Music Therapy

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Research and Theory for Nursing Practice: An International Journal, Vol. 30, No.

1, 2016

Concept Analysis: Music Therapy

Carolyn J. Murrock, RN, PhD
School of Nursing, University of Akron, Ohio

Abir K. Bekhet, PhD, RN, HSMI

College of Nursing, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Winconsin

Down through the ages, music has been universally valued for its therapeutic properties based on the psychological and physiological responses in humans. However, the
underlying mechanisms of the psychological and physiological responses to music
have been poorly identified and defined. Without clarification, a concept can be
misused, thereby diminishing its importance for application to nursing research and
practice. The purpose of this article was for the clarification of the concept of music
therapy based on Walker and Avants concept analysis strategy. A review of recent
nursing and health-related literature covering the years 20072014 was performed
on the concepts of music, music therapy, preferred music, and individualized music.
As a result of the search, the attributes, antecedents, and consequences of music
therapy were identified, defined, and used to develop a conceptual model of music
therapy. The conceptual model of music therapy provides direction for developing
music interventions for nursing research and practice to be tested in various settings to improve various patient outcomes. Based on Walker and Avants concept
analysis strategy, model and contrary cases are included. Implications for future
nursing research and practice to use the psychological and physiological responses
to music therapy are discussed.

Keywords: concept analysis; music; preferred music; music therapy;

individualized music

oncept analysis is a method for clarifying an overused concept that may be

prevalent in nursing and health care literature. Without clarification, a concept
can be misused, thereby diminishing its importance for knowledge development. For example, the literature is replete with studies of music therapy to alter mood,
provide distraction, and as a cue for movement. However, the therapeutic properties
of music based on the attributes, antecedents, and consequences as a foundation for
music therapy are not clearly defined. Thus, the purpose of this article is clarification of
the concept of music therapy using the framework of defining attributes, antecedents,


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Psychological responses
- Mood alteration
- Auditory distraction
- Memory
- Well-being
- Sleep quality
Physiological responses
- Blood pressure
- Respirations
- Heart rate
- Oxygen consumption
- Immune response
- Cognitive performance
- Gait and balance

Figure 1. Model of the concept of music therapy.

consequences, and a model case (Walker & Avant, 2010). Furthermore, the concept
analysis of music therapy will provide insight into the conceptual model of music therapy
to provide direction for interventions in nursing research and practice (Figure 1). Hence,
the conceptual model of music therapy can serve as a framework for developing and
testing music interventions in various adult populations to improve health outcomes.


Music has been defined as both the science and art of ordering tones or sounds in
succession, in combination, and in temporal relationships to produce a composition
having unity and continuity (Merriam-Websters Collegiate Dictionary, 1994). Down
through the ages, music has been universally valued for its therapeutic properties of
the psychological and physiological responses in humans (Murrock & Higgins, 2009).
Musical compositions are complex blends of organized sound which invokes both
psychological and physiological responses within the listener (Murrock & Higgins,
2009). Psychologically, music stimulates the unconscious automatic response at
the lower brain. Physiologically, music causes the brain to release endorphins and
thus create an effect similar to that of morphine in the body (Hart, 2009). The physiological responses are caused by the stimulation of the autonomic nervous system
(ANS) that controls heart rate, respiratory rate, electrical conductivity, blood pressure,
and endocrine functions (Hart, 2009). Because of its integrative power, music is an
important intervention for nursing and health care because of its multidimensional
effect on humans (Gallagher, 2011b).

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Murrock and Bekhet

In the literature, there are three different terms for using music to evoke the psychological and physiological responses. First, there is music therapy, defined as the
controlled use of music and its influence on the human being to aid in the physiological, psychological, and emotional integration of the individual during treatment of
illness or disability (Munro & Mount, 1978). In practice, music therapy is the clinical
and evidence-based use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals
within a therapeutic relationship by a credentialed professional who has completed
an approved music therapy program (American Music Therapy Association, 2010).
Music therapy is used to improve, maintain, remediate, or prevent one or more clinical
issues for patient care (de Niet, Tiemens, Lendemeijer, & Hutschemaekers, 2009).
For example, music therapy has reduced postoperative pain (Comeaux & SteeleMoses, 2013), improved pain management (Kwan, Soek, & Seah, 2013), decrease
depression in older adults (Chan, Wong, Onishi, & Thayala, 2011), reduced anxiety
in adult patients (Li, Zhou, Yan, Wang, & Zhang, 2012) and in caregivers of patients
with cancer (Lai, Li, & Lee, 2011), reduced anxiety in ventilated patients (Korhan,
Khorshid, & Uyar, 2011), decreased nausea and vomiting in patients with cancer
(Karagozoglu, Tekyasar, & Yilmaz, 2012), and decreased posttraumatic stress in
adults (Carr et al., 2012). Other music therapy studies reported decreased agitation
in patients with dementia (Clare, 2014); decreased stress, anxiety, and depression
in older adults (Mohammadi, Shahabi, & Panah, 2011); improved mood in patients
with stroke (Kim et al., 2011); improved sleep quality and relaxation (Su et al., 2013);
and enhanced psychological well-being in patients with cancer (Foster, Wiseman,
& Pennert, 2014). Thus, there is empirical support for the conceptual model of
music therapy based on the psychological and physiological responses in various
adult populations.
A second term found in the literature is preferred music, which is defined as
systematic presentation of music selected based on personal music preferences
(Gerdner, 1997). Music can be used to introduce a sense of familiarity into a new
environment or to maximize familiarity in an existing environment. To facilitate
feelings of physical and mental relaxation, music can mask environmental noises
and refocus an individuals attention on a more pleasant emotional state (Gerdner,
1997). Listening to preferred music can induce pleasant and positive feelings with
activation of the limbic system (Menon & Levitin, 2005). Furthermore, listening to
relaxing music decreased cortisol, which can reduce anxiety and promote relaxation
(Menon & Levitin, 2005). As a result, preferred music can be a viable alternative to
chemical and physical restraints to decrease agitation in older adults with dementia
(Sung, Chang, & Lee, 2010). Listening to preferred music has also been associated
with improved mood and problem-solving skills in professional adults (Lesiuk,
2010). Thus, listening to preferred music can improve the psychological responses
to music therapy by impacting an individuals emotional state.
As an auditory time cue, music is also a stimulus for movement. Exercising to
preferred music has demonstrated beneficial effects on the psychological and physiological responses of the individual (Hutchinson & Sherman, 2014). Preferred music
enhances state motivation and arousal through the sympathetic branch of the ANS,
which increases heart, blood pressure, and respiration rate (Guyton & Hall, 2005).

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Studies show that exercising to preferred music resulted in the psychological
responses of improved mood in young adults and athletes (Karageorghis et al.,
2011; Karageorghis, Jones, & Stuart, 2007; Karageorghis et al., 2010) and improved
well-being in older adults (Madison, Paulin, & Aasa, 2013). Physiological responses
reported are improved exercise performance in patients with dementia and longterm care residents (Johnson, Deatrick, & Oriel, 2012; OKonski, Bane, Hettinga, &
Krull, 2010), improved gait in patients with stroke (Jeong & Kim, 2007), improved
cognitive function in older adults (Satoh et al., 2014), and increased flexibility and
reduced blood pressure in older adults (Madison et al., 2013). Also, loud volume
music often distracts the individual from unpleasant stimuli, such as shortness of
breath, fatigue, and muscle soreness (Hutchinson & Sherman, 2014; Karageorghis
et al., 2011; Karageorghis et al., 2010). As a result, exercising to preferred music
also produces beneficial psychological and physiological responses to improve
various health outcomes.
Individualized music is the third term, which is music that has been integrated into
an individuals life and is based on personal preference (Gerdner, 1997). Individualized
music is specifically customized to the preferences of the individual listener, which
is particularly important for patients with dementia. When patients with dementia
are exposed to music that they perceive as familiar and pleasant, this may override
potentially confusing stimuli, such as sounds from the environment that are inaccurately interpreted by the brain owing to the dementia (Gallagher, 2011a). Music
replaces the confusing stimuli with a familiar and soothing aural environment that
may elicit positive feelings or remote memories. When individualized music is
administered prior to or during periods of agitation, the positive responses elicited
are decreased distress and improved relaxation, which often prevents or minimizes
further agitation (Gerdner & Schoenfelder, 2010; Park & Specht, 2009). Regardless
of the definition for using music, the therapeutic properties of music impact the
consequences of psychological and physiological responses in various adult populations. Thus, the conceptual model of music therapy can serve as a framework for
music interventions for future nursing research to improve various health outcomes.

Review of the Literature

Music, commonly called the universal language, has been used throughout history
as a powerful medium for health, healing, and wellness (Murrock & Higgins, 2009).
As a pioneer in nursing, Florence Nightingale noticed the effects of music on pain
in soldiers during the Crimean War (Nightingale, 1859/1992). Nightingale believed a
healthy environment was an essential component of healing and music helped put the
soldiers in a healing environment. Thus, to better understand the therapeutic properties of music therapy, music needs conceptual clarification based on its attributes,
antecedents, and consequences. The attributes, antecedents, and consequences are
the crucial elements of the conceptual model of music therapy (Figure 1).
To identify current nursing research and practice, a review of the recent nursing and health-related literature covering the years 20072014 was performed on
the concepts of music, music therapy, preferred music, and individualized music.

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To further extend the literature search, the following keywords were searched: concept
analysis, psychological responses to music, and physiological responses to music.
These concepts and keywords were used to search these databases: Cumulative
Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), MEDLINE, ProQuest Nursing
& Allied Health Source, PsycINFO, and Cochrane Library. Inclusion criteria included
music history, music therapy, and music intervention studies in adult populations.
Only articles written in English or translated to English were reviewed. Articles of
music intervention studies in infants, children, adolescents, and meta-analyses
were excluded from the review. The search resulted in 158 articles, 4 books, and
3 book chapters and then limited to 75 articles, 4 books, and 3 book chapters that
met the inclusion criteria and were not duplicate citations.
Attributes of Music. The attributes of music consist of five elements: rhythm,
melody, pitch, harmony, and interval (Alvin, 1975; Bunt, 1994). These attributes are
closely related, interdependent, and nonhierarchical. As the first element, rhythm is
the pattern of repeated sounds and silences and is the most fundamental, essential,
structural, and organizational element (Tramo, 2001). Rhythm captures an individuals
attention and is the most important consideration when using music for specific
and therapeutic purposes. As an auditory time cue, rhythm influences motor control
and function based on its recurring patterns and predictable cues. Rhythmic cueing
leads to skeletal muscle synchronization and determines the timing, cadence, and
dynamics of physical movements (Thaut, 1997). Melody is the sequencing of musical pitch and intervals between musical notes. As the second element, melody is
structured by its length and intensity and expresses a mood or an emotion (Schneck
& Berger, 1999). As a form of nonverbal communication, melody can elicit emotions
from one extreme response (happy, calm, euphoric) to another (sad, anxious, angry).
Pitch, the third element, is the number of cycles that a particular sound vibrates per
second (Aldridge, 1996). Faster vibrations cause high-pitched tones often associated with cheerful or happy reactions. Conversely, slower vibrations cause lower
tones and typically denote bleakness or depression. The vibration rate influences
emotional response as rapid vibrations and are perceived as stimulating and slow
vibrations are deemed relaxing (Bunt, 1994). The fourth element, harmony, is the
result of blending pitches together to form a combination of sound. These blended
combinations can be characterized as consonant or dissonant (Bunt, 1994) and
form distinct patterns from the concurrent musical notes producing a musical chord.
Interval, the fifth and final element, is the distance between each note and it is the
integral component of the melody giving it its character and emotional response
(Schneck & Berger, 1999). As a result, the five elements of music play a significant
role in eliciting a broad spectrum of consequences such as emotional responses
(psychological) and as a stimulus for movement (physiological) that can improve
health outcomes in various patient populations.
Antecedents of Music. Antecedents are those events or incidences that come
before the particular concept (Walker & Avant, 2010). For music, the antecedents
are vibration, sound, tone, timbre, intensity, and tempo. To start, vibration is the
quivering or trembling motion of molecules resulting in sound. Without vibration,
nothing can be heard. To the human ear, sound ranges from the lowest audible

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tone (vibrating at 20 times per second) to the highest audible tone (vibrating at
20,000 times per second; Guzzetta, 2000). Sound makes its way to the auditory
cortex of the brain where the primary auditory cortex discriminates for high acuity
loudness and precise distinction of pitch. This is important for distinguishing tonal
and sequential sound patterns (Curtis, Carroll, & Curtis, 1998). To differentiate sound
from music, there must be resonance, which is the enrichment of a musical tone by
vibration. Tone is the sound of definite pitch, whereas timbre is the quality of tone
distinctive of a particular musical instrument or singing voice (Curtis et al., 1998).
Another antecedent is intensity, which is a reflection of volume and vibratory amplitude (Jonas-Simpson, 1997). Intensity determines the overall impact of the music as
consistently loud music is considered disturbing, whereas soft music is considered
soothing. Contrasting between soft and loud volumes, intensity is what makes music
interesting. The speed at which the sequences of musical pitches are delivered is
tempo (Schneck & Berger, 1999). Tempo is an important antecedent in determining
the happy and sad emotional connotations of music. It has been suggested that the
emotional responses to music originate from the brainstem (Pereira et al., 2011). For
example, happy music is usually characterized by fast tempo of and major mode,
whereas sad in music is expressed by slow tempo and minor mode (Pereira et al.,
2011). Based on the conceptual model of music therapy (Figure 1), the antecedents
impact the attributes, which in turn impact the consequences of the psychological
and physiological responses in the human body. Thus, the six antecedents are the
foundation for the therapeutic properties of music.
Consequences of Music. Consequences are the events or incidences that happen as a result of the occurrence of the particular concept (Walker & Avant, 2010).
For music, the consequences are the therapeutic properties of psychological and
physiological responses within the human body. Music produces psychological
responses by engaging the right hemisphere of the brain, which is involved in intuitive
and creative methods of processing information (Tramo, 2001). From the auditory
cortex, music is processed in the limbic system known as the center of emotions,
sensations, and feelings (Creutzfeldt & Ojemann, 1989). Music follows a complex
syntactic structure (Seger et al., 2013) as attributes and antecedents such as pitch,
tonality, rhythm, and volume play important roles in affective response and cognitive
recognition (Wu, Li, Yin, Zhou, & Yao, 2010). The affective response is the subjective
reaction of positive or negative emotions such as pleasure/displeasure or joy/sorrow
that are associated with a particular musical composition (Vieillard, Roy, & Peretz,
2012). Cognitive recognition is the meaning and/or memory associated with the
music in adults and adults with schizophrenia (Gold et al., 2012; Hars, Herrmann,
Gold, Rizzoli, & Trombetti, 2014). Thus, mood alteration depends on the persons
mood, response and recognition to music, musical preference, and culture (Thaut,
1989; Vieillard et al., 2012; Villarreal, Brattico, Vase, stergaard, & Vuust, 2012).
Music training promotes brain plasticity resulting in structural changes in immediate cognitive performance. The cognitive performance is often enhanced over
time, even when active participation in music training stopped (Gooding, Abner,
Jicha, Kryscio, & Schmitt, 2014). Recently, a growing area of interest is the effect
of music on cognitive abilities in various age groups, specifically in older adults.

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For example, continuous music training resulted in enhancement of cognitive control

abilities in older adults and that early to midlife musical training enhanced late-life
episodic and semantic memory (Amer, Kalender, Hasher, Trehub, & Wong, 2013).
Six-month weekly music-based multitask training was correlated with improved
cognitive function and reduced anxiety (Hars et al., 2014) and improved gait,
enhanced balance, and decreased the rate of falls in community-dwelling older
adults at risk for falls (Trombetti et al., 2011). Active music therapy in addition to
standard therapy significantly improved the attention, visual-motor coordination,
and memory in an adult patient with memory, attention, and verbal fluency deficits
associated with vascular cognitive impairment (Giovagnoli, Oliveri, Schifano, &
Raglio, 2014).
In the realm of mental health, group music therapy was effective in enhancing
alpha waves, attention, calculation, language, as well as improving emotional
relaxation and cognitive abilities for persons with chronic schizophrenia (Kwon,
Gang, & Oh, 2013). In 89 dementia-caregivers dyads, both singing and music listening enhanced mood, orientation, and remote episodic memory in persons with
early dementia (PWED). To a lesser extent, it improved attention, executive function, and general cognition in PWED. Singing also improved short-term memory
and caregiver well-being, whereas music listening had a positive effect on quality
of life (Srkm et al., 2013).
The physiological responses to music occur as music passes through the auditory
cortex to the limbic system, affecting the ANS, which controls the cardiovascular,
respiratory, neuroendocrine, and immune systems of the body. The physiological responses of music are caused by auditory vibrations that enter the ear via
the pinna, travel through the ear canal, cross the tympanic membrane, ossicles,
middle ear muscles, and cochlear fluid of the organ of Corti (Curtis et al., 1998).
From the organ of Corti, the auditory vibrations are transmitted by nerve fibers to
various centers of the brain. Mediated by the brainstem, hypothalamus, limbic system, and hemispheric integration, the auditory vibrations subsequently affect the
autonomic, immune, endocrine, and neuropeptide systems (Botez, Botez, & Aube,
1983). Furthermore, the physiological responses also depend on the psychological
responses to music. Music can alter mood as positive emotional states enhance
parasympathetic activity to reduce heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and
pain (Vaajoki, Kankkunen, Pietil, & Vehvilinen-Julkunen, 2011; Wang, Dong, &
Li, 2014), boost immunity (Lai, Liao, Huang, Chen, & Peng, 2013), and decreased
cortisol levels and stress (Lai & Li, 2011).
Music can serve as a distracter by diverting attention away from an unpleasant stimulus. For example, pain typically leads to a stress response resulting in
increased heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, and state anxiety (Lazarus,
1991). Calm music may interrupt this stress response by releasing b-endorphins, the
bodys natural opioid pain relievers (Chlan & Halm, 2013; Comeaux & Steele-Moses,
2013; Kwan et al., 2013; Villarreal et al., 2012). b-Endorphins are associated with
pleasant emotions, relaxation, and pain relief. As a result, music occupies sensory
neurons and blocks transmission of painful, unpleasant stimuli. Thus, the physiological responses are because of auditory vibrations and psychological responses

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to music. Based on the literature, the antecedents and attributes are defined and
the consequences of music are documented to support the conceptual model of
music therapy.

Model Case
The conceptual model of music therapy includes antecedents and attributes to
provide direction for developing interventions to influence the consequences.
Understanding the attributes of music is essential part of music therapy when
developing an intervention. Subsequently, the consequences of music therapy can
be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the music intervention. The model case
is an example of the conceptual model of music therapy that has all the defining
attributes of the concept (Walker & Avant, 2010).
J.H. is a 64-year-old female who recently had hip replacement surgery. In addition
to pain management after surgery, it is imperative for those who have undergone
hip replacement surgery to restore physical function. While ambulating with the
nurse from the bathroom to the chair, J.H. experiences moderate incision pain and
feels that her heart rate and breathing are faster than usual. The nurse notices J.H.
grimacing in pain and knows that she needs something in addition to pain medication so J.H. can walk to physical therapy. She complains to the nurse that she cannot
do physical therapy today and wants to go back to bed. To help alleviate J.H.s pain,
the nurse turns on the CD player at her bedside that plays big band music with a
tempo of 6080 beats per minute. As the musical composition begins, J.H. notices
the constant rhythm of the drums, melody of the trumpets, pitch of the high notes
of the flutes, harmony of the woodwinds, and the interval between each note in the
trumpets melody (attributes). The music starts out soft and slow with a tempo of 60
beats per minute and then becomes louder and increasing to a tempo of 80 beats
per minute. As the musical composition comes to an end, the volume becomes
soft again and the tempo returns to 60 beats per minute (antecedents). By the end
of the song, J.H. feels her pain is tolerable and agrees to go to physical therapy.
As a result, the music intervention shifted her attention away from the unpleasant
stimuli of pain to a more pleasant stimulus of music (psychological consequence).

Contrary Case
Contrary cases are constructed to understand what the concept is not (Walker &
Avant, 2010). For example, J.H. has returned from physical therapy and is complaining
of pain. It is not time for pain medication so she asks the nurse if she can listen to
music because it helped alleviate her pain prior to physical therapy. The nurse brings
her a CD of nature sounds and starts the CD while J.H. is in bed trying to relax. As
the CD begins, J.H. notices birds singing, a babbling brook, and other nature sounds.
J.H. notices the different pitches and sounds of the bird calls. However, the pitches
and sounds are not music and there is no rhythm, melody, or harmony of the bird
calls and other nature sounds. By the end of the CD, J.H. does not feel as if her pain
has decreased and asks the nurse if it is time for her pain medication. As a result,
the CD of nature sounds did not distract her attention away from the unpleasant

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Murrock and Bekhet

stimuli of pain. Even though the birds singing included the antecedents of sound,
tone, timbre, and intensity, it did not have the five attributes of music and did not
lead to consequence of reduced pain.

Concept analysis was used to clarify music therapy and provide a conceptual model
of its antecedents, attributes, and consequences. The definitions of music, music
therapy, preferred music, and individualized music are addressed as well as the
consequences of music therapy based on these definitions. However, few studies
mentioned the attributes of music therapy, which are the five elements that play
an instrumental role in capturing an individuals attention (rhythm), eliciting an
emotional response (melody), having high or low sounds (pitch), combining sound
(harmony), and altering the distance between notes (interval). Based on the literature, these attributes are vital when developing music interventions to elicit the
psychological and physiological responses to improve health outcomes. In addition,
few studies mention the antecedents of music therapy, which are the foundation for
the therapeutic properties of music. Only nine studies mentioned the therapeutic
properties of the attributes and antecedents when testing a music intervention that
resulted in the psychological and physiological responses of music therapy (Table 1).
Furthermore, the model and contrary cases of music therapy illustrated examples of
what the concept is and is not when using music therapy as an intervention to
alleviate pain. Thus, the conceptual model of music therapy can serve as a framework for music interventions that have practical application in nursing research
and practice to improve various health outcomes in various patient populations.
As a result of this concept analysis, the conceptual model of music therapy provides the underpinnings for other theories. For example, two middle-range nursing
theories focus on the psychological responses of music reduce pain and decrease
agitation. The theory of acute pain management (Good, 1998) uses music as a
nonpharmacological adjuvant to distract a patients attention away from a pain
stimulus. It has been tested in abdominal surgery (Good, 1995; Good & Chin, 1998)
and labor and delivery patients (Good et al., 1999) to reduce pain and pain medication usage. The other theory is the theory of individualized music intervention for
agitation (IMIA; Gerdner, 1997). This theory proposes that individualized music must
be familiar to the patient to have any impact on agitation. Music is proposed as a
nonpharmacological intervention to reduce agitation medication and the need for
restraints in patients with dementia (Gallagher, 2011b; Gerdner, 2000). However,
neither theory describes the therapeutic properties of the attributes or the antecedents of music therapy for the psychological responses.
As for physiological responses, the rhythmic auditory stimulation (RAS) technique (Thaut, Miltner, Lange, Hurt, & Hoemberg, 1999) uses music as a cue for
movement in neurologically impaired individuals. RAS is based on entrainment in
which rhythmic auditory cues help an individual synchronize movements of his or
her arms and legs. The attribute of rhythm serves as an anticipatory and continuous

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TABLE 1. Reported Attributes and Antecedents of Music Interventions
Attributes (AT)
Antecedents (AN)


Melody (AT)

Major mode 5 happy

Tempo (AN)

Fast 5 happy/
slow 5 sad

Pitch (AT)

Emotional regulation in patients with


Gold et al.

Decreased anxiety
and depression
in caregivers of
patients with cancer

Lai et al.


Chan et al.

Intensity (AN)
Rhythm (AT)
Tempo-slow (AN)

Tempo-slow (AN)


Pereira et al.

Rhythm (AT)

Increased heart
rate and improved
gait in patients with
Parkinsons disease

Thaut (1997)

Rhythm (AT)

Increased cognitive

Satoh et al.

Tempo (AN)

Increased participation
in an exercise program

Johnson et al.

Rhythm (AT)

No change in immune

Lai et al.

Increased sleep quality

and decreased heart

Su et al.

Tempo (AN)

Melody (AT)
Melody (AT)
Rhythm (AT)
Tempo (AN)

time cue to keep an individuals walking cadence in time with the music. The
RAS has been tested in patients with Parkinsons disease (Thaut, 1997), patients
with Huntingtons disease (Thaut, Miltner, Lange, Hurt, & Hoemberg, 1999), and
patients with stroke (Thaut, McIntosh, & Rice, 1997) to improve gait and delay
the progression of the disease. Finally, the theory of music, mood, and movement
(Murrock & Higgins, 2009) combines the psychological and physiological responses
to music to promote the initiation and maintenance of physical activity to improve
health outcomes. It proposes that music alters mood, is a cue for movement, and
makes physical activity more enjoyable leading to improved health outcomes. It
has been tested in underserved adults to improve physical function, depression,
and disability (Murrock & Graor, 2014) and in older adults to decrease depression
(Chan et al., 2011).

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Currently, few studies define the purpose of music therapy or discuss the significance of the attributes and antecedents when developing music interventions to
evoke certain psychological and physiological responses. Few studies identified a
theoretical or conceptual framework as the foundation for the development and
testing the music interventions. Thus, the conceptual model of music therapy should
help to fill this gap as the assessment and selection of music should be based on the
attributes and antecedents to evoke the psychological and physiological responses
to improve health outcomes.


As an intervention, music therapy is safe, inexpensive, and noninvasive. For example,
music therapy is easy to implement in different settings such as nursing homes,
hospitals, waiting rooms, surgical, and outpatient centers. Music interventions can
also be used by community-dwelling adults for pain management and relaxation
in their homes, offices, and places of employment. Music therapy is portable giving individuals autonomy to self-administer music interventions when they need it
most or at their convenience. In addition, music therapy gives nurses autonomy by
allowing music interventions to be used at the nurses discretion, especially when
patients are not able to make decisions for themselves. As our population ages,
music therapy can be used as an intervention to impact cognition and memory
as well as gait and balance to reduce falls in older adults. Individuals with mental
health issues can also benefit from music therapy as interventions to help improve
relaxation, cognitive abilities, short-term memory, and quality of life. Because
musical preferences are influenced by age, gender, and culture, music preferences
should be a part of the routine assessment for music interventions. Overall, nurses
need to use music therapy as interventions to place individuals in the best possible
environment to promote health, healing, and restoration.


As a nonpharmacological adjuvant to reduce pain, depression, anxiety, and agitation, music interventions need further research to determine cost-effectiveness.
For example, randomized controlled trials could document reduced hospital costs
based on decreased use of pain and antipsychotic medication, decreased intubation
time, and decreased length of hospital stay. Furthermore, it would be important to
determine a dose effect of how many music therapy sessions are needed to obtain
the desired outcome and also the long-term effect of music interventions on chronic
pain, depression, insomnia, and agitation. For long-term care facilities, music interventions implemented at night could reduce the use of physical restraints and the
need for a health care professional to monitor wandering patients. In addition,

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the use of music interventions to improve gait and balance a reduce falls in older
adults would result in a significant reduction in health care costs. Of note, recent
studies support music therapy as an intervention to improve cognitive abilities in
middle-aged and older adults. However, no research has investigated the impact
of music therapy on positive thinking, which is a promising avenue for future nursing research. Thus, the conceptual model of music therapy provides an organizing
framework that can be used to develop music interventions for nursing research
and practice.

Aldridge, D. (1996). Music therapy research and practice in medicine: From out of the silence.
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Correspondence regarding this article should be directed to Carolyn J. Murrock, RN, PhD,
209 Carroll Street, School of Nursing, University of Akron, OH 44325. E-mail: [email protected]

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