Ham Radio An Easy Guide For Beginners - Steve Markelo

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The key takeaways are that ham radio is also known as amateur radio. It requires little skill to operate and is used as a hobby. To operate a ham radio, you need a license which requires studying and passing an exam. Ham radios are used for voluntary non-commercial communications and in emergencies.

There are three main types of ham radio licenses: Technician, General, and Extra. The Technician license allows transmitting with up to 100 watts on certain frequencies. The General license offers a higher range of frequencies and up to 1500 watts. The Extra license allows operating on all ham radio bands and frequencies with up to 1500 watts.

The main equipment needed includes a transceiver, power supply, antenna, antenna tuner, and microphone or key. Additional equipment may include a repeater, filters, and an antenna tuner.


Radio: An Easy Guide for Beginners

Copyright 2015.
All are rights reserved.
This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner
whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of
brief quotations in a book review.

Ham radio is also known as an amateur radio. It requires very little skill to operate and
some people use it as a hobby. To operate a ham radio you need a license and you can get
a license after studying and taking an exam. People who operate ham radios are referred to
as hams. The test will only cover the basics of the radio and you are no longer going to be
examined on Morse code. This guide will show you the basics of using a ham radio, the
regulations you need to follow as you use it. You will also learn how to install the different
parts of the radio before you get started. You will understand how to operate the ham
radio. The role of a ham radio is to provide people with a voluntary non-commercial
communications for the public and will also be used in times of emergency. The FCC,
Federal Communications Commission is responsible for making and enforcing the rules
for ham radio in the United States of America. Any transmission that disturbs other
communications from harmful interference. The test is carried out by a volunteer

Before you can operate a ham radio you need to be licensed. To get the license you
need to first pass an exam and for this you need study materials. You can either
choose to learn online or using books. The licenses also differ on the levels. There
are three levels: Technician, General and Extra.

Types of Licenses
There are different types of licenses that offer a range of privileges depending on the
license. Technician can only allow you to transmit using 100 watts in the range of
frequencies. General will have a higher range of frequencies with a maximum of
1500 watts. Extra allows you to operate on all the ham bands and frequencies with a
maximum of 1500 watts.

Exam Material
After studying for the license using books and online programs you will need to

apply for the exam. You will also need to remember or apply some knowledge on
electricity, power, voltage, resistance and frequency. For the exam you will need 2
pencils, a pen, $20, passport or drivers license and alternatively social security
number, birth certificate, library card or a utility bill.

Ham Radio Equipment
After you have gotten your license you will need to get the equipment for the ham
radio. The ham radio is mostly made up of the transceiver, power supply, antenna,
antenna tuner and microphone or key.

A repeater is a two way radio transmitter that will receive and retransmit on different
frequencies at the same time. For example from the antenna the repeater receives
transmission that goes to the duplexer and then the receiver receives input and the
controller will receive the audio while at the same time the controller transmits
audio to the transmitter which sends the rf output to the duplexer which then leaves
through the antenna.

Role of the Repeater
Repeater systems help curb the limit that is associated with radios because of the
antenna height. Repeaters transfers transmissions to a higher level. It increases the
coverage and range area and it improves transmitting of the signals.

Repeaters use only one antenna. The antenna will receive and send out signals. To
have the clear coverage the antenna will need to be placed on a high place like a hill
or mountain. This improves the performance.

Antenna Regulations
There are different types of antennas such as vertical antennas, yagis, and dipole
among others. Depending on your location you may have different zoning laws
governing what sort of antennas can be put up in the area. Make sure you arent
going against the law.

Antenna Tuner
The antenna tuner will be able to create contact between the transceiver and the
antenna. If the two are not in line then power will be lost during transmission. The
antenna tuners are two types the manual tuner and the auto tuner. Using a manual

tuner will help the inexperienced ham users.

You can use the microphone or the key to communicate using either Morse code or
voice. The transceivers come with a compatible microphone but if you arent
experienced with Morse code you should get a straight key which is simple to use.
However, always consult to make sure you get the right key.
Extra Cables
You will need extra cables of about 1-5 feet long to connect everything. The cables
need to be of one type. You should consult on the type of cable you should get.
Feed line
The feed line should be hard line and able to prevent the loss of signals. The feed
line will be similar to telephone lines between poles. The hard line will be better
than the 50 ohm coax cable as it will also be able to transmit more power and
transmit weaker signals.

The duplexer is used to separate the incoming signals from the outgoing signals. It
isolates the two signals ensuring that the transmitter and the receiver dont hear each
other. It also plays a role in preventing the signals from other repeaters or rf
producers from getting to the repeater system.
The receiver as the name suggests receives the incoming signal. It converts radio
signals to audible sounds. It is very receptive to incoming weak signals making them
get heard better. The receiver is also where the Continuous Tone Coded Squelch
System or PL decoding happens.
The transmitter is composed of an exciter and a power amplifier. The exciter
receives the incoming audio signal from the receiver while the power amplifier
boosts the signal level to enable it to reach further. It converts audible sounds to
radio signals.

Power Supply
You need power supply to help your transmitter work. When getting the power
supply equipment ensure it is compatible with the transmitter. Power supply is used
to convert alternating current, AC from an outlet into low voltage direct current, DC.


The controller basically controls the repeater. It will be in charge of the station ID
using the CW or voice, it is responsible for activating the transmitter and some
include DVR for the announcements and messages.
Set up and Operation
The microphone will be connected to the transmitter while the speaker will convert
signals to sound waves. When you are in a noisy area you will have to use
headphones while communicating. To lessen spurious emissions use a filter on the

Ham Radio Frequencies
The radio will work using two frequencies. This is because the repeater works as a
dual system receiving and transmitting signals while making sure the two are not
mixed. These ham band frequencies are 600 kHz apart.

The repeater needs to have two frequencies, one for transmitting and the other for
receiving. If the output frequency maybe below 147 MHz then the input frequency
will be 600 kHz lower and this would make it a negative offset. If the output
frequency is above 147 MHz then the input frequency will be 600 kHz above.

Role of the Offset
The offset is important for having different input and output frequencies. This helps
separate the transmission and input signals because the repeater has to work as a two
way system. The two frequencies are required to be isolated for the proper
functioning of the repeater and this role is done by duplexer.

PL and CTCSS Tone
PL stands for Private Line and was a term coined by Motorola and the industry
name is Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System, CTCSS. The Tone Squelch allows
the repeater to electronically respond to stations that only encode or send the proper
tone. When you key up the receiver of the repeater will only hear you if the right
tone has been set up.

Keying Up
When you key up a machine you set the machine to a transceiver frequency and you
call out a signal, the antenna will pick up the signal with an offset of 600 kHz and
then send it to the feed line to the duplexer. Then it went to the receiver and changed
into an audio that is sent to the transmitter and amplified into a radio signal. All

these happens within seconds.

Making a Call
When making a call first listen in to make sure the repeater is not being used. Then
set the transmitter to lowest power and increase the power as you make contact with
the repeater. Start with the call sign of the station you want to reach. An example is
N3 this is N4.If no contact is made repeat the call after a minute.

Announcing your Presence
You can announce your presence using the radio. You can say this is N4 listening
on an machine and you can also add the location you are in. This allows people on
radios to identify the repeater you are using.

Busy Repeater
When you have a busy repeater then you should try using a simplex frequency. The
simplex frequency will free up because the repeater will improve transmission
reducing the effects of terrain and power limitations.
Repeater Etiquette
Sometimes there can be conversations between different repeaters. Before you start
communicating you should listen to make sure the repeater is free. This is known as
repeater etiquette because it prevents interruptions. If there is already a conversation
in place then you should wait for a pause.
Reporting Emergencies
Before reporting an emergency make sure that the repeater is clear and if it isnt wait
for a pause. Then say, Emergency, Emergency, Emergency and if there is no
response repeat it once more. Then if there is still no response try another repeater.

Ham Lingo
To talk using the ham radio use simple language. Try and avoid CB radio lingo such
as whats your 20 and dont use the word break. The operator may misinterpret the
word and implement the wrong action.
Responding to Emergency
When you hear emergency over the repeater first listen to whether someone else will
respond. If someone else responds then dont interrupt the conversation. However if
you are the first to hear it, stop transmitting and ask for their details. Pause then get
back to the person.
Reporting an Emergency using Voice
There is a procedure to follow when you want to report an emergency. One of the

things to remember is to always remain calm so as to communicate effectively. First

select the repeater frequency. Wait for a pause or space in the transmissions, key
your mic and state Emergency three times and unkey. Wait for a response and give
as many details as possible. Give details of the emergency and the location so the
emergency vehicle can have an easier time getting to you.

Using Morse Code to report an emergency
Sometimes you may not have a mic when reporting an emergency and so you may
have to rely on the use of Morse code. To begin send out SOS without any spacing.
Some repeaters have dialers specifically for 911 and when you use it to report an
emergency let the operator know that you are using a ham radio. This will prevent
him/her from responding using voice as you will be unable to hear them unless the
repeater is freed up. To end your sessions use the words over so the conversation can
move back and forth.

Plain Language
Always apply the use of plain language. Try not to use different codes. When using
the ham radio and you want to find out where someone is simply ask, Where are
you or where is your location?

Courtesy Tone
When you send a transmission you should wait until you hear a beep before talking
again. This beep is known as the courtesy tone. It allows time for exchanges to be
made during a call. It also makes sure that the station is clear before you send
signals. A courtesy tone shows that the transmission is complete.

Doubling is when two people or more are speaking at the same time on the repeater.
This ends up being transmitted as unsorted words and squeals or even buzzing. In
the end you will not be able to communicate.
Preventing Doubling
You can prevent doubling by unkeying once you are done with your transmission. If
you are having a conversation ensure that the other person knows you are about to
unkey so they can have time to talk. For example you can use names or the ID to
select the next person to talk. e.g. N4 to take it, this is N3 or even, what is your
take Francis?

Signal Reports

The repeater will only show the relative strength using the S meter. This means that
it wont be able to show the strength of the other signals coming from the different
repeaters that you are listening to.

Simplex Operation
The simplex operation refers to when you transmit and receive using the same
frequency. The simplex avoid holding up the repeater and it allows for direct
contact. Check the repeater input frequency to see if you will hear the other station
then you can use the simplex operation.
Safety against High Voltage
When dealing with a ham radio high voltage is needed to transmit signals. The
voltage can easily cause electrical shocks. To prevent the chances of getting shocked
you should use three wire electrical outlets because of earthing.

Putting up an Antenna
The antenna needs to be placed from a high point to avoid interference. When
climbing up to put up an antenna wear protective gear for your head and eyes in case
anything falls down. When climbing up a tower stay clear of power lines.

Antenna Installation
Ensure that the wires for the antenna are installed correctly. Then make sure you set
up the antenna at a lower level than the maximum height of the airports nearby.

Selecting frequency
Before you start using the radio you will need to set a frequency to communicate
with. To enter the right frequency then use the keypad or the VFO knob to enter the
correct frequency. Use the up and down buttons to select the right frequency.
Setting a favorite frequency
Whenever you want to use the repeater you can store the frequency in memory so as
to easily access it. You can then store the frequency in a memory channel. You can
store transmit and receive operating frequency, CTCSS tone frequency and transmit
power level.

CQ is the calling signal for any station out there. It is used when inquiring for other
stations. You can start with, CQ CQ CQ. This is W8 calling. And to respond to
any call from another station saying CQ respond to it using its ID. For example,

W8 this is C3 over.

Station Identification
It is important to have station identification because it shows that the transmission is
not an illegal unidentified transmission. Even when you are just testing the
equipment you must include the station identification.

Radio Frequency Interference
You radio may cause interference to other stations such as televisions or radios. To
correct radio frequency interference problem then snap-on ferrite chokes, low-pass
and high-pass filters and notch and band-pass filters. However if your neighbors
devices are causing interference to your ham radio, ask your neighbor to help you
identify the causative device, inform your neighbor of the rules and check that your
station is not the one with the problem. Sometimes you may interfere with other
stations communications identify your station and then move to another frequency.
During an emergency the FCC rules will apply to the use of a certain frequency.
Fixing a weak signal
You might be told that your signal is weak. You should check for the following: your
transmitter will have an off frequency, batteries may be low and your location could
be the problem. However using a digital signal will resolve the issues with
interference and noise.
Proper Language
When transmitting there are no set rules but it is required that you use proper
language and avoid obscenities. This is because obscenities may be offensive to
some individuals, young children may intercept transmission and the language is
generally not allowed by the FCC rules.

UHF/VHF Signals
These signals are quite reliable. However when inside a building it would be better
to transmit using UHF signals because they are shorter and are more likely to
penetrate the buildings surrounding.

Echo link
An echo link allows transmissions to happen between a computer and a radio
transmission. IRLP, Internet Radio Linking Project, stations are also able to transmit
data over the internet.


APRS means Automatic Position Reporting System which also uses a global
positioning system receiver and is used for sending location reports. If you qualify
as a technician you will also be able to send television signals.

Lithium ion battery
When using a mobile radio you should use rechargeable batteries. One of the
rechargeable types of batteries is lithium-ion. You should keep them dry, away from
physical damage and they should be recharged every 6 months.

Limitations of Handheld Devices
The hand held radios may be convenient to move around with as you communicate
but they also have their limitations. Some of these limitations include not being able
to transmit or receive signals effectively. This is because the rubber duck antenna
they come with is not as effective as the other types of antenna.

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