Caram v. Segui

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G.R. No. 193652.August 5, 2014.

Infant JULIAN YUSAY CARAM, represented by his

mother, MA. CHRISTINA YUSAY CARAM, petitioner, vs.
VILMA B. CABRERA, and CELIA YANGCO, respondents.
Constitutional Law; Writs of Amparo; The Amparo Rule was
intended to address the intractable problem of extralegal killings
and enforced disappearances, its coverage, in its present form, is
confined to these two instances or to threats thereof.Section 1 of
the Rule on the Writ of Amparo provides as follows: SECTION 1.
Petition.The petition for a writ of amparo is a remedy available to
any person whose right to life, liberty and security is violated or
threatened with violation by an unlawful act or omission of a public
official or employee, or of a private individual or entity. The writ
shall cover extralegal killings and enforced disappearances or
threats thereof. In the landmark case of Secretary of National
Defense, et al. v. Manalo, et al., 568 SCRA 1 (2008), this Court held:
[T]he Amparo Rule was intended to address the intractable problem
of extralegal killings and enforced disappearances, its coverage,
in its present form, is confined to these two instances or to threats
thereof. Extralegal killings are killings committed without due
process of law, i.e., without legal safeguards or judicial proceedings.
On the other hand, enforced disappearances are attended by the
following characteristics: an arrest, detention or abduction of a
person by a government official or organized groups or private
individuals acting with the direct or indirect acquiescence of the
government; the refusal of the State to disclose the fate or
whereabouts of the person concerned or a refusal to acknowledge
the deprivation of liberty which places such persons outside the
protection of law.
Same; Same; Enforced Disappearances; Words and Phrases; As
to what constitutes enforced disappearance, the Supreme Court in
Navia v. Pardico, 673 SCRA 618 (2012), enumerated the elements
constituting enforced disappearances as the term is statutorily
defined in Section 3(g) of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 9851.This pro_______________



nouncement on the coverage of the writ was further cemented in

the latter case of Lozada, Jr. v. Macapagal-Arroyo, 670 SCRA 545
(2012), where this Court explicitly declared that as it stands, the
writ of amparo is confined only to cases of extrajudicial killings and
enforced disappearances, or to threats thereof. As to what
constitutes enforced disappearance, the Court in Navia v. Pardico,
673 SCRA 618 (2012), enumerated the elements constituting
enforced disappearances as the term is statutorily defined in
Section 3(g) of R.A. No. 9851 to wit: (a) that there be an arrest,
detention, abduction or any form of deprivation of liberty; (b) that it
be carried out by, or with the authorization, support or acquiescence
of, the State or a political organization; (c) that it be followed by the
State or political organizations refusal to acknowledge or give
information on the fate or whereabouts of the person subject of the
amparo petition; and, (d) that the intention for such refusal is to
remove subject person from the protection of the law for a prolonged
period of time.
Same; Same; Child Custody; Since it is extant from the
pleadings filed that what is involved is the issue of child custody
and the exercise of parental rights over a child, who, for all intents
and purposes, has been legally considered a ward of the State, the
Amparo rule cannot be properly applied.Since it is extant from the
pleadings filed that what is involved is the issue of child custody
and the exercise of parental rights over a child, who, for all intents
and purposes, has been legally considered a ward of the State, the
Amparo rule cannot be properly applied. To reiterate, the privilege of
the writ of amparo is a remedy available to victims of extrajudicial
killings and enforced disappearances or threats of a similar nature,
regardless of whether the perpetrator of the unlawful act or omission
is a public official or employee or a private individual. It is envisioned
basically to protect and guarantee the right to life, liberty and
security of persons, free from fears and threats that vitiate the
quality of life.

PETITION for review on certiorari under the Rules of

Court and the Rule on the Writ of Amparo of the orders
of the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, Br. 106.
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
Alexander L. Bansil for petitioner.


Before us is a petition for review on certiorari under
Rule 45 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, as amended,
and Section 19[1] of the Rule on the Writ of Amparo[2]
seeking to set aside the August 17, 2010[3] and September
6, 2010[4] Orders of the Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch
106 of Quezon City, in Sp. Proc. Case No. Q-10-67604. The
RTC had dismissed petitioners petition for the issuance of
a writ of amparo which petitioner filed in order for her to
regain parental authority and custody of Julian Yusay
Caram (Baby Julian), her biological child, from the
respondent officers of the Department of Social Welfare and
Development (DSWD).
The factual antecedents as gleaned from the records
Petitioner Ma. Christina Yusay Caram (Christina) had
an amorous relationship with Marcelino Gicano
Constantino III (Marcelino) and eventually became
pregnant with the latters child without the benefit of
marriage. After getting pregnant, Christina mislead
Marcelino into believing that she had an abortion when in
fact she proceeded to complete the term of her pregnancy.
During this time, she intended to have the child adopted
through Sun and Moon Home for Children (Sun and Moon)
in Paraaque City to avoid placing her family in a
potentially embarrassing situation for having a second
illegitimate son.[5]
[1] SEC.19.Appeal.Any party may appeal from the final judgment

or order to the Supreme Court under Rule 45. The appeal may raise
questions of fact or law or both.
The period of appeal shall be five (5) working days from the date of
notice of the adverse judgment.
The appeal shall be given the same priority as in habeas corpus cases.
[2] A.M. No. 07-9-12-SC effective October 24, 2007.
[3] Rollo, pp. 25-35. Penned by Presiding Judge Angelene Mary W.

[4] Id., at pp. 41-44.
[5] Records, pp. 2-3.


On July 26, 2009, Christina gave birth to Baby Julian

at Amang Rodriguez Memorial Medical Center, Marikina
City.[6] Sun and Moon shouldered all the hospital and
medical expenses. On August 13, 2009, Christina
voluntarily surrendered Baby Julian by way of a Deed of
Voluntary Commitment[7] to the DSWD.
On November 26, 2009, Marcelino suffered a heart
attack and died[8] without knowing about the birth of his
son. Thereafter, during the wake, Christina disclosed to
Marcelinos family that she and the deceased had a son
that she gave up for adoption due to financial distress and
initial embarrassment. Marcelinos family was taken aback
by the revelation and sympathized with Christina. After
the emotional revelation, they vowed to help her recover
and raise the baby.[9]
On November 27, 2009, the DSWD, through Secretary
Esperanza I. Cabral issued a certificate[10] declaring Baby
Julian as Legally Available for Adoption. A local matching
conference was held on January 27, 2010 and on February
5, 2010, Baby Julian was matched with the spouses
Vergel and Filomina Medina (Medina Spouses) of the
Kaisahang Bahay Foundation. Supervised trial custody
then commenced.[11]
On May 5, 2010, Christina who had changed her mind
about the adoption, wrote a letter to the DSWD asking for
the suspension of Baby Julians adoption proceedings. She
also said she wanted her family back together.[12]
On May 28, 2010, the DSWD, through respondent Atty.
Marijoy D. Segui, sent a Memorandum[13] to DSWD
[6] Id., at pp. 23-24.
[7] Id., at p. 55.
[8] Rollo, p. 66.
[9] Records, p. 3; id., at p. 26.
[10] Id., at p. 170.
[11] Id., at p. 68.
[12] Id., at p. 10.
[13] Id., at pp. 68-69.


Secretary Vilma B. Cabrera informing her that the

certificate declaring Baby Julian legally available for
adoption had attained finality on November 13, 2009, or
three months after Christina signed the Deed of Voluntary
Commitment which terminated her parental authority and
effectively made Baby Julian a ward of the State. The said
Memorandum was noted by respondent Atty. Sally D.
Escutin, Director IV of the Legal Service, DSWD.
On July 12, 2010, Noel Gicano Constantino, Marcelinos
brother, sent a letter to Atty. Escutin informing her that a
DNA testing was scheduled on July 16, 2010 at the DNA
Analysis Laboratory at the University of the Philippines.

On July 16, 2010, Assistant Secretary Cabrera sent a

letter[15] to Noel Constantino stating that it would not
allow Baby Julian to undergo DNA testing. Assistant
Secretary Cabrera informed Noel Constantino that the
procedures followed relative to the certification on the
availability of the child for adoption and the childs
subsequent placement to prospective adoptive parents were
proper, and that the DSWD was no longer in the position to
stop the adoption process. Assistant Secretary Cabrera
further stated that should Christina wish to reacquire her
parental authority over Baby Julian or halt the adoption
process, she may bring the matter to the regular courts as
the reglementary period for her to regain her parental
rights had already lapsed under Section 7 of Republic Act
(R.A.) No. 9523.[16]
[14] Id., at pp. 28-29.
[15] Id., at pp. 30-31.































On July 27, 2010, Christina filed a petition[17] for the

issuance of a writ of amparo before the RTC of Quezon City
seeking to obtain custody of Baby Julian from Atty. Segui,

Atty. Escutin, Assistant Secretary Cabrera and Acting

Secretary Celia C. Yangco, all of the DSWD.
In her petition, Christina accused respondents of
blackmailing her into surrendering custody of her child to
the DSWD utilizing what she claims to be an invalid
certificate of availability for adoption which respondents
allegedly used as basis to misrepresent that all legal
requisites for adoption of the minor child had been
complied with.
misrepresentations, the respondents had acted beyond the
scope of their legal






SEC.7.Declaration of Availability for Adoption of Involuntarily
Committed Child and Voluntarily Committed Child.The certificate
declaring a child legally available for adoption in case of an involuntarily
committed child under Article 141, paragraph 4(a) and Article 142 of
Presidential Decree No. 603 shall be issued by the DSWD within three (3)
months following such involuntary commitment.
In case of voluntary commitment as contemplated in Article 154 of
Presidential Decree No. 603, the certification declaring the child legally
available for adoption shall be issued by the Secretary within three (3)
months following the filing of the Deed of Voluntary Commitment, as
signed by the parent(s) with the DSWD.
Upon petition filed with the DSWD, the parent(s) or legal guardian
who voluntarily committed a child may recover legal custody and
parental authority over him/her from the agency or institution to which
such child was voluntarily committed when it is shown to the satisfaction
of the DSWD that the parent(s) or legal guardian is in a position to
adequately provide for the needs of the child: Provided, That, the
petition for restoration is filed within (3) months after the
signing of the Deed of Voluntary Commitment. (Emphasis supplied)
[17] Records, pp. 1-9.


authority thereby causing the enforced disappearance of

the said child and depriving her of her custodial rights and
parental authority over him.
On the basis of the said petition, the RTC, Branch 106 of
Quezon City, through its Presiding Judge, the Honorable

Angelene Mary W. Quimpo-Sale, issued a Writ of

Amparo[18] on July 28, 2010 commanding the four
respondents to produce the body of Baby Julian at a
hearing scheduled on August 4, 2010. Respondents were
also required to file their verified written return to the writ
pursuant to Section 9[19] of the Am_______________
[18] Id., at p. 33.
[19] SEC.9.Return; Contents.Within seventy-two (72) hours after

service of the writ, the respondent shall file a verified written return
together with supporting affidavits which shall, among other things,
contain the following:
(a) The lawful defenses to show that the respondent did not violate
or threaten with violation the right to life, liberty and security of the
aggrieved party, through any act or omission;
(b) The steps or actions taken by the respondent to determine the
fate or whereabouts of the aggrieved party and the person or persons
responsible for the threat, act or omission;
(c) All relevant information in the possession of the respondent
pertaining to the threat, act or omission against the aggrieved party; and
(d) If the respondent is a public official or employee, the return shall
further state the actions that have been or will still be taken:

to verify the identity of the aggrieved party;

to recover and preserve evidence related to the death or

disappearance of the person identified in the petition which may aid in

the prosecution of the person or persons responsible;

to identify witnesses and obtain statements from them

concerning the death or disappearance;


to determine the cause, manner, location and time of death or

disappearance as well as any pattern or practice that may have brought

about the death or disappearance;

paro Rule, within five working days from the service of

the writ.
The respondents complied with the writ and filed their
Return[20] on August 2, 2010 praying that the petition be
denied for being the improper remedy to avail of in a case
relating to a biological parents custodial rights over her
On August 4, 2010, respondents appeared before the
RTC but respondents did not bring the child, stating that
threats of kidnapping were made on the child and his

caregivers. To give respondents another chance, the RTC

reset the hearing to August 5, 2010.
At the August 5, 2010 hearing, the Office of the Solicitor
General (OSG) entered its appearance as representative of
the State and prayed that its lawyers be given time to file
their memorandum or position paper in this case. In turn,
the RTC acknowledged the appearance of the OSG and
allowed its representatives to actively participate in the
arguments raised during the said hearing.
Relative to the matter of the parties submitting
additional pleadings, Judge Sale narrowed the issues to be
discussed by providing for the following guidelines, thus:
To abbreviate the proceedings, in view of all the manifestations
and counter-manifestations made by the counsels, the court
enjoined the parties to file their respective position papers on the
following issues:
Whether or not this court has
jurisdiction over the instant case;

to identify and apprehend the person or persons involved in the death

or disappearance; and

to bring the suspected offenders before a competent court. The return

shall also state other matters relevant to the investigation, its resolution and
the prosecution of the case.
[20] Records, pp. 37-54.

Whether or not this petition is the proper
remedy based on the facts of the case and prayer in
the petition; and
Whether or not the prayer in the petition
should be granted and custody of the child be given
to his biological mother.
The parties were given five (5) days from today to file their
respective position papers based on these three main issues. They
may include other related issues they deem essential for the
resolution of this case. Set this case for further hearing, if
necessary, on August 18, 2010 at 9:00 a.m.[21]

In the same order, Judge Sale also acknowledged that

the child subject of the case was brought before the court
and the petitioner was allowed to see him and take

photographs of him.
On August 17, 2010, the RTC dismissed the petition for
issuance of a writ of amparo without prejudice to the filing
of the appropriate action in court. The RTC held that
Christina availed of the wrong remedy to regain custody of
her child Baby Julian.[22] The RTC further stated that
Christina should have filed a civil case for custody of her
child as laid down in the Family Code and the Rule on
Custody of Minors and Writ of Habeas Corpus in Relation
to Custody of Minors. If there is extreme urgency to secure
custody of a minor who has been illegally detained by
another, a petition for the issuance of a writ of habeas
corpus may be availed of, either as a principal or ancillary
remedy, pursuant to the Rule on Custody of Minors and
Writ of Habeas Corpus in Relation to Custody of Minors.[23]

[21] Id., at p. 92.
[22] Supra note 3.
[23] Id., at p. 34.


On August 20, 2010, Christina filed a motion for

reconsideration[24] arguing that since the RTC assumed
jurisdiction of the petition for the issuance of a writ of
amparo, the latter is duty-bound to dispose the case on the
merits.[25] The RTC, however, denied Christinas motion for
reconsideration on September 6, 2010 maintaining that the
latter availed of the wrong remedy and that the Supreme
Court intended the writ of amparo to address the problem
of extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances.[26]
On September 28, 2010, Christina directly elevated the
case before this Court, via a petition for review on
certiorari under Rule 45 of the 1997 Rules of Civil
Procedure, as amended, in relation to Section 19 of the
Rule on the Writ of Amparo. In her petition, Christina
prayed that the Court (1) set aside the August 17, 2010 and
September 6, 2010 Orders of the RTC, (2) declare R.A. No.
9523 unconstitutional for being contrary to A.M. No. 02-602-SC,[27] which was promulgated by the Supreme Court,
and for violating the doctrine of separation of powers, (3)
declare the enforced separation between her and Baby
Julian as violative of her rights to life, liberty and security,

and (4) grant her the privilege of availing the benefits of a

writ of amparo so she could be reunited with her son.[28]
The only relevant issue presented before the Court
worthy of attention is whether a petition for a writ of
amparo is the proper recourse for obtaining parental
authority and custody of a minor child. This Court will not
belabor to discuss Christinas arguments relating to the
supposed unconstitutionality or R.A. No. 9523 as Congress
has the plenary power to repeal, alter and modify existing
laws[29] and A.M. No. 02-6-02-SC
[24] Id., at pp. 36-40.
[25] Id., at p. 37.
[26] Supra note 4.
[27] Rule on Adoption, which took effect on August 22, 2002.
[28] Rollo, p. 22.
[29] See Duarte v. Dade, 32 Phil. 36, 49 (1915).


functions only as a means to enforce the provisions of all

adoption and adoption-related statutes before the courts.
Now, in her petition, Christina argues that the life,
liberty and security of Baby Julian is being violated or
threatened by the respondent DSWD officers enforcement
of an illegal Deed of Voluntary Commitment between her
and Sun and Moon. She claims that she had been
blackmailed through the said Deed by the DSWD officers
and Sun and Moons representatives into surrendering her
child thereby causing the forced separation of the said
infant from his mother. Furthermore, she also reiterates
that the respondent DSWD officers acted beyond the scope
of their authority when they deprived her of Baby Julians
The Court rejects petitioners contentions and denies the
Section 1 of the Rule on the Writ of Amparo provides as
SECTION1.Petition.The petition for a writ of amparo is a
remedy available to any person whose right to life, liberty and
security is violated or threatened with violation by an unlawful act
or omission of a public official or employee, or of a private individual
or entity.

The writ shall cover extralegal

disappearances or threats thereof.




In the landmark case of Secretary of National Defense,

et al. v. Manalo, et al.,[31] this Court held:
[T]he Amparo Rule was intended to address the intractable problem
of extralegal killings and enforced disappearances, its coverage,
in its present form, is confined to these two instances or to threats
thereof. Extralegal killings are killings committed without due
process of
[30] Rollo, p. 9.
[31] 589 Phil. 1, 37-38; 568 SCRA 1, 38 (2008).

law, i.e., without legal safeguards or judicial proceedings. On the

other hand, enforced disappearances are attended by the
following characteristics: an arrest, detention or abduction of a
person by a government official or organized groups or private
individuals acting with the direct or indirect acquiescence of the
government; the refusal of the State to disclose the fate or
whereabouts of the person concerned or a refusal to acknowledge
the deprivation of liberty which places such persons outside the
protection of law.

This pronouncement on the coverage of the writ was

further cemented in the latter case of Lozada, Jr. v.
Macapagal-Arroyo[32] where this Court explicitly declared
that as it stands, the writ of amparo is confined only to
cases of extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances,
or to threats thereof. As to what constitutes enforced
disappearance, the Court in Navia v. Pardico[33]
disappearances as the term is statutorily defined in
Section 3(g) of R.A. No. 9851[34] to wit:
that there be an arrest, detention, abduction or any form of
deprivation of liberty;
that it be carried out by, or with the authorization, support or
acquiescence of, the State or a political organization;
that it be followed by the State or political organizations
refusal to acknowledge or give information on the fate or
whereabouts of the person subject of the amparo petition; and

that the intention for such refusal is to remove subject person
from the protection of the law for a prolonged period of time.
[32] G.R. Nos. 184379-80, April 24, 2012, 670 SCRA 545, 558.
[33] G.R. No. 184467, June 19, 2012, 673 SCRA 618, 634.






11, 2009.

In this case, Christina alleged that the respondent

DSWD officers caused her enforced separation from Baby
Julian and that their action amounted to an enforced
disappearance within the context of the Amparo rule.
Contrary to her position, however, the respondent DSWD
officers never concealed Baby Julians whereabouts. In fact,
Christina obtained a copy of the DSWDs May 28, 2010
Memorandum[35] explicitly stating that Baby Julian was in
the custody of the Medina Spouses when she filed her
petition before the RTC. Besides, she even admitted in her
petition for review on certiorari that the respondent DSWD
officers presented Baby Julian before the RTC during the
hearing held in the afternoon of August 5, 2010.[36] There
is therefore, no enforced disappearance as used in the
context of the Amparo rule as the third and fourth
elements are missing.
Christinas directly accusing the respondents of forcibly
separating her from her child and placing the latter up for
adoption, supposedly without complying with the necessary
legal requisites to qualify the child for adoption, clearly
indicates that she is not searching for a lost child but
asserting her parental authority over the child and
contesting custody over him.[37]
Since it is extant from the pleadings filed that what is
involved is the issue of child custody and the exercise of
parental rights over a child, who, for all intents and
purposes, has been legally considered a ward of the State,
the Amparo rule cannot be properly applied.
To reiterate, the privilege of the writ of amparo is a
remedy available to victims of extrajudicial killings and
enforced disappearances or threats of a similar nature,
regardless of whether the perpetrator of the unlawful act or

omission is a public official or employee or a private

individual. It is envi_______________
[35] Supra note 13.
[36] Rollo, p. 9.
[37] Id., at p. 346.


sioned basically to protect and guarantee the right to life,

liberty and security of persons, free from fears and threats
that vitiate the quality of life.
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The August
17, 2010 and September 6, 2010 Orders of the Regional
Trial Court, Branch 106, Quezon City in Sp. Proc. Case No.
Q-10-67604 are AFFIRMED without prejudice to
petitioners right to avail of proper legal remedies afforded
to her by law and related rules.
No costs.
Carpio (Acting CJ.), Velasco, Jr., Leonardo-De Castro,
Brion, Peralta, Bersamin, Del Castillo, Perez, Mendoza,
Reyes, Perlas-Bernabe and Leonen, JJ., concur.
Sereno, CJ., On Leave.
Petition denied, orders affirmed without prejudice to
petitioners right to avail of proper legal remedies.
Notes.Restriction on right to travel as a result of a
pending criminal case is not unlawful and thus not a valid
ground to invoke issuance of Writ of Amparo. (Reyes vs.
Court of Appeals, 606 SCRA 580 [2007])
Sole parental custody of a child less than seven years old
The relevant Philippine law on child custody for spouses
separated in fact or in law is that no child under seven
years of age shall be separated from the mother; This is
mandatory grounded on sound policy of consideration;
Agreements object to establish a post-divorce joint custody
regime between respondent and petitioner over their child
under seven years old contravenes Philippine Law.
(Dacasin vs. Dacasin, 611 SCRA 657 [2010]).

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