Priapism - A Rare Presentation in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: Case Report and Review of The Literature

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Case Report


Priapism -- A Rare Presentation in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia:

Case Report and Review of The Literature
Meng-Wei Chang, MD; Chung-Chih Tang1, MD; Shy-Shin Chang, MD
Priapism is a complication rarely seen in leukemia. We report a 21-year-old man presented with persistent painful erection of penis for 19 hours at home. The patient had undergone immediate irrigation and decompression of priapism by urologist at emergency department . This approach resulted in a flaccid penis later. During hospitalization, peripheral
blood smear and bone marrow aspiration was confirmatory of chronic myeloid leukemia. No
impotency nor other sequela was noted after his discharge. This case illustrates the importance of all physicians in the diagnosis and management of patients with priapism.
(Chang Gung Med J 2003;26:288-92)
Key words: priapism, chronic myeloid leukemia, emergency department, impotency.

riapism is persistent abnormal erection of penis

without accompanied sexual desire. It is traditional to consider priapism as idiopathic and secondary. Idiopathic priapism is most common and
may be due to thrombosis occurring in the venous
plexus. Less commonly, priapism may be secondary
to various disorders including sickle cell anemia,
trauma, leukemia, cancerous invasion of the penis,
drugs, alcoholic ingestion, various thromboembolic
disease, and intravenous fat for parenteral nutrition.
About 20 percent cases of all priapism are related to
hematological disorders.(1) The incidence of priapism in adult leukemic patients is about 1-5 percent
and leukemia is frequently associated with painful
priapism.(2-3) The following case illustrates priapism
as an unusual presenting symptom of chronic
myeloid leukemia.

A previously healthy 21-year-old man was
referred from local hospital for treatment of priapism
and hyperleukocytosis. His penis remained erect,

painful, and swelling when he arrived at emergency

department (ED). There was no history of trauma,
malaise, night sweats, joint pain, and cough.
However, body weight loss about 9 Kg and bleeding
tendencies during recent 3 months were noted himself. The vital signs revealed a body temperature
38.2 oC, pulse 109 beats/minute, and blood pressure
137/64 mmHg, respirations 21 beats/minute. He was
alert and oriented. The physical examination
revealed that the liver was palpable 6 cm below the
right costal margin, and spleen was 7 cm below the
left costal margin. His conjunctiva was pale but no
jaundice. The penis was erect, firm, and tender with
superficial venous engorgement. Laboratory data
showed hemoglobin (Hb) 8.3 g/dl, hematocrit
25.7%, white blood count (WBC) 216,800/mm3, and
Platelet 1746,000/mm3. Serum chemistries were
unremarkable for uric acid 452 mol/L, creatinine
70.7 mol/L. Treatment of the priapism was initiated performed by cavernosa aspiration and epinephrine irrigation at ED under the impression of low
flow type priapism because of his history and physical examination. The erection was relieved later by

From the Department of Emergency Medicine, 1Division of Hematology-Oncology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei.
Received: Mar. 20, 2002; Accepted: Aug. 20, 2002
Address for reprints: Dr. Shy-Shin Chang, Department of Emergency Medicine, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. 5, Fushing Street,
Gueishan Shiang, Taoyuan, Taiwan 333, R.O.C. Tel.: 886-3-3281200 ext. 2505; Fax: 886-3-3287715; E-mail:
[email protected]

Meng-Wei Chang, et al
Priapism in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

these procedures. For hyperleukocytosis, he was

admitted to hematological ward and was diagnosed
as a case of chronic myeloid leukemia on the basis of
peripheral blood smear and bone marrow examination (Fig.1). The Philadelphia chromosome was
illustrated in the patient. He was started on hydroxyurea tablets at 1.5 grams per day and one vial of
interferon alfa-2a (6 MIU/vial) subcutaneously daily.
Allopurinol 300mg daily with adequate hydration
was also started for potential tumor lysis syndrome.
Before discharge, his WBC dropped to 82900/ mm3
and Hb raised to 9.7 g/dl. Recurrent priapism was
not happened to him during his admission period.
The patient continues to report to us without any
erectile dysfunction till date.

Fig. 1 The bone marrow smear demonstrates hypercellularity

with myeloid hyperplasia, no increase in blasts.

Priapism is an involuntary prolonged erection
unrelated to sexual activity and cannot be relieved by
ejaculation. Most priapism is painful but not all
cases. Priapism is defined as either low-flow
(ischemic) or high-flow (non-ischemic).(4) Low-flow
or ischemic priapism results from pathologically
decreased penile venous outflow that eventuates in
stasis. Intracavernosal blood sampling reveals acidosis and a decrease in oxygen tension. (5) Clinically,
low-flow priapism manifests as a painful, rigid erection. This type is more common and represents an
actual emergency because irreversible cellular damage and fibrosis occur if treatment is not adminis-


tered within 24 to 48 hours.(6) It will result in longterm sequela of erectile dysfunction or predisposition
to frequent, prolonged episodes of priapism.(7) The
cause of low-flow priapism including idiopathic,
hematologic disorders,(8-9) tumor infiltrate,(10) or drugs
induced.(11-12) High-flow or arterial priapism differs in
that it results from increased arterial inflow into the
cavernosal sinusoids, which overwhelms venous outflow and clinical presentation was painless. In contrast to low-flow priapism, intracavernosal blood
sampling from patients with high-flow priapism
reveals bright red oxygenated blood,(5) and thus irreversible cellular damage and fibrosis are rare.(6) The
type of priapism is usually due to penis or perineum
trauma that results in injury to the internal pudendal
artery.(13-15) This establishes a fistula between the cavernosal artery and the corpus cavernosum that unregulated inflow occur. It is not an actual emergency in
patients with high-flow priapism, and treatment can
be on an elective basis.
Priapism can occur at any age and two peaks in
age distribution is described.(16) A pediatric peak, 510 years old, is noted owing to sickle cell disease in
black patients. The secondary peak occurs in patients
with active sexual activity age of 20-50 years old.
Idiopathic priapism is the most common (64%) while
approximately 20% are related to hematologic disorders.(1,16) In CML, priapism is an unusual presentation and seldom to encounter. Hyperleukocytosis is
though to be the cause of priapism in patients with
leukemia.(4) Four different mechanism is described:
(1) venous congestion of the corpora cavernosa
resulting from mechanical pressure on the abdominal
veins by the splenomegaly (2) Sludging of leukemic
cells in the corpora cavernosa and the dorsal veins of
penis (3) infiltration of the sacral nerves with
leukemic cells (4) infiltration of the central nerve
system. In our case, significant leukocytosis with
hepatosplenomegaly supports the first mechanism in
the pathogenesis. An important aspect of priapism is
that most physicians will never encounter. The poor
experience will result in delay of treatment and irreversible squeal. So all physicians should understand
that long-term sequela can be avoided with prompt
diagnosis and treatment.
To diagnose the underlying pathophysiology of
priapism, the distinction between low and high flow
priapism is important because their associated treatment and prognosis differ. Differentiating between

Chang Gung Med J Vol. 26 No. 4

April 2003


Meng-Wei Chang, et al
Priapism in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

low-flow and high-flow priapism can be achieved

with a detailed history, physical examination, gas
analysis of the blood within the corpora cavernosa,(15)
and penile Doppler ultrasound study. Detailed history includes medications, malignant diseases, trauma,
sickle cell disease, and the use of intracavernosal
agents, all of which provide clues about the type of
priapism. On physical examination, patients with
low-flow priapism usually have a rigid, painful
penile shaft with a soft glans, whereas in those with
high-flow priapism ,the entire penis is partially rigid
and painless. Intracavernosal blood gas analysis is
helpful in differentiating between high and low flow
priapism. Low-flow priapism have an intracavernosal blood pH < 7.00,(11) a PCO2 > 60 mmHg, and a PO2
< 30 mmHg.(17) These values vary depending on the
duration of the low-flow state. High-flow priapism
patients have normal blood gas analysis values.
Doppler ultrasonography can be used to detect the
presence of an arterial-to-cavernosum fistula in the
patients with high-flow priapism. Besides, the initial
work-up should includes complete blood count,
hemoglobin electrophoresis, serum chemistries,
coagulopathy state, and drugs screen if indicated.
About the management of priapism, there have
been many methods described in the literature in the
world. Spinal anesthesia, ice water enema, ice
packs, fibrinolytic agents and anticoagulants have
been tried but no significant success rate obtained.
To relieve the painful erection of the patient, immediate aspiration and irrigation of the corpora cavernosa as well as injection of -adrenergic agents were
performed. The penis should be cleansed and 2%
xylocaine is used to anesthetize the glans penis and
septum between glans and corpora; general or spinal
anesthesia is an alternative. To reduce the anesthesia
risk, we did these procedures under sedation and
local anesthesia. So this intervention can be done by
any physician at anywhere with appropriate preparation. After preparation, repeated intracavernous
aspirations through an 18-22 gauge needle into the
corpora cavernosa and gentle normal saline irrigation
were performed with a 10 ml syringe. The sluggish
bloods were removed and the intracavernous pressure was reduced. Erect penis may relieve by these
procedures along. However, it is more effective with
an additional injection of -adrenergic agents such
as phenylephrine or epinephrine. If the erection persists for 24-48 hours, the patient should have a surgi-

Chang Gung Med J Vol. 26 No. 4

April 2003

cal shunt performed to reduce the priapism. The purpose of surgical procedures is to establish a new
venous outflow and restore normal arterial flow to
the corpora cavernosa. The Urologists should also
involve in the early intervention because of their
familiar with the management and complication of
the priapism.
The importance of prompt diagnosis and treatment of priapism cannot be overemphasized, as there
is definite incidence of impotence following this
condition. One study cited 35% and 60% impotence
rates for patients priapistic for 5 days and 10 days,
respectively. (18) So decompression of the penis
should be done as frequently as possible during the
first 24 hours.(2)
Besides the initial relief of priapism, the further
workup and management of the underlying disease
are more important. In our case, with use of a combined urological therapy and oncological treatment
to priapism, the patient was recovery and had
restored long-term potency. In conclusion, priapism
is an uncommon presentation in CML that all physicians should be aware of the disorders and the need
for early intervention and management.

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Priapism in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia




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April 2003





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