Fundamental of Public Economics

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Fundamentals of Public Economics

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Commodity Taxation
Chapter 3: Income Taxation
Chapter 4: Risk
Chapter 5: Corporate Taxation
Chapter 6: Public Goods
Chapter 7: Externalities
Chapter 8: Imperfect Competition
Chapter 9: Tax Evasion
Chapter 10: Overlapping Generations Economies
Chapter 11: Social Security
Chapter 12: Debt and Taxes

1.1 Public Economics
Public economics (or economics of the public sector) is the study of government policy through
the lens of economic efficiency and equity. At its most basic level, public economics provides a
framework for thinking about whether or not the government should participate in economics
markets and to what extent its role should be. In order to do so, microeconomic theory is utilized
to assess whether the private market is likely to provide efficient outcomes in the absence of
governmental interference. Inherently, this study involves the analysis of government taxation
and expenditures. This subject encompasses a host of topics including market failures,
externalities, and the creation and implementation of government policy. Public economics
builds on the theory of welfare economics and is ultimately used as a tool to improve social
In the broadest interpretation, public economics is the study of economic policy, with particular
emphasis upon taxation. The subject therefore encompasses topics as diverse as responses to
market failure due to the existence of externalities and the determination of optimal social
security policies. This characterization reflects an extension of the scope of public economics
from its initial emphasis upon the collection and disbursement of government revenues to its
present concern with all aspects of government economic intervention. The intention of this book
is to provide an introduction to the vast literature of public economics, emphasizing the
foundations upon which future research can be laid.
Public economics has a long history as a discipline within economics and many eminent
economists have written on the subject. For example, Ricardo (1817) discussed the effects of
public debt, the incidence of taxation in imperfectly competitive markets was analyzed by
Cournot (1838), Edgeworth (1925) considered the effects of taxation on multi-product firms and
Pareto (1909) set out the foundations for making social decisions. The explanation for this
interest in public economics is no doubt contained in the close connection of the analysis with
policy and application, which are the ultimate inspiration of most economists. Exposing a
theoretical construction to policy analysis also highlights its value and provides a test of its

relevance. However, it is also true that before a good policy can be designed an adequate theory
must be developed. One of the challenges of public economics is that much of the subject area is
still in its infancy with considerable work still to be done.
An emerging trend in the public economics literature has been the use of numerical methods.
These have taken the form of both simulations of economies in order to test their behavior and
the evaluation of policy proposals using empirical data. The latter technique indicates a
promising convergence between theory and application and is clearly a direction in which the
subject will continue to move.
The dominant setting for the analysis of public economics is within the mixed economy so that
individual decisions are respected but the government intervenes to affect these choices. The
design of policy can then be interpreted as the manipulation of individual choices by the choice
of policy parameters so as to arrive at an equilibrium preferred to that which would arise in the
absence of policy. This makes the results of the studies applicable to most developed economies
and concurs with the present ascendancy of such a form of economic organization. To provide a
benchmark from which to judge the outcome of the economy under alternative policies the
perfectly controlled command economy with an omniscient planner is often employed.
Naturally, this usage of the command economy implies no claim that such perfect control is
possible, or even desirable.
1.2 Public sector income and expenditure
The public sector plays an important role in the mixed economies of the major industrialized
countries. To show quite how important, this section presents some summary statistics
concerning the size and structure of the public sector. Whilst there are some well-recognized
issues concerning the appropriate definition of the public sector, these do not affect the validity
of the broad sketch given here.
Table 1.1 shows the pattern of public sector total outlay as a percentage of nominal GNP over the
period 1978 - 1993 for seven of the major industrialized countries from North America, Europe

and Asia. For these countries, public sector expenditure falls in the range of 30 - 55% of GNP
with Japan and the United States having the smallest public sectors and Italy and France the
largest. Even though the range is large, the public sector is significant in every case. Expenditure
in Italy shows sustained growth through the period, as it does in the U.S. but to a lesser extent.
Other than these countries, the pattern is generally one of the public sector being a constant
proportion of GNP. This relative stability over the recent past is in sharp contrast to the period of
expansion of the public sector experienced by the industrialized countries from 1890 through to
The major implication of Table 1.1 is that it clearly justifies the claim that the public sector is
significant in the economies of the industrialized countries and the mixed economies of these
countries are characterized by substantial government involvement. They are far from being freemarket with minimal government intervention. The size of the public sector alone is justification
for the study of how it should best choose its means of revenue collection and its allocation of
expenditure. It is also worth noting that data on expenditure typically understates the full
influence of the public sector upon the economy. For instance, regulations such as employment
laws or safety standards infringe upon economic activity but without generating any measurable
government expenditure or income.
Table 1.2 shows the proportion of Japanese government income derived from various sources
and the division of its expenditure. The chart for income shows that direct taxation is the largest
single component. Social security contributions and indirect taxation are the next largest and
make fairly similar contributions to income. In terms of expenditure, social security spending is
the largest category followed by purchases of goods and services. Interest on public debt is also a
significant item of expenditure.
A similar breakdown of income and expenditure is reported for the United Kingdom in Table
1.3. Contrasted to Japan, the U.K. shows greater reliance upon indirect taxation, with indirect
taxation generating slightly more revenue than direct taxation. The relative size of social security
contributions is also much less than in Japan. The relative sizes of the expenditure items are very

similar, although the U.K. spends more on goods and services but less on subsidies. The social
security item in Japan is equivalent in relative size to the transfers in the U.K.

Figure 1.1: General government total outlay as % of nominal GDP

Figure 1.2: Japanese Government Income 1991

Figure 1.3: Japanese Government Expenditure 1991

Tables 1.2 and 1.3 demonstrate the importance of direct and indirect taxation in the collection of
revenue for the U.K. and for Japan. Taken together, these generate 73% of revenue in the U.K.
and 63% in Japan. The third item of income, social security contributions, is 17% of income in
the U.K. and 27% in Japan. An alternative perspective on the relative importance of the three
major categories of income is given in Table 1.4. This shows receipts as a percentage of GDP for
the U.S. and as an average for other OECD countries. For the U.S., consumption taxes are
relatively less important than as shown for Japan and the U.K. above and as against the average
over OECD countries. However, consumption tax receipts still equal over 4% of U.S. GDP.
Social security taxes raise twice the income of consumption taxes whilst income tax receipts
represent one tenth of GDP. In contrast, the OECD average shows rather more equality between
receipts from income and consumption taxes.

Table 1.5 shows the expenditure of the U.S. Federal Government broken down into type and
function, expressed as a percentage of total expenditure. Similarly, Table 1.5b has the same
breakdown for State and Local Government. These tables reveal that the major items of
expenditure for Federal Government are income support and social security, and defence. In
contrast, the major item for State and Local Government is education followed by income
support and social security. Other than these, the most significant items are the net interest paid

by the Federal Government and transportation and civilian safety paid for by State and Local
Government. The items can be placed into separate categories representing the breakdown of
public sector objectives: defence expenditure is one of the minimal requirements; income support
is evidence of concern for equity; and education represents provision of a public good to counter
market failure.

Figure 1.4: UK Government Income

Figure 1.5: UK Government Expenditure

Although brief, this review of statistics on the size and structure of public sector income and
expenditure has illustrated the significant extent of public sector intervention in the mixed
economies of the industrialized countries. The relative importance of alternative sources of
revenue has been shown as has the range of expenditure.

The earlier contributions were primarily concerned with the use of data to calculate losses for
actual economies (Harberger for the USA, Cowling and Mueller for the UK and USA) but more
recent work has concentrated on the use of simulations to calculate potential losses (Bergson
(1973), Kay (1983)). Dickson and Yu (1989) employs a mix of both data and simulation. With
respect to the form of model, the vast majority of contributions have adopted a partial
equilibrium framework. There are some exceptions to this, most notably Ireland (1978), Kay
(1983) and Myles (1994a).
The initial study of monopoly welfare loss is usually attributed to Harberger (1954) who
considered the effect of monopolisation in United States manufacturing industry for the period
1924 to 1928. From the data it is concluded that welfare loss is equal to 0.08% of national
income. Clearly if this figure is accurate, then monopoly welfare loss was insignificant in the
United States. In contrast to Harberger, Cowling and Mueller (1978) include the cost of
advertising in the measure of welfare loss on the interpretation that advertising is undertaken
with the intention of maintaining a monopoly position. This naturally raises their estimates. Their
analysis of welfare loss in the United States is based on data for 734 firms between 1963 and
1966 and concludes that welfare loss is between 4% and 13% of Gross Corporate Product. For
the United Kingdom, Cowling and Mueller conclude that the top 103 firms in 1968 to 1969,
accounting for a third of GNP, generated a welfare loss of between 3.9% and 7.2% of Gross
Corporate Product. This contrasts with the loss of 0.2% to 3% using the Harberger measure for
the same data set. These two sets of figures clearly provide conflicting evidence, as do the
numerous other contributions that are surveyed in Sawyer (1981). The actual extent of welfare
loss therefore remains an open question.
Turning now to measures of welfare loss in simulation models, these have generated far higher
figures than analyses of data. Using a constant elasticity of substitution utility function, Bergson
(1973) produces a range of estimates from 0.06% of national income to 39.03% The drawback to
these figures is that they are calculated on the basis of hypothesized price-cost mark-ups rather
than having the mark-up determined as the equilibrium of a specified economy. Kay (1983)
employs a model with one consumption good that is produced by a monopolist using a single
form of labor service.

Commodity Taxation
2.1 Introduction
This chapter is the first to consider policy analysis and to arrive at characterizations of optimal
policies. The ideas that it surveys have developed over a considerable period, beginning with the
seminal contribution of Ramsey (1927). One important feature of this development is the gradual
increase in generality and the recent move towards applying the theoretical analysis to data. This
has moved the theory closer to practical application.
The initial literature on commodity taxation focused upon the following simple problem. There is
a given level of government revenue to be raised which must be financed solely by taxes upon
commodities: how should these taxes be set so as to minimize the cost to society of raising the
required revenue? If a social welfare function is adopted to represent the states preferences, the
problem can be conveniently rephrased as that of choosing the commodity tax rates to maximize
social welfare subject to the revenue constraint.
The first solution to this problem was given by Ramsey (1927) following its proposal to him by
Pigou. This contribution appears to have been overlooked for the following forty years during
which time the less general inverse elasticities rule became a standard feature of textbooks. The
results of Ramsey were rediscovered by Samuelson (1986) in a 1951 memo to the U.S. Treasury.
The theory of commodity taxation was given its modern form by Diamond and Mirrlees (1971)
in an analysis that made much use of the emerging duality methods and results in general
equilibrium theory. Diamond and Mirrlees (1971) derived both single-household and manyhousehold tax rules and proved the Production Efficiency Lemma. Developments since the
publication of Diamond and Mirrlees have been concerned with the practical implementation of
the methods of that paper and in extensions of the basic economy away from the standard
competitive framework with constant returns to scale.

It should be noted that there are close connections between the theory of commodity taxation and
that of public sector pricing. In both cases the government is choosing the set of consumer prices
that maximize welfare subject to a constraint. Under the commodity taxation interpretation these
prices are achieved by setting the level of tax to be included in each consumer price whereas
with public sector pricing the prices are chosen directly. However the choice of tax rate is
equivalent to the choice of consumer price. In the context of public sector pricing, the optimal
prices are generally known as Ramsey prices. The constraint on the optimisation with
commodity taxation requires the raising of a specified level of revenue. With public sector
pricing this can be reinterpreted as the need to raise a given level of revenue in excess of
marginal cost. The tax rates of the commodity taxation problem then translate into the mark-up
over marginal cost in the public sector pricing interpretation.
The chapter begins by deriving the single-household Ramsey rule and providing an interpretation
of this. It is then shown how the inverse elasticity rule follows as a special case. The extension to
many consumers is made and the resolution of the equity/efficiency trade-off is emphasised. This
is followed by a review of numerical calculations of optimal taxes based on empirical data. Three
more specialised topics are then considered: generalising the production technology; the status of
untaxed goods; and conditions guaranteeing the uniformity of taxes. A discussion of the
Diamond-Mirrlees Production Efficiency lemma concludes the chapter.
2.2 The Ramsey rule
The Ramsey rule is one of the oldest results in the theory of optimal taxation and is probably the
oldest formally stated result. It is derived from an analysis of the simplest form of general
equilibrium economy, that with a single household. The single household basis implies that there
can be no equity considerations in the setting of tax rates so that the resulting tax rule describes
an efficient tax system. As the Ramsey rule forms the basis for later results, its derivation is
described in some detail.
2.2.1 The economy

The Ramsey rule is derived within the context of a competitive economy in which there are
available n consumption goods and a single form of labour. Labour is the only input into
production. In addition, each industry is assumed to produce a single output using constant
returns to scale technology. There is a single household or, equivalently, a population of identical
households, whose preferences can be represented by an indirect utility function.
2.3 Implications
The Ramsey rule only provides an implicit expression for the optimal tax rates and precise
statements cannot be made without further restrictions. However, some general comments can be
made. Accepting the approximation interpretation, this suggests that since the proportional
reduction in compensated demand must be the same for all goods it can be expected that goods
whose demand is unresponsive to price changes will bear higher taxes. Although broadly correct,
this statement can only be truly justified when all cross-price effects are accounted for. One
simple case that overcomes this difficulty is that in which there are no cross-price effects
between the taxed goods; this limiting case will be considered in the next section.
Returning to the general case, goods that are unresponsive to price changes are typically
necessities such as food and housing. Consequently, the implementation of a tax system based on
the Ramsey rule would lead to taxes that would bear most heavily on necessities, with the lowest
tax rates on luxuries. This interpretation has been demonstrated more formally by Deaton (1981)
under the assumption of weak separability of preferences. Put into practice, this structure of
taxation would involve low income households paying disproportionately larger fractions of their
incomes in taxes. The inequitable nature of this outcome is simply a reflection of the single
household assumption: the objective function of the maximisation does not care about equity and
the solution reflects only efficiency criteria.
The equilibrium determined by the set of optimal taxes is second-best compared to the outcome
that would arise if the tax revenue had been collected via a lump-sum tax. This is because the
commodity taxes lead to substitution effects which distort the households optimal choices and

lead to efficiency losses. Although unavoidable when commodity taxes are employed, these
losses are minimised by the optimal set of taxes that satisfy the Ramsey rule.
Since the single-household framework is untenable as a description of reality and leads to an
outcome that would be unacceptable on the most minimal of equity criteria, the value of the
Ramsey rule is therefore primarily in providing a framework and a method of analysis that can
easily be generalised to more relevant settings. Contrasting the Ramsey rule tax system with later
results will also highlight the consequences of the introduction of equity considerations.
2.4 Inverse elasticities rule
The inverse elasticities rule, discussed in detail in Baumol and Bradford (1970), is derived by
placing further restrictions on the economy used to derive the Ramsey rule. To be precise, it is
assumed that there are no cross-price effects between the taxed goods so that the demand for
each good is dependent only upon its own price and the wage rate. Invoking this assumption
essentially turns the general equilibrium model into one of partial equilibrium as it removes all
the interactions in demand and, as shown by Atkinson and Stiglitz (1980), the inverse elasticities
rule can be derived from minimising the excess burden of taxation in a partial equilibrium
framework. The independence of demands is clearly a strong assumption and it is therefore not
surprising that a clear result can be derived.
2.5 Extension to many-households
The objective of this section is to extend the single-household economy of the Ramsey rule to
incorporate further, non-identical, households. This extension naturally introduces equity
considerations into the determination of the optimal tax rates. The principal paper in this area is
Diamond and Mirrlees (1971) in which was presented the first integrated analysis of this issue.
Other important references are Diamond (1975) and Mirrlees (1975).
The variant of the Diamond-Mirrlees economy studied in this section is a restriction of the
general case and simply involves extending that used to derive\ the Ramsey rule by adding

further households. The restrictions on the production technology are retained, so that labour
remains the only input into production and technology is constant returns to scale. It is worth
noting that the restrictions do not significantly affect the form of the optimal tax structure.
2.5.1 A cautionary note
To this point the analysis has proceeded on the implicit assumption that the first-order condition
for the maximisations is accurately characterize the solution. However this need not always be
the case. It is a standard result that an indirect utility function representing convex preferences
will be quasi-convex in prices. That is, the set of prices that leads to less than a specified level of
utility is a convex set. In addition, with linearity in labour supply the indirect utility function may
even be strictly convex, see Varian (1984). This poses difficulties for many maximisations in
public economics.
For the Ramsey rule, the objective function was the households indirect utility function and
hence was quasi-convex. In the many-household economy, the objective was some concave
function of the vector of indirect utility functions. Despite the concavity of social welfare in
utility it need not be concave in the choice variables, the tax rates and due again to the quasiconvexity of indirect utilities. In addition, the set of tax rates that generate at least the required
revenue may not be a convex set.
For these reasons the standard sufficiency conditions of quasi-concave programming cannot be
appealed too so there is no guarantee that the first-order conditions actually describe a maximum.
This problem occurs throughout public economics where many maximisations are ill-conditioned
and has been explored extensively by Mirrlees (1986). This problem is often put to one side and
it is simply assumed that the first-order conditions will correctly describe the optima. Although
unsatisfactory, there is typically little alternative to this. Some comfort can be taken in the
present circumstances by appealing to the work of Diamond and Mirrlees (1971) who prove that
their first-order conditions do represent the solution to the optimal commodity tax problem.
2.6 Untaxed goods

The role of normalisation procedures and of the untaxed good was discussed at some length in
the previous section. The importance of applying normalizations correctly has been emphasised
in the literature on optimal commodity taxation by the number of cases in which they have been
misunderstood. This section notes the misunderstandings that have arisen and illustrate their
It has been shown that in an economy with constant returns to scale, consumer and producer
prices can be normalised separately and that the standard procedure is to make one good the
numeraire and set its consumer and producer prices equal. This normalisation also has the effect
of setting the tax on that good to zero. The latter fact is clearly seen to be of no consequence
whatsoever since the zero tax is just a result of the normalisation rule. In particular, the zero tax
carries no implications about the nature of the good nor about the ability to tax that good. This
follows since the good with zero tax can be chosen arbitrarily from the set of available goods.

Unfortunately, this reasoning has not been as clearly appreciated in some of the literature as it
should have been. The reason for this has been the convention, as the untaxed commodity. Since
labour is often viewed as the negative of leisure, it has been inferred from this that, since leisure
cannot be measured in the same way that purchases of other commodities can, the zero tax on
leisure is a restriction on the permissible tax system brought about by an inability to tax leisure.
In addition, the further inference is usually made that the optimal tax system aims to overcome
the missing tax on leisure by taxing goods complementary to leisure. Particular examples of this
are found in Corlett and Hague (1953) By taxing those goods complementary with leisure, one
is to some extent taxing leisure itself and Layard and Walters (1978) The theory of second best
tells us that it we cannot tax leisure, we can do better than by taxing all other goods equi
proportionately. Many other instances of similar statements could easily be given. This, of
course, is a false interpretation. When real restrictions upon the permissible range of tax
instruments are introduced the results obtained are affected. A number of such restrictions are
considered in Munk (1980) where it is shown that the resulting optimal tax structure is sensitive
to the precise restrictions imposed.

A further mistake that has arisen in this context can be found in Dixit (1970) and Lerner (1970).
In a single-household economy, any required revenue can be raised most efficiently by a lumpsum tax on the household equal to the value of the revenue. Noticing this, it has been suggested
that a set of commodity taxes which raise the price of all goods by the same proportion will have
the same effect as the lump-sum tax and therefore that when all goods can be taxed, the optimal
system has the same proportional tax on all goods. This conclusion is clearly in contrast to that of
the Ramsey rule. The mistake in the reasoning was pointed out by Sandmo (1974) who
demonstrated that such a proportional tax system would raise no revenue. This follows since
households both demand goods and supply labour. A proportional tax then taxes demands but
subsidises supplies and, since the value of household demand equals the value of supply, the
proportional tax is just offset by the proportional subsidy. Effectively, the proportional tax on all
commodities is just a rescaling of the consumer price vector which does not affect household
2.6 Uniform taxes
The numerical results reported in Section 5 have demonstrated that in general the structure of
optimal commodity taxes will be far from uniform. However, uniform taxes are not without their
supporters, see for example Hatta (1986), and it is natural to consider whether there are any
circumstances in which the optimal structure should be uniform.
Conditions guaranteeing uniformity have been derived in papers by Deaton (1979, 1981) and
Besley and Jewitt (1990). These papers have used a variety of representations of preferences in
alternative formulations of the optimal tax problem. To present the central result in the manner
closest to the analysis above, this section will present the problem in terms of ad valorem
taxation with an indirect utility function capturing preferences.
2.7 Production efficiency

Production efficiency occurs when an economy is maximising the output attainable from its
given set of resources. This requires the economy to be on the boundary of its production
possibility set. When such a point is attained, reallocation of inputs amongst firms cannot
increase the output of one good without reducing that of another. In the special case in which
each firm employs some of all of the available inputs, a necessary condition for production
efficiency is that the marginal rate of substitution (MRS) between any two inputs is the same for
all firms. Such a position of equality is attained, in the absence of taxation, by the profit
maximisation of firms in competitive markets. Each firm sets the marginal rate of substitution
equal to the ratio of factor prices and, since factor prices are the same for all firms, this induces
the necessary equality in the MRSs. The same is true when there is taxation provided all firms
face the same post-tax prices for inputs, that is, inputs taxes are not differentiated between firms.
In the context of commodity taxation, Diamond and Mirrlees (1971) proved the Production
Efficiency Lemma. Assuming the economy is competitive, the lemma states that the equilibrium
with optimal commodity taxation should be on the frontier of the aggregate production set. This
can only be achieved if private and public producer face the same shadow prices and if input
taxes are not differentiated between firms. In addition, since the competitive assumption implies
that any set of chosen post-tax prices can be sustained by the use of taxes on final goods alone,
the latter statement also carries the implication that intermediate goods should not be taxed.
This result was seen as surprising at its time of publication because it was clearly in sharp
contrast to the predictions of the Lipsey-Lancaster (1956) Second-Best theory that was being
widely applied. Application of Second-Best theory, which typically suggests that one distortion
should be offset by others, would imply that the distortion induced by the commodity taxes
should be matched by a similar distortion in input prices. Commodity taxation is therefore a
special case for which the general reasoning requires careful application.
The efficiency lemma, and the structure of the optimal commodity tax problem, can easily be
explained diagrammatically for a single household two-good economy. In Figure 2.1 the
horizontal axis measures input use and the vertical axis output. The shaded area is the production
set for the economy and the horizontal distance of the production set from the origin represents

the tax revenue required in units of the input good. It is assumed that the household supplies the
input and consumes the output, so that the supply of more input from the household permits the
purchase of more output. The households budget constraint is therefore upward sloping and, in
the absence of lump-sum taxes or income, must pass through the origin. Denoting the optimal set
of post-tax prices by q, the budget constraint corresponding to this price vector is illustrated.
Since supplying the input causes the household disutility, an increase in input supply must be
compensated for by further consumption of output in order to keep utility constant. The
households indifference curves are therefore downward sloping.

Figure 2.1: Production Efficiency

Although Figure 2.1 was motivated by considering the input to be labour, a slight reinterpretation can introduce intermediate goods. Assume that there is an industry that uses one
unit of labour to produce one unit of an intermediate good and that the intermediate good is then
used to produce final output. Figure 2.1 then depicts the intermediate good (the input) being used
to produce the output. Although the household actually has preferences over labour and final
output and acts only on the markets for these goods, the direct link between units of labour and
of intermediate good allows preferences and the budget constraint to be depicted as if they were
defined directly on those variables. The production efficiency argument then follows directly as

before and now implies that intermediate goods should not be taxed since this would violate the
equalisation of MRSs between firms.
2.8 Summary
This chapter has reviewed the major contributions to the large literature on optimal commodity
taxation in a competitive economy. The Ramsey rule, which represents the starting point for the
modern analysis of commodity taxation, has been introduced and its standard interpretation has
been given. Although efficient, the tax system the tax system this describes would be inherently
inequitable. To introduce equity considerations, the economy was then extended to incorporate
many households following the work of Diamond and Mirrlees. This extension clarified the
effects of equity upon the optimal rates of tax and demonstrated how the equity/efficiency tradeoff was resolved. The economy was then generalised further and the Diamond-Mirrlees
Production Efficiency Lemma was proved. Contrary to the expectations of Second-Best theory,
this lemma showed that production efficiency is desirable in conjunction with the optimal set of
commodity taxes.

Income Taxation
3.1 Introduction
The taxation of income is a major source of revenue in most developed countries. It is also one
of the most contentious. From one point of view, an income tax is seen as a direct means of
effecting redistribution in order to meet objectives of equity. From another, the imposition of an
income tax is viewed as a major disincentive to effort and enterprise particularly when the
marginal rate of tax increases with income. The theory of income taxation shows how these
competing views influence the design of the optimal tax and how the competing trade-offs are
The analysis of income taxation that is undertaken below follows from the initial contribution of
Mirrlees (1971). Prior to that, there had been no formal analysis of the structure or determinants
of an income tax schedule that fully captured the efficiency/equity trade-off involved in income
taxation. In addition, the Mirrlees analysis also embodied the fact that the truly relevant
characteristics for taxation, the unobservable ability levels of the households, can only be
inferred indirectly from observed behaviour. This implies that the structure of the income tax
must be compatible with the revelation of this information by households.
3.2 The Mirrlees economy
The value of the Mirrlees economy in the analysis of income taxation is due to the manner in
which it captures the most important features of the tax design problem. These features are that
the no-tax equilibrium of the economy must have an unequal distribution of income in order to
introduce equity motivations for taxation. The income distribution must also be generated
endogenously by the model, with households differing in the income they earn, and the income
tax must affect the labour supply decisions of the households in order to introduce efficiency
considerations. The economy must also be sufficiently flexible that no prior restrictions are

placed on the tax functions that may be solutions. The Mirrlees specification is the simplest that
satisfies all these requirements.
To simplify and focus the analysis, it is assumed that the economy is competitive and that
households in the economy differ only in their levels of skill in employment. A households level
of skill determines their hourly wage and hence their income. The skill level is private
information and is not known to the government. The only tax instrument of the state is an
income tax. An income tax is employed both because lump-sum taxes are infeasible and because
it is assumed that it is not possible for the state to observe separately hours worked and income
per hour. Therefore, since only total income is observed, it has to be the basis for the tax system.
The content of this restriction is best understood by considering the consequences of its
relaxation. If it were relaxed, a tax could be levied that was based on income per hour; in many
cases this would be a better guide to a households potential earning power than actual income.
Indeed, in the economy employed below, income per hour is precisely the ultimate target of
taxation. Despite this, it does not seem unreasonable to assume that, as in practice, only total
income is observed.
The income tax function is chosen to maximize social welfare subject to achieving the required
level of revenue. The generality of the analysis, and the source of many of the difficulties
involved in carrying it out, derives from the fact that no restrictions are placed at the outset on
permissible candidates for the optimal tax function. It is intended by this that the economy
determines the structure of the tax function rather than important aspects of the function being
determined by a priori assumptions.
Taxes on labor income and consumption spending encourage households to shift away from
work in the legal market sector and toward untaxed uses of time such as leisure, household
production, and work in the shadow economy. In Tax Effects on Work Activity, Industry Mix
and Shadow Economy Size: Evidence from Rich-Country Comparisons (NBER Working Paper
No. 10509), authors Steven Davis and Magnus Henrekson assess the long-term effects of
persistent tax rate differences among countries. The authors stress that taxes affect work activity
directly through labor supply-and-demand channels and indirectly through government spending
responses to available tax revenues. They find that higher tax rates on labor income and

consumption expenditures lead to less work time in the legal market sector, more time working
in the household sector, a larger underground economy, and smaller shares of national output and
employment in industries that rely heavily on low-wage, low -skill labor inputs.
The estimated tax effects are large for the authors' preferred tax measures. Cross-country
comparisons in the mid-1990s indicate that a tax hike of 12.8 percentage points (one standard
deviation) leads to 122 fewer hours of market work per adult per year and a 4.9 percentage point
drop in the employment-to-population ratio. It also increases the size of the shadow economy by
3.8 percent of official GDP, and it reduces by 10 to 30 percent the share of national output and
employment in "Retail Trade and Repairs," in "Eating, Drinking, and Lodging," and in a broader
category that includes "Wholesale Trade and Motor Trade and Repair." The evidence suggests
that tax rate differences among rich countries are a major reason for large international
differences in market work time and in the industry mix of market activity.
The authors' broad-brush international comparisons are useful for several reasons. First, the
focus on national outcomes provides information about the impact of taxes through their effects
on the composition of labor demand. Because home production is highly substitutable for many
market goods and services produced by less skilled workers, taxes on labor and consumption
twist labor demand away from less skilled workers, amplifying their negative effects on
aggregate employment.
Second, countries with high tax rates on labor income and consumption expenditures have
relatively generous tax-funded programs for social security, disability insurance, sick leave
assistance, unemployment insurance, and general assistance. The benefit sides of these programs
also alter labor supply incentives in ways that discourage market work activity and increase
employment in the underground economy. To the extent that government spending on these
programs responds to the availability of tax revenues, the full response to differences in taxing
capacity must take into account the indirect effects that show up through the expenditure side of
government behavior. Conceivably, the indirect expenditure effects are larger than the direct
effects of taxes.

Third, there are large, highly persistent differences among countries in tax rates on labor and
consumption and in the scale of tax-funded social insurance programs. The persistent character
of national differences in tax rates makes them well suited to assessing long-term effects.

3.3 The optimisation

The optimal income tax function is chosen to maximize social welfare. This maximisation is
subject to two constraints. The first constraint is that the income tax function must lead to an
outcome that satisfies productive feasibility or, equivalently, meets the governments revenue
requirement. The second constraint that must be satisfied is rather more complex and the way in
which it is handled is of central importance for the analysis. To best understand the nature of this
constraint, an alternative interpretation of the optimisation is helpful. Rather than viewing the
government as choosing an income tax function, it can be seen as assigning to each household a
pre-tax income - consumption pair.
The additional constraint is then that each household must find it in their own interest to choose
the pre-tax income - consumption pair that the government intends for them rather than a pair
assigned to a different household. In other words, the intended pair be must utility-maximising
for the household over the set of available pairs. Due to its nature, this is termed the selfselection constraint. It is worthwhile noting at this point some of the difficulties involved in the
analysis of the general problem. The tax function is not restricted in form so that for most tax
functions the budget constraints of the households will be nonlinear. In those cases for which the
budget set is non-convex, there may be non-uniqueness in the solution to the individual
households maximisations and the solutions need not form a convex set. These facts prevent the
behaviour of the individuals being expressible by demand functions, and therefore introduce
considerable mathematical complication. It is also the reason why the self-selection constraint
must be made explicit in the analysis of income taxation but not in that of commodity taxation.
Mirrlees (1986) provides a thorough discussion of these issues.
3.4 Characterisation of optimal tax function

The aim of the theoretical analysis is to provide a characterisation of the properties that the
optimal tax function will have, given the specification and assumptions adopted. It will clearly
not be possible to calculate the function without precisely stating the functional forms of utility,
production and skill distribution. What will be achieved is the derivation of a set of restrictions
that the optimal function must satisfy. This is undertaken firstly for the case where the marginal
rate of tax is assumed constant. As already noted this implies convexity of the individual budget
set and allows behaviour to be expressible via demand functions which considerably simplifies
the resulting analysis. The general problem is then considered. Results are derived using both the
necessary conditions for the maximisation of social welfare and directly using a diagrammatic
3.5 Linear taxation
The complexity of the general model of income taxation has lead to considerable interest in the
restricted case of linear taxation. With linear taxation the marginal rate of tax is constant and
there is an identical lump-sum tax or subsidy for all households. The advantages of this
restriction is that it ensures that the budget sets of all households are convex so that optimal
choices will be unique when preferences are strictly convex. In addition, the tax system is
described by just two parameters: the marginal tax rate and the lump-sum subsidy. The choice of
optimal policy therefore corresponds to a standard maximisation problem. In addition, the linear
tax structure corresponds to proposals for negative income tax schemes, in which all households
below a given income level receive a subsidy from the tax system, and to the tax reform
proposals of a number of countries that have reduced the number of tax rate bands.
Many people who buy mutual funds and other stocks often end up paying tax twice when they
finally sell the security. This is because they do not keep track of their "average cost base" per
share. This problem is very prevalent on investments when the dividends have been reinvested in
the same security. Most mutual fund investors reinvest their dividends in more shares of the
same fund. Many large corporations offer dividend reinvestment programmes that allow the
shareholder to acquire more shares of the corporation directly without any brokerage charges.

While reinvestment of dividends is usually an excellent idea, it does require some record keeping
on your part to avoid double taxation. Many financial planning firms provide this tracking as part
of their service. In my experience almost every case that I have looked at after a sale, has
resulted in the reinvestment of dividends not being accounted for.
For example, let's say you bought units or shares in XYZ mutual fund in 1990 for $ 10,000 when
the shares were $5 each. So you got 2000 shares. At the end of the year, the fund will declare a
dividend equal to the total of its realized capital gains, dividend and interest income etc. less the
fund's expenses. Let's say this dividend worked out to 30 cents per share. On 2000 shares that is
a $600 dividend or 120 more shares if the unit value hasn't changed since you bought into the
You will receive a T3 slip in March for that dividend whether you take cash or additional shares
for it. If it is a mutual fund corporation you will receive a T5 slip for the dividend declared at its
fiscal year end. The tax effect is the same. The point to understand here is that you will be paying
taxes that year on that dividend whether you receive it or not. If you reinvest the dividend in
more of the same shares, for tax purposes the "average cost per share" has now risen by 30 cents
per share. Your total investment is now $10,600 (2120*5.00) from an income tax point of view
because you will already have been taxed in the current year for the $600.
Now lets assume they pay the same dividend on the same unit value in 1991, 1992, 1993 and
then you sell your shares in XYZ mutual in 1994 and receive net proceeds of $14,000. Most
people I have found would report a capital gain of $4,000 on their tax return and forget that they
already paid tax on four annual dividends. The capital gain is actually $1,600 ($14,000 - $10,000
+ 4 x $600), less than half of what is often reported. The good news is that if this has happened
to you, you can apply to have an adjustment for at least the last three years of tax returns and
sometimes further back than that.
As you may sell a portion of your shares instead of the entire position, it is necessary to keep
track of these matters on a price per share basis, rather than the total investment. By adding the
dividend per share to the previous cost per share, you now have the new cost per share for future

redemptions. This calculation is especially helpful if you are taking a regular monthly income
from a mutual fund-often referred to as systematic withdrawal plans. As there are often twelve
redemptions per year, a simple record is necessary to come up with the taxable portion for tax
If you do not keep track of your cost per share you will be paying more tax than necessary. If
you have other losses to offset your gains, you will be using up your losses needlessly. All of
these are forms of double taxation, which result from not keeping track of reinvested dividends.
3.6 Extensions and omissions
The basic Mirrlees economy described above has been extended in a number of directions and
two of these are now considered. The first extension introduces a second form of labour service
which allows the income tax to have indirect distributional effects via the changes in relative
wages. Following this, the nonlinear income tax is combined with linear taxes upon commodities
and conditions are found for which commodity taxes are unnecessary. The section is completed
by noting some relevant issues that are not addressed in the formal analysis.
Two forms of labour
The relevance of introducing a second form of labour service is that the economy can be
designed so that the population is partitioned with those of low skill supplying a form of labour
with a low wage and those of high skill supplying labour with a higher return. To obtain such a
partition it is only necessary to assume that there are two distinct levels of skill: high and low.
The new factor introduced by the existence of two wage levels is that the income tax can alter the
relative values of these wages and, in doing so, alters the distribution of income between the two
skill groups. This second route for redistribution will clearly be important in the determination of
the optimal income tax.
In the first analysis of a model of this form Feldstein (1973) employed numerical techniques to
investigate the effect of the relative wage variation upon the value of the optimal linear income

tax. With the two forms of labour entering into a Cobb-Douglas production function, Feldstein
concluded that there was little difference between the optimal tax with fixed wages and that with
variable wages.
The conclusion of Feldstein was reconsidered in Allen (1982) employing an analytical, rather
than a numerical, approach. The significant extension made by Allen was to use a more general
form of production technology. This demonstrated that in the Cobb-Douglas case the
redistribution via the income tax was reinforced by the adjustment of relative wages thus
explaining the Feldstein (1973) results. However, if the elasticity of substitution between the two
forms of labour is low and the labour service earning the higher wage has negative supply
elasticity, then the relative wage effect operates in the opposite direction of the income tax effect
and may outweigh it. When the indirect effect does outweigh the direct effect, the optimal policy
becomes a combination of lump-sum tax and a negative marginal rate of income tax.
These results indicate that the analysis of income taxation becomes rather more difficult and can
generate surprising conclusions when more than one form of labour service is introduced into the
model. This assumption of the standard economy may therefore be more restrictive than it at first
3.7 Omissions
The economy that has been studied was, by necessity, highly stylised. Although this brings
undoubted analytical benefits, it does eliminate from consideration many issues that are of
practical interest. Some of these are now briefly discussed.
The economy involved only a single form of labour service but with differences in the ability of
households to perform this service. In reality, there are many different forms of labour in an
economy which differ in the skills they require and in the working conditions they impose. The
actual monetary payment for the supply of labour may only be part of the package of
remuneration, and some of the return (or cost) may be entirely psychic in nature. A income tax
policy designed to maximize welfare would need to take account of the entire package of

characteristics that constitutes labour supply. The labour supply decision also involves more than
simply the determination of the number of hours to work. As occupations differ in their
characteristics, the choice between occupations is important and this choice will be affected by
income taxation.
For instance, an increase in taxation will be detrimental to occupations where the return is
predominantly monetary. There are also intertemporal aspects to the labour supply decision such
as the timing of entry to the labour force and the timing of retirement. As an income tax will
introduce a distortion into such decisions, this increases the potential efficiency loss. Some of
these issues are addressed in Christiansen (1988).
The preferences of the households have been taken as identical. This need not be the case and
differences in preferences may arise. Furthermore, the household has been viewed as supplying
an homogeneous form of labour but in practice the total labour supply is often the sum of male
and female components. The nature of these is often very different and empirical evidence
suggests that they have markedly different responses to taxation. This observation implies that
the analysis should be based upon greater detail of the structure of households. Furthermore, it
also raises issues concerning the tax treatment of the individuals that constitute the household
such as whether they have the option or not of being tax as separate individuals or whether a
joint household return is compulsory.

3.8 Summary
This chapter has reviewed the formal analysis of the optimal income tax problem. The problem
has been treated as one of choosing the income tax function to balance equity and efficiency
considerations in an economy characterised by inequality in the distribution of income. The
standard economy of Mirrlees (1971) has been described and it has been noted that this is the
simplest for which the income tax problem has any real content. The major theoretical results
have been derived and, although they do not provide a precise characterisation of the optimal tax

schedule, they do suggest its most important properties, some of which are in conflict with the
structure of observed tax schedules. Numerical analyses have been used to further investigate the
nature of the tax schedule and its dependence upon the assumed structure of the problem.
Results from some of the most noteworthy of these analyses have been given above. In particular
they demonstrate that the marginal rates of tax may be rather low but do increase with concern
for equity. However, the conclusions are sensitive to the assumptions invoked by the model. The
implications of the modification of some of these assumptions was considered.
The chapter was concluded by a consideration of two extensions. The introduction of a second
form of labour service could lead to a marked change in the form of the optimal tax function if
the indirect effect of taxation upon relative wages outweighed the direct effect. The optimal
combination of income and commodity taxes was then considered and it was shown that weak
separability of leisure would make commodity taxes redundant.
The methods of analysis can be adapted to treat other forms of nonlinear taxation. It needs only a
minor revision to turn the income tax into an expenditure tax with a suitable re-interpretation of
the skill variable as a preference parameter. Many of the theorems derived then apply directly to
this new setting. In fact, several of the studies cited, such as Mirrlees (1976) and Seade
(1977) are concerned with general nonlinear taxes rather than income tax per se.

4.1 Introduction
Risk is a factor that is evident throughout economic activity. Firms must choose between
investment plans for which both the cost and the return cannot be known with certainty,
households purchase goods whose value in use is determined by the state of nature and the
government receives uncertain revenues and allocate funds to projects with unknown outcomes.
Although the Arrow- Debreu economy is capable of incorporating risks of these kinds, so that
they can be viewed as having already been covered by previous analysis, the special features
involved with risk justify a separate chapter devoted to the subject. The interpretation of the
Arrow-Debreu economy in the presence of risk is discussed first and the Pareto optimality of
equilibrium is reconsidered with particular focus placed upon the number of markets necessary
to sustain optimality.
This analysis is at the level of generality of previous chapters. The reasons why there may be too
few markets to sustain optimality and whether this may justify government intervention are also
considered. Individual attitudes to risk, in terms of measures of risk-aversion are then contrasted
to social attitudes. Alternative perspectives on social attitudes, including the Arrow- Lind
theorem supporting risk-neutrality of government, are contrasted. A more general framework is
then presented which shows how social attitudes to risk can be derived from the social insurance
effects of projects and the weighting of households in the social welfare function.
A more specific interpretation of risk in terms of assets with random returns is then adopted and
household maximisation is analysed in further detail. Reactions to taxation are determined under
various assumptions about the loss-offset provisions of the tax system, the return on the safe
asset and the number of risky assets available. Two alternative perspectives on the nature of risk
and the interaction with taxation are then described. The first is the standard utility maximisation
analysis of labour supply but extended to include uncertainty about the wage. This is followed by
a consideration of choice between occupations where one occupation has a known return and the
other an uncertain pay-off.

Several different approaches to the design of the income taxation with risk are described. The
first set of analyses considers risks which are purely individual: some households may do well
and others badly. The unifying feature of these is shown to be the welfare gains that can be
achieved by the use of a distorting income tax due to the social insurance that the tax can
provide. The social insurance effect is such that it preferable to raise revenue from a set of ex
ante identical households using the optimal income tax rather than a uniform lump-sum tax.
These results are contrasted to those that apply under purely aggregate risk where the entire
population either gains or loses. In the latter case, taxation cannot provide social insurance.
Before proceeding, two points are worth noting. In common with most recent literature, no
distinction is made here between risk and uncertainty; the two terms are employed
interchangeably. Although tax evasion is an example of choice with risk, it is somewhat special
because of its illegality. In addition, the substantial literature on tax evasion merits separate
4.2 General equilibrium with risk
Risk can be incorporated into the Arrow-Debreu economy with very few formal modifications;
effectively all that needs to be done is to increase the number of goods and prices in an
appropriate manner. The classic presentations are given in Arrow (1963) and Debreu (1959).
Radner (1985) provides an extensive survey of the relevant literature.
The major focus here will be placed on the simplest case in which all contracts are formed in
period 0 and the uncertainty is about the state of the world that will occur in the only other
period, period 1, in which contracts are fulfilled and consumption takes place. In this setting it is
not necessary to distinguish commodities by their time of availability. The extension to many
time periods (though retaining a single period in which contracts are formed) will be briefly
discussed; none of the essential conclusions is modified.
In the risk evaluation phase, there are a number of key areas that must be covered. One of the
most important is to understand probable threats. In an ideal world, which most of us have

noticed does not exist, we would identify and protect ourselves against all threats to ensure that
our business continues to survive. Obviously, we are constrained by other factors such as
budgets, time and priorities and need to apply cost benefit analysis to ensure we are protecting
the most critical business functions.
A second important step is to identify all probable threats and prioritize them. Threats, typically,










primary/secondary, accidental/intentional, controllable/not controllable, and warning/no warning,

frequency, duration, speed of onset etc. While classifying threats is helpful in terms of
understanding their characteristics and potential controls, grouping and understanding by
business impact is also important. Obviously, the same impact can result from a number of
different threats.
Identifying mission critical business processes and systems is another fundamental building
block of the business continuity plan. After your critical business processes and systems and
probable threats are established, the next step is to identify vulnerabilities and loss potential. This
requires an extensive scan of the organization to identify vulnerabilities and then analysis to
understand those vulnerabilities which would have the greatest impact on your critical business
processes and the organization. This starts to clarify and quantify potential losses, which helps to
establish priorities.
Following the identification of the most probable threats and vulnerabilities, an analysis of
existing controls is needed. This spans physical security as well as people, processes, data,
communications and asset protection. Some controls such as physical security and data backup
are obvious. Other controls required are often less obvious, but they can be identified through the
risk evaluation process.
Once the key building blocks of critical business functions, most probable threats, vulnerabilities
and controls are identified, the next stage is to develop an understanding of the probability of
threats factored by the severity or impact of the threats. This leads to the business impact
analysis phase which establishes priorities for protection.

The goal is to minimize threats, impacts and downtime and to mitigate any losses.
Fundamentally, the goal is to protect your people, protect your data, protect your vital
communications and protect your assets and to protect your brand and reputation. Overall, of
course, the goal is to ensure your business continues to operate and to do it in a cost-effective
way meeting standards of reasonable and prudent judgment.
4.3 Private and social attitudes to risk
It is typically assumed that households prefer a certain outcome to a risky outcome with the same
expected payoff. That such risk-aversion exists is supported by the observation that the purchase
of insurance policies is commonplace. The holding of shares with limited liability and of money,
which pays no interest, can be similarly explained by the desire to avoid risk. Given that society
is the sum of its members, does it follow from this that the government, as the representative of
society, should also act in a risk-averse manner? The answer to this question has important
implications for policy choice since a risk-averse government would undertake fewer risky
projects than a risk-neutral one and would structure policies to avoid uncertainty in revenues and
This section will first recall some aspects of the theory of household attitudes to risk and of the
measurement of risk aversion. This is followed by a summary of alternative views on social
attitudes to risk including the Arrow-Lind theorem that asserts the risk-neutrality of the
government. The section is completed by an analysis of the valuation of projects in a contingentcommodity framework with, possibly, incomplete markets.

4.3.1 Private attitudes

Consider household h which derives utility level Uh = Uh (M), Uh () > 0, from certain income
M. Assuming that the preferences of the household satisfy the assumptions of von Neumann
Morgernstern expected utility theory, so that the utility function is unique up to affine

transformations, the expected utility of receiving income level M with probability and M with
probability 1 .

4.3.2 Social attitudes

The implication of household risk- aversion for the social treatment of risk has received
considerable discussion and several alternative positions have been proposed. These are based
upon differing views on the role of the government, its relation to the agents that compose the
society over which it governs and its relative ability at dissipating risk.
A first view, propounded most forcefully by Hirshleifer (1964, 1966) and Sandmo (1972) is that
the government should really not be given any privileged role with respect to risk bearing. In a
perfect capital market, the decisions and attitudes to risk of the agents that constitute those
markets are reflected in the equilibrium levels of discounting that are applied to risky projects
since the market functions to allocate risks efficiently. As the market captures the views of
agents, it is then argued that the government can do no better than to adopt the market rate of
discounting when making its own project appraisal decisions. A further development of this
argument would be to suggest that if the government did use a discount rate lower than the
market rate, it would adopt projects that were socially undesirable and which displaced private
sector projects with higher returns.
An alternative view, stated for example in Samuelson (1964) and Vickrey (1964), is that the
government is in an advantageous position with respect to accepting risk relative to private sector
agents. This advantage arises due to the size of the public sector and the number and variety of
projects that it undertakes. If the returns from its various projects are not perfectly positively
correlated, it is possible for the government to pool the risks arising from the projects and
therefore lessen the overall uncertainty of its returns. The argument is then completed by noting

that an ability to pool risks allows a lower discount factor to be applied to any single risky
project than would be done if the project were undertaken separately in the private sector.
There are several arguments that can be raised against this view. Firstly, projects should be
evaluated individually by the public sector and not as a package as implied by the risk pooling
argument. Packaging projects may result in some being adopted which are socially undesirable.
Secondly, if the government is able to reduce risk by pooling, it should confer the advantages of
doing so on the private sector rather than simply exploit them in the choice of public sector
project. One method of doing so is by direct subsidy of the private sector in order to allow
previously marginal projects to be adopted.
Rather than focus on the risk pooling ability of government, Arrow and Lind (1970) argue in
favour of a lower discount factor for the public sector on the grounds of the ability of the public
sector to spread risk. A simple version of this argument would go as follows. Although each
taxpayer is risk-averse, the total cost of a project will be divided between taxpayers with each
carrying only a small amount of the cost and therefore only a fraction of the risk. Provided that
the number of taxpayers is sufficiently great, that the project is not large relative to the economy
as a whole and that the (random) cost to any taxpayer of the project is not correlated with any
existing uncertainty in their income stream, then as the number of taxpayers increases the risk
premium of each taxpayer and the total risk premium to society tend to zero. Given this, the
public sector should act as if it were risk-neutral.
To prove this theorem, consider an economy with H identical households who have identically
distributed random incomes, M, and concave, bounded, strictly increasing and differentiable
utility functions U (M) which satisfy the axioms of expected utility theory. The government
carries all costs of investment in a project and receives all returns. The payoff, less costs, is
denoted by . Its budget is to be balanced in the absence of the project so positive returns from
the project are given equally to the taxpayers (by reducing taxes) and costs are carried by the
taxpayers (by raising taxes).
4.3.3 Summary

This section has considered alternative perspectives on the relation of social attitudes to risk to
private attitudes. There is, of course, some merit in each of these proposals and it was shown
how each could be generated as special cases of a general state-preference economy. As a final
approach to this issue, Glazer (1989) has considered social attitudes to risk from a political
perspective and has argued that strategic voting behaviour may lead to projects being adopted by
the public sector that could only be rationalised by a discount rate below that of the private
sector. This emphasises that the political outcome may remain distinct from that which is
economically efficient. Private and institutional investors use fundamental analysis as their basis
for stock purchases, while short-term traders use technical analysis. Since the risk-reward ratio
and time horizons used in investing and trading are very different, it makes sense that these two
different methods are employed. Investing and trading are very different animals, and their
differences are characterized by the investing processes that fundamental and technical analysis
Fundamental analysis relies on economic supply and demand information for the long term and
company's financial health in the short term. An investor is informed of these conditions by
stocks annual growth rate, five-year, one-year, and quarterly earnings records, and P/E (price-toearnings) ratios. Investors reliant on fundamentals are more interested in stock's performance
year to year than they are in market behavior. They do not fret when the market plunges one day
and surges another, because their goal is the end result of steady, conservative growth.
Although fundamental analysis provides highly valuable information, many people do not have
the time required to research the fundamentals. Taking an hour or more to research one
company's new product potential and compare present and past earnings is too much for some,
but certain fundamental concepts are simply invaluable. One such statistic is the EPS, or
earnings-per-share ranking. Earnings-per-share are calculated by dividing a company's total
after-tax profits by the company's number of common shares outstanding. You'll want to
compare the EPS of the company in question to other comparable companies in the sector to see
how your investment stacks up within the industry.

Technical Analysis is the alternate method of stock research, focused on the study of timing,
price flocculation, and investor sentiment. The most common method of technical analysis is
conducted with a chart that shows a stock's price history. We know that the prices represented in
the chart do not occur randomly, and it is the collective mindset of all investors that creates
prices. These buyers and sellers create patterns because they operate from memory. Different
types of charts can be configured to show a wide variety of indicators and everyone has their
personal favorites. By analyzing charts and price history a trader can attempt to predict market
sentiment and stock price movement, but this is far from an objective science.
Technical analysis and fundamental analysis are the two basic sectors of reasoning that constitute
the way investors and traders go about choosing stocks, and you must follow your own financial
strengths in determining whether day trading or investing, and technical or fundamental analysis
are right for you.

In a competitive economy with complete markets, the presence of uncertainty does not destroy
the Pareto optimality of the equilibrium and suitably interpreted versions of the Two Theorems
still apply. Indeed, efficiency is still achieved even if for each state there is only a single asset
that has a positive return in that state. Despite these results there may still be a role for the public
sector in an economy with complete markets if the public sector is able to bear risk more
efficiently than the private sector. Whether the public sector should discount for risk at a lower
rate than the private sector has been the subject of some dispute and alternative perspectives on
this issue. In brief, the treatment of risk by the public sector is dependent upon the form of the
risk that is involved, in the terminology used above whether it is inside or outside the private
The effects of income and wealth taxation upon portfolio choice were considered and can be
viewed as an example of how taxation affects risk taking. They also illustrated the manner in
which the use of taxation turns the government into a partner in a households risk-taking
activities. This also emphasised the distinction between private and social risk taking, with social

risk entering through the variability of government revenue. Similar effects were also noted in
the treatment of taxation and labour supply with an uncertain wage and in the study of
occupational choice. The design of optimal taxes involves issues that do not arise in an economy
with certainty, in particular the specification of the government budget constraint and the range
of policy tools. Furthermore, in addition to the revenue raising and re distributional roles of
taxation, there is now the possibility that taxation can also provide social insurance by
transferring from those who are benefiting from high random returns to those who are suffering
low returns. This effect is sufficiently strong that a distortionary income tax can raise welfare in
an economy of individuals who are identical except for random components in their wealth.
More interestingly, the optimal linear income tax is preferable to a uniform lump-sum tax.

Corporate Taxation
5.1 Introduction
The corporation is treated as a separate entity for tax purposes in all developed countries. It has
been subject to numerous tax instruments with a variety of different motivations. The transfers
between the corporation and its stockholders result in the behaviour of the corporation also being
influenced by the structure of the personal tax system, most notably through the favorable tax
treatment of capital gains. The intention of this chapter is to describe the relevant tax instruments
and to determine their effects. This will give an insight into the many issues that arise in the
analysis of corporate taxation.
This chapter is distinguished from those that proceed it by its focus upon the effects of taxation
rather than upon optimisation exercises. There are several reasons for this. Input taxes have often
been employed in many countries and the effects of such taxes are important because of this, but
it has already been shown that they would not form part of an optimal tax system for a
competitive economy. Therefore there is no need for a further study of optimisation. In simple
settings where shareholders exercise direct control, the corporation cannot be identified as a
entity distinct from its owners. A coherent tax structure would then involve a comprehensive
income tax on owners, covering all sources of earnings, with no need for separate taxation of the
corporation. Although the effects of corporation taxation are still of interest in such a framework
since they suggest issues that may arise in more complex settings, optimisation is again of
limited interest. When the setting becomes more complex, and the existence of managers leads to
a separation between ownership and control, the task of clarifying the effects of taxation is
difficult enough, without considering optimisation.

The next section will discuss the various taxes to which the corporation has been subject and will
consider the rationale for treating the corporation as a distinct taxable entity. The incidence of a
range of taxes will then be considered in a two-sector general equilibrium economy. This form of
economy was popular in the 1970s following the work of Harberger (1962) and stills remains
instructive. The incidence results will be derived in the simplest setting but a number of

extensions will also be described. As a tool for studying taxation of the corporation, the twosector economy is restricted by its static nature and its lack of integration with the personal tax
system. These features prevent the study of dividends and bonds and the consequences of
preferential tax treatment of some sources of income. Adopting an intertemporal framework, we
will consider the effect of taxation upon the policy of the corporation under both certainty and
5.2 Taxation of the firm
As has already been noted, the corporation (and the firm generally) has been subject to a range of
taxes. This section will describe a number of these but with particular focus placed upon the
corporate profits tax. This mirrors the emphasis upon this tax in the literature. A brief description
will also be given of how the corporate tax system interacts with the personal tax system.
5.2.1 Input and output taxes
The most prevalent form of input tax has been that levied upon the employment of labour. In the
US, the Social Security tax provides a notable example and the economics of this are discussed
further. National Insurance payments play a similar role in the UK. Both the Social Security tax
and National Insurance raise the cost of labour for the employer relative to the price of capital
and other inputs. Another example of a tax on labour is the Selective Employment Tax which
was levied in the UK between 1966 and 1973. The rate of Selective Employment Tax was
sector-specific: it taxed employment in service industries and subsidized it in manufacturing. For
further discussion of the effects of this tax see Reddaway (1970).
Factor subsidies have also been used to promote additional investment. Such subsidies have the
effect of lowering the cost of additional units of capital relative to labour. These subsidies are
often provided in the form of depreciation allowances but cash subsidies to some forms of
investment in defined geographical areas were available under the 1972 Industry Act in the UK.
The corporate profits tax has often been interpreted as a tax on capital in the corporate sector.

Viewing the provision of finance as an input to the corporation, there has also been differential
treatment of payment to providers of finance. Interest payments to bondholders may be tax
deductible for the firm, in contrast to dividends which are taxed. Provision of finance by equity
holders may lead to capital gains which are taxed under the personal tax system at a different rate
to interest received from bond holdings or from dividends. How these various provisions affect
the choice of financial policy for the firm is investigated
Viewing the provision of finance as an input to the corporation, there has also been differential
treatment of payment to providers of finance. Interest payments to bondholders may be tax
deductible for the firm, in contrast to dividends which are taxed. Provision of finance by equity
holders may lead to capital gains which are taxed under the personal tax system at a different rate
to interest received from bondholding or from dividends. How these various provisions affect the
choice of financial policy for the firm is investigated.
The Value Added Tax (VAT) levied by the European Union is essentially a tax on the output of
the firm. The tax is based on the value added in production. Alternative taxes on output include
production and turnover taxes. In contrast to the VAT, these are based on the gross output of the
firm rather than its net output.
5.2.2 Profit tax
A tax on corporate profits is levied in all developed countries and is significant in the level of
revenue it raises. Its economic effects have also been extensively analysed and this will be the
focus of much of the analysis below. The discussion here will simply set the scene and point-up
some of the issues that are addressed below.
With full allowance for capital expenditure, the firm will optimise, by choice of capital and
labour, the level of after-tax profits given by = [1 c ] [pF (K,L) wL rK],

Where c is the rate of profit taxation, p is the product price, r the rental rate on capital, L the
labour employed and K the level of capital. It is clear from that, provided the tax rate is not
greater than 100%, the firms optimal choice of inputs will be unaffected by the imposition of the
tax. In this circumstance, the profit tax will not cause any substitution effects in the pattern of
input use by the firm. This should not be taken as a claim that the tax is completely without
distortion. Since the firms net of tax profit is reduced by the tax, its return to its owners will fall
and this may cause substitution in the asset holdings of households and changes, for example, in
their labour supply.

5.2.3 Personal taxes

The discussion of corporation tax given above provides a starting point for a more detailed
analysis but, because of the form of most tax codes, the corporation tax cannot be considered in
isolation from other aspects of the tax system. To briefly illustrate this consider a firm about to
finance an extra unit of investment. This investment can be paid for either from retained
earnings, from additional borrowing or from the issue of new equity. The fact that interest on
borrowing may be tax deductible leads to an obvious incentive to borrow rather than issue
equity. Also, the equity holders of the firm may experience capital gains and these will be taxed
but at a lower rate than dividends. The response of the firm to corporation tax cannot then be
seen in isolation from the capital gains tax. Furthermore, dividends may be taxed twice: once as
profit to the firm and then as income for a shareholder. The decision of the firm in issuing
dividends must then be considered with the corporation tax. Finally, the static nature of the
analysis does not permit the discussion of investment. The corporation tax, by affecting financial
policy, will affect the cost of investment and these needs to be addressed.
5.2.4 Why tax the corporation?
Having made these points about the structure and effects of taxes, there remains a further issue
that must be addressed. This is the reason why the corporation is taxed at all. If the corporation is
seen merely as earning income and transmitting this to its ultimate owners, then there is no

reason why the corporation should be taxed. Instead, the tax liability should be placed upon its
owners alone. Kayand King (1990) provides a forceful exposition of this viewpoint. This
argument reflects the view that the corporation does not have a personality or existence of its
own other than that given to it in law.
The alternative perspective is that incorporation carries legal and economic privileges and that
the corporation tax is a tax upon the gains enjoyed from the benefit of these privileges. Foremost
among these privileges is the limited liability that the shareholders in the corporation enjoy in the
event of bankruptcy. Another possible view, and one reflected in US Tax Reform Act of 1986
which shifted the tax burden from the personal sector to the corporate sector, is that corporations
can afford to pay taxes and should therefore carry their share of the burden. There is also the
argument, already explored above, that corporation tax is taxing rent so is a distortion-free way
of raising revenue. As already noted, there are limits to how far this argument can be pushed
since it relies at the very least on the tax being levied on true economic profit.
Ultimately, the effect of a tax depends upon how it affects the individuals in the economy and the
correctness, or otherwise, of taxing the corporation depends upon the final incidence of the tax. If
the tax can achieve objectives, and so raise social welfare, that other taxes cannot then there is a
justification for its existence. In a sense, many of the arguments noted above simply direct
attention away from the main justification for introducing any form of taxation, which is to
achieve specified aims. As is always the case in Second-Best theory, although a policy
instrument may have no role in the First-Best, its use may still be justified in other
5.3 Tax incidence
One aspect that has already been stressed in earlier chapters is that the economic incidence of a
tax is rarely the same as the legal incidence. Legal incidence relates to who has to formally pay
the tax to the tax collection agency whereas economic incidence is identified by the agents who
suffer reduced welfare due to the imposition of the tax. Since there are general equilibrium

repercussions to any tax change, the identification of economic incidence is not always a straight
forward exercise.
In terms of the corporation tax, Harberger (1962) was the first to present a comprehensive
analysis of incidence. The framework employed was that of a two-sector economy with two
factors of production: capital and labour. One of the sectors of the economy was treated as
incorporated and capital in that sector bore the legal incidence of the corporation tax. This
framework permitted identification of the real effects of the corporation tax in terms of an output
effect, capturing the change in the relative outputs of the two goods, and an input substitution
effect, representing the adjustment of inputs within sectors. In addition, Harberger also
calculated the change in relative factors rewards in order to determine the economic incidence of
the tax in terms of whether the tax burden fell on capital or labour. In the period since its
publication, the Harberger analysis has been subject to many extensions and modifications, many
of which are detailed in the surveys of Mieszkowski (1969) and McLure (1975). The analysis of
this section will describe the Harberger economy and show how this can be employed to derive
results on the incidence of the corporation tax and a range of other tax instruments. Some of the
extensions will then be described. The analytical technique used to solve the incidence question
follows closely the original development of Harberger (1962) and its description in Shoven and
Whalley (1972).
5.3.1 Extensions
Since the publication of Harberger (1962), many extensions of the analysis have been completed.
Included among these are studies that have simply addressed the same issues but under
alternative assumptions and others that have applied the analysis, often under very similar
assumptions, to different issues. A survey of the latter, which will not be covered here, can be
found in McLure (1975).
In addition, Jones (1965, 1971) and McLure (1974) have developed alternative analytical
techniques for studying the Harberger economy. The extensions that are now discussed are those
that modify the structure of the Harberger economy in order to relax the restrictiveness of its

Intermediate goods
The main effect of the introduction of intermediate goods into the Harberger economy is to
increase the possibilities for substitution between inputs. Unless the technology is Leontief with
fixed input coefficients, these substitution possibilities modify the conclusions on tax incidence.
In a series of papers, Bhatia (1981, 1982a, 1982b, 1986) has addressed these issues.
Income effects
The discussion of the demand function described how income effects were eliminated by the
assumptions that infinitesimal taxes were introduced from an initial position with no taxation and
that the government spent the tax revenue in the same way as consumers. This assumption has
been relaxed in two ways. Mieszkowski (1967) considered demand to be derived from two
distinct groups of consumers whilst Ballentine and Eris (1975) retain the Harberger specification
but incorporate income effects for non-infinitesimal tax changes. The consumers in Mieszkowski
(1967) are comprised of workers, who earn income from the supply of labour, and capitalists,
who receive the return from capital. In such a framework, a number of anomalies may arise when
compared to the standard Harberger analysis. For instance, when these two groups have very
divergent spending propensities and the elasticities of substitution in production are small, a tax
on capital in the capital intensive sector may increase demand for that sectors commodity and
increase the price of capital relative to labour. Since the same general principals are involved,
this analysis also suggests the possibilities that would arise if the government did not spend its
revenue in the same way as consumers.
5.4 Taxation and finance
An important issue in the study of corporate taxation is the question of how the tax system
affects the financing of a firm and the investment plans of the firm. To finance investment, a firm
has three sources of finance. The firm can issue new equity, it can issue bonds or it can employ
retained earnings. The issue of new equity makes the firm liable for future dividend payments,

but does not commit the firm to any specific level of payment, whereas bonds involve a fixed
commitment to pay interest and, eventually, to redeem the bonds. A profit maximising firm will
naturally wish to choose the mix of these three instruments that finance the investment at
minimum cost. Furthermore, the extent of future investment will in turn be determined by the
cost of finance, usually referred to as the cost of capital. The focus is therefore upon how the tax
system influences the means of finance and the cost of capital.
Most of the issues involved can be treated adequately under the assumption of certainty with all
agents in the economy fully informed of the future prospects of the firm. However, the
assumption of certainty does imply some restrictions. With certainty, there can be no possibility
of any firm becoming bankrupt since such a firm would simply not operate. In contrast, in an
economy with uncertainty there may be some states of nature in which a firm is unable to meet
its obligations, essentially the contractual payments to bondholders, and therefore has to go into
bankruptcy. The consequences of this will be discussed further below. A second issue that arises
in the presence of uncertainty is that of the objective of the firm. In an economy with certainty,
there will be unanimous agreement of the shareholders that the firm should maximise its profits.
This need not be the case with uncertainty if there are incomplete markets. Generally, the
problem facing the firm is that of aggregating the diverse preferences of its shareholders into a
single objective. The issues that arise with uncertainty have not been fully resolved and this
limits what can be said about the effects of taxation.

5.5 Systems of corporate and personal taxation

The tax system that is now described is commonly termed the classical system and is in use in
the US and many other countries. This is to be distinguished for the imputation system used in
the UK and the two-rate system; these are described later.
The motivation behind the classical system is that the corporate tax is a tax on the benefits that
follow from incorporation. As such, the tax liability of the corporation is treated as entirely
distinct from that of the shareholders of the company. Consequently, profits are taxed at the rate

set for corporation tax, dividends are taxed at the personal income tax rate applicable to the
shareholders who receive them, as is interest received by the bondholders of the firm, and a
separate rate applies to capital gains which are levied on realisation of those gains. Interest paid
by the firm is tax-deductible. Many of the consequences of this tax system with respect to
corporate finance follow from the distortions introduced by the differential tax treatment of
dividends and interest payments. In what follows, the rate of corporation tax will be denoted c ,
dividends are taxed at the personal rate p and capital gains at the rate g. To reflect the reality
of tax codes, it is assumed that g < p.
One of the perceived difficulties of the classical system is the double taxation of dividends: they
are taxed once as corporate profit and then again as personal income. The imputation system
represents an attempt to avoid this double taxation by integrating the corporate and personal tax
systems. It does this by giving each shareholder a credit for the tax paid by the company on the
profit out of which dividends are paid. In essence, any profits distributed as dividends are
deemed to have already been subject to personal tax at what is known as the rate of imputation.
The shareholder receiving the dividend is then only liable for the difference between the rate of
imputation and their personal tax rate. In the UK the rate of imputation is equal to the standard
rate of tax. A further alternative system that has been employed in the UK and in West Germany
and Japan is the two-rate system. Under this system different tax rates apply to distributed and
undistributed profits with the latter being taxed at a higher rate. This is designed to partly offset
the double taxation of dividends inherent in the classical system. King (1977) provides further
discussion of alternative systems of corporation tax.
5.6 Conclusions
This chapter has considered the effect of corporate taxation upon both the productive activities of
the firm and its choice of financial policy. These represent the two channels through which the
corporation interacts with the other agents in the economy. The structure of the chapter involved
a process of moving from the analysis of the productive decisions of the corporation in the
Harberger economy to the combination of financial and investment decisions in an uncertain
environment. The analysis of financial policy emphasised the importance of both the corporate

tax system and the personal tax system for the determination of financial policy. The effect of
taxation in determining financial policy is emphasised most emphatically when contrasted with
the conclusion of the Modigliani-Miller theorem which asserts the irrelevance to the firms value
of the choice between equity and debt.

Public Goods
6.1 Introduction
When a public good is provided, it can be consumed collectively by all households. Such
collective consumption violates the assumption of the private nature of the goods in the ArrowDebreu competitive economy. The existence of public goods then leads to a failure of the
competitive equilibrium to be efficient. Such failure implies a potential role for the state in public
good provision to overcome the failure of the market.
The formal analysis of public goods began with Samuelson (1954) who derived the rule
characterising efficient levels of provision and, after defining some necessary terms, this will
also be the starting point of this chapter. Efficient provision will be considered for pure public
goods and for public goods subject to congestion. The theme of efficiency is continued into the
study of Lindahl equilibria with personalised prices. Following this, the analysis of private
provision demonstrates the nature of the outcome when prices are uniform and illustrates why a
competitive market fails to attain efficiency.
If government provision is to be justified, it must be shown that the government can improve
upon the market outcome. What can be achieved when policy instruments are restricted to
commodity taxation and uniform lump-sum taxes? In seeking the attainment of an efficient
outcome, the government is faced with informational constraints of which the lack of knowledge
of household preferences is the most significant. Mechanism design shows why households may
choose to misrepresent their preferences and how mechanisms can be designed to overcome this.
Finally, the chapter is completed by a review of experimental evidence on private provision and
preference revelation, and the use of market data to elicit valuations.

6.2 Definitions

A public good can be distinguished from a private good by the fact that it can provide benefits to
a number of users simultaneously whereas a private good can, at any time, only benefit a single
user. If the public good can accommodate any number of users then it is said to be pure. It is
impure when congestion can occur. This section defines a public good, clarifies the distinction
between pure and impure and develops its economic implications.
6.2.1 Pure public goods
The pure public good has been the subject of most of the economic analysis of public goods. In
some ways, the pure public good is an abstraction that is adopted to provide a benchmark case
against which other results can be assessed. Before proceeding, it should be noted that public
goods can take the form of inputs into production in addition to their more commonly-presented
role as objects of consumption. A simple translation of the comments below can be made in
order to allow them to describe the public good as an input.
A pure public good has the following two properties.
If the public good is supplied, no household can be excluded from consuming it except, possibly,
at infinite cost.
Consumption of the public good by one household does not reduce the quantity available for
consumption by any other.
Consumption of the public good by one household does not reduce the quantity available for
consumption by any other. The implication of non-excludability is that consumption cannot be
controlled efficiently by a price system since no household can be prevented from consuming the
public good if it is provided. It is evident that a good satisfying this condition does not fit into the
framework of the competitive economy used to derive the Two Theorems of Welfare Economics.
In the form given, those theorems are inapplicable to an economy with public goods.
From the property of non-rivalry it can be deduced that all households can, if they so desire,
simultaneously consume a level of the public good equal to its total supply. If it is possible for

households not to consume the public good, then some may consume less. In the latter case, the
public good may satisfy free-disposal, so that consumption can be reduced at no cost, or else
disposal can be costly. Further discussion of the modelling of free-disposal is given in Milleron
(1972) and of costly disposal in Oakland (1987). When all households must consume, or want to
consume, to the maximum, the welfare level of each household is dependent on the total public
good supply.
In reality, it is difficult to find any good that satisfies both the conditions of non-excludability
and non-rivalry precisely. For example, the transmission of a television signal will satisfy nonrivalry but exclusion is possible at finite cost. Similar comments apply, for example, to defence
spending which will eventually be rivalrous and from which exclusion is possible.

6.2.2 Impure public goods and congestion

In practice, public goods tend to eventually suffer from congestion when usage is sufficiently
great. Obvious examples include parks and roads. Congestion results in a reduction in the return
the public good gives to each user as the use of a given supply by households increases. Such
public goods are termed impure. The utility derived by each household from an impure public
good is an increasing function of the level of supply and a decreasing function of its use. There
are a number of ways of representing the effect of congestion upon preferences and some of
these will be described when optimal provision is characterised.
To obtain further insight into these definitions it may be helpful to think of a continuum of types
of good running from purely private goods, for which there is complete rivalry and exclusion at
zero cost, to pure public goods. With a pure public good it is possible for both to consume a
maximum of 1 unit. In contrast, the private good must be divided between the households. The
consumption possibilities for an impure public good lies between these limits.
6.3 Optimal provision
The characterisation of the efficient provision of a pure public good was first published in
Samuelson (1954) and was followed by a diagrammatic explanation in Samuelson (1955). For

this reason, the rule for efficient provision is typically called the Samuelson rule. The following
analysis will derive the Samuelson rule for a pure public good, with and without free disposal,
and for public inputs and public goods with congestion.
6.4 Personalised prices and the Lindahl equilibrium
Now that the rule for Pareto efficient provision has been derived the natural question is whether
there is any form of economy in which competitive behaviour will lead to an efficient outcome.
This arises from the fact that consumers differ in the valuation they place upon a given supply of
the public good. Insisting that they all pay an identical price for the supply cannot therefore be
Following this reasoning, it would appear likely that Pareto efficiency would result if each
consumer could pay an individual or personalised price for the good. In this way, each will be
paying a price that reflects their valuation. Allowing such personalised prices represents an
extension of the Arrow-Debreu economy which assumed that each commodity had a single price.
The equilibrium with personalised prices is often called a Lindahl equilibrium after its
introduction by Lindahl (1919). Two variants of the Lindahl equilibrium will be described in this
section. The first is for a simple economy with two households in which the price of the public
good is given by the share of the cost of the public good each household must cover. Following
this, it is shown how efficiency can be sustained in a competitive economy with truly
personalised prices. The section is completed by analysing the relationship of the Lindahl
equilibrium, and its extensions, to the core.
The Lindahl equilibrium demonstrates how efficiency can be attained in an economy with public
goods by the use of personalised prices. The personalised prices succeed in equating the
individual valuations of the supply of public goods to the cost of production in a way that
uniform pricing cannot. These are important observations that support the relevance of the
Lindahl equilibrium concept.

Unfortunately, the Lindahl equilibrium is not without fault. It is central to the equilibrium that
each household should face a price system that is designed to capture that households evaluation
of the public good supply. When it participates in the public goods market each household is the
only purchaser at its particular price ratio and is not in the position it would be in a competitive
market of being one purchaser among many. In a competitive equilibrium there is no incentive
for the household to act in any other way than just to purchase its most preferred consumption
plan. In contrast, the fact that the household is in a stronger position in the Lindahl equilibrium
raises the very clear possibility that it can gain by false revelation of preferences in an attempt to
adjust equilibrium prices to its advantage. Such strategic behaviour on the part of households
undermines the foundation of the Lindahl equilibrium. If it does occur, the Lindahl equilibrium
with strategic behaviour no longer possesses the efficiency properties set out above.
6.5 Private provision of public good
The characterisation of optimal provision in Section 3 was concerned with an economy in which
the government provided the public good and was unrestricted in its policy instruments. This
first-best outcome is now contrasted to the equilibrium of an economy in which the public good
is funded entirely by the voluntary contributions of individual households. Economies with
government provision alone and those with only private provision should be seen as the two
extreme cases since in practice, as charitable donations indicate, public goods are usually
provided by a combination of both methods. The focus of the analysis will be upon the welfare
properties of the private provision equilibrium and the level of public good supply relative to
efficient levels. In addition, the effect of the number of households on supply and changes in the
income distribution will also be considered.
In order to analyse private provision, it is necessary to make an assumption about how each
household expects their contribution to the provision of public goods to affect the contributions
of others. The assumption that was made in the initial literature on private provision (for example
Bergstrom, Blume and Varian (1986), Chamberlin (1974, 1976), Cornes and Sandler (1985),
McGuire (1974) and Young (1982)) was the standard Nash assumption: in planning their

contribution, each household takes the contribution of the others as given. This is not the only
assumption and alternatives have been investigated.
In every national budget, there is a part called "Public Procurement". This is the portion of the
budget allocated to purchasing services and goods for the various ministries, authorities and
other arms of the executive branch. It was the famous management consultant, Parkinson, who
once wrote that government officials are likely to approve a multi-billion dollar nuclear power
plant much more speedily that they are likely to authorize a hundred dollar expenditure on a
bicycle parking device. This is because everyone came across 100 dollar situations in real life but precious few had the fortune to expend with billions of USD.
This, precisely, is the problem with public procurement: people are too acquainted with the
purchased items. They tend to confuse their daily, household-type, decisions with the processes
and considerations which should permeate governmental decision making. They label perfectly
legitimate decisions as "corrupt" - and totally corrupt procedures as "legal" or merely
"legitimate", because this is what was decreed by the stately mechanisms, or because "this is the
Procurement is divided to defense and non-defense spending. In both these categories - but,
especially in the former - there are grave, well founded, concerns that things might not be all
what they seem to be. Government - from India's to Sweden's to Belgium's - fell because of
procurement scandals which involved bribes paid by manufacturers or service providers either to
individual in the service of the state or to political parties. Other, lesser cases litter the press
daily. In the last few years only, the burgeoning defense sector in Israel saw two such big
scandals: the developer of Israel's missiles was involved in one (and currently is serving a jail
sentence) and Israel's military attach to Washington was implicated - though, never convicted in yet another. But the picture is not that grim. Most governments in the West succeeded in
reigning in and fully controlling this particular budget item. In the USA, this part of the budget
remained constant in the last 35(!) years at 20% of the GDP.

There are many problems with public procurement. It is an obscure area of state activity, agreed
upon in "customized" tenders and in dark rooms through a series of undisclosed agreements. At
least, this is the public image of these expenditures. True, some ministers use public money to
build their private "empires". It could be a private business empire, catering to the financial
future of the minister, his cronies and his relatives. These two plagues - cronyism and nepotism haunt public procurement. The specter of government official using public money to benefit their
political allies or their family members - haunts public imagination and provokes public
Then, there are problems of plain corruption: bribes or commissions paid to decision makers in
return for winning tenders or awarding of economic benefits financed by the public money.
Again, sometimes these moneys end in secret bank accounts in Switzerland or in Luxembourg.
At other times, they finance political activities of political parties. This was rampantly abundant
in Italy and has its place in France. The USA, which was considered to be immune from such
behaviors - has proven to be less so, lately, with the Bill Clinton alleged election financing
transgressions. But, these, with all due respect to "clean hands" operations and principles, are not
the main problems of public procurement.
The first order problem is the allocation of scarce resources. The needs are enormous and ever
growing. The US government purchases hundreds of thousands of separate items from outside
suppliers. Just the list of these goods - not to mention their technical specifications and the
documentation which accompanies the transactions - occupies tens of thick volumes.
Supercomputers are used to manage all these - and, even so, it is getting way out of hand. How to
allocate ever scarcer resources amongst these items is a daunting - close to impossible - task. It
also, of course, has a political dimension. A procurement decision reflects a political preference
and priority. But the decision itself is not always motivated by rational - let alone noble arguments. More often, it is the by product and end result of lobbying, political hand bending
and extortionist muscle. This raises a lot of hackles among those who feel that were kept out of
the pork barrel. They feel underprivileged and discriminated against. They fight back and the
whole system finds itself in a quagmire, a nightmare of conflicting interests. Last year, the whole

budget in the USA was stuck - not approved by Congress - because of these reactions and

6.6 Summary
In the absence of government intervention, public good provision will be left to the private
contributions of households. The basic model of private provision is built upon the assumption of
Nash behaviour and it has been shown that this leads to an inefficient outcome. In addition, the
equilibrium level of provision is invariant to changes in the income distribution and exogeneous
changes in public good supply. These properties, and the limiting behaviour of the equilibrium,
are at variance with empirical observations. Alternative conjectures have been analysed but these
are entirely arbitrary and do not provide a better explanation of reality. Altering the structure of
preferences and the social rules do provide improved predictions but no alternative has yet
received convincing arguments in its favour.
6.7 Finance by taxation
The rules for efficient provision require for their implementation that there are no restrictions
upon the tax instruments that can be employed by the government or, equivalently, that the
government has complete control over resource allocation. When optimal lump-sum taxes are
not an available policy instrument the rule for provision, and the resulting level of provision,
must take account of the method of finance. In particular, the gain in welfare enjoyed due to the
provision of the public good has to be offset against any distortions caused by the method of
finance. This section considers the implications of methods of financing in an economy with a
set of identical consumers, which effectively behaves as a single-consumer economy with no
distributional aspects, and in a Diamond-Mirrlees economy with many consumers.
6.7.1 Identical consumers

In an economy with many identical consumers, if a lump-sum tax can be employed at all it must
feasible to choose the optimal lump-sum tax. To provide content to the analysis it is therefore
assumed that the only tax instruments available to the government to finance the public good are
commodity taxes. This will be relaxed when differentiated consumers are considered and
restricted lump-sum taxes become meaningful. The aim of the analysis is to determine how the
distortions caused by the commodities taxes affect the Samuelson Rule and the level of
provision. This is undertaken by following the work of Atkinson and Stern (1974).
6.7.2 Differentiated households
Allowing the households to differ in their income and preferences provides motivation for
considering restricted forms of lump-sum taxation. Even though an optimal set of lump-sum
taxes may not be feasible, it may well remain possible to levy a uniform lump-sum tax. At the
margin, such taxes have the property of providing a non-distortionary source of finance.
Now consider an economy with an arbitrary, but non-zero , set of commodity tax rates and
implied consumer prices which are taken as fixed. Since the private sector of the economy is
distorted by the existence of the commodity taxes, the non-distortionary uniform lump-sum tax
provides a means by which resources can be moved from the distorted sector into provision of
the public good. It does not then seem unreasonable that if the private sector is sufficiently
distorted, more resources would be moved to the public sector than at the first best optimum.
This will result in the second-best provision of the public good being above the first-best.
6.8 Summary
The results have shown how distortionary financing affects the form of the Samuelson rule.
Although there is a presumption that when finance is entirely by commodity taxation the secondbest level of provision will fall below the first-best, this has not been formally established and
the form suggests that it cannot be. In contrast, when some financing can be undertaken by
lumpsum taxation their non-distortionary nature provides a reason for second-best provision to
rise above first-best and examples have been constructed to confirm this Mechanism design.

7.1 Introduction
An externality represents a connection between economic agents which lies outside the price
system of the economy. As the level of externality generated is not controlled directly by price,
the standard efficiency theorems on market equilibrium cannot be applied. The market failure
that can result raises a potential role for correction through policy intervention.
Externalities and their control are a subject of increasing practical importance. The greenhouse
effect is one of the most significant examples of the consequences of an externality but there are
any number of others, from purely local environmental issues to similarly global ones. Although
these may not appear at first sight to be economic problems, many of the policy responses to
their existence have been based on the economic theory of externalities. The purpose of this
chapter is to demonstrate the consequences of the existence of externalities and to the review
policy responses that have been suggested. In particular, it will be shown how the unregulated
economy generally fails to reach an efficient outcome and to what degree this can be corrected
using standard tax instruments.

In economics, an externality is the cost or benefit that affects a party who did not choose to incur
that cost or benefit.
For example, manufacturing activities that cause air pollution impose health and clean-up costs
on the whole society, whereas the neighbors of an individual who chooses to fire-proof his home
may benefit from a reduced risk of a fire spreading to their own houses. If external costs exist,
such as pollution, the producer may choose to produce more of the product than would be
produced if the producer were required to pay all associated environmental costs. If there are
external benefits, such as in public safety, less of the good may be produced than would be the
case if the producer were to receive payment for the external benefits to others. For the purpose
of these statements, overall cost and benefit to society is defined as the sum of the imputed

monetary value of benefits and costs to all parties involved. Thus, it is said that, for goods with
externalities, unregulated market prices do not reflect the full social costs or benefit of the

7.2 Externalities
Although the nature of an externality as an effect inflicted by one agent upon another may seem
very clear at an intuitive level, once a formalisation is attempted a number of issues arise that
need to be resolved. Of most importance is the question of whether the existence of an
externality should be judged by its effects or by its consequences. Since both approaches have
some merit, but can lead to different classifications, there is no universally agreed definition of
an externality. This section discusses two alternative definitions and describes the representation
of externalities adopted in the following analysis.

7.3 Implications
Voluntary exchange is considered mutually beneficial to both parties involved, because buyers or
sellers would not trade if either thought it detrimental to themselves. However, a transaction can
cause additional effects on third parties. From the perspective of those affected, these effects may
be negative (pollution from a factory), or positive (honey bees kept for honey that also pollinate
neighboring crops). Neoclassical welfare economics asserts that, under plausible conditions, the
existence of externalities will result in outcomes that are not socially optimal. Those who suffer
from external costs do so involuntarily, whereas those who enjoy external benefits do so at no
A voluntary exchange may reduce societal welfare if external costs exist. The person who is
affected by the negative externalities in the case of air pollution will see it as lowered utility:
either subjective displeasure or potentially explicit costs, such as higher medical expenses. The
externality may even be seen as a trespass on their lungs, violating their property rights. Thus, an
external cost may pose an ethical or political problem. Alternatively, it might be seen as a case of
poorly defined property rights, as with, for example, pollution of bodies of water that may belong

to no one (either figuratively, in the case of publicly owned, or literally, in some countries and/or
legal traditions).
On the other hand, a positive externality would increase the utility of third parties at no cost to
them. Since collective societal welfare is improved, but the providers have no way of monetizing
the benefit, less of the good will be produced than would be optimal for society as a whole.
Goods with positive externalities include education (believed to increase societal productivity
and well-being; but controversial, as these benefits are generally internalized, e.g., in the form of
higher wages), public health initiatives (which may reduce the health risks and costs for third
parties for such things as transmittable diseases) and law enforcement. Positive externalities are
often associated with the free rider problem. For example, individuals who are vaccinated reduce
the risk of contracting the relevant disease for all others around them, and at high levels of
vaccination, society may receive large health and welfare benefits; but any one individual can
refuse vaccination, still avoiding the disease by "free riding" on the costs borne by others.
There are a number of potential means of improving overall social utility when externalities are
involved. The market-driven approach to correcting externalities is to "internalize" third party
costs and benefits, for example, by requiring a polluter to repair any damage caused. But, in
many cases internalizing costs or benefits is not feasible, especially if the true monetary values
cannot be determined.
Laissez-faire economists such as Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman sometimes refer to
externalities as "neighborhood effects" or "spillovers", although externalities are not necessarily
minor or localized. Similarly, Ludwig von Mises argues that externalities arise from lack of
"clear personal property definition."

7.4 Negative externality

A negative externality (also called "external cost" or "external diseconomy") is an action of a
product on consumers that imposes a negative effect on a third party; it is "external cost".

Barry Commoner commented on the costs of externalities:

Clearly, we have compiled a record of serious failures in recent technological encounters

with the environment. In each case, the new technology was brought into use before the
ultimate hazards were known. We have been quick to reap the benefits and slow to
comprehend the costs.

Many negative externalities are related to the environmental consequences of production and
use. The article on environmental economics also addresses externalities and how they may
be addressed in the context of environmental issues.
Air pollution from burning fossil fuels causes damages to crops, (historic) buildings and
public health. The most extensive and integrated effort to quantify and monetise these
impacts was in the European external project series.
Anthropogenic climate change is attributed to greenhouse gas emissions from burning oil,
gas, and coal. The Stern Review on the Economics Of Climate Change says "Climate
change presents a unique challenge for economics: it is the greatest example of market
failure we have ever seen."
Water pollution by industries that adds effluent, which harms plants, animals, and
Noise pollution which may be mentally and psychologically disruptive.
Systemic risk describes the risks to the overall economy arising from the risks that the
banking system takes. A condition of moral hazard can occur in the absence of welldesigned banking regulation, or in the presence of badly designed regulation.
Industrial farm animal production, on the rise in the 20th century, resulted in farms that
were easier to run, with fewer and often less-skilled employees, and a greater output of
uniform animal products. However, the externalities with these farms include
"contributing to the increase in the pool of antibiotic-resistant bacteria because of
the overuse of antibiotics; air quality problems; the contamination of rivers, streams, and
coastal waters with concentrated animal waste; animal welfare problems, mainly as a
result of the extremely close quarters in which the animals are housed."
The harvesting by one fishing company in the ocean depletes the stock of available fish
for the other companies and overfishing may be the result. The stock fish is an example

of a common property resource, and that, in the absence of appropriate environmental

governance, is vulnerable to the Tragedy of the commons.
When car owners use roads, they impose congestion costs and higher accident risks on all
other users.
Consumption by one consumer causes prices to rise and therefore makes other consumers
worse off, perhaps by reducing their consumption. These effects are sometimes called
"pecuniary externalities" and are distinguished from "real externalities" or "technological
externalities". Pecuniary externalities appear to be externalities, but occur within the
market mechanism and are not a source of market failure or inefficiency.
Shared costs of declining health and vitality caused by smoking and/or alcohol abuse.
Here, the "cost" is that of providing minimum social welfare. Economists more
frequently attribute this problem to the category of moral hazards, the prospect that
parties insulated from risk may behave differently from the way they would if they were
fully exposed to the risk. For example, individuals with insurance against automobile
theft may be less vigilant about locking their cars, because the negative consequences of
automobile theft are (partially) borne by the insurance company.
The cost of storing nuclear waste from nuclear plants for more than 1,000 years (over
100,000 for some types of nuclear waste) is included in the cost of the electricity the
plant produces, in the form of a fee paid to the government and held in the nuclear waste
superfund. Conversely, the costs of managing the long term risks of disposal of
chemicals, which may remain permanently hazardous, is not commonly internalized in
prices. The USEPA regulates chemicals for periods ranging from 100 years to a
maximum of 10,000 years, without respect to potential long-term hazard.
Antibiotic use contributes to antibiotic resistance, reducing the future effectiveness of
antibiotics. Individuals do not consider this efficacy cost when making usage decisions,
leading to socially sub-optimal antibiotic consumption. Government policies proposed to







regulation, Pigouvian taxes, and patents.

In relation to 'environmental victims', externalities can often represent 'loss-costs', which
reflects Kantian ideas of a distinction between 'value' that can be replaced, and 'dignity'
which cannot.

7.5 Positive externality

Examples of positive externalities (beneficial externality, external benefit, external economy,
or Merit goods) include:
Increased education of individuals can lead to broader society benefits in the form of greater
economic productivity, a lower unemployment rate, greater household mobility and higher
rates of political participation.
A beekeeper keeps the bees for their honey. A side effect or externality associated with such
activity is the pollination of surrounding crops by the bees. The value generated by the
pollination may be more important than the value of the harvested honey.
An individual who maintains an attractive house may confer benefits to neighbors in the
form of increased market values for their properties.
An individual buying a product that is interconnected in a network (e.g., a video cell phone)
will increase the usefulness of such phones to other people who have a video cell phone.
When each new user of a product increases the value of the same product owned by others,
the phenomenon is called a network externality or a network effect. Network externalities
often have "tipping points" where, suddenly, the product reaches general acceptance and
near-universal usage.
In an area that does not have a public fire department; homeowners who purchase private fire
protection services provide a positive externality to neighboring properties, which are less at
risk of the protected neighbor's fire spreading to their (unprotected) house.
An individual receiving a vaccination for a communicable disease not only decreases the
likelihood of the individual's own infection, but also decreases the likelihood of others
becoming infected through contact with the individual.
A foreign firm demonstrates up-to-date technologies to local firms and improves their
The existence or management of externalities may give rise to political or legal conflicts.
Collective solutions or public policies are sometimes implemented to regulate activities with
positive or negative externalities.

7.6 Positional externalities

Positional externalities refer to a special type of externality that depends on the relative rankings
of actors in a situation. Because every actor is attempting to "one up" other actors, the
consequences are unintended and economically inefficient.
One example is the phenomenon of "over-education" (referring to post-secondary education) in
the North American labour market. In the 1960s, many young middle-class North Americans
prepared for their careers by completing a bachelor's degree. However, by the 1990s, many
people from the same social milieu were completing master's degrees, hoping to "one up" the
other competitors in the job market by signalling their higher quality as potential employees. By
the 2000s, some jobs that had previously required only bachelor's degrees, such as policy
analysis posts, were requiring master's degrees. Some economists argue that this increase in
educational requirements was above that which was efficient, and that it was a misuse of the
societal and personal resources that go into the completion of these master's degrees.
Another example is the buying of jewelry as a gift for another person, e.g. a spouse. For Husband
A to show that he values Wife A more than Husband B values Wife B, Husband A must buy
more expensive jewelry than Husband B. As in the first example, the cycle continues to get
worse, because every actor positions him- or herself in relation to the other actors. This is
sometimes called keeping up with the Joneses.
One solution to such externalities is regulations imposed by an outside authority. For the first
example, the government might pass a law against firms requiring master's degrees unless the job
actually required these advanced skills.

7.7 Possible outcomes

There are at least four general types of solutions to the problem of externalities:
Civil Tort law

Government provision
Pigovian taxes or subsidies intended to redress economic injustices or imbalances.

A Pigovian tax (also called Pigouvian tax, after economist Alfred Pigou) is a tax imposed that is
equal in value to the negative externality. The result is that the market outcome would be
reduced to the efficient amount. A side effect is that revenue is raised for the government,
reducing the amount of distortionary taxes that the government must impose elsewhere.
Economists prefer Pigovian taxes and subsidies as being the least intrusive and most efficient
method to resolve externalities. Governments justify the use of Pigovian taxes saying that these
taxes help the market reach an efficient outcome because this tax bridges the gap between
marginal social costs and marginal private costs.
Some arguments against Pigovian taxes say that the tax does not account for all the transfers and
regulations involved with an externality. In other words, the tax only considers the amount of
externality produced. Another argument against the tax is that it does not take private property
into consideration. Under the Pigovian system, one firm, for example, can be taxed more than
another firm, even though the other firm is actually producing greater amounts of the negative
However, the most common type of solution is a tacit agreement through the political process.
Governments are elected to represent citizens and to strike political compromises between
various interests. Normally governments pass laws and regulations to address pollution and other
types of environmental harm. These laws and regulations can take the form of "command and
control" regulation (such as setting standards, targets, or process requirements), or environmental
pricing reform (such as eco taxes or other Pigovian taxes, tradable pollution permits or the
creation of markets for ecological services). The second type of resolution is a purely private
agreement between the parties involved.
Government intervention might not always be needed. Traditional ways of life may have evolved
as ways to deal with external costs and benefits. Alternatively, democratically run communities
can agree to deal with these costs and benefits in an amicable way. Externalities can sometimes
be resolved by agreement between the parties involved. This resolution may even come about
because of the threat of government action.

Ronald Coase argued that if all parties involved can easily organize payments so as to pay each
other for their actions, then an efficient outcome can be reached without government
intervention. Some take this argument further, and make the political claim that government
should restrict its role to facilitating bargaining among the affected groups or individuals and to
enforcing any contracts that result. This result, often known as the Coase theorem, requires that
Property rights be well defined
People act rationally
Transaction costs be minimal
If all of these conditions apply, the private parties can bargain to solve the problem of
This theorem would not apply to the steel industry case discussed above. For example, with a
steel factory that trespasses on the lungs of a large number of individuals with pollution, it is
difficult if not impossible for any one person to negotiate with the producer, and there are large
transaction costs. Hence the most common approach may be to regulate the firm (by imposing
limits on the amount of pollution considered "acceptable") while paying for the regulation and
enforcement with taxes. The case of the vaccinations would also not satisfy the requirements of
the Coase theorem. Since the potential external beneficiaries of vaccination are the people
themselves, the people would have to self-organize to pay each other to be vaccinated. But such
an organization that involves the entire populace would be indistinguishable from government
In some cases, the Coase theorem is relevant. For example, if a logger is planning to clear-cut
a forest in a way that has a negative impact on a nearby resort, the resort-owner and the logger
could, in theory, get together to agree to a deal. For example, the resort-owner could pay the
logger not to clear-cut or could buy the forest. The most problematic situation, from Coase's
perspective, occurs when the forest literally does not belong to anyone; the question of "who"
owns the forest is not important, as any specific owner will have an interest in coming to an
agreement with the resort owner (if such an agreement is mutually beneficial).

Imperfect Competition

8.1 Introduction
In the previous chapters, the assumption of competitive behaviour has been maintained
throughout. It is often best to view this as a useful restriction for developing initial ideas and
eliminating unnecessary complication. As a representation of reality it is clearly flawed, an
observation easily supported by casual empiricism. This chapter relaxes the competitive
assumption and reviews some of the major results that have been derived within the framework
of imperfect competition.
The first point to note is that there are numerous forms of imperfect competition which vary with
respect to the nature of products, the strategic variables of the firms, the objectives of the firms
and the possibility of entry. Products may be homogeneous or differentiated and the strategic
variables of the firms can either be prices or quantities with, possibly, additional instruments
such as investment or advertising. The firms objectives may be individual profit maximisation
or, alternatively, joint profit maximisation. Entry may be impossible, so that an industry is
composed of a fixed number of firms, it may be unhindered or incumbent firms may be
following a policy of entry deterrence. To avoid some of this complexity, this chapter will focus
primarily upon economies with quantity setting oligopoly and homogeneous products although at
some points conjectures are introduced to permit flexibility. For a suitable choice of conjecture,
this form of oligopoly has the advantage of being equivalent to monopoly when the industry has
a single firm and, under most circumstances, to competition as the number of firms increases
without limit. This makes the economy both straightforward and flexible.
A second point of some relevance is that tax incidence is more complex with imperfect
competition. Under the competitive assumption any taxes are simply passed forward by the firms
since price is always set at marginal cost. In contrast, prices on imperfectly competitive markets
are set at a level above marginal cost and an increase in cost due to taxation need not be reflected
in an identical increase in price. To determine the actual change it is necessary to work through

the comparative statics of the industry in question. In addition to the price effects, imperfectly
competitive firms may also earn non-zero profits and the effect of taxation on these must also be
The initial sections of this chapter focus on issues related to the construction and analysis of a
general equilibrium economy with imperfect competition. After introducing the economy that
forms the basis of the chapter, it is shown why the equilibrium is not Pareto optimal and
measures of the welfare loss due to imperfect competition are described. This is followed by an
analysis of commodity tax incidence and optimal tax rules. The chapter is completed by a
reconsideration of the necessity for production efficiency.
8.2 Imperfect competition and general equilibrium
The first formal general equilibrium economy with imperfect competition can be attributed to
Negishi (1961). Also of significance are Arrow and Hahn (1971), Gabszewicz and Vial (1972),
Roberts and Sonnenschein (1977), Cornwall (1977) and the survey by Hart (1985). Unlike the
Arrow-Debreu formulation of the competitive economy there is not a single, generally accepted
framework but a number of alternative specifications. The economies are differentiated by the
assumptions made about the form of demand function known by the firms and on the relation of
demand to profit.
8.2.1 Objective and subjective demand
The first distinction to note is between economies that employ objective demands and those
using subjective demands. This distinction arises from the information that the firms comprising
an imperfectly competitive industry must possess in order to know their profit function. In a
competitive economy, a firm need only observe the set of market prices to determine its profit
maximising strategy. In contrast an imperfectly competitive firm requires the knowledge of the
demand function for its product. Naturally this is a far greater informational requirement than
just the knowledge of prices and, when literally interpreted, implies that the firms need to be able
to solve the economy to generate the excess demands.

Faced with this informational problem, Negishi (1961) assumed that the firms actually knew
only a linear approximation to their true demand functions, with the restriction that the linear
approximation was equal to the true demand at equilibrium prices. The latter condition ensures
that the firms generate the profit levels that they were expecting. Such demands have been
labeled subjective since they exist only as beliefs held by firms. This approach has been extended
by Gary-Bobo (1989) to consider firms that perceive knowledge of a kth order Taylor expansion
of their true demand. When k = 1 the equilibria coincide with the equilibrium arising from the
true demands.
In an economy with objective demand, such as Gabszewicz and Vial (1972), it is assumed that
the firms actually know their demand functions. Despite the informational burden this imposes, it
does overcome the problems of the subjective approach in that it does not require specification of
how the firms form the subjective demands or of how they may seek to revise them. In the
analysis of this chapter only the objective approach is followed. This can be supported on the
grounds of simplicity and the fact that since subjective demands are typically chosen equal to
objective demands at equilibrium, the equilibrium of the economy should not be affected by the
The assumptions concerning the distribution of profits and their effect upon demand is another
area in which alternative economies differ. If returned to consumers as dividends, whenever
income effects are non-zero a firms profits must appear as an argument of its demand function.
This causes some difficulties for the specification of the firms maximisation problem since the
quantity to be maximised (profit) appears as an argument in the objective function. When this
occurs, standard results on maximisation are not applicable.
There have been three responses to this. The first is to assume the structure of the economy is
such that there are no income effects. This approach is exemplified by the work of Hart (1982) in
which the economy is divided into separate sectors and the firms distribute profit generated in
one sector to consumers who purchase in a different sector. In this way, although aggregate

demand depends on profit, the demand for each firm is independent of its own profit level.
However, assumptions such as this have the disadvantage of being highly artificial.
The second response is more direct and simply involves assuming that all profits are taxed at a
rate of 100% so that profit income accrues to the government alone. This assumption has the
disadvantage of eliminating the motive for the choice of profit maximising strategy for the firms.
The final approach is to meet the problem directly and to extend the analysis to suit. This has the
drawback of leading to greater complication in the results. The approach taken below will be to
adopt a combination of the latter two possibilities, with the choice made to suit the purpose.
To complete this discussion of the choice of structure, it should be noted that intermediate goods
are almost never included in general equilibrium economies with imperfect competition. This
exclusion is due to the difficulty of formulating the derived demand for such goods when a
number of firms have market power.
For a discussion of this point, see Hart (1985). Although they are similarly excluded from most
of the discussion below, they do occur at two points: in the discussion of the extent of welfare
loss due to imperfect competition and in the treatment of production efficiency.
8.3 Imperfect competition and welfare
Imperfect competition is one of the standard examples of market failure which lead to the nonachievement of Pareto optimality. It is on this basis that economic policy is usually suggested as
necessary in the presence of imperfect competition in order to reduce inefficiency.
The aims of competition (anti-trust) laws are to ensure that consumers pay the lowest possible
price (=the most efficient price) coupled with the highest quality of the goods and services which
they consume. This, according to current economic theories, can be achieved only through
effective competition. Competition not only reduces particular prices of specific goods and
services - it also tends to have a deflationary effect by reducing the general price level. It pits
consumers against producers, producers against other producers (in the battle to win the heart of
consumers) and even consumers against consumers (for example in the healthcare sector in the
USA). This everlasting conflict does the miracle of increasing quality with lower prices. Think

about the vast improvement on both scores in electrical appliances. The VCR and PC of
yesteryear cost thrice as much and provided one third the functions at one tenth the speed.
Competition has innumerable advantages:
It encourages manufacturers and service providers to be more efficient, to better respond to the
needs of their customers, to innovate, to initiate, to venture. In professional words: it optimizes
the allocation of resources at the firm level and, as a result, throughout the national economy.
More simply: producers do not waste resources (capital), consumers and businesses pay less for
the same goods and services and, as a result, consumption grows to the benefit of all involved.
The other beneficial effect seems, at first sight, to be an adverse one: competition weeds out the
failures, the incompetents, the inefficient, the fat and slow to respond. Competitors pressure one
another to be more efficient, leaner and meaner. This is the very essence of capitalism. It is
wrong to say that only the consumer benefits. If a firm improves itself, re-engineers its
production processes, introduces new management techniques, modernizes - in order to fight the
competition, it stands to reason that it will reap the rewards. Competition benefits the economy,
as a whole, the consumers and other producers by a process of natural economic selection where
only the fittest survive. Those who are not fit to survive die out and cease to waste the rare
resources of humanity.
Thus, paradoxically, the poorer the country, the less resources it has - the more it is in need of
competition. Only competition can secure the proper and most efficient use of its scarce
resources, a maximization of its output and the maximal welfare of its citizens (consumers).
Moreover, we tend to forget that the biggest consumers are businesses (firms). If the local phone
company is inefficient (because no one competes with it, being a monopoly) - firms will suffer
the most: higher charges, bad connections, lost time, effort, money and business. If the banks are
dysfunctional (because there is no foreign competition), they will not properly service their
clients and firms will collapse because of lack of liquidity. It is the business sector in poor
countries which should head the crusade to open the country to competition.
Unfortunately, the first discernible results of the introduction of free marketer are unemployment
and business closures. People and firms lack the vision, the knowledge and the wherewithal

needed to support competition. They fiercely oppose it and governments throughout the world
bow to protectionist measures. To no avail, closing a country to competition will only exacerbate
the very conditions which necessitate its opening up. At the end of such a wrong path awaits
economic disaster and the forced entry of competitors. A country which closes itself to the world
- will be forced to sell itself cheaply as its economy will become more and more inefficient, less
and less non-competitive.
The Competition Laws aim to establish fairness of commercial conduct among entrepreneurs and
competitors which are the sources of said competition and innovation.
Experience - later buttressed by research - helped to establish the following four principles:
There should be no barriers to the entry of new market players (barring criminal and moral
barriers to certain types of activities and to certain goods and services offered)
A larger scale of operation does introduce economies of scale (and thus lowers prices). This,
however, is not infinitely true. There is a Minimum Efficient Scale - MES - beyond which prices
will begin to rise due to monopolization of the markets. This MES was empirically fixed at 10%
of the market in any one good or service. In other words: companies should be encouraged to
capture up to 10% of their market (=to lower prices) and discouraged to cross this barrier, lest
prices tend to rise again.
Efficient competition does not exist when a market is controlled by less than 10 firms with big
size differences. An oligopoly should be declared whenever 4 firms control more than 40% of
the market and the biggest of them controls more than 12% of it.
A competitive price will be comprised of a minimal cost plus an equilibrium profit which does
not encourage either an exit of firms (because it is too low), nor their entry (because it is too
Left to their own devices, firms tend to liquidate competitors (predation), buy them out or
collude with them to raise prices. The 1890 Sherman Antitrust Act in the USA forbade the latter
(section 1) and prohibited monopolization or dumping as a method to eliminate competitors.
Later acts (Clayton, 1914 and the Federal Trade Commission Act of the same year) added
forbidden activities: tying arrangements, boycotts, territorial divisions, non-competitive mergers,

price discrimination, exclusive dealing, unfair acts, practices and methods. Both consumers and
producers who felt offended were given access to the Justice Department and to the FTC or the
right to sue in a federal court and be eligible to receive treble damages.
It is only fair to mention the "intellectual competition", which opposes the above premises. Many
important economists thought (and still do) that competition laws represent an unwarranted and
harmful intervention of the State in the markets. Some believed that the State should own
important industries (J.K. Galbraith), others - that industries should be encouraged to grow
because only size guarantees survival, lower prices and innovation (Ellis Hawley). Yet others
supported the cause of laissez faire (Marc Eisner).
These three antithetical approaches are, by no means, new. One led to socialism and
communism, the other to corporatism and monopolies and the third to jungle-ization of the
market (what the Europeans derisively call: the Anglo-Saxon model).
Why does the State involve itself in the machinations of the free market? Because often markets
fail or are unable or unwilling to provide goods, services, or competition. The purpose of
competition laws is to secure a competitive marketplace and thus protect the consumer from
unfair, anti-competitive practices. The latter tend to increase prices and reduce the availability
and quality of goods and services offered to the consumer.
Such state intervention is usually done by establishing a governmental Authority with full
powers to regulate the markets and ensure their fairness and accessibility to new entrants. Lately,
international collaboration between such authorities yielded a measure of harmonization and
coordinated action (especially in cases of trusts which are the results of mergers and
Yet, competition law embodies an inherent conflict: while protecting local consumers from
monopolies, cartels and oligopolies - it ignores the very same practices when directed at foreign

consumers. Cartels related to the country's foreign trade are allowed even under GATT/WTO
rules (in cases of dumping or excessive export subsidies). Put simply: governments regard acts
which are criminal as legal if they are directed at foreign consumers or are part of the process of
foreign trade.
A country such as Macedonia - poor and in need of establishing its export sector - should include
in its competition law at least two protective measures against these discriminatory practices:
Blocking Statutes - which prohibit its legal entities from collaborating with legal procedures in
other countries to the extent that this collaboration adversely affects the local export industry.
Claw back Provisions - which will enable the local courts to order the refund of any penalty
payment decreed or imposed by a foreign court on a local legal entity and which exceeds actual
damage inflicted by unfair trade practices of said local legal entity. US courts, for instance, are
allowed to impose treble damages on infringing foreign entities. The claw back provisions are
used to battle this judicial aggression.
Competition policy is the antithesis of industrial policy. The former wishes to ensure the
conditions and the rules of the game - the latter to recruit the players, train them and win the
game. The origin of the former is in the 19th century USA and from there it spread to (really was
imposed on) Germany and Japan, the defeated countries in the 2nd World War. The European
Community (EC) incorporated a competition policy in articles 85 and 86 of the Rome
Convention and in Regulation 17 of the Council of Ministers, 1962.
Still, the two most important economic blocks of our time have different goals in mind when
implementing competition policies. The USA is more interested in economic (and econometric)
results while the EU emphasizes social, regional development and political consequences. The
EU also protects the rights of small businesses more vigorously and, to some extent, sacrifices
intellectual property rights on the altar of fairness and the free movement of goods and services.
Put differently: the USA protects the producers and the EU shields the consumer. The USA is
interested in the maximization of output at whatever social cost - the EU is interested in the

creation of a just society, a livable community, even if the economic results will be less than
There is little doubt that Macedonia should follow the EU example. Geographically, it is a part of
Europe and, one day, will be integrated in the EU. It is socially sensitive, export oriented, its
economy is negligible and its consumers are poor, it is besieged by monopolies and oligopolies.
In my view, its competition laws should already incorporate the important elements of the EU
(Community) legislation and even explicitly state so in the preamble to the law. Other, mightier,
countries have done so. Italy, for instance, modeled its Law number 287 dated 10/10/90
"Competition and Fair Trading Act" after the EC legislation. The law explicitly says so.
The first serious attempt at international harmonization of national antitrust laws was the Havana
Charter of 1947. It called for the creation of an umbrella operating organization (the International
Trade Organization or "ITO") and incorporated an extensive body of universal antitrust rules in
nine of its articles. Members were required to "prevent business practices affecting international
trade which restrained competition, limited access to markets, or fostered monopolistic control
whenever such practices had harmful effects on the expansion of production or trade". The latter
Fixing prices, terms, or conditions to be observed in dealing with others in the purchase, sale, or
lease of any product;
Excluding enterprises from, or allocating or dividing, any territorial market or field of business
activity, or allocating customers, or fixing sales quotas or purchase quotas;
Discriminating against particular enterprises;
Limiting production or fixing production quotas;
Preventing by agreement the development or application of technology or invention, whether
patented or non-patented; and
Extending the use of rights under intellectual property protections to matters which according to
a member's laws and regulations, are not within the scope of such grants, or to products or
conditions of production, use, or sale which are not likewise the subject of such grants.

GATT 1947 was a mere bridging agreement but the Havana Charter languished and died due to
the objections of a protectionist US Senate.
There are no antitrust/competition rules either in GATT 1947 or in GATT/WTO 1994, but their
provisions on antidumping and countervailing duty actions and government subsidies constitute
some elements of a more general antitrust/competition law.
GATT, though, has an International Antitrust Code Writing Group which produced a "Draft
International Antitrust Code" (10/7/93). It is reprinted in II, 64 Antitrust & Trade Regulation
Reporter (BNA), Special Supplement at S-3 (19/8/93).
Four principles guided the (mostly German) authors:
A minimum standard for national antitrust rules should be set (stricter measures would be
welcome); and
The establishment of an international authority to settle disputes between parties over antitrust
The 29 (well-off) members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
(OECD) formed rules governing the harmonization and coordination of international
antitrust/competition regulation among its member nations ("The Revised Recommendation of
the OECD Council Concerning Cooperation between Member Countries on Restrictive Business
Practices Affecting International Trade," OECD Doc. No. C(86)44 (Final) (June 5, 1986), also in
25 International Legal Materials 1629 (1986). A revised version was reissued. According to it,
"Enterprises should refrain from abuses of a dominant market position; permit purchasers,
distributors, and suppliers to freely conduct their businesses; refrain from cartels or restrictive
agreements; and consult and cooperate with competent authorities of interested countries".
An agency in one of the member countries tackling an antitrust case, usually notifies another
member country whenever an antitrust enforcement action may affect important interests of that
country or its nationals (see: OECD Recommendations on Predatory Pricing, 1989).

The United States has bilateral antitrust agreements with Australia, Canada, and Germany, which
was followed by a bilateral agreement with the EU in 1991. These provide for coordinated
antitrust investigations and prosecutions. The United States thus reduced the legal and political
obstacles which faced its extraterritorial prosecutions and enforcement. The agreements require
one party to notify the other of imminent antitrust actions, to share relevant information, and to
consult on potential policy changes. The EU-U.S. Agreement contains a "comity" principle
under which each side promises to take into consideration the other's interests when considering
antitrust prosecutions. A similar principle is at the basis of Chapter 15 of the North American
Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) - cooperation on antitrust matters.
The United Nations Conference on Restrictive Business Practices adopted a code of conduct in
1979/1980 that was later integrated as a U.N. General Assembly Resolution [U.N. Doc.
TD/RBP/10 (1980)]: "The Set of Multilaterally Agreed Equitable Principles and Rules".
According to its provisions, "independent enterprises should refrain from certain practices when
they would
Any Competition Law in Macedonia should, in my view, explicitly include strict prohibitions of
the following practices (further details can be found in Porter's book - "Competitive Strategy").
These practices characterize the Macedonian market. They influence the Macedonian economy
by discouraging foreign investors, encouraging inefficiencies and mismanagement, sustaining
artificially high prices, misallocating very scarce resources, increasing unemployment, fostering
corrupt and criminal practices and, in general, preventing the growth that Macedonia could have
Exclude competitors from distribution channels - this is common practice in many countries.
Open threats are made by the manufacturers of popular products: "If you distribute my
competitor's products - you cannot distribute mine. So, choose." Naturally, retail outlets, dealers

and distributors will always prefer the popular product to the new. This practice not only blocks
competition - but also innovation, trade and choice or variety.
Buy up competitors and potential competitors - There is nothing wrong with that. Under certain
circumstances, this is even desirable. Think about the Banking System: it is always better to have
fewer banks with bigger capital than many small banks with capital inadequacy (remember the
TAT affair). So, consolidation is sometimes welcome, especially where scale represents viability
and a higher degree of consumer protection. The line is thin and is composed of both quantitative
and qualitative criteria. One way to measure the desirability of such mergers and acquisitions
(M&A) is the level of market concentration following the M&A. Is a new monopoly created?
Will the new entity be able to set prices unperturbed? Stamp out its other competitors? If so, it is
not desirable and should be prevented.
Every merger in the USA must be approved by the antitrust authorities. When multinationals
merge, they must get the approval of all the competition authorities in all the territories in which
they operate. The purchase of "Intuit" by "Microsoft" was prevented by the antitrust department
(the "Trust-busters"). A host of airlines was conducting a drawn out battle with competition
authorities in the EU, UK and the USA lately.
Use predatory [below-cost] pricing (also known as dumping) to eliminate competitors - This
tactic is mostly used by manufacturers in developing or emerging economies and in Japan. It
consists of "pricing the competition out of the markets". The predator sells his products at a price
which is lower even than the costs of production. The result is that he swamps the market,
driving out all other competitors. Once he is left alone - he raises his prices back to normal and,
often, above normal. The dumper loses money in the dumping operation and compensates for
these losses by charging inflated prices after having the competition eliminated.
Raise scale-economy barriers - Take unfair advantage of size and the resulting scale economies
to force conditions upon the competition or upon the distribution channels. In many countries
Big Industry lobbies for a legislation which will fit its purposes and exclude its (smaller)

Increase "market power (share) and hence profit potential". Study the industry's "potential"
structure and ways it can be made less competitive - Even thinking about sin or planning it
should be prohibited. Many industries have "think tanks" and experts whose sole function is to
show the firm the way to minimize competition and to increase its market shares. Admittedly,
the line is very thin: when does a Marketing Plan become criminal?
Arrange for a "rise in entry barriers to block later entrants" and "inflict losses on the entrant" This could be done by imposing bureaucratic obstacles (of licensing, permits and taxation), scale
hindrances (no possibility to distribute small quantities), "old boy networks" which share
political clout and research and development, using intellectual property right to block new
entrants and other methods too numerous to recount. An effective law should block any action
which prevents new entry to a market.
Buy up firms in other industries "as a base from which to change industry structures" there - This
is a way of securing exclusive sources of supply of raw materials, services and complementing
products. If a company owns its suppliers and they are single or almost single sources of supply in effect it has monopolized the market. If a software company owns another software company
with a product which can be incorporated in its own products - and the two have substantial
market shares in their markets - then their dominant positions will reinforce each other's.
"Find ways to encourage particular competitors out of the industry" - If you can't intimidate your
competitors you might wish to "make them an offer that they cannot refuse". One way is to buy
them, to bribe out the key personnel, to offer tempting opportunities in other markets, to swap
markets (I will give my market share in a market which I do not really care about and you will
give me your market share in a market in which we are competitors). Other ways are to give the
competitors assets, distribution channels and so on providing that they collude in a cartel.
"Send signals to encourage competition to exit" the industry - Such signals could be threats,
promises, policy measures, attacks on the integrity and quality of the competitor, announcement
that the company has set a certain market share as its goal (and will, therefore, not tolerate

anyone trying to prevent it from attaining this market share) and any action which directly or
indirectly intimidates or convinces competitors to leave the industry. Such an action need not be
positive - it can be negative, need not be done by the company - can be done by its political
proxies, need not be planned - could be accidental. The results are what matters.
Raise "mobility" barriers to keep competitors in the least-profitable segments of the industry This is a tactic which preserves the appearance of competition while subverting it. Certain,
usually less profitable or too small to be of interest, or with dim growth prospects, or which are
likely to be opened to fierce domestic and foreign competition are left to the competition. The
more lucrative parts of the markets are zealously guarded by the company. Through legislation,
policy measures, withholding of technology and know-how - the firm prevents its competitors
from crossing the river into its protected turf.
Let little firms "develop" an industry and then come in and take it over - This is precisely what
Netscape is saying that Microsoft is doing to it. Netscape developed the now lucrative Browser
Application market. Microsoft was wrong in discarding the Internet as a fad. When it was found
to be wrong - Microsoft reversed its position and came up with its own (then, technologically
inferior) browser (the Internet Explorer). It offered it free (sound suspiciously like dumping) to
buyers of its operating system, "Windows". Inevitably it captured more than 30% of the market,
crowding out Netscape. It is the view of the antitrust authorities in the USA that Microsoft
utilized its dominant position in one market (that of the Operating Systems) to annihilate a
competitor in another (that of the browsers).
Engage in "promotional warfare" by "attacking shares of others" - This is when the gist of a
marketing or advertising campaign is to capture the market share of the competition. Direct
attack is then made on the competition just in order to abolish it. To sell more in order to
maximize profits, is allowed and meritorious - to sell more in order to eliminate the competition
is wrong and should be disallowed.
Use price retaliation to "discipline" competitors - Through dumping or even unreasonable and
excessive discounting. This could be achieved not only through the price itself. An exceedingly

long credit term offered to a distributor or to a buyer is a way of reducing the price. The same
applies to sales, promotions, vouchers, gifts. They are all ways to reduce the effective price. The
customer calculates the money value of these benefits and deducts them from the price.
Establish a "pattern" of severe retaliation against challengers to "communicate commitment" to
resist efforts to win market share - Again, this retaliation can take a myriad of forms: malicious
advertising, a media campaign, adverse legislation, blocking distribution channels, staging a
hostile bid in the stock exchange just in order to disrupt the proper and orderly management of
the competitor. Anything which derails the competitor whenever he makes headway, gains a
larger market share, and launches a new product - can be construed as a "pattern of retaliation".
Create or encourage capital scarcity - by colluding with sources of financing (e.g., regional,
national, or investment banks), by absorbing any capital offered by the State, by the capital
markets, through the banks, by spreading malicious news which serve to lower the creditworthiness of the competition, by legislating special tax and financing loopholes and so on.
Introduce high advertising-intensity - This is very difficult to measure. There could be no
objective criteria which will not go against the grain of the fundamental right to freedom of
expression. However, truth in advertising should be strictly imposed. Practices such as dragging
a competitor through the mud or derogatorily referring to its products or services in advertising
campaigns should be banned and the ban should be enforced.
Proliferate "brand names" to make it too expensive for small firms to grow - By creating and
maintaining a host of absolutely unnecessary brand names, the competition's brand names are
crowded out. Again, this cannot be legislated against. A firm has the right to create and maintain
as many brand names as it wishes. The market will exact a price and thus punish such a company
because, ultimately, its own brand name will suffer from the proliferation.
Create "switching" costs - Through legislation, bureaucracy, control of the media, cornering
advertising space in the media, controlling infrastructure, owning intellectual property, owning,
controlling or intimidating distribution channels and suppliers and so on. Impose vertical "price

squeezes" - By owning, controlling, colluding with, or intimidating suppliers and distributors,

marketing channels and wholesale and retail outlets into not collaborating with the competition.
This has the following effects:
The firm gains a "tap (access) into technology" and marketing information in an adjacent
industry. It defends itself against a supplier's too-high or even realistic prices. It defends itself
against foreclosure, bankruptcy and restructuring or reorganization. Owning suppliers means that
the supplies do not cease even when payment is not affected, for instance.
It "protects proprietary information from suppliers" - otherwise the firm might have to give
outsiders access to its technology, processes, formulas and other intellectual property. It raises
entry and mobility barriers against competitors. This is why the State should legislate and act
against any purchase, or other types of control of suppliers and marketing channels which service
competitors and thus enhance competition.
This argument is highly successful with US federal courts in the last decade. There is an intuitive
feeling that few is better and that a consolidated industry is bound to be more efficient, better
able to compete and to survive and, ultimately, better positioned to lower prices, to conduct
costly research and development and to increase quality. In the words of Porter: "(The) pay-off
to consolidating a fragmented industry can be high because... small and weak competitors offer
little threat of retaliation" Time one's own capacity additions; never sell old capacity "to anyone
who will use it in the same industry" and buy out "and retire competitors' capacity."

8.4 Measures of welfare loss

It has been shown that the imperfectly competitive equilibrium is not Pareto optimal. Following
from this, the equilibrium cannot maximize the value of any social welfare function that satisfies
the Pareto criterion. This observation then makes it natural to consider what the degree of
welfare loss may actually be, either for a real economy or for simulated examples. The

assessment of monopoly welfare loss has been a subject of some dispute in which calculations
have provided a range of estimates from the effectively insignificant to considerable percentages
of potential welfare.
Contributions to the literature on monopoly welfare loss can be characterised according to three
criteria: the welfare measure used; whether data or simulations are employed and whether the
underlying model is of general or partial equilibrium. The choice between welfare measures can
effectively be reduced to either calculating welfare loss triangles (in terms of National Income in
Harberger (1954) and Gross Corporate Product in Cowling and Mueller (1978)) or specifying an
explicit welfare function and using this to evaluate welfare loss, a methodology whose case has
been argued most forcefully by Bergson (1973).
8.5 Conclusions
This chapter has shown how imperfect competition leads to a failure to attain Pareto optimality.
As with all such failures, this opens a potential role for government intervention to promote
efficiency. Estimates of the welfare loss due to imperfect competition have been constructed
from both observed data and from numerical simulations. These vary widely from the almost
insignificant to considerable proportions of attained welfare. On balance, it is likely, however,
that imperfect competition is of significance.
There are numerous ways in which imperfect competition can be represented. The subjective and
objective demand approaches were discussed and a number of unresolved issues were
highlighted. An economy incorporating quantity setting oligopoly using objective demand, and
conjectural variations when interesting, was then adopted and it was shown how this could be
employed to determine the structure of optimal commodity taxation. The tax rules derived were
direct generalizations of those for the competitive economy and their implementation would
require information additional to the competitive rules.
In contrast to the competitive case, specific and ad valorem taxation are not equivalent with
imperfect competition. In a choice between the instruments, ad valorem taxation is more

effective since it has the effect of reducing perceived monopoly power. Combining the
instruments can lead to further gains and, if correctly chosen, the welfare loss due to the
monopoly power can be eliminated entirely finally, imperfect competition was also shown to
invalidate the general argument for production efficiency, so that taxes on intermediate goods
could be justified.

Tax Evasion
9.1 Introduction
An implicit assumption that supported the analysis of taxation in the previous chapters was that
firms and consumers honestly report their taxable activities. Although acceptable for providing
simplified insights into the underlying issues, this assumption is patently unacceptable when
confronted with reality. The purpose of this chapter can therefore be seen as the introduction of
practical constraints upon the free choice of tax policy. Tax evasion, the intentional failure to
declare taxable economic activity, is pervasive in many economies as the evidence given in the
following section makes clear and is therefore a subject of practical as well as theoretical
After reviewing evidence on the extent of tax evasion, the chapter considers the tax evasion
decision of consumers. This decision is represented as a choice under uncertainty and naturally
employs the techniques. Within this framework, the optimal degree of auditing and of
punishment is considered. This is then extended to include decisions over labour supply, since
the choice of occupation can determine opportunities for evasion, and the role of public goods
and social norms. The analysis predicts the relationship between the level of evasion, tax rates
and punishments. The results of experiments that investigate these are discussed. A more
developed analysis of the optimal choice of audit is then given. The analysis of tax evasion is
then completed by consideration of evasion by firms.
9.2 The extent of tax evasion
The importance of developing a theoretical understanding of tax evasion can only be assessed by
estimating the actual extent of evasion. If such evasion constitutes a significant activity within
the economy, then a theory of evasion is of potential use in designing structures that minimize
evasion at least cost and ensuring that policies are optimal given that evasion occurs.

Due to its very nature, the measurement of tax evasion and unreported economic activity is
fraught with difficulty and uncertainty. Tax evasion should be distinguished from tax avoidance,
which is the reorganisation of economic activity, possibly at some cost, to lower tax payment.
Tax avoidance is legal, tax evasion is not. This illegality makes surveys prone to error if the fear
of prosecution remains and, by definition, tax evasion is not measured in official statistics. The
estimates reported below therefore rely on a number of methods of inference which naturally
leaves them open to error. They should be regarded primarily as rough approximations. In
addition to measurement errors, there is also the issue of what should be included. Illegal
activities, such as the supply of drugs or smuggling generally, would not be included in
measured GDP even if they were known. It is open to debate as to whether they should be
included in measures of the hidden economy.
One of the earliest published studies of tax evasion is the analysis by Rey (1965) of the Italian
General Sales Tax. This tax is levied on all exchanges of goods and services, with some
exceptions, and in 1961 raised revenue equal to approximately 4% of GNP. The tax had several
methods of collection and of the largest of these, which raised two thirds of revenue; Rey
estimated that evasion was equal to 52.46% of actual yield. This is clearly a significant degree of
In an article that proved the starting point for many studies, Gutmann (1977) attempted to
measure the extent of unobserved economic activity, or the hidden economy, in the USA. Based
on the observation that transactions in the hidden economy are invariably financed by cash rather
than cheque or credit, Gutmann used the growth of currency in circulation relative to demand
deposits as an indirect measure of unobserved activity. This procedure resulted in an estimate of
$176 bn. for illegal GNP in 1976 which was approximately 10% of legal, measured activity. This
figure is in accordance with that reported by the Internal Revenue Service in 1979 which
estimated unreported income in 1976 to be between $75 bn. and $100 bn. or 7% to 9% of
reported income. Feige (1979) attempted to measure the same activity as Gutmann but
employing a different methodology. The method of Feige was to work from the observation that
total economic activity, including both measured and unmeasured sectors, is equal to the price
level times transactions. An estimate of the unmeasured sector is then provided by the ratio of

the value of measured income to that of transactions. The major difficulty with this approach is
determining the number of transactions that actually occur. Feige achieved this by using data on
the life-span in months of bank notes in circulation relative to the number of times it is expected
each note can be used. This analysis provides an estimate of the unmeasured sector in 1976 of
$369 bn., which is 22% of GNP, and $704 bn., 33%, in 1978. Given the size of these estimates,
Feige concludes that official statistics must be very misleading.
Even when the possible degrees of error are taken into account, the impression that these
estimates give is that undeclared economic activity, and hence tax evasion, is a significant part of
total economic activity in many western economies. Although the methods employed are
imperfect, they cannot be dismissed entirely. Such an observation clearly justifies further study
of the causes and consequences of tax evasion.
To close this section, it is worth noting that implicit in many discussions is the assumption that
tax evasion reduces tax revenue. However, as shown by Peacock and Shaw (1982), if unreported
activity has a multiplier effect and would take place at a lower level if it were subject to taxation,
then estimates of revenue loss will be overstated, even to the extent that evasion may lead to no
revenue loss at all. This effect is enhanced by the possibility that evasion may encourage
participation in taxed activities. As the analysis of Peacock and Shaw is based on a simple
Keynesian model, this is a point that could bear further investigation.
9.3 Evasion as a decision with risk
The decision to evade taxation fits naturally into the framework of choice under risk. Since not
all tax evaders are caught by the tax authorities, risk arises since an individual who evades tax
stands a chance of succeeding with the evasion, and hence having increased wealth, or a chance
of being caught and punished. As an initial approximation, the individual can be viewed as
choosing the extent of tax to evade, subject to the probability of being caught and punished, to
maximize expected utility. The earliest formal analyses of this decision were given by
Allingham and Sandmo (1972), Srinivasan (1973) and Yitzhaki (1974). These differ only in the
structure of the punishments and that Srinivasan imposes risk neutrality by assuming the

individuals objection is the maximisation of expected income. The derivation given below will
be based primarily upon Yitzhaki. A diagrammatic presentation can be found in Cowell (1985a).
The tax-payer receives an exogeneous income M which is known to the taxpayer but not to the
tax collector. The analysis is simplified by assuming that declared income, X, is taxed at a
constant rate t. If the taxpayer is caught evading, which occurs with probability p, a fine F > 1 is
placed upon evaded tax.
9.4 Optimal auditing and punishment
In developing the comparative statics properties of the tax evasion decision, it has been assumed
that the probability of detection, or of auditing, and the fine levied when detected are constant.
This is correct from the viewpoint of the tax evader but from the perspective of the tax collector
they are variables which can be chosen to attain specified objectives. The present section will
consider the choice of these variables within the simplest framework; an alternative perspective.
It is now possible to consider the determination of the optimal values of p and F. A natural
assumption is that detection is costly in the sense that resources are used in the auditing
procedure. Thus increases in p require additional expenditure. In contrast, there are no
differences in the cost of alternative levels of F and, effectively, increases in F are costless to
produce. Given this, it is clear what the optimal, revenue-maximising combination of p and F
should be: p should be set to zero and F increased without limit. This structure provides
maximum deterrence at zero cost. In the words of Kolm (1973), the optimal policy should be to
hang tax evaders with probability zero. This result is also supported by the analysis of
Christiansen (1980) which shows, with a slightly different specification, that when the detection
probability and the fine are adjusted to keep the expected gain from tax evasion constant, tax
evasion will be reduced by an increase in the fine so that the fine is the more efficient deterrent.
Further development of this result, introducing non-proportional taxes, can be found in Koskela

There are several comments that can be made in respect of this result. Firstly, it has been
assumed that the aim of the tax collector was to choose the probability and the fine in order to
maximize tax revenue. This runs in contrast to the position of previous chapters in which social
welfare is maximised subject to a revenue constraint. If this latter viewpoint is accepted in the
present context and the set of choice variables extended to also include the tax rate, then an
interior solution may exist. This will be considered when public good are introduced. Secondly,
the level of the fine may not be under the direct control of the tax collector but may be
determined by the courts relative to punishments for other crimes. In this case, the only choice
variable is the probability of detection and if detection is costly an interior solution is again likely
to exist. Finally, if a majority of the population are evading taxation, there is little public support
for strong enforcement since each consumer may perceive the threat of punishment to outweigh
any gains that may accrue from additional tax revenue.
This section has considered the determination of the optimal values of detection probability and
fine within a tax-revenue maximisation context and in this particular case the optimum involved
zero detection and maximal punishment.
This result should be contrasted to those of later sections in which the structure is somewhat
9.5 Tax evasion and labour supply
The labour supply decision with evasion has two important components. Firstly, there is the
question of how the possibility for evasion and non-declaration of income affects the labour
supply decision in terms of the comparative statics of labour supply. Secondly, there is also the
issue of occupational choice. If some forms of employment have greater possibilities for evasion
than others, then each household must reach a decision on the quantity of each form of
employment to be undertaken. The tax system and the punishments for evasion will clearly have
an influence upon this decision.
9.5.1 Allocation of hours

It has been assumed above that tax evasion takes the form of a simple failure to declare some of
the income earned. In practice tax evasion is also linked to occupational choice, with some
occupations providing greater opportunities for evasion than others. Furthermore, within an
occupation it may also possible to divide labour time between an official market, the income
from which must be declared, and an unofficial market from which the income earned is not
declared. It is upon this latter aspect that the focus will now be placed.
9.6 Public goods
When the objective of the policy maker is revenue maximisation, it was shown above that the
optimal choice of detection probability and fine was to have infinite punishment with zero
probability of detection. The reason for the optimality of this extreme strategy was that the
objective function did not take account of the welfare of the taxpayers nor the use to which the
revenue would be put. Once these are incorporated, the choice problem has more content. The
simplest means by which to close the system is to assume that tax revenue is used to supply a
public good from which all households derive welfare.
This provides the motivation for the existence of taxation. In addition to this, it is also necessary
to include a cost function for the detection probability, reflecting the fact that catching tax
evaders requires the input of resources. Combining these features with a suitable welfare
function then provides a well-specified maximisation problem.
The specification of the welfare function raises some interesting issues in this context. Since the
government, whose preferences are captured by the social welfare function, would prefer all
taxpayers to act honestly and does not hesitate to punish those who do not, should it take account
of the welfare of evaders when formulating policy? Since tax evasion is only a minor crime it
may seem that tax evaders should not be excluded from consideration by society. However, this
cannot be claimed to constitute a general proposition about all crimes since there probably
reaches a point where a crime is so heinous that its perpetrator does not merit attention in the
formulation of societys preferences. Although there is no clear set of guidelines to answer this
question, the tradition in the literature, for instance Kolm (1973) and Sandmo (1981), has been to

adopt a utilitarian framework in which the utilities of evaders are included in social welfare. This
is probably for analytical simplicity rather than for philosophical reasons.
9.7 Empirical evidence
The theoretical analysis of tax evasion has predicted the effect that changes in various parameters
will have upon the level of tax evasion. In some cases, such as the effect of the probability of
detection and the fine, these are unambiguous. In others, particularly the effect of changes in the
tax rate, the effects depend upon the precise specification of the tax system and upon
assumptions concerning attitudes towards risk. Given these uncertainties, it is valuable to
investigate empirical evidence in order to see how the ambiguities are resolved in practice.
Furthermore, analysis of empirical evidence also allows the investigation of the relevance of
other parameters, such as source of income, and other hypotheses on tax evasion, for example the
importance of social norms.
There have been three basic approaches taken in studying tax evasion. The first has been to
collect survey or interview data and from this to infer the extent of evasion and some qualitative
aspects of its relationship to various parameters.
Secondly, econometric analysis has been applied to both survey data and to standard economic
statistics. Such analysis provides a more quantitative determination of the relationships. Finally,
tax evasion experiments have been conducted which provide an opportunity of designing the
environment to permit the investigation of particular hypotheses.
An early example of the use of interview data can be found in the study of Norwegian taxpayers
by Mork (1975). The methodology was to interview individuals in order to ascertain their actual
income levels. This information was then contrasted to that given on the tax returns of the same
individuals and indicated a steady decline of declared income as a proportion of reported income
as income rose. This result is in agreement with that of the comparative statics analysis.

Combining econometrics and survey methods, Spicer and Lundstedt (1976) sought to investigate
the importance of attitudes and social norms in the evasion decision; the data were taken from a
1974 survey in the United States. Econometric analysis revealed that the propensity to evade
taxation was reduced by an increased probability of detection and an increase in age.
Surprisingly, and increase in income reduced the propensity to evade. With respect to the attitude
and social variables, an increase in the perceived inequity of taxation and of the number of other
tax evaders known to individual both made evasion more likely. The extent of tax evasion was
also increased by the attitude and social variables but was also increased by the experience of the
tax payer with previous tax audits. This study clearly demonstrated the importance of social
variables in addition to the economic variables.
Turning now to experimental studies, Friedland, Maital and Rutenberg (1978) employed a tax
evasion game in which participants were given a monthly income and a set of tax and
punishment parameters. Given these, they were requested to make tax declarations. The major
findings of this study were that evasion increased with the tax rate and, that keeping the net gain
from evasion constant, evasion fell as the fine was increased and the detection probability
This result is in agreement with the theoretical analysis of Christiansen (1980). Further results
showed that women evaded more often than men but evaded lower amounts and those purchasers
of lottery tickets, presumed to be less risk averse, were no more likely to evade than nonpurchasers but evaded greater amounts when they did evade. A similar experiment was
conducted by Becker, Buchner and Sleeking (1987) but with the inclusion of endogenous
transfers of tax revenue back to the taxpayers and with income being earned by the participants.
With respect to the propensity to evade, a high transfer had a negative effect as did the
probability of detection and, surprisingly, the perceived level of tax. Income level had a positive
effect and hence raised the propensity to evade. Only the audit probability had a significant effect
on the level of evasion.
The important lessons to be drawn from these results are that the theoretical predictions are
generally supported, with the exception of the effect of the tax rate which remains uncertain, and

that tax evasion is rather more than a simple gamble; there are attitudinal and social aspects to
the evasion decision. This latter observation naturally carries implications for further theoretical
analysis of the evasion decision. In particular, the fact that some taxpayers never evade requires
9.8 Income taxation
Sandmo (1981) considers the determination of an optimal linear income tax in the presence of
tax evasion. Taxpayers are divided into two groups. The first group consists of taxpayers who
have a choice of allocating some, or all, of their labour to an unobserved sector and hence
avoiding income tax. The second group of taxpayers does not have this option open to them and
must pay tax upon all their earned income. An optimal income tax is then derived by maximising
a utilitarian social welfare function. This resulting tax rule provides an implicit characterisation
of the optimal marginal tax and can be partitioned into two parts: the first being the standard
formula for the optimal marginal tax and the second being a correction term for the existence of
tax evasion. If a higher tax rate leads to substitution towards labour in the unobserved sector then
this makes the correction term positive and implies a tendency for the marginal rate of tax to be
increased. This result is in marked contrast to the view that tax evasion should be offset by lower
marginal rates of tax.
9.9 Summary
Tax evasion is an important and significant phenomenon that affects both developed and
developing economies. Although there is residual uncertainty surrounding the accuracy of
measurements, even the most conservative estimates suggest the hidden economy in the UK and
US to be at least ten per cent of the measured economy. The substantial size of the hidden
economy, and the tax evasion that accompanies it, requires understanding so that the effects of
policies that interact with it can be correctly forecast.
The predictions of the standard Allingham-Sandmo representation of tax evasion as a choice
with risk were derived and contrasted with empirical and experimental evidence. This showed

that although it is valuable as a starting point for a theory of evasion, the Allingham-Sandmo
representation some key aspects of the evasion decision, most notably the effects of morals and
the social interactions between taxpayers. In addition, tax evasion also impinges upon the
broader issues of labour supply and the allocation of hours between markets and occupations. It
was shown how each of these issues could be incorporated into the evasion decision.

Overlapping Generations Economies
10.1 Introduction
The overlapping generations economy, so called because of its assumed demographic structure,
was introduced by Samuelson (1958). It has since proved useful in many areas of economics
including macroeconomic growth theory, public economics and monetary economics. One of the
economys major points of interest is the welfare properties of its equilibrium. Even when the
standard competitive assumption are imposed, the equilibrium of the overlapping generations
economy may not be Pareto optimal. This is in marked contrast to the Arrow-Debreu competitive
Despite its value in many areas, as demonstrated by the previous chapters, there are several
shortcomings of the Arrow-Debreu economy when applied to inter temporal issues. The first is
that it is essentially static and, although it can be interpreted as inter temporal, this is not
completely satisfactory. It would seem to be stretching the interpretation too far to accept trading
in a single period for all goods into the indefinite future. Trades in the economy are carried out
by barter and there is simply no role for money. This is a consequence of the assumptions that
agents are assumed to know universally the terms of trade between commodities and that any
sequence of transactions can be completed without cost or hindrance. The equilibrium of the
economy is also Pareto optimal, so there can be no inefficiency in investment or in the choice of
production techniques. Finally, the economy implicitly assumes the lives of each agent to be at
least as long as the length of the economy itself. In many ways, the economy is simply too rich:
it can cover all possibilities but can never describe anything in detail.
These observations provide the motivation for the study of overlapping generations economies.
By structuring the evolution of the population and introducing time in a very real sense, the
overlapping generations economy is able to address many issues of interest in public economics.
The potential failure of its competitive equilibrium to be Pareto optimal provides an efficiencybased justification for assessing the benefits of government intervention. In addition to

possessing inefficient equilibria, overlapping generations economies can also generate cyclical
equilibria without any requirement for exogenous shocks. Furthermore it is possible for fiat
money to be valuable and for a continuum of equilibria to exist. All these features will be
discussed below. This chapter sets out the structure of both the pure exchange overlapping
generations economies and an aggregate economy with production due to Diamond
(1965). A version of the economy proposed by Samuelson is introduced first, and the failure of
efficiency demonstrated. The economy is then generalised and placed in an Arrow-Debreu
format in order to make the comparison with the finite economy as sharp as possible. This
generalised economy is employed to characterise efficient equilibria. Money, dynamics and
indeterminacy are then considered. For the aggregate production economy, the focus is placed on
characterising its steady state and the welfare properties of the steady state equilibrium.

10.2 Overlapping generation exchange economies

The features of the overlapping generations economy that have been noted above are most
clearly identified in economies without production and it is these that have been most extensively
analysed. For exchange economies it is straightforward to reinterpret an overlapping generations
economy as a special case of the Arrow-Debreu economy described which the lifetime of each
household is finite but, over the lifetime of the economy, there are an infinite number of
households and goods. It is this double infinity that gives an overlapping generations economy
its unique structure.
Following a general description of a typical overlapping generations economy, this section will
demonstrate the failure of Pareto optimality in the simple economy first described by Samuelson
(1958). Although instructive in itself, this style of presentation of the economy does not make
clear the link between overlapping generations economies and the Arrow-Debreu economy. A
more general economy is therefore introduced which is cast in a form that emphasises the
parallels between it and the Arrow-Debreu economy. This general form of overlapping

generations economy is then employed to demonstrate the most important features of the
equilibria of such economies.
An overlapping generations economy is explicitly inter temporal. Time is divided into discrete
periods with the basic interval of time being equal to the length of time that elapses between the
birth of one generation and that of the following generation. There is no final period for the
economy. The population of households alive at any point in time in a typical overlapping
generations economy consists of a set of finitely-lived consumers. At each date is born a cohort
of young consumers and, if the rate of growth is positive, each cohort is larger than the previous.
In this and the following chapters, the term household is reserved for a sequence of consumers
linked by family ties. The lifespan of each consumer is assumed to be two periods; it will be
shown below that this is not a significant restriction.
An equilibrium for the economy is a sequence of prices that equate demand to supply in each
time period. In this section it is assumed that there is no production and no storage of
commodities. Since the absence of storage possibilities prevents any of the endowment of one
period being carried over to the next period, the supply in each period is equal to the fixed
endowment. The existence of the infinite population makes the definition of a Pareto optimum
non-trivial; alternative concepts will be defined later.
Yet, economies in transition everywhere in the world have learned a lesson the hard way: not
everything that is Western - necessarily fits their needs. Many Western techniques, methods,
systems and ways of thinking cannot be applied in Macedonia, for instance.
The public sector is a great burden on economies everywhere.
It is mostly financed by collecting taxes from individuals and businesses.
Taxes are re-allocation of economic resources. Taxes are nothing but money transfers from one
group of citizens (the taxpayers) to other groups: to those who cannot pay taxes (such as children
and the elderly) and to those who would not pay taxes, the tax evaders. Taxes are a penalty paid

by the more productive and honest segments of society. Small wonder that taxes have a bad
reputation in the West. They are considered to be both unjust and inefficient.
But taxes are both necessary and inevitable. There is no better way to finance the operations of
the government and of the public sector.
The more taxes collected - the heavier the involvement of the state in the economy. This
involvement is measured as a percentage of the GDP - the Gross Domestic Product. As we
mentioned in our previous article, the figures are frightening: governments consume from 19%
(Singapore, Hong-Kong) to 59% (France) of the products and services produced in the economy!
Research shows that public spending of tax money is 6 times less efficient than the same money
invested by the private sector. The two sectors: the Private and the Public compete on the same,
limited, amount of resources. Every Denar paid to the tax collector is one Denar less invested in
the formation of new businesses and one Denar less invested in private consumption.
We can safely state that taxes inhibit economic growth and increase unemployment.
So the current mood in the West is anti big government and anti taxation.
People evade taxes. About 13 - 25% of the total capital in the world is "black" capital, upon
which taxes were not paid. It is estimated that Macedonian firms and individuals hold more than
1 billion USD in undeclared cash - against an official figure of 200 million USD in circulation in
the whole Macedonian economy.
People openly refuse to pay taxes and they take their governments to court on these issues.
Governments are doing their best to simplify procedures and tax returns (=the forms on which
income is reported).
In fiscal theory, we differentiate between progressive and regressive taxes.

A progressive tax is one which is larger - the larger the income is. A millionaire in a progressive
tax system will pay much more (as a percentage of his income) than his driver.
A regressive tax is one that totally unrelated to the level of income. Both the millionaire and his
driver will pay the same percentage of tax if they buy a car, for instance.
Governments have become desperate. They introduce one rate income tax systems: all incomes
are taxed at the same rate, regardless of their size. They are switching from taxes on income
(which are socially progressive in nature) to taxes on consumption (such as VAT - Value Added
Taxes) which are socially regressive in nature.
The overall goal is commendable: to lower the burden of taxation to less than 20% of the GDP.
But obtaining this goal means that Governments will have to reduce their involvement in the
economy and cut back on services and on the public sector.
This is not a very clever idea for economies in transition.
The public sector in economies in transition could and should be privatized only after three
conditions have been met:
First, the establishment of a strong private sector- Individuals and firms in the private sectors are
the consumers of electricity, water and phone services. Without a strong customer base, it would
be very difficult to sell the PTT, the electricity company or the water companies to any private
investor in reasonable prices. The public sector must become profitable to be sold to the private
sector (=to be privatized). A losing company is not worth anything to an investor, unless he
thinks that he can turn it around and make it profitable. The best way to do this is to increase its
sales to a loyal and sizeable group of clients.
The second condition: the de-regulation of prices and the abolition of subsidies.

The state must exit forgo all levels of intervention in the finances of the public sector. It must not
fix the prices of its products and services and it must not subsidize it. Subsidies and tax
incentives thwart and distort the true economic and financial picture. They hinder the proper and
correct valuation of the public sector firm by prospective investors.
An investor must feel certain that he will be allowed to fix any price for the goods and services
sold by the public sector firm that he is buying. This is the way to profitability and financial
health. The government does not need to worry:
If the investor will charge too high a price - his clients will go to his competition.
But what if there is no competition? What if electricity is supplied by only one electricity firm (a
monopoly)? Who will the client revert to if the prices that he is charged are much too high?
This, precisely, is the third condition:
The opening of the marketplace to competition, both domestic and foreignTo cancel all laws, regulations, rules, precedents which inhibit or prohibit competition. To
eliminate tariffs, quotas, permits, licenses and controls (barring those which relate to public
health and to the protection of the environment).
Why should Macedonia have only one PTT? Why not six providers?
Why not allow anyone to produce electricity and sell it to the electricity company? Why to have
only one electricity company?
Subject to the right regulations concerning safety and financial wherewithal - everyone should be
allowed to do anything. Economic history shows that competition provides better goods and
services at much lower costs.

It also shows that the public sector is a potential hub of inefficiency and sometimes blatant
"Lean and Mean" is the name of the game in today's economic environment.
The Public sector is fat and sluggish. It has no right to continue to exist.
Even private sector enterprises are "downsizing" (cutting their labor force considerably).
But certain functions can scarcely be transferred to the private sector. These functions are
inherently non-profitable and non-profit motivated. They are usually performed by municipal,
local and regional authorities.
The municipal (local) and regional part of the public sector has five sources of income at its
It is empowered to collect taxes from individuals and from businesses - the size of which is
normally linked to the (residential or office) space that they occupy.
It is allowed to collect fees and charges which are fixed and relate to the provision of services
such as: water supply, sewage, sanitation, posting commercial signs, parking and toll roads).
It is authorized to levy fines on transgressors against municipal rules and regulations. The best
known form of this kind of financing is the parking ticket.
Mainly in the USA, local authorities are permitted to sell municipal bonds ("Munis") to the
public - through the Stock Exchange - and directly to institutional investors, such as pension
The local authority which issued the bonds pays the bondholders from current income generated
by tax revenues and from specific incomes generated to it by specific projects.
An example: a local authority wants to establish a water treatment facility.

It costs 100,000,000 USD. The Authority receives 60,000,000 from the government and sells
40,000,000 USD worth of bonds to the public via the stock exchanges.
Once the facility is built, it begins to supply water to the residents and to businesses. They pay
for the water that they consume - and the income from the sale of the water goes to the
bondholders. This income covers both the interest payable on the bond (=its coupon) and the
money that the bondholders invested in the bonds themselves and which they have to recover.
* Lately, a new fashion is developing in public administration, called devolution.
It is the transfer of parts of the national budget directly to the local authorities or granting them
the right to regulate their own fiscal (=tax) systems.
Devolution is a prime example of a mega-trend in human societies: that of the dismantling of Big
Government. But this is subject for yet another article.
10.3 Money, dynamics and indeterminacy
As noted in the introduction, overlapping generations economies differ from finite economies in
more ways than simply that their competitive equilibria may be inefficient. Three of these further
differences are now briefly discussed.
In a standard competitive economy that exists over a finite number of periods, fiat money whose
only use is as a store of value would be worthless. This conclusion can be established by a
simple backward induction argument. Money is clearly worthless in the final period since it has
no further use as a store of value. Seeing that it is worthless in the last period, no consumer
would wish to purchase money in the second to last period so that it is also worthless in that
period. This argument can be continued backward until the beginning of the economy. Money is
therefore worthless unless it is arbitrarily assumed that it must be used as a means of exchange.

This backward induction argument cannot be applied to the infinite overlapping generations
economy and the possibility then arises that fiat money may have value. This can be shown most
clearly by returning to the Samuelson economy. The inefficiency in that economy arose because
consumers have no opportunity for turning their first-period endowment into second-period
Money provides such a possibility. As first shown by Samuelson (1958), the introduction of
money can permit the attainment of Pareto optimality provided that all generations believe
money to be valuable and are willing to accept money in exchange for goods.
The analysis to this point has characterised the steady state solutions of the Samuelson economy
and investigated the existence and welfare properties of equilibria for the generalised economy.
The intention now is to consider the possible dynamics of non-steady state solutions. The
dynamics of overlapping generations economies were first investigated by Gale (1973), who
provided an example of an economy with two period cycles, and then in detail by Grandmont
(1985). The work of Grandmont revealed the potential complexity of the dynamics that can arise.
The structure of dynamics can most easily be seen by considering a slightly modified version of
the Samuelson economy. It is now assumed that there is a single consumer in each generation
and that an endowment is received in both periods of life. In addition, the preferences of all
consumers are identical and can be represented by a utility function that is separable between
consumption in the first and second periods of life.
A theorem of Debreu (1970) shows that almost all competitive economies of the form described i
have a finite number of isolated equilibria so that each equilibrium is locally unique. That a
similar conclusion does not apply to overlapping generations economies has been shown by Gale

(1973), Geanakoplos and Polemarchakis (1984) and Kehoe and Levine (1985). For overlapping
generations economies robust examples can be constructed that have a continuum of equilibria
so that both finiteness and local uniqueness do not apply.
Such indeterminacy imposes considerable problems for analysis. Comparative statics exercises
are not possible and the concept of perfect foresight along such indeterminate paths is
implausible. The introduction of money compounds the problem by introducing a further
dimension to the indeterminacy.
The problem of indeterminacy is inherent in all applications of overlapping generations
economies. It is sidestepped in the chapters that follow, as well as in much of the literature, by
focusing only upon steady states. As has already been shown, there are just two steady states for
the Samuelson economy and in the aggregate production economy discussed next it is possible
for there to be a unique steady state.
10.4 Summary
This section has described the overlapping generations economy and has illustrated a number of
the important properties that such economies possess. In contrast to standard competitive
economies, the equilibria of an overlapping generations economy need not be Pareto optimal,
though all are weakly Pareto optimal, and there may be an uncountable infinity of equilibria.
Furthermore, fiat money can play a socially useful role in leading to the attainment of a Pareto
optimum and, consequently, may be valued.
These features of overlapping generations economies undermine many of the presumptions
developed from analysis of standard competitive economies. Due to this, it has proved an
important tool in the study of public economics. The version of the overlapping generations
economy that will be employed in the following chapters is less general than that described in
this section but the results here provide the foundation of the analysis.
10.5 Conclusions

Overlapping generations economies have a number of interesting features that are not shared
with standard Arrow-Debreu economies. The competitive equilibria can be inefficient, complex
endogenous dynamics can be generated, fiat money may be valuable as a store of value and its
existence can raise the level of welfare and indeterminacy in equilibria may exist. In the context
of public economics, it is the first of these that is arguably the most important since it provides a
role for corrective policies in the absence of any additional market failure.
More importantly, the structure of the economy permits the analysis of the effects of policies that
are essentially inter temporal in nature. This will be utilised in the analysis of social security,
debt and taxation in. In both cases, the nature of inefficiency in overlapping generations
economies and the structure of Golden rules will be central in explaining the results of policy

Social Security
12.1 Introduction
The provision of social security to provide cover against disability and the inability to work due
to old age is a feature of all developed economies. Such programs are large, both in terms of the
proportion of population receiving benefits and in terms of the total payments as a proportion of
national income. The programs are not without their difficulties. Thompson (1983) describes the
adjustments made to the US program following overly optimistic forecasts of real earnings
growth. The expected increase in the ratio of retired to employed due to greater life expectancy
will also place the system under pressure. There is also evidence, see Kotlikoff (1989), that
social security programs are required due to the inadequate savings and insurance purchases of
the elderly which would not support them through retirement. These observations show that the
analysis of social security and its economic impact is a subject of practical importance.
The first issue in the analysis of social security is its effect upon the equilibrium of the economy
and, particularly, upon the level of the capital stock. If a social security program has the form of
a forced saving program, so that consumers are provided with greater second period earnings
than they would naturally choose, then the program may raise the capital stock. This outcome
will be beneficial in an undercapitalized economy. Conversely, if the program simply transfers
earnings from those who are working to those who are retired, savings and hence the level of
capital may fall. It can be judged from the difference in outcomes of these simple scenarios that
the consequence of the existence of social security is closely dependent upon the programs
structure. In addition to its effects on savings, the interaction between social security and the
retirement decision may also be significant.
A second major issue that arises is the effect of demographic change upon the social security
program. Present trends are for the proportion of retired consumers to increase and for the retired
to live longer. At a practical level, this raises the question of whether the working population can
continue to fund social security. A related, but more theoretical issue is the question of whether

there exists an optimal rate of population growth. This issue arises from the observation that if
the rate of population growth increases, there are more workers to support each retired consumer
but the level of capital per worker is reduced. This trade-off suggests there may be an optimal
growth rate.
The introduction of a social security program results in a transfer of resources towards the
generation those benefits on the introduction of the program and away from later generations.
This raises the question of how such a program receives the support that is required for it to be
introduced at all. The mechanism by which the level of benefits in the program are selected also
needs to be addressed. Furthermore, the reasons why the private sector cannot provide insurance
cover on terms at least as attractive as those offered by social security must also be addressed.
This chapter begins by setting out the important distinction between fully funded and pay-asyou-go social security. The economic effects of these two polar forms of program are markedly
different. An optimal social security program is then characterised under the strong assumptions
of certainty and fixed labour supply. A number of extensions of the basic result are considered
including an analysis of optimal population growth. Determination of the level of social security
by majority voting and various justifications for social security are then considered including
altruism, myopia and aggregate uncertainty. The final section analyses the effect of introducing
individual uncertainty about the length of life.
11.2 Fully funded and pay-as-you-go
The financing of social security can have important implications for the economic effects of the
program and for its sustainability in the face of demographic change. The purpose of this section
is to define alternative structures of financing and to broadly sketch their differing effects.
To make the definitions as precise as possible, assume that the economy is one with overlapping
generations and that each consumer lives for just two periods. Each consumer supplies labour
during their first period of life and is retired in the second period. Finally, there is one capital
good available, purchases of which provide a repository for savings.

In a fully-funded system each consumer when young makes contributions towards social security
via a social security tax and the contributions are used to purchase capital by the social security
program. Total capital in the economy is then given by the sum of private capital and the
publicly owned capital of the social security program. Total pension benefits received by a
consumer when retired are then equal to their contribution to the program plus interest received.
Such a program satisfies the equalities
Pensions = social security tax plus interest = capital plus return.
A fully-funded social security system effectively forces each consumer to save an amount at least
equal to the tax they pay. Consumers may, of course, choose to save more. If, in the absence of
social security, all consumers chose to save an amount in excess of the taxed levied by the
program then, holding all else constant, a fully-funded system will simply replace private saving
by an equivalent amount of public saving. If these conditions are met, a fully-funded system will
have no effect upon the equilibrium outcome. In more general settings with a variety of
investment opportunities, the possibility must be considered that the rate of return on private
savings may differ from that on public savings. When it does, a fully-funded system may affect
the equilibrium.
In contrast to the fully-funded system, a pay-as-you-go social security program does not own any
capital. Instead, a pay-as-you-go system relies on the contributions of the young of each
generation to provide the pensions of the old of the previous generation. Such a program
therefore satisfies the equality total benefits received by generation t 1 = contributions of
generation t.
A pay-as-you-go system leads to an intergenerational reallocation of resources whereas a fullyfunded system can at most cause an intertemporal reallocation for each generation. From this
observation it can be seen immediately that the two systems will have rather different welfare
implications, some of which will be investigated in the following sections.

Systems that fall between these two extremes will be termed non-fully funded. Such systems
own some of the capital stock but the payments made in a period may be greater than or less than
the revenue, composed of tax payments and interest, received in that period. The difference
between the two will comprise investment, or disinvestment, in capital.
11.3 An optimal program
The analysis of this section presents Samuelsons (1975a) characterisation of an optimal social
security program. The assumptions under which this will be undertaken are strong. In particular,
it is assumed that labour supply is completely inelastic and that the date of retirement cannot be
varied. The relaxation of these restrictions, and others, in later sections will place the results of
this section in context.
Given that the competitive equilibrium may be non-optimal in an overlapping generations
economy, there is potentially a role for a social security to enhance efficiency. In fact, in the
discussion of Pareto optimality , a simple form of social security program was shown to be
Pareto-improving over the competitive outcome. That example involved each young consumer
transferring a unit of the good to the old consumer of the previous generation.
This series of transfers, which is essentially a pay-as-you-go social security program, raised the
welfare of the generation that were old when the program was introduced and left that of all later
generations unaffected. This argument is further formalised in Aaron (1966).
11.4 Some extensions
The optimality result of the previous section was derived under strong assumptions. Foremost
amongst these was the inelastic supply of labour. One obvious consequence of the provision of a
pension is to encourage retirement and through this mechanism to reduce labour supply. An
induced increase in retirement raises the proportion of retired to working consumers and reduces
the welfare gains obtained from the implementation of social security. The provision of a
pension will also affect the savings decision. There will be an incentive to reduce saving since a
pension is simply a substitute for private saving. Conversely, earlier retirement suggests the need

to raise savings to cover the longer retirement period. The resolution of these effects will have
important implications for the level of the capital stock. Variable labour supply, and other
extensions to the basic analysis, are now considered.
11.4.1 Labour supply and retirement
The interaction between social security provision and the retirement decision has been analysed
from both partial equilibrium and general equilibrium perspectives.
Although the important results of the former will be noted, it is the latter that is of primary
interest here.
Under the assumptions of perfect capital markets, actuarial fairness and known lifespan,
Kotlikoff (1979) shows that the provision of social security will not affect the retirement
decision. This is simply a result of pensions being equivalent to private savings in that the
provision of pensions does not alter the opportunity set of a consumer. An increase in pension
simply replaces private savings on a one-for-one basis. Relaxing each assumption in turn,
Crawford and Lilien (1981) show that the effect on the date of retirement is in general
ambiguous but a progressive system tends to advance retirement for low-income workers.
Diamond and Mirrlees (1986) focus on the problems raised by the governments inability to
distinguish those unable to work and those who choose not to work. When consumers are forced
to retire due to an inability to work, but with no prior warning of this, it is shown that the optimal
social security program will have benefits rising with the age of retirement.
Although suggestive, these analyses do not address the interaction between the retirement
decision and the equilibrium of the economy. There are clearly important connections between
these since early retirement reduces labour supply while reduced savings lower the equilibrium
capital stock.
11.4.2 Effect on savings and capital

With a pay-as-you-go social security program in operation, any effect that the existence of the
program has upon private savings is reflected directly in the level of the capital stock since, by
definition, the program owns no capital. Social security has two conflicting effects upon the level
of private saving. The first effect is the substitution of social security for private savings which
naturally reduces the level of saving. Offsetting this effect is the likelihood that social security
will bring forward retirement. If this does occur, private saving should rise in order to cover the
increased length of retirement. At this level of generality, the net effect is indeterminate.
In contrast to the earlier evidence of Cagan (1965) and Katona (1964) which showed that
consumers covered by private pensions did not save less than those not covered, Feldstein (1974)
estimated that the existence of the US social security program reduced private savings by 3050%. This evidence was based on the estimation of a consumption function that included social
security wealth as one of the explanatory variables. The central estimate suggested that, during
the 1960s, the capital stock was 38% lower with the social security program than it would have
been without. Although widely cited, these results have not always been replicated in later
studies. Danziger, Haveman and Plotnick (1981) suggest that the true figure should be
somewhere in the range of 0-20% whilst
Aaron (1982) concludes that there is simply a lack of agreement amongst the studies. As an
example of conflicting findings, work by Lee and Chao (1988) estimates labour force
participation and personal savings simultaneously taking into account private pensions. Although
social security wealth is found to encourage retirement, the payment of contributions to social
security has an insignificant effect on private savings.
Whether it is possible for a theoretical economy to exhibit a similar responsiveness to the
introduction of social security as that suggested by Feldstein has been investigated by Kotlikoff
(1979) in an analysis involving a continuous-time formulation of endogenous retirement.
Consider an economy of identical individuals with has a population growth rate of n and
endogenous labour-augmenting technical progress at rate g. The latter assumption implies that
the wage rate is also growing at rate g. At each point in time, the fraction of the existing
population that has lived out their lifespan of D years will be replaced by new consumers. Each

consumer chooses their consumption stream and date of retirement to maximize discounted
11.4.3 Ricardian equivalence
Ricardian equivalence originally referred to the proposition that the method of financing
government expenditure, whether through taxes or borrowing was irrelevant. To illustrate this,
consider the following example. To reduce the level of taxation by D in period t, the government
sells quantity D of bonds. To repay the bonds the following period, the government must levy
additional taxes in t + 1 of [1 + r] D. Since the discounted value of this increase in taxation is
exactly equal to the value of the original tax cut, the net wealth of the economy is unchanged
when viewed from period t. The bond-financed plan is therefore equivalent to keeping the initial
level of taxation unchanged, illustrating the principle of Ricardian equivalence.
Ricardian equivalence needs to be made here in order to relate the argument to the analysis of
social security. Returning to the example above, it would seem that if some of the households
alive at time t were no longer alive at t+1 then the equivalence would fail since they would
benefit from the reduced tax payment but would avoid the increased tax. To make this point
stronger, assume the bonds mature N periods after issue. The argument of the example would
still apply if the population remained unchanged over the N period but it now seems less
reasonable to expect this.
There is, as first noted by Barro (1974), a mechanism that will maintain equivalence even if the
population changes between issue and redemption of bonds. Suppose that each consumer has a
single identified descendent and that they care about their own level of consumption and about
the utility level of their descendent. Such intergenerational altruism then links finitely-lived
consumers into a household whose lifespan is as long as that of the economy. The altruism will
manifest itself in consumers choosing to leave bequests to their descendants and it is via the
bequest motive that Ricardian equivalence arises. To see this point, assume that the bonds are
purchased by generation t but the tax liability is borne by generation t+1. If generation t raises its
bequest to t+1 by exactly

the amount necessary for t + 1 to meet their increased tax liability then the consumption plans of
both generations will remain unaffected by the switch from tax-finance to bonds thus
maintaining the equivalence result.
One implication of Ricardian equivalence has, in fact already been described. The discussion of a
fully-funded social security program noted that such a program would leave the equilibrium of
the economy unaffected. The fully-funded system requires that the pensions received by each
generation are equal to the taxes that they paid. In this case an increase in tax when young is
accompanied by the receipt of a pension when old which is equal in value to the tax plus interest.
This is simply the opposite of the initial example of equivalence and a slight modification of that
argument shows why it has no net effect. The households reduce their private savings by the
amount of the tax, maintain their consumption levels and replace private saving by saving in the
pension plan. Since private and public savings have the same return, they are indifferent to this
rearrangement. It is worth noting that this argument presumes that private savings are initially
greater than the tax used to finance the pension. If they are not, then equivalence will not apply.
Introducing intergenerational altruism allows the equivalence argument to be extended to pay-asyou-go social security. A pay-as-you-go system can be interpreted as a forced transfer from the
young generation to the old. If all members of the old generation were making a positive bequest
to their descendants prior to the introduction of the program, the effects of the program can be
entirely neutralised by the old simply increasing their bequest by exactly the pension they
receive. By the definition of a pay-as-you-go system, this increased bequest will exactly match
the taxes paid by the young. Therefore, with intergenerational altruism, pay-as-you-go social
security will have no effect upon the equilibrium provided the bequest motive is operational prior
to the commencement of the program.

11.5 Lifetime uncertainty

The distinguishing feature of uncertainty about the length of life is that it constitutes individual,
rather than aggregate, risk. Since the risk is individual, information about the nature of the risk

may be held by the individual and be unobservable to the government. Furthermore, individuals
may take unobservable actions that affect the nature of the risk. Each of these aspects of
individual risk leads to a position of asymmetric information between agents in the economy
which can result in the failure of markets to achieve a Pareto efficient outcome. Such failure
provides a further motivation for the introduction of social security.
Consider an economy in which each consumer lives with certainty for one period but with some
positive probability less than 1 may die before they enter their second period of life. The
payment of tax towards a social security program can then be viewed as the purchase of an
annuity which has a return equal to the pension if the consumer survives into the second period
and a return of zero if they do not. The analysis of Sheshinski and Weiss (1981), which is
described in more detail below, introduced this perspective of social security and showed how
the introduction of such annuities with an actuarially fair return, where none previously existed,
could raise welfare.
If all information were public, there is clearly no reason why such annuities could not be
provided privately at actuarially fair rates of return. If they were, the introduction of a social
security program with the same structure of returns would have no effect on welfare. To avoid
this conclusion, Sheshinski and Weiss (1981) rule out such private annuities while Karni and
Zilcha (1986) allow private annuities but assume that they can only be provided at actuarially
unfair rates for reasons of resource cost in provision. The individual nature of lifetime
uncertainty however provides sufficient reasons for not expecting actuarially fair private
annuities to be available. If the probability of not surviving into the second period of life differs
between consumers and is private information, then the problem of adverse selection may arise.
That is, an annuity designed for those who have a low probability of survival will also appeal to
those with a high probability. Hence any actuarially fair annuity will entail a loss for its supplier.
If individuals can take actions that affect the probability of survival which cannot be observed by
the suppliers of annuities then moral hazard will lead to no actuarially fair annuities being

The basic model of uncertain lifetime and the annuity approach to social security are now
described. This is followed by an analysis of the consequences of adverse selection and moral
hazard for economies with both private annuities and social security.

Debt and Taxes
12.1 Introduction
In the policy analyses of previous chapters it was invariably assumed that the government
revenue requirement was pre-determined and the policy instruments were chosen to maximize
welfare given this fixed requirement. The satisfaction of the revenue constraint implicitly
prevented the government issuing any debt. In a static setting there is some sense in this
procedure since, by its very nature, the static setting prevents a comprehensive analysis of the
effects of the borrowing and repayment process. Introducing time and considering the
intertemporal maximization of welfare permits the indigenization of government debt and allows
the determination of its optimal level to become part of the overall policy formulation process. It
also allows the interaction between debt and taxation to be explored. The employment of both
debt and taxation as instruments of government policy will affect the capital market of the
economy and, through this, the dynamic evolution of the economy and the eventual steady state.
It should be noted that the policy optimisation problems studied in this chapter are complicated
by the infinite time span of the economy. This leads to the maximisation being subject to the
infinite set of constraints which describe the evolution of the economy. Two ways of
characterising the solutions to such problems are illustrated. The first is based upon the
methodology of dynamic programming; in particular the principle of optimality. The second
approach reduces the dimensionality of the problem by assuming that the chosen allocations
achieve Pareto optimality between generations. This provides a shadow interest rate with which
future variables can be discounted.
12.2 The effect of debt
The effect of national debt has long been a contentious issue, with the debate stretching back to
at least Ricardo (1817). It is also a subject at the heart of policy analysis since the issuing of debt

is an important practical policy tool. The conservative perspective upon debt is that it can only be
harmful to welfare and that governments should do all they can to minimize borrowing.
Alternatively, the philosophy of Keynesianism is that debt is simply another tool of policy and
should be employed whenever advantageous. To assess these competing viewpoints, it is clear
that a dynamic economy must be analysed as its effects are felt through its issuing, servicing and
redemption. The existence of debt instruments as an alternative to investment in physical capital
as a means of saving for consumers alters the relationship between the level of savings and
available capital for the following period. In fact, capital accumulation must be less for any given
level of private saving. The taxes required to service debt also have an effect upon the behaviour
of consumers and the equilibrium of the economy. Given these observations, the question
remains as to whether debt is always harmful to welfare. This section will determine both the
positive effects of debt on the long-run equilibrium of the economy and its welfare effects. This
is undertaken for both internal and external debt.
For any person, debt is like this illness that never goes away, it persists and persists, never truly
getting better until action is taken. The comparison works because like an illness, debt can cause
a great deal of suffering and pain to those who have trouble paying their bills each more, or at
all. Immunity against debt is non-existent, everyone is susceptible. Debt can go beyond simply
the inability to pay bills on time; it can literally cause both physical and mental health problems.
Otherwise, honest people who are in debt have resorted to stealing, cheating, and lying in efforts
to hide or eliminate their debt. The feelings it causes, it is enough to drive anyone insane. Those
suffering from debit will likely feel a combination of shame, depression, embarrassment, anger,
and anxiety. While physical and emotional problems occur out of massive debt, other negative
side effects occur as well.
They include:

Although unfortunate, thousands of people daily need to file bankruptcy, seeking protection
under the law. There are three types of bankruptcy, Chapter 7, Chapter 11, and chapter 13.
Though it can be a long, drawn-out, and trying process, sometimes bankruptcy can actually help
someone in debt get the relief and start they need to come out of debt once and for all.
A person in debt may face eviction from their home because they have the inability to pay rent
on time each month. Renters who do not pay rent each month will likely find themselves in a
situation in which the property owner needs to evict them.
Wage Garnishment
To add to the lack of available money each month, creditors may sue and seek a judgment to
have your wages garnished. Essentially, the judge has given your employer an order to make the
payment directly out of your paycheck to the creditor you owe. This is money you will never
even see, because it comes out instantly.
Just as if you had trouble paying rent, if you have trouble paying the mortgage, foreclosure is a
real possibility. The trouble with foreclosure is that you lose your home. This is one of the most
common problems faced for those with bad debt.
Emotional Troubles
Even the happiest of people can find the pressure and embarrassment of debt too much to handle.
The press is relentless, it starts with mail and telephone calls from creditors at all hours of the
day or night, then it can lead to losing their possessions, such as their car, apartments, or homes.
Suicidal Tendencies

It is a very sad fact that sometimes those suffering from intense debt commit suicide because
debt has caused this so many troubles in their lives. Their inability to eliminate their debt drives
them to thinking suicide is the only way out.
As you can see, debt can have a real impact on a person's life. The negative effects doesn't stop
there either, debt will remain on the credit rating of the person for at least seven years. Debt
comes at an extremely high emotional and financial cost.
Debt starts out as a good thing, allowing us to live the life we may not otherwise be able to live.
However, in some cases, it has the ability to take control and negatively influence your life.
The analysis is set in the Diamond economy, with a fixed labour supply, and a diagrammatic
framework is employed that simplifies the derivation of results.
12.2.1 External and internal debt
The starting point of the analysis is to distinguish between internal and external debt. This is
necessary since they have distinctly different effects upon the stationary equilibrium and the
welfare level of consumers.
External debt is debt owed to agents located abroad, that is the holders of the debt are not
resident in the economy that issued the debt. On such debt there is an interest charge that must be
paid each period and this must be financed by either further borrowing or by taxation. The
important features of such debt are that it is not in competition with physical capital as a savings
instrument for the consumers of the issuing economy but its servicing and repayment leads to a
flow of resources out of the economy.
In contrast, internal debt is held by residents of the economy in which it is issued. With internal
debt the government borrows off its own citizens by providing bonds which compete with

private capital. Private savings are divided between the two investment instruments. When there
is no uncertainty bonds and capital will be perfect substitutes, so in equilibrium they must pay
the same rate of return. The cost of financing internal debt is again met by either further
borrowing or by taxation. In contrast to external debt, internal debt does not lead to any resources
being transferred away from the economy that issues the debt.
12.2.2 Effects of debt
The analysis now considers the real effect upon the steady state equilibrium, and the utility level
of each consumer, of internal and external debt, starting with external debt. The analytical
technique employed, as in Diamond (1965), is to characterise the steady state of the economy as
the simultaneous solution to a pair of equations for a fixed stock of debt. The consequence of a
change in the level of debt can then be found by determining its effect upon the graphs of these
External Debt
It has already been noted that the analysis is conducted for a fixed stock of debt. Before it can be
undertaken, it is first necessary to clarify the sense in which the level of debt is fixed since
alternative interpretations are possible. If the stock of debt were fixed in absolute terms, it would
eventually have no effect upon the economy as population growth took place and the level of
debt per capita became asymptotically zero. Therefore, rather than fix the absolute stock of debt,
it is assumed that the level of debt per young consumer remains constant and the effect of
changes in this ratio are analysed.
Internal Debt
In the case of internal debt, the issue of debt results in the government borrowing from its own
citizens. This leads to competition between government debt and physical capital for consumer
savings. Internal debt therefore affects the economy through both the taxes required to service
the debt and through its effect on the capital market.

12.3 Optimisation of debt and lump-sum taxes

In a static economy with identical consumers, the only role that lump-sum taxation can have is to
collect revenue (and, of course, it is the most efficient method of revenue collection). Other than
this, there is no role for it to play in raising efficiency or welfare. The same cannot be said in an
overlapping generations context since the potential inefficiency of the competitive equilibrium
opens up additional avenues by which lump-sum taxation can affect welfare. By varying the
timing of taxation over the life-cycle it is possible for lump-sum taxes to affect the savings
decisions of consumers and, through this mechanism, the level of the capital stock. This affects
the inter temporal evolution of the economy. The employment of lump-sum taxation also makes
it possible for the government to achieve intergenerational transfers of income. These
observations makes the study of the design of lump-sum taxes a worthwhile exercise.
12.4 Summary
This section has detailed the connections between lump-sum tax policy and debt policy and has
shown the equivalence of unrestricted lump-sum tax policies to combinations of debt and
restricted lump-sum taxes. Combined with the analysis of optimal lump-sum taxes, these results
show how the modified Golden rule equilibrium can be sustained by a number of combinations
of policy instruments.
In assessing these results, it should be borne in mind that the economy under consideration was
restricted by the assumption of an homogeneous population. This limits the scope for the
worthwhile differentiation of lump-sum taxes, since consumers are only distinguished by their
date of birth, and therefore makes feasible a policy that achieves the optimal outcome. If there
were further degrees of differentiation of the consumers, for example by endowment of labour,
then lump-sum taxes could be differentiated across the lifecycle and over the endowment. A debt
policy and a uniform lump-sum tax policy would then not be equivalent to the optimal fullydifferentiated set of lump-sum taxes. There would then be less justification for expecting the
optimum to be achievable since this would also require intergenerational redistribution which

could not be fully undertaken with uniform lump-sum taxes. However, as shown by Park (1991),
the modified Golden rule will be satisfied by the correct choice of uniform lumpsum taxes and
debt policy even with a heterogeneous population but other taxes will be required to supplement
them in order to achieve intra generational distributional aims. Since, in practice, populations are
not homogeneous, this observation justifies the study of policies that are not equivalent to the set
of optimal lump-sum taxes.
12.5 Debt neutrality
The concept of debt neutrality, or Ricardian equivalence, can be traced back to Ricardo (1817).In
this section the emphasis will be upon proving the basic neutrality result and exploring its
limitations. The essence of debt neutrality is that the real economy is unaffected by whether the
government chooses to raise revenue by using taxation or through the issue of debt. Although the
payment of taxes clearly reduces wealth, the issue of debt would seem to leave the wealth of
consumers intact since it simply displaces private capital from the portfolios of consumers.
However, this overlooks the fact that the issue of debt implies future tax liabilities for its
servicing and redemption. Discounted back to the present, these future liabilities reduce the
present value of wealth by precisely the same amount as the tax payment. Since wealth is
identical in both cases, so must the equilibrium outcome. This simple argument is the foundation
of the theory of debt neutrality.
12.6 Generalisations
Blanchard (1985) has considered the possibility that the lifespan of each consumer may be of
random length. The introduction of such uncertainty has the implication that those who benefit
from any debt issue will have a probability of less than one of being alive to face any future tax
payments. In the analysis of Blanchard each consumer has a constant probability of their life
continuing (which gives rise to the description of such an economy as embodying perpetual
youth) and the population remains constant as new consumers are born at each point in time to
replace those who have died. To prevent unintended bequests, a life insurance market offering
insurance at fair terms is assumed to be operational. When there is no bequest motive, neutrality

does not hold in such an economy. This analysis is extended by Buiter (1988) to show that a
necessary and sufficient condition for debt neutrality to apply in such an economy is that the sum
of the probability of death and the growth rate of population is identically zero. This is clearly
violated in the Blanchard analysis except when the consumers have a zero probability of death
and are therefore infinitely lived.
Although the focus to this point has been upon debt neutrality, an economy with an operative gift
or bequest motive is capable of neutralising a broad range of fiscal policies. Since Bernheim and
Bagwell (1988) show that almost any policy can be neutralised, the fact that this seems refuted
by practice suggests that the economy in which such propositions can be derived is not a
successful representation of reality. To attempt to achieve debt neutrality without the neutrality
of all policy, Abel and Bernheim (1991) note that changes in the level of debt are often
neutralised by exploiting only a few links in the intergenerational chain whereas the
neutralisation of other policies requires the exploitation of many links. This observation
motivates the introduction of friction into the intergenerational altruism via the derivation of
utility from the act of giving, imperfect knowledge of the later generations preferences and
social norms that govern bequests. The first two allow approximate neutrality in the short run but
drive the marginal propensity to consume to zero. The third avoids this conclusion but does lead
to the conclusion that an exogenous increase in wealth of any one consumer can never be a
Pareto improvement. Due to these unpalatable conclusions, the introduction of friction in this
way cannot be claimed to be a successful mechanism for retaining debt neutrality whilst
eliminating more general neutralities.
Finally, it should be noted again that debt neutrality fails if the gift or bequest motives are not
operative. In addition, it can also fail when the change in policy leads to redistribution between
consumers with differing marginal propensities to consume. This did not occur in the theorems
above since all consumers were identical and the policy affected each equally. It can also occur
when lifetimes are uncertain and insurance markets are imperfect (Abel (1986)) and when the tax
instruments are not lump-sum. As yet, neither empirical evidence (see Bernheim (1987) and
Sweeney (1988)) nor experimental evidence (Cadsby and Frank (1991)) has confirmed or refuted
whether neutrality applies in practice.

12.7 Conclusions
The analysis of tax policy in dynamic economies involves consideration of both intra
generational and inter temporal allocations. Compared with the static analysis, there is also a
broader range of instruments available since the use of debt becomes a meaningful option. This
chapter has attempted to capture these issues and to illustrate alternative methods of analysis.
The effects of debt were demonstrated in an economy without intergenerational altruism.
Although an increase in external debt can rarely lead to an increase in welfare, in an over
capitalized economy an increase in internal debt will. The policy relevance of this finding has to
be considered in the light of the Ricardian equivalence proposition that changes in debt have no
real effect upon the economy. A proof of this proposition was given but it was also argued that it
required a particular form of intergenerational altruism and that there were numerous
circumstances in which equivalence does not apply.
In dynamically efficient economies with a homogeneous population, the introduction of an
income tax or an interest tax simply adds a distortion and reduces welfare. With a heterogeneous
population intra generational distribution also becomes relevant. Despite this, an interest tax is
redundant when the utility function is separable and the optimal nonlinear income tax is

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