Unity of Health Through Yogaand Islamic Shalat

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Academic Sports Scholar

Vol. 3 | Issue. 10 | Oct 2014

ISSN : 2277-3665
Impact Factor : 1.3205 (UIF)


Raof Ahmad Bhat1 , Syed Tariq Murtaza2 , Mohd. Sharique3 and Farkhunda Jabin4

Student of M.P.Ed. (Sem.-III), Department of Physical Education, A.M.U, Aligarh .

PhD , Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education, A.M.U, Aligarh.
PhD , Assistant Professor, Dept. Of Physical Education, KMCUAF University, Lucknow.
M.D. , Assistant Professor, Department of Hifzan-e-Sehat Wa Samaji Tibb, A & U Medical College, Aligarh.
Abstract:-In every religion, there is a set of rituals and modes of worship. In Islamic
World, Salah is the fundamental religious obligation of every Muslim to offer five
times a day at set times and conditions, following a proper sequence. The Salah
positions have corresponding Yoga positions, so the culminated purpose of the
study was to analyze the paramount effect of Salah on psycho-physiological and
physical efficiencies of people offering regular Salah as provided by Yoga. The
paper also suggests in the unity of two great religions of the world i.e. Hinduism &
Islam as the Yoga and Salah have many common points which may illuminate the
lives of both the communities in positive manner.
Keywords:Health Through Yoga , Islamic Prayer 'Salah'.
The word Salah originates from the Arabic word 'Silah' which means connection i.e.
connection with The God. The Islamic definition of Salah is the name given to the formal prayer of
Islam. Salah is a fundamental principle of religion Islam and is an important practice which must be
performed at set times and conditions', following a sequence. Islam is the religion where physical
movements of prayer (Salah) are combined with spiritual exercise. The analysis has been made in the
light of present day medical knowledge that how Salah can have positive effects on health. Salah is not
just a religious obligation but a sure path towards better health and fitness as proven by contemporary
Now in the 21st century we came to know that washing hands, face and other parts of the
body will prevent diseases. But fourteen centuries ago when there was no microscope, Prophet (SAW),
was the walking encyclopaedia of scientific discoveries & inventions, if we may so describe him, gave
us a prescription of 26 washing movements to be carried out 5 times a day, a total of 130 daily washing
movements to grant us optimum health.
Salah has many postures like Standing (Qiyam), Bowing (Rukoo), Prostration (Sujood) and
Sitting during the salutation (Tahayat), all have a strong relationship with spiritual, mental and
physical wellbeing. The benefits of specific movements come from correct rendition of the position or
action, the length of time the position is held and by careful and correct recitation.
The Yoga is the ancient most art of living prescribed by the Rishis and Munis of India. The
sole aim of the Ashtanga-Yoga is to concentrate & connect with The God as prescribed in Dhyana &
Samadhi. Traditionally Yoga is thought of as the inseparable part of Hinduism whereas the authors
believe that the yogic teaching is the culminating enlightenment of every religion. Hence to think Yoga
belongs to Hinduism only is a gross misconception. The only viable justification put forward by the
scholars in recognizing Yoga as the inseparable part of Hinduism is the language of its scriptures and
chanting i.e. Sanskrit, whereas authors found in the Qur'anic teachings where The Al-Mighty God has
Please cite this Article as :Raof Ahmad Bhat1 , Syed Tariq Murtaza2 , Mohd. Sharique3 and Farkhunda Jabin4, UNITY


mentioned that for every community, We have sent the Messengers and every Messenger had
delivered our Message using the community's idioms, phrases and languages (Al-Qur'an, Surah
Ibraheem 14:4). Hence this Qur'anic injunction has ruled out every misconception related to the
affiliation of Yoga with Hinduism. It might be possible that the Yogic teachings (as prescribed by the
Ashtanga-Yoga) had been descended by The God Himself to the community whose mother-tongue
was Sanskrit, and now The God had sent Prophet Muhammad with His Message in Arabic as Arabic
had been the mother-tongue of his people in Arabia. Moreover, it is interesting to note that in-between
Yoga & Islam, we find every religion with more or less the same teachings as have been propounded
by the Ashtanga-Yoga.
Muslim prayers (Salah) can be called Islamic Yoga as through them the same benefits can be
availed that the Yoga practitioners recommend through regular practice of Yoga, thus called Yoga as
'one of the oldest systems of personal development encompassing body, mind and spirit'.. Yoga
nowadays has become one of the fastest growing health trend, renowned for centuries for its curative
powers of movement.
Yogic Asanas comprises of a number of body postures, which one retains for a length of time
while reciting 'Mantras' or breathing in a rhythmic manner. Medical schools like Harvard and by many
foundations such as Menninger Foundation have researched the benefits of Yoga and now
recommend it to their patients. ( Karima Burns, 2012)
In fact, Yoga has become so popular that it has got many versions, like secretaries have
developed a simplified sitting version that they can do at their desks. Likewise elderly, pregnant
women and athletes also have their own specific versions.
Interestingly Salah, the Islamic prayer has provided Muslims for fourteen centuries with
some of the Yoga's same benefits. This simple form of Yoga provides an individual physical, mental
and spiritual benefits five times a day as Muslims assume certain positions while reciting Quran. Of
course, not all the Yoga positions are found in the Islamic prayer, however, hospital researchers have
concluded that patients benefit from even a simplified version of Yoga i.e. Islamic Prayer. (Karima
Burns, 2012)
The Salah (prayer) positions have a corresponding Yoga position, and the positions together
'activate' all seven 'chakras' (energy fields) in the human body. The idea of activating a chakra may
sound linguistically strange, but in layman's terms the idea of chakras can be understood by thinking
about how the 'feeling' sense functions. An individual notices, when touching any part of the body that
part responds by being more 'awake and 'aware'. Another part of the body that was not touched, but is
along the same nerve pathway, may also respond
The 'Takbir' and 'Qiyam' together are very similar to the mountain pose in Yoga, which has
been found to improve posture, balance and self-awareness. Blood pressure and breathing remain
normal in this position, thus providing many benefits to asthma and heart patients. The hands which
are placed on the chest during the Qiyam position are said to activate the solar plexus 'chakra' or
pathway. Which directs the awareness of self in the world and controls the health of the muscular
system, skin, intestines, liver, gall bladder and eyes? When hands are held open for dua (supplication),
they activate the heart 'chakra' said to be the centre of the feelings of love, harmony and peace and to
control love and compassion. It also governs the health of the heart, lungs, thymus, immune system
and circulatory system.
The position of 'Rukoo' is very similar to the forward bend position in Yoga. Rukoo stretches
the muscles of thighs, lower back and allows blood to be pumped down into the upper torso, which
tones the muscles of stomach, abdomen and kidneys.
The Sujud is said to activate the 'crown chakra' which is related to a person's spiritual
connection with the universe around them and their enthusiasm for spiritual pursuits. This nerve
pathway is also correlated to the health of the brain and pineal gland. Its healthy function balances
ones interior and exterior energies.
The position of al-Qaaidah,(or Julus) is similar to the Vajrasana (thunderbolt) pose in Yoga,
which firms the toes, knees, thighs and legs. It is said to be good for those prone to excessive sleep, and
those who like to keep long hours. The 'throat chakra' is activated by turning the head towards first the
Academic Sports Scholar | Volume 3 | Issue 10 | Oct 2014


right and then the left shoulder in the closing of the prayer. This nerve path is linked to the throat, neck,
arms, hands and hearing-effecting individual's creativity and communication.
It is believed that an individual who activates all seven nerve pathways at least once a day
can remain well balanced emotionally, physically and spiritually (Karima Burns, 2012).
2.1 Standing (Qiyam) Salah usually starts in a standing position. The hands are raised to the
shoulder level or to the level of top of the ears. Both arms are then placed over chest, with the right arm
over the left.The feet of the worshippers should be straight and towards Qibla i.e. the direction
towards Kaaba in Mecca city in Saudi Arabia. This posture is somewhat like Tadasana in Yoga, with
the only difference that the saadhak(worshipper) doesn't raise hands straight over the head.
2.1 Bowing (Rukoo) While uttering some verses from the Quran in the standing position, Rukoo
(Bowing) is done by leaning forward, espically at lumber joint supported by the palms placed on the
knees,with fingers spaced out.After reciting some verses in this position, the worshipper returns to his
previous state i.e. standing position. This position is like Trikonasana in Yoga. After a few seconds, the
worshipper gradually reverts to the previous state until vertebral column is vertical. This position is
like the modified Paschim-Uttanasana (Standing Paschim-Uttanasana) & Trikonasana in Yoga.
2.2 Prostration (Sujood) The act of prostration is done from the standing position to kneeling, the
position involves having the forehead, nose, both hands, knees and all toes touching the ground
together. This position is like Shashtaangasana in Yoga
2.3 Sitting (Tahayat) and finishing Salah Sitting is an important step in salah. After standing,
bowing and prostration, sitting is done on the left foot along the ground with the right foot upright.
After reciting some verses from Quran in this position, the Salah is concluded by reciting greetings of
salaam by looking over one's right and then left side. This posture is more like virasana in Yoga
Purification is very important matter in Islam one must purify their intention for Allah
(SWT) alone and purify their bodies and clothes before beginning the prayer. In the glorious Quran,
Allah (SWT) states, Truly, Allah loves those who turn into him in repentance and He loves those who
purify themselves. (Al-Qur'an Surah Al- Baqarah 2:222)
Ablution /Wudu is an essential pre-requisite of performing Salah. It is very important for
personal hygiene. Wudu is the usage of pure water on upon specific body parts, such as hands, face,
forearm to the elbows and feet etc. Indeed it has been explained by Allah the Glorified and Exalted,
and the messenger of Allah (SAW) clarifies it for people. Allah the Exalted said, O you who believe!
When you intend to perform prayer, wash your faces and your forearm to the elbows. And wipe over
your heads and wash your feet to the ankles. (Al-Qur'an Surah Al-Maa'idah 5:6).
3.1.1. Hands wash hands in between the fingers and rub the surface and edges of the nails. Washing
of hands is the only most important means of preventing the spread of infection. They attract germs
and parasites etc. because hands are the main contact parts of our body to the outside world, if not
washed these germs can cause viral infections of skin and other parts of the body contact infections
(WHO 2009).
3.1.2.Mouth the obvious reason behind washing the mouth during ablution is to remove the food
particles, which could cause teeth and gum problems that is also the reason why siwak (brushing one's
teeth) is also encouraged before ablution. Common cold could be prevented over 30 Percent of the
time by daily gargling with plain water. This simple hygienic habit could contribute to public health
(MMR Forum 2007).

Academic Sports Scholar | Volume 3 | Issue 10 | Oct 2014


3.1.3.Nose Washing one's nostrils, one is also performing a preventive health measure as the germs
trapped in the nostrils are removed and do not pass on to the respiratory system. According to a study
conducted by a team of doctors in Alexandria University, the Prophetic tradition, which urges the
exaggeration of washing the nostrils by introducing the water in the nostrils, then blowing it out,
positively affects the inner coating of the nostrils. Those who carried out the washing in the correct
form had clean, shiny nostrils with no dust clinging to the small hair inside An American study of 24
patients with different inflammatory conditions in the nose including allergies reported that patients
who used nasal irrigation for the treatment of Sino-Nasal disease experienced statistically significant
improvement (Tomooka et.al. 2000).
3.1.4. Face Repeated washing of the face invigorates the facial skin cells and helps prevent early
wrinkles as well as having a cleansing effect on the inside of the eyes, which prevents eye infection
and retard acne or pimple growth (Muslim Forum 2007).
3.1.5. Ears and Nape of Neck Washing the ears helps rid them from wax accumulation, which may
cause ear infections as well as affecting the inner ear, which eventually causes body imbalances. Neck
is exposed area of the body that gathers dust, massage helps in cleaning and also reduces stress. In fact
many stress therapists strongly recommend similar motion to reduce stress (Muslim Forum 2007).
3.1.6. Feet The Prophetic tradition of encouraging one to wash between the toes while washing the
feet is also extremely important, as it prevents the foot, which in our modern times is trapped most of
the day inside shoes, from accruing athlete's foot (Muslim Forum 2007).
Ablution also stimulates the biological rhythms of the body and specifically Biological
Active Spots (BASes), very much like the idea behind Chinese reflex therapy. Presently we know that
a man is complex system of electromagnetic fields, meridians, biological rhythms and so on. Man's
internal organs, in their turn present a no less sophisticated bio-energetically whole. They all have
indissoluble multi-channel bilateral connections with the skin, which hosts special spots, whose
functions resemble those of buttons on Control and Recharge boards responsible for particular
organs. These spots are called Biological Active Spots (BASes).Chinese medicine says that there are
more than 700 BASes and sixty-six of them have quick reflex therapy effects and are named as the
drastic (or aggression or antique or prime elements) spots, out of these sixty-six spots , sixty one are
located in zones required for ablution while other five are located between the ankle and knee (an area
which is desirable according to Prophetic traditions to wash).Thus ablution becomes a kind of
treatment complex, which includes the hydro massage of the BASes, their thermal and physical
stimulation (Muslim Forum 2007).
The same ritual of Ablution before every Islamic prayer i.e. Wudu (washing face, hand, feet,
nostrils & wiping head) is also encouraged by Yoga experts who say that washing important motor
and sensory organs such as the hands, arms, eyes, legs, mouth and genitals before sleep using cool
water relaxes the body preparing it for a deep sleep (Avadhuta Vedprajinananda, Yoga Health Secrets2014).
During Salah muscles in the body contract, thereby blood flow is increased to the muscles
and muscle tone is also increased. Salah improves posture, increased the intake of oxygen and
enhances the functioning of respiratory, digestive, endocrine and reproductive and excretory systems.
Pressure on abdominal muscles increases intestine movements to push forward its residual contents
thus preventing constipation and promoting gut motility and absorption capacity .Even while
properly bending with the back and elbows straight there is a squeezing pressure (just like pressing a
sponge to release water) on the kidneys by the muscles of the back and abdominal wall that results
variation in blood flow, mechanical pressure on the excreta forcing it into the ureters and bladder, In
standing back the pressure is suddenly released and the kidneys undergo a sort of massage. Salah is an
exercise that reduces cholesterol in the body that causes heart failures, strokes, diabetes and many
other ailments. Holy Prophet Muhammad said, there is a piece of flesh in the body if it becomes good
(reformed) the whole body becomes good but if it gets spoilt the whole body gets spoilt and that is the
Academic Sports Scholar | Volume 3 | Issue 10 | Oct 2014


heart (Sahih Bukhari).
Salah gives exercise to the heart and make one healthy. Regular Salah also has a great impact
on resting heart rate. Salah activity makes artery vessels more flexible due to rise and fall of blood
circulation result decreases heart diseases (Javid Us Salam and S. Vijay, 2013 & MMR Forum 2007)
Psychological benefits ultimate satisfaction- peace of mind! It is a known fact that exercise
improves mood, thought and behaviour. Exercise improves the quality of life, induces greater sense of
well-being and energy, reduces anxiety and depression, influences mood favourably and contributes
to self- esteem and any aura of confidence, improves memory in the elderly especially with constant
repetition of ayaat (verses) from the glorious Quran and other ayaat which exalt his glory. Stress
reduction, increases concentration, mental relaxation, improved appearance and resistance to set
upset better sleep (Shabbir Ahmad Sayeed and Anand Prakash, 2013).
Salah is a form of mild exercise which involves movements of all body parts and some such
unsure movements that we normally don't make during routine course of day like prostration i.e.
Sajdah (Azizul Haque and Sandip Sankar Ghosh 2013). Done 5 times daily at regular intervals, it
helps to maintain the body round the clock without causing any strain or tiredness.
Salah is a hemo- dynamic exercise which improves coordination, circulation, posture,
balance and well-being. Salah has a great effect on burning off calories. It maintains muscle tone and
body composition, joint flexibility and reduces arthritis, makes the back bone strong, prevents
sciatica and retard the aging process. By offering Takbir at the beginning of Salah, we move our hands
and shoulder muscles thereby increasing the flow of blood towards torso. A remarkable tissue in our
body is cartilage, it is unique in being a living tissue with no direct blood supply, the only way it
received nutrients and oxygen is by movements of the joints. The pumping effect forces blood into the
joint area which would otherwise be bypassed. Those who sit at the terminals are in greater danger of
ending up with dead cartilage tissues that will subsequently wear away. This will leave us with
arthritis, painful joints and paralysis. Salah therefore has many orthopaedic benefits for all people
(Reza MF, Urakami Y, & Mano Y 2002).
The physical and physiological benefits of Salah are multiple to say the least. Most of the
body muscles and joints are exercised during Salah. In the most noteworthy movement of prostration
besides the limb muscles, the back and perineum muscles as well are exercised repeatedly. The neck
muscles, in particular, are strengthened such that it is uncommon to find a person offering regular
Salah prostrating at least 34 times a day to suffer from cervical spondylosis or myalgias. Sajdah is the
only position in which the head is in a position lower than the heart and therefore, receives increased
blood supply. This surge in blood supply has a positive effect on memory, concentration, psyche and
other cognitive abilities. During Sajdah dissipation of the electromagnetic energy accumulated from
the atmosphere takes place by the grounding effect at regular intervals resulting in a calming feeling.
A recent study investigating the alpha brain activity during Muslim prayers has reported increased
amplitude in the parietal and occipital regions suggestive of parasympathetic elevation, thus
indicating a state of relaxation. The unique position of Sajdah also have positive effects upon the back
muscles as while going into Sajdah and getting up from it, the back muscles contract actively and they
become stronger, so a regular Namazi usually do not have backache. After performing Sajdah either
the musalli stands up or he sits to pray Attahiyyat. In this position the person sits calmly while his
hands rest at his thighs which are folded backwards. This is much similar to the relaxation position of
Yoga and has soothing effect upon one's health and mentation.
Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) used to elongate the position of Rukoo (bending) and Sajdah
positions and he advised to do so. In the light of the above facts it is appropriate to say that from
medical point of view as well this advice is a golden rule for health (MMR Forum, 107,108, 2007).
It can be seen from the above discussion that the Yoga & Salah have psychological,
physiological and physical effects on the individual. A sound body with sound mind is essential for
Academic Sports Scholar | Volume 3 | Issue 10 | Oct 2014


every individual to achieve the goal. Salah coordinates the action of body and mind of people
Salah has special characteristics in that it is a short duration mild-to-moderate
psychological, physical and brain activity. Scientific evidence also supports the notion that even
moderate intensity activities, when performed daily, can have some long-term health benefits
(American Heart Association). Salah is like a free hand exercise. It can be performed in groups or
individually without any equipment. Thus, a person in a rehabilitation program can practice the
activity in their room with ease and comfort, even when sitting in a wheelchair or in bed. During the
performance of Salah, most of the muscles and joints of the body are involved. This activity is
convenient for all kinds of patients, including children, the elderly and physically handicapped, for
strengthening their muscles as well as the mind. Whereas Ashtanga-Yoga is a powerful stream of
knowledge which enables the practitioners to achieve radiant physical health, serene mind, and
spiritual upliftment and creates the ability for harmonious social living.
This paper has the potential teachings to foster communal peace between the followers of
two great religions which in turn may help our country to become Super Power in the forth-coming
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Raof Ahmad Bhat

Student of M.P.Ed. (Sem.-III), Department of Physical Education, A.M.U, Aligarh .

Academic Sports Scholar | Volume 3 | Issue 10 | Oct 2014

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