MA Thesis M. Jansen 386267

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Master thesis Mathilde Jansen (386267)

Erasmus University Rotterdam
Erasmus School of Economics
Urban, Port and Transport Economics
Supervisor Dr. M. Nijdam
September 2014

Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

This report is my final effort in order to graduate the Master Urban, Port & Transport Economics at
the Erasmus University Rotterdam. It is written commissioned by Witteveen+Bos to give guidelines
for their container cargo forecasting practices.
I would like to thank my supervisor at the EUR, Michiel Nijdam, for his guidance and feedback. Also, I
would like to thank my supervisors at Witteveen+Bos: Bert Burgers for his detailed feedback and
Ben-Jaap Pielage for making sure I would not lose sight of the bigger picture. Acknowledgements go
out to Lrnt Tavasszy (TNO and TU Delft) and Aernoud Willeumier (Port of Rotterdam) who
managed to make time to provide me with useful information.
Mathilde Jansen
Rotterdam, September 2014

Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

At the time of writing this thesis, no universal method for making forecasts on container cargo
throughput in seaports is conducted by consultancy firms and other interested parties. This report
gives an overview of the different models used for freight modelling. These models are based on the
four step approach that is used in modelling demand for passenger transport: production and
attraction, distribution, modal split and assignment to the transport network. Based on this
overview, essential elements of a good forecasting method are identified. These are a model to
determine the generation and distribution of freight flows and a model to explain port choice and
competition. The input and output of these models should be evaluated using expert and
commodity specific knowledge, resulting in possible modification of the results. Case studies on
different port categories - i.e. transhipment, import-export, Greenfield, Brownfield, well-developed
and less-developed economies - are used to illustrate the factors that explain the fluctuations of
container cargo throughput volumes in practice. These findings have possible implications for the
optimal set of variables and/or port choice model used. The purpose of this thesis is to provide a
solid basis to develop an integrated and universal forecasting method.

Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

Table of contents


Freight transport modelling

Models for production and attraction
2.1.1 Time series models
2.1.2 System dynamics models
2.1.3 Regression analysis on cross-sectional data
2.1.4 I/O models


Models for distribution
2.2.1 Gravity model
2.2.2 Multiregional I/O model



Models for modal split



Models for assignment



The additional logistics layer



Qualitative assessment


Essential components of a good forecasting approach



Characteristics of a good forecasting method



The generation and distribution of trade


Assignment of container flows to the port network
3.3.1 The World Container Model
3.3.2 The Port Competition Model




Qualitative assessment of the results

Container cargo forecasting in three port categories


Transhipment vs. import-export
4.1.1 The port of Salalah, Oman
4.1.2 The port of Auckland, New Zealand
4.1.3 Comparison Salalah with Auckland


Greenfield vs. Brownfield
4.2.1 The port of Filyos, Turkey
4.2.2 Port of Rotterdam
4.2.3 Comparison Filyos with Rotterdam


Developing vs. developed economy
4.3.1 The port of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
4.3.2 Copenhagen Malm Port
4.3.3 Comparison Dar es Salaam with Copenhagen-Malm


Findings and implications for each port type
4.4.1 Transhipment port
4.4.2 Import-export port


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports


Greenfield port
Brownfield port
Port in a less developed country
Port in a well-developed country


Conclusions and recommendations for further research



Overview of the results and conclusions



Advice for Witteveen+Bos



Recommendations for further research




Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

1 Introduction
In the past decades, globalization caused a huge increase in trade volumes. Because of this increase,
new port areas had to be developed. This process is still going on, as can be seen from the
development of Maasvlakte II at the Port of Rotterdam for example. Investment decisions on these
kind of expansion projects are usually based on port traffic and cargo throughput forecasts. These
forecasts are made for at least 25 years ahead, since ports generally have a long technical and
economic lifetime, and investments made in port infrastructure have a long pay-back period (De
Langen, Van Meijeren & Tavasszy, 2012a). Until now, no universal method is developed to do these
forecasts. The main approach used for existing ports is based on trend extrapolation techniques that
rely on historic data. However, such models give little insight in the variables that drive cargo
throughput in ports other than economic growth. For Greenfield ports it is noted that trend
extrapolation is not possible, thus requiring an alternative approach.
The purpose of this thesis is understanding the variables that affect container cargo throughput. The
analysis is made for this specific type of cargo, because in contrast to bulk cargo containers can be
used for a wide range of consumer, construction and industry related commodities and clients. This
makes its development subject to trends and general economic development. Mass containerization
in the past decades, for example, caused a major growth in container throughput in ports.
Therefore, many port expansion or development projects are about developing (additional)
container terminals (De Langen, Nijdam & Van der Lugt, 2012b). It is assumed that in the future,
more and more commodities are being containerized (Havenga & Van Eeden, 2011) causing the
container shipping industry to expand even more. Havenga & Van Eeden (2011) also predict a
maturing in the containerization trend, simply because on a given point in time every commodity
that can be shipped in containers shall be shipped in containers.
The focus is not solely on the variables. Different modelling techniques are evaluated to prepare a
general pragmatic approach for container cargo throughput forecasting in ports. These methods are
generally based on the four step approach that is also used in passenger transport modelling:
production & attraction, distribution, modal split and route choice. The evaluation of these
techniques serve as the basis for identifying the essential elements of a good container cargo
forecasting approach.
To verify whether the drivers mentioned in the literature are indeed the factors that determine
container throughput volumes, the developments of throughput volumes in several ports are

Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

studied. Drivers of growth and decline are identified for two opposites in three different port
categories, namely transhipment vs. import-export, Greenfield vs. Brownfield and less-developed vs.
well-developed economy. As a result, a recommendation is given on the model used for each port.
The thesis is structured as follows. In chapter 2, an overview is given on the literature on freight
transport modelling. Variables and modelling techniques are described and serve as a basis for
chapter 3. Herein the requirements that a good forecasting should meet are identified and the
mathematical relations between variables in models that are assumed suitable are described. In
chapter 4, the development of port throughput in the past years are described for different port
categories and disruptions in the trends will be explained. An assessment is made on how the
modelling approach should differ per port category. The thesis concludes with an overall conclusion,
an advice for Witteveen+Bos, the company that requested this research, and recommendations for
further research, as this thesis should serve as a basis for the development of forecasting models.

Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

2 Freight transport modelling

The aim of this chapter is to give an overview of the methods that are now available on freight
forecasting. The overall accepted method that is derived from the passenger transport modelling
literature is described. Models used in practice and the variables and data that are required for
these models are explained.
In the literature, little attention is given to freight transport compared to passenger transport
modelling. Most of the freight transport models that are developed nowadays are based on the four
step approach of passenger transport models. However, some important differences have to be kept
in mind, like the diversity of decision makers and items being transported as well as the limited
availability of data in freight transport forecasting. According to De Jong, Gunn and Walker (2004)
the four steps in a freight transport model are (1) production and attraction, (2) distribution, (3)
modal split and (4) assignment. In the production and attraction step, quantities of goods that are
produced and demanded in certain regions are determined. It is considered that in the origin, the
goods are produced and that those goods are attracted by the destination. Therefore the step is
called production & attraction. In the second step, the quantities defined in the first step are
translated into transport flows between the origin and destination zones. After that, in the third
step, these transport flows of goods are allocated to transport modes. In the last and fourth step,
these flows per mode are assigned to the transport network (infrastructure). It is also possible to
combine the last two steps and assign the transport flows to modes and the network directly. This
four step approach is broadly accepted by researchers. However, Tavasszy (2006) argues that a fifth,
logistic layer is required, situated between step 2 and 3, because consumer preferences are changing
causing changes in freight demand and logistics. In this step, the locations of distribution centres are
determined to complete the network (L. Tavasszy, personal communication, July 11, 2014). In the
next subsections the steps are discussed in more detail. Subsequently, models and methods that can
be used to complete each step are described.


Models for production and attraction

Models for production and attraction illustrate the quantities of goods that are transported between
two regions. These goods start at the production zone and are transported to the attraction zone.
Zones can be countries, a group of countries or a region within a country. This is up to the researcher
to decide. Attraction exists when there is demand for a certain product that is produced in another
region. This causes a flow of a goods from zone to zone.

Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

2.1.1 Time series models

There are four models for production and attraction that are used in practice. The first are trend and
time series models, wherein historical trends are extrapolated into the future. Time series models
exists in a wide range, from simple growth factor models to complex Autoregressive Moving Average
models (ARMA). However, the latter model is mainly suitable for short-term forecasting (De Jong et
al., 2004). Therefore, time series models with an explanatory variable, i.e. a transport multiplier, are
used more often. This is not the same as a regression analysis with explanatory variables. Because
here a trend of a particular explanatory variable is described, while in the latter a certain value is
forecasted and used in a regression model (M. Nijdam, personal communication, May 27, 2014).
A transport multiplier can be based on a lot of different data, like growth in sales, gross domestic
product (GDP) or stock market analysis (Gosasang, Chandraprakaikul & Kiattisin, 2010). GDP is
mostly used as transport multiplier because there is an easily demonstrable relationship between
GDP and port throughput, as the latter is a function of import and export, which are both a function
of GDP (Van Dorsser, Wolters & Van Wee, 2011). In case GDP is applied, the transport multiplier
reflects the relationship between GDP growth and transport growth. For example, between 1991
and 1996 the multiplier for transport of containerized goods was about 3. This means container
cargo transport grew 3 times faster than GDP. Eventually, the multiplier has to move in the direction
of 1 because port throughput in relation to GDP growth cannot continue to grow forever. The high
multiplier for containerized goods in the 90s is a result of the mass containerization in the past
decades (De Langen et al., 2012b), also the increasing shipment of intermediate goods resulted in
increasing container cargo. For example, cars are not produced in one location, but the parts are
produced in various different countries and shipped to the place of assembly.
It is important to motivate the value(s) used for GDP in the forecasts. GDP forecasts are usually
based on neo-classical growth theory. This theory states that economic growth is a product of three
main drivers: labour force growth, capital accumulation and technological progress (or factor
productivity growth). In general, one works with forecast of IMF (International Monetary Fund) for
GDP growth. However, this forecast is only for 8 years ahead and therefore the trend in GDP growth
has to be extrapolated after this eight years period (UNESCAP, 2007), to obtain a forecasts for the
necessary 25 years ahead in case of container cargo forecasting. The GDP forecasts from the
international financial authority IMF are not easily disputed, which makes this forecasts attractive to
use for container cargo forecasting. So, the issue here is what percentage for GDP growth forecasts
should be used, and even more practical, what percentage GDP growth forecast should be used for

Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

the period IMF does not cover. Unfortunately, scientific literature presents little information on how
to deal with this issue.
Although time series models have the advantage that they require only a few data, there are also
some drawbacks (De Jong et al., 2004). Because the forecast is based on only one variable (or a
historical trend), no insight is gained in other events or variables that can affect the throughput
volumes in a particular port. Like policy effects for example. These insights can be of great value to
understand the trend that is forecasted (De Langen et al., 2012a). In contrast with this, the literature
also suggests that in making forecasts it can be dangerous to put in many variables containing more
details to make the model better, a failure called false reduction. This is because the more
variables included in a forecasting model, the more uncertainty there is about the validity of the
model (Bankes, 1993). This is particularly the case in cause-and-effect models that will be discussed
Also, in the example of GDP as variable a stable relationship between GDP and growth of port
throughput is assumed. Forecast models that rely only on trend forecasts do not account for shocks
in the economy, like the oil crisis and the mass containerization that made the model over- and
underestimate the throughput, respectively. As can be seen in these examples, the fact that the
model does not capture disruptions in the future, especially affects throughput of specific types of
cargo (oil and containers in the examples). Therefore, it is important to establish models that suit
one type of cargo instead of all freight throughput in a port (De Langen et al., 2012a). Additionally, it
is important to note that the beginning of the containerization trend, i.e. the invention of the
container, could not be included in a model. However, now that containerization is going on for a
while, it should be accounted for in forecasts of container throughput in ports. It is expected that
first the effect was very strong, but after some years the containerization rate will lose effect. This is
because eventually, everything that could be shipped in containers shall be shipped in containers.
However, it is important to note that containers are, like almost every product, subject to
innovations. For example, new climate control systems allow us to ship flowers in containers
overseas or transport bananas on container vessels instead of reefer carriers. The issue with
innovations is that, most of the times, they cannot be predicted and so their effects are also a
surprise (A.E. Willeumier, personal communication, June 25, 2014). Of course, a qualitative analysis
can be made on possible developments and their effects in the future. Havenga and Van Eeden
(2011) make an effort to forecast the containerization rates of different commodities in 2040. They
include this containerization trends in a model to forecast container cargo traffic in South-Africa. The
expectation is that predominantly commodities like fruit, vegetables and processed chemicals will be

Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

containerized by 100% in the future. Commodities like wood, iron and steel will not reach further
containerization because of weight complexities. These expectations are based on containerization
rates in 2009 and industry experts judgement (Havenga & Van Eeden, 2011). Lastly, historical trend
models are not suitable for long term forecasts, which is necessary for port development. Even if a
time series model is combined with a causal relationship, like the relation between GDP and cargo
growth, the forecast that comes out is not reliable in the long term (Van Dorsser et al., 2011). This is
because in the long term structural economic changes and fluctuations in transport flows are
inevitable and mere trend extrapolation does not account for these disruptions. Therefore, forecasts
made by time series model should serve as a starting point for making a forecast.

2.1.2 System dynamics models

Second, there are system dynamics models wherefore parameters are obtained from existing
literature and trial and error, instead of being estimated statistically. System dynamic models are
basically schemes that illustrate relationships between different variables using arrows. These
arrows stand for so called feedback from one variable on the other. Feedbacks can be negative, i.e.
making sure the variable moves to its long-term equilibrium, and positive, i.e. accelerate growth. It
models variables that both affect each other. So not just in one direction, but back and forth.
Therefore the relations cannot be tested one by one but have to be tested as the system as a whole.
The input of the model can be either quantitative or qualitative data. This makes the model both
better and worse, because it is more valuable if managerial experience, intuition and knowledge can
be included in the model. This is especially the case for forecasting models, because external shocks
can be accounted for in system dynamics models in contrast to econometric (time series) models.
But at the same time, this feature makes the model less trustworthy, because it cannot be tested
statistically. So, although this method is useful to map causalities between variables, the results
cannot be tested statistically and thus econometric models are still needed to verify the significance
of the variables using historical data (Dikos, Marcus, Papadatos & Papakonstantinou, 2006).

2.1.3 Regression analysis on cross-sectional data

Another way to explain the flows of cargo from origin to destination is by use of regression analyses
on cross-sectional data. De Jong et al. (2004) mention zonal trip rate models. Cross-sectional data on
transport volumes from/to each zone under consideration is classified. The output is then a number
of homogenous zone types from which zonal trip rates are derived. However, until now this method
is only applied to urban regions and thus road transport only (De Jong et al., 2004). This makes the
model not very usable in this specific case of forecasting container cargo throughput in ports.


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

In other scientific literature different methods are proposed under the more general heading causeand-effect models. The purpose of cause-and-effect models is to determine a relationship between
several variables and cargo throughput in ports. So this method is more specifically related to a
particular port, that can be seen as a zone. An example of a cause-and-effect model that is used
frequently is regression analysis. A regression analysis helps to describe data, estimate parameters
and verify relations that arise from economic logic. A regression model can be linear or non-linear.
Previous research has shown that a non-linear regression is the preferable regression model for
forecasting cargo throughput (Gosasang et al., 2010).
There are several variables used in cause and effect models. The most popular one is GDP, as also
mentioned above. Many variables are suitable for regression analyses. However, they can be divided
into two broad categories for now: variables that explain trade generation and variables that explain
trade distribution. The first category of variables is of importance for the first step of production and
attraction. The main rationale behind this category is that the demand for port services is derived
from demand for import, export and transhipment. The variables in this category describe
macroeconomic conditions of a country of interest and general demographic characteristics like the
size of the population. Below, a list is given of several macroeconomic variables that are mentioned
in the literature. Also, the rationale behind them is pointed out to clarify their relation with
container cargo throughput.

Import prices (Coto-Milln, Baos-Pino & Castro, 2005), the higher the import prices, the
lower the transport volume.

Trade value (Seabrooke et al., 2003), because demand for port services is an outcome of
demand for imports and exports.

Population (Seabrooke at al., 2003; Gosasang et al., 2010), the larger the population, the
higher demand, which causes increasing trade flows.

Exchange rates (Gosasang et al., 2010), unfavourable exchange rates discourage trade which
will make the trade flows decline.

Interest rates (Gosasang et al., 2010), interest rates partly determine the value of GDP and
GDP is a good indicator of port throughput because this is determined by imports and
exports, which are a function of GDP.

Inflation rates (Gosasang et al., 2010), inflation rates also partly determine the value of GDP.

Trade between biggest trade partner of the country and the country itself (Hui, Seabrooke &
Wong, 2004), this determinant is derived from the variable trade value, that is mentioned


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

above. The trade between two biggest trade partners can be used as a representative for
the complete regional trade.
Next to the above described variables that can be expressed quantitatively, there are also
macroeconomic parameters, i.e. macroeconomic events, that affect port cargo throughput but
whereof no historical data exists. These factors cannot be incorporated in the model and have to be
treated differently. Seabrooke et al. (2003) treat specific macroeconomic events like liberalization of
trade between China and Taiwan (relevant for their specific case) as external shocks. A qualitative
assessment on the effects of these events is given in the paper. Qualitative assessment as a
supplement of the forecasting technique is treated more extensively later in this chapter.
The above mentioned possible variables are input to several (mathematically) different cause-andeffect models. Below, three ways in which data is used to come to a certain forecast are described.
Classical regression
The classical regression model is commonly used in practice. By measuring the co-movement of
variables, this model detects causal relationships. Applying a classical regression model for making
forecasts can be a problem, because the outcomes are only valid if the variables are stationary, i.e.
their value does not depend on the point in time at which it is measured. Variables that follow the
same trend over time are indicated as closely related, while this is not necessarily true. For example,
when you treat nonstationary variables like US export rates and the life expectancy of Australian
males as stationary and perform a classical regression, the results show that the variables are highly
correlated. This is reflected in a high fit (R2) and high F- and t-values. However, when thinking
logically this relation does not make any sense. One can also perform a Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test to
test whether the variables are stationary. This event, where unrelated variables are estimated to
have a causal relationship, is called spurious regression (Hui et al., 2004).
Error correction model
One way to deal with nonstationary data is estimating the first difference of variables and structure
a model with that data. In that case, not the original values are included in the model but the
changes in value between two periods. A major drawback of this is that the model only considers the
short-run adjustments related to how the difference in one variable correlates with the changes in
the other. Hence, it ignores the long-term relationship between variables (Hui et al., 2004).
To avoid this problem, the error correction model (ECM) can be used. This is a differenced model
that contains an error correction term, that predicts short-term adjustments of the dependent
variable. The underlying idea of ECM is that a possible disequilibrium in the short run corrects itself

Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

over time, creating a path that fluctuates around the long-run equilibrium (Hui et al., 2004). So ECM
is only valid if variables have a true relationship in the long-run (Van Dorsser et al., 2011). A cointegration test can be used to test whether such a relationship exists (Hui et al., 2004).
Neural networks
Another type of cause-and-effect models is the neural network model. The methodology of neural
networks (NNs) is based on the structure of the human brain (Lam et al., 2004). This is reflected in
the fact that NNs can learn from environment and, in that way, improve their performance
(Gosasang et al., 2010). The model consists of several components, that are illustrated in the figure
below. There are three layers: the input layer, the hidden layer (optional) and the output layer. Each
layer is connected with the other by so called neurons. These are simple processing elements that
are connected by weights. Each neuron receives weighted input from other neurons and then sends
its output to neurons in another layer (Lam et al., 2004).

Figure 1: Neural network model. Source:

Research on NNs shows that these models perform better than regression analyses. NNs seem to be
able to follow volatilities better than regression analyses. The latter can only follow the middle of the
trend. For forecasting cargo throughput it is better to use NNs because sometimes the volumes
depend on explanatory variables that are very volatile over time. In short, neural network models
give more trustworthy results when forecasting cargo throughput, than regression analyses (Lam et
al., 2004). However, although in terms of results a neural network model outperforms other causeand-effect models, it is difficult to use in practice, because it is a very complicated mathematical
model for which specified knowledge is required. Also, a lot of data are required which are generally
hardly available for ports.


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

Type of model
Classical regression

Easy to use in practice

Differenced regression

Deals with nonstationary variables

Error correction model

Deals with nonstationary variables

Neural networks

Model is able to learn from

environment and thus improve its
More trustworthy results than the
models above, because it can
follow volatilities better

Does not capture the real
causalities because variables are
Only considers short term
Co-integration between variables
is required, otherwise the model is
A lot of data is needed as input
Difficult to use in practice

Table 1: Advantages and disadvantages of the different cause and effect models. Based on Hui et al. (2004), Gosasang et
al. (2010), Van Dorsser et al. (2011) & Lam et al. (2004).

2.1.4 I/O models

Finally, I/O models are described. These are macroeconomic models based on input/output tables.
These are tables that display what each sector of the economy delivers to other sectors, expressed
in money units. Final demand by consumers, import and export are also included in these tables.
Next to these multisectoral I/O tables, multiregional ones exist. These are better suited to freight
forecasting and do this in two ways. One is by use of fixed technical and trade coefficients, which
means the level of production and the pattern of trade are extrapolated into the future. A second
way to use a multiregional I/O table for freight transport forecasting is to use elastic technical and
trade coefficients. Usually a multinomial logit model is estimated in which the fraction that is
consumed in a specific region A of the production in sector S in region B depends on the total
production in sector S in region B and the generalized transport costs. So, in this way distribution
and production are elastic to changes in transport costs and time. It is also possible to use a
multisectoral I/O model for the entire country and regionalize it afterwards, as in the Dutch TEM-II
and Swedish SAMGODS model. It is important to keep in mind that the input of an I/O model is in
money units and has to be transformed into tonnes before one can proceed with the next step (De
Jong et al., 2004). Although this method is clear and transparent, it also takes a lot of time and
effort, because import and export flows have to be identified for a lot of regions and after that I/O
tables have to be developed.
Type of model
Time series

Limited data requirements
(but for many years)

System dynamics

Limited data requirements

Can give land-use

Little insight into causality
and limited scope for policy
Not perfectly suitable for
long term forecasts
No statistical tests on
parameter values


Mostly GDP

Any variable that could

impact container cargo

Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

External and policy effects
variables can be included
Zonal trip rate

Limited data requirements


Designed to illustrate
causal effects
Link to the economy
Can give land-use
Policy effects in case of
elastic coefficients

Little insight into causality

and limited scope for policy
Difficult to find the proper
functional form
Need I/O-table, preferably
Restrictive assumptions in
case of fixed coefficients
Need conversion from
values to tonnes
Need to identify import and
export trade flows

volumes and the other

variables, like GDP, exchange
rates, population,
competition etc.
Transport volumes from/to
each zone
Macroeconomic variables
The amount (in money units)
that a sector delivers to other
Final demand

Table 2: Freight transport models for production and attraction. Based on De Jong et al. (2004).


Models for distribution

The distribution of freight transport is based on the output of the production and attraction step
(the quantities of trade) and a measure of transport resistance, expressed as generalized transport

2.2.1 Gravity model

Usually, a gravity model is used for this second step. This is also the case in the European
TRANSTOOLS model. A gravity model is based on the gravity theory in physics. It is assumed that
there is an attraction between two objects (countries) and the greater the mass (economy) of the
objects, the greater the attraction. Mutual distance (transport costs) causes resistance of trade
(Polder, 2000). So the freight movement between two regions is a function of the outcomes in the
production & attraction step for both regions separately, divided by the generalized transport cost. It
is useful to consider these generalized transport cost, and in particular the proportion of it, because
for low value products transport costs make up a larger part of total cost than for high value
products (Ortzar & Willumsen, 1994). In general, goods that are transported in containers are high
value products (Coto-Milln et al., 2005), so the transport cost make up a small part of the total
costs related to the product. The gravity model is illustrated in figure 2, to give a better view on the
variables and relation between them.


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

Figure 2: Graphical representation of the gravity model. Source: Polder (2000).

The gravity model is a clear model that is easy to understand and use. Data requirements are
limited, which is positive. However, policy effects and other explanatory variables than trade
resistance and trade arrangements cannot easily be included in the model. These variables can play
a role in the next step that covers port choice. Overall, the model is considered useful in forecasting
freight transport.

2.2.2 Multiregional I/O model

It is also possible to use the multiregional I/O model for both step one and two (De Jong et al., 2004).
A more extensive discussion on I/O models can be found in the previous section.
Comparing the two methods, it is clear that the gravity model is easier to use but I/O models can
account for policy effects in case of a multinomial logit model with elastic coefficients. The most
software packages, however, include a gravity model for the distribution of freight flows. This shows
that this model is strongly preferred by researchers.
Type of model

Limited data requirements
Some policy effects
through transport cost


Link to the economy

Can give land-use
Policy effects in case of
elastic coefficients

Limited scope for including
explanatory variables and
policy effects
Limited number of calibration
I/O table required, preferably
Restrictive assumptions if fixed
Need conversion from values to

Table 3: Freight transport models for distribution. Based on De Jong et al. (2004).


Potential supply
Potential demand
Trade resistance
Trade arrangements
The amount (in money
units) that a sector delivers
to other sectors
Final demand

Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports


Models for modal split

In the third step, the flows of goods from the two previous steps are distributed to different modes.
Modal split concerns the distribution of cargo between transport modes, i.e. marine, road, rail and
inland waterway (IWT). There are several kinds of models that deal with modal split. De Jong et al.
(2004) mention seven models in their paper, those are all briefly described below.
The first are elasticity models. These models use elasticities that are adopted from other models or
expert judgement. The elasticities show the effects of changing a single variable and are mainly used
when very little data are available, or for a quick first analysis.
Aggregate modal split models use data on shares of a mode in a specific zone and put these in a
binomial or multinomial logit model. So the output is a share instead of an absolute number and
thus the elasticities in the model are conditional on the quantity demanded. Although little data is
required as input for this model, it has a weak theoretical basis and there is little insight into
Next, neoclassical models are based on microeconomic theory. The share of a particular mode in the
total cost is usually the explanatory variable in these kind of models. So the share in total costs
instead of the share in transport volume, which is the relevant variable in the greater four step
system, is important in neoclassical models. This difference makes it hard to incorporate neoclassical
models output in the greater transport model system.
Models that are also hard to incorporate in the four step system are direct demand models. This is
because transport routes for a specific mode are predicted directly by these models, while in the
greater system the total demand over all modes is used.
Disaggregate modal split models use data from surveys conducted under shippers or commodity
surveys. These data are used in a multinomial or nested logit model. The approach is based on
passenger transport models: the utility functions of such models are adjusted to a profit function
that is suitable for freight transport. Disaggregate modal split models have more advantages than
drawbacks. It is possible to include many causal variables in the model and there is a solid
theoretical basis: microeconomic theory. However, disaggregated data is required as input, which
means surveys have to be conducted. This is a time consuming way of data collection.
A microsimulation model concerns trips for freight transported by trucks. It is actually a part of a two
stage model of which the first part determines flows between regions and the second part, a


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

microsimulation model, focuses on urban vehicle trip patterns. This makes this kind of model not
interesting for the purpose of this paper.
The most extensively discussed models by De Jong et al. (2004) are multimodal network models.
These models predict mode and route choice at the same time. An optimal combination of modes
for a particular route is found using a cost minimization algorithm. It is important to note that the
unit of observation is an origin-destination combination and not a specific firm, so the scale is more
global. In software packages (SMILE, SCENES) the multimodal network is designed based on the
endogenously specified locations of distribution centres. A huge drawback of multimodal network
models is that they give little insight into causality. However, the model has a good theoretical basis
and limited data requirements.
The World Container Model
An example of a multimodal network model is the World Container Model (WCM). Based on the
assumption that attractive ports in terms of fuel cost, handling cost, congestion cost etc., get more
container cargo throughput, Tavasszy et al. (2011) developed the WCM. This is a discrete choice
model that predicts the container flows in the world and the effect of different scenarios on the
distribution of these flows. The authors state that the distribution of container flows among the
worlds seaport network depends on the geographical location of the origin and destination of the
containers, the cost of overseas and inland transport, the forwarding organisations preferences
regarding merchant or carrier haulage, the logistics characteristics of the goods in terms of unit
value for example, the available facilities and services (for example infrastructure), and the decision
agents characteristics and strategies (Tavasszy et al., 2011). The assumption made in the model is
that route choices are made with a profit maximizing objective. As one can see, the underlying focus
is more on the micro-economic than on the macro-economic level.
The Port Competition Model
Another model that can be compared to the WCM, is the Port Competition Model developed by
Veldman and Bckmann (2003). This is also a multinomial logit model that deals with port choice,
and thus competition. Demand choice models for modal choice and routing choice are used. The
probability of choosing a specific routing, defined by the choice for a port and an inland transport
mode, is dependent on the utility of this routing. The utility of the routing is derived from the
shipping costs, the transit time, the frequency of service and a dummy variable illustrating the
preference of shippers/receivers for a specific routing.


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

Comparing the models it becomes clear that there is not one model that stands out immediately.
The neoclassical and direct demand models are dismissed because they are hard to incorporate into
the four step approach. The microsimulation approach is focussed on urban freight transport, while
the focus of this study is on transport between ports. Because of its weak theoretical basis and its
little insight into causality and policy effects, the aggregate modal split model is also not the most
preferable model. Hence, a choice has to be made between the elasticity based approach, the
disaggregate modal split and the multimodal network model. The latter two are more thorough and
have a solid theoretical basis, while the first is better suitable to draw a quick picture. This makes the
disaggregate modal split and the multimodal network model the best options for this step. It
depends on the preference of the researcher and the availability of data - as the first needs a big and
the second needs a small amount of data - which model should be used.
Type of model
Elasticity based

Very limited data
Fast in application

Aggregate modal split

Limited data requirements


Limited data requirements

Theoretical basis
Limited data requirements

Direct demand

Disaggregate modal


Multimodal network

Theoretical basis
Opportunity to include
many causal variables and
policy measures
Many behavioural choices
Links to theory included

Limited data requirements

Theoretical basis
Possible to include elastic
demand and policies
affecting generalized
transport costs

Elasticities may not be
Only impact of single
variables, no interactions
between variables
Weak theoretical basis
Little insight into causality
Limited scope for policy
Hard to combine in larger
transport model system
Hard to combine in larger
transport model system

Need disaggregate data


Large data requirements

or many assumptions on
Focus on urban vehicle
Little insight into causality
Mostly done with fixed

Table 4: Freight transport models for modal split. Based on De Jong et al. (2004).


Freight transport flows,
aggregate transport
networks, vehicle
Market share of a mode

Budget share of a mode

in the total cost
Ratio travel time given
mode to best mode
Absolute travel time
best mode

Observed data on

Transport time
Terminal cost
Transport cost
Other port specific

Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports


Models for assignment

In the previous step, freight in tonnes is converted into vehicle-units. In the last step these vehicleunits are assigned to networks. Theoretically, this means the truck, rail or inland waterway trips are
assigned to routes that consist of links between these different modes. In practice, many models do
not even incorporate the separate assignment step and most models only consider assignment to
trucks. In this case, this is often done together with the assignment of passenger road traffic. This is
because trucks usually make up a small proportion of total road traffic. It is also possible to replace
the assignment step by a multimodal network that is described in the previous section (De Jong et
al., 2004). The fact that a separate assignment model focuses merely on road traffic, makes it less
relevant for this research. Therefore it is recommended to use the multimodal network approach so
that the last two steps of the system can be covered jointly. However, it is important to keep in mind
that there is one major drawback on the use of this model in step 4. Because an optimization
mechanism (in the shape of a cost minimization algorithm) is used in this step, sometimes the
output contains illogical mode-route solutions. Indeed travel choices, are in addition to cost also
based on transport time.
Type of model


Mode choice model can be
Allows interaction with
passenger trips if freight
and passenger trips are
assigned together
Substitution takes place
between mode-route
Chains with different modes
on a route can be handled

No interaction between
demand and assignment can
be unrealistic
Transport chains are difficult
to incorporate


Little scope for controlling the

optimization process
(sometimes the cost
minimization objective causes
illogical mode-route solutions
because of omitted factors)

Transport time
Terminal cost

Table 5: Models for the assignment step in freight transport models. Based on De Jong et al. (2004).

Other variables that affect port choice

It can be argued that general transport cost is not the only factor that explains port choice. There are
many other variables that affect the competitiveness of a port and in this way have an effect on the
route assignment of freight transport flows. These variables are usually mentioned in the literature
as if they serve as input for regression analyses (the regression models described above). If a port
has a better profile than their regional competitors, it is more likely that (for example) shippers will
choose to ship their cargo through this port instead of the others. Ports compete based on transport
relevant characteristics such as geographical location, connectivity, capacity, the capability to
accommodate larger vessels (e.g. depth, quay length, etc.) (Garatt, 2006) and access to major
markets in the hinterland (Polo & Guittrez, 2006).

Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

Both Garatt (2006) and Polo & Guittrez (2006) point out that transport connectivity is the key
feature of these four determinants. According to Garatt (2006) this is because 23% of container
movements are transhipments. A port is more suitable as a transhipment hub if it is well connected
with a lot of other ports (Hoffmann, 2012) and because containers are now more and more
transhipped it is important for ports to be well connected. The connectivity can be measured by the
liner shipping connectivity index (LSCI) developed by UNCTAD, which takes into account the
deployment of container ships and container carrying capacity (TEU), the number of liner shipping
companies, liner services and average and maximum vessel sizes (Polo & Guittrez, 2006). Polo and
Guittrez (2006) support the assumption that connectivity is a key feature for ports by describing a
vicious cycle. They state that a high LSCI means that the port serves containerized trade and thus,
can attract regular lines. These regular lines facilitate trade and so increase the competitiveness of
the port. To enhance this competitiveness, the port increases its transport offer and thereby attracts
new cargo throughput, which gives the port a high LSCI.
Next to connectivity, location is very important for a port because when it is situated close to major
markets this is favourable for the transport costs, which makes the port more competitive. However,
the port may be close to major markets but it is also important that there is easy access to these
markets. So the infrastructure of the hinterland is also a very important factor in determining the
competitiveness of a port. Ports can also compete on costs in terms of import/export tariffs, prices
of maritime transport services (Coto-Milln et al., 2005) and port fees (Hui et al., 2004). A
straightforward way to include of a nearby port in a cause and effect model is to include the port
throughput of the competing port in the analysis (Hui et al., 2004). Hui et al. (2004), who forecasted
the container throughput in the port of Hong Kong using an Error Correction Model, included the
throughput of the competing port of Shenzhen at time t in the model and regressed it on the
throughput in Hong Kong at time t.
Also, fuel price should be mentioned as a variable (Gosasang et al., 2010). This is one of the most
important drivers according to A.E. Willeumier of Port of Rotterdam (personal communication, June
25, 2014). The oil price determines the volumes and routes of trade. When oil prices are high,
volume will eventually decline. Especially when the bunker price at a certain port is high in
comparison to other (nearby) ports, shipping lines will try to avoid this port and throughput volumes
will go down.


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports


The additional logistics layer

Tavasszy (2006) argues that a fifth logistics step is needed to complete the freight transport
modelling process, because logistics are changing and have impact on the distribution of freight. In
the past decades it can be seen that transport costs have declined substantially. This is caused by the
fact that supply chains are more efficient, which is made possible by globalization and the
improvement and developments of information technology. Because of these cost and efficiency
improvements in terms of logistics services, we are now heading to a time wherein masscustomized logistics services are the standard (Tavasszy, Ruijgrok & Davydenko, 2012). In this step
the locations of distribution centres should be determined. This can be done by incorporating an
inventory location model that helps to give a more realistic estimate of interaction costs, and so
decreases the probability of bias in volume forecasts. Also, it helps to forecast the effect of changes
in logistics services.
An approach to account for logistics cost can be to extend the gravity model, which is done by
Hausman, Lee and Subramanian (2005) and Hummels & Schaur (2012). Not only transport costs are
of influence of the probability of trade, but logistics costs (including transport costs) act as a
resistance to trade. In both researches it is found that logistics cost have a significant effect on trade.
According to Tavasszy et al. (2009), to incorporate logistics choices in freight models it is necessary
to use the Generalized Cost concept. This concept includes all costs that are involved in overcoming
time and space (Tavasszy et al., 2009). It is assumed that companies have the objective to minimize
these generalized cost. Tavasszy et al. (2009) propose this concept has to include shipment size,
speed, value density, demand uncertainty, scale economies and network synchronization to cover
logistics choices. A disadvantage of using the Generalized Cost concept is that it does not take into
account trade-offs between variables. Models like the World Container Model and the Port
Competition Model do take into account these trade-offs. They do, however, do not take into
account the locations of distribution centres. Hence, the models should be adjusted to suit this layer
or new models have to be developed.


Qualitative assessment

In the previous sections it became clear that some variables are hard to include in the model. This is
predominantly caused by the fact that a lot of data is needed to make a variable usable. In this
event, qualitative methods can also be used to forecast freight flows. This is especially done when
historical data is not available. If these data are missing, a qualitative analysis and prediction of the
variables can give insight in the movement and the influence of the variable in the future. The

Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

method relies on human, or expert, judgement on certain issues or the likeliness of an event to
occur in the future.
There are different issues that cannot be accounted for quantitatively. Firstly, the economic
structure of the base country of the port. This means a distinction is made between a manufacturing
based and a knowledge based economy. In a knowledge based economy, the focus is on the service
sector while in a manufacturing based economy the focus is on the production of (consumer) goods.
For example, Hong Kong is now one of the biggest container ports, because a lot of manufacturing
activities take place in the region. But the economy is now heading to a more knowledge based one,
which will eventually mean that imports and export will decline (Seabrooke et al., 2003). This
example makes clear that for this category, only the movement towards another economic structure
is important to account for in a qualitative analysis. However, it should be noted that it is assumed a
relationship between the type of the economy and income per capita exists. If income per capita
rises, residents get higher educated and a gradual shift towards a more knowledge based economy
can occur. This means that instead of the more widely assumed effect of a raise in income per capita
is an increase in imports of consumer, it affects the import of semi manufactures and exports of
manufactured products in a negative way. In this sense it is possible to account for the effect of a
knowledge based economy in a mathematical model, by incorporating a variable for income per
capita and a dummy variable for knowledge based economy.
Second, it is important to mention the influence of the market structure of the port sector and the
associated market power of terminal operating companies (TOCs). These market players are
expanding more and more globally. This means that they get more market power and thus the ports
develop according to the strategic interests of these TOCs instead of that of the port. However, this
factor is very hard to include in a model, because companies react to certain events in their
environment that are unable to predict (Seabrooke et al., 2003). So, a qualitative assessment on this
topic has to be made.
Little attention is given to the expert judgement method in the literature, probably because it is not
a scientific and verifiable way to deal with forecasts. If, however, attention was paid to this method
the approach was not broad or systematic enough to build on for further research (De Langen et al.,
2012a). Below, the development of the Port Compass 2030 for the Port of Rotterdam is given as an
example how cargo throughput is forecasted in practice.


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

An example: Port Compass 2030
For the development of the Port Compass 2030 for the Port of Rotterdam, a combination of a topdown and bottom-up approach is used to forecast cargo throughput. This means that
macroeconomic modelling (top-down) is supplemented with expert judgment (bottom-up) to
overcome the shortcomings of quantitative models in forecasting freight flows. Top-down
approaches do not account for disruptions, policy effects and industry specific trends. Qualitative
analyses on these points, made by experts in the field, can be used to learn about their possible
For the Port Compass 2013 of the Port of Rotterdam, four scenarios where picked that were
developed by Dutch planning agencies and the European Commission. The scenarios serve as input
for the quantitative model (Transtools). The first scenario is Global Economy and stands for strong
international cooperation and development of the private sector. It can be characterized as the
scenario that predicts strong economic growth. The second scenario is called European Trend and is
used to analyse European policy effects. It is basically a continuation of the present situation. The
third scenario has to do with Alternative Energy and Sustainability, and affects mainly the flows of
different commodities because alternatives are found for coal and other conservative sources of
energy. The fourth scenario is the Low Growth scenario. It predicts slow growth in Europe and
stagnation of global trade flows.
The quantitative model that is used is the Transtools model. It uses three steps in its calculations,
based on the four steps described in the previous part of this chapter. In the first step, regional
freight generation and the interregional distributions of freight flows are calculated resulting in an
interregional trade table in tonnes/year. This number is derived from determining how much freight
will leave a particular region (this is where production takes place) and how much freight will enter
another region (this is where consumption takes place). A link is made between the production
and consumption region, using a gravity model, resulting in a freight flow. In the second step,
mode choice is taken into account using an aggregate multinomial logit model based on transport
times and tariffs. Thirdly, network assignment takes place. This is done by translating freight flows in
tonnes to number of transport units and assigning those units to the infrastructure network. This
results in information about the intensities of traffic, vehicle type and fuel use (De Langen et al.,
2012a). There are several drawbacks to this model. The most important one is that commodity
specific trends and developments are not accounted for in the model. Next to that, as with every
other forecast method, effects of external shocks in the environment (i.e. climate change) are not
included in the model. De Langen et al. (2012a) therefore suggest to validate the results of the


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

TRANSTOOLS model with expert judgement and manipulate the results according to the statements
of those experts, as is done for the Port Compass 2030. Also, the Transtools model can be labelled as
a blackbox, it is not exactly clear what factors are included in the model. Some factors seem to be
in it, but are not, and other factors are not expected to be included but are (L. Tavasszy, personal
communication, July 11, 2014). This makes the software not very useful to use in the remainder of
this research.
The Port of Rotterdam, however, did use the Transtools model and modified its results according to
information obtained by experts. More than 50 consultants were interviewed, employed by the Port
of Rotterdam authority and multinational firms that deal with transportation of goods. Also,
governmental agencies were consulted. According to the ideas of these experts, the input or the
output of the Transtools model was adjusted, resulting in the final forecasting outcomes.
For containers the outcomes of this research are that the multiplier between GDP and container
volumes that is used by Transools should be lower in the future. This is because container freight
consists for a large part out of intermediate goods. These volumes were very high due to global
sourcing but are expected to mature in the future. Also, consumer goods were transported from low
wage countries, a phenomenon that is considered temporary. Most important, the high container
volumes were also due to mass containerization, a trend that is likely to mature in the coming
decades. Further, transhipment operations will multiply, which is due to ever increasing ship sizes.
The U.K. is considered to be an important transhipment location, therefore more throughput is
added to the results for this country (De Langen et al., 2012a).

Expert judgement

Gives more insight and awareness of
disruptions that cannot be included in the

Data is not measurable and cannot be

Table 6: Advantages and disadvantages of the expert judgement method. Based on De Langen et al. (2012a).


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

3 Essential components of a good

forecasting approach
The aim of this chapter is to identify the essential elements of a good forecasting approach. A
general forecasting approach is proposed, based on the models described in the literature. It should
have all the characteristics of a good freight forecasting method that are identified in paragraph 3.1.
A stepwise approach is given to come to a forecast of container cargo throughput in ports.


Characteristics of a good forecasting method

From the previous chapter it becomes clear that a good cargo forecasting method has several
characteristics. First, in the maritime industry data is often not available in large quantities and
detail. This makes it better to use a model that does not require a lot of data. Also because using a
lot of different data makes the forecasts less reliable, since it is more prone to error (Bankes, 1993).
Second, the model should make clear how trade flows are generated. This is based on information
about supply and demand in different regions. Based on this information, supply and demand (or
production and consumption) regions are linked to each other to show how these trade flows are
distributed over the world. Here, macroeconomic variables are used to forecast freight flows. Third,
factors that determine the competitiveness of a port have to be taken into account. Because not
only the existence of trade explains the cargo throughput in ports but also the attractiveness of the
port. This is because many ports in the world serve the same hinterland and port specific
characteristics determine which port gets the biggest share of the trade flow that is destined for this
hinterland. Finally, preferably the model accounts for shocks in the economy and trends and
developments in the industry. It has shown that this is very difficult to include in a mathematical
model. Therefore, it is also possible to analyse and if it is desired - adjust the results of quantitative
models by use of expert judgement on these trends and shocks.


The generation and distribution of trade

Flows of trade form the basis of a freight transport model. Therefore, as a first step, generation and
distribution of trade flows should be determined. As mentioned before, GDP is an important
indicator of trade. This is supported by the papers of Stack (2009), Hausman et al. (2005) and De
Groot, Linders, Rietveld & Subramanian (2003). The results of these researches state that 70 percent
of bilateral trade is explained by GDP, GDP per capita and distance between countries. This arises


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

the assumption that the gravity model is a good tool to forecast freight flows between countries.
The assumption is confirmed by the fact that the majority of freight transport modelling software
uses the gravity model for the freight distribution module (Europe & Brinckerhoff, 2002).
First, GDP should be forecasted in order to use this model. There are organizations that are
dedicated in doing GDP forecasts. Therefore, it is recommended to base the forecast on their
findings. An example of an organization that brings out GDP forecasts is the IMF. Their forecasts are
widely used and considered acceptably reliable. IMF forecasts go only 8 years ahead. Port
throughput volumes must be forecasted for at least 25 years forward. The trend of the IMF should
be extrapolated into the future in order to get this 25 year forecast of GDP. This can be done by
continuing the path of the recent past into the future as is done in the UNESCAP report 2007 on
container traffic forecast. It is also possible to use the forecasts of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) as these forecasts are made for 50 years ahead. However, this
dataset is less extensive in terms of country specific forecasts. Next OECD-members, that are mainly
high income economies, only a few non-members are present in the economic outlook dataset.
The GDP forecasts that are obtained serve as input for the gravity model that estimates the
distribution of trade flows. This model builds on the assumption that trade volumes depend on both
the importing and the exporting countrys GDP (Stack, 2009; Hausman et al., 2005; De Groot et al.,
2003). So, a gravity model is used that includes the overall GDP and the GDP per capita of the
importing and exporting country, based on the research of De Groot et al. (2003). The model is
expressed mathematically is shown below.
ln Tij = 0 + 1 ln Yi +2 ln yi + 3 ln Yj + 4 ln yj + 5 ln Dij + 5 Aij +

aggregate merchandise exports from country i to j


total GDP for country i resp. j


GDP per capita for country i resp. j


distance between country i and j


trade arrangement dummy

As mentioned above and can be seen in the model, 70 percent of bilateral trade is determined by
GDP, GDP per capita and the distance between the countries. A trade arrangement dummy is
included to account for factors that reduce the resistance of trade, measured by distance. Note that


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

this is a very basic version of the model. It is also possible to include more dummy variables that tell
something about characteristics that are shared by the two countries, like religion, border, primary
language etc. (De Groot et al., 2003). Also, adjustment can be made to change the explanatory
power of the model. Please refer to Polder (2000) for an extensive description on this. It should be
noted that the gravity model is complicated in case a port also handles import and export cargo for
neighbouring countries. Especially for countries that do not have a seaport connection on their own.
This makes that the macroeconomic conditions in these countries are also important to predict
freight flows. The model should be estimated using OLS.


Assignment of container flows to the port network

In the second step, the container flows that are determined in the previous step should be assigned
to the maritime transport network. To do this, first a maritime networks should be mapped,
containing nodes and links between different ports and (main) sea routes. For example, Tavasszy et
al. (2011) build their transport network based on weekly container liner routes that are provided by
container shipping lines. Information on liner schedules and transport fees that are publically
available were used to construct a database containing 800 maritime services and 437 ports.
Eventually, the network was developed by using one land node per country (origin and destination),
port nodes and maritime nodes. As a result the transport network was illustrated as shown below.

Figure 3: Maritime network with country access links o and from ports. Source: Tavasszy et al. (2011).

Next, port competition should be included in the approach. In the previous chapter, two port choice
models are discussed briefly: the World Container Model and the Port Competition Model. Here, a
more extensive (mathematical) description is given. The objective of incorporating a port
competition model is to account for characteristics of a port that determine its competitive position
with respect to other ports in the region.

Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

There are several differences between the World Container Model (WCM) and the Port Competition
Model (PCM) causing preference for one of the two models in particular situations. The WCM is
focused more on the maritime side of the transport chain, while the PCM also strongly focusses on
hinterland transport and mode choice next to seaborne trade. For example for a Greenfield port or a
transhipment port, the WCM is more suitable because it has a global focus and predicts the share of
a certain port in the global network. Also, it incorporates transhipment explicitly. On the other hand,
for import-export ports, hinterland connections are very important. Hence, the PCM is more suitable
for these kind of ports. It could be useful to use both models for forecasting throughput volumes if a
focus on both the maritime network and the hinterland network is preferred.

3.3.1 The World Container Model

Using the WCM, container flows all over the world can be predicted for different scenarios. In
contrast to what the model suggests, this model is also suitable to predict the throughput volumes in
individual ports based on a worldwide network approach (L. Tavasszy, personal communication, July
11, 2014). The assumption made in the model is that the distribution of container flows among the
worlds seaport network depends on the geographical location of the origin and destination of the
containers, the cost of overseas and inland transport, the forwarding organisations preferences
regarding merchant or carrier haulage, the logistics characteristics of the goods in terms of unit
value for example, the available facilities and services (for example infrastructure), and the decision
agents characteristics and strategies (Tavasszy et al., 2011).
Based on this a simple logit route choice model using path enumeration was extended into a path
size logit model1, wherein the choice probability of the route is the dependent variable. Because a
profit maximizing objective is assumed, the probability of choice for a certain route depends on the
costs of a route (and the path size overlap variable, to assure that overlapping routes will not be
overestimated), expressed mathematically as follows.

With Sr the degree of path overlap, expressed as follows:

This was done because in the simple logit model, the routes where bundled and therefore the routes that
overlap (are in the same bundle) would be overestimated. So, a path size overlap variable is added to the
model. This is a variable that depicts the degree of overlap based on the sum of the relative lengths of the
routes, divided by the number of times a link is found in alternative routes (Tavasszy et al., 2011).


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports


the link in route r

the set of links in route r


length of link a


length of route r


number of times link a is found in alternative routes

And the cost of route, Cr:


total cost of transhipment at port p


total cost of transportation over link l


time spent during transhipment at port p


time spent during transportation over link l

value of transport time (USD/day/ton)

Modal split is not explicitly expressed in the model. Instead the developers chose to use a modeabstract formulation, which enables the researcher to use a more detailed underlying multimodal
network. The parameter Ap is made of several characteristics that measure the service level at the
port, like fuel costs, handling costs, congestion costs, etc. Another important parameter in the model
is the value of time. This variable indicates the preference of shippers for fast and more expensive or
slow and cheaper transport. This parameter contains all the characteristics of the good, that are also
mentioned above. Next a set of route choices is determined using a shortest path algorithm to
decide what is the preferred route between the origin country and the destination country, via the
ports in the country. This can be pictured as follows.


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

Figure 4: Routes between an OD-country pair. Source: Tavasszy et al. (2011).

Where O and D stand for origin and destination, respectively, and S and E are the ports of these
countries. The shortest route is the thick scattered line (Tavasszy et al., 2011).
In their paper, Tavasszy et al. (2011) use the WCM to estimate the effect of different scenarios that
illustrate a change in the transport system, like opening a shipping route over the North instead of
via the Suez canal. Using the WCM, the authors show the changes in the proportion of total
container flows that comes into a port, per scenario. It is an interesting feature that the model can
account for possible changes and show the effect of these changes. The forecasting of effects of
changes is very hard to do with a model and therefore, qualitative assessments are used. The WCM
gives the opportunity to analyse the effects of changes in the transport system quantitatively.

3.3.2 The Port Competition Model

Based on demand choice models, the PCM forecasts the relative market share of a port in a specific
region as it comes to container throughput. The model depends heavily on the four step approach
that is described in the previous chapter and is usually used in the transport modelling literature. For
the convenience of the model, the steps are shaped into certain moments of choice as follows:
1. Production and attraction is the choice to buy or sell a specific good and the amount of the
2. For distribution the choice is to buy from a specific supplier and sell to a certain group of


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

3. As a last step a choice is made for a specific transport alternative in terms of routing and
So, in this last step a choice has to be made for a mode for the overland transport from origin to a
seaport of departure. Next, a choice is made for an ocean shipping service followed by choosing a
port and a mode for the hinterland transport to the final destination. In the paper that discusses the
PCM, the focus is on the North Sea ports, which causes the authors to restrict the analysis to the last
end: the ocean route, the port of call and the hinterland transport. This is done because choices
made at the origin in terms of transport costs and opportunities do not affect the choices made in
Western Europe (Veldman & Bckmann, 2003).
The assumption is that the choice for a specific combination of sea transport, port and hinterland
transport is made based on costs and quality of services. These can include transit time or frequency
of service, which are already quantitative variables. There are also a lot of factors that determine
port of choice that are not quantifiable, such as reliability of service and responsiveness to
customers needs. The logit model is expressed mathematically as follows.


probability of choosing routing m from all possible routings, r = 1M


utility resulting from choosing route m

routing index

The utility function Um is derived as follows.


dummy variable that indicates if shippers have a preference for routing m


shipping cost of routing m (incl. freight rate, handling charges, hinterland transport)


transit time for routing m


frequency of service of routing m


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

The generalized costs of a certain alternative are derived by dividing the utility with the coefficient of
the shipping cost of that routing (1). Eventually these equations result in a formula for the market
share of a port, which is described by the following.

So, the market share ratio is a function of the differences in utilities, determined by characteristics of
the port in terms of shipping cost, transit time and frequency of service. The dummy variable Dm
stands for all other factors that affect port choice, like the unquantifiable variables mentioned
above. The ratio of two different coefficients is calculated to find the trade-off between two
variables. For example 1/2 illustrates the trade-off between shipping costs and transit time. The
values of these coefficients depend on several factors like geographical setting, model specification,
choice situation and the level of aggregation (Veldman & Bckmann, 2003).
The variable transport costs stands for the costs of transporting a container from the port of choice
to the destination in the hinterland. The costs for sea transport are deliberately omitted, because
carriers charge the same tariff to each port. Transport time is the time measured between the
departure of the container from the port and the arrival at the final destination in the hinterland. For
the frequency of service variable the reciprocal of the frequency is used. This is expressed by the
average inter-arrival time (IAT) of two sequential calls of a liner vessel or another hinterland
transport mode. This displays the fact that a port that offers many services is more attractive. This
concept can also be applied to the different hinterland modes. The busier the mode, the more
attractive it is assumed to be. It is also noted by Veldman and Bckmann (2003) that the model is
improved by adding dummy variables for the three different inland transport modes: road, rail and
inland waterway.


Qualitative assessment of the results

Many forecasting approaches use scenarios as input for their quantitative models. These scenarios
are often developed by public agencies and include assumptions on future developments. Although
scenarios account for uncertainty and give some direction for the future, they do not account for
external shocks in the economy, because they are mainly based on historical data.
For quantitative models in freight forecasting, usually publicly available data is used. These data are
globally focused and thus not very detailed. No wonder these models cannot account for strategic
developments in production networks or technological innovation, for example. Therefore, it can be


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

useful to analyse breaks in industry specific trends and assess their effect on the projections made
by these models. This will improve forecasts in general (De Langen et al., 2012a).
The qualitative assessment should be based on interviews conducted with several players in the
field. This can be experts working at the port authority, but also people from businesses that operate
in the port. Also, experts from public organizations can be useful to complete the qualitative analysis
of industry specific trends and possible breaks herein.
A way to incorporate expert knowledge in the complete modelling approach can be derived from the
approach used for the port of Rotterdam, which is described in more detail in the next chapter.
There, existing scenarios developed by the European Commission and Dutch planning agencies are
used as input in a quantitative model (Transtools). The output is analysed by experts like the ones
described above. Based on these analyses, the input (scenarios and I/O tables) or the output of the
model (forecast) were modified (De Langen et al., 2012a). This process is illustrated in the figure

Figure 5: Combination of model results with expert judgment. Source: De Langen et al. (2012a).


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

4 Container cargo forecasting in three

port categories
Demand for port services depends on international trade and economic activity. This makes that
market conditions, international and in the residence country and hinterland of the specific port, are
important factors. It can be assumed that these conditions, especially for the base country and the
hinterland, differ from port to port, even as the port characteristics. It is therefore important to gain
more knowledge about these conditions and port characteristics before making port throughput
forecasts. Three main port categories are distinguished in this chapter, these include whether the
port is mainly a transhipment hub or an import-export port, the level of economic development and
if the port is a Greenfield or a Brownfield port. For each category, the situation is explained and two
opposing ports are compared with each other in terms of container throughput and indicators that
explain this throughput. Historical data on throughput volumes in these ports will be used for this
analysis. Except for the analysis of the Greenfield and Brownfield port, where the forecasting
method of each port is described and analysed. The purpose of these analyses is to identify whether
the characteristics of a port ask for different modelling approaches and variables to be included in
the models. A short overview of this is given in the last paragraph of this chapter.


Transhipment vs. import-export

Ports can offer import, export and transhipment services. Import and export services are the obvious
ones and have a clear relation with economic growth as they directly explain trade and thus port
throughput. Transhipment is a more complicated issue in forecasting container throughput as it has
less to do with the economic situation of the hinterland of the transhipment port and thus the
destination of the transported product. As a matter of fact, port throughput can be explained based
on macroeconomic factors or regional port competition variables. Transhipment has something to
do with the latter category. The success of a port that focuses on transhipment services mainly,
heavily depends on the main routes of the biggest liner vessels. This is because the costs of diverting
from these routes have to be low in order to make transhipment profitable, so the port should not
be situated too far from the main routes. Also, the distance from the port to the market served and
the handling costs in the transhipment port are of importance for the competitive position of the
port as an important transhipment hub in the maritime network (Zohil & Prijon, 1999). To include
this view into a model, Zohil and Prijon (1999) proposed a simple regression model with the
estimated number of TEU transhipped in a port as dependent variable. This number is explained by

Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

the independent variables hours, the diversion distance in hours; traffic, total port traffic
throughput; and traffic/hours, the quotient resulting from the first two variables. The authors claim
that the results of their research suggest that the formula is reliable enough.
Over the last decades transhipment operations have increased fast and will continue to do so in the
future. Global trade has increased very fast in the past decades due to globalization and
containerization. Around 28% of all container throughputs are transhipped. In figure 6 the increase
in container transport and transhipment is illustrated. An incremental increase of 328.8% for total
throughput volumes is identified between 1990 and 2012. For transhipment volumes the increase
was 459.6% for the same period (Notteboom, Parola & Satta, 2014).

Million TEU











Figure 6: World container throughput volumes and the share of transhipment (million TEU). Based on: Tavasszy et al.

This increase is also due to the fact that ships will get bigger, so that shipping lines can profit from
economies of scale (Baird, 2006; De Langen et al., 2012a; De Langen et al., 2012b). By making use of
hub-and-spoke systems, the main liner vessels only have to enter big transhipment ports that can
handle big ships with a deep draft. From there, feeder ships can take the freight to smaller regional
ports (Lam & Iskounen, 2010). In general, the main focus is on the cost savings shipping lines achieve
by making use of hub-and-spoke systems. However, Lam and Iskounen (2010) and Baird (2006)
mention the downside of the emergence of transhipment ports. Baird (2006) states that the benefits
of transhipment are a trade-off between extra feeder and handling costs against the extra costs of
calling at an additional port. He argues that for none of the transhipment ports in Nothern Europe
the feeder and handling costs of transhipment services are lower than the costs of calling an extra
port. Thus, a dedicated transhipment port should be established to serve the whole Northern

Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

European market from one point (Baird, 2006). However, it should be noted that this article dates
from 2006 and ships are now approximately twice as big as they were then (9,600 vs. 18,270), which
means the draft is deeper. This causes that the biggest vessels cannot call every port in Europe
anymore, and thus transhipment has become more relevant.
No information is found in the literature about the effect of transhipment on the total throughput in
a port. However, it is clear that transhipment increases the throughput volumes in numbers. From
the information above, it can be reasoned that a port is suitable for transhipment if it is not located
too far from the main liner shipping routes, as long as the feeder costs do not surpass the costs of
just making another stop and minimal port depth is required for large vessels. So, the extra
throughput generated by transhipment services has nothing to do with the economic conditions of
the base country. However, it can be the case that in more developed economies, port services are
more efficient which lowers the costs of transhipment in terms of time. In the light of this research,
it is assumed that transhipment volumes partly explain the competitive position of a port. Hence,
transhipment is a factor that should be accounted for in the port choice part of the forecasting
rather than the trade generation and distribution part.
In the remainder of this section, the development of throughput volumes for containers over the
years are discussed for a typical transhipment and import-export port. First, the transhipment port
of Salalah in Oman is discussed. The annual reports for the years 2004 until 2013 are used to give an
overview of the growth or decline in container volumes of the port. Next, the typical import-export
port of Auckland in New Zealand is discussed. Throughput volumes are presented for the years 20042013 and the drivers of change in volumes between 2008 and 2013 are described. The section ends
with a short comparison of the two types of ports.

4.1.1 The port of Salalah, Oman

The port of Salalah in Oman is a port that is specialized in the handling of containers and general
cargo. Because of its strategic location on route to the Suez Canal, where much of the transport from
Asia to Europe and vice versa passes, the port is perfectly suitable for transhipment services. This is
reflected in the fact that the share of transhipment cargo handled in the port was 99.5% in 2004. The
market share of the port of Salalah in the Middle East region is 10% regarding total container
transport and 20% for total transhipment of containers (Port of Salalah, 2006). It should be noted
that transhipment at this point of the Asia-Europe route is not required because not all ships can
pass the Suez canal. The draft of the Suez canal is deepened to 20.1 meters in 2010 (Thomson
Reuters, 2010). This deepness does not give problems for the biggest container vessels as those with
the deepest drafts lay 16 meters under sea-level. There is even a decline in draft going on, as ships

Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

get wider and therefor require less
depth, i.e. 15 meters (Rodrigue,
Comtois & Slack, 2013). Therefore it is
assumed that the main driver to use
transhipment in the Middle East is
economies of scale.
From 2004 until 2013, container
throughput in the port of Salalah
increased by somewhat over 1 million
TEU, see figure 8. In the first years
global container trade was growing Figure 7: The location of the port of Salalah. Source:
fast, resulting in an increase in

container throughput volumes in the port. The drop in volumes in 2006 is caused by the shipping line
Maersk, that decided to realign its vessel schedule. This illustrates that seaports are very dependent
on the strategic decisions of other players in the market, like shipping lines. Unfortunately, strategic
decisions of shipping lines cannot be predicted, which makes it hard to account for its effects.
The fast growth between 2006 and 2008 is caused by the high oil price in that period. This increased
investments in infrastructure in the Middle East, causing container throughput to grow by 12%. The
position of the port of Salalah at this point is stable, having the certainty of long term contracts with
the three major shipping lines Maersk, Mediterranean Shipping Company and American President
Line. However, in 2008 the credit crisis started, causing freight rates to fall by 15%. Together with
the high oil prices, shipping lines went to a hard time. On top of that, shipping lines started to invest
in Ultra Large Container Ships (ULCS) to profit from economies of scale, triggered by the high levels
of uncertainty in the market. This resulted in over capacity. This all led do a decrease in container
throughput between 2010 and 2011. However, economies of scale is one of the biggest drivers of
transhipment, causing the port of Salalah to recover quickly.
As can be seen in the last few years, the container transhipment market is volatile. More than
import-export markets, because shipping lines have more options to tranship their cargo somewhere
on the route. The final destination of the freight does not matter in that context. Hence,
transhipment ports highly dependent on shipping lines. These shipping lines have more and more
power as many of the pure transhipment terminals are (partly) owned by carriers and international
terminal operators. Therefore, fluctuations and transhipment volumes are hard to predict
(Notteboom et al., 2014).

Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

Container throughput volume in
TEU (x1000)


Figure 8: Development of container throughput in the port of Salalah between 2004 and 2013.

Based on this analysis it can be concluded that it is very hard to model what drives the container
throughput in transhipment ports, because this heavily depends on the strategic decisions of
shipping lines and these cannot be predicted. It is true that transhipment ports compete in service
levels and location.

4.1.2 The port of Auckland, New Zealand

As transhipment is gaining ground in the container shipping
industry, core import-export ports are hard to find. The port of
Auckland is chosen for this analysis, because its location is not
attractive for transhipment services. Many of the transhipment
ports are located on the East-West route and thus in South East
Asia, Latin America, Southern Europe and the Middle East.
Transhipment volumes in Oceania in 2012 were 0.3%
(Notteboom et al., 2014), which makes the port of Auckland a
typical import-export port.
Container throughput volumes from 2004 until 2013 were also

Figure 9: Location of the port of Auckland.

Based on:

found for this port. However, the review on the development of the throughput volumes starts from
2008 onwards.


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports


Container throughput volumes in

TEU (x1000)


Figure 10: Development of container throughput in the port of Auckland between 2004 and 2013.

In the years 2008-2010 container volumes were small because of volatility in the shipping industry.
Shipping lines were rationalizing their schedules to save costs and achieve greater efficiency. This
effect is also visible in the port of Salalah. Transhipment volumes all over the world increase caused
by liner shippers search for cost savings and greater efficiency, investing in bigger vessels to benefit
from economies of scale. This also effects the port of Auckland, where transhipment volumes
increase by 55% in 2008 (Port of Auckland, 2009). Because the port of Auckland is located far away
from the main transhipment routes, it is assumed these transhipment volumes are destined for
smaller ports in New Zealand. This means the same country is served and thus the same
macroeconomic variables are of importance to predict the freight flows. This is exactly the difference
between transhipment in the port of Salalah and in Auckland, as for the first macroeconomic
variables do not predict transhipment volumes. In 2009, transhipment volumes increased even more
by 10%. Although this is a big increase, import and export seem the core services of the port. This
indicates that transhipment rates before 2008 were probably extremely low, causing an increase in
percentages to have little impact on entire throughput volumes.
The abrupt fall in throughput volumes in 2011 is a result of an industrial dispute, causing strikes and
actions on the terminal. Container volumes fell down by 9.6% because of loss of significant services
due to the strikes on the terminal (Port of Auckland, 2011). No agreement was reached for the
beginning of 2012, which explains the small growth in container volumes. Meanwhile, the port
started with re-organizing its business into a more customer focussed organisation. On top of that,
operations became more efficient and flexible. This made it possible to attract Maersk back, one of


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

the shipping lines that were lost during the industrial dispute, and attract new customers. Also, the
deepening of water lanes in the port makes it accessible to larger container ships. These factors
enabled the enormous growth of container cargo in 2013.
From 2008-2013 the proportion of imports and exports are presented. Although slow, there is a
clear shift from exports to imports. This perfectly illustrates the fact that the size of the economy,
determined by population and income, is a driver of imports. As can be seen in the figure below, the
hinterland region of the port of Auckland, New Zealand is growing. The entire country of New
Zealand is considered the hinterland, because the port of Auckland is the most important import
port in New Zealand (Port of Auckland, 2011).

53% 53% 54% 54% 55% 56%

47% 47% 46% 46% 45% 44%












2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013




Figure 11: The proportion of import and exports in the port of


Figure 12: Population growth of New Zealand.

Based on:

4.1.3 Comparison Salalah with Auckland

What stands out is that both ports felt the effects of the worldwide financial crisis. The effects were
generally caused by the changing behaviour of shipping lines, that changed their schedules to lower
their number of port calls causing container throughput to decline. However, the effects were short
lived. The uncertainty of shipping lines resulted also in the investments of bigger ships, causing an
increase in transhipment volumes. This benefited the port of Salalah and, more surprisingly, also the
port of Auckland. Although the latter is a typical import-export port, transhipment volumes
increased by 55% in 2008. This is caused by the fact that differences between transhipment ports
and import export, or gateway, ports become smaller. Main import-export ports are now also
offering transhipment services, causing core gateway ports to disappear (Gouvernal, Debrie & Slack,
2005). Transhipped cargo was destined for the same hinterland in case of the Auckland port,
however, so the same macroeconomic variables explain the trade flows. These effects show that
both ports are dependent on the strategic decisions of shipping lines. This is also reflected in the
decrease in throughput in the port of Auckland when strikes are going on and the fast increase as
services are improved. So, for both types of ports competition is very important. Hence competition

Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

should be modelled for both ports, where quality of service in terms of (cost) efficiency and
flexibility is equally important in both Salalah and Auckland.
A difference between the two types of ports is that developments in throughput volumes in
Auckland are partly determined by the hinterland. As the population of New Zealand is growing, the
percentage imports in relation to exports becomes higher. For the port of Salalah, such relations are
not present. This difference can result in another formulation of the gravity model, where for the
port of Salalah only distance is important as indicator of trade resistance and for the port of
Auckland as many macroeconomic hinterland characteristics as possible should be added to the
model, like population, GDP per capita, etc.


Greenfield vs. Brownfield

Port expansion projects for container terminals are based on a container cargo throughput forecast.
This is very important because the required capacity of the new terminals is determined based on
this forecast. Port expansion projects can either concern new ports (Greenfield) or expansion of
existing ports (Brownfield). Unsurprisingly, historical data on throughput volumes is not available in
case of Greenfield projects. This rises the assumption that when it comes to forecasts, Greenfield
and Brownfield projects require different approaches based on the amount and nature of the data
available. In case of a Greenfield port it can be that another port is already situated in the country.
So there is already a flow of goods, and the question is how this new port will attract cargo and so
competes with the existing port. This relies heavily on competitive characteristics like if the port is
suitable for transhipment (see 4.1), or the hinterland connections of the port.
Most of the above described models raise the assumption that they focus on existing ports. For
these ports, historical data on throughput volumes is available and can be extrapolated into the
future. However, extrapolation of trends is not the desired approach for forecasting future
throughput. So the question is, is there a substantial difference between Greenfield and Brownfield
projects in choosing the best models? The difference in this situation is that for Brownfield ports,
this competitive position can be expressed quantitatively by making use of, for example, the LSCI
(see (Zohil & Prijon, 1999). In case of Greenfield ports, no numbers are available and so the
analysis of its competitiveness should be a qualitative comparison with the biggest competitors or
based on goals. This makes the forecast less reliable, because it is based on predictions on the
competitiveness of the port rather than on current situations.


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

In the following two sections the forecasting approaches for a Greenfield master plan project and a
Brownfield port are discussed. The Greenfield port is Filyos in Turkey, a port for which a forecast is
made but the construction has not started yet. This means no data is available on cargo throughputs
and thus the forecasting approach will be described and analysed, using the CFCU Study Report
dated March 2009. The Brownfield port is the port of Rotterdam, for which the Port Compass 2030 is
used. This is not a forecast made for a particular expansion project, but it provides guidelines for the
entire port future. After the two ports are described separately, a comparison is made.

4.2.1 The port of Filyos, Turkey

Maritime transport nowadays mainly goes over Istanbul, which serves as a gateway for the largest
part of the inland of Turkey. As a result, Istanbul and the Bosporus strait are suffering from
congestion. Therefore, the government of Turkey initiated the construction of a new container port
at Filyos in the Zonguldak region to shorten inland routes as well as routes over the Black Sea to
Russia and Ukraine. Because other ports in this region are not suitable for expansion, due to limited
space, other core activities than containers and lack of good hinterland connections, it is chosen to
construct a whole new port. Filyos already has a road connection to Ankara, which will serve as the
main hinterland route. The other advantage is that it can serve as a hub for containers and general
cargo that are destined for other countries (and thus ports) that are located at the Black Sea.

Figure 13: An overview of the transport routes in Turkey. Based on Donders (2010).


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

The throughput forecast made for the port of Filyos, that is supposed to handle general cargo and
containers predominantly, is structured as follows. The method starts with the construction of a
database on transport flows. This is done by using a transport chain structure and linking locations of
production and consumption to assign imports and exports of the country to regions within Turkey.
The transport flows are also assigned to the road and rail network of Turkey. This approach is based
on the four step framework described in chapter 2. Two data categories serve as input for this
model, trade data and transport data. The former contains data on the main market segments by
product type and country of origin and destination, the so called O/D matrix. More specifically, data
on regional chain structure, UN trade data of international flows, other flows based on socioeconomic data and the location of the biggest industry and transport generators is used. For
transport data, port statistics on demand at specific points in the Turkish transport network are
used. To fill in gaps in the transport and trade data, a comprehensive qualitative analysis is made
based on interviews with stakeholders. These interviews are important because they shed light on
strategic issues that concern stakeholders of the port. It was intended to gain information from as
many as possible differing parties of interest in the port, from governors to shipping agents.
For the forecast of trade flows the global trade model developed by NEA is used. The model uses
historical trade data and socio-economic variables such as GDP and population to forecast imports
and exports of a country to construct O/D-matrices. This model is also called an agent-based
simulation model, which means countries are seen as autonomous agents which have their own
variables and behaviour. So, first import and export forecasts are made per individual country before
they interact with each other to determine trade flows. When the trade flows are determined based
on historical data, a trend model is used to forecast flows into the future. After that, as a final step,
the future trade flows are assigned to the network based on WORLDNET data (CFCU, 2009).
Like many forecast studies, this study for the port of Filyos also makes use of different scenarios.
Because a Greenfield port is considered, there are many varying scenarios possible. Four scenarios
are developed: reference, sensitivity low, sensitivity high and do-nothing. Firstly, these outcome
scenarios are based on two economic scenarios, middle and low economic growth. It should be
noted by times of writing of the report, the world was at its lowest point in the economic crisis. So,
the middle growth scenario predicts recovery of the economy in 2010 while the low growth sets
2012 as the starting year of recovery. Second, investments made in the hinterland of the port are
also of importance for the scenarios. The writers of the forecast report on Filyos have made a
distinction between types of investments. The first are certain investments of influence that are
officially agreed and clear, for example investments in a second power plant in Catalagzi (nearby


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

area). Second, uncertain investments of influence are mentioned which are investments that are
discussed and for which the finances are not yet complete, for example a steel factory near the port.
Third, there are required investments that are not certain but are essential for a good functioning of
the port, for example connections between the port and the road and rail network. These three
kinds of investments are assigned to the scenarios to be calculated. Following this process, four
scenarios were developed that are clarified in the table below. The Middle and High parameters that
are mentioned refer to the level of investments.
Filyos port
Certain investments,
Middle parameters
Middle economic growth
Low economic growth

Reference scenario
Sensitivity low scenario

Certain and uncertain

investments, High
Sensitivity high scenario

No Filyos port
Certain investments,
Middle parameters
Do nothing scenario

Table 7: Scenarios for the port of Filyos. Source: CFCU (2009).

To not fully ignore competition between ports, the writers of the report made an analysis of the cost
structures. All possible routes per OD pair are compared in terms of generalized costs and the trade
flow is assigned to the cheapest route. This is approach is similar to the multiregional I/O model
described in chapter 2. It is especially important for container traffic to take into account generalized
costs, because these ships are more flexible compared to bulk carriers when it comes to route choice
(CFCU, 2009). A disadvantage to this approach is that it does not include trade-offs between costs
and quality of service (Veldman & Bckmann, 2003). The forecast for Filyos would therefore benefit
from including a port competition/choice model. However, many port characteristics are not yet
known for sure and thus such a model would depend too much on speculation. That makes its
reliability questionable.
Overall, the forecasting method used for the port of Filyos seems appropriate. Use is made of a
regional model to determine trade flows and assign these flows to the possible routes according to
generalized costs. Hence, macro-economic factors (GDP and population) are taken into account for
determining trade flows and competition factors are included by assigning to routes based on
generalized costs. Also, the essential qualitative analysis is used to fill in the gaps of the quantitative
variables. Unfortunately, because the port of Filyos is not yet constructed, no analysis can be made
on the fit of the forecasts with the realized throughput volumes.

4.2.2 Port of Rotterdam

For Brownfield ports it does not necessarily have to be the case that a forecast is made for a specific
expansion project. The port of Rotterdam made a so called Port Compass for 2030 in the year 2011.
Herein, forecasts are made for the future by use of different scenarios. Each scenario has another

Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

effect on cargo throughput in the port. Based on the forecasts that are made on cargo throughput
volumes, policy goals for the future are formulated.
The starting point for making the forecasts was developing the scenarios. The port of Rotterdam
identifies four main drivers that affect commodity flows: economic growth, global trade, fuel price
and environmental policy. These four drivers serve as the basis for the development of the four
scenarios that are used for making a forecast for 2030:

Low Growth
Low economic growth and a low fuel price. Fossil fuels stay dominant and environmental
policy is moderate.

European Trend
Continuing existing policy and a moderate growth of the economy.

Global Economy
Further globalisation combined with low fuel price causing high economic growth and
moderate environmental policy.

High Oil Price

High oil price, a strict environmental policy, moderate economic growth and a relatively fast
move to sustainable industry and logistics.

Low Growth



Global Economy

European Trend

Figure 14: GDP growth per 10 year period, per scenario. Based on HBR (2011).


High Oil Price

Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

These scenarios are not developed by the Port of Rotterdam itself, but by Dutch and European
governmental agencies to serve European policy studies. For all scenarios GDP growth for 10 year
periods are determined, resulting in figure 14.
The GDP growth rates are used to calculate the forecasting outcomes by use of the Transtools
model. A model that translates socio-economic developments in the transport industry, like the
scenarios described above, into commodity flows. Based on the steps described in chapter 2, the
first step that the model uses is a gravity model to determine the distribution of trade flows over the
world. In the second step, mode choice is taken into account using an aggregate multinomial logit
model based on transport times and tariffs. Thirdly, network assignment takes place. This is done by
translating freight flows in tonnes to number of transport units and assigning those units to the
infrastructure network. This results in information about the intensities of traffic, vehicle type and
fuel use (De Langen et al., 2012a).
The results of the Transtools model were tested against segment specific knowledge of experts in
the field. The eventual outcomes are thus a mix between quantitative outcomes of the Transtools
model and expert knowledge. For the specific case of container transport, the Transtools model
considers transhipment markets (UK, Ireland & ScanBaltic) and containerisation rates. However, the
model insufficiently handles industry specific developments and cannot make a proper forecast for
individual ports. This makes it necessary to modify the model results with expert judgment.
Port specific characteristics were also reviewed, be it qualitatively. The method would benefit from
quantifying the competitive position of the Port of Rotterdam.
Because the port of Rotterdam is a Brownfield port, it is possible to compare the forecasts with the
actual throughput volumes. The port of Rotterdam is constantly doing this to see which of the four
trends based on the scenarios is followed. Now, it appears the port is following almost exactly the
Low Growth scenario in terms of cargo throughput volumes (A. Willeumier, personal
communication, June 25, 2014; HBR, 2013).

4.2.3 Comparison Filyos with Rotterdam

Fundamentally, the two forecasting approaches of the port of Rotterdam and Filyos do not differ.
They both make use of different scenarios, a gravity approach to determine trade flows and a
regional network approach to determine route choice. There are however some points in which the
approaches differ from each other.


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

The ways in which the scenarios are built up are different. The drivers behind the scenarios for the
port of Rotterdam have a global scope and depend on policy issues and growth of the economy and
global trade. For the port of Filyos the scenarios depend also on economic growth rates, but also on
investments in the port. The latter is a driver with a more narrow view (regional vs. global) for
throughput volumes in the future. Maybe this is the difference between forecasts for Greenfield and
Brownfield ports. For a Greenfield port, investments are essential to start up and expand while a
Brownfield port is less dependent because it is running already. However, it should be noted that it
is possible this difference is only present for this particular case, because the port of Filyos has a
more regional focus than the port of Rotterdam. More important, the objective of the reports are
different, as that for the port of Filyos concerns a port master plan study while that for the port of
Rotterdam is just a forecast to give an idea of what the future may bring.
The second difference between the approaches of the two ports is the way they deal with port
specific factors and competition. In the approach used for the port of Filyos, port choice is included
in the model by assigning the trade flows to the routes with the lowest generalized costs. This is an
overall accepted way to deal with competition between ports (Tavasszy et al., 2009). Thus, for the
port of Filyos the competition between ports is quantified, using the location of the competing ports,
and can be verified. For the port of Rotterdam on the other hand, the competitive position of the
port is assessed qualitatively and the market share of the port in the Hamburg-Le Havre range is
estimated using the throughput volumes for the whole range. Transtools predicts a total throughput
for the Hamburg-Le Havre range of 1101 million TEU in 2030. The results are modified to 815 million
TEU, using expert judgement. This is a change of -35% (De Langen et al., 2012a). No exact numbers
are given for the predicted market share of Rotterdam, because the analysis is qualitative. But based
on the figures for 2008 and the construction of Maasvlakte II it is assumed to be around 30%. Which
means Transtools predicted 330.3 million TEU and the modified result is 244.5 million TEU (HBR,
2011). Although the rationale behind the market share is clear, it should be preferred to incorporate
the competitive position of the port in a model, because this it is possible for Brownfield ports to use
the WCM or PCM.


Developing vs. developed economy

A country in the third world is not as well developed economically as for example North-Western
countries. This makes that trade flows to and from these countries, and thus their transport facilities
like seaports, are also underdeveloped. This can have the effect that administration in such countries
is less up to date. This makes it more difficult to prepare an O/D-table, because proper data is


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

missing. So it should be kept in mind that models with less data requirements are preferred when a
forecast is made for a port in an underdeveloped economy.
Also, the fact that a country is underdeveloped can affect the way things are handled in a port. In
general, operations are less efficient in developing countries than in developed economies. This has
to do with the fact that services in developing economies are in an earlier stage of evolvement and
should get more efficient on the way. In general, cargo spends more time in a port in a developing
country than elsewhere, due to long ship turnaround and waiting times, a high berth occupancy rate,
long working times at berths, long cargo dwell time and a small number of crane moves per hour
(UNCTAD, 2013). The fact that these ports are less efficient, for example in terms of waiting times,
causes the transport cost to rise when such a port is called. This affects the competitive position of
the port in a negative way. In order to improve the efficiency of ports in developing countries, it is
important that these ports compare themselves with other ports in the region rather than with how
they performed in the past. Many ports in developing economies are the main port of their country,
which makes comparisons hard to execute (UNCTAD, 2013).
However, the fact that a less developed country is in an earlier stage of development than a welldeveloped country also means there is more growth potential in this country. In the literature, many
researchers state that the expansion of exports can give a boost to economic growth in a country
(Chou, Chu & Liang, 2007). This effect is assumed to be stronger for well-developed countries than
for developing countries. However, Ram (1985) found evidence that later in time, when the world
was further in its overall development, no difference between the positive effects of export
expansion between developing and developed countries is present. It should be noted that research
on this topic is very old, which could affect its relevance.
When comparing trade flows to and from developing countries with that of developed countries, it
should be noted that in the past years the flows for developing countries show a much more positive
growth figure. For the head-haul Asia-Europe volumes dropped by 2.6% in 2012, due to the decrease
of European import volumes. This can be an effect of near-sourcing, but also of the low level of
purchase power in Europe. On the other hand, North-South trade expanded by 3.9%. This difference
is presumably caused by economic growth in the South and a shift of economic influence away from
the traditional centres of economic growth. Also, in developed countries the population is ageing
while the population in developing economies is growing fast, affecting global consumption patterns
(UNCTAD, 2013). It is expected that Southern markets will continue to drive growth of containerized
trade in the future (Clarkson Research Services, 2013). In line with this, the throughput volumes in


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

ports situated in developing countries faced less negative effects of the crisis in 2008/2009 than
ports in developed countries.
First, a port in a developing country is considered: the port of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. Throughput
volumes were found for the years 2007-2012. There was a lack of data on developments that caused
volatilities in container throughput volumes, so the analysis is made based on economic logic. Next,
Copenhagen Malm port is described as a port based in a country with a well-developed economy.
To make a fair comparison between the ports, data for 2007-2012 was analysed only. The section
ends with a short comparison between the development of throughput volumes in both ports. For
the comparison between a port in a developed economy and a port in a developing economy,
economic growth is considered the main factor to be considered, because it is the main factor in
which they are distinguished. Therefore, GDP growth percentages are also considered in paragraph

4.3.1 The port of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

The port of Dar es Salaam is the principal port of
Tanzania. It handles around 90-95% of all cargo
handled in the country. The market share deviates
from year to year. The port predominantly handles
bulk cargo, 35% of all cargo handled are containers.
There are 2 terminals in the port where containers
are handled: a container terminal that is operated
by a private organisation and a general cargo
When no distinction is made between types of
cargo, throughput volumes are dominated by
imports, which indicates that Tanzania is a less Figure 15: The port of Dar es Salaam and its hinterland.
developed country (Chou et al., 2007). The high


import rates are partly due to the fact that Tanzania serves as a gateway for several land-locked
countries, i.e. Zambia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi, Rwanda and Burundi. Transits of
freight to these countries account for approximately 35% of total traffic. This share should be
greater, given the strategic location of the port to serve as a transport hub. However, hinterland
connections are poor and most of the countries in the hinterland are politically unstable. This is
considered typical for a developing country and although freight for the hinterland does not make


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

up the greatest part of total port throughputs it significantly affects the performance of the port of
Dar es Salaam.
Another line of reasoning to explain why imports are higher than exports, especially in combination
with the high amount of bulk cargo, is that Tanzania does not have a lot of resources, both human
and natural. This can be one of the reasons why the country is still developing economically.
For containers imports and exports do not differ as much as for all cargo together, although imports
are higher than exports (except for 2008). Only direct calls of container vessels are handled in the
port of Dar es Salaam. In figure 14 the development of container throughput in the period 20072012 is given.

Import container throughput in


Export container throughput in








Figure 16: Development of container throughput in the port of Dar es Salaam. Source: Tanzania Port Authority.

Over the years, the proportion of imports and exports is more or less stable. Only in 2008 the
exports exceed the imports. In this year, also a small decrease in throughput volumes is observed.
This is due to the fact that less dry cargo was containerized in 2008 compared to the previous year.
Which is remarkable as the main trend is that more and more cargo is containerized.
Throughput volumes are incessantly increasing in the years under consideration, indicating the port
is able to attract more container traffic. Relative to 2010, there was an increase of 21% in container
traffic calling the port in 2011. Also, the market trend of bigger vessels is affecting the port of Dar es
Salaam in a positive way. At first, the port had to adjust to this movement, as stated in the annual


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

report for 2009. It seems like this is done well, according to the continuing growth in container
throughput volumes.
Although the port of Dar es Salaam faces stiff competition with ports in the region, especially for the
markets of Zambia and Malawi in terms of distance and costs, this does not affect throughput
volumes of containers as transit products are mainly bulk commodities.

4.3.2 Copenhagen Malm Port

The port situated in a well-developed country that
is analysed is the Copenhagen Malm Port (CMP).
This port is situated partially in Copenhagen,
Denmark and partially in Malm, Sweden.
Denmark and Sweden are both well developed
countries, which makes this port suitable to
compare it with its opposite: the port of Dar es
Container turnover in CMP mainly consists of
imported consumer goods destined for the region.
Figure 17: The location of the Copenhagen Malm Port.

This is one of the reasons why throughput volumes Based on:

fell heavily with 24% after 2008, the start of the credit crisis. Consumer goods are less cyclical than
industrial products and consumer confidence declined, causing them to purchase less products. CMP
responded to the decline by changing its opening hours to become more flexible and lowering
operating costs in order to become more efficient and attract new shipping lines. These new
customers, CMA CMG and Teamlines, provided the port a marginal increase in volumes in 2010.
However, the volumes were disappointing for CMP because the economy was on its return.
Unfortunately, growing demand for consumer goods did not yet pick up sufficient momentum at
that time, forcing the port to cut its staff.
In 2011, throughput volumes stayed more or less the same. Although there was an increase of
activity in Copenhagen by 6%, caused by higher productivity during vessel operations and the return
of some of the greatest shipping lines in the world, the volumes for Malm are unsatisfactory. This is
probably due to the relocation of the container terminal to the northern harbour. This new
container terminal resulted in overcapacity, responsible for the small drop in container volumes in
2012 as developments in Copenhagen remained stable (CMP, 2012).


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports



Container throughput in









Figure 18: Container throughput volumes in Copenhagen Malm Port. Source: CMP.

4.3.3 Comparison Dar es Salaam with Copenhagen-Malm

In figure 19 the economic growth in Tanzania, Denmark and Sweden over the period 2007-2012 is
given. When this figure is compared with figure 16 and 18, one can see that the effect of the
financial crisis that started in 2008 seems to be absent in the port of Dar es Salaam. At most, a small
drop of economic growth by 1.5% is caused by the credit crisis. This is reflected in the stagnating
growth of throughput volumes in the port, which perfectly demonstrates the relation between GDP
and port throughput. For CMP, however, the effects were evident as throughput growth dropped
with 24% in 2009 and were not recovering before 2013. Economic growth also drops heavily in
Sweden and Denmark after 2008, even below zero and does not recover within the analysed period.
Although there was a fast increase in 2010, growth dropped again after this year. So for these
countries there is also a demonstrable relationship between GDP growth and port throughputs.
The difference between the effects for Dar es Salaam and CMP are probably caused by the fact that
in CMP, the content of containers handled mainly consists of consumer goods. Consumer confidence
was low during the worldwide economic crisis, causing purchasing power to decline. Return to
higher consumer confidence to boost the economy moves slowly.
For the port of Dar es Salaam it is not perfectly clear why throughput volumes did not decline as an
effect of the crisis. One explanation that is derived from the annual reports of the port, is the
appreciation of the Rand of South Africa, the major competitor of Dar es Salaam when it comes to
serving Zambia. This causes the route via the Durban port of South Africa to be more expensive,
resulting in more demand for transits via Dar es Salaam.


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports











Figure 19: Percentage GDP growth for Sweden, Denmark and Tanzania in 2007-2012. Based on: IMF (2012).

Another explanation is that the content of the containers differ between the ports. It is not clear
what is the content of the containers handled in Dar es Salaam, but the containers in CMP contain
consumer products destined for the regional market. The containers handled in Tanzania can also be
destined for their expansive hinterland. Also, it can be reasoned that the economies of African
countries mainly depend on natural resources while the economies of European countries depend
more on the service industry and consumer goods. The latter markets are more volatile and have an
effect on the economy quicker. For example, one of Zambias core businesses is the exportation of
copper. Demand for copper increased in the past decade, causing the price to rise. This is a boost for
the Zambian economy and transport over Dar es Salaam is intensified. Accompanied with the
development of the Zambian economy, demand for commodities transported in containers can go
up, causing throughput volumes in the port of Dar es Salaam to rise.
When it comes to import and port of call, CMP probably faces heavier competition than the port of
Dar es Salaam. Containers destined for Denmark or Sweden can also be transported via another port
in the region, because hinterland connections in that part of Europe are well developed in general.
Hence, costs and time will not necessarily increase by choosing a port that is further away from the
region of destination. For the containers that have to be transported to Tanzania there are not as
much options as for Denmark and Sweden. First of all, the country is a lot bigger and thus the ports
are located further away from each other. Hence, differences in speed and costs will be bigger for
Tanzania than for Northern Europe. Second, the port of Dar es Salaam has the biggest market share
in Tanzania (approximately 90%) and it is therefore assumed that it has the best hinterland
connections, because hinterland connections in developing countries are very poor in general. This
means that Dar es Salaam is the optimal port of choice in terms of costs and time. Therefore,

Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

shipping lines do not have the same amount of options in developing regions as in well-developed
regions causing them to change their port of call less often.


Findings and implications for each port type

In this concluding paragraph of the chapter, the findings of the case studies per port category are
discussed and the implications for the form of the models are mentioned. An abstract and holistic
approach is used to describe these implications, leaving the exact formulation of the models to
further research.

4.4.1 Transhipment port

For a pure transhipment port, the gravity model is less important than the model wherein port
characteristics are used to predict the distribution of trade flows. Of course, it is essential to have an
idea of how container flows are distributed over the world and therefore the gravity model should
be used. It is however not important to zoom in on a specific OD-pair.
For a transhipment port it should be determined how far the port is located from the busiest trading
routes over sea and how many of the vessels using the route it can attract. Thus, a port
choice/competition model should be used where throughput volumes depend on location relative to
the trade route the port wants to capture (Zohil & Prijon, 1999). Also, the level of service at a
transhipment port is very important as it determines whether a shipping line makes the decision to
call at the port (Schinas & Papadimitriou, 2001). This is especially a driver of competition for ports
that are located approximately at the same distance from the trade route.
The model does not have to focus on the hinterland connections of the port as these are not of
importance for its competitive position. Therefore, the WCM is the best port choice model to use in
this case. In case the WCM is not available for use, the generalized cost approach can be used, for
which not specific model is required. Trade flows are then assigned to the cheapest route. The
disadvantage hereof is that it does not account for the trade-off between quality and costs.

4.4.2 Import-export port

An import-export port is very dependent on its hinterland, which is in contrast with the
transhipment port. Therefore, the emphasis should be on the gravity model. This can be done by
including as many variables as possible into the gravity model. For the specific case of Auckland, it
was noticed the imports depended on the growth of the population in the hinterland. In general, this
is just one of the many macroeconomic variables that affect imports and exports, like the industrial
production index, GDP, GNP, etc. (Chou et al., 2008).

Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

For import-export ports, the strategic decisions of shipping lines are also very important even as the
contestability of the hinterland, so competition on service levels and connectivity should definitely
be taken into account (Polo & Guittrez, 2006). The PCM should be used here, because this model
focusses more on the hinterland than on the maritime side of the transport route. If it is not possible
to make use of the PCM the generalized cost approach can be used.

4.4.3 Greenfield port

A forecast for a greenfield port should start with a gravity model, like all forecasts. The input for this
gravity model should be arrived from several scenarios that predict GDP values. These scenarios
should be based on predicted economic growth, policy measures or local investments, according to
the scope of the port.
Port competition cannot be left out in the analysis of future volumes, but it is hard to include in a
detailed model. It is therefore proposed that, although it does not account for the trade-off between
quality and cost, generalized costs should be used to allocate routes via certain ports. This is a
generally accepted way to deal with competition in case of greenfield ports (Cullinane, Teng &
Wang, 2005). It is also possible to obtain O/D tables that are developed by public organizations.
These matrices provide information on good flows between origins and destinations. The gravity
model is used to compute relations within the tables. Overall, the functional form of the gravity
model can be very simple making it easy to use.

4.4.4 Brownfield port

The forecasting for a brownfield port should not differ much from the method of a Greenfield port.
The difference is that more detailed information can be used for a Brownfield port, which increases
the explanatory power of the models. This is especially the case for the variables in the port
competition or choice model. Data on the market share of the port is (in general) available and
should be used in the forecast method. The same applies to variables as specialization of the port,
the amount and quality of hinterland connections, service level, etc. Both the WCM and the PCM can
be used to make a forecast for Brownfield ports.

4.4.5 Port in a less developed country

For ports in a less developed country the economic situation and political stability in the hinterland is
very important (Hoyle & Charlier, 1995; TPA, 2011). Therefore, the gravity model should be
complemented with variables that account for these characteristics to increase explanatory power.


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

As it comes to port competition in the region, there are many (standard) variables that are of
importance to determine the market share of the port of interest. These are hinterland connections,
level of service, congestion at the port, turn-around times, etc. A first principle on which the level of
development of a seaport is based, is the interconnection with its hinterland (Charlier, 1983). It is
assumed hinterland connections in developing countries are poor in general, which gives the few
ports that do have proper connections a high market share that is not lost to other ports in the
country easily. Hence, location is also very important referring to ports that have a natural inland
connection in the form of a river. Because the focus for this kind of port is on the hinterland, the
PCM is preferred, though the WCM is also suitable in this case.

4.4.6 Port in a well-developed country

It is assumed that where in developing countries hinterland connections are very poor in general, in
developed countries there are more options for bringing the freight from A to B without losing time,
money or service (Hoyle & Charlier, 1995). This makes ports in developed countries more dependent
on the strategic decisions of shipping lines as they can deviate more easily. Unfortunately, strategic
decisions of shipping lines cannot be included in the model. The focus should be on the PCM part for
ports in developed countries, because regional competition is very fierce.


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

5 Conclusions and recommendations

for further research
In this last chapter first an overview is given on the findings presented in this paper. Next, the
implications of these findings for Witteveen+Bos are given and a recommendation is made for a
suitable approach. The chapter concludes with listing the shortcomings of this research and
recommendations for further research on the subject.


Overview of the results and conclusions

Forecasting methods nowadays build on the four step approach derived from the passenger
transport literature. These are production & attraction, distribution, modal split and assignment to
the network. For the first step, I/O models or O/D tables are the most suitable solution. These
matrices show per region (or sector in case of I/O) which products are produced and which products
are attracted or demanded. Strongly related to this is the distribution step in which regions of supply
and demand are linked. In this way, the distribution of trade flows arises. The model that is usually
used for this is the gravity model, ascended from physics. Big economies attract many trade flows,
hence there is many trading going on between the richest countries in the world. There is however
also the resistance of trade, for example physical distance or transport cost, causing a reduction in
potential trade flows. Often, assignment to a mode and a certain route are done simultaneously. The
best way to do this is by use of a multimodal network model. These are mainly multinomial logit
models that deal with discrete choice models.
According to this research the essential elements of a good container cargo forecast are threefold.
First, a good forecast has to be made on the level of GDP in the future. This can be done based on
the forecasts of the IMF or other public organizations that are committed to making good GDP
forecasts. Often, scenarios are used to give an idea of the development of GDP based on factors like
oil price, environmental policy, economic growth etc. It is useful to use scenarios when making long
term forecasts, because in that way different trends are considered and assumed possible. This
lowers uncertainty, because when the actual volumes deviate from the forecasted ones there is
always another forecasted trend that is close to the real values. These GDP forecasts are used as
input for the gravity model that estimates the distribution of trade flows. So in this first step towards
a good cargo forecast, macroeconomic variables are taken into account. These together form the
first essential element of container cargo forecasting.


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

Second, port competition should be taken into account to come to an assignment of the trade flows
over the port network. This can be done by including port characteristics in a multinomial logit
model, like the World Container Model (WCM) and the Port Competition Model (PCM). These are
the models that are proposed to use in order to account for port competition. The WCM focusses
more on the maritime network and used the value of time to incorporate the trade-off between
costs and transport time. The PCM focussed more on the hinterland connections of the port and
leaves out the maritime side of the transport route. Here also the trade-off between several
important variables are used to assign freight to a certain route.
Third, there are always factors that cannot be quantified or databases that are incomplete.
Qualitative assessments are needed to account for effects that cannot be quantified or to fill in gaps
in databases. It is proposed to use expert knowledge to analyse the results from the quantitative
models. According to this knowledge the results should be modified or the input variables can be
modified to come to a better forecasting result.
Unfortunately, from the analysis of the throughput volume development in different kinds of ports,
it becomes clear that all ports are very dependent on the strategic decisions of shipping lines. These
decisions cannot be predicted and therefore cannot be accounted for in the forecasting approach.
This means there is always a certain level of uncertainty that cannot be removed.
The analysis of the different ports, namely transhipment, import-export, Greenfield, Brownfield,
less-developed and well-developed economy, also made clear that for each type of port the focus
should be on different variables. For the transhipment port, the hinterland is not important and thus
the focus should be on competitive characteristics like the location relative to the main liner routes
and the level of service compared to other ports in the region. In contrast, for an import-export port,
the hinterland is very important and the focus should be on macroeconomic variables like GDP,
population and income per capita. For a port in a well-developed economy competition is assumed
to be fiercer than for a port in a less-developed economy. Therefore, the PCM is very important for a
port in a well-developed country as hinterland connections are very important for the competitive
position of a port. For a port in a developing economy the hinterland is also very important, but the
focus is more on macroeconomic variables like economic growth and political stability. These can be
included in the gravity model.
For the analysis of the case studies for a Greenfield and a Brownfield port, the forecasting
approaches of two ports are used. Therefore, the analysis was somewhat different than for the
other port categories. The approaches did not differ fundamentally. However, the scope of the


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

scenarios used were different: for the Greenfield port more regional and for the Brownfield port
more global. This result cannot be generalized as this can also be a result of the different scopes of
the ports.
The purpose of this thesis was to shed light on the different factors that determine port throughput.
Models used in practice are inseparably linked to these factors as the identified variables serve as
input for these forecasting approaches. An overview of the models that can be used is given and the
essential elements of a good forecasting method are described. This should all serve as a solid basis
to build on for further research. The main objective for further research should be to develop a
model that accounts for all the essential elements mentioned in this thesis. Based on this a software
package can be developed to give people the possibility to make use of an integrated forecasting
model that is ready to use and does not require specific modelling knowledge. Software and models
are available now, like Transtools, but these are not straight forward and often extra modules are
necessary to run the model properly. Also, it is not perfectly clear what factors are included in the
model, making the result useless. Hopefully, this thesis contributes to the freight transport
modelling in that it reveals which factors are necessary to include.


Advice for Witteveen+Bos

Whilst the models recommended in this thesis seem to work in theory, it is necessary to come up
with a more practical advice for Witteveen+Bos. It is possible for the consultancy firm to use the
gravity model, the WCM and the PCM. However, datasets are not always available and the gathering
of data can be labour-intensive. If the formulation of the gravity model is simplified, it should be
feasible to use it for any organisation or person. That is, when trade flows depend on the GDP in the
origin and destination and trade resistance is formulated as the distance between countries. A
disadvantage of this is that the explanatory power of the model decreases. One of the developers of
the WCM, L. Tavasszy, claims that the WCM is useable for everyone and that datasets are publically
available (L. Tavasszy, personal communication, July 11, 2014). The issue here is whether the
datasets are up to date and ready to use, which should be verified before use. In this thesis, an old
version of the PCM is presented that is publically available. The model is developed by the company
Ecorys and is adjusted several times after 2003. The improved version of the model is not available
for free and should be bought at Ecorys. A method that requires less data, but does not account for
the trade-off between costs and quality is to assign flows to the network directly according to
generalized cost. This is also done for the port of Filyos and requires less data.


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

It is also possible to use a software package like Transtools, which is the most discussed software in
the literature. This model runs in ArcGis which is available at Witteveen+Bos. However, several
modules have to be adjusted to the model that is available for free online. Also, it is not clear which
aspects the model covers which makes it a blackbox. Hence, specific knowledge of the software is
needed, which makes this not the preferable option.
When it is preferred to make a forecast without a model, it has to be based on the factors that seem
to be important in predicting throughput volumes. From the case studies in chapter 4, several
relations between drivers and cargo growth become clear.

GDP growth is a very solid indicator for cargo growth and they move in the same direction.

Population and income growth are important indicators for the development of import
volumes. They also move in the same direction.

Level of service, costs and connectivity are important variables for transhipment ports. The
higher the level of service, the lower the costs and the better the connectivity (or the shorter
the time of deviation from the main routes), the higher transhipment volumes.

Hinterland connections are important for every port except the transhipment port.
Generalized costs for the route from port to final destination can be used to qualify the

It is also possible to come up with an advice that is based on the developments in these drivers of
changes in trade flows and throughput volumes in ports. The results are however not verifiable,
because they are not tested statistically.


Recommendations for further research

There are several shortcomings of this research. One is that case studies of only two opposing ports
are considered for each port category. Therefore, findings cannot be generalized as there is always
the probability that they correspond with port specific element instead of the whole category.
Further and more extensive research on several kind of ports and their implications on the
forecasting method would contribute to the freight modelling literature.
Second, because developing a model that is ready to use does not fit into the scope of this thesis, it
cannot be tested if the recommendations made on the elements of the model are grounded. Further
research is necessary to test whether these elements are indeed essential.


Forecasting Container Cargo Throughput in Ports

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