Choose The Correct Answer by Crossing (X) A, B, C, or D On Your Paper Sheet!

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Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013

Bahasa Inggris
60 menit

Choose the correct answer by crossing(x) a,b,c,or d on your paper sheet!

I got a funny experience flying by(1) last holiday In that time , my parents .(2) me and my
sister to go to Bali by plane. That .(3) my first experience. I was so excited but also a little bit
afraid. After we checked in on the airport, we(4) for our seat in our plane. That was amazing
seein g how big that plane is. I sat next to my sister and our Parents sat in front of us. Before
the plane(5), the stewardess explained about the safety procedure. I(6) not listen to (7)
explain because I thought its not important for us. Suddenly the stewardess made an
announcement that all passengers had to fasten the seat belt. I(8) to fasten the belt by
myself, but I got panic because I did not know how to open the (9). I screamed so loud, until
all passengers looked at me. Then the stewardess helped me to use it. My sister (10) at me
and it made me feel so embarrassed.
1. The correct answer is .
a. Plan
b. plant
2. The correct answer is .
a. Took
b. take
3. The correct answer is .
a. Is
b. are
4. The correct answer is .
a. Look
b. looks
5. The correct answer is .
a. Take of
b. takes of
6. The correct answer is .
a. Do
b. did
7. The correct answer is .
a. she
b. her
8. The correct answer is .
a. Try
9. The correct answer is .
a. Bet
b. bed
10.The correct answer is .
a. Laugh
b. laughed
11.The best title for the text above is..
a. My first moment
b. My holiday to Bali
12.Nina :Andi, of Jakarta?
Andi :I think Jakarta is a big city.
a. What is your opinion?
b. How do you do?

c. plane

d. plain

c. taking
c. was

d. takes
d. were

c. looked
c. took of

d. hooked
d. taking of

c. does

d. dig

c. he

d. his

c. tries

d. trying

c. bad
c. laughing

d. belt
d. laughs
c. my funny experience
d. my mistake in the plane

c. Do you think?
d. What do you think?

13.Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph!

1. I saw many kind of animals there
2. We went there by car
3. We went back home in the evening
4. I saw monkey, tiger, lion and birds
5. After parked the car, my father bought the ticket
6. I also saw a big elephant next to the entrance
7. Last weekend my family went to the zoo
8. We took some pictures and bought some souvenirs there
The correct answer is.
a. 7-6-3-4-1-2-5-8
c. 5-1-4-7-8-6-2-3
b. 7-2-5-1-4-6-8-3
d. 5-2-7-1-4-6-8-3
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14.Emir.well last night (sleep)

a. Slept
b. sleeps
a. Did,do

c. sleeping

: Budi, you your home work last night?

:Yes, I did sir.
b. do,did
c. done, do

16.My father my mother to buy some fruits.

a. Is ask
b. was ask

c. asked

d. was sleep

d. done did
d. asking

Last night, I read an article about adolescence in a magazine. I learned that its was the time of
change between childhood and adulthood.
After I finish reading the article from magazine, I remembered my own adolescence. I was
fourteen at that time. I felt very emotional about everything. But I tried to learn more about
myself. I tried to discover what I wanted to do., and what kind of people I wanted to be. To
divert my emotions, I took my extracurricular activities. I took piano lesson, English course,
and many more.
I was able to control my emotions and to have a place where I could express my creativity in
positive ways.
17.What kind is the text above?
a. Recount
b. descriptive

c. narrative

d. procedure

18.Where is the event from the paragraph above?

a. On the first paragraph
b. On the second paragraph
c. On the third paragraph
d. On the first and the third paragraph
19.Where is the reorientation from the paragraph above?
a. On the first paragraph
b. On the second paragraph
c. On the third paragraph
d. On the first and the third paragraph
Arrange the words above into a good sentence!
a. Yesterday the floor swept my mother
b. Yesterday the mother swept my floor
c. My mother swept the floor yesterday
d. My mother the swept floor yesterday
I knew it was going to be a bad day, on the way to the airport, the taxi driver told me he
was lost. I had booked my flight over the telephone, so when we finally arrived, I had to rush to
the reservation desk to pay or my ticket. The woman at the desk told me that my name was
not in the passenger list. It took fifteen minutes for her to realize that she had spelled my
name incorrectly. She gave my ticket and told me Id better check in my luggage quickly or Ill
miss the flight.
I was the last person to get on the plane. I found my seat and discovered that I was
sitting next to a four-year old boy who had a cold. I sat down and wondered if anything else
could go wrong.
I had flying, especially take of, but the plane took of and everything seemed to be all
right. Then, a few minutes later, there was a funny noise and everything started to shake. I
looked out of the window and- oh my God- there was a smoke coming out of the wing. All I
could think The engine is on fire. Were going to crash.
Almost immediately, the captain spoke to us in a very calm voice, ladies and
gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We are having a slight technical problem with one of
our engines. There I absolutely no need to be panic. I will have to return to the airport. Please
remain seated and keep your seat belts fastened.
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Well, you can imagine how frightened I was, but the crews were fantastic. The flight
attendants were really calm and told us everything would be all right.
A few minutes later, we were coming in to the land. The airport made a perfect landing on the
runway. It was over, we were safe.
That day, I decided not to fly again. I caught another taxi and went home. But as I
closed the door, I looked down my suitcase. Somehow, I had picked up the wrong one.

21.Where did the story take place?

a. In the receptionist desk
b. On the airport between porter and writer
c. On the way to the airport and during the flight
d. At the taxi parking space of the airport
22.Had the writer booked the ticked before arriving at the airport?
a. Yes, he had
c. no, he doesnt
b. no he did not
d. no, he had not
23.Why did the writer check the luggage quickly?
a. Because the plane has already come
b. Because the writer almost missed the flight
c. Because the writer wanted to delay the flight
d. Because the writer wanted to be the earliest
24.What did the writer think when the writer looked a smoke coming out of the wing?
a. He thought that the plane would be on fire
b. He thought that the plane was fine
c. He thought that the plane would be landed
d. He thought that the captain was calm
25.Why should they have return to the airport?
a. Because the engine was safe
b. Because the captain forget the engine
c. Because the pilot locked the engine
d. Because one of engines was in problem
26.Why were the crew and the flight attendants very calm?
a. They need the passenger not to be panic
b. They need the passenger helping them
c. The wanted the passenger jumping
d. They informed the passenger to be ready
27.Why was the writer deciding not to fly again?
a. He was afraid of the flight
b. He was very furious
c. He was very tired on flight
d. He liked the taxi driver
28.What did happen to the writers suitcase?
a. It was lost in the baggage
b. He got the wrong suitcase

c. the suitcase was left at the airport

d. the writer bought the new one

The Jaguar (Panthera Onea)

Although the Jaguar is an animal that is not found in Asia, it is famous in Asia because of
the car named after the animal. This report provides information on the characteristics, habitat
and life of the jaguar.
The jaguar belongs to the cat family. It is one of the four big (roaring) cats: the lion, the
tiger and the leopard. Because it has spots, a jaguar is often mistaken for the leopard.
However, a jaguar has larger rosette markings, a stronger body and a shorter tail. A rosette is

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a rose shaped spot on an animal. The rosettes of jaguars sometimes look like the print of an
animal paw.
The jaguar is brownish-yellow in color and has spots on the head, neck and legs, and
rosettes on other parts of its body. It can weigh up to 100 kilograms and has a powerful jaw
that it can easily crush the skull of its prey.
29.How do people diferentiate between a jaguar and a leopard?
a. A jaguar has larger marking on its body
b. A leopard has a stronger body
c. A jaguar only lives in Asia
d. From the shape of their bodies
30.Because it has spots, a jaguar often .
The bold typed word has the same meaning with.
a. Lines
b. dots
c. scratcher

d. rosette

@@@@@@@@@@@ Good Luck @@@@@@@@@@

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