Best Practice Active Directory Design For Managing Windows Networks
Best Practice Active Directory Design For Managing Windows Networks
Best Practice Active Directory Design For Managing Windows Networks
With the Active Directory service of Windows 2000, organizations can simplify user and resource management while
creating a scalable, secure, and manageable infrastructure for deploying additional important and emerging technologies.
To help shorten planning cycles and ensure successful deployments Microsoft is publishing a series of scenariobased guides
that provide prescriptive, taskbased, and solutionoriented guidance.
The Best Practice Active Directory Design for Managing Windows Networks and its companion guide, Best Practice Active
Directory Deployment for Managing Windows Networks, are part of this series. These guides provide a structured approach to
designing and deploying Active Directory. Without this structured approach, implementing Active Directory in your
organization can take longer than expected.
These guides encapsulate planning and deployment expertise from Microsoft's product team with lessons learned from
customers who have already designed and deployed Active Directory in their organizations.
Active Directory Deployment Scenarios
Unlike specialpurpose directories, Active Directory can play a variety of roles within an organization. These roles range from
managing Windows networks to supporting directoryenabled ecommerce applications. However, the way you intend to
use Active Directory will affect the way that you make important design and deployment decisions.
Active Directory for Windows Network Management
This guide focuses on providing best practicebased guidance for deploying Active Directory for the purpose of managing
networks comprised of Windows clients, Windows servers and Windowscompatible applications and devices. This guide will
refer to this as the network operating system NOS management role. Benefits of deploying Active Directory in a NOS
management role include:
Centralized management of very large Windows networks Active Directory is designed to support millions of objects.
The ability to eliminate resource domains, including the hardware and administration they entail.
Policybased desktop lockdown and software distribution.
The ability to delegate administrative control over resources where appropriate.
Simplified location and use of shared resources.
For additional information about the business value of deploying Active Directory visit
This guide only covers deploying Active Directory and DNS core services as part of managing a Windows network.
Other services that are layered on Active Directory can be added later and do not affect the initial design. For
example, Group Policy can simplify management by providing policybased administration for users, groups,
workstations, and servers. Some services that can be layered on Active directory are:
Group Policy
Exchange 2000
Integrated public key infrastructure PKI services
Domainbased DFS
Special Considerations for Branch Office Deployments
Microsoft has identified a number of special considerations for deploying Active Directory in branch office environments. The
characteristics of a branch office environment include:
A large number of physical locations that need to contain replicas of Active Directory data.
A small number of users per location.
A hub and spoke network topology where many branch offices rely on connectivity to a centralized hub site for
communications to other parts of the organization.
Slow network connectivity between the branch office locations and the hub site.
Because of the ramifications of these requirements, Microsoft has developed additional content focused on deploying Active
Directory in branch office environments. The Active Directory Branch Office Planning Guide is available online at This content is
designed to be used together with the Best Practice Active Directory Design for Managing Windows Networks guide as
Special Considerations for Exchange 2000 Deployments
This guide will help you to design an Active Directory deployment that could host Exchange 2000. However, the information
needed to successfully deploy Exchange 2000 as part of your Active Directory is not presented here.
For details see Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server Upgrade Series at
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This guide was written for IT professionals who are going to participate in an Active Directory planning and deployment
project. This includes architects, project managers, system integrators, and consultants.
Because Active Directory is best deployed as a corporatewide infrastructure, the design team will likely involve many people
in your organization. This guide will make it clear what types of representatives are needed at various stages of the project.
Project teams must gain the buyin of these representatives for the design decisions that affect their part of the organization.
For example, deploying Active Directory in most companies requires integration with an existing DNS infrastructure. The
people who manage these systems will be critical to the success of the project. At the same time, it is important to keep
teams as small as possible to make decisions easier to reach.
It is very important to note that deploying Active Directory in a Windows network management role should be driven at the
corporate level not at the departmental level. If you are a departmental administrator and want to deploy Active Directory,
you should contact your corporate IT administrator for assistance. Failure to do so may make it difficult to join your
departmental deployment to a corporatelevel Active Directory deployment in the future.
Project Roles
While there will be many individuals involved in a typical Active Directory deployment, it is especially important to staff two
roles early on: a project architect and a project manager. In a large organization, several individuals might share these roles.
Table 1 summarizes the Active Directory design roles.
Table 1 Active Directory Design Roles
Design role
Specialist or consultant responsible for technical decisionmaking and for ensuring that
the design fulfills the organization's business goals.
Acts as the single point of contact to drive progress on the design by involving the
appropriate people and garnering consensus. Responsible for all planning and
scheduling to support the design.
Project Architect
Each forest requires an Active Directory architect to oversee the Active Directory design and migration process. An
information technology IT architect or IT systems planner who has prior directory management experience would be a likely
candidate. Otherwise, consider hiring a consultant who has experience with Active Directory design and deployment. Hiring a
consultant brings important experience and perspective to the design team and may be particularly helpful in working
through crossorganizational issues.
The Active Directory architect's responsibilities include:
Owning the Active Directory design.
Understanding the rationale for key design decisions.
Determining if the organization's business goals are being met.
Suggesting other solutions that might better reflect business needs, if necessary.
The final Active Directory design must reflect a combination of business goals and technical decisions. Therefore the project
architect will review design decisions, compare them to business goals, and make sure that the two remain in alignment.
Project Manager
To promote an effective design process, management should nominate a person, or a small committee, to the role of project
manager. The project manager facilitates cooperation across business units as well as with groups that manage technologies
such as DNS, networks, and Windows NT. A project manager's responsibilities include:
Providing basic project planning, such as scheduling and budgeting.
Driving progress on the Active Directory design.
Involving the right people during each part of the design process.
Serving as single point of contact for the directory project.
Garnering consensus among teams.
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In this example, the organization has delegated some aspects of administration to the division manager of the West domain.
The division manager of the West domain has in turn delegated some aspects of administration to its subdivision managers.
In the same fashion, Active Directory supports a hierarchical structure that creates levels of administrative delegation for
supporting the directory service and all forest objects.
As you design your logical model following the stepbystep procedures later in the guide you will essentially be deciding
where to place forest, domain, and OU boundaries.
Physical Models
Once you have designed the logical model, the physical nature of the network will determine what additional tasks you need
to perform. These tasks might include deciding where to place replicas of domain and global catalog data. You will also need
to describe your network topology at the subnet level to Active Directory so that it can set up an optimized path for inter
local area network LAN communications, such as replication traffic.
You will want to pay particular attention to replication decisions because they impact both network traffic and scope of data
visibility. For example, domain controllers do not replicate directory data between forests. Domain controllers hosting the
global catalog contain a partial description of every object in the forest, and share this information forestwide, but only with
other domain controllers containing the global catalog. Within each domain, all data updates to objects within the domain
replicate automatically to each of the domain's domain controllers, but not to domain controllers in other domains.
Again, this guide provides stepbystep guidance on all physical model decisions and procedures.
Additional Reading
This guide provides only a limited amount of background information on the concepts, technology, and terminology behind
Active Directory. If you are not familiar with the Active Directory concepts presented in this guide, you should begin by
reading and understanding the information contained in the following.
Active Directory Overview, available online at:
Active Directory Architecture, available online at:
For further background information, we also recommend:
The Active Directory Glossary, available online at:
Active Directory Users, Computers, and Groups, is available online at:
The Directory Services section of the Windows 2000 Technical Library, is available online at:
Chapter 1, "Active Directory Logical Structure" in the Distributed Systems Guide of the Windows 2000 Server Resource
Chapter 9, "Designing the Active Directory Structure" in the Deployment Planning Guide of the Windows 2000 Server
Resource Kit, is available online at:
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The Active Directory architect and project manager are responsible for completing a forest plan for their organization. The
plan should contain a list of forests to be designed for the organization with:
Name of each forest owner.
Scope of each forest.
Table 2 lists these and other roles assigned the forest owner and the responsibilities associated with each. The forest owner
controls the forest through three security groups:
Domain Admins of the forest root domain
Enterprise Admins
Schema Admins
Table 2 Roles and Responsibilities of the Forest Owner
Controls domain controller configuration throughout the forest to manage replication issues.
Controls membership of Domains Admins, Enterprise Admins, and Schema Admins security
groups in the forest root domain.
Administrative oversight
of all domain data
Through the Enterprise Admins group, the forest owner can correct errors anywhere in the
directory. Although you can block Enterprise Admins administrative access to nonroot
domains, this is not the best practice.
Administrative owner of
the schema
Administrative and
policy owner of the
Note: The forest owner should always be a highly trusted individual. Therefore no valid reason exists for blocking the forest
owner's access to data in nonroot domains. Should a serious error occur in a domain's data, due to malicious or benign
actions, the forest owner will need access to the domain to fix the problem.
Figure 2: Hierarchy of directory service administrative roles for a single forest with four domains
Table 3 separates the major Active Directory Administrative roles into service ownership and data ownership roles.
Table 3 Active Directory Service and Data Ownership Roles
Service owners
Data owners
Forest owner
Domain owners
DNS owners
Site topology owners
In a large forest, each owner role may be shared by a group of administrators, each with the necessary administrative
authority to perform the requisite duties. In a smaller organization, one individual may perform several roles.
Note: The forest owner alone determines who becomes a domain owner. Domain owners have administrative control over
the domain controllers in the forest and therefore must be highly trusted.
Figure 6 illustrates the forest design process. During the forest design process, the project manager and Active Directory
architect will determine the number of forests to design for your organization. Because it represents the smallest possible
management overhead, a single forest is ideal. However, due to several constraints, a single forest may not be possible and
the goal becomes minimizing the total number of forests. To determine the number of forests needed:
1. Identify all candidate directory service providers.
2. Assign divisions to a forest based on technical and organizational factors.
Figure 6: Task flow for determining the number of forests in your organization
Identifying Candidate Directory Service Providers
Determine the highest level of IT administrators within your organization that have a mandate to deliver directory services for
a Windows network. You may discover you have more than one entity in your organization capable of delivering directory
Your organization might have a centralized IT model with a chief information officer CIO who delegates IT administration to
divisional administrators as needed. This situation indicates a single candidate directory service provider and therefore a
single candidate forest.
In contrast, your organization might have a decentralized IT model, where divisionlevel IT administrators perform network
administration and delegation within their autonomous organizations. Peer CIOs commonly occur in organizations with
distributed authority. This situation suggests a multiple candidate directory service providers and therefore multiple
candidate forests.
Your organization may have already deployed Active Directory for a different purpose. Consider any current forest owners as
candidate directory service providers. The existing directory may support messaging, Windows network services for limited
number of business units, or some other purpose. Whether your existing Active Directory might become the foundation for
expanded directory services depends upon its purpose and how it was deployed.
Assigning Forests
Determine the minimum number of forests that your organization requires to satisfy its business needs. To assign the correct
number of forests to your organization:
1. If you have identified only one candidate directory service provider, then this individual, who will become your forest
owner, should proceed to Part II: Creating a Forest Design.
2. If you identified multiple candidate directory service providers, then determine if you can designate one candidate as
the forest owner with all other candidates as forest participants. The following section, "Participating in a Single or
Subscription Forest, will help you make these decisions.
3. If not all candidate directory service providers can agree on a single forest, determine if a subscription forest will work
for most of your candidate directory service providers.
Note: Set a time by which you, the candidate directory service provider, will make your decision whether to join a
forest. If creating a single forest requires that you change your current business practices and it is taking far longer
than you had anticipated, you should probably create your own forest.
4. If your attempt to implement a subscription forest failed, then each candidate directory service provider should create
a new, separate forest.
The ramifications of making such a decision are detailed in the following section, "Creating Your Own Forest."
One candidate directory service provider may lack the interest, budget, or mandate to proceed with the deployment. In this
case, this candidate directory service provider can opt out of deploying Active Directory at this time and can revisit
deployment at a later date without blocking the remaining candidate directory service providers from proceeding with their
Participating in a Single or Subscription Forest
A forest might already exist or a group within your organization may have offered to manage the directory for other
divisions. Candidate directory service providers should become a forest participant if possible.
Choosing forest ownership or forest participation gives rise to different set of responsibilities for the candidate. The forest
participant, as data owner, is responsible for managing the data, whereas the forest owner, as service owner, is responsible
for maintaining the directory as a service. For example, the data owner ensures that a user's password is properly set,
whereas the service owner ensures that the password replicates to all domain controllers. Table 4 provides a comparison of
the responsibilities incurred when owning and participating in a forest.
When subscribing to directory services provided by another group, you reduce your administrative costs by:
Not initiating your own design process.
Not duplicating directory management, such as:
Expert planning teams for directory deployment and operations.
Domain controller hardware management.
Directory structure management.
Not isolating your users from users, resources, and services in other forests.
A shared forest works in many situations and greatly simplifies Active Directory management. Sharing a single, consistent
configuration across all domains in the forest has specific advantages that include the following:
Schema changes only need to be applied once to affect all domains.
Configuration changes only need to be applied once to affect all domains.
Single common global catalog for all users.
Automatic trusts between all domains.
Your current business practices determine the value and feasibility of sharing a forest.
Some candidate directory service providers may opt to remove themselves from a shared forest design because they have
distinct security requirements or have network and administrative constraints that are not addressed in the shared forest.
Table 5 summarizes the characteristics present in most shared forests.
Table 5 Characteristics of a Shared Forest
You can trust the forest owner and all domain owners in the forest.
All domain controllers will be in secure locations or you can accept the risks involved in having
domain controllers in unsecure locations.
You can abide by common schema and configuration policies set out by the forest owner.
Name resolution
IT organization
Important: Every domain controller in the forest contains a writable copy of the schema and configuration containers. If an
individual can install software on or gain physical access to a domain controller the individual may be able to circumvent
security features built into Windows 2000 and make changes to these containers. This represents a security risk to the forest.
Best practice guidelines recommend that:
All administrators such as domain administrators, who can install software on a domain controller, should be highly
Domain controllers be kept in secure locations.
Lacking any of the required characteristics prohibits forest sharing. A potential forest participant can deviate from the
recommended characteristics and still share a forest. However, if a potential forest participant lacks too many of these
characteristics, then forest participation becomes technically difficult and less beneficial. Deviating from the recommended
characteristics in Table 5 is not a best practice. If your design deviates, you should seek expert assistance for your design and
If you choose to join a forest, verify that the forest has a clear ownership. Sharing the ownership of a forest with another IT
group or splitting the management across multiple outsourcers might present organizational challenges that you may wish
to avoid.
Creating Your Own Forest
Although sharing a forest has a number of benefits, these benefits are proportional to the level of cooperation and
collaboration between its divisions. You probably should not plan a single forest for your organization if:
You require autonomy.
You must have full control over service delivery or you cannot accept the terms offered by another forest owner.
You do not collaborate with other divisions as a rule.
If collaboration occurs, try to determine the nature of the collaboration. Collaboration can mean exchanging emails or
something closer, such as accessing each other's intranet, accessing shares, and sharing applications. If divisions
collaborate closely, then they should reside in the same forest.
If collaboration is the exception rather than the rule, you can configure trusts on a casebycase basis with domains in
other forests. For example, you may currently restrict the level of collaboration between divisions with firewalls.
Your previous infrastructure deployments have failed due to the diverse cultures or missions within your greater
When putting together your forest design remember that administrative autonomy has a cost associated with it. The trade
off between autonomy and management efficiency should be carefully considered.
Note: Divestitures can create uncertainty about how to proceed with forest planning. Should you include the division that
you plan to spin off in your forest or put the division in its own forest? The recommendation is that you create a separate
forest for a division if you are absolutely sure that you are spinning off that division. Otherwise, include the division.
Migrating the division to a new forest should the divestiture succeed requires the same level of effort as merging the division
into the forest should the divestiture fail.
Implications of Interforest Collaboration
Because each forest is administered separately, adding additional forests to your design increases your organization's
management overhead. When debating whether to create your own forest, weigh the ramifications listed in Table 6 against
any benefits. If your division rarely collaborates with other business units, these factors may be relatively unimportant to you
in making your decision.
Table 6 Implications of Interforest Collaboration
Change in
No automatic
transitive trusts
To access resources in another forest, you must establish explicit trusts between the two domains
No Kerberos
No single global
catalog of objects
In order to create a single view across multiple forests, you will need to set up directory
synchronization software, such as Microsoft Metadirectory Services.Having multiple global
catalogs may impact certain applications such as Exchange 2000.
If the machine account and user account are in different forests, must use oldstyle names to
identify users.
Figure 7: Task flow performed by each forest owner to design the forest
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To avoid these limitations, larger organizations typically deployed Windows NT as several master user domains MUDs for
accounts and a large number of resource domains RDs. Administrators within these domains created trusts to link users and
resources throughout the organization. Figure 8 shows a typical organization's Windows NT master domain model structure.
Area of responsibility
Associated tasks
Configuring domainwide
Creating domain and domain user account policies such as password, Kerberos, and
account lockout.
Delegating datalevel
Caution: The level of trust required of domain owners demands that these individuals be carefully screened. In turn, the
domain owner should tightly control the membership of all builtin and wellknown administrative users and groups.
Limiting the forest root domain administrative membership reduces the likelihood that an
administrative error will impact the entire forest.
A small root domain can be easily replicated anywhere on your network to provide
protection against geographically centered catastrophes.
You can never retire the root domain, even if your organization changes. A dedicated root
domain never becomes obsolete because it functions solely as the forest root.
Ownership easily
Transferring ownership of the root domain to transfer forest ownership does not involve
migrating production data or resources.
The role of the forest root domain centers on defining and managing the infrastructure. Managing the directory
infrastructure requires new administrative roles and responsibilities. Plan to reserve the dedicated root domain for forest
administration exclusively. Avoid including any users or resources not dedicated to forest administration in the forest root
Single, Global Child Domain
A single global child domain of the forest root domain has all users, computers, and group accounts in a single child domain,
except those of directory administrators residing in the forest root. Figure 9 illustrates a forest with a single global child
Figure 9: Forest with a root domain and a single global child domain
Geographically Based Domains
All object data corresponding to a domain is fully replicated to all domain controllers within the domain. For this reason,
forests containing a large number of users distributed among widelyspaced locations with poor widearea network WAN
connections may require a geographically based set of child domains. If your organization cannot support a single, global
child domain design, then geographically based domains are a best practice because they:
Map well to network WAN connectivity.
Map well to the global IT management groups in the typical organization.
Are based on a stable structure.
Note: In some organizations divisions developed as autonomous units that currently provide their own IT infrastructure and
do not coordinate services with any other divisions.
A forest owner, who is ultimately responsible for delivering services to the forest, is generally not willing to delegate
responsibility for directory services to an IT administrator from an autonomous division. Furthermore, security considerations
demand that all domain owners in a shared forest trust one another. The IT administrator from an autonomous division
probably wants an independent domain to achieve some level of autonomy. Maintaining this level of autonomy can only be
accomplished by creating a separate forest. For these reasons, organizationally based domains are not a best practice.
Figure 10 illustrates a forest containing geographically based child domains.
Figure 10: Forest with a dedicated forest root and three child domains
During the domain design phase, you will evaluate the existing IT environment and current administrative design to
determine how best to combine current Windows NT domains into a minimum number of Active Directory domains.
Deliverables include specifying:
1. The number of Active Directory domains in the design.
2. The scope of each new Active Directory domain.
3. A name for each domain.
4. Whether each Active Directory domain is created or upgraded from Windows NT.
The domain design process, which should help you to achieve one of the best practice domain models, includes the
following steps:
1. Design the dedicated forest root domain.
2. Select a single global or regional domain model.
3. If a single, global domain is insufficient, divide the global organization into regional domains.
4. For each domain, specify whether you will upgrade an existing Windows NT domain or create a new domain.
5. Map all remaining domains to one of the regional domains for consolidation.
Figure 11 illustrates the tasks involved in completing the domain design.
Prefix rule
Not likely to
Domains cannot be renamed, so avoid names such as a business line or operating
system that could become obsolete. Geographical names are recommended.
15 characters
or less
If you choose a prefix length of 15 characters or less, then the NetBIOS name used
by downlevel clients remains the same as the prefix.
2. Arrange with the DNS owner to delegate ownership of that name to you.
The DNS design section of this document discusses DNS names and DNS deployment planning in greater detail.
Selecting the Single Global or Regional Domain Model
Determine if your design will be a single, global domain or multiple, geographically based model. A single, global domain
model is preferred for the following reasons:
Users never need to be moved between domains.
Duplicate Group Policy settings that span domains are not necessary.
Any domain controller can process authentication for any user.
For some large organizations, the slowest network link connecting a domain controller may not be capable of handling the
replication traffic of a single, global domain. In such a case, select the regional domain model. Refer to Table 10 to determine
the maximum number of users that a single, global domain can accommodate. Consider growth in your organization when
using these guidelines.
Table 10 Replication Sizing Guidelines for a Single, Global Domain
Note: These estimates are for forests with up to 100,000 users. Larger forests are possible but not covered under these best
practice guidelines. These values provide conservative estimates. Assumptions are:
10% of the minimum bandwidth is available to handle replication.
All domain controllers DCs are global catalogs
Incoming new user rate is 20% per year
Effort involved
t of multiple
Because domain administrators have full control over a domain, the membership of
the domain administrators group for a domain must be carefully controlled. Each
added domain in a forest incurs this management overhead.
A domain controller can host only a single domain. Each new domain that you create
will require at least two computers to meet reliability and availability requirements.
Because all domain controllers can accept and originate changes, you must
physically guard them.
added possible point of failure. The fewer domains, the less your users will rely on
communications with multiple domain controllers to maintain service.
Group Policy
and access
t that is
common to
Group Policy and access control applied within a domain do not flow automatically
into other domains. If you have Group Policy settings or delegated administration
through access control that is uniform across many domains, they must be applied
separately to each domain.
likelihood of
having to
The ease of restructuring within a domain favors a minimum number of large, stable
domains in your domain design. As you add domains to the design, the likelihood
increases that you will need to move an object, such as a user, or a group of objects
from one domain to another. Moving a user within a domain is trivial. Moving a user
between domains can impact the user.
2. For each region, use Table 12 to determine if the region meets the sizing guidelines then:
a. Find the slowest network link connecting domain controllers, including links that connect this region with other
b. Finding the row on the chart corresponding to the slowest link rounding down.
c. If the number of users in the region exceeds the guideline, split the region into smaller regions
Consider growth in your organization when using these guidelines.
Table 12 Replication Sizing Guidelines for Regional Domains
Minimum bandwidth
3. Note: These estimates are for forests with up to 100,000 users. Larger forests are possible but are not covered under
theses best practice guidelines. These values provide conservative estimates. Assumptions are:
10% of the minimum bandwidth is available to handle replication.
All DCs are global catalogs
2. If you are migrating from an operating system other than Windows NT or if no Windows NT MUD upgrade candidates
exist, plan to create a new domain for the region.
More information about this topic is provided in the section, "Designing New Regional Domains" later in this part.
Evaluating Current Master User Domains in a Region
Important: This topic was created for organizations migrating from Windows NT. If your organization uses another
operating system, you can skip this topic.
If your organization is migrating from Windows NT, your users and resources currently reside in the Windows NT domains. In
this phase of the design the forest owner will determine how best to migrate and consolidate these Windows NT domains
into a finished Active Directory design.
Before beginning, create a master list of MUDs in this region that will join the forest. For each of these MUDs, complete a
master user domain worksheet. For each MUD, you will ultimately decide if you want to:
Upgrade the MUD inplace, meaning upgrading all of its domain controllers to Windows 2000 Active Directory.
Retire the MUD and migrate its user accounts to a new or upgraded domain.
Table 13 will help you to determine whether to upgrade a MUD or migrate its contents.
Table 13 Reasons For and Against Upgrading a MUD Inplace
Domain spans regions and its contents need to be split among other
regional domains.
It will take too long to upgrade the domain to native mode all DCs
Important: Keep in mind that if you choose to upgrade a Windows NT domain as your regional domain, this domain cannot
act as a target domain for domain consolidation until it is in native mode. Getting to Active Directory native mode might take
longer than expected if there are many BDCs in remote locations or needing hardware upgrades. In this case you might wish
to choose another Windows NT domain to upgrade or build a new domain as the consolidation target.
Ideally, you will choose one MUD from each region to upgrade to Windows 2000. However, you may not have a good
upgrade candidate in a region or may identify more than one upgrade candidate. If you do not have a good upgrade
candidate, you can create a new domain. This is covered in the next section.
If you identified more than one MUD that is an upgrade candidate, you can either:
Upgrade the largest MUD and consolidate the remaining MUDs into it.
Define additional regions and upgrade each MUD inplace.
If you decide to define additional regions, remember to consider the additional management effort associated with
adding domains to the forest.
For each domain that the forest owner chooses to inplace upgrade as part of the Active Directory design:
1. Assign a domain a DNS name.
Assign <domain_prefix>.<forest name> as the domain name. As a default, Windows 2000 will use the current
NetBIOS name as the domain prefix. You can change the domain prefix during the upgrade, but as a best practice
keep the default name. This ensures that when you are viewing the domain name in either Windows 2000 or earlier
tools, you will see the same name.
2. Assign someone to the domain owner role in the new domain.
3. Ensure that the current domain owner agrees to the plan.
Designing New Regional Domains
The forest owner will need to create new domains as part of the domain design if:
The organization does not currently have Windows NT domains.
None of the existing domains are suitable for upgrade.
Once new regional domains have been specified, distribute accounts and resources among these domains.
For each new domain that the forest owner chooses to add to the Windows 2000 design:
1. Assign the domain a DNS name.
Use <new name>.<forest name> as the domain name. Review the rules for creating a naming prefix listed in Table 9.
2. Assign someone to the domain owner role in the new domain.
Example of Specifying New or Upgraded Domains
In Figure 13, the domain design calls for a MUD from both the North American and South American regions to be inplace
upgraded to the position of Windows 2000 regional domain. In Europe, both MUDs have numerous domain controllers in
remote locations. The forest owner determined that in either case an inplace upgrade would take too long to reach native
mode. Therefore, a new domain was specified in the domain design. The three remaining MUDs will be consolidated into the
regional domain in their areas.
Figure 13: Creating Active Directory domains by either upgrading Windows NT MUDS triangle with a circle or by
creating a new domain triangle only
Consolidating Remaining Windows NT Account Domains
You should consolidate all remaining MUDs with their respective regional domains. Keep in mind that when you consolidate
a MUD into another domain that:
You can configure OUs to preserve the original domains organization and administration.
OU design is covered in a later section of this guide.
The consolidation process has a onetime impact on those users being migrated.
The user migration process is covered in detail in the companion guide, Best Practice Active Directory Deployment for
Managing Windows Networks.
Note: If you plan to split the contents of a Windows NT domain across multiple regional domains, as a best practice you
should migrate the contents into other target domains and not upgrade this domain inplace.
Create a mapping of all remaining MUDs to regional domains. Figure 14 illustrates how all the remaining Windows NT MUDs
are consolidated into the Active Directory regional domains for
Figure 15: Consolidating Windows NT resource domains into Windows 2000 domains
In this scenario, all resource domains were organized regionally. This made it easy to determine where in the regional
domain hierarchy to consolidate each resource domain.
Figure 16 illustrates the final Active Directory forest structure for The final design consists of a forest
root domain plus three regional domains.
During the domain design process, each forest owner specified a forest root domain name and the logical structure for
Active Directory. Since Active Directory relies on DNS for its name resolution, the forest owner appoints a DNS owner for
Active Directory and specifies the DNS design as the next step.
If the organization has already implemented a DNS service, the forest owner and DNS owner for Active Directory work with
the current DNS owner to delegate the forest root DNS name to Active Directory. If no DNS service has been implemented,
the forest owner and the DNS owner for Active Directory must plan to implement one.
The next topic covers the details of this process.
Top of page
For the forest owner and Windows NT administrators DNS might be a new concept. DNS provides a translation of names to
IP addresses. Network devices use IP addresses to locate and connect to hosts. However, users find remembering IP
addresses difficult and typically prefer friendly names such as DNS enables users to enter hierarchical,
friendly names to connect to computers and other resources on IP networks.
For Windows 2000, DNS represents a betterscaling, longterm replacement for NetBIOS name resolution, which is
performed by the Windows Internet Name Service WINS in Windows NTbased networks. However, you still need to run
WINS to support clients running versions of Windows earlier than Windows 2000, because such clients do not understand
how to use DNS for domain location.
This design document explains how to create a design based on the choices you made in the "Domain Planning" section
earlier in this document. This guide shows best practices for designing a DNS service for Active Directory on a network with:
No existing DNS service
Existing DNS service
DNS root server that, to find the com zone, it must contact Likewise, the delegation in the com zone tells that to find the zone, it must contact
Note: A delegation uses two types of records. The name server NS resource record gives the name of an authoritative
server. The host A resource record gives the IP address of an authoritative server.
In this manner, the DNS root server can find any name in the namespace. The root zone has delegations that lead directly or
indirectly to all other zones. Any server that can query the DNS root server can use the information in the delegations to find
any name in the namespace. DNS servers have root hints, a list of names and IP addresses, which tell them how to query the
DNS root servers.
In some configurations, some servers do not have root hints. Instead, they forward all queries they cannot answer to another
Recursive Name Resolution
Clients depend on DNS servers to answer all name resolution queries. In a process called recursive name resolution, clients
use a recursive query to ask servers to resolve names and to specify that the server must give a definitive answer, whether or
not the name exists. When a server cannot answer authoritatively, it sends the query to another DNS server. The DNS server
determines to which server the query goes in one of two ways: using root hints or by forwarding.
Resolving Names with Root Hints
Figure 18 illustrates how DNS resolves a name using root hints.
The Windows 2000 DNS server can store its zones in Active Directory. Active Directory integration has the following
Creates multiple masters for DNS replication, meaning:
Any DNS server can accept updates for that zone.
Requires no separate DNS replication topology.
Supports secure dynamic updates.
Secure dynamic update allows an administrator to precisely control which computers update which names, and
prevents unauthorized computers from overwriting existing names from DNS.
Supports outofdate record scavenging.
For more information about DNS, consult one of the sources listed in Table 14.
Table 14 More Information about DNS
General DNS
Design element
Zone placement
Note: Active Directory uses a special set of locator records, the forestwide locator records, to help replication partners find
each other and to help clients find global catalog servers. Active Directory stores all the forestwide locator records in the
zone _msdcs.<forest_name>. Because the information in the zone must be widely available, this zone is replicated to all DNS
servers in the forest.
Zone Configuration for Forest Root DNS Servers
Design zone configuration for the DNS root zone as specified in Table 16.
Table 16 DNS Root Zone
Design Element
Zone type
Active Directoryintegrated
Dynamic updates
A delegation is created for the forest root zone. The delegation includes an NS record
for each forest root domain controller.
Design zone configuration for the forest root zone as specified in Table 17.
Table 17 DNS Forest Root Zone
Design Element
Zone type
Active Directoryintegrated.
Dynamic updates
A delegation is created for the zone _msdcs.<forestroot>. The delegation will include an
NS record for each forest root domain controller.
A delegation is created for the appropriate regional domains. Each delegation includes an
NS record for all regional domain DCs in the appropriate regional domain.
Design zone configuration for the _msdcs.<forestroot> zone as specified in Table 18.
Table 18 Configuration for the _msdcs.<forestroot> Zone
Design Element
Zone type
Active Directory_integrated
Dynamic updates
Design Element
Zone type
Active Directoryintegrated
Dynamic updates
Design Element
Zone type
Dynamic updates
Not applicable
Not applicable
Other configuration
Client Configuration
To configure the DNS client, the DNS owner for Active Directory must specify the computer naming scheme and how the
client will locate DNS servers. Table 21 summarizes these specifications.
Table 21 Client Configuration for DNS When There is No Existing DNS Service
Use default naming. When a Windows 2000 computer joins a domain, the computer assigns itself a
primary DNS name comprised of the host name of the computer and the name of the domain.
Configure clients with the addresses of at least two DNS servers running on Active Directory domain
Figure 22 shows the client configuration model. This model assumes you are already running a DHCP server, but not a DNS
server or an integrated DNS/DHCP solution.
Figure 22: Computer naming without DNS but with an existing DHCP service
In this example, a DHCP server assigns the computer an IP address. The computer registers its
DNS name in your new DNS infrastructure. When a client queries DNS for the name of the computer, the DNS server finds
the name and resolves the query.
With this model, you do not need to make any changes to the DHCP service you already have.
Design element
DNS server
Recursive name
Determine whether your existing DNS service uses forwarding or root hints. Configure DNS running
on domain controllers to match.
Zone placement
Each regional domain contains a zone for:
Its own child domain
Note: Active Directory uses a special set of locator records, the forestwide locator records, to help replication partners find
each other and to help clients find global catalog servers. Active Directory stores all the forestwide locator records in the
zone _msdcs.<forest_name>. Because the information in the zone must be widely available, this zone is replicated to all DNS
servers in the forest.
This design has the advantage that the existing DNS structure remains intact. You do not need to migrate any servers or
zones. You are simply adding domains to an existing DNS hierarchy in exactly the same way that the DNS designers intended
when they wrote the RFCs.
Note: Although there are other DNS server implementations that can support Active Directory, using Windows 2000 Active
Directoryintegrated DNS is a best practice because it supports secure dynamic update.
The server configuration will vary depending on whether your DNS service uses root hints or forwarding for recursive name
Root hints
Figure 23 illustrates the server configuration model for a network that uses root hints. A DNS server somewhere hosts a root
zone. This zone could either be the Internet root or a private root. For your configuration, this distinction is irrelevant.
In this configuration, child DNS servers forward queries to the nearest forest root DNS server, which in turn forwards queries
to the same forwarder used by existing DNS servers today.
Zone Configuration for Forest Root DNS Servers
Design zone configuration for the DNS forest root zone as specified in Table 23.
Table 23 DNS Forest Root Zone
Design zone configuration for the DNS _msdcs.<forestroot> zone as specified in Table 24.
Design Element
Zone type
Active Directoryintegrated.
Dynamic updates
Other configuration
Design Element
Zone type
Active Directoryintegrated
Dynamic updates
Design Element
Zone type
Active Directoryintegrated
Dynamic updates
Design Element
Zone type
Dynamic updates
Not applicable
Not applicable
Other configuration
Client Configuration
To configure the DNS client, the DNS owner for Active Directory must specify the computer naming scheme and how the
client will locate DNS servers. Table 27 summarizes these specifications.
Table 27 Client Configuration for DNS When There is an Existing DNS Service
Use defaults naming. When a Windows 2000 computer joins a domain, the computer assigns itself a
primary DNS name comprised of the host name of the computer and the name of the domain.
For existing clients, do not change the resolver configuration. Windows 2000 clients do not need to
point directly to a Windows 2000 DNS server and can use any DNS server on the network.
If your clients already have a name registered in DNS, your clients now have two names: the existing name and the new
primary name. Clients can still be located by either name. The primary names are automatically created and updated through
dynamic update and automatically cleaned up through scavenging.
A computer may have an existing DNS name if the organization has previously implemented:
A DNS service.
An integrated DHCP/DNS solution
Note: Using default naming for your Windows 2000 clients does not affect any authentication mechanism you use in the
existing network
If you want to take advantage of Kerberos authentication when connecting to a server running Windows 2000, you must
make sure that the client connects to the server using the primary name.
Each of these designs leaves any existing DNS, DHCP, or integrated DNS/DHCP solution intact. You could use an arbitrary
DNS suffix instead of the Active Directory domain name if the DNS and Active Directory names were different. However, due
to the additional management overhead of such a configuration, this is not a best practice.
Note: If you already have reverse lookup zones configured, leave the reverse lookup zones and all the PTR records in place.
All existing clients can continue to be registered by using their existing names.
This model does not affect any integrated DHCP/DNS solution you might already have in place. If, before your deployment,
your DHCP server registers DNS names for your computers, it can continue doing so after your deployment.
Figure 27: The task flow for the DNS design for Active Directory
The decisions involved in DNS planning are simple and mechanical. If you have an existing DNS structure, your existing
structure will dictate many of your choices. As you design each component, fill in the blanks of the corresponding DNS
worksheet. After you have finished, review the design with your external DNS and DHCP groups.
Kerberos Policy
Default Domain Controllers Policy
User Rights Assignment
Other Group Policy settings those not related to security should not be set within these default Group Policy settings;
instead you should create new Group Policy objects GPOs. For more information about planning and implementing Group
Policy, read the following topics:
Group Policy planning, see the Windows 2000 Change and Configuration Management Deployment Guide, available at:
Template GPOs for building six different managed scenarios, see Implementing Common Desktop Management
Scenarios, available at:
Group Policy:
Elements of an OU Plan
The domain owner is responsible for completing an OU design for the domain. The design should contain:
A diagram of the OU hierarchy.
A list of OUs. For each OU:
Its purpose.
A list of users or groups that have control over the OU or the objects in it.
The type of control they have over the class of objects in the OU.
Record your answers in the OU design worksheets provided later in this guide.
Figure 28 shows the elements of the model. Note that this may not be identical to the OU hierarchy you design because it
shows both possible locations for Resource OUs under the domain root and under an Account OU. Your design may have
both types, or it may have one or the other. See "Resource OUs" later in this section for more information.
Wellknown users/groups
Builtin accounts
Domain Admins
Domain Users
Domain Guests
Domain Computers
Cert Publishers
Internet Guest Account
Launch IIS Process Account
Some services that require access to network resources are run under user accounts. This OU is created
to separate and distinguish service user accounts from the human user accounts contained in the Users
OU. Also, by placing the different types of user accounts in separate OUs, you can manage them
according to their different administrative requirements.
Groups of all types, except administrative groups, which are managed separately.
User and group accounts for administrative personnel, to allow them to be managed separately from
regular users. Auditing should be enabled for this OU so you can track changes to administrative users
and groups.
Account OU Administration
Figure 30 defines the administrative group design for an account OU. These groups are all local groups. Create an owner for
the Account OU. In this example the group is named <acct_ou>_OU_admins. This group has full control of the OU, and will
create the standard set of subOUs and the groups to manage them.
Groups that manage the subOUs are granted full control only over the specific class of objects they are to manage. For
example, <acct_ou>_group_admins has control only over group objects.
Note that there is no separate administrative group to manage the Admins OU; rather, it inherits ownership from its parent
OU, so it is managed by <acct_ou>_OU_admins.
Resource OUs have no standard subOUs. Computers and groups are placed directly in the OU.
The Resource OU owner owns only the objects within the OU.
The resource OU owner does not own the OU container itself. Resource OU owners manage only computer and group
objects; they cannot create other classes of objects within the OU. This is done to explicitly limit Resource OU owners
to managing computer and group objects, and to prohibit them from creating subOUs.
Note: The creator or owner of an object has the ability to set the ACL on the object no matter what permissions are inherited
from the parent container. If a Resource OU owner can reset the ACL on an OU, they can essentially create any class of object
in the OU, such as users. For this reason, resource OU owners are not permitted to create OUs.
Figure 32 defines the administrative group design for a Resource OU. For each Resource OU, create a group to be the
resource owner. This group has full control over the group and computer objects in the OU, but not over the OU container
itself. The <res_ou>_OU_admin group manages its own membership and resides in the Resource OU.
OU Design Process
The domain owner designs the domain's OU structure by creating Account OUs and Resource OUs. Figure 33 illustrates this
During deployment, you distinguish users and groups who belong to the domain owner from regular users and
groups. Domain owner users and groups will stay in the default Users container. Regular users and groups will be
moved to the appropriate Account OU.
2. If the domain is the target of MUD consolidation, create an OU for each independently managed source MUD.
If multiple MUDs managed by the same IT group are being consolidated into the domain, you can migrate accounts
from those domains into a single Account OU instead of using multiple Account OUs.
3. If the domain is newly created and is not the target of MUD consolidation, create an Account OU for the domain itself.
This Account OU is necessary to separate the OU data owner from the domain service owner.
Creating Resource OUs
Consult your domain design to determine if this domain is the target of resource domain consolidation.
If the domain is the target of resource domain consolidation:
1. Create an OU for each independently managed source resource domain.
If multiple resource domains managed by the same IT group are being consolidated into the domain, you can migrate
objects from those domains into a single Resource OU instead of using multiple Resource OUs.
For resource domains managed by Windows NT MUD owners, you can migrate objects into the corresponding
Account OU subtree into the Computers and Groups subOUs instead of using a separate Resource OU under the
Account OU.
2. Place the OU under the domain root or under an Account OU. The resource domain owner becomes the OU owner.
If the domain is not the target of a resource domain consolidation, create Resource OUs as necessary based on your
administrative requirements.
Top of page
Route Replication
Active Directory uses a multimaster, storeandforward method of replication. A domain controller communicates directory
changes to a second domain controller, which then communicates to a third, and so on, until all domain controllers have
received the change. When replication occurs between sites, a single domain controller per domain at each site collects
directory changes, stores these change, and communicates them at a scheduled time to a domain controller in another site.
Client Affinity
Active Directory clients locate domain controllers according to their site affiliation. A client locates a domain controller within
the same site whenever possible. By finding a domain controller in the same site, the client avoids communications over
WAN links.
Network Topologies
An organization's network topology should reflect its business needs. In some organizations, business needs result in users
being situated in a few large locations that are well connected to one another. Alternatively, in other organizations users are
situated in many small satellite locations connected to one of a few, wellconnected hub sites. Such network topologies fall
into one of three general types: ring, hub and spoke, and complex. These are illustrated in Figure 34.
For each domain, the number of domain controllers and its specified hardware.
Domain controllers that are also global catalogs.
A list of site links, stating for each:
The sites connected by the link.
The cost associated with each.
The scheduled replication time on each link.
The replication interval for each link.
Replication latency calculations.
Control changes to
site topology
When network connectivity changes, the owner makes the respective changes to the site topology.
Move domain
between sites
If a domain controller's IP address changes, which puts it on a subnet in a different site, or if the
subnet moves to a different site, you must move the domain controller to the new site manually.
Liaison with
network group
The owner obtains and maintains information about connections and routers that affect site
To effectively set costs on site links, the owner understands the issues of network speed and
capacity that affect site topology.
Maintains a list of subnet addresses, subnet masks, and the location to which each belongs.
For advanced topics about replication, see The Active Directory Branch Office Planning Guide, available online at
The following are best practice guidelines for designing site links:
Map site links to WAN links.
Make sure no single site is directly connected to more than 20 other sites.
This condition can occur in large hubandspoke deployments where most sites are branch sites that communicate
with a centralized hub site. If this condition exists and there are more than 20 site links from the hub site to branch
sites, the hub site can be divided into multiple sites to provide additional bridgehead servers to handle the replication
volume. In a site, a single bridgehead server is active per domain. If the site has more than 20 site links, the
bridgehead servers can become overloaded.
Figure 35: Task flow for the site topology design process
Creating a Location Map
A location map determines where users are located and which locations are best suited for replication with which other
locations. As a best practice, Active Directory sites should map to the locations of LAN segments of your network. To create a
location map:
1. Create a location map covering all physical locations in your forest connected by LANspeed or better links.
Consider a physical location to be a group of users with internal connectivity of 10 Mbps or better.
2. For each location, determine:
The number of users.
The number of workstations.
The list of local IP subnets.
3. Add network WAN connections to the map indicating:
WAN speed between all locations.
Current use of the WAN link.
Figure 36 shows a sample location map. Each location includes the number of users, the number of workstations, and the IP
addresses of network subnets present. Each network connection includes its WAN speed and percentage or bandwidth used.
Figure 36: A location map with LAN segments and WAN links
Placing Domain Controllers in Locations
In conjunction with domain owners, the site topology owner determines the location of the domain controllers for the forest
root domain and regional domains. Place domain controllers in locations so, should the WAN link fail, there is local
authentication for users.
Begin evaluating locations by considering the placement of domain controllers in your hub sites. Once you have completed
added domain controllers to all hub sites, consider all satellite locations. You may choose not to add domain controllers to
your smallest locations if:
The location contains too few users and workstations to warrant a domain controller.
Domain controller physical security cannot be guaranteed.
Figure 37 illustrates a map of all sites showing domains that are relevant to each site.
Do not specify sites for locations that do not contain domain controllers. Instead, associate the subnets for these
locations with the sites where you would like for these users to be authenticated.
Connecting Sites with Site Links
Intersite replication occurs according to the settings on site link objects that site administrators create in Active Directory.
Each site link object represents the WAN connection between two or more sites.
Use the following steps to control how replication occurs between sites:
1. Connect sites with site links to model the way that your locations are connected.
2. Name the site links <name_of_site1><name_of_site2>.
3. Set site link parameters:
Note: If multiple sites have the same connectivity and availability to each other, you can connect them with the same site
Figure 38 illustrates a site map with site links and WAN speeds indicated.
These costs do not reflect differences in reliability between network links. If some of your links are less reliable than others,
then you should not rely on these links for replication. Set higher costs on any failureprone network links.
When a site link goes down, replication failover can be predicted and controlled by setting site link costs. Figure 38 illustrates
how site link costs can be used to show the relative cost of linking any two sites in the topology.
Control site link availability by setting a schedule on site links. You might use the default 100 percent available schedule on
most links, but block replication traffic during peak business hours on links to certain remote locations. By blocking
replication, you give priority to other traffic, but you also increase replication latency.
When replication between two sites traverses multiple site links, the intersection of the replication schedules on all relevant
links determines the connection schedule between the two sites. In addition, when schedules on each link never overlap,
replication can never occur.
Setting the Interval
Within the scheduled replication window, interval determines how often domain controllers poll replication partners for
During each window of the schedule that is open for replication, decide the interval of time that determines how often
replication occurs within the schedule window. Consider the following criteria:
A small interval decreases latency but increases the amount of WAN traffic.
To keep domain directory partitions uptodate, low latency is preferred.
Calculating Maximum Latency
With a storeandforward replication strategy determining just how long a directory update might take to be replicated to
every domain controller is not easily determined. To provide a conservative estimate of maximum latency perform these
1. Create a table of all the hub sites on your network. Your table should resemble the one shown in Table 32.
Table 32 Latency of replication between hub sites
5. Combine these maximum latencies to determine the maximum latency for the entire network.
For example, if the maximum latency between Milan and its satellite site in Seville is one day, then the maximum
replication latency for this set of links is 52 hours 4+24+24.
Review your maximum replication latency and revise your replication schedule if necessary.
Domain Controller Capacity Planning
The following operations create loads on domain controllers:
User and workstation logon
Directory lookup operations
Operations masters
Other services running on the domain controller
User and workstation logons followed by directory lookups most impact domain controller performance.
The size of the domain is not usually an indication of the performance of its domain controllers. Instead, the usage patterns
and the number of users logging on to a domain controller in a specific site most closely determine a domain controller's
performance. Table 33 shows how services affect domain controller performance.
Table 33 Effect of services on domain controller performance
Performance impact
User logon
Workstation logon
Lookup operation
Depends on usage
Replication with 1 to 10
Low Medium
Infrastructure operations
Low Medium
Infrastructure services
Other services
Depends on usage
Processor Requirements
Table 34 shows the size of domain controllers and services that can be loaded:
Table 34 Domain Controller Capacity Planning
Users in site
Domain controller
Global Catalog
nced Server
< 100
101 500
500 1,000
> 10,000
Note: The best practice guidelines for domain controller hardware are:
For 100 to 200 sites use multiprocessor hardware.
For >200 sites, consult the branch office documentation.
For sites connected to 10 or more sites use multiprocessor hardware.
For domains with > 50,000 users, use a Quad PIII XEON with 2 GB of memory for the dedicated PDC.
This table provides a starting point for domain controller sizing. Your actual hardware needs will depend on your usage
pattern. If you require more accurate hardware size determinations or if you will be using Exchange 2000 in your deployment:
1. Download and run the ADSizer.
2. Test the hardware setup in the lab before deploying.
Disk Size Requirements
Domain controllers and global catalogs can use large amounts of data storage for the Active Directory database. Determine
how much storage to provide for the Active Directory database from the information provided in Table 35.
Table 35 Storage Requirements for the Active Directory Database
Domain controller
For example, in a forest with two 10,000user domains, all domain controllers need 4 GB of storage. All global catalogs
require 6 GB of storage.
Disk Layout Requirements
A domain controller requires space on storage devices for its operating system, log files, database, and SYSVOL. For domain
controllers in sites with less than 10, 000 users, all four components can reside on a single RAID 1 array. A RAID 1 array
provides protection against single disk failures.
Over time if you find that a domain controller becomes I/O bound, you can enhance the performance of the computer by
adding additional memory up to 2 GB. This alleviates the need to move the operating system, database, or logs files to
separate RAID 1 systems.
For domain controllers in sites with more than 10,000 users, use separate RAID arrays as specified in Table 36.
Table 36 Domain controller disk capacity planning
Operations performed
RAID system
Operating system
Log files
Top of page
The following worksheets correspond to the headings in this guide. The worksheets are designed to help you gather and
organize the information you'll need to customize your organization's Active Directory deployment.
As you read this document and conduct planning sessions, you should complete the corresponding worksheets. Collectively,
the worksheets become the core of your organization's Active Directory deployment project plan.
Add or remove rows from the table to customize the form for your organization.
List each organization that is a candidate directory service provider, and include the name of the contact person or
representative. If the organization has already deployed Active Directory, specify the existing forest name. Add or remove
rows from the table to customize the form for your organization.
Add or remove rows from the table to customize the form for your organization.
Add or remove rows from the table to customize the form for your organization.
Top of page
Complete the table by identifying the technology owners and team members for the Active Directory design of your forest.
Add or remove rows from the table to customize the form for your organization.
Add or remove rows from the table to customize the form for your organization.
Add or remove rows from the table to customize the form for your organization.
Add or remove rows from the table to customize the form for your organization.
For each existing MUD in your forest copy and complete the "Quick Reference" worksheet. Add or remove rows from the
table to customize the form for your organization.
Add or remove rows from the table to customize the form for your organization.
Add or remove rows from the table to customize the form for your organization.
Add or remove rows from the table to customize the form for your organization.
Add or remove rows from the table to customize the form for your organization.
Add or remove rows from the table to customize the form for your organization.
Add or remove rows from the table to customize the form for your organization.
Add or remove rows from the table to customize the form for your organization.
Add or remove rows from the table to customize the form for your organization.
Add or remove rows from the table to customize the form for your organization.
We would like to thank the following people for reviewing the guides and providing valuable feedback. Acknowledged
individuals are employees of Microsoft Corporation unless otherwise noted.
Micky Balladelli Avanade Inc., Dung Hoang Khac Compaq Global Services, Vic Gupta, Shaun Hayes, Michael Kostersitz,
Doug Lindsey, Alain Lissoir Compaq Global Services, Tony Mosunmade, Tony Redmond Compaq Global Services, Matthijs
ten Seldam, Paul Thompson NetIQ Corporation, Ruud van Velsen, Eddie Hanif, Frank Plawetzki, Connie Shih, Steve Towle,
Christopher Westpoint.
Lab Staff: Robert Thingwold and David Meyer
Lab Partners: Compaq, Inc. and Cisco Systems
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2016 Microsoft