Eular y Acr 2015 Gota

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2015 Gout classication criteria: an American

College of Rheumatology/European League Against
Rheumatism collaborative initiative
Tuhina Neogi,1 Tim L Th A Jansen,2,3 Nicola Dalbeth,4 Jaap Fransen,3
H Ralph Schumacher,5 Dianne Berendsen,3 Melanie Brown,6 Hyon Choi,1
N Lawrence Edwards,7 Hein J E M Janssens,3 Frdric Liot,8 Raymond P Naden,9
George Nuki,10 Alexis Ogdie,5 Fernando Perez-Ruiz,11 Kenneth Saag,12
Jasvinder A Singh,13 John S Sundy,14,15 Anne-Kathrin Tausche,16
Janitzia Vaquez-Mellado,17 Steven A Yarows,18 William J Taylor6
Handling editor Tore K Kvien
Additional material is
published online only. To view
please visit the journal online
For numbered afliations see
end of article.
Correspondence to
Dr Tuhina Neogi, Boston
University School of Medicine,
X building, Suite 200, 650
Albany Street, Boston, MA
02118, USA; [email protected]
This article is published
simultaneously in the October
2015 issue of Arthritis &
Supported by the American
College of Rheumatology and
the European League Against
Accepted 14 July 2015

Open Access
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Objective Existing criteria for the classication of gout
have suboptimal sensitivity and/or specicity, and were
developed at a time when advanced imaging was not
available. The current effort was undertaken to develop
new classication criteria for gout.
Methods An international group of investigators,
supported by the American College of Rheumatology and
the European League Against Rheumatism, conducted a
systematic review of the literature on advanced imaging
of gout, a diagnostic study in which the presence of
monosodium urate monohydrate (MSU) crystals in
synovial uid or tophus was the gold standard, a ranking
exercise of paper patient cases, and a multi-criterion
decision analysis exercise. These data formed the basis
for developing the classication criteria, which were
tested in an independent data set.
Results The entry criterion for the new classication
criteria requires the occurrence of at least one episode of
peripheral joint or bursal swelling, pain, or tenderness.
The presence of MSU crystals in a symptomatic joint/
bursa (ie, synovial uid) or in a tophus is a sufcient
criterion for classication of the subject as having gout,
and does not require further scoring. The domains of the
new classication criteria include clinical ( pattern of
joint/bursa involvement, characteristics and time course
of symptomatic episodes), laboratory (serum urate,
MSU-negative synovial uid aspirate), and imaging
(double-contour sign on ultrasound or urate on
dual-energy CT, radiographic gout-related erosion). The
sensitivity and specicity of the criteria are high (92%
and 89%, respectively).
Conclusions The new classication criteria, developed
using a data-driven and decision-analytic approach, have
excellent performance characteristics and incorporate
current state-of-the-art evidence regarding gout.


To cite: Neogi T,
Jansen TLTA, Dalbeth N,
et al. Ann Rheum Dis

Gout, which is characterised by deposition of

monosodium urate monohydrate (MSU) in synovial
uid and other tissues, is the most common form of
inammatory arthritis, with a prevalence of 3.9%
in the USA,1 0.9% in France,2 3 1.42.5% in the
UK,46 1.4% in Germany,5 and 3.2% (European
ancestry)6.1% (Maori ancestry) in New Zealand.7
Over the last decade, several new therapies for gout

This criteria set has been approved by the

American College of Rheumatology (ACR)
Board of Directors and the European League
Against Rheumatism (EULAR) Executive
This signies that the criteria set has been
quantitatively validated using patient data, and
it has undergone validation based on an
independent data set.
All ACR/EULAR approved criteria sets are
expected to undergo intermittent updates.
The American College of Rheumatology is an
independent, professional, medical and
scientic society which does not guarantee,
warrant, or endorse any commercial product or

have been approved by regulatory agencies or are

being tested.8 The conduct of trials that lead to
drug approval, and of observational studies that
provide insights into risk factors, genetic associations and general epidemiology of gout, is critically
dependent on appropriate identication of individuals with gout for inclusion in such studies.
Classication criteria serve the purpose of enabling
standardised assembly of a relatively homogeneous
group of individuals with the disease of interest for
enrolment into such studies.9
There are several existing sets of classication criteria or diagnostic rules for gout,1014 with the
most widely used being the 1977 American
Rheumatism Association (now the American
College of Rheumatology (ACR)) preliminary criteria for the classication of the acute arthritis of
primary gout.10 These preliminary criteria were
intended for identifying the acute arthritis of gout
and not necessarily for intercritical gout, the spectrum of comparator diseases was limited, and physician diagnosis was the gold standard. In a recent
study in which the gold standard was MSU crystal
status in synovial uid or nodule aspirate among
individuals with a broad range of diagnoses, the
sensitivity of existing criteria sets1014 ranged from

Neogi T, et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2015;74:17891798. doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2015-208237


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57.6% to 100% (ie, 100% with MSU crystal identication as
sufcient for classication as gout), whereas the specicity
ranged from 34.3% to 86.4%, with no single criteria set having
excellent sensitivity and specicity.15 16 Such ndings highlight
the need for classication criteria with improved performance
characteristics, with higher specicity likely to be favoured in
order to ensure that individuals enrolled into trials for treatments with unclear efcacy and safety truly have gout.
Accurate classication of gout without crystal documentation
for recruitment into studies is also needed, since the majority of
cases of gout are managed in primary or acute care settings,17 18
where synovial uid aspiration and polarising microscopy are
not commonly performed. Additionally, the existing published
criteria were developed at a time when advanced imaging
modalities, such as ultrasonography or dual-energy CT (DECT),
had not been studied; their utility for gout classication in the
context of other clinical and laboratory parameters is not
To address these issues, an international collaborative working
group to develop new classication criteria for gout was convened with the support of the ACR and the European League
Against Rheumatism (EULAR).19 The nal results are reported

The major steps taken to develop the new classication criteria
are outlined in gure 1.

were required to undergo aspiration of the symptomatic joint or

nodule, with crystal examination performed by a certied
observer,21 22 and imaging (ultrasound, radiography). Those
who were MSU crystal positive were designated as cases while
those who were MSU crystal negative were designated as
controls, irrespective of clinical diagnosis. Analyses in the
SUGAR study were conducted among two-thirds of the sample
(derivation data set; n=653); the other one-third (n=330) were
analysed as the validation data set for the nal criteria. Third,
we conducted a systematic literature review of advanced
imaging modalities for classifying gout.23

Phase 2
It was recognised that the SUGAR study and the imaging review
may have some limitations. The SUGAR study might have been
prone to selection bias as MSU crystal positivity was required in
order for a subject to be considered a case; this may have introduced bias towards larger joints, more severe disease and/or
tophaceous disease. In addition, subjects were recruited from
rheumatology clinics, which may have contributed to spectrum
bias since most patients with gout are seen in primary care settings. The systematic literature review of imaging was limited by
the relative paucity of published data, and comparator diseases
included were limited. Thus, Phase 2 was envisioned as a complementary phase that would incorporate the data derived in
Phase 1 with clinical expertise to address a broader spectrum of
clinical gout.

Phase 1
To identify factors to be considered for the content of classication criteria for gout, three studies were undertaken (gure 1).
First, clinicians with expertise in gout and patients with gout
identied factors, they believed, to discriminate gout from other
rheumatic diseases in a Delphi exercise.20 Second, we tested
items from this Delphi exercise that were agreed to be potentially discriminatory for gout and items from existing classication criteria in a cross-sectional diagnostic study (Study for
Updated Gout Classication Criteria (SUGAR)).21 Briey, this
study included 983 consecutive subjects (exceeding the recruitment target of 860) who had had joint swelling or a subcutaneous nodule within the previous 2 weeks, either of which was
judged to be conceivably due to gout. These subjects were
recruited from rheumatology clinics in 16 countries. All subjects

Approach to identifying domains and categories

In Phase 2, an international panel of expert rheumatologists and
primary care physicians used a multicriteria decision analytic
consensus methodology, informed by data generated in Phase 1,
to determine the factors that best discriminated gout from other
rheumatic diseases that could conceivably be considered in the
differential diagnosis. Such an approach would lead to expertderived, data-informed weighting of discriminating factors. The
specic methods are described below.
Rheumatologists and general internists with an interest in
gout submitted paper patient cases of patients for whom gout
was in the differential diagnosis, using standardised data collection forms. A subset of 30 paper patient cases was selected to
represent a broad spectrum of the probability of gout. Prior to

Figure 1 Flow chart of the study

process. The major steps taken to
develop the new American College of
Rheumatology/European League
Against Rheumatism criteria for
classication of gout are outlined.
SUGAR, Study for Updated Gout
Classication Criteria.


Neogi T, et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2015;74:17891798. doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2015-208237

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the in-person expert panel meeting, panel members were given
the data from Phase 1 to review, and they were asked to
rank-order the 30 paper patient cases from lowest to highest
probability of having gout.
At the in-person expert panel meeting, held over 2 days (9
10 June 2014 in Paris, France in advance of the EULAR
Congress), three concepts were agreed upon a priori. First, the
task was to develop criteria that would enable standardised
assembly of a well dened, relatively homogeneous group of
subjects representative of persons with gout, for entry into
observational studies or clinical trials. Such criteria are not
intended to capture all possible patients, but rather to capture
the great majority of patients with shared key features of gout.
Second, the classication was to apply to the patients total
disease experience, not to classify individual symptomatic episodes. Third, elements of the criteria could be accrued over
time such that individuals could full criteria at a later time
point even if they did not at the initial assessment.
Review of the Phase 1 data and the paper patient case
ranking exercise formed the basis for in-depth discussion to
identify key features that were pertinent to the probability of
gout. Based on these key features, initial formulation of potential criteria was developed, with consideration of entry, sufcient, and exclusion criteria and more precise denition of
domains and their categories. Decisions regarding domains and
their categories were supported, where possible, by Phase 1 data
and/or any other available published evidence.

Approach to assigning relative weights to domains and categories

Once the Paris panel agreed upon preliminary domains and categories, the members undertook a discrete-choice conjoint analysis exercise guided by an experienced facilitator (RPN) and
aided by a rheumatologist with experience in the process (TN),
similar to that used for other classication criteria (eg, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic sclerosis).2429 Specically, we used a computer software program, 1000Minds (http://www.1000minds.
com), which uses decision science theory and computer adaptive
technology to carry out a series of discrete forced-choice experiments through pairwise ranking of alternatives that lead to quantied weights of each domain and each category within the
domains.28 30 Briey, the expert panel was presented with a
series of paired scenarios, each of which contained the same two
domains, but with different combinations of the domains
categories grouped together in each scenario. The panel was
instructed to assume that all other parameters were equivalent
between the two patients represented by the scenarios. The distribution of votes ( per cent who voted for A, B, or equal probability) was presented for each pair of scenarios after each vote.
Discussion occurred after each vote, with re-voting as necessary.
Consensus was considered to have been achieved when all participants either indicated complete agreement as to which scenario
represented a higher probability of gout, or indicated that they
could accept the majority opinion.
Relative weights were derived with the decision-analytical
software, based on the voting results of the discrete-choice scenarios and rened by each successive result. Upon completion of
the voting exercise, the relative weights for each category and
domain, and the face validity of the resulting rank order of 10
paper patient cases, were reviewed.
After the in-person meeting, minor scoring simplications
were incorporated and pretested in the SUGAR derivation data
set (ie, the original two-thirds sample analysed in Phase 1). A
cut-off score that maximised the sum of sensitivity and specicity was determined, to examine misclassication.

Approach to developing nal criteria scoring

The raw weights from the scoring system were simplied into
whole numbers, with performance characteristics assessed for
each simplication.

Approach to dening criteria threshold for classifying gout

The original 30 paper patient cases (except for 3 with demonstrated MSU crystals), in addition to 20 subjects from the
SUGAR study analysed in Phase 1 who had unique scores close
to the cut-off score derived as described above, were used for a
threshold identication exercise. For these 20 subjects, if synovial uid microscopy had failed to show MSU crystals, this
information was provided. Otherwise, the results of synovial
uid examination were recorded as not done. This information
was not made known to the expert panel. These cases were
arranged according to their score in descending order. In an
online exercise, the expert panel indicated whether they would
classify the patient as having gout with sufcient condence to
feel comfortable enrolling that patient into a Phase 3 trial of a
new urate-lowering agent.

Testing of the new gout classication criteria and comparison

with existing published criteria
The nal criteria set was evaluated in the SUGAR validation
data set (ie, the one-third of the data set that had not been used
for any analyses to date (n=330)); the purpose of this was to
enable validation of the newly developed criteria in an independent data set. A secondary analysis was conducted to evaluate how the criteria would perform if only clinical parameters
were available (ie, without MSU determination or imaging). The
performance characteristics of the new criteria were compared
with those of existing published criteria using logistic regression.

The expert panel (n=20) comprised 19 physicians with a clinical and/or research interest in gout (17 clinical rheumatologists
and 2 primary care physicians) and an epidemiologist/biostatistician; 9 members of the panel were from USA, 8 from Europe, 2
from New Zealand and 1 from Mexico. One hundred and
thirty-three paper cases were submitted by the expert panel and
79 clinical rheumatologists and general internists.
Based on review of the Phase 1 data and the ranking exercise
with the 30 cases representing low to high probability of gout,
initial key factors that were identied as being important for
classifying gout were presence of MSU crystals, pattern of joint
involvement, intensity of symptomatic episodes, time to
maximal pain and to resolution, episodic nature of symptoms,
presence of clinical tophus, level of serum urate, imaging features, response to treatment, family history, and risk factors or
associated comorbidities. The last three factors were not considered further as they are not features of gout itself despite their
association with gout, and inclusion of risk factors or comorbidities in the denition of gout would preclude future studies
evaluating their association with gout.

Entry, sufcient and exclusion criteria

Before embarking upon dening domains and domain categories
(the classication criteria), we dened entry, sufcient, and
exclusion criteria. The entry criteria were intended to be used
to identify the relevant patient population to whom the classication criteria would be applied. Sufcient criteria were
intended to dene features such as a gold standard that alone
could classify gout without further need to apply the

Neogi T, et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2015;74:17891798. doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2015-208237


Downloaded from on September 17, 2015 - Published by

classication criteria scoring system. Exclusion criteria were
intended to dene individuals in whom gout could be ruled out
(among those who met entry criteria) and to whom the classication criteria should not be further applied. The expert panel
agreed that these classication criteria should be applicable only
to people with symptomatic disease because the prognosis of
asymptomatic disease is presently not well delineated in the literature, and to enable categorisation based on features of symptomatic episodes. The entry criterion was dened as the
occurrence of at least one episode of swelling, pain, or tenderness in a peripheral joint or bursa. The sufcient criterion was
dened as the presence of MSU crystals in a symptomatic joint
or bursa (ie, in synovial uid) or tophus as observed by a trained
examiner. The panel agreed that there would be no exclusion
criteria because gout can often coexist with other diseases and
because synovial uid microscopy can sometimes fail to disclose
MSU crystals in patients with gout for technical, sampling or
treatment reasons.

Domains and categories

Based on the key features identied initially, Phase 1 data, and
available published literature, and with a dened population to
whom the criteria would apply, the expert panel further
developed the pertinent domains and their respective categories
in an iterative process. The expert panel aimed to dene
relevant clinical and imaging parameters to be as specic as
possible for gout.
The domains included clinical parameters (numbers 14),
laboratory parameters (numbers 5 and 6) and imaging parameters (numbers 7 and 8). The specic domains and their
respective denitions are summarised in table 1. The domains
were designed to be scored based on the totality of the subjects
symptomatic disease experience. All of the categories within
domains are hierarchical and mutually exclusive, such that if a
higher and a lower category have been fullled at different
points in time, the higher one should be scored; the highest categories are listed last within each domain.

Table 1 Definitions and considerations for each domain*


Definitions and special considerations

1. Pattern of joint/bursa involvement during symptomatic

episode(s) ever
Categories are defined as per the description of the
distribution of joints involved

Distribution of joints: involvement (ever) of

1. Joint(s) or bursa(e) other than ankle, mid-foot or first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint (or their
involvement only as part of a polyarticular presentation)
2. Ankle or mid-foot joint(s) as monoarticular or part of an oligoarticular presentation without first MTP joint
3. MTP joint involvement as monoarticular or part of an oligoarticular presentation

2. Characteristics of symptomatic episode(s) ever

Categories are defined as
No characteristics present
1 characteristic present
2 characteristics present
3 characteristics present

Characteristics to consider: presence (ever) of

1. Great difficulty with walking or inability to use the affected joint(s) during a symptomatic episode ever
2. Cant bear touch or pressure to the affected joint during a symptomatic episode ever (patient-reported)
3. Erythema overlying affected joint during a symptomatic episode ever (patient-reported or

3. Time course of symptomatic episode(s) ever

Categories are defined as
No typical episodes
1 typical episode
Recurrent typical episodes

Typical symptomatic episode: presence (ever) of >2 of the following, irrespective of anti-inflammatory treatment
1.Time to maximal pain <24 h
2. Resolution of symptoms in 14 days
3. Complete resolution (to baseline level) between symptomatic episodes

4. Clinical evidence of tophus

Categories are defined as

Appearance: draining or chalk-like subcutaneous nodule under transparent skin, often with overlying
vascularity (figure 2)
Location: classic locationsjoints, ears, olecranon bursae, finger pads, tendons (eg, Achilles)

5. Serum urate level, off-treatment

Categories are defined as
<4 mg/dL (0.24 mmol/L)
4<6 mg/dL (0.24<0.36 mmol/L)
6<8 mg/dL (0.36<0.48 mmol/L)
8<10 mg/dL (0.48<0.60 mmol/L)
10 mg/dL (0.60 mmol/L)

Which serum urate measurement to use: highest reading on record, off urate-lowering therapy
Special considerations: Ideally, the serum urate level should be scored if tested at a time when the patient was not
receiving urate-lowering therapy and it was >4 weeks from the start of an episode; if practicable, retest under
those conditions.
If serum urate level is 10 mg/dL, no need to retest

6. Synovial fluid analysis

Categories are defined as
MSU negative
Not done

Location: symptomatic (ever) joint or bursa

Special considerations: assessment should be performed by a trained observer
Note: MSU positive is a sufficient criterion.

7. Imaging evidence of urate deposition

Categories are defined as
Absent or not done
Present (either modality)

Modality: ultrasound or DECT

Appearance: double-contour sign on ultrasound (figure 3A) or urate deposition on DECT (figure 3B)
Location: symptomatic (ever) joint or bursa

8. Imaging evidence of gout-related joint damage

Categories are defined as
Absent or not done

Modality: radiography
Appearance of gout-related erosion: cortical break with sclerotic margin and overhanging edge; excludes gull wing
appearance (figure 3C)
Location: radiograph of hands and/or feet; excludes distal interphalangeal joints

*Symptomatic (ever) refers to pain and/or swelling.

Categories within each domain are hierarchical; if a subject fulfills more than 1 category, the highest category should be selected.
A false-positive double-contour sign (artifact) may appear at the cartilage surface, but should disappear with a change in the insonation angle of the probe.31 32
Images should be acquired using a dual-energy computed tomography (DECT) scanner, with data acquired at 80 kV and 140 kV and analysed using gout-specific software with a
2-material decomposition algorithm that color-codes urate.33 A positive scan result is defined as the presence of color-coded urate at articular or periarticular sites. Nailbed,
submillimeter, skin, motion, beam hardening, and vascular artifacts should not be interpreted as DECT evidence of urate deposition.34


Neogi T, et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2015;74:17891798. doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2015-208237

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Figure 2 Examples of tophus. The
tophus is dened as a draining or
chalk-like subcutaneous nodule under
transparent skin, often with overlying
vascularity. Typical locations are the
ear (A), the elbow (olecranon bursa)
(B) and the nger pulps (C and D).
Note the overlying vascularity in D.

Symptomatic episodes were dened as those in which there

was swelling, pain, or tenderness in a peripheral joint or bursa.
For the pattern of joint involvement, it was agreed that a rst
metatarsophalangeal joint ankle, or mid-foot involvement as
part of a polyarticular presentation, though possible in gout,
was not specic enough for gout since that pattern could be
seen commonly in other disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis.
The time course of symptomatic episodes was to be considered
irrespective of anti-inammatory treatment. For clinical tophus,
a precise denition in terms of appearance and location was
developed to assist in differentiation from other subcutaneous
nodules that may be confused with tophi. Examples of clinically
evident tophi are provided in gure 2. Serum urate was considered a mandatory element of the classication criteria scoring
system (ie, the score cannot be computed without a serum urate
value). For the synovial uid domain, the uid must be aspirated
from a symptomatic (ever) joint or bursa, and assessed by a
trained observer. If the synovial uid aspirate was MSU positive,
the individual would have been classied as having gout under
the sufciency criterion without evaluating the rest of the classication criteria.
For imaging evidence of urate deposition, the imaging modalities with sufcient published data and investigator experience
to support their utility in identifying urate deposition accurately
were ultrasound and DECT. MRI and conventional CT did not
have sufcient published data or investigator experience to
support their consideration. For ultrasound evidence of urate
deposition, the required nding is the double-contour sign
(DCS), dened as hyperechoic irregular enhancement over the
surface of the hyaline cartilage that is independent of the insonation angle of the ultrasound beam (note: a false positive DCS
(artefact) may appear at the cartilage surface but should disappear with a change in the insonation angle of the probe).31 32
Examples of gout-related DCS are provided in gure 3. For
DECT, urate deposition is dened as the presence of colour-

coded urate at articular or periarticular sites (gure 3). Images

should be acquired using a DECT scanner, with data acquired at
80 kV and 140 kV and analysed using gout-specic software
with a two-material decomposition algorithm that colour-codes
urate.33 A positive scan result is dened as the presence of
colour-coded urate at articular or periarticular sites. Nail-bed,
submillimetre size, skin, motion, beam hardening and vascular
artefacts should not be interpreted as DECT evidence of urate
deposition.34 The scoring of this imaging domain is applicable
only to a symptomatic (ever) joint or bursa (ie, swelling, pain or
tenderness), and is scored as present on either modality, or
absent/not done (ie, neither modality was performed). That is, if
either imaging modality demonstrates the required nding, then
urate deposition is considered to be present.
Finally, imaging evidence of gout-related joint damage is to be
scored on the basis of conventional radiography of the hands
and/or feet demonstrating at least one gout-related erosion,
which is dened as a cortical break with sclerotic margin and
overhanging edge (gure 3). The distal interphalangeal joints
and gull wing appearance should be excluded from this evaluation since they can occur in osteoarthritis.

Assigning relative weights to domains and categories

Once the domains and categories were dened, the expert panel
undertook a series of discrete-choice experiments. This work
resulted in weights being assigned to each category and domain,
such that the highest category of each domain summed to a
total of 100%. Any necessary revisions to the categories were
made with subsequent repetition of the discrete-choice experiments after any such changes.
A sample of 10 paper patient cases (from among the original
30 paper cases) was scored and rank-ordered with this preliminary scoring system. The cases were accurately ranked with reference to the expert panels premeeting rankings, lending face
validity to this preliminary scoring system. The scoring was also

Neogi T, et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2015;74:17891798. doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2015-208237


Downloaded from on September 17, 2015 - Published by

Figure 3 Examples of imaging
features included in the classication
criteria. (A) Double-contour sign seen
on ultrasonography. Left panel shows
a longitudinal ultrasound image of the
femoral articular cartilage; right panel
shows a transverse ultrasound image
of the femoral articular cartilage. Both
images show hyperechoic
enhancement over the surface of the
hyaline cartilage (images kindly
provided by Dr Esperanza Naredo,
Hospital Universitario Gregorio
Maraon, Madrid, Spain). (B) Urate
deposition seen on dual-energy CT.
Left panel shows urate deposition at
the rst and fth metatarsophalangeal
joints; right panel shows urate
deposition within the Achilles tendon.
(C) Erosion, dened as a cortical break
with sclerotic margin and overhanging
edge, seen on conventional
radiography of the rst
metatarsophalangeal joint.

repeated without the imaging domains, which resulted in little

change in the rank-ordering. Correlation between premeeting
mean ranking and the initial scoring system ranking was high

Dening criteria threshold for classifying gout

Using a cut-off score that maximised the sum of sensitivity and
specicity from the SUGAR data, the percentage of false negatives and false positives was 13.9% and 10.5%, respectively.
Next, the expert panel performed a threshold identication
exercise designed to assess the members willingness to enrol 47
paper cases, based on having sufcient condence that the individual has gout, into a Phase 3 randomised clinical trial of a
new urate-lowering agent with unclear efcacy and safety.
The score at which the majority considered an individual as
having gout or not fell at the same threshold as that identied
as the cut-off score that maximised the sum of sensitivity and

Final criteria scoring

With face validity of the initial scoring system conrmed and a
threshold identied, the raw relative weights of the domain categories and the threshold score were rescaled and rounded into
whole numbers to make the scoring system as simple as possible,
while retaining the relative weighting produced by the expert
panel. The maximum possible score in the nal criteria is 23. A
threshold score of 8 classies an individual as having gout.

A unique aspect of the new classication criteria is that there

are two categories that elicit negative scores. Specically, if the
synovial uid is MSU negative, 2 points are subtracted from the
total score. Similarly, if the serum urate level is <4 mg/dL
(<0.24 mmol/L), 4 points are subtracted from the total score.
This approach was taken to emphasise that these ndings reduce
the probability of gout. The lowest category in each domain has
a score of 0 and is therefore not explicitly depicted in the nal
criteria table; however, for serum urate level, the category that
receives a score of 0 is 4<6 mg/dL (0.24<0.36 mmol/L). If
imaging is not performed, those categories are also scored as
0. The nal criteria are presented in table 2. A web-based calculator can be accessed at http://goutclassicationcalculator., as well as through the ACR and EULAR

Results of testing of the new gout classication criteria and

comparison with existing published criteria
In the SUGAR validation data set (n=330), the sensitivity of the
new classication criteria was 0.92, and specicity was 0.89
(table 3). The performance of the criteria was also tested using
only clinical parameters, that is, without MSU results, scored as
0 (unknown/not done) and without imaging (ie, radiographic,
ultrasound or DECT imaging) results, scored as 0; this latter
scoring was in keeping with similar weighting being given to
imaging studies that were negative versus not being performed
in the discrete-choice experiments. In this setting, the sensitivity
and specicity were 0.85 and 0.78.

Neogi T, et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2015;74:17891798. doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2015-208237

Downloaded from on September 17, 2015 - Published by

Table 2 The ACR/EULAR gout classification criteria*


Step 1: Entry criterion (only apply criteria below to those meeting this entry criterion)

At least 1 episode of swelling, pain, or tenderness in a peripheral joint

or bursa

Step 2: Sufficient criterion (if met, can classify as gout without applying criteria below)

Presence of MSU crystals in a symptomatic joint or bursa (ie, in

synovial fluid) or tophus

Step 3: Criteria (to be used if sufficient criterion not met)

Pattern of joint/bursa involvement during symptomatic episode(s) ever

Characteristics of symptomatic episode(s) ever

Erythema overlying affected joint (patient-reported or physician-observed)
Cant bear touch or pressure to affected joint
Great difficulty with walking or inability to use affected joint
Time course of episode(s) ever
Presence (ever) of 2, irrespective of anti-inflammatory treatment:
Time to maximal pain <24 h
Resolution of symptoms in 14 days
Complete resolution (to baseline level) between symptomatic episodes
Clinical evidence of tophus
Draining or chalk-like subcutaneous nodule under transparent skin, often with
overlying vascularity, located in typical locations: joints, ears, olecranon bursae,
finger pads, tendons (eg, Achilles)

Ankle or mid-foot (as part of monoarticular or oligoarticular episode

without involvement of the first metatarsophalangeal joint

Involvement of the first metatarsophalangeal joint (as part of

monoarticular or oligoarticular episode)

One characteristic
Two characteristics
Three characteristics


One typical episode

Recurrent typical episodes



Serum urate: Measured by the uricase method.
Ideally should be scored at a time when the patient was not receiving
urate-lowering treatment and it was >4 weeks from the start of an episode (ie,
during the intercritical period); if practicable, retest under those conditions. The
highest value irrespective of timing should be scored

<4 mg/dL (<0.24 mmol/L)

6<8 mg/dL (0.36<0.48 mmol/L)
8<10 mg/dL (0.48<0.60 mmol/L)
10 mg/dL (0.60 mmol/L)


Synovial fluid analysis of a symptomatic (ever)

joint or bursa (should be assessed by a trained observer)

MSU negative

Imaging evidence of urate deposition in symptomatic (ever) joint or bursa: ultrasound
evidence of double-contour sign or DECT demonstrating urate deposition**

Present (either modality)

Imaging evidence of gout-related joint damage: conventional radiography of the hands

and/or feet demonstrates at least 1 erosion


*A web-based calculator can be accessed at:, and through the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) and European League Against
Rheumatism (EULAR) web sites.
Symptomatic episodes are periods of symptoms that include any swelling, pain, and/or tenderness in a peripheral joint or bursa.
If serum urate level is <4 mg/dL (<0.24 mmoles/liter), subtract 4 points; if serum urate level is 4 mg/dL >6 mg/dL (0.24 <0.36 mmoles/liter), score this item as 0.
If polarizing microscopy of synovial fluid from a symptomatic (ever) joint or bursa by a trained examiner fails to show monosodium urate monohydrate (MSU) crystals, subtract 2 points.
If synovial fluid was not assessed, score this item as 0.
If imaging is not available, score these items as 0.
#Hyperechoic irregular enhancement over the surface of the hyaline cartilage that is independent of the insonation angle of the ultrasound beam (note: false-positive double-contour sign
[artifact] may appear at the cartilage surface but should disappear with a change in the insonation angle of the probe).31 32
**Presence of color-coded urate at articular or periarticular sites. Images should be acquired using a dual-energy computed tomography (DECT) scanner, with data acquired at 80 kV and
140 kV and analyzed using gout-specific software with a 2-material decomposition algorithm that color-codes urate.33 A positive scan is defined as the presence of color-coded urate at
articular or periarticular sites. Nailbed, submillimeter, skin, motion, beam hardening, and vascular artifacts should not be interpreted as DECT evidence of urate deposition.34
Erosion is defined as a cortical break with sclerotic margin and overhanging edge, excluding distal interphalangeal joints and gull wing appearance.

When compared with existing published criteria (using their

respective published thresholds), the new classication criteria
performed well. For some existing criteria sets, presence of
MSU crystals alone is sufcient to full criteria; they are therefore 100% sensitive by denition. The new gout classication
criteria also have MSU positivity as sufcient criterion for classication, but the criteria set was not assessed in that regard, to
avoid circularity. When the new classication criteria set was
compared in its complete form (ie, incorporating imaging and
MSU data) with other published full criteria, some existing
criteria had higher sensitivity, but all had lower specicity
(table 3). Additionally, for the clinical parameters-only version
of the new criteria, the sensitivity was better than that of all but
one of the other clinical-only criteria sets, and the specicity
was similar or better. The new gout classication criteria

therefore performed
clinical-only form.








The new ACR/EULAR gout classication criteria represent an
international collaborative effort that incorporates the latest
published evidence on imaging modalities, a data-driven
approach with MSU identication as a gold standard to reference key features, and a decision analytic approach to inform
the weighting of the scoring system. This classication criteria
set will enable a standardised approach to identifying a relatively
homogeneous group of individuals who have the clinical entity
of gout for enrolment into studies. The criteria permit characterisation of an individual as having gout regardless of whether
he or she is currently experiencing an acute symptomatic

Neogi T, et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2015;74:17891798. doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2015-208237


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Table 3 Performance of the gout classification criteria in the Study
for Updated Gout Classification Criteria validation data set, in
comparison with existing published criteria

Criteria set (ref.)

Area under
the curve*

at published

at published

ACR/EULAR criteria




ACR/EULAR criteria (clinical-only)




ACR 1977 criteria (full)10




ACR 1977 (survey)10








Rome (clinical)13




New York14




New York (clinical)14








Mexico (clinical)12








*Based on the sum of the number of items present, or the total score in the case of
weighted criteria (ACR/ EULAR criteria and Netherlands criteria).
Without synovial fluid microscopy or imaging.
p<0.05 versus the ACR/EULAR criteria.
The Netherlands criteria set was intended as a diagnostic aid, and has two possible
cut-offs (see online supplementary table S1); we used the higher cut-off for these
analyses because such a score is deemed to suggest gout.
ACR/EULAR, American College of Rheumatology/European League Against Rheumatism;
NA, not applicable.

episode and regardless of any comorbidities. The new classication criteria have superior performance characteristics, with
high sensitivity and improved specicity compared with previously published criteria. Arguably, specicity (leading to high
positive predictive value) is of critical importance in most clinical studies since investigators need to have condence that individuals who are enrolled in a study truly have the condition of
Gout is unlike other rheumatic diseases in that a gold standard assessment is available, that is, MSU crystal positivity. While
this gold standard has high specicity, its feasibility and sensitivity may be inadequate, because of difculty with aspiration of
joints ( particularly small ones) and/or examination of the
sample under polarising microscopy. Thus, although MSU
crystal results are extremely helpful when positive, they are not
a feasible universal standard, particularly because many potential study subjects are likely to be recruited from nonrheumatology settings. We aimed to develop a new set of criteria that could be exible enough to enable accurate classication of gout regardless of MSU status; a clinical-only version
can be considered for use in settings in which synovial uid or
tophus aspiration is not feasible. Nonetheless, in recognition of
its gold standard status, the expert panel set the presence of
MSU crystal positivity in a symptomatic joint or bursa as sufcient for classifying an individual as having gout. It should be
recognised that classication criteria are not intended for use in
making a diagnosis in a clinical setting.35 Thus, in clinical practice, joint or tophus aspiration remains an essential component
of establishing a diagnosis of gout.
As with most diseases, there is a gradient of probability of
truly having the disease based on signs and symptoms. The
threshold chosen for this classication criteria set yielded the
best combination of sensitivity and specicity. While for certain
purposes a higher sensitivity (lower score) may be preferable
(eg, general population survey to determine the public health
burden of gout for resource planning), a higher specicity

(higher score) may be desirable for others (eg, genetic association studies in which accurate phenotyping is critical).
Furthermore, classication criteria are not intended to characterise the severity of disease, but only its presence. Additionally,
classication criteria should be applied only to the intended
populationthose who meet the entry criteria. Performance
characteristics of any classication criteria set will necessarily be
altered if the criteria are applied to those other than the
intended population.
A limitation of our current effort is that there is still a relative
paucity of data and of clinical experience to fully test advanced
imaging data empirically. As more studies are published, there
may be additional imaging signs and/or modalities found to
have sufcient specicity for gout that could be incorporated
into future criteria. We also realised that some investigators may
not have access to imaging and therefore aimed to develop criteria that would still perform well in the absence of imaging
data. In the discrete-choice experiments, the lack of imaging
data was weighted the same as for studies performed with negative results, supporting the validity of using the scoring system
in the absence of imaging data. We did not address asymptomatic hyperuricaemia, since the purpose of classication criteria is
to identify individuals with a clinical entity for clinical studies.
There is certainly an interest in studying asymptomatic hyperuricaemia, but this was beyond the scope of the current activity;
the expert panel agreed that its charge was to classify individuals
with symptomatic disease as evidence of a clinical condition.
The present criteria set represents an attempt to optimise sensitivity and specicity for enrolment into trials and prospective
epidemiological studies. Further testing of the criteria in additional samples, particularly in settings from which individuals
with gout are likely to be recruited (eg, primary care), and other
study types, is warranted.
This study provides a number of insights relating to the
likelihood of gout. First, the clinical picture of gout as an
episodic disease with stereotypical features and a predilection for
lower-extremity joints, particularly the rst metatarsophalangeal
joint, was captured in the SUGAR study, despite concerns that
the study design might lead to selection bias. Second, there were
certain conditions that strongly reduced the likelihood of gout:
synovial uid from a symptomatic joint or bursa that was negative
for MSU crystals, and a serum urate level of <4 mg/dL
(0.24 mmol/L). While such ndings would not necessarily rule
out gout, they were weighted in the discrete-choice experiments
such that they lower the probability of gout. Third, the SUGAR
subjects and the paper patient cases were derived from a large
international pool, supporting generalisability of these criteria.
Finally, advanced imaging modalities have been incorporated
into classication criteria for gout for the rst time.
In summary, the 2015 ACR/EULAR classication criteria for
gout represent an advance over previous criteria, with improved
performance characteristics and incorporation of newer imaging
modalities. These criteria may be considered as inclusion criteria
for future studies of clinical gout.
Author afliations
Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Viecuri Medical Center, Venlo, The Netherlands
Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
University of Otago, Wellington, New Zealand
University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA
INSERM UMR 1132, Hpital Lariboisire, AP-HP, and Universit Paris Diderot,
Sorbonne Paris Cit, Paris, France

Neogi T, et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2015;74:17891798. doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2015-208237

Downloaded from on September 17, 2015 - Published by


McMaster University Medical Centre, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
Hospital Universitario Cruces and BioCruces Health Research Institute, Vizcaya,
University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama, USA
Birmingham VA Medical Center and University of Alabama at Birmingham, and
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, Minnesota, USA
Duke University and Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, USA
Gilead Sciences, Foster City, California, USA
University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus, Dresden, Germany
Hospital General de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico
University of Michigan Health System, Chelsea



Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to the following investigators for

contributing additional paper patient cases: Drs Everardo Alvarez Hernandez, Ruben
Burgos, Geraldo Castelar, Marco Cimmino, Tony Dowell, Angelo Gaffo, Rebecca
Grainger, Leslie Harrold, Phillip Helliwell, Changtsai Lin, Worawit Louthrenoo, Claudia
Schainberg, Naomi Schlesinger, Carlos Scire, Ole Slot, Lisa Stamp, Robert Terkeltaub,
Harald Vonkeman, Zeng Xuejun. The authors thank Dr Thomas Bardin for
participating in ranking of the paper cases. The authors thank Dr Esperanza Naredo
for her advice regarding standardisation of the ultrasound denition of
double-contour sign. The authors also thank the following additional investigators
who collected data for the SUGAR study: Drs Lorenzo Cavagna, Jiunn-Horng Chen,
Yi-Hsing Chen, Yin-Yi Chou, Hang-Korng Ea, Maxim Eliseev, Martijn Gerritsen,
Matthijs Janssen, Juris Lazovskis, Geraldine McCarthy, Francisca Sivera, Ana Beatriz
Vargas-Santos, Till Uhlig, Douglas White, and all of the authors of the SUGAR study
(full list in ref. 21). The authors thank Ian Sayer (Application Specialist, Information
Services, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, University of Auckland, Auckland,
New Zealand) for his work on developing the gout classication calculator web page.
Contributors All authors were involved in drafting the article or revising it critically
for important intellectual content, and all authors approved the nal version to be
published. TN had full access to all of the data in the study and takes responsibility
for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. Study conception
and design: TN, TLTAJ, ND, JF, HRS, WJT. All authors were involved in the
acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data.
Funding Supported jointly by the American College of Rheumatology and the
European League Against Rheumatism. TNs work was supported by the NIH (grants
P60-AR-47785 and K23-AR-055127). JAS work was supported by the NIH (grants
from the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, the
National Institute on Aging, and the National Cancer Institute) and the Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality (Center for Education and Research on Therapeutics
programme). WJTs work was supported by Arthritis New Zealand.
Competing interests TLTAJ has received consulting fees, speaking fees and/or
honoraria from AbbVie, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Roche, Janssen, Novartis and Menarini
(less than $10 000 each). ND has received consulting fees, speaking fees, and/or
honoraria from Takeda, Teijin, Menarini, Pzer and Fonterra (less than $10 000
each) and AstraZeneca/Ardea (more than $10 000); she holds a patent for Fonterra
milk products for gout. HRS has received consulting fees from Novartis, Regeneron,
AstraZeneca and Metabolex (less than $10 000 each). HC has received consulting
fees, speaking fees and/or honoraria from AstraZeneca (less than $10 000) and
Takeda (more than $10 000). NLE has received consulting fees, speaking fees and/
or honoraria from AstraZeneca, Crealta, CymaBay and Takeda (less than $10 000
each). FL has received consulting fees, speaking fees and/or honoraria from Novartis,
Ardea, AstraZeneca, Ipsen, Menarini and Savient (less than $10 000 each) and
unrestricted academic grants from Novartis, AstraZeneca, Ipsen, Menarini, Savient
and Mayoly-Spindler. FP-R has received consulting fees, speaking fees and/or
honoraria from AstraZeneca, Menarini, Pzer and CymaBay (less than $10 000
each). KS has received consulting fees, speaking fees and/or honoraria from Amgen,
AstraZeneca/Ardea, Crealta and Takeda (less than $10 000 each). JAS has received
consulting fees, speaking fees and/or honoraria from Regeneron, Allergan and
Savient (less than $10 000 each) and Takeda (more than $10 000), and research
grants from Savient and Takeda. JSS has received consulting fees from Merck, Lilly,
AstraZeneca, Metabolex, Novartis and Navigant (less than $10 000 each). A-KT has
received consulting fees, speaking fees and/or honoraria from Berlin-Chemie
Menarini (less than $10 000) and has served as an expert witness on behalf of
Ardea Biosciences/AstraZeneca and Novartis. WJT has received consulting fees,
speaking fees and/or honoraria from Pzer, AstraZeneca, AbbVie and Roche
(less than $10 000 each).














Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.

Open Access This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which
permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially,
and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is
properly cited and the use is non-commercial. See:



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Neogi T, et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2015;74:17891798. doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2015-208237

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2015 Gout classification criteria: an American

College of Rheumatology/European League
Against Rheumatism collaborative initiative
Tuhina Neogi, Tim L Th A Jansen, Nicola Dalbeth, Jaap Fransen, H
Ralph Schumacher, Dianne Berendsen, Melanie Brown, Hyon Choi, N
Lawrence Edwards, Hein J E M Janssens, Frdric Liot, Raymond P
Naden, George Nuki, Alexis Ogdie, Fernando Perez-Ruiz, Kenneth Saag,
Jasvinder A Singh, John S Sundy, Anne-Kathrin Tausche, Janitzia
Vaquez-Mellado, Steven A Yarows and William J Taylor
Ann Rheum Dis 2015 74: 1789-1798

doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2015-208237
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