Ben Santos

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Ana Mariz L.

I choose the point of view of Ben Santos an accountancy graduate and
MBA degree holder. As he was hired as head of the indent division and an
assistant to the president of H. Braun Philippines I can say that he has the
involvement to the problem.
To manage the company effectively with its new corporate planning system
with the cooperation of all the employees especially the division managers.
To minimize losses and maximize profits of the company.
How can H. Braun Philippines adopt to the proposed new Corporate


A Company Background
HBP is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a West German multinational
corporation which manufactured a line of medical and chemical products in
Europe, Asia, and Latin America. The Philippine subsidiary was organized into
five operating divisions, each distributing a selected line of products to
institutional and retail outlets. Historically, the five operating divisions of HBP
had always been headed by West German Nationals who reported to their

counterpart product heads at the companys headquarters as well as the

President of the Philippine operation. And the same procedure was followed at
the time that Ben Santos join the company.
B Persons involved in the Case
Ben Santos
The Division Managers
The President
The Boards of Directors
C TOWS (Threats/Opportunities/Weaknesses/Strength)

Ben Santos performed financial analysis and staff planning work

with three financial institutions in the Philippines.

Ben Santos was an Accountancy graduate from a leading

university in Manila and was a MBA degree holder.

The presidents had an exposure to corporate planning system

during his Latin American assignment which influenced his
thinking concerning planning for the Philippine operation.
The president formed a strategic planning committee to

coordinate the effort to design a corporate planning system for


Ben Santos is a newcomer in the company.

Attitude of Division Managers towards the upcoming changes.

Lack of accountability with regards on meeting the sales target.

If the employees failed to meet the profit targets, there were no
heavy sanctions enforced.
The corporate planning proposal bypassed the Board of

The current company president had no previous experience in

the Philippines.

The companys guidelines were typically few. It only consists of

prescribed budget formats and a target return on bound capital.

Ben Santos compiled a set of macroeconomic indices which

will be very useful for the company.

There are many hospitals and medical Establishment is arising


Increase in population.


The opposition of the division managers to the proposal.

Changes in the economy of the economy of the Philippines.


Seek the approval from BODs to push through the Strategic
Planning Workshop. In seeking the approval from the Board of Directors,
Division managers would be oblige to undergo the training thus it would
lessen the burden on how he would persuade the division managers to
attend the said workshop. ALso BODs can give additional inputs that
maybe helpful. However the workshop would be delayed for there would
be deliberations from the Board of Directors.

Conduct a private meeting with all the division managers and

discuss the proposed corporate planning strategy. With this the
comments and suggestions of the division managers will be heard. Both
parties can share ideas for the development of the of the planning strategy.
Although it is a good course of action and it has a good purpose but
it would take time before you can convince them because of their
perception and their attitude. Division managers may give negative
feedback to the plan and would not still cooperate plus it will be very time
consuming for the both parties.

Accept the challenge of the president and prepare an excellent

presentation for the upcoming workshop and show them what you are
capable of. As a newcomer in the company, you cannot expect that people
will immediately embrace your ideas and suggestions. And in order for you
to gain their trust and acceptance you must prove yourself to them that you
can compete and that you are worth their respect and trust. Ben Santos
should prepare all the materials needed to justify and defend the proposed
corporate planning system that contains general guidelines and strategies
that will help the company manage its resources and people.
The best answer for me is the first alternative in which I will seek the
approval of Board of directors. Being a newcomer you must learn to adjust from
the existing culture in the company and that you will not expect that the existing
managers will just conform to whatever changes that you will bring to the
company. Most of the old employees would resist to change especially that they
are used to old procedures for a long time. Some would give negative comment
and feedback's and worst they will not follow the changes that you will impose as
they see you to be a threat and over using you position. But if you have the side of
the Board of Directors, somehow you have a back-up in case there would be
unwanted circumstances would arrive. And that they would be obliged to follow
whatever the BODs would impose because they are the highest persons in the

HBP company should be adaptive and open to new changes by conforming
to the proposed Corporate Planning system of the new assistant to the President
and not only that but also as a Head of Indent Division and Finance of course as
per approved by the BODs.
As Corporate Planning System is explicit systematic procedures seeks to
involve and secure commitment of the stakeholders which will be affected by the
plan, and in particular the beneficiaries for whose benefit the organization exists. It
is a decision support system that holds and derives knowledge relevant to planning
decisions that extend across organizational units and involves all organizations
functions. Corporate Planning System would not be achieve if there is no unity
within the members of the company for it needs everyone cooperation for its
success implementation.

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