Kepler Problem
Kepler Problem
Kepler Problem
The Kepler problem arises in many contexts, some beyond the physics studied by Kepler
himself. The Kepler problem is important in celestial mechanics, since Newtonian gravity
obeys an inverse square law. Examples include a satellite moving about a planet, a planet
about its sun, or two binary stars about each other. The Kepler problem is also important
in the motion of two charged particles, since Coulombs law of electrostatics also obeys
an inverse square law. Examples include the hydrogen atom, positronium and muonium,
which have all played important roles as model systems for testing physical theories and
measuring constants of nature.[citation needed]
The Kepler problem and the simple harmonic oscillator problem are the two most
fundamental problems in classical mechanics. They are the only two problems that have
closed orbits for every possible set of initial conditions, i.e., return to their starting point
with the same velocity (Bertrand's theorem). The Kepler problem has often been used to
develop new methods in classical mechanics, such as Lagrangian mechanics,
Hamiltonian mechanics, the HamiltonJacobi equation, and action-angle coordinates.
[citation needed]
The Kepler problem also conserves the LaplaceRungeLenz vector, which
has since been generalized to include other interactions. The solution of the Kepler
problem allowed scientists to show that planetary motion could be explained entirely by
classical mechanics and Newtons law of gravity; the scientific explanation of planetary
motion played an important role in ushering in the Enlightenment.