2017 SEAYLP Adult Application

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2017 Southeast Asia Youth Leadership Program

Teacher/Community Leader Application

Application Deadline: December 28, 2016

Program Description: Secondary school students and educators (teachers/community leaders) from
Myanmar are invited to apply for participation in the Southeast Asia Youth Leadership Program. The
program will employ an interactive approach both in workshops and in a range of public and
community settings. Through engagement in the activities of U.S. high schools, community
organizations, youth groups, and community leaders in each location, the student and adult
participants study the challenges facing the U.S. and ASEAN in the 21st Century.
The program will be intensive, academic, and interactive. The program sponsors seek energetic
applicants who are ready to develop their skills in order to be effective leaders in their schools and
communities. Adult participants in this program take on a unique role as a participant role model as
well as chaperone, and as an active program participant. We expect the adult participants to be fully
engaged in program activities while serving as a liaison between youth participants and program
staff, should problems arise.
Adults who may apply are those who:
Work with youth in a professional or volunteer capacity
Are well respected in the community
Have strong English skills
Intend to continue working with or for youth in their careers
Instructions for completing this application: Please fill out the application as completely as possible,
in English. The information you provide on this application will provide the basis for selecting semifinalists for this program. Answer the questions carefully and completely.
Online applications must be submitted to [email protected] . Hard copies must be sent to
Cultural Affairs Unit, Public Affairs Section, U.S. Embassy, 110 University Ave, Kamayut Township,
Yangon. Please submit application one time and one copy only.

Southeast Asia Youth Leadership Program

Teacher/Community Leader Application

About you:
Last (Family) Name _________________________________
First Name ________________________________________
Middle Name ______________________________________
Nickname _________________________________________

Male _______

Female ________

Birth date: Day _______ Month _____________________________ Year _____________

City, Postal Code_______________________________________________________________
Mobile Phone _________________________________________________________________
Email _______________________________________________________________________
City and Country of Birth _______________________________________________________
Country of citizenship or permanent legal residence__________________________________

About your education:

Highest Degree/Diploma earned: When (month/year) ________________________________
School/Institution name: _______________________________________________________
Location (town/city) __________________________________________________________
How many years have you studied English? ______________
Do you speak any other languages besides your native language and English? Which ones?

About your employment:

Name of Employer/School: ______________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________

Principal/Supervisors Name ____________________________________________________

Principal/Supervisors Mobile Phone _____________________________________________
Email: ___________________________________________
Your Job Title: ____________________________________ How long at this job: __________
What are your specific job responsibilities? If a teacher, what subject(s) and grade level(s)
do you teach? _________________________________________________________________
Please describe the activities (extracurricular, community, hobbies, clubs) in which you
participate, how long you have been involved with each, any awards or honors. Use
additional space as needed.

What kinds of programs, events, or activities have you participated in that serve or involve
youth in your community? What did you do specifically?

Do you think your countrys membership in ASEAN affects your daily life? How do you think
ASEAN can help your country address a challenge (such as climate change, creating new
jobs, or health issues) in the 21st century?

Essay Questions
Please respond to the following short essay questions in no more than 250 words each.
o Why is participation in this program important to you?

o During this exchange, participants (both youth and adults) will act as ambassadors for
their countries. What qualities do you have that will help you fulfill this role?

o What do you find to be the most challenging thing about working with youth and how
have you dealt with it?

o How will your participation in this program benefit your community?

Is there anything else you would like us to know about you?

More about you:

Do you have a valid passport? _______
If yes:

Issuing Country ____________________________

Passport Number ________________ Expiration Date (day/month/year) __________________

Have you ever lived and/or studied in the United States or in another country? __________
If yes: Where, when, why? ______________________________________________________

Signature of Applicant:
All information in this application is accurate and true.

Date _____________


For the Applicant: Below, fill in your name and give this form to a supervisor or colleague outside
your family who knows you well. The form needs to be in English. Ask the reference to fill out the
form and return it to [email protected] or Cultural Affairs Unit, Public Affairs Section, U.S.
Embassy, 110 University Ave, Kamayut Township, Yangon.
Applicant Name ____________________________________________________________
For the Reference: The person named above is applying to take part in the Southeast Asia Youth
Leadership Program, a three-week exchange program in the United States for students and teachers
or community leaders. The selected participants will be in a challenging academic environment and
intensive leadership training. To succeed, the participants must be highly motivated, and be able to
adjust to living and working with people of different social and cultural backgrounds. We value your
honest assessment of the applicant in helping us select the most appropriate participants. If you
would like to add additional comments, we encourage you to do so. Your answers will remain
Please indicate your opinion of this applicants ability to meet the challenges of this program
_____ I strongly recommend this applicant
_____ I recommend this applicant
_____ I have minor reservations about recommending this applicant
_____ I have major reservations about recommending this applicant
_____ I do not recommend this applicant
How long, and in what context or capacity, have you known this applicant?

What are the applicants strengths?

What are the professional or personal areas in which this applicant needs improvement?

Please describe the applicants behavior with respect to youth, peer relationships, responsibility, and
work activities.

Do you think the applicant would adapt well to unfamiliar environments and new situations? Why or
why not?

Name (printed) _____________________________________________________________________

Signature _______________________________________ Date ______________________________

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