Automated Deployment Whitepaper

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Automated deployment
using Red Gate tools
A technical overview

Continuous Integration

source control


develop Dev



Deployment package

Automated Deployment






roll back
immune system





roll back
immune system


Automated deployment
using Red Gate tools
This whitepaper examines the benefits and challenges of automating deployments of
applications and databases in a unified way. It describes how Red Gate tools can be
used to manage the whole deployment process, leaving you to get on with building
the software.
Simple examples using Red Gate Deployment Manager for a typical application are
included in this whitepaper. The toolset, architecture, and configuration are explained
openly, so that you will be able to apply these ideas to your projects and extend them
to support the various technologies your application may use.
Automated deployment is a key part of Red Gates Continuous Delivery story. There is
also a partner whitepaper Continuous integration for databases using Red Gate tools,
which explains how to incorporate databases into your build automation process.
This whitepaper covers deployment of the whole application, including ASP.NET websites,
dependent assemblies, and databases. It is organized into the following sections:


Why automate deployment?



Introducing Deployment Manager



Package-based deployment



Example Deployment Manager use case



Command line tools



Further reading and resources


VII. Conclusions


I. Why automate deployment?


Automated deployment using Red Gate tools

Why automate deployment?

If youre not automating deployments, then youre doing them by hand. There are varying
levels of automation, but they all attempt to solve some or all of the problems with manual
deployment. Specifically, manual deployments are:
Time consuming. You need to back up your database and application. You need to
prepare a script for the database, check it over, and run it in SQL Server Management
Studio. You need to copy the latest application binaries and update IIS.
You need to do this for development, testing, user acceptance testing, staging, and
production environments. You may also have a number of clients on different versions.
Thats a lot of work, and it often results in coming into the office out of hours to do
Error prone. At any one of these stages, a small mistake could have serious
consequences - the backup wasnt created correctly, the update script mistakenly
dropped a column, a file was missing from the website. Any one of these things can
cause big problems for the business and unnecessary headaches for you.
Single point of failure. Typically, few people have access to the production server. The
deployment scripts are complicated, and few people know how they work. If those people
are unavailable, you may need to delay a release. If problems occur, it could be down to
one person to apply the necessary fixes.
Opaque. Which version of our software does customer X have? Which version is in QA?
Did the latest version on production go through the appropriate test environments first?
Who do I need to talk to about a deployment gone wrong? All of these questions are hard
to answer when deploying manually.
An automated deployment process seeks to solve these problems.

II. Introducing Deployment Manager


Automated deployment using Red Gate tools

Introducing Deployment Manager

Deployment Manager is Red Gates new automated deployment tool. It is designed to

make deployments as easy as possible.

Deployment Manager installs two main components, a server and an agent. The server
component provides a web UI for running deployments. If you want, the whole team can
have access. The agent is installed onto all machines that you wish to deploy to. A secure
connection (public/private key cryptography, as used with SSH or HTTPS) is established
between the server and the agents.
Using the Deployment Manager interface, you can define the configuration of your
projects, using a collection of concepts:
Environment. An environment such as Development, Testing, or Production.
Machine. A physical or virtual machine that you wish to deploy to. These are added to
environments. You can deploy to multiple machines per environment.
Package. Packages are the artifacts that contain your application. A package is created
for each component of your application: websites, web services, and databases.
These are typically created by a continuous integration server, but can also be created
via scripts. More detail on packages and the various formats can be found in the next
Feed. A package feed is where all of your packages live, a bit like an artifact repository.
Variables. Variables are used to customize the deployment process, including between
Project. A project is a component that you wish to deploy as a single unit, and comprises
multiple packages and variables.

III. Package-based deployment


Automated deployment using Red Gate tools

Package-based deployment

Packages are a key component of Red Gates Continuous Delivery story. Packages
gather together all your changes and apply them to an environment in the correct order.
As a result, you dont have to apply each change manually at the appropriate stage of
deployment. These packages are created either by a continuous integration system,
or from scripts. Once created, they do not change, and are added to a repository
of available packages, so that they can be accessed by other parts of the build and
deployment process.


pulls from

pushes to




Red Gate deployment packages are based on the NuGet package format, which presents
a number of advantages:
Repositories. Microsoft offers a free NuGet package server, and some continuous
integration servers are adding native support for this.
Industry-standard. NuGet is a Microsoft technology that has support from a number of
community tools, such as NuGet Package Explorer.
Versioning. NuGet packages contain versioning meta-data.
Packages can contain anything you need, and custom deployment logic can be added
to any package using PowerShell scripts. On deployment of a package, Deployment
Manager will look for and run the following named scripts:
PreDeploy.ps1 Called before deployment.
Deploy.ps1 Called on deployment.
PostDeploy.ps1 Called after a successful deployment.

III. Package-based deployment

Automated deployment using Red Gate tools

There are two special types of deployment package supported by Deployment Manager:
web application packages and database packages.
Deployment Package

Web Application


There are two command line tools that can be used to create these packages
easily, RgPublish.exe and sqlCI.exe. These can be downloaded together, along with
DeploymentManager.exe, from:
The next two sections will detail the format of these two special package types, how they
are created, and how they are deployed.

A. Red Gate web application packages

Web application packages are intended for deployment of website applications and
services. The structure of a typical web application package is shown below:


Web application packages are identified by the

presence of a Web.config file. On deployment of
a web application package, the target website is
reconfigured in IIS to point to the contents of the
deployed package. The website to use is identified
by the RedGateWebSiteName variable. If none is
specified, the package name is used by default.




Different Web.config files may needed for each

environment. For example, in the production
environment the application may connect to a
different database, and need a different connection
string. You can transform Web.config files on a
per environment basis by adding a web config
transform file with the environment name in the
middle - Web.Production.config, for example.



III. Package-based deployment


Automated deployment using Red Gate tools

Red Gate database packages

Database packages are intended for deployment of SQL Server databases. The structure
of a database package is shown below:


Scripts folders are Red Gate format scripts folders, as

used by SQL Compare and SQL Source Control. They
store the state of the database, including the schema and
any static lookup data, as a collection of SQL files.

state (Scripts folder content)
doc (Html documentation)
migrations (Migration scripts folder content)
(Existing package version)

In specific cases, such as renaming of tables, SQL

Compare cannot generate the correct deployment
script. Migration scripts are a means of allowing users to
incorporate custom scripts for specific changes. If these
are included in the package, the SQL Compare engine
uses them to create accurate upgrade scripts.

state (Scripts folder content)


state [Scripts folder content]
doc [Html documentation]
migrations [Migration scripts folder content]
[Existing package version]
state [Scripts folder content]

All items are optional. The minimum needed to deploy a database

package is the state, or a single upgrade script.

III. Package-based deployment

Automated deployment using Red Gate tools

Database packages are identified by the presence of a /db/ folder

in the root. On deployment of a database package, the target database
is upgraded. There are two types of database upgrade:
Static Upgrade. Upgrade scripts for specific target versions of the database are
generated using the SQL Compare engine and included in the package when it is first
created. State can optionally be specified to allow pre-deploy validation, ensuring that
the database has not drifted and is in the expected state before deployment. Database
drift is often a challenge of reliable deployment, but by using the SQL Compare engine to
validate database state, you can ensure upgrade scripts run reliably.
The specific target versions (of the database) to create are specified using the sqlCI.exe tool,
when the package is created. This type of upgrade is intended to be used for deploying to
staging or production environments. It is intended to verify not just the software, but also
the accuracy of the deployment process, through the use of consistent scripts.
Dynamic Upgrade. The upgrade is performed automatically on the agent, using the SQL
Compare engine. This is useful for keeping development and testing environments up to
date with the minimum amount of effort, as target versions do not have to be specified.
Post-deploy validation can also be performed, to ensure the database has the expected
state after the upgrade. This is performed using the SQL Compare engine in the same
way as the pre-deploy validation, by ensuring there are no differences.
Please note that a valid license for SQL Compare is required on the machine using the
SQL Compare engine.

IV. Example Deployment Manager use case

Automated deployment using Red Gate tools

IV. Example Deployment Manager use case


The application

As an example, weve created a simple, multi-tier application that uses ASP.NET and a
SQL Server database:

The example application and associated files are available to download from the
Deployment Manager page on the Red Gate website:


IV. Example Deployment Manager use case

Automated deployment using Red Gate tools

The application code is developed in Visual Studio using Subversion for source control.
The database is developed in SQL Server Management Studio using SQL Prompt and
SQL Source Control linked to Subversion.
Note: We used Subversion, but any source control system could be used.

Web config transforms are used for each of the environments to override the database
connection strings.


IV. Example Deployment Manager use case


Automated deployment using Red Gate tools


There are four different environments for this application: Development, Testing, Staging,
and Production. Each environment comprises a separate website and database. Each
developer has their own Development environment on their machine, but there is also a
shared Development environment that is kept up to date by the continuous integration
system. Testing is a shared environment used by our testing team to test the application.
Staging is used to test the deployment to Production, our live environment.
We have configured our continuous integration server, in this case TeamCity by JetBrains,
to build our application code and database, and run tests on the application and
database. The output of this continuous integration process is a set of packages, one for
each component. These packages are automatically published to the package repository
after being created. We have also configured our build to keep the shared development
environment up to date automatically.
For more detail on configuring continuous integration for databases, see the partner
whitepaper, Continuous integration for databases using Red Gate tools, available from:


IV. Example Deployment Manager use case

Automated deployment using Red Gate tools

We have configured our automated deployment tool, Red Gate Deployment Manager, to
include the four environments and the two components in one project. This allows us to
deploy the application and database together in a single step:

Development and Testing environments are deployed using the dynamic database
upgrade type, and Staging and Production are deployed using upgrade scripts. This
enables us to have complete convenience when automatically deploying to Development,
and to have the consistency we need to be able to test the deployment through to


Making a change

Once our project has both continuous integration and automated deployment configured,
we can start enjoying the benefits of this as we develop our software. Lets add an extra
column to the database and update our object model to retrieve it.
First we add the column, and commit that using SQL Source Control:


IV. Example Deployment Manager use case

Automated deployment using Red Gate tools

Next we commit the corresponding change to our application code:

After each commit, our continuous integration process picks up the changes, builds
them, tests them, creates a package, and asks Deployment Manager to create a release
and deploy it to the shared Development environment. This means the team can always
see the latest version of the software, shortly after it is committed.
When the QA team is ready to test the latest version, they can promote the release
from Development to Testing using the Deployment Manager UI. Later, when QA have
approved the build, the release manager can promote the release from Testing to Staging,
and finally to Production.
Different users of Deployment Manager can have different roles. Roles allow you
to configure access per user, including which environments a user can deploy to.
For example, you may want developers to only be able to deploy to development
This is just one example configuration, from a number of options. For example, the QA
team may choose to automatically receive new builds.


V. Command line tools


Automated deployment using Red Gate tools

Command line tools

Database and web application packages can be created using two command line
packaging tools. These can be integrated into a continuous integration process, but can
also be called from scripts.

A. RgPublish.exe
This tool creates Red Gate deployment packages that can contain anything that you need
to deploy. It can be used to create web application packages for .NET web applications
and services.

B. sqlCI.exe
This tool performs all required database continuous integration tasks, including creating
Red Gate Database Packages for SQL Server databases. These packages represent a
specific version of a database, and contain all information needed to upgrade previously
released databases. The tool is typically called from a set of NANT scripts, MSBuild
scripts or our TeamCity database CI add-in. Please see our database CI pages for more

Example syntax:
sqlCI.exe --scriptsFolder=temporary_folder packageId=WidgetShop

--packageVersion=1.0 packageRepository=http://dmserver:8080/nuget/


V. Command line tools

Automated deployment using Red Gate tools








Package name.



Package build number.



Path to the database scripts

folder in source control.

Package repository URL for

publishing and retrieving
The API key of the NuGet


Package Repository for publishing the package.



Generates a script that will

create the source database.

See the documentation for a full list of sqlCI.exe syntax:


V. Command line tools

Automated deployment using Red Gate tools

C. DeploymentManager.exe
This tool makes it easy to interact with the Deployment Manager server from the
command line. The following commands are available:

Command arguments:



Creates and (optionally) deploys a release.


Deploys a release.


Lists all environments.

Example syntax:
DeploymentManager.exe create-release --server=http://dmserver
--project=WidgetShop --deployTo=Development --releaseversion=1.4
--packageVersion=webapp=1.5 --apiKey=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

The following arguments should be specified:








The version of the release to create.



The version of the package to deploy.



The environment to deploy a newly created release to.


The name of the project in Deployment Manager, to create
a release for or deploy.
The hostname of the machine running Deployment

The API key used to authenticate calls to the Deployment

Manager server.

Note: Detailed help explaining the various arguments required by the commands is
available, and can be shown by prefixing the command help in front of the command.
For example, to see all arguments for the create-release command, enter:
DeploymentManager.exe help create-release


VI. Further reading and resources

Automated deployment using Red Gate tools

VI. Further reading and resources

For more detail on setting up continuous integration for databases, visit

Continuous integration for

databases using Red Gate tools
A technical overview

For more detail on Deployment Manager or to download resources such as the example
application shown in this whitepaper, visit
Various Red Gate tools have been mentioned in this paper:

SQL Compare
Compares databases and creates upgrade scripts.

SQL Source Control

Helps maintain database schema and data in a source control system within
SQL Server Management Studio.
Allows for the creation of custom migration scripts which are saved to
source control.
Both these tools are available from
Other recommended background reading:
The NuGet command line and NuGet repositories.
Web.config transforms.
Continuous integration servers.


VII. Conclusions

Automated deployment using Red Gate tools

VII. Conclusions
This whitepaper has explained how it is possible to automate your deployment process
using Red Gate tools, saving lots of time and pain, essentially, opening up the deployment
process to your team.
We have shown how package-based deployments make for repeatable deployments,
and explained how various Red Gate package formats can be used to package the entire
A sample multi-tier application was presented. We explained an example configuration
and we looked at some of the benefits of using continuous integration and automated
deployment, specifically using Red Gate tools.
We hope that this whitepaper has been informative, and that it will help you get started
with automating the deployment of your applications.


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