Marketing Sport Event Tourism: Sport Tourist Behaviors and Destination Provisions
Marketing Sport Event Tourism: Sport Tourist Behaviors and Destination Provisions
Marketing Sport Event Tourism: Sport Tourist Behaviors and Destination Provisions
event and the destination attributes to create behavioral outcomes relevant to destination marketers.
These outcomes involve revisit intentions, social
spending, and event satisfaction. Moving forward,
future research should examine behaviors that involve
reactions to the sport event experience during the actual experience, given that real-time data through social
media is becoming a mainstream approach in marketing research (Moran, 2012).
Hinch, T., & Higham, J. (2011). Sport tourism development (2nd ed.).
Bristol, UK: Channel View Publications.
Moran, R. (2012). The future of marketing research. In R. Kaden, L. Gerald,
& M. Prince (Eds.), Leading edge marketing research: 21st Century tools
and practice (pp. 414-439). London, UK: Sage Publications.
Schumacher, D. G. (2012). Report on the sports travel industry. National
Associations of Sport Commissions (NASC). Retrieved from https://
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