Java J2EE Training Syllabus

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Syllabus for

Diploma in Java-J2EE

(IBM Approved)

12 Weeks (Weekday Batch) or 14 Weekends (Weekend Batch)

Course Overview for Diploma in Java-J2EE

CORE JAVA - (Syllabus aligned to OCA Exam - JDK 8)

Object Oriented Programming
(OOPS) Concepts
OOPS Concepts and terminology
Advantage of OOPS
Fundamentals of OOPS

Core Java Programming

Introduction of Java
Whta is Java?
How to get Java
A First Java Program
Compiling and Interpreting Applications
The JDK Directory Structure
Using Eclipse

Data types and Variables

Primitive Datatypes, Declarations
Variable Names
Numeric Literals, Chracter Literals
String formatting and Parsing
String Literals
Arrays, Non-Primitive Datatypes
The Dot Operator

Calling Methods
Defining Methods
Method Parameters Scope
So, Why All the static?

Operators and Expressions

Assignment Operator
Arithmetic Operators
Relational Operators
Logical Operators
Increment and Decrement Operators
Operate-Assign Operators (+=, etc.)
The Conditional Operator
Operator Precedence
Implicit Type Conversions
The Cast Operator
Strict typing
Type conversion

Syllabus for

Diploma in Java-J2EE
Control Flow Statements
Conditional (if) Statements
Data types and Variables
Adding an else if
Conditional (switch) Statements
while and do-while Loops
for Loops
A for Loop Diagram
Enhanced for Loop
The continue Statement
The break Statement

Object-Oriented Programmintg
Introduction to Object-Oriented
Classes and Objects
Fields and Methods
Access Control

Object and Class

Defining a Class
Creating an Object
Instance Data and Class Data
Access Modifiers

Using Java Objects

Printing to the Console
Printf Format Strings
StringBuilder and StringBuffer
Methods and Messages
Parameter Passing
Comparing and Identifying Objects
Destroying Objects

Inheritance in Java
Inheritance in Java
Methods Overriding
super keyword
The Object Class

(IBM Approved)

Java Files and I/O

Reading and Writing to Files
Input and Output Stream
File handling Classes

Interfaces and Abstract Classes

Separating Interface and Implementation
Defining Interfaces
UML Interfaces and Realization
Implementing and Extending Interfaces
Runnable Threads
Abstract Classes

The import Statement
Static Imports
CLASSPATH and Import
Defining Packages
Package Scope

Lambda Built-in Functional Interfaces

java.util.function package
Use primitive versions of functional Interface
Use binary versions of functional Interface
Use the UnaryOperator Interface

Exception Handaling
Exceptions Overview
Catching Exceptions
The Finally Block
Exception Methods
Declaring Exceptions
Defining and Throwing Exceptions
Errors and Runtime Exceptions

Collection Framework
The Collection Framework
The Set Interface
Set Implementation Classes
The List Interface
List Implementation Classes
The Map Interface
Map Implementation Classes
Utility Classes
Primitive wrapper Classes

Syllabus for

Diploma in Java-J2EE
Inner Classes

(IBM Approved)


Inner Classes
Member Classes
Local Classes
Anonymous Classes
Instance Initializers
Static Nested Classes

Swing GUI Components

Using Swing API

Life Cycle of an Applet
A Hello World Applet

Introducing to Threads
Non-Threaded Applications
Threaded Applications
Creating Threads
Thread States
Runnable Threads
Coordinating Threads
Interrupting Threads
Runnable Interface, ThreadsGroups

Creating a Database and tables
Getting Information from Database
Obtaining Result Set Information
Connecting a Java program to a Database
Prepared Statements & Statement Classes in Java
Inserting, Updating & Deleting Table data

Swing GUI Components
Using Swing API

Java MVC Architecture


The Model
The View pt1
The View pt2
The Controller

Introductions to the MVC1 & MVC2 Architecture

Overview of Struts Framework
Components of Model, View and Controller in
Struts Framework
Action Classes
Handling Application Requests
Deployment Descriptors

What is a web application
Java Servlets
What is a Servlet
Servlet Lifecycle
Servlet Context
Session management
Building the first Servlet
Deploying the Servlet
Examples - Servlets

Introductions to Hibernate
Object Related Mapping
Persistent Classes
Mapping Collections
Hibernate Query Language
Caching and Transactions
Hibernate with Web Applications

What is a JSP Page
Basic HTML Tags
JSP Tag library
JSP Page Life-cycle
Creating the first Dynamic web page using JSP
MVC architecture, 3-tier architecture

Introduction of SQL
SQL - RDBMS Concepts
SQL DataTypes
SQL Operators
SQL Statements
SQL Functions

Syllabus for

Diploma in Java-J2EE

(IBM Approved)

Industry Java Project (IBM approved)
Student will be assigned a project which they will have to execute under the careful guidance of the faculty

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