CAESAR II Statics: Quick Build Model Video Eleven

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CAESAR II Statics: Quick Build Model Video Eleven

(Reference Video: C2_S_Quick_Build_V11)

1. Our task now is to add the extra line stops in this model. We want to put a line stop on the
third vent before the loop. We are going to put line stops at both nodes indicated below. We
can just drop them in as we get to those nodes.

2. At node 130, we are going to put a line stop. Select the element from node 120 to 130.

3. A line stop is an axial restraint, so it is going to be in the x direction. We have highlighted the
element and we know that we are specifying restraints when we get to that node for the first
time. Click Classic Piping Input and we see the restraints at 130.

4. We want to add another restraint at 130 in the axial direction. Now we

know that is going to be in the global x direction, so we can type in x.
However, we get a more flexibility by calling it limit stop, or line stop.
Type 130 in the third Node, and then select LIM from the Type list.

5. This places an axial restraint on the run. This element goes in the x
direction; therefore, the new restraint is in the x direction.
6. If we go back to the model, we ask, Wheres my restraint? The restraint is on the centerline
and we cannot see it. However, if we go translucent with the pipe, which right now we are
showing the fancy shaded rendered view, but we can also add Translucent Objects to make it
translucent, and can now see inside the pipe.
Click Translucent Objects to see the restraint in the middle of the pipe.

7. Click Translucent Objects to turn it back off.

If you do not remember about Translucent Objects, you can change
the size of the restraint. The restraints are active right now, because
Show Restraints is on.

Notice that we have a little drop-down arrow where you can change the size.

Click Largest to make them bigger and to see the restraints.

They are overly large, but that is just one other way you could modify that.

8. Move down the line to the other one, and click element 240 to 250.

9. Click Classic Piping Input to view node 240 to 250.

10. Type 250 in the third Node box and then select LIM from the
Type list.
11. Go back to the model and look inside the pipe.
Click Translucent Object.
12. You can now see the line stop.

13. We have our system built, so let's do the error check for this model.
Click Start Run.
You see that this is a very clean model. There are no missing bends. CAESAR II does not
know if we are going in the right direction, but this is the first step in making sure we have a
good model. My total dead weight now is 122,391.4 N.

We break it down into pipe alone, insulation alone, refractory alone, fluid alone, and then we
add them up.

The x,y,z coordinates are based on the origin of the piping system.

If we just wanted to pick a pure pipe alone over my entire model, which would be the center of
gravity. We have to go to that point in space, and grab that one point, then we can lift it up,
and it will not fall over. This is just the balancing point, the center of gravity.

14. We can run this model now. We are not that interested in the results for this exercise. This
exercise was using input capabilities efficiently to build models quicker. We are going to run it,
so we have some numbers to work with for use later on in this series. Lets look at the load
15. Click Edit Static Load Case.

We also see our

Our default load cases, the recommended load

cases are the operating case (weight (w) +
temperature (T1) +, pressure (P)) and the
installed case of weight plus pressure.

sustained stress

Finally, the difference between

these two load cases, L1 and
L2, will be the strain range for
the system. We'll call it the
expansion stress check.

16. Load cases one and two we use for their structural information.
The system and operation system (L1)
The system, basically, at installation, with some pressure in it (L2)
The third case is the expansion stress range (L3)
The first cases we use for structural response, load on the equipment, and position of the
piping system. The second two load cases we use for the code defined stress calculations.

17. Click Run the Analysis, and CAESAR II brings us to the

output processor.

18. Click 1 (OPE) W=T1+P1, and then select 3D Plot to look at the 3D plot of the
operating case.

19. Roll the mouse wheel until your view is similar to the image below:

20. Click

Deflected shape to see the deflected shape of the system.

21. The bronze colored pipe is the deflected shape, and the blue pipe is the original position.

22. Now if you have trouble seeing any magnitude in the model you can increase the
magnification of the distorted shape. This is not to scale.
Click the drop-down arrow and then select Adjust Deflection Scale.

You can see the Displacement Scale Factor is 3.28. If we double that, it will doubly amplify
this result. Type 7, which is about twice that, in the Displacement Scale Factor box.

Yes, we could say that it increased.

You have different tools like this in CAESAR II. We are not going to review this data right now.
23. Use your mouse to move to the third loop with the longer run coming off it.

24. Notice we are shoving it out a little more.

25. The guides at the end of the line prevent it from kicking out in the positive x direction.

26. So, that is our system.

27. Before we go on, we want to get a good list of these node numbers. In fact, now I realize that
we should have re-numbered the whole system one more time. Review this plot, or also, if you
wish, go back and look at some of the numbers, if you want to look at the numbers.
28. Click the inside x to close, because we want to stay in the output processor, but we just
want to get out of the plot processor.

29. You can look at some of the other numbers. The first solution is Displacements, and then we
get our loads in the system from the final position, and then the stress from that. You can look
at those reports.

30. Notice, we also have an animation.

Click View Animation.
The DynPlot screen to view animation appears.
Click Maximize to make it full screen.
Scroll in to zoom in a little, and we are going to animate this model.
31. Listed are two ways to animate the model
We have animate the center line (Motion)

Or animate the volume (Volume Motion)

Click Volume Motion to animate the volume to look at the load case, the operating case.

This other system is greatly exaggerated, but we get a good trend of what is happening in
the system. In the video, you see the three loops collapsing. Below an image represents
these collapsing loops.

32. You can see above that the third one collapsed the most, because of the longer runs at either
end. We can see the first line grows axially, and being bent out a little bit, because it is guided,
so it cannot slide out evenly.
33. We see a nice model that does not sag at all. We do not have any nodes in the midpoints to
see any sag. We just have our support points, so we are relying on good support spacing here
to make sure there is not excessive sag between these support points. Get your model to this
point, and then we will do one more session.
34. In the next session, we reset all the node numbers in the model, and then create an isometric
to record all those node numbers. We have a piece of paper in front of me with the node
numbers that we can reference when we look at the output. If we give the results to a
structures engineer, he will want to know where those node numbers are in his model. Finish
out this session with one more video, and then we will move on to the next job.

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