Heat Exchanger

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ENME 471 Heat Transfer Laboratory

Experiment 4: Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchanger Experiment

(TA: Mr. Josue Melguizo [ [email protected] ])
i) To demonstrate the operation of a Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchanger (Chapter 11 of Incropera
and DeWitt) and estimate the overall heat transfer coefficient for both exchangers.
ii) To learn how to read vendor data sheets.
Heat exchangers are used to transfer thermal energy from one fluid stream to another. Heat
exchangers come in a wide variety of designs, including cross-flow heat exchangers (automotive
radiator for example), compact heat exchangers, double-pipe heat exchangers, and shell-andtube heat exchangers. This lab will examine the performance of the shell-and-tube heat
exchanger, a venerable workhorse that is often found in industrial fluid processing systems. The
purpose of the experiment is to introduce the student to the operation of the shell-and-tube heat
Background Preparation:
In order to assist with the understanding of the data collected during this laboratory, it is strongly
recommended that the student first read Sections 11.1, 11.2, and 11.3 of the course textbook,
and Chapter 11 Supplemental material found at www.wiley.com/college/incropera. Once at the
website, click on the Student Companion Site for the 6th Edition, then click on Supplemental
Sections under Browse by Resource, and then finally click on Chapter 11 Supplement. It is also
recommended that example problems 11.1, 11.2, and 11S.1 be studied and solved. It is also
recommended that the student study the API Heat Transfer data sheet provided on the laboratory
website entitled Basco Whitlock Hub-Design Heat Exchangers, paying particular attention to the
discussion on Type HT heat exchangers. The student should be aware that the exact heat
exchanger used in the experiment is not listed in the API Heat Transfer data sheet. However, it is
possible to determine all necessary information by performing a little mental intuition.
The experimental apparatus, shown in Fig. 1, features a chilled water circulating unit and a hot
water circulating unit, with both fluid streams connected via two AMETEK / Whitlock Type HT-2A-CB heat exchangers (Size 3-1/4-36). Although it is possible to involve only Heat Exchanger 2
(HX 2) through the use of the 3-way valve, both heat exchangers will be used during the
experiment performed here. A picture of the heat exchanger with the end bonnet removed is

ENME 471

#4: HX Experiment

given in Fig. 2. This picture can be used to determine the number of tubes in the heat exchanger.
Be careful to study both the vendor data sheet and Example 11.2 while determining the number
of tubes.
The chilled water is supplied using a Bay Voltex self contained chiller with a cooling capacity of
2800 BTU/hr at a circulating coolant temperature of 20oC. The water is maintained close to 20oC
using a R-134A based vapor refrigeration cycle. A positive displacement carbon vane circulating
pump with a 1.5 GPM capacity at 50 psi circulates chilled water from a 1.5 gallon reservoir
through the heat exchanger system.
The hot water is supplied using a Thermomix Model 1480 circulating immersion heater. This unit
features a centrifugal pump capable of pumping up to 1 GPM and an immersion heater of 1200
Watts. The fluid temperature is sensed by a built in resistance temperature device (RTD) and with
the on board electronics, heat is delivered to maintain temperature control around the set point.
The set point used in this experiment is 25oC and that is done by manipulating the front panel
controls. The reservoir size for the heating loop is 2 gallons.
The flowmeters used in the apparatus are glass tube O-ring seal flowmeters, and they feature a
float that adjusts according the volume of liquid flowing through them. The flowmeters used are
Brooks Instrument Model 1307, and information on how to read the floats is given in Fig. 3 (from
the Model 1307 Design Specifications data sheet). The cold loop model is 1307FJ25CK1AA and
the hot loop model is 1307FJ22CK1Aa.
Tc,i 1
HX 1
Th,e 1

Tc,e 1
Th,i 1
Tc,i 2

HX 2
Th,e 2


Th,i 2

Circulating Chiller

Tc,e 2

3-way valve



Circulating Heater
Figure 1: Schematic of Heat Exchanger Circuit

ENME 471

#4: HX Experiment

Figure 2: Side View of Heat Exchanger with End Bonnet Removed

Figure 3: Float Designs with the Brooks Instrument Model 1307 Flowmeters

ENME 471

#4: HX Experiment

Initial Setup:
In order to assure heat transfer across the entire surface area of the heat exchanger, a periodic
purging of entrapped air should be done. For both the hot and cold loops the procedure is
essentially the same. Using the appropriate flow control valve for the loop, restrict the flow to
about 10% of the meter range. This has the effect of pressurizing that particular loop. The heat
exchangers are mounted such that entrapped air will accumulate in the raised ends. For the loop
that is being prepped, open the purge valves and observe if any bubbles move down the line and
into the circulation loop. Once bubbles no longer appear in the tubes, close the purge valves,
return flow rate to normal conditions and repeat for the other loop.
1. Operate the COLD FLUID at 4.0 L/min and at its nominal temperature setting of 16oC for
the entire experiment.
2. Operate the HOT FLUID at 25oC and start with the flow rate at 0.8 L/min.
3. Record the two flow rates and the eight temperature measurements.
4. Increase the HOT FLUID flow rate to 1.0 L/min and allow several minutes for the
temperatures to stabilize. Once stabilized, record the two flow rates and the eight
5. Repeat STEP 4 for HOT FLUID flow rates of 1.2 L/min, 1.4 L/min, 1.6 L/min, 1.8 L/min,
2.0 L/min, and 2.2 L/min.
1. Go to the course lab website and download the API Heat Transfer data sheet.
2. Go to the course lab website and download the temperature offset correction data for this
experiment and correct your temperature data prior to processing.
3. Compute the energy lost by the hot fluid and the energy gained by the cold fluid in Heat
Exchanger 1 (HX 1). Is energy conserved? Why or why not? Perform a similar analysis
on Heat Exchanger 2 (HX 2). Is energy conserved? Explain.
4. Using Figure 11.10 from the textbook, perform the LMTD analysis on HX 1 at all
measured flow rates and estimate the overall heat transfer coefficient U for HX 1 at each
flow rate. Use Example 11.2 to guide you, with the difference being that you are
experimentally measuring the value of U instead of calculating it as done in the example
problem. Perform a similar analysis on HX 2. Compare the values of U that you
compute for HX 1 and HX 2. Are the values similar considering that the two heat
exchangers are identical in design? Explain any differences and comment on which you
think is more accurate and why. Compare your computed values of U to the values given
in Table 11.2 and comment.
5. Using Figure 11.11, perform LMTD analysis on both HX 1 and HX 2 and compute the
overall heat transfer coefficient U for each flow rate. Again, compare your results to the
values computed in Part 2 above and those given in Table 11.2. Comment on your

ENME 471

#4: HX Experiment

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