Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal (Anti-Christ) : One of The Major Signs of The Last Hour

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Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal (Anti-Christ): One of the Major Signs of the Last Hour

A summary:
The coming of Ad-Dajjal is a serious incident that Allah has made one of the signs of the Last Hour. There is no
prophet who did not warn his followers against him. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, No
prophet was sent but he warned his followers against him (i.e. Ad-Dajjal). Nuh (Noah) warned against him, and
so did the prophets who came after him (Reported by Al-Bukhari). The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon
him, also warned his ummah against him. He said, I sternly warn you against him [i.e. Ad-Dajjal] (Reported by
While performing the prayers, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, used to seek refuge in Allah from
the trials of Ad-Dajjal, and he would teach his Companions to seek refuge in Allah from him just as he would
teach them a surah of the Quran. He would preach and warn his Companions about his imminent coming. AnNawwas ibn Saman, may Allah be pleased with him, said, [He made so much mention of him] that we thought
he (i.e. Ad-Dajjal) was amidst a cluster of date-palm trees (i.e. amidst the palm trees near them) (Reported by
The righteous predecessors recommended reminding people of him from time to time. As-Saffarini, may Allah
have mercy upon his soul, said, Every religious scholar should disseminate the hadiths about Ad-Dajjal among
children, women, and men, particularly in our time that is fraught with trials and tribulations and in which the
Prophets practices have died away.
Ad-Dajjal is alive now and he is in a monastery in one of the sea islands. He is firmly tied up, his hands tied to
his neck, and his legs bound from the knees to the ankles with iron shackles. His coming is imminent. He said
about himself, I will soon be given leave to come out (Reported by Muslim).
There are a number of signs indicating his coming. One of these signs is that the palm trees of Bisan, a city
between Hawran and Palestine, will stop to bear fruits altogether. Yaqut Al-Hamawi (a renowned biographer
and geographer), may Allah have mercy upon his soul, said, I have frequently visited it, but I only saw two
palm trees there and they did not bear fruit.
Another sign of his coming is that Lake Tabariyah (Tiberius, in Palestine) will dry up. Its water is currently
scarce and is on the decrease. Still another sign is that the spring of Zughar, a city in Syria, will dry up and its
inhabitants will not be able to irrigate their land with the water of this spring.
He will first appear in Al-Yahudiyyah, the Jews quarter in the city of Isfahan in Khurasan (a region in the
northeast of Persia), accompanied by 70,000 of its Jews along with guards and aides.
He is a red-complexioned young man with a huge body and broad forehead, rather bending with thick, curly
hair. One of his eyes looks like a protruding grape; that is, protuberant and blind. Tamim Ad-Dari, may Allah be
pleased with him, who had once seen him, said about him, He is the biggest man we have ever seen. He is
the biggest man in this world. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, There is no one greater in
stature, from the time of the creation of Adam to the Day of Resurrection, than Ad-Dajjal (Reported by Muslim).
The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, provided a detailed description of him so that people may
recognize him when he comes out and know that he is truly the False Messiah, and not the Lord of the Worlds,
as he will falsely claim. Because Ad-Dajjal is going to appear in this ummah, the Prophet, peace and blessings
be upon him, informed us about one of his attributes which had not been mentioned by any prophet before. The
Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, I will tell you something about him which no prophet ever told
his people about. You should know that he is one-eyed, but Allah is not one-eyed (Reported by Al-Bukhari).
He will come out at a time when people are negligent of religion and are turning away from Islamic knowledge.
This will serve to distinguish true believers from disbelievers and true Muslims from doubters. Ad-Dajjal will
claim that he is the lord of the worlds and people will be tested by his trials and the miraculous feats which Allah
will enable him to perform.

When he comes out, people will flee to the mountain heights for fear of him, and then the door of repentance
will be closed. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, When three things appear, faith will not
do any good to a person who has not believed before or earned good through his faith: the rising of the sun in
its place of setting, the coming of Ad-Dajjal, and the beast of the earth (Reported by Muslim).
One of his trials is that he will kill a man and then bring him back to life by Allahs permission. He will also strike
another man with the sword, cutting him into two halves, then he will call him after killing him, and the killed
person will rise from the dead, his face beaming with joy. He will also saw another man from the middle of his
head all the way down to what is between his legs and then he will walk between the two pieces, saying, Get
up, and the dead man will rise to his feet. He will also seize a man by his feet and hands and cast him into the
fire that will be with him. People will think Ad-Dajjal has cast him into the fire, but he will have been actually cast
into the garden, for his fire is actually a garden and his garden is actually fire.
He will also have with him two flowing rivers: one appears to the eye to be clear water, and the other appears to
the eye to be flaming fire. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, If anyone sees that, let him go
to the river which he thinks is fire and close his eyes, then lower his head and drink from it, for it is cool water
(Reported by Muslim).
He will command the sky to rain, and it will rain, and he will command the earth to bring forth vegetation and it
will do so. He will pass by the wasteland and say, Bring forth your treasures, and its treasures will follow him.
Ibn Al-Arabi, may Allah have mercy upon his soul, said, All of these [feats] are really frightening.
He will go swiftly in the land. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, described him as being like a
cloud driven by the wind (Reported by Muslim). He will stay on the earth for forty days, one day like a year,
one day like a month and one day like a week, and the rest of the days will be just like our days.
There will be no town which he will not enter, except Makkah and Al-Madinah, for there will be angels on each
of their mountain passes (i.e. entrances) guarding them. Whenever he tries to enter any of them, he will be met
by an angel with a drawn sword in his hand to repel him. People in all towns will fear Ad-Dajjal with the
exception of the inhabitants of Al-Madinah, who will not fear him in the least. Therefore, part of showing
gratitude to Allah for His blessings upon the inhabitants of Makkah and Al-Madinah is that they should show
obedience to Allah in these cities for having favoured them by protecting them against Ad-Dajjal.
When Ad-Dajjal is denied access to Al-Madinah, he will set up a camp in the marshy land of Juruf, on the west
of Mount Uhud, where he will pitch his tent. Most of those who will follow him will be women. Then, Al-Madinah
will shake with its inhabitants three times whereupon every disbeliever and hypocrite will go out of Al-Madinah
to join him. The best among people at all times and in all places is one who forbids evil whenever he sees it.
Allah, Exalted be He, says:
"You [true believers in Islamic Monotheism, and real followers of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be
upon him, and his Sunnah] are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind; you enjoin Al-Maruf (i.e. Islamic
Monotheism and all that Islam has ordained) and forbid Al-Munkar (polytheism, disbelief and all that Islam has
forbidden), and you believe in Allah. . ." (Al Imran: 110)
While Ad-Dajjal will be staying nearby Al-Madinah, a young man will come to him and challenge his
claim to godhood and reject his fraudulent deception. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
said, He is the best of all people (or one of the best people). He will say to him, I bear witness that you
are Ad-Dajjal, about whom Allahs Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, talked to us
(Reported by Al-Bukhari). young man who will challenge him, get killed and resurrected, then
confirm he is the Dajjal. Well, unless one has extraordinary iman and aqhlaaq to the point of
having been mentioned in prophecies(this might be the boy mentioned in the video u sent)

The death of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was a great loss for all Muslims, for if he were
alive then, he would protect us from his evil. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, If he comes
out while I am among you, then I will be his adversary on your behalf (Reported by Muslim). But after the
death of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, each person will have to fend for himself against AdDajjal.

One of the means that will ensure protection from Ad-Dajjal is the religious knowledge of Allahs names and
attributes. Ad-Dajjal is one-eyed, whereas our Lord, Glorified be He, is not one-eyed. Moreover, no one can see
Allah in this world, whereas Ad-Dajjal will be seen by people. Besides, the word kafir (i.e. disbeliever) will be
written between Ad-Dajjals eyes, and it will be read by every lettered and unlettered person. Ibn Taymiyah,
may Allah have mercy upon his soul, said, A believer can perceive things which cannot be perceived by
others, especially in times of trials.
Shunning trials and tribulations will, by Allahs leave, provide efficient protection against their evil. The Prophet,
peace and blessings be upon him, said, Whoever hears of Ad-Dajjal should stay away from him, (i.e. flee from
him), for I swear by Allah that a man may come to him thinking himself a believer but then will end up following
him due to the doubts that Ad-Dajjal will cast into his [heart] (Reported by Abu-Dawud).
Holding fast to Islam ensures protection against Ad-Dajjal, for all his followers will be disbelievers. Frequently
supplicating to Allah to give us refuge from Ad-Dajjal is a source of protection and safety from his evil. The
Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, When one of you recites the tashahhud (the invocation made
before concluding the prayers), let him seek refuge in Allah from four things, saying, O Allah! We seek refuge
in You from the torment of Hellfire, from the torment of the grave, from the trials of life and death, and from the
trials and tribulations of Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal" (Reported by Muslim). Tawus ibn Kaysan, may Allah have mercy
upon his soul, used to order his son to perform his prayer again if he did not recite this particular supplication in
his prayer.
The Holy Quran is the main source of protection against all trials and tribulations. Anyone who knows the first
ten verses of Surat Al-Kahf by heart and hears of the coming of Ad-Dajjals will be protected from his evil, by
Allahs leave. Whoever sees him should recite the opening verses of Surat Al-Kahf before him. The Prophet,
peace and blessings be upon him, said, Those of you who witness him should recite before him the opening
verses of Surat Al-Kahf (Reported by Muslim).
Once Ad-Dajjals followers have increased in number and his trials have spread, Isa (Prophet Jesus), peace be
upon him, will descend near the Eastern Minaret in Damascus and the servants of Allah will gather around him.
Isa, peace be upon him, will follow Ad-Dajjal while he is heading to Baitul-Maqdis (Jerusalem) and will catch
hold of him at the Gate of Ludd in Palestine. On seeing Isa, Ad-Dajjal will dissolve like salt in water, but Isa,
peace be upon him, will get hold of him and kill him with a spear.
Details collected from hadith:

a) Description and attributes of the Dajjaal

1-The Dajjaal will be a man from among the sons of Adam. He will have many attributes which were
described in the ahaadeeth to acquaint people with him and to warn them of his evil.
Sahih al-Bukhari > Afflictions and the End of the World
Narrated `Abdullah bin `Umar:Allah's Apostle said. "While I was sleeping, I saw myself (in a dream)
performing Tawaf around the Ka`ba. Behold, I saw a reddish-white man with lank hair, and water was
dropping from his head. I asked, "Who is this?' They replied, 'The son of Mary.' Then I turned my
face to see another man with a huge body, red complexion and curly hair and blind in one eye. His
eye looked like a protruding out grape. They said (to me), He is Ad-Dajjal." The Prophet added, "The
man he resembled most is Ibn Qatan, a man from the tribe of Khuza`a. "
Sahih al-Bukhari > Oneness, Uniqueness of Allah (Tawheed) ->
Narrated `Abdullah:-Ad-Dajjal was mentioned in the presence of the Prophet. The Prophet said,
"Allah is not hidden from you; He is not one-eyed," and pointed with his hand towards his eye,

adding, "While Al-Masih Ad- Dajjal is blind in the right eye and his eye looks like a protruding grape."
Sahih Muslim > The Book Pertaining to the Turmoil and Portents of the Last Hour
Anas b. Malik reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said:Dajjal is blind of one
eye and there is written between his eyes the word" Kafir". He then spelled the word as k. f. r., which
every Muslim would be able to read.
Sahih Muslim > The Book Pertaining to the Turmoil and Portents of the Last Hour :- In the lengthy
hadeeth narrated by al-Nawwaas ibn Samaan (may Allaah be pleased with him) it says: the
Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) mentioned the Dajjaal one
morning. Sometimes he described him as insignificant and sometimes he described him as so
significant that we thought that he was in the cluster of date-palm trees One of the features of the
Dajjaal that he described was: He will be a young man with very curly hair, with his eye floating. It is
as if he looks like Abd al-Uzza ibn Qatan.
Narrated Ubadah ibn as-Samit:The Prophet(Peace be upon him) said: I have told you so much about
the Dajjal (Antichrist) that I am afraid you may not understand. The Antichrist is short, hen-toed,
woolly-haired, one-eyed, an eye-sightless, and neither protruding nor deep-seated. If you are
confused about him, know that your Lord is not one-eyed.
Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: as for the false messiah, he will be one-eyed, with a wide
forehead and broad upper chest, and he will be hunchbacked (Narrated by Ahmad, no. 7564).
Sahih Muslim > The Book Pertaining to the Turmoil and Portents of the Last Hour
Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying:May I not inform you
about the Dajjal what no Apostle of Allah narrated to his people? He would be blind and he would
bring along with him an Image of Paradise and Hell-Fire and what he would call as Paradise that
would be Hell-Fire and I warn you as Noah warned his people.
Sahih Muslim > The Book Pertaining to the Turmoil and Portents of the Last Hour
Anas b. Malik reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said:There would be written
three letters k. f. r., i. e. Kafir, between the eyes of the Dajjal.
Comment:- Al-Nawawi said: The correct view according to those who studied this issue is that this
writing should be taken literally, as being real writing which Allaah will create as a sign, one of the
definitive proofs that (the Dajjaal) is a kaafir and a liar, to expose his falsehood. Allaah will show this
sign to every Muslim, literate or illiterate, and will conceal it from everyone whom He decrees is
doomed or whom He wants to test. There is no reason why this should be impossible. (Sharh alNawawi li Saheeh Muslim, 18/60).

Narrated Fatimah, daughter of Qays:

The Apostle of Allah (Peace be upon him) once delayed the congregational night prayer.
He came out and said: The talk of Tamim ad-Dari detained me. He transmitted it to me from a man
who was on of of the islands of the sea. All of a sudden he found a woman who was trailing her hair.
He asked: Who are you?She said: I am the Jassasah. Go to that castle. So I came to it and found a
man who was trailing his hair, chained in iron collars, and leaping between Heaven and Earth.
I asked: Who are you? He replied: I am the Dajjal (Antichrist). Has the Prophet of the unlettered
people come forth now? I replied: Yes. He said: Have they obeyed him or disobeyed him? I said: No,
they have obeyed him. He said: That is better for them.
Imraan ibn Husayn (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: I heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace
and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: From the time of the creation of Adam until the Hour
begins, there will never be a bigger creation than the Dajjaal. (Narrated by Muslim, 5239).
Sahih Muslim > The Book Pertaining to the Turmoil and Portents of the Last Hour -> Hadith
Hudhalfa reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said:Dajjal is blind of left eye
with thick hair and there would be a garden and fire with him and his fire would be a garden and his
garden would be fire.
Comments : -From the reports quoted above, we may note that some of them describe his right eye
as being blind or defective, and some describe his left eye as being blind or defective. Both accounts
are saheeh. Some of the scholars sought to reconcile these reports. Al-Qaadi Iyaad said: Both eyes
of the Dajjaal will be defective, because all the reports are saheeh. His right eye will be the one that
is abraded (mamsooh) and dull, unable to see, as stated in the hadeeth of Ibn Umar. And his left eye
will be the one that is covered with a thick fold of skin, and will also be defective. So he will have a
defect in both his right eye and his left eye; each of them will be blind, i.e., defective, because the
Arabic word used in the hadeeth, awar, is used to describe anything that is defective and is
especially used to describe the eyes of they are impaired. One eye will be non-functional and the
other will be defective.

b)The Dajjaal will not have any children

Sahih Muslim > The Book Pertaining to the Turmoil and Portents of the Last Hour -> Hadith
Abu Sa'id Khudri reported:
Ibn Sa'id said to me something for which I felt ashamed. He said: I can excuse others; but what has
gone wrong with you, O Companions of Muhammad, that you take me as Dajjal? Has Allah's Apostle
(may peace be upon him) not said that he would be a Jew whereas I am a Muslim and he also said
that he would not have children, whereas I have children, and he also said: veryly, Allah has
prohibited him to enter Mecca whereas I have performed Pilgrimage, atid. he went on saying this that
I was about to be impressed by his talk. He (however) said this also: I know where he (Dajjal) is and I

know his father abd I mother, and it was said to him: Won't you feel pleased if you would be the same
person? Thereupon he said: If this offer is made to me, I would not resent that.
Sahih Muslim > The Book Pertaining to the Turmoil and Portents of the Last Hour
Abu Sa'id reported:I accompanied Ibn Sayyad to Mecca and he said to me: What I have gathered
from people is that theu think that I am Dajjal. Have you not heard Allah's Messenger (may peace
upon him) as saying: He will have no no children, I said: Yes, of course. Thereupon he said: But I
have children. Have you not heard Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: He would
not enter Mecca and Medina? I said: Yes, of course. Thereupon he said I have been once in Medina
and now I intend to go to Mecca. And he said to me at the end of his talk: By Allah: I know his place
of birth his abode where he is just now. He (Abu Sa'id) said: This caused confusion in my mind (in
regard to his identity).
c) From where the Dajjaal will emerge

Sahih Muslim > The Book Pertaining to the Turmoil and Portents of the Last Hour
Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying:The Last Hour would
not come until the Romans would land at al-A'maq or in Dabiq. An army consisting of the best
(soldiers) of the people of the earth at that time will come from Medina (to counteract them). When
they will arrange themselves in ranks, the Romans would say: Do not stand between us and those
(Muslims) who took prisoners from amongst us. Let us fight with them; and the Muslims would say:
Nay, by Allah, we would never get aside from you and from our brethren that you may fight them.
They will then fight and a third (part) of the army would run away, whom Allah will never forgive. A
third (part of the army). which would be constituted of excellent martyrs in Allah's eye, would be killed
ani the third who would never be put to trial would win and they would be conquerors of
Constantinople. And as they would be busy in distributing the spoils of war (amongst themselves)
after hanging their swords by the olive trees, the Satan would cry: The Dajjal has taken your place
among your family. They would then come out, but it would be of no avail. And when they would
come to Syria, he would come out while they would be still preparing themselves for battle drawing
up the ranks. Certainly, the time of prayer shall come and then Jesus (peace be upon him) son of
Mary would descend and would lead them in prayer. When the enemy of Allah would see him, it
would (disappear) just as the salt dissolves itself in water and if he (Jesus) were not to confront them
at all, even then it would dissolve completely, but Allah would kill them by his hand and he would
show them their blood on his lance (the lance of Jesus Christ).
Sahih Muslim > The Book Pertaining to the Turmoil and Portents of the Last Hour
Amir b. Sharahil Sha'bi Sha'b Hamdan reported that he asked Fatima, daughter of Qais and sister of
ad-Dahhak b. Qais and she was the first amongst the emigrant women:
Behold he (Dajjal) is in the Syrian sea (Mediterranean) or the Yemen sea (Arabian sea). Nay, on the
contrary, he is in the east, he is in the east, he is in the east, and he pointed with his hand towards
the east. I (Fatima bint Qais) said: I preserved it in my mind (this narration from Allah's Messenger
(may peace be upon him).

Abu Bakr al-Siddeeq (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) told us: The Dajjaal will emerge from a land in the east called
Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) said:The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said,
"Dajjal (the Antichrist) will be followed by seventy thousand Jews of Isfahan and will be dressed in
robes of green coloured satin."
Sahih Muslim > The Book Pertaining to the Turmoil and Portents of the Last Hour -> Hadith
Anas b. Malik reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said:The Dajjal would be
followed by seventy thousand Jews of Isfahan wearing Persian shawls.
Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of
Allaah be upon him) said: The Dajjaal will emerge from among the Jews of Isfahaan, and with him
will be seventy thousand Jews, wearing crowns. (Narrated by Ahmad, no. 12865)
Sahih Muslim > The Book Pertaining to the Turmoil and Portents of the Last Hour
An-Nawwas b. Sam'an reported: He would appear on the way between Syria and Iraq and would
spread mischief right and left.
d) Places which the Dajjaal will never enter

1-It is forbidden for the Dajjaal to enter Makkah or Madeenah when he emerges at the end of time,
because of the saheeh ahaadeeth narrated to that effect. As far as other places are concerned, he
will enter them one after another.
Anas bin Malik (May Allah be pleased with him) said:
The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said, "There will be no land which will not be trampled
by Dajjal (the Antichrist) but Makkah and Al-Madinah; and there will be no passage leading to them
which will not be guarded by the angels, arranged in rows. Dajjal will appear in a barren place
adjacent to Al- Madinah and the city will be shaken three times. Allah will expel from it every
disbeliever and hypocrite."
It was also reported that the Dajjaal will not enter the mosque of Sinai, or Masjid al-Aqsaa (at
Jerusalem). narrated that Junaadah ibn Umayyah al-Azdi said: I came to a man from among the
Companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said to him, Tell me a
hadeeth that you heard from the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
about the Dajjaal. He mentioned the hadeeth, and said, He will stay among you for forty days,
during which he will go to every place (on the earth) apart from four mosques: Masjid al-Haraam (in
Makkah), the mosque of Madeenah, the (mosque of) Sinai and Masjid al-Aqsaa.(Imaam Ahmad
Hadith no. 22,572)

e) The followers of the Dajjaal

1-Most of the followers of the Dajjaal will be from among the Jews, Persians and Turks, and a
mixture of other people, mostly Bedouins and women.
Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) said:
The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said, "Dajjal (the Antichrist) will be followed by seventy
thousand Jews of Isfahan and will be dressed in robes of green coloured satin."
Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of
Allaah be upon him) said: The Dajjaal will emerge from among the Jews of Isfahaan, and with him
will be seventy thousand Jews, wearing crowns.(Narrated by Ahmad, no. 12865)
According to the hadeeth of Abu Bakr referred to above: He will be followed by people with faces
like burnished shields. (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, no. 2136).
With regard to the Bedouin being followers of the Dajjaal, this is because many of them are ignorant.
With regard to women, this is because they are readily swayed, and because many of them are
ignorant. It was reported that Ibn Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: the Prophet (peace
and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: The Dajjaal will come to this pond in Marriqanaat a
valley in Madeenah and most of those who go out to him will be women, until a man will come to
his mother in law, his mother, his daughter, his sister and his aunt, and will tie them up strongly for
fear that they will go out to him. (Narrated by Ahmad, no. 5099)

f) The Fitnah of the Dajjaal.

1-The fitnah of the Dajjaal will be the greatest fitnah from the time Allaah created Adam until the Hour
begins. This will be because of the mighty miracles that Allaah will create with him, which will dazzle
peoples minds and amaze them.
Narrated Abu Hurayrah:
The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: The Last Hour will not come before there come forth thirty
liar Dajjals (fraudulents) lying on Allah and His Apostle.(Sunan Abi Dawud 4334 : Book 39, Hadith

Sahih Muslim > The Book Pertaining to the Turmoil and Portents of the Last Hour
Hudhalfa reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said:Dajjal is blind of left eye
with thick hair and there would be a garden and fire with him and his fire would be a garden and his
garden would be fire.(Sahih Muslim English reference : Book 41, Hadith 7010; Arabic reference :
Book 55, Hadith 7551)
Sahih al-Bukhari > Afflictions and the End of the World -> Hadith
Narrated Al-Mughira bin Shu`ba:Nobody asked the Prophet as many questions as I asked regarding
Ad-Dajjal. The Prophet said to me, "What worries you about him?" I said, "Because the people say
that he will have a mountain of bread and a river of water with him (i.e. he will have abundance of
food and water)" The Prophet said, "Nay, he is too mean to be allowed such a thing by Allah"' (but it
is only to test mankind whether they believe in Allah or in Ad-Dajjal.)
Hudhaifa and Abu Masud got together and Hudhaifah said:
I know best what the Dajjal (Antichrist) will have with him. He will have with him a sea of water and a
river of fire, and what you see as fire will be water and what you sea as water will be fire. If any of
you who lives up to that time and desires water, he should drink from what he sees as fire, for he will
find it water. Abu Masud al-Badri said: I heard the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) say in this
In the hadeeth of al-Nawwaas ibn Samaan about the Dajjaal, it is reported that the Sahaabah said:
O Messenger of Allaah, how long will he stay on the earth? He said, Forty days: one day like a
year, one day like a month, one day like a week, and the rest of the days like your days. They
said, How fast will he travel through the earth? He said, Like the clouds when they are driven by
the wind. He will come to some people and call them, and they will believe in him and respond to
him. Then he will command the sky to rain, and the earth to bring forth vegetation, and their cattle
will come back to them in the evening, with their humps very high, and their udders full of milk, and
their flanks stretched. Then he will come to another people and will call them, but they will reject him.
So he will leave them and they will be stricken with famine, with none of their wealth in their hands.
He will pass by ruins and will say, Bring forth your treasure! and the treasure will follow him like a
swarm of bees. Then he will call a man who is brimming with youth, and will strike him with a sword
and cut him in two, then (he will put the pieces apart from one another) the distance of an archer
from his target. Then he will call him, and the young man will come forward smiling, with his face
Sahih Muslim > The Book Pertaining to the Turmoil and Portents of the Last Hour
Abu Sa'id al-Khudri reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) one day gave a
detailed account of the Dajjal and in that it was also included:He would come but would not be
allowed to enter the mountain passes to Medina. So he will alight at some of the barren tracts near

Medina, and a person who would be the best of men or one from amongst the best of men would
say to him: I bear testimony to the fact that you are Dajjal about whom Allah's Messenger (may
peace be upon him) had informed us. The Dajjal would say: What is your opinion if I kill this (person),
then I bring him back to life; even then will you harbour doubt in this matter? They would say: No. He
would then kill (the man) and then bring him back to life. When he would bring that person to life, he
would say: By Allah, I had no better proof of the fact (that you are a Dajjal) than at the present time
(that you are actually so). The Dajjal would then make an attempt to kill him (again) but he would not
be able to do that. Abu Ishaq reported that it was said: That person would be Khadir (Allah be
pleased with him).
Al-nawwas b. Siman al-Kilabi said: We asked: How long will he remain on the earth ? He replied :
Forty days, one like a year, one like a month, one like a week, and rest of his days like yours. We
asked : Apostle of Allah, will one days prayer suffice us in this day which will be like a year ? He
replied : No, you must make an estimate of its extent. Then Jesus son of Marry will descend at the
white minaret to the east of Damascus. He will then catch him up at the date of Ludd and kill him.
According to the hadeeth of Umaamah al-Baahili (may Allaah be pleased with him), the Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said of the Dajjaal: Part of his fitnah will be that he will
say to a Bedouin, Do you think that if I resurrect your father and mother for you that you will testify
that I am your lord? He will say, Yes. So two devils will appear to him in the image of his father and
mother, saying, O my son, follow him for he is your lord.

g)People of the tribe of Bani Tamim would stand firm against Ad-Dajjal.

Sahih Bukhari Volume 3 : Book 46 : Hadith 719
Sahih Muslim Book 31 : Hadith 6133
Narrated by Abu Huraira: I have loved the people of the tribe of Bani Tamim ever since I heard, three
things, Allah's Apostle said about them. I heard him saying, These people (of the tribe of Bani
Tamim) would stand firm against Ad-Dajjal." When the Sadaqat (gifts of charity) from that tribe came,
Allah's Apostle said, "These are them Sadaqat (i.e. charitable gifts) of our folk." 'Aisha had a slavegirl from that tribe, and the Prophet said to 'Aisha,"Manumit her as she is a descendant of Ishmael
(the Prophet)."
Comment:-Ibn Hajr al-Asqalaanee said, "This hadeeth also contains a clear mention of the
excellence and superiority of Bani Tameem." [Fatha al-bari 5/217]
Sahih Muslim Book 31 : Hadith 6134
Abu Huraira reported: There are some distinguishing features of Banu Tamim which I heard from
Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and my love for them is never on the decline after that
and the words are: They are the bravest amongst people in the battlefield and there is no mention of

(the word)" Dajjal".

Sahih Muslim Book 31 : Hadith 6133
Abu Huraira reported: Since I heard three things from Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him)
my love for Banu Tamim is never on the decline (and these things are): I heard Allah's Messenger
(may peace be upon him) as saying about them that they would put up stout resistance
against Dajjal amongst my Umma. And he (the narrator) said: (When) the consignment of Zakat was
brought to him, Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: This is the charity of our people,
and there was one slave-girl in the house of 'A'isha and she was from the tribe of Banu Tamim;
thereupon Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: Set her free, for she is from the
offspring of Isma'il. The other hadith has been transmitted on the authority of Abu Huraira with a
slight variation of wording.

h) Protection against the fitnah of the Dajjaal

Seeking refuge with Allaah from the fitnah of the Dajjaal, especially in salaah (prayer). This has been
narrated in the saheeh ahaadeeth, such as that narrated from Umm al-Mumineen Aaishah (may
Allaah be pleased with her), the wife of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him),
who said that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to pray in
his salaah: Allaahumma inni aoodhu bika min adhaab al-qabri, wa aoodhu bika min fitnat ilmaseeh il-dajjaal, wa aoodhu bika min fitnat il-mahyaa wa fitnat il-mamaat. Allaahumma inni aoodhu
bika min al-matham wal-maghram (O Allaah, I seek refuge with You from the torment of the grave, I
seek refuge with You from the fitnah of the Dajjaal, and I seek refuge with You from the trials of life
and death. O Allaah, I seek refuge with You from sin and debt). (Narrated by al-Bukhaari,)
It was narrated from Abu Hurairah that :
The Prophet [SAW] said: "Seek refuge with Allah from the punishment of Allah, seek refuge with
Allah from the torment of the grave, seek refuge with Allah from the trials of life and death, and seek
refuge with Allah from the tribulation of Al-Masihid-Dajjal." (Sahih)()
Muslim narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of
Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: When any one of you says Tashahhud, let
him seek refuge with Allaah from four things, and say: Allaahumma inni aoodhi bika min adhaab
jahannam wa min adhaab al-qabri wa min fitnat il-mahyaa wal-mamaat wa min sharri fitnat almaseeh al-dajjaal (O Allaah, I seek refuge with You from the torment of Hell, from the torment of the
grave, from the trials of life and death, and from the evil of the fitnah of the Dajjaal).(Narrated by

If anyone memorizes ten verses from the beginning of surat al-Kahf, he will be protected from the
trial of Dajjal (Antichrist).
Abu Dawud said: In this way Hashim al-dastawaI transmitted it from Qatadah, but he said : If
anyone memorizes the closing verses of surat al-Kahf. Shubah narrated from Qatadah the words
from the end of al-Kahf. (Sunan Abi Dawud 4323)
This is one of the special features of Soorat al-Kahf. There are ahaadeeth which encourage reading
it, especially on Fridays. Al-Haakim narrated from Abu Saeed al-Khudri (may Allaah be pleased with
him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Whoever recites Soorat alKahf on Friday, it will be a light for him from one Friday to the next. (Al-Mustadrak, 2/368. Classed as
saheeh by al-Albaani, Saheeh al-Jaami al-Sagheer, hadeeth 6346)
Comment:-Fleeing from the Dajjaal and keeping far away from him. The best way is to live in Makkah
or Madeenah, and the places which the Dajjaal will not enter.
Imaam Ahmad (19118), Abu Dawood (3762) and al-Haakim (4/31) narrated from Imraan ibn Husayn
(may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
Whoever hears of the Dajjaal, let him keep far away from him, for a man will come to him and think
that he is telling the truth because of the wonders that are sent with him.

i) The death of the Dajjaal.

Muslim : narrated that Abd-Allaah ibn Amr (may Allaah be pleased with them both) said: The
Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: The Dajjaal will emerge
among my ummah and will stay for forty Then Allaah will send Eesa ibn Maryam, who looks like
Urwah ibn Masood, and he will pursue him and kill him.
Al-nawwas b. Siman al-Kilabi said: Then Jesus son of Marry will descend at the white minaret to the
east of Damascus. He will then catch him up at the gate of Ludd and kill him.
Muslim:-narrated a lengthy hadeeth from al-Nawwaas ibn Samaan (may Allaah be pleased with him)
about the Dajjaal, in which the story of the descent of Eesa and his killing the Dajjaal are mentioned.
In this hadeeth the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Every kaafir who
will smell the fragrance of (Eesa) will die, and his fragrance will reach as far as he will be able to
see. He will then search for him (the Dajjaal) until he catches up with him at the gate of Ludd, where

he will kill him.

Imaam Ahmad narrated that Jaabir ibn Abd-Allaah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The
Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: The Dajjaal will emerge at a
time when religious commitment is low and knowledge has decreased Then Eesa ibn Maryam will
descend just before dawn and will call people, saying, O people, what is stopping you from coming
out against this evil liar? They will say, This man is a jinn, then they will set out. When they reach
Eesa ibn Maryam, the time for prayer will come the iqqamah will be given, and it will be said to him,
Go forward (to lead the prayer), O Spirit of Allaah. He will say, Let your imaam go forward and lead
you in prayer. When they have prayed fajr, they will go out to meet him (the Dajjaal) and when they
see the liar, he will start to dissolve like salt in water. Eesa will go to him and kill him. Even the trees
and rocks will call out, O Spirit of Allaah, here is a Jew! And none of those who followed him will be
left, they will all be killed. (Hadeeth no. 14426).
When he (may Allaah curse him) is killed, his great fitnah will come to an end.
Praise be to Allaah
Sahih Muslim > The Book Pertaining to the Turmoil and Portents of the Last Hour Amir b. Sharahil Sha'bi Sha'b Hamdan reported that he asked Fatima, daughter of Qais and sister of
ad-Dahhak b. Qais and she was the first amongst the emigrant women:
Narrate to me a hadith which you had heard directly from Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon
him) and there is no extra link in between them. She said: Very well, if you like, I am prepared to do
that, and he said to her: Well, do It and narrate that to me. She said: I married the son of Mughira
and he was a chosen young man of Quraish at that time, but he fell as a martyr in the first Jihad
(fighting) on the side of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him). When I became a widow, 'Abd
al-Rahman b. Auf, one amongst the group of the Companions of Allah's Messenger (may peace be
upon him), sent me the proposal of marriage. Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) also sent
me such a message for his freed slave Usama b. Zaid. And it had been conveyed to me that Allah's
Messenger (may peace be upon him) had said (about Usama): He who loves me should also love
Usama. When Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) talked to me (about this matter), I said:
My affairs are in your hand. You may marry me to anyone whom you like. He said: You better shift
now to the house of Umm Sharik, and Umm Sharik was a rich lady from amongst the Ansar. She
spent generously for the cause of Allah and entertained guests very hospitably. I said: Well, I will do
as you like. He said: Do not do that for Umm Sharik is a woman who is very frequently visited by
guests and I do not like that your head may be uncovered or the cloth may be removed from your
shank and the strangers may catch sight of them which you abhor. You better shift to the house of
your cousin 'Abdullah b. 'Amr b. Umm Maktum and he is a person of the Bani Fihr branch of the
Quraish, and he belonged to that tribe (to which Fatima) belonged. So I shifted to that house, and
when my period of waiting was over, I heard the voice of an announcer making an announcement
that the prayer would be observed in the mosque (where) congregational prayer (is observed). So I
set out towards that mosque and observed prayer along with Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon
him) and I was in the row of the women which was near the row of men. When Allah's Messenger

(may peace be upon him) had finished his prayer, he sat on the pulpit smiling and said: Every
worshipper should keep sitting at his place. He then said: Do you know why I had asked you to
assemble? They said: Allah and His Messenger know best. He said: By Allah. I have not made you
assemble for exhortation or for a warning, but I have detained you here, for Tamim Dari, a Christian,
who came and accepted Islam, told me something, which agrees with what I was telling, you about
the Dajjal. He narrated to me that he had sailed in a ship along with thirty men of Bani Lakhm and
Bani Judham and had been tossed by waves in the ocean for a month. Then these (waves) took
them (near) the land within the ocean (island) at the time of sunset. They sat in a small side-boat and
entered that island. There was a beast with long thick hair (and because of these) they could not
distinguish his face from his back. They said: Woe to you, who can you be? Thereupon it said: I am
al-Jassasa. They said: What is al-Jassasa? And it said: O people, go to this person in the monastery
as he is very much eager to know about you. He (the narrator) said: When it named a person for us
we were afraid of it lest it should be a devil. Then we hurriedly went on till we came to that monastery
and found a well-built person there with his hands tied to his neck and having iron shackles between
his two legs up to the ankles. We said: Woe be upon thee, who are you? And he said: You would
soon come to know about me. but tell me who are you. We said: We are people from Arabia and we
embarked upon a boat but the sea-waves had been driving us for one month and they brought as
near this island. We got Into the side-boats and entered this island and here a beast met us with
profusely thick hair and because of the thickness of his hair his face could not be distinguished from
his back. We said: Woe be to thee, who are you? It said: I am al- Jassasa. We said: What is alJassasa? And it said: You go to this very person in the monastery for he is eagerly waiting for you to
know about you. So we came to you in hot haste fearing that that might be the Devil. He (that
chained person) said: Tell me about the date-palm trees of Baisan. We said: About what aspect of
theirs do you seek information? He said: I ask you whether these trees bear fruit or not. We said:
yes. Thereupon he said: I think these would not bear fruits. He said: Inform me about the lake of
Tabariyya? We said: Which aspect of it do you want to know? He said: Is there water in it? They said:
There is abundance of water in it. Thereupon he said: I think it would soon become dry. He again
said: Inform me about the spring of Zughar. They said: Which aspect of it you want to know? He (the
chained person) said: Is there water in it and does it irrigate (the land)? We said to him: Yes, there is
abundance of water in it and the inhabitants (of Medina) irrigate (land) with the help of it, He said:
Inform me about the unlettered Prophet; what has he done? We said: He has come out from Mecca
and has settled In Yathrib (Medina). He said: Do the Arabs fight against him? We said: Yes. He said:
How did he deal with them? We informed him that he had overcome those in his neighbourhood and
they had submitted themselves before him. Thereupon he said to us: Has it actually happened? We
said: Yes. Thereupon he said: If it is so that is better for them that they should show obedience to
him. I am going to tell you about myself and I am Dajjal and would be soon permitted to get out and
so I shall get out and travel in the land, and will not spare any town where I would not stay for forty
nights except Mecca and Medina as these two (places) are prohibited (areas) for me and I would not
make an attempt to enter any one of these two. An angel with a sword in his hand would confront me
and would bar my way and there would be angels to guard every passage leading to it; then Allah's
Messenger (may peace be upon him) striking the pulpit with the help of the end of his staff said: This
implies Taiba meaning Medina. Have I not, told you an account (of the Dajjal) like this? 'The people
said: Yes, and this account narrated by Tamim Dari was liked by me for it corroborates the account

which I gave to you in regard to him (Dajjal) at Medina and Mecca. Behold he (Dajjal) is in the Syrian
sea (Mediterranean) or the Yemen sea (Arabian sea). Nay, on the contrary, he is in the east, he is in
the east, he is in the east, and he pointed with his hand towards the east. I (Fatima bint Qais) said: I
preserved it in my mind (this narration from Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him).
A summary:
The coming of Ad-Dajjal is a serious incident that Allah has made one of the signs of the Last Hour. There is no
prophet who did not warn his followers against him. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, No
prophet was sent but he warned his followers against him (i.e. Ad-Dajjal). Nuh (Noah) warned against him, and
so did the prophets who came after him (Reported by Al-Bukhari). The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon
him, also warned his ummah against him. He said, I sternly warn you against him [i.e. Ad-Dajjal] (Reported by
While performing the prayers, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, used to seek refuge in Allah from
the trials of Ad-Dajjal, and he would teach his Companions to seek refuge in Allah from him just as he would
teach them a surah of the Quran. He would preach and warn his Companions about his imminent coming. AnNawwas ibn Saman, may Allah be pleased with him, said, [He made so much mention of him] that we thought
he (i.e. Ad-Dajjal) was amidst a cluster of date-palm trees (i.e. amidst the palm trees near them) (Reported by
The righteous predecessors recommended reminding people of him from time to time. As-Saffarini, may Allah
have mercy upon his soul, said, Every religious scholar should disseminate the hadiths about Ad-Dajjal among
children, women, and men, particularly in our time that is fraught with trials and tribulations and in which the
Prophets practices have died away.
Ad-Dajjal is alive now and he is in a monastery in one of the sea islands. He is firmly tied up, his hands tied to
his neck, and his legs bound from the knees to the ankles with iron shackles. His coming is imminent. He said
about himself, I will soon be given leave to come out (Reported by Muslim).
There are a number of signs indicating his coming. One of these signs is that the palm trees of Bisan, a city
between Hawran and Palestine, will stop to bear fruits altogether. Yaqut Al-Hamawi (a renowned biographer
and geographer), may Allah have mercy upon his soul, said, I have frequently visited it, but I only saw two
palm trees there and they did not bear fruit.
Another sign of his coming is that Lake Tabariyah (Tiberius, in Palestine) will dry up. Its water is currently
scarce and is on the decrease. Still another sign is that the spring of Zughar, a city in Syria, will dry up and its
inhabitants will not be able to irrigate their land with the water of this spring.
He will first appear in Al-Yahudiyyah, the Jews quarter in the city of Isfahan in Khurasan (a region in the
northeast of Persia), accompanied by 70,000 of its Jews along with guards and aides.
He is a red-complexioned young man with a huge body and broad forehead, rather bending with thick, curly
hair. One of his eyes looks like a protruding grape; that is, protuberant and blind. Tamim Ad-Dari, may Allah be
pleased with him, who had once seen him, said about him, He is the biggest man we have ever seen. He is
the biggest man in this world. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, There is no one greater in
stature, from the time of the creation of Adam to the Day of Resurrection, than Ad-Dajjal (Reported by Muslim).
The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, provided a detailed description of him so that people may
recognize him when he comes out and know that he is truly the False Messiah, and not the Lord of the Worlds,
as he will falsely claim. Because Ad-Dajjal is going to appear in this ummah, the Prophet, peace and blessings
be upon him, informed us about one of his attributes which had not been mentioned by any prophet before. The
Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, I will tell you something about him which no prophet ever told
his people about. You should know that he is one-eyed, but Allah is not one-eyed (Reported by Al-Bukhari).
He will come out at a time when people are negligent of religion and are turning away from Islamic knowledge.
This will serve to distinguish true believers from disbelievers and true Muslims from doubters. Ad-Dajjal will

claim that he is the lord of the worlds and people will be tested by his trials and the miraculous feats which Allah
will enable him to perform.
When he comes out, people will flee to the mountain heights for fear of him, and then the door of repentance
will be closed. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, When three things appear, faith will not
do any good to a person who has not believed before or earned good through his faith: the rising of the sun in
its place of setting, the coming of Ad-Dajjal, and the beast of the earth (Reported by Muslim).
One of his trials is that he will kill a man and then bring him back to life by Allahs permission. He will also strike
another man with the sword, cutting him into two halves, then he will call him after killing him, and the killed
person will rise from the dead, his face beaming with joy. He will also saw another man from the middle of his
head all the way down to what is between his legs and then he will walk between the two pieces, saying, Get
up, and the dead man will rise to his feet. He will also seize a man by his feet and hands and cast him into the
fire that will be with him. People will think Ad-Dajjal has cast him into the fire, but he will have been actually cast
into the garden, for his fire is actually a garden and his garden is actually fire.
He will also have with him two flowing rivers: one appears to the eye to be clear water, and the other appears to
the eye to be flaming fire. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, If anyone sees that, let him go
to the river which he thinks is fire and close his eyes, then lower his head and drink from it, for it is cool water
(Reported by Muslim).
He will command the sky to rain, and it will rain, and he will command the earth to bring forth vegetation and it
will do so. He will pass by the wasteland and say, Bring forth your treasures, and its treasures will follow him.
Ibn Al-Arabi, may Allah have mercy upon his soul, said, All of these [feats] are really frightening.
He will go swiftly in the land. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, described him as being like a
cloud driven by the wind (Reported by Muslim). He will stay on the earth for forty days, one day like a year,
one day like a month and one day like a week, and the rest of the days will be just like our days.
There will be no town which he will not enter, except Makkah and Al-Madinah, for there will be angels on each
of their mountain passes (i.e. entrances) guarding them. Whenever he tries to enter any of them, he will be met
by an angel with a drawn sword in his hand to repel him. People in all towns will fear Ad-Dajjal with the
exception of the inhabitants of Al-Madinah, who will not fear him in the least. Therefore, part of showing
gratitude to Allah for His blessings upon the inhabitants of Makkah and Al-Madinah is that they should show
obedience to Allah in these cities for having favoured them by protecting them against Ad-Dajjal.
When Ad-Dajjal is denied access to Al-Madinah, he will set up a camp in the marshy land of Juruf, on the west
of Mount Uhud, where he will pitch his tent. Most of those who will follow him will be women. Then, Al-Madinah
will shake with its inhabitants three times whereupon every disbeliever and hypocrite will go out of Al-Madinah
to join him. The best among people at all times and in all places is one who forbids evil whenever he sees it.
Allah, Exalted be He, says:
"You [true believers in Islamic Monotheism, and real followers of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be
upon him, and his Sunnah] are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind; you enjoin Al-Maruf (i.e. Islamic
Monotheism and all that Islam has ordained) and forbid Al-Munkar (polytheism, disbelief and all that Islam has
forbidden), and you believe in Allah. . ." (Al Imran: 110)
While Ad-Dajjal will be staying nearby Al-Madinah, a young man will come to him and challenge his
claim to godhood and reject his fraudulent deception. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
said, He is the best of all people (or one of the best people). He will say to him, I bear witness that you
are Ad-Dajjal, about whom Allahs Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, talked to us
(Reported by Al-Bukhari). young man who will challenge him, get killed and resurrected, then confirm he is
the Dajjal. Well, unless one has extraordinary iman and aqhlaaq to the point of having been mentioned in

The death of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was a great loss for all Muslims, for if he were
alive then, he would protect us from his evil. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, If he comes
out while I am among you, then I will be his adversary on your behalf (Reported by Muslim). But after the
death of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, each person will have to fend for himself against Ad-

One of the means that will ensure protection from Ad-Dajjal is the religious knowledge of Allahs names and
attributes. Ad-Dajjal is one-eyed, whereas our Lord, Glorified be He, is not one-eyed. Moreover, no one can see
Allah in this world, whereas Ad-Dajjal will be seen by people. Besides, the word kafir (i.e. disbeliever) will be
written between Ad-Dajjals eyes, and it will be read by every lettered and unlettered person. Ibn Taymiyah,
may Allah have mercy upon his soul, said, A believer can perceive things which cannot be perceived by
others, especially in times of trials.
Shunning trials and tribulations will, by Allahs leave, provide efficient protection against their evil. The Prophet,
peace and blessings be upon him, said, Whoever hears of Ad-Dajjal should stay away from him, (i.e. flee from
him), for I swear by Allah that a man may come to him thinking himself a believer but then will end up following
him due to the doubts that Ad-Dajjal will cast into his [heart] (Reported by Abu-Dawud).
Holding fast to Islam ensures protection against Ad-Dajjal, for all his followers will be disbelievers. Frequently
supplicating to Allah to give us refuge from Ad-Dajjal is a source of protection and safety from his evil. The
Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, When one of you recites the tashahhud (the invocation made
before concluding the prayers), let him seek refuge in Allah from four things, saying, O Allah! We seek refuge
in You from the torment of Hellfire, from the torment of the grave, from the trials of life and death, and from the
trials and tribulations of Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal" (Reported by Muslim). Tawus ibn Kaysan, may Allah have mercy
upon his soul, used to order his son to perform his prayer again if he did not recite this particular supplication in
his prayer.
The Holy Quran is the main source of protection against all trials and tribulations. Anyone who knows the first
ten verses of Surat Al-Kahf by heart and hears of the coming of Ad-Dajjals will be protected from his evil, by
Allahs leave. Whoever sees him should recite the opening verses of Surat Al-Kahf before him. The Prophet,
peace and blessings be upon him, said, Those of you who witness him should recite before him the opening
verses of Surat Al-Kahf (Reported by Muslim).
Once Ad-Dajjals followers have increased in number and his trials have spread, Isa (Prophet Jesus), peace be
upon him, will descend near the Eastern Minaret in Damascus and the servants of Allah will gather around him.
Isa, peace be upon him, will follow Ad-Dajjal while he is heading to Baitul-Maqdis (Jerusalem) and will catch
hold of him at the Gate of Ludd in Palestine. On seeing Isa, Ad-Dajjal will dissolve like salt in water, but Isa,
peace be upon him, will get hold of him and kill him with a spear.

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