2 Methods For Characterizing Microbial Communities in Caves and Karst: A Review

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Daniel S.


2 Methods for Characterizing Microbial

Communities in Caves and Karst: A Review
Abstract: Microorganisms play a central role in the biogeochemistry of caves and karst.
However, characterizing the biodiversity of caves is challenging because environmental microbial communities often have extremely high richness and contain numerous
organisms that have neither been isolated nor described using traditional culturing
techniques. Fortunately, culture-independent methods can be applied to study cave
populations and communities, and are especially powerful if combined with culturebased information. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a general overview of
methods to analyze cave microorganisms, with emphasis on commonly used approaches, including cultivation, rRNA-based methods, and microscopy techniques,
as well as on emerging technologies such as metagenomics and metatranscriptomics.
We discuss specific examples and applications from the cave microbiology literature,
and end with a case study on the microbial communities of acidic cave biofilms.

2.1 Introduction
Over the past several decades, we have begun to realize the immense diversity of microbial life on Earth [1]. Together, Bacteria and Archaea are the numerically dominant
organisms on our planet, and they are ubiquitous at the Earths surface, as well as
throughout the habitable regions of the subsurface. Caves are no exception. Microbial
life is a pervasive feature in caves, and can be found as sparse microbial populations in
oligotrophic caves [2, 3], as densely packed cave-wall biofilms in energy-rich sulfidic
systems [4], and everything in between [5]. Microorganisms are intimately involved
in many fundamental processes in cave ecosystems, including nutrient and element
cycling [6, 7], primary production [8], and processes related to the dissolution or precipitation of carbonates [9, 10] and other cave minerals [11, 12]. Furthermore, the subsurface contains immense microbial biomass and novel microbial diversity [1315],
yet it remains largely underexplored. Karst terrains cover approximately 15% of the
ice-free Earths surface [16], and constitute an important reservoir for microbial diversity that could contain new branches in the tree of life, novel microbial metabolisms,
and unique sources of genetic information for pharmaceutical or biotechnological applications [17].
To access the microbial diversity of caves and karst, we require methods to characterize environmental microbial communities and describe cave microorganisms. The
identification, description, and quantification of microbial populations and communities are requisite first steps to understand and define microbial roles in cave ecology
and biogeochemistry. However, environmental microbial communities have extraor-

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24 | 2 Methods for Characterizing Microbial Communities in Caves and Karst: A Review

dinarily high diversity and contain many organisms with unknown physiology [1, 18,
19]. Here, I present an overview of methods to characterize environmental microbial
communities, both for assessing community structure and composition, and for probing microbial metabolic and functional processes.

2.2 Culture-based Analyses

For most of the history of environmental microbiology research, our primary information on microbial processes has come from studies of microorganisms and microbial processes in culture. Growing, maintaining, and manipulating microorganisms in
vitro remain the most direct and effective ways to describe the metabolic processes and
physiological requirements of different taxa. Enrichment culturing is the more widely
applied technique in which microorganisms are grown in a specific medium under a
defined set of conditions that select for organisms of interest. Enrichment begins once
a medium is inoculated with environmental material (the inoculum) and the inoculate
grows under controlled conditions.
Enrichments might contain different populations, so it is often desirable to obtain
pure cultures. A strain is a genetically identical microbial population that originated
from a single cell. Once in isolation, a microbial strain is much easier to characterize
because any biological processes that alter conditions in the medium can be directly
attributed to that organism. To acquire a pure culture, strains are separated from the
medium and other organisms to be grown in isolation. Commonly, this separation is
achieved by streaking cultures onto a solid medium, usually agar based. Individual
colonies are then picked from the solid surface and re-streaked and re-picked multiple
times to ensure isolation. However, because not all organisms grow on solid surfaces,
isolation by serial dilution in liquid media or via agar dilution tubes is also possible.
Readers are referred to Madigan et al. [20] for basic information on cultivation techniques, and to reviews by Leadbetter [21], Keller and Zengler [22], and Epstein [23] for
novel strategies to cultivate recalcitrant organisms.
Cultivation-dependent analyses have a long history of use in cave research [24, 25],
and have proven enormously valuable. For example, Vlasceanu et al. [26] showed
that caves contain indigenous microbiota after isolating and describing Thiobacillusthioparus strain LV43 from Movile Cave in Romania. Culture-based studies have
also revealed cave microbial diversity more broadly [4, 27, 28] and have been used to
identify geomicrobiological interactions, such as microbially induced calcite precipitation [2931], microbial limestone dissolution [32], and relationships among ironand manganese-oxidizing bacteria and cave ferromanganese deposits [11, 33, 34].
Culture-based analyses have an important drawback in the context of environmental microbial studies. Organisms that readily grow in enrichments might not
be the most abundant microorganisms in the environment, but instead may represent weeds that are selected for in vitro. In fact, it is commonly estimated that

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2.3 Culture-independent Analyses Based on rRNA Genes |


99% of microorganisms in the environment are not known in culture. This is commonly known as the great plate count anomaly, a phrase invoked by Staley and
Konopka [36] to describe the dramatic discrepancies between direct cell counts from
the environment versus enumeration of viable microbes in culture. Culture-based
analyses, therefore, present a biased view of microbial diversity in the natural environment [37]. Fortunately, culture-independent analyses developed over the past
three decades offer an alternative means to assess microbial diversity, abundance,
and environmentally relevant processes directly.

2.3 Culture-independent Analyses Based on rRNA Genes

The most widely applied techniques for culture-independent analysis of environmental microbial communities are based on the analysis of the genes that encode ribosomal RNA (rRNA). rRNA is a central component of the ribosome, which is the cellular
molecule that catalyzes the translation of messenger RNA (mRNA) into peptide sequences. Bacterial and archaeal ribosomes contain three rRNA sequences: a 5S rRNA
and a 23S rRNA molecule each occur in the large ribosomal subunit and a 16S rRNA
molecule in the small ribosomal subunit. The S in 5S, 23S, and 16S denotes a sedimentation coefficient that varies with molecular size and shape in Svedberg units.
For our purposes, rRNA gene sequence length is a more useful designation than Svedberg units. Gene sequence lengths vary, but a typical bacterium has a 16S rRNA gene
sequence that is approximately 1500 base pairs (bp) long, while the 5S and 23S rRNAgene sequences are roughly 120 and 2900 bp long, respectively.
rRNA gene sequences are among the most conserved nucleic acid sequences
known, and thus permit phylogenetic comparisons among distantly related groups
of organisms. Analysis of rRNA sequences first led to the discovery of the domain
Archaea and revealed the three-domain tree of life [38]. Small subunit rRNA gene
sequences, specifically the genes that encode for the 16S rRNA sequence in Bacteria
and Archaea and the 18S rRNA sequence in Eukarya, remain the most widely used
gene sequences for microbial taxonomic identification to date.

2.3.1 rRNA gene (rDNA) cloning

Environmental rRNA gene sequencing (also referred to as rDNA sequencing) involves
the extraction of DNA directly from an environment sample, such as cave sediment,
followed by separation and sequencing of rRNA genes. Generally, DNA is extracted
from environmental samples by cellular lysis (e.g. via beat beating, repeated freezethaw cycles, or other chemical and enzymatic means) followed by separation of
the nucleic acids from other cellular components and environmental materials (e.g.
via phenol/chloroform/isoamyl alcohol extraction or with other DNA-binding sub-

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26 | 2 Methods for Characterizing Microbial Communities in Caves and Karst: A Review

stances) and further DNA purification [39]. Because the DNA is extracted directly from
environmental materials, additional steps are often required for samples that contain
certain minerals or organic compounds that inhibit DNA extraction or subsequent
steps. For example, the presence of iron [40], humic acids [41], or excessive polysaccharides [42] often necessitates modified extraction procedures to achieve successful
DNA recovery, quality, and purity.
Cloning, or clone library construction, has been widely applied to analyze environmental rRNA genes over the past few decades. Simply stated, cloning is a technique by which environmental genes or genomic regions are inserted into Escherichia
coli cells (via transformation) and the E. coli are then grown in such a way as to separate the individual environmental genes for sequencing. Clone library construction
proceeds as follows ( Fig. 2.1): (i) DNA is extracted from an environmental sample; (ii)
rRNA genes are amplified via polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from the DNA extract,
prior to being (iii) ligated into a plasmid vector that is (iv) transformed into competent E. coli cells; commercially available plasmid vectors contain genes for antibiotic
resistance, so (v) E. coli are grown on an antibiotic-laced agar plate that selects only
for E. coli that contain a plasmid insert; (vi) individual E. coli colonies are then picked
(often using blue/white screening to indicate cells that contain an insert); and (vii)
environmental gene inserts are replicated to provide adequate copies for sequencing,
generally by capillary Sanger technology [43, 44]. Inserts are replicated in step (vii)
via either colony PCR, which is amplification of the insert directly by PCR of E. coli
colonies, or by growing the colonies in liquid medium and extracting plasmids from a
larger volume of E. coli biomass. Note that separation of the E. coli on the agar plate in
step (v) effectively isolates individual gene sequences from the mixed environmental
sample. The PCR product in step (ii) contains a mixture of 16S rRNA sequences from
microbes in the environmental community, but in steps (iii) and (iv), each successfully
ligated vector and successfully transformed E. coli only receive a single rRNA sequence
( Fig. 2.1). Therefore, picking individual E. coli colonies in step (vi) is akin to selecting
random 16S rRNA genes from the environment. For detailed information, readers are
referred to the molecular biology handbook by Sambrook and Russell [39].
Environmental 16S rRNA gene clones are analyzed by comparing newly acquired
rRNA genes from a sample to gene sequences previously retrieved from known isolates
or other environmental sequences. The number of 16S rRNA genes in public databases
has been increasing rapidly in recent years [1]. At the time of writing, one popular
and well-curated database (www.arb-silva.de [45]) contains over 500,000 nonredun Fig. 2.1. Three methods for culture-independent analysis of environmental microbial communities.
Both cloning and amplicon sequencing target a specific gene or genetic region of interest, such
as the 16S rRNA gene, while metagenomics generates a dataset of genomic DNA sequences from
the entire community. The resulting metagenome can contain the complete genetic complement of
multiple environmental organisms.

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2.3 Culture-independent Analyses Based on rRNA Genes |


rRNA gene
clone library

rRNA gene
amplicon library





Extract DNA

Extract DNA

Extract DNA

Amplify (PCR) 16S rRNA genes

Amplify (PCR) short hypervariable

region of 16S rRNA gene, using
barcoded adaptor-primers

Ligate into plasmid

Adaptor/primer sequence

Sequence DNA

Transform E. coli

short rRNA gene region

Grow E. colion solid media

Sequence via high-throughput 454

pyrosequencer or illumina platform
(multiple samples may be barcoded
and pooled in a single run)

Pick individual colonies

Amplify insets via colony PCR
Sequence clones




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28 | 2 Methods for Characterizing Microbial Communities in Caves and Karst: A Review

dant, nearly full-length 16S rRNA genes, and over four million partial rRNA sequences.
The taxonomic affiliation of environmental rRNA genes can be quickly determined
by a simple sequence comparison against these databases, or by more rigorous phylogenetic methods. The latter is required if no close relatives are present in public
databases. rRNA genes do not directly indicate microbial species [37, 46], but they
can serve as proxies. For example, 16S rRNA genes that share 97% sequence similarity
are often considered the same species, although a more appropriate designation is
operational taxonomic units (OTUs). OTUs can be considered analogous to species,
genera, or higher taxonomic divisions, with the important distinction that they are
operationally defined and should be interpreted within the constraints of the technique used.
A primary challenge when applying environmental rRNA sequencing is to avoid
introducing bias during library creation. Any process that systematically increases or
decreases a particular rRNA sequence with respect to its initial proportion in the sample may result in a dataset that inaccurately represents the true composition of the
environmental community. For example, microorganisms can have multiple copies of
the rrn operon [47]. An organism with two rrn operons will appear twice as abundant
in a 16S rRNA gene clone library as an organism with a single rrn operon. This rrn
copy bias is inherent in any 16S rRNA-based study. Different biases can also be introduced during clone library creation, such as from the PCR step if rRNA gene primers
are not truly universal (i.e. if a PCR primer contains a mismatch with particular sequences or a group of sequences, see Section 2.8, Case Study), or if the activity of the
polymerase enzyme is impeded or slowed by certain sequences [48, 49]. Additionally,
bias might occur at the transformation step, as some sequences inhibit E. coli growth,
or during the DNA extraction step if nucleic acid is more readily extracted from certain
organisms than others [50].
This list of potential biases may seem daunting, but it is a reality that environmental microbiologists must acknowledge. It is generally impossible to avoid introducing
any sort of bias with environmental techniques. As long as the potential sources for
bias are recognized, and the results are cautiously interpreted, then appropriate conclusions can be drawn. It is advantageous to compare multiple techniques for nucleic
acid extraction, PCR amplification, and cloning to compare different biases and to confirm results and identify potential artifacts (see Section 2.8). Specifically, steps may be
taken to limit bias, such as selecting appropriate PCR primers, minimizing PCR cycles,
or combining DNA extractions generated via different lysis procedures.
In recent years, 16S rRNA gene cloning has been widely applied in cave microbiology studies. One of the earliest applications of cloning to cave systems was performed by Angert et al. [51], in which cloning was used to describe a microbial community from a sulfidic stream in Parker Cave, Kentucky, USA. In other early applications, Vlasceanu et al. [52] and Hose et al. [4] used clone libraries to characterize
the communities of highly acidic cave snottites (see also Section 2.8). Other studies
applied cloning to explore the microbiology of ferromanganese corrosion residues in

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2.3 Culture-independent Analyses Based on rRNA Genes |


Lechuguilla Cave, New Mexico [34], unusual microbial mantles in Nullarbor Caves,
Australia [53], and microbial mats from Cesspool Cave, Virginia, USA [32]. In each of
these studies, 16S rRNA gene cloning revealed novel microbial diversity.

2.3.2 High-throughput rRNA amplicon sequencing

Recent developments in high-throughput DNA sequencing technology now allow for
large libraries of short DNA sequences, known as amplicons, to be generated at
lower cost and with less human labor compared with cloning. rRNA gene amplicon
sequencing, also referred to as tag or pyrotag sequencing, has become a popular way to characterize environmental microbial communities. Amplicon libraries can
contain anywhere from thousands to tens of millions of sequences. Amplicons are
short sequences of 100500 bp length that include one or more hypervariable regions of the 16S rRNA gene that have faster mutation rates compared to the rest of the
gene sequence [55]. By capturing this variability, and despite their short length, rRNA
gene amplicons have enough resolution to distinguish among microbial taxa.
Like cloning, environmental amplicon sequencing involves separation and sequencing of rRNA genes from an environmental DNA extract ( Fig. 2.1): (i) DNA extraction; (ii) PCR amplification of short regions of the 16S rRNA gene using primers
that include a priming sequence for the rRNA region of interest and adaptors and
primers for an Illumina sequencing platform (www.illumina.com) or a 454 Life Sciences pyrosequencer (www.454.com) ( Fig. 2.1); (iii) purification of the PCR products;
and (iv) direct sequencing on an Illumina or 454 platform. Individual gene sequences
are isolated from the mixed PCR product in step (ii) during the generation of 454 or
Illumina sequencing libraries. With 454 technology, sequences are isolated as each
is ligated to a bead and individually amplified in aqueous microreactors formed by
a water-in-oil emulsion [54]. Bead-bound sequences are then packed into individual
wells in a plate and sequenced in parallel by pyrosequencing. With Illumina technology, individual DNA sequences are separated and bound across the surface of a proprietary flow cell and amplified and sequenced in place. The adaptor/primers added in
step (ii) are required for binding to 454 beads or the Illumina flow cell, and commonly
include a unique barcode (a tag) that effectively identifies all the reads from a single
sample. Barcoding allows multiple samples to be pooled in a single sequencing run,
and thus constitutes a significant cost savings on a per-sample basis.
High-throughput amplicon sequencing was first applied by Sogin et al. [56], who
described marine sediment community diversity by using amplicons of the V6 hypervariable region of the 16S rRNA gene. The first applications of amplicon sequencing
for cave and karst microbial diversity studies were completed for Mexican cenotes by
Sahl et al. [57, 58] from the V1 and V2 regions of 16S rRNA genes. In other applications,
Ortiz et al. [59] used amplicon libraries to characterize microbial communities from
speleothems in Kartchner Caverns, Arizona, USA, and Gray and Engel [60] used am-

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30 | 2 Methods for Characterizing Microbial Communities in Caves and Karst: A Review

plicon sequencing to describe microbial communities associated with karst processes

in the Edwards Aquifer, Texas.
Amplicon sequencing has advantages and disadvantages compared to cloning.
Typical amplicon libraries are much larger than clone libraries, and thus represent
a more effective method for describing the uncommon and rare community members. Furthermore, because amplicon library generation requires no E. coli transformation step ( Fig. 2.1), there is a significant labor savings. Amplicon sequencing is
also free from biases associated with transformation, although the approach is still
subject to DNA extraction and PCR amplification biases. Because amplicon sequencing makes use of high-throughput DNA sequencing technologies, it can be cheaper.
However, despite these advantages, rRNA amplicon sequencing is not yet a suitable
replacement for cloning. With the current technology, rRNA amplicons have short
read lengths and only represent a fraction of the full 16S rRNA sequence. Amplicons
are generally only considered adequate to differentiate microbial genera and not
species because they have lower taxonomic resolution than the full-length rRNA
gene sequence. As such, amplicons are currently not as suitable for robust phylogenetic analysis because short sequences contain fewer variable positions and produce
less reliable alignments. Amplicon libraries also have high error rates from sequencing that can generate artificial diversity [61]. Fortunately, increasing read lengths from
high-throughput sequencers, as well as recent developments that offer dramatically
improved error rates [6264], offer a very positive outlook for future applications of
amplicon sequencing.

2.3.3 Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP)

T-RFLP is a technique by which amplified DNA sequences are separated and identified via restriction enzyme digestion. When applied to 16S rRNA genes, T-RFLP is performed by (i) amplifying rRNA genes from an environmental DNA extraction using
one or more fluorescently labeled PCR primers; (ii) digesting the amplified 16S rRNA
genes with one or more restriction enzymes, which cleave the genes at specific recognition sites; (iii) separating fragments of specific sizes after the restriction enzyme
digestion by capillary electrophoresis, after which only sequences that include the
fluorescent primer (the 5 - or 3 -end fragments, or terminal fragments) are analyzed [65]. In different organisms, restriction enzyme recognition sites occur at different positions along the gene, and these differences in recognition sites form the
basis for microbial identification. In step (iii), the length distribution of fluorescently
labeled fragments is recorded as an electropherogram, which represents the structure
and diversity of the microbial community. A fragment of a particular length represents
an OTU and the intensity of that fragment is proportional to the abundance of that
OTU. Because taxa are distinguished by differences in restriction fragment binding
sites, T-RFLP has less taxonomic resolution than direct sequence analysis. Addition-

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2.3 Culture-independent Analyses Based on rRNA Genes |


ally, full-length rRNA gene sequences are required to link T-RFLP fragments to microbial taxa. However, because no sequencing is directly required, a much larger number
of samples can be analyzed by T-RFLP than is typically reasonable by cloning. Readers are referred to Liu et al. [66] and Osborn et al. [67] for additional information on
T-RFLP has been applied to studies of cave microbial communities, including
assessing microbial community response to different inputs of human- and animalderived carbon in Wind Cave, South Dakota [68], relating microbial community shifts
in a Floridan karst aquifer to seasonal changes in groundwater chemistry [69], and
comparing bacterial community changes in epiphreatic karst pools following microbial colonization events associated with periodic flooding [70]. In all three studies
listed above, T-RFLP was used in conjunction with cloning. rRNA gene cloning facilitated the identification of microbial taxa, and T-RFLP was used to quantify communities across a larger number of samples.

2.3.4 Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE)

DGGE is analogous to T-RFLP, in that environmental gene sequences are separated
and analyzed by using electrophoresis. However, unlike T-RFLP, DGGE is performed
on genetic sequences of the same length. Sequences are separated by their susceptibility to denaturing chemicals. When done with 16S rRNA genes, DGGE is performed
by (i) extracting DNA from an environmental sample; (ii) amplifying short regions of
the 16S rRNA gene; and (iii) loading and running the PCR product on a gel that includes a gradient of a denaturing agent, such as urea, formamide, or a mixture of the
two. During amplification (step (ii)), a GC-clamp, which is an approximately 40 bp
region rich in guanine and cytosine (G and C) residues, is added to the end of the
16S rRNA sequence [71]. As fragments move through the gel (step (ii)), they are exposed to stronger and stronger concentrations of the denaturing agent. This eventually disrupts the hydrogen bonds that hold the DNA strands together. The GC-clamp
prevents fragments from becoming fully denatured, so they form Y-shaped structures that remain stationary in the gel. Sequences with higher G+C content will move
farther in the gel before denaturing and their final gel position is related ultimately to
differences in base pair content. Like T-RFLP, the resulting gel pattern for DGGE represents community structure and diversity. Because no sequencing is required, a large
number of samples can be simultaneously analyzed. Bands can be excised from the
DGGE gel and sequenced to determine the identity of individual fragments.
DGGE has commonly been used in cave studies, often for comparative purposes.
For example, using DGGE analysis of 16S rRNA genes, Portillo and Gonzalez [72] describe generally similar communities from white colonies on the cave walls from different parts of Altamira Cave, Spain. Other DGGE studies showed that bacterial and
archaeal communities on the same speleothem surface in Kartchner Caverns are more

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32 | 2 Methods for Characterizing Microbial Communities in Caves and Karst: A Review

similar to each other than to microbial communities on adjacent speleothems [73], and
that fungal communities from show caves can be distinct from communities in caves
with restricted access [74]. In another application, DGGE of 23S rRNA sequences was
used to reveal the biogeography of Epsilonproteobacteria from different sulfidic caves
and springs [75].
T-RFLP, DGGE, and related methods are collectively known as community fingerprinting. All community fingerprinting techniques employ electrophoretic separation of genetic variants in a PCR product, and the resulting electrophoresis pattern (the fingerprint) represents a snapshot of the community structure. Other commonly used fingerprinting techniques include automated ribosomal intergenic spacer
analysis, amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis, temperature gradient gel electrophoresis, and others. For more information, readers are referred to reviews on community fingerprinting by Nocker et al. [76] and Marzorati et al. [77].

2.3.5 Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)

FISH is a technique by which specific microbial taxa are fluorescently labeled in an intact environmental sample and then are directly observed and quantified via epifluorescence microscopy or confocal laser scanning microscopy [78]. Environmental samples for FISH are first fixed to preserve cellular structures, usually using paraformaldehyde. Then, during a hybridization phase, fluorescently labeled DNA probes (typically
1420 bp in length) are bound to the rRNA inside intact cells that can be imaged. Multiple FISH probes with different fluorophores can be applied to the same sample so
that more than one population can be simultaneously observed. Because FISH targets
rRNA transcripts and not genes, only active microbial populations with adequate ribosome numbers will produce a strong fluorescent signal. Furthermore, because rRNA
genes are the basis for probe sequences, FISH probes can be designed to target specific
species or entire microbial phyla, so long as appropriately conserved rRNA regions can
be identified. Refer to Hugenholtz et al. [78], Wagner et al. [79], and Behrens et al. [80]
for additional information on FISH.
The combined applications of cloning and FISH for microbial community characterization are commonly known as the full-cycle rRNA approach. Cloning is first
used to identify the microorganisms in a sample, and then FISH is applied to quantify those populations or to describe spatial associations among the populations. The
full-cycle rRNA approach is powerful. Although FISH results can be biased by nonspecific probe binding or issues with probe accessibility [80], FISH is not subject to biases
associated with DNA extraction, PCR, or E. coli transformation. Therefore, FISH is especially well suited to complement rRNA gene-based analyses.
In a study of unusual sprout-like microbial structures from Vjetrenica Cave,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kostanjek et al. [81] used FISH to map the position of different microbial populations in situ. From the careful preservation and examination

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2.4 PCR-Based Functional Gene Analysis


of cross-sections of the structures, the authors found that certain bacterial populations are restricted to the exterior of the structures, while other populations occur in
the interior. FISH has also been applied in other cave studies, such as to show that
certain groups of Epsilonproteobacteria dominate stream communities in Lower Kane
Cave, Wyoming, USA [82], to detect novel Acidobacteria in biofilms from the same
cave [83], and to quantify populations of different sulfur-oxidizing microorganisms
in sulfidic cave streams in the Frasassi and Acquasanta cave systems in Italy [8486].
In another study in the Frasassi cave system, a FISH probe was designed to label
attached Thiothrix epibionts that are symbiotically associated with a cave amphipod [87].
Many other methodological variations of FISH are possible. For example, catalyzed reporter deposition FISH (CARD-FISH) produces a more intense fluorescent
signal than traditional FISH [88] and can improve detection of cells with low ribosomal numbers. For example, CARD-FISH was applied for the enumeration of microorganisms in cold oligotrophic karst aquifers where traditional FISH did not produce
sufficient fluorescent signal to quantify bacterial populations [89]. Other variants
combine FISH with radiolabeling and microradiography (MAR-FISH [90]), incorporate gold labeling for identification via electron microscopy (GOLD-FISH [91]), and
even allow for the detection of nuclear genes [92]. In an application of one of these
FISH variants to karst microbial processes, Wilhartitz et al. [93] used MAR-FISH to
quantify the abundance of heterotrophic microorganisms and measure heterotrophic
production rates in an oligotrophic karst aquifer.

2.4 PCR-Based Functional Gene Analysis

rRNA gene-based methods do not directly provide information on the metabolic capabilities of microorganisms in a sample. To identify microbes associated with a particular energy metabolism, it is often desirable to analyze functional genes. Many of
the techniques described above, including cloning, T-RFLP, and DGGE, can also be applied to functional genes. For example, ammonia-oxidizing, sulfur-oxidizing, and autotrophic microbial communities from Movile Cave were described by cloning amoA,
soxB and RubisCO gene sequences [6], and methanotrophic microbes were identified by cloning mxaF, pmoA, mmoX sequences [94]. DGGE analysis of amoA and nifH
gene sequences was used to describe the diversity of ammonia-oxidizing and nitrogenfixing organisms in lava tube caves in the Azores, Portugal [95], and sequencing shc
genes from a sulfidic cave snottite community revealed evidence for hopanoid synthesis [42]. A significant challenge in analyzing functional gene content using PCR-based
approaches is in the primer design step. Protein-coding genes have much faster mutation rates compared with rRNA genes, so developing universal primers is challenging
and sometimes impossible.

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34 | 2 Methods for Characterizing Microbial Communities in Caves and Karst: A Review

2.5 Other Methods

In addition to the methods described above, multiple other culture-independent techniques have been applied to characterize the microbial diversity of caves, including
DNA stable isotope probing [6, 94], enzyme activity assays [96], in situ microsensor
profiling [85], synchrotron-based X-ray absorption spectroscopy [97], and radiolabelbased measures of autotrophy and heterotrophy [32, 98]. Electron microscopy has also
been a valuable source of information on microbial morphology [81, 99] and potential
geomicrobiological interactions [100, 101].

2.6 Metagenomics
All of the molecular techniques described above involve the direct amplification and
analysis of specific genomic regions of interest, such as rRNA gene sequences or genes
for particular enzymes. However, metagenomics is the analysis of genomic material
directly from a mixed microbial community, which circumvents some of the biases
and pitfalls of the other culture- and PCR-based methods. To construct a metagenomic
dataset, DNA is extracted from an environmental microbial community and directly
sequenced ( Fig. 2.1). The resulting metagenome contains genomic DNA sequences
from multiple organisms in the community and includes sequences of both phylogenetic marker genes (e.g. 16S rRNA genes) and functional genes (e.g. genes involved
in ammonia oxidation or nitrogen fixation). To effectively examine this mixed bag
of microbial genomic information, the taxonomic affiliation and function must be
determined for as many metagenomic sequences as possible. Generally, this is accomplished by first assembling short metagenomic sequences (reads) into longer
genome fragments, referred to as contiguous sequences. Assembly is followed by binning and annotation of the fragments. For a more in-depth introduction to metagenomics, consult recent reviews by Thomas et al. [102] and Teeling and Glckner [103].
At the time of writing, metagenomics applications to caves and karst communities are currently limited to just a few studies from recent years. Tetu et al. [7] identified genes for nitrogen cycling and partially reconstructed the genome of a novel
Thaumarchaeota from Weebubbie Cave, Australia. Ortiz et al. [3] studied community
metabolic pathways from stalactite surfaces in oligotrophic Kartchner Caverns. Jones
et al. [42, 104] determined microbial sulfur oxidation pathways from sulfidic cave
snottites, which is highlighted in Section 2.8, Case Study, below. As both computational and sequencing tools advance, metagenomics will likely become more and
more widely applied in cave studies.

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2.8 Case Study: Sulfidic Cave Snottites

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2.7 RNA-Based Analyses and Other -Omics Approaches

DNA-based analyses of functional genes, such as metagenomics or PCR-based approaches, provide important metabolic information on environmental microorganisms. However, analysis of DNA alone only indicates the potential metabolic capabilities of an organism, and not which genes the organism is actively using. Gene
expression can be determined by analyzing mRNA by either reverse transcription PCR
(RT-PCR) or metatranscriptomics. In RT-PCR, a reverse transcriptase enzyme is used to
convert single-stranded RNA into single-stranded DNA, and then that single-stranded
DNA is replicated by standard PCR protocols. In contrast, metatranscriptomics is to
mRNA what metagenomics is to DNA because the entire RNA content of a community
is simultaneously extracted and sequenced. RNA-based approaches are powerful and
provide direct information on the active microbial populations and ongoing metabolic
RNA-based approaches have not been widely applied in cave studies. Desai et
al. [96] used RT-PCR of nifH homologs to study active nitrogen fixation in the Frasassi
cave system, and Gonzalez et al. [105] used 16S rRNA transcript analysis to show that
Crenarchaeota are an active component of microbial communities on the walls of Altamira Cave. In the aforementioned study, Portillo and Gonzalez [72] used DGGE analysis of both rRNA transcripts and genes. However, like metagenomics, metatranscriptomics will certainly be applied to cave communities in the future because of its utility
to provide information on active microbial responses to natural or artificial perturbations and because of its complementary nature to metagenomics. In addition, other
-omics techniques are available to microbial ecologists. Metaproteomics and environmental metabolomics, the analysis of proteins and metabolites from environmental communities, respectively, also offer culture-independent insight into microbial
processes in the environment [106, 107].

2.8 Case Study: Sulfidic Cave Snottites

To illustrate how some of the methods described in this chapter can be applied to cave
communities, I conclude with a case study of unusual microbial formations known as
snottites ( Fig. 2.2). Snottites are highly acidic (pH 01), pendulous biofilms that form
on overhanging surfaces in H2 S(g)-rich caves. The earliest analyses of sulfidic cave
snottites [4, 52] utilized 16S rRNA gene cloning to explore snottite microbial communities from Cueva de Villa Luz, Mexico, and the Frasassi cave system, Italy. In subsequent work in the Frasassi caves, a full-cycle rRNA approach was used to characterize
snottites [108]. All three studies identified Acidithiobacillus spp. as the dominant bacteria in snottites, with smaller populations of Acidimicrobium- and Sulfobacillus-like
bacteria and other rare taxa. Archaea from the Thermoplasmatales group were cloned
from Frasassi snottites using universal primers ( Fig. 2.3) [108].

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36 | 2 Methods for Characterizing Microbial Communities in Caves and Karst: A Review

Fig. 2.2. Field image

of snottite biofilms
from the Frasassi
Caves, Italy. Yellow
scale bar is 2 cm.
Acid mine drainage clone IMRP42 (AY789589)
G-plasma pink biofilm clone (AADL01001600)
Frasassi snottite clone RS24c_A1 (HM754546)

Alphabet plasmas

Frasassi snottite clone RS9a52

Rio Tinto clone antb10 (EF446196)
Coal effluent wetland clone ARCP1-60 (AF523941)
Rio Tinto clone antb5 (EF446197)
Coal effluent wetland clone ARCP1-27 (AF523937)
Acid mine drainage clone ASL1 (AF544224)
Rio Tinto clone ant g4 (DQ303254)
Rio Tinto clone ant d5 (DQ303252)
Coal effluent wetland clone ARCP1-21 (AF523936)
Rio Tinto clone ant b7 (DQ303249)
Acid mine drainage clone AS7 (AF544220)

Frasassi snottite clone DSJa51 (DQ499229)

Snottite clone AS5u58

Frasassi snottite clone DSJa14 (DQ499227)


Ferroplasma acidiphilum str. DSM 12658 (AJ224936)

Ferroplasma acidarmanus Type 1 (AADL01001187)
Ferroplasma sp. Type II (AADL01001500)

Ferroplasma cyprexacervatum str. BH2 (AY907888)

Acidiplasma aeolicum (AM943980)
Picrophilus torridus str. DSM 9790 (NC_005877)
Picrophilus oshimae (X84901)
Thermoplasma volcanium str. GSS1 (AP000996)
Thermoplasma acidophilum str. DSM 1728 (NC_002578) Thermoplasma
Aciduliprofundum boonei str. T469 (DQ451875)
Hydrothermal vent clone plSA42 (AB019742)
Outgroups: Pyrobaculum islandicum, Sulfolobus acidocaldarius,
Pyrococcus horikoshii, Methanosarcina acetivorans
0.03 substitutions/site

Fig. 2.3. Phylogenetic analysis of archaeal 16S rRNA gene clones identified populations of Ferroplasma spp. and a G-plasma-like organism in Frasassi Cave snottites. The tree shown here was
constructed using neighbor-joining analysis and dots indicate nodes supported by > 95% bootstrap
support. rRNA gene cloning of Frasassi snottites is described in [42, 104, 108].

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2.8 Case Study: Sulfidic Cave Snottites

% of total cells

| 37

Ramo Sulfureo site RS2





Ramo Sulfureo site RS2

May, 2005

August, 2005

EUBMIX (most bacteria)

ARCH915 (most Archaea)

THIO1 (Acidithiobacillus spp.)

FER656 (Ferroplasma spp.)

ACM732 (Acidimicrobium spp.)

Fig. 2.4. FISH analyses of snottites from the Frasassi cave system. (a) A representative FISH photomicrograph of a snottite sample. Specificity of different FISH probes is given in the legend.
Based on other FISH analyses not shown here, the blue cells in (a) are archaeal populations and
the majority of green cells are Acidithiobacillus spp. (b) Cell counts based on FISH analyses were
used to quantify snottite microbial populations. FISH analyses of Frasassi snottites are reported
in [42, 104, 108].

Fig. 2.5. Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans strains

isolated from snottites were found to produce biofilm material in culture (photo by A.

FISH analyses [108] confirmed the cloning results, and were used to analyze
a larger number of snottite samples from multiple locations in the cave system
( Fig. 2.4). FISH analysis revealed that archaeal populations constituted a large
component of the snottite community, up to 40% in some cases, and that the Acidimicrobium-like organisms varied from 0% to 10% relative abundance. FISH analyses also
showed that Acidithiobacillus spp. were perennially dominant in snottites. Strains of
Acidithiobacillus spp. were isolated from snottites, and were shown to oxidize sulfur,
fix carbon dioxide, and form biofilm ( Fig. 2.5).
However, rRNA methods and cultivation could not answer all questions. Some,
but not all of the snottite Archaea hybridized with a FISH probe for the genus Ferroplasma [108]. Despite general agreement between FISH and cloning results [103],
the other Archaea could not be identified. Furthermore, snottite Archaea and the
Acidimicrobium-like bacteria were only distantly related to cultivated microorgan-

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38 | 2 Methods for Characterizing Microbial Communities in Caves and Karst: A Review

isms based on 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity. The low rRNA sequence similarity,
coupled with the fact that these groups defied all attempts at culturing, meant that
little could be inferred about their metabolism. Finally, despite the identification of
the snottite Acidithiobacillus spp. as sulfur-oxidizing autotrophs, other important
aspects of their metabolism remained unknown. Therefore, Jones et al. [42, 104] applied metagenomic sequencing and additional full-cycle rRNA analyses to explore the
metabolic potential of snottite microorganisms further.
Metagenomic analysis provided several important insights. First, the missing
snottite archaeal population was identified as G-plasma, an archaeon from the
Thermoplasmatales group with no close culture representatives ( Fig. 2.3) [42].
G-plasma was missed by earlier studies because of a mismatch between G-plasma
16S rRNA genes and widely used archaeal PCR primers. However, metagenomics
avoids PCR bias, and by using the new 16S rRNA gene sequence information recovered from metagenomics, primer sequences were modified and G-plasma sequences were successfully cloned [42]. Second, the energy metabolism of other
snottite populations was inferred from metagenomic data ( Fig. 2.6). A lack of any
known C-fixation pathways among the G-plasma, Ferroplasma, and Acidimicrobium-like populations suggested that those organisms were heterotrophic. With
deeper metagenome sequencing, snottite G-plasma, Acidimicrobium, and Ferroplasma were each found to have an sqr gene that encodes the sulfide-oxidizing enzyme
sulfide:quinoneoxidoreductase [104]. Third, metagenomics was used to characterize
the sulfur oxidation pathway of the snottite Acidithiobacillus, which includes the SQR
system, a partial SOX system, and four structurally distinct SQR enzymes [42, 104].
The combined use of cloning, FISH, culturing, and metagenomics has been essential to characterize the Frasassi snottite microorganisms. Cloning was used initially to
identify the microbial inhabitants of snottites, and FISH allowed for a quantitative accounting of different microbial populations across multiple samples. Metagenomics
identified an important primer bias against G-plasma, which led to a more complete community description. General agreement between FISH and metagenomics
confirmed the reliability of metagenomic-based community analysis. Metagenomics
also provided functional information beyond what could be predicted from rRNA sequence analysis alone, including the identification of metabolic sulfur oxidation pathways in snottite microorganisms and development of a conceptual model of snottite
biogeochemistry [42, 104]. Moreover, metagenomics generated hypotheses about the
mechanism of sulfur oxidation by Acidithiobacillus that will be tested with culturebased manipulations in the future.

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2.9 Conclusions

Limestone (CaCO3)
cave walls


NO3-, P
trace metals?

Microcrystalline gypsum



Rare organisms
(Fungi, protists, rare
bacteria and archaea)

Cave atmosphere


Acidimicrobiaceae sp.

Corg oxidation


Biofilm (EPS)
matrix (pH 0-1)

Acidithiobacillus sp.

SQR, SOX system
EPS production
Acid production



Reductive pentose
phosphate pathway



Cave stream

Fig. 2.6. Conceptual model of snottite biogeochemistry based in part on metagenomic analyses
described in [42, 104]. Modified from [42].

2.9 Conclusions
Numerous methods are available to environmental microbiologists seeking to study
microbial processes in caves and karst. The techniques reviewed here represent currently used approaches, as well as some that will become more widely employed in the
future. When considering different techniques, it is important to be aware not only of
the biases inherent to each, but also the extent to which each is capable of resolving
the true microbial diversity of the sample. Fig. 2.7 depicts a rank abundance curve
of a representative environmental community. Most environmental communities are
dominated by a relatively small number of abundant microbial populations and larger

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40 | 2 Methods for Characterizing Microbial Communities in Caves and Karst: A Review

? Metagenomics

16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing


Taxon abundance

16S rRNA gene community fingerprinting
16S rRNA gene cloning
Culture-dependent analyses


Fig. 2.7. A representative rank abundance curve of an environmental microbial community. Most
environmental communities are dominated by a small number of abundant taxa, but also include a
long tail of less abundant taxa that represent the rare biosphere. Different techniques describe
different portions of that total diversity (see the text for details). Figure based on [37].

numbers of low abundance taxa. The long tail of rare taxa in Fig. 2.7 is commonly
known as the rare biosphere [56, 61], and can be thought of as a seed bank of microbial diversity. Each different technique reviewed here is capable of describing a
slightly different component of this diversity, and Fig. 2.7 represents a useful context in which to summarize environmental methods.
Culture-based analyses represent a powerful tool for identifying microbial metabolic capabilities and fully characterizing isolates. However, they often represent a
biased view of microbial abundance and diversity in the environment because the
organisms that grow most readily in the lab might simply be weeds from the rare
biosphere ( Fig. 2.7). Culture-independent methods use direct amplification of rRNA
genes from environmental samples to produce a more accurate picture of the true microbial diversity. However, different techniques have different limitations. For example, rRNA amplicon sequencing produces large datasets that can begin to approach
the true microbial diversity ( Fig. 2.7), but each sequence has low taxonomic resolution and amplicons libraries can have high error rates. Cloning, in contrast, produces
full- or nearly full-length sequences but only relatively small libraries. Community
fingerprinting techniques are currently the most cost-effective rRNA-based tools, but
have neither the phylogenetic resolution of cloning nor the depth of amplicon libraries
( Fig. 2.7). Direct characterization of functional genes via PCR-based techniques or
metagenomics provides culture-independent information on metabolic potential, but
currently, those techniques are only effectively applied to the most abundant members
of the community. However, DNA sequencing technology is rapidly advancing, and as
costs decrease and throughput increases, metagenomics may even supplant certain
rRNA-based approaches [109]. Together, environmental DNA sequencing, novel cultivation techniques, -omics approaches, and other microbiological methods offer innovative ways to probe environmental microbial processes and represent an exciting
new toolbox for future cave and karst microbiology researchers.

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References | 41

Thanks to all of those who have advised and assisted me in the lab and field, especially J. Macalady, I. Schaperdoth, E. Lyon, T. Jones, S. Dattagupta, K. Dawson, and
H. Albrecht. I extend sincere thanks to L. Hose, L. Rosales-Lagarde, A. Montanari, F.
Baldoni, S. Carnevali, S. Cerioni, S. Galdenzi, M. Mainiero, S. Mariani, and the Gruppo
Speleologico C. A. I. di Fabriano for wonderful guidance on caving and cave research.
I also extend special thanks to A. Engel for organizing and editing this volume.





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