Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

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The stars are twinkling for you, dear Taurus. January is a good month for you, and
thankfully, after a busy, mainly financially oriented December, you will get a chance
to broaden your mind though travel, education, or work you are preparing for the
media. The new moon that arrived just days prior to the New Year, last month on
December 29, will still be exerting lots of energy.
With four heavenly bodies in Capricorn the new moon, Sun, Neptune, and Venus
in your ninth house, you may be on a long, refreshing trip to relax after the hectic
holidays. If you can go, it sounds like a heavenly idea. Your trip would most likely
happen now, and since it appears to be at a distant location, you are likely to stay a
week or more. If you have no plans, but do have vacation time you can take, see if
you can find a wonderful post-holiday vacation package from a travel agency. A
buildup of planets in Capricorn suggests youd love to go to a mountainous area, so
choose one with lots of vegetation and trees, and if possible, where you can also
sightsee an old, historic structure. (Capricorn rules historical sites too.)
If you are not traveling, you might be getting ready for the next semester in college
or graduate school, choosing new classes you will take, and heading back to see
friends. If you are finished with your education, your chart also has a strong
emphasis on writing and speaking. You may be working on a paper, report, or
manuscript if you work in publishing, or if you work in TV, radio, or podcasting,
working on a segment that will air soon. All will go well for you.
The January 12 full moon may also coax you to go out of town, this time to a
location very close to home. Alas this full moon is reviving an ongoing argument
between Pluto and Uranus, and although these two planets are in the process of
going their separate ways, they move slowly and are still significantly close. Also,
something or someone seems to be making you tense at this full moon. It seems to
be an authority figure that is exerting too much pressure on you.
This same full moon January 12 in Cancer, 22 degrees, alternatively might bring a
need to sign a contract. Even though Mercury, planet of agreements, was retrograde
from December 19 last month, Mercury will go direct January 8. This full moon is
falling on January 12, too close to Mercurys turnaround date. I do not recommend
Thats not the number one reason you need to avoid making an agreement,
however (although it is an important one). Its the fact that you will be subject to so
much pressure from Pluto, and at the same time, behind the scenes tension from
unpredictable Uranus. Tell the party with whom you are signing the papers that you

need to review the contract with your lawyer first. I advise you to sign just after the
new moon, January 27-28.


If you are not traveling and dont have a contract to sign, the third house, which will
be so lit up for you, also rules siblings. Your sister or brother (or it may be a cousin)
may make you agitated over something that is coming to culmination. If you do have
a problem getting along with your sibling or cousin, it will be due to this full moon,
but fortunately things will simmer down fairly quickly. The part that will jangle your
nerves is that you wont see the emotional outburst coming it will just suddenly

The gorgeous new moon at months

end, January 27-28 in Aquarius 8
degrees, will give you a wonderful
possibility to advance in your career.
Fortunately, this somewhat troublesome full moon is in Cancer, and Cancer is a
water sign that blends beautifully with your earth sign element of Taurus. If your
birthday falls on May 12-13, plus or minus five days, you will benefit more than other
members of your sign. You would be the exception to the ruler and be able to turn
events to your favor. The same is true if you have Taurus rising 22 degrees, the
moon in Taurus, or any natal planet in Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio,
or Pisces at 22 degrees in all cases listed, allow a plus or minus five degrees.
The gorgeous new moon at months end, January 27-28 in Aquarius 8 degrees, will
give you a wonderful possibility to advance in your career. This new moon will open
a new door for you in the days that follow and is the most important new moon of
2017 for your professional advancement. Neptune will be friendly, making it also
superb for you if you work in the arts or with artistic people, such as an agent or
publicist would do. You are likely to get quite a bit of praise this month for past work,
and as reward, possibly be given a prestigious new promotion or an offer from a

competing firm, or if you are self-employed, you will be able to bring in a top level
client after January 28.
You will love the day-to-day work you do in your new role, for good fortune Jupiter is
standing by to see that you do, and chances are, youll be paid well too. In a rare
show of cooperation, Saturn, Jupiter, and Uranus will work together as a team, to
bring job and financial security, and to bring out creativity and great happiness from
your position.
The month wont only be about professional success, as you will have parties and
fun in store too. Mars is currently in your eleventh house of people / fun / friends /
events, along with Venus and Neptune. This group of planets will work to create a
highly romantic environment that is soft and lyrical.
I am excited that Mars and his sweetheart Venus will be together in Pisces in this
house, a sign that blends perfectly with yours. Venus and Mars always want to be
together but rarely are, because they have different assignments from the universe.
Most of the time, all they can expect is to occasionally stare at one another across a
star-studded sky. Now, although they are not in a perfect mathematical conjunction,
Neptunes proximity to Venus will be mathematically exact on January 12 and is
glamorously romantic. Lets remember that Venus is exalted in Pisces, a sign where
Venus expresses her greatest feelings of love.
You have a broadening, happy month ahead. Long-distance travel will be likely, and
if you were deciding where to go, a mountainous, thickly wooded location that also
has old historical structures to explore would be perfect for you now. Your solar ninth
house is brilliantly lit, encouraging you to think beyond your normal borders. You
may travel to distant lands, or alternatively, forge a relationship with an executive
abroad, and at the same time, strengthen your alliances with business associates
overseas that you know but now will work more closely together.
You may be working on a writing project, doing research or in-depth study of your
specialty. Taking a seminar will appeal to you now, and if you are a student in college
or graduate school, you seem excited about getting ready for the next semester. If
you work in the media, youll find your assignments this month will give you an
expansive and insightful view of the topic you are delving into. Its also a month
where you will be encouraged think bigger than you have in the past, not only for

now but also for the future. All this is due to the new moon that appeared December
29 and that will still be influencing you in the first ten days of January.
Your social your life is about to blossom, too. Three happy planets have moved to in
your eleventh house Mars, Venus, and Neptune together, stimulating fun with
friends, and coaxing you to make the acquaintance of new people too. You may get
involved with a charity or other humanitarian event, such as a fundraiser or 5K run
for the cure. With planets in Pisces, the most likely event youd attend would be a
dress-up affair, dreamlike in its beauty the room would have soft slighting, flowers,
and music, making for a highly romantic evening. When these three planets are
together, glamour is always prevalent, sprinkled like gold dust everywhere.


Venus will enter this area when it enters Pisces on January 3, to stay until February
3. By the last week of January, Venus and Mars, the cosmic lovers, will orbit closely
not in conjunction but close enough to spin a magic spell of romance. Venus is
your ruling planet, and because Venus will be close to Mars suggests if you are
single, your chances of meeting someone special is strong. If attached, take special
care of your one-and-only by planning a day you both can look forward to January
20 could be a sexy date night for the two of you.
Your career is about to get a big boost within days AFTER the new moon appears on
January 27. Efforts you make now toward growing your reputation will pay off. If you
want a new position, this will be the time to interview or to present ideas to VIPs in
your present job. Planets in future-oriented Aquarius suggests that you may be
launching a digital project, an app, new blog, redoing your website, working on
virtual or augmented reality, introducing new software, or unveiling another
innovation, possibly in the bio-medical arena. Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, is the
planet of genius and all things newly invented, and will receive powerful, stable
vibrations from Saturn, the planet of long-range gains being experimental and
creative will promote a strong sense of security for you.
I want you to act on big plans at the end of January or February. Looking ahead, on
March 5, Venus will go retrograde until April 15. It will take Venus until May 18 to
ramp up full power. Knowing this, you wont want to make any big initiations when
your ruling planet, Venus, is in rare retrograde motion. Venus rules money, good
looks, and love. You can see that it wont be a time to schedule plastic surgery,
change your hair color or cut very dramatically or if you are a man, suddenly grow or

shave off your beard. (Your children might not recognize you and cry.) I also feel its
not the time to date someone new or to plan your engagement. Now you have
advance notice to do any of these actions now or in February. Thats why we all
follow astrology to plan our actions for maximum success and happiness.

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