Food Stress

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Food Quality and Preference 39 (2015) 241250

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Using food to reduce stress: Effects of choosing meal components

and preparing a meal
Katie E. Osdoba a,, Traci Mann b, Joseph P. Redden c, Zata Vickers a

Department of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Minnesota, 1334 Eckles Ave., St. Paul, MN 55108, USA
Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota, 75 East River Road, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA
Marketing Department, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, 321 19th Ave S., Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history:
Received 13 January 2014
Received in revised form 1 August 2014
Accepted 3 August 2014
Available online 10 August 2014
Food choice
Trier Social Stress Task

a b s t r a c t
Many people experience stress as a part of their daily lives. Chronic stress can have an impact on physical
and mental health. Since food and eating are generally associated with positive moods, we explored how
aspects of meal preparation can relieve stress and improve measures related to mood.
Our main objectives were to determine whether choosing meal components and/or preparing a meal
would improve measures related to mood and reduce stress.
Participants came individually to our lab at dinner time. We measured stress (salivary cortisol, heart
rate and blood pressure) and took measures related to mood on arrival. We then induced stress (Trier
Social Stress Task) and took measures related to stress and mood again. Each participant was assigned
to one of four experimental conditions. In the prepare-choice condition participants prepared a meal
(pasta + sauce + inclusions) and had control over selection of meal components. In the prepare-no-choice
condition participants prepared their meal, but had no control over the menu. In the choice-no-prepare
condition participants had control over the menu, but the meal was prepared by someone else. In the
no-prepare-no-choice condition participants were provided with a meal prepared by someone else. Food
preference questionnaires conducted before the stress induction ensured that all participants received
foods they liked.
Having no choice produced greater reductions in the mood-related measures of anxiety and anger compared with the choice condition. Systolic blood pressure was reduced more in the no choice than in the
choice condition after the meal. Preparing versus not preparing had little effect on measures related to
stress and mood.
People may nd choosing to be a depleting task on their limited psychological resources; hence, choosing can add to their general stress. Not faced with choosing, one avoids this unnecessary stress. Consuming a meal without the burden of choosing has potential as a stress-reduction strategy.
2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Importance of the food-mood relationship
Eating behaviors, stress, and negative mood1 all affect physical
and mental health, but their interactions are complex and not well
dened. Similar to unhealthy eating behaviors, negative mood and

Corresponding author. Address: 225 Food Science and Nutrition, 1334 Eckles
Ave, St. Paul, MN 55108, USA. Tel.: +1 507 382 8449.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (K.E. Osdoba), [email protected] (T. Mann),
[email protected] (J.P. Redden), [email protected] (Z. Vickers).
Although there are clear distinctions in terms of psychological constructs, the
words mood and emotion are often used synonymously in the literature. For the
remainder of this paper, the words mood and emotion will be used interchangeably.
0950-3293/ 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

chronic stress can lead to anxiety, depression, diabetes, and

cardiovascular disease (Dickerson & Kemeny, 2004; Kandiah, Yake,
Jones, & Meyer, 2006). The process of choosing what food to eat
can involve both physiological (i.e., hunger) and psychological (i.e.,
emotional) inuences (Desmet & Schifferstein, 2008), and once
eaten, those foods can affect our mood (King & Meiselman, 2010).
If these relationships can be better understood, people may be able
to make healthier food decisions that lead to a healthier physical
and emotional state.
Effect of food on mood
Foods can elicit an emotional response when eaten, which is typically positive, but it is unclear why this response occurs. In recent
years, the elicitation of emotions in response to food consumption


K.E. Osdoba et al. / Food Quality and Preference 39 (2015) 241250

has been explored using several methods in many different

contexts (Cardello et al., 2012; Desmet & Schifferstein, 2008;
Gibson, 2006; King, Meiselman, & Carr, 2010). The majority of emotions found to be associated with foods are positive, including 25
out of 39 words in King & Meiselman (2010) EsSense Prole
(three words are negative, and the remaining 11 are unclassied).
Desmet and Schifferstein (2008) similarly found that positive emotions were experienced at a higher intensity than negative emotions in response to tasting both snack-type and meal-type foods.
Appetite levels could affect these emotional responses People
are typically alert and irritable when hungry, and calm and sleepy
when full (Gibson, 2006). Intrinsic qualities of a food, such as the
inherent pleasantness of a sweet product, may affect emotional
responses (Steiner, 1974). Macht, Gerer, and Ellgring (2003) suggested that emotional responses could also be due to the psychological aspects of food and eating, such as guilt after eating high
calorie foods. Other hypotheses support this psychologically-elicited view, including the role of cognitive expectations and prior
associations, whereby memories and past experiences with foods
can inuence what our emotional response will be (Cardello
et al., 2012; Mojet & Kster, 2002; Walsh & Kiviniemi, 2013;
Wansink, Payne, & North, 2007).
Effect of food on stress
In addition to prompting a positive emotional response, the
consumption of food may also alleviate both psychological and
physiological stress. Martin et al. (2009) found that consumption
of 40 g dark chocolate per day for two weeks decreased urinary
cortisol (an indicator of physiological stress levels) in participants
with chronic stress. In another study on chocolate, just three days
of dark chocolate consumption resulted in decreased levels of psychological stress captured by self-reported anxiety and depression
(Lua & Wong, 2011). Finally, Pecoraro, Reyes, Gomez, Bhargava,
and Dallman (2004) saw a decrease in stress hormone levels after
consumption (by rats) of palatable, calorie-dense food during periods of stress. Therefore, food consumption may impact stress both
physically and psychologically.
Too many choices and/or too many options per choice may
cause increased stress and negative mood. Schwartz (2004) calls
this the Paradox of Choice as adding explicit choice to a situation
may unknowingly increase stress and negative mood. Repeated
acts of choosing deplete the resources needed for self-control
(Vohs et al., 2008), which could further increase stress and negative mood. Experiencing stress itself can also deplete resources
(Baumeister, Bratslavsky, Muraven, & Tice, 1998), further enhancing feelings of stress and negative mood. Too many options may
make choice unappealing because although it can be enjoyable,
choice can also be overwhelmingly frustrating (Iyengar & Lepper,
2000; Schwartz et al., 2002). When there are too many options,
the added burden of weighing all the possibilities and making
the best choice can increase dissatisfaction with the nal result
(Schwartz et al., 2002). In other words, there will always be the
underlying thought of regret that the consumer failed in their
quest to nd the best option. Indeed, Iyengar and Lepper (2000)
found that greater dissatisfaction is experienced when the same
option is chosen from an extensive set (2430 options) than from
a set with limited options (six). The more choices available, the
greater the chance the consumer chooses the wrong one, magnifying feelings of stress and negative mood.
On the other hand, common consensus is that people enjoy
freedom of choice. Liking and consumption tend to increase when
people choose their food (Cardello et al., 2012). While this increase

in liking could presumably improve mood and stress, limited evidence suggests that this actually happens. When the participants
of Garg and Lerner (2013) were given a choice of reward (chocolates vs. a ballpoint pen, with the idea that this would be an easy
choice and most people would choose the chocolates) after induction of sad mood, sadness was reduced more than if the participants were just presented with chocolates as a gift. The work of
Garg and Lerner (2013) and Iyengar and Lepper (2000) showed that
simple choices, such as those with few options and/or trivial consequences, may result in less negative consequences for mood
and stress. The detrimental effects of too many choices, however,
especially when distressed, may outweigh the benets of having
the freedom to choose.
Food preparation
The alleviation of stress and improvement of mood are likely
outcomes of food preparation, although limited evidence suggests
that food preparation itself can be stressful. Benson, Beary, and
Carol (1974) suggested that activities involving mindless, repetitive
tasks elicit a relaxation response. Food preparation, which entails
such tasks as chopping vegetables and repeated stirring, may t
well into this category. Food preparation may also result in
improved mood when it is done out of a sense of duty (i.e., to feed
the family) or to please others (Daniels, Glorieux, Minnen, & van
Tienoven, 2012). Building on this, Costa (2013) found that people
ascribe strong, positive feelings towards cooking hot meals at
home, whereas they feel guilty (along with other negative emotions) when they do not cook at home. Food preparation allows
for a certain amount of autonomy and control. Control in general
is related to well-being and life satisfaction (Tangney, Baumeister,
& Boone, 2004). Knowing the ingredients and processes that go into
ones meal may be an easy way to exercise control and reap the psychological benets. On the other hand, food preparation can be
stressful, especially when hunger, distractions, and time constraints
come into play (Daniels et al., 2012). In the case of mood improvement and stress relief, the advantages of preparing food may, under
many circumstances, outweigh its detriments.
Objectives and hypotheses
The main objective of this study was to explore whether choice
of meal ingredients (vs. no choice) and/or preparation of a meal (vs.
someone else preparing) inuence the stress-reducing and moodlifting effects of food and eating.
Given the stressful consequences inherent to making choices,
we expected choosing ingredients to have detrimental effects on
mood and stress. We specically hypothesized that if people did
not choose their meal ingredients, they would show a greater
improvement in measures related to mood and larger reduction
in stress after eating than if they did choose their meal ingredients.
Given the positive consequences from preparing food, we
expected preparing food to produce improvements in mood and
stress. We specically hypothesized that if people prepared the
meal themselves, they would show a greater improvement in measures related to mood and larger reduction in stress after eating
than if someone else prepared the meal for them.
Materials and methods
One hundred eighteen participants (36% male, mean age = 28,
SD age = 11, range = 1863) were recruited via email listserv and
posted yers. They were screened for availability and liking of meal


K.E. Osdoba et al. / Food Quality and Preference 39 (2015) 241250

ingredients (Table 1). To be invited to participate in the study, each

potential participant had to rate the pasta, at least one of the
sauces, at least two of the inclusions, and at least one of the seasonings six or higher on a nine-point liking scale (Peryam & Pilgrim,
1957). We chose this cut-off point because it indicated that the
participant liked the food as it was above the midpoint of the
9-point scale, and six corresponded to like slightly. Exclusion criteria included those with food allergies or sensitivities; use of antidepressants, steroid medications, or tobacco; and pregnancy, as
these can affect cortisol levels. Participants were compensated
$20 for their participation. Participants were asked to avoid caffeine, alcohol, smoking, strenuous exercise, and eating for three
hours prior to their appointment. The study protocol was approved
by the Institutional Review Board of the university, and all participants gave informed consent prior to the study.
Study design
The study had a two-factor between-participants design: Choice
(participants did or did not get to choose the ingredients in their
pasta meal) and Prepare (participants either prepared the meal
themselves, or the experimenter prepared it for them). This design
resulted in four treatment groups: Choice/Prepare, No Choice/Prepare, Choice/No Prepare, and No Choice/No Prepare. Participants
were scheduled individually for one test session lasting 1.52 h.
The study was conducted between 4:00 pm and 8:30 pm on weekday evenings. The four treatments were randomly assigned to each
of four time slots per day, and participants were randomly scheduled to a slot according to their availability.
Participant visit protocol
A schematic of the study protocol is shown in Fig. 1. When participants arrived at the site, they were greeted by an experimenter
who would guide them through the study. To attenuate any experimenter effects, the experimenter was unaware of the theoretical
constructs, the predictions of the study, or the outcomes of interest. As well, the experimenter read from a script to control for
the content of instructions, and any interaction with the participant during food choice and preparation was limited to the degree
required to execute the manipulation.
After signing the consent form, the participant was guided to
the meal preparation area. The experimenter described what

would happen later in the study when it was time for the meal.
This was done to familiarize the participant with the setting, so
as to minimize any additional stress invoked by new surroundings
and uncertain tasks. Then the participant and experimenter sat at a
table with a computer. A blood pressure cuff was attached to the
participants non-dominant arm (so he/she could easily work the
computer mouse with the dominant hand). A practice blood pressure measurement and saliva sample (for cortisol measurement)
were taken. At this point, the experimenter left the room for
20 min (habituation period), during which time the participant
answered computerized questionnaires.
After 20 min, the experimenter returned and obtained baseline
blood pressure/heart rate measurements and a saliva sample. Next,
the participant completed a questionnaire containing mood-related
words (see Questionnaires) to get baseline measurements.
Instructions were then given for the stress task.
The stress task closely followed the protocol of the Trier Social
Stress Task (TSST) outlined by Kirschbaum, Pirke, and
Helhammer (1993). The experimenter told the participants that
they would have ve minutes to prepare a speech. They were told
to pretend they were a job applicant interviewing for a position in
a company. They were asked to explain why they would be the
perfect candidate for the job. They were given paper and pen to
take notes, but were told that they could not use the notes during
the speech. The experimenter indicated that two people would
come in to evaluate the speech, and then the experimenter left
the room. This TSST approach has been widely used in laboratory
settings to reliably induce both physiological and psychological
stress. We should note that we slightly modied the original task
in the following ways: the experimenter was unaware of the treatment group; the speech was not videotaped; the speech was
shorted from 10 min to 5 min, and the arithmetic task began at a
different number each minute.
When the ve minutes had passed, two people (one male, one
female; hereafter referred to as confederates) in white lab coats
and holding clipboards entered. They asked the participant to
stand up and deliver the speech into a microphone. The confederates told the participant that the speech would be recorded and a
voice frequency analysis would be done on the recording. (The
speech was not actually recorded.) One of the confederates was
introduced as being specially trained to monitor nonverbal behavior. This confederate would be taking notes throughout the task.
The participant was then told to begin the speech. The participant
was required to speak for the entire ve minutes. Specic verbal

Table 1
Meal components.




Portion (g)

Olive oil



Allentown, PA
Baltimore, MD
Milwaukee, WI


Alfredo sauce
Marinara sauce

Four Cheese


Milwaukee, WI
Camden, NJ


Bella Sun Luci

Parsippany, NJ
Chico, CA



Canned, diced, re-roasted

Julienne cut, with extra
virgin olive oil and Italian herbs
Kalamata, pitted, whole
Canned, stems & pieces


American Canyon, CA
Milwaukee, WI


Parmesan cheese
Black pepper



Milwaukee, WI
Sparks, MD
Milwaukee, WI


Green chilies
Sun-dried tomatoes


Cooked: This amount is approximately two servings (based on the Nutrition Facts panel on the pasta box).
Tossed with cooked pasta (13.5 g/4 servings).
Added to pasta cooking water (18 g/4 servings).


K.E. Osdoba et al. / Food Quality and Preference 39 (2015) 241250

Consent form,


(20 min)

Baseline mood,
BP/HR, corsol




Post-stress mood,


Post-stress corsol,
Post-meal mood, BP/HR




(30 min)


Post-meal corsol,
Final mood, BP/HR





Comics, debrief,

Fig. 1. Experimental Protocol.

prompts were used if the participant stopped speaking before the

time was up.
After the speech, the participant had to perform a counting task.
The participant was asked to start at 1022 and count back by 13 s
to zero. In reality, the task was timed for ve minutes and the participant did not have to count back to zero. After each minute, the
confederate instructed the participant to begin at a different number. Each time a mistake was made, the participant had to start
over. Throughout the stress task, the confederates remained stoic
and stern faced.
When the 15-min stress task was nished, the confederates left
the room and made a subjective rating of how good the participant
was at the stress task (hereafter referred to as TSST Score), from
1 = Very Bad to 5 = Very Good. A participant who was Very Bad
at the TSST, for example, appeared very uncomfortable during
the speech and was not able to make it past one or two subtractions on the mental arithmetic task. A Very Good participant
was able to speak easily for the entire ve minute speech and complete 1520 correct subtractions during the math task. Therefore, a
participant who was Very Good at the TSST presumably did not
become as stressed as a Very Bad participant.
After the stress task ended, the experimenter returned and
immediately took post-stress blood pressure and heart rate measurements. Then the participant completed post-stress measures
related to mood. The experimenter then gave the participant a
menu sheet. The sheet was either already lled out (for participants in the No Choice groups), or the participant was instructed
to ll it out (Choice groups). The specic wording for each treatment group was as follows:
Choice/Prepare: Fill out this menu sheet. You get to choose one
sauce, 3 inclusions, and 1 topping for your pasta. Whichever
ones you want, its up to you! Then we will go over there, and
you will get to cook it yourself!
No Choice/Prepare: Look at this menu sheet. You have been
assigned to eat a pasta dish with these specic ingredients.
You dont get to choose. Then we will go over there, and you
will get to cook it yourself!
Choice/No Prepare: Fill out this menu sheet. You get to choose
one sauce, 3 inclusions, and 1 topping for your pasta. Whichever
ones you want, its up to you! Then we will go over there, and I
will cook it for you.
No Choice/No Prepare: Look at this menu sheet. You have been
assigned to eat a pasta dish with these specic ingredients. You
dont get to choose. Then we will go over there, and I will cook it
for you.
The purpose of this specic wording was to strengthen the
Choice/No Choice and Prepare/No Prepare manipulations. Next, the
participant was guided to the meal preparation area. For the No
Prepare groups, the experimenter prepared the pasta and then left
the room. For the Prepare groups, the participants were handed an

instruction sheet and the experimenter left the room. The participant sat back down at the table with the pasta and was given
ten minutes to eat.
At the end of the eating period, the experimenter returned and
removed the plate from in front of the participant. Another saliva
sample was taken (post-stress), as well as blood pressure/heart
rate measurements (post-meal). The participant then began
answering questionnaires again (including the post-meal measures
related to mood). The experimenter then left the room for 30 min.
When the 30 min elapsed, the experimenter returned and took
nal blood pressure/heart rate measurements and the post-meal
saliva sample. After that, the participant lled out the nal measures related to mood. Finally, the participant read through a set
of comic strips and rated how funny they were. This was done to
ensure that any residual stress after the meal was gone by the time
they left. Then the participant was debriefed and introduced to the
two confederates who had administered the stress task. Lastly, the
participant was paid and thanked for coming.
The meal consisted of a hot pasta dish prepared on site and a
glass of water. The participants in the No Choice groups were given
a subset of the ingredients that they had rated six or higher on the
liking scales during the prescreening process. For these participants, menu sheets were lled out in advance by the experimenter.
Participants in the Choice groups lled out their own menu sheets
as described above in Participant visit protocol. Each participants meal consisted of one of two sauces, two or three of four
possible vegetable inclusions, and one of three seasonings. However, all ingredient choices were presented at the meal preparation
area to reinforce the fact that the No Choice participants were missing out on the other ingredients. See Table 1 for ingredients and
portion sizes. Meal ingredients were pre-portioned and set out
prior to the start of the study. Labels were placed behind each
ingredient so each participant was exposed to the names of all
the ingredients. Pasta was precooked according to the package
directions with the addition of 18 g salt to the cooking water.
Cooked pasta was tossed with 13.5 g olive oil, portioned, and
refrigerated until needed. Cooked pasta was held refrigerated for
no longer than 24 h.
When it was time for the meal (right after the stress task), the
experimenter brought the participant over to the meal preparation
area. The experimenter removed the ingredients that the participant was not going to eat and placed them on a tray. For the No
Prepare groups, the experimenter then added the selected ingredients to the bowl of pasta, stirred it, and microwaved it for two minutes. When it was heated, the experimenter poured it onto a plate.
For the Prepare groups, the experimenter gave the participant an
instruction sheet and asked if there were any questions about
the meal preparation. The experimenter then left the room, taking
the tray of extra ingredients. The participant was instructed to


K.E. Osdoba et al. / Food Quality and Preference 39 (2015) 241250

prepare the meal by adding the appropriate ingredients to the

bowl of pasta, stirring, microwaving for two minutes, and then
pouring it onto a plate. All participants sat down to eat and were
not required to nish the entire pasta dish.
All meal ingredients were weighed prior to the start of the
study. Leftover pasta was weighed at the end to calculate how
much of each ingredient was eaten.
The questionnaire used to assess mood variables used the Prole
of Mood States (POMS) (McNair, Lorr, & Droppleman, 1971) as a
starting point. The questionnaire consisted of 24 mood-related
words (15 from the original POMS scale), divided into ve broader
categories (anxiety, anger, fatigue, positivity, and sadness) derived
from a factor analysis (Table 2; Data analysis). Words expressing
threat (threatened, intimidated, pressured) and self-consciousness (self-conscious, embarrassed, awkward) were added for
this experiment to measure emotions specically elicited by the
TSST (which specically elicits self-evaluative threat), and other
adjectives from the full POMS scale were eliminated for lack of relationship to the TSST and concerns about the total length of the
questionnaire for repeated administrations. Words expressing
calmness (calm, content, satised) were also added as additional
positive emotions. Participants were asked to rate the extent to
which they were experiencing each mood-related word on a
seven-point scale (1 = not at all, 7 = extremely). The questionnaire
was administered four times during the study: baseline, poststress, post-meal, and nal (Fig. 1).
The rest of the questionnaires were inventories of personality
characteristics and scales of individual differences (see Table 3
for full list). Participants completed these questionnaires during
the 20 min habituation period and the 30 min post-meal period.
These waiting periods were included to allow for the lag time in
detecting cortisol changes in saliva. Enough questionnaires were

Table 2
Words in mood questionnaire (adapted from the Prole of Mood States; McNair et al.,

Emotion words


On edge




Worn out






Categories are based on Principal Components Analysis (see Data analysis).

Vigorous loaded below 0.5 on all of the factors and was not included in data

included to ll the time, but not all participants nished all of

them. The goal was to keep the participants occupied during these
waiting periods, but not induce positive or negative mood. Possibly
these personality measurements could have affected stress and
mood-related measures, so they were also potential covariates in
our analyses. All questionnaires regarding eating behaviors were
reserved for the post-meal period so as to minimize the effect of
increased awareness of these behaviors while the participant was
After the meal, participants were asked to rate liking of the food
ingredients they ate, as well as their overall enjoyment of the meal.
They also answered questions about how well they liked choosing
the ingredients, if they thought they were in control of the preparation/choice of ingredients, how difcult it was to prepare, and if
they felt they were really cooking (as opposed to just mixing and
microwaving). General questions also included how much the participants enjoyed cooking in everyday life, and how many hours
per week they spent cooking. Hunger measures were obtained at
the start of the study, after the meal, and at the very end of the
study by asking the participants to Rate the amount of food you
desire and Rate the amount of food you could eat on a scale
from 0 (none) to 100 (greatest possible amount).
Blood pressure and heart rate
Blood pressure cuffs (Omron Healthcare, Lake Forest, IL) were
worn by participants throughout the study. Blood pressure and
heart rate measurements were made in duplicate at four times:
baseline, post-stress, post-meal, and nal. Blood pressure and heart
rate measurements determined the extent of activation of the sympathetic-adrenomedullary (SAM) axis, a physiological stress
response pathway (Creswell et al., 2005).
Saliva samples and cortisol analysis
Four saliva samples were taken from each participant: a
practice sample, and then one each at baseline, post-stress, and
post-meal. Samples were collected with an oral swab, or salivette
(Salimetrics, State College, PA). Changes in cortisol can be detected
in saliva 2040 min after changes in stress level. Therefore, the
Table 3
Individual difference questionnaires.


Sensation Seeking Scale

Internal vs. External Locus of Control
Maximizing vs. Satiscing
Perceived Stress Scale

Arnett (1994)
Rotter (1966)
Schwartz et al. (2002)
Cohen, Kamarck, and
Mermelstein (1983)
Zuckerman, Kolin, Price,
and Zoob (1964)
Neuberg and Newsom
Glynn and Ruderman
Tangney et al. (2004)
Van Trijp, Lhteenmki, and
Tuorila (1992)
Stunkard and Messick
Rosenberg (1965)
Scheier, Carver, and Bridges
Polivy, Herman, and Warsh
Raju (1980)
Farmer and Sundber (1986)
Van Strien, Frijters, Bergers,
and Defares (1986)

Sensation Seeking Scale

Personal Need for Structure
Eating Self-Efcacy
Self-Control Scale
Variety Seeking Scale (VARSEEK)
Three Factor Eating Questionnaire
(Factors 1 & 2)
Self-Esteem Scale
Life Orientation (Optimism) Scale
Restrained Eating Scale
Optimum Stimulation Level
Boredom Proneness Scale
Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (external
and restrained eating subscales)


K.E. Osdoba et al. / Food Quality and Preference 39 (2015) 241250

Table 4
Changes in stress and mood responses from before to after the stress task. Least squares means for each factor level are given (standard errors in parentheses). Yes under the
Choice heading indicates Choice group and No indicates No Choice group. Yes under the Prepare heading indicates Prepare group and No indicates No Prepare group. Positive
means indicate increases in a response and negative means indicate a decrease. F-statistics and p-values are for 2  2 ANOVAs for each response and factor.

Systolic BP (mmHg)
Diastolic BP (mmHg)
Heart rate (bpm)
Cortisol (lg/dL)







1.0 (0.2)
0.6 (0.2)
0.2 (0.2)
1.0 (0.1)
0.1 (0.1)
9.1 (1.2)
6.3 (0.9)
0.3 (1.0)
0.1 (0.04)

1.8 (0.2)
1.2 (0.2)
0.3 (0.2)
1.4 (0.1)
0.3 (0.1)
11.3 (1.2)
6.5 (0.9)
2.3 (1.0)
0.2 (0.04)



1.3 (0.2)
0.8 (0.2)
0.2 (0.2)
1.1 (0.1)
0.1 (0.1)
9.6 (1.2)
5.9 (0.9)
0.3 (1.0)
0.1 (0.04)

1.4 (0.2)
0.9 (0.2)
0.2 (0.2)
1.3 (0.1)
0.4 (0.1)
10.7 (1.2)
7.0 (0.9)
2.2 (1.0)
0.2 (0.04)



Mood words were rated on a 7-point scale, from 1 = not at all to 7 = extremely.

baseline sample was taken after a 20 min habituation period. The

post-stress sample was taken immediately after the meal (35 min
post stress-induction). The post-meal sample was taken 30 min
after the meal was nished. Samples were immediately frozen
until a sufcient number were ready for analysis. Cortisol was
detected via a salivary cortisol enzyme immunoassay kit (Salimetrics, State College, PA). Each sample was assayed in duplicate. Elevated cortisol is an indication of physiological stress, specically
activation of the hypothalamicpituitaryadrenal (HPA) axis
(Creswell et al., 2005).
Data analysis
All data were analyzed using SAS version 9.3 (SAS Institute
Inc., Cary, NC, USA) using a signicance level of a = 0.05. A factor
analysis was done on the changes in measures related to mood
(from baseline to post-stress and from post-stress to post-meal).
The factor analysis revealed ve factors using a criterion of the
Eigenvalue exceeding one (see Table 2 for word groupings). Subsequently these factors were computed from each participants data
at each time point as the average of the scores of each emotion
word in the factor. The emotion word vigorous did not load onto
any factor, and so was dropped from subsequent analyses. Duplicate systolic and diastolic blood pressure and heart rate measurements were averaged at each time point for each participant.
Averages of the cortisol content of the two saliva aliquots at each
time point were calculated for each participant. All subsequent
analyses were done using the ve mood-related factors (anxiety,
anger, fatigue, positivity, and sadness), blood pressure (systolic and
diastolic), heart rate, and cortisol as dependent variables, hereafter
referred to as responses.
To determine whether stress and negative mood-related measures increased across all participants after the stress task (i.e.,
did the stress induction work?) and then decreased after the meal,
one-sided t-tests on post-stress minus baseline differences and
post-meal minus post-stress differences in responses were
A 2 (Choice vs. No Choice)  2 (Prepare vs. No Prepare) analysis of
variance (ANOVA; PROC GLM in SAS) was done with baseline
responses as the dependent variables to determine if there were
differences in stress or in measures related to mood among treatment groups at baseline. The same ANOVA model was used with
post-stress minus baseline responses as dependent variables to
determine if stress and measures related to negative mood changed uniformly across the four treatment groups.
To test both the hypothesis that not choosing meal ingredients
results in greater reduction of stress/measures related to negative
mood than choosing and the hypothesis that preparing a meal
results in greater reduction of stress/measures related to negative

mood than not preparing, we performed 2  2 ANOVA using the

differences between post-meal and post-stress values of the
responses as dependent variables. Statistical signicance for these
was determined using one-tailed tests matching the direction of
our hypotheses. Performing the analysis on the change in responses
allowed us to take into account the differences in stress levels after
the TSST. Potential covariates (i.e., age, gender, and personality
scales) were also analyzed, but none reached statistical signicance (all p-values > 0.05). Thus, we do not discuss them further.
As well, the covariates did not differ between any of the experimental conditions (all pairwise p-values > 0.05), indicating our
randomization appeared successful.
The factor analysis of the mood-related measures revealed ve
factors with Eigenvalues greater than one (Table 2). Cronbachs
alphas calculated for each factor showed good consistency (anxiety,
a = 0.94; anger, a = 0.88; fatigue, a = 0.87; positivity, a = 0.77; sadness, a = 0.84). Importantly, we noted that the anxiety factor
encompassed self-conscious and threatening emotions as well as
anxious emotions.
A check of baseline mood-related measures and stress
responses2 found only one initial difference according to treatment.
Those in the Prepare groups had lower baseline heart rates
(M = 66 bpm, SE = 1.3) than those in the No Prepare groups
(M = 70 bpm, SE = 1.3) (t = 2.19, p < 0.05). All other responses
showed no signicant differences in baseline responses according
to treatment group (data not shown). No interaction effects between
Choice and Prepare were apparent at baseline.
The stress induction task was effective at inducing stress and
increasing negative measures related to mood (Supplemental
Table 3). Anxiety, anger, fatigue, and sadness, as well as systolic
and diastolic blood pressure and cortisol all increased after the
TSST (all p-values < 0.05). Positivity rating decreased after the TSST
(p < 0.001). Heart rate was not affected by the TSST.
Post-meal responses indicated that stress and negative measures
related to mood had decreased (Supplemental Table 3). Anxiety,
anger, fatigue, and sadness, as well as systolic and diastolic blood
pressure and cortisol decreased after the meal (all p-values < 0.01).
Positivity rating increased after the meal (p < 0.001). Heart rate did
not change signicantly.
Although there were no differences in experimental protocol
before the meal, those in the No Choice groups experienced greater
stress increases and deterioration in measures related to mood
after the TSST than those in the Choice groups. Anxiety and anger
Means for all treatment groups for all responses at all time points can be found in
Supplemental Table 1.


K.E. Osdoba et al. / Food Quality and Preference 39 (2015) 241250

Table 5
Changes in stress and mood responses from after the stress test to after the meal. Least squares means for each factor level are given (standard errors in parentheses). Yes under
the Choice heading indicates Choice group and No indicates No Choice group. Yes under the Prepare heading indicates Prepare group and No indicates No Prepare group.
Positive means indicate increases in a response and negative means indicate a decrease. F-statistics and p-values (one-sided) are for 2  2 ANOVAs for each response and factor.

Systolic BP (mmHg)
Diastolic BP (mmHg)
Heart rate (bpm)
Cortisol (lg/dL)







1.0 (0.1)
0.4 (0.1)
0.4 (0.1)
0.4 (0.1)
0.2 (0.1)
3.3 (1.0)
1.2 (0.8)
2.4 (1.0)
0.1 (0.03)

1.5 (0.1)
0.9 (0.1)
0.4 (0.1)
0.6 (0.1)
0.4 (0.1)
7.1 (1.0)
1.6 (0.7)
0.0 (1.0)
0.1 (0.03)



1.3 (0.1)
0.6 (0.1)
0.3 (0.1)
0.6 (0.1)
0.2 (0.1)
4.0 (1.0)
0.7 (0.7)
2.7 (1.0)
0.1 (0.03)

1.3 (0.1)
0.6 (0.1)
0.5 (0.1)
0.4 (0.1)
0.4 (0.1)
6.4 (1.0)
2.1 (0.8)
0.3 (1.0)
0.1 (0.03)



Mood words were rated on a 7-point scale, from 1 = not at all to 7 = extremely.

increased more after the TSST for those in the No Choice groups versus the Choice groups (Table 4). Positivity ratings decreased more
for those in the No Choice groups versus the Choice groups. No differences in stress increase or deterioration in measures related to
mood were observed between those who prepared the meal and
those who did not prepare the meal. No signicant interaction
effects were seen between the Choice and Prepare factors (data
not shown).
Preparing a meal versus not preparing a meal had little effect on
reducing stress or improving measures related to mood. Heart rate
increased more for those in the Prepare groups than in the No Prepare groups after the meal (Table 5). Systolic blood pressure
decreased more for those in the No Prepare groups versus the Prepare groups. Prepare versus No Prepare had no effect on the other
In agreement with our hypothesis, those in the No Choice groups
showed a greater decrease in anxiety, anger, and systolic blood
pressure after the meal than those in the Choice groups (Table 5).
After the meal, heart rate increased more for those in the Choice
versus the No Choice groups. Choice versus No Choice had no effect
on the other responses.
The No Choice groups reacted more strongly to the TSST
Stress and measures related to negative mood would have been
predicted to have increased similarly for all groups of participants,
but in the context of this study the No Choice groups reacted more
strongly to the TSST than the Choice groups. Those in the No Choice
groups had greater increases in anxiety and anger and greater
decreases in positivity after the TSST (Table 4) than did the Choice
groups. The experimental protocol was the same for all participants through the end of the TSST. The manipulated differences
occurred only during the meal portion of the study. However, at
the very beginning of the experiment, participants were briefed
on what would happen during the meal. This was done to prevent
possible stress increases from worry about preparing a meal in an
unfamiliar setting. Verbal cues were subtle, but there was a difference between what was said to the Choice groups versus what was
said to the No Choice groups. Those in the Choice groups heard:
You will ll out a menu where you get to choose the ingredients
for your pasta, and those in the No Choice groups heard: You will
receive a list of ingredients that you will need to add to your
pasta. It is possible that these differences in wording were enough
to induce the choice manipulation before it was intended and
allow for the No Choice groups to be more susceptible to stress
increases because they felt they would not be in control of their
meal choices. This potential susceptibility was possibly reected

by TSST scores. We observed a trend for those in the Choice groups

(M = 2.4, SE = 0.17) to perform better (i.e., score higher) than those
in the No Choice groups (M = 2.2, SE = 0.17; F = 1.49, p = 0.22). We
could reasonably expect that performing better on the TSST would
result in a smaller stress increase. Anxiety, anger, and sadness
increased less after the stress task if the participant had a higher
TSST score (Supplemental Table 2).
No cortisol differences observed among factor levels
Differences in salivary cortisol levels between the Choice and
Prepare factors were not observed in this experiment, possibly
because of high inter-individual variability. Cortisol levels vary
widely from person to person, both in baseline values and response
to stress (Kirschbaum & Hellhammer, 1994). We tried to control for
this by excluding smokers, pregnant women, and users of certain
drugs, but genetics also contribute greatly to cortisol reactivity
(Kirschbaum & Hellhammer, 1994). High variability may have
masked detectable differences in salivary cortisol among factor
levels after the meal. Given the observed variability of post-meal
minus post-stress cortisol (overall M = 0.11 lg/dL, SD = 0.18,
n = 96), a difference in means of 0.07 should have been detectable
with 95% power. Our test was not sensitive enough to detect the
small differences we actually observed (around 0.03).
Timing of sample collection may also have affected measured
cortisol levels. Post-stress saliva samples were taken approximately 35 min after the start of the TSST. This is within the
range of the cortisol peak time of 2040 min post stress onset
(Dickerson & Kemeny, 2004), although others have demonstrated
the peak to be closer to the 20 min time point (Creswell et al.,
2005). Our measurement may have been during the decline of
post-stress cortisol, which could have resulted in smaller differences between post-meal and post-stress samples and a decreased
ability to detect separations between factor levels.
Different types of laboratory stress tasks elicit different types of
stress. When a stress task involves social-evaluative threat and is
uncontrollable, such as in the TSST, the hypothalamicpituitary
adrenal (HPA) axis is preferentially activated (Creswell et al.,
2005). If, however, the threat is controllable or seen as a challenge
that can be met, sympathetic-adrenomedullary (SAM) axis is preferentially activated over HPA (Creswell et al., 2005). Possibly the
TSST may not have been challenging enough for some participants,
and as a result, the HPA axis was not activated enough to elicit a
strong cortisol response. Our data, however, did not show that this
was the case. In a meta-analysis by Dickerson and Kemeny (2004),
the average effect size3 for a psychosocial stressor (such as the TSST)
was 0.92; for our study it was 1.21. Therefore, it appears that our

Effect size is dened as d: d

Meanpoststress Meanbaseline


K.E. Osdoba et al. / Food Quality and Preference 39 (2015) 241250

stress induction was effective and the HPA axis was activated, as evidenced by high cortisol levels after the TSST.
Cortisol directly affects appetite and food-related brain activity,
which may have blurred differences in the effects of choosing and
preparing a meal on cortisol levels after eating. Consumption of
high-carbohydrate foods may increase HPA-axis activity (indicated
by elevated cortisol levels) (Lemmens, Martens, Born, Martens, &
Westerterp-Plantenga, 2011). The pasta meal in this study may
have had this effect, resulting in post-meal cortisol levels that were
higher than they would have been had the meal been lower in carbohydrates. Percent carbohydrate intake was calculated based on
each participants pasta dish composition (from nutrition labels of
each ingredient), taking into account amounts of each ingredient
added and total amount of food consumed. In fact, cortisol change
after the meal was negatively correlated with percent carbohydrate
intake (Pearson correlation coefcient = 0.21, p = 0.04), indicating
that the higher a participants meal was in carbohydrates, the
greater was the participants cortisol decrease. Increased cortisol
during stress can also cause increased food intake (Martens,
Rutters, Lemmens, Born, & Westerterp-Plantenga, 2010). However,
this was not seen in the present study, as cortisol increase after the
TSST was not signicantly correlated with food intake (Pearson correlation coefcient = 0.14, p = 0.18).

Not choosing resulted in greater improvement in mood-related

measures and stress reduction
The greater reduction in systolic blood pressure (SBP), anxiety,
and anger for those in the No Choice groups versus the Choice
groups may have occurred because, for those in the Choice groups,
the act of choosing became more daunting after being stressed via
the TSST. Stress can deplete the self-regulatory resources necessary to deliberate and make informed choices (Baumeister et al.,
1998). When resources are depleted and choices need to be made,
preference increases for the option requiring the simplest mental
processing (Pocheptsova, Amir, Dhar, & Baumeister, 2009). This
leads to increased dissatisfaction with the nal choice (Schwartz
et al., 2002), which could be the reason for higher negative emotion ratings in the Choice groups. Plausibly, the lack of thought the
participants had to put into their meal if they did not have to
choose made it easier to relax, enjoy their meal, and ease their
Another reason that not choosing had a greater effect on reducing stress and improving measures related to mood than choosing
may have been because all of the participants received a meal that
they liked. Likers have more positive emotional responses to a
food than non-likers (King & Meiselman, 2010). In our study, if
participants did not get to choose their ingredients, the choice
was made for them based on previous liking ratings of the ingredients. Overall enjoyment, while generally high for all participants,
did not differ between Choice (M = 72 out of 100, SE = 2.67) and No
Choice (M = 66, SE = 2.67) groups (F = 2.68, p = 0.1), although the
trend was for those in the Choice groups to enjoy their meal more.
This effect was also seen in a study by De Graaf et al. (2005), in
which higher liking ratings were made for foods tasted in the laboratory if participants were allowed to choose which foods to sample than if they were simply given the same foods to taste. In the
present experiment, none of the changes in stress or measures
related to mood were signicantly correlated with overall enjoyment rating. We may have seen a greater stress-lowering effect
of Choice in this experiment if the No Choice groups received a meal
they did not like or felt neutral about. In that case, choosing should
result in greater satisfaction with the meal if they chose something
they like, and if so, greater would be the chance that choosing
would result in stress reduction.

Meal preparation had little effect on stress and measures related to

Whether or not the participants prepared their own meal did not
have an effect on their stress levels following the meal. Possibly the
amount of preparing done by the participants was not enough to
elicit many differences. Since the meal preparation consisted only
of mixing items together and microwaving, participants may not
have felt they were really cooking. Indeed, when those in the
Prepare groups were asked to respond to the statement I felt like
I was really cooking (from 0 to 100, 0 being Strongly Disagree
and 100 being Strongly Agree), the mean response was only 26.
It is also possible that the effect of food preparation on stress relief
and improvement in mood-related measures is affected by how
much one enjoys cooking. When we included participants
responses to the question, In general, how much do you enjoy
cooking/preparing food? (rated 0100, 0 being Dislike Extremely
and 100 being Like Extremely) as a covariate in our 2  2 ANCOVA
model, signicance of the results did not change (for anxiety
without . . .enjoy cooking. . ., F = 0.00, p = 0.83; with . . .enjoy
cooking. . . included as covariate, F = 0.00, p = 0.94). (The interaction between . . .enjoy cooking. . . and the Prepare factor was not
We found that those who prepared their meal exhibited less of
a decrease in self-conscious ratings (M = 1.5, SE = 0.2) after the
meal than those who did not prepare their meal (M = 0.8,
SE = 0.2; F = 7.0, one-sided p < 0.01). Being asked to perform a
cooking task in an unfamiliar environment as part of a study
where one is being evaluated may have increased feelings of
self-consciousness during the meal preparation period. We did
not take mood-related measurements after the meal was prepared but before it was eaten. If feelings of self-consciousness
increased during this period, our results make sense. Not preparing the meal would result in self-conscious ratings being
reduced further than when preparing the meal, because they
would not have increased in the period between mood-related
Several limitations to this study may have prevented us from
seeing strong results. First of all, our meal consisted of only one
dish, and although it was large (providing approximately 1000
kilocalories if consumed in its entirety), participants may not have
considered it a full meal. If we had provided more meal items, such
as salad, beverage, and dessert, our participants may have been
more satised with the meal. They also would have had to do more
choosing and preparing, which could have strengthened our
manipulation. Secondly, the preparation of the pasta dish itself
was not very extensive. Perhaps if we had included such steps as
boiling the pasta and chopping vegetables, our Prepare manipulation would have been further strengthened. Finally, our mood
questionnaire was only partially taken from a standardized and
validated measure, the POMS. While many researchers take liberties with the adjectives used to measure mood, the modications
we made to the POMS may have resulted in non-standardized
measures of specic mood constructs.
When the burden of choice is removed, food and eating relieve
anxiety and anger and reduce systolic blood pressure more than
when choice is involved. We found little evidence for an effect
of preparing a meal on stress or measures related to negative

K.E. Osdoba et al. / Food Quality and Preference 39 (2015) 241250

This material is based upon work supported by NASA under
award No. NNX12AE56G. This research has been supported in part
by the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station. We thank Matt
Niezgoda, Sara Olson, Samantha Bzdawka, Claire Burrington, Sean
Lee, Dana Osdoba, Zach Baggio, Amanda Schlink, and Stephanie Elsbernd for their help conducting the studies; Britt Ahlstrom, Rachel
Burns, and Heather Scherschel for their input on the experimental
design; and Megan Heyman and Zhongnan Jin for their help with
statistical analysis.
All authors have approved the nal version of this paper.

Appendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
the online version, at
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