Yobido v. CA

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Yobido v.

CA (1994)
Ponente: ROMERO
Topic: Remedies for Breach
SUMMARY: (1-2 sentence summary of facts, issue, ratio and ruling)
- Spouses Tito and Leny Tumboy and their minor children Ardee and Jasmin, boarded at
Mangagoy, Surigao del Sur, a Yobido Liner bus bound for Davao City.
- Along Picop Road in Km. 17, Sta. Maria, Agusan del Sur, the left front tire of the bus exploded.
The bus fell into a ravine and struck a tree. The incident resulted in the death of Tito Tumboy
and physical injuries to other passengers.
- Leny and her children filed a complaint for breach of contract of carriage, damages and
attorneys fees against Alberta Yobido, the owner of the bus, and Cresencio Yobido, its driver,
before the RTC Davao City.
- Tumoboys asserted that violation of the contract of carriage between them and Yobidos was
brought about by the drivers failure to exercise the diligence required of the carrier in
transporting passengers safely to their place of destination. According to Leny Tumboy, the bus
left Mangagoy at 3:00 p.m. The winding road it traversed was not cemented and was wet
due to the rain it was rough with crushed rocks. The bus which was full of passengers
had cargoes on top. Since it was running fast, she cautioned the driver to slow down but
he merely stared at her through the mirror. At around 3:30 p.m., in Trento, she heard something
explode and immediately, the bus fell into a ravine.
- Yobidos tried to establish that the accident was due to a fortuitous event. Abundio Salce, the
bus conductor, testified that the 42-seater bus was not full as there were only 32 passengers,
such that he himself managed to get a seat. He added that the bus was running at a speed of
60 to 50 and that it was going slow because of the zigzag road. He affirmed that the left front
tire that exploded was a brand new tire that he mounted on the bus on April 21, 1988 or
only five (5) days before the incident. Yobido Liner secretary, Minerva Fernando, bought the
new Goodyear tire from Davao Toyo Parts on April 20, 1988 and she was present when it was
mounted on the bus by Salce. She stated that all driver applicants in Yobido Liner underwent
actual driving tests before they were employed. Cresencio Yobido underwent such test and
submitted his professional drivers license and clearances from the barangay, the fiscal and the
- The RTC dismissed the action, holding that the cause of the explosion remains a mystery
until at present. Thus, the tire blowout was a caso fortuito which is completely an

extraordinary circumstance independent of the will of Yobidos who should be relieved of

whatever liability the plaintiffs may have suffered by reason of the explosion pursuant to
A1174, NCC.
- Tumboys appealed to CA, ascribing to RTC the following errors: (a) finding that the tire
blowout was a caso fortuito (b) failing to hold that Yobidos did not exercise utmost and/or
extraordinary diligence required of carriers under A1755, NCC, and (c) deciding the case
contrary to the ruling in Juntilla v. Fontanar and Necesito v. Paras.
- CA reversed, holding: The fact that the cause of the blowout was not known does not relieve
the carrier of liability. Owing to the statutory presumption of negligence against the carrier and
its obligation to exercise the utmost diligence of very cautious persons to carry the passenger
safely as far as human care and foresight can provide, it is the burden of [Yobidos] to prove that
the cause of the blowout was a fortuitous event. It is not incumbent upon the plaintiff to prove
that the cause of the blowout is not caso fortuito. Thus, it awarded P50,000.00 for the death of
Tito Tumboy, P30,000.00 in moral damages, and P7,000.00 for funeral and burial expenses.
- Hence, the instant petition asserting the position that the tire blowout that caused the death of
Tito Tumboy was a caso fortuito.

WON the explosion of a newly installed tire of a passenger vehicle is a fortuitous event
that exempts the carrier from liability for the death of a passenger
o NO. As a rule, when a passenger boards a common carrier, he takes the risks
incidental to the mode of travel he has taken. After all, a carrier is not an insurer
of the safety of its passengers and is not bound absolutely and at all events to
carry them safely and without injury. However, when a passenger is injured or
dies while travelling, the law presumes that the common carrier is
o Art. 1756. In case of death or injuries to passengers, common carriers are
presumed to have been at fault or to have acted negligently, unless they
prove that they observed extraordinary diligence as prescribed in articles
1733 and 1755.
o A1755 provides that (a) common carrier is bound to carry the passengers
safely as far as human care and foresight can provide, using the utmost
diligence of very cautious persons, with a due regard for all the
o This disputable presumption may only be overcome by evidence that the carrier
had observed extraordinary diligence as prescribed by A1733, 1755 and 1756 of
the Civil Code or that the death or injury of the passenger was due to a fortuitous
event. Consequently, the court need not make an express finding of fault or
negligence on the part of the carrier to hold it responsible for damages sought by
the passenger.
o A fortuitous event is possessed of the following characteristics: (a) the cause of
the unforeseen and unexpected occurrence, or the failure of the debtor to comply

with his obligations, must be independent of human will (b) it must be impossible
to foresee the event which constitutes the caso fortuito, or if it can be foreseen, it
must be impossible to avoid (c) the occurrence must be such as to render it
impossible for the debtor to fulfill his obligation in a normal manner and (d) the
obligor must be free from any participation in the aggravation of the injury
resulting to the creditor.
Under the circumstances of this case, the explosion of the new tire may not
be considered a fortuitous event. There are human factors involved in the
situation. The fact that the tire was new did not imply that it was entirely
free from manufacturing defects or that it was properly mounted on the
vehicle. Neither may the fact that the tire bought and used in the vehicle is
of a brand name noted for quality, resulting in the conclusion that it could
not explode within five days use. Be that as it may, it is settled that an
accident caused either by defects in the automobile or through the
negligence of its driver is not a caso fortuito that would exempt the carrier
from liability for damages.
Moreover, a common carrier may not be absolved from liability in case of
force majeure or fortuitous event alone. The common carrier must still
prove that it was not negligent in causing the death or injury resulting from
an accident.
Tumboys proved through the bus conductor, Salce, that the bus was
running at 60-50 kilometers per hour only or within the prescribed lawful
speed limit. However, they failed to rebut the testimony of Leny Tumboy
that the bus was running so fast that she cautioned the driver to slow
down. These contradictory facts must, therefore, be resolved in favor of
liability in view of the presumption of negligence of the carrier in the law.
Coupled with this is the established condition of the road rough, winding
and wet due to the rain. It was incumbent upon the defense to establish
that it took precautionary measures considering partially dangerous
condition of the road.
Having failed to discharge its duty to overthrow the presumption of
negligence with clear and convincing evidence, petitioners are hereby held
liable for damages. Article 1764 in relation to Article 2206 of the Civil Code
prescribes the amount of at least P3,000 as damages for the death of a
passenger. Under prevailing jurisprudence, the award of damages under Article
2206 has been increased to P50,000.00.
Moral damages are generally not recoverable in culpa contractual except when
bad faith had been proven. However, the same damages may be recovered
when breach of contract of carriage results in the death of a passenger, as
in this case.
Exemplary damages, awarded by way of example or correction for the
public good when moral damages are awarded, may likewise be recovered
in contractual obligations if the defendant acted in wanton, fraudulent,
reckless, oppressive, or malevolent manner. Because petitioners failed to

exercise the extraordinary diligence required of a common carrier, which

resulted in the death of Tito Tumboy, it is deemed to have acted recklessly.

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