Supreme Court of India: in Re: Ajay Kumar Pandey, Advocate Vs Unknown On 25 September, 1998

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Supreme Court of India

In Re: Ajay Kumar Pandey, Advocate vs Unknown on 25

September, 1998
Equivalent citations: AIR 1998 SC 3299, 1998 (2) ALD Cri 674, 1998 CriLJ
4606, (1997) 2 GLR 523, JT 1998 (6) SC 571, RLW 1999 (1) SC 142, 1998
(5) SCALE 393, (1998) 7 SCC 248, 1998 Supp 2 SCR 87
Author: A Anand
Bench: A Anand, M Mukherjee
1. The alleged contender-Ajay Kumar Pandey, a practising advocate, filed a criminal
complaint against an Advocate Mr. Mahesh Giri and an Additional District Judge,
Ms. Saroj Bala, then posted as VII Additional District Judge, Lucknow,
Under Sections 499 and 500 IPC, after first serving them with a notice demanding
compensation for defaming him. The allegations made in that complaint are not
relevant for our purpose. That complaint was dismissed on 16.11.1994. He thereafter
filed a Criminal Revision in the High Court which was also dismissed by a learned
single Judge of the High Court (Virendra Saran, J) on 15.2.1995. While dismissing
the revision petition, the learned single Judge inter alia observed :"It is well settled that if the veiled object of a lame prosecution is to disgrace,
humiliate or cause harassment to the accused, the High Court must put an end to the
mischief by quashing such criminal proceedings. The facts on the record of the
instant case give a horrendous account of a framed-up case against a responsible
member of the lower judiciary holding the post of an Additional Sessions Judge at
It appears that the aim of the applicant is to malign the learned judge (Smt. Saroj
Bala) and hold her at ranson. The applicant emphatically and repeatedly read out the
lewd passages from his deposition while arguing the revision, but the palpably
scurrilous, indecent and abominable recitals are not worth reproduction in the
judgment. Suffice it to observe that the arguments of the applicant, so vehement and
pungent, marked with sarcasm and sneer, do not impart any strength to his case
which is inherently unbelievable. They are submissions directed more towards
vilification than substantiation of the pivotal points of the case. I was constrained to
ask the applicant not to make savage additions to the evidence and show restraint in
his colloquy."
2. The alleged contemner, thereafter, filed Special Leave Petition (Crl.) Nos.819-820
of 1996 against the judgment of Virendra Saran, J dated 15.2.1995.
3. It appears that the alleged contemner had filed another complaint on 12.9.1994
Under Sections 500 and 504 IPC against seven advocates namely (1) Shri Prakash
Narayan Awasthi (2) Shri R.P. Misra (3) Shri Vishambhar Singh (4) Shri T.N. Misra
(5) Shri Srikant Verma (6) Shri Pankaj Sinha and (7) Shri N.C. Pradhan, in which it
was alleged that those advocates had made defamatory imputations regarding the
relationship between him and Ms. Saroj Bala, Add l. District Judge. In that complaint
an application giving a list of 31 advocates for being summoned as witnesses was

filed. That application was rejected by the Trial Court. He, therefore, filed Special
Leave Petition (Crl.) No. 4114 of 1995 against that order.
4. Ajay Kumar Pandey, the alleged contemner has also filed following Contempt
Petitions (Crl.) in this Court :
1. Contempt Petition (Crl.) Dy. No. 16199/95 filed on 28.10.1995:
Against Mr. Justice Virendra Saran, Judge, High Court of Allahabad, Lucknow
2. Contempt Petition (Crl.) Dy. No. 17021/95 filed on 08.11.1995. The respondents in
the petition are :
I. Ms. Saroj Bala, IV Addl. District Judge, Lucknow.
II. Shri Udai L Raj, V.A.C J., Lucknow.
III. Shri R.P. Misra, VI Addl.CJM.
3. Contempt Petition (Crl.) Dy. No. 17922/95 filed on 09.11.1995 against the
following respondents :
I. Shri J.C. Mishra, Distt. Judge, Lucknow.
II. Shri K.N. Ojha, II A D.J., Lucknow.
III. Shri Shailendra Saxena, III A.D.J., Lucknow.
IV. Shri B.N. Pandey, Special Judge, Lucknow.
When the SLPs and contempt petitions were listed before this bench, it was noticed
that the language used in the memorandum of petitions was wholly objectionable,
unparliamentary and abusive. By way of illustration, we may refer to the list of dates,
at internal pages 2-3 of S.L.P.(Crl.) No. 4114 of 1995. The language used by the
petitioner is in the following terms :"It will not be out of place to mention here that another then Magistrate Sh. Udai Raj
bad fraudulently, corruptly with the collusion of Ms.Saroj Bala and others dismissed
the complaint which was filed on 12.9.94 by passing the order in complaint case No.
451/94 the complaint which had been filed on 19.9.94.
The petitioner filed a criminal revision No. 289/94 in the Hon'ble High Court,
Allahabad, Lucknow Bench, Lucknow on 14.12.94 and challenged the order dated
16.11.94 passed in complaint case No. 451/94. It is the most important to mention
here that in complaint case No. 451/94 an application Under Section 202 Cr. P.C.
had also been moved and the same is still pending. The petitioner raised the law
point regarding the summoning of witnesses in enquiry Under Section 202 Cr.P.C. in
Criminal Revision No. 289/94 but the Allahabad High Court never decided the

revision on its merits and Mr. Virendra Saran, the Hon'ble Judge, who heard the
arguments fraudulently, forgedly and maliciously dismissed the revision."
(underlined by us) In the memo of the petitions, similar expressions in more
intemperate language casting aspersions on the conduct of various judicial officers
and attributing motives to them in the discharge of their judicial functions have been
used. We refrain from reproducing all such passages, although we drew the pointed
attention of the alleged contemner to the same. He has attacked the impartiality of
the named judges in most indecent and intemperate language. There is hardly any
criticism of the "judgment" and all that the contemner seems to have done is to
criticise and condemn the Judge by attributing motives and showering abuses on
each one of the judges who dealt with his cases at one stage or the other.
5. On 15.12.1996 the following order was made by the Bench :"In all these petitions, we find that attack in indecent, wild, intemperate and even
abusive language on the named Judges has been made at various places in each one
of the petitions. The petitioner, who is an advocate, has permitted himself the liberty
of using such expressions, which prima facie tend to scandalize the court in relation
to judicial matters and thus have the tendency to interfere with the administration of
justice. We are inclined to initiate contempt proceedings against the petitioner, but
on his request grant him six weeks time to delete all the objectionable expressions
used in the petitions and file fresh petitions. He shall also remove the other defects,
as pointed out in the office report when he files the fresh petitions. If the fresh
petitions are filed, the same shall be listed after eight weeks. Otherwise, these
petitions shall be put up for drawing up contempt proceedings against the petitioner,
after eight weeks.
It was hoped that he would realise the seriousness of the situation and remove all the
objectionable expressions from the memorandum of petitions but instead of deleting
those objectionable expressions, on the same day, he filed Crl. M.P. No. 132 of 1996
in which inter alia he stated :"4. That today, the matter was listed in court No. 9 alongwith all petitions at Sl.No.
28 and 42 and when the petitioner tried to start his argument the Court openly
harassed him and compelled him to withdraw the petition or remove all the facts but
the petitioner refused to do so in view of the fact that he has only written the facts
according to Section 167, 219, 480 and 463 alongwith 120B of the IPC and Section
44 and 165 of
alongwith Section
2(c) and Section
16 and 12 and 15 of the Contempt of Courts Act and the Indian Constitution.
5. That the Court is not allowed the petitioner to submit his argument and passed an
order to remove the all facts from the petition and file the fresh petitions and also
ordered for listing the matter after 8 weeks. Thereafter, the petitioner mentioned and
also tried to give in writing that he is not in a position to remove anything and file
fresh petitions in view of the fact that he wrote only truth and the court is bound to
hear the petitions and decide the same according to the Constitution and contempt
of Court Acts and other laws as challenged by the petitioner but the court without
saying anything retired to its chamber.

6. That the petitioner is not in a position to remove anything and the deliberate
injustice, fraud, cheating etc. had been done by the contemnors for concealing their
nefarious acts and even they had gone to this extent to destroy the judicial records
and fabricated some judicial papers.
(under lined by us)
6. Thus, it is seen that instead of removing the objectionable expressions, which
prima facie have the tendency to scandalize the court/courts in relation to judicial
matters and have the tendency to interfere with the due administration of justice and
which expressions per-se are an attack on various judges, who had dealt with the
complaint filed by him at the original or the revisional stage, in most indecent, wild,
intemperate and abusive language, he asserted that he was not obliged to remove any
of these passages and that this court was 'bound' to hear him on merits. He declined
to remove the objectionable expressions and insisted on being heard.
7. Noticing this adamant and defiant attitude of Ajay Kumar Pandey, on 20.02.19%
the Bench directed that a Rule be issued against him asking him to show cause why
he should not be punished for committing criminal contempt of court for the use of
intemperate language and casting unwarranted aspersions on various judicial
officers and attributing motives to them while discharging their judicial functions.
He was directed to file his reply within 8 weeks. That is how the contempt proceeding
(Contempt Petition Crl. No. 2/96) came to registered against the alleged contemner
in this Court.
8. The Special Leave Petition (Crl.) No. 4114 of 1995 and the two other Special Leave
Petitions alongwith some misc. petitions were dismissed by the Bench both on
account of the objectionable language used in the memorandum of those petitions as
also on merits.
9. The alleged contemner did not file his objections or reply to the Rule in the
contempt proceedings and instead filed two applications seeking recall/review of the
order dated 20.02.1996 (supra), dismissing S.L.P.(Crl.) No. 4114/95, Criminal
Miscellaneous Petitions Nos. 6242-6243/95, and S.L.P. (Crl.) 819-820 of 1996 as also
against the Rule issued to him to show cause why he should not be punished for
committing contempt of court. We considered the two applications for recall/review
and by our order dated 09.08.1996 found that there was no merit in those
applications and felt pained to notice that even those applications bristled with
scandalous remarks and were couched in objectionable language and that the alleged
contemner, was persistent in his attitude to undermine the majesty of law and bring
the administration of justice into disrepute. The alleged contemner appearing in
person on that date made a request that his cases may be transferred to another
Bench as he did not "wish to appear before this Bench". His prayer was rejected by us
not only on the ground that the prayer itself was contumacious in character but also
because a litigant can not be permitted to choose his forum since the case stood
assigned to this Bench and we found no justification to withdraw from the Bench
either. Since the alleged contemner had not filed his reply to the show cause notice,
the Bench as a matter of indulgence, granted him yet another opportunity to file his
reply, if any, within six weeks and adjourned the proceedings to 27.09.1996. The
Bench also requested the Solicitor General of India to assist the Court in the
contempt proceedings either himself or by nominating any other law officer.

10. Despite the fact that on 09.08.1996 Ajay Kumar Pandey had been informed of the
date of hearing and was directed to remain present on 27.9.1996 and file his reply by
that date, he instead of appearing in person on 27.9.1996, filed yet another
application alongwith copies of certain documents seeking recall of the order dated
09.08.1996. On 27.9.1996, Mr. K.N. Bhat, learned A.S.G. appeared to assist the Court
and asserted that the application was misconceived and the alleged contemner was
trying to browbeat the court and misconstruing the indulgence being shown to him.
He emphasised that not only has the attitude of alleged contemner been totally
defiant but that he had lost all sense of propriety in filing the applications and Special
Leave Petitions couched in most objectionable language and creating an impression
that he considered the law as 'subservient' to him. Mr. Bhat submitted that various
applications filed by the contemner in this court also had, as a matter of fact,
aggravated the contempt committed by him and he needed to be suitably punished.
11. On 27.9.1996 while dealing with the applications filed by the contemner, the
following order was made :We have examined the application and found that the prayer for recall of the order is
misconceived for more than one reasons. The order dated 09.08.1996 is an order in
continuation of the order dated 20.02.1996, the prayer to recall which has already
been rejected. By the order dated 09.08.1996 the review petitions filed by the
respondent were also dismissed The prayer for recall of the order dated 09.08.1996
under the circumstances has no merit and is rejected.
Since the respondent, Ajay Kumar Pandey, despite directions is not present we direct
that his presence be secured by issuance of bailable warrants in the sum of Rs. 5,000
with one surety of the like amount for a date to be fixed by the registry, to the
satisfaction of the Chief Judicial Magistrate, Lucknow."
12. The alleged contemner as already noticed had not appeared in the Court on
27.09.1996, but it appears that he was present in the Court premises as soon after the
above order was made, he filed an application on that very day explaining the
reasons for his absence and praying for recall of the bailable warrants. The
application was supported by an affidavit. Since on the next date he appeared in the
Court, the bailable warrants were recalled.
13. The case was, thereafter, posted to 02.10.1996 but it appears that the alleged
contemner who was appearing in person had no notice of that date and the Bench
therefore directed that fresh notice be issued to him for his personal appearance as
well as for filing his reply, if any. It was also directed that in the notice it shall be
indicated that the alleged contemner should file reply to the show cause notice within
six weeks and that it was to be considered as the final opportunity granted to him for
that purpose. The case was adjourned to 22.1.1997. In the meantime, it transpires
from the record that the contemner, filed an application addressed to the Hon'ble
Chief Justice of India, seeking transfer of the case from this Bench to some other
Bench. According to the Office Report dated 22.1.1997, mat application was rejected
by the learned Chief Justice of India. The alleged contemner however, despite notice
did not appear in the Court on 22.1.1997, The Bench was, therefore, left with no other
option except to secure his presence by issuance of non-billable warrants and
accordingly non-bailable warrants returnable on 27.2.1997 were directed to be

issued. When the case came up for consideration on 03.03.1997, the respondent was
produced in custody in Court. The order dated 03.03.1997 inter alia records :
"Mr. Pandey was asked if he was making any prayer for release on bail and he
submitted that he cannot provide any surety at Delhi. We, therefore, consider it
appropriate, in the interest of justice to direct that respondent, Shri Ajay Kumar
Pandey shall be released on bail on his furnishing personal bail bond in the sum of
Rs. 5,000 to the satisfaction of the Chief Judicial Magistrate, Lucknow, where he may
be produced for the said purpose. The learned Chief Judicial Magistrate, Lucknow
shall release him on bail on his personal bond of Rs. 5,000 after obtaining an
undertaking from him for his appearance in this Court on the next date of hearing
which is fixed as 25.4.1997, on which date final arguments in this contempt case shall
be heard in this case.
The respondent Ajay Kumar Pandey was asked if he required the assistance of a
counsel, so that the services of the counsel could be provided to him but he has stated
that he does not need the assistance of any counsel. He further stated that he does
not wish to argue the matter before this bench. He was apprised that his prayer for
transfer of the case to some other bench has been rejected by the learned Chief
14. The case, was thereafter, adjourned from time to time and on 22.08.1997,
following order was made when the alleged contemner once again remained absent
despite service :
"Despite service respondent, Sh. Ajay Kumar Pandey, is not present. On 03.03.1997
we had granted him final opportunity, in the hope that better sense may prevail, to
file his reply to the notice to show cause why he should not be punished for contempt
of court and to argue the matter either in person or through any counsel in the
contempt matter. He has neither filed the reply nor is he present in Court personally
or through counsel. Mr. K.N. Bhat, learned Additional Solicitor General submits that
this action on the part of Shri Ajay Kumar Pandey aggravates his contumacious
Learned Additional Solicitor General further by reference to the record, submits that
the respondent has been granted ample opportunities by this court but he has
persisted with his contumacious behavior and, therefore, no further opportunity is
required to be given to him to appear either in person or through counsel or to file a
reply. We find considerable force in the submission of learned Additional Solicitor
We have heard the learned Additional Solicitor General on merits in the contempt
matter. Orders reserved."
15. We have traced the entire sequence of events, as in our opinion, it would have
material bearing on the ultimate order that we make.
16. At the outset, we wish to emphasise that mis Court being the Supreme Court of
the country, has not only the right to protect itself from being scandalized or
denigrated but it also has the right, jurisdiction and the obligation to protect the

High Courts and the Subordinate Courts in the country from being insulted, abused
or in any other way denigrated. Any action on the part of a litigant-be he a lawyer
appearing in person - which has the tendency to interfere with or obstruct the due
course of justice has to be dealt with sternly and firmly to uphold the majesty of law.
No one can be permitted to intimidate or terrorise judges by making scandalous
unwarranted and baseless imputations against them in the discharge of their judicial
functions so as to secure orders which the litigant 'wants'.
17. The subordinate judiciary forms the very backbone of administration of justice.
This Court would come down with a heavy hand for preventing the judges of the
subordinate judiciary or the High Court from being subjected to scurrilous and
indecent attacks, which scandalise or have the tendency to scandalise, or lower or
have the tendency to lower the authority of any court as also all such actions which
interfere or tend to interfere with the due course of any judicial proceedings Or
obstruct or tend to obstruct the administration of justice in any other manner. No
affront to the majesty of law can be permitted. The fountain of justice cannot be
allowed to be polluted by disgruntled litigants. The protection is necessary for the
courts to enable them to discharge their judicial functions without fear.
18. The rule of law is the foundation of a democratic society. The judiciary is the
guardian of the rule of law and if the judiciary is to perform its duties and functions
effectively and remain true to the spirit with which they are sacredly entrusted, the
dignity and authority of the courts has to be respected and protected at all costs. It is
for this reason that the courts are entrusted with the extraordinary power of
punishing those for contempt of court who indulge in acts whether inside or outside
the courts, which tend to undermine the authority of the courts and bring them in
disrepute and disrespect thereby obstructing them from discharging their judicial
duties without fear or favour. This power is exercised by the courts not to vindicate
the dignity and honour of any individual Judge who is personally attacked or
scandalised but with a view to uphold the majesty of law and the administration of
justice. The foundation of the judiciary is the trust and the confidence of the people
in its ability to deliver fearless and impartial justice and as such no action can be
permitted which may shake the very foundation itself.
19. 'Criminal Contempt' is defined in Section 2(c) of the Contempt of Courts Act, 1971
and reads :
"2(c) "criminal contempt" means the publication (whether by words, spoken or
written, or by signs, or by visible representations, or otherwise) of any matter or the
doing of any other act whatsoever which (i) scandalizes or tends to scandalize, or lowers or tends to lower the authority of, any
court; or
(ii) prejudices, or interferes or tends to interfere with, the due course of any judicial
proceeding; or
(iii) interferes or tends to interfere with, or obstructs or tends to obstruct, the
administration of justice in any other manner."

The definition is self explanatory. Scandalising the Judges or the Courts tends to
bring the authority and administration of law into disrepute and is an affront to the
majesty (and dignity) of law. Such acts constitute criminal contempt of court. No one
can be permitted to foul the fountain of justice. If the authority of the court is
undermined or impeded by acts or publications, the fountain of justice would get
sullied creating distrust and disbelief in the minds of the litigant public and the right
thinking public at large. Indeed everybody is entitled to express his honest opinion
about the correctness or legality of a judgment or sentence or an order of a Court.
Objective criticism is permissible provided it is made with detachment in a dignified
language and respectful tone. The liberty of expression cannot be treated as a licence
to scandalise the court and instead of criticising the judgment to criticise the judge
who delivered it.
20. In Delhi Judicial Service Association v. State of Gujarat and Ors., , this Court
opined :
"The definition of criminal contempt is wide enough to include any act by a person
which would tend to interfere with the administration of justice or which would
lower the authority of court. The public have a vital stake in effective and orderly
administration of justice. The court has the duty of protecting the interest of the
community in the due administration of justice and, so, it is entrusted with the power
to commit for contempt of court, not to protect the dignity of the court against insult
or injury, but, to protect that to vindicate the right of the public so that the
administration of justice is not perverted, prejudiced, obstructed or interfered with.
21. That the "publication" contemplated by Section 2(c) of Contempt of Courts Act,
1971 (supra) includes pleadings affidavits etc. which are filed in the Court, is no
longer in doubt
22. In L.D. Jaikwal v. State of UP., , an advocate whose client had been convicted by
the teamed judge of the Special Court at Dehradun, was required to appear before
the learned Judge to make his submissions on the question of 'sentence' to be
imposed on the accused upon his being found guilty of an offence Under Section
5(2) of the Prevention of Corruption Act by the Court. The learned advocate appeared
in a shirt-and-trouser-outfit in disregard of the rule requiring him to appear only in
court attire when appearing in his professional capacity. The learned Judge asked
him to appear in the prescribed formal attire for being heard in his professional
capacity. The advocate apparently took exception and left the Court. Some other
advocate appeared on behalf of the accused. The learned Judge of the Special Court
imposed a sentence of 4 years* RI on the accused. So far as the Court of the learned
Special Judge was concerned, as the judgment had been pronounced, nothing more*
remained to be done by that Court. The appellant, a senior advocate of long standing,
however, made a written application before the learned Judge of the Special Court
couched in scurrilous language making imputation mat the Judge was a "corrupt
Judge" and adding that he was "contaminating the seat of justice". A threat was held
out that a complaint was being lodged to higher authorities that he was corrupt and
did not deserve to be retained in service. The offending portion of the application
inter alia read :
"I am making a complaint against you to the highest authorities in the country, that
you are corrupt and do not deserve to be retained in service. The earlier people like

you are bundled out the better for us all As for quantum of sentence, I will never bow
down before you. You may award the maximum sentence. Anyway, you should feel
ashamed of yourself that you are contaminating the seat of justice."
23. On Rule being issued in suo motu contempt proceedings, the contemner was
punished and sentenced under the Contempt of Courts Act. Before mis court,
questioning his conviction and sentence, the contemner advocate filed an appeal and
at the same time tendered his apology. Rejecting the apology, this Court observed :
"We do not think that merely because the appellant has tendered his apology we
should set aside the sentence and allow him to go unpunished. Otherwise, all that a
person wanting to intimidate a Judge by making the grossest imputations against
him has to do, is to go ahead and scandalize him, and later on tender a formal empty
apology which costs him practically nothing. If such an apology were to be accepted,
as a rule, and not as an exception, we would in fact be virtually issuing a 'licence' to
scandalize courts and commit contempt of court with impunity. It will be rather
difficult to persuade members of the Bar, who care for their self-respect, to join the
judiciary if they are expected to pay such a price for it And no sitting Judge will feel
free to decide any matter as per the dictates of his conscience on account of the fear
of being scandalized and persecuted by an advocate who does not mind making
reckless allegations if the Judge goes against his wishes. If this situation were to be
countenanced, advocates who can cow down the Judges, and make them fall in line
with their wishes, by threats of character assassination and persecution, will be
preferred by the litigants to the advocates who are mindful of professional ethics and
believe in maintaining the decorum of courts" and such course cannot be permitted.
(Emphasis ours) Again, in Re: Shri Sanjiv Dutta, , a three Judge Bench of this Court,
while dealing with an affidavit filed by a public functionary causing aspersions on the
Court, which (affidavit) had the tendency to malign the Court, while assailing the
correctness of an order made in a writ petition filed in this Court, held the contemner
guilty of criminal contempt of court and observed:
"Abuses, attribution of motives, vituperative terrorism and defiance are no methods
to correct the errors of the courts. In the discharge of their Junctions the courts have
to be allowed to operate freely and fearlessly but for which impartial adjudication will
be an impossibility. Ours is a Constitutional government based on the rule of law.
The Constitution'entrusts the task of interpreting and administering the law to the
judiciary whose view on the subject is made legally final and binding on all till it is
changed by a higher court or by a permissible legislative measure. Those living and
functioning under the Constitution have to accept and submit to this obligation of
respecting the constitutional authority of the courts. Under a Constitutional
government, such final authority has to vest in some institution. Otherwise, there will
be a chaos. The court's verdict has to be respected not necessarily by the authority of
its reason but always by reason of its authority. Any conduct designed to or
suggestive of challenging this crucial balance of power devised by the Constitution is
an attempt to subvert the rule of law and an invitation to anarchy.
24. The contemner, for reasons which can only be attributed to his misconception of
his role and over-zealousness to assert himself and his side of the matter
intentionally overstepped his limits and conveniently ignored die above legal
position, and abrogated to himself, in substance, the role of a judge in his own cause.

He has thus in effect not only challenged the jurisdiction of the Court to discharge its
functions but also its authority to do so." (emphasis supplied)
25. In Re: R.L Ahuja, [1993} Supp. 4 SCC 446, the respondent-contender cast
unfounded and unwarranted aspersions and made scurrilous and indecent 'attacks
against some of the Judges of mis Court who had earlier dealt with his case in wild,
intemperate and even abusive language in the memorandum of writ petition and in a
representation sent to the President of India. This Court while convicting and
sentencing the contemner for committing criminal contempt of court observed :
"The passages in the memorandum of the writ petition and the letter addressed to
the President of India attack the integrity and fairness of the Judges, The remarks
made by the contemner are disparaging in character and derogatory to the dignity of
the Court and besides scandalizing the Court in relation to judicial matters have the
tendency to shake the confidence of the public in the apex court."
The tendency of maligning the reputation of judicial officers by disgruntled elements
who fail to secure an order which they desire is on the increase and it is high time
that serious note is taken of the same. No latitude cart be given to a litigant to
browbeat the court. Merely because a party chooses to appear in person, it does ' not
give him a licence to indulge in making such aspersions as have the tendency to
scandalise the court in relation to judicial matters.
(Emphasis ours ) The contemner in the present case let alone showing any remorse
or regret has adopted an arrogant and contemptuous attitude....Of course, the dignity
of the court is not so brittle as to be shattered by a stone thrown by a mad man, but
when the court finds that the contemner has been reckless, persistent and guilty of
undermining the dignity of the court and his action is, motivated, deliberate and
designed, the law of contempt of court must be activised."
(Emphasis supplied)
26. Thus, it is now settled that abuses, attribution of motives, vituperative terrorism
and scurrilous and indecent attacks on the impartiality of the judges in the pleadings,
applications or other documents filed in the Court or otherwise published which have
the tendency to scandalise and undermine the dignity of the court and the majesty of
law amounts to criminal contempt of court.
27. While a litigant as also his lawyer have the freedom of expression and liberty to
project their case forcefully, it must be remembered that they must while exercising
that liberty maintain dignity, decorum and order in the court proceeding. Liberty of
free expression cannot be permitted to be treated as a licence to make reckless
imputations against the impartiality of the judges deciding the case. Even criticism of
the judgment has to be in a dignified and temperate language and without any
28. In D.C. Saxena v. Hon'ble the Chief Justice of India, this court observed :"Advocacy touches and asserts the primary value of freedom of expression. It is a
practical manifestation of the principle of freedom of speech. Freedom of expression

in arguments encourages the development of judicial dignity, forensic skills of

advocacy and enables protection of fraternity, equality and justice. It plays its part in
helping to secure the protection or other fundamental human rights. Freedom of
expression, therefore, is one of the basic conditions for the progress of advocacy and
for the development of every man including legal fraternity practising the profession
of law. Freedom of expression, therefore, is vital to the maintenance of free society. It
is essential to the rule of law and liberty of the citizens. The advocate or the party
appearing in person, therefore, is given liberty of expression. But they equally owe
countervailing duty to maintain dignity, decorum and order in the court proceedings
or judicial process. The liberty of free expression is not to be confounded or confused
with licence to make unfounded allegations against any institution, much less the
In other words, imputing partiality, corruption, bias, improper motives to a judge is
scan deliration of the court and would be contempt of the court. Even imputation of
lack of impartiality of fairness to a judge in the discharge of his official duties
amounts to contempt The gravamen of the offence is that of lowering Ms dignity or
authority or an affront to the majesty of justice. When the contemner challenges the
authority of the court, he interferes with the performance of duties of judge's office or
judicial process or administration of justice or generation or production of tendency
bringing the judge of judiciary into contempt."
(Emphasis supplied)
29. Does the law give a lawyer, unsatisfied with the result of a case, any licence to
permit himself the liberty of scandalising a court by casting unwarranted
imputations against the judge in discharge of his judicial functions? Does the lawyer
enjoy any special immunity under the Contempt of Courts Act, where he is found to
have committed a gross contempt of court? The answer has to be an emphatic NO:
30. In Lalit Mohan Das v. Advocate General, Orissa, [1957] SCR 167, this court
observed :
"A member of the Bar undoubtedly owes a duty to his client and must place before
the Court all that can fairly and reasonably be submitted on behalf of his client. He
may even submit that a particular order is not correct and may ask for a review of
that order. At the same time, a member of the Bar is an officer of the Court and owes
a duty to the Court in which he is appearing. He must uphold the dignity and
decorum of the Court and must not do anything to bring the Court itself into
disrepute. The appellant before us grossly overstepped the limits of propriety when
he made imputations of partiality and unfairness against the Munsif in open Court.
In suggesting that the Munsif followed no principle in his orders, the appellant was
adding insult to injury, because the Munsif had merely upheld an order of his
predecessor on the preliminary point of jurisdiction and Court fees, which order had
been upheld by the High Court in revision. Scandalizing the Court in such manner is
really polluting the very fount of justice; such conduct as the appellant indulged in
was not a matter between an individual member of the Bar and a member of the
judicial service; it brought into disrepute the whole administration of justice. From
that point of view, the conduct of the appellant was highly reprehensible."

31. In M.B. Sanghi, Advocate v. High Court of Punjab & Haryana, , this Court took
notice of the growing tendency amongst some of the Advocates of adopting a defiant
attitude and casting aspersions having failed to persuade the Court to grant an order
in the terms they expect. Holding the Advocate guilty of contempt,. Vhmadi, J.
"The tendency of maligning the reputation of Judicial Officers by disgruntled
elements who fail to secure the desired order is ever on the increase and it is high
time it is nipped in the bud. And, when a member of the profession resorts to such
cheap gimmicks with a view to browbeating the Judge into submission, it is all the
more painful. When there is a deliberate attempt to scandalise which would shake
the confidence of the litigating public in the system the damage caused is not only to
the reputation of the concerned Judge but also to the fair name of the judiciary.
Veiled threats, abrasive behavior, use of disrespectful language and at times blatant
condemnatory attacks like the present one are often designedly employed with a view
to taming a judge into submission to secure a desired order. Such cases raise larger
issues touching the independence of not only the concerned Judge but the entire
institution. The foundation of our system which is based on the independence and
impartiality of those who man it will be shaken if disparaging and derogatory
remarks are made against the Presiding Judicial Officers with impunity. It is high
time that we realise that the much cherished judicial independence has to be
protected not only from the executive or the legislature but also from those who are
an integral part of the system."
(Emphasis supplied) Again, in Re: Vinay Chandra Mishra, , this Court observed:
"To resent the questions asked by a Judge, to be disrespectful to him, to question his
authority to ask the questions, to shout at him, to threaten him with transfer and
impeachment, to use insulting language and abuse him, to dictate the order that he
should pass, to create scene in the court, to address him by losing temper are all acts
calculated to interfere with and obstruct the course of justice. Such acts tend to
overawe the court and to prevent it from performing its duty to administer justice.
Such conduct brings the authority of the court and the administration of justice into
disrespect and disrepute and undermines and erodes the very foundation of the
judiciary by shaking the confidence of the people in the ability of the court to deliver
free and fair justice.
The stance taken by the contemner is that he was performing his duty as an
outspoken and fearless member of the Bar. He seems to be labouring under a grave
misunderstanding. Brazenness is not outspokenness and arrogance is not
fearlessness. Use of intemperate language is not assertion of right nor is a threat an
argument. Humility is not servility and courtesy and politeness are not lack of
dignity. Self-restraint and respectful attitude towards the court, presentation of
correct facts and law with a balanced mind and without overstatement, suppression,
distortion or embellishment are requisites of good advocacy. A lawyer has to be a
gentleman first. His most valuable asset is the respect and goodwill he enjoys among
his colleagues and in the Court."
32. In the instant case, from a perusal of the memorandum of various petitions filed
by the contemner in this court and the language used therein, it is apparent that he
has cast aspersions on each and every learned Judge who in the discharge of his

judicial functions decided the matter not liked to by the alleged contemner at one
stage or the other. The aspersions cast by him undoubtedly have the tendency to
scandalise the Court. The alleged contemner has been attempting to brow beat the
learned subordinate Judges as well as the learned Judge of the High Court and cause
interference in the administration of justice. Even in this Court, after the Rule was
issued to him, he tried to brow beat the court. He filed an application stating mat
since he had filed a contempt petition against the Judges constituting the Division
Bench which had issued Rule against him, this Bench should transfer the case. It was
an obviously motivated action on his part to intimidate the Bench. He did file the
contempt petitions against it both the Judges constituting the Bench. Those petitions
were dismissed by a Bench comprising of Hon'ble Mr. Justice J.S. Verma (as the
Hon'ble Chief Justice then was) and Hon'ble Mr. Justice B.N. Kirpal by the following
order :"We regret to find mat the petitioner who is a practising lawyer of some standing has
chosen to resort to such a proceeding which, in our view, is misconceived. We find no
merit in the same, but before dictating this order, we have tried to explain this
position to the petitioner with the hope that he will appreciate that as a member of
the Bar, he is expected to utilise his time in a better manner to assist in the
administration of justice. The contempt petition is dismissed."
The alleged contemner in this case has been making continuous attempts to subvert
the course of justice in whichever court his case was. He has been acting not only as if
he is above the law but as if he is law unto himself. Notwithstanding his own
assessment of his 'merit and 'competence' as stated by him in the memo of petitions,
the alleged contemner appears to be blissfully ignorant of the role of a lawyer and the
law relating to grafting of pleadings - which must be precise and not scandalous or
abusive. It is sad that by filing the applications, and the petition, as a party in person,
couched in very objectionable language, he has permitted himself the liberty of
indulging in an action, which does little credit to the noble profession to which he
belongs. An advocate has no wider protection than a layman when he commits an act
which amounts to contempt of court. It is most unbefitting for an advocate to make
imputations against the Judge only because he does not get the expected result,
which according to him is the fair and reasonable result available to him. Judges
cannot be intimidated to seek favourable orders. Only because a lawyer appears as a
party in person, he does not get a licence to commit contempt of the court by
intimidating the Judges or scandalising the courts. He cannot use language, either in
the pleadings or during arguments, which is either intemperate or unparliamentary
and which has the tendency to interfere in the administration of justice and
undermine the dignity of the court and the majesty of law. These safeguards are not
for the protection of any Judge individually but are essential for maintaining the
dignity and decorum of the courts and for upholding the majesty of law. Judges and
courts are not unduly sensitive or touchy to fair and reasonable criticism of their
judgments. Fair comments, even if, out-spoken, but made without any malice and
without attempting to impair the administration of justice and made in good faith in
proper language do not attract any punishment for contempt of court. However,
when from the criticism a deliberate, motivated and calculated attempt is discernible
to bring down the image of judiciary in the estimation of the public or to impair the
administration of justice or tend to bring the administration of justice into disrepute
the courts must bitter themselves to uphold their dignity and the majesty of law. The
alleged contemner, has undoubtedly committed contempt of the Court by the use of

the objectionable and intemperate language. No system of justice can tolerate such
unbridled licence on the part of a person, be he a lawyer, to permit himself the liberty
of scandalising the Court by casting unwarranted, uncalled for and unjustified
aspersions on the integrity, ability, impartiality or fairness of a Judge in the
discharge of his judicial functions, as it undoubtedly amounts to an interference with
the due course of administration of justice. No litigant, even a lawyer appearing in
person in his own cause, can be permitted to overstep the limits of fair, bona fide and
reasonable criticism of the judgment and bring the courts generally into disrepute or
attribute motives to the Judges rendering the judgment Perversity, calculated to
undermine the judicial system and the prestige of the court, cannot be permitted for
otherwise the very foundation pf the judicial! system is bound to be undermined and
weakened. Liberty of free expression is not to be confused with a licence to make
unfounded, unwarranted and irresponsible aspersions against the Judges or the
Courts in relation to judicial matters. In the established facts of this case, we hold
that the alleged contemner has committed gross contempt of court and convict him
33. The next question before us is with regard to the punishment to be imposed upon
the contemner.
34. The tendency of maligning the reputation of judicial officers by disgruntled
elements who fail to secure an order which they desire or which they expect is on the
increase. It is unfortunate that even some disgruntled lawyers also indulge in the
same objectionable activities. No latitude can be given to a litigant who attempts to
browbeat the court. In the instant case, the contemner, let alone showing any
remorse or regret adopted an arrogant, defiant and contemptuous attitude. The
contemner has been reckless, persistent and guilty of undermining the dignity of the
courts and his action are motivated, deliberate and designed. Sympathy in a case like
mis would be totally misplaced. Mercy has no meaning. The action of the contemner
calls for a deterrent punishment so that it also serves as an example to others and
there is no repetition of such a contempt by anyone else. We, therefore, having found
the contemner guilty of committing contempt of court, sentence him to undergo
simple imprisonment for a period of four months and to pay a fine of Rs. 1000 (one
thousand) and in default of payment of fine, to further undergo simple imprisonment
for a period of IS days.
35. In Supreme Court Bar Association v. Union of India and Anr., , a Constitution
Bench of this Court opined :"An Advocate who is found guilty of contempt of court may also, as already noticed,
be guilty of professional misconduct in a given case but it is for the Bar Council of the
State or Bar Council of India to punish that Advocate by either debarring him from
practice or suspending his licence, as may be warranted, in the facts and
circumstances of each case. The learned Solicitor General informed us that there
have been cases where the Bar Council of India taking note of the contumacious and
objectionable conduct of an advocate, had initiated disciplinary proceedings against
him and even punished him for "professional misconduct", on the basis of his having
been found guilty of committing contempt of court. We do not entertain any doubt
that the Bar Council of the State or Bar Council of India, as the case may be, when
apprised of the established contumacious conduct of an advocate by the High Court
or by this Court, would rise to the occasion, and take appropriate action against such

an advocate. Under Article 144 of the Constitution "all authorities, civil and judicial,
in the territory of India shall act in aid of the Supreme Court". The Bar Council which
performs a public duty and is charged with the obligation to protect the dignity of the
profession and maintain professional standards and etiquette is also obliged to act
"in aid of the Supreme Court". It must, whenever, facts warrant rise to the occasion
and discharge its duties uninfluenced by the position of the contemner advocate. It
must act in accordance with the prescribed procedure, whenever its attention is
drawn by this Court to the contumacious and unbecoming conduct of an advocate
which has the tendency to interfere with due administration of justice....
36. The Bench went on to say :"There is no justification to assume that the Bar Councils would not rise to the
occasion, as they are equally responsible to uphold the dignity of the courts and the
majesty of law and prevent any interference in the administration of justice. Learned
counsel for the parties present before us do not dispute and rightly so that whenever
a court of record, records its findings about the conduct of an Advocate while finding
him guilty of committing contempt of court and desires or refers the matter to be
considered by the concerned Bar Council, appropriate action should be initiated by
the concerned Bar Council in accordance with law with a view to maintain the dignity
of the courts and to uphold the majesty of law and professional standards and
37. Looking to the established facts of this Court, it is apparent that the conduct of
the contemner was highly contumacious and even atrocious. He has abused
professional privileges while practising as an Advocate. We, therefore, deem it
appropriate, in view of the observations made in Supreme Court Bar Association v.
Union of India and Anr. (supra), to direct that the copy of this judgment together
with the relevant record be forwarded to the Chairman, Bar Council of India, who
may refer the case to the concerned committee for appropriate action as is
considered fit and proper.
38. Since, the contemner absented himself after furnishing bail bonds to the
satisfaction of the Chief Judicial Magistrate, Lucknow pursuant to our order dated
03.03.1997, his bail bonds are cancelled. The contemner shall be taken into custody
to undergo the sentence.

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