The Invoking Pentagram Ritual of Earth

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The ritual details the Lesser Invoking Pentagram Ritual of Earth which is used to invoke the energy and call the spiritual forces into one's temple or ritual space. It involves tracing invoking pentagrams, calling on archangels, and includes a prayer to communicate with elemental forces.

The purpose of this ritual is to invoke the energy of Earth and call the spiritual forces into one's temple or ritual space. It is recommended to be performed daily for those in the Zelator grade.

The steps involved in performing this ritual are: the Fourfold Breath, Qabalistic Cross, tracing invoking pentagrams at the four quarters while calling on archangels and charging the pentagrams, giving adoration to God, reciting a prayer, and repeating the Qabalistic Cross.

The Invoking Pentagram Ritual of Earth

The Lesser Rituals of the Pentagram, or commonly called Lesser

Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, and the Lesser Invoking
Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP/LIRP), were the only actual
rituals taught to and used by the Outer Order of the traditional
Golden Dawn.
However, we have adapted this Lesser Invoking Pentagram Ritual
as an introduction ritual to the Elemental Earth principle of
nature, while still adhering to principles set forth by the Founders.
This Lesser Invoking Ritual should be used as a Daily Ritual
which will help invoke the energy and call the spiritual forces into
ones temple or ritual space. It is recommended to be perfomed in
the mornings for as long as one is in the Zelator grade.
Relax and Perform The Fourfould Breath
Perform The Qabalistic Cross
1. Touching the forehead, say Atah.
2. Touching the breast, say Malkuth.
3. Touching the right shoulder, say ve-Geburah.
4. Touching the left shoulder, say ve-Gedulah.
5. Clasping the hands upon the breast, say le-Olam, AMEN.

Facing East, use the index finger of the right hand, a dagger, or
the White end of the Outer Wand of Double Power to trace a large
black Lesser Invoking Pentagram.

Charge it with Light by piercing either the dagger, wand tip or

index finger through the center of the pentagram and vibrate
"AGLA!" (Ah-gah-lah).
Keep the arm extended while tracing a line of white Light as you
turn or move to the SOUTH. (Keep the right arm extended
throughout; never let it drop.)
Facing South, with the White end of the wand trace another large
Lesser Invoking Pentagram .

Charge the pentagram as before by thrusting the wand, through

the center of the pentagram and vibrate, "AGLA!" (Ah-gah-lah).
Keeping the arm extended, trace a line of white Light as you turn
or move to the WEST.
Facing West, with the White end of the wand trace again a large
Lesser Invoking Pentagram.

Charge the pentagram as before by thrusting the wand, through

the center of the pentagram and vibrate, "AGLA!" (Ah-gah-lah).

Keeping the arm extended, trace a line of white Light as you turn
or move to the NORTH.
Facing North, with the White end of the wand trace a large
invoking Earth pentagram.

Charge the pentagram as before by thrusting the wand, through

the center of the pentagram and vibrate, "AGLA!" (Ah-gah-la).
Keeping the arm extended, trace a line of white Light as you turn
or move back to the EAST.
Facing to the East extend both arms out in the form of a cross and
say, "Before me RAPHAEL" (Rah-fahy-el). Visualize before
you the great Archangel of Air rising out of the clouds in flowing
yellow and violet robes, carrying a Caduceus Wand.
Behind you visualize another figure and say "Behind me
GABRIEL" (Gah-bree-el). See the Archangel stepping out of
the sea like the goddess Venus, dressed in robes of blue and
orange, with cup in hand.

See to your right another figure in flaming red and green robes
carrying a sword Say "On my right hand MICHAEL" (Meechai-el).
See another great Archangel at your left, who rises up from the
vegetation of the Earth in robes of citrine, olive, russet, and black,
holding stems of ripened wheat. "On my left hand URIEL"

(Say:) "For about me flames the pentagram, and in the

columnshines the Six-rayed Star."
Give the Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
Go to the North and Give the Zelator Sign
Facing North Recite the PRAYER OF THE GNOMES:
O Invisible King Who, taking the Earth for Foundation, didst
hollow its depths to fill them with Thy Almighty Power. Thou
Whose Name shaketh the Arches of the World! Thou who causest
the Seven Metals to flow through the veins of the rocks! King of
the Seven Lights! Rewarder of the subterranean Workers! Lead us
into the desirable Air and into the Realm of Splendor. We watch
and we labor unceasingly, we seek and we hope, by the twelve
stones of the Holy City, by the buried Talismans, by the Axis of
the Lodestone which passes through the center of the Earth. O
Lord, O Lord, O Lord! Have pity upon those who suffer. Expand
our hearts, detach and upraise our minds, enlarge our natures. O
Stability and Motion! O Darkness veiled in Brilliance! O Day
clothed in Night! O Master who never dost withhold the wages of
Thy Workmen! O Silver Whiteness! O Golden Splendor! O
Crown of Living and Melodious Diamond! Thou who wearest the
Heavens on Thy Finger like a ring of Sapphire! Thou who hidest
beneath the Earth in the Kingdom of Gems, the marvelous Seed
of the Stars! Live, reign, and be Thou the Eternal Dispenser of the
Treasures whereof Thou hast made us the Wardens!
Give the Zelator Sign
Repeat The Qabalistic Cross.

Note: A few of the benefits that may be obtained from this

ritual; it will aid in grounding mental and emotional conditions,
it will allow the student to call forth the four elements of Earth
within his/her circle, and the Zelator will have the ability to
commune with the great Archangel Uriel. A few basic rules
should be kept in mind when performing the ritual. While in the
learning stage, it is advisable not to perform it before going to
sleep. The energies invoked may be too potent for a novice and
therefore may disturb one's peace of mind, making it hard to get
any rest. Keep in mind that the Archangels are to be facing the
Zelator in the ritual, and lastly, that it is not necessary to
perform the L.B.R.P. after this under normal circumstances.
What is meant by normal circumstances is to say that other than
conditions of using the ritual for balancing, grounding and
conversing with the Archangel Auriel, it is usually not necessary
to banish afterwards.

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