ABB 615 Series Modbus Communication Protocol Manual - L

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Relion Protection and Control

615 series
Modbus Communication Protocol Manual

Document ID: 1MRS756468

Issued: 2013-02-21
Revision: L
Product version: 4.0 FP1

Copyright 2013 ABB. All rights reserved

This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written
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ABB and Relion are registered trademarks of the ABB Group. All other brand or
product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective holders.

Please inquire about the terms of warranty from your nearest ABB representative.

The data, examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for the concept
or product description and are not to be deemed as a statement of guaranteed
properties. All persons responsible for applying the equipment addressed in this
manual must satisfy themselves that each intended application is suitable and
acceptable, including that any applicable safety or other operational requirements
are complied with. In particular, any risks in applications where a system failure and/
or product failure would create a risk for harm to property or persons (including but
not limited to personal injuries or death) shall be the sole responsibility of the
person or entity applying the equipment, and those so responsible are hereby
requested to ensure that all measures are taken to exclude or mitigate such risks.
This document has been carefully checked by ABB but deviations cannot be
completely ruled out. In case any errors are detected, the reader is kindly requested
to notify the manufacturer. Other than under explicit contractual commitments, in
no event shall ABB be responsible or liable for any loss or damage resulting from
the use of this manual or the application of the equipment.

This product complies with the directive of the Council of the European
Communities on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to
electromagnetic compatibility (EMC Directive 2004/108/EC) and concerning
electrical equipment for use within specified voltage limits (Low-voltage directive
2006/95/EC). This conformity is the result of tests conducted by ABB in
accordance with the product standards EN 50263 and EN 60255-26 for the EMC
directive, and with the product standards EN 60255-1 and EN 60255-27 for the low
voltage directive. The product is designed in accordance with the international
standards of the IEC 60255 series.

Table of contents

Table of contents
Section 1

This manual........................................................................................5
Intended audience..............................................................................5
Product documentation.......................................................................5
Product documentation set............................................................5
Document revision history.............................................................6
Related documentation..................................................................7
Symbols and conventions...................................................................7
Document conventions..................................................................7

Section 2

Modbus overview.............................................................9
Modbus standard................................................................................9
Serial communication....................................................................9
Ethernet communication................................................................9
Application data implementation .................................................10
Terms and definitions..................................................................10

Section 3

Vendor-specific implementation.....................................13
Modbus link alternatives...................................................................13
Serial link.....................................................................................13
Modbus serial link parameters...............................................13
Modbus serial diagnostic counters.........................................15
Character framing in different serial link modes.....................15
TCP/IP link...................................................................................16
TCP/IP interface configuration...............................................16
Modbus TCP/IP diagnostic counters......................................17
Supported function codes.................................................................18
Application functions....................................................................18
Diagnostic functions....................................................................19
Exception codes..........................................................................20
Application data................................................................................20
Modbus data objects...................................................................20
Modbus data implementation......................................................21
Data mapping principles..............................................................22
Data in monitoring direction....................................................22
One bit data mapping.............................................................22
Data in control direction..........................................................22
Digital input data..........................................................................23

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Communication Protocol Manual

Table of contents

Multiple digital inputs mapping...............................................23

Measurand registers....................................................................24
Primary and per-unit values...................................................25
Register sizes.........................................................................25
Register saturation.................................................................25
Rearranging of register value ranges.....................................25
Time of update.......................................................................26
Control operations.......................................................................27
Control functions....................................................................28
Control operations through 4X register structures..................29
Additional control operation features......................................31
System status registers ..............................................................32
SSR2 .....................................................................................33
SSR3 .....................................................................................33
SSR4 .....................................................................................34
SSR5 .....................................................................................35
SSR6 .....................................................................................35
User definable data.....................................................................36
User definable registers.........................................................36
User definable bits..................................................................36
Data exceptions......................................................................37
Data properties.......................................................................37
Unmapped data locations.......................................................37
UDR data configuration..........................................................37
UDR value manipulation.........................................................37
Event records .............................................................................38
Single event record structure.................................................39
Single event record reading...................................................39
Other event record registers...................................................41
Multiple event records reading...............................................44
Fault records ...............................................................................46
Fault record structure.............................................................47
Fault record reading...............................................................47
Other fault record registers.....................................................49
Parameter setting group selection...............................................50
Time synchronization ..................................................................50
Real-time clock structure........................................................50
Writing to real-time structures................................................51
Device information.......................................................................51
ASCII character coding..........................................................52
ASCII string syntax.................................................................52
Reset time structure....................................................................53

615 series
Communication Protocol Manual

Table of contents

Accessing non-protocol-mapped data.........................................54

Section 4

Modbus parameters and diagnostics.............................57

Parameter list...................................................................................57
Monitored data..................................................................................58

Section 5

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Communication Protocol Manual


Section 1

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Section 1



This manual
The communication protocol manual describes a communication protocol
supported by the IED. The manual concentrates on vendor-specific implementations.


Intended audience
This manual addresses the communication system engineer or system integrator
responsible for pre-engineering and engineering for communication setup in a
substation from an IED perspective.
The system engineer or system integrator must have a basic knowledge of
communication in protection and control systems and thorough knowledge of the
specific communication protocol.


Product documentation


Product documentation set

The application manual contains application descriptions and setting guidelines
sorted per function. The manual can be used to find out when and for what purpose
a typical protection function can be used. The manual can also be used when
calculating settings.
The communication protocol manual describes a communication protocol
supported by the IED. The manual concentrates on vendor-specific implementations.
The engineering guide provides information for IEC 61850 engineering of the
protection IEDs with PCM600 and IET600. This guide concentrates especially on
the configuration of GOOSE communication with these tools. The guide can be
used as a technical reference during the engineering phase, installation and
commissioning phase, and during normal service. For more details on tool usage,
see the PCM600 documentation.
The engineering manual contains instructions on how to engineer the IEDs using
the different tools in PCM600. The manual provides instructions on how to set up a
PCM600 project and insert IEDs to the project structure. The manual also
recommends a sequence for engineering of protection and control functions, LHMI

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Communication Protocol Manual

Section 1

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functions as well as communication engineering for IEC 61850 and other

supported protocols.
The installation manual contains instructions on how to install the IED. The
manual provides procedures for mechanical and electrical installation. The chapters
are organized in chronological order in which the IED should be installed.
The operation manual contains instructions on how to operate the IED once it has
been commissioned. The manual provides instructions for monitoring, controlling
and setting the IED. The manual also describes how to identify disturbances and
how to view calculated and measured power grid data to determine the cause of a
The point list manual describes the outlook and properties of the data points
specific to the IED. The manual should be used in conjunction with the
corresponding communication protocol manual.
The technical manual contains application and functionality descriptions and lists
function blocks, logic diagrams, input and output signals, setting parameters and
technical data sorted per function. The manual can be used as a technical reference
during the engineering phase, installation and commissioning phase, and during
normal service.


Document revision history

Document revision/date

Product series version




First release



Content updated



Content updated to correspond to the

product series version



Content updated



Content updated to correspond to the

product series version



Content updated



Content updated to correspond to the

product series version



Content updated



Content updated to correspond to the

product series version


4.0 FP1

Content updated to correspond to the

product series version

Download the latest documents from the ABB Website

615 series
Communication Protocol Manual

Section 1

1MRS756468 L


Related documentation
Product-specific point list manuals and other product series- and product-specific
manuals can be downloaded from the ABB Website


Symbols and conventions


The caution icon indicates important information or warning related
to the concept discussed in the text. It might indicate the presence
of a hazard which could result in corruption of software or damage
to equipment or property.

The information icon alerts the reader of important facts and


The tip icon indicates advice on, for example, how to design your
project or how to use a certain function.
Although warning hazards are related to personal injury, it is necessary to
understand that under certain operational conditions, operation of damaged
equipment may result in degraded process performance leading to personal injury
or death. Therefore, comply fully with all warning and caution notices.


Document conventions
A particular convention may not be used in this manual.

615 series
Communication Protocol Manual

Abbreviations and acronyms in this manual are spelled out in the glossary. The
glossary also contains definitions of important terms.
Push-button navigation in the LHMI menu structure is presented by using the
push-button icons.
To navigate between the options, use
HMI menu paths are presented in bold.
Select Main menu/Settings.
LHMI messages are shown in Courier font.
To save the changes in non-volatile memory, select Yes and press
Parameter names are shown in italics.
The function can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting.
Parameter values are indicated with quotation marks.

Section 1

1MRS756468 L

The corresponding parameter values are "On" and "Off".

IED input/output messages and monitored data names are shown in Courier font.
When the function starts, the START output is set to TRUE.

615 series
Communication Protocol Manual

Section 2
Modbus overview

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Section 2

Modbus overview


Modbus standard
Modbus is a communication protocol developed by the Modicon company in the
1970s. Originally it was used for communication in PLCs and RTU devices. Later
on the Modbus protocol has been used in a variety of different device applications.
Today the Modbus protocol is mainly used over serial communication networks
and Ethernet.
The Modbus serial communication and the Ethernet based Modbus TCP/IP
communication in this IED follow the specifications maintained by Modbus
Modbus communication reference guides are downloadable from
Technical Resources at


Serial communication
Modbus is a master-slave protocol when it is used over serial communication
networks. This IED implements the slave side of the protocol. Depending on the
chosen physical serial interface it is possible to build multidrop networks or point-topoint communication connections.
There can only be one Modbus master unit on a Modbus serial network. The
Modbus master unit communicates with one Modbus slave unit at a time. Usually
the master reads, or scans, data from the slaves cyclically. The master can also
write data or give commands to the slave units. Each slave unit has a unique unit
address. Thus, the master can identify the slave with which it communicates. The
Modbus standard also defines the possibility for Master broadcast transmissions.
Modbus serial protocol uses two link modes: Modbus RTU and Modbus ASCII.
Both modes are supported by this IED.


Ethernet communication
Modbus communication over Ethernet TCP/IP is of client-server type. This IED
operates as a Modbus server.
Modbus TCP/IP connection is established when the Modbus client opens a TCP
socket connection to the Modbus server. The socket port 502 on the TCP/IP stack

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Communication Protocol Manual

Section 2
Modbus overview

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is reserved for Modbus. If the connection request is accepted by the server, the
client can start communicating with the server unit.
IEDs can usually accept several simultaneous Modbus TCP/IP client connections
even though the number of connections is limited. It is possible to configure the
IED to only accept socket connection requests from known client IP addresses.


Application data implementation

This IED is designed to operate with a wide range of different Modbus masters and
clients. The Modbus memory map offers the possibility to view IED's internal
process data in a simple I/O map style which is mainly aimed at PLC masters and
other process automation devices. Time-tagged, chronological event lists and fault
records can be read over the Modbus interface. These data are more suitable for
SCADA type of Modbus masters.
The Modbus standard defines four main memory areas for mapping IED's process
data. Due to its open nature, the Modbus standard does not define exactly what
type of data should be mapped to each memory area. The Modbus mapping
approach of the IED ensures that the same process data are readable from as many
Modbus memory areas as possible. The users may then choose the memory areas
that are most suitable for their Modbus master systems.


Terms and definitions

Modbus data appear in different memory areas in the Modbus device. The four
most common areas are coils, digital inputs, input registers and holding registers.
These are also referred to as 0X, 1X, 3X and 4X areas respectively.
Modbus defines addressing in two ways: PLC addressing starts from address 1 and
regular Modbus data addressing starts from 0. For example, a holding register at
PLC address 234 can be referred to either as 4X register 234 or as 40234. The
regular Modbus addressing, that is the PLC address decremented by one, is shown
when analyzing the Modbus traffic on the physical network.
Listings and references to the Modbus data in this documentation
follow the PLC addressing scheme. Addresses start from 1.
Refer also to the Modbus protocol standard documentation that can be found for
free at


Address information concerning Modbus bits, registers and register structures
stated in this document is similar in all 615 series IEDs. The rest of the Modbus
application data are 615 series configuration dependent. This means that the


615 series
Communication Protocol Manual

Section 2
Modbus overview

1MRS756468 L

Modbus data outlook, that is the Modbus memory map, of REF615-FE01 differs,
for example, from the one of REF615-FE02.
A newer SW version of the same 615 series configuration may
contain additional Modbus points.
The Modbus memory map documentation of a certain 615 series configuration and
SW version is available in addition to this document. It is essential to know the
device type, configuration name and SW version to locate the correct Modbus
memory map listings.
Table 1:

Example of IED information needed to locate the correct Modbus memory map

LHMI or WHMI path

615 series
Communication Protocol Manual

IED information

Information/Product identifiers/Type


Information/Product identifiers/Configuration name


Information/Product identifiers/SW version




Section 3
Vendor-specific implementation

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Section 3

Vendor-specific implementation


Modbus link alternatives

Modbus communication is possible over the serial communication interface, over
the Ethernet interface, or over both interfaces simultaneously.
Depending on the IED type, either only serial communication or
only Ethernet communication may be supported.


Serial link
Modbus serial communication requires that the IED variant is equipped with a
serial interface card at the slot X000. The serial interface card can contain one or
two serial interfaces.
The Modbus link mode can be either Modbus RTU or Modbus ASCII.
Modbus serial communication can run on two separate serial ports simultaneously.
The Modbus serial link characteristics can be different on the two ports. This
applies also to the Modbus RTU and ASCII link modes and the unit address.
Documentation concerning the Modbus serial link messages and the
Modbus standard can be obtained from

Modbus serial link parameters

Serial link setting parameters can be accessed with PST, WHMI or via the LHMI
path Configuration/Communication/Modbus.
In the LHMI parameter names end either with number 1 or with
number 2. The numbers refer to two separate serial ports, that is the
instances 1 and 2.

Each serial link can be given a separate unit address.

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Communication Protocol Manual


Section 3
Vendor-specific implementation

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End delay
The end of message delay, or timeout, is used only in the Modbus RTU link mode.
According to the Modbus standard, an idle period of 3.5 characters, that is the time
it takes to transmit 3.5 characters with the used baud rate, defines the end of a
Modbus RTU frame in the RTU mode. This parameter can be given with the
accuracy of one character. The default setting is three characters but the user can
increase or decrease the value.
In a multidrop RS-485 Modbus network the unit may detect and
receive response messages from other slave units. Thus, consider
the minimum silent time between the response frame and the
beginning of masters next request frame when setting the end
delay in Modbus RTU mode.

This parameter has no meaning in the Modbus ASCII link mode.

Start delay
The intraframe delay on serial Modbus RTU link is defined as a silent interval of
3.5 characters. The delay is essential for Modbus devices to recognize the
beginning and end of each RTU frame. If the end delay is decreased in this IED,
the response messages may be transmitted too fast according to the link standard
especially true with slower baud rates. The start delay parameter adds idle
characters before the transmission, thus increasing the silent interval between the
Modbus RTU link frames. The start delay default setting is four idle (silent)
To set the timing properly, consider also how the other slave units
in a multidrop RS-485 network detect the Modbus traffic between
the master and this IED.

Serial port
It is possible to define which serial port is used for separate Modbus serial
instances: COM1 or COM2. The serial communication instance is not active if this
parameter is set to Not in use.
If this protocol does not operate as expected, make sure that other
serial protocols are not using the COM port as well.


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Communication Protocol Manual

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Vendor-specific implementation

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Baud rate is defined on the serial driver side and are therefore
located via the LHMI paths Configuration/Communication/
COM1 and Configuration/Communication/COM2.

Modbus serial diagnostic counters

Modbus Serial diagnostic counters can be viewed via the LHMI path Monitoring/
Counters related to the possible Modbus serial instances 1...2 have the suffixes 1
2 (N). The counters show complete Modbus protocol link frames and Modbus
errors. The serial communication drivers (COM1, COM2) maintain their own
counters for lower level serial communication diagnostics.
Table 2:

Serial diagnostic counters


Received frames

Total amount of received Modbus frames. For example, the Modbus frames that
are addressed to this instance.

frames N

Total amount of transmitted Modbus responses.

Cksm Err N

Total amount of detected Modbus checksum errors.

The Modbus instance only calculates checksums of Modbus frames that contain
a proper link address. All other incoming Modbus frames are discarded.

Transmitted Exc

Total amount of exception responses 1 and 2.

These exception responses usually reveal configuration errors on the Modbus
client side. Either the client uses a request function code which is not supported
or the requested Modbus point(s) does not exist.

Transmitted Exc

Total amount of exception responses 3.

These exceptions usually reveal the IED application level rejections. That is, the
IED application rejects the request at this moment, under the current
circumstances. The exception can also mean that the value in the Modbus write
request is out of range.

Status N

Shows the value "True" if the serial instance is in use. This indicates that the
Modbus client is connected and Modbus messages, which are addressed to the
device, are received regularly at least with a 15 second interval or faster. In all
other cases this value is "False". Resetting of all diagnostic counters in the
instance N is done by writing value "True" into this same Status N object.

Character framing in different serial link modes

According to the Modbus standard, the character length in the Modbus RTU mode
should be 11 bits and in Modbus ASCII mode 10 bits. It is possible to freely define
the character parity: even, odd or no parity. No parity means that the bit length of
the serial character is reduced by one. Thus, the character is compensated with an
additional stop bit.

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Communication Protocol Manual


Section 3
Vendor-specific implementation

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Table 3:
Coding system
Bits per

RTU characters
8-bit binary
1 start bit
8 data bits, the least significant bit is sent first
1 bit for even/odd parity; no bit if parity is not used
1 stop bit if parity is used; 2 stop bits if parity is not used

Table 4:
Coding system
Bits per


ASCII characters
Two ASCII characters representing a hexadecimal number
1 start bit
7 data bits, the least significant bit is sent first
1 bit for even/odd parity; no bit if parity is not used
1 stop bit if parity is used; 2 stop bits if parity is not used

TCP/IP link
The IED operates as a Modbus TCP/IP server. A Modbus TCP/IP client can
establish a connection to the IED through the standardized TCP socket port 502.
The Modbus TCP/IP interface of the IED can be configured to accept up to five
simultaneous Modbus client connections. It is possible to grant connections only
to the predefined TCP/IP clients. The write authority of the Modbus TCP/IP client
is configurable.
Modbus TCP usually shares the Ethernet connection with the other
Ethernet based protocols of the IED. The number of Ethernet based
clients that can be simultaneously connected to the IED is restricted.

TCP/IP interface configuration

The Modbus TCP/IP protocol uses the Ethernet interface. The general setup
parameters of Ethernet, for example the IED's own IP address, are found via the
LHMI path Configuration/Communication/Ethernet.

Client connections
The Modbus TCP/IP server accepts as many simultaneous client connections as
defined with the Max TCP/IP clients parameter:


The setting range for the parameter is 0...5.

If the parameter value is zero, the Modbus TCP/IP server connection is not in
The parameter works in conjunction with the parameters of a registered
Modbus TCP/IP client.

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Communication Protocol Manual

Section 3
Vendor-specific implementation

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When client X reconnects, the old connection of that client is disconnected and the
new connection is accepted to avoid zombie clients. When the maximum number
of clients are connected, a new connection request is handled as follows:

If there are unregistered clients connected, the one with the longest silent
period is disconnected and a new connection is accepted.
If there are only registered clients connected, the new connection request is

It is possible to predefine the client or clients which are always granted Modbus TCP/
IP connections by registering the clients' IP addresses. For example, if four
concurrent connections are allowed and three of them are registered, they are seen
as Client connection 1...Client connection 3. These three registered connections are
then dedicated to certain clients only and the fourth connection is available to other

Client IP addresses
There are five Modbus setting parameters for Modbus client IP addresses. The
parameter value "" indicates that the client IP address is not defined.
If there are, for example, four available TCP/IP connections defined and one of the
connections is to be dedicated for a certain client X, enter the client X's IP address
to the Client IP1 parameter. The IP addresses of the Modbus clients 2..4 can be set
to "". The setting of the Modbus client5 IP address has no meaning in this
example as the connection is not in use. In this example, the TCP/IP session 1 is
dedicated to the client X which means that this registered client X is always able to
connect to the IED. Unregistered clients can connect to sessions 2...4. However, an
unregistered client connection request can be rejected if sessions 2...4 are already
occupied. The write authority can also be assigned differently for registered TCP/
IP clients.

Client's write authority

The registering of a Modbus client affects the client's write authority and the
reading of latched Modbus data.
The TCP write authority parameter can be set to three different states:

0 = No write authority for any Modbus TCP/IP client

1 = Write authority only for registered Modbus TCP/IP clients
2 = Write authority for all Modbus TCP/IP clients

The possible blocking of write operation does not include the selection write
operation that has to be done to read out Modbus event and fault record structures.

Modbus TCP/IP diagnostic counters

Modbus TCP/IP counters can be viewed via the LHMI path Monitoring/

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Communication Protocol Manual


Section 3
Vendor-specific implementation

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Counters related to the possible Modbus TCP/IP instances 1...5 have the suffixes 1
5 (N). The counters show the complete Modbus protocol link frames and Modbus
errors. The Ethernet communication driver maintains its own counters for lower
level communication diagnostics.
Table 5:

TCP/IP diagnostic counters



Received frames

Total amount of received Modbus frames.

frames N

Total amount of transmitted Modbus responses.

Transmitted Exc

Total amount of exception responses 1 and 2. These exception responses

usually reveal configuration errors on the Modbus clients side.

Transmitted Exc

Total amount of exception responses 3. These exceptions reveal the IED

application level rejections.

Status N

Shows the value "True" if the TCP/IP or serial instance is in use. This means that
a Modbus client has connected to the TCP socket and Modbus TCP messages
are received regularly at least with a 30 second interval or faster. In all other
cases this value shows "False". Resetting of all diagnostic counters in the
instance N is done by writing value "True" into this same Status N object.

The counters and status of an instance N are reset when the client makes a TCP
socket disconnection or if the TCP socket connection keep alive times out.
The common (instance independent) Modbus TCP/IP diagnostic counters can be
reset separately by writing the value 0 into them.
Table 6:

Common (instance independent) Modbus TCP/IP diagnostic counters



CnReject No

The amount of connection requests that are rejected due to unavailable TCP

CnReject Not reg

The amount of connection requests that are rejected since the client is not


Supported function codes


Application functions
Table 7:

Supported application functions




Read coil status

Reads the status of discrete outputs.


Read digital input status

Reads the status of discrete inputs.


Read holding registers

Reads the contents of output registers.


Read input registers

Reads the contents of input registers.

Table continues on next page


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Communication Protocol Manual

Section 3
Vendor-specific implementation

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Force single coil

Sets the status of a discrete output.


Preset single register

Sets the value of a holding register.



Checks the communication system

between the master and the slave.


Force multiple coils

Sets the status of multiple discrete outputs.


Preset multiple registers

Sets the value of multiple holding registers.


Read/write holding registers

Exchanges holding registers in one query.

Diagnostic functions
The diagnostic functions are only intended for serial communication. However, the
serial diagnostic counters can be read, but not reset, via the Modbus TCP/IP
interface. The serial line cannot be forced to the listen mode via the Modbus TCP/
IP interface.
Table 8:

Supported diagnostic subfunctions




Return query data

The data in the query data field is

returned (looped back) in the response.
The entire response is identical to the


Restart communication option

The slaves peripheral port is initialized

and restarted and the communication
event counters are cleared. Before this, a
normal response will be sent provided that
the port is not in the listen only mode. If
the port is in the listen only mode, no
response will be sent.


Force listen only mode

The slave is forced to enter the listen only

mode for Modbus communication.


Clear counters and diagnostic register

All counters and the diagnostic register

are cleared.


Return bus message count

The response returns the number of

messages in the communication system
detected by the slave since its last restart,
clear counters operation and power up .


Return bus communication error count

The response returns the number of CRC

errors encountered by the slave since its
last restart, clear counters operation and
power up.


Return bus exception error count

The response returns the number of

Modbus exception responses sent by the
slave since its last restart, clear counters
operation and power up.


Return slave message count

The response returns the number of

messages addressed to the slave or
broadcast which the slave has processed
since its last restart, clear counters
operation or power up.

Table continues on next page

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Communication Protocol Manual


Section 3
Vendor-specific implementation


1MRS756468 L




Return slave no response count

The response returns the number of

messages addressed to the slave for
which a response (neither a normal
response nor an exception response) has
not been sent since its last restart, clear
counters operation or power up.


Return slave NACK response count

The number of messages addressed to

the slave for which a negative
acknowledgement response has been
sent is returned in the response.


Return bus character overrun count

The response returns the number of

messages addressed to the slave for
which it has not been able to send a
response due to a character overrun since
its last restart, clear counters operation or
power up.

Exception codes
Table 9:

Supported exception codes




Illegal function

The slave does not support the requested



Illegal data address

The slave does not support the data

address or the number of items in the
query is incorrect.


Illegal data value

A value contained in the query data field

is out of range.


Application data


Modbus data objects

The Modbus protocol in 615 series IEDs is built on top of the internal IEC 61850
data model. Thus, the Modbus application data objects, proprietary events and
MCD bits are derived from IEC 61850 data objects and data set reporting. The 615
series IEDs have a predefined IEC 61850 data set configuration. In other words, it
is predefined which internal data object changes the 615 series IEDs detect.
The available Modbus indications in the 615 series IEDs are generally selected
from the IEC 61850 indications residing in data sets. Objects that do not reside in
any data set are updated to the Modbus database slower. This concerns, for
example, some measurand register values. Fast changes in these object values may
not be detected or propagated to the Modbus database. However, the latest value of
these objects is always found in the Modbus database.


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Communication Protocol Manual

Section 3
Vendor-specific implementation

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For a list of the available data objects, see the point list manual.


Modbus data implementation

The IED is internally modeled according to the IEC 61850 standard. The Modbus
protocol is implemented on top of this model. However, not all features of the
IEC61850 data model are available through the Modbus interface.
The Modbus protocol standard defines one bit digital data and 16 bit register data
as the application data alternatives but it does not define exactly how the digital
data and the register data should be used by the application. Instead, the choice of
the usage is left to the IEDs implementation.

Change events and time synchronization

The Modbus standard does not define event reporting or time synchronization
procedures. Proprietary solutions have been introduced in this IED to support these

Control operations
The Modbus standard defines data types 0X for coils and 4X for holding registers
to be used for control operations. This IED supports both data types.
Control operations include automatic checking for authorization, local and remote
blockings and preventing simultaneous controlling by multiple clients.

Application data compatibility

This IED is designed to operate with a wide range of Modbus masters spanning
from industrial PLCs to substation SCADA devices. The application solutions have
been chosen to achieve the highest possible level of compatibility with these systems:

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Communication Protocol Manual

Application data are readable in many different Modbus memory areas. Digital
data are readable as bits or packed bits in registers.
Primarily 16 bit register sizes are used for measurands. 32 bits are used only in
some rare cases.
The measurands can be freely rescaled by the user.
The proprietary Modbus event buffer can be read in many different ways. A
master can continuously read and log change events in real time or, for
example, read out the n latest events on demand.
Change detect data can be used as an alternative to the event record reading to
catch fast indication data transitions between the master scans.


Section 3
Vendor-specific implementation


1MRS756468 L

The Modbus fault record gives a summary of the captured max-min values and
protection stages starting and possibly tripping during a fault.
The addressing of the application data in the documentation and tools follows
the so-called Modbus-PLC addressing principle where the base address 1 is
used. The application data addressing in this IED spans between 1 and 9999.
The Modbus memory mapped data in the monitoring direction can additionally
be re-assembled into user definable registers or bits in a specific UDR memory
area. The data can then be scanned also from this area.

Data mapping principles

Modbus data is organized sequentially. This is the most efficient organization
method since the master normally scans the Modbus data in blocks.

Data in monitoring direction

All data in the monitoring direction is available through the 3X and 4X memory
areas.This includes the digital indication data which is also readable in the 1X and
0X areas.
All register structures are located in the 4X area. The address locations of register
structures are similar in all IEDs in this product series.
The Modbus data may contain empty bits or registers within the sequential data
areas. These bits and registers are intended for possible future expansion. Reading
this data does not result in any Mobdus exception response. The value in these bits
or registers is always zero.

One bit data mapping

All one bit data in the IED is readable either from the 0X or 1X memory area. The
Modbus bit point addresses are similar regardless of the memory area. In addition,
the same one bit data can also be read either from the 3X or the 4X area. In this
case the bit values are packed into 16 bit 3X and 4X registers. The bit locations
follow a pattern similar to the 0X and 1X locations.
If a one bit value is located in the 0X or 1X bit address 2893, the same bit value
can also be found in the 3X or 4X register 180 (2893 DIV 16) at bit 13 (2893 MOD
16). The addressing pattern is evident when the address numbers are expressed in a
hexadecimal format: 2893 = 0xB4D, 180 = 0xB4, 13 = 0xD.

Data in control direction

IED controls, set points and acknowledgements are mapped to Modbus 0X data
(coils). Coils can only be operated one by one.


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Some control bits are packed bits in the 4X control register structures. The 4X
control structure contains a password which has to be given before starting control


Digital input data

Indication signals related to protection applications often change rapidly. Thus, the
Modbus master might not be able to detect all changes.

Momentary- and momentary change detect bits

In this IED, indications are presented as two adjacent Modbus bits in the Modbus
memory map. The two bits represent the momentary position and the momentary
change detect state of the indication.



A070894 V2 EN

Figure 1:

Change detection bit

If the momentary value of an indication bit has changed two times or more since
the master last read it, the MCD bit is set to one. When the MCD bit has been read,
it is reset to zero. Since indications usually are 1-active, it is easy to detect an
indication activation by combining the MOM and MCD bits using a logical OR
operation (MOM+MCD). The momentary position bit and the MCD bit of a certain
indication point always occur as pairs in the Modbus memory map.
Observe that the MCD bit states are client dependent. The MCD bit is only reset
for the specific Modbus client that reads it. Thus, other Modbus clients may still
receive value one from the same MCD bit when it is read.
MOM indication changes are captured in the IED's sequential Modbus event
buffer. Additionally, the Modbus event buffer provides a time stamp and
chronology of indication changes.

Multiple digital inputs mapping

Digital inputs related to two-bit DPC or DPS objects, for instance circuit breaker
and disconnectors, have a multiple mapping in the Modbus address space. The

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objects open and close bits are coded as MOM+MCD bit pair entities. The MCD
bits reveals if the object has changed its position several times since the Modbus
master last scanned it. In addition, the open and close bits are also coded using
MOM values only, among with a fault bit. The fault bit is set to "1" when the
object is in intermediate (00) or faulty (11) position.
Table 10:

Bit treatment

Close MOM

One 2 bit entity

Close MCD
Open MOM

One 2 bit entity

Open MCD
Close MOM

One 1 bit entity

Open MOM

One 1 bit entity

Faulty position MOM

One 1 bit entity

The MOM values are identical in each entity. The MCD bit is only reset if the
MOM bit in the same entity is read.


Measurand registers
The Modbus measurands are located in the Modbus register area. The measurands
are readable from both 3X and 4X areas from the same register addresses.
The Modbus measurands derive from the IED's internal, original IEC 61850
filtered measurand values. Modbus register values in this IED are always in integer
format. Since the internal IEC 61850 values are often represented as decimal
numbers, the Modbus stack needs to scale these values to integer format. Thus,
there always exists a scaleFactor and an offset parameter for each Modbus register
value. The user can freely configure these parameters with CMT.
The formula for calculating the Modbus register value is:
Modbus value = ( IEC 61850Value scaleFactor ) + Offset
A070857 V1 EN

(Equation 1)

The range of the original IEC 61850 value can be seen in the Modbus memory map
point list.
All frequently updated data are readable from a sequential data area. Additionally,
there is a separate sequential data area for measurands and counters with a slow
update rate.


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Primary and per-unit values

Measurands originating from CT or VT measurements can be obtained from the
IED in two ways. They can be viewed either as primary values or as per-unit values.
The primary values are represented internally as decimal numbers. The primary
units are [A] for current and [kV] for voltage. The internal representation of the perunit values is always 1.0 at nominal current or voltage. A typical range for a perunit value is 0.00...40.00, that is 0 to 40 times nominal. With CMT the user can
select how these values are presented in the Modbus register. It may be necessary
to upscale or downscale the primary values to fit the register's 16 bit integer value.
The register's scaleFactor and offset parameters can be used for this purpose. As a
default, this IED shows per-unit values multiplied with the scaleFactor 1000.
If the primary value representation is selected but no CT or VT
ratio parameters are configured in the IED, the Modbus values
remain as per-unit values. Check the IED configuration to find out
the CT or VT ratio being used.

Register sizes
In most cases the measurands or counters are located in single 16 bit registers. The
measurands are either unsigned or signed two's complement values while the
counters are always unsigned values.
In some cases the measurands or counter values can be located in two consecutive
registers, thus forming a single 32 bit integer value. The 32 bit value is always
coded so that the high word part, that is, the higher 16 bits, is located first in this
register address. The low word part, that is, the lower 16 bits, is then always in the
next register address.
Register sizes and types are clearly stated in the Modbus memory map list.

Register saturation
After a re-scaling operation the Modbus value may exceed the limit of the Modbus
register representation. The Modbus value then saturates to the closest max or min
value of the register size in question.

Rearranging of register value ranges

The pre-defined original Modbus register does not always fit inside the whole
value range of the source value.

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A counter in the motor protection IED shows the running hours of the motor. The
original system counter value has a range of 0999999 hours. For Modbus, a 16bit unsigned register is defined for this value. The default scale factor for this
modbus register is defined as x1.
The value range for the 16-bit register is only 065535. This means that when the
original counter reaches 65535 hours (about seven and half years), the Modbus
value saturates (remains locked) at 65535.
There are several ways to overcome this problem.

It is always possible to assign the Modbus register value to a 32-bit userdefinable register. Even when the original register saturates at 65535, the userdefinable register continues calculating upwards from this value.
Rescaling can also be applied on measurands and Modbus counter (integer)
values. The original Modbus value can be edited to show full hours, tens of
hours or days.

If the source hour value is divided by 10, the Modbus value shows tens
of hours. This accuracy might be sufficient in many cases. Maximum
Modbus register value 65535 would then actually mean 655350 hours, or
approximately 75 years. Here the scale factor for Modbus registers is
given as a multiplicand. Division by 10 is thus same as multiplying it by
If the source hour value is divided by 24, the Modbus value shows the
number of days. Division by 24 is same as multiplying by 0.04167.

Time of update
Some Modbus values may have a time structure attached to their values in the
Modbus memory map. This is often the case with demand measurement values.
The time structure shows the time when the value was last updated.
Table 11:


Time structure data





High byte:year, low



TimeStamp (Day,Hour)

High byte:day, low



TimeStamp (Min,Sec)

High byte:min, low




Word: milliseconds


Time quality

See the table about

time quality register

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Table 12:

Time quality register



Time format


Time source

0 = Local time
1 = UTC time
0 = Internal (RTC)
1 = Modbus stack


RTC not synchronized

0 = RTC synchronized
1 = Not synchronized


RTC Failure

0 = RTC OK
1 = RTC failure



Not used

Control operations
The IED's outputs can be controlled either through the 0X coil objects or 4X
holding register control structures. Refer to the Modbus control objects' memory
map for the available control objects.
The control objects in this IED are either single point or double point control objects.

Single point control object output types

Single point control objects can be either pulse outputs or persistent outputs.
The Modbus client should only write "1" to the pulse outputs. This write operation
activates the control operation and there is no need for the Modbus client to write
"0" to the object. However, writing "0" is not forbidden. The result is that nothing
will happen to the control object.
The Modbus client can write both "1" and "0" to the persistent outputs. Therefore,
the persistent outputs have two defined levels: "0" and "1".
Most of the outputs in this IED are pulse outputs.

Control operation modes on IEC 61850 level

This IED supports two control models: direct-operate and select-before-operate.
The IEC 61850 single point control objects in this IED are of direct-operate type.
The IEC 61850 double point control objects can be configured either into the directoperate or select-before-operate mode.
An IEC 61850 double point output cannot support both directoperate and select-before-operate modes at the same time.

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Control operations on Modbus level

The double point select-before-operate mode is usually used for the circuit breaker
operations. Four controllable objects exist on the Modbus level.

Select open
Select close
Cancel selection
Operate (=execute) selection

Direct operate of a double point object consists of two controllable objects:

Direct open (writing a "1" value opens the circuit breaker)

Direct close (writing a "1" value closes the circuit breaker)
Direct operate of a double point object is always possible over
Modbus. In addition, select-before-operate control is possible if the
controllable object's control model is set to "sbo-with-enhancedsecurity."

For PLC compatibility, the direct control points accept both values "1" (=normal
direction) and "0" (=inverted direction). For example, if the Direct close point is
controlled with value "0", it will "Open" the breaker and vice versa.

Control functions
Generally, output objects are controlled one at a time. The IED accepts only
functions 05 (force single coil) and 15 (force multiple coils), when the 0X coils
control structure is used for control operation.
Only one control bit can be operated at a time when the 4X control structures are

Exception codes
Only a few exception code alternatives exist for the write coil and write register
requests in Modbus:

01 = illegal function
02 = illegal address
03 = illegal value

The exception code 03 is also returned if a command operation is rejected due to

other internal reasons. An additional internal reason code for the exception, can be
found in the SSR6 register after the command operation.
Internal control rejection reasons with coils may be, for example:


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The client has no write authority.

The IED is in local or OFF state.
The control operation is already reserved by another client and thus blocked.

If a positive acknowledgement is returned, the control command has been initiated

by the IED.

Control operations through 4X register structures

The control outputs can be operated through the control structures in the 4X
register area. This means that the control output is also located as a bit within the
value and bit mask registers of the 4X control structure. Although usually less,
there may be up to eight control structures defined in the IED.
The control structure operations can be controlled with passwords. As a default, no
passwords exist for the structures. Any four character ASCII string can be used as a
password. The password string **** with four asterisks, that is ASCII code 42,
indicates that a password is not used.
Table 13:

Single control structure


4x Reg N

Execute register

4x Reg N+1

Password register 1 high, two ASCII characters

4x Reg N+2

Password register 2 low, two ASCII characters

4x Reg N+3

Value register

4x Reg N+4

Bitmask register

With the control operations the client must assemble the control structure register
values and write them into the IED.
Execute register
The control step is executed when value "1" is written into this register.
Password register 1
If a password is defined, the first two ASCII characters of the four character
password are written into this register: the first character into the higher byte and
the second character into the lower byte of the register. If no password is defined
for the control structure, this register is not checked by the IED.
Password register 2
If a password is defined, the last two ASCII characters of the four character
password are written into this register: the third character into the higher byte and
the fourth character into the lower byte of the register. If no password is defined for
the control structure, this register is not checked by the IED.

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Value register
Set the register bit corresponding to the output to the proper write value. For pulse
type outputs the value is always "1".
Bitmask register
Set the register bit corresponding to the object to be operated to "1". All other bits
must be set to zero.

Control structure register assembling order

The Modbus client can assemble all the control structure registers and write them
in one multiple registers write function 16 request.
The Modbus client can also write the registers in several separate transactions or
even one by one using registers write function 06. The execute register has to be
written last and no more than 15 seconds may occur between the separate register
writes. The control structure operation will time out after 15 seconds after the last
register write.
If several clients are allowed to perform control operations
simultaneously, this method should not be used by more than one of
the multiple clients in question.

Exception codes
Only a few exception code alternatives exist for control structures:

01 = illegal function
02 = illegal address
03 = illegal value

The exception code 03 is also returned if a command operation is rejected due to

other internal reasons. An additional internal reason code for the exception, can be
found in the SSR6 register after the command operation.
The primary internal rejection reasons for control structure write operations may be
for example:

The Modbus control structure write has timed out (15 sec).
The client has no write authority.
The IED is in the local or OFF state.
The control operation is blocked, that means already reserved, by another client.

If a positive acknowledgement is returned, the control command has been initiated

inside the IED.


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Section 3
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Additional control operation features

Normal or enhanced security operations
Control objects on IED system level (IEC 61850 level) always follow a control
model. Control model alternatives are referred to as normal-security or enhancedsecurity. Some control objects has a fixed control model. Other objects' control
models are configurable. On Modbus level this means:

Normal security object

Positive confirmation means that the control has been activated and the
application behind the control point has performed successfully.
Exception 03 response from a normal-security object means that either the
control is not activated, or the control is activated, but the application behind
the control point does not perform successfully.

Enhanced security object

Positive confirmation means that control has been activated. The application
behind the control point has started, but has not yet finished. SSR6 state is set
into In progress.
Exception 03 response means that the control is not activated. SSR6 reason
code is updated.

After a positive confirmation, SSR6 state is set to Ready when the application
control eventually is terminated. SSR6 reason code is updated with either a positive
or a negative reason code.

Impact on masters logic

Only one control sequence can be performed at a time by the IED. A new Modbus
control command cannot be accepted by the IED after an enhanced security object
control, until the SSR6 state is set to Ready.
Enhanced security objects are in practice always Double Point objects. For
example, in the case of a control made to a motor-controlled disconnector, the
control sequence lasts 10 seconds. Master can monitor the command progress.

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Communication Protocol Manual

By polling the SSR6 register and examine the state bits. Control can be in state
'In progress' for 10 seconds.
Double Point object .stSeld attribute is set to 1 while the control operation is
in progress. This also lasts for 10 seconds.
The control should result in some input data eventually changing position.
This input data could be monitored to determine that the control operation is
over. This should also take 10 seconds.


Section 3
Vendor-specific implementation

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System status registers

The ModbusSSRx 16 bit system status registers are located at the beginning of the
regular Modbus map at addresses 40128...40133. The regular Modbus map starts
from register location 128. See the Modbus memory map for the actual locations of
SSRx registers. The SSRx registers can also be read from the 3X register area from
corresponding register addresses.
Table 14:

System status registers





Device health



Device mode



Data available 1



Data available 2



Device alive counter



Last command result


The device health SSR1 register is located at address 40128. The bits in SSR1 are
common for all Modbus clients. The bits in SSR1 give an overview of the IED
health. If a specific bit in this register is "1", it signifies a warning or an error in the
hardware entity in question.
More specific warning and error codes can be read from elsewhere
in the Modbus memory. See the Modbus memory map for these
register locations.
Table 15:

16-bit SSR1 register


Device global warning

Device global error

Slot 0 (X130) warning or error

Slot 1 (X120) warning or error

Slot 2 (X110) warning or error

Slot 3 (X100) warning or error

Slot 4 (X000) warning or error




0 = not used

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Section 3
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The device mode SSR2 register is located at address 40129. The bit values in SSR2
are common for all Modbus clients. The bits give an overview of the IED's mode.
For example, bit 6 is activated if the IED's configured time synchronization source
is lost.
Table 16:

16 bit SSR2 register


Test mode (1= Device is set into test mode)


Local/Remote states (bit 1= LSB)

00 = Remote Modbus controls allowed
01 = Station Modbus controls allowed
10 = Local Modbus controls not allowed
11 = Off Modbus controls not allowed


Active setting parameter setting group (bit 3 = LSB)

001 = Setting group 1
010 = Setting group 2
011 = Setting group 3
100 = Setting group 4
101 = Setting group 5
110 = Setting group 6

IED time synchronization failure (1 = Failure)

0 = not used

Last reset cause (1= Power reset)

Last reset cause (1= Watchdog reset)


Last reset cause (1= Warm reset)



0 = not used

The data available 1 SSR3 register is located at address 40130. The bit values in
the SSR3 register are Modbus client dependent.
Bits 0 and 1 are set to "1" as long as the client in question has not read out the
available Modbus event or fault records.
Bit 4 is set to "1" if any momentary bit has been updated in the Modbus memory
map. The bit is reset when the client reads the register.
Bit 5 is set to "1" if any MCD bit has been set in the Modbus memory map. The bit
is reset when the client reads the register.
Bit 6 is set to "1" to indicate the device restart. The bit is reset when the client
reads this register.
Bit 8 is set to "1" when an event record has been loaded into registers
49252...49262. The bit is reset when the client writes the reset code 4 to the event
record selection register 49251.

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Bit 9 is set to "1" when a fault record has been loaded into registers starting from
49402. The bit is reset when the client writes the reset code 4 to the fault record
selection register 49401.
Table 17:

16 bit SSR3 register


Unread event records available

Unread fault records available

0 = not used

0 = not used

Any MOM bit updated

Any indication MCD bit set

Device restart bit

0 = not used

Event record ready for reading

Fault record ready for reading



0 = not used

The data available in SSR4 register is located at address 40131. The bit values in
SSR4 are Modbus client dependent.
Bits 0...15 in the SSR4 registers correspond to different data categories in the
regular Modbus memory map. Bit 0 corresponds to data category 1, bit 1 to data
category 2 and so on.
If a bit is set to "1", some data belonging to the category in question has changed
since the client last scanned the register. The SSR4 bit or bits are cleared when the
register is read.
The data category number for each Modbus data is shown in the Modbus memory
map. The meaning of the category number is available in a separate table. If the
data have not been assigned to any category, the data category number for that data
is set to "0". The data category number is freely configurable with PCM600/CMT.
The table below is an example of how the categories can be divided.
Table 18:

16 bit SSR4 register



Data category

Data in category 1 changed

1 = Physical inputs

Data in category 2 changed

1 = Protection function start/trip

Data in category 3 changed

1 = LED Alarm

Data in category 4 changed

1 = New disturbance record available

Data in category 5 changed

1 = New demand values

Data in category 6 changed

1 = New peak demand values

Table continues on next page


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Data category

Data in category 7 changed

Data in category 8 changed

Data in category 9 changed

Data in category 10 changed


Data in category 11 changed


Data in category 12 changed


Data in category 13 changed


Data in category 14 changed


Data in category 15 changed


Data in category 16 changed

The device alive counter SSR5 register is located at address 40132. SSR5 simply
counts upwards from 0 to 65535 and then starts over. The meaning of this register
is to assure that the device is actually operating.

The last command result SSR6 register is located at address 40133. This client
dependent SSR6 register shows the result of a specific client's last write attempt.
This is especially useful if the exception code 03 appears or if the command
initiates a secured control operation. The client will only see its own results, not the
results of other clients. A client with no write authority will receive a 0x0000 value
response when reading this register.
Table 19:

16 bit SSR6 register





Cmd State Resp Type




Counts the client's control operations from 0000...1111, that is 0...15, and then
starts over.
00 = No write command has ever been issued by this client
01 = Command in progress
11 = Response Ready

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01 = Unsecured control response
10 = Secured control response
11 = Modbus 03 exception response valid. CMDResultCode is in this case 0. The
reason for the 03 exception is an invalid written value.
Table 20:





Device in local mode


Control operation reserved by another client


Select-timeout or Execute/Cancel without select


Control operation internally blocked


Control operation timed out


Other reason

User definable data

There can be several reasons for defining UD data. For example, the user may want
to repack a limited amount of important data into sequential addresses and
thereafter only scan this smaller set of data. Especially with serial links, this saves
bandwidth and improves response times.
User definable register can be used if more advanced rescaling and re-manipulating
of the regular Modbus register is needed.

User definable registers

The Modbus register areas 3X and 4X from 1 to 127 can be compiled freely by the
user. Almost any regular register data in the Modbus memory map can be made to
appear as a register copy in this UDR memory area. The regular Modbus source
register is not moved away from its original location and thus it can be read also
from the original location.

User definable bits

The Modbus bit address areas 0X and 1X from bit 16 to 2047 can be freely
compiled by the user. Almost any regular bit data in the Modbus memory map can
be made to appear as a bit data copy in this UDB memory area. The regular
Modbus source bit data are not moved away from their original location and thus
they can be read also from the original location.
The bit 16 is the first valid bit address in the address space because
the register and bit addresses overlap and the register addresses start


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from the register location 1. The bit address 16 is the same as

register 1, bit 0.

Data exceptions
Some exceptions exist for the Modbus source data concerning the UD mapping:

None of the system status registers or fixed register structures can appear in
the UD area.
UD registers/bits themselves cannot act as source data for other UD data.
Modbus source data can only be attached to one UD location.

Data properties
The UD data inherits all properties from the source data. This applies to:

The memory areas on which the source data are located

Data pre-scaling in case of registers

Unmapped data locations

It is possible to partially scan unmapped register or bit locations, also known as
gaps. No exception responses are generated. The unmapped locations always return
data value 0.

UDR data configuration

UDR definitions can be created using CMT.

UDR value manipulation

UDR values are initially copied from the source register. Thereafter the following
manipulations can be applied to the UDR value:

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Communication Protocol Manual

Additional rescaling of the source data value.

Swapping high/low words within the 32 bit register types.
Changing the saturation points of the UDR values, that is, the bit-length of the
source value can be redefined. Also the justification of the redefined bits
within the Modbus register can be defined.
Swapping high/low bytes within the 16 bit register types.


Section 3
Vendor-specific implementation

Table 21:
Scaling alternative

1MRS756468 L

UDR scaling alternatives


No scaling
Ratio scaling

No change is made to the sourceValue

UDRScaleArg1 = Min in
UDRScaleArg2 = Max in
UDRScaleArg3 = Min

Uses all 4 scaling arguments


UDRScaleArg4 = Max

UDRScaleArg1 =

Uses the argument UDRScaleArg1 (Min in)

Divisior scaling

UDRScaleArg1 = Divisor

Uses the argument UDRScaleArg1 (Min in)

Ratio scaling Operation

The sourceValue is to be checked for saturation. If it is less than Min in, the UDR
result value is equal to Min out. If it is greater than Max in, the UDR result value is
Max out. Otherwise the UDR result value is calculated as

X = (MaxOut-MinOut)/(MaxIn-MinIn)
UDR_ResultValue = X*sourceValue + (MinOut-X*MinIn)

Multiplicative scaling Operation

UDR_resultValue = sourceValue*multiplicand
Divisior scaling Operation
UDR_resultValue = sourceValue/Divisor


Event records
The IED creates a Modbus event record when a momentary digital input bit
changes its value. The IED then stores the changed Modbus bit location and value
into the Modbus event record buffer. The event time tag is also stored into the
record. The time tag includes a full time stamp from a year down to milliseconds.
Modbus event generation on/off is selectable for each individual momentary bit in
the Modbus memory map. It is possible to define whether events are to be
generated from the rising edge- or both edges' transitions of the momentary bit.
Modbus events can also be generated from selected Modbus registers. This
concerns registers containing status information. In this case events would be
generated each time the register's integer value changes.
The size of the IED's internal Modbus event record buffer is 500 events. The 500
latest events are at any time readable from the IED. When the Modbus event record
buffer becomes full, the IED overwrites the oldest event records in the buffer.


615 series
Communication Protocol Manual

Section 3
Vendor-specific implementation

1MRS756468 L

Multiple clients support

Several Modbus clients can independently of one another read out Modbus event
records from the IED. The Modbus event buffer keeps track of where in the event
buffer the different clients are reading at the moment. Clients are identified either
by the serial port from where the requests are issued or by the client's IP address in
the TCP/IP network. Up to 25 different IP addresses, belonging to both registered
and unregistered Modbus clients, can be memorized by the IED.

Single event record structure

The Modbus event record structure is located at addresses 49251...49262.
Table 22:

Event record structure





Event selection

1...4 and -1...-499

Write register


Sequence Number



Unread records left




High byte:year, low byte:month


TimeStamp (Day,

High byte:day, low byte:hour


TimeStamp (Min, Sec)

High byte:min, low byte:second



Word: milliseconds (0...999)


Event type

See separate description


Data Object ID 1

0 or UID high word


Data Object ID 2

Modbus address or UID low



Data Value

Modbus data value


Data Value

See separate description

Value into which object has

Additional data

The event record can have two different data object identification alternatives. The
data object can be identified by the Modbus address on which the object resides or
it can be identified by a unique id which is platform dependent.
The identification alternative is selected with the Modbus parameter Event ID.

Single event record reading

As long as there are unread Modbus events available for the Modbus client in
question, bit 0 of Modbus SSR3 register remains "1".
Events are read in two steps. First, the client writes a selection code to the Event
selection register at location 49251. The selection code defines the type of read
operation that the client wants to perform. The selected event record is loaded by

615 series
Communication Protocol Manual


Section 3
Vendor-specific implementation

1MRS756468 L

the IED into the following 11 registers from 9252 to 9262. Second, the client reads
out the 11 registers in one multiple register read operation.
Event records can be read by using two commands, function 6 for
the write operation and function 3 for the read operation, or by
using function 23 that includes write and read operations in the
same transaction.

If event records are read by using two commands, the positive

confirmation to the write select operation tells the client that an
event record has been loaded for reading. Another way to detect the
positive confirmation is by monitoring the state of SSR3 bit 8.

Selection code 1: Reading the oldest unread record

When writing the selection code 1, the IED first checks the client. If the client has
read events before, the IED knows which internal event has been sent to this
specific client during the last reading. The IED then loads the next event, that is the
oldest unread, into the next 11 registers. If this is the first time the client reads
events from the IED, the oldest event of the Modbus event buffer is loaded into the
11 event record registers.

Selection code 2: Reading the oldest stored record

Selection code 2 always forces the event reading to go back to the oldest event in
the Modbus event buffer. The oldest event record is then loaded into the 11 event
record registers. After the client has read out this record, the next record becomes
the oldest unread. The client can continue with the selection code 1 by reading out
the oldest unread event record again.

Selection code -1...-499

A negative selection code, that is a 16 bit two's complement value, defines how
many records backwards from the newest event the event record reading is to be
moved. For example, the ten latest events could be read out at any time by first
selecting -10, reading out the event and then continuing with the selection code 1 to
read out the nine additional event records. There can be 500 event records altogether.

Selection code 3: Resetting the event read pointer

The write selection 3 is not followed by a read operation. The selection 3 means
that there are no unread records in the Modbus event buffer left for the client in
question, that is, the buffer is cleared. The next new event that is logged into the
Modbus event buffer becomes the first unread record for this specific client.

Selection code 4: Resetting SSR3 bit 8

The write selection 4 is not followed by a read operation. The selection code only
resets the bit 8 in SSR3.

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Section 3
Vendor-specific implementation

1MRS756468 L

If event records are read by using two commands, the client can reread the 11 event record registers as many times as it wants. As
long as no new selection write operation is performed, the contents
of the 11 event record registers are not changed.

Other event record registers

Sequence number
Every Modbus event record is given a sequence number. The sequence number
runs from 1 to 65535 and then rolls over to 1 again. The client can check that the
sequence numbers of the recorded data are sequential. During the event buffer
overflow the client can notice a jump in the sequence numbers when some event
records are lost. The gap between the new and the previous sequence number
reveals exactly how many event records have been lost.

Unread records left

This register shows how many unread event records still remain unread for the
client in question at a particular moment.

Time stamp registers

Time stamp is either in local time or UTC time. The time stamp alternative is
selected with a Modbus parameter.
Time stamp registers usually hold two data values in the high and low byte of the
registers. High byte value = RegisterValue DIV 256, Low byte value =
RegisterValue MOD 256. The Milliseconds register is an exception as it contains
the milliseconds 0...999 coded as such.

Event type
This register contains information to interpret the event data correctly.
Table 23:

Information contained by the 16 bit register




Event time

0 = Local time

1 = UTC time


Time stamp

0 = Internal application

1 = Modbus stack


Clock not

0 = Synchronized

1 = Time not synchronized


Clock failure

0 = Clock OK

1 = Clock failure





Table continues on next page

615 series
Communication Protocol Manual


Section 3
Vendor-specific implementation


1MRS756468 L



Data object
ID type

0 = Modbus address

1 = UID data


Data value

00000000 = One bit indication

00000010 = Two bit indication
00001010 = Integer value
11111111 = reserved

00000001 = ACD indication

00000011 = SEC indication+add data
00001001 = reserved

Event time stamp format bit 15

The time stamp format can be selected with a Modbus parameter via the LHMI or
Event time stamp source bit 14
The time stamp can be generated by the IED application (accurate time) or by
Modbus. If generated by Modbus, the change values are detected by the Modbus
background scan task. Since there is a latency time between the value change and
the time when Modbus detects the change, the time stamp is not accurate in this case.
Clock not synchronized bit 13
The quality information bit is set in the IED's real-time clock if the IED has not
been synchronized.
Clock failure bit 12
The quality information bit is set in the IED's real-time clock if the clock has a
severe failure. Do not rely on this time stamp.
Data object ID bit 8
The coding alternatives of the data object ID registers 1 and 2 are the Modbus
address or UID. The coding alternatives cannot occur simultaneously in the IED
but are selected and configured at the system setup phase. The default setting is
"Modbus address".
The UID code is 32 bits wide and occupies both registers 9259 and 9260. The word
order is high/low. The UID code refers to the functional design of the IED platform
in which the object resides. Shortly, it means that the UID code is equal in all the
platform IEDs in which the same functional design and the same Modbus object is
While UID is supported for backwards compatibility, it is not
unambiguous for all indication objects.


615 series
Communication Protocol Manual

Section 3
Vendor-specific implementation

1MRS756468 L

Different Modbus indications originating from the same IEC 61850

data attribute have an identical UID. It is therefore recommended to
use the Modbus address as the identification instead of the UID.
Data value identification bits 5..0
Coding of the event data value is one bit, two bits or 32 bits. The coding depends
on the IEC 61850 common data class which is the origin of the Modbus data in
Table 24:

Modbus event value alternatives

Object derived
from IEC 61850


One Bit Data Two Bit Data



Single Point Status


Single Point Status of a

controllable object


Dual Point Status


Dual Point Status of a controllable



Trip status


Start/Pick-up status


Table 25:

Integer status

Interpretation of the one-bit data value

Register 49261 binary coded value



Object in OFF position


Object in ON position

Table 26:

32 bit Data

Interpretation of the two-bit data value

Register 49261 binary coded value



Object in intermediate position (changing)


Object in ON (close) position


Object in OFF (open) position


Object in faulty position

In case of a DPS/DPC two-bit event value (Data value

identification = 2), the data object ID registers 49259 and 49260
always refer to the Modbus address or UID of the CLOSE
momentary value bit.

615 series
Communication Protocol Manual


Section 3
Vendor-specific implementation

Table 27:

1MRS756468 L

Interpretation of the integer status data value

Register address



Higher 16 bit part of the 32 bit integer value


Lower 16 bit part of the 32 bit integer value

Table 28:

Interpretation of the ACD data

Register address



xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxx0 Object in OFF position

xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxx1 Object in ON position


xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xx00 Start in unknown direction

xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xx01 Start in forward direction
xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xx10 Start in backwards direction
xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xx11 Start in both directions

Table 29:

Interpretation of the SEC data

Register address

xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.x000 Unknown security violation
xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.x001 Critical security violation
xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.x010 Major security violation
xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.x011 Minor security violation
xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.x100 Warning


Security violations counter, 16 bits

The original SEC cnt attribute is actually defined as a 32 bit counter. The Modbus
event shows the least significant 16 bits of that counter, that is 0...65535.

Multiple event records reading

It is possible to read out up to 10 sequential event records in one event select/read
transaction. The number of sequential event records to be returned for reading shall
be written to the Num of records register (49250) in front of the selection register.
This number can be written once or it can be rewritten for each select/read
transaction. If this number is never written, only one event record is returned.
If the Modbus client requests multiple event records, the returned records should
also be read out by the client. One record consists of 11 registers, two records of 22
registers and so on. The read length must thus be adjusted depending on the
number of records requested.
The selection/read operation is otherwise exactly similar to the single-record read
case. The next records to be returned always continues from the last record in the
previous read operation.


615 series
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Section 3
Vendor-specific implementation

1MRS756468 L

Reading out more event records than are available in the internal
event buffer
The requested amount of event records is always returned for reading. For
example, if 10 event records are requested, but the IED only contains five event
records, the last valid event record is repeated (duplicated) in the last five event
records returned. The easiest way to detect the duplication is to check the sequence
number of the event records. The sequence numbers remain similar to the
duplicated event records.

Extended event record structure

The extended register addresses are 49250 and 49263-49361.
Table 30:

Extended event record structure with the maximum of 10 event records





Num of records




Sequence Number 1


Unread records left 1


TimeStamp 1


TimeStamp 1


TimeStamp 1


TimeStamp 1


Event Type 1


Data Object Id 1_1


Data Object Id 2_1


Data Value 1


Data Value 1


Sequence Number 2


Unread records left 2

TimeStamp 2


TimeStamp 2


TimeStamp 2


TimeStamp 2


Event Type 2


Data Object Id 1_2


Data Object Id 2_2


Data Value 2


Data Value 2


Sequence Number 3


Write: Number of
Event structures
Write: Selection code




Sequence Number 4

Event record 1

Event record 2

Event record 3

Event record 4

Table continues on next page

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Section 3
Vendor-specific implementation

1MRS756468 L





Sequence Number 10


Unread records left 10


TimeStamp 10


TimeStamp 10


TimeStamp 10


TimeStamp 10


Event Type 10


Data Object Id 1_10


Data Object Id 2_10


Data Value 10


Data Value 10

Event record 7

Event record 8

Sequence Number 9

Event record 6

Sequence Number 8


Sequence Number 7

Event record 5

Sequence Number 6



Sequence Number 5



Event record 9

Event record 10

Fault records
A fault record is created by the IED as a set of registrations during a detected fault
period. The registration includes the selected peak values and the global duration
value of the protection stages, the time of recording and a sequence number for the
fault record.
The size of the IED's internal Modbus fault record buffer is 100 records. The 100
latest fault records are at any time readable from the IED. The Modbus fault record
is Modbus dependent and the data organization and buffer size differ from the
IED's initial system level registrations. When the Modbus fault record buffer
becomes full, the IED overwrites the oldest records in the buffer.

Multiple clients support

Several Modbus clients can independently of one another read out the Modbus
fault records from the IED. The Modbus fault record buffer keeps track of where in
the buffer the different clients are reading at the moment. Clients are identified
either by the serial port from where the requests are issued or by the client's IP
address in the TCP/IP network.

615 series
Communication Protocol Manual

Section 3
Vendor-specific implementation

1MRS756468 L

Fault record structure

The IED's fault record structure starts from the location 49401 and consists of a
fixed header part and an application data part. The application data part is always
IED type specific. The whole fault record including the IED-specific application
data part is found in the Modbus memory map section.
Table 31:

Header part of the record structure





Fault record selection

1...4 and -1...-99

Write register


Sequence Number



Unread records left



TimeStamp (Year,Month)

High byte:year, low byte:month


TimeStamp (Day, Hour)

High byte:day, low byte:hour


TimeStamp (Min, Sec)

High byte:min, low byte:second


TimeStamp (Milliseconds)

Word: milliseconds (0...999)


Time quality


From this location onwards starts the Fault record application data...

Fault record application data part

The data in the application section are IED type dependent. The description of the
data is found in the Modbus fault record section of the Modbus memory map.

Fault record reading

As long as there are unread fault records available for the Modbus client in
question, bit 1 of the Modbus SSR3 register remains "1".
The fault record reading is done in two steps. First, the client writes a selection
code to the Fault record selection register at the location 49401. The selection code
defines the type of read operation that the client wants to do. The selected fault
record is loaded by the IED into the following N registers (49402-NNNN). Second,
the client reads out these registers in one multiple register read operation.
The fault records can be read by using two commands, the function
6 for the write operation and the function 3 for the read operation,
or by using the function 23 that includes write and read operations
in the same transaction.

If the fault records are read by using two commands, the positive
confirmation to the write select operation tells the client that a fault
record has been loaded for reading. Another way to detect the
positive confirmation is by monitoring the state of SSR3 bit 9.

615 series
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Section 3
Vendor-specific implementation

1MRS756468 L

Fault record structure length

Since the application data part is IED type dependent, the length of the fault record
structures vary in different types of IEDs. A client can read out more Modbus
registers than are actually coded in one structure when reading out the data
structures. The maximum read amount is 80 Modbus registers. The additional
trailing registers contain the value 0. The Modbus protocol will give an exception
response if the client tries to read out too few registers from the fault record structure.

Selection code 1: Reading the oldest unread record

When writing the selection code 1, the IED first checks the client. If the client has
been reading fault records before, the IED knows which internal fault record has
been sent to this specific client during the last reading. The IED then loads the next
fault record, that is the oldest unread, into the registers following the selection
register. If this is the first time the client reads fault records from the IED, the
oldest fault record of the Modbus fault record buffer is given to the client.

Selection code 2: Reading the oldest stored record

The selection code 2 always forces the fault record reading to go back to the oldest
fault record stored in the buffer. The oldest fault record is then loaded into the
registers following the selection register. After the client has read out this record,
the next record becomes the oldest unread. The client can continue by reading out
the oldest unread fault records again with the selection code 1.

Selection code -1...-99

A negative selection code, that is a 16 bit two's complement value, defines how
many records backwards from the newest fault record the reading is to be moved.
For example, the ten latest fault records can be read out at any time by first
selecting -10, reading out the record and then continuing with the selection code 1
to read out the nine additional records

Selection code 3: Resetting the fault record read pointer

The write selection code 3 is not followed by a read operation. The selection 3
means that there are no unread records in the Modbus fault record buffer left for
the client in question, that is, the buffer is cleared.. The next new fault record that is
logged into the Modbus fault record buffer becomes the first unread record for this
specific client.

Selection code 4: Resetting SSR3 bit 9

The write selection 4 is not followed by any read operation. The selection code
only resets bit 9 in SSR3.
If the fault records are read by using two commands, the client can
re-read the given fault record registers as many times as it wants.
As long as no new selection write operation is performed, the
contents of the fault record registers are not changed.


615 series
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Section 3
Vendor-specific implementation

1MRS756468 L

Other fault record registers

Sequence number
Every fault record is given a sequence number. The sequence number runs from 1
to 65535 and then rolls over to one again. The client can check that the sequence
numbers of the recorded data are sequential. During the fault record buffer
overflow the client can notice a jump in the sequence numbers when some fault
records are lost. The gap between the new and the previous sequence number
reveals exactly how many records have been lost.

Unread records Left

This register shows how many unread fault records still remain unread for the
client in question at a particular moment.

Time stamp registers

The time stamp registers usually hold two data values in the high and low byte of
the registers. High byte value = RegisterValue DIV 256, Low byte value =
RegisterValue MOD 256. An exception is the milliseconds register which contains
the milliseconds 0...999 coded as such. Time stamp also contains a time quality

Time quality
Table 32:

Information contained by the 16 bit (bits 15..0) register




Event time stamp format

0 = Local time

1 = UTC time


Time stamp source

0 = Internal

1 = Modbus stack


Clock not synchronized

0 = Synchronized

1 = Time not


Clock failure

0 = Clock OK

1 = Clock failure



Event time stamp format bit 15

The time stamp format can be selected with a Modbus parameter via the LHMI or
the parameter setting tool.
Event time stamp source bit 14
The time stamp can be generated by the IED application, that is accurate time, or
by Modbus. If generated by Modbus, the change values are detected by the
Modbus background scan task. Since there is a latency time between the value
change and the time when Modbus detects the change, in this case the time stamp
is not accurate.
Clock not synchronized bit 13
615 series
Communication Protocol Manual


Section 3
Vendor-specific implementation

1MRS756468 L

The quality information bit is set in the IED's real-time clock if the IED has not
been synchronized.
Clock failure bit 12
The quality information bit is set in the IED's real-time clock if the clock has a
severe failure. Do not rely on this time stamp.


Parameter setting group selection

The active parameter setting group can be changed by writing the new setting
group number to 4X register 9231. See the IED documentation for the number of
available setting groups. Exception response 3 is given if the written value is out of
range or the setting group changing is blocked.


Time synchronization
The real-time clock inside the IED runs in UTC time. However, the local time is
also known by the IED through the time parameter settings. With Modbus the IED
time can be viewed and set either in local time or UTC time.
Two identical time structures are available in the Modbus memory map: the IED's
local time at location 49201...49208 and the internal UTC time at the location
Time synchronization can be given either to the local time structure or to the UTC
time structure.
The IED accepts Modbus time synchronization only if the Synch
source setting is set to "Modbus". The parameter can be set via the
LHMI path Configuration/Time/Synchronization/Synch source.

Real-time clock structure

Table 33:

Modbus real-time clock structure

Modbus address
Local Time
UTC Time


Register contents




Control register






























615 series
Communication Protocol Manual

Section 3
Vendor-specific implementation

1MRS756468 L

Writing to real-time structures

The Modbus time synchronization can be done in several ways. Over the serial
interface, the host's synchronization write can be given with the Modbus broadcast
address "0". Thus, all IEDs in the same serial network can be synchronized at the
same time.

Method 1: Synchronization in one step

The registers 49201...49208 (49211...49218) should be written in one multiple
registers preset request (function 16) by a Modbus TCP/IP client or by a serial
interface master. The IED's Modbus address or the Modbus broadcast address can
be used with the serial interface. If the clock is written in one step, the write value
of the register 49201 (49211) is not checked by the IED.

Method 2: Synchronization in three steps



The client reserves the time synchronization by writing value "1" to the
register 49201 (49211). If necessary, check that the reservation value is zero at
the beginning. If the time synchronization writing is already reserved by
another client, the IED returns the exception response 03.
The client writes the time structure to the IED. This can be done in one
transaction or alternatively each register can be written separately.
The client sets the clock by writing "2" into the register 49201 (49211). When
the value "2" is written, the timesync registers are latched onto the IED's
internal clock and the reservation in 49201 (49211) is released.
The Modbus broadcast address cannot be used with the
synchronization method 2.

There is an internal timeout for the clock setting. The time synchronization
reservation is released if the clock is not set within two minutes. The client can
abort the time synchronization at any time by writing "0" into the register 49201
(49211). In that case the real-time clock is not set at all.
Other Modbus clients can read the currently running real-time clock even if the
time writing is reserved by another client.


Device information
The device information of the IED can be read from the Modbus registers
If the information data are in practice shorter, the trailing registers
in the response are filled with the value "0".

615 series
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Section 3
Vendor-specific implementation

1MRS756468 L

The Modbus device information is based on the internal IEC 61850 device
information model of the IED. All internal descriptions are coded as ASCII strings.
The Modbus device information ASCII string includes the information from the

IED model (max. 12 characters)

IED type (max. 6 characters)
IED serial number (max. 12 characters)
IED location information (max. 34 characters)
CPU card SW and HW revision numbers
HMI card SW and HW revision numbers
Slot 0 (X130) card SW and HW revision numbers
Slot 1 (X120) card SW and HW revision numbers
Slot 2 (X110) card SW and HW revision numbers
Slot 3 (X100) card SW and HW revision numbers
Slot 4 (X000) card SW and HW revision numbers
The IED does not need to contain cards in all slots nor does a
specific card need to include a CPU. The SW revision information
is simply omitted from the information string.

ASCII character coding

Table 34:

The 8 bit ASCII character coding in the Modbus registers

Modbus register

ASCII character

Register 1 High byte

= ASCII character 1

Register 1 Low byte

= ASCII character 2

Register 2 High byte

= ASCII character 3

ASCII string syntax



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Section 3
Vendor-specific implementation

1MRS756468 L

Parenthesis and semicolon ASCII characters are used as delimiters inside the
Section C(...) contains IED information and CPU version information.
Section H(...) contains version information of the LHMI card.
Sections 0(... ) to 4(...) contain version information of the additional
HW cards (slots 0...4).
If an additional card does not include any version information, it is signaled
with a - (minus) character in the swRev field. If both swRev and hwRev are
signalled with - signs, the card in question does not exist in the IED.
Example of an identification string could be

The data within the C section is restricted to certain maximum lengths. For
example, the user-definable IED location is here restricted to a maximum of 34
characters. If the IED location information on system level contains more
characters, only the 34 first characters are displayed.


Reset time structure

The time and cause of the IED's last reset are stored into this structure. The reset
time is taken directly from the IED's RTC at the startup. The clock might not be
accurate and the data can be corrupted.
Table 35:

Reset time structure






High byte:year, low



TimeStamp (Day,Hour)

High byte:day, low



TimeStamp (Min,Sec)

High byte:min, low




Word: milliseconds


Time Quality

See Time quality table


Cause of reset

1 = Power reset
2 = Watchdog reset
3 = Warm reset

615 series
Communication Protocol Manual


Section 3
Vendor-specific implementation

Table 36:

1MRS756468 L

Time quality



Time format

0 = Local time


Time source

0 = Internal (RTC)


RTC not synchronized

0 = RTC synchronized

1 = UTC time

1 = Not synchronized

RTC Failure

0 = RTC OK
1 = RTC failure



Not used

Accessing non-protocol-mapped data

The IED application includes a number of general-purpose I/O data. By default,
these data are mapped to this protocol. See the point list manual for the exact
The general-purpose objects can be connected to any internal object in the IED
configuration application using the Application Configuration or Signal Matrix
tool. This gives additional opportunities for the protocols.
Example 1
Due to security reasons, protocols do not contain mappings for the direct control of
physical outputs. This way, the master cannot accidentally write a change to a
physical output.
It is possible to connect general-purpose outputs to physical outputs using the
Application Configuration tool. The general-purpose output can, be controlled also
from the protocol.
Example 2
The legacy protocol default mappings are a selection of the most important signals
produced by the IEC 61850-based IED applications. The manufacturers selection
of important signals may not always serve every customer.
Any non-protocol-mapped internal signal can be freely connected to a generalpurpose input object via the Application Configuration tool. This object can then
be accessed by the legacy protocol as regular protocol application data.
Example 3
The basic IEC 61850 application model of the IED produces a great amount of
information. In some cases, this is more than what is feasible to transport through a
legacy protocol. Via the PCM600/Communication Management tools, unnecessary
data objects can be excluded from the legacy protocol.


615 series
Communication Protocol Manual

1MRS756468 L

Section 3
Vendor-specific implementation

However, in some cases a better solution is to OR together several internal signals

into one general signal. This OR output can be connected to a general-purpose
input and accessed by the legacy protocol as regular protocol application data.

615 series
Communication Protocol Manual



Section 4
Modbus parameters and diagnostics

1MRS756468 L

Section 4

Modbus parameters and diagnostics


Parameter list
The Modbus parameters can be accessed with PCM600 or via the LHMI path

Table 37:

Modbus settings


Values (Range)





Serial port 1

0=Not in use
1=COM 1
2=COM 2

0=Not in use

COM port for Serial interface 1

Parity 1



Parity for Serial interface 1

Address 1


Modbus unit address on Serial interface 1

Link mode 1



Modbus link mode on Serial interface 1

Start delay 1



Start frame delay in chars on Serial

interface 1

End delay 1



End frame delay in chars on Serial

interface 1

Serial port 2

0=Not in use
1=COM 1
2=COM 2

0=Not in use

COM port for Serial interface 2

Parity 2



Parity for Serial interface 2

Address 2


Modbus unit address on Serial interface 2

Link mode 2



Modbus link mode on Serial interface 2

Start delay 2


Start frame delay in chars on Serial

interface 2

End delay 2


End frame delay in chars on Serial

interface 2



Maximum number of Modbus TCP/IP



0=No clients
1=Reg. clients
2=All clients

2=All clients

Write authority setting for Modbus TCP/

IP clients




Event ID selection




Time format for Modbus time stamps

Modbus Registered Client 1

Table continues on next page
615 series
Communication Protocol Manual


Section 4
Modbus parameters and diagnostics

Values (Range)


1MRS756468 L





Modbus Registered Client 2


Modbus Registered Client 3


Modbus Registered Client 4


Modbus Registered Client 5



Password for Modbus control struct 11)



Password for Modbus control struct 2



Password for Modbus control struct 3



Password for Modbus control struct 4



Password for Modbus control struct 5



Password for Modbus control struct 6



Password for Modbus control struct 7



Password for Modbus control struct 8

1) The amount of available control structures may vary depending on the IED type.


Monitored data
The Modbus serial monitored data can be accessed with PST or via the LHMI path
Table 38:

Modbus serial


Values (range)


Received frames N1)


Received Modbus frames by instance N

Transmitted frames N


Transmitted Modbus frames by instance N

Cksm Err N


Checksum errors detected by instance N

Transmitted Exec A N


Transmitted exception responses 1 and 2 by instance


Transmitted Exec B N


Transmitted exception responses 3 by instance N

Status N

True, False

Status of communication, instance N

Reset of diagnostic counters instance N

1) N = instance number 1, 2...

The Modbus Ethernet monitored data can be accessed with PST or via the LHMI
path Monitoring/Communication/Modbus/Ethernet.
Table 39:

Modbus TCP/IP


Values (range)


Received frames N1)


Received Modbus frames by instance N

Transmitted frames N


Transmitted Modbus frames by instance N

Transmitted Exec A N


Transmitted exception responses 1 and 2 by instance


Table continues on next page


615 series
Communication Protocol Manual

Section 4
Modbus parameters and diagnostics

1MRS756468 L


Values (range)


Transmitted Exec B N


Transmitted exception responses 3 by instance N.

Cn Rejects No socket


Connection rejections due to no free sockets

Cn Rejects Not reg


Connection rejections due to not registered client IP.

Status N

True, False

Status of communication, instance N

Reset of diagnostic counters instance N

1) N = instance number 1, 2...

615 series
Communication Protocol Manual



Section 5

1MRS756468 L

Section 5

615 series
Communication Protocol Manual


615 series

Series of numerical IEDs for low-end protection and

supervision applications of utility substations, and
industrial switchgear and equipment


Start/pickup status


1. Application Configuration tool in PCM600

2. Trip status in IEC 61850


American Standard Code for Information Interchange


Communication Management tool in PCM600


Central processing unit


Current transformer


Double-point control


Double-point status


Electromagnetic compatibility


A standard for connecting a family of frame-based

computer networking technologies into a LAN


Human-machine interface




International Electrotechnical Commission

IEC 61850

International standard for substation communication and



Intelligent electronic device


Integrated Engineering Toolbox in PCM600


Integer status

IP address

A set of four numbers between 0 and 255, separated by

periods. Each server connected to the Internet is
assigned a unique IP address that specifies the location
for the TCP/IP protocol.


Light-emitting diode


Local human-machine interface


Least significant bit


Momentary change detect


Section 5

1MRS756468 L


A serial communication protocol developed by the

Modicon company in 1979. Originally used for
communication in PLCs and RTU devices.

Modbus ASCII

Modbus link mode. Character length 10 bits.

memory map

Allocation of accessible protocol data

Modbus RTU

Modbus link mode. Character length 11 bits.

Modbus TCP/IP Modbus RTU protocol which uses TCP/IP and Ethernet
to carry data between devices



Momentary position


Protection and Control IED Manager


Programmable logic controller


Parameter Setting tool in PCM600


Serial link according to EIA standard RS485


Real-time clock


Remote terminal unit


Supervision, control and data acquisition


Security violation


Single-point status of a controllable object


Single-point status


System status register for device health


System status register for device mode


System status register for data available 1


System status register for data available 2


System status register for device alive counter


System status register for last command result


System status register




Transmission Control Protocol


Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol




User-definable bit


User-definable register


Unique ID


Coordinated universal time

615 series
Communication Protocol Manual

Section 5

1MRS756468 L

615 series
Communication Protocol Manual


Voltage transformer


Web human-machine interface




Medium Voltage Products,
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1MRS756468 L Copyright 2013 ABB. All rights reserved.

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