Procedure For Refund
Procedure For Refund
Procedure For Refund
Refund of excess amount of duty paid can be claimed by the importer or
exporter. If any excess interest has been paid by the importer/exporter on the
amount of duty paid in excess, its refund can also be claimed.
Section 27 of the Customs Act, 1962 deals with the refund of duty and
interest. As provided therein, refund of duty and interest can be claimed either by a
person who has paid the duty in pursuance to an order of assessment or a person
who has borne the duty.
Any person claiming refund of any duty or interest has to make an application
induplicate in the form as prescribed in the Customs Refund Application (Form)
Regulations, 1995, to the jurisdictional Deputy/Assistant Commissioner of Customs.
In terms of Section 27 of the Customs Act, 1962 an application for refund is
required to be filed within one year from the date of payment of duty and interest.
Normally, the time limit of one year is computed from the date of payment of duty,
however, in following situations, such time limit is computed differently: (a) In case of
goods which are exempt from payment of duty by an ad-hoc exemption order issued
under Section 25(2) of the Customs Act, 1962 the limitation of one year is to be
computed from the date of issue of such order; (b) Where duty becomes refundable
as a consequence of judgment, decree, order or direction of the appellate authority,
Appellate Tribunal or any court, the limitation of one year is to be computed from the
date of such judgment, decree, order or direction. (c) Where any duty is paid
provisionally under Section 18 of the Customs Act, 1962 the limitation of one year is
to be computed from the date of adjustment of duty after the final assessment
thereof; and (d) The date of payment of any duty and interest in relation to a person,
other than the importer shall be the date of purchase of goods by such person.
The limitation of one year for claiming refund does not apply where any duty
and interest has been paid under protest.
The application for refund is required to be filed with documentary or other
evidence including documents relating to assessment, sales invoice and other like
documents to support the claim that the duty and interest was paid in excess,
incidence of duty or interest has not been passed on by him to any other person, and
the refund has not been obtained already.
Where on scrutiny, the application is found to be complete in all respects the
Customs issues an acknowledgement in the prescribed Form. However, in case the
application is found to be incomplete, the Customs will return the same to the
applicant, pointing out the deficiency. The applicant has to then re-submit the
application after making good the deficiency
The application of refund found to be complete in all respects by Customs, is
processed to see if the whole or any part of the duty and interest paid by the
applicant is refundable. In case, the whole or any part of the duty and interest is
found to be refundable, an order for refund is passed. However, in view of the
provisions of unjust enrichment enshrined in the Customs Act, the amount found
refundable has to be transferred to the Consumer Welfare Fund except in the
following situations when it is to be paid to the applicant: (a) If the importer has not
passed on the incidence of such duty and interest to any other person; (b) If such
duty and interest was paid in respect of imports made by an individual for his
personal use; (c) If the buyer who has borne the duty and interest, has not passed
on the incidence of such duty and interest to any other person; (d) If amount found
refundable relates to export duty paid on goods which were returned to exporter as
specified in Section 26 of the Customs Act, 1962; (e) If amount relates to Drawback
of duty payable under Sections 74 and 75 of the Customs Act, 1962; and (f) If the
duty or interest was borne by a class of applicants which has been notified for such
purpose in the Official Gazette by the Central Government.
In terms of Section 27(2) of the Customs Act, 1962 the concerned Assistant/
Deputy Commissioner of Customs has to examine the facts of the case and the
material placed before him in order to determine whether the amount claimed by an
applicant is refundable to him or not. Further, the Assistant/Deputy Commissioner of
Customs has to go through the details of audited balance sheet and other related
financial records, certificate of the Chartered Accountant etc., submitted by the
applicant in order to decide whether the applicant had not passed on the incidence of
the duty and interest thereon, if any, to any other person. The Assistant/Deputy
Commissioner of Customs has to pass the speaking Order-in-Original on the refund
application providing specific details including the relevant financial records that are
relied upon to arrive at a conclusion whether the burden of duty or interest, as the
case may be, has been passed on or not.
The Customs has to finalize refund claims immediately after receipt of the
refund application in proper form along with all the documents. In case, any duty to
be refunded to an applicant is not refunded within 3 months from the date of receipt
of application for refund, interest that is currently fixed @ 6% is to be paid to the
applicant. The interest is to be paid for the period from the date immediately after the
expiry of 3 months from the date of receipt of such application till be date of refund of
such duty. For the purpose of payment of interest, the application is deemed to have
been received on the date on which a complete application, as acknowledged by the
proper officer of Customs, has been made.
Where any order of refund is made by the Commissioner (Appeals), Appellate
Tribunal or any Court against an order of the Assistant Commissioner/Deputy
Commissioner of Customs, the order passed by the Commissioner (Appeals),
Appellate Tribunal or by the Court, as the case may be is deemed to be an order for
the purpose of payment of interest on delayed refund.
The interest on delayed refund is payable only in respect of delayed refunds
of Customs duty and no interest is payable in respect of deposits such as deposits
for project imports, security for provisional release of goods etc.
The procedure to ensure expeditious disposal of Customs duty refund
applications and to enhance transparency in refund disbursement is as follows:
(a) Receipt and acknowledgement of all refund applications: All refund
applications made under Section 27 of the Customs Act, 1962 whether by
post or courier or personal delivery, are received by the department and a
simple receipt of having received the refund application is issued
immediately. The receipt makes it clear that the application has not been
scrutinized for its completeness. These applications are scrutinized for their
completeness of their receipt, for giving acknowledgement by the Proper
Officer as per the Customs Refund Application (Form) Regulations, 1995.
Hence, if any deficiency is found in the application or any document is
required by the department, the same is informed at this stage of initial
scrutiny itself of the initial receipt. This avoids any chance for raising repeated
queries to the applicant, in a piece-meal manner and bring certainty in dealing
with refund applications.
(b) Processing of refund applications and their disposal: Application
found complete in all respects after scrutiny, are processed on first-come-first
served basis. If refund is due, an order for refund is passed in terms of
Section 27(2) of the Customs Act, 1962 or where the claim for refund is found
liable to be rejected, as the case may be, a speaking order is passed giving
complete reasons for the order. Further, the order indicates that the aspect of
unjust enrichment has been examined based on the applicable guidelines.
The order also contains the findings of adjudicating authority on the
documents produced in support of the claim and the basis for determining the
amount as either refundable to the claimant or payable to the Consumer
Welfare Fund or the claim not being admissible.
(c) Payment of Refund amount: Where the refund application is admitted,
whether in part or in full, and claimant is eligible for refund the payment is
made to the applicant by crediting in his bank account trough RTGS on the
basis of pre-receipt already obtained from the claimant.
(d)Audit:Pre-audit of refund claims for amount of Rs. 5 lakhs and moreis
conducted by the Assistant/Deputy Commissioner (Audit), in the
Commissionerate Headquarters Office. Thereafter, the Assistant/Deputy
Commissioner(Refunds) passes an order-in-original in respect of the claim.
Thereafter, the orders- in-original passed in this regard are subjected to
review by the Commissioner concerned.
Refund of Additional Customs Duty (Special Additional Duty-SAD) paid
under section 3(5) of Customs Tariff Act, 1975.
virtue of Notification No. 102/ 2007 dated 14.09.2007 the Central Government
granted exemption, of the whole of the additional duty of customs leviable thereon
under sub-section (5) of section 3 of the said Customs Tariff Act, if the following
conditions are fulfilled:(a)
The importer of the said goods shall pay all duties, including the said
additional duty of customs leviable thereon, as applicable, at the time of
importation of the goods ;( Para 7.2 of Boards Circular No.6/2008 dated
The importer shall pay on sale of the said goods, appropriate sales tax or
value added tax, as the case may be; (Para 2(v) of Boards Circular
No.16/2008 dated 13.10.2008 clarifies that payment of VAT/ST by cash/other
authorized form/input tax credit should be accepted.)
The importer, while issuing the invoice for sale of the said goods, shall
specifically indicate in the invoice that in respect of the goods covered therein,
no credit of the additional duty of customs levied under sub-section (5) of
section 3 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 shall be admissible;(Para 7.2 of
Boards Circular No.6/2008 dated 28.04.2008)
The importer shall file a claim for refund of the said additional duty of customs
paid on the imported goods with the jurisdictional customs officer(Para 4.1 of
Boards Circular No.6/2008 dated 28.04.2008 and Notification No.93/2008
dated 01.08.2008, Para 2 (i) of Boards Circular No.16/2008 dated 13.10.2008
clarified that the time limit shall be from the date of payment of duty and not
from the date of finalization of the provisional assessment).
The importer shall, inter-alia, provide copies of the following documents along
with the refund claim:
added tax, as the case may be, by the importer, on sale of such imported
Duplicate Bill of Entry (Importers Original Copy) with copies of invoice and
Bills of Lading
Copy of Invoices in Electronic form (including in the form of CD) (AnnexureI)(Proforma-VI)(Public Notice NO. 04/2009 JNCH dated 02.02.2009).
Board vide its Circular No: 6/2008 dated 28.04.2008 has clarified that considering
the voluminous transactions and the documents involved from import to sale, it was
felt that it would be expedient to allow the importer to submit a certificate from the
statutory auditor/Chartered Accountant who certifies the annual accounts of the
Importer, that the burden of 4% CVD has not been passed on by the Importer to the
buyer and to fulfil the requirement of unjust enrichment. To fulfil the requirement of
unjust enrichment the Board vide circular No: 6/2008 dated 28.04.2008 and 16/2008
dt.13.10.2008 allowed the Importer to produce a certificate from the statutory
auditor/Chartered Accountant who certifies the annual accounts of the Importer to
the effect that the burden of 4% CVD has not been passed on by the Importer to the
buyer. The Board vide its Circular No: 6/2008 dated28.04.2008 required the Importer
to make a self-declaration along with a refund claim to the effect that the burden of
4% CVD has not been passed on by the Importer to any other person.)
(i) The STA/TA posted to the Centralized Refund Cell (CRC) shall receive the SAD
Refund Claim.
received during the day along with receiving register to the concerned DC/AC for his
dated signature on all the SAD refund applications and on the daily receipt
register.Thereafter, the TA/STA shall distribute the SAD refund claims to the
Examiner/Superintendent/Appraisershall select
claim for
processing strictly on First-in First-out basis. The SAD refund claim documents have
After pre-auditing the DC/AC CRC shall approve the draft Order-inProper record of receipted refund claims for pre-auditing and their
After pre-auditing the DC/AC CRC shall approve the draft Order-in-Original.
The approved draft order-in-original duly signed by the concerned DC/AC shall be
forwarded to Appraising (Main) for allocating Order number. The concerned
Superintendents and Appraising Officerposted at CRC as per competency shall
prepare the Refund Order against the draft O-in-O. Thereafter, the STA shall give the
Refund Order number. Thereafter, the refund file shall be put up to DC/AC CRC for
signing the final order-in-original and refund order and for order of issuance of RO
and Order-In-Original.
Order-in-Original simultaneously. Thereafter, the TA/STA shall give the refund order
number. The refund file with final copy of Order-in-Original and Refund Order duly
signed by the concerned Superintendent/Appraiser shall be put up to DC/AC CRC for
signature and issuance. After approval and signature of AC/DC on the Order-inOriginal and Refund Order, the STA/TA will issue both the Order-in-Original and
Refund Order on the same day.
Finally, the refund claim file along with all original documents particularly the
RTGS detail of the claimant shall be forwarded to Cash Section for disbursal through
NEFT/RTGS. The claim should be duly received in the cash section of JNCH in the
register of SAD Refund Sections. The SAD claims received shall be processed for
disbursal through RTGS on FIFO basis.
(Office Order No.S/26-Misc-01/13-14 CRC IV (28) JNCH of July 2014)
correlating the payment of ST/VAT on the imported goods with the invoices of sale
and also to the effect that the burden of 4% CVD has not been passed on by the
importer to the buyer. The procedure for pre-audit for ACP clients has been done
away with and detailed scrutiny will be done only at the stage of post-audit. The
refund claims will be sanctioned within the maximum time period of 30 days from the
date of submission of refund claim (Boards Circular No.18/2010-Customs dated
SAD amount is the relevant date of payment, and not the date of finalization of the
provisional assessment. Therefore, the claimant would be eligible for the refund only
if the claim is filed within one year from the date of actual payment of SAD i.e the
date of payment of duty at the time of clearance of imported goods. In view of the
above facts and circumstances, it is decided to dispose SAD refund claims despite
the fact that the assessment continues to be provisional for one reason or the other,
without awaiting for finalization of assessments. The procedure is detailed in Public
Notice No.44/2009 JNCH dated 16.07.2009.
importers are unable to produce the original documents for various reasons in
genuine cases where reasons for absence of original Bill of Entry or the TR-6 challan
are explained by the importer and the particulars are verified from the EDI System,
the refund claims may be sanctioned by the Astt./Dy. Commissioner, after obtaining
an indemnity bond from the importer in this regard.(Facility Notice No.05/2010
JNCH dated 27.01.2010).
This section is entrusted with the work of processing the refund claims (all
claims other than SAD refund) pertaining to Duties of Import, Duties of Export, Cess,
Interest, Refund of RF and PP, Revenue Deposits, Security Deposits,
Unaccompanied Baggage duty etc and any consequential refunds based on tribunal
and court directions.
This section is entrusted with the work ofprocessing of refund application of Refund
of Additional Customs Duty (Special Additional Duty-SAD) paid under section 3(5) of
Customs Tariff Act, 1975 pertaining to Chapters 54 to 76.
This section is entrusted with the work ofprocessing of refund application of Refund
of Additional Customs Duty (Special Additional Duty-SAD) paid under section 3(5) of
Customs Tariff Act, 1975 pertaining to Chapters 77 to 98.