English 10 CP Course Syllabus - Spring 17 Updates

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ENGLISH 10 CP Course Syllabus/ Class Procedures

Ms. Byerley
Room: W287
Email: [email protected]
Class Site: byerleyclass.weebly.com
Tribe Time: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays @ 12:45
Welcome to 10th grade English! This is a required English class taken by both
students who are planning to go to college and those who intend to enter the workforce
after graduation.
Course Description:
Throughout this course, students will study a variety of literary selections that will
cause them to question and form their own ideas regarding the world
in which they live. There will be three main aspects to the course: grammar and
usage, literature, and writing. As a class, we will read and discuss assigned texts;
extracting meaning as it relates to our lives . Also, we will refine our
grammar and usage skills by studying several different styles of writing. Ultimately, we
will prepare for the end of course exam.
Course Expectations:
In order for students to be successful in this course, there is a certain expectation
that students be diligent in completing all assignments for class .
Students should expect to hone their skills in reading comprehension, writing and
grammar. The TNReady exam will be writing intensive; therefore, students will complete
a several extended writings throughout the course.
Students must complete all assignments in a timely manner. These assignments
will facilitate the students knowledge about English grammar and literature as well as
increase his or her vocabulary to improve writing skills.
Course Outline:
The course will cover multiple elements of literature as it relates to and
impacts various cultures. In addition, students will learn to comprehend, interpret
and discuss intelligently the various genres of global literature. Overall, students will
focus on four modules of study all of which will be supplemented with one extended text
each. There will be a large emphasis placed on close reading and interaction within each
particular text.
Course Text Selections:
Each unit will be composed of a primary, extended text. However, all units will be
accompanied by supplemental texts. Possible genres for supplemental texts include:
informational text, poetry, literary fiction, creative nonfiction, and speeches.

Unit I: Anthem by Ayn Rand

Unit II: Night by Elie Wiesel

Updated 7/2016

Unit III: Macbeth by William Shakespeare

Unit IV: Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

Class Materials:
Be sure to bring the following to class every day. Those who do not bring supplies may
be docked participation points.
A three-ring binder
Pen and pencil
Textual selection (whatever we are currently reading)
Highlighters and post it notes (not required but will be beneficial)
School issued laptop computer (when dispersed by school)
Grading Policy:
Grades for each of the nine week grading periods are figured on a total points
system. Students will receive a progress report halfway through the nine weeks, but it
will be important to monitor grades on Power School throughout the nine weeks as well.
Below is the list of point values that will be used for English 10.
Nine Weeks Grades:
Research Paper: 200 points
Essays: 50 - 100 points
Projects: 50 -100 points
Quizzes: 25-50 points
Homework: 10 points
In-class work: 5-10 points
Final Semester Grade:

1st nine weeks (37.5%)

+ 2nd nine weeks (37.5%)
+ End-of-Course Exam (25%)


Students will take a midterm that will mirror the EOC and a final
EOC at the end of the term. Students will also complete an exam
at the end of each unit.


Students will be assessed with a midterm and final.

Late Work:

Major assignments will be accepted up to one week late with a five

point deduction per day. After a full week has passed, the best a student
may receive is up to half of the assignments original point value .
Homework and daily assignments will be based on teachers discretion.
Make Up Work:
Updated 7/2016

Tests and quizzes must be made up during office hours of the teacher (Tribe Time).
Please give the teacher at least one days notice when you plan to stay. In the event of
an unexcused absence or suspension, work may be made up for partial credit.

Sign up for Tribe Time: byerleyclass.weebly.com (click Tribe Time


Class Rules:
1. Respect Different Opinions
2. Ask Questions
3. Take Care of the Materials Provided to You
4. I Will Treat You Like An Adult, Act Like One
5. Have Empathy
Plagiarism is a serious offense in this course. Students should be aware of the plagiarism
policy as it can be found in the student handbook.
Classroom Guidelines:
Know the Handbook
Students must adhere to all policies as they are stated in the student handbook.
Be Respectful!
In this class, learning environment is critical to success in the course. Therefore,
disruption or disrespect towards anyone in the classroom will not be tolerated at
any time. Being on your phone or laptop when youre not

supposed to be counts as disrespect every time.

Be Prepared
It is the responsibility of the student to bring all needed materials to class. Be

responsible for yourself.

Restroom Policy:
Ask first, then - always sign out using the Hall Pass Clipboard near the front of the door
and be sure to take a Hall Pass with you (hanging on door). Class time is valuable

time. Students who make a consistent habit of using the restroom during
class will lose the privilege. Utilize your time in between classes.

Updated 7/2016

Students and parents/guardians should sign the attached

agreement form and return to the teacher. Thank you and I look
forward to an exciting semester!

Agreement to Rules/ Expectations

*Return this sheet signed by Friday for 5 Points!*
I have read the attached syllabus and classroom rules for Ms. Byerleys English class,
and I agree to follow all the policies listed above.
_____________________________ (print your name)
_____________________________ (students signature)
Questions: please list any questions you have

I have read the attached syllabus and classroom rules for Ms. Byerleys English class,
and I understand what is expected of my student during the term.
___________________________(guardian/ parent signature)

___________________________ (please list your current email address)

Questions: please list any questions you have

Updated 7/2016

Updated 7/2016

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