Improvement of Asymbiotic Seed Germination and Seedling Development of Cypripedium Macranthos Sw. With Organic Additives

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ISSN 2384-1397 (Online)

J Plant Biotechnol (2016) 43:138145


Research Article

Improvement of asymbiotic seed germination and seedling

development of Cypripedium macranthos Sw. with organic additives
Yoon Sun Huh Joung Kwan Lee Sang Young Nam Kee Yoeup Paek Gang Uk Suh

Received: 11 February 2016 / Revised: 10 March 2016 / Accepted: 15 March 2016

Korean Society for Plant Biotechnology

Abstract To find the optimal propagation condition for

endangered Cypripedium macranthos Sw., also known as
ladys slipper orchid, the effect of various organic additives
on in vitro germination, protocorm formation and seedling
growth was investigated during asymbiotic seed culture.
When 100 mlL-1 coconut water was added to the basal
medium, the highest germination rate and protocorm formation
rate were achieved, with 70.8% and 74.2% respectively.
Supplementation of phloem sap from birch tree or maple tree
also showed a facilitating effect to improve the germination
and protocorm development. With 100 mlL-1 birch sap or
maple sap, both the germination and protocorm formation
rates were roughly more than 65% and 68%. The roots and
buds of the seedlings grew vigorously in the medium
containing 100 mlL-1 coconut water or phloem sap, in
particular, their bud formation rates increased by more than
70%. Addition of banana powder and peptone could not
create a more significantly favorable culture condition, and
non-addition had the worst results. Our results demonstrated
that proper organic amendments such as coconut water and
phloem sap might be preferred to in vitro germination and
the growth of seedlings developed from the protocorm of C.
macranthos Sw. during asymbiotic seed culture.
Keywords Ladys slipper orchid, Asymbiotic seed culture,
Organic amendments, Germination, Seedling growth
Y. S. Huh () J. K. Lee S. Y. Nam
Horticultural Research Division, Chungcheongbuk-do
Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Cheongju, 28130,
e-mail: [email protected]
K. Y. Paek
Department of Horticultural Science, Chungbuk National
University, Cheongju, 28644, Korea
G. U. Suh
Plant Conservation Division, Korea National Arboretum of the
Korea Forest Service, Pocheon, 11186, Korea

Members of the Cypripedium genus are commonly called
ladys slippers because of the slipper-like appearance of their
flowers. Cypripedium macranthos Sw. is one of the most
attractive species among the ladys slipper orchids and widely
distributed from Eastern Russia, Northern China, Japan,
Korea and Taiwan (Cribb 1997). Unfortunately they are
becoming extinct due to the destruction of native habitats and
illegal collection (Cribb and Sandison 1998). The most commonly
recommended propagation method for conservation and
commercialization of Cypripedium species is micropropagation,
however, many cultural conditions including physical and
nutritional factors can affect the germination and regeneration
of Cypripedium species critically. Numerous studies on
efficient micropropagation of orchid plants through callus or
protocorm-like bodies (PLBs) have suggested that their
proliferation methods are species-specific and the major
obstacles to successful micropropagation are involved in in
vitro germination of seeds (Arditti 1977; Colli and Kerbauy
1993). So it is very important to find the efficient in vitro seed
germination conditions for each Cypripedium species and
establish their optimum artificial propagation system.
Orchids produce a number of minute seeds but they have
low propagation rate in nature, because ovules are not present
or poorly developed at the time of anthesis, and endosperms
which contain sufficient nutrient reserves for germination are
absent from mature seeds. Therefore, asymbiotic germination
has been a beneficial and common technique for micropropagation
of orchids (Arditti 1967). However, in vitro germination of
terrestrial orchids, such as Cypripedium (Leroux et al. 1995;
Rasmussen 1995), Spiranthes (Zelmer and Currah 1997),
Platanthera (Zettler and MacInnis 1994), Ophrys (Kitsaki et
al. 2004), Calanthe (Lee et al. 2007) and Epipactis (Rasmussen
1992) was found to be more complicated as compared to the
other epiphytic orchids in tropical areas. Because they have
some unfavorable physiological characteristics resulting in

J Plant Biotechnol (2016) 43:138145

poor germination. The mature seeds of terrestrial orchids

contain commonly the rigid and hard seed coats which have
strong hydrophobicity, besides, inhibitory substances such as
abscisic acid are accumulated in mature seeds (Lee et al. 2007;
Van der Kinderen 1987; Van Waes and Debergh 1986).
Miyoshi and Mii (1998) also mentioned the similar result that
the germination rate of mature seeds was less than 5% in C.
macranthos. Therefore various strategies have been applied,
such as pretreating seeds with hypochlorite solution (Vujanovic
et al. 2000), pre-chilling treatment (Masanori and Tomita
1997), immature seed culture (De Pauw and Remphery 1993;
St-Arnaud et al. 1992) and development of optimum medium
composition (Rasmussen 1995). Furthermore, medium types,
plant growth regulators, carbohydrates, organic amendments,
vitamins and other components have been studied for the
improvement of Cypripedium seed germination (Deng et al.
2012; De Pauw et al. 1993, 1995; Harvais 1982; Piao et al.
2011; Rasmussen 1995; Yan et al. 2006).
Growth and morphogenesis of plant tissues can be promoted
by the addition of various organic supplements and plant
extracts (Fonnesbech 1972). Many organic additives including
coconut water, banana powder, the bleeding sap of birch trees,
peptone, tomato juice, honey, date palm syrup, corn extract,
papaya extract and beef extract have been used effectively for
enhancing the development of cultured cells and tissues,
though they have undefined mixture of organic nutrients and
growth factors (Islam et al. 2003; Murdad et al. 2010).
Actually a large number of organic amendments were used
successfully for orchid production (Arditti 1967; Arditti et al.
1990; Islam et al. 2003; Pyati et al. 2002). Therefore we tried
to find the effect of various organic additives on in vitro
growth of seedling of C. macranthos Sw. during asymbiotic
seed culture and identify the most suitable organic additives to
enhance its proliferation significantly in this study.

Materials and Methods

Plant materials
C. macranthos Sw. has been cultivated in field and greenhouse at Chungcheongbuk-do Agricultural Research and
Extension Services. During blooming season (from April to
June), the flowers were cross-pollinated manually by transferring
pollinia onto the stigma of the other flower. Seed capsules
were harvested at 75 days after cross-pollination. These
premature seeds were brought to the laboratory and prepared
for inoculation onto media on the same day. In a laminar flow
hood, whole seed capsules which were not injured by insects


such as leaf-miners were surface-sterilized in 3% (v/v) sodium

hypochlorite solution for 15 min and rinsed three times in
sterile distilled water. Capsules were cut and their seeds were
scooped out with forceps onto the culture medium. The seeds
were incubated in darkness at 23 2C during 5 months.
Asymbiotic seed culture with media containing various
organic additives
Seeds from surface-sterilized capsules were sown on each
basal medium with different organic additives including
coconut water (0, 50, 100, 200 mlL , Sigma-Aldrich, USA),
birch sap (0, 50, 100, 200 mlL ), maple sap (0, 50, 100, 200
mlL ), banana powder (0, 15, 30, 60 gL-1, MBcell, USA)
and peptone (0, 1, 2, 4 gL , MBcell, USA). Saps were
obtained from the birch (Betula pendula) and maple (Acer
platanoides) trees growing in the field of Chungcheongbuk-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services. They
were collected in the early spring (from the end of March to
the beginning of April) during the intense period of their
production. For the sap collection, the trunk was tapped and
the plastic spout which had a tube was connected into the
taphole. From this tube, sap water ran into the sterile
container, and these collected saps were immediately stored at
-20C. The basal medium was made with quarter-strength
Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium (Murashige and Skoog,
1962) which was supplemented with 10 gL sucrose, 7 gL
agar and each organic additive. Its pH was adjusted to 5.8
before autoclaving (at 121C and 1.2 kgfcm-2 pressure for 15
min). 100 ml of medium was poured onto each plant culture
dish (100 x h40 mm). This experiment was designed randomly.
Each treatment had ten replicates and was conducted three
times. Seeds from each capsule were equally distributed into
each replicate. After sowing, the seeds were incubated in
darkness at 232C during 5 months. After 2 months of
culture, the germination rate (the percentage of the number of
seeds germinated among the total countered number of seeds)
was calculated. Germination indicated the emergence of the
full embryo from the testa. After 3 months of culture, the
protocorm formation rate was also calculated as the percentage of the number of young protocorms with promeristem
among the total germinated seeds. After 5 months of culture,
the growth characteristics of young seedlings developed from
protocorms were measured.
Determination of constituents in coconut water, birch sap
and maple sap
Sugar contents were measured by high performance liquid


chromatography (HPLC) with a refractive index detector

(Agilent 1100 series, Agilent, USA) using ZORBAX carbohydrate analysis column (4.6150 mm, Agilent, USA). A
mobile phase consisting of 75% acetronitrile was used at a
flow rate of 1.0 mlmin . Among inorganic ion contents, the
cations such as K+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ were analyzed by HPLC
with a conductivity detector (Breeze HPLC, Waters, USA) on
IC-Par CM/D column (3.950 mm, Waters, USA, eluent: 0.5
mM EDTA / 2 mM HNO3), and the anions such as NO3- and
SO4 were analyzed using IC-Par anion HR column (4.67
5mm, Waters, USA, eluent: 1.6 mM NaHCO3 / 1.4 mM
Na2CO3). According to the published methods (Amin and
Reusch 1987), vitamin B and C group were measured by
HPLC with diode array detector (Agilent 1100 series, Agilent,
USA) using ZORBAX Eclipse Plus C-18 column (4.6150
mm, Agilent), its mobile phase channel A was 25 mM
NaH2PO4 (pH 2.5), and mobile phase channel B was methanol
at a flow rate of 1.0 mlmin-1. Organic acids were also
analyzed by HPLC with refractive index detector (Agilent
1100 series, Agilent, USA) using Hi-Plex H column (7.7300
mm, Agilent), and its mobile phase was 0.004 M H2SO4 at a
flow rate of 0.4 mLmin . Endogenous plant hormones such
as indole acetic acid (IAA), trans-zeatin riboside (trans-ZR)
and abscisic acid (ABA) were measured according to the
methods described by Nakurte et al (2012). They were
analyzed with a modular HPLC system with UV and
fluorescence detectors (Agilent 1100 series, Agilent, USA)
using a reverse-phase Zorbax Eclipse XDB-C8 column
(4.6150 mm, Agilent, USA), its mobile phase was methanol
containing 1% acetic acid (60 : 40 v/v) in isocratic mode at a
flow rate of 1 mlmin .
Statistical analysis
Data from each experiment were subjected to Two-way
ANOVA and Duncan`s multiple range test using SAS
program (Version 6.21, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA).

Results and Discussion

Table 1 showed the nutrient components of coconut water,
birch sap and maple sap. All of them contained around 2.5%
sugars which were almost composed of sucrose, glucose and
fructose. Sucrose was the main sugar type in coconut water
and maple sap, on the other hand, birch sap was mostly
composed of fructose and glucose. They possessed variable
inorganic ions such as potassium (K), phosphorus (P), calcium
(Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn).

J Plant Biotechnol (2016) 43:138145

Table 1 Comparison of nutrient constituents in coconut water,
birch and maple sap added to the culture medium
Nutrient constituents














































Inorganic ions K



Coconut Birch Maple

(100g) (100g) (100g)













Thiamin (VB1)



Riboflavin (VB2)



Niacin (VB3)



Pantothenic acid (VB5)



Pyridoxine (VB6)





Ascorbic acid (VC)

Organic acids
















Water-soluble vitamins such as thiamin (VB1), riboflavin

(VB2), niacin (VB3), pantothenic acid (VB5), pyridoxine (VB6),
myo-inositol and ascorbic acid (VC), which were recommended
for orchid growth, were also detected in coconut water and
maple sap. But they were not detected in birch sap, except for
ascorbic acid. Organic acids including citric, malic and
succinic acid were contained in three organic additives.
Phytohormones such as IAA, trans-ZR and ABA were
detected only in coconut water.
Table 2 explained the different effects of each organic
additives on in vitro germination and protocorm formation of
C. macranthos Sw. With 100 mlL coconut water, the
highest germination rate (70.8%) and protocorm formation
rate (74.2%) were obtained, they increased by 6 times as

J Plant Biotechnol (2016) 43:138145


Table 2 Effects of organic additives on in vitro seed germination

and protocorm formation in C. macranthos Sw. after 2 and 3
months of culture
Organic additives

0 mlL-1

50 mlL



100 mlL


200 mlL

Birch sap

14.4 e

60.9 b

62.0 b

70.8 a

74.2 a

64.4 ab

0 mlL-1

50 mlL



100 mlL


200 mlL

60.8 b




76.8 ez

7.8 e

228.1 b

24.2 bc

296.4 a

34.1 a

221.9 b

23.7 bc

13.1 e

0 mlL

65.3 e

6.4 e

55.8 c

62.1 b

50 mlL-1

210.3 c

21.9 c

65.2 ab

68.2 ab

260.5 ab

28.7 ab

Birch sap


100 mlL


200 mlL

56.9 c

53.4 bc

200 mlL

205.6 c

22.0 c

0 mlL-1

10.9 g

12.7 e

0 mlL-1

71.4 e

6.9 e

207.6 c

22.4 c

100 mlL

273.2 ab

30.9 ab

200 mlL-1

231.7 b

25.5 b

72.9 e

7.2 e


50 mlL


59.1 b

100 mlL

66.4 ab

66.9 ab

61.1 b

61.4 b

0 gL


15 gL

11.1 g
25.5 f

21.3 de

30.6 ef

35.4 d

60 gL-1

36.8 e

41.9 c


Maple sap

50 mlL



0 gL

12.2 e

30 gL



60.5 b

200 mlL-1


15 gL


126.7 d

13.3 d

30 gL

178.4 cd

18.6 cd

60 gL-1

168.6 cd

16.9 cd



0 gL

9.6 g

10.3 e

0 gL

68.4 e

6.8 e

1 gL-1

35.2 e

38.2 cd

1 gL-1

135.1 d

14.3 d

43.3 d

43.7 c

169.9 cd

18.0 cd

173.3 cd

18.2 cd




2 gL


4 gL

40.9 d



2 gL


4 gL

35.0 d



12.8 g



12.6 gz

Organic additives

50 mlL-1



0 mlL

100 mlL

Maple sap


Table 3 Effects of organic additives on the fresh and dry weight

of seedlings developed from C. macranthos Sw. after 5 months
of culture













compared with non-treatment. Both birch sap and maple sap

also induced the facilitating effect to improve the germination
and protocorm development. When 100 mlL-1 birch sap and
maple sap were added, the germination rate and protocorm
formation rate showed more than 65%. But the ddition of
banana powder and peptone could not make the favorable
culture condition significantly. Table 3 and Table 4 also
indicated the beneficial effect of organic amendments including
not only coconut water but also phloem sap such as birch sap
or maple sap. When these additives were included at the level
of 100 mlL-1, the fresh and dry biomass of seedling increased
significantly by 4 times as compared with non-treatment.
Roots and buds of seedlings grew vigorously in the medium
containing 100 mlL-1 coconut water or phloem sap. In

particular, the bud formation rates were raised up to 70%, and

their length and diameter also increased by 2 and 1.5 times
respectively. Similarly, the number and length of roots
increased by 2 and 3 times individually. It was found that 100
mlL-1 of coconut water or phloem sap showed the best
response to the germination and protocorm development in
the quarter-strength MS basal medium supplemented with 10
gL-1 sucrose. The optimal osmotic potential should be
maintained in culture medium for the successful in vitro
germination and seedling growth of Cypirpedium species
(Piao et al. 2011; Van Waes and Debergh 1986). So when
coconut water or phloem sap which contain not only high
sugars but also various rich minerals are used as organic
supplements, they have been recommended to be applied at

Mean separation by Duncans multiple range test at P 0.05.

NS, *, ** not significant or significant at P 0.05 and 0.01,

Mean separation by Duncans multiple range test at P 0.05.

NS, *, ** not significant or significant at P 0.05 and 0.01,


J Plant Biotechnol (2016) 43:138145

Table 4 Effects of organic additives on the growth of seedlings developed from protocorm of C. macranthos Sw. after 5 months
of culture
Organic additives







3.1 d

1.0 d

1.0 a

6.7 ab

2.7 b

0.9 a

100 mlL

7.1 a

2.9 ab

200 mlL-1

7.0 a

2.8 ab

3.2 d

0 mlL-1


50 mlL



0 mlL


50 mlL

20.2 g

3.7 e

1.4 b

62.5 c

6.8 b

2.0 a

0.9 a

74.6 a

8.0 a

2.1 a

0.9 a

69.5 abc

8.1 a

2.1 a

0.9 d

0.8 a

23.9 g

3.9 e

1.4 b

2.6 b

0.9 a

57.1 cd

6.4 bc

1.7 ab

3.0 ab

1.0 a

70.4 ab

7.8 a

2.2 a

6.1 b

2.7 b

0.9 a

67.3 b

7.4 ab

2.0 a

0 mlL

3.2 d

1.1 d

1.0 a

23.0 g

3.5 e

1.4 b

50 mlL-1

5.4 c

2.5 b

0.8 a

61.1 c

7.0 b

1.6 ab

6.7 ab

3.3 a

0.9 a

73.5 a

7.9 a

2.1 a



100 mlL


200 mlL

6.6 ab

2.9 ab

0.9 a

68.0 b

7.8 a

2.1 a

0 gL-1

3.0 d

1.4 cd

0.8 a

21.3 g

3.4 e

1.3 b

15 gL-1

4.0 cd

1.8 c

1.0 a

31.5 f

4.2 de

1.5 ab


30 gL

5.2 c

2.1 bc

1.0 a

36.9 ef

4.4 de

1.6 ab

60 gL-1

4.6 cd

1.7 c

0.9 a

29.0 f

5.3 d

1.5 ab

0 gL-1

2.8 d

1.2 d

1.0 a

21.0 g

3.7 e

1.3 b

4.4 cd

1.9 c

0.9 a

44.2 e

5.2 d

1.6 ab

5.1 c

2.3 bc

0.8 a

56.8 cd

6.0 c

2.0 a

4.5 cd

1.9 c

0.8 a

52.6 d

5.3 d

1.9 a




5.9 b

200 mlL



6.6 ab


100 mlL




1 gL


2 gL


4 gL















Mean separation by Duncans multiple range test at P 0.05.

NS, *, ** not significant or significant at P 0.05 and 0.01, respectively.

the proper concentration. In this study, when these organic

additives were adjusted at the level of 100 mlL-1, the most
balanced osmolality might be kept during the long culture
period, in comparison with their lower or higher concentrations.
From Figure 1, it was also confirmed that the roots and buds of
seedling grew most vigorously in the culture medium
supplemented with 100 mlL coconut water or phloem sap.
It is one of the advisable methods to use organic additives in
orchid culture medium, because they have been reported to be
an easy way to improvise the current plant tissue culture
media towards commercial production (Ichihashi and Islam,
1999). As organic additives, coconut water, apple homogenate,
banana homogenate, potato homogenate, date palm syrup,
corn extract, papaya extract, beef extract, casein hydrolysate,
pineapple extract, yeast extract, tryptone, peptone or pure

amino acids such as glutamine were used successfully in

orchid production (Islam et al. 2003; Murdad et al. 2010; Pyati
et al. 2002; Rasmussen 1995). They possess a wide spectrum
of growth factors, resulting in the beneficial effects producing
more PLBs, shoots and leaves (Akter et al. 2007), increasing
the size of somatic embryos (Al-Khateeb 2008) and promoting
the development of asymbiotic seeds as well as regeneration
of plantlets (Tawaro et al. 2008). Cypripedium seed germination
and protocorm development are known to be stimulated or
inhibited by organic amendments (Chu and Mudge 1994;
Deng et al. 2012; DeMarie et al. 1991; Steele 1995; Yan et al.
Coconut water was reported to promote the development of
orchid tubers and roots (Mclntyre et al. 1974; Rasmussen
1995). 100 mlL-1 coconut water extracted from a fully ripe

J Plant Biotechnol (2016) 43:138145

Fig. 1 Morphology of seedlings developed from protocorms of

C. macranthos Sw. depending on organic additives after 5 months
of culture

coconut could induce the germination of C. reginae, in

particular, quarter-strength MS medium supplemented with
100 mlL coconut water led to synchronous germination, but
casein hydrolysate and yeast extract had a deleterious effect
(Chu and Mudge 1994). Huang and Hu (2001) reported that
5% coconut water, banana homogenate or potato homogenate
in Harvais medium could accelerate the seed germination of
C. flavum. Similar results have been reported in different plant
species. For instance, the fresh and dry biomass of Anoectochilus
formosanus increased significantly when 50 mlL-1 coconut
water and 0.5 gL activated charcoal were added during
bioreactor culture (Yoon et al. 2007). Hyponex medium
supplemented with 50 mlL-1 coconut water proved for the
enhancement of fresh and dry biomass, number of roots, leaf
area as well as development of healthy plantlets of Calanthe
hybrids (Baque et al. 2011). In the proliferation of PLBs of
Dendrobium Alya Pink, 10% coconut water was selected as


the best organic additive (Nambiar et al. 2012). Due to the

difficulty of obtaining coconut endosperm and its expensiveness
in Europe, some alternatives were tested. The bleeding sap of
birch tress could enhance the growth of Brassia, Cattleya,
Phaleanopsis and Cymbidium explants instead of coconut
water (Pieper and Zimmer 1974; Zimmer and Pieper 1975,
1976, 1978). Natural organic compounds such as bleeding sap
of birch trees as well as coconut water have been used as
important constituents of culture medium for micropropagation
of Phalaenopsis (Homa and Asahira 1985).
Coconut water is the colorless liquid endosperm of green
coconuts (Cocos nucifera) which contain soluble sugars as a
natural source of carbon, amino acids, phenols, fiber and
vitamins, moreover, it also contains diphenyl urea which
functions as cytokinin that can enhance the explant growth
and regeneration by inducing cell division (Gnasekaran et al
2010; Texeira da Silva et al. 2006). The faster regeneration of
plantlets was observed in PLBs of Dracaena purplecompacta
L. when coconut water containing cytokinins and auxins was
supplied, in fact, IAA extracted from coconut water showed the
beneficial effect to facilitate the adventitious root development
(Agampodi and Jayawardena 2009). Similarly, Chung et al.
(1995) and Kuka et al. (2013) reported that birch and maple
saps were rich in bioactive compounds and mineral substances
including carbohydrates, proteins, organic acids, B complex
vitamin, vitamin C and phenolic compounds, which have
been related to the bioactive activities.
In conclusion, our results demonstrated that the organic
additives including the phloem sap such as birch and maple
sap as well as coconut water could promote the seed germination,
increase the protocorm formation and led the vigorous seedling
growth of C. macranthos Sw. during the culture period.
Organic amendments, as a natural source supplying carbohydrates,
inorganic ions, vitamins and phytohormones might be one of
the most important components in the culture medium and
helpful for in vitro orchid propagation.

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