inhomogeneity close to
the electric dipoles. There are mainly three processes
that cause static shift, that is, voltage distortion,
topographic distortion, and current channeling (Jiracek,
1990). Voltage distortion is caused by a local resistivity
anomaly, resistivity contrast at the surface.
Topographic distortion takes place where the current
flows into the hills and under the valleys, affecting the
current density, and current distortion (current
channeling) is where the current flow in the ground is
deflected when encountering a resistivity anomaly. If
the anomaly is of lower resistivity than the
surroundings, the current is deflected (channeled) into
the anomaly, and if the resistivity is higher, the current
is deflected out of the anomaly. If the anomaly is close
to the surface, this will affect the current density at the
surface and hence the electric field. Like for the voltage

Therefore, TEM soundings and MT soundings can be

jointly inverted in order to correct for the static shift of
the MT soundings. The shift multiplier may be used in
multidimensional inversion of MT soundings, and has
been proven in high-temperature geothermal areas to be
a necessary precondition. MT data cannot be used to
correct themselves for static shifts. Interpretation of MT
data without correction by TEM cannot be trusted
except, may be, in areas where it is known that little or
no near-surface inhomogeneity is present (e.g., thick
homogeneous sediments). Figure 7 shows an example
of a 1D joint Occam inversion of TEM and MT data.

Hersir, Flvenz: Resistivity surveying and electromagnetic


IGA Academy Report 0110-2013

Figure 7: Joint 1D Occam inversion of TEM and MT

data for sounding 058 from high-temperature
geothermal area Krsuvk, Southwest Iceland (Hersir et
al., 2010). Red diamonds: TEM apparent resistivity
transformed to a pseudo-MT curve; blue squares:
measured apparent resistivity; blue circles: apparent
phase both derived from the determinant of MT
impedance tensor; green lines: on the right are results
of the 1D resistivity inversion model and to the left are
its synthetic MT apparent resistivity and phase
response. Note the shift value being as low as 0.698 for
the MT data to tie in with the TEM data. The misfit
function; the root-mean-square difference between the
measured and calculated values is =1.0479.
Besides 1D inversion, MT data can also be inverted in
2D and particularly in 3D, which in recent years is
becoming more practical (Siripunvaraporn, 2010). In
3D inversion, the responses from the 3D model should
fit reasonably well with the data from all the MT
soundings from the modeled area, both xy and yx
parameters. The data should be static shift-corrected
prior to the inversion. Figure 8 shows an example of 1D
inversion versus 3D inversion. Clearly, 1D inversion
reproduces the basic resistivity structures but smears
them out, whereas the 3D inversion sharpens the
picture considerably. Additional information from other
investigations has been added to the Figure to ease
further geothermal interpretation.

Figure 8: Resistivity models from Krsuvk, Southwest

Iceland (Hersir et al., 2013): based on 1D model
(upper panel), and 3D model using the 1D model as an
initial model in the 3D inversion (lower panel). Black
dots are MT soundings, wells are denoted by red-filled
triangles, fumaroles by green/yellow stars, and
fractures and faults by magenta lines. Solid and broken
black lines show possible fracture zones, inferred from

rnason, K.: The magnetotelluric static shift problem.
Iceland GeoSurvey, Reykjavk, Report SOR2008/08088, 17pp, 2008.
rnason, K., Eysteinsson, H., and Hersir, G.P.: Joint
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MT data in the Hengill area, SW Iceland. Geothermics
39: 1334, 2010.

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Hersir, G.P., rnason, K., and Vilhjlmsson, A.: 3D

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Krsuvk high temperature area in SW Iceland.
Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University,
Stanford, California, February 11-13, 2013 SGP-TR198, 2013.

Constable, S.C., Parker, R.L., and Constable, C.G.:

Occams inversion: A practical algorithm for
generating smooth models from electromagnetic
sounding data. Geophysics 52: 289300, 1987.
Flvenz, .G., Hersir, G.P., Saemundsson, K.,
rmannsson, H., and Fridriksson, Th.: Geothermal
energy exploration techniques. In: Syigh, A., (ed.),
Comprehensive renewable energy, vol. 7. Elsevier,
Oxford, 51-95, 2012.

Jiracek, G.R.: Near-surface and topographic distortions

in electromagnetic induction. Surveys in Geophysics
11: 163203, 1990.

Hersir, G.P., Bjrnsson, G., Bjrnsson, A., and

Eysteinsson, H.: Volcanism and geothermal activity in
the Hengill area. Geophysical exploration: Resistivity
data. Orkustofnun Report OS-90032/JHD-16 B, p. 89
(in Icelandic), 1990.

Park, S. K. and Livelybrook, D. W.: Quantitative

interpretation of rotationally invariant parameters in
magnetotellurics.Geophysics, 54, 14831490, 1989.

Hersir, G.P., and Bjrnsson, A.: Geophysical

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Sternberg, B., Washburne, J.C., and Pellerin, L.:

Correction for the static shift in magnetotellurics using
transient electromagnetic soundings. Geophysics 53:
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Eysteinsson, H., and Karlsdttir, R.: The Krsuvk
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SOR Iceland GeoSurvey, Reykjavk, report SOR2010/25, 263 pp. (in Icelandic), 2010.

Siripunvaraporn, W.: Three-dimensional magnetotelluric inversion: An introductory guide for developers

and users. Abstract from the 20th IAGA WG 1.2
Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth.


Harvey: Water-Rock Interaction, Alteration Minerals and Mineral


IGA Academy Report 0111-2013

Supported by:

Water-Rock Interaction, Alteration Minerals and Mineral

Colin C. Harvey
Principal Harvey Consultants Ltd., P.O.Box 286, Warkworth, Auckland, New Zealand
Abstract: In the investigation of geothermal energy the studies of the geochemistry of the fluids and gases in
combination with the mineralogy of secondary minerals formed by the water-rock interaction provides essential and
useful information about the system and the processes taking place. The geochemical studies of the waters and gases
provides key information about fluid types, temperature, composition, scaling and corrosion potential as well as
background information on hydrology and recharge. Interpretation of the alteration mineralogy can provide
information on the dynamic performance of the system, including fluid types, temperature changes, permeability
and scaling potential.


In the investigation of geothermal energy the study of

the geochemistry of the fluids and gases and the
mineralogy of secondary minerals formed by waterrock interaction provides essential and useful
information about the systems.
generation can be considered as the outcome of heat
mining from the hot rocks by water (or steam). The
interaction of the water with the rock also termed
water-rock interaction- not only mines the heat but
also causes changes in the chemistry of both the
water and the rock. Figure 1 explains the term
hydrothermal alteration. An initial fluid of
composition A1 reacts with primary minerals in the
parent rock R1. The water rock interaction alters
the fluid to A2 and forms alteration minerals of
composition R2.
In this presentation we will discuss these changes
from both the mineralogists and the geochemists
perspective. Both studies contribute strongly to any
geothermal exploration and development program.

However there is an important difference between the

two approaches.

The geochemist considers the system as

having reached equilibrium and it is based
on an assumption of equilibrium that all
geochemical geothermometers for fluids
(and gases) are calculated.

The mineralogist works in non-equilibrium

situations since the mineralogical changes
that take place are dynamic and reflect the
changes in chemistry, temperature and
pressure that may be taking place in these
active systems.

The alteration mineralogy can tell you information


Fluid type (e.g. pH, ratios of major



(Relative) CO2, O2 and H2S contents of fluid


Changes in hydrology (e.g. shifts in T,

location of steam/water interface, cooling)

The fluid chemistry and chemical geothermometers

can provide you with information about the processes
taking place in geothermal systems which include:
Figure 1: The concept of hydrothermal alteration.

Estimated resource temperature at depth

Harvey: Water-Rock Interaction, Alteration Minerals and Mineral


The genesis (origin) of the resource

The locations of different aquifers or

reservoirs in two and three dimensions

Mixing between aquifers

Sources of recharge to the geothermal


Pathways of discharge from the geothermal


The potential for corrosion and/or scaling of

the geothermal fluids



IGA Academy Report 0111-2013

beneath elevated volcanic edifices. Such systems are

very common in island arc settings. The heat source
can be either magmatic or plutonic.



Figure 2: Conceptual model of a volcano-hosted

geothermal system

The geochemist relies on careful sampling of fluids

and gases from surface features and subsequent
drillhole samples, in order to obtain truly
representative samples for analysis. Because
geothermal fluids are frequently highly saline and
may have complex chemistries it is critical that the
analyses be undertaken by laboratories who have
experience in handling and analysing geothermal
fluids and gases.

The water-dominated volcano-hosted systems have

thermal features that occur at different elevations.
First boiling of geothermal fluids above the upflow
causes the dominant gases (CO2 and H2S) to
partition into the steam phase. Condensation of the
steam and gases in the water table results in acid
conditions and subsequent acid water-rock alteration.
The deep fluids progressively boil and degas as they
move towards the outflow where ongoing water-rock
interaction at progressively lower temperatures
occurs before outflowing at the surface at 100C. A
useful summary of the geochemical processes is
contained in Ellis and Mahon (1977) and various
publications by Giggenbach (1980, 1981 and 1992).
The outflowing fluids may mix with groundwater
becoming diluted and cooled. Above the upflow at
high elevations acid fluids alters the rocks to acid
clay minerals (kaolinite and perhaps dickite) plus
alunite along with fumaroles and perhaps gasgenerated features. If the heat source is magmatic
then magmatic discharges may also be present.
Precipitation of lower temperature polymorphs of
silica (amorphous silica or cristobalite) may also be
associated with heated waters above the upflow.
Figure 3 (after Fournier, 1975) shows the solubilities
of the various common polymorphs of silica.

The mineralogist may use a number of techniques

that include the human eye, light or optical
microscopy, Xray diffraction, microprobe, electron
microscopy and fluid inclusion equipment. The
objective is to study the textures, composition and
interactions between the primary minerals and
alteration minerals. Publications by Browne (1978,
1989 and 1993) provide very detailed and useful data
on such studies.
Interpretation of both the geochmical and
mineralogical data requires experience and judgment
in order to get the maximum amount of information
from the studies.



In order to discuss the processes taking place it is

useful to work with a conceptual model of an active
high temperature hydrothermal system. Although
several conceptual models exist possibly the most
frequently used model is that of Henley and Ellis
(1983) which is shown in Figure 2.
This is the classic water-dominated geothermal
system where the geothermal system has developed

Harvey: Water-Rock Interaction, Alteration Minerals and Mineral


IGA Academy Report 0111-2013

include devitrification, recrystallization, solution and

deposition reaction (termed hydrothermal rock
alteration). Certain minerals or phases are more
susceptible to alteration than others but numerous
workers have identified that in order of decreasing
susceptibility: volcanic glass, magnetite, hypersthene,
hornblende, biotite, plagioclase. In addition, quartz
comes to saturation with the hot solutions but primary
quartz crystals often remain unaltered.
The mineralogical studies provide insights into:

Figure 3: Silica solubility after Fournier (1973)

Early reconnaissance surveys

The chemistry of the surface features and their

alteration mineralogies changes progressively as you
move down slope towards the outflow where the
neutral pH, alkali chloride waters outflow as hot
springs. For high flow rate resources whose reservoir
temperatures exceed 180oC the hot springs may
deposit silica sinters where quartz is the silica
polymorph. For resource temperatures less than
180oC, or where the geothermal fluids may have reequilibrated to lower temperatures (i.e. lower flow
rates) the sinters may be composed of lower
temperature polymorphs of silica (cristobalite or
amorphous silica).

Leaching and mineral dissolution - Tells us

about fluid/mineral relations

Direct deposition of minerals into veins Tells us about processes that affect fluids

Replacement of older minerals - Tells us

about fluid/mineral relations

Once these surface features have been sampled and

analysed, geothermometer calculations are made in
conjuction with the interpretations of the geology and
mineralogy. Such studies are key parts of the early
relationships between the geology and thermal
features can provide information on the geological
controls on fluid pathways. For example
is the distribution of thermal features controlled by
certain rock types?
are thermal features aligned along structural trends?

The silicification, carbonates and clays associated

with both the acid and neutral alteration are very
useful exploration targets since they may be entirely
unsuitable for vegetation growth and so they are
evident as open (bare) altered ground and can be the
first surficial indicators of hydrothermal activity.
Aerial reconnaissance using satellite imagery, aerial
photographs or visual aerial reconnaissance may
identify areas of bare (altered) ground and thermal
features. The outflow of surface features (springs
and fumaroles) is the second most obvious evidence
of an active geothermal system.

is there evidence of an elevation control on the

different chemistries of the thermal features?

Integration of Geochemistry and

Mineralogy with Geological and
Geophysical Data

These studies of the surface features are undertaken

during the early geological and geochemical
reconnaissance program during which the
geophysicist also should be closely involved to plan
the geophysical program. Selection of which
geophysical techniques are most appropriate requires
careful consideration since certain techniques may be
rapidly employed for low cost while others are more
complex, perhaps requiring ground clearing, transfer
of expensive and delicate equipment or access for
aerial-based equipment. The success of any
geophysical technique depends on the contrasts in the
physical and chemical properties of the rocks and
fluids within and outside a geothermal system which
results in measurable geophysical anomalies. These

In summary there can be three distinctly different

processes taking place at the surface above active
geothermal systems. The acid fluids above boiling
zones above the upflow cause dissolution and
leaching while the deeper reservoir (neutral pH)
fluids become supersaturated with alteration
Mineralogic studies are also undertaken at this time
since the reaction of the original rocks with hot water
results in a complex series of processes which can

Harvey: Water-Rock Interaction, Alteration Minerals and Mineral


IGA Academy Report 0111-2013

relationship between the K+ and Na+ ions gives us the

Na/K cation geothermometer.

anomalies reflect both the geothermal play and the

hydrological setting. The individual geophysicist may
also have definite preferences for specific techniques
with which he or she is most familiar.

Historical perspective on fluid


The waterrock interaction process has been studied

by the use of various approaches. During the late
1960s there was a strong interest in studying waterrock interaction from three perspectives:

Theoretical thermodynamic calculations

highlighted by Helgeson (1969) and others
who carried out numerous theoretical
thermodynamic calculations on the reactions
of aluminosilicates with water at a range of
temperatures and pressures.

Experimental work was carried out by

Hemley (1967).

Field studies associated with the early

exploration of New Zealands geothermal
fields were carried out Browne and Ellis
(1970) which included extensive and
detailed petrological studies of alteration
minerals from the Broadlands (Ohaaki)
geothermal field.

Figure 4: Activity diagram illustrating mineral

stability fields and the fluid compositions in the dark
circle. (after Ellis and Mahon, 1977)
Without going into further detail on this, it can be
stated that:

All these various approaches contributed to the

understanding of rock alteration reactions in
geothermal systems.
Possibly the most common primary minerals in
volcanic rocks apart from quartz are the feldspars.
Helgeson (1969) was able to construct a set of 6
equilibrium diagrams for combinations of sodium,
potassium, calcium and magnesian minerals.
Subsequent work by Browne and Ellis (1970) showed
that the alteration minerals in combination with the
concentrations (activities) of cations in solution were
in good agreement. Figure 4 showed where the fluid
composition at Broadlands (Ohaaki) geothermal field
plotted on the phase diagram for 260oC constructed
using thermodynamic data.

mineral-solution equilibria control the

concentrations of solutes in the deep
reservoir fluids and hence their use as
chemical geothermometers.

silica concentrations in high temperature

geothermal systems are controlled by the
solubility of quartz at the reservoir

other minerals such as sulphates may also be

useful geothermometers because their
solubilities are controlled by solubility
product/temperature relationships.

Chemical geothermometers

A basic assumption is that equilibrium conditions

exist within the geothermal reservoir.

As can be seen from the diagram the fluid

composition fall close to the triple point between the
minerals K-mica, K-feldspar and Albite while fluids
compositions have a relationship between the
activities of sodium over potassium. If the
temperatures change then triple points migrate and
the fluid compositions also change. It is this

water pH is controlled by the salinity of the

waters as well as alumina-silicate eqilibria
involving hydrogen and alkali metal ions

calcium and bicarbonate ion concentrations

are related to pH

carbon dioxide content is controlled by

solubility product and Ionization constant

Harvey: Water-Rock Interaction, Alteration Minerals and Mineral


IGA Academy Report 0111-2013

magnesium concentrations are controlled at

low levels by silicate equilibria (chlorites
and smectites)

toC =

Where =4/3 for less than 100oC

Chemical geothermometers were first proposed in the

1960s but a lot of the detailed work was carried out
in the 1970s by many researchers who included
DAmore and many others. It is beyond the scope of
this summary to include all key literature but one of
the most comprehensive summaries is by Fournier
(1992). As examples of these geothermometers:


=1/3 for greater than 100oC

There also is a rather complex but widely used

geothermometer for high Mg content water termed
the Magnesium Corrected Na-K-Ca developed by
Fournier and Potter (1979).
In addition, numerous gas geothermometers were
developed which were reviewed by DAmore (1992).
The kinetics of response rates of fluid
geothermometers to changes in temperature varies.
Silica geothermometry responds relatively fast while
the cation geothermometers respond more slowly and
as such may provide more useful estimates of deep
reservoir temperatures. The geothermometers also
respond differently to interactions between various
rock types and different reservoir conditions
(Giggenbach, 1992).

(a) Silica polymorphs (Fournier, 1992)

Quartz (no steam loss)
toC = 1309/(5.19-log S) -273.19
Quartz (Max. steam loss @100oC
toC= 1522/(5.75 log S) 273.19
toC= 1032/(4.69-log S) 273.19

Therefore it is recommended that the geochemist

calculate all the geothermometers as a suite, compare
the various cation geothermometers with the various
silica geothermometers; consider the data and then
select what are considered to be the most appropriate
geothermometers in order to make the best estimate
of potential resource temperatures (Powell and
Cumming, 2010).

toC= 1000/(4.78 - log S) -273.19
toC= 781/(4.51-log S) 273.19
Amorphous Silica
toC= 731/(4.52-log S) 273.15

In addition, the chemical parameters should be

plotted against each other in a variety of plots to
assess the characteristics of the geothermal fluids.
The following figures (Figures 5 - 8) illustrate the
way in which geochemical data is frequently used to
develop mixing models, identify end members, and
follow the evolution of fluid compositions in a
geothermal system.

(b) Cation Geothermometers

The literature contains a very large number of cation
geothermometers that have been calculated by
different researchers. They include: Na-K, Na-K-Ca,
K-Mg, Li-Mg, Na-Li, and Na-K-Ca (with a
correction for high Mg waters).
Amongst the most widely used geothermometer are

The stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen can also

be useful parameters in developing mixing models

(a) Na-K (Fournier 1979)

toC = 1217/(1.699+logNa/K) -273.19
(b) Na-K-Ca (Fournier&Truesdell 1973)

Harvey: Water-Rock Interaction, Alteration Minerals and Mineral


IGA Academy Report 0111-2013

Figure 5: Examples of various plots of fluid geochemistry (GNS Science, New Zealand).

Figure 6: Example of cation geothermometer

comparison (Giggenbach 1992).

Figure 6: Example of a piper diagram (GNS Science,

New Zealand).

Figure 7: Example of an Enthalpy vs. Cl plot (GNS

Science, New Zealand).

Harvey: Water-Rock Interaction, Alteration Minerals and Mineral


IGA Academy Report 0111-2013

210C) was studied at Wairakei in 1991 by Harvey

and Browne (1991) and more extensively elsewhere
(Harvey and Browne, 2000). Figure 9 illustrate the
sequence from smectite through to illite or chlorite.

Figure 8: Graph showing Ar, CO2 and N2 in the

gases of various thermal features (GNS Science, New

Figure 9: Tranformation of mixed layer illitesmectite and chlorite smectite clay minerals

Smectites are stable to ~70C above which they

begin a transformation towards illite or chlorite

Interlayered illite/smectites or chlorite-smectites

are stable in the range 70- 210C

Crystallinity of clays increases with increasing T.

Discrete illite is stable above ~210C

Chlorite does not seem to be T significant in NZ

but elsewhere in Basaltic terrain, changes in
chlorite composition have been found to be
temperature dependent (Cathelineau, and
Izquierdo, 1988)

Mineral Geothermometers

The temperature significance of specific minerals

Certain minerals that typically form from neutral pH
waters in volcanic-rock hosted systems may have
well defined and restricted temperature stability
ranges. They are widely used as mineral
geothermometers and include clay minerals, zeolites
and clac silicates.

Clay Minerals:

Clay minerals are hydrated alumino-silcates minerals

whose structures are sensitive to changes in both
temperature and the geochemical environment. They
are extremely fine in particle size and therefore they
have the ability to change rapidly into more stable or
less stable clay minerals. In the study of
hydrothermal alteration they are widely used as
sensitive mineral geothermometers and as indicators
of changes in chemical environment.


Specific clay minerals which are stable under acid

conditions (kaolinite, dickite, pyrophyllite and
diaspore) can be associated with:

Zeolites and Calc Silicates

Mordenite is stable up to 120C

Laumontite is stable from 120 to 210C

Wairakite is stable from 210 to > 300C

Epidote is stable above 250C

Ca-garnet is stable above ~ 290C

Prehnite is stable above ~220C

Actinolite is stable above ~290C

acid alteration above upflow zones or

acid alteration along faults or from acid

alteration within the reservoir.

The Study of Clay Minerals

Because of their very fine particle size it was not until

the development of X-ray diffraction analysis in the
1930s that the structure of clay minerals became
well understood. Today most analytical laboratories
have X-ray Diffraction equipment but it does mean a
delay in interpretation from the field geologist to the

The neutral pH clays which include smectites

(sometimes called montmorillonites), chlorite and
illite show a progressive transformation with
temperature from clays with lower stability
temperature to higher stability clays. Indeed the
transition from smectite through mixed layer (70C to

Harvey: Water-Rock Interaction, Alteration Minerals and Mineral


IGA Academy Report 0111-2013

laboratory. In the 1990s a very useful rig geologist

tool was developed by Harvey et al (2000) which
enabled the presence of smectite clays to be identified
and identified using a specific chemical dye
(Methylene Blue). The students are referred to the
referenced papers for detailed descriptions but
Figures 10 summarises the methodology.

Figure 12: The green-blue zones were zones of high

smectite content in drillholed from NIL, SIP and from
AW (Awibentok).

Figure 10: The methodology for analysing the

presence of swelling clays in drill cuttings (Harvey et
al, 2000)
Figure 11 is a schematic of a typical clay alteration
zone above a high temperature geothermal system

Figure 13: High smectite clay zones correlating with

resistivity survey data.

10 Summary
The application of numerous geochemical and
mineralogical techniques has become an integral part
of any geothermal exploration programme throughout
the World. By the careful and judicious use of
specific techniques a very significant amount of
useful information can be obtained on the resource
temperature, its chemistry, its scaling and corrosion
potential and other factors affecting its potential for
Figure 11: A typical clay alteration zone above an
active high temperature geothermal system. (after
Johnston et l.(1992))

11 References
Browne,P.R.L. (1978) Hydrothermal alteration in
active geothermal fields: Annual Review of Earth
Planetary Sciences, 6. 229-250.

In Indonesia Gunderson et al, (2000) successfully

used the methylene Blue technique in Indonesia to
ground truth resistivity data (Figures 12 and 13).

Browne, P. R. L. (1989) Contrasting alteration styles

of andesitic and rhyolitic rocks in geothermal fields
of the Taupo volcanic zone, New Zealand. In
Proceeding of 11th New Zealand Geothermal
Workshop 1989 (pp. 111-116).

Harvey: Water-Rock Interaction, Alteration Minerals and Mineral


IGA Academy Report 0111-2013

Giggenbach,W.F., and Goguel, R.L. (1989)

Colleection and analysis of geothermal and volcanic
waters and gas discharges. D.S.I.R. Chemistry
Division Report CD 2401, 81 pp.

Browne, P. R. (1993). Application of mineralogical

methods to assess the thermal stabilities of
geothermal reservoirs. In 18th Stanford Workshop on
Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, SGP-TR-145 (pp.

Gunderson,R., Cumming, A., Astra,D.,and Harvey,C.

(2000) Analysis of smectite clays in geothermal drill
cuttings by the methylene Blue technique; for
wellsite geothermometry and resistivity sounding
correlation. Proc. World Geothermal Congress,
Kyushu-Tohuku, Japan, May 2000.

Browne, P.R.L. and Ellis, A.J. (1970) Am, Journ, Sci.

269, 97
Temperature-composition relationships of authigenic
micaceous minerals in th eLos Azufres geothermal
system. Contrib Mineral petrol. 100:418-428

Harvey, C,C. and Browne, P.R.L. (1991) Mixed-layer

clay geothermometry in the Wairakei geothermal
field, New Zealand. Clay and Clay Minerals. V. 39,

DAmore, F. (1992) Gas geochemistry as a link

between geothermal exploration and exploitation. In :
In DAmore, F. coordinator, Application of
geochemistry in geothermal reservoir development.
UNITAR/UND Publication, Rome, 93-113.

Harvey, C,C. and Browne, P.R.L. (2000) Mixed-layer

clays in geothermal systems and their effectiveness as
mineral geothermometers. Proc. World geothermal
Congress 2000 Kyushu, Tohuku, Japan.

Ellis, A.J. and Mahon, W.A.J. (1977) Chemistry and

Geothermal Systems. Academic Press 392 pp.

Harvey, C.C., Gunderson, R. and Cumming, W.

(2000) Methylene Blue Adsorption: a Real Time Rig
Geologist Tool for Estimating Geothermal Reservoir
Temperatures and Forecasting Drillhole Stability
Problems. Proc, NZ Geothermal Workshop,
November, 2000.

Fournier, R.O. (1979) A revided equation for the NaK geothermometer. Grothermal resources Council
Trans. 3, 221-224.
Fournier, R.O. (1992) Water geothermometers
applied to geothermal energy. In Applications
ofgeochemistry in geothermal reservoir development.
Co-ord F. DAmore: Unitar/UNDP Rome 1992. 3769.

Helgeson, H C. (1969) Thermodynamics of

hydrothermal systems at elevated temperatures
and pressures. . American Journal of Science
267. 729-804.

Fournier, R.O. and Potter, R.W. (1979) Magnesium

correction to the Na-K-Ca chemical geothermometer.
Geochim. et Cosmochem. Acta. 43, 1543-1550

Hemley, J.J. (1967) Aqueous Na/K ratios in th

esystem K20-Na2O-Al2O3-H2O) (abs). Program, 1967
Annul Meeting, Geological Soc of America, New
Orleans, 94-95.

Fournier, R. O. And Truesdell, A.H. (1973) An

empirical Na-K-Ca chemical geothermometer for
natural waters. Geochim. et Cosmochem. Acta. 37,

Henley, R W and Ellis A J; (1983): Geothermal

systems ancient and modern: a geochemical
review.Earth Science Reviews, 19: 1-50.

Giggenbach, W.F. (1980) Geochemical gas

equilibria. Geochim. et Cosmochem. Acta.44, 20212032.

Johnston, J.M., Pellerin, L.,and Hohmann, G.W.,

(1992): Evaluation of Electromagnetic Methods for
Geothermal Reservoir Detection, Geothermal
Resources Council Transactions, 16, 241-245.

Giggenbach, W.F. (1981) Geochemical mineral

equilibria. Geochim. et Cosmochem. Acta.45, 393410.

Powell, T., & Cumming, W. (2010). Spreadsheets for

geothermal water and gas geochemistry. In
Proceedings, Thirty-Fifth Workshop on Geothermal

geochemistry in geothermal exploration: In
geochemistry in geothermal reservoir development.
UNITAR/UND Publication, Rome, 119-142.

Gle: Isotope and gas geochemistry of geothermal systems

IGA Academy Report 0112-2013

Supported by:

Isotope and gas geochemistry of geothermal systems

Nilgun Gle
Department of Geological Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 06800 Ankara, Turkey
Abstract: Isotope techniques are indispensable tools in geothermal investigations. Because isotope ratios are
sensitive to temperature and natural physicochemical processes, such as water-rock interaction, mixing, and steam
separation, they can be efficiently used in tracing the origin of geothermal fluids and the processes that the fluids
have undergone at subsurface. They are also useful in an estimation of reservoir temperature of geothermal systems,
as well as the subsurface residence time of waters. The most commonly used isotopes in geothermal studies include
those of oxygen (18O/16O), hydrogen (D/H, 3H), carbon (13C/12C) and helium (3He/4He). These isotopes,
particularly when combined and accompanied by gas ratios (CO2/He), can provide valuable information at various
stages of geothermal investigation. During exploration, O- and H-isotope studies are utilized in determining the
source of geothermal water, identifying possible recharge areas and flow directions, and estimating age and
reservoir temperature of the system, while C- and He-isotopes are potential tracers of volatile provenance which in
turn can be used in assessing the possible heat source and reservoir lithology. During development of geothermal
field, establishment of a baseline for isotopic compositions is particularly important as this can be later used to
monitor the changes in composition. At the stage of geothermal exploitation, any change in fluid composition can be
indication of the reservoir response to fluid production (such as cold water inflow due to pressure drawdown and/or
adiabatic boiling and subsequent scaling), and provide an early warning for proper reservoir management.

Isotopes: basic principles


Radioactive isotopes

Isotopes are the atoms of an element which have the

same atomic number but different atomic mass.
Atoms consist of a nucleus, containing protons with
positive charge and neutrons with no charge, and the
electron shells surrounding the nucleus and
containing negatively charged electrons. The number
of protons in the nucleus is known as Atomic Number
(Z), and is equal to the number of electrons in a
neutral atom. The sum of number of protons (Z) and
number of neutrons (N) gives the Atomic Mass (A)
(A=Z+N). In a chart of nuclides (atoms), the notation
is such that the atomic number is shown as subscript
at the lower left, and the atomic mass is shown as
superscript at the upper left of the symbol
representing the concerned element. For example,
Helium (He) isotopes with mass 3 and 4 are
represented by 32He and 42He where the subscript 2
is the atomic number of the element Helium.

Radioactive isotopes are those atoms which are

transformed, in time, into other atoms through
radioactive decay. The products of radioactive decay
are called Radiogenic Isotopes which can be
radioactive or stable. In isotope literature, radioactive
isotope is also termed as Parent Isotope, and
radiogenic isotope as Daughter Isotope. Variations in
natural abundances of radioactive isotopes are
governed by radioactive decay which is defined by
the equation:

Isotopes are broadly classified into two groups as

Radioactive Isotopes and Stable Isotopes.

= decay constant,

N = N0 e-t
N = amount of radioactive (parent) isotope at any
time t,
N0 = initial amount of radioactive (parent) isotope
before the start of decay,

= time elapsed since the start of radioactive decay.

Gle: Isotope and gas geochemistry of geothermal systems

IGA Academy Report 0112-2013

13C () ={ [ (13C/12C) CO2 / (13C/12C) std] -1 } x 103

There are a number of decay mechanisms including

- decay, -decay, electron catchment, positron
decay and nuclear fission. For example, uranium (U)
constitutes one of the major radioactive elements of
the Earth and 238U and 235U isotopes turn into lead
(Pb) isotopes by decay:

U 206Pb + 8


U 207Pb + 7

Positive and negative (delta) values point to the

enrichment and depletion, respectively, of the heavy
isotope in geologic material relative to the standard.

The most commonly used isotopes in geothermal

system studies are those of oxygen (O), hydrogen
(H), Carbon (C) and Helium (He). Naturally
occurring stable isotopes of hydrogen are 1H
(hydrogen) and 2H = D (deuterium), those of oxygen
are 16O, 17O and 18O. Carbon and Helium each has
two stable isotopes (12C and 13C, and 3He and 4He,
respectively). The relative abundances of these
isotopes in nature are given in Table 1. Hydrogen and
carbon each has one radioactive isotope 3H (tritium)
and 14C, respectively, which are not very common
and are found in only trace amounts.

Where particle has 2 protons and 2 neutrons,

identical to 42He isotope. Likewise, tritium (3H)
which is the radioactive isotope of the element
hydrogene (H) is transformed into stable helium
isotope 32He by --decay (electron emission):

H 3He + -


Isotope studies in geothermal


Stable isotopes

Stable isotopes do not undergo radioactive decay.

Variations in natural abundances of stable isotopes
are governed by isotope fractionation which is the
partitioning of isotopes between two different phases
during physicochemical process. Most common
physicochemical processes in geothermal systems
include evaporation, condensation, degassing
(differentiation of a fluid into gas and residual liquid
phases) and water-rock interaction. Extent of isotope
fractionation is proportional to the mass difference
between the isotopes (m/m) and is more prominent
for isotopes with mass less than 40.

Table 1: Commonly used stable isotopes in studies of

geothermal systems (Faure, 1986; Rosman and
Taylor, 1998; Gerardo-Abaya et al., 2000)



Isotope Fractionation is defined by the equation:




RA = heavy/light isotope ratio in substance A

RB= heavy/light isotope ratio in substance B


For instance, for the isotope exchange reaction

between two gaseous substances, carbon dioxide
(CO2) and methane (CH4),

(% atom)
















= fractionation factor








Stable isotope studies performed on geothermal fluids

(as well as those on the other geologic materials like
graoundwater, rocks, minerals) are based on the use
of isotope ratios of the most abundant isotopes,
namely, D/H, 18O/16O, 12C/13C and 3He/4He.


CO2 + CH4 = CO2 + CH4

Fractionation factor is defined as:

= (13C/12C) CO2 / (13C/12C) CH4

In geochemical applications, stable isotope

compositions of H, O and C are expressed in terms of
deviations of their heavy/light isotope ratios from the
ratio(s) of reference standard(s) (i.e. notations). The

Isotopic composition of geologic materials are

expressed by notation as deviation of their
heavy/light isotope ratio from that of a reference
standard. For instance, isotopic composition of
carbon in CO2 is denoted by:

Gle: Isotope and gas geochemistry of geothermal systems

IGA Academy Report 0112-2013

reference standard is the Standard Mean Ocean

Water (SMOW) for H-and O-isotopes.

fluids. Estimation of age and reservoir temperature of

geothermal systems is also briefly mentioned.

For the C-isotope, the composition of the fossil

Belemnite from the Pee Dee Formation in South
Carolina is used as reference standard (PDB: Pee Dee
Belemnites) (Table 2).


The origin of geothermal fluids refer to both the

sources of fluid and its dissolved components, and
the processes to which the fluids are subjected.

Table 2: Parameters and standards relevant to the

stable isotopes of H, O and C.


















Naturally occurring stable isotopes of hydrogen are

H (hydrogen) and 2H = D (deuterium), those of
oxygen are 16O, 17O and 18O. The relative abundances
of these isotopes in nature are given in Table 1.
Hydrogen also has one radioactive isotope known as
tritium (3H) which is not very common.

PDB: Pee Dee Belemnites

Isotope geology is a discipline providing significant

contribution to the studies related to exploration,
development and exploitation of geothermal systems.
This stands from the fact that isotope fractionation is
very sensitive to temperature and natural
physicochemical processes (such as water-rock
interaction, hot and cold water mixing, and
degassing) that they can be used as potential tracers
of sources of geothermal fluids and the subsurface
processes to which the fluids are subjected on their
circulation paths. In this respect, isotopes are used in
the following studies:

Geothermal waters have five possible sources: (1)

surface water, including groundwater, commonly
referred to as meteoric water (i.e. water forming
under atmospheric conditions), (2) seawater, (3)
formation waters (also called as connate or fossil
waters) which are kept in deep sediments at the time
of their formation, (4) metamorphic water, liberated
during processes of metamorphism, and (5) magmatic
water, forming at great depths.

determination of the origin of geothermal fluids,

Each of the above mentioned water sources has

unique isotopic compositions, and define distinct
fields on a a diagram of D vs. 18O (Figure 1). The
18O and D compositions of precipitation throughout
the world are linearly correlated and distributed along
a line known as the Global Meteoric Water Line
(GMWL), defined by the equation:

a) sources of fluids (meteoric, magmatic,

metamorphic, etc.)
b) investigation
physicochemical processes affecting the
fluid composition (altitude, latitude,
interaction, mixing)

Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes

In geothermal studies, source of geothermal fluids

implicitly involves the source of the (geothermal)
water, as well as the source of dissolved components
(dissolved solids, dissolved gases) in the fluid.
Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes are the isotopes
pertinent to the water molecule, and hence are used in
an understanding of the source of geothermal water.

SMOW: Standard Mean Ocean Water


Origin of Geothermal Fluids

D = 8 18O + 10 (Craig, 1961)

sources of dissolved components in

dissolved gases)

Any "Local Meteoric Water Line" (LMWL), defined

by precipitation collected from a specific site or
region usually has similar slope as the GMWL but
may have a different intercept. Seawater is enriched
in heavy isotopes compared to meteoric water. The
isotopic composition of magmatic water is estimated
from the isotopic composition of igneous rocks which
generally falls in the range of D and 18O values of 50 to -85 and +5.5 to +10 respectively (Taylor,
1974). Metamorphic waters have isotopic
compositions controlled by equilibration with oxygen

ii) estimation of the age (subsurface residence time)

of geothermal fluid,
iii) geothermometry applications (estimation of the
reservoir temperature).
This course is mainly focused on the use of isotopes
in the determination of the origin of geothermal

Gle: Isotope and gas geochemistry of geothermal systems

IGA Academy Report 0112-2013

and hydrogen bearing minerals during metamorphism

at temperatures from 300 C to 600 C. According to
Taylor (1974) such waters are characterized by D
and 18O values of -20 to -65 and +5 to +25 .,
respectively. Formation waters may have been
originally meteoric waters, but the reactions that they
have undergone give them different characters.

Figure 2: Continental and altitude effect on water

Figure 1: D vs 18O diagram showing isotopic
compositions of different water types (meteoric water
line is rom Craig, 1961; fields are from Taylor, 1974
and Sheppard, 1981).
The position of local precipitations along meteoric
water line depends on several factors such as
temperature, amount of precipitation, distance from
the coast (continental effect), altitude and latitude.
Most water vapor in the atmosphere is derived from
evaporation of low-latitude oceans. Precipitation
derived from the vapor is always enriched in D and
18O. Progressive raining (i.e. increasing amount of
precipitation) results in more negative D and 18O
values. As clouds move from the coast towards
inland, being associated with increasing altitude and
decreasing temperature, the isotopic composition of
precipitation tends to have more negative D and
18O (continental effect) (Figure 2). The latitude
effect works in a similar way and increasing latitude,
being associated with progressive rain-out and
decreasing temperature, derives water composition
towards lower (more negative) D-18O values
(Figure 3).

Figure 3: D vs 18O diagram showing the altitude,

latitude and continental effects on water composition.
Deviation from the meteoric water line can be due to
several processes such as i) evaporation and
condensation, ii) water-rock interaction, and iii)
mixing with non-meteoric waters such as formation
(fossil) waters, metamorphic waters, magmatic
waters (Albu et al., 1997).
During evaporation lighter isotopes (H, 16O)
preferentially partition into the vapour phase, while
the residual water phase is enriched in heavy isotopes
(D, 18O); during condensation the first rain drops are
enriched in light isotopes (H, 16O) (Figure 4). In other
words, the waters D-18O composition evolves
towards more positive values during evaporation,
while condensation shifts the composition towards
more negative values (Figure 5).

Gle: Isotope and gas geochemistry of geothermal systems

IGA Academy Report 0112-2013

pressure of geothermal reservoir, changes in

deuterium and 18O of fluid may reflect recharge from
different aquifers into producing aquifers (at zones of
depressurization). This may lead to a deterioration in
geothermal reservoir characteristics, particularly in
case of recharge from cold aquifers which will
decrease the enthalpy of system. Pressure drop may
also enhance boiling in geothermal system which, in
turn, will enhance scaling. Scaling is the precipitation
of dissolved components (calcite, silica, etc.) in the
wellbore due to oversaturation of water with respect
to these components following steam separation
during boiling. Because evaporation will induce an
increase in D and 18O values of residual liquid, any
increase in these values during monitoring may point
to a possible boiling and hence scaling. Therefore,
monitoring of isotope composition of geothermal
fluids during exploitation can lead to determination
of, and the development of necessary precautions
against decrease in enthalpy due to start of recharge
from cold, shallow aquifers, or scaling problems
developed as a result of subsurface boiling.

Figure 4: Partitioning of hydrogen and oxygen

isotopes during evaporation and condensation.

Figure 5: D vs 18O diagram showing the effects of
natural processes on water composition.

Carbon and helium isotopes and gas


Carbon and helium isotopes are used for the

investigation of the origin of dissolved components in
geothermal fluids. These isotopes, particularly their
combined use, are of significant importance in the
investigation of not only the provenance of dissolved
components, but also in assessment of natural
processes to which the fluids and deep hydrothermal
system might have been subjected.

The water-rock interaction is particularly realized at

high temperatures and hence may commonly occur in
geothermal systems. Given that rocks are enriched in
heavy oxygen isotope, the water-rock interaction
shifts the waters composition towards more positive
18O values, while D values do not change as
hydrogen is not one of the major constituents of rocks
(Figure 5).

There are two stable C-isotopes in nature, 12C and 13C

(Table 1). C-isotopic composition is expressed as
13C (Table 2). Regarding the compounds relevant to
hydrological cycle, the major sources establishing the
dissolved carbon content in natural waters are : i)
sedimentary organic carbon (13C -10 to -40 )
reflecting the biogenic source, ii) marine carbonates
(13C 0 ), iii) mantle CO2 (13C -6.5 ), and
iv) atmospheric CO2 (13C 7-8) related to the
global carbon cycle (Sharp, 2007; Mook, 2000)
(Figure 6).

Regarding the mixing process, the geothermal waters

of mixed origin are supposed to plot on the D vs.
18O diagram along lines converging from meteoric
water line towards the areas representing isotopic
compositions of magmatic, metamorphic and fossil
Given the effects of several factors and processes on
water composition, hydrogen and oxygen isotope
compositions can be used in geothermal exploration
not only to determine the source of geothermal water
but also to identify the possible recharge areas and
trace the flow directions. These isotopes can also be
used in monitoring studies during geothermal
exploitation (Arnorrson ve DAmore, 2000; GerardoAbaya et al., 2000). For instance, because drilling and
withdrawal will cause a pressure decline in the fluid

Gle: Isotope and gas geochemistry of geothermal systems

IGA Academy Report 0112-2013

Figure 6: Major sources of carbon in natural waters

(simplified from Sharp, 2007; Mook, 2000).
He has two stable isotopes, 3He and 4He (Table 1);
the variations in their ratio are greater than 103 in
geologic reservoirs leading to the identification of
three major components, namely, radiogenic-He,
tritiugenic-He and Primordial-He. Two types of
reactions are responsible for the formation of
radiogenic-He: i) -decay of uranium (U) and
Thorium (Th) which produces 4He, and ii) the nuclear
reaction 6Li (n,) 3H (-) 3He, which produces 3He.
Production rate of radiogenic 3He is very low
compared to 4He, and radiogenic-He is characterized
by a 3He/4He ratio of about 10-7-10-8 (Ozima and
Podosek, 1983; Andrews, 1985). Because U, Th and
Li are all concentrated in crust, relative to mantle, the
term radiogenic-He is often taken to imply
crustal-H or vice versa. Tritiugenic-He is the 3He
produced by the decay of tritium (3H) (Craig and
Lupton, 1981). Primordial-He is that component
which was trapped in the interior of the Earth at the
time of its accretion from solar nebula (Ozima and
Podosek, 1981), and is characterized by 3He/4He ratio
around 10-4. This primordial-He is released from the
mantle reservoir of the Earth essentially via
magmatism. Mantle degassing occurs largely at
ocean basins and - to a lesser extend - in continental

Figure 7: Major He-components and He-reservoirs

(R = (3He/4He)sample, RA = (3He/4He)atmosphere)
(Sources: Ozima and Podosek, 1983; Andrews, 1985;
Mamyrin and Tolstikhin, 1984; Farley and Neroda,
Given the fact that carbon and helium have wide
isotopic and relative abundance contrast between
mantle and crustal reservoirs of the Earth (Table 3),
C- and He-isotopes can be potential tracers of gas
provenance. The presence of high 3He/4He ratios in
volcanic regions, for example, may be indicative of a
young volcanic heat source. C-isotope compositions
can give an idea about the possible reservoir
lithologies and/or the lithologies on the circulation
paths of fluids. Combined He-CO2 systematics can
also be used to determine the possible subsurface
processes in deep hydrothermal system (e.g.
Determination of such processes makes use of
solubility of gases in water. Because solubility of He
in water is lower than that of CO2, He partitions
preferentially into the gas phase during degassing
leading to an increase in the CO2/He ratio in the
residual liquid phase. Likewise, because light
isotopes more preferentially partitions into steam
phase during evaporation, degassing causes the
residual liquid composition to evolve towards higher
13 14
C/ C and lower 3He/4He ratios. Mineral
precipitation/dissolution processes affect the water
composition in a similar way: mineral (e.g. calcite)
dissolution increases, while precipitation decreases
the 13C value of the water as the heavy isotopes
preferentially enters the solid phase.

Atmosphere, crust and mantle are the three major

reservoirs from which He observed in terrestrial
materials is derived (Figure 7). Atmospheric-He is
characterized by a 3He/4He ratio of 1.39*10-6 (Ozima
and Podosek, 1983). Because this ratio is rather
constant over the globe, 3He/4He ratios measured on
geologic materials are usually expressed relative to
the ratio in the atmosphere (R/RA = (3He/4He)sample /
(3He/4He)atm.). Crustal-He has an R/RA range of 0.010.1 (Andrews, 1985). Mantle-He has 3He/4He ratio
around 10-5 (R/RA 8-30) (Mamyrin and Tolstikhin,
1984; Farley and Neroda, 1998), reflecting the
dilution of Primordial-He with that produced by
radiogenic processes in the mantle.

Gle: Isotope and gas geochemistry of geothermal systems

IGA Academy Report 0112-2013

Hgw = 3Hatm e- t

Table 3: C- and He-isotope systematics pertinent to

different reservoirs





0 to -40





CO2 /3He

10 -10

Hgw = the tritium concentration in groundwater,


Hatm = the tritium concentration in the atmosphere,


t = the time elapsed since the isolation of the water

from the atmosphere,

Crust: Andrews, 1985 (R/RA); ONions and

Oxburgh, 1988 (CO2/3He); Sano and Marty, 1995

= the decay constant for 3H (0.056 year-1) (Faure,



Mantle: Farley and Neroda, 1998 (R/RA); Marty

and Jambon, 1987 (CO2/3He and 13C)

Because the tritium concentration in the atmosphere

has not been constant due to the introduction of
bomb-produced tritium after 1953, the above
equation can not provide an absolute age for
groundwaters. Therefore, instead of an absolute age,
tritium concentrations are used to determine the
relative ages of waters. For example, shallow well
waters recharged by recent precipitations have tritium
contents higher than deep circulating waters which
have a longer residence time at subsurface.

Dating Geothermal Fluids

There are several isotopic techniques used to date the

geothermal waters, or - in a more general sense - the
groundwaters. Included in these tachniques are
tritium (3H) and radiocarbon (14C) dating methods.
This section focuses on tritium (3H) dating and gives
brief information on the principles of this technique.
Tritium (3H) is the least abundant isotope of
hydrogen (10-15-10-12 %; Gerardo-Abaya, 2000) and
is radioactive. It is produced both by natural
processes (cosmic ray bombardment of atmospheric
nitrogene; 14N + 1n 3H + 12C) and by
anthropogenic sources (nuclear weapons testing)
(Craig and Lupton, 1981). Tritium has a short halflife (the time required for the quantity of isotope to
decrease to half its value) and is transformed into
tritiugenic helium through - - decay ( 3H 3He +
-). Decay constant for tritium is 0.056 /year and
half-life is 12.26 years (Faure, 1986). The tritium
content of natural waters is expressed in units of TU
(Tritium Units) where 1 TU corresponds to one atom
of 3H per 1018 atoms of hydrogen.


Geothermometry applications

Because isotope fractionation is a temperature

dependent phenomenon, stable isotope compositions
can be used to estimate the reservoir temperature of
geothermal systems. Isotope geothermometers utilize
the isotope exchange reactions between various
phases (water, steam, gas, mineral) in geothermal
systems, and is based on the assumption of
temperature dependent isotopic equilibrium at
reservoir conditions. The most commonly used
isotope geothermometers are summarized in Table 4.
Given in this table are the geothermometry equations
valid for a temperature range of 100-400 C. It
should be noted that different geothermometers are
have different equilibration rates and respond
differently to cooling and boiling processes on
upflow zones. Therefore, interpretation of
temperatures obtained from geothermometry
equations requires a sound understanding of the
chemical processes involved in geothermal systems,
and the geochemist should carefully check the
validity of assumptions and approximations made
when using specific geothermometers.

Large quantities of tritium have been introduced into

the atmosphere since the beginning of nuclear testing.
Atmospheric tritium concentration of precipitation
displayed large variations in the northern hemisphere
in between 1950s and 1960s (before and after the
start of nuclear testing). Tritium levels increased form
values around 5-20 TU before 1953, to values as
high as 2900 TU by 1963 (Attendorn and Bowen,
1997). The concentration of tritium in precipitation
displayed a steady decrease until 1968 as a result of
the moratorium on atmospheric bomb testing.

Table 4: Isotope geothermometers used for

geothermal systems (DAmore and Arnorsson, 2000,
and the references therein) (T is temperature in C;
equations are valid for a temperature range of 100400 C)

Tritium is a useful tool in measuring the isolation

time of water from the atmosphere, i.e. subsurface
residence time. The equation relevant to tritium
dating is as follows:

Gle: Isotope and gas geochemistry of geothermal systems

IGA Academy Report 0112-2013

CO2 methane

CO2 + 13CH4 = 13CO2 + 12CH4

Case studies



As an example to the use of oxygen and hydrogen

isotopes, and an integrated use of helium and carbon
isotopes in geothermal fields, the results of a case
study (Mutlu et al., 2008) that we have carried out in
western Anatolia is presented here. The study was
carried out on samples collected from a total of 12
geothermal sites in the region which comprises one of
the worlds best known extensional terrains (Figure
8). Six of these sites (Tuzla, Kestanbol, an, Gnen,
Manyas, Hisaralan) are in northern part of the region,
in the vicinity of the westward extension of the North
Anatolian Fault Zone, and the other six (Germencik,
Kzldere, Balova, Seferihisar, Gazlgl, mer) are
in the south-central part and hosted by the grabens of
the active extension in the region. Hot springs and
geothermal production wells were utilized during the
sampling campaign. Both water and gas samples
were collected from these 12 sites. All gas samples
were collected as the free gas phase from bubbling
pools/springs; only one sample (from Kzldere) was
taken from the steam phase in a well.

Methane hydrogen gas
CH3D + H2 = HDO + CH4
Hydrogen gas-steam
HD + H2O = H2 + HDO
Hydrogen gas-water

Figure 8: Map showing (a) tectonic setting of the western Anatolian region, (b) sample locations (From Mutlu et
al., 2008 and the references therein).
(Gat and Carmi, 1970) pointing to an essentially
meteoric origin. High temperature fluids (particularly
those from Kzldere and Germencik) are slightly

Oxygen and hydrogen isotope compositions of

geothermal waters are presented in Figure 9 on a plot
of D vs. 18O. On this diagram, most of the waters
plot along the Mediterranean Meteoric Water Line

Gle: Isotope and gas geochemistry of geothermal systems

IGA Academy Report 0112-2013

shifted towards higher 18O compositions reflecting

the effects of water-rock interaction.

of the diagram, on the other hand, preferential CO2

loss seems to be a possible mechanism which is
probably associated with calcite precipitation a
widespread phenomenon in western Anatolian
geothermal fields evidenced by scaling in drilling
wells and travertine deposition

Figure 9: 18OD diagram for the western

Anatolian thermal waters. MMWL: Mediterranean
Meteoric Water Line (D=8 18O+22; Gat and
Carmi, 1970); GMWL: Global Meteoric Water Line
(D=8 18O+10; Craig, 1961) (Mutlu et al., 2008).
C- and He-isotope compositions of western Anatolian
gas samples are plotted on a CO2/3He vs. 13C
diagram (Figure 10) to investigate relative
contributions from possible volatile provenance. Also
plotted on this diagram are the compositions
characteristic for, and the mixing trajectories
between, crustal (carbonate and sedimentary organic
carbon) and mantle components. Relative
contribution of mantle and crustal reservoirs is
defined by CO2/3He ratios, whereas a distinction
between sedimentary organic carbon and carbonate
sources is based on 13C values. The apparent feature
relevant to the data plot in Figure 10 is that the major
contribution to the carbon inventory in western
Anatolian fluids comes from crustal carbonates.

Figure 10: CO2/3He vs. 13C (CO2) for the western

Anatolian gas samples (Mutlu et al., 2008). The endmember compositions for sedimentary organic
carbon(S), mantle carbon (M) and limestones (L) are
13C (CO2)= -30, -6.5 and 0; and
CO2/3He=11013, 2109 and 11013, respectively
(Sano and Marty, 1995)

As an approach to the investigation of possible

subsurface processes, data relevant to water and gas
samples are plotted on a CO2 - 3He - 4He ternary
diagram in Figure 11, along with the mixing
trajectories between pure CO2 and mantle-He, and the
field representing the composition of crustal fluids.
As can be seen from the diagram, all the samples plot
to the right of the mantle-He and pure CO2 mixing
line pointing to a significant contribution from
radiogenic (crustal) He. It is also worth to note that
except two samples at the CO2 corner, the water
samples have comparatively lower CO2/3He ratios.
Given that He partitions more preferentially (than
CO2) into the gas phase during degassing, leading to
an increase in the CO2/3He ratio of the residual water
phase, the position of the two water samples on CO2
apex seems to be consistent with the effects of
degassing. For the water samples plotting at the base

Figure 11: CO23He4He ternary diagram for the

western Anatolian fluids.

Concluding Remarks

1. Isotopes are extensively used tools in studies

relevant to exploration, development and exploitation
stages of geothermal systems.

Gle: Isotope and gas geochemistry of geothermal systems

IGA Academy Report 0112-2013

2. During exploration studies, analyses of the existing

hot and cold spring fluids for their hydrogen- and
oxygen-isotope compositions (18O/16O, D/H) can be
utilized in determining source of geothermal water,
possible recharge areas, and regional flow directions.
Carbon-isotope composition (13C/12C) can allow
differentiation between sedimentary organic origin
and carbonate or mantle sources for the origin of
dissolved carbon components like HCO3, CO3, or
aqueous CO2. He-isotope studies are useful for an
assessment of possible contributions from different
reservoirs, as well as possible heat source. Tritium
(3H) content gives an idea about the subsurface
residence time of water.

Craig, H. and Lupton, J. E.: Helium-3 and mantle

volatiles in the ocean and the oceanic crust. In: C.
Emiliani (ed.), The Sea, vol.7: The Oceanic
Lithosphere. J. Wiley and Sons, 391-428, 1981.
DAmore, F. and Arnorsson, S: Geothermometry.
In: Arnorsson, S. (ed.), Isotopic and Chemical
Development and Use. International Atomic
Energy Agency, Vienna, 152-199, 2000.
Farley, K. A. and Neroda, E.: Noble gases in the
Earth's mantle. Annual Review of Earth and
Planetary Sciences, 26, 189218, 1998.
Faure, G.: Principles of Isotope Geology. John Wiley
and Sons, New York, 1986.

3 During development stage, systematic analyses on

samples from geothermal drill wells, local
precipitation, cold surface waters and shallow
groundwaters will establish a baseline study that can
be used in exploitation stage to assess the changes in
isotopic compositions and their possible causes.

Gat, J.R. and Carmi, I.: Evolution in the isotopic

composition of atmospheric waters in the
Mediterranean Sea area. Journal Geophysical
Research 75, 30393048, 1970.
Gerardo-Abaya, J., DAmore, F., and Arnorsson, S.:
Isotopes for geothermal investigations. In:
Arnorsson, S. (ed.), Isotopic and Chemical
Development and Use. International Atomic
Energy Agency, Vienna, 49-65, 2000.

4. Monitoring of isotope compositions during

geothermal exploitation stage can give an idea about
the mode of response of reservoir to fluid production.
This, in turn, can lead to the development of
necessary precautions against possible cold water
inflow into the reservoir (which may result in a
decrease in enthalpy), and scaling problems in wells
developed as a result of adiabatic boiling.

Mamyrin, B. A. and Tolstikhin, I. N.: Helium

Isotopes in Nature. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1984.
Marty, B. and Jambon, A.: C/3He in volatile fluxes
from the solid Earth: implication for carbon
geodynamics. Earth and Planetary Science Letters
83, 1626, 1987.

Albu, M., Banks, D. and Nash, H.: Mineral and
Thermal Groundwater Resources. Chapman and
Hall, London, 1997.

Mook, W. G. (ed.): Environmental isotopes in the

hydrological cycle, Principles and applications,
Introduction, IHP-V, Technical Documents in
Hydrology, No.39, vol. 1, UNESCO, Paris, 2000.

Andrews, J. N.: The isotopic composition of

radiogenic He and its use to study groundwater
movement in confined aquifer. Chemical
Geology, 49, 339-351, 1985.

Mutlu, H., Gle, N. and Hilton, D.R.: HeliumCarbon Relationships in Geothermal Fluids of
Western Anatolia, Turkey. Chemical Geology, v.
247, 305-321, 2008.

Arnorrson, S. and DAmore, F.: Monitoring of

reservoir response to production. In: Arnorsson,
S. (ed.), Isotopic and Chemical Techniques in
Geothermal Exploration, Development and Use.
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna,
309-341, 2000.

O'Nions, R.K. and Oxburgh, E.R.: Helium volatile

fluxes and the development of continental crust.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 90, 331347,

Attendorn, H. G. and Bowen, R. N. C.: Radioactive

and Stable Isotope Geology. Chapman & Hall,
London. 1997.

Ozima, M. and Podosek, F.A.: Noble gas

Geochemistry : Cambridge University Press,

Craig, H.: Isotopic variations in meteoric waters.

Science, 133, 1702-1703, 1961.

Rosman, K. J. R. and Taylor, P. D. P.: Isotopic

compositions of the elements 1997 (Technical

Gle: Isotope and gas geochemistry of geothermal systems

IGA Academy Report 0112-2013

Report). Pure and Applied Chemistry, 70, 217235. 1998.

Sheppard, S. M. F.: Stable isotope geochemistry of

fluids. In: Rickard, D. T. and Wickman, F. E.
(eds.), Chemistry and Geochemistry of Solutions
at High Temperatures and Pressures. Phys.
Chem. Earth, 13/14, 419-445, 1981.

Sano, Y. and Marty, B.: Origin of carbon in

fumarolic gas from island arcs. Chemical Geology
119, 264274, 1995.

Taylor, H. P., Jr.: The application of oxygen and

hydrogen isotope studies to problems of
hydrothermal alteration and ore deposition.
Economic Geology, 69, 843-883, 1974.

GeochemistryPearson, Prentice Hall, New Jersey,


Geothermal Exploration Best Practices:

A Guide to Resource Data Collection, Analyses, and Presentation
for Geothermal Projects.
The Guide outlines procedures and exploration techniques for
geothermal projects and provides guidelines for presenting a
geothermal project to funding entities and insurance companies.
A focus is placed on high temperature geothermal resources
for electricity generation.

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