Constitution and Bylaws RTPM DSHS
Constitution and Bylaws RTPM DSHS
Constitution and Bylaws RTPM DSHS
Section II. The General Council Board shall comprise all parents or guardians of bonafide
students, teachers of the Ramon Teves Pastor Memorial Dumaguete Regional Science High
School and interested members of the community.
Section III. The Executive Board shall compromise all elected officers of the association,
all Year Level Homeroom Federated Presidents and the Principal of the school.
Section IV. The Executive Board shall be the governing and policy-making body of the
a. It shall be responsible for the planning, implementing and monitoring and
reviewing of different programs, projects and activities of the association;
b. It can create different committees as the need arises;
Section V. There shall be a PTCA Grievance Committee composed of the PTCA
President, Principal of the School, Guidance Counselor, PIO, Teachers-Advisers, that shall
accept and hear complaints on PTCA related cases and conduct investigation and recommend
disciplinary actions against erring students and teachers.
Section I. The officers of the association shall be a President, a Vice-President, a
Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, and Public Information Officer. No one shall serve as President and
Treasurer or Secretary at the same time.
Section II. There shall be a Homeroom PTCA organization in each class from First year
with the following officers viz, President, Vice-President, a Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, and
Public Information Officer. The Federated Homeroom President chosen by and among the
presidents of the Homeroom PTCA in each year level shall automatically become a member of
the Executive Board.
Section III. Election
1. Except as otherwise provided herein all officers of the Association shall be elected by
raising of hands by the general council members present in a meeting called for that
purpose to be held during the first regular meeting immediately following the opening
of the regular classes for the calendar year from candidates nominated by any
member of the Council.
2. An Election Committee of three members shall be created by the president upon the
recommendation of the Executive Board, during the regular meeting of the Executive
Board preceding the election. The Committee members shall choose a Committee
Chairman among them and conduct the regular election of officers of the Association.
3. A candidate obtaining the highest number of votes for the position aspired for shall be
declared the winner and in case of tie the Chairman of the Election Committee shall
break the tie by drawing lots from among the candidates with equal votes.
4. Elected officers shall inducted into office and assume in the next regular meeting of
the Executive Board following their election,
5. No election of officers shall be allowed in absentia.
Section IV. Term of Officer-All elected Officers shall serve for a term of one (1) year
from the day of their election until their successors shall have been duly elected and qualified.
All Officers may be re-elected for another term but in no case shall they serve in the same office
beyond two consecutive terms.
Section V. Vacancy. In case of vacancy due to death, resignation or incapacity of the
president, the vice-president shall become the President and shall hold office for the unexpired
term of the President until his successor is duly elected and qualified. The Vice-President who
becomes President by succession shall still be qualified to be elected for two other consecutive
terms. In case of death, resignation or incapacity of any of the officers of the association, the
President, in the regular meeting of the General Assembly or during a special meeting called for
the purpose shall call for an election to fill the vacant position immediately after the creation of
such vacancy. The officer so elected shall serve only the unexpired term of the officer replaced.
Section I. The President. He shall have the following powers and duties, viz:
a. The President shall call and convene every regular and special meeting of the
association in coordination with the principal of the school.
b. He shall preside and conduct over all meetings of the association and the Executive
c. He shall be a co-signatory with the treasurer in all PTCA accounts, and shall sign or
countersign all payments, contracts or instruments made for and by the authority of
the association.
d. He shall approve all expenses and vouchers drawn against the funds of the association
with the treasurer as signatory.
e. He shall perform such other duties as are inherent in his office, and
f. The President shall be provided with an office table and chair
Section II. The Vice-President. The Vice-President shall have the following duties and
powers, viz:
a. The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President in case of the latter death,
absence resignation, disqualification or inability.
b. He shall perform all other duties pertaining to his office.
Section III. The Secretary. The Secretary shall have the following powers and duties, viz:
a. He/She shall keep the records of the association, he/she shall send notices to all
members of all meetings whether regular or special and write all minutes and
proceedings therein.
b. Upon election of his/her successor, the secretary shall brief his/her and turnover to
him/her all books, records and other documents and things belonging to the
association that he/she may have in his/her possession.
c. He/she shall perform such other duties that he/she may be called to perform.
Section IV. The Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have the following duties and powers, viz:
a. The Treasurer shall collect all fees from the school treasurer pertaining to:
1. PTCA Membership fee and any donation for the association;
2. Contributions from members as required by this constitution and by-laws; and
3. Those that may be agreed upon to the members, and shall receive any and all
accounts payable and due to the association.
b. He shall pay all vouchers covering all obligations legally incurred and authorized.
c. He shall take custody of all funds of the association.
d. He shall prepare and render a quarterly financial report and keep his book open for
examination at any reasonable time by the auditor or any duly authorized member of
the association.
e. He shall deposit in a bank or cooperative chosen by the Executive Board all money
received to the credit of the association, with the president as co-signatory and shall
withdraw the same for lawful disbursement upon approval by the President.
f. Upon election of his successor, he shall turnover all cash, other money collectible,
valuable papers and books and other properties of the association that may be in his
possession in the presence of the officers of the association.
Section V. The Auditor. The Auditor shall have the following duties and powers, viz:
a. It shall be the duty of the Auditor to examine, audit, and verify all accounts and books
of the association.
b. He shall conduct said auditing twice a year and shall submit a report to the
association at the middle and end of the calendar year.
c. He shall perform such other duties that may be assigned to him by the president.
Section VI. The Public Information Officer. The Public Information Officer shall take
charge of all publicity and advertising of all activities of the association and keep the community
well informed about it.
Section I. The regular meeting of the General Council shall be held in the third Saturday
of July, October, and February of the school calendar year at 3:00 oclock in the afternoon,
unless otherwise set by the Executive Board.
Section II. That the regular meeting of the Executive Board shall be held on the last
Saturday of June, September, and January at 3:00 oclock in the afternoon unless a different
schedule has been set by the Board.
Section III. A simple majority of the members of the General Council or the Executive
Board shall constitute a Quorum in all meetings of the association. However, any scheduled
meeting of the General Council or the Executive Board can proceed to discuss the agenda and
approve resolutions therein, even without quorum, provided that at least two thirds of all
members present agreed and the Secretary of the association certifies that notices in writing or
otherwise, were sent to all members.
Section IV. A special meeting may be called for a specific purpose anytime by the
president or upon a written request by three or more members.
Section I. The association may require all members to pay a Membership Fee of Fifty
Pesos (P50) or in any amount approved by the General Council. Solicitation of donation by each
member and sponsoring benefit shows, dances, etc. maybe considered as sources of generating
funds for the association.
Section II. All money obtained from any source initiated by the members acting in the
name of the association or under its discretions and authority shall be considered as funds of the
association and shall be remitted to the treasurer.
Section I. This Constitution and By-Laws shall be amended, repealed and modified only
by two thirds votes of the members of the association present during a regular meeting or special
meeting called for the purpose provided that all members shall have been duly informed and
notified at least a week before the said meeting.
Section II. In case there is a need to amend or revise this Constitution in order to comply
with the orders, circulars or directives of the Department of Education, the draft changes may be
made by the Executive Board or a committee created by it provided it is submitted to the General
Council for approval and adoption in accordance with the preceding section.
Section I. This Constitution and By-Laws shall take effect immediately upon ratification
by a majority of all members of the association.
Section II. Any amendments to this Constitution and By-Laws shall take effect only in
the next school year.
APPROVED AND RATIFIED during the regular meeting of the General Council on
October 30, 1994.