Hoyer Ipc M 2014

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Michael E.

DeBakey High School for Health Professions

Magnet Integrated Physics and Chemistry
Syllabus 2014-15
Ms. Hoyer
[email protected]
Welcome to Magnet IPC!
I hope you find this Integrated Physics and Chemistry class challenging and fun. I think it is fascinating!
As your teacher, I will commit to teach you IPC to the very best of my ability. By communicating and
working together, we will meet the challenge. In order to start the year off smoothly, I have prepared this
information for you and your parents. Please read everything carefully. Take it home, share it with your
parents, have it signed, and then place it into your
IPC notebook as the first pages.

Course Description:
Integrated Physics and Chemistry is designed to introduce ninth grade students to the basic concepts of
chemistry and physics. You will begin by learning the metric system, and how to convert units within the
metric system. Youll learn to distinguish between physical and chemical properties and changes.
Subatomic particles, the formulation of compounds and balancing equations are part of the introduction to
chemistry. Concepts involving motion, forces, energy and power are investigated with an emphasis on the
mathematical relationships. IPC is a laboratory oriented course. Concepts will be developed through
hands-on investigations, measurements, observations, and manipulation of a variety of phenomena.

Class Communication
Modes of Communication
There are several ways we will work and communicate electronically in this course:
Classroom Edmodo: lesson plans, assignments and resources will be available via the Class
Edmodo page. Both parents and students can create Edmodo virtual classroom. Instructions for
creating both parent and student Edmodo accounts and entering the Edmodo classroom are
attached to this syllabus.
Gradespeed/PSC: Classroom assignments and grades are found here. If you need a PowerPoint
or any document to complete an assignment, click on the assignment in Gradespeed, then click
the paper clip icon. Both parents and students need to have a Gradespeed/PSC. Parents and
students are highly encouraged to communicate directly with the instructor via
Gradespeed. Instructions for creating both parent and student accounts for Gradespeed/PSC.
Email: During the first weeks of school, I will be setting up email lists for each class. You will
receive a note to take home which will explain how to subscribe to the parent and student email. I
can always be reached by email at [email protected].
Text: Please text me, day or night, with any questions or concerns you may have at
(832)276-3536. Nothing is more important to me than your success in this course. If you
find yourself struggling, it is imperative you communicate with me I will do everything in
my power to help you.

Supplies Needed for IPC

1. Text book : Integrated Physics and Chemistry by Glencoe McGraw-Hill
2. Three ring binder
3. Nine (9) dividers one foe each unit
3. Homework binder
4. Loose leaf paper
5. Scientific calculators, TI-84 is preferred
6. Graph paper (as needed to be specified)
Fall 2014 Course Outline
Textbook: Integrated Physics and Chemistry by Glencoe McGraw-Hill
Cycle 1: August 25- October 2
Unit 1: Scientific Method, Measurement, and Safety (1-2 weeks)
This unit focuses on the scientific processes and skills that the students are
expected to master and practice during the course.
Unit 2: Motion and Force (3 weeks)
The focus of this unit is on forces and motion evident in everyday life and Newtons Laws
Unit 3: Energy (1 week)
The unit focuses on gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy conservation during transformation.

Cycle 2 October 6-November 7

Unit 4: Work and Simple Machines
In this unit, students learn about simple and compound machines and how they
change forces to make work easier.
Unit 5: Thermal Energy
Students learn in this unit the difference between heat and temperature, thermal
conductivity and heat engines.
Unit 6: Electrical Energy
This unit investigates electrical conductivity of various materials, compare series
and parallel connections, and the relationship between electric current and the
strength of its magnetic field.
Cycle 3 November 10-December 19
Unit 7: Waves and Sound Energy
The focus of this unit is on the nature of waves, specifically compression waves. In this unit, students
demonstrate wave types and their characteristics including its propagation and interactions.
Unit 8: Waves and Light Energy
The focus of this unit is on the nature of waves, specifically electromagnetic waves. Students describe in
this unit the components of white light and the phenomenon of color.
Unit 9: Energy Sources

This unit deals with the different sources of energy such as hydroelectric, solar, nuclear, fossil fuels, and
alternative sources such as wind, geothermal, and current research in energy sources.
Note: This syllabus may change due to unforeseen circumstances.

Classroom Rules

Be here and be on time.

Follow all Procedures and directions the first time given.
Respect yourself, fellow students, the teacher and equipment.
Work hard.
Abide by the Code of Student Conduct.
No food or drink is allowed during class.

Consequences: If you choose to break a rule.

First Time:

Formal Warning.

Second Time:

Complete a Back on Track Action Plan form for homework.

Third Time:

Parent contacted. Action plan modified.

Fourth Time:

Parent student conference.

Fifth time:

Referral to principal.

Classroom Procedures
Procedures are an important part of life. We follow procedures when we drive, when we board an
airplane, when we cook ---almost everything we do involves a procedure or routine. The reason we have
procedures in life is so that people and society can get through the day safely and efficiently. Imagine
what would happen if, suddenly, drivers ignored the procedure for stopping at red lights and going on
green lights. Instant Chaos, right?
There are also procedures in this class. We will do real laboratory science in this class. We may use open
flames, explosives, flammable liquids and poisons. We may shoot projectiles or drop objects from great
heights. To do these things safely, we must all be on the same page - we need to all follow the same
procedures, and do things at the proper time.

Entering the Classroom

1. Pick up your folder.
2. Complete any management duties.
3. Take your assigned seat quietly.
4. Look over contents of the completed work pocket. File graded work in the 3-ring portion of your
5. Make sure your pencil and pen are ready for todays action, and all drawer contents are present.
6. Complete the warm-up. You will have a maximum of 5 minutes after the bell rings to complete
and close your warm-up packet.
7. Gather all materials needed today. Record the objective and assignments in your Time Tracker.
During this time, I will take attendance, check off homework and/or collect any assignments.
8. Read over any new papers in the Work to Complete pocket of your folder.

Pencils and Pens

To make your life easier, Mrs. Hoyer supplied you with a pencil and a pen on the first day of school.
You are also given a way to store them in your binder. Therefore, THERE IS NO REASONABLE
BEFORE the bell rings, make sure your pencil is sharp and your pen works. There will be
absolutely no pencil-sharpening once the bell rings.
If your pencil has become too short to use comfortably, no problem. See Mrs. Hoyer for a trade-in.
If your pencil lead breaks during class, no problem. See Mrs. Hoyer for a trade-in.
If your pen is out of ink, or otherwise misbehaving, no problem. See Mrs. Hoyer for a trade-in.
Handing out and Turning in Papers
Paper is noisy, distracting and has the bad habit of catching fire when exposed to sparks or flames.
To make ourselves more safe and productive, we keep the movement of paper to a minimum.
When you have completed any written work, place it in the Work Due Today pocket inside your
folder. Mrs. Hoyer will correct the papers and put them back into the completed work pocket.
For your convenience, the papers you need for the day will EITHER already be in your Work to Be
Completed pocket when you arrive for class, or will be distributed at the beginning of class.
End of Period and Dismissal
As the end of class draws near, Mrs. Hoyer will call for your attention.
Restore any equipment to its storage place.
Complete the Reflection side of your journal.
Look on the Board to see what work needs to be turned in today. Place this work into your Right side
folder. Put any work in progress into your Work to Be Completed Pocket. Gather any homework or
take-home study materials you need.
BEFORE I CAN RELEASE THE CLASS. Turn your folder in to Ms. Hoyer at the door as you
When you are tardy
The first rule in this class is Be here and be on time. You need to minimize how disruptive you are
when you enter the room. Tardy students MUST have an office tardy pass. Enter the room silently.
Get your folder from front table.
Follow the usual entering the classroom routine - except dont bother with the Warm-up if you are 5
minutes late or more. One consequence of being tardy is you do not have enough time to do the
warm-up, so you get a grade of Zero.
There is no need to check in with Mrs. Hoyer. You were marked absent at the bell. Your absence will
be converted to tardy once you pick up your folder and fill out the Tardy Log .
Please keep in mind that a significant portion of your Report Card Grade comes from work
done the first few minutes of class!
Absences - Excused and Unexcused
This classroom follows the School Policies concerning both excused and unexcused absences.
Consult your Student Handbook.
As a consequence of choosing to skip my class, you missed the days work and will receive a
zero for all the work. I am willing to help you catch up on the content you missed after school
and at tutorials.
The first rule in this class is Be here and be on time.
If your absence is excused, you are free to make up any missed lessons and assignments during
Tutorials. For safety reasons, all make-up labs must be completed within three school days
of the absence. Often, you can access any paper(s) you need make up via Gradespeed or

Edmodo. Upon returning to school, come by the room to get missed assignments (right before or
after school).
To turn in make-up work: Please bring your make-up assignment by during tutorials, so that I
can assess your understanding of the work. DO NOT PLACE MAKE-UP WORK INTO YOUR
Make-up work for all excused absences must be done at tutorial.

Electronics Policy
For academic and test security concerns, there will be NO use of personal electronic communication
devices inside Room 122 without teacher permission. This policy includes cell phones,
Blackberries, MP3 players, and any device with photo, internet or text-messaging capability.
No earphones may be visible at any time. The DeBakey confiscation policy is strictly enforced in
Room 122.
Academic Integrity Policy
There are 3 main reasons Ms. Hoyer gives tests and assignments:
1. To judge how effective labs and activities are.
2. To decide whether the class is ready to move on to the next Unit.
3. To get individual help to anyone who needs it.
Cheating makes it impossible for me to give you the instruction you need. Truly, you are only cheating
yourself by being academically dishonest.
No cheating will be tolerated. The DeBakey honor policy will be strictly enforced.
I will specifically inform you when group collaborative work is expected on an assignment.
Please assume an assignment is to be your individual work unless informed otherwise.
Repeated cheating is a Level 3 offense. In the unlikely event of a second cheating offense, the
student will be referred to their Administrator for discipline, and will receive a U in conduct.
Vandalism and Graffiti
Under the Texas Penal Code, defacing school property is a FELONY offense to deface any school
property. Marking, tagging, or in any way writing on any surface (i.e., bench tops, desks, walls)
will result in immediate referral for expulsion.
Please protect yourself by inspecting your lab station when you arrive every day. Report any defacing
Manager Tasks
There are several management tasks that students are called on to do. Every student will be a
Manager this year. Manager assignments change every six weeks. I will go over your responsibilities
in detail when you receive your assignment. How you accomplish your job is up to you - just make
sure it is completed by Report Time at the end of class.

IPC Six-Week Grading Plan

Mrs. Hoyer does not give grades- you earn your grade. In each 6-week grading period, there will be
APPROXIMATELY 500 points available for you to earn.
If you earn:
Expect to receive a grade of:
A (90-100%)
B (80-89%)
C (75-79%)
D (70-74%)
below 350
F (below 70%)
Points are available as follows:
IPC Common Assessments/Projects
Quizzes, Class Activities, Lab
Warm-Ups, Reflections, Homework

Percent of Grade
100 %

I want you to be successful! You can get a do-over on any 3-week test or project. Do-over
must be done during the same six weeks the assignment was originally given. Redo work can
ONLY be performed during tutorial times and ONLY with Ms. Hoyer present. See retake section
2. Note much of your final grade is determined through class and homework performance and
homework each day. Hence, it is almost impossible to earn enough points to pass the course if
you dont do your activities.
3. Bottom line as long as you work hard in class, you WILL be successful in this course!

To turn in make-up work : Please bring your make-up assignment during TUTORIALS, so that I can
assess your understanding of the work. DO NOT PLACE LATE WORK or MAKE-UP WORK

Heres the Fine Print Regarding Grading

For tests and projects, at least three school days advanced notice will be given. Quizzes may be
unannounced and will be over homework or in-class assignments. Lab reports will usually be graded.
Homework credit will be given only if the assignment is complete. Late work may be turned in ONE class
late, but will receive a maximum score of 70% or less. No late work will be accepted beyond that time
and the assignment will be marked as a zero. If you are absent on the day an assignment is given, you
will have three school days to make up the work. If you are absent on the day a prior assignment is due,
you must be prepared to hand in the assignment, take the test or quiz the day you return to school. If you
are absent for any reason, you are responsible for the missed work. All students should maintain a
record of their graded assignments.
Tests and quizzes:
Before, during, and after the test/quiz, you must silently remain in your assigned seat. I will NOT correct
mistakes in grading made on Scantron answer sheets. Please fill in your answers carefully. If
necessary, I will provide you with a new Scantron sheet during the test/quiz, but both the original and new
sheet must be handed in together. Graded tests are returned to you for review in class and cannot be
taken outside of my classroom. You are welcome to further review your tests in my classroom at a later
date, but only after making an appointment with me.

Laboratory Assignments
Participation in lab is a privilege not a right. Above all else, safety comes first. Therefore, for the safety of
everyone, each student is required to read and/or write up the procedures of the lab assignment BEFORE
performing the lab. If a student does not complete the pre-lab assignment, then the student cannot
participate in that lab activity and the maximum grade for the lab report will be a 70. All labs must be
performed properly and safely. If a student is removed from the laboratory for misbehavior, that student
will receive an automatic zero for the lab grade. In both instances, the teacher will give an alternate inclass assignment to the student during the lab activity. The teacher will also provide the data to the
student so a written lab report can still be completed.
Quizzes may be announced or unannounced and will be over homework or in-class assignments or labs.
Retake/Redo Policy
If the student fails a test or project, then the student has an opportunity to retake a similar assessment
covering the same topics or redo the project. If the student chooses to participate, then the student is
responsible for requesting and scheduling the retake or redo in writing during the class period that the
graded assessment and/or class assignment is returned. Retakes must be scheduled with the teacher for
outside regular class time. The student must attend one tutorial session before taking the retake of a test.
For projects, the student must turn in their redo of the project within 5 school days. Once complete, the
students retake / redo grade will be averaged with the original grade for a final assessment / assignment
grade of no higher than 70%.
Retakes are NOT allowed on end of cycle exams (aka common assessment exams) and final exams.
If you are absent on the day an assignment is given, you will have three school days to make up the
work. If you are absent on the day a prior assignment is due, you must be prepared to hand in the
assignment, take the test or quiz the day you return to school. If you are absent for any reason, you are
responsible for the missed work.
There is no extra credit.

Tutorial/ Conference: I am available for tutorial either during scheduled tutorials, or at

lunch. If at any time you or your parents would like to discuss your progress, please request an individual
conference with me by phone( 832) 276-3536 or email ( [email protected]) at least one day in

Fire Drill
At the sound of the bell, push in your chair and walk through the door. Turn to the Left from room 122;
go straight, EXIT at the main entrance of the building. Walk across the street and up past the curb.
Gather around Ms. Hoyer, as attendance must be taken during the drill.

Ms. Hoyers Magnet IPC Class

Acknowledgement of Guidelines, Rules, and Procedures:
Thank you for carefully reading this information. I expect you to do your very best each class period. In
return, I will put my best effort into each class that I teach you. By working together, we will all have a
successful semester. If at any time you are having difficulties in this class, let me know immediately and I
will be glad to help you. Please mark the appropriate box below regarding online access, then sign the

Internet and computer access is available in the students residence. The student may do online
activities from home.
Internet and computer access is NOT available in the students residence. The student/family is
willing and
able to arrange for internet access outside school (public library, friend or relatives
residence, public WIFI, etc.)
Internet and computer access is NOT available in the students residence. The student/family is not
able to arrange for computer/internet or smartphone access. The student requests paper versions
of online assignments.
STUDENT: I have carefully read and understand these guidelines, rules, and procedures. I will honor
them at all times while in Ms. Hoyers room classroom.

Students Signature

Students Printed Name


PARENT: I have carefully read and discussed these guidelines, rules, and procedures with my child. I
understand and will support them.

Parents Signature

_____________________________ _____________
Parents Printed Name

TEACHER: I will be fair and consistent in administering the guidelines, rules, and procedures.

Teachers Signature

______ _____________________
Teachers Printed Name


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