DCL 10-11. Brand

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Chapter: Twelve: Brands, Packaging and product features:

Branding Strategy: Building Strong Brands.

Brand: Brand is a name, sign, symbol, number or combination of them intended to identify a
companys products from competitors offerings.
Some analysts see brands as the major enduring asset of a company, outlasting the companys
specific products and facilities. Thus brands are powerful assets that must be carefully developed
and managed.
Branding has been around for centuries as a means to distinguish the goods of one producer from
those of another. In fact, the word brand is derived from the Old Norse word brandr, which
means to burn, as brands were and still are the means by which owners of livestock mark their
animals to identify their animals.
Firms could not succeed in developing and managing products without effectively identifying
their products and services. Organizations identify their offerings by branding.
Brand is a name, sign, symbol or combination of these used to identify a product and distinguish
it from competitors offering.
According to American Marketing Association
A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol or design or a combination of them intended to identify
the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of
A brand is a complex symbol that can convey up to six level of meaning.

Attributes: a brand brings to mind certain attributes. Mercedes suggest expensive, well-built,
well-engineered, durable, high-prestige automobiles.
Beliefs: attributes must be translated into functional and emotional benefits. The attribute
durable could translate into the functional benefit, I would not have to buy to buy another
car for several years, the expensive translate into the emotional benefit. The car makes me
feel important and admired.
Values: the brand also says something about the producers values. Mercedes stands for high
performance, safety and prestige.
Culture: the brand may represent a certain culture. The Mercedes represents German culture,
organized efficient and high quality.
Personality: the brand can project a certain personality. Mercedes may suggest no-nonsense
boss ( person).
User: the brand suggests the kind of user or consumer who buys or uses the brand. We would
expect to see a 55 years old top executive behind the wheel of a mercedes, not a 20 years old

There are four types of brand designations such as are;



A brand name: it is a word, letter( number), group of words or letters that can be spoken.
For example, windows 2000, Lipton tea.
A brand mark: A brand mark is a symbol, design or distinctive coloring or lettering that
cannot be spoken. For example, Lexus stylized L crest.
Trademark: Firms usually want exclusive use of their brands and take steps to prevent
others from using them. A brand registered with the patent and trademark office is called
a trademark. A trademark legally protected can be used only by its owner. Brand names,
brand mark or trade characters do not offer legal protection against use by competitors
unless registered as trademarks. When used a registered trademark is followed by .
Such as Scotch Brand Tape.
A trade character: a trade character is a brand mark that is personified. For example,
McDonalds Ronald McDonald.

The key to creating a brand, according to AMA is to be able to choose a name, logo, symbol,
package design or other attribute that identifies a product and distinguish it from others.
There are varieties of brand name strategies that exist in the world. In some cases.

Company name is used essentially for all products. Such as General electric, Hewlett Packard
In other cases, manufactures assign individual brand names to new products that are
unrelated to the company name such as P&G, their Tide, Pampers, Pantene and Head &
Shoulders etc.
Retailers create their owner brands based on their store name or some other means. For
example, Wal-Mart, Sears, Agora and Nandan etc.
There are many names based on people (Estee Lauder Cosmetic, Porshe Automobiles and
Orville Redenbacher popcorn.
Brand based on places ( British Airways, Chryslers New Yorker automobiles)
Brand based on animals or birds ( Dove soap, Mustang Automobiles )
Brand based on things or objects ( Apple computer, shell gasoline)
Use words with inherent product meaning ( lean cuisine, Just juice and Ticketron)
Important benefits or attributes ( Beatyrest mattresses, Diehard auto batteries)
Scientific natural or prestigious ( Intel microprocessors, Lexus Automobiles or Compaq
In sum, in creating a brand, marketers have many choices over the member and nature of the
brand elements they choose to identify their products.

Brands versus Products

It is important to contrast a brand and a product.
Product: According to Philip Kotler, a product is anything that can be offered to a market for
attention, acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a need or want.
Thus a product may be a physical good ( a cereal, tennis racquet or automobile), service ( an
airline, bank or insurance company), retail store ( a department store, specialty store or
supermarket) person ( a political figure, entertainer or professional athlete) organization ( nonprofit organization, trade organization or arts group) place ( a city, state or country) or idea ( a
political or social cause).
Kotler defines five levels to a product.

The core benefit level is the fundamental need or want that consumers satisfy by
consuming the product or service.
The generic product level is a basic version of the product containing only those
arributes or characteristics absolutely for its functioning but with no distinguishing
features. This is basically a stripped-down, no-frills version of the product that
adequately performs the product function.
The expected product level is a set of attributes or characteristics that buyers normally
expect and agree to when they purchase a product.
The augmented product level includes additional product attributes, benefits or related
services that distinguishes the product from competitors.
The potential product level includes all of the augmentation and transformations that a
product might ultimately undergo in the future.
Competition within many markets essentially takesplace at the product augmentation level
because most firms can successfully build satisfactory products at the expected product level.
The new competition is not between what companies produce in their factories but between what
they add to their factory output in the form of packaging, services, advertising, customer
services, financing, services, advertisings, customer services, delivery arrangements,
warehousing and other things that people value.
Brand: A brand is therefore a product but one that adds other dimensions that differentiate it in
some way from other products designed to satisfy the same need. These differences may be
rational and tangible. Related to product performance of the brand or more symbolic, emotional
and intangible-related to what brand represents.

A branded product may be a physical good ( kelloggs Corn flakes cereal, prince tennis racquet)
a service ( United airlines, Bank of American,) a store ( safeway supermarket) a person ( Bill
Clinton, Michael Jordan)
A Place ( the city of London, State of California)
An organization ( Red cross, American Automobile Association)
Some brand create competitive advantage with product performance. For example, brands such
as Gillete, Sony have been leaders in their product categories due to continual innovation. Other
brands create competitive advantage through non-product related means. For example, CocaCola, Pepsi, Marlboros have become leaders in their product categories by understanding
consumer motivations and desires and creating relevant and appealing images surrounding their
products and services.
Brand Equity: Brands are more than just names and symbols. Brands represent consumers
perceptions and feelings about a product and its performance-everything that the product or
service means to consumers. Ultimately, brands reside in the minds of consumers. The real value
of a strong brand is its power to capture consumer preference and loyalty.
Brand equity is the positive differential effect that knowing the brand name has on customer
response to the product or service. A measure of a brands equity is the extent to which customers
are willing to pay more for the brand.
A brand with strong brand equity is a very valuable asset. Brand valuation is the process of
estimating the total financial value of a brand. Measuring such value is difficult.
High brand equity provides a company with many competitive advantages. A powerful brand
enjoys a high level of consumer brand awareness and loyalty.
A powerful brand offers the company some defense against fierce price competition.
Therefore the fundamental asset underlying brand equity is customer equity. Thus the proper
focus of marketing is building customer equity, with brand management serving as a major
marketing tool.

Major Brand Strategy Decisions:

Branding poses challenging decisions to the marketer. The major brand strategy decisions

Brand positioning
Brand name selection
Brand sponsorship
Brand development

Brand Positioning: Marketers need to position their brands clearly in the minds of target
customers. A number of positioning strategies might be employed in developing a promotional
program. David Aaker and J. Gary discuss such strategies.

positioning by product attributes and benefits

positioning by price/ quality
positioning by use or application
positioning by product class
positioning by product user
positioning by competitor
positioning by cultural symbol
Positioning by beliefs and values.

Brand Name selection:

A good name can add greatly to a products success. Finding the best brand name is a difficult
task. It begins with a careful review of the products and its benefits, target market and proposed
marketing strategies.
Desirables qualities for a brand name include the following:


It should suggest something about the products benefits and qualities. Examples,
Craftsman, Beautyrest, Merrie Maids etc.
It should be easy to pronounce, recognize and remember, short name. Examples: Tide,
Crest, Puffs, But longer ones are sometimes effective.
The brand name should be distinctive. For example, Taurus, Kodak, Oracle etc.
It should be extendable. Amazon.com. began as an online bookseller but chose a name
that would allow expansion into other categories.


The name should translate easily into foreign languages. Before spending $ 100 million
to change its name to Exxon, Standard oil of New Jersey tested several names in 54
languages in pronounced in Japanese.
It should be capable of registration and legal protection. A brand name cannot be
registered if it infringes on existing brand names.
Once chosen, the brand name must be protected. Many firms try to build a brand name that
will eventually become identified with the product category. Brand names such as Kleenex,
Levis, Jell-O, Scoct Tape, Formica, Ziploc and Fiberglas have succeeded in this way.
However, their very success may threaten the companys rights to the name. Many originally
protected brand names-such as cellophane, aspirin, kerosene, Linoleum, Yo-Yo, trampoline,
escalator, thermos and shredded wheat-are now generic names that any seller can use.
There are several potential sources when a firm chooses brand names:

Under brand extension, an existing name is used with a new product. ( sports illustrated
for kids, www.sikids.com)
For a private brand, the reseller specifies the name ( st. Johns Bay-an apparel brand of J.
C. Penney, www.jcpenney.com)
If a new name is sought, these alternatives are available:
a) Initials ( HBO, www.hbo.com)
b) Invented name ( Kleenex, www.kleenex.com)
c) Numbers ( Century 21, www.century21.com)
d) Mythological character ( Samsonite luggage, www.samsonite.com)
e) Personal name ( Neieken, www. Heineken.com)
f) Geographical name ( Air force, www.airforce.com)
g) Dictionary word ( Scope mouthwash, www.scope-mouthwash.com)
h) Foreign word ( Nestle, www.nestle.com)
i) Combination of words, initials,numbers etc( Head and shoulders, shampoo,
The key to creating a brand, according to the AMA definition, is to be able to choose a name,
logo, symbol, package design or other attribute that identifies a product and distinguish it from
other others. These different components of a brand that identifies and differentiate it can be
called brand elements.
Criteria for choosing brand elements:
In general, there are six criteria in choosing brand elements







Memorability: Brand elements can be chosen that are inherently memorable and
therefore facilitate recall or recognition in purchase or consumption settings. In other
other words, the intrinsic nature of certain names, symbols, logos and the like-their
semantic content, visual properties and so on may make them more attention getting and
easy to remember and therefore contribute to brand equity.
Meaningfulness: Brand name must have a meaning. Brand elements can also be chosen
whose inherent meaning enhances the formation of brand associations. Two particularly
important dimensions or aspects of the meaning of a brand element are the extent to
which it conveys the following:
a) General information about the nature of product category
b) Specific information about particular attributes and benefits of the brand.
Likability: Brand elements can be chosen that are rich in visual and verbal
imagery and inherently fun and interesting.
Transferability: The fourth general criterion concerns the transferability of the brand
element-in both a product category and geographic sense. First, to what extent can the
brand element add to the brand equity of new products sharing the brand elements
introduced either within the product class or across product classes? Second, to what
extent does the brand element add to brand equity across geographic boundaries and
market segments?
Adaptability: the fifth consideration concerns the adaptability of the brand elements over
time. Because of changes in consumer values and opinions or simply because of a need to
remain contemporary, brand elements often must be updated over time. For example,
Logos and characters can be given a new look or a new design to make them appear more
modern and relevant.
Protectability: the sixth and final general consideration concerns the extent to which the
brand element is protectable-both in a legal and competitive sense. In terms of legal
considerations, it is important to a) choose brand elements that can be legally protected
on an international basis b) formally register them with the appropriate legal bodies and
c) vigorously defend trademarks from unauthorized competitive infringement.

Brand Development:
A company has four choices when it comes to developing brands. It can introduce
1) Line extension:
Line extension occur when a company introduces additional items in a given product category
under the same brand name, such as new flavors, forms, colors, ingredients or package sizes.
Under this concept, existing brand names extended to new forms, sizes and flavors of an existing
product category. A company might introduce line extensions as a low cost, low risk way to
introduce new products. Or it might want to meet consumer desires for variety, to utilize excess
capacity or simply to command more shelf space from resellers.
Line extensions involve some risks. An overextended brand name might lose its specific meaning
or heavily extended brands can cause consumer confusion or frustration.

Another risk is that sales of an extension may come at the expense of other items in the line.

2. Brand extensions:
A brand extension involves the use of a successful brand name to launch new or modified
products in a new category. Mattel has extended its enduring Barbie Doll brand into new
categories ranging from Barbie home furnishings, Barbie cosmetics and Barbie electronics to
Barbie books, Barbie sporting goods and even a Barbie band-Beyond Pink Honda uses its
company name to cover different products such as its automobiles, motorcycles, snow-blowers,
lawn mowers, marine engines and snowmobiles.
3. Multibrands:
Companies often introduce additional brands in the same category. Thus P&G markets many
different brands in each of its product categories. Multibranding offers a way to establish
different features and appeal to different buying movies. It also allows a company to lock up
more reseller shelf space. Seiko uses different brand names for its higher-priced watches ( Seiko
Lasalle) and lower priced watches ( Pulsar) to protect the flanks of its mainstream Seiko brand.
4. New Brands:
A company may create a new brand name when it enters a new product category for which none
of the companys current brand names is appropriate. For example, Honda created the Lexus
brand to differentiate its Luxury car from the established Honda line. Japans Matsushita uses
separate names for its different families of products. Technics, Panasonic, National and Quasar
Brand Sponsorship:
A manufacturer has sponsorship options. Such as, In preparing a brand strategy, a firm needs to
determine its branding philosophy. This outlines the use of
Manufacturers brand
Private brand
Generic brand
Family brand
Individual brand
Manufacturers brand: The product may be launched as a manufacturers brand as when
kellogg and IBM sell their output under their own manufacturers brand names. Manufacturer
brands use the names of their makers. Such brands identify who makes the products and provide

the consumer with a nationally known, uniform and widely available product such as Butternut
bread, Lee Jeans or Chevrolet trucks etc.
Private brand: A private brand is owned by a wholesaler or retailer. For example, Sears has
created several names-Diehard batteries, Craftsman tools, Kenmore appliances, Weatherbeater
paints. For example, Whirlpool makes the refrigerators, Sears sells under its Kenmore brand.
Generic brand: Generic brands emphasize the names of the products themselves and not
manufacturer or reseller at all. These products have no brand name at all. These are usually sold
in simple, no-frill packages that identify only the contents. Many grocery items such as canned
vegetables, cereals, crackers, and paper goods are available as generics. Generics are seldom
advertised and receive poor shelf locations; consumers must search out these brands.
Family brands: With family branding, a firm uses the same brand for most or all of its products.
Many companies adopt this strategy to develop a product mix with a recognized brand name.
Fran for example employs family branding for all of its products and services. In family
branding, one name is used for two or more individual products. Family branding is best for
specialized firms or ones with narrow product lines. Companies capitalize on a uniform, wellknown image and promote a name regularly keeping promotion costs down.
Individual branding: Individual branding requires creating a different brand for every product.
It establishes separate identities for different products and thus helps target products to different
market segments. Also, with individual branding, problems with one product seldom influence
the success of other products in the line. For example, in Procter and Gambles wide and deep
north American product mix are eight brands of laundry detergent: Bold, Cheer, Dreft, Era, Tide,
Ivory and Gain etc. individual branding enables a firm to create multiple product positions,
attract various market segments, increase sales and marketing control and offer both premium
and low priced brands.
Licensing: Some companies license names or symbols previously created by other
manufacturers names of well-known celebrities or characters from popular movies and books.
For a fee, any of these can provide an instant and proven brand name. the fastest-growing
licensing category is corporate brand licensing as more and more for profit and not for profit
organizations are licensing their names to generate additional revenues and brand recognition.
Coca-Cola for has some 320 licensees in 57 countries producing more than 10,000 products,
ranging from baby clothes and boxer shorts to earnings, a coca cola Barbie doll and even a
fishing lure shaped like a tiny Coke can. Last year, Licensees sold more than $ 1 billion worth of
licensed Coca-Cola products.
Co-branding: In co-branding, two or more brand names are used with the same product to gain
from the brand images of each. Typically, a company uses of its own brand names in conjunction
with another firms often, via a licensing agreement. Co-branding occurs when two established
brand names of different companies are used on the same product. Ford and Eddie Bauer co-

branded a sport utility vehicle- the Ford Explorer. Co-branding offers many advantages. Because
each brand dominates in a different category, the combined brands create broader consumer
appeal and greater brand equity. Co-branding allows a company to expand its existing brand into
a category it might otherwise have difficulty entering alone.

Companies need to research the position their brand occupy in consumers minds. Ultimately, a
brand resides in the minds of consumers. There are three commonly used research approaches to
get at brand meaning:


Word association: people can be asked what words come to mind when they hear
brands name. in the case of McDonals, they probably would mention hamburgers, fast
food, friendly service, fun and children. They may mention some negative words such as
high calories and fatty food. McDonals would try to emphasize the positive and unique
words and try to reduce the causes giving rise to the negative words.


Personifying the brand: people can be asked to describe what kind of person or animal
they think of when the brand mentioned. The brand person delivers a picture of the more
human qualities of the brand. For example, they may say that John Deere brand makes
them think of a rugged Midwestern male who is hardworking and trusting.


Laddering up to find the brand essence: Brand essence relates to the deeper, more
abstract goals consumers are trying to satisfy with brand. Ask why someone wants to buy
a Nokia cellular phone, they look well built ( attribute). Why is it important that the
phone be well-built? it suggests that Nokia is reliable why is reliability important?
Because collegues or family can be sure to reach me why must you be available to them
at all times, I can help them if they are in trouble (brand essence)
These why questions constitute a technique known as laddering up. They help the
marketer get a deeper understanding of the persons motivations.

Strategic Brand Management:

Strategic brand management involves the design and implementation of marketing programs and
activities to build measure and manage brand equity. Here we briefly will explain the strategic
brand management process. This process involve four main steps, such as are

Identifying and establishing brand positioning and values


Planning and implementing brand marketing programs


Measuring and interpreting brand performance


Growing and sustaining brand equity.

Identifying and establishing brand positioning and values: the strategic brand management
starts with a clear understanding as to what the brand is to represent and how it should be
positioned with respect to competitors. Brand positioning is defined as the act of designing the
companys offer and image so that it occupies a distinct and valued place in the target customers
mind. The goal is to locate the brand in the minds of consumers such that the potential benefit to
the firm is maximized. Competitive brand positioning is all about creating brand superiority in
the minds of consumers.
Positioning often involves a specification of the appropriate core brand values and brand mantra.
Core brand values are those set of abstract associations (attributes and benefits) that characterize
a brand.
To provide further focus as to what a brand represents, it is often useful to define a brand mantra
also known as a brand essence or core brand promise. A brand mantra is a short three to five
word expression of the most important aspects of a brand and its core brand values.
Core brand values and a brand mantra are thus an articulation of the heart and soul of the brand.
Determining or evaluating a brands positioning often benefits from a brand audit.
Planning and implementing Brand marketing programs: Once the brand positioning strategy
has been determined, the actual marketing program to create, strengthen or maintain brand
association can be put into place. Building brand equity requires creating a brand that consumers
are sufficiently aware of and with which they have strong, favorable and unique brand
associations. In general, this knowledge building process will depend on three factors;
i) Choosing brand elements: a brand element is visual or verbal information that serves to

identify and differentiate a product. The most common brand elements are brand names,
logos, symbols, characters, packaging and slogans. Brand elements can be chosen to
enhance brand awareness or facilitate the formation of strong, favorable and unique brand
ii) Integrating the brand into marketing activities and the supporting marketing

program: although the judicious choice of brand elements can make some contribution
to building brand equity. The primary input comes from the marketing activities related to
the brand. Strong, favorable and unique brand associations can be created in a variety of
different ways by marketing programs.

iii) Leveraging secondary associations: the third and final way to build brand equity is to

leverage secondary associations. Brand association may themselves be linked to other

entities that have their own associations, creating secondary brand associations. In other
words, a brand association may be created by linking the brand to another node or
information in memory that conveys meaning to consumers. In essence, the marketer is
borrowing or leveraging some other associations for the brand to create some associations
of the brands own and thus help build its brand equity.
Measuring and Interpreting Brand performance:
To understand the effects of brand marketing programs, it is important to measure and interpret
brand performance. A useful tool in that regard is the brand value chain. The brand value chain is
a means to trace the value creation process for brands to better understand the financial impact of
brand marketing expenditures and investments.
The brand value chain helps to direct marketing research efforts. Profitable brand management
requires successful designing and implementing a brand equity measurement system. A brand
equity measurement system is a set of research procedures designed to provide timely, accurate
and actionable information for marketers so that they can make the best possible tactical
decisions in the short run and the best strategic decisions in the long run. Implementing such a
system involves two key steps: conducting tracking studies and implementing a brand equity
management system.
Growing and Sustaining Brand Equity: Maintaining and expanding on that brand equity can
be quite challenging. Brand equity management concerns those activities that take a broader and
more diverse perspective of the brands equity-understanding how branding strategies should
reflect corporate concerns and be adjusted, if at all, over time or over geographic boundaries or
market segments.
Defining the branding strategy: The branding strategy of the firm provides the general
guidelines as to which brand elements a firm chooses to apply across the products it offers. Two
main tools in defining the corporate branding strategy are the brand-product matrix and the brand
hierarchy. The brand-product matrix is a graphical representation of all the brands and products
sold by the firm. The brand hierarchy reveals an explicit ordering of brands by displaying the
number and nature of common and distinctive brand components across the firms products.
Managing brand equity over time: Effective brand management requires taking a long-term
view of marketing decisions. Because consumers responses to marketing activity depend on
what they know and remember about a brand, short-term marketing mix actions, by changing
brand knowledge, necessarily increase or decrease the success of future marketing actions. A
long-term perspective of brand management recognizes that any changes in the supporting
marketing program for a brand may, by changing consumer knowledge, affect the success of
future marketing programs. Additionally, a long-term view results in proactive strategies

designed to maintain and enhance customer based brand equity over time in the face of external
changes in the marketing environment and internal changes in a firms marketing goals and
Managing Brand Equity over geographic boundaries, culture and market segment: an
important consideration in managing brand equity in recognizing and accounting for different
types of consumers in developing branding and marketing programs. International issues and
global branding strategies are particularly important in these decisions. It is critical that equity is
built by careful positioning and design and implementation of marketing programs that reflect
the specific knowledge and behaviors of those market segments.
[Broad questions]
a) Define brand. What is meant by brand equity?
b) Briefly explain the criteria for choosing the brand elements.
c) Briefly explain the brand strategy decisions with example.
[Multiple choice questions]
1) A ____________ is defined as a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of
these, that identifies the maker or seller of a product or service.
i) Trademark
ii) Brand
iii) Symbol
iv) Service mark
2) A private brand is a brand created and owned by product manufacturers.
i) True
ii) False
3) Due to the increased popularity of many brands, the use of co-branding has decreased
dramatically in recent years.
i) True
ii) False
4) The skillful use of ____________ marketing can turn a persons name into a powerhouse
i) Organization
i) Micro
iii) Person
iv) Concentrated
v) Undifferentiated
5) One measure of _____________ is the extent to which customers are willing to pay more for a
i) Brand equity
ii) Brand differentiation
iii) Brand worth
iv) Brand perceptions
v) Brand value

6) Private brands account for approximately 60% of all U.S. consumer product sales.
ii) False
7) Private labels yield lower profit margins for retailers than do manufacturer brands.
i) True
ii) False
8) A brand extension gives a new product instant recognition and faster acceptance.
i) True
ii) False
9) A brand mark can not be spoken. Is the statement true or false?
i) True

ii) False

2) McDonalds Ronald McDonald, Here Ronald McDonald is a

i) Brand name

ii) A brand mark

iii) Trademark

iv) A trade Character

3) British Airways, Chryslers New Yorker. Here brand is based on

i) Company name

ii) Places

iii) Things or objects

iv) Animals or birds

4) Sufficient cooling capacity, an acceptable energy efficiency rating, adequate air intakes and
exhausts are included into the
i) Core benefit

ii) Generic product

iii) Expected product

iv) Augmented product level

5) The product results in embarrassment from others. This type of risk is

i) Functional risk

ii) Physical risk

iii) Social risk

iv) Psychological risk

6) Companies such as Sony, Cisco system, American Express have built strong corporate brands.
Is the statement true or false?
i) True

ii) False

7) Herseys and Cadbuys two candy companies have built-theme parks in their factories and
they invite visitors to spend a day. This tool is known as
i) Trade shows

ii) Public facilities

iii) Factory visit

iv) Club and consumer communities

8) HBO television channel is the brand name which is the source of

i) Initials

ii) Invented name

iii) Mythological character

iv) Foreign word

9) The brand name should be distinctive, is the statement true or false?

i) True

ii) False

10) A brand registered with the patent and trademark office is called a trademark. Is the statement
true or false?
i) True

ii) False

11) A word, letter (group of words), number that can be spoken is called
i) A brand mark

ii) A brand name

iii) Trade character

iv) Trademark

12) When the product does not perform up to expectations, then it is called
i) Functional risk

ii) Physical risk

iii) Financial risk

iv) Social risk

13) Brand equity provides marketers with a vital strategic bridge from their past to their future. Is
the statement true or false?
i) True

ii) False

14) Samsonite luggage and President Luggage are brand name that comes from
i) Invented name
iii) Personal name

ii) Mythological character

iv) Foreign word

15) Many originally protected brand names such as Cellophone, Aspirin, Kerosene, Linoleum,
Yo-Yo, Trampoline, Escalator, Thermos and Shredded wheat-are now generic names that any
seller can use these names for their product. Is the statement true or false?
i) True

ii) False

16) Optional features of Video Cassette Recorder might include hi-fi stereo sound, VCR Plus and
shuttle controls for easy backward and forward scanning that included into the

i) Core benefit
iii) Expected level

ii) Generic level

iv) Augmented

17) The subdrivers of value equity are quality, price and convenience. Is the statement true or
i) True
ii) False
18) Loyalty programs, special recognition and treatment programs are the subdrivers of
i) Value equity
ii) Brand equity
iii) Relationship equity
iv) None of the above
19) A product is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or
consumption that might satisfy a need or want. This definition is given by
i) Philip kotler
ii) Michael Porter
iii) Lavine keller
iv) None of the above
20) ---------------- --------- level includes all of the augmentation and transformations that a
product might ultimately undergo in future.
i) The core benefits
ii) The generic product
iii) The expected product
iv) The potential product

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