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Enhanced Corrosion Resistance of Duplex Coatings: H. Dong, Y. Sun, T. Bell

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Surfaceand Coatings Technology90 (1997) 91-101

Enhanced corrosion resistance of duplex coatings

H. Dong *, Y. Sun, T. Bell
School of Metallurgy

and Materials,

The University of Birmingham,



Received22 March 1996;accepted12August 1996


A seriesof electrochemicaltestshave been carried out to investigate the corrosion behaviour of physically vapour deposited
TiN, CrN and (TiAl)N coatings on plasma nitrided En40B steel. Surface and subsurfacecharacterisationbefore and after
corrosion testing were performed using scanningelectron microscopy @EM) and energy-dispersiveX-ray analysis(EDX). The
experimental results indicate that all three duplex coating systemspossesssuperior corrosion resistanceover the individually
plasmanitrided or PVD coatedEn40B steel,highlighting the importanceof the iron nitride subsurfacein determiningthe corrosion
resistanceof duplex coating systems.It is also demonstratedthat among thesethree duplex coating systems,the corrosion
resistanceincreasesin the order of TiN/PN, CrN/PN and (TiAl)N/PN. The critical potentials correspondingto the onset of
transpassivebehaviour for both the CrN/PN and the (TiAl)N/PN duplex coating systemsare above the practical potential range
(< 1 V vs SCE). The corrosionmechanisms
involved are discussed
and the rolesof the iron nitride sublayerand the coating-substrate
interface are emphasised.
Finally, basedon the presentfindings and in conjunction with previously reported results,an optimum
duplex coating systemtowards combinedimprovementsin tribological, corrosion and fatigue propertiesis proposed.

Corrosion resistance;Duplex coating; En40B steel

1. Introduction

The beneficial combination

of high hardness, low
friction and wear rate of carbides and nitrides of transition metals makes them suitable materials for various
thin film applications to combat wear. Engineering
components, such as forming and cutting too&, coated
with these thin coatings usually exhibit improved service
performance and increased lifetime provided the coating
can maintain its integrity with the substrate during
service. Nevertheless when subjected to relatively high
intensity loading, a thin coating will often collapse,
mainly due to substrate plastic deformation, resulting
in the premature failure of the coating. This sometimes
could be catastrophic especially in a closed tribological
system since these hard fragments of ceramic coating
would serve as abrasives.
On the other hand, due to their high level of chemical
inertness in corrosion environments [l], ceramic coatings have also been, in recent years, the subject of many
investigations aimed at improving the corrosion resistance of steels [2-51. Notwithstanding
the fact that the
* Corresponding
author.Fax: +44 1214145232;
0 1997ElsevierScience
S.A. All rightsreserved
PI1 s0257-8972(96)03099-x

corrosion resistance of a pure ceramic is generally excellent, and that these ceramic coatings could, to some
extent, protect the substrates, it has been well documented that these ceramic coatings on most steels,
provide only slightly if any, improved corrosion performance when subjected to aggressive environments [68]. This is because ceramic coatings usually contain
numerous small defects e.g. pinholes, which may penetrate the whole coating thickness, and lead to rapid
galvanic corrosion, when subjected to a corrosive atmosphere [ 6,9]. Furthermore, ceramic coatings may crack
in service owing to substrate plastic deformation when
subjected to high intensity loading or impact loading,
which will cause rapid crevice corrosion.
Second generation or duplex surface engineering techniques have been thus in recent years rapidly developed
to overcome the limitation imposed to these thin coatings, examples of which are PVD Ni or Cr followed by
TiN coating [7], electroless plating of Ni/P followed by
PVD TiN coating [lo], and plasma nitriding, followed
by PVD-nitride coatings [ 11,121. These duplex coatings
have demonstrated promising results in terms of either
improved corrosion resistance [7, lo] or enhanced tribological behaviour as well as high load bearing capacity
[ 11,121. However, relatively little information has been


H. Dorzg et al. / Surface

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to date generated relating to duplex systems which

possessesboth high corrosion resistance and outstanding
performance as well as superior fatigue
In some applications coatings suffer combined corrosion attack and wear. Some examples include tools for
plastic processing, such as moulds used for extrusion or
injection moulding, which are in contact with corrosive
media (e.g. softener and colours, and free hydrochloric
acid contained in certain polymers), and cutting tools
where cutting fluids may contain sulphur. In some other
applications combined properties in terms of tribology,
corrosion and fatigue are required. For example, pumps
in the chemical industry which are subjected to aggressive environments, and bearings and gears exposed to a
marine environment such as in naval aircraft which
suffer from pitting corrosion due to localised attack by
chloride ions. Hence in practice, wear, corrosion and
fatigue are major concerns and the coating lifetime is,
in many circumstances, closely related to these surface
degradation problems.
Therefore, it is necessary, both from a practical and
theoretical viewpoint, to evaluate the corrosion behaviour of those duplex coating systems which exhibit
excellent tribological properties so as to extend the
capabilities of these systems to more extreme environmental applications, to optimise the existing duplex
coating systems, or to provide fundamental principles
for designing new duplex coating systems towards combined improvement in tribological, corrosion and fatigue
In the present investigation, a series of experiments
have been carried out to evaluate the corrosion behaviour of such duplex coating system as PVD-nitride (TiN,
CrN and (TiAl)N)
on plasma nitrided EN40B steel,
which had shown significant improvements in tribological and load bearing capacity [ 11,131. The corrosion
resistance of these duplex coating systems, together with
individually surface engineered layers, was assessed using
electrochemical measurement techniques and scanning
electron microscopy (SEM) before and after testing.


90 (1997)

2.2. Plasma nitriding and PVD coating procedures

A commercial 25 kW Klijckner nitriding unit was

employed to carry out plasma nitriding at 500 C for
10 h in a cracked ammonia (NH,) atmosphere at 3 mbar.
The nitrided case produced under such a condition
consists of a diffusion zone of about 170 pm and a
compound layer of about 7 urn. After plasma nitriding,
the porous outer part (N 1.5 urn) of the iron nitride
layer was removed by dry sand blasting and thus the
remaining iron nitride layer was pore-free and dense.
The plasma nitrided substrates were then deposited
with TiN, CrN and (TiAl)N coatings by commercially
available PVD processes. The TiN coatings were produced by ion plating, which was carried out at about
500 C. The CrN and (TiAl)N coatings were produced
by commercially available magnetron sputtering, which
was carried out at the temperature range of 200-400 C.
Accordingly these three duplex coating systems are
coated with TiN/PN, CrN/PN and (TiAl)N/PN,
respectively. A detailed description of the duplex plasma
surface engineering process and characterisation
resultant duplex coating systems are given elsewhere
[14], and, for quick reference, the main features are
summarised in Table 1.
2.3. Microstructural
coating systems


of the duplex

JOEL 6300 SEM equipped with an EDX facility was

used to examine the surface morphology of the coatings
as well as the corroded surfaces of tested specimens. A
high resolution (2.5 nm) field emission gun SEM
(Hitachi S-4000 FE-SEM)
was also used for fractographic observation on fractured surface layers in
order to examine the morphology of the fractured thin
layer as well as the bonding state. The specimens for
fractographic observation were prepared by cutting a
notch on the back of the surface layer, soaking it in
liquid nitrogen for a few minutes and breaking it
instantly to give a brittle fractured surface.
2.4. Corrosion

2. Experimental




2.1. Test material

The substrate material used in the present investigations was commercial low alloy steel En40B. The nominal composition of the steel is as follows (in wt%):
0.23 C, 3.21 Cr, 0.50 MO, O.O3Al, O.O2V, 0.52Mn,
0.18 Ni, 0.08 Si, 0.014 S, 0.06 P and balance Fe. Samples
were hardened and tempered (at 560 C) to a mean
hardness of 310HYlO. Prior to nitriding, the sample
surface was ground to a Ra value of 0.6-0.8 pm surface finish.

The test used was a DC anodically potentiodynamic

polarisation technique. It involves polarising the metal
electrode away from its equilibrium (open circuit potential - OCP) by imposing a steadily changing DC potential difference between it and the auxilliary electrode
through a potentiostat, while recording the current
response. The current density is a measure of the corrosion rate.
The electrochemical corrosion test system included a
Solartron 1286 electrochemical interface (ECI) and a
working cell. The whole system was linked to a computer. The working cell was a three electrode cell which

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Table 1
The method used and relevant properties of the resultant coatings




Thickness (pm)



Plasma nitrided
Plasma nitrided
Plasma nitrided



contained a counter electrode, a reference electrode and

a working electrode. The working electrode was the test
specimen with a 10 mm x 10 mm test window. The
counter electrode or auxiliary electrode used was a
platinum sheet of about 10 mm x25 mm size and was
placed parallel to and diagonally opposite the working
electrode. The reference electrode was a saturated calome1 electrode (SCE) (Hg/Hg,Cl,/KCl).
It was placed
immediately in front of the test area, and in between
the working electrode and the counter electrode.
Corrosion coupons, 25 mm in diameter and 5 mm in
thickness, were masked with a lacquer on the surfaces
but a 10 mm x 10 mm window was left on the coated
surface. The electrolyte used in the test was a 3.5%
NaCl solution in de-ionised water. DC polarisation was
performed potentiodynamically
and anodically. Before
each test the OCP of the specimen was measured for
setting the starting sweep potential. The anodic polarisation curves were recorded with a sweeping speed of
2 mV s-l. All the tests were carried out at room temperature, open to the air.







W % -0.40


1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000

Time, s
Fig. 1. The open-circuit potentials E,,, of the TiN/PN, CrN,TN and
(TiAl)N/PN duplex coatings in a 3.5% NaCl solution,


3. Results
3.1. Open-circuit potentials (EoCP)

The open-circuit potentials of the three duplex coating

systems, TiN/PN, CrN/PN and (TiAl)N/PN,
are shown
in Fig. 1. All three duplex coating systems show potentials more negative than 0 V with respect to a saturated
calomel electrode (SCE) during the immersion time.
The potential of TiN/PN is high at the beginning, but
it decreases rapidly afterwards. (TiAl)N/PN
shows the
most stable and highest EbCP,while TiN/PN exhibits the
lowest EoCP.
3.2. Anodicpolarisation cwves

Typical anodic polarisation curves obtained in this

study for the three duplex coating systems of TiN/PN,
CrN/PN and (TiAl)N/PN
are given in Fig. 2. It can be
seen that the curve of each duplex coating system, which
follows the Tafel behaviour [lo], can be divided into
three regions. In the first region, i.e. the initial active
region from the equilibrium
potential or corrosion
potential (EC& to about 0 V (vs SCE), the dissolution

- -(TiAL)N/PN

. . . . . CrN,FN






Potential vs SCE, V
Fig. 2. Typical anodic polarisation curves of the TiN/PN, CrN,T and
(TiAl)N/PN duplex coating systems.

rate increases exponentially. In the second region, the

current density is nearly constant, showing passivelike behaviour. Finally, there is a transpassive region
beginning at a critical potential (Ec,iJ where a breakdown of the coating or the onset of pitting takes place.
The current density and voltage range of the passive
region of an anodic polarisation curve are in practice
the most important features related to corrosion resistance [7,9]. It is clear that most features in the hrst
region for these three curves are similar without any
trace of an active peak. The corrosion potentials for the

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duplex coating systems of TiN/PN,

are marginally
different, being -0.5,
-0.48 and -0.4 V (vs SCE), respectively. The passivation currents of these three duplex coating systems are
similar (in the range of 10-2-10-3 A cm-). The most
notable differences among these three curves lie in the
critical potentials (E,,,) corresponding to the onset of
transpassive behaviour. The onset of transpassive behaviour for the TiN/PN, CrN/PN and (TiAl)N/PN
coating systems starts at about 0.4, 1.1 and 1.4 V (vs
SCE) respectively, and thus the voltage ranges of the
passive regions increase in the order of TiNPN,
CrN/PN and (TiAl)N/PN.
For comparison, the anodic polarisation curves of
untreated, plasma nitrided, PVD TiN coated En40B
were also measured (Fig. 3). The uncoated substrate
exhibits typical anodic dissolution behaviour of a comparatively non-noble metal. The general pattern of the
TiN coated EN40B steel is similar to that of the substrate, except for the relatively high corrosion potential.
The corrosion resistance of the TiN coated substrate is
marginally better than that of the untreated substrate,
indicating that the protection of the TiN coating to the
substrate is quite limited, which is in line with the
findings of other research work [6,9]. The corrosion
resistance of the plasma nitrided En40B is better than
that of the PVD TiN coating, implying that there are
less pores or pinholes in the iron nitride layer formed
during plasma nitriding than in the PVD TIN coating,
and/or that the iron nitride layer may exhibit stronger
passivation capacity than the PVD TiN coating.
3.3. SEM


Typical as-coated surface morphologies of the three

duplex coating systems are represented in Fig. 4. The
surface appearances of the (TiAl)N/PN
and the
systems seem somewhat similar, whilst the

Fig. 4. The as-coated surface morphologies of the duplex coating systems: (a) TiN/PN, (b) CrN/PN and (c) (TiAl)N/PN.


Potenlial vs SCE, V



Fig. 3. Anodic polarisation curves of untreated, plasma nitrided, PVD

TiN coated as well as duplex (TiN/PN) treated EN40B steel.

surface of the TiN/PN is smoother than those of both

the (TiAl)N/PN
and the CrN/PN. It can also be seen
that although the surface of the (TiAl)N/PN
system is
not so smooth as that of the CrN/PN system, the former
seems much denser than the latter. Fig. 5 shows fracture
cross-sections through these three duplex coating systems. The TiN and the (TiAl)N coatings on top of the
plasma nitrided sublayers exhibit similar columnar
growth morphologies. Close examination revealed that
the TiN coating is the densest coating among these three
coatings, and that the superficial layer

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Fig. 6. Porous iron nitride sublayer beneath the TiN coating in the
TiN/PN duplex coating system.

PVD process owing to the relatively high temperature

(500 C) employed [ 141, while iron nitrides in the
and the CrN/PN duplex coating systems
are dense and the interface bonding appears to be very
good, compared with that in the TiN/PN coating system,
which can be attributed to the relatively low PVD
temperature (< 400 C).
Figs. 7-9 show the typical corroded surface morphologies of the (TiAl)N/PN,
CrNjPN and TiN/PN coating
systems which had been subjected to the anodic polarisation tests up to a potential of 1000 mV vs SCE. For the
only slightly uniform corrosion is observed
(Fig. 7). The CrN/PN coating system shows few very
small and shallow pits (Fig. 8). The TiN/PN
system on the other hand, exhibits a severe pitting
appearance (Fig. 9). Fig. 10 shows the pitting pattern
observed in the TiN coating, after potentiodynamic
testing. It is worth noting that both Fig. 8 and Fig. 9
reveal pitting patterns as a typical result of chloride
attack, though the latter (TIN) is much more severe
than the former (CrN).

Fig. 5. Fracture cross-sections through the duplex coating systems: (a)

TiN/PN, (b) CrN/PN and (c) (TiAl)N/PN.

(about 1 m) in the CrN coating seems very porous.

Although the mechanism involved in the formation of
the porous supeticial layer is not well understood, there
appears to have been a step change in the process
parameters. Points to note are that the iron nitride
sublayer in the TiN/PN coating system is porous, especially near the interface between the TiN coating and the
iron nitride sublayer, as is demonstrated in Fig. 6, and
that the interface bonding is thus poor. These pores
were found previously by the authors to be the result of
the partial decomposition of the iron nitride during the

Fig. 7. Corroded surface morphology of the (TiAl)/PN

coating system.

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Fig. 8. Corroded surface morphology (a), small shallow pit (b) and
the EDX profile measured in the bottom of the pit (c) of the CrN,TN
coating system.

Fig. 9. Corroded surface morphology (a), large deep pit (b) and the
EDX profile measured in the bottom of the pit (c) of the TiN/PN
coating system.

4. Discussions
4.1. Corrosion mechanismsof ceramic coatings

It is well-known that ceramic coatings are chemically

inert in neutral or acidic media. Therefore, ceramic
coatings can, in theory, separate the substrate from the
aggressive environment and hence protect the substrate,
provided that the ceramic coatings are free of defects

such as flaws and pinholes. In reality, however, the

formation of these defects in ceramic coatings is almost
impossible to avoi.d totally. Consequently, when subjected to a corrosive atmosphere, coated materials will
form galvanic cells at the defects near the interface since
ceramic coatings are electrochemically more stable than
most substrate materials (e.g. steels). Once aggressive
ions such as chloride penetrate the coating through these

H. Dong et al. 1 Surface

and Coatings

Fig. 10. Corroded surface appearances of PVD TiN coated EN40B
steel: (a) early stage, (b) later stage.

small channels, driven by capillary forces, the exposed

area will begin to experience anodical dissolution, which
will usually extend laterally along the interface between
the coating and the substrate. Corrosion may be then
accelerated to high rates since the coating presents a
large cathodic area compared to the very small exposed
substrate, which serves as an anode [ 15,161. Thus the
protection of the substrate is no longer effective, leading
to a strong local corrosion attack. Clearly, the effective
corrosion resistance of any coating/substrate system will
mainly be determined by the defects (such as flaws,
pinholes, scratches or pores) in the coating, the adhesion
state of the substrate-coating interface and the passivation ability of the substrate [3,17].
The general feature of the polarisation of the TiN
coating alone is similar to that of the uncoated En40B
steel except the lower corrosion current density for the
former (Fig. 3). Seemingly, the TiN coating may to
some extent enhance the corrosion resistance of the
En40B substrate. However, the TiN coating situation is
in reality much worse than the uncoated substrate, since
the current is drawn over a very small area, i.e. almost
entirely through the pores rather than over a uniform
10 mm x 10 mm area. This is further confirmed by the


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observation on the corroded surface: the exposed steel

substrate via the defects in the coating firstly dissolved
anodically, causing deep holes in the substrate under
the surface coating with the subsequent breakdown of
a large surface fraction (Fig. lOa); progressive corrosion
then results in the formation of new pits and the laterally
spreading of the existing pits; and finally these pits link
up each other, causing removal of the entire coating by
flaking (Fig. lob). This corrosion process thus can be
summarised schematically in Fig. 11a. It could be then
deducted that a TiN coated En4OB component would
wear much more quickly than even the uncoated substrate in a typical corrosion wear environment, since the
spalled hard TiN may serve as abrasives, thus leading
to severe three-body abrasive wear.
In contrast to the TIN coating on an untreated steel
substrate, duplex coating systems of TiN/PN,
and (TiAl)N/PN
can, to a large extent, effectively
protect the substrate against corrosion (Figs. 2 and 3),
which can be attributed to the passivated iron nitride
sublayer formed in the plasma nitriding process. This is
because in the case of duplex coating systems the
corrosion resistant is, in addition to the quality of the
surface coating, closely related to the passivation ability
of the subsurface layer. Iron nitrides have shown to be
more corrosion resistance than the
steel substrate (Fig. 3) and hence dense passivated iron
nitride could more or less block the pinholes formed in
the top ceramic coatings, thus giving rise to high critical
potentials Ecri*. The effectiveness of the iron nitride
sublayer in improving
the corrosion resistance of a
duplex coating system, however, is closely related to its
quality as well as the interface bonding between the
ceramic coating and the iron nitride sublayer. From
Figs. 4-6 it is evident that although the TIN coating in
the TiN/PN
coating system is relatively smooth and
dense compared with the other two coating systems, the
corrosion resistance of the TiN/PN system is the worst
among the three duplex coating system investigated,
characterised by the lowest critical potential and thus
the shortest passivation range. This is because the iron
nitride beneath the interface between the surface coating
and the subsurface is porous and the interface bonding
is thus poor, which is caused by the partial decomposition of the iron nitride during the PVD process owing
to the relatively high temperature (500 C) [ 11,141. As
expected, this porous iron nitride layer failed to effectively eliminate the local attack, and the pits penetrated
the porous iron nitride layer through the existing pores
and extended laterally thus forming deep and relatively
large pits (Fig. 9).
On the contrary, iron nitride in the CrN/PN and the
duplex coating systems is very dense and
the interface bonding is much better than that in the
TiNjPN coating system. As a result, the local attack of
aggressive chloride was effectively suppressed and thus

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PVD coating +

Subsaate -t
(a) TIN coating only
Porous iron nitride -P
Diffusion zone --b

(b) TiN / PN duplex coating system

Porous superficial +
layer in CrN
Dense iron nitride -

(c) CrN / PN duplex coating system

(d) (TiAAL)N/ PN duplex coating system

Fig. 11. Corrosion mechanisms.

uniform corrosion dominated, especially in the case of

the (TiAl)N/PN
coating system (Fig. 7), where a high
critical potential has been measured (Fig. 3). It is also
noted that even though the iron nitride sublayers in the
CrN/PN and the (TiAl)N/PN
coating systems are equally dense, the critical potentials of these two coating
systems are somewhat different. It has been reported
that both CrN and (TiAl)N
coatings on the single
crystal silicon or stainless steel showed similar polarisation behaviour [ 181. Therefore, this difference in the
critical potentials between these two coating systems
could be attributed to the surface state of the ceramic
coatings. Although the surface of the CrN coating seems
smoother than that of the (TiAl)N (Fig. 4), the super&
cial layer (- 1 pm) in the CrN coating is very porous
(Fig. 5b). This porous superficial layer in the CrN/PN
coating system will to some extent promote local corrosion attack (Fig. S), thus leading to a relatively short
region compared
with that of the
coating system. It is worth pointing out
that although there are also few pits in the corroded
surface of the CrN/PN coating system, uniform corrosion is still dominant, and that the depth of the pits in
the corroded surface of the CrN/PN coating system is
much shallower than those in the corroded surface of
the TiNjPN coating system. This is evidenced by SEM
surface morphologies (Figs. 8b and 9b) and is further
confirmed by the EDX analysis results (Figs. 8c and

9c). The iron peaks measured in the bottom of a pit in

the corroded CrNjPN
coating system are very weak
compared with those detected in the bottom of a pit in
the corroded TiN/PN coating system, implying that the
pits in the corroded CrN/PN
coating system were
stopped at the interface of the CrN coating and the iron
nitride while the pits in the corroded TiN/PN coating
system penetrated throughout the porous iron nitride
layer into the En40B substrate. Based on the above
discussion, the possible corrosion mechanisms involved
in the corrosion processes of these duplex coating system
are schematically shown in Fig. 11.
4.2. Towards combinedimprovements in tribological,
fatigue and corrosionproperties

The ever-increasing demands in surface and subsurface properties of engineering components have led to,
in recent years, the rapid development of duplex surface
engineering techniques [7,10-12,19-211. Of these duplex
engineering techniques, PVD-nitride
steel duplex systems have shown very promising results
in terms of the remarkable tribological properties and
high load-bearing capacity [ 12,19-211. It has also been
reported that the previously present iron nitride layer
(white layer) would to some extent weaken the interfacial
adhesion between the surface ceramic coatings and the
iron nitride subsurface, probably due to the formation

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of a porous black layer via the decomposition of the

white layer during the PVD processing at relatively high
temperatures, and/or due to the porous outermost part
of the nitride layer itself. To achieve the sound interface
adhesion strength, surface grinding, polishing or blasting
before PVD [ 14,191, and white-layer-free nitriding processes (such as bright nitriding [ 19,211 and low-pressure
triode system [ 121) were recommend.
In the present work, it has been proved that the PVD
ceramic coating/nitrided
steel duplex systems with a
dense iron nitride layer (such as in the CrN/PN and the
posses outstanding corrosion resistance
when measured in a 3.5% NaCl solution in the practical
potential range (1 V vs SCE). By contrast, the ceramic
coating alone on the untreated steel and on the duplex
coating system with a porous iron nitride sublayer (e.g.
the TiN/PN system) exhibited poor corrosion resistance.
Clearly, the iron nitride sublayer plays an important
role in determining the corrosion resistance of the PVDnitride coating/nitrided
steel duplex coating systems. It
is thereby anticipated that the corrosion resistance of
the PVD-nitride
steel duplex systems
without an iron nitride interlayer are expected to be
characterised by poor corrosion resistance compared
with those duplex coating systems with a dense iron
nitride interlayer. Indeed, the corrosion resistance of the
diffusion zone in the nitrided steel is worse than that of
the substrate since the diffusion zone is generally more
easily etched than the substrate. Therefore, it follows
that from the present findings in conjunction with the
previous results [ 12,19-211, although the PVD ceramic
steel duplex system without an iron
nitride interlayer would be the ideal duplex coating
system for fulfilling the requirements of high loadbearing capacity as well as remarkable tribological
behaviour, this type of duplex system will be no longer
the best duplex coating system as far as the corrosion
resistance is concerned.
Some recent work has demonstrated that PVD at
relatively low temperatures (410 C [19] or 450 C [21])
effectively avoided the undesirable decomposition of the
iron nitride sublayer in the duplex systems, and that
micro blasting could remove the porous outermost part
of the previously present iron nitride layer [ 111. This
has been further confirmed by the recently reported
work, which demonstrated that a thin (15 pm) and
almost y mono-phase compound layer in the ceramic
steel duplex system has no negative
effect on the scratch test results provided that the porous
outer part in the iron nitride layer is removed and the
PVD coating processes are carried out at relatively low
temperature (410 C) [19].
Furthermore, it is also logical to suggest that, from
the above discussion, the TiN/PN duplex system should
have similar corrosion performance to the CrN/PN and
the (TiAl)N/PN
systems if a relatively low PVD temper-


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ature is used to eliminate the undesirable decomposition

of the iron nitride layer during the PVD process. With
the development of PVD coating technology, the TiN
coating process can be now successfully carried out at
temperatures below 450 C with fairly good adhesion
[ 19,221. In this respect, TiN coating could be chosen as
a coating material for the PVD-nitride coating,&trided
steel duplex coating systems. However, the corrosion
resistance of a coating can be evaluated not only by
electrochemical methods, but also by high temperature
oxidation as well as salt spray tests [9]. Notwithstanding
the fact that the TIN coating showed almost the same
corrosion behaviour as the CrN and the (TiAl)N coatings in the electrochemical
tests, the CrN and the
coatings exhibited well improved oxidation
resistance in the 400-700 C range and better corrosion
resistance in the salt spray test than the TiN coating
[23,24]. Clearly, the CrN and the (TiAl)N coatings are
superior to the TiN coating. Moreover, it has also been
shown in the present study that the (TiAl)N/PN
coating system possessed better corrosion resistance than
the CrN/PN duplex coating system. Consequently, the
(TiAl)N coating could be the first choice for the PVDnitride coating/nitrided
steel duplex system towards
combined improvements
in tribological
fatigue strength and corrosion resistance.
Clearly, the ideal PVD ceramic coating-nitrided
duplex coating system with a view towards the combined
improvements in tribological behaviour, corrosion resistance and fatigue strength can be thus designed, based
on the above discussion, as follows: (1) hardening and
tempering of low alloy steel to obtain good core property
combination and nitriding response; (2) plasma nitriding
to produce a dense compound layer which is essential
for achieving excellent corrosion resistance, to produce
a deep hardened case which serves as strong support for
the hard ceramic coating, and to form intensive compressive stress and thus conferring excellent fatigue strength
[25]; (3) removing the outer part of the iron nitride
formed in the plasma nitriding process by micro blasting
or polishing to secure the high adhesion strength between
the iron nitride and the ceramic coating, and to eliminate
the possible negative effect on the corrosion resistance;
and (4) PVD-nitride
coating at temperatures below
450 C to produce a very hard, and wear- and corrosionresistant ceramic coating without appreciably impairing
the beneficial effects resulting from the plasma nitriding
Fig. 12 schematically
shows the design

5. Conclusions

Three different PVD-nitride

coating/plasma nitrided
EN40B steel duplex coating systems, i.e. TiN/PN,


H. Dong et al. /Surface

and Coatings

Low alloy


PO (1997)


The relatively low corrosion resistance of the

TiN/PN system can be attributed to its porous iron
nitride sublayer caused by the relatively high PVD
(5) It follows from the present work (in conjunction
with the previous work) that PVD-nitride
coating/plasma nitrided steel duplex coating systems
offer not only excellent tribological properties (low
friction and wear as well as high load-bearing
capacity) and good fatigue strength, but also an
improved corrosion resistance.

Fig. 12. Towards combined improvement in tribological, fatigue and
corrosion properties.

CrN/PN and (TiAl)N/PN

have been electrochemically
evaluated with respect to their corrosion resistance in a
3.5% NaCl solution. The main conclusions can be
summarised as follows:
(1) All the three duplex coating systems exhibit superior
corrosion resistance (as determined by anodic polarisation curves) in a 3.5% NaCl solution over the
individually plasma nitrided or PVD-nitride coated
steel, indicating the importance of the substrate in
determining the corrosion resistance of duplex coating systems.
(2) Among the three duplex coating systems investigated, the TiN/PN coating system reveals the lowest
open-circuit potential while the (TiAl)N/PN
coating system possesses the highest open-circuit
(3) All the three duplex coating systems show similar
passive-like features and similar passivation current
densities but different critical potentials corresponding to the onset of transpassive behaviour or the
breakdown of the coatings. The critical potentials
increase in the order of TiN/PN,
CrN/FN and
In the practical potential range (below
1 V vs SCE), both the CrN/PN
and the
duplex coating systems show desirable
corrosion resistances.
(4) The present work highlights the importance of the
sublayers in the PVD-nitride
coating/plasma nitrided steel duplex coating system,
which play an important role in determining the
overall corrosion performance of the resultant
duplex coating systems. Iron nitride sublayers in the
and the (TiAl)N/PN
systems are very
dense, and they can effectively block the localised
attack and thus give rise to corrosion resistance.

One of the authors (H.D.) acknowledges the financial

support of an Overseas Research Studentship (ORS).
The authors thank Dr. J.P.G. Farr for the provision of
and for his valuable

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