Minimum Cost Implementation of Autonomous Vehicle

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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308


Prajkta Ravindra Jape1, Arti.R.Wadhekar2

M.E. Student, Electronics and Telecommunication Department, Deogiri Institute of Engineering and Management
Science, Maharashtra, India
Guide, Electronics and Telecommunication Department, Deogiri Institute of Engineering and Management Science,
Maharashtra, India

In order to increase driving comfort, transportation efficiency, vehicles are made artificially intelligent. Autonomous vehicles or
driverless vehicles or making the vehicle drive on its own like humans do is the aim of automobile industry these days. An
autonomous vehicle is a vehicle that drives its self without any human or robotic operators help and has the potential to notice the
obstacles in its path and navigate through it. For vehicle to drive itself, it should have human perception of driving. This
understanding of path to traverse and overcome obstacles in its way is done with the help of computer, microcontroller and
sensors. In this paper, ARM-7 MCU is the main part that makes system driverless. This paper attempts to illustrate an effort
towards low cost atomizing of vehicle. Developed project vehicle can be used as load carrier in industrial areas where path of
location to destination is simple with minimum amount of obstacles.

Key Words: Arm, Mcu,Gps.

--------------------------------------------------------------------***---------------------------------------------------------------------1. INTRODUCTION
The idea of making vehicle autonomous was striking man
since long time. It is not at once the vehicle was made
driverless. The history of making vehicle driverless can be
briefed into four levels. Firstly Function-specific
automation was done which can be best explained with
example of electronic control stability which applies braking
to keep the vehicle planted. Here the vehicle automatically
aids the driver by taking control over one or more specific
function. Dynamic break support is also an example of
function specific automation. Second level is combined
function automation in which control functions are taken
over by the car and used in combination to free the driver
from controlling. Adaptive Cruise control when used with
lane keeping can be an example of combined function
automation. At level three, vehicle is limitedly atomized. It
can be completely atomized under certain traffic or
environmental conditions. Vehicle continuously monitors
changes in those conditions that would require the drivers
control and driver can take control of driving at any time. In
level four fully atomized driving is provided in which the
vehicle is completely controlling itself and monitoring road
conditions continuously from the start of journey to
destination. Here the driver just has to enter map to
destination and he is not expected to control the vehicle any
time during journey.
The model that inspired project proposed in this paper is
Googles driverless car which is mainly based on Artificial
Intelligence system and GPS guidance system [1]. For
developing an autonomous car the integration of
technologies from automotive industry and the mobile robot
industry is required. The mechanical and electrical platform
for the autonomous car can be achieved from the automotive
industry. Numerous autonomous driving algorithms have

been researched in the robot industry, and they can be

applied to the autonomous car. 2005 DARPA Grand
Challenge and the DARPA Urban Challenge of 2007 are
two excellent driverless cars of the recent events [2].
Autonomous vehicles are being used on the battlefield today
because they can travel in areas where soldiers cannot reach
safely. The US Air Forces Predator and Global Hawk are
unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) that are example of
application of autonomous vehicles in military [3].

2.1 Electrical and Mechanical Components
The designed project consists of chair mounted on chassis of
wheels. Project vehicle is a four wheeler with single person
sitting capability. Electrical subsystem consists of two leadacid electrolyte batteries of 12V and 34 A/Hr each are
connected in series, four double pole double throw relays
of 40 Amperes each; having coil input 12 V & 1Ampere, 6
mm2 multithreaded cable for dc power transmission are
used. Two permanent magnet DC series motors are placed
on left and right side and having specification of 24 Volt and
9 Ampere (on no load condition) are used to drive the
vehicle. The vehicle dimensions are 0.7m*0.6m*1.21m and
it weighs about 140 kg along with battery weight.

2.2 Electronic Components

Fig.1 is the block diagram of autonomous vehicular system.
Two parts constitute the system as shown in Fig.1. First part
called as master unit because it directs the vehicle by map. It
consists of personal computer and Zigbee module (XBeePRO S2B).Other part called as slave unit consist of a 32-bit
MCU-ARM7-LPC2148 Development Kit, Zigbee module
(XBee-PRO S2B), three Vivotech HC-sr04 ultra sonic
distance measuring sensor (2cm-450cm), 2*16 Character

Volume: 05 Issue: 02 | Feb-2016, Available @


IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

LCD display with back Light ,L293D relay driver IC. Slave
unit traverse the path given by master unit.

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Enter password in
login form
Password correct


Password wrong
Select map

XBee Rx/Tx

LCD display
Submit map

Ultrasonic sensor
1 (right)

32-bit Microcontroller

Vehicle starts moving to


Ultrasonic sensor

If obstacle is detected in

Motor Driver IC

Ultrasonic sensor
2 (left)



Power supply
24 V, 34 A/hour


If obstacle
present at left



Take right

Fig-1: Block diagram of autonomous system. (a)

Autonomous vehicle- slave unit (b) Personal computer Master unit

Move forward

Left and right

ultrasonic sensors get

If obstacle present at both



3.1 Starting the autonomous vehicle
To start the vehicle user need to enter correct password in a
window that flashes on the screen. The program of this login
window form is coded in Matlab7.6.0 software. In Fig-2
login form window is shown that will appear to enter
password for starting up the car. Password acts like a key to
vehicle. If correct key is put in then only the vehicle starts.

Fig-2:Login form window

Stop at

If obstacle
present at
right side
Take left
Stop at

Fig-3: System flow of autonomous vehicular system

3.2 Commutation to the Destination

After entering correct password user has to select map to
destination.Fig-3 shows how the vehicle starts and attains
destination. For the purpose of demonstration of project,
four maps showing paths are stored in the personal computer
that acts as a data server. As soon as user selects one of the
maps the vehicle starts moving according to the path. Fig-4
gives an idea about map stored on personal computer. Here
this map is considered just for demonstrating that vehicle
can take left and right turns as shown in map. But when the
vehicle is to be made customized, the map of that exacting
area where user has to travel recurrently can be saved in the
database of autonomous vehicular system. In the designed
autonomous vehicular system of this project as the vehicle
gets the information of map to destination it starts moving
according to it. Considering the map, processor sends the
signal to motor driver IC to operate the motors and
depending upon distance we have programmed for how
long motor should operate. Thus on selecting a specific map
vehicle starts moving automatically. The vehicle covers 2
Feet distance in 1Second. The distance vehicle should travel
from location to destination is considered approximately
seeing the map selected. If we consider map in Fig-4 then
vehicle will move 20Feet straight, then take left turn for

Volume: 05 Issue: 02 | Feb-2016, Available @


IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

which only right side motor will run for 1Second, then again
vehicle will move straight for 20 Feet, take right turn for
which left motor will run for 1Second, again vehicle moves
10 Feet straight, takes left turn, moves 20 Feet straight, takes
right turn, moves 20 Feet straight, takes left turn and moves
5Feet straight and stops. All these calculation of distances
are just made approximately by looking at the map. In the
past years, some researchers have presented GPS
applications for vehicle control design. In [4] the researchers
were successful to use GPS receiver and digital compass to
find exact angle of direction to destination. Path to the
destination was preprogrammed. The servo motor was used
to control steering wheel angle. The deviation in angle
calculated by compass would lead to lowering of car speed.
Servo deviation and motor speed were controlled by
Arduino. Reflective photo interrupter has been used for
sensing motion of the wheels, GPS and magnetic compass
for guiding direction to vehicle has be illustrated in[5].

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

3.4 Indication
Motion of the vehicle like forward, reverse, right and left, is
displayed forward, reverse, right, left respectively
on the LCD. Work of indication is done by LCD. As
destination is attended by vehicle, LCD displays stop.

Table-1: Voltage and current readings of main components
used in system
Sr. Quantity of Components
Practical readings
no component used in project
Output Output I
5.04V 15mA

Zigbee module








9.86 V







(Torque =

Fig-4: Destination map for autonomous vehicle

3.3 Obstacle Avoidance

For avoiding obstacles vehicle has ultrasonic sensors
mounted on front, left and right side of the vehicle. The
vehicle senses obstacle in front, left and right side by means
of ultrasonic sensors. Vehicle has human like intelligence
called artificial intelligence for traversing path because if it
is jammed by the obstruction in front it will wait for the
obstacle to move away in certain time but even then the
obstacle doesnt move and there is no clearance of path then
side ultrasonic sensors check if there is any obstacle is there
at left and right side. If no obstacle detected sideways then
vehicle takes a turn to one of the side where there is no
obstacle within limits of ultrasonic sensor. Thus overcoming
the obstacle and coming over to original path, the vehicle
resumes its journey to destination. On reaching the
destination the vehicle stops. In referred paper [6] multisensor data fusion technology and obstacle avoidance
algorithm based on fuzzy control, a design of intelligent
mobile robot obstacle avoidance system based on
S3C2410X (ARM9) RISC microprocessor is described.


Total circuit power consumption is 32.4184 Watt. Designed

autonomous vehicle speed is 2.19 Km/hr. It can run
continuously for 14 hours and 30 Km if the batteries are
fully charged. Vehicle can carry total weight of 300 Kg
along with system weight. Ultrasonic sensors gives
impulsive response of obstacles detected to Microcontroller.

Proposed system has the provision for moving in small
peripheral areas where the traffic signals does not
participate. The designed vehicle autonomously performs
basic functions of driving according to map, obstacle
avoidance and attaining the destination safely. It is very
helpful in reducing the number of accidents. Sensor system
is costly which can affect production of driverless vehicles.
But mass production of such vehicle can reduce the adverse
effect on production. Driverless system can be advantageous
to the people with disabilities such as blindness, amputated
legs, deafness etc, would no longer be dependable for
travelling. The autonomous vehicle can be made customized
by applying image processing system for obstacle detection
and audio system for obstacle announcement. As this car is
made to run on electric battery, air pollution caused by it

Volume: 05 Issue: 02 | Feb-2016, Available @


IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

would be zero. Self driving vehicle will help eliminating

human errors like excess speeding and driving under the
influence of alcohol, driverless vehicle will guarantee a very
high percentage of safety to avoid accidents. Shortcoming of
autonomous vehicular system is that if the vehicle is using
internet which have less security then, from the hackers
point of view in some cases the vehicle can be switched off
or reach another destination if hackers changes the rout
which is plotted in the system(in rare cases). Also in case of
failure of main sensor the vehicle can create a chance of
accident. As this kind of technology is not cheap, it will be
impossible for an average common man to afford this car. In
this project a small prototype vehicle model has been
designed. To make actual road running big car we need to
use advanced versions of electronics devices such as faster
processor, higher sensitivity sensors, microphone and
speakers, etc in this project. Various types of sensors can be
implemented in the car to sense variety of objects and
materials. Also by using image processing the traffic signals
can be determined.

[4]. Wan Rahiman and Zafariq Zainal, An Overview of
Development GPS Navigation for Autonomous Car.
2013 IEEE 8th Conference on Industrial Electronics
and Applications (ICIEA).pp.1112-1118, 2013
[5]. Ray-Shine Run, Jui-Cheng Yen ,Cheng-Yu Tsai, A
Low Cost Implementation of GPS Guided Driverless
Car 5th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics
and Applicationsis, pp. 1610-1614,2010.
[6]. Yi Jincong, Zhang Xiuping, Ning Zhengyuan, Huang
Quanzhen, Intelligent Robot Obstacle Avoidance
System based on Fuzzy control . 1st International
Conference on Information Science and Engineering
(ICISE). pp. 3812-3815, 2009.

Volume: 05 Issue: 02 | Feb-2016, Available @


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