Review of Pole Placement & Pole Zero Cancellation Method For Tuning PID Controller of A Digital Excitation Control System

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IJSTE - International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering | Volume 3 | Issue 05 | November 2016

ISSN (online): 2349-784X

Review of Pole Placement & Pole Zero

Cancellation Method for Tuning PID Controller
of A Digital Excitation Control System
Vikas Chandra Panigrahi
ME Student
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
SSTC, Bhilai

Anirudh Mudaliar
Assistant Professor
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
SSTC, Bhilai.

Modern Digital Excitation control system now started utilizing the power flexibility and cost advantage of Microprocessors for
control. Many rotary excitation control system are still using analog type of Automatic voltage regulator which now started to
replace with the digital Automatic voltage regulator. Modern Digital automatic voltage regulator is provided with PID controller
in the forward path and tuning of PID controller is a challenging task. This paper discusses two methods of tuning PID controller
i.e. Pole placement method and pole zero cancellation method. GUI (Graphical user interface) prepared for both the methods on
the platform of MATLAB. Using this GUI performance results and time required for tuning for both the methods are compared.
Keywords: Digital excitation system, Automatic voltage regulator, Pole placement method, Pole Zero cancellation method


The term excitation control system refers to the entire control system including the synchronous machine and power system
as well as the excitation system.[4] Reliability of the excitation system has become an issue, especially where many of the
generation plants may be critical to the internal processes used for manufacturing. A modern static excitation system is often the
favored solution for old rotary excitation system since it has problems associated with it which are primarily mechanical. Normal
Industrial practice is to use static excitation system for generators requiring excitation current of 100A to 10000A and to use rotary
excitation system for generators requiring excitation current of 1A to 200A. Modern excitation systems are beginning to utilize the
power, flexibility, and the cost advantage of digital electronics. There are a large number of aging excitation systems with rotary
exciters in need of upgrading there are also cases where the rotary exciters are in good condition but need upgrading of the controls.
In such cases only analog voltage regulator needs to be replaced with modern digital automatic voltage regulator.[3] In the recent
practice of the consultants, offering services in the field of maintaining & improving performance of excitation control system
replacing Analog AVRs of rotary excitation systems with modern digital AVRs. For the effective tuning of the rotary excitation
system involving modern digital AVR there is need for models that accurately simulate the operation of excitation control systems
during system disturbances in absence of precise data. It is because precise data for the old rotary excitation is generally not
available. There are many microprocessor based AVR has been discussed in the literature, These works on two types of algorithm
i.e Arithmetic based algorithm and Logic based algorithm . Like Fuzzy logic controllers, ANN controllers etc.[10,11,12,13,14]
The success of the logic based algorithm based on the availability of the systems data like exciter time constant, generator time
constant, Loop gain etc. Two popular methods available for tuning of PID controller are Pole Placement method and Pole zero
cancellation method For Modern digital excitation control system ,if the algorithm for both the methods are prepared using
arithmetic approach then the model resulted for the digital excitation control system will work satisfactorily even in the absence
of precise data of the system.[15]GUI (Graphical User Interface) for both the methods have been prepared on the MATLAB
platform using GUIDE function Performance of the tuned Modern digital AVR by using both the method i.e. Pole placement
method and Pole Zero cancellation method have been compared.
The term excitation control system refers to the entire control system including the synchronous machine and power system as
well as the excitation system. [4] . Block diagram is shown in fig 1.

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Review of Pole Placement & Pole Zero Cancellation Method for Tuning PID Controller of A Digital Excitation Control System
(IJSTE/ Volume 3 / Issue 05 / 040)

Fig. 1: Block Diagram of the excitation control system

Types of excitation system:

Broadly two types of excitation systems are only recognized in the industry.
1) Static Excitation system.
2) Rotary excitation system.
These are further classified depending on following.
Depending on supply given to AVR (Automatic voltage Regulator).
Self-excited excitation system
For this type of system automatic voltage regulator does not require supply from the external sources like PMG (permanent magnet
generator) or battery, it takes supply directly from the output of the main generator.
Separately excited excitation system
For this type of system automatic voltage regulator requires supply from the external sources like PMG (permanent magnet
generator) or battery.
Depending on the technology used for making AVR.
Analog Excitation system.
This type of excitation system uses Analog ICS like OPAMP
Digital Excitation system.
This type of excitation system uses chips like DSP or Microprocessor.
There are two popular methods of tuning PID controllers Pole Placement Method and Pole Zero Cancellation Method.
Pole placement method:
This needs to determine Transfer function model of the exciter with generator G(s).Then determine transfer function H(s) of AVR
with PID whose gains are unknown. Using characteristic equation G(s) H(s) = -1. Assume S = (a + jb) and equate real and imaginary
terms we get two equations. Third equation is obtained by putting = .Now there will be three equations and three unknowns
(KP KI and KD) we can find KP KI and KD. Using this known values of KP KI and KD. We will find TF of system. Using this
T.F. unit step voltage response, open loop frequency response, and closed loop frequency response and root locus of the system
will be obtained using GUI based on MATLAB. This process will be repeated till we get desired transient response specifications.
The third pole of the exciter is kept a real pole and is placed far away from the imaginary axis so that it should not affect the natural
mode of the voltage response. The closed loop transfer function also involves the placement needs some trial and error in order to
reduce the effect zero on the dynamic response of the performance.
Pole Zero cancellation method:
The PID equation can be written in this form:
s+ I
G(s) = K d
When this form is used it is easy to determine the closed loop transfer function.
H(s) = 2
s + 2n s + 2n
= 2n
s2 +

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Review of Pole Placement & Pole Zero Cancellation Method for Tuning PID Controller of A Digital Excitation Control System
(IJSTE/ Volume 3 / Issue 05 / 040)

= 2n
Basically above process involves the placement of two dominant poles which are near the imaginary axis and belongs to
generator and controller is made complex conjugate that makes response of the system under-damped.
This can be very useful to remove unstable poles.
G(s)H(s) =


IEEE Std. 421.5 Type AC5A - Simplified Rotating Rectifier Excitation System Representation has been considered which then
simplified to a Modern Digital AVR. The simplified model of the digital AVR is shown in fig 2.

Fig. 2: Simplified block diagram of Digital AVR

VREF is the generator reference voltage

is Sensed voltage
VRLMT is max field forcing
Power input voltage
VR is Regulator output voltage
System specification:
The system considered for the analysis has following specification
500 KVA Diesel generator set (CUMMINS POWERICA)
Type of ac generator: brushless ac generator (STAMFORD make , Model : HCI544D1)
Type Of Excitation System : Self excited rotating rectifier type excitation system.
Type of AVR : Analog type ( AS 440)
Only generator time constant = 2.2 sec is available
Exciter time constant is not available therefore it is considered as = /6 sec.
The generator under control is fed by a rotary exciter. The plant transfer function G(s) is given as
G(s) =
(1 + st g )(1 + st e )
= the generator open-circuit time-constant
= the exciter open-circuit time-constant.
The continuous-time PID controller model can be written as
K D S 2 +K P S+K I
GC (s)=K P + +K D S=
Model of the AVR using Pole Placement Method:
The characteristic equation of the resulting closed-loop system is expressed in different forms as follows
It is desired that
() () = 1
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Review of Pole Placement & Pole Zero Cancellation Method for Tuning PID Controller of A Digital Excitation Control System
(IJSTE/ Volume 3 / Issue 05 / 040)

2 + +

= 1
(1 + )(1 + )
2 + + = (1 + )(1 + )
The closed-loop system be dominantly second order. The dominant closed-loop poles ( = & ) are therefore selected from
the peak overshoot and settling time specifications. The third pole is selected to be real ( = ) and in the far left-half plane, so
that the closed-loop system is dominantly second-order. Substituting = + in the characteristic equation and equating the
real and imaginary parts, results in two equations. The third equation is obtained by substituting = in equation. The three
unknown values ( , , ) are then obtained from the three equations. A word of caution regarding the system zeroes is in
order. The PID controller designed via pole placement method will force the closed loop poles to lie at the selected locations. The
placement of the poles is achieved via appropriate choice of the controller settings ( , , ). These controller settings give
rise to two zeroes. The locations of the zeroes of the controller may be real or may even turn out to be a complex conjugate pair.
The controller zeroes are not only the open-loop zeroes but also the closed-loop zeroes. Since the zeroes do affect the transient
response some experienced engineering adjustment required in the design.
Model of the AVR using pole Zero cancellation method:
The characteristic equation of the resulting closed-loop system can be written as
K D (s 2 + P s + I )
GC (s). G(s) =
t g t e s(s + )(s + )
For the pole zero cancellation, we set
KI =
tg te
tg + te
KD = KD (
tg te
Thus the transfer function gets reduced to
GC (s). G(s) =
tgte s
The closed loop transfer function then becomes
t t s
Gc (s). G(s)
g e
R(s) 1 + Gc (s). G(s) s + K D
tgte s
The time response to a unit step input is as follows

C(t) = 1 e tg te
If tr is the specified rise time which is defined as the time required for the response to rise from 10% - 90% of its final value,
the value of KD is obtained by
t g t e ln9
KD =
It can be seen that depends on the plant parameters and the desired rise time. Once we establish we can calculate and
from the equation discussed above.
At first, the idea of pole-zero cancellation might seem academic since the exact pole-zero cancellation is virtually impossible.
The root locus plots for cases where the actual and estimated time constants are off by 20% appear significantly different.
Experiment shows that in spite of these differences, the designed controller parameters result in performance that is acceptable for
most generator sets with the exciter time constant about one-tenth of the generator time constant.
Graphical user interface prepared for Pole placement method which is also called direct design approach and pole Zero
cancellation method is prepared in the MATLAB platform using GUIDE function.
Acceptable values of Performance Index As per IEEE std
Rise time = 0.15 to 2.55 sec
Overshoot = 0 to 15%
Settling time = 0.2 to 10 sec
Bandwidth = 0.3 to 12 Hz
GUI for Tuning PID Controller by Pole Placement Method

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Review of Pole Placement & Pole Zero Cancellation Method for Tuning PID Controller of A Digital Excitation Control System
(IJSTE/ Volume 3 / Issue 05 / 040)

GUI (Graphical user interface) to be used for pole placement method is shown in fig 3

Fig. 3: GUI for DECS using Pole Placement method

Pole placement method applied for rotary excitation system of 500KVA Diesel Generator set whose generator time constant is
only known
The desired performance index would be
Overshoot should be less than 15%
Settling time should be below 1.5sec
Bandwidth should be upto 12 Hz
Table 1. shows that the desired location of poles which meets desired performances indexes are at 3.9 + 2.6 GUI gives values
of = 33, = 47 and = 6 for this location.

Position of Pole
3.1 + 3
3.6 + 3
3.6 + 3.4
3.6 + 3.8
3.8 + 3
4.1 + 2.9
4.2 + 3
3.8 + 2
3.8 + 2.6
3.9 + 2.6

Fig 4, shows the closed loop unit step response

Table - 1
Search for better pole placement
Rise time
Settling time (sec)
(sec) overshoot %

with Settling time = 1.5sec and overshoot is 14.2%, rise time = 0.188sec

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Review of Pole Placement & Pole Zero Cancellation Method for Tuning PID Controller of A Digital Excitation Control System
(IJSTE/ Volume 3 / Issue 05 / 040)

Fig. 4: Closed loop step response on the 500 KVA generator for = 33, = 47 and = 6
Open loop frequency response Fig 5.Shows that at 0 db, crossover frequency is 40.4 Hz the phase lag is 87.5 degree

Fig. 5: Open Loop frequency response on the 500 KVA generator for KP = 33, KI = 47 and KD = 6

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Review of Pole Placement & Pole Zero Cancellation Method for Tuning PID Controller of A Digital Excitation Control System
(IJSTE/ Volume 3 / Issue 05 / 040)

Fig. 6: Closed Loop frequency response on the 500 KVA generator for = 33, = 47 and = 6

Closed loop frequency response Fig6, shows the phase lag of -61.1 degree at -3db. The decibel rise prior to roll off indicates
that during step voltage test voltage overshoot is noted . The bandwidth is 9.55Hz
Root locus of the controller designed by pole placement method is shown in fig 7 confirms that in spite of oscillations system
will be stable.

Fig. 7: Root locus of the controller designed by pole placement method.

There is again a scope for a commissioning engineer to perform trial & error and also implement his field experience for making
a system more stable. This is for making placement of zeroes in such a way that transient response is reduced by certain amount.
: GUI for Tuning PID Controller by Pole Zero cancellation Method
GUI (Graphical user interface) to be used for pole placement method is shown in fig 8.

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Review of Pole Placement & Pole Zero Cancellation Method for Tuning PID Controller of A Digital Excitation Control System
(IJSTE/ Volume 3 / Issue 05 / 040)

Fig. 8: GUI for DECS using Pole Zero cancellation method.

Fig. 9: Closed loop step response on the 500 KVA generator for = 30, = 11 and = 9

Closed loop step response of the controller as shown in Fig9. is as per the desired rise time of 0.188 sec, settling time is 0.335
sec and almost no overshoot
Fig. 10: Open loop frequency response Shows that at 0 db, crossover frequency is 37 Hz the phase lag is -85.7 degree (less than
what We got using pole placement method-87.5 degree)

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Review of Pole Placement & Pole Zero Cancellation Method for Tuning PID Controller of A Digital Excitation Control System
(IJSTE/ Volume 3 / Issue 05 / 040)

Fig. 10: Open loop frequency response on the 500 KVA generator for = 30, = 11 and = 9

Fig. 11: Closed loop frequency response on the 500 KVA generator for = 30, = 11 and = 9

Fig11.Closed loop frequency response shows the phase lag of - 44.9 degree at -3db. There is no decibel rise prior to roll off
Confirms that during step voltage test no voltage overshoot noted The bandwidth is 11.6Hz (more than that we got using pole
placement method 9.55Hz).

Fig. 12: Root locus of the controller designed by pole Zero cancellation method.

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Review of Pole Placement & Pole Zero Cancellation Method for Tuning PID Controller of A Digital Excitation Control System
(IJSTE/ Volume 3 / Issue 05 / 040)

Fig 12.shows that the locus is on the real axis confirms that there will be no oscillation and hence system is more stable.
The performance of the controller designed using pole placement method and pole Zero cancellation method has been compared
and presented in Table.2.

Methods/ Performance Index

Rise Time(sec)

Table - 2
Comparison of Performance
Pole Placement Method Pole Zero Cancellation Method

0,188 (desired)

Settling Time(sec)



% Overshoot


Bandwidth (rad/sec)



Degree of phase lag



The comparison for pole-placement and the polezero cancellation methods for tuning PID controllers for digital excitation systems
have been presented with the help of GUI using MATLAB. The Pole zero cancellation method requires less time for tuning PID
gains therefore quick commissioning can be accomplished with excellent performance results.


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