Writing Learning Outcomes CAPSL 2009
Writing Learning Outcomes CAPSL 2009
Writing Learning Outcomes CAPSL 2009
Section one introduces learning outcomes, explains what they are and why
we use them. Section two addresses the differences between aims and
learning outcomes. Section three concentrates on how to write learning
outcomes, while section four comprises a brief case study that offers some
practical strategies for constructing curriculum-wide learning outcomes.
For further support and resources on learning outcomes, please visit the
Trinity College Bologna Desk at http://www.tcd.ie/vp-cao/bd/vpindexbd.php
Ciara OFarrell
April 2009
The Bologna process specifies that by 2010 all programmes throughout the
European Union will be written in terms of learning outcomes. For an
introduction to the Bologna Process, see The Bologna Framework.
Scattergood also notes (Scattergood, 2008) that the HEA is now requesting
that third-level institutions, in furtherance of the implementation of the National
Framework of Qualifications, establish a set of written learning outcomes not
just at a generic level, but for all programmes, courses, modules and units
[p.3]. Scattergood observes that as this has been made this a condition of
future funding, It is essential, therefore, that Trinity College should not only
comply with the HEA request for the establishment of written learning
outcomes at programme, course, module and unit level, but that it should
seriously engage with the learning-outcomes based approach to third-level
education because learning outcomes are part of a broader agenda which is
radical in its intentions. [p.4]
Suggestion 1
Suggestion 3
Reflect on your learning outcomes with the wider College context in mind.
Generally a review of the curriculum should consider content; learning
outcomes; teaching methods; and assessment methods.
Does each subject in each year have clearly stated learning outcomes for
Are there any additional learning outcomes (for example, generic skills)
that could be added across the curriculum? (emphasis added)
You could use these questions for individual reflection or to brainstorm with
colleagues when reviewing current learning outcomes.
2.1 Aims
Jackson, Wisdom and Shaw (2003) explain that aims are broad purposes or
goals. Aims can be expressed at the degree or programme level or at the
course, module or classroom level. At the programme or degree level, they
are generally aspirational and likely to address broad graduate attributes; at
the level of courses, blocks of study or modules, they are more specific.
Irrespective of the level at which they are used, aims are broad statements of
what you as a teacher or teaching team intend to achieve with your students.
(Examples adapted from the Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning
Development First Words series: 3.2 Writing Aims and Learning Outcomes .)
Factual course
Terminology, concepts,
knowledge and
principles, theories,
facts, procedures
Professional knowledge;
Knowledge of people
Generic outcomes
Personal qualities
Cognitive skills
industry, autonomy
Analysis, fault-finding,
Critical thinking,
graduate attributes
numeracy, problemsolving, information
contexts (p. 6). This is an often overlooked aspect of curriculum design and
You could focus on ways of thinking and practising. This is often defined
as the essence of the discipline as enacted by specialists. This is
explained in Curriculum Debates in Higher Education: Section 5
It is sometimes easy to fall into the trap of writing relatively trivial learning
outcomesfor example, you will be able to list the three laws of
thermodynamics. Its unlikely that the ability to list or memorise something
represents an essential area of learning; rather, this ability is more likely to be
the basis of a more significant skill, such as explaining the role of the first law
in nuclear fission. Remember therefore to focus on the real goals of learning
in your course of study.
Table 2 also offers a selection of verbs commonly used when writing learning
outcomes for each skill level. These verbs provide a useful vocabulary to
draw upon in the writing of learning outcomes.
Ability to recall or recognise
State, define, describe, list,
label, identify
Comprehension material
3. Application
Ability to use knowledge in
Apply, use, select, solve,
Analyse , order, predict,
material to demonstrate
interpret, justify
Ability to put together to
6. Evaluation
(Most complex)
discuss critically
4. Analysis
5. Synthesis
For a more comprehensive list of verbs see the McBeath Action Verbs for
expressing Learning Outcomes.
David Gosling and Jenny Moon (2001) offer a fuller, but non-hierarchical list of
levels and verbs, which they also recommend for writing assessment criteria.
The examples below are adapted from the UCE Birmingham Guide to
Learning Outcomes. The example shows how learning outcomes are used to
specify academic performance at the levels of knowledge and understanding,
intellectual thinking, and skills.
The following example comes from the authors experience teaching a twelveweek, first-year module on Academic Skills for Undergraduates. In this
module, we wanted students to learn how to identify sources of information;
locate diverse sources of information; discriminate between sources; and use
sources appropriately. These essential areas of learning translated into the
aims and outcomes below.
You can see that most of what we wanted students to be able to do fell into
the cognitive domain and therefore our verbs are all taken from the lists in
Table 2 above.
The first learning outcome, however, suggests that students will confidently
identify appropriate sources of information. Feeling confident is clearly
outside the cognitive domain, and instead belongs to the affective domain.
This outcome was not an oversightwe wanted to ensure that once students
had completed the module, they would feel confident when it came to finding
and sifting through sources of information for different purposes. In this case,
confidence was a particularly important outcome because our learners were
mature-age students returning to study.
If learning outcomes are well written, they form the basis of the assessment
tasks. Indeed, this is one of the principles of a constructively aligned
curriculum, as explained in Curriculum Debates in Higher Education.
It can also be argued that the principles of constructive alignment can work
the other way too, helping us to solve the problem of assessing achievement
in the affective domainthat is, identify an appropriate assessment method to
assess the outcome. In this case, we used student self-assessment to gauge
the level of confidence.
Level descriptors evolve from this and describe the characteristics and
context of learning expected at each level (Moon 2002a ).
These descriptors provide a clear and useful guide for those involved in
writing learning outcomes because they:
meaningful in your discipline or subject area. That is, different disciplines have
different understandings of common academic termsfor example, critical
thinking, analysis, communication skills. It is important to be clear about
what each of these means in your discipline. An example is given below.
(7) that they can communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions
to both specialist and non-specialist audiences
The Taxonomy has five levels and moves from a more quantitative account of
what a student knows to a more qualitative account of knowing. John
Atherton (2005) provides a visual representation of the Taxonomy which is
adapted in Figure 1 below.
Like Blooms Taxonomy, the SOLO Taxonomy encourages the use of verbs
that reflect the different levels of understanding it identifies. Jackson, Wisdom
and Shaw (2003) have pointed out that each discipline may have its own
verbs and each verb has a topic object or context. See Table 3 below for
Jackson, Wisdom and Shaws suggestions for verbs that describe different
levels of understanding.
Memorise, identify,
basic facts
Knowing about several topics
Relating facts together and
Classify, describe, list
Apply to known
contexts, integrate,
analyse, explain
Apply to novel
contexts, hypothesise,
reflect, generate
Think about what you want you students to be able to do, think and/or feel
after completing your course.
Why do they need to learn these things? What would these things look like
in practice?
What would you need to see to be convinced that students were able to do
these things? What would be the characteristics of a successful
At this point, you might have a topics, behaviours, ideas for assessment,
ideas about the differences in performance between students at different
levels and so on.
2. Use this list as the basis for drafting your learning outcomes.
Ask a colleague to review the outcomes. Ask the colleague to tell you what
he/she thinks he/she is going to get out of the course.
Adam, S. 2008, Learning Outcomes current developments in Europe: update on
the issues and applications of learning outcomes associated with the Bologna
Available from< http://www.tcd.ie/vp-cao/bd/bd2academic_packvp.php> [Accessed 6 April 2009]
Atherton, J.S. 2005, Learning and Teaching: SOLO Taxonomy [Online], UK.
Available from: <http://www.learningandteaching.info/learning/solo.htm> [6 April 2009].