NSA 2009 FOIA Log

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The document discusses various case dispositions and outcomes for Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests received by the National Security Agency (NSA), including reasons cases may be administratively closed, records not being described clearly enough, duplicate requests, and requesters not agreeing to pay fees.

Common reasons for case dispositions discussed include requests not being perfected, requesters not responding to requests for clarification, duplicate requests, requesters not agreeing to pay fees, full denial of requests based on exemptions, and requesters withdrawing interest in the request.

The document discusses information being fully denied based on exemptions, being granted in full with no information withheld, being partially denied and partially granted, and situations where agencies can neither confirm nor deny the existence of responsive records.

DOcID: 3529868 RESLTSIHEF2834S

I FOIA Case Dispositions

Admin Closure (AC) Administratively closed by the FOIA Office

when the requester has not complied with the
law or established regulations or policies (the
request was not perfected). Includes failure to
veriff continued interest in a request or
inabilitv to contact reouester.
Records Not Reasonably Described Requester does not respond to a request for
(CLARIFY) clarification of what hey'she is seekine.
Duplicate Request (DUPD Duplicat€ request; e.g., either a mailed copy of
an earlier faxed request, or multiple intemet
requests because requester hits the submit
button more than once
Fee Related Reason (FEE) Requester does not agree to pay, or chooses not
to pay, tbr a records search; or a requester does
not oav incurred fees.
Full Denial Bascd on Exemptions (FD) Everything that the requester sought is denied
(could also pertain to a case for which pads are
NR, parts FD, and parts GLOMAR).
Neither Confirm nor Deny (GLOMAR) Response neither conlirms nor denies the
existence of responsive records (for the entir€
Granted in Full (GF) The requester is provided with everything
requested, and no information is
withheld,/protected; or requester agrees to
accept document as previously released.
improper FOIA Request (IFR) The request does not meet the criteria to be a
FOIA request (asks questions, etc.).
Not an Agency Record (NAR) Case was closed because what was requested
was not an Agency record (no possession or
No Records (NR) No records were located for all portions of the
OR request. lncludes requests for which no search
Negative (NEG) is done because the information requested is
not within NSA's purview.
No Agency Equities (NEQ) No NSA equities were found in other-agency
documents (consultations).
Not Within Purview CNP) The subject ofthe request does not fall within
NSA's mission (not used after 1't quarter 2009
- see NR).
Partial DenialiPartial Grant (PD) Pafi ofwhat the requester sought is denied.
REFERRED Misdirected request was referred to the proper
DOD Comnonent for action.
Withdrawn (WD) Requester advises in writing or by phone that
he/she is no longer interested in pursuing the
No Disposition Case was not completed at the time the log was

Dispositions listed for cases in FOIA Log reports prior to July 2008 do not always indicate that the cases
werc completely processed. A disposition pertaining to only one part of a request may have been selected during
preliminary processing of the request. Likewise, a reviewer may have preselected a disposition while processtng
the The final disposition mav have been chans€d when the case was completed.
pFroveo ror HereaSe
DocrD: 3552289
L]\ICI-ASStFIED#FOft €FSr€r{S{:rSE4!fl +-
Css Rec€iv€d B€tween | 2009/01/Ot^1d 20t)9/03/31 lhx6)

Rlport Rl|D D.tr 2009t04/14


DAIE .N4!@
4 S€rhan Was Jesus a Jew. Did he killed anv Jews? Adnin
519t5 02-lal-2009 KimbqlyBodine Information on Ronald R. Ritchey who worked as an anallsl for the NSA in the No Records

05-Jan-2009 Rym Bagwdl Copies ofall incidflt r€ports lat@ by NSA ofrcss dwing Decenbq 2008.

57925 23-Dec-2008 Mchael Val€ot€ Records maintained by NSA-qll@A4 Ros@Oal;Binh Datc 09 Jul 1903;Death No Recrrds
Dare 08 OL1 1990; Ssl:Llln€lud€il€s aDddagu4qts capuoned or /
wbosc captions ilclude Hs-man Rossrhal. Marcra Rosdthal, Big E Sa\{ngs
Bank, Ene County Savings Bank, Northtown Plazs Branch, Shsidan Dr Officg
Transfr! ofFutrds, l,arge Cash Wilhdnwal, Five Thousa trollar, 55,000.00, , ' '
1967, Jttly 1967, Mogayf'o-Hell6 & Ra]nq Augusl-Novemb€r 1987 _,' /
57926 23-D{x-2008 Michael Valste All reclrds maintain€d by )our ag€ncy p€rtaiDing to-and/6r ;aptioned: Alvin W NdRfcords
Hellcr; Jean (Virgi a) R Hdl6, FKA Jean (Viqinia) R f,rzywosz; Mary J€ann€
Heller, Mrs. (Fred) Je$ne Hdbigj SJrzelle M Hdlcc l\&s. (Claytq!rsDzs@-!4
qFo.rnr sn-onne M pifd),;,Mll-ia.n A Hdler, Rose M Caste ano;l
loccupant, Oc.upats, R€siddts, R€sidcit, Etss!-fuesg
Associalq Associat€s, Fri€nd, Friods, Rdativ€s, Rdativs 1965 - 1968: Sunday
Nov€mba 02 2008.
ofth€ Documer[ Cranled ln Full


Prge 1 of 23

57938 26-De:-2008 James Sk-zlp€k Documaa regardiag payneats made 10 Anthony Pdlicano, Pellicmo No Re@rds
lnvestigations, Pdlicano hv€sligaliv€Ag6cy or Foransic Audio lab ftom Oclobs
t994 2004

57953 Mic.hael Hsonime held bv the F€deal N€ither Cootrrm Nor

51954 06-Jao-2009 Shell€rySlasson Rfrlu€sting r€cords iodexel und6lhe Dame, "Donald F. Basquin, Jr.", and any Admitr Closure
r€cords )ou bave $hic} pslain to my rqr€sdlatioo ofMr. Basquin, along wrrh 0){6]
msts paid by me for r€ceipt ofrecords. Iflou have records whjch p€daio lo aDy Non qespoigive
itrcidflls regarding Nrr. Basquin, and the tbe U.S. Secret Servicg I sm requestin

579E8 l2-Jan-2009 Mchael Holloway Any r€cords ref€rring to the flight add oash of an unknown aircraft or metfrorin Grsnted ln FuIl .'
Nevada on April 18 or 19, 1962. The object was Eacked by radar at Nellis AFB,
md jds w€re scrambled to intccept ftc object. It qashed at approximately ?:35 1ouu,
PST, trear Mfsquit€, Nevada.

UNCLASSIFnMRtROFnelAFtf tfof ff *-
P^ge2 of 23
UNcLASStrIEIy/FOR:tr'fi et*bU$eNt#-
rD 8
P.€,9 ;"?F F,'i|? P,o,,.,,,* REOTJESI SlJB]ECT DISPOSITIO\
D4]E i.r-!g
Ongmal RFP and all amerdmaas and artachmmts; all contract allachnglts listed
in seuion J; a.ll lask ordcrs including slatonsrts ofwork; all award fee lqt€rs; list ot
reming arrargdnglls and subconlmctors; an idenlification ofthc GSA schelule or
contracl vehicle us€d by Eagle Alliance; govtrnmot's ovsall conEact speding in
FY2008 on each labor category, sFvice, a /or mat€dals that are tbe subjecr oflhe
qisling contracl; ptrformanc€ slatrdards ofEaglc Alliance on the €xisling contmcl
for each year since 2003 to the pres€ot, including th€ sum ofall award fees;
57991 05-Jan-2009 MarDew Ard Coti6 of an y special ssues nf lb e CcH-produc€d joumal Cryplologic Quarl€rly r.il,i. n*Donr*
Co!cgrring "Opsation Enduring Freedom" (invasion ofAfghanrgBnl or "

51993 14-Jan-2009 Luis L€al Rqucst the oame oflhe ag€ilcy who would hav€ beo in control oflhe elint rccords Nor Within Purview
cotrc€rning the school bus accidert circlrmstance in Columbus, Ohio, 10{2-08, aud
lhe relalion wilh the at lhe Ohio election commissron drat same

5',7994 i4-Jan 2009 L) Copi€s ofatl infonlal or formal conplainants ofdiscriminalion filed during the
pqiod 2003-2008 whicl idendfied Rob€rl L. Deitz, who ssved as a s€iior official
and the NSA Csrqal CouDscl, as the p6soo responsiblc for lhe dis€Timination.
Also r€quest any agency repo(s lo NSA or DoD officials which contain information
on conplaiDts oldiscrimination regarding N4r. Dcilz; ?) Docume s and reons
which show the amounl oflnoney paid by NSA as a result ofequal enploymsrr
opportunlty crnqplainls by €nploye€s oflhe NSA Office ofcosal Counsel during
fie D6iod of2003-2008. This reouest is for documsrts which have be€Il sanitiz€d
10 Drote( the identitv ofcomDlahants and olhff NSA

51996 06-ta\-2009 WilliamTnnble Informadon ftal principaly discussas the The Freedom oflnformadon Act (FOIA). 6x6)
CLARIFIED 2 F€b 09: He is not seeking any FOIA implemotation re.ords, but
rarh€r arv NSA the Act.

58008 l5-Jan'2009 Timothy Ho{y Records ofNSA's consultations with th€ producers ofThe Lifc and Times ofTim" Admin Closure

58 023 I 8-Jan-2009 Joseh Makin Request that all oI fte raiacted texl on pag€s I , 2, and 3 oflbis letler be made No Records
public (a letter from Ll. Rudolph Fabian io Crndr. Lauranc€ Safford / requestel
provid€d a copy ofthe letts)
a copy
d.tid: Seds l.Io. 94630 md 94644 as refer@cad itr Nar€l Mol@ats Rrodts
b28}.oisb6lgtalbyTiEor-byw fordbhrsMATbesis(PedlHarbor' lb..li6)--
Non\- xe6F*
Rrd.trE€d: uSN Radio Intdlig€oc€ itr 1941 graDt€d by the U;ivasiry ofOuawa in
2q)l- Ese 15.1. Attadred Paee 154 shows d€si€d items.)
5Wn ?I-lr-z|,9 JearR-Bt. ofirasitim briefus book Dr@ared for the curredt administrotion.


Uf [L{SSIFIDUiFtOF€Fff €r*r;itSEotff #-
Page 4 of 23
P89,D,-fri!&388 *"''

arE -tr-t fr.-! -l!t a lE-rlE r c

fE- \-f@ ---!- d
- -l lcr - :a- 4.Ilt -rr,cE_-.
:{..Lll .,-iTh I5.} b: b.:G-:qdDr
q[ Ifr I .r : :..f. tls :+ s*ii_ -{*.
> : hlb.E L =-.
> Ei 4E- l:t\L F*
> irl.d- ii-rt-> -' I l.-.i \Is{-rg-EE
E-tr-t-r:axl-{Si-9fr ;-b.E
H4r*t C-tu:|f--@a-<tEi
Ft- -- - bL :4r 5qa{*. : lSA.ts& a
.ff - -r&:+lrFlr r -r*- Ta- r rd C.:@l.

5m55 26.ta-2(j09 J6eph lturtr A.eq.€-Dg c.rirE -i dz4 iri.EE.llrfi€ ]iS{ !'€O g-df!'!

58062 28-Jar-2009 Robst Breidfrllhal Pr 'ously ddned do-mrs rd{ed o the Isdi Ddose F6c€s disct (n lhe No R€EErds
USS Ub{rtv cm 8

58070 29-Jan-2UJ9 Richard Tam€y Releaie r€cords to show that Dr. Tagi Sagai-nqiad *EVis a NSA No Records
qrploy€dinforms and was inlolved h NSA forcign and U.S. bord€r tqrorism
cil€d in this
58072 29Jan-2009 Richard Tansey Any NSA and oth6 re.ords since JaDuary l, 2004 for Dr. Fred Chang as described
in this
5808 I 30Jan-2009 Adam Coldnan An L€ban€se, Libyan, ard PalestioiaD s€rialized intdligoce or SIGINT r@(s Neith€r Confrm Nor D€ny
tom Juae 1, 1972 to Ocrobs l, 1972 that r€f€r@ce the 1972 Olynpics in Munich,


Pag€ 5 of 23
L\CL{SSrF IEDTOITOFf r€trF{,4€€+t}:-
l'l'l l ::*r'TiArtOI
-:=.j lIE _NAt4

i -: ::--':5-2009 Adarn coldman All llali atrd PajL\:i-: :€-!::z:d =:.::=cf r S-:fi :?tr_j r.- :--
--?.. : \aitd CDnfirm \or Deny
1973 to Matc}li. l;:- rs'-*:a :: -:':: Lri S€r.::s <3:a: - l.:."
York Crty on Frnh i.r au. a ;:L a--:r-
'!.jr: 0i,F+2009 Amy Mead Assurance thal hs ldta aL-*\€d :". \.--qlj }:- :. :6-:5 ?:..=---: r-:- CNs-Ee
@rruption aod DOI empl.\EA 6s\:ao.c E,-: .rit! := --=i : :'=i .,-E:1
and riehdy rnresripatol b.. ue \SA
: i: !a 0I -Feb-2009 cabriele Web€r Acc6s lo all of NSA'S irfomlatim atsrt rbe C,<-r.- :.;:r. - Sr-E.: l::
Colonia Dipidad, CD
02.Feb-2009 RichardTansey Release of fedcral or stale of Texas agenc_"" reord lo $os sai- : ;:E : .:'l -r \: :nris
corr€spondmc€/agr€erndr/glidalce qc: 1) Dr. Mcnad Ci(ld L1s
afiliationvernplorm@r with NSA sinc€ 1990; 2) Ts6 All lD:e.]{:c:
universily's (TAMI(,2003 initial hirng or @plqmsr of Dr. \t *:i .fi:-3-!
("GB') as Assistant Vice Presidsrt ofTAMIti blenational Pro€:aE:: CB-'
2003-2005 alleged./susp€cfed employee loan 6om Ft. McNair, \rasbigl..- DC
Nadonal D€f6se UDiv€rsily (NDID C€otq for H€aisphsic Dd€Lte Sdrrs :tS
lo TAMru as a covet NSA or odrs ftdqal inlelligglce ag€']c/ tuplot€e :ii::r-:
4) 2003-2005 activiri€s/job assignmsrts iD Texas ard Latin.{trl6ica as a \DL
CHDS, NSA andor TAMru public untvssity admiristralor, fac !v 6tut'6 ::ri
all€g€d agacy int€lligenc€ ofrcer; 5) alleg€d re€sons behind NSA ?nd rls parEc
U.S. DoD in CB's 2003'2005 TAMIU
04-F6-2009 ltandyHerschan ADy and all docun€ots jncluding serializ€d iltelligmca or SIGINT regrns rdabng FJI Deoral
io lhe discov€ry of a cn bomb in March 1873 in Ne$, York City. This requea al*-
se€ks all NSA records including lraqi and Palcstinian senaliz€d intdligac€ or
SIGINT re?ons fom Feb l, 197310April30, 1973 ref€r@cing the anerBp!€d Blrk
in New York

03-IS-2009 SamrelD6kin Requ511he nam€s ofildroal insl$rdoDs that have Fovid€d hformation from N€iths Confirlr\o. Dcny
to theNSA.



Page 6 of 23
casl # o#"R.5#*8fuo.",,* REOLTST SL_BIECT DTSPOSITION

58110 Z1)an-20$ Rob *a_has I The NSA'S FOIA logs for a p€tiod oftime ofNov. l, 2008 ao Doc. 31, 2008. 2)
All records, reporls, documf'lls,
photos and vid€o held by &e NSA iegarding
now{ccesed Bruce E, Ivins, a forms scisrtist at Fort Ddick, Maryland, In
Augusl 2008, the Depanmat ofJustice naned Ivins as the pcrson reslonsible for
th€ 2001.a!$rax attacks. 3) All recrrds, reporu md docui'r@ts regarding federal
govqnmql-own€d prop€rty eith€r lost or stolm ftom the NSA for a p€riod
b€ginning Jan- I, 2005 drough Dec. 3 l, 2008. 4) Ex€cltive summaries of
sub$antiats.l clarns olmisconduct or crimrs thal re$rlt€d in disnissal or
suspmsion glvql 10 employees offie NSA for a p6iod b€inning Jan. l, 2005
firough Dec. 25, 2008. 5) All docum€ots, repods and records held by the NSA on
the Fr€daick News-Post. 5) All documals, ftports, records md dalabases

0{-F#2009 Jesse Brova

cAslt f

D4]E lmE
58124 05-FeS20O9 R-aD}-' r.* !|r..cs :alr<i{sl: imdlig.lc. oD M)?nmar (Burna), Polirim-Mlililry Strategy, Wilhdrai'n
--:-,3j :)?c;35 OfTr<rniu6, ldlia2s-, SEategy, Deldrencq War Fight-ng

58130 2GJm-20r)9 Rodnq hra i-:!:.rs :€WArcli (l)IDlornatioD about a progaln naned MUSKETEER

i: a l'ollul"**"*

58135 0GFd2009 DaaielN,lalliDsoil CiFd :: t J<:aisr6ed doermolE pdainiog lo lhe William H. Manin and Grant€d I! Full

5 8l 37 06Feb-2009 R2ndy Herschaff R'ail'esj r.1e{ ;

3/00/6806-73, dtd E March 1973 odginaled
of Senal by Panial Dqrd
DR\S,{ Fr6rourl} d€classif€d
as a r€sult ofan MDR request in 2004; documeot
d€els s:i B):.l Sq-nbs Group, the MR Case Numbs is NLN 03 10. - _
Non _ ResDonsive

r. \cL$gTft Nr?oFoffifbrrtliFotfrt-
Prge t of 2l
eo LNCL{SSIFIEtvlltF0ffiettL;'t$E€ffi'Y-
- frowsrrr. RTOTTST II B'TCT DLiPrli]O\

or d.Irrmglrs olDlarning lhe Mme iniormalior: Baltle

Success and COMSEC
T\C ll29;CO\,ISEC Comm(foal: Land Ssres TVC-1091 1985; COMSEC
Conmfrcial: Sea Ssiei TVC'1150 1985; The Name ofthe Gang a COMSEC
6-vie$ T!C1030 1985; The Human Thrcr to COMSEC TVC-919A 1983;
CD?tara.l):is againsl rie Japan(se Nary during World War II TVCr'547 1982:
Signal Analrsrs Techniques TVC-726 1982; U.S. Commmications in Jeopardy

5E 147 06_FeF2009 Kel Nr€laahar AII cunenl and back issues ofthe NSA Communicalor aDd the NSA N€lvslc{tcr tha!
have not bean previously rdeased in their radrey. NARROWED TO: NSA
Newsldl€ls ftom dre first two t€3rs ( 1953-54) and last two yea$ (199'2000) of

58148 05-Feb-2009 Kel lrc{laaha Copies ofall Narional Sorrity Agency ('NSA") records, including cross-refcorcrs,
pdaining lo tlc 'Talk NSA" talk show brcadcast on the s€ore NSA closed
relcvision circuit, inclualing burnor lirut€d 10: ar videoor audio recordjngi of
'TalkNSA" €pisodes; b) Transcripts or scripts of"Talk NSA" episodes; c) iron- tesponsive
Sunmaries of'Talk NSA" @isodeq d) Indices, catalogs, or schedulB of 'Talk
NSA" €pisodes; and e) Menlions of"Talk NSA" or specifc 'Talk NSA" €pisodes in
ofEcial NSA docum€nls.

58157 09-F*20O9 Sranley Sm]lh Various Crrotoloeic Almanac articles liom the Cdrt€r for
58158 l0-Feb-2009 R-and] Hsschafl All electonic r€cords ftom 1967 till prGsrt containing the name Khalid Du}ham Naths Confrm Nor Deny
AL-Jawary, Klalid Al-Jawary, Khalid Al-Jawari and his aliases; YousifSalim
SEaaq Abu a]-Walid aljraqi, Abu Walid al-Iraqi, and Khaled (Khalid)

58i52 ll F€S2009 Mary De Pong Drawings, pans list, and any change notices fur pan nr. ON512424-l NSN
5 8 I G0l -066-75 87, fill cable for the KOI- 18

uNcLASStFrEry/FOR€FfleiffJSE€|q,+ ltlfl
Pase 9 of 23
tJ :,
D.lE f1]€
,r8i69 1l-Fd'l0rD LlnneSkellel Rqu€sl: Top 35 contractors and reir FY08 total mntract values or spslding No Rccord"
amounls soned by ascsrding dollar arnouDts: Top 35 Information T€lmology
coDtractors aDd their FY08 lolal contracl i,alues or spsding amouDts sorted by

J3175 16F€b-2i109 \'!c11e Cbn All dooments related in whole or in part to thc two trips made by S€crdary of State Full Deoial
James A. Bake lll lo Mongolia: August 2-3, 1990; Baks mel with Pr€sident OX€)
Ochirbat aDd Foreign Mrnist€r Gombosuftr in Lnaanbaatar; July 25-29, l99l Baker Non - Rsponeve
nrd with selior Mongoliao officials, addr€ss€d the Mongoloian Parliamolt , ard
visiled fie Cobe D€ssr

5817E l5-Fetsloo9 K@ndh \{r(lna RecorG on elliplic crlwe crwlography in re skjpjack seamlcss trarsirion adaptatioD

58t79 16F€t!:'l@ la.rotr Bacon Inforaalron on matheinalics involving cryptography, number theory atrd invarianr

5 8l 81 l7-Fetts2!(D Yvaie Chtr All doclrmqrts related in whole or i! pan lo &e decisiofi to aford official Not Wilhin Puuew
to the Monsolian PeoDlCs Roublic in t987.

i8192 I8-Feb-2009 Da'y,rdllamc R€ques1 arithmdic ofthe multiplication mathematics gsrgatron principle in thc
kokgl kev eetr€rator NSA Technical JourDal Vol. Il 195?
i-it93 l8-leb-2009 tucky R€d€r Requ€s1 to receive a list ofcandidates &al have atr aclive ftll scope polygmph Iull Denial
grelt€d./issued by the NsA

Non - Responsive


Page 10 oI 23
tr]emos r€lat€410 us-sudajrese reauons. m rdFsraa ;a tta 5!:::$: !_ii.Lj
d'{:tal h 1989 thai brcught P.esldat B6hi. !o pcsd: Rar.-:r :.i -i:
comprehs$ive review ofUS policy roward Suda $3r P:-:l.r: -:l..r] ..:d.: :
2001; Records on €arly US reaction lo rqoni of m3sjn€::rz! ---:!'-r ,r::.i-!:rj :
the Darfur region of Sudan, panicularly of roulti latsal Dt]n i r i -it :r ::.::
r i:. -\
So.unry Coun(il may have tegl consrdsing ral,ng rn r6p : < | :_\
pe'p€ralBl ln Darfif; D(rumats relal€d lo US suppofl for Sul- ! C:-::..,:i.
Peace Agreenarl, which was formalty sipDed rn 2005. and &e pr.r.:\_ilr t.:

58198 09-Feb-2009 Kel Mcclatratran Requ€sb l) Foreign Intelligence Surveillancc Act (FISA) warranrs submm.'j 11
NSA to th€ Omce oflho Seclctary ofDefense (OSD) or th€ Attom+ Gsrsal .{C
or the National Seority Division (NSD) ofthe Dept ofJuslice (DOI) 1nclulirc! a,:
do!-um€nts and afrdavits included as exhibits in such waranl reque$s and all
transat'ipls oft€stimony provjdcd by fed€ral agats rn firnhdance ofs.rcb E arT3n!
requ€sls; 2) con€spondoce and emails betw€a NSA, OSD, fie AG s otrce r.ue
NSD, tie FBI, CIA or &€ Foreign hielligoce Suveillance Court (FISC) regajd.Eg
sucb warrant r€qu€sts; 3) transcnpts ofFISC herrings on such warrant relu6:lj r,tai
are in NSA'S possession: and 4) mpies ofFISC rulings, decisions, briefs, or o.dss
such warant thal aro in NSA'S
58202 20-Fets2009 EricFrilzges Anicle tom Cr),ptologrc Quansly, SpriDg 1996,'NSA Comcs out oflhe closa:
The dcbate over Public in rbe lnman Era",
58203 20-F€S2009 MichaelT€rry Records relu€sledr l. Information on Thc Jcsus Project (Case#474F-08); 2. All Re(,rds RdEr€d ro
lnformation on The PANTDORA Projecl; 3. lnformatioD on exorcisms (Case Anoths CompoDeot or

5820'l l6-F€b-2009 Brqdonwhdm€yd All r@ords coDcqnins LT. Col. John kuth Welsh. deceased. also howa as Jack Full Doial



Page 11 of 23
D'sdiiA? 8
DA.IE 11tlft

Cuy R Vatd€rpool. 'COVINT and Oc PRC,nl6v{:lrian m $e Korean \\ar,'

Crlprologic Qrarterly, Vol 15, No 2, Sulnmer 1996. Drrumor was reteasc n a lr'j:"] *.*^*
slighdy redaclql form in 2000, witfi the foo0ores accompanyng rhe arrrcle having ,.
bea) ddaed in fieir @tirdy. R€ques6 a complge copy of&e documqrt, includdg

5E213 10-FetF2009 Patrick Thays Inforroalion or records on all released National lDtetligencr Estinales (NIES) on rhe Admin Closure
iorm€r Sovi€a Union's SS 13 Inlqmnlindltal Balastic Missile
582 i5 23'Fe,j-2009 l.9latri Metleas All 6les Aom 2000 lo the presdt including the granting andor alqlial of securily Admin Closure (bX6)

58228 26-Jan-2009 Alex@ia DimiEova Requ€st onlyNSA docrme'lts and informalion coll€cled or inttrcept€d bydeNSA Neirher Confirrn Nor Dgty
rega.ding Tralra (Tralcho) Dimitrov Bclopopsky (Belopopskj) bom t5 May 1935
i! Bulearia - Dred 2l Februarv 2008 in New York.



Page l2 of23
CASE J oo?R*5,??8 Pro,r'-r* RIOTI\-T { BJTCI DSEA.SIIg\
s$E .).1t!.

i,i21-5 0l-\1a,:.J., J6.\€Frazblau AII docum€trts relatcd in vhole or in pan to reiired CuatanalaD mililary officials
involvcd in drug trafficking in Modco. The r€quesr includ€s, but is rot limited to (bx6)
the following: - Any and all information on the Gualemalao military unit lorown as
the Kaibil€s, which operated during the mmhys intemal arm€d cooflic1, ard
whose merEbgs have betll arrested in connection wilh drug cartels in north€r[
Mexic!; - The 2005 arr€sl ofrdired Kaibites in connection wilh the anned group
that proteJts drug cartels in northen Mexico knorm as Ls Zcas, and arry oth6
rcpons ofcoonecdons bgwe€a form€f Guatemalan officials and M€rdco's Gulf

582.{7 02-Ma-2009 Yv6te Chin All docum@ts, including but Dor limil€d to memorand4 nemoranda of Full D€flial
convdsation, ransaripts, etDarls, cablcs, spe€ches, itin€raries, images, a[d
sumnaries, rdated in whole or in part to formq Presidanr George w' Bush's visil to
in Novernb€r 2005.
5E248 27-F&2009 ]olmGreq)ewald All releasable documftrts pertaining io an assassination plot against Preid€nt
GeorgeH.W. Bush. On April 13, 1993, sev6al Iraqi nationals wse areslcd in
Kuwail. l.ater, a coufl in Kuwait convicted all bul ooe ofthe defadants. Please
include all docum@6 pqtartring 1o my requ€st, which includes, but is not limilql

58249 21-F6-2009 John Greo€wald All releasable docxm@ts pcrtarning 1o an evfnt whcrc a Russian bombs
appoachcd Canadian airspace apDroximaie.ly 24 hours before Presidali Barack
Obama's visit to Ottawa last week, P {l€ase include all documols p€rtaining to my
request, which includcs, but is not limited to, memos, leters, emails, audio
recordings, pbotographs, r€ports, etc.

Pag€ 13 of 23
:: :--::; - iT q

Ccpi of Lhe documtnl artitled, "A Reuew ofthe Technicai R€search lshipl Paoal D$ral
Progran 1961 1969" dated May 1. 1970
:' I l:' : : --a:!.-: :. i , ..r. C r.-.." a.l J Copy of all rclcasable portions oflhe "SICINT Digesf' Fom JaDua.y of I 98a

ilri: 2.-FeL2009 JohlGe€oewald All docurlmts in the FOIA Case nunba fil€s *148939. #48940. andtl4894l. Plense lb 6
include all cor€spondence rda(dl to th€$e cases, iDcludin g €ur arls, m enos, lcl t€rs Nc' Fes-1s;e

27-F+2009 JohCreae*ald All releasable portions ofthc Pr€sidatial Daily Brie8 (PDB'S) Aom Jdy lsl, 1947, No R€€ords
ro Julv 15. 1947.

27-Feb-2009 JohnGe&ewald Copy of a1l rcleasablc documo ts penainjng ro NSA'S hvestigatiotr into fratsnal cranred ln Full

01-l\|ar:2009 Kathrlo Sabaka The namq address, l€lehone numbcr and e mail ofrhe POC for lhc Camp Peary

s8266 24-Fets2009 Manhew ArJ ofNSA Manual22 l. NSA 1986

58268 20-Feb-1009 Milhacl Rn!,n [zlct Any guidance doc m@tvemalls concerning whehs, how, and try what means thc Panial Derlrrl
NSA will c€rry out lhe i
ot oftie Prsidglfs meinorandum on lhe Freelom of
lnfonnation issued by lhe While House on JaDuary 21, 2009. Please omi! fiom the
scope ofthis reque$ fte ernail scnl 1o )our offce on January 291h by Melanie
oftheJustice OffLe of Informauon and
58269 19-Feb-2009 JamesSbzwek Docum@ts, having !o do in ary way , wittr a "Black Bag" or "Black Of's" €ntry to Not Withrn Pufl.lelr-
lmalal at 7630 W Fosrs, Chicaeo. illinois on Februarv 24. 1994
5827t) 04 Mar-2009 ltandy Hgschaft All records pertainjng to ihe Cabin€l Committe€ to Combal Tarorism ftom 1972 No Records
dIIu 1978. Thc Colrnniltc€ was formed in l9?2 W Presidot Nuon io resDonse lo
oflsraeli athl€les al th! Munich Gam€s.

04 Mar'2009 Jesse Franzblau Ali documeots relat€d in whole or i]1 parl !o the Novernbe! 2, 2008 airplane 6ash in
Mexico City. Merico's Interior Ministd Juan Camilo Mourioo, oneofPresidert
Caldqon's closest advisers, was kill€d m theplane rhal crashed jn do\r,ntorm
Mexico Cily, ne3r Paseo de 1a Relbrma and l-he Anillo Pcriltrico.

Pege l4 of 23
DOC ID 'o Ri-c F ir-to\' L { LTi Str TTD TdI|FFICItTiJFEILT-
CL\F : {rorr-.r rR Rf 0tI |.-I { UtCI DLiPO:li TlO \
D.!E -!E

i- r.r"--- r r,. : :i- : a a: .u:{Il iod back issu€s ofthe National Security Agcncy ('NSA")
--:.:.r.. ; fii.?rr'! the Comnunimtor and NSA Newsletter, not hcluding a,ny
ind; ii.:r b-zre t\ea previously b€fl made availablc in their ertir('y. However, we
: :=ir-r dicl.|s-xre in their €otiretyof any issu€spreviouslydisclosed with
:--:-1'rc,cl. \ARROVTD: Casc split into two s€parate cases. This case is for
arrrLoirrror only- Requ€sts wants the fiI!1 year and last y€tr only at this lime
i= l'9l and

1il \SA docuDmts about: The visits to Bulgaria ofthe US busin€ssman Armand Neith€r Conffm Nor D€trv
riamms (lale 70's - eirly 80b) and his offff 10 &c Bulgadan governmot extracr
pdmiarrr iom the Black Sea. I am iolerestql in NSA doc1lmenls only, no!: 'lbxe)
rq)nnts of gerdally available ne$s ardcl€s or similar publicalions- Aside fiom
NsA-produced doqrmenls, I Also wish to oblain any infurmation mllered or
lnr€rcepted by the NSA with regmd to a possible Bulgarian conn€ction io the above

ii:S5 iE-F+:009 Rard) L€a Access to and copies ofinformation p€rtainingto Myanmar (Bwma). Sp€cificslly
includitrg bul not limited to: diplomatidmilitary stralegy ofthe said nation; s{rcial
& €conomic issucs and data; thtcats to said nation by oth6 natiols; thr€als posel by
said nalion to oth6 nalionsj economic and t{,hnical consllaints ofsaid narion; dala
on said nation's intqnal and o(tonal politics; nation's stralegy; said natio!'s abilily
to provide dderrence against oth€r nations; d€terrqrce presglt against said Dation's
obj€ctives; said nation's war fighting sEate$i; sizq numbos, and abiliti€s ofsard
nation's armed forces; said natioo's abilili€s in meas ofrntelligencc and
courts intolligflcei cxp€cled md potcniial charges within said nation; curr€nt and
past diplonahc and mililary strategies held by lhe US in rcgards to said nation;
anticipated impacl on said nation by climare change/sea-level risq Geographic
lnformation S]stem Data/Renote Sensing Data/aaial photographs ofsaid nation;
cartography of said nation,

UNCT ASSlFlf, IynUtrOITICftr;USt€fC*

P.ge 15 of 23
tst€i -

58290 0t\li-2009 Jaes Kl@ (4

Cq! coqlde coDl@rs or
th€ coqlqecoDr€trIs
of @€
o! tgc 4llJuDubuv!
of the u&uE/Prl6uB ur!
admilistsative trackingiprocrssing 6le
indsine ey 4p€als &d all fmail rdated to NsA FOIA case #9611 which ha6 .
ri€ d,i€ of 0+1G2007 Nociat€d }rilh |t

582 09-M&-2009 .lefisy Rrcbdsoo Thei)in1 NSA-NGA doqrment ref€rred to in th€ NCA Media Rel€ase &-ll

5g310 09-$t r-2009 cdb€rt Romatr R€quest as follows: l. Informadon on Functional magnetic resonance imaging; 2. l'Ior within Purview
Th; date il was pur into s€rvicq 3. The fusl succ€ssfirl r€pon on the fist pqson it


Psge 16 ol23
P^9F/D,o*fr R?#R 8 fu o.oo"* , REOTTSI SIJBIECT DSEASIOI

Lt. Goeral Keith B. Alexa[der: as purlortodly (according to hrtrr,,i *a-E,Lsa+*..

at "leadsship") b€ing "Chief'ofdr€ oivilian polic€ forcelool! as rhe Caral
Secdity Sqvic€, and D€puty Chicf Army Brigadis Gd)sal Nod T. I:06 as tEg
its "D€puty Chicf supsseding form6 civilian aulhoriry and eps6q_ de frq
commandq of &e NSA Policg Glel Sauer, or so it appeds. It fi!.lhe. pd1G !)
information regarding Callal Sccurity S€rvice itsdt having be@ orgaizal s a
Civilian Police Forc€ administo€d withirl the prcrnises ofthe li'atnnsl S€c.rq'
Ag(rtcy. CLARIFIED 3-2G2009 - a) Wh€n and under whose au1h6trJ* did
Al€xandfr ard Jon€s adopr the ritles Chiefand D€pury Chi€fCSS? \I1o dLTlzEc
it, and please supply copies ofthe authorizi.Dg ord6s. b) Wha ad Eld€r ric€
aulhoritywas BGN Jon€s appoinl€d to NSA and as Deputy ChidofCSS? Plei€
supply 8ny orders and oth€t related documfnlE i.e, scope ofworL c) Plezsa
supply copies of any l*iittql ordqs fiom Congress, the Military or the Pr€srdar s
which define the role ofCSS. Provide any case law on the subjed, fro\1dile iicdE
numbss only, Ifcongr€ssional hearings ruled on same, please supi'ly s€$ix
58313 03-Mar-2009 JohncreaelYald Menos, l€tlss, emails, re?oru. pbotograpbs. €tc. pqtaDing lo t-be 2009 DD1: S:{ ;tu ::r,rF

58315 05-M.s-2009 JohnCre@€wald Doqlm€nls about a 6ash on January 21, 1968, ofa US Air Fo.cr B-52 bonbs
csrying four hy&ogo bomb6 crashed into Fozm ocean in Nonh Sta. Bay,
Grecnland near Thule Air Base All rele€sable documqlls includ€s, but is noa
limiled to, lqters, reports, photographs. memos. cc.


Prge 17 of23
DOcrD: 35522A9R[orTSrtR
Keluesl rnc rollowng ulonnaton: t. riow many u,). Lt\,rhans has lrur
organization deloyed to countries where lhe D€partmml of DefeNe is illolvel in
conlingocy opsalions (i.e. Iraq, Afghanistan, Hom ofAftic4 Qa1ar, Bahrain.
Kuwail, Pakislan, Colonbi4 Bosnia, and Kosovo)? Ifpossible would ljke fie dala
caegodzed by number ofdeplotn€nls by year; 2. How maoyp€ople associated
$itb your organization have received the Defense of Freedom Medal? lf possiblq I
{ould like rhe daia categorized by civilian or contraqor, },ear ofaward, and countr)
ofd€ploymoq 3. List ofawards and recognition )ollr organizalion issues to
delolng civilians. IncludiDg runbss ofawartls giv€n to dalq ard any releasable
associated information; 4. How malry civilian €Nnplo)€es in ]o!r organizarion have
bfa kdted whilc supfnd DoD optrations? Ifpossiblq I would like the dat!
categonzed by year and corurlry ofdealh; and 5. How many civilian employc.s in
)our organizadon have be€n injuled while supponing DoD opqations? Ifpossible,
I would like the data categoriz€d by year and country ofinjury. Pl€ase provide any
otha dala thal indicat€s ihe level ofsupport U.S. civilians in t our organizations are

58317 06-Mar-2009 Johncre{xlewald Do<xrmqlls rdaling to Operalion Blowdown. Op€ration Blovrdowir was a mililary Not Wir}in Pur\r€*
opsarion ofJuly 18, 1963. Plqseinclude all doctrm@ls rdating to my requet,
whici includ6, trut is not limited lo, mernos, repoff, le{ters, photogmphs, videos,

58318 09-Mar-2009 JohnGre€n€wald An incid€rl whrch occtlrred on or arouid March 08, 2009 in which Chinese Naval
Wzrships shadowed a U.S. Nary vessel in interDational walss in the South Cbina
Sea. Pleas hclude all dmlrmfllls relating to this request, which includes, bui is not

58319 06-Mar-2009 JohnGre€lewald Request all docum€ds relating to the assassination ofLiaquat Ali Khan, Pakistan's
fir.il which olJc.urr€d on Oct. 16. 1951.
58320 05-Mar 2009 John Greaewald Reque$ a copy ofall docurndts ptflaiDlng lo Itojecr Horizon. Proj€ci Horizon was Not Within Puniee
a study to detsmiDe the fcasibility ofalnsEuding a Military bas€ on the Moon
during the 1950s. I bdieve&e Army Ballistic Mssiles Agarcy (ABMA) was in
charg€ oithe project. Ple€s€ itrclude all relelsable recorals lbat p€rtaitr to my
requcst, which includes, but is not limit€d to reports, lelters, memos, phologaphs,


P.ge 18 of 23
D'o 8
L\CLSSIIIED F0tof.fi€r*ri*Hr+F
Ao"crr o3"R i'%? P'o,r r.. * RLOtLq A B'ICT
!!tr \.tlti DISPOSITIO\

rE+6 :. rrr:s tT= nJ : ,tcc.q-r ti 5-i I ;e:riq-pu:a: ririE IIEE-

-:Es i-.,€a_r. Fr<al =:a ite?_.-r.:a !.da pla6 er \SA. Or. \ou lDav

58351 I l-l!fa.:0tt ltr.iEa !.{a-C.€:. G r*i'ria-r€: :€::. &i.+ .f Sna.€ ri;J.n!r! Fq(sd.4o4 erJ- aod all \ertha Confirm Nor D@y
.rE-ca'j '.::: 13. be:.=-_-sr t,$ de \as"l Sae-r1-\ 3!aq NSA) rdated
'i >:4i{ ,.: ::d::.. FEi_n.E Tbe iiJ"ea? Llir.E2{]rc Lr rder ar l! av
..zr-.i +-:o1.!ttc::-, i. Ful \.!r<. i)dce.f:J€rorr icrna.arm
,ai !D l
ilr Fjeral :Oi4rb)3. 25 USC 6103
58354 II -N{ar-2009 Zd-! l_a€lra ft{ aI dirqjmE6 pqtaillnr
R.Cuesr !o lbe \acoal S.orn}..{goq,s lnsirute io.
Ha.€ {-Daj!ss Calc.murKa.tl adl Canpillrng Fed€-at Fr.ord€j R6€arc!
i and
rxveopmars L:elss rFIRDC . Sl.€off_a]l!. CRE\r i€eis doqlEerrs rddred
9:-T1*: *0":*,*llid of Ers€ lohcles, as *dt c documas pcrrainirg
r0 Ils @!oal r6€dcl ptao- hllgd ed *podlrures for Fy 200?.
58363 I5-Mar-2UB Joln Creae"]d Doe.EaLr p€naining ro CoiDdirs p_ R-hoad6 dd ey projec$, eeqim€lri dc., Fult Derial
lha Eclude lestine on human srbri.ls

58369 12-Mar-2009 Elliot Brand copies oJqrrof promotional ma*ding

mntaq buyss for
CNAICS @des: 54189g 453220) point of WilhdraM
the asacv

5E371 l0-Mar-2009
Qu€sliors about o\r!€rship ofa documant afts rele€se ude. FOIA and if aDy

cbanges made 10 a doqrmslt have to so throush FOIA
583't2 ll-Mar-2009 R€qu€st all docummts p€rtai ltg to Comelius p. Rhoad€s, and
any projects, R€qucs1
expaim€ots, etc. that include testing on human subj€cts
(bx3)-P L. 8d36


Page 19 of 23
c\sf { '"*eR'?f& fl"o**u* REOUEST SL'BIECT DISPOSINO\
DStr NAMf,
ue possessron ol \ 5A L 5 5 re atal ro mv cl I e1r.
iorasl - - also, ay rnformariotr rdar€d ro a fip r"i \':aa=
a group of Am6lca)s *iic!
llcluddi s.,a?] er-\e_i

58.180 l8-Mar-2009 Ba$araElias All docrlmqrts trom January l, 2006 to Scprdbq l, 20{3 rdddl ln }t.:e or lr
pan negotiations bdwe€lr India and Pakistan regading a f€a.arl lsrlea.Dt m
58182 19 Mar-2009 Thomas Kiro.ulel Vid€o of NSA'S lZll08 "Pearl Harbor: C5€ Closall-
58383 l8-Mar 2009 Joho crcocwald All documsrts pertaining ro Project Jonifs. "Jonifo" *as rbe cole Dame fo. rhe
United States C@lral lntellig@ce Ag€r1cy (ClA) Fojed to r€ovs rhesala

583 90 08-Mar-2009 Barbara t orxtrison Any and all information including the declassification ofdy classified docum€ols No Records
nol provided to me in the pasl on Col. Charl€s J. SfindJ.S-A-8., POW, Nordr
AF suEber - -
_\494!q I ftrobe 1965. Soflal Security t\umb,trl _ ,b,.6
I lTbil rcqucsl is for ary satdlirc. buman in_id,-[\1!-Fsi$l5, rcDons. posl
captured photographs, or other documqrtation includi[g Dcw lechnology that our
govsnment agocies may have on Col. Cnarles J. Schrf. I dlso reluest lhis
information fiom DOD, DIA, CIA, National R€coDnais$nce Ageflcy, Narional
Securily Agocy, Cdlrai Security Savice, National Geospatial lntel Ag€ncy,
National Support Aclivity Division, and or Spccial Actiuty Division, D@t. ofstale.
In addition, I r€quest eleclronic surveillance to include al US Govt. lntl. Ag@ci€s.
This r€quest is also for and Vietoam€se, and or Lao infornalion pertaidtrg to Col,
Charles Sdtarq thal any age,lcy in our govsnmat has that has nol beo
declassided. I am also requesting any shared information from the R€public of
lh€ a Thai

58395 2l-Mar-2009 Moshe Rubitr Asks ifNSAr 1) has any information about John F. Blme's meeting with officials cranted In lull
like Moorman, Friedman, etc., in 1922 or at anyo tr time r€garditrg B),rnes
"Chaociphs" di\aw: )) has any r€drnlcal loformalion about fie Chaocrphs device ,016)
and its analysisi I ) would be wi llin g to d€classiry any io formalrcn aboul the r.,ror - qesporsw
Chdmiphd device thal may reside Ln i!sr€cords.

Page 20 of 23
D :
uq$J oimEf;&8 ?"o*,,,* REOTAST g RIICT DtrBSglA\
06Mar-2t)09 R6enay fl*- Clezty rd€2saue pc{tioos oithe dmlnrsrts regEding all cmFds aa ddol md6
Sol}ciifi! = t9824009RO110, rhe X-Bed s€rvicrs requn€sol Sp.ci6call).1
@ ra{Edrog @ti6 of the fouoymg idorDeaioD,/dootmats: . .{wad€d ,:mrd

2+l"le-?ffJg Elizabds.e(ntls Pro\ide copi€s ofNSA'S 2005 -2009 budgqs pelaining 10 the Assisrarce ad



Pege 2l of23
:,lc:D 9.ro.,"o"*
D{tr -}4.@

nainej) a1d F:\ircs laaabali .1io\.l:r:]r @!10116 6p1o)El b_v $e Agocy who
Lhe -{ga1n hei :Npiol s 'dan:_ irm ',1€ aarr Labd' Sladards Acr
(lseiraia L te i!r- d€F:el i alo\q is hmitsl 10 lllose
=ll-r-ria ar,.y I ^ ::':.,i.rrn8 t:e"1.!\flo.j ddgDal€d by #3
Agglc] @plol€.: -t
b€lo*) n€oba: .:a..llsn1€ rr3:Eg LEII rlsdl)ais refe-red io &s
'D6i€ralel PolrE"iri_ l. lae r:r-.E a l.isaiel In #i a[d #2, abov€, is
llmrtsl io tbe ome psi.d oi\',a- :5- :i,:f . :irag) .he d,ae of !.be produdion by
rhe .{gocJ-'!o Ue Rgluelar iil:e :i'rri::-.. lculit u}_ r.\LS relue$ (hseinaflq
rsfared to a the "[email protected] Dte_ Fr te Desqlarsj Po:rEons dlring anypexiod
oflime from Vffch 15,lqx. r-_:.r4le Pr}llr1lfn Dale -1. The Requ€stor
firtlln r€quess a (,D of:he P.s'r'n D€sclpoin ftqeiaafls ref€red to as the
"PD) ai wdl as atry prdecr*r.r FD i +-rf,g b-k !o N{arcn 16, 1999) ofany
D€signaled PositioD refcred rc tn = l'l
- &'-\< Ttll r€qu61 is limilcd !o the alat€s
March 16,2006, throud the Prcair:D:! Dee (dcept as to the predecessor PDs). 5.
Th€ Requ€s1or funhs requGls a .rg, .i'..e agdcys employee €valuation plan
(including criticd psfomance d@6lj, a'< €ar! D€signar€d Position as well as
any predecdsor evaluatron pla(sjd ..iEc.l psformaoc€ el@r€tlls) ofany
D€signaled Employees r€ffiel Io ar =l-1. Els'e. Ttris request is limitsl to the
dale$ March 16, 2006, drrough rle ftDl'x_rioo Dare (wirh ttre exception ofthe
prcdec€ssor elplotte evaluatror ;las Eirii shail b€ Dro\aded ftom l,,larch 16
1999, through the Produdion Dalet 6. The info.malion, as designated in #l-5,
above, may b€ filmisbqi i! dths h.r_d (pap€ cop)J or in a digital format readable
by eii6 Mclosofl Excel or l,Ii(roloi \l crd A Lry shall b€ pmvided by the
Ag@cy to allow the i.Dforroaboo .e.a!al to be inrsprded unless the infonnation,
as pro1,lded is cle"rl,v sdfQladcrt-. The Agglc! shall csiiry that lhe
loformarion md docu.E@ts protidql in reqons€ (o this r€quesl are Eu€ aDd
oftre inforEnioa ..Dd. o. to be

5E417 l5-Mar- oflh€ \arioral Public Affairs Handbook

58423 25 Mar-2009 Do(rlmals on Admin Closure
58424 25-Mar-2009 SteverAft€rgood Intdm IG r@fl lo CoDgr€ss Ear w8s r€quir€d by Title lll ofth€ For€ign Wilhd.a\r,n
Intelligdce SEveillance Acl AmgldD]flts Ad of2008 to rcvic* ftc Prcsidenfs
sun'eillaae plograJn. The r€port was prepaed by the lnspedors G@eral of t-be
NSA @d oth6 agescies. h was deliv€red to Congr€ss iD classified and unclassified
fonD in Novernb€r 2008.


P^8e22 oI23
D.!tr .S.!E
ir,--: -_- ::i= '- _:: :J€ :{tsdce ol :

:-.= -,E:.:,- :' : :

581:5 lt-I'--= : .\ l-la,i:---,= .l !:-..i : t-_.-r_ \i-i ic-5:.r-i:d lo Une H98210't)4-F-0107:
::c=!r: Se--.r : ::-i5 :L- :r-it? ilaldl lator rates
581:: ::-\L--::. r if S-r::i--.: : -:- :: j':r:-<'i :=::'-: : ?i? :i::l : i, R O1l0; r6ulting crntsact (or rl6i : n."po"" *

,<5.1ji, 1..-\{:r,li:! \ler. \!iii.a ::r =: 1: :i_..} :iii. :: r.-:::.:os: {-$ akala Al-Islamita Al-Afiikia N€ith6 Condrm Nor DgIy
::l-l-:f-:i1 -- nirf: -l':,:.-, Lf_l+ath4 tsls-m-ic Aro€'tcan ReliefAgalcy
.Li-P-{ r. r}ci. A:.- ?a:..i:-:. i'rRl)i Illamic Afiican Reiief
.{aE*l- S.{ :{Ri-LSa : ;-ii=r iar3r 3.gac} (ISRA); National Islamic Front

(\lF: \Irka-i.{-i*hr&:: I|\. \:i':A L:had?n)at al-Mujahidin al-Arab

A|rKI: LajDal aj'D3\r a -Ji,: ::':::-31 {llslami}" (ALAI). Anv and all records
rdalal to md\1du3l-!: t{$6"i ;!rJ:
.1ll \{,$amed Bage$i; Ahtnad Mustafa;
Khatid Ai'Sudrnee Ahjd .rzo ::-Si!1ig: Zrlal
Sadaqa Abdul Aziz Abbalar
Mubamad; Itrahm BLLru: \{".h€i3l ]trahE0 Sularnan; Jaffar A]rrnad Ahlullah
Makti; Abdallah Sul4'r1a Al'A'3L Ahtl-Dos.halEd Al-Sibai; Mark Deli
SiljaDds. Any recordj rddel lo \Si .q \RO ope-aloDs at or rn the AT&T
cEtF LD BndE.l.n- \I$.
58451 30-Mar-2009 Colin Rigley Li$ of all residdrs in San Luis Cb${ C!'raq, CA, who '}cfe placed undd Neither Confirm Nor Ddy
elecbonic surveill@c€ b,v the \anlIal SeerrN Ag(nc) bdweql 2002 and 2008.
Such srweillance wodd include motrllonng of phone convssalions, e-marl, and
oths el€ctronic communicatio{s. I am inlqd€d onlt ID those people lvho were
olhqwis€ sDi€d uDon. bul Dol
58525 O6-Mar-2009 John Claras We se€k the date ofrhe Tarce Proleci or Tarcr lik. projecl was slarted ai CIA aDd
transftrred to NSA.


Prse 23 of 23
Ul]LIrJ; J,UIJOO REF ID: -43651457
li:: :.s::i::.:
C- R.rlnd a6E: ]at'|.tlt-d :;5I
R.r..i ri D-. :lrllr l:
Glg.1 fltcD,rrDl rtrO:f-\-Trr RtottsT $BJECT DISFOSITIO\
all -\!!E

j:-lit l!\{r-2qJ9 S.oar lbloway Copy oflhe NSA'S rcsponse to the allach€d docum$l (an Ait Force Inlclligsrcc Not Agocy R€cord
R€port, IR-l-62, daled April 24, 1962), as vell as any intsnal tqDns geddalql by
Itle NSA regarding lhis Air Force documml. (Tllis requesl is UFO relalod and a
follow-on Fon his prLvious r€qr€sl 57988)
i31!-{ 0I-AD{-20O9 Kalhy Dukts All information aboul Ruwafl Alwis. Itnprofs ffi

L NCLASSI FItD*Fef+€FFleftttsfftEofirr
Pagc I of 22
requr€mat to file in accordance with the S€curiry Financial Disclosure Progrtun,
Confidential Financial Disclosure repon on the the OCE 450 fonn, and the Public
Financial Disclosure re?orl on the SF 278 form. Specificaily, pleasc supply
i fonnalion as to the percBttage ofNSA enploy€€s rquirql to file each type of
financial disclosure data, and *hat critdia is us€d to rEuire ar NSA employ€e to
file under the diffserl
58496 06-Apr-2t)09 KeirhSlrulzeob€rg Please provide a complete bid labulation ofdre ofers receiv€d in response to RFP Panial D$ial
H98230'09-R-0755. Please iDclude the names oflh€ biddgs and the dollar fislu.es
ofiheir bids.
07-Apr-2009 JaIIl€sDu€srcrtxrg Copy of "FOIA re$€st log" fiom SFlelnbs 2007 (or closesl quangly slan dale) Panial Denial
lhe mosl recfil ouan€ly FolA
03-Apr-2009 Mcha€lPow€rs Irformalion regarding an auobiography that may conlain ddails on various models Impropfr FOIA RaNest
ofteldype machin€s (kw7, ki7) and worling on Kwajalcio and Roi Namur islands.
Sp€cifically, "I was wondrring ifl can wrile aboul the fore mmtion€d macbincs and
can I wrile on Kwaialcin and Roi Narnur islards?"
3GMar-20)9 Marc Wilson Informaiion oo Organizalions: Al-Walala Al-lslsrniya AfA&ikia Llflgltalh4 Duplicate Request
AI-Wakala Al-Islarni," L'll'lgllalh4 Islamic Amef,ican ReliefAg.ncy ("lARA"),
Islsrnic AFioan RelicfAgorcy ("lARA"), Islamic Anican ReliefAgmcy- USA
("IARA-USA"), Islainic R€li€f Agercy("lSM"), Nalionai lslamic Front ('NIF'),
Maklab Al-Khidamat ("MK'), Makrab Khadanat al-Mujahidin al-'Arab ("MAK"),
Lajnat al-Dawa {"LDI"), Al-llihaad Al-lslami}€ ("AIAI"); Itrdividuals: Mubarak
tlainql (aka Mubaral Magsxl), Ali Mohan€d Bagcgni, Almad Mulafa (aka Abu
Omar or Ahmad Al-Kalib), Khalid Al-Sudanee (aka Khl Ahmad Jurnalt
Al-SudaDi), Abdel Azim El-Siddig (ata AMel Azim El-Siddiq), Ziyad Sadaqa (aka
Zilad Khalil), Ahlul Aziz Abbakar Mulanad, Ibrdrim Buisir, Moharnmcd
Ibrahim Sulaiman, Jatrar Ahmad Ahlullah Makld, Abdallah Sulaynan Al-Awad,
AMlnouha),me'| Alsibai, t',tark Deli Siljandei, Alias€s or dqivativ€s ofany ofrhe
narnes above. ln addition to tlte atnve, would like any records, rq)ons,
invcstigdory malo'ials, su.rvcillance rocords, or ora€spondenco wilh any pany
mcnlioning or in any way relalcd to NSA or Nationai Reconnaissance Omce
in lhe AT&T nelwork c('lt!t in BriJrqon. Mrsso ri.

Pege 2 of 22
REF YS.lsSERfqETFe,nI'usEeftY
&sr DAtr

5E516 09-Apr-2009 Faisal qreshi Any docum€nladon lr'ou have conc€ming an evanl o
tTlh Augusl 1988 in Admin Closure
Bahvalpur, Pakistan when lhe flight, PAK ONE, crashed r€sulling in ll€ dealh of
Palistan Prcsid€nl zia tI Haq erd US

585.10 l0-Apr-2009 Gary Pa€s Any documqllalioo ofmy fafi€r unds the Fre€dom of Information Acl lhat is Full Detrial
available lo $e

58531 lGApr-2009 KiIn Zalet lnfonnation and records on cybq allack or itrtrusions inlo crilical inftastructure Neift€r Conirm Nor Dglly
slslqns in the U.S. including, but nol limit€d to, susp$ial anacks or inuusions on
powff gnds, wat6 dld sewage reatm€tlt faciliti€s and l€le.oms for Ihe p{riod
January l, 2000 to April 10, 2009, atrd suspcct€d auacks or inrusions on compuls
ndworks during the sane psiod Honging to lhe House ofR€pres€ntalivcs
Commerce Commitleq Homeland Securily Commitlee and Inlqnalional Rdations
Committee (now laro*,Il as the Forelgr Affairs ComhiI€e) as well as thc Ollice 01'
R€pressrtaliv€ Frank Wolfofvirginia. Also requ€sting infonnation aboul c)ber
arlack on lbrcim cfltica! in &rslrudure svslons.

58537 l4-Apr-2009 Eladio DeJesus Reou€st r€cord.s. CNSSI I25l and CNSSI 1253A for help wilh cclification and Impropq FolA Requetl

58538 07-Apr-2009
lonn uflmn lofomation or r@ords on any ttrO rctatql Iights made by any aircra-fl oftle U.S Cmnlcd In Full
nililary or U.S. govemmenl agocy on Novembs 20, 1952 ovd lhc area ofDes€n
Cr'|r€r and Eagle Mounlain In soulhflr Califomra


Prge 3 of 22
pp"c,rD: utsls5B gf qgTnenLusforirf -
oo?IPi,.oi 6So.'r,,,* RE F

58540 04-Fe!-2009 lqor Mocic Brcchure about hisloryofNsA Crantsl In Fult

58541 03-Apr-2009 Rob{Chanpoux Please ssd somc NSA Publicalions and information (?) on nusarm, NSA services. Granr€d In Full

a oopy r€crnl snal)5is p€r rm€d by dre NSA or any associal€d D(Lrlmdrls Publicly
agency, oflhe origin ofthe signal relirr€d lo as the"WOW Signal" lhat was first Available
on Augusr 15, 1977 by Dr. Jtf,ry R. Ehnan.
58548 I5-Arn-2009 Hcnry Nejfelr L Reluesl all documols r€laling lo the award to SBI, Inc. for a pnme oonlrarl Rquesl(f did not respond to
(RFP H98230-09-R-047?) including but nol limit€d lo lhe primc @rrracl ils€lf and f€ lenef
any olhq documflts lhal show thg arnount ofthe conlract award, lhc lenglh oflhe
mnlracl, the numtxr offull time emplolees, and the latx,r categories.
2. All (loqmenls rolaling lo any previous awards lo SBt, Inc. for a Drime contracl
relaled to Facrlity Msnagemenr for tlle intiaJruclure antl logistrx organizarion,
including but nor limilql to the Primc mntracr ibelfand any oths documdls rhal
show Ue arnounl ofdre(Intrad award,lhe larglh oflhccontracl, thenumba ot'
tull time and lhe labor

P^ge 1o122
3701366 RE F
uts4sg Byf 85gnerffi sr€Nr+
uornhuun urcruotng tn€ o€crzrsslncalron 0t rmy ctasslne[ docum€nls not ufoildal crantql In Full
to m€ in the post on Col. Charles J. Sclud: LJ.S.A.F., POW, Nonh Vidna;. I
tuob€f l965. Socral Security t turnberf-----l e.f numbrrf------'l rhrs
Not on PNOK r€qu€st is for anysarcllrtr. human rnrel.Tii-ng sigtrrsrqrcr* posr?iiiid
photogaphs, or othtr documefltation including new Iechnology lhat our
have on Col. Charl€s J. Scharf
l6'Apr-2009 DavidThomrrson l) the nunb€r ofproposals subnited in response ro RFp H9823M9-R-0404: 2) rhe
\rinning conlract including proF)sal price ofbase and all option yea$ of poole &
in resDonse lo the abovc

lcApr-2009 BeverlyKeevg All gov€mmsrl rccords thal )ou havo in ,our possssion retatcd to phaln Xuan An, Full Deflial
now d€ceas€d. In addilion, I requ€st aca€ss to and qrpies ofthc r€ords ofall
individuals or groups that have also rcquesled informalion aboul pham Xuan An,
th€ dates thal lhos€ r€ques(s were made and the information thal was released to

I6-Apr-2009 Johncr€encvald Acaording lo leslinony Fom rctired mililary ofEc6 (USAF) Kenndh Storch, Docummts Publicly
approximately in the fall of 1973 (actual dale wlnown), a communique carne in Avarlable
from NORAD rcgardrng mulriple unidotifi€d objeds corning In fror; rh( pac,fi(
Norlll*eil, \vhirh was confinncd by MDAR According lo Storch, shonly
ther€a-fler, AFOSI carn€ in to lake away re NOMD srmmuniguq docurnqr$
relaring lo fieincidml, and debriefql him on lhe incid€al. I rqu€$l a copy ot all
releasable doourn€ots and rsiords pertaining lo the above oullinql evsrt. pl€ase
include all r€cords lhal AFOSI (and cc d ag€rtci€s) holds aboul lhe d€bnefing of
Kqmelh Slorch, lhe documents thal w6e retrieved from Offun originaling Fom
NORAD, the original comnunique Fom NORAD, all re@rds pgtaining 10 thc
midenlificd objecls, and all relat€d docum€nls and r€ords. This includes, bul is
not limitcl to, Idl€s, menos, electronic rccords, radar rq)ons, log txlols,
photographs, videos, erc. Also, il is reponst lhat {ighlqs were smr lo inlercqrl
&om Tactical Air Comlnand (TAC), hul preu'nahly th€s€ records are localsl al
L€ngl€y Air Force Base. Plrzse includc all documols regarding slrambling ot any
aircrall senl |o intcrcept or obrain a visual conlirmalion oflhc obisrls.


Pagc 5 of 22

l)R€.ords rc{alcd to conlracls H98230-0.|-F-0107 & H98230-(,4,F-010b & Duplicate R€quesl

H98230-(N-F-0105 (a copy ofthe Seciion B pricing tabt€s, Cosr Anallsr Rares and
EVMS Cosr Rcpon) ad etn 2) Roords relat ed ro crnlr&1 H982J {t.09-R-0410
conraq and
5859 I 8"Apr-2009 T€islMn Lstn6 Rcqucsl informalion or recods on The Voroeremos Brigadq a U.S. polilicd Full Denial
organizalioD acling in solidarily 'ri r thc governmenl of Cuba. The years of mlg.€sr

NARROWED: R€que$ all information and recorals retaled to any agacy-wide panial Derial
arnounc€rnmls tbat Licrtenanl Genaal Keidr B. Alexand€r, Dircclor NSA_ made
to agarcy employe€s between D€c€mber l, 2005 and D€cernbff 31. 2006 about llte
in domestic surveillance activilies.

documots rdated lo solicitation H9823 0-04-R-0786. Spccificall, please provide Rdlu€st€r did nor respond to
the foltowing: L A copy oflhe solicilal ion includiog any amendmenls or fee letlcr
modi{icalioos. 2. A copycontraq awaded tom lllis solicilalion, including and
amendln6|ls or |no(li fi calion".


Pagc 6 of 22

follows: a) invesiigalions, biography, activilies rdlh Islamisl groups, jihad,

aDtitqrorism cooperalion ,/ilh de fedeial Bur€au oflnvestigation (FBI),
qnploymenl bylheFBl, Ih€ CeDtral Inlelligmce Agency (CIA), Homelamd S€curily
Administration, D€partmenl ofDef€nsg Nalional Socurity Ag6cy, and ary branch
or ag€ncy ofthe Unit€rl Sul€s military; b) gnployncnl by or othff s€rvices (eg.,
suveillance, "bounly hunting") radered lo lhe FBt, (CIA), Homeland Security
Administration, DEE lmei|l of D€fq$q Nalional ScLldty Agfrlcy, and any branch
or ag€ncy of thc United Stales military; c) his addresses in the Uniled Slat{s,
fql€ral and slale cnminal r@ords; d) ernploytnf'lt by, or any orhtr $rpporl ro rhe
Pho€nix offce ofdrc FBI, or any olh6 FBI Office. Intgactions with or docummls,
memoranda or repons by or about ag€nt Kq| Williams. The lime frafte offtis
seaftlt includes fi-on F€bruary 13, 1974lo dale, and nore sp€cifically Fom 1992 to
58583 l6-Apr-2009 K€ilh cordon Files and documenls conc€ming: I) John Lennon, Paul Mccannfy, George Neilhq Confinn Nor D€ny
Harrison Erdor Ringo Slarr, both individually and coll€.1ively larown as the rock
band "The Bealles"; 2) Mick Jagger, Keith fuchards, B.ian Jones, Chsrlie Watts,
Bill wyman, Mick Taylor andor Ron Wood, holh individually and .{lleolively
kIo\I{| as thc rock band 'The Rolling Slones"; 3) Amos Blackmore aka 'Junior
Wells", fudha Franklin, B. B. King, Buddy Guy, Ch€st€r Burnen ata "howling
Wolf', Curlis Mayfield, Isaac Hatlls, John Le€ Hooks, McKinley Morganliekl aka
"Muddy Wat€rs', Ois Redding, Sam Cooke, Willie Dixon, and witson pickel: 4)
abash€d hym6s, Al coop6, Bob Dylan, B.uce Spring$€eri, Chuck Berry, David
Bowie, David Peel, Donovan Lcitch, Elvis Pr€slq/, Eric Cla on, Frank Zappa,
Janis Joplin, Jello Bidfia, Jimi Hs rix, Joe Slnrmmtr, John Fog€rly, John
M€llencamp, Lillle Ricllard, Marc Bolan, Mik€ Bloomficld, Mojo Nixon, Neil
Young arxl Rick Nelson; 5) Allman Brolhtrs Band, Anti-Flag, Bad Religion, Black
Flag, Black Sabba r, Bullholc SurferE Dcep Pwple, Elephanl's Menory, Lsl
Z€ppclin, Lloyrd Slqnlrd, Mdallica, Nirvan4 Pearl Jam, The Clash. The D€ad
The Doors. The Sex Pistolssr Thc Who.
58587 22-Apr-2009 Mai Sugimoto I am looking for records ofmedings oflhe National S€curily Ag@cy Scienlilic Requesr6 did nol respond lo
Advisory Board, especially oflhe medings Claude Elwood Shannon, prof€ssor of fs: le q
MIT, allendcd. He should have belJl a mcrnb€T ofrltal board tiom rhe 1950' to


P^Ee1 of22
DOCID:37O1356 RE F
gASEj oRicliAlioii RIOLTSIER Rf,OU-J.f SlBJgcT
pArtr _N4!4C

5E595 l?-Apr-2009 Kim Z€(€r Infomation and tecords relalsl lo any announcernents tltal Lieulenanl Gtr|(fal
Keith B. Alexand€r, Director, NSA, made lo agsrcy erployees betw€6 I Ds; 2005
and 3 I Dec 2006 about the ag€flcys ogagement in dom€slic surveillance aqivili€s.
NARROWED: Records relalql to d|y announcem€nts lhal Li€ulen.n( c€netal
Keith B. Alexedcr, Dircclor, National Secudly Ag€ncy, made to his senior
lead€rship slaffbdweql Decembd l, 2005 and Decembs 31, 2006 abour lhc
in domeslic surveillance aclivili€s.
22-Apr-2009 LarryKlayman documqrls relating lo lhe final d€cision lo relessc int€mal CIA and Juslice No Rcrrds
Deaflmsrl Demoranda and olhcr docum€rns and infonnation wllich ddail dre
allegerl lonue tactics used during inrFrogalions of lbr€ign ddaineej and AI Qaqla

24-Apr-2009 VictoriaColc1tran Following information regarding NSA granl # H9E230-05 l-0078: l. Conrract Parttul Dcnial


Page 8 of 22
gAEj ORiciii/iircii REO[TESTER
D{tr .N4!@
rq)orts! ncludlng sp€crlic ones
fomulav€quation. Canltt tane is a project that is onen ref€f,r€d lo as a rcrnole
viewing project.; Tridenl lechnical reporls, including on€s with mathenalical
quations. Tnddrt is often refqred lo as a mind control proj€ol; SICrNT
inlelligqlce €stimaldass€s$n€nt (g€n€.al docum€n$ oullining the various typ€s of
Signals Intelligdrce - particularly one thal lnsrtions stutlthafs pslchoaclive al leasl
in passiog referarce); I aln also intqested in stutrthat m€rlions lhe followios
cluationYsignals -
(0 = l+(Zpi l.sin^-l(sin(pi+sin(K'|0)
I(0 = (zptisin"-l(sin(pj*sin(K*o)) - (2/pi *asin(sin(pit0)
For K snall , like 0.01, is this in the Cent€r Lane Dublications?
For K = 3 for example the first e$ation cstablish€s a tnutd for fte 2nd one,
58607 24'Apr-2009 Larry Klayman l) exra-l€neslrial lechnotogies, unid€nlifi€d nlng obj€cls and indications lhat Documatls publicly
lh6e exisls intdligenl life thal is non{qre$rial in origin; 2) the retrieval and Available
ofthewreckaseof crafr,
58622 27-Apr'2(fr9 John Prados copyofa SECRET repon, pr€parcd by Drputy National SecurilyAdvisor Meghan Directed b con6l DOD
O'Sullivan as a summary for Gel€rats John Abizaid and George Casry. Mosr likely Componot
r€ceived by the t*o g€n€rals in late Juiy 2006 to early Augusl 2006, O€ summary
ddails July 22, 2006 discussions bflwcer Nalional Security Advisor Sleph€n Hadlry
and lhe principals on tlre lraq Wd, ofwhich Cqlcfal ceorge Cas€y was an acrivc
parlicipanl. The documeot is .efared to in Bob Woodwardynt€ War Wilhin, New
York Simon and
5 863 I 27 Apr-20o9 tary Klalman Aoy ard all doc\rmmls, records, and lhings which refer or rclate to lhe roccrl panial Denial
oulbreak on or aroud Friday, April 24dt of*bal is teing lenned as 'swine
influanza A {HlNl)'.
58634 28'Apr-2009 Andrew Bazley Informalion regarding the c:stablishmcnt and cr€€rion oflheNsA, whyil was crarted In Full
and what purDosc il s6vat wh€n il was eslahlished.
58635 29-Apr-2009 william Foley Secret s{rvice r€cords Fom Lincoln adminislration aboul civil war spying and narnc No Rccords
cbange ofsdviceman Kefshn6 officc in ssret sqvice chang€d name atis (lo new
how many tirnes to whal narno and why) fre€rlom ofinftnnalion.

PrBeg of22
nepuYbff5BBfiffffi DISPOSruON
04tr -N4I4

by Rob{tt J. Han}oh Cryptologic Quafl€rly, (Fall 2007twiat€' 20071,p 9-20,2l

5he New Kid on the Block P€Gonal Experi.nc€s ofan HSA Hislorian and dre
Nazi Cokl Rqx)4 January-May 1997." by Rob€rl J. Hanlolq Cry ologic Quartgly,
Vol22, No.3No.4, Fall2003/Winl6 2003; 3) 'History ofcollaboralion Among
Fr6lch 1909-1939. l6 Julv 1951.

J8640 24-Apr-2009 Larry Klayman Documslls relaling lo l) odralqreslrial tslDologies, midgltifi€d flying objecls, Duplicale Rquesl
ard indications that lhrre exists intelligenl life llnt is non-tfrreslrial in origin; 2)
dre rdrie!?l and analysis of lhe wreckage of any non-t€fi€slrial !'rali.

58641 22-Apr 2009 Larry Klaynan CIA

Requesl any and all documcrts relating to lhc final decision to releas€ intmul Duplicale Rquesr
and ,ustice Depanmdll mdnoranda and olh€r documenls and inforrnation which
ddail lhe allegel tonure taclics during inlqrogalions offoreign ddainees aDd Al
Qaed6 opqatives. W€ wordd like to loow oGclly hox/ the Pr€sid€ and his
admini$ration went aboul deciding 10 release llt€se docrm€n$, alrd would drerefore
like to be provid€d with lhe documqr$ ftat ref6 lo lhis dcision lo declassi$/ and
rei€ase lhe informalion lo the


Pasc l0 of 22
DOCID:3701366 RE FuYbf_fry8ry{qETH€rAr;usf,'offi?
CASE,ii ORiGiiiATiOii REOTMSI'ER RiouESi sditici laEgStI|rL
DATT -!a@
Congr€ssional l€aders conc€ming watFboarding and oth€r "alhanced
illterrogaiion" mghods used 10 oblain tqrorisn-r€lated info fi'om detaine€s and
lhose in the cuslody olthe CIA. ACLJ rotu€sl rel€ase ofthe iollowing records ftom
I I Srp 200 I lo lh€ presenl: I ) rccords rellecting the names or idmlities ofDtrs of
Congress, lheir stafs, lhose oo.ducling llle mtg/brfg or any other persons prescrt at
any mtg/brfg al which lhe CIA discnssed walerbotrding or other "ffharced
iDtgrogalion" mqhods with one or more mbrs ofcongrcss/their stafis; 2) rolords
reflecting lhe dat€s, limes and locations ofany mtg or brfE al which lhe CIA
discusssl watriboarding or ollls "@hancsl int€rrogadon" methods willt one or
nor€ mbrs ofcong€svthelr staffs; 3) r€oords thal w€r€ used or discl$sed during
aiy mtg/brfg at which clA discussed wstcrboading or oth6 "drhancql
inlerrogation" m€thods wil one or rnorc mtrs ofcongr€sylheir slaffs; 4) r@orG
that *ere prouded by CIA lo one or more menb€$ ofcongesvtheir slafii before,
du.ing or an6 any mlg,/brfg at which tie CIA discussed walgboarding or olhs
"€nhanced intdrogatioo" methods with one or more mbrs ofcongresydreir statrs,
including, but not limited to, rcords disurssing the rationalc or explanation for
using or considqing Oe use ofsuch info galhsing mqhodvlechniqu6; 5) r€cords
thal w€r€ pr.?ar€d for, during or an€' any mtg/brfg at which CIA discuss€d
wal€rboarding or olher "€nhanced inldrogadon" mqhods wilh one or more mbrs of
Congr€ss/lheir slaffs lhat rellect thecontgll of drc disltr-ssions or prcsqrlations lhat
occurrcd, or a summary lh€reof; 6) records indicating the mdhodologics uscd lo
presd|r lhe mal€dai, andor used lo dccidc whar malFial ro pr€s€ir, ar any mrg/bfg
al which the CIA discuss€d wateboarding or odrer "€nhanced inlerrogalion"
melhods wilh orc or more Dbrs ofcongr€svlh€ir slaffsi 7) r€ords ltat relale lo thc
issue ofwh€rher lhe CIA inlimned mbrs of Cong!€sytleir staffs beforc, during or
after any mtg/brlg lhal waterboarding or olher "erfianccd inlsrogalion" mcth(xls
w€re currenlly being us€d or would be usql in lhe futurc; 8) records lhal relate lo
any mlg6rfg al which CIA discusscd waldbfirding or odr6 "rnhanced
inlsrogalion" melhods lo galher info Forn Khaiid Sheikh Mohamrnql, Abu
Zubalda.h (aka Zalar al-Abidin Muhamm€d Hussein), or Ahl al-Rahrtn al Nashiri;
9) records tlrat indiratddiscuss the succ€ris/elf{rlivcrcis ofcslain "enhancql
inlcrrogation" techniques in oblaining info - including bul nol limil€d lo thcid€nlily
oflfiorisls, fulurc tqrorisl aols, or ddails ofthe opsalion oftef,rorist organizationr
- thal wse providcd by CIA to one or morc mbrs ol_Congrarvlhur slalls bcl:orq
during or all€r any mtg^rfg al whiclr CIA discusscl walsboarditg or other
"mhanced inlerrogalion" rnelhods wilh one or more nbrs ofcongresvrhcir sraftir;
l0) rccords llnt rclate lo iny qubtions, objdions, lij{xlbaok or guidance o[iyul try
whqhcr any rnbrs ofCongress/lhcir slafls lxprcssc{l suppon lbr/opposiion

UNCLASSIFIEIvnOFOf fl etfffiSE eNt+-

Pree ll of 22
D - -- t :fl- {!(E LrD+€*qr5€{r+++€*.{-r-
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:a'r *;i€r-a:rJrrE,r.-
_ah::,ct ri
'I 1lr\-l rrv J6:e Frarzbtiu .{ll doa1lna s re.iat.l t.r lh€ ti\l,mir) 91!d tr\ Drro:ror ofNalional lnt.|1e|nce.
Admrral D.r rrs Bidjr Bfto.e lhe L n oj S at6 Senare SelEr Carr.nrtld on
lntelligqlce on February 12, 2009. Dunng his r€slimony Dmnis Blair rumd ov{n a
slarcrnal for the record lJlrillqi 'tnletligcoce Community Annuat Threar
Ass6;smmt." We ask thal }1)u limil lhis search lo documents only pcrlaining to
{11'May,:009 TrudyBond Any and all communicalion bdween your agqcy and ary r@resmlative ofthe Records Not R€?sonahly
American Psldtological Assodation, b€twccn dle rime pcri&l of t/l/2001 and e D{rscnbcd

Abslracl / Course for Basi! Conllicl

58673 "2009 ro rhe Dirqlor NSA USS AGTR. June 1987
58614 25-Apr-2009 Ma11h€wAid L Memornndum, AFSA, "Tlre Chinesc Communisl Produclion problern, Fltruary
20, l9JI, Accession 9139CBIB25 QAC, NSA/CSS Arctriv€sj 2. Foldc.. "AFSA
Field Operalions Far Easl - Chicom, Koren COMINT probiem," undarLlt,
Ac.€ssion 9139 CBIB26, NSA/CSS Archivesi 3. U.S. Anny C-2 "tndicalions of
Largc-Scalc Ch'n6( lnlcrvcrlxrfl in K.r(n Betwdr lhe Ouibreat or lhe Kor(ln
War on 25 Junc 1950- and Lam€hing oflhe Chinesc Communisl Ofilnsivc on 27
Novemb€. 1950, lnclu(ling all Appendices, undal€d bul probably circa ({rly l9J t.
file CCH Srirr V.M.7 Rerrds,


Pagc 12 of 22
C\- E
(iii6-i.iiiF -AqDSIn REffi D'SF6ITI(X
44E -IA!t

6{raF2G L&lk hfurb (r d-d b ti.I)rrFia}Irind CoE6in€c, irdEdirg lfr€ No R6crrds

.b lyl2 Hn'lcaGi the Dl{ct WlaqBiehF&ld€r\ the nmq ro the trt*jn
d rhe dqBd- A.ssocii€d n r.ds dry fudude ht r€ 6ot lidil€d to, 6l€s ca
qgDized dine, Philip If Bailq (iDdid€d 6/9fn ft. alegedly llndng a ring),
afi€€d F€itutes bddiDg l{aur€ta D€e (oee Bitrs, ska llto D€d, ata Mo
ttnfr) ed Hejdi Rikdr, invcsligdi@s ry rhe US A[ome/s O6cg itrcluding
Assinant US Attomry JobD Rudy, Crllmtia Plaza, the Dedocratic Nalional
CoEmitl€c aDd $af at the DNC, possibly including Maxine Wdls, fte Whire
F{ousq John Dcar, Dfunc Sawf(r, et al.

UNCLASSIFIEIt4Tfr OfrOf fl eifi ;tlSEOlitY

P.ge l3 of 22
- --
I )rCl r:i{l.E.D+0&eH+ffi
t8L]D ;-at'- a-:-: i la - Dl:90!rTrO\

: i'-::rr ra :,:t:j -=:=::: :-::::r...:a j
-:::-: i::-::i:,
r .< :' :. - . - -__ -,-::
!-:,. :::::-:-: --:-_r'.-i:-::=_:::.=_< :- :-
-<:.--: :
::--3-i. :ej j t=j :::< :._a: j:-:a ::: :: =r :..: j:-i:.ai :r--... :
i. -_.,: :--1
:-... .i-,<-Jj-s..! { ---j,-!.-:
:i:d:1:31::{- -::.:-Jj ;i : ::. :: :rr:t- r.-j::_a.:1.-r-!thi_- :rlij : :J,-1-.::
.efla_lrnE li:,j,rt$. :r::es ::: i\.r:rr.! .a -l rniq r. bifg a i:Li r: C:.r.
driclLised *arsios.il'ti .: olli]: -glharc.:l inle-,096llon" ;ielh.$ .Eriir ,riir !i.
more rnbrs ofCong16' th.Ii nL{ii I ) r6nlrd! lllal wse us€d or dr!r!r!rrj iiLur:re
any .tlrg'trfg al whrcb CL{ drrcusss! *atqboarding o. otls .€rhanc€d
lntcrroga(jon" mel}lods wlth one or more mbrs ofCongrsjvtherr s1affs: i) rrcord-s
ral wqe pro\1ded ty CIA lo oneor more meinbers ot'Corgregrhei. $atTs beforc.
during or anq any mig/brfg al whicb the CIA discussed watstnardinq or odrer
''enhan(cd Inrtrrogi ron
rnqho.li srth oneor morc mb'. ol Congrcs..r!reir nafi",
inoluding, but nol linxed ro, rar)rds discussing fie ralionaleor cxplanation for
usrng or consrdtf,ing lhe use ofsuch Info garhlxtng mclhodr.technrqu€s: 5 r re_or,ti
ll)al wcre prepared for, during or aner any mlg/brfg ar which CIA discujsed
waldboarding oi other "Lnltancdl inrFrogalion" mdho<ls wirh one or mor€ mbrs of
Congresylhef statrs lllal reflecl ihe contfit of dre discLrssions or pr€s€nlat;ons rhal
o€currcd, or a summary therml 5) r€cords indicaring lhe mcthqlologies used lo
pr€sanl lhc material, and/or used lo delide what lnar€rial lo presmt, al my rnlg/brfg
al which rhe CIA discusserl wat€rboarding or olhs "cnhancdl inlsrogalion"
methods wilh oncor more nbrs ofCongcss,rheir slafi'sj 7) records rhat relarelo rhc
rssueol whdh6the CIA infonn€d mbrs ofCongress/therr rrai}! betbrc, durine or
a-ner any rnlg,/brtE thar walfrhoar,tnu or olhtjr inhanted rnrtrogarron'rn.rtr,.ts
were crlrlcil ly being usql or woukl bc LNql in lhc tulure; 8) records llal relale to
any mlg,/brfg al which CIA discussql waterboa.rding or orhcr ,,enhance{l
inr€rrogalion" mdhods lo gatler info 6.om Khali(l Sheikh Molralnmed, Abu
ZubMalr (aka Zayn al-Abldin Muha$med Husscin), or Ak! al Ralnm al Nashrri:
9) reaordslhat indicalddtscuss thc success/eff€cliveness of ,'mhanced
rntcrrogalion" techniques in oblaioing inlb - rncluding but not limitsl lo lhe jdcnliry
ofl€rronsls, firlurc tcnorisl acts, or details oflheoperarion oftryrorjsl organualions
- lhal wcre prruded by CIA lo onc or more tnb$ ofCon€rc.\s/thcir slalli betorc,
during or altlr any nXgfurlg at which CIA dtscu$e(t wat oborrding or olhcr
"enhanced inlenogalion" rnethods wrlh one or more rnbrs ofConsr$snheir slani:
l0' rqord' thal reldlc ro any qLrcjtroni. obidh,n{, tlulba(k or guklan((.l{tf,ul rw
all€fldees rclhc lopics (liscussdl, rncluding ary re.ods lhal rclalelo lhe issuc of
whcth€r aDy mbrs oi Congresslloir slatls cxprcssql suppon for/opposjiroD

Pegc 14 of 22
oticFiiii):i i:otrsrEr p€lsEIIIar
slE lrE
ec.--q!-o- --d-drrgd
E& EB -L q & ry -drt. ff Cl{ 4srrd
r-t * a&'fu i G( E! *5of
Cqr€thi t* ll I llrrd g-t.?-r'd
E!F,G b CLl, bdd id (..
.. Er ir5 CcolrErib rG b&c, &E, c Ja -! -fit &rrbd
clA dsairraiEr-ddd'F^--irG _rffi'*dlrt d _
r r€ *s dc(.!fts/lL|' i6 tla Ft! b tG L?rid'clbr.d
itsrog*b' 'roG ark tb€ Ce@ c oda irsol/bcs- l'q l2)
r€c..6 pqlaiE to k8idin!, se@l? d.F/!g@J' a crier oEciel dinr to
hd '€D.hecd Ehods

5M92 27-Apr-2009 Larry Klaldro tlo(rlsqlts riic! refs or rdale to the r€cet outbreal m or eoutrd Friday, April Duplicate Request
24th ofwhal is tEne l€nDd as "swine in0uaza A ( H lN I )".

58701 05-May-2009 David Mccraw Urredaclod @pies ofr€dacled d€clarations try !1r1e[l! or former NSA cmployec Full Deflial
Louis F. Ciles and Lynne R, plus copies oflhe wilhh€ld dounn€nts refsdced in
ihe declarations. CIARIFIED - Seet acless lo and opies ol lhewi rhdd
documeds referenced in lhe submilldl declaratio[s ofl.ouis F. Giles, Lynne R,
Daniel J. Ddl'ono, and william T. Kammer. The declarations ref('mcc a DoD
r€cord and r@ords iion DOJ. {rcrues( is rcla(ed lo

58705 1l-May-2009 J(ss€ Franzblau All r&ords relalql in whole or in part lo lh€ necings an(yor confetqrcs organizql Rocords Not Reasonably
by Latin Amqica's lenist polilical l€def,s duting lhe 1990\, suoh as Vicdle Fox D€scribql
and Jorge Casla6c1da Culfialr lion Mexico, Luis lnacio Lul0 da Silva Fotn brazil,
Ricrdo Lagos liom Chilq various lead€rs from Collral Amsica, as wcll as
nemHs Bom thc organizalion "Grupo San Ang€I" in Mlxico.
lilj;l ' ""

P.ge 15 of 22
P,QEI D -:.::- - I1{l \:-.E FH+FS*FH€\++-
--:.a-:a:-.1 :
ii : ,:_- i- ri - Dl::0!ITlo \

wrness prot€ctlon programs Lly rhe commandef in chiei birlh cenjficalg Nol Agacy Rec.rd
docum$(s) posl traumalic brain injury indiyidual, c€nificatqs) citizcnshiD.


Pegc 16 of 22

19 May-2009 Willrarn Fqrqri RslueJ a fanscripl ofall lexl

m€ssages exchangcd belwe€n Erika Ferrclli Neilher Confinn Nor D(ny
(currently r€siding d
5545 Caidlewood Dr, Houslon, TX 77055) using T-Mobile
cellolar phonc nurnb€r' 832-462-3906, and Lioncl McBrx {curinlly residing ar
l4ll Michigan Sl, Houslon, TX 77006)using Vcrizon/Cellco Psrln€rslliD cellular
nu'nber 7 1-l-702-6628.


Pege 17 of 22
J -'1.'a5
_ __1.
Yt \titr U pi4.P.cjrF4r4-r:$4\++-
!i, -I.: \-- 1a ' DiSPO\lTl O\

'.*d ::: -. f Roludtar aird nol r6}ond lo

Sd3sh !!itb--= i:.:ri:i i i :i::i€a! s: r !. C u!"[ €se gr.! -n r:] cI: probl-ns acr- ILrrs
-:.-r fi e C!l?-r* : dr.r. Ji.. p j.d'f,_, srrtr CLra:l6e pol(e: cn.nrnal prohlem.

ro Lusrs!a.r. G!\?nat Anon- Robd Simelsi a,nycaDnedrons regardjng cnminal

adlvry an)1|ise in \sr' \'ork Slale a1d Cu)zna; and anl and all possible

2009 Susan Copi6 ofall contracls made between dre National Securiry Ag6cy and s€cunty Requcsld did nol respond lo
conraclors in Wa,ihinglon, DC, Virginia and Maryland. Plcase include any
secffily conlracls administered by F(rl6al Prolcclive Servicc(FPS). Addiliona y I
am rqu€sting copi€s ofall Colle"rive Bargarning Ageem€nts made bctween urions
r€presqlting security personnel and s€curity conraclors operating at all siles within
the National SeurilyAgcncy wher€ s€curil_v scrviccs arc contractql in Waslingtol|,
DC, Ma.tand and Virginia. Pleas€ excludo any securily {Dr(rads a(tmini$srd by
Fql(fal Proltrrive S('vicc

Pase 18 of 22
siqa ls.b-:Lt rL F- c+dul- tL t€- bdlta Ed.+ l,dc rtri.r'r
l&c.h tb r-L lE- dl(&J_airl h.lriE h. rs
i{Dl: ,+>D !&Ad C't'{rgD.&&rr.L&-irdE-.rdd-rd
t-!l".--.fl{S^t 6.dHicr4
t€ir r a.b I9G dl Sdsitr.."--*r bturim

5t950 l2_J(m-zF9 !.{-t hgb€s DoqrEatelioo of rbe €eploFal of thc followirg individusls, in any capacily Ncitha confirm Nor Dq|y
vith ]/olrag@qt #l Chsdwick M. Cord Arizona; #2 Ellcn Orneam /Cord
Arizma; #3 Smah M Stioll /Stindte /Tdernonle aka "MIA', Arizon6; ,4 David
B. B€az; ata David B BretrIq Botrz; ala David Cobb; aka David Plank Arizona:
it5 Claissa Plank /Brensb6/Cobb oka Kassandra; aka Cassandra; 6. Tiffany
Dawn Arrovood Arizonaj #? Healhg M. Davidson Arizomi #8 Robqt Cnsko
Arizona; #9 Louis crisko Arizona; #10 David Dow Ariz-ona; ttqll lauis Ptmk;
#12 John Drexles Arizona; #13 Nikli L. Hugh€yDrer(le( Arizona; j€rnifg
K€eln6 Anzona,/Nekdai #15 Cori Morono Arizona


Paee 19 of22
DoCID:3?O1366 R-E F
rls{sEffi lt(Fne*{=#
C,iie; fiicAi^r-r,.5 iao(xsTfr EIII!'[ AI,CI
9{n j$c DtrIEIIIAT

- -- D aEl- EEE, a btDs I.l

Ed!'B)F-b S@
a4dE*(l& DF b Fi--v21 :n 1r.-\-D
trFls ID r rL Lt{ {,\a-|-EEr.-r3.L-F- tTtlil- Fs:-
D So -.Lld!!.EOGi
l-ia dE-.-o- 116-'rl h F*-r :a I* E tFEa
l-)AI rFtdT-
Preadi -ft L..ifF-A/aE 6rrEJ-t-a.}rE
h. (tuF.) r Lls.^ Fs- D S.L
{'xi)dEdiEB 13{62 b Fi3_-:1 lql r&FE- .-r.r-r
rEs ft a. FIAB b & \S.{ Flrr
to Sac- {b) dE&oriE tr fla62 ir FAEV Zt 2!tl DtF6ra J.l
An ftpats ad rlcor@diios b' fu I(B b fr l$.t !-- F S.t. 6ct d
Ex€dive Gds 13,162 @nmg .hc Ffur* dtlc }6A -.b F--r'r?
fr6 ll,{62 fr(m F&oay 29, 206 !o &€ F6oi- 6.) AlI itcrds
iDfofmdi@ &d all commulicai@s k c{rr€di\i di(. sfui!.d bt-.j.;e
d. IS b
the NSA Frsuant to S€c. 6(d) of Ex€ortive fr€r 13.162 6tE FrtrE-y29,2ffi ro
lhepr€s@I. 7.) All requ€gs forinv€sigari@sof itrtdlig&oedivirir5httt€IOB
lo the NSA md repons hy the NSA to lhe IOB ofrhe r€stts ofth6e iDvc$igdiDs
pursuanl to Sec, 6(e) ofExeotlive Ord6 13z162 ftom F€biutry 29, 2008 to the
prescal. 8.) AII r€ports made by lhe NSA to lhe IOB oi PIAB purstanr to S€c. 8{c)
of Ex€qrlive Order 13462, concqning lhe r€asons for not implqn@ling a PIAB or
IOB recommardarion iom fdrua 28. 2008 ro rhe

ul{cLAsst [D?rorotTtcH:f,-6FoNtr
?^ge 20 oI 22
ci.g; ciic:iAT:D:i ii!(Eilr_r
-ti..)-i i--r-T InsFoslno\
$tr _\a!g
I "l-rE rEig._: ., lEgId E liaEt FrE-ati
IXe g i - ibIH S..-zr M DruiE
]3 a TbflE fl?
-rEifulC ;-' dtL
C+rbE\d -rFd
C*E -..! F--;gF6(Das
ffi.AtEJ-+-- I -lr't!q
- F*d6 rd.ird to
&t tIG-. L ffl b - H -, roErEts q' ctis
rF-b-?arqrtu -.d
tu*-r rftdrd Fur€
oLErf D -,<. -rrr.e.
5E92 2fifu-2w9 EiLa k c-qi5.a{ tbc-r fui.-fu A.- fu soace Rc@rds Nd R€asolauy
Aldr:rirs hsd CrF-.SAfr b th RTRG priE Doid(Dq D€scib€d
C(6d ri.t S{IC |3. ft- C.-r


P^Ee 2l o122
iiEi ffir* ffi REFW
-ifr-r- 5-.al Grognx

U!{Ct-ASSIFIf, DHFOR€Ffl €tAtrtlSE€litY

Pege 22 of 22
L-!i-irii---rff s- -
C-GLd.tal6G: *nal ml:,
l4-bE l4tUr5
(-rrr rr E)otlsrll Ito(xsr sfrf,cT GltGI l|{
lAE la:a
,.'Ftt 2s-.h-2m9 lco Hedbotq l. lbeNbof(.cnEEB26bdlICLBAaTCLBATyE h! Ibrt
2 fli.didd|rdbrla
tri..to1959; acU-S l,flir,r(r'-dcL'5-
GovqrEet aga<t F6 biolt,Ed b rt F@d -dfd. dEElhab b CLDA
ofoetr rDorc 826 Bodbqs d aytie Fid_ io l95X 3. Tl€addoad
Eodd ofB26 BoE$6s 'disfifir€d lo CUBA Fir ro l95t 4- Thc heof€a.n 826
bomb€r "di{it[t€d" to CUBA p.i6 to 195* 5. lotfitrldi]o/doorm€aliin
concqning tbe el/aotadoo ofFulgqcio Bshga, his famity ql€dbfr\ friadi
associat€s and poss€ssions to the LIDited Slatfs oi or abour Jrnusy l, 1959 (rwo
we€l(s prior to and a.n€r thal date)t 5. Itrformatio docirms{ation ofey lsrgc
alnolmls (ov6 $ 1,000,000) ofcold, Cash, Cubs or Spanish anifacrs leaviog
CUBA and headql lowdd or arriving in lhe Uoiled Slales on or aboul Jetuary I,
1959 (lwo w€ek prior to and ais ftal dale); 7. lnfonnation/doqimQrlatioo
concgning the use of 826 bombers to evacuate Fulg€ncio Batisla, his family
memb€rs, Fiods, associales and/or possessions including large sums (over
$ 1,000,000) ofcold, Cash or Cubsn or Spanish arlifacls Fom CUBA on or aboul
January I , 1959 (lwo veeks prior lo and an€r lhal date); 8.
Inforfidion/documenla{ion ofany aircrai or ship depaning CUBA and headal for
the Unil€d Stal€s, diseppearing or going do\rn over U.S. t€rrilorial land or walq
b€lwe@ CUBA snd the United Slalcs or anwhqe in the GulfofMexico on or
aboul January I, 1959 (lwo weels prior to and anq lhal dale); 9. ttovidc any
kro\r,Il localions for qu€stion #8 in latitudenoogitud€ or GPS cmrdinatei.

0n 05.27.2010, F

UNcLASSTF mrvroR€Fstct4l+sg€rf, +-
Psge I of28
cise; GRic-ii:Eii itlxE n REFLW
-EoiZr-i ii-Ll prsr(xtTx)'\
EE r4!3
catEa d a r.i arr Eta Fna
b r99- Z lr&LlSfr-Y-E.*L5.
CftE !qr5.d. tbFa .rk&*iL[ D Ctd
(Ea-EB26H6sr-lEFirD l9Jt I fbcst*ri
anld oaB 26 bs -rt*irtf ECIFI.E 199, { It *d.rd B
26B(*-dshdbctFrD ltt9- 5. htu-.{r_
@EEglie-Ie dFJroBr-E bh|yFr-s 3r-dr
sssocit6 ad FRarr. b thclF-l s|- - q' fu I-y f . t959 |rF
w€cfs Fi(l to nd d€' t!.i d:ael 6 birEt#b dd) lile
eEorals (orq I l,m0,oan) of Gol4 Ca&, Ctu cr SFii iiitus l€vrrg Cd6
and headed lowed G nriving in lhe Urirdl Sai6 c.(. fu J-Eay I, 1959 (rro
wee*s prior lo dd a.fl€r rhd dae)- 7. hirElaiD/d.Fffitri[ cdadBiDg the
use of B 26 Bonbs-s to er&lz(e Fulgercb Bdita his fuity nadbq\ Fi@ds,
associales and/or poss€ssioos ircllding lege ${s
(ovs Sl,mo,mo) of col4 Cash
or Cobm or Spmish alifacls fiom Cuba on tr ahorll Jmuay l, 1959 (t*o w€dLs
prior to ed an6 ftat date). 8. Informatioo/doclmaradm ofsny airsafr or ship
deaning Cuba and headed for fte Unit€d Shles, disqrp€tring or going down ovE
U.S. t€rritorial land or wal6 bqw€gl Cuba aDd lhc Unhod States or an)ryhere in
the Gulfof Mexim o or aboul Jduar/ l, 1959 (wo we€ks Fior 1o and ans that
date). 9. Provide any tnoqn locations for queslion #8 in latrtudc{ongitude ofGPS

59041 2lJrsr'2009 Kqln(lh P€alock ADy and all records on lhe fouowing: Five Slar Trull; U.S. Moflgage and Trusl No Records
Co.. This is olso a formal request for a Vauglln Indo(, iftre€ded. This would also
inolude ilems and documhls redact€d by vow asocv for

59093 29-JB-2009 JoshuaWarrdr Records Full Derial

59r03 2GJun-29,9 Jack infonnation this Granlcd In Full

(b) (6)
ullct AsstFlEDlPen€FFrel$#sf, €tif, r- Non - Responsive
P.s€ 2 of 28
; J 'UO'J' J - -i Yl
--1:-- \StfIIHlP..F+i-i-FOri\-
-! J: -1-: - r: t
iil-:rl =:


59160 lll-Jul-2{)09 iack thls

59161 l3-Jul-2009 PhilipLapshy An eleclronis (CD-RON4,pdf) copyofvolume 4 oi-lhe reccnlly declassiiidl NSA Paniai Denial
lhe Cold War"
59154 l5-Jul-2(X)9 MikeAbD€r Bid results liom an IDIQ coniract lhat wa5 recfllly awardcd. The Requesl # for lhc Panial Denial
b(l was undd H982-10-09-R-0618 Toncr AlliDnL.


Prs€ 3 of 2t
REW i[--Lr IXSt(Errto:r
s{tr =olIstll
Llc -Ena-rJ.-
ritl+r -({t .IEEF
AI-GrfiEE-, LCEE. 1 { 4.- rdGb L
qo*5dlq:Ot !5Ls- !, All<r&'.r ida)
-fi, *f Fq*, {ry*E qEra-Eh,4-.{l-6
da E-! fld d.-&.r ba. !F-.69 *r.
i.at- 5. Al -cnF-gl-E' _ad-riE, f:
IS.H-2U)!} Mrilo ll€h.fia Cohcqa= da.aild'taAGlG * tu a. d d.{4d rd Sgrdtrg Docrdtullit
1945. Th€ c I a ed i
rc rir 513 dA4rr 16 19a5.li! 5t,ld Avild.
AoSrF 17, l9{5, }ir 517 dArCr{ 20, }ao. Jl9 fAlrs 22, fio 5I of A!3ld
26, t{o. 52J ofAEgE 28, }h 5lt of S.Fd.r, l9{5, dFrci6-r a AFrl 2J.
197. &d I\b- sAofAossl 17 ,l-r<ifi-l Cn tm.
59176 l5-Jul-2009 Arpad Kadekay Rrccrds tl dths lhe Stae DtpflEdr c. ClA n(n &c Et of Atpd ,q. l'lor Ag€scy R€.!rd
ad hi5 dMti,es itr }t6rry 1966-194

59t95 l4Jul-2009 CorionnaCmada Sratsnfils of Wort for the bllowing Tast frqs: CooFds So@c€s
Coryoration/Ci\al Croop CoDtrad fl26301D0049: Task frr
NSA-20034-2237-T{O s'xsd€d (n 529/2001- This is for c@(ralizql
Mear€rn€nl / R€rnote As$ssmenl ofHuman
59196 l5-Jul'2009 SarnSaikal€ry Infonnalion r€€trdi[g l€cirologi€s pslainilg to.onldhal w€apons r€laring to No R€cords
direcl€d €trsgy lhal lh€ Canadi@ trmy dir€cr€d qlsgy weapons res€arch progTam
has developed and is qmqllly d€vdoping md€f lhe nonldhal weapons Fogram.
Specificrlly, drrected qlsgies such as radio &equ6cy radialion, ultrasound and
sonic, lasq, aqive dqial teclmology, eleclromagndic, informalion w€pons,
pq^trclogical wartke, et€clronic warfare skin buming millimd€r wave and micro
or nano wave technology, mood manag{rnenl and ptrhotronic weapons and any
and all dffmal or suMsmal and muscle lissue or skeldal and brain rissr€
damaging ulltasound or radialion or direct€d €'!qgy. Include any and all
pht6iological psychological and ncurological ddrimcnlal efecls ofany and all lhtse
technologies includiog negative hcillh elTds, ddrimental biologicsl effGts,
psrclrclogical and namlogical delerioralion lhal can oqrr wilh any use oflhesc
w€apons including any and all long-lerin etrecls including cnncer bone manow
deterioralion, damage to lhc skin, musclcs, c€rdiovaso:ular and cirorladon, damage
lo organs ard any b,rain damage inoluding all ns[ological detgiomtion atd ltow
lh€se lechnologies c€n alter or negativcly alI(rt or damage the train.


P.s€ 4 of 28
of,icFiAiio:i imlxsrEt
itiiElr i-LL-I x96rrxlr
p.ArE -S!C
S-- Cc rk-l- r+ddh*.Gr.&rrns
da.E 6rd.+E ltEl*.EbEr! .lFFra.FGglTtr
dlt- Pro th lSA !l E- dd *rd*.
icDl l!-hl2m9 l-rids OdLv l- A|.lr&dfgD&ifi rb.drd..F&E-r-1,llry;.rb. HDdC
t&g! dr{E |rd kri !,6 ndat b - R'gr.Lr, k4 rqqrod}.
tutlfvi3-l+-h.rEeradra Edr&Sd.yci''.lri'&
LIC (r d.r Edria 6ri-e (E 7ll Eild-I locH|nS Eas.riprs
rddilgs| rd EF F -irg b ry n lositirl irsvt-i c. dber
c@dEr:irrs rrl dy Fsc rEgrdng rtc F6. 7lh ircihq Z AIodfr
r€cdds rdtitrg b $e F6. ?rh iDcile'q 3. Atl rt rG Fraisitrg ro lhe hnmg, Jd'
pqft.Ba.e ad l€.mirain (if eppliile) of lbe bllowing in@qldol
cotrtrdqs: J6eph Cri.s, Fredat Roh{ns t{ruhes Khoury, ind John R€ade 4.
All r€Erid\ rEons m@('ed4 coro]]rlmicsti@s or oth6 doolmqts concslitrg
Oc F6. 7rb hcid€or s€at by lhe NSA to my olh€r agfacy ofth€ gov6nm@t of the
Uniled Slates or lhc govsnm{nt oflrsqj 5. Atl relords r@ns, manorandq
commudcatiotrs or oths doollienls mncGning lhe Feb. ?lh incidol that was
r€c€iv€d by lfte NSA E-om anoths ag€ocf of the govenmsrt of the Urir€d Stales or
the governmq{ oflraq: 6. All.€cords regardiog condoleice paymqlts made to
Iraqi nationals injurql or killed in incid@ts oth€r dran lhe F€b. th incid€nr; 7. A
copy ofany FOIA r€qu€st r€.eiv€d by NSA rcgdding the Feb. th incident, as wdl
as a copy of any rq)ly tom NSA to such a r€quesl, including all records produc€d;
E. All r€cords, dated 2007, pqlaining to lhe NSA'S polici€s and procedurG
on FctruarY 7.2007.
59227 R€cords for Russian Mann€d belwet'l mid Marcj lo mid ADril 1961. Full Dstial

59231 I8-Jul-2009 Gilbrri Ronan R€qucs lhc following: l. Informatioo on dtc t€hnology dlal allows )ou lo sqxl Admin Chsurc
lhouglb or implanl llmughts to lhe pqson you are focused on. 2. The day it was
perfeclcd; therepon in Oe first p6son it was uscl againsl suouesslirlly. 3. The
rq)on on how,ou can also c6use bdlavior; wilh this tql$ology. 4. A complqc
s€arch ofall records Fom lop secrel to lowesl lcvel; to include slorql and vaull€d
micro-lile or documots re@rds/ 5. lhis information could be under W.A.RP.
syslsns bul as )ou lflow )ou coukl hide rc$rds ujd6 any name ard gel a no
rcords r€sponse, (b) (6)
Non - Responsive

Page 5 of 28
i ORicfr.iiioi -IOtE ltr
ae *lf b,!ffi I!Rg, tErr ts or1Y
C4SE i-€(=i
-ti-rr- D.st(ElX)\

59245 22-J\l-2009 ceorgesanchsz Copy oflhe contact bdwc€r NSA and Nonhrop Crurnmsn on lhe Bluc Blazer
hogram aka Acc€ss Conlrol Spe.:ialist Contract. I am also inlere$ed in any
Sub-Contrmts lhat Nonhrop Gnrmlnan has givql lo another oompany undcr lhis
Blue Blaz6

(b) (6)
I\lon Responstve
UlrcLASSIFlElylFen€Ffi et*ttt{iBoltf, F
Pagc 6 of 28
DOCID: 3;-0805? i. - . t :i!l}.5 Ey-fo,t:qnfi-ti itn-n-
l.jl!!-! ft\F:r.rio\
D.\TE _\E

:9t:.r :lJul-1009 SamSark"l.-j All n.r6:\.a1_. erJ !s'r::€r ri i.:{-,i:r_. i,=a::::: -..:.:: : ; a -:'*:e:. ri-:n C:riurc
gsla]nlng ro ncri.li::; q€r\]i,. rilari€ :: i.a:d: Jrd..-, i::_ ri: \!- j:-r'i :j
slsg-v Feapc.Ds res€arch pro-ei&'n hd de\eto:d sri rs crrd:tlr :- j:.::ri xj .y
has and poss6s6 rnclud,ng hallng us€ olllllds $e \Si. norlaiaj q erpr:r !
program. \\tall'm lcobng for s}€cifically a-edire.red glsgr6 srch 6 ra,llo
Felumcy radialion and ele.tromagndic radiation pf'talnrng to Bnlr pqsonnel,
having lo do wilh skin and hssuedamagesnd narologicll damagq causrng b{ain
disoridltalron, a(ention deficil, loss of mdlal focus on rn musaledalnage and
dgsioral:on, o.gan rissuedamage and mapping of rhebody and brarn willr
electrcmagn€lic or ullrasound microwave brain and bodyimaging and
caldiovascular-vcins and an€riej, n6vous slde,n. organ and musculoskelctai
imaging (basically lhe whole txxly), bone marrow damagg a8lcls on red and white
blood and hemoglobin and platelets production and also ho\r radiation can a8i:cl
lhebodily prolcclion ofchemical levels in lhe brain and effects on tcslicular
harmful radialion including lestoslerone produclion and sp6m production an(l the
abilily lo reg€nerale and r€producc lcsloslgone and sptrn while expos€d to
long-lenn radralion ofele(lromagn{xic or ullrasonic radiaiion and or by laser
including trnnors or cancer and pain sqsalions caused by bodi ly damaging
radialion and how lhc nerve roceplon rcspotrd lo lhea(ack and porclmlion lnown
an(l infihrarion ot'Jire\ lerl weaDonrv radialion .
5927 | I I Jul-2009 Carl Yod6 Raluest a copyofNSC 1550, dalql I bclil'vc in early 1961. Il is relif,red lo in linc Nol Agmcy Record
one oi rhc auached John F. Kmnedy, March 14, 1963 lcller, "Rc\acw oflranian
Silualion" found in fte NSC publishfrl docummls. But, I and dregovemmcnl
Documg'nls Llbrarians al Arizona State LJnivssilv have bccn unablcto find NSC
i550 in lhe Dublishe{l rclord-
59212 2lJul-2([)9 JasonTorchinsky Any electron ic mail c.ommu.'li0alions by dnd b€tween any unployoc or Unablc lo Conlact Rcqucslcr
represenlalive of lhe Nalional Seurity Ag$cy and any ernployL! or rcprsirnlatrvc
ofanyolher govcynrn.rl agency dieJussing or relalc{l lo Michael Ignalietl The
l€rms we would likelorlo serrch for are lganlictl Igna(eifl; Ignali€li lgnalc'il
The dale range for lhrs rqlnqjl is January L, 2002lhurgh Dojenrber 31, 2006.


Pase 7 of 28
DoCrD: 3708O67
oi;cii;ni iaotf,sTEr
2t-H-Un9 ld Tdrh*y by or b€twe€a Michad lgnalieq [trchdle
Ary da.tr.E Eail coofilnicalioos l-bde to C.olj R€F.sd
C.c, rd SrS S€ryall &rd any crnplo)€c or r€prGsrlativc oflhc Naticnd
ScryAltrcy. Tte qbail addreis€s {g.yggllllElpLlgsearch for a'q .
iid_EEi€,bqna-!6dedu * | I
I miclelleg€ol@harvard.€du *
si_r64,lsf-hd.t.3d-edu The date rang€ for tlis rcqucsl is January l, 2002
D€.d€.31. m06.
2l-.E'!P!t l6Tatu*y -.f-g air|res, E€ooranda communicaliotrs, documenls, contracts, withdrssn
ecod5, ivit-i-, fi video o. adio t6p€s pqEining to lhc plsnning, conl€nt,
qdb c. Ftidpdi'l of eoplolrrs, contracts or other agents of )our ageocy
wirb I!!p.n ro
-,v of&e s@hes or eval6 lisled bdow;

tirddiriin Ctdlag€s i! M ilary lnt€rv@tion workshop

l.lordd 29lO 2ml
179 Lld[sdts Ave.. NW
Rma Rm. bd Flo6
Wdroglm, DC

IfuBdhaja ls$€s in Military Targding Worlshop

Med! 7-8, 2m2
Washingt@, DC

U tqgading CoU8tq8l Damage wo*shop

Julc +5, 2002
washitrgton, DC

Gromd Opersriois Workshop

O(lobs l?-18,2002
Washilgton, DC

Ethic€l Dilenmas for Sp€ci6l Forcts Workhop

June ll-12,2003
Fon Bragg
Fayqleville, Nonh Carolina ard
April 13-14,2m4
washinglon, DC


P.ge 8 of 28
DOCID :370805?
oiiciiiT:G:i i xtsTft
REFLW t)lst(Errx)\
UAtr -Ir5
592t2 27-ld-]s L-E kr t qt3r--': a.* drlc- hq dl.r-E.r Fll Datl
E-G- AIA E ETrd. E-k'&'Eib.-!
r -
592t6 29.H-2qt9 G-t, !ft -
lE+nd-!-'+EH,j-Jd*t=- litg Cc5n \.or Doy
ffikr+-.ry EEk -d(l
-dt.ft- r !-r*2!C. -rlEacd
I r.rb F 4*! adrd &
J a't-r L-EErErdd.L&L I tF-l
ht b b raqrL *c.ddra. tk *(- E I tt rkr-!-g ar
EuaE l-rl{ * rsElgCi.d!r--'1 t6rbLn
!d ro |} hd- -.6r,
GqdE @6 fiqt |tc 9- Dq-E: A!4
l'6 ttf ifudir g'!E b tX6, fsd a -yd.. rb.ir *r' f Art tq.

No R€cords

59304 29-Jul-2009 Charles Dougleny lnformadon on STU-III pho[es tion 198G1989 and copi€s ofthe following two No Records
documdrts: l) NSA Memorardnm, 8 Dec 1987,lillal "Operarional Doclrine for
Ihe STUIU T}?c I T6rnidal,"; 2) NSA Infonnarion S)6lems S€.urity Aullerin
#87-009, lilled "Inlbrmation Guidc for lh€ STUJU tow Cosl Terminal," 30 S@

59305 30-Jul-2009 Michad Groves CoDy oflhe culrqll contracl/s for lockmith sgvic€s/access conlroyphlsical security Re.ords Not Reasonably
for National Securily Ag$cy, Fon Mcadc MD, 20755 including expiralion dale of Dcscribdl
clur€ol contactorrs namc & Dricine schdlulc.
59306 29-Jul-2009 Frank Fox lnfoamalion regarding the lawsuil lglown as Joho Sl Clair Akwei vs NSA. No Records


Prge 9 of 28
CASE # ffiictfAlrir* -DnXlfEf
EE l-_i |rsxx Efi
59308 3Gr-2D TT- Al.4-bl-bGH rt*rr
dCL!E C+ l-t- lt --tf2-rr
-E -rbf
+-G, dtH t*tB. Ib qE - tqEd
tglt5 n*D Htlr 4-t- qLEE-rL€.frb-r-r I hrF

Orl+-2o!t |El,& I dbabrrk(d16Al-gcllTFi3.rFlidD fi

(f-turrAdr-t8, 2m. I d &&-brti cd tie

Rdi! Cs.5E316- FOIA

(D-Aug-2IDg i,b$e Rdin l) I!ft.Bdiro rdi€d 6 pqtritritrg to d Isdi MIA3 i! tie Sta Yato{b (or Nei&6 Confirm No. D€oy
Solta Yqub) bdle in E$(rE td.no o I t hr l9€4, ftc sid d4f of the
ts-ad-t,€b@@ Wtr; 2) irtdligoce r€p6ls rdaed to ay of lhe l$adi MlAs
r€ferr€d tq ForE 1982 to lhe F€sat d.dq 3) 6e r€qu(g is S€ci6c to all, or all, of
Oe following MIAS: Zacl Baudd, ZdryBaE€L Z€d|eir Baumel, Tzvi

03-Aug-2009 Drewwilson t{equ€sr infdmation rdaled lo lhc psssagq f€lry MV Eslonio (somgim€s \r,rill6t Full D€ni6l
as pass@g€r f€try M/V Eslonia), r'hich sank in lhe Ballic Sea betw€at Sw€da and
E$onia otr S€plernber 281h, 1994. Ttis r€qu€9 iDcludes copies ofevFy documslt
relat€d to lhe mattq, r€gadl€ss ofthe fomat in whict the inlbrmation is storcd,
fi-om the p6iod ofsqteNnbd l, 1994lo Aueusl 3, 2009. This r€quest includes, but
is nol limited to, minutes ofhedings, noles, cofi€spond€ncq faxes, telq€s,

59336 0l-Aug-2009 Konmd Ege lnformalion or rcrrds on Tarnara Bonkq also known as Hajdee Tamara Bunke, Neither Confinn Nor Deny
BidE, born on Novetnb(f 19, 193? in Buenos Air€s, Argqrtina, didl on Augusl 31,
1967 in Bolivia.

Pagc l0 of28

59182 28-hl-2d)9 lddolsGtsd<r f.fdfth3tu Il*.E--b..btt* HIH

dE D tFrE (r-r c!- C- +- g - t tj-ri
S.G- n$d €-.Eol3- dGr d&C-
ffi bo-l-<. tiE6.t*sdks fu_.rr--af.
eddg(sl !.r ADr-tr(s)afuLh*-cfu-
fagtt. tl |* ddr:rs tl. e.ErFad. r'drtb' l anr -..rqr
nesirg€ Eey, id siE-l'. ntuEb: ll t .-6. -turi. a ac rl?c
ed nelbod cn oa{iEolrd E.ge ArEihEF.'lEd? Ar! a.tF.Fd r
Cub€ ed di$ihed in 6eUS? G rctiefrF'briaE'h arb'6- rles
oftrumbqs in soee ld(tbae boo& sroct Fk:6, fc'r ad.. tis (. Wfu
public irnagcs, sottrd fil€s, etc. Aft rh€s€ t!€sat.s dcql/F.d bt hd rilt pAd
aDd p€ncil, or iscoDlnrtq softwse used? 4) Do }o hw€ ey phrceSrTts
aEilable teying nacial 6 l}e *slstras us€d by rhe
oD the "one-. timepad"
Cuban agqrts in d€ciphfring the m€ssages? 5) Is a cDd€bool b\d'/td in
decryplion, or is d€cr)?tion a "non<arying' additiotr or srtFdi6 meilod similt
to the Viearam ciphs? lt has b€t'l noled thd some ofthe "DuDtss" o€ssag€s se
defici€nl in the numdal "9." 6) I would @pr€ciate ey orh6 gdral inftrBtid
59383 2I -Jul-2009 Troy Larson Requesl acc€ss 10 and copies ofany r€corG pqlajning to a reoned assassinstio.r No R€ords
allempt on Pr€sidarl G€orge W. Bush on rhemorning ofs€pt€mber I ld\ 2ml. I
om sp€cifically refFritrg io a s(ory in the Longboat Obs6ver, adhored by Sbsy
Sullivan, published on Seplelnb6 261h, 2001, wbich related an accourl by
tongboal Key Fire Marshal Cmroll Mooneltan ofsevgal middle-€aslsn mdl who
slrcwod up at The Colony belch r(son on lorgboat K€y, FL claiming lo have a
poolside inlqview widr lhc Pr€sidenl. R€quest copies ofany rqrons or int€nogatioo
records wilh security pssonnel al Th€ Cololly, re?orlt. Shay Sullivan, Fire Ma^hal
MooDeyhan, and any oth€r pqsons who may have be€tt qu€stioned about this


P.ge ll of28
DOCID: 3r-08057
!4!!j ORiGirit iot, i;Olt!'t L!{
ii.: .:.i i- :: 3. a ll:.DO!lTlO\
D{tr _\!tf
rl€J;- 'r 1r= ::--:dj1 :':r:-J :.:r:1.:. :r-::r',.r. ::il =1,.: .:..:_,: ::d!a\l

59410 09-Aug 2009 Joseph Malcsia A l61q dat€d Augul ll:- l!-.. :r= -: :,:t- :-i:\,-.i.:: ::::,:,..j::: ]j:::l:.:=-s
Na!1 Dq,rflmmr. \\ahnerl-. X ::._ri jL.:us -.i ii;.j.\:j.i --
(wi$ rqlaclions) in fie Jl\ lhelrs r! hl.qr.I1 n ;:..r-rr .i r:::r,i -::i -i-: -:-
Oflawa. coplnglll 2001, trllql -P€arl Harb!.r rajefrnJ: Lrri.l S:i:d \-:, q3-rr
in 1941" (al/ailable \1a Proor6l darabse ISB\:9,-!iL4::{--i!:i
59411 09-Aug-2009 Michael t ng Requ€st NSA provide a mpyol'NsA Polic) 5-1,+. AIso, reque$ \SA p.o\1de
relatsl NSA policies lhal Drovidc dclails concsnrne liSA s€flrir\
59412 09_Aug-2009 Michael Craha.ln ofth€ CO?to AG (AKA Hagdrn) Retuesls did not fespond to
Records relaled lo the sludy and cry?lanal,sis
CX-52 ms,hanical €ncryplion/decryption device. This device was prc{ucsj by lbe lelts
AG in Swilzcrland durine thc Dcriod ofl952 throush rhe I970's.
59413 09-Aug-2009 Lmry Browcr 5200.28-STD; CSC-STD-002-85; CSC-STS 001,85; NSC-TO-001TO Documenls publicly
NCSC-TC-oIl; NCSC-TG-o13 TO NCSC-TC-o24; NCSC-TG-025 TO Available
:q410 .rl-Jul-2009 Rose Santos coDv ol lhe idenlified lo solicilalior H98230-08-R-043 I No Relords
59412 10-Aug-2009 Km Bam€s Requesi copi€s ofrhecunent Aulomaled Documanl Managemml Slsrem (ADMS) Paninl D6'al
conlract awarded to MERITO, Inc.lo include Level of Effon (LOE), Slalelncnt of
Work (SOW), Labor Caregory D€scriplionvQualificarions, Soliciraiion, Ofii:r and
A\rard, T€chnical Task Order(s) as appropnale (TTO'S) and relevanl Modificalions

59461 03-Aug-2009 David Williams Re&rds bqwetil I Jan 2008 - 3l July 2009 in\olnng the follo*ing organi/arions: Full D.rial
Campajgn for Libent Republican Libeny Caucus, Constilution Pany, Libfiaria
Pany, Bob Ban fbr Pr€sideni, Chuck Baklwin lbr Presidml, and Ron Paul lbr

uNcr.{sslFtf, xvlFoR€fFr€{*I,.usr€Nl:v-

Pagc 12 of 28
g4sEj o::Gii^fiD:
nffE--(- D|s!()SfIXXi
PAIE =I)rxsrf,r

d a *, *- Al lfr-E b drd,.^-t'-
S- la e,c' Al A*!..+- lt?6i
i-.br-;-- i-i-.i_r
j91{9 | jrr+-2q'9 Eh l&r -,
*--ra*=*t-a-r, (rE'fr 6c-F :t d6 CnfIr Nc. D€ay
-, Hrtstr
| 6lI F- L4 b b@. C-inE i{107
-l-, -F'_i,J-a4tA
59172 l+A.-.2Ft -b f- [..-dtnl-*,btls,{arneEi.adcte Is-d t'Io Rfcrds
I d Lr { lYD.
5911 6A€-209 f.-ryb S-..-r-i&ir llrl-* rbol A€ Fr.! lrq ri, ad Gcos|rhg r,ya li/ilh
-d if

59485 09-Aug-2009 J6Cph Fdice ilformalion forrecords oD form€r Soviel Cosmonaul Lt. Col. Vladimir Ilyushin, his No Records
name may slso be spdled Ll. Col. Vladimir luushin. Ll. Col. Illushin orbited
Eanh otr 7 AtApril 196l . specifically, lhe cnan recordings, audio tap€ r€cordings
and msnos lakq by Tqn Island tracking slation p€sonnel on 7 April 1961 in
lo rheorbir offormtr Sovi€t Cosmonaul Lr. Col. Vladimir

59489 l7-Aug-2009 Marge Riod€s R€qu€sl (r)py oftecltnical rqrons cilql in Cmelin Handtbot of lnorganic No Records

N.S.A.2| ( 1967) no. 2EEl0 ]i1,",.-. . ...^

N,S.A. ll (1957)no. I l4l
N.S.A. 15 (1961) no. 2?510
N.S.A. 14 (1960) no. 12041
.N.S.A. 13 (1959) no. 8908

U!rcL{S$f nD/FOfrOFfl et*tttsfolttT-

Pago 13 of28
# ORicirilil{ Eafi.lrf,l
E-r--i DaS!(EIr!F*
pa.rE -!^!f,
S.EC E(€ l-tt- ir 5*C
t-hhtlf Dt{*Lttr. ZCFJTE (-
E E-S-ir-ldra--
-1t.bEiiF3lr|-t'Hf-Gt J- t8 +ra -(- --
#.rlqa--dE*Jll:t- E--* S<ir
#-L-rt I.l*L2n- l- ClirJ-r-
cf,I @d|t'ElsS-----t-Ea-&rF
of Fed4id ffi , tb aq 2l Il I sf'r- q
2dr9. D-.a.it lld*f - -,
t-ruirrfj*d*l FG

59503 l&Aug-2009 Tony Richardson Rdeasable vesioB ofseatine (ian @d NSA Policy +23 (R€as@able

l9-Aue-2009 Sheila G€orge Informalion ofmail Faud c1b€r crime Dedainins lo e UCCI and UCC3 No Records
59s06 l9-Aug-2009 John Greetewald Copy ofall docrmmls pslaining to the TITAN Il aaddsr at Darrascus, Arkarsas No Reords
in 1980; including ail records, which includ€s, but is not limit€d to, reports, lett6s,
nuclear incid€nt. nuclear wraoon)
59508 I 3-Aue-2009 Bichard Toronto Copi€s ofNSA do.umenls concEning Oe zitr-Davis Publishing Company of DuFlicsre Requesl
Chicago, Illinois, any agacy documdlls ftat w6€ ffled with ),ou agency dudng
Mr. R.otrnond A. Palme/s editorship b€tlrrear 1939 dd 1949 8nd any sqarale lil€s

Pag€ l4 of 2t
# Oiiciii;-.li RiOtI-sTfR
if4-r]!i i iraa : DLiPOgnO\
94lE -S$C
:r< a ! -=!L: --.*-/ l_--trd:
r-s S.g,i rri-9a.: ri ; r,: ; r I li i--,.5:= f =[r =:-_€: :.Es qr,r]j
!rr::r }rE:-r*l< :i;r i:-.grf,s |ca --.4r:r.a \trf-t- :I=L-=aa
Crr:.a. . :itre 9!t":;-.- r-\ ,-r: r?-t F: Rr- _EE :1_.:.
i'elEr i. :! :cas-r! :<r 'cr!a i :c :aE:<.a --lr\!1(r. =:r I :
=:-.4 ri
$E! :.- 4jd ::a:n{ EiEE' . ::::tl !.rl}:rja I :e.r .:
FeEld;p-+,\> -:,.c i.=Lr-,:--a \:-: :_:-:i.a:ir.!c: ril: -:r=,:-. :.
nCO\l Fdla.n I ?*Lia :-r-ra :.5E2! i=rf- as \: .:
Fe!.sr@ :-dEaa-.. z-Ei'.{:ICCV Ir| {rJa : aa-L,- a*si:
T€dni€l re(rl. Rar-. \o. : l. 'B.rr*!a:r'&e; -Jr,r6r-. i:6-' 4 t:a f\l
frlHrcdicn. i. -Deailed F@e96r:ect::{d R4ar.- R- \. ::;3u-:\i
lnlfiogarioo otFelr6sein EnpkD€ts Dr :mz Saila< &i'i..lr'eri \,-ftri

59521 28-Jun-2009 Murray Schwalbaum Copy ofthe book ho\r,Il asdr€'NIST raintn* striei". and il is m@lion€d in lhe Crantsl In Futl
book ADplied CrvDloeraDhv that a coDv can be


Page 15 of 28
-i-E-Ig EXEII('i
SAE &=
..HE ib-l,-3td tlaEllrhb--l --r Arff.
-r tRtitsl' b--- (Il^f d.J rb
-irt ^b
59533 I l-A+-D L-fqf- l--datt-3-<--.4tffirgt llfrr RiF','
.-a r'+--
EFAiglJ Hktsdt-TEof
-.i-rl t.kFi-r J----l d Ei{
Fi*,.-.- hbt - i-, Tb Ei-.<-.. he 2mD
l- Td R.Dan a acT..bbl Eafirir oftc FEirit f.*..a<ry caried
c. by ! T.cid lca dd.r ffcll{ qiE: r TrcOl.t d-ii..
2- 'Dqdfcd Fdqseia T€&ic€l Ptiicd Reaq RrfNo l: Aniftjel Sp€ed @d
El1coditrg' A nCOl\{ Ir$licdio
3.''Ddriled Faj(r$eir TeEtnical Project R@n, RdNo. lG Fa.erSeir pl!rls.. A
TICOM puuicdion.
4. "Ddail€d Far€stdD Tdnical Projd R@n, R€f No. I t: Bdri€bsordnung
Labontory krl€s." A TICOM Publicarion.
5 "fEailod FaF$€in T€clnicd Projel R@n, Ref No, 12: T€clmicd
lntdrogalion ofFqrsst€in Emplo)€€s Dr. Frilz Sqlnheistl and Wolfgang Msnini.

59542 24-Aug-2009 Jonathan winkl€i Docum€nl cit€d in Rob€rl B6son's history ofU.S. COMINT in world war T!vo. Dmlrme'|ls Pubticly
Specifi$lly, I'm idt'est€d in pag€ 74, Foolnot€ 106: S€c an Op-20 survcy ofFCC Available
acliviti€s cooducl€d as 6 high61 priority proj€cl in July 1942, in fold€r marked FCC
RI 1939-1945. NSAH"
59546 06_Aug-2009 Charl€s Slade Infonnalion on res€dch on and treHng on widqfified fling objeds (UFOS) al Documd|(s l,ublicly
NSA Available

UNCL,{SStFlf, Iyfi OkOf fl erfi ;Ust€l{it-

Pasc 16of2t
RE.tffi i il!{, DI.*(FITIO}

59571 18 Aug-2009 craeme Nicholl Aca€ss and oopies ofany summaries or descriplions ofile Military ELINT Signals Admin Closure

59586 27-AW'2009 John Greenewald Msy 20, 2009, lhe AP reon€d,"lran lest-firal a new Inissile wrdn€sday ir clallnql Rque$r' did nol respond lo
had a range capable of reaching Israel and U.S. bas€s in dro Middlc Easl: Rquesl a ttr ldtcr
r.pyofail releasable documents relaling lo lhis missile test by lran. Plcase includq, ..
n, ,: -
bul do not limil lo, memos, ldters, repons, eleatonir rocords, dc, th al rnay Fcnat r:r...


Prce l7 of28
DOCID ; J /U6Ub / F.r:tY}flg+3J9$ffiffi
il: -1.!: \, r.! \
\)€ - . D:-.:h):1 TI o

'" \:l-= >.:

--r::1 i:r1:! :! -::5:: + !i !:_ _:+<fl::--:5r E:i r :;.-r::
r-- ,:r-:a -_r;_x-- i:r5:1 !.s: : : ::r:.'-=:r::
i95t3 :-.iug.:iit Jd.aCr.€r:';-; 1 i.' ::_:":i',:.s':;:'.: ;1 :!.:::f,-!s!:i'=::r: :t ii -
= -:l
:i-. s!L:--= : !:t::-c::-1-i<it-: L : -}a=i.:i=l:i i::::-i :_:l r i.
: ra=- :i']- 3=::Li _:.r::- aL
5958t lr-Aug-20119 John Cr€s,es ald i: >.:-
59590 2; Aug-:0o9 John Cre('leuald C!:a na:i i\_ :-€'-::< :i :. \-i: :=::-:z ,ir--,,a 4..- :::: iu::
59-r9l 27-AuC-2009 JohnCreenurald Re 6: a aq-l i: Ar f,.i :;< \S: ;a+!!:a -.c:ai : : :r :=1=: :: ::_ c.at= ir iul.
dofirfial. r€ c.:le: ! drJF:'i's::.:L,::5: \a(.e:-:rl ri:::iq{ r'l
rnclude tle Table ofCooldrts oi:be s:lxe risr6
59592 27-Aug-2009 Johncr€f|lewald Copy ofdl FOLArequei l6tss, lDcluirng drar fua- d6finmaxon i6le\. filed Ft
M8tlhew M. Ai4 or Matth.* Aid, whrcheld comes up. \ARRO\\ID: The 6rsl
100 pag€s of r€sponsive natsial, ulil2rDg the t*r hous of s€acl ume?tlot€d to
me undq lhe FOIA.
59593 27-Aug-2009 Johncre€newald Copy ofall records penaining to $c qds atlacts lhar have rakqr place arcund the Neither Confirm Nor D('ly
beginning ofJuly 2009, alracking rhe SrateDg)anmflt, Wlite Hous€, Pentagon
and othffs. Please include all documents lhat p€rtain lo rny requ€$, which
includes, bul is nol limitql lo, repons, letlers, nemos, eleclronio records, do€umcnls
relaling lo dre t)?e ofa(ack, and manualvprolocols used for combating such clbcr

mainlained bythc NSA thal principally discuss lhedis.rqe fouri{r transfonn offie
fast fourier transform. I arn only requeslilg aflicl€s whose prinary topic is lhe DFT
or FFT
59597 2l-Aug-2009 Edward Moon S€sking infonnarion on an outfit I servsl wilh in VielNam. I wdswiih Hl{C 2241h Cranted In Futl
Atn. Bn. (RR) ftom Ocl T0lo Ocl7l. Am requ€sling DailyJoumats, Operalronat
Repo(s t4ssion Leamst (OR-LLS) Combat Opdalions Ali6 Action Reorc
(COAAR). for the Fisral Year'70-'71

Psga l8 of28
E/iir-\r i *l!-
sdtr -:$E

59657 JelEry Daub€t l) Soviq Large R dio Array: All intscf?rrons, raslari&s, hrsa rnldltgEc€. P.rorr< \ct R€as.' ably
€lc, on hown or susperled sovid taagc radio snt6n4 €+- as eniid 44)l! ro D.sabol
programs ofsusp€cled weathd modificrlioD. Doo.lmols ldiSiDg ro Lbe par6
co[sumplion ofsuch a lacility (intelligaice Fom pows compall6, fio$sline loal
assfssm€nts, 6c.), docum€trls relaled 1o Oe sovigs defas€ d@anmaK
authorization ofsucl a progrtun. Any documols, s€set or o{her.risq ofAmqn:an
or ofsoviel origins, which discrss such a w€adls modification program or
othgwise any large radio array. 2) American IIAARP or simiiar Fogram: Any snd
all intelligmceor docum€ils relating lo theAmaic€n tLAARP (Hgh Allirude
Almosphrric Research Project), Iocaled in Alaska or elsewhsq or any similat
classified progam with or wi(hout the inrention ofnodiryiDg lllc wearhs. i would
like sny lranscripts or oth6 docurn€nls r€lating lo the discussion of$ch a program,
for w€ath€r modificalion or othtr purposes. Any foreign or dorn€$ic intettigoce
relaling lo the creation or othe' discussion ofsuch a program, execuled or olhen ise
menlion€d. 3) UFO sightings vis a vis HAARP or stuiwl€nl Wearhg Modificalion
program domeslic or atroad, s€aad or olhef,: Any and all lransrnissions or olllq
fonns of inlelligence as rhry may relatc lo UFO sighlings, as |nay rclalc lo rle
operadon of such a large radio anlerna as USA'S IIAARP or similar innallalion,
cspccially &s tnay relatc to "hot spots" or other odd atmosphrric anomalous efl-ocls
as would be crealcd tly operalion of a large radio ,nl€ona or device in thc upp{r


Page 19 of 28
DOCID: 37 080 6? F. F
i :!+IigF-rr9t-qFF.et|rflror1-
gASEj ORicii.ii;o:i iiOLI-\-TrR = e -.-r-t i:-i _. OL\PO:ITl O \

59661 27_Aug 2009 Ba-hany Ke$an To s€e tecords pstaining ro the arti-viqnaJn war adiustr\ rD Fre!_c and in rhe Nctlhs CoI| 6rm Nor Dd|y
Unrled Slal€s, Iiom 1965-1975 ofhrown m€rnb6s: Nicholas Bid. Ehz?bd}l
Cannal, Rosqle Coryell, Schofield Coryell, Robsl Finlq H. Bruce Franklin, tfurve]
Goldb6g, Marion Guyard, Da\ad Johnson, DituieJohnstone, Mana Jolas, Shirley
Keidt, Mary Jo Leibowitz, David McRelnolds, Edila Morris, lra Morris, Paul Orq
Helen Pillsbruy, Roberl Rosen, Marshall Sahlins, Williarn Cardner Smidr, Pei('
Junc Van Ineen. Mar Walb and Hv Yanowilz

(b) (6)
I,Ion - R--srons-ive

Pagc 20 of 28
C|SE f OEiGii-r._-
tsIIE t -ft rxs"(xfnoN
41I =r(zstf,f
(.ktfiq-i S-.A-{.UrIA1--G-r-r DEib.d
.roaaaft|tEElraiD-(!lrFG(tf)ru-bL Xrrt'
OCdra.FbE k Er iFr..l-i .l-yd
ta-E 4-rrE-ry - ft 2G rhlf h tI,.- d
t{-id s.-+^CEryCdSdriSd-Ir-Crc6ISA.GSI
-rkIEAFS{I l-EEq|r tdlrA-kr5- Ari\
ircb-ah E hlr l) t|q, t-n- r-?a rrsqs
FISA SrA|t-rT.t fu- -fr
SqdaAn5. A }|-.t'S---&E-.-'rt!_ --, ..idad-- d
tTSA hdii.tuCttdSe.sr'('lC$rd'irttcF.r &E&-cty
ftdEod it/dd Jac 2fi6" l) l,lnd boid.+q FlEd. d F*'t-'o .
fte 2mi2m7 UrSA hning fr!c6 dfcqiq rrE fffdEr Ms
Univasity Dr. Fgvi so&u Pled.rd.erytt.trdbtuNSA Frd R. cl-G
orolh€rNsA Dir€d6 Kdtb B. [email protected]&.r-di€tE :
lo Mdts legrding q€di@/opqdin otUTSA lCS 6 r *itd lrT${,r}is{
fado res€€rc,h cater &d lraitring cala 6r NSA S$ A ob.€iEd {ira

59740 3l-Aug-2009 Fjchard Letrlz whalevq docum€irtalion may be in sds€nc€ for dre followilg lopics rdal€d lo ].lo R€crrds
U.S. military aid lo Uberia: l.
Theproposal for bonk€ring facililir:s ar lhe
Robqisfidd Airpon for the Rnpid Deloyrtrenl Joint Task Force. Tltis proposal was
rej€cled by the adminislralion ofRob€rt Tolb6 before his aasassinalion irt April of
1980. Pl€ase include lbe reaclion ofdre Tolbsl governmqll and lhe r€spons€ ofthe
Unil(i Stat€s alm€d forc€s to lhis rcjeqion. 2. olt April 12, 1980 the Libqian
Pr€sid€nl Rob6l Toltst was ovdthrown and assassinded in a coup. Pleasc
providemedoc1lmq|lalioll on what lhe U.S. afmql forces bew aboul this e*rt. 3.
Documotalion dessibing rhe raining ofthe Libqian Annql Forces tom 1977
unlil Apnl ofl980. I undcrsland thal lhe Gre€n B6et and Colonel Rob6t Gosney
lrain€d specifc divisions lrithin the LAF. Ca! you pl€asc me derailql intbrmalion
on $e kaioing and goals ofU.S. militarv assistance to Libsia ulinellus
59'145 l0-S€F2009 John Crett|ewa.ld Seach ofall compemy ernails and l€tl6s ofconespond$ce, on all compulers, lbr Reqrcsls did not r€spond lo
docunclts bcweql lheofficeofor Squtor John Mccaio hiuseli Please include lee ldllr
all relevant do(1ments pqtaining ro the communic€tion b€twedl bofi lfie NSA and
Squlor Mccain.

uNct AsslFmrrlFeR€Ffl €t*tffsrofi rr

P.ge 2l of 28
DOCID: i-:f+l->:SEgTqt
if .r- !\ I \1:-:
S$E \E
59746 lGsq-li{9 Eni::bs

59759 l0-Sq-2009 Johncreeiewald SearcI ofall compsny enajh and l6ls: alco:T:s;!.ois':. :ir I -:ri:: i:r
documflls bgweq) lieofEceoio( Saalor Ba-dk Oaei;::=e: :-- ::.--:r-
2008. Pl€ase includc all rdlvant doi]lmenlj pdlalnrns ro lte..--Ei3:rr,
bdween bo$ the NSA and Soalor/Pr€sidsu El€rl Obama i rn ln ,i
59769 l4-SA-2009 Alan Dewry REue$ a copy oflhe documd1ts conra,ning the lbllos.lng ln!-o{rD!:,..j1 :,.,::--- 3_= ,: : i,
ofmemorandum ofmedings bqw€ql Dudlel Allgl Buck \{f. A B C:* -J >
Joseph J. Eachus on or about I I and 12 Ocrober 1954i 2. \dnul6 Llr nem.fa.lr:l
ofm€€lings b.twecl Dudley Aller) Buck, IVII. A. B. Clar( Dr. Joseh J.fuctL!,':
or aboul 1,2, and 3 Novembq 1954;1. R@n ofas-rignnrenr al \a!"1 OrJr-j.
Laboralory oD or aboul 14June1954;4. Reon ofassignmsl lo amerd cc:ls-.€
ar Rayleon Manufecluring Company, Wallham, Marsachusqts oo or abcut i.i. lj
Sep(emb€r 1953 per ldltr Aom John J. Counney, Jr., Sa'ral 305511 5.
RAon .rf
assignmenl to ausld confercrice at R yhmn Manufacluring Company, \\'all}lar.
Massachusells on or aboul 30 ard 3l July l95l p6 le er &orn Wargl H. Tumit
Jr., S6ial 33442, July 3, 1958; 6. Reort ofassignrn€nl ro allend conf$srce ar
Enginecring Res€arcb Associalcs, St. Paul, N{lnncsola on or about 12 ard ll
F€broary 1953; 7. Doc|lmqlts vhich €irlightm us ahoul a lrip lhat Ensign Dudlfl.
Allcn Buck 50 1956 did lrav€l lo Auslri a and C€flnany on or aboul Apn I 20, I 95f,.
a docurncnr whicl would in.licate lhe nanrre olthe

59',711 I l-S€?-2009 Krpp cibbs Add lhc following vd)icles lo ,our invcstigalion: Massachusells Licmsc plales - lnproFr FOIA Rques
l8sF99. 47r-rXR 25XK84.
59781 30-Aug2009 craeneNrcholl Releasable documdts sunmarizing NSA'Sop€ralions at San Vito (le Nonnfini Air
Slalion, Ilaly b€forc ils closing.


Prge 22 of 28
DocID: 3?08051 R. F trtcJ+f g E gTEtqfl f tti-Fr€'+F
OtuCii .l-iio\
lAslij RiOttiIEF {t ,r -::. { 3Jl: DISPOSIIIO\
!1lE :3lg
5978J I : {r:-l:, t a:-<.i \. =: - ;j--_-s :::r-. : : r , .: =1-:,: :.:!-_-_-.! :..::r:; _ _:--* : r:.- : g.\ \nti - ( ojr nr:n \or Dg]!.
::Ez:.:j i!a_i:-- !:.j.r:. r: \ :---j:_-:: '-: -:1 !

,r;_!! I r:r! ::t! c.=:. \i.:::i ].:r :..?iii. ]_!-_-:: -: :.!-:L- : -_:: .:::::. -. :. .-.e:E:; zirrn oi lhe Rettutsler (lid nol r€spond lo
\1:.: !-:!---:_r :r<: .!:- -:i \i,:{ fef lellc1
i!-!- ln-.ug: ! Gr.€n? \:ch.rtl {1r r-.1-{: - \-. -- : :-.-1: i ._-: :r.::m an,1 .r orqanr2anon of rtre crantql In Full
E!-1]i1ji i-r.=:. :,::=: :SC r..ri Co]r('.
59191 08'Sq-2afi Thce$ Durkrn :::: r: tr-iii ir :i- tr51 t re.sve ar!, and al ibdhcor,ling
Raljs- :::: r::.
rnlimrau.. ':. -Sl:i: ):a:' ,:.i LS.li ll0 iry So\1el Aircra_ft on 2 ScDlcrnbn
l9jt. I aE dr.;:::s =j:<{ ribo oi\isgr Ccorge P. Parxhilos,fl tD 1!.1
eio ri one.ai}e :]!.:i-i:Dr d-€. AIro. *ould posstble il b€ formeto r€ceivE
i6 Jf rie E..rf, r:r.* rir. D61 I Soremb(r 2009.

59793 09-Scp-2009 Maxhew Aid Requesl copres ofdre follovrng anicle which appeared in an NSA Panial inlsnal Doial
publicalion producol b, rhe Calts for CD?lologic History (CCFO: Unrno"T
aulhor, "N{a}te \'ou Fiad lo Be Th€re The SIGINT on Thinean Soviel Shoul(towns
ofU.S. R6onnarssance Arrcl'a-ft. CryTJtologjc Quanerly, Vol. 12, No. 2, Summcr
193. Sa'.d
59194 07-Sep-2009 Anoop Rajkumar Requesling informarion or r€rords on UseofNon Le0)al weapons used byNSA. No Rr[ords
The w€apofls may be bassl upon microwave auditory effelt, microwavc hearin g
eFe1, Frey eflecl. arli6ciai tclaadry, and./or any devicdweapon wtrich uses arUor
causes s ch cflccli and an v cov€r1 or undisclos€d uscofh\onosi

59800 I 7-5@-2009 Charlene Bolelg A ll pncing, lechnical, a.ll (l conrrad rn tonnal ion for Conrracl # 9823005-C- I I 89.
Please provide lhe incumbofs lechnical and cost Drooosal 10 Drovide ltese sern
5 9804 I 7-Sep-2009 l\4lchael Rollmill€r I . A full and compl€lc copy of th e "FOIA administrative case file" relfidl to in Mr.

Bauman's lqler, And all reiiTence mal€ria-l r€view&l by Mr, Bauman or anouler
NSA member lo aolhor his lett€r. 2. All nemo's, notes (handwri(en or odt€rwisc).
qnails, fa-\€lj, voice meisages (seDl and recerved by Mr. Bauman) regarding any
issuerelaling 1o rny FOIA rqucsl or lhe ratuesl subrniltdl on mybehalfhy
manb€r Ann KirkDatrick's nall
5ql l1 09-Sq-2009 craene Nrclrotl aboul rL( hisrorv oIEad Aiblinp Sratr . Groj|ltrd In


Prse 23 of 28
U\.,/I-IU; J IU'JU'
cAsii oRicri itilt R:o.LntR nIaPLlr-l11O\
a,!E :!]E
_,\ L -:<-: -J,::

:tS5 r i--S€f-2rr09 lllrc}lael Rorhmrl;s On i{::r,-: Se.:::.-.:'.i \/- ::- tr:-:.a . iiri a: :,r1- , :--.. :,_: ::...q!--i
al4!r'-rr. - i---:r. :-:. ':= i -- .:. --r. ..i:_,. r L -e ,. .r
re€ardrig n1 Fr-r..:i ioi\ ii;:s-:rj 3jc:::rJ.:-, : ..- -. ,.r'
Baum a, n ad€ rei'dace a i_:h. -FO;- a.::.j:r. < .::; ( 3< : .' ::-_.1:. i
lollo\ring rtcrns: L A FJI ard .omplae crp\ .are _icit 3.:::r,::::..: --<
fle" refFred lo rn \tr. Bauman's Ldrer. .i-od all refctdra!
=:::ii :i,:.-.: :-.
Mr. Bauman or arother \SA mernbt'lo au$or hrs ]€tro. l. j.ti r:s:\_<- : :,:+
(haadwritta or olhawise), emarls, fax€E vcicc n€ssa€6 lsa: and:a<i{ -, l,,j
Bauman) regarding aDy jssre relaling ro my FOIA requesl or the;sru6i i:.:rJ

5c86< ll SW-200q William Masrandrea Information aboul lhe Nalional Securily A gacy; ald in whal wals does lir c C:ai:.i ir i- I I

,r9869 Jason Records on Gcrman

59812 04-Setr2009 David Djaparidze Any books or panphl€ts lhal rell us whal rou do. Can,ou s('td us one ofyour Cranlaj In FutI

59873 28-Sep-2009 Pcttr Blme Contracls and correspondoce wilh I-AMBDA corporaliol ofArljrgon, VA iiom No Records

59875 28-5€0-2009 Pad offtc soccch $at to (lelivs on 9/l l/2u01.

uNct AsstFlf, D#F9R€FF{€+*trLiSCOtttY--

Page 24 of 28
# ORic.\-^iDli Ii.Otf,STfI
CASE Err(L\_l !{ tllt-I DISXXTTK)\
DA'IE -\!I€
r :F: llL.-!q*-a-: 6{rG i:OE
RqE s ldt${ E G. dcdr4d :r- rir Z-:ah. lirl rE 5.d r fr€ \-r€
rd ca& Fld l4c: .tS \.EC C-ircjD n T6rlrlr -{Edr :-!(r
i. Lisd sillE 'arnlF ! R.qd'- tugTi:ri nturotr :E {s Ztq$.f-
a.ir:-_i :. jrc Lr--1rF- 34o'_ IE:Eru |f {-:r zdr,rdi. _r4 : : .
201L kelE FadL lic-xE'6 .f -{i tnr1fi ,rEE. :r. :1::
h€Ihfe Rqdl i-d:qB dri Zdadn_.O*iE lJ. lr.C i *€6:.
R-Sdr, Iotqro€'u of.l-h Z+- lbds :)= hed:gE5n R-d-c!
Int6rogains of KS\{ -d ZriE{tf- :f6: :rr.&fc R+a.- -=a:r!:D.a ot
Ah Zob€ld*, I&f 16 2ml; h*trrfda R.p6L irarc,GrE. !..{|! Zirtd.*-
June 24, 2003: Iltdligocs R4(rl,lDterE-ic. dAk Zirytd,. Dr.lEtq l:.
2003; lnldligec€ Rrt n, tddrog'E of -{h ZEbqdrL Frt rll i( !Ir:
of Ah
28-Se&2009 J Tarburlon Full, conplde, and lm{edaded cofi€s ofrhe f,llcning Iuldlgan€ R€pfits rdlr].nr
lo lhc htsrogalion ofKialid Sbeikh l,[email protected]€d ('KSV'[ r,hii rc cl|6l B rb€
Not€s s€ction oflhe Find R@n ofthe Naricnsl Codaissi@ co T610.l! An-t3
Upon the Uniled $ates: Intelligfnce R@nE llr6rogstitns of XSM ad
Zubs)dah, 2003; and lDlellig€nce R€pons, Itrtfiogation ofXSM dal€s rage froG
March 12, 2003 lhrough July 16, 2004 (71 r@ns iD lot6l).


Page 25 of 28
CASE ii OiicEii|r^- i'()tlsla
ELt'l:q ttlt.r
D{tr \rE ILSF()SIT[{}i_

l r.*!.1lta1*?TGr-ar^l Za+. frAlE *e
fa-?.hrL:t.iq.- 9 -F!E dtut
t E - lq- T'4 - fl, l-ir
-{-L.J qE
J*-lah-] ra--n--
Z-- !'-5. -3I-.c|- {b. :l-E L :-E:! !
r-lEl:G. +4
-- rt.I bEfr-r.rha-
Z-!|-\E&rri5--.-E -'-S *f-g
rcf*: -tz-.- J5- r|-rfE dhd d
+t.tQ-L-Lhaftrl41Ebl,-li prE
rHhS.L-h {H A.ES-EETrb I -L
Frib tf t-E
Sd lrE H b T.b b Sd *Lrh &-! FE Jhl
d qEr b i (lda rba P*i!-\ E DtAll .L:
-C At l+-!rd |.SdAIi ]rfr. Ary d ,&'- rdk- -t a'
r.liig b i. i*trogti5, iraEyi.ts 6 {Fh- -t aa E ts d.d 5-
So.!,hrE\ SJ ir(tud., h rEd tiritqt rq dlo dfr rib E| t,
rotdl4'@rtpfits adlo. smfii.q ffi&dr (ixldfia h a h.d -.
iDtq dd in!-a-o6ce coBfimirins), lqrlaiso adlo. c@dstdrEir r!'E6
&d/(r sf,Deics, nsticaal s€ority r€p(rls edq s!md'.its, nd caarF&aa
NCO6, Chdlable Ffunalitsim Org&izdi6s - Atry sd dl .LE '_s n-TrA
or rdating lo Zrboydah! rdslionship virh dy NCO, chsit*le (.giz:oa, cr
huminitstiiet orgaiization, iDcluding hfl Dot limx€d rq &y crd figiiradr!
opsaliog ln Afgbanislat, Alb€nia, Algefi4 Bo$ia-Hszrgoviq Chefuy'. Eg}t(
hdoncsia, Kasbnir, Kgly4 Koso\o, Malfi)sia, Pakigdr, the Philiptmes, Smdl',
Sudan, Tanzmi4 Turkey, Yc|n(t|, or dsewiqe Kingdom ofsuadi tu-*ia - Ary
and all documetrls r€fging or rdating to z]lbafah's rdationship with rhe Kingdos
ofsaudi Arabi4 iocluding bur nor limiled roi my and all colnmuni:arions or
conucrs berwe€r ZubEdah aDd msnb€rs oflhe Saudi Ro)€l familX md ey eod all
communicalions and conlads bdw€sr Zu@ah 3)d offcials of the Sardi
govgnmenl. All othe! docummls and matsials in youa poss€ssion, cugody or
conlml thal ref6 or relate ro Zaba$ah.


P^Ee 26 ol28
n=rtlF!*5F8J99ffi DI:?O\l TlO \
D.llE t!€
-a.-.::r..:-a.:: i-:-,: i,::r: 11.,:.::.:i: -{-<L- _i:r :: -:.-a:r
_ _.ar. :
- jI
:-E:r-:= r-, -i :---:,:r :{::.- ! . . .,:i -::::rr_-:.-.-!-r--:
'.'=,:l'.: ' .: -..-- j:..
--s --': i'''l
3 ra:,::i:e: -: a;. - a -r .- a.' .:a,a. : : .-i: -ar:-- ri.: .
n6h : a.. ir ' ,:.. i-i i .t- :=-: r:- --- :a..
laronsm 3nd .x .--:::a:-:a1_-i: :<t:.: j.: :r i:-
r@ns ardor !-,]frr,ar.! -J;ria:E,l€aa ' -:
-::.r..: :i::: i.: ::
Organrzenon ('liRO_, - An! a1d all ,i\_:5- r :.:_--ra :i..-i-::;-: a!'..:
relarionship \nth rbe llRO, rnciLdrng hI n.r :i!.ils: : :. . :.; .-: : :-=
posrlron: KSMheldsi'hl-beltROanJ' lne..ROs..' e'r'* :..-r..1 s'.1.
lravel and mov€irtut into rariouJ counlnej snd re{icts lhr.{glttr:: lie r:.r: 1: :

iepresarring ro govtromerl and rnrernarjonal autboril16 rbal KS\1;LrLic t

working a5 chariry relief works, and (ii) pmuding KSi\l *1lh ernFiorr-rdl fq,c-:
work p€nmrs, passg)ns andor usas. i Abdal Hamtd al I'{ujrl - And end ali
dmumenls r€ikring or relaling lo KSMs relarionship with Exc.ulrve Ords ll22.t
dGignee AM al Hamid Sulaiman al Msjil (a/k/a '"nre N,fillion Dollar Uan"l.
form6 Executive Direclorofthe IIRO Easldn Province a.nd major nnd.raisd for
tgrorisl organizations such as al Qaida, the Abu Sayyaf croup and Janaah
Islani)€h. Muslin World L€gue ("lvfwl") - Any and all do€umenls refemng
or relating 10 KSMS relalionship *1lh the MWL includiog bur nol limilcd loi :
any employmdll positions KSM hetd widr lhe lvtwl; and t
lhe MWL'S role in
facili(ating KSM'S travel and movemenl into varjous counrri€s and reeions
throughoul rheworld byi (i) represdrting lo governm€nr and inlgnalional
authoriti€s lhal KSM would bc working as charily relief worker; and (ii) pro!,rding
KSM wilh emplo),rnenl papers, work pennils, passpons andor rlsas. *
Non-Govemmenlal Organizalioo ('NCO") - Any and alldolurnenls rcffirng or
relating to KSM'S relationship wirh tlleNcO in Peshawar dnd Jalabad tdwrtn
1988 and 1992, as €nlilied in the Final Rqlon ofthe National Conmisston on
T€norisl Ati acl.s Upon lhc Un rlcd Slates, Sce Chaplcr 5, pp. 146- 147 (alr achd
hcrclo). * Bosnia Non-Govcmlnerlai Organuation (:NGO") - And and all
docLlnen6 relirring or relaring ro KSM'S relationship wrrh anyNGO, charilable
organlzalron, or hurnanrlarian organization opcating in llc Bosnia-Hsz€govina
rlTron donog the 1990's. NGG, Chsrilabl€, Humanilaridn Organizalions Any
and all documols refsring or relating To KSM's relationship with any NCO,
charilable organi zalion, or humtunilarian organi/llion, inciuding tnn nol limittrl to,

UNCt ASSTFIElr//foft€Fft€t*FtiSroNty
Pase 2? of 28
cAS[; OiiGiiiEii it(xrslfr
EIXIIF I ECI p$lsslEss-
f-, LF1 ?*irr, th, lblr-Fr S* S.-, Ta4
I4, YG, --..r. . EE-{SIA--r-rryll
rb6-- * - rg.rd.q t L I-h.aS-
h,fiah-l rydaG-(-8
b .tadt.frll- -li. !d * l. 4ra I
,{-b I odacd tb rlG

5905 z.'s4tug C-El5.toll Cqyofd@ds cotailiog tnebfloring irtuDiim beFovid€d lo 6e Dir€qed ro Correcl DOD
L[ssioo Ei@€ols fr ttc 70 ISR Crq (Fat M€ade - Air Fdte Acrivity); 7lh C_ompon€ol
ItrtdigEce Sqna&6 ($bordioae b 70 ISRC); 22nd totdtigac4 Squrdrotr
(SubfidiDde 10 70 ISRC); 29rh loldligace Squ.admo (srbo.diDd€ to 70 ISRC);
3hd lntdligeace Squadr@ ($bordioste to 70 ISRG); 94rh hldligoce Squadron
lo 70

59926 t0S*2009 Luke Nichlg National S€qrrily Ag€ncy records relaled lo Phillip Mackin Bailley


Prgc 28 of 28
Ce!€s Receiv€d B6E : 2DtAaI d ttrz3l \:: - ::.: :_ s:1-:
n port R- De: Zlll/0l/ls
Oru(;t\-ATnN mo(tsTf,l TD(XDSI !fIDCI ErgElIStr_
44tr _w
59916 27-Setr2009 Maflbew Aid Cqi6 of Cl ttil€s cdir€d i tcrd'-A+E 2m d r.F-r'6r}-t!'
2m2 €ditirs of tle Crt4i@rc Ald-r ldrr{-r by .. Cdc' tu CDTtbgx
s99r8 3GAug-2009 CraerneNicholl Copy ofdoolmEts ccntaidtrg eydcdle iDft.Eiir r€grding rbe SSl3 lio Rtrqds
ICBM force within the Sovrfr UDin/Rrssia F€d€-dirrl.

59928 28.S€p-2009 KertChicosky Information r(€ardrng lilllc hown Dir€clor\ Mernalo ofEs(eem Award, whicb
was presdllfd lo my fri€nd's ailingfalhq on 4 S€pt oflhis year a( SUSLO lrndon,
About a w€€k an€f his pr€senlation Mr. Strong passed a*ay. Ceoff Slrong, my
fied in England ask€d ifI cruld gq som€ additional clariffcalion ofllle m€aning
on his fath6's medal award and cilation.


UNCLASSIFIEXy/*e*€Ffl€{'ll'{JSf,€ f,+
Pege I of 19
DocID:37O13 6A
oisi# of;ici AiEi EirfiIsrzr
Err-r.v L--.r DSBAS@I
IAIE _I4!€
La6-IE rd6-.a-t.6d -. CIBA !tc
Si- lt*,L *-brb-Ls. 'O.AA lLr6I&
13 GE- tdf *&rb r
CI-BA J---EBCa*" -r#.rbraf l-t-dlBd.-!-
Fr'D 19*]- lLd ddESAG, DC I --!&
USru', ra-H-O-aAF- -sl ItQ{ lba.ad BC6t*-
DCI6Td6-ri'rtuibf DCIAAF-- 196& t
b&Eb*b.E t.--r JeD lbr f6
f@ly D.dds fid, eii ---g I Ei-- LtL-l S..ro ( .h|
Jerny I, 1959 (tF G| Fir b ta & rh d..i 6-
ID-krndin/tud.ib d-yr-!. c (ors tl,{m,Cltr} dcd4 Cd,
Cub€D cr Sp€ni5h arifus lewing CUBA rd f.rd.d to'rd fi
-n/ing b rie
United Sl4€s oo cr fu JeEry I, 1959 (tF re* Fb io ad an€r lhd die);
7. Infornatioo/doo.ma6in coocariDg th€ os€ of 8?6 bmbq\ DC 3 c. aoy
oths US airuan ff *ip6 to er&rate Fdg€ncio B6iis4 his hily m6Ebo\
fi€ods, associal€s an(yoi possessicns including lege sums (ov6 S 1,000,000) of
Gold, Cash or Cuban or Spaish alibds tom CUBA on or aboul Jatuary l, 1959
(two weak prior 10 and aftdlhal dare); 8. Informalioo/documenlation ofsly
airdat or ship d€parring CUBA and h€ad€d for lhe United Skles, disapp€aring or
goiog dol'Il ova U.S. r€nilorial ldrd or u/a16 betwcco CUBA €nd lhe Unit€d Slal6
or anywhEe in fie CulfofMaico on or about January l, 1959 (lwo weeks prior to
and anq ftat dale); 9. Provrde any krcwn localions for qu€slion #8 in
or GPS coordinates.

59953 07-Ocl-2009 Kel Mcclmahan Copi€s ofa) Any and all requesls for Foreign Intelligflc€ Surveillance Ad
("rISA") *arranls submined bewefn 199-2002 by lbe National S€curity Ag€ncy
('NSA") to the Offce of the S€crCary of Defose ("OSD") or llte Altomey Cgl6al
("AC"), including all doluments and a.ffidavils ilclud€d as odtibits in such warratrl
rcqutsts and all transcripls ol tcslimony pmvid€d by lidFai agqrls in funhsance of
such warrallt requ€sls; and b) Any and all copi€s of FISC rulings, decisions, briefs,
or ordqs regarding such v,/srranl rqu€sls thal are in the NSA'S possession.

UNCI 4SSTFtED#iOROFft€ftbnSr-€r.rrF

P.ge 2 of 19
i.a: -r l-l {i!a$ ffiRffFifttsret:l-
! ): -1i:: - !: -
:it:i: i iji:: t liF)\l Tln\

' -. -:

_:: __
: l-:-: -f : -::
- ! : ,j: :,-:

:f!::!1 :{:a ::.- ::l:r::.:-::iia-ra r__ -::i-:!! : a-.

:.' .:::- :-:.'
:.n._::r- -<-::.< ..: i-. ( .: .-.r -:r::-
fcj1rEd --. i..:.\:-. _. "-:. . --f. ; -q
Cost'n:]an rni.:::r_, .:.:ri _-g. .:.i<.::. :Lri.c -i Ci:eri- :!.:. :.:: {:a- -
Sepiellrbs ll. l9!1. .li Di:rj:: _n .r\rlrr,re rqc cu3rin:jai i.la- :: ;:-i:i _l
-rli,gF,-\ o.nlrRi $. Li. I!dd. r r: Ln'na B-nI.r. Srpa.]lE l.-:
Violanons ol\le\icnn Atr spa(€ !)+ heljcopt6: rn lbe r€ron of.i{:nrun
Hehcopl€ts r€ponedly glrsel \{exican air space, b€lore rauning l1r Gualema-lan

59914 06'Oct-2009 ShaneWilnov Copies ofall records, including eleqronic records, conc(rning the useof Nerih€r Confinn Nor Deny
socral'ndworkng websilej oncluding bul not limiled ro FacebooK Myspacg
Twitts, Flick and olhs online social rAedia) for inv€sligalive (criminai or
or dala cieale since Januarv 2003.

599',76 02-Ocl-2009 RyanShafrer Any and all docummls relal€d to Tom Mdzger and his group wlrlcAryan
::.: _
Nerlhcr Lonlrrm \or Deny
R€sislance My panicular inier€si is Tom Melzgq and his group While Aryan
R€sisrances contacr with British radical groups lncludrngthe National Front,
Bnrish Narional Panv. and Bloul dnrl Honour.

59978 l0-Sep-2009 MallhewHood Access lo and copies ofany retrosp@tivc study or monograph. or oflcial hislory on Neirlrer Confirm Nor DLny
Nalional Scjuily A gcncy involvem$t in lhe Republrc of Croalia's Angusl I 995
ilil]rvofflnrve ho\|ar as Slonr.
59979 0l-Ocl-2009 GraemeNicholl Reluesl a copy ofdre following docum.nrs be provi(lrl lo rnc: Unclassifi(xl Cranred In Full
his(fical nonographs Fom C€nrer for Cryptologic Hjnory: Army Scurily Ag€ncy
Acrial Rc$nnaissarcq Mission and Sacrilice; A Dangerou Business: U.S. Na\y
and National R$onnarssarce durin g llt€ Cokl War;NSA md rh€ Cubdn Missile
Crisisi El€clronic Inrelligence (ELINT) al NSA; Tltc Vcnona Slory

UNC LASSIF IED//FOR€ff t€t{trus}OtiLrr

Pege 3 of 19
DOcID:37013 68
EA!EiORiGiiiATiOn- i;O(f,SIE
-iti-!-r i_ i-a-i DGmfIX)r
DATE -$la
59980 2&S€P2fl}9 &ElftU A6 D l oF drt rl-...---f L!*d kqr- (e !b Rd*
Ctfq d.t Ed t' r-. h- - brd tBG^95. -
.'-'-d!E-A--ELtsr H-rh 't!*
:i..-i-. rE- btqiffrrf* (brr-L,
J99Bl 0l&-2m9 [email protected]'o[ I{EEil l&Er+6 h cc b q#r- tur 3qr,IF, Lr HtH
.dIHS6-hC TLr*rE tbh*{t d -ri T.*
05od-2m9 Chrislophq Sco{r Cogydf\sA Poltytt4, Gr-d h F.I:

60003 08-0o-2009 Manhes, Hood Cqi€s ofay i dligcnce$ring ag@ b6ria l!r3 Eay d tt Sdr lirrd.Cd-6f,. ],1c. D6y

60016 Francisco Casas The lotal amo$t ofthe NSA'S buded for 2009. Full

60019 20-Oc1-2009 Mlliarn Mill6 R€cords relatins lo the Echelon II Nor

P.ge 4 of 19
CA* * oRicEiA-r |,i iiOtxSTL
oArE -Sr5

6/m1 4.&-2m9 M-l SfE F.FfrH-dr ::IE lt;t rdtr?. C-t{ !b n.E..*
-ir-bC- th, *JLl*tr6r
_r.4- Tr l-t
-:E- r-
DirG -
5{n25 204d-2009 A!&ET s|stiDg A!-tu--r.r rdi -.b ta- l* -, \r IdG
gn26 20&-2009 N.n Roy htuErb rdeg b SEn Fq.d rdri3-qrclrr1 d h61ar hllidy

60031 20-Oct-2009 John Grsrewald Th€ Narional Manual or Flandbook.

60034 20-Ocl-2009 Jefafy Belt Infomation on cr(lra t€reslrials willr robotio eyes and rnicrochip implanls relalql to No Records
commuicaling wilh submarincs and also milTochips rclatql lo Duclear missile :
50M0 22-Ocl-2009 RuIhelqle Smrth Bank records for Cassandft M dlahdl6, Vsnqisa LFne Williarns. Witc collar No
Faud cdlne Combatins monw lhcn crime

Pege 5 of 19
U\JUIU; J IUTJ.-5 ---r
\(l \\Cllffifiefti:i:ftfr
!.15!_: CRiGi, ii;C\ - a:_: \la F ii -t i;t- DtiPo:Ino\
UIJI-J.U; J;U-lJ--|J
qiE-i O-Kicii:1il:\ i!,],-r i: t
3.:.tY5f.#BTffiffi Dt+o!rr10\
D{tr lll!
DOCID :37013 5A
cAsa # REO{cSTXI
Ertits-I ii-!-r DSr!E!!!or
DATE -541C

llr rlb rqt --d-

-taF. !+ E*tI- f-d d cGit
Lhg ILF!a i-ft-*E(rtr.tagruFrd r

60116 03-Nov-2009 paut Cufe I!tun ritff.s de? b -rnFdtFO.- *rL \fA b drd Ib Mi.fy
6{1120 03-Nov-2009 Narbm Futton Inbrnii{'t r€rding }Sii\ ti}ryb bt? -, sarb'r-E- ^tdc
ta bt?d Fd,{ R€S6
sat 6 lntsDd, G{ furs GPi C, Yk fiGrs --t
sourc€s of m€dia ba
l6€d fu

60137 09-Nov-2009 Paul Cstes RE: Case # 466t - Telephone r@ords that wse coming fom ourside dte US, i.e. tnpro!6 FOIA Requ€$

60138 06-Nov-2009 Edward Mamd Death C€rtificatg Aulopsy Reon and Military Hislory ofFirsl Lianloanr Daniel Direcl€d lo Corr€cl DOD
Farkas. KIA 2008.

6{)145 09-Nov-2009 Tlrc i[formation dral was on

60141 l0-Nov-2009 David crann All doqrmqlts conceming William Alexandq Morgan, an Amcricad who lbught in Full Dmial
rc Cuban Revolution.
lr I l;,-:. r.
iF, inr "l-.r,r
iU tsl
Non - Responsiwe

U|{cLAS$TIEI}#FOR€Ff I€fi tT#Sf OIII*_

Pcge 8 of 19
REFLffi IxSl()sIrX)\
=)(ID'rtr -iia-ii --E!-I

-lebbaEo IZZ,{I\ Z Fd. rk

-- Lr-l-drt
u,El LdEA -l-
d-h lt!t!d Ck { 6. $.
--.-Eb!-.t-r:Erd I d
'--\ t F-
.ETB,l---[3--1r- -Ehlb-r-\sr{b:tE D.r- q Er€-
k El.Ib'T.!' rA..(qA) qA k h U- !& f6r
G-d&sE!dLfl4f f-r..l€ dL- 2l llA rb EG
tuoftil U-s' frtl OA t ts -# rL
l'fde- Ed t h'tLb bt{.r&tkl6d-bbr.5 -
dl/txedsr* tkidaiH-tGlO.-5rE
601,19 t2-Nov-2009 WilliamAndqs C.pi6 of en es.ih fr€ *erry t6 iaft.f,cd ritd b a b Ar'y )t- !H !ii.r C(ofuE \ir D@y
lrGlil Hrsa; aI €osils prind b(rwi(a tb ad AE r idi*i 5d s I
edails the ag6cy has lntfrceg€d bdsea! Has& &d crna is.hrrLb

50155 25-S€p-2009 MallhewSetig Infomalion or r€cords on corr€spond€nce betwear John A. lvtccco€ ad lrcc€o.g€ \firbfilrE
Bundy regarditrg lhe 303 Comminee and kesid@lial Diredirc 54 I2-2, froo
196l-1966 6nd any information r€gtrding hreigdadl€nce tec.bnolos/ bdweqr
Mccone - Buhdv. 196l-1966.
60156 09-Nov-2009 H€drySchuck Copi€s oflhe fouowing inlormalioni The Organizalional Chart for Th€ OIfic€of
Oe Chieflnfonnation Omcrr/ the Gganizalional Chan for rhe Information
T€chnology Division oflhe NSA - something thar inolud6 re nam€s and
lillevdqdm€nts ofthe peopl€ who rqon ro the Chi€flnfonnation/Chief
T€chnology Ofrc6 ofthe NSA. I also ssk thal lhis chart @nlains lhe nsd level of
meugonqrl, those p€ople who r€port lo p€ople thal repo( lo lhe CliefTechnolog/
Officq/Chieflnfonnation Officq. Also, conlsq information on the people listcd in
lhc above organizalimal charl lo include Mailing AddresE Dir€cr Telephone
Nutttb6, and Email Addrcss. Addilionally I Em requesting documen/dir€clory
pages thal includ€s lhe narn€s, lill€s, addr€ss€dmail codes, enail atldresses, and
dir€q Dhone nurnb{rs ofall lhc slatrinclud€d in the diss$sed atnve.
60160 l3-Nov-2009 Russdl Swoson Maldials usql lo leacl a class I a(€nd€d a! NSA during Ilte Winl6 of 1959 a llre No Rocords
Spring of 1960. Tte clas! was enlitled Teldypc Inlercqrt and was 25 weeks long.

UNCI"{SSIF tEIVEet€Ffl €I*r;fi E-Ol{tY-

P.gc 9 of 19
qjaj oF.i:i. it]:1 ;j: _Ij.:i
: =
f ll$nettt-rffi r..-
i i.i- D:iPo: ITIO\
9ia :_:l![

6'-rl;.1 05-Nov'2009 tuchardLiSe]na! Am requctrng. .i n\!!.<i :: :<r.:.a

reaords (foa tJmili6 Lilsrde l\. (i:1:?
th€ pflod

07-Nov-2n09 MrchaclRrvnrrzky Copyof€ch repon produc€d for Cong.ess by lhe NSA, dunng lhe pai i::..t :
and which are not the NSA\ Dubhc iflr€fl€1 websrre
60176 l6-Nov'2009 Sreph€nHicks Any records p€naining 1o NSA achvities or r€search al Fon Mea{lq \llrrrland lhal \. Ri.i;
rncorporale pallFn recognilion le$irg ofpssons \r,trh b.ain darnage. \lore
specificall, I'm crmous as rofie tlpes oftcsts the parisrts und€rwml, rlre
procslues of{hosetests, and any orh€r relevanl i.forinalion as 10 lhe liSA\

60188 05-Nov-2009 MatthewHood Copics of"ls Yugoslav Prcsidenl Tiro Really a Yugoslav?" fi-om thc Spring 1980 Wilhdrawn
edilion ofthe
60189 l8-Nov-2009 Wo|{lrTaylor Whois domain rcgist.alion inlbnnalion for lhe donarn "nsa-gov" inclu(ling the(lato Full Dmial
regisrersl, lhe namdorgan izat ion ofthe registrant, and conlact informalion lbrlhe

(b) (6)
UNcLASStFIf, Dtf OROf, fiettbUsf,O!{trF Non Responslve

Page l0 of 19
g$E! J IUIJb|J
ryIqtt.nertrffi ff itt"
fiRttt:I1s-l5Ei -i!-
oRjci'r orrsrtR DISPOSINO\
D{tr -:.:E

-;.:- ri-:--r >a: r -: ':, -i, --::{ =-: :::': ' r :-: -
\ : . .::!:
-. :::__ . -.:..:!=-,=.=. -.r:.-!.-.
. ---: -:...:.---3:

' : -!t-- : ,-:'- .r: rtr:L_1:i-.i

-::.r ..
:_3::.:r : rir:: a:-: r.. .t=
>.i:J L . :\-: r: ,:. :r::€ =.=:-: ,:g :--
a-rr. :Si:.=i ::a - _::-A:a 1: i- :-,.E.:: trr:-r:a ris:.E. : :e_ !:.: - l
_i tle:i: ! h.e:-:-J:: i;--:-'{.-.--'-
.llnolla:: qi$ir:d: ;--_r.e: : :€.-r - : : .' - : i : .- B _

lo a l-.S. fE_lro s rdolrl'. -1. r:l 5,: i: .-:r.1i ,-== i::.:: - -r :II
pglajning lo rhc mll€:llon. fia1sN r .f\.c-:r '.- ..:t--r1 !_ --e-- -

cominunlc3tons pu uant b S€rlron 7C2 ofihe F,{{. : 1l: -: : <-a

msDordlda rinrluJiDg OfELe of Legar io.ln{d n5r- Lr . tr.3i+ r .:*
direciiver, pracnc€s, guidarce, or guiddin6 crearEl stnc€ jlli l . : , t :c_!:.- a
ro: A. Srlveillance €onduded und€r S€rrion 7l: oilhe FA^ B T::.-.{rc::'
authorjry grantedbySe.lio8 702oftheFAA. C. Thrrmpl.rnalairc:r.:Sc,r:::
702 ofthe FAA. D. Targering 6nd minimizalion piq:qlur6 adcdat purlrl.3ri !.
SeLlion 702 oflhe FAA. E. Inr€rceplion. eoll(jclion. anal,srs. dis:qninalton. !r
anal) jis ofU.S. pcrsons' crnnrun rcarions pL$uarnl lo Scctic,i ir)2 of rrc FAA
(whe6€r ornol a U.S. pqson is thelargd oflbe intcrcelion). 5. Any aDd all lnlti
or intra-ageocy ulrftrjpondence penaining ro dre scopeofau1[onry grarled by
Section 702 ofthe FAA, legal interpretalioDs ofany pEn ofSolion 702 ofdlc FAA,
or rul€s govcming dre inlerception, @lleciion, anal)sis, or disscmination ofU-S.
commrmlanirons, 6. Any and all rcpofts, ass6sm{r1s, or re!,rews issued or
conduclsl pursuanl lo Sel:lion 702(l) ofdre FAA sinceJuly 10, 2008, including any
by the AflomeyGtxlera!, Director of r\"alional Intelligence,lhe h€ad of anolhq
intclligqrcc agcncy, lhe Inspe.lor Gensal ofllle Dcpanrnenl oflusticq or lhe
Insp$lor Gen€ral of anyoth6 intelligence agency. 7. Any and all rqjords crcaul
sinceJuly 10,2008 coDctrning complarnls about, invcsligations oq or dieijiplinary
actions relale,i to surveillance conducl€d lo S€Llron 702 ol lhe FAA.


CiSE #
: 3? 01.3 6 I
-toiie!- siEr-l
!4!E ErEosag9r_

fi216 zlfbt-N| Bh l**il ra.J3at rcat trrA ttantIt !F rr* !t trt cnc;:z lLr[A ]ir Ardt R..6d
IPTZZ'FH -tu Jtb- *r I5 @rce t ItlA
lXFt-E -A-E If dleE ltlQA !f,FF H -
!: * lgt CtrB, rIf, lttD Ht6 I
E!+. t'U t !i Et AS.T tD
c3l.f-- f- 'GIO**
fY f!r-- \a*,5
ZE),A'lt Tr2l7A lrlxa -I-.---.
S{rE lLrr--, tt !t ,L7 ELA_t
-{{ta l49DI.' *
8Z2A dt$ f f rt dr*- tl ta AaUrt
232354 l9aCE A-.hI biyH-r-a-tE-
E ir Tprr*l'(a6'9 E At 881A l*J rftd-
rtdrd.f- -r-

(b) {6)
Non - Responsiwe


Paee 12 of 19
DOcID: 3'7 013 58 REF
LY&.1{qE g$mrneffi rsf, ornrr-
c6^sE; oRiciiaTioi Rf,otTsrER Rf,Oi-rsr i -ErrL-I DTSFOSITIO\
94IE _\st€

1985: a .1!-r ed all rnfornaton regarding th€ sp€cificadons, proposals,
rq6s Er fropcali ad t*Ls &1d conlrads for @nslruction services Fom 1958
i 9Lr: Edudog hr noi limiled 10, llle name and address ofall mntraclors
De@3 a9cv|rd hds !f,dcr othCwise iDillved in the n€w con$ruction of any
hldtng cr Eddira- as *dl as ahe.aovation proj€cl for any €xisling buiLding or
addDaa: -r. .LEt; ad a.ll infoi.ntslicn d@rncnts, mernoranda. notes andor invoic€s
rd :e€-d :o rhe sp€cifcaliodi lroposals, rqu€sts for proposals, and bids and
.!ir:Es i:r cr.*.Ly.tioo malEials Fom 1958 lhrough 1985, including but not
hEcred ro im! d€cting ndsials, boilgs and turbines, shectroclq insulalion,
6rf$6rg. llo(t.ire- md dI}*a!1, and joint conpounds; 4, ADydocummls
id6rrSEg atEsc-{Dnlarding producls used, supplied, delivtr€d, or itrslatlexl al
\CACSS {!c) Fon 1955 rhrough 1985, including but not limil€d lq cerndrr,
d€chg 3laerallh6Eal iffdation, airustic€l iDsulation, firE roofing join
ran€lr od]!.i!lds, Fint wall compounds, sh€{roclq sbeetrock muds, lopping
c.qq.Edi Tdle c€ning lil€s or pa[€ls, wallboar&, siding, floor liles, lurbin€s,
&d to{lqs: 5. Any rd a.ll tirildiog cde hspellions ftom 1958lhrough 1985 wilh
Se,6c rc!.ad to !s cDnlruclion and renovalion ofany and atl builditrgsj 6. Any
aod aU rlrbrEarim, doolmots, memormd4 no(€s, or invoic€s concsoing asbestos
leging mo orilg €od,/or abaternal ofall buildings ftom 1958lhrough 1985;
An) ad all rnibrmatioD, do(:lrmats, memoranda, dc. concdning any use and
@rp3 c_v psmtls is$e4 warDings relaldl lo unsafe condilions, and inspeclions
tu al hrildings Eosl 1958 through l9E5; 8. Any and all construcrion logs, diari6,
nor6, and schedules for all buildings fiom 1958lhrough 1985;9. Anyand all
plrcao€tads, nolc\ r€pons, nsnor:lnda, dc. tak€n andor madc during the pqiods
of conslr|r<lio! for all tiildings 6'om I 958 (lrough 1985; 10. Any and all accid€nl
r9fi5, mjur-y repons, inv€srigalion repons, andor Inemoranda fegarding any
incidar ,rtric! oq)rlrcd during anyconstruclion period ar all buildings fiom 1958
r-biough 1985i anq I l. Any and all documqrrs rdeaserl unds FOIA, which
NSA/CSS has ddCnroed arc likely to b€come subj€cl lo release rmd€i: subsequml
requ6lq mcludjn g thos€ docutuqlls wh6e disqqionary release can be made
wilhoul rajsing htrm or *h€re an a\emplion may te available, directly relaling to
any congruclion proJed from 1958 througr 1985, including but not limircd to, dre
ioslallation or rono\€l ofboi16 s's1ans and odrs asb€slos conlaining mat$ials
and sDackle or o$cr

(b) (6)
Pag€ 13 of 19
DoCID:37013 5a
ois; oiic*iiiDi :ztxDsTzr
-ali=S ir--!-i tESrlGITrcN
Ddtr JAlg
fi251 25JiF2O J-'l'q C-J|lrbqrrtsatlJ-tr.rFDt
EE. r-r ltt.--C * ffAt Jd-r* rcr
@752 2t-}{r-!@ tdhT- !r) b-ary-kEt-t-l -sdr -.tary{tsA,I } ti.ic, cefrr xa Dqy
H hJk--rFD- .nAIXli IGGAIJT' fa !{SA
d b- (EIAIII{ |GGA.HJT. ({l tk,r'k-
-.-rr bro tb rsA d rb ffl - (IEIATXI{ IGGIII;T. (5t !S{
d @Et d-dia.@dCtlATXlS IGGAII-T-
@254 v)-liF-2flt9 SGlth C.-d15. TD|zXIS-C{pgZC4-Cr-ddl
fi256 lgl$lFUtg lo€ C-s Ary rtEd6 rdnd ro NSAI co@irc ri6 5 U,SC- 8qc) ht ns hcd is
b 'lrelEt robrlit€d EsoDd rrti:E .- 'fid

2GNov-2009 Matthew Aid Copi€s ofany arlicl€s conlaincl in the NSA intfinl publication Cryptologic
Almanac wrillgt sinc€ January 2002 conc€rtring (a) NSA'S role in OPEMTION
ENDURING FREEDOM in Afehanistan; (b) NSA\ inlolvetFrl in OPERATION
IRAQI FREEDOM in Iraq ad./or (c) NSA'S ptrlicipation in fte clobal War on
lerrorism (GWOT) since lhe 9/l I l€rrorisl altack,

(b) (5)
Non - Pesponsi ve


P.ge 14 of 19
DOCID ; J /U1Jb|J R.E.tY#flg+B:FJnetm-
i.taar-n i 3ii!T Dl:POSI11O\
:., ::.1 ieq:_..1s :--g:;--:E . I : -: :-::.1-, :.-: :n-:a-L i.:= -'-: :. ::
:r_:6 lioI hrrxE:::::--(.-,:--: ..,r-+..-:,I r ..i- -.1r: -.
\SA pf$Lod or ca:uaa!--! ::r:i: :: :.tr:r!-: :a_-::=.=-:<! :-.:::rai::
appropnate), lbe rn\orin.{ .: e\-: :.! r'1== :]5:'j l:: ::' s :j.
b_v this raluei are: Ac!'!ra.i Jl \l:ra :-:ar :-a- !-:,- ;:.:=- _::. \',5_i :
Proj€tl. H. R3y L.llr. ja-o* L6:r rif.'.'--::< ;--.- c : .'.-j.. . - .r
for Fresiom ofrhe Press, ald Slu,ir$ 9::-:r:{! i3._--- ::: :1.;:a::: : l-,.
09i AIso requsts reddctei do.umd',:dias: :: di- :-* i_ :.
sard Jocsr. NARRO\IED.t Dqr- :_i eI.r.!: -E-s...-.:
ofrqu€srs fo.lhe
6tl!l 0l-Drc-2009 Leonacould-McElhonc Any and all informadon and docunglt-q regardrng _.he jr\r:E-z:i : a:r ( 3 \:.-::.:.:r\:r)ir:.
Goul.l {Fratcjs Bdmard Could.L_j Plac rr.:uJ. --., :. r'- =-. -f :
documarls &al include, regard, or ref€r lo individuats in\lrvdl :r :j:i: .::-i ;j .=

Stull, Charge d'Affairs in the US Embassy in Manila iom May ?7 - \ov€nbs ;_

(limil files for Slull to thecaseofFrank B. Gould and human rishrs abRis€s rn th€
M. Prinsle who strved in US Embassy in Manrla
f'029i 01-Dec-2t)09 Kcvin Martrn Information during the January-Augusl l9?3 time p6iod lllar would )ndicalc Direcldl ro Cone.r DOD
Presidat Nixon was consid€ring lhe possible use ofalomic bombs on vrnous Componfll
plac€s, includiDg China and Nonh Vietnam. Also, any jnformalion concqning $c
involvem@t oflhe US Naval Ship U.S.S. BuneAE,27 in the possibtc movemql of

60302 25-Nov,2009 Christophs Van Haurer All records p('lajning lo Ma'or cg|eral Edwin And€rson Walker an(l his activities Full Denial
asCornmandg ofrheArkansas Mililary Disrid, Commandcr offtc 24dl Infantry
Divjsjon, and hjs subsqluent resignalion. AIso, his acti\,1ties regarding "Prq Btue,"
allribul€d Io Lee Haftq, Oswald; involvclnmt wilh BillyJamcs Hrrgis ard

h'r.105 lS-Oct-?U0.r crTva.ioRoJngue AII rsJ)(h, Iilcs, doemenls, inlbnnalion, rec.ordings, Md€!s, clc. - agmcy Nslhcr Con lirm Nor Deny
originaled rocords or records roiciv€d try ag€ncy'mnceming to and containing
infonnation aboul Juan Mari Bras, Paquila P€squda Canlcllons, and S,rntiago
"Chagui" Mari Pcsquda, wfiich you have in your possessron.

Pag€ 15 of l9
C4SE #
:37013 68ii'otIslur nesffi
-tor:-g --.-!-i D$rgsa!tsE_

60ll,l G+E-2s9 Brtro Eb rqdr- |ji fc -cr-F-(-- rf rl- b

j-y L l''.il'Eridr-r-!.r.{F( ff{L
FrJd. --A r#8, ---EF-S- Ar-r*ar
60318 OtDa-21D9 1'tecli &Fs dtcE (lq& FigFd F(IA nF tu FfrUtt,6 Lt'l Dard
rc (ElL

60350 IGD€c-2009 Briel Burloi A copy ofthe fiscjl )rd 2009 NSA andu.al rqon, lo include the lriocrpal finaocial Full D@ial
stalemetrts wilh eompanying not€s, $rpplaD€nlal informadon alld audito{'s
r€port. A listing ofall approprialioos receiv€4 lisl€d try 6scil year, sinc€ lhe * ,: t ..
fourding ofthe NSA. A compilation ofthe cosls NSA and oth6 DoD elern€nts
have incurr€d in lh€ir surveillance ofme from the osiffl 1994lo the
60351 l2-Df[,-20O9 Prtrr Kotubluh All rccords including but not limilod
to minutes, talking poinis, c.ables, int€lligarce No Records
r€pons, hriefing papqs, mqnoranda, summaries, lranscriDts, mernoranda of
@nvesalion and decfonic mail messagiDg relaled 1o fie DCI Slralegic Waming
Committee meding disarssion on Ho{duas Eom June l, 2009 lhrough June 28,
of lhal ouged Honduran Pr€sida( Manuel
60352 l3'D€c-2009 Miclael Shan€yfdt Unclassified records oB Audilory Weapons, Direcled Ensgy Weapons, Micmwdvc No Records
Las6s, Sonic W€€pors, lnftasound and Sonic Weapons; Unclassified M€dical
Rqorts about and on what lh6e weapons aan do and how th€y crn affec1 s bumans'
intsnal bodv and
60363 28-Nov-2009 Mallhew Hood ofdocumsls relaling to NSA panicipation in the crcadon
Access to and copies of No Rocords
NIE l5-90'Yusorlavra Transfonn€d".


Page 16 of 19
U \-'L I I.] ; J iUlJ:5 --
:'.:: - t \{l\\itr ELIO+Sfl6r
* { iE O\r r
Gjlj Oiiciiiilc\ RiOi-r^\Tf R <. l-tti i t: - DI!POSITIO\
!1tr tll!
DOCfD: 3,-01358 ^--I
oRici.iiioi - : --..i:: - t: -
eislj Ri O tr-.Tr R i-i:-r- it:- fi:m!11_1O\
D.{lE l]E

6r:14ll i'Dr!-:': IJr-:j-: i..*j C.Er6 !.i,ne S]C\-T Dr3eqjtor9- t. Seri:nt'q ltj. I-I \{.:\ Itj. a1;a- !

60414 22-D€.'2009 Brendon Odh-Shmd€n Anyandall military rcco(ls for myuncle. Namc: Paul Nicholas Onl, D.O-B.:
12J06/194'1, D.O.D| I l/04/ 1992, Division: Army S€curity Agmcy, Trained In:
Northern Vietnam€se dial ecl, Trainc{l at: Biggs Air Force Base (curr6|lly Brggs
ArmyAir Field), SlatioDed: Possjbly in the Highlands ofNorlhgn Vietnam,

60430 26-Dec-2009 Smtt Schl}'legs Any rccords regarding Oe pay ofall fedqal employ€€s (ci\alian altomqs only) wllo FullDenial
are paid through NSA payrn$r channcls, nol limitcd to NSA employets, brlr
includiog, wllhoul linilation, such as employejj o[DIA, and all o1h€f Fed(fal
employces who are enploltd as allomels injob s€ries 0m5, to inclu(le s€nior level
and s6ior executivc s6vice.


Page l8 of l9
370136 I
-E'LZSI i:Er-4-T DG.!(ETXL\
HlE j$a

29D€c-Af9 J6ev Rtdds6

Pas€ 19 of 19

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