Reservoirs With Gas and Walter: Simple

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Reservoirs with Gas and Walter


Compositional material balance methods have been extended to solution gas-gas cap-water drive reservoirs.
Partial or complete pres$ure maintenance as well as reservoir repressuring by gas and/or water injection may be
considered. .?ncrements of reservoir withdrawals and injections equivalent to a given time increnxint are used
as the basic iterative step to allow theextehsion, An example field study shows how the reservoir volumes, extent
of the water drive, andrela(ive permeability ratio function
may be estintated, Knowing these, the tnethocls can be
used to predict reservoir behavior.
The compositional material balance is similar to conventionrd material balances in many aspects. The assumption of a pressure-homogenous reservoir with no transients
is common to all conventional material balances- although
numerics! methods are different, The compositional material balance also contains this assumption.
Inclusion of phase equilibria directly in reservoir calculations is the key difference and improvement in the compositional material balance. A coritinuous account of the
compositions of the reservoir fluids and effluents is determined. Calculations of fluid phases and properties. can be
based on these compositions, Excepting fluid phases and
properties determined in this manner, the compositional
materird balance uses procedures exactly analogous to
conventional methods.
Brinkman and Weinau~ and Jacoby and Berrym have
given compositional material balances for simple solution
gas drive reservoirs; subsequently Jacoby and Berry extended their procedure to include pressure maintenance
by gas. injection at constant reservoir pressure.
TMs paper extends compositional material balance techniques to a more generaI combination drive reservoir with
various types of pressure maintenance operations. The procedure for this extended compositional material balance
and an example of its field application are presented,
The numerical calculations of this compositional matei
Orisinsi rnanuscri t received in SocIet of Petroleum Engineers otltce
Aurll 26, 19dS. F&v .wd mmmsari t rece ved SeW, !2S, 196S. Paper resented at SPf3.U. j Oklehoma %roduc[[on Research SynP.sium ~eld
April 29-SO,1968, in Norman, OkIa.
Address: Odessa, Tex,
%sferences aivsn at end of rmer.
Dlscum!on of this and ali
following technical papem Is Invlied, Dismwslon in writing (three cmiea) hay k sent to the oflk of the
Jouend oj Petroleum 2eohnabgy. Any discussion dfered sfter Dec. S1
19SS, shmild be in the form of a new ~aper. No dirmbwion should
exceed 10 ner cent of the manusori~t being dimmed.


rial, balance are performed on. a high-speed digital computer. The most comprehensive case the present compcjitional material balance program can handle is a solution
gas-gas cap-water drive reservoir wit. (1) water production, (2) water influx, (3) separate or com ,mingled produc,
tion from the oil and gas zones, (4) any surface processing
arrangement includhtg LPG and gasoline production, ~nd
(5) gas injection into the gas and/or oil zones. This
description of the procedure applies to this most comprehensive case. Appropriate deletions in the procedure can
[te made-for more simple
In common with conventional material balances. the
compositional material balance makes the following assumptions: (1) the total reservoir is at a uniform pressure
at a gWen time; (2) the volumetric ratio of gas to liquid
withdrawal at reservoir conditions is directly proportional
to their motivities; and (3) instead of assuming a pressuredependent total gas-oil equilibrium, the compositional
material balance makes a significantly different and more
rigorous assumption as follows. Thermodynamic equili:
brium exists for each component in the liquid-gas mixtures
in the reservoir and in surface processing.
These three assumptions are fundamental in the compositional material balance procedure. ~
Other assumptions involve arbitrary simplifications of
the reservoir mechanisms. This compositional material
balance uses the following simplifying assumptions: (1) no
bulk mixing occurs between the gas and oil zonq [2) total
mixing occurs between any injected gaa and the contents
of the injection zone; (3) no in situ hydrocarbon liquid is
produced froim the gas zone; (4) no reservoir gas is re:
tained behind any net bottom-water influx; (5) the residual
saturation of hydrocarbon liquid at reservoir conditions
behind any net bottom-water influx is constant; and (6)
fluids retained bebind any net bottom-water influx exert
no further influence on the reservoir.
These six assumptions are not fundamental, Modifications of the present procedure can be made for different
assumptions of the reservoir mechanisms.
Previous compositional material balances have used a
pressure increment for simple solution gas drive reservoirs, 0 @ MI increment of injected gas for pressure
: maintenance. These incre~ents su%i suitable for these
simple cases. They are, however, inadWuate for reservoirs
with time dependent drive rnechanisims including water
drive. A time increment removes this inadequacy and is
The -8w&e of injected gns maj be external or from m rbe


,. .









used in this eomposfiional maierial balance procedure.
The conditions of the reservoir are specified at a time
t - he time r. may refer to the original resetwoir or any
t~~e in the life of the reservoir for which the conditions
are known, for example, from previous compositional
material balance calculations. The calculational procedure
is iterated for successive time increments until the desired
interval of reservoir behavior has, been examined.
Various reservoir information must be speci~ed and
used in a computer program. When the problem is to
match or duplicate the field history, the unknown information must be specitied using successive, presumably
better, guesses. For com~uter runs to predict reservoir
behavior, all t@ iriformatlon must be known.
First, the ,following reservoir data applicable to the
initial time t. must be specified: (1) the compositions of
the hydrocarbons in the oil arid gas zones expressed as
the mole fractions of C, through C,., HS, N,, and CO,
with the molecular weight and specific gravity of the C;+
fractions; (2) the reservoir temperature and pressurrx and
(3) the reservoir volume, porosity and water saturation of
thp gas and oil zone.
Second, values or functions for the following must be
available: (1) the gsq-oil relative permeability ratio expressed as a function of maturation and any other variable
desired; (2) a water drive function expressing the natural
water influx as i function of pressure and/or time
common examples of this function are those of Schilthuis
and van Everdingen and Hursts; and (3) the residual
reservoir liquid saturation behind the invading water
The complete surfa~.processing
scheme including the
separators and gas processing facilities must be specified.
Operating temperatures arid pressures of the separators
may be constant or vary wfth time. Individual component
recovery efficiencies must he known for any gas processing considered.
The procedure must have schedules of the -followin~
production data availabhx
1. a. For separate production from both zones, the rate
of oil production from each zone;
~. For commingled producti~n, the ra~ of oil production and the ratio of gas to oil-zone withdrawals expressed on a molal br volume (at reservoir
conditions) basis;
2, The rate of water production and injection;
3. The fractions or rates of any stream developed in
surface processing which is injected into each zone;
4. The rate and composition (expressed in mole fractions as, before) of gas from external sources which
is injected into each zone.
These schedules may be specified externally to the
actual computer program or developed within the program
when the oil p~~~duction schedule is based on PI decline.
Before the time-incremented iterative procedure is
started, a flash calculation at the reservok temperature
and pressure at the time t. is performed for the oil and
the gas Zonesl Compositions and amounts of all phases
in the reservoir are determined. Setting the general time t
equal to t. completes the initialization.
The steps of this procedure are completed as follows:
1. For the first time step, the reservoir, compositions,


saturations and pressure at t are estimated & equal

to those at t -t (At/2), the midpoint of the time increment, For subsequent time steps, the reservoir
saturations and pressure are gatimf,?d at themidpoint
by arithmetic extrapolation of the two previous time
steps. A similar log-arithmetic extrapolation is performed, for tb$ compositions, After normalization,
these reservoir wmpositioos are assumed applicable
throughout the time increment for calculational pur~poses;
2. The composition of the gas zone effluent is set equal
to the composition of the gas in the gas zone, For
the oil zone, the mobility ratio is determined using
viscosities at the time t and the relative permeability
,ratio at the saturation estimated in Step 1. The oil
zone etlluent composition is computed using the
mobility ratio and fluid densities at time t.
3, Separator calculations are performed on the gas and
oil zone effluents. The oil gravity is calculated. The
GORS of the individual and combined separators
are determined.
4. The oil obtained per mole of reservoir effluent is
used to determine the reservoir moles which must
be withdrawn during the time increment. The overall compositions of the oil and gas zones are adjusted
for the withdrawals.
5. The amounts and composition of all surface processing streams are calculated,
6, TKe amounts of streams from surface processing
injected during the -time increment are calculated.
The over-all compositions of both zones are recalculated,
7, Same as above for gas injected from external sources,
8. The rate of natural water influx at the midpoint of
the time increment is determined using the reservoir
pressure estimated in Step 1.
9. The net water influx during the time increment is
determined from the water influx, production, and
injection rates, The volume of the net bottom-water
influx aud its associated residual reservoir liquid is
removed from the- reservoir. The total hydrocarbon
volume of the reservoir at the end of the time increment is determined. The amounts and compositions of the reservoir fluids are adjusted,
10, Trial-and-error flash calculations are completed on
the total hydrocarbon contents of oil and gas zones
to find the reservoir pressure at the end of the time
increment. Each zone is flashed separate& at assumed pressures, The correct pressure is that pressure at which. the caidated
total reservoir hydro- ,
carbon volume of both zones is equal to that determined in the previous step.
11. The pore and ,reservoir volumes in each zone are
12. The general time t is set equal to (t+At).
This iterative procedure is repeated until calculations
have been completed for the period of reservoir life under


Throughout this procedure, phase equilibria, density

and viscpsity calculations must be made. Reliable comelations of these physical properties as a function of pressure, temperature and composition would be desiraW..Unfortunately, these correlations are not entirely available, Highly empirical proceduws are nec=sary for certain physical property calculations.









Methods required for physical property calculations can

be divided into six ere= (1) the ~+ fraction, (2) pbe
equilibria, (3) gas dedsity, (4) liquid demit!q (S) ga$, viscosity and (6) liquid viscosity. Various procedure have
been developed and used in these areas.


lacoby and Berry give an example showing the fallacy
of considering the C,+ fraction as one component. They
divided the C,+ fraction into components Up to C,,. The
remaining C,,+ fraction is taken as one component.
A procedure which divided the C, tkaction into even
more individual components was used in the tleld example described, later. The minimum number of equal
fractions.!starting with C, which first exceeded the average
molecular weight of the G, fraction was determined. Ttds
tlxed the number of componenS, in the c. fraction. A
constant multiplying factor (Iess than one) decreasing successive mole fractions was determined to give exact agreement with the given G+ average molecular weight. The
C,+ specific gravity was assumed linear with the C,. molecular weight based on n-C, and the given C?. fraction
Gross assumptions are admitted in this ~+ procedure.
Justification for these assumptions is that the results which
are at least logical can be obtained from the small amount
of pertinent_C,, fraction data whtch are usually available.
K values as a function of temperature, pressure and
convergence pressure for the hydrocarbons C, through Cl~
are determined using the coefBcients prepared by the
NGAA? K values for higher boiling hydrocarbons are
cktermined by a straight-line extrapolation of Iog K vs
tho reciprocal absolute normal boiling point. The convergence pressure is estimated by the method of Organick
and ,Hollingsworth.O
For H,S, N, and CO,, special equations to fit the K
values were developed. Appendix, A gives these equations. Use of these equations is restricted to relatively
low concentrations of these gases.
Optionally, the K values determined in the above prey
cedure are adjusted to force agreement with .a given dew
or bubble, point, For forced dew point agreement, a factor
C is determined as follows:
~ _ In X (Y,KJ
, (1)
p.(p, =-pk) ..

Without such extension, however, many actutil-reservoir

gases exceed the limiting reduced pressure, and the Pitzer
method cannot be used,
Liquid formation volume factors determined by reservoir fluid analysis or the method of Alani and Kennedyg
are used to calculate liquid densities.
As part of this work, the procedure of Alani and Kennedy was thoroughly evaluated. Th~ results of the evaluation for saturated and undersaturated reservoir oi!s are
given in Appendii B, The evaluation established the accuracy of the method at reservoir pressures and temperatures for which it was developed.
When desirable, the constants of the Aitsni-Kennedy
method are adjusted to force agreement between calculated
resuits and. a given point, for exampie, an experimental
btibbie poifit density, A factor applied to the van der
Waais b constant in the Alani-Kennedy method is used
to force agreement,
The Carr, Kobayashi and Burrows method was used
to calculate gas viscosities.
No correlation predicting viscosities of complex hydrocarbon mixtures as a function of composition is availabie. Liquid pharie viscosities determined as a function of
pressure by reservoir fluid analysis are used. Jacoby and
Berry a used the same procedure to estimate iiquid

The compositional material balance can be used to

estimate reservoir parameters and to predict reservoir
behavior. Both were done in the example tieid study.

The exampie fieid was a permeable, voiatile oil reservoir

with a gas and_oii zone. Reservoir sampies indicated original equilibrium between the hydrocarbon content of the
gas and the oii zones. Producing GORs indicated that

For forced bubble point agreement. the factor C is determined m follows

~ _ In 2 (y, K,)
, (2)




The factor C is subsequently used to corr&st the vaiues

K, as follows:
K,= K(eco[-p*). ,

, . ,


The form of Eq, 3 has been chosen such that K, is .

one where p equals pk and K~ approaches K, as p approaches zero.
Gas formation volume factors determined as a function
of pressure in reservoir fluid apalysis. were used to determine gas densities. for the example given, Two more complete procedures were subsequently incorporated,
OnA procedure uses the well-known pseudocritical
method of Kay and the compressibility factor charts of
Nelson and Obert. The computer adaptation of this





. .

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all reservoir withdmwafs were from the oil zone. Some
natural bottom-water influx was evident from increasing
WOR histories. Approximately eight years of operating
data from discovery were available. Water and gas were
injected into the gas zone during the last four years. The
production, injection, GOR and preswire histories are
shows on Figs, 1 and ~,

Initially the compositional snaterid. balance was used

to estimate (1) the reservoir volumes of the oil arid gas
zonea, (2) the naturah~ottom-water
[email protected]& and (3) the
relative permeability ratio function, Shwe the water drive
was not expected to be large, the Schilthuis steady-state
water drive function was used throughout:
The answers to the required estima~ions. were determined by making computer runs with dtfferent reservoir
volumes, Schikhuis wa;er drive ~constants and relative permeability ratio functions Selected by trial-and-error until
the best match of the calculated and actuaI field data
was obtained.
This trial-and-error can be laborious, but some rules
of thumb can be used to semiquantify the matching procedure. The following procedure was found advantageous.
1. Ignoring the GOR and later pressure history, vary
the reservoir volumes to match the initial pressure history.
Only small subsequent adjustments will be required. The
basis. of this procedure is that the initial effect of any
water drive is small.
2. Vary tlie water drive until a fair match of the entire
pressure history is found, The pressure decline is not a
strong function of the relative permeability ratio function
which is largely negkcted at this point.
3. Use different relative permeability ratio functions to
match the GOR history. Small adjustments in the reservoir ,volumes and water drive may be necessary. The
easiest method to deveIop a new relative permeability
ratio function is to base it on the bottom-hole flowing
GOR required for the field producing GOR.
Using this procedure,, parameters were determined to
reproduce the field hktory. The calculated history is
superimposed on the field history on Figs. 1 and 2. About
I W years prediction is afso shown in Figs. 1 ark?.~.
The compositional material balance study showed a
clear effect of a lower permeability, ratio for increasing
liquid saturations (imbibition) than for decreasing saturation, Laboratory investigations- on consolicfnted cores
have consistently noted this effect, Fig. 3 shows the calculated oil zone liquid saturation history,. After slightly
more than four, years when gas and water injection caused
resaturation, it was impossible to match the field GiOR

. .

with the same relative ~rmcability ratio function as during deaaturation. A special relative permeability ratio
function which included the rate of change of saturation
with time as a parameter was devised to match the GOR
Fig. 4 shows the effect of gas injection into the. retrograde gas cap. Calculations show the initial liquid drop
out was arrested and revaporization
started with gas
The calculated hydrocarbon volume history on Fig, 5
demonstrates how the expanding gas and invading water
compressed the oil zorui consistent with the maintenance.
of liquid saturation in the oil zone shown on Fig. 3.
Consideration must be given to the reliability of the



















. W4R5








1 . . .. .








reservoir volumes and other parameters determined in this

manner. The selection of those reservoir pararrwttys which
match the reservoir history is not an exact procedure. An
analysis of the sensitivity of the match to the various
parameters IS mandatory. In the example field study, an
eight-year history which included an arrested pressure
decline and a producing GOR increase and subsequent
decrease was available to determine the best reservoir
parameters. This amount @f data was sufficient to determine the .best reservoir. volumes within an uncertainty
of +20 to -10 per cent, The uncertainty is determined
from the sensitivity of the calculated results and the band
of scatter of the field data: .The uncertainty on the Schilthuis steady-state waf~r drye ~onstant determination was
i-lo to -20 per ceht and dn the relative, permeability
ratio function developed was abotit &20 per cent. Field
proclucticm data. over a longer period of time or data of
greater precision would have reduced these, uncertainties.
The reservoir parameters determined by matching the
field history provided a basis for subsequent predictions
under various operating conditions. LPG and natural gasoline production, gas zone withdrawals, and varous gas
injection rates were studkd to determine econo~ics of
these operating methods, For this example field, oil production rate predictions were .b.ased on an ,.extrapolation
of the WOR bistory.

The numerical procedures used in the compositional

material balance require that the time increment used be
sufficiently small. Time increments which are too large
will caus,e errors. For the example field application, a time
increment of one month was used throughout. This time
increment was validated by calculations with smaller time
intervals which gave results differing only very slightly;
Actually, a time increment of two JO six months would
have been satisfactory for the exainple field application;
however, since the schedule of rates varied monthly, the
one-month time increment was convenient.

The compositional material balance com,puter program

was written in Fortran for the IBM 7090. For the rather
,complex reservoir study discussed as the example, roughly
four seconds are required to complete one time increment. Simple reservoir cases require less computer time.
This procedure can be used for a simple solution. gas
drive yeservoir; however, in this case it is more efficient
to use a pressure increment as used previously) a
.,Used properly, the compositional material balance can
t } be a waluable re~ervoir engineering tool. One must reJ,
member, however, that the compositional material balance
is a mathematical model which can predict some unruly
effects when ,unrealistic parameters and functions are used.
To guard against this, some internal checks must be inserted in the computations. The mathematical model can;
for example, produce. all of the hydrocarbons in the reservoir, Calculated oil production can be obtained from
an oil zone reservcik volume wti[ch, if related to the areal
extent, is only inches high. Physical property functions
may be used which give an increase in pressure for a net
fluid withdrawal from the reservoir, although this is thermodyn~ically
impossible. Automatic checks are in the
computer program to prevent these violations.
Jacoby and Berry! point out that the compositional
material -balance is particplarly applicable to reservoirs
with volatile fluids w,hich lie outside the range of application of the conventional material balance methods.
Further applicability is also apparent for retrograde gas
condensate fluids where gas injection is used. Here the


phase equilibria and PVT properties of the reservoir

contents are very composition dependent. From a theoretical viewpoint, the compositional materiai balance uan
be used for so-called black oils as well; however, since
the assumptions involved in conventional material balances are essentially vdld for black oils, there is no incentive to use the more complicated compositional material
balance methods in this case.
De5nitive criteria for detlphig Ihe Yol,a~ilityof a given ,
oil are not known. Such criteria should detlne what differences in rqsults should be expec~d between compositional
md conventional material balance methods. Jacoby and
Ber@ give some characteristics which tend to mike a
iven oil vol~tile. These characteristics are a valid guide
Rut cannot gwe a quantitative incentive to use he compositional material balance directly. Back calculations ,for
the exkmple field application show as much as S per cent,
of the total oil production came from the produced solution gas when the reservoir liquid/gas molal flowing ratio
was about unity. Conventional mgterial balance methods
neglect thh oil. What is desired, but unavailable, is a
method to estimate how volatile an oil is from its propellies as it affects the Jifferenee between compositional
and conventional material balance methods.


Many extensions of. the compositional material balance

method are possible within the framework of the present
procedure. More elegant treatments of the reservoir mechanisms than in the present compositional material bal:
ante can be made. The method of Attra* for gas injectioh
& anexample. The selection and mathematical description
of reservoir mechanisms are frequently subject to controversy and certainly not definitive. The salient point is however, that, once the reservoir mechanisms are d~$iribed,
they can be incorporated in compositional mat~fial balance techniques just as in conventional material balance
Whhout ~oubt, the major criticism, about the present
compositional material balance falls deservedly on the
empirical physical pro rty methods used. This criticism
can only be answered r y the development of reliable eor-
relations of the required physical properties with pressure,
temperature and composition, This is a major task.

The authors grateful~y acknowledge John N. Dew,
Bruce G. Bray and William E, Brigham for their frequent
advice and encouragement.
a, b, c,~d,e, m = constants in Eqs. A-1 and A-2
K, = vaporization factor from NG,AA eorrelation
K, = adjusted vaporization factor, Eq. 3
P = reservoir pressure, psia
pa = dew point pressure, psia
p, = bubble point pressure, psia
p. = convergence pressure, psia
T = temperature, R

t-= general time, months

.t = tim6 equivalent to initiation of iterative
time increments, months
t = time increment, months
Y{ = mole fraction of component i in the



gm phase
x, = mole fraction of component
liquid phase


f in the

?, Jarohy, R. H. and Berry, V. J., Jr.: Method for Predicting

Pressure Maintenance for Reservoim Prodircirrg Volatile Crude
~11, ?rans., AIME ( 1958) 21S, 59.
8. van Everdfngen, A. F, and Hurst, W.: Application
of the
Laplace Transformation
to Flow Problems ,in Resemirs!
Trans., AIME (1949) 186,305.
9. *Equilibrium Ratio Data for Computers, Tables of Coefficients,
NGAA, Tulsa, Okln. (1958).
10. Organick, E. J. and Hollingsworth,
B, J.: ~t.
Re/. (May
1959 ) 38, No. 5, 72.
11. Natural Gas Srr ply Mens Assoc.: Engineering Data Hand.
Book. Trdsn. O i!la.. ( 1957).
12. Kay, W. B,: fed. .!& Che~. (1936) 2% 1014.
13, ~;5~,
L, C, and Obert, E. F.: Trans., 4SME (1954) 76,
14. Pitser, K. S., Lfppmatui, h. Z., Curl, R. F., Huggins,
and Peterson, D. E.: Jour. ACS (1955) 77, 3433.

C. M.

15.Prausni% J. M. a~ ,Gnur, R. D.: AIC~ Jour. (1958) 42430.

16.Alani, G. H. and Ketfqedy, H. T.: Volumes of Liquid Hydrocarbons at High Tem~eratures
and Pressures, Trans., AIME
( 19riO) 219.288.
17, Carr, N, L,, Kobayashi, R. and Burrows, f). B.: Viscosity of
H ,drocarbon Gases Under. Pressure,- Trans., AIME (1954)
2&, 270.
18, Osoba, J. S., Richardson; J. G., Kerror, J. K., Haffmd, J. A.
and Blair, P. M,: Laboratory Me urements of Relative Permeability, Trans., AIME (1951 ) 172, 47.
19, Geffen,.T,M., Owens, W. W., Parrish, D,*R, and Morse, R.- A.:
of Factors Affectin
~;#fvv9- ,P,ermeability Measurements,
Trans., A?hIE (1951)

20. Gardner,r G. H, F., hfesqmer, J. H; and Woodside,W.: ProC,,

Theory Fluid F1OW Porous hfedfa Conf., U, of Oklahoma.

[hrarch 232$, 1959) 173.

21, Naar, J., Wygal, R. J. and Henderson, J. H,: Imbibition Rela.
tive Perrneabilit
in Unconsolidated
Porous Media, Sac. Pet.
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22. .4ttra, H. D.: Nonequiffbrium
Gas Displacement
tions, Sot. Pet. Eng. jour. (1961) 130.



The general form of the equation for nitrogen and carbon dioxide is





0.1 129%49 X lIY




p ) a-t.~+c

X 101


X 10t
x lIY
x IV
x 10~
-0.64474069 x 10


(A- 1)

The equdtion for hydrogen sulfide is


lnK, =(1 )
, p,

a+ -$-l-c



The values of th~, constants are tabulated in Table A-1.




Experimental data at and above the saturation pressure
for 133 different reservoir OHS were used for evaluation.
The total number of data points considered was 22 i.
The constants given by .Alani and Kennedy were used for
the hydrocarbons. Van tier W?als simple constarr~s were
use&ffor H$l, Nz and CO,. Ranges of the important varf-.
ables were as follows
= 0.0002 to 0,6193
C, mole fraction
= 0,1258 to 0,9798.
C,+ mole fraction
= 0.8045 to 0.9282
C,+ specific gravity
= to 338
C,+ molecular weight
= to 0.057
H$ mole fraction
= to 0.0444
N, mole fraction
= to 0,0396
CO, mole fraction
= 73 to 262F.

Bribble point at reservoir
= 25 to 5,540 psig
= to 7,000 psig
Experimental liquid density = 0.4999 to 0.903 gmjcc
Comparison of calculated and experimental results gave
the following
= 1.74
Per ceut standard deviation
= 1.32
Per cent average absolute
., deviation
= +0.25
Per cent bias

== -5.59 to +5.31
Per cent maximum errors
The frequency dktribution of the individual deviations
was very close to the normal probability distribution. NO
signitlc.ant trends of the deviation with the mole ffaction
of C, and C,+ or the average molecular weight existed.




0.63972127;8 101
0.13992204 x 101
-0,768861 I2
-0.1821$052 X IW
4.11124462 X 107

1, schilthuis, R. J.: Active Oil and Recovery Energy, Trans.,

AIME (1936) 118, 33,
2, Muskat, M.; ,four, ApPL J%Ys. (1954) 16, 147.
3. Tracy G. W.: Slmplified Form of the Material Balance E@a.
tion . Trow, AIME (1955) 204,243.
4, rarn;r, J,: oil weekly (June 12, 1944) 144, IJo. 2, 32.
F. H, and Weimzug,C. F,: Mf%E )our.
& i3rinkman,
3, 29.
,, ~
6. Jacohy, R. H. and Berry, V. J., Jr.: Me~od fvf Predicting
Depletion Performance of Reservoir Prorhrcmg Volatile Crude
Oii, ?rarm, AIME ( 1957)210,27.








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