Quickstart Windows Gurobi

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c 2016, Gurobi Optimization, Inc.

Version 7.0, Copyright

1 Introduction

2 Obtaining a Gurobi License

2.1 Creating a new academic license . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3 Software Installation Guide

4 Retrieving and Setting Up a Gurobi License

4.1 Retrieving a Free Academic license . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

4.1.1 Academic validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.2 Retrieving a Named-User or Single-Machine or Single-Use license . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.3 Setting up and using a Floating license . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.3.1 Retrieving a Floating license . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.3.2 Starting a token server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.3.3 Upgrading a token server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.3.4 Creating a token server client license . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.4 Setting up and using a Compute Server license . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.4.1 Retrieving a Compute Server license . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.4.2 Creating a Compute Server client license . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.5 Starting Gurobi Remote Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.5.1 Upgrading Gurobi Remote Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.6 Using an Instant Cloud license . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.7 Testing your license . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
5 Solving a Simple Model - The Gurobi Command Line


6 Interactive Shell


7 Attributes


8 C Interface


9 C++ Interface


10 Java Interface


11 .NET Interface (C#)


12 Python Interface


12.1 Simple Python Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

12.2 Python Dictionary Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
12.3 Building and running the examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
13 MATLAB Interface


14 R Interface


15 Recommended Reading


16 Installing the Anaconda Python distribution


16.1 Using the Spyder IDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

16.2 Using Jupyter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
17 Windows Command Line


18 File Overview


Welcome to the GurobiTM Optimizer Quick Start Guide for Windows users! This document provides
a basic introduction to the Gurobi Optimizer, including:
Information on Obtaining a Gurobi License.
A Software Installation Guide, which includes information on Retrieving and Setting Up your


An example of how to create a simple optimization model and solve it with the Gurobi

Command Line, and

A discussion of the Gurobi Interactive Shell.

We suggest that all users read these rst ve sections.

Once you have done this, you will probably want to choose a programming environment from which
to use Gurobi. If you don't have a strong preference, we recommend that you use our Python
interface, which provides a number of benets. First, Python is a very nice programming language
that can be used for anything from experimentation to prototyping to deployment. Beyond this,
though, our Python interface includes a set of higher-level modeling constructs that make it much
easier to build optimization models. We also include instructions for installing the Anaconda Python
distribution, which includes both a graphical development environment (Spyder) and a notebookstyle interface (Jupyter).
If you already have a preferred programming language, you can select from among our available
C interface,
C++ interface,

R interface,
R .NET interface,
Python interface,

R interface, or
R interface.

At the end of the Quick Start Guide, you'll nd a File Overview that lists the les included in the
Gurobi distribution.

Additional resources
Once you are done with the Quick Start Guide, the next step is to explore these additional resources:
If you are familiar with mathematical modeling and are ready to use Gurobi from one of our

programming language APIs, consult the Gurobi Reference Manual.

If you would like to see examples of ways to use Gurobi, consult the Gurobi Example Tour.
If you would like to learn more about mathematical programming or modeling, we've collected

a set of references in our recommended reading section.

Getting help
Have a question that isn't answered in this guide? Post it to the Gurobi Google Group. Clients
with current maintenance contracts can send questions to [email protected].
Ready to get started? Your rst step is to Obtain a License.

Obtaining a Gurobi License

You will need a license in order to install and use the Gurobi Optimizer. There are several ways to
obtain one, depending on your situation:
If you would like a free evaluation license, please email us at [email protected] to request


If you are an academic user, you can obtain a free academic license on our website.
If you have purchased a license from us, that license should be visible through the Current

tab of your Licenses page on our website (you will need to login to your account to see this

If you are planning to use Gurobi as a client of a machine that is already set up as a Gurobi

token server or compute server, you will need to create a token server client license or create
a compute server client license.

Once you have a license, your next step is to install the software.

2.1 Creating a new academic license

If you are an academic user at a degree-granting institution and wish to use an academic Gurobi
license, you can create one yourself. To do so, visit the Free Academic License page on our website.
You will need to read and agree to the End User License Agreement and the Conditions for academic
use. Once you have done so, click on Request License . Your new license will be visible immediately
on the Current page. You can create as many academic licenses as you like.
Your next step is to install the software.

Software Installation Guide

Before using the Gurobi Optimizer, you'll need to install the software on your computer. If you
haven't already done so, please go to our download page. Find your platform (32-bit or 64-bit
Windows) and choose the corresponding le to download.

Make a note of the name and location of the downloaded le.

Your next step is to double-click on the Gurobi installer that you downloaded from our website
(e.g., Gurobi-7.0.1-win64.msi for the 64-bit version of Gurobi 7.01).
Note: if you selected Run when downloading you've already run the installer and don't need to do
it again.
By default, the installer will place the Gurobi 7.01 les in directory c:\gurobi701\win64 (or
c:\gurobi701\win32 for 32-bit Windows installs). The installer gives you the option to change
the installation target. We'll refer to the installation directory as <installdir>.

Command-Line Installation
You can also install Gurobi using the command-line interface to the Windows Installer. Open a
cmd prompt, use cd to go to the directory that contains the Gurobi installer image, and enter the
following command:
msiexec /i Gurobi-7.0.0-win64.msi /norestart

If you are unfamiliar with running command-line commands on a Windows system, you can learn
more here.

Installing 32-bit and 64-bit simultaneously

You should normally only install the Gurobi version that is targeted to your platform (32-bit or
64-bit Windows). If you want to install both on the same machine, note that the Gurobi installer

sets Windows environment variables that will point to one particular version. This can cause
confusion, particularly when a program asks Windows to load the Gurobi DLL. If you understand
the implications, feel free to install both.

Helpful tools
To work with compressed les within the Gurobi Optimizer, we recommend that you install gzip
(www.gzip.org) and/or 7zip (www.7-zip.org).
You are now ready to proceed to the section on Retrieving Your Gurobi License.
If you would like an overview of the les included in the Gurobi distribution, you can also view the
File Overview section.

Retrieving and Setting Up a Gurobi License

Once your license is visible on the Current Page of the website, click on the License ID to view the
License Detail page:

Your next step is to install this Gurobi license on your machine. You do this by obtaining a license
key le. Please consult the License Type eld on the License Detail page to identify your license
type, and click on the appropriate link below to proceed:
Free Academic
Named User
Compute Server

Instant Cloud

If your license includes the Distributed Add-On and you plan to use any of the Gurobi distributed
algorithms, you'll also need to set up Gurobi Remote Services on your distributed worker machines.

4.1 Retrieving a Free Academic license

To obtain a Gurobi license key you'll need to run the grbgetkey command on your machine. Note
that the machine must be connected to the Internet from a recognized academic domain in order
to retrieve a free academic license. An Internet connection is not required after you have obtained
your license key.
The exact command to run for a specic license is indicated at the bottom of the License Detail
page (e.g., grbgetkey 253e22f3-...). We recommend that you use copy-paste to copy the entire
grbgetkey command from our website and paste it directly into the Windows Search box (and then
hit Enter ): If you are unfamiliar with running command-line commands on a Windows system, you

can learn more here.

The grbgetkey program passes identifying information about your machine back to our website,
and the website responds with your license key. Once this exchange has occurred, grbgetkey will
ask for the name of the directory in which to store your license key le (gurobi.lic). You should
see a prompt that looks like this:


You can store the license key le anywhere, but we strongly recommend that you accept the default
location by hitting Enter . Setting up a non-default location is error-prone and a frequent source of
If you receive an error message at this stage, it typically means that we were unable to validate
your academic domain. Please consult the Academic Validation section for more information.

Using a non-default license le location

When you run the Windows version of the Gurobi Optimizer, it will look for the gurobi.lic key le
in three dierent default locations. It will always look in your home directory. In addition, Gurobi
Optimizer 7.01 will also look in c:\gurobi and c:\gurobi701. Note that these default paths are
absolute, so for example Gurobi will look for the license key le in c:\gurobi, even if the software
is installed in d:\gurobi.
If you would still like to use a non-default license key le location, you can do so by setting environment variable GRB_LICENSE_FILE to point to the license key le. Important note: the environment
variable should point to the license key le itself, not to the directory that contains the le.
On Windows systems, environment variables are created and modied through the Control Panel.
Searching for Environment Variables from the Control Panel search box will lead you to the appropriate screen. You will need to add a new System variable named GRB_LICENSE_FILE, and set
it to the location of your license le (e.g., d:\gurobi\gurobi.lic). Important note: your new
environment variable must be a System variable, not a User variable.

Next steps
If your license includes the Distributed Add-On and you plan to use any of the Gurobi distributed
algorithms, you'll also need to set up Gurobi Remote Services on your distributed worker machines.
Once you have followed the steps above and have obtained a license key le, your next step is to
test your license.

4.1.1 Academic validation

If you are using a free academic license, grbgetkey will perform an academic validation step before
retrieving your license key. This step checks your domain name against our list of known academic
domains. This section will help you resolve validation errors.

Not a recognized academic domain

If grbgetkey produces a message that looks like this:
ERROR 303: hostname mymachine.mydomain ( not recognized as
belonging to an academic domain

it means your domain isn't on our academic domain list. Please make sure you are connected to
your university network. If you are validating a home machine and the university provides a VPN,
please connect to it before retrieving your license. If the reported host name is a valid university
address, please send the specic error message you received to [email protected] and we'll add
your domain.
If you are having trouble validating your license through a VPN, note that some VPNs are congured
to use split tunneling , where trac to public internet sites is routed through your ISP. You should
ask your network administrator whether the VPN can be congured to route trac to gurobi.com
through the private network.
Some machines connect to the internet through a proxy server. Unfortunately, such congurations
are incompatible with our academic validation process.

No reverse DNS information

If grbgetkey produces a message that only references a numerical IP address, like this:
ERROR 303: hostname ( not recognized as
belonging to an academic domain

it means your machine has no reverse DNS information. This usually happens when you are connecting to the Internet through a DHCP server that does NAT (network address translation) or
PAT (port address translation), but does not provide DNS information for its clients. The simplest
way to resolve this issue is to ask your network administrator to add a DNS entry (a PTR record )
for the DHCP device itself.

There is unfortunately no way for us to validate your academic license without reverse DNS information. You can visit this site to check DNS information for your IP address and to obtain more
information about reverse DNS.

4.2 Retrieving a Named-User or Single-Machine or Single-Use license

To obtain a Gurobi license key you'll need to run the grbgetkey command on your machine. Note
that the machine must be connected to the Internet in order to run this command. An Internet
connection is not required after you have obtained your license key.
If your computer isn't connected to the Internet or if your network security system does not allow
the command below to function, we also oer a manual license key process. You'll nd manual
instructions at the bottom of the License Detail page (by following the link labeled click here for
additional instructions ).
The exact command to run for a specic license is indicated at the bottom of the License Detail
page (e.g., grbgetkey 253e22f3-...). We recommend that you use copy-paste to copy the entire
grbgetkey command from our website and paste it directly into the Windows Search box (and then
hit Enter ): If you are unfamiliar with running command-line commands on a Windows system, you

can learn more here.

The grbgetkey program passes identifying information about your machine back to our website,
and the website responds with your license key. Once this exchange has occurred, grbgetkey will
ask for the name of the directory in which to store your license key le (gurobi.lic). You should
see a prompt that looks like this:


You can store the license key le anywhere, but we strongly recommend that you accept the default
location by hitting Enter . Setting up a non-default location is error-prone and a frequent source of

Using a non-default license le location

When you run the Windows version of the Gurobi Optimizer, it will look for the gurobi.lic key le
in three dierent default locations. It will always look in your home directory. In addition, Gurobi
Optimizer 7.01 will also look in c:\gurobi and c:\gurobi701. Note that these default paths are
absolute, so for example Gurobi will look for the license key le in c:\gurobi, even if the software
is installed in d:\gurobi.
If you would like to use a non-default license key le location, you can do so by setting environment
variable GRB_LICENSE_FILE to point to the license key le. Important note: the environment variable
should point to the license key le itself, not to the directory that contains the le.
On Windows systems, environment variables are created and modied through the Control Panel.
Searching for Environment Variables from the Control Panel search box will lead you to the appropriate screen. You will need to add a new System variable named GRB_LICENSE_FILE, and set
it to the location of your license le (e.g., d:\gurobi\gurobi.lic). Important note: your new
environment variable must be a System variable, not a User variable.

Next steps
If your license includes the Distributed Add-On and you plan to use any of the Gurobi distributed
algorithms, you'll also need to set up Gurobi Remote Services on your distributed worker machines.
Once you have followed the steps above and have obtained a license key le, your next step is to
test your license.

4.3 Setting up and using a Floating license

When using a oating license, a program that calls the Gurobi Optimizer must obtain a token from
a Gurobi token server before it can solve an optimization model. There are a few steps involved
in setting up such licenses. The rst is to retrieve your license key. The key should be installed
on the machine that will act as your token server. Once you have your key, you will need to start
the Gurobi token server. The token server is a process that runs in the background, handing out
available tokens to programs as they request them. Finally, each client for the token server will
need to create a token server client license to allow client programs to nd the token server.
Note that if you are setting up a machine as a client of an existing token server, you just need to
create a token server client license.

4.3.1 Retrieving a Floating license

If you are using a oating license, you will need to choose a machine to act as your Gurobi token
server. This token server doles out tokens to client machines. A client will request a token from the
token server when it creates a Gurobi environment, and it will return the token when it destroys
that environment. The client machine can be any machine that can reach the token server over
your network (including the token server itself). The client can run any supported operating system.
Thus, for example, a Linux client can request tokens from a Windows token server.
Once you've chosen a machine to act as your token server, you'll need to run the grbgetkey command
on that machine to retrieve your Gurobi license key. Note that the machine must be connected to
the Internet in order to run this command. An Internet connection is not required after you have
obtained your license key.
If your computer isn't connected to the Internet or if your network security system does not allow
the command below to function, we also oer a manual license key process. You'll nd manual
instructions at the bottom of the License Detail page (by following the link labeled click here for
additional instructions ).
The exact command to run for a specic license is indicated at the bottom of the License Detail
page (e.g., grbgetkey 253e22f3-...). We recommend that you use copy-paste to copy the entire
grbgetkey command from our website and paste it directly into the Windows Search box (and then
hit Enter ): If you are unfamiliar with running command-line commands on a Windows system, you
can learn more here.
The grbgetkey program passes identifying information about your machine back to our website,
and the website responds with your license key. Once this exchange has occurred, grbgetkey will

ask for the name of the directory in which to store your license key le (gurobi.lic). You should
see a prompt that looks like this:
You can store the license key le anywhere, but we strongly recommend that you accept the default
location by hitting Enter . Setting up a non-default location is error-prone and a frequent source of

Setting a password for your token server

If you want to require clients of your token server to specify a password in order to check out a
token, you'll need to add one line to your gurobi.lic le:

You should of course choose your own password. Clients will need to place this same line in their
client license les.
When adding this line to your gurobi.lic le, please be careful not to modify anything else in the

Using a non-default license le location

The Windows token server will look for the gurobi.lic key le in two dierent default locations:
c:\gurobi and c:\gurobi701 (for Gurobi 7.0.1). Note that these default paths are absolute, so
for example Gurobi will look for the license key le in c:\gurobi, even if the software is installed
in d:\gurobi. Note that the token server won't look for the license le in your home directory (it

runs under username LocalService , so it doesn't have access to your home directory).

If you would like to use a non-default license key le location, you can do so by setting system
environment variable GRB_LICENSE_FILE to point to the license key le. Important note: the environment variable should point to the license key le itself, not to the directory that contains the
On Windows systems, environment variables are created and modied through the Control Panel.

Searching for Environment Variables from the Control Panel search box will lead you to the appropriate screen. You will need to add a new System variable named GRB_LICENSE_FILE, and set
it to the location of your license le (e.g., d:\gurobi\gurobi.lic). Important note: your new
environment variable must be a System variable, not a User variable.
Once you have followed the steps above and have obtained a license key le, your next step is to
start the token server.

4.3.2 Starting a token server

Important note: most Gurobi licenses do not use the token server. You should only follow these instructions if you are setting up a oating license. If you are not sure whether
you need to start a token server, you can examine the contents of your gurobi.lic le.
If it contains the line TYPE=TOKEN, and does not contain the line MACHINELIMIT=0, then
you need a token server.

On a Windows system, you can start the token service by selecting the Gurobi Token Server menu
item from the Gurobi folder of the Start menu. You should only do so after you have installed the
Gurobi license key le.

The next step after starting the Gurobi token server depends on your anti-virus software and
rewall settings. Most anti-virus software will immediately ask you to conrm that you are allowing
program grb_ts.exe to receive network trac. Once you conrm this, the token server will start
serving tokens. If you don't receive such a prompt, you will need to add grb_ts.exe to the rewall
exceptions list. To do this, select Allow a program through Windows rewall under the Security
area of the Control Panel (labeled Allow an app through Windows rewall in Windows 8).
Some machines have more restrictive rewalls that may require additional action. The Gurobi token
server uses port 41954 by default. If you are unable to reach the token server after taking the steps
described, you should ask your network administrator for more information on how to open the
required port.

Starting and stopping the grb_ts Windows service

Once the token service has been started, you should see the grb_ts service listed in the Services tab
of the Task Manager. To start or stop the service, click on the Services button at the bottom-right
of the Services tab, and then right-click on the Gurobi Token Server item on this screen.
You can also start or stop the Gurobi Token Server service from a Console window with administrator
privileges. Running grb_ts -h lists command-line options. Issuing a grb_ts -s command stops a
running token server. If you are unfamiliar with running command-line commands on a Windows
system, you can learn more here.
Add the line

to your gurobi.lic le to start the license service in verbose mode. Verbose mode produces a log
message (in the Windows Event Log) each time a token is checked in or out.

Next steps
Clients of the token server also need simple license les. Your next step is to set up a client license.
Once your token server is running and you've set up a client license, you can move on to testing the
Once you've set up a client license, you can test the state of the token server at any time, as well
as get a list of the clients that are currently using tokens, by typing gurobi_cl --tokens.

4.3.3 Upgrading a token server

To upgrade your token server from an earlier version of the Gurobi Optimizer, you will need to
perform the following steps (on the machine running the token server):
1. Stop the old token server.
2. Install the new version of the Gurobi Optimizer.

3. Upgrade your license le (or modify GRB_LICENSE_FILE to point to the new license le).
4. Start the new token server.

4.3.4 Creating a token server client license

The purpose of a token server client license is quite simple: it tells the client where to nd the Gurobi
token server. You can create this le yourself (using a text editor like WordPad, for example). The
client gurobi.lic le typically contains a single line of text:


You should of course substitute the name or IP address of your token server in the example above.
If your token server was congured to use a non-default port, you'll also need a line that provides
the port number:

The client license le may also include two optional lines. A TIMEOUT line allows you to specify the
timeout (in seconds) in case the token server is unavailable. The default value is 30 seconds. A
PASSWORD line allows you to connect to a password-protected token server (you'll need to get the
password from the owner of the token server).
A more complex client token le might look like this:

We strongly recommend that you place your client gurobi.lic le in a default location for your
platform (either your home directory or c:\gurobi). Setting up a non-default location is errorprone and a frequent source of trouble. (If you still want to use a non-default location, please refer
to the instructions that appeared earlier in this section).
If your client and the token server are both running on the same machine, they can share a single
gurobi.lic le. You just need to add the following line to the gurobi.lic le you obtained from
our website:

The token server will ignore this line, and the client will ignore everything but this line. Your
other option when both client and server are running on the same machine is to create a separate

gurobi.lic le for the client, and to set the GRB_LICENSE_FILE environment variable to point to

this le (following the earlier instructions for using a non-default license location).

Once your client license is in place, you can test the license. If you are unable to connect to the
server, you'll need to make sure the server is installed and running. Please consult the instructions
for starting a token server for more information.

4.4 Setting up and using a Compute Server license

When using a Compute Server license, programs that call the Gurobi Optimizer can ooad Gurobi
computations onto one or more server machines. There are a few steps involved in setting up such
licenses. The rst is to retrieve your license key. The key should be installed on the machine that
will act as a Compute Server. Once you have your key, you will need to start Gurobi Remote
Services. Finally, client machines will need a Compute Server client license in order to nd the
Compute Server(s).
Note that if you are setting up a machine as a client of an existing Compute Server, you just need
to create a Compute Server client license.

4.4.1 Retrieving a Compute Server license

If you have purchased one or more Gurobi Compute Server licenses, you'll need to perform a
few setup steps in order to start your Compute Servers. Once started, client machines will be
able to ooad the work of solving an optimization model onto these servers. The clients and the
Compute Servers can run any mix of supported operating systems. Thus, for example, multiple
Linux machines could submit jobs to a pair of Compute Servers, one running Windows and the
other running Linux. Any machine that can reach the Compute Server(s) over your network can be
a client (including the Compute Servers themselves).
Once you've chosen a machine to act as a Compute Server, you'll need to run the grbgetkey
command on that machine to retrieve your Gurobi license key. Note that the machine must be
connected to the Internet in order to run this command. An Internet connection is not required
after you have obtained your license key.
If your computer isn't connected to the Internet or if your network security system does not allow
the command below to function, we also oer a manual license key process. You'll nd manual
instructions at the bottom of the License Detail page (by following the link labeled click here for
additional instructions ).
The exact command to run for a specic license is indicated at the bottom of the License Detail
page (e.g., grbgetkey 253e22f3-...). We recommend that you use copy-paste to copy the entire
grbgetkey command from our website and paste it directly into the Windows Search box (and then
hit Enter ): If you are unfamiliar with running command-line commands on a Windows system, you
can learn more here.
The grbgetkey program passes identifying information about your machine back to our website,
and the website responds with your license key. Once this exchange has occurred, grbgetkey will
ask for the name of the directory in which to store your license key le (gurobi.lic). You should

see a prompt that looks like this:

You can store the license key le anywhere, but we strongly recommend that you accept the default
location by hitting Enter . Setting up a non-default location is error-prone and a frequent source of

Using a non-default license le location

When you run the Windows version of the Gurobi Optimizer, it will look for the gurobi.lic key le
in three dierent default locations. It will always look in your home directory. In addition, Gurobi
Optimizer 7.01 will also look in c:\gurobi and c:\gurobi701. Note that these default paths are
absolute, so for example Gurobi will look for the license key le in c:\gurobi, even if the software
is installed in d:\gurobi.
If you would like to use a non-default license key le location, you can do so by setting environment
variable GRB_LICENSE_FILE to point to the license key le. Important note: the environment variable
should point to the license key le itself, not to the directory that contains the le.
On Windows systems, environment variables are created and modied through the Control Panel.
Searching for Environment Variables from the Control Panel search box will lead you to the appropriate screen. You will need to add a new System variable named GRB_LICENSE_FILE, and set
it to the location of your license le (e.g., d:\gurobi\gurobi.lic). Important note: your new
environment variable must be a System variable, not a User variable.
Once you have followed the steps above and have obtained a license key le, your next step is to
start Gurobi Remote Services.

4.4.2 Creating a Compute Server client license

You have two options for indicating that a Gurobi program will act as a client of a Compute Server.
If you are writing a program that calls the Gurobi C, C++, Java, .NET, or Python APIs, these APIs
provide routines that allow you to specify the names of the Compute Servers (GRBloadclientenv
in C, and special signatures for the GRBEnv constructor in the object-oriented languages). If you

use these routines, Gurobi licenses aren't required on the client.

Alternately, you can set up a gurobi.lic le that points to the Compute Server. This option
allows you to use a Compute Server with nearly any program that calls Gurobi, without the need
to modify the calling program. You can create your client gurobi.lic yourself (using a text editor
like WordPad). The le should contain a line that looks like this:

or like this:

This line provides a comma-separated list of Gurobi Compute Servers. If your Compute Servers use
a password, you should also include a line that gives the password:

Please consult the Gurobi Compute Server section of the Gurobi Reference Manual for more information.
Note that if your client and server are both running on the same machine, they can share the same
gurobi.lic le. You just need to add a COMPUTESERVER=localhost line to the gurobi.lic le

you obtained from our website. The Compute Server will ignore this line, and the client will ignore
everything but this line. Another option in this situation is to create a separate gurobi.lic le for
the client, and to set the GRB_LICENSE_FILE environment variable to point to this le (following
the earlier instructions for using a non-default license location).
Once your client license is in place, you can test the license. If you are unable to connect to the
server, you'll need to make sure the server is installed and running. Please consult the instructions
for setting up a Compute Server for more information.

4.5 Starting Gurobi Remote Services

Important note: you only need to start Gurobi Remote Services if you are setting
up a Compute Server or a distributed worker (for use in distributed algorihms). If
you are not sure whether you need to start Gurobi Remote Services, you can examine
the contents of your gurobi.lic le. If it contains the line CSENABLED=1, then you need
Gurobi Remote Services. If it contains a line that begins with DISTRIBUTED=, and if you
plan to run distributed algorithms, then you also need Gurobi Remote Services.

On Windows systems, Gurobi Remote Services is a Windows Service that allows a server to perform
Gurobi computations on behalf of other client machines. The set of services the server provides
depends on your license. If you are setting up a machine as a distributed worker, no license is
required. In this case, the only service provided by the server is to act as a worker in a distributed
algorithm. If you have a Compute Server license, then servers running Gurobi Remote Services
can provide a variety of services, including ooading computation from a set of clients, balancing
computational load among the servers, and providing failover capabilities, in addition to acting as
a distributed worker.
On a Windows system, you will need to start Gurobi Remote Services by selecting the Gurobi
Remote Services menu item from the Gurobi folder of the Start menu. You should only do so after
you have installed the Gurobi license key le.

The next step after starting Gurobi Remote Services depends on your anti-virus software and rewall settings. Most anti-virus software will ask you to conrm that you are allowing programs
grb_rs.exe and grb_rsw.exe to receive network trac. Once you conrm this, Gurobi Remote
Servides will start serving requests. If you don't receive such a prompt, you will need to add
grb_rs.exe and grb_rsw.exe to the rewall exceptions list. Select Allow a program through Windows rewall under the Security area of the Control Panel (labeled Allow an app through Windows
rewall in Windows 8).
Some machines have more restrictive rewalls that may require additional action. Gurobi Remote
Services uses ports 61000-65000 by default. If you are unable to reach the Compute Server after
taking the steps described, ask your network administrator for more information on how to open
the required ports.

Gurobi Remote Services parameters

Note that Gurobi Remote Services has a few user-congurable parameters. You can set these by
creating a grb_rs.cnf le and placing it in the same directory as grb_rs.exe. Please consult the
Gurobi Remote Services section of the Reference Manual for details.

Starting and stopping the grb_rs Gurobi service

Once Gurobi Remote Services has been started, you should see the grb_rs service listed in the
Services tab of the Task Manager. To start or stop the service, click on the Services button at the
bottom-right of the Services tab, and then right-click on the Gurobi Remote Services item on this
You can also start or stop Gurobi Remote Services from a Console window with administrator
privileges. Running grb_rs -h lists command-line options. Issuing a grb_rs -s command stops
Gurobi Remote Services. If you are unfamiliar with running command-line commands on a Windows
system, you can learn more here.
Add the line

to your gurobi.lic le to start Gurobi Remote Services in verbose mode. Verbose mode produces
a log message (in the Windows Event Log) each time a client starts a job.
All output from Gurobi Remote Services goes to the Windows Event Log. You can access this
through the Event Viewer. Type Event in the search box (under the Start menu in Windows Vista
and Windows 7, toward the bottom left of the desktop in Windows 10) to launch the viewer.

Next steps
Once you've set up Gurobi Remote Services, you should test the state of the server. Type this
command on your server:
gurobi_cl --server=localhost --status

If the output includes the following line:

Gurobi Remote Services functioning normally

then Remote Services is ready for use.

Client programs will need to know how to reach your server. If you are using Gurobi Compute
Server, this is typically done with a client license le. You should set that up now.
If you've set up distributed workers in order to run a distributed algorithm, you'll use the WorkerPool
parameter to tell the client machine how to access the servers. When you are ready, you can obtain
more information in the distributed algorithm section of the Reference Manual

4.5.1 Upgrading Gurobi Remote Services

If you want to upgrade Gurobi Remote Services from an earlier version of the Gurobi Optimizer,
you will need to perform the following steps (on the machine running Gurobi Remote Services):
1. Stop the old Gurobi Remote Services.
2. Install the new version of the Gurobi Optimizer.
3. Upgrade your license le (or modify GRB_LICENSE_FILE to point to the new license le).
4. Start the new Gurobi Remote Services.

4.6 Using an Instant Cloud license

You have two options for indicating that a Gurobi program will act as a client of a Gurobi Instant
Cloud instance. If you are writing a program that calls the Gurobi C, C++, Java, .NET, or Python
APIs, these APIs provide routines that allow you to launch cloud instances (GRBloadcloudenv in
C, and special signatures for the GRBEnv constructor in the object-oriented languages). If you use
these routines, Gurobi licenses aren't required on the client.
Alternately, you can install a gurobi.lic le that points to your Gurobi Instant Cloud. This option
allows you to use Instant Cloud with nearly any program that calls Gurobi, without the need to
modify the calling program. You can download a client gurobi.lic le from your account on the
Instant Cloud website. You should place this le in a default location, or set the GRB_LICENSE_FILE
environment variable to point to it.
This le will contain two lines that look like this:

These allow your client program to launch and use cloud instances from your account. You should
keep this information private, since anyone with access to it can also use your cloud instances.
Please consult the Gurobi Instant Cloud section of the Gurobi Reference Manual for more information.

4.7 Testing your license

Once you have obtained a license key for your machine, you are ready to test your license using the
Gurobi Interactive Shell. To do this, double-click on the Gurobi icon on your desktop. The shell
should produce the following output:
Gurobi Interactive Shell, Version 7.0.0
Copyright (c) 2016, Gurobi Optimization, Inc.


Type "help()" for help


If you are running as a client of a Gurobi Compute Server, the message above will be preceded by
a message like this:
Capacity available on 'myserver' - connecting...
Established 256-bit AES encrypted connection

Congratulations, your license is functioning correctly! You are now ready to use the Gurobi Optimizer. The next section will show you how to solve a simple optimization model.

Possible errors
If the Gurobi shell didn't produce the desired output, there's a problem with your license. We'll
list a few common errors here.
ERROR: No Gurobi license found (user smith, host mymachine, hostid 9d3128ce)

indicates that your gurobi.lic le couldn't be found.

Did you use a non-default license le location? When you run the Windows version of the Gurobi
Optimizer, it will look for the gurobi.lic key le in three dierent default locations. It will always
look in your home directory. In addition, Gurobi Optimizer 7.01 will also look in c:\gurobi and
c:\gurobi701. Note that these default paths are absolute, so for example Gurobi will look for the
license key le in c:\gurobi, even if the software is installed in d:\gurobi. If you used a nondefault license key le location, you should set environment variable GRB_LICENSE_FILE to point to
the license key le. Important note: the environment variable points to the license key le itself, not
to the directory that contains the le.
The following message:
ERROR: HostID mismatch (licensed to 9d3128ce, hostid is 7de025e9)

indicates that your gurobi.lic isn't valid for this machine. You should make sure that you are
using the right gurobi.lic le.
If you are running as a client of a Gurobi token server and receive this message:
ERROR: Failed to connect to token server 'myserver' (port 41954)

the token server isn't currently running. If you receive this message:
ERROR: No TOKENSERVER specified for TOKEN license

your license le is missing the TOKENSERVER= line that provides the name of your token server.
Please consult the section on setting up a token server.
If you are running as a client of a Gurobi Compute Server and receive this message:

ERROR: No server available

the Compute Server isn't currently running. Please consult the section on setting up a Compute


Solving a Simple Model - The Gurobi Command Line

Now that the Gurobi Optimizer is installed and the license key has been tested, you're ready to
solve a simple math programming model.
This section includes instructions on how to create a simple math programming model and how to
use the Gurobi command-line interface to compute an optimal solution. If you are already familiar
with mathematical modeling and LP-format les, feel free to skip to the end of this section.
Note that this section gives only a brief glimpse into the capabilities of the Gurobi command-line
interface. This interface plays a number of dierent roles. In addition to providing a simple interface
for solving a model, it can also be used to launch a model on a Compute Server or on a cloud system,
it can check on the status of a token server, and it provides tools that allow you to manage jobs
and administer a Compute Server. If you'd like additional information, consult the Command-Line
Tool section of our Reference Manual.

The problem statement - producing coins

We'll begin by stating the problem to be solved.
Imagine that it is the end of the calendar year at the United States Mint. The Mint keeps an
inventory of the various minerals used to produce the coins that are put into circulation, and it
wants to use up the minerals on hand before retooling for next year's coins.
The Mint produces several dierent types of coins, each with a dierent composition. The table
below shows the make-up of each coin type (as reported in the US Mint coin specications).
Copper (Cu)
Nickel (Ni)
Zinc (Zi)
Manganese (Mn)

Penny Nickel Dime Quarter Dollar

3.8g 2.1g
1.2g 0.2g

Suppose the Mint wants to use the available materials to produce coins with the maximum total
dollar value. Which coins should they produce?

The optimization model

In order to formulate this as an optimization problem, we'll need to do three things.
First, we'll need to dene the decision variables. The goal of the optimization is to choose

values for these variables.


Second, we'll dene a linear objective function. This is the function we'd like to minimize (or


Third, we'll dene the linear constraints.

The Gurobi Optimizer will consider all assignments of values to decision variables that satisfy the
specied linear constraints, and return one that optimizes the stated objective function.
The variables in this problem are quite straightforward. The solver will need to decide how many
of each coin to produce. It is convenient to give the decision variables meaningful names. In this
case, we'll call the variables Pennies , Nickels , Dimes , Quarters , and Dollars . We'll also introduce
variables that capture the quantities of the various minerals actually used by the solution. We'll
call them Cu , Ni , Zi , and Mn .
Recall that the objective of our optimization problem is to maximize the total dollar value of the
coins produced. Each penny produced is worth 0.01 dollars, each nickel is worth 0.05 dollars, etc.
This gives the following linear objective:
maximize: 0.01 Pennies + 0.05 Nickels + 0.1 Dimes + 0.25 Quarters + 1 Dollars

The constraints of this model come from the fact that producing a coin consumes certain quantities
of the available minerals, and the supplies of those minerals are limited. We'll capture these relationships in two parts. First, we'll create an equation for each mineral that captures the amount of
that mineral that is consumed. For copper, that equation would be:
Cu = 0.06 Pennies + 3.8 Nickels + 2.1 Dimes + 5.2 Quarters + 7.2 Dollars

The coecients for this equation come from the earlier coin specication table: one penny uses
0.06g of copper, one nickel uses 3.8g, etc.
The model must also capture the available quantities of each mineral. If we have 1000 grams of
copper available, then the constraint would be:
Cu <= 1000

For our example, we'll assume we have 1000 grams of copper and 50 grams of the other minerals.
There is actually one other set of constraints that must be captured in order for our model to
accurately reect the physical realities of our problem. While a dime is worth 10 cents, half of a
dime isn't worth 5 cents. The variables that capture the number of each coin produced must take
integer values.

The model le

The Gurobi Optimizer provides a variety of options for expressing an optimization model. Typically,
you would build the model using an interface to a programming languages (C, C++, C#, Java,
etc.) or using a higher-level application environment (a notebook, spreadsheet, a modeling system,

MATLAB, R, etc.). However, to keep our example as simple as possible, we're going to read the
model from an LP format le. The LP format was designed to be human readable, and as such it
is well suited for our needs.
The LP format is mostly self-explanatory. Here is our model:
.01 Pennies + .05 Nickels + .1 Dimes + .25 Quarters + 1 Dollars
Subject To
Copper: .06 Pennies + 3.8 Nickels + 2.1 Dimes + 5.2 Quarters + 7.2 Dollars Cu = 0
Nickel: 1.2 Nickels + .2 Dimes + .5 Quarters + .2 Dollars Ni = 0
Zinc: 2.4 Pennies + .5 Dollars - Zi = 0
Manganese: .3 Dollars - Mn = 0
Cu <= 1000
Ni <= 50
Zi <= 50
Mn <= 50
Pennies Nickels Dimes Quarters Dollars

You'll nd this model in le coins.lp in the <installdir>/examples/data directory of your Gurobi
distribution. Specically, assuming you've installed Gurobi 7.0.1in the recommended location, you'll
nd the le in c:\gurobi701\win64\examples\data\coins.lp.
To modify this le, open it in a text editor (like Wordpad).

Editing the LP le

Before you consider making any modications to this le or creating your own, we should point out
a few rules about LP format les.
1. Ordering of the sections
Our example contains an objective section (Maximize...), a constraint section (Subject To...), a
variable bound section (Bounds...), and an integrality section (Integers...). The sections must
come in that order. The complete list of section types and the associated ordering rules can be
found in the le format section of the Gurobi Reference Manual.
2. Separating tokens
Tokens must be separated by either a space or a newline. Thus, for example, the term:
+ .1 Dimes

must include a space or newline between + and .1, and another between .1 and Dimes.

3. Arranging variables
Variables must always appear on the left-hand side of a constraint. The right-hand side is always a
constant. Thus, our constraint:
Cu = .06 Pennies + 3.8 Nickels + 2.1 Dimes + 5.2 Quarters + 7.2 Dollars

.06 Pennies + 3.8 Nickels + 2.1 Dimes + 5.2 Quarters + 7.2 Dollars - Cu = 0

4. Variable default bounds

Unless stated otherwise, a variable has a zero lower bound and an innite upper bound. Thus,
Cu <= 1000 really means 0 <= Cu <= 1000. Similarly, any variable not mentioned in the Bounds
section may take any non-negative value.
Full details on the LP le format are provided in the le format section of the Gurobi Reference

Solving the model using the Gurobi command-line interface

The nal step in solving our optimization problem is to pass the model to the Gurobi Optimizer.
We'll use the Gurobi command-line interface, as it is typically the simplest of our interfaces to use
when solving a model stored in a le.
To use the command-line interface, you'll rst need to open a Console window. If you are unfamiliar
with running command-line commands on a Windows system, you can learn more here. (Note that
the Gurobi Interactive Shell, which was used earlier to test your license, does not directly accept
command-line program input).
The name of the Gurobi command-line tool is gurobi_cl. To invoke it, type gurobi_cl, followed
by the name of the model le. For example, if our model is stored in the le
c:\gurobi701\win64\examples\data\coins.lp, you would type the following command into your
command-line window...
> gurobi_cl c:\gurobi700\win64\examples\data\coins.lp

This command should produce the following output...

Read LP format model from file c:/gurobi701/win64/examples/data/coins.lp

Reading time = 0.00 seconds
: 4 rows, 9 columns, 16 nonzeros
Optimize a model with 4 rows, 9 columns and 16 nonzeros
Variable types: 4 continuous, 5 integer (0 binary)
Coefficient statistics:
Matrix range
[6e-02, 7e+00]


Objective range [1e-02, 1e+00]

Bounds range
[5e+01, 1e+03]
RHS range
[0e+00, 0e+00]
Found heuristic solution: objective 0
Presolve removed 1 rows and 5 columns
Presolve time: 0.00s
Presolved: 3 rows, 4 columns, 9 nonzeros
Variable types: 0 continuous, 4 integer (0 binary)
Root relaxation: objective 1.134615e+02, 3 iterations, 0.00 seconds
Expl Unexpl |


Current Node
Objective Bounds
Obj Depth IntInf | Incumbent

0 113.46154

0.00000 113.46154
113.4500000 113.46154

Gap | It/Node Time


Explored 0 nodes (3 simplex iterations) in 0.01 seconds

Thread count was 8 (of 8 available processors)
Solution count 2: 113.45 0
Pool objective bound 113.45
Optimal solution found (tolerance 1.00e-04)
Best objective 1.134500000000e+02, best bound 1.134500000000e+02, gap 0.0000%

Details on the format of the Gurobi log le can be found in the Gurobi Reference Manual. For
now, you can simply note that the optimal objective value is 113.45. Recall that the objective is
denoted in dollars. We can therefore conclude that by a proper choice of production plan, the Mint
can produce $113.45 worth of coins using the available minerals. Moreover, because this value is
optimal, we know that it is not possible to produce coins with value greater than $113.45!
It would clearly be useful to know the exact number of each coin produced by this optimal plan.
The gurobi_cl command allows you to set Gurobi parameters through command-line arguments.
One particularly useful parameter for the purposes of this example is ResultFile, which instructs
the Gurobi Optimizer to write a le once optimization is complete. The type of the le is encoded
in the sux. To request a .sol le:
> gurobi_cl ResultFile=coins.sol coins.lp

The command will produce a le that contains solution values for the variables in the model:
# Objective value = 113.45
Pennies 0
Nickels 0
Dimes 2


Quarters 53
Dollars 100
Cu 999.8
Ni 46.9
Zi 50
Mn 30

In the optimal solution, we'll produce 100 dollar coins, 53 quarters, and 2 dimes.
If we wanted to explore the parameters of the model (for example, to consider how the optimal
solution changes with dierent quantities of available minerals), we could use a text editor to modify
the input le. However, it is typically better to do such tests within a more powerful system. We'll
now describe the Gurobi Interactive Shell, which provides an environment for creating, modifying,
and experimenting with optimization models.


Interactive Shell
The Gurobi interactive shell allows you to perform hands-on interaction and experimentation with
optimization models. You can read models from les, perform complete or partial optimization runs
on them, change parameters, modify the models, reoptimize, and so on. The Gurobi shell is actually
a set of extensions to the Python shell. Python is a rich and exible programming language, and
any capabilities that are available from Python are also available from the Gurobi shell. We'll touch
on these capabilities here, but we encourage you to explore the help system and experiment with
the interface in order to gain a better understanding of what is possible.
One big advantage of working within Python is that the Python language is popular and well
supported. One aspect of this support is the breadth of powerful Python Integrated Development
Environments (IDEs) that are available, most of which can be downloaded for free from the internet.
This document includes instructions for setting up Gurobi for use within the Anaconda distribution.
Anaconda includes a powerful IDE (Spyder), as well as a notebook-style interface (Jupyter).
Before diving into the details of the Gurobi interactive shell, we should remind you that Gurobi
also provides a lightweight command line interface. If you just need to do a quick test on a model
stored in a le, you will probably nd that that interface is better suited to simple tasks than the
interactive shell.
Important note for AIX users: due to limited Python support on AIX, our AIX port does not
include the Interactive Shell or the Python interface. You can use the command line, or the C,
C++, or Java interfaces.

We will now work through a few simple examples of how the Gurobi shell might be used, in order to
give you a quick introduction to its capabilities. More thorough documentation on this and other
interfaces is available in the Gurobi Reference Manual.

Reading and optimizing a model

There are several ways to access the Gurobi Interactive Shell.
From Windows, you can:
Double-click on the Gurobi desktop shortcut.
Select the Gurobi Interactive Shell from the Start Menu.
Open a DOS command shell and type gurobi.bat.

From Linux or Mac OS, you can simply type gurobi.sh from the command prompt. If you've
installed a Python IDE, the shell will also be available from that environment.

Once the optimizer has started, you are ready to load and optimize a model. We'll consider model
coins.lp from <installdir>/examples/data...
> gurobi.bat (or gurobi.sh for Linux or Mac OS)
Gurobi Interactive Shell, Version 7.0.0
Copyright (c) 2016, Gurobi Optimization, Inc.
Type "help()" for help
gurobi> m = read('c:/gurobi700/win64/examples/data/coins.lp')
Read LP format model from file c:/gurobi700/win64/examples/data/coins.lp
Reading time = 0.00 seconds
(null): 4 rows, 9 columns, 16 nonzeros
gurobi> m.optimize()
Optimize a model with 4 rows, 9 columns and 16 nonzeros
Variable types: 4 continuous, 5 integer (0 binary)
Coefficient statistics:
Matrix range
[6e-02, 7e+00]
Objective range [1e-02, 1e+00]
Bounds range
[5e+01, 1e+03]
RHS range
[0e+00, 0e+00]
Found heuristic solution: objective 0
Presolve removed 1 rows and 5 columns
Presolve time: 0.00s
Presolved: 3 rows, 4 columns, 9 nonzeros
Variable types: 0 continuous, 4 integer (0 binary)
Root relaxation: objective 1.134615e+02, 3 iterations, 0.00 seconds
Expl Unexpl |


Current Node
Objective Bounds
Obj Depth IntInf | Incumbent

0 113.46154

0.00000 113.46154
113.4500000 113.46154

Gap | It/Node Time


Explored 0 nodes (3 simplex iterations) in 0.01 seconds

Thread count was 8 (of 8 available processors)
Solution count 2: 113.45 0
Pool objective bound 113.45
Optimal solution found (tolerance 1.00e-04)
Best objective 1.134500000000e+02, best bound 1.134500000000e+02, gap 0.0000%

The read() command reads a model from a le and returns a Model object. In the example, that

object is placed into variable m. There is no need to declare variables in the Python language; you
simply assign a value to a variable.
Note that read() accepts wildcard characters, so you could also have said:
gurobi> m = read('c:/gurobi700/win64/*/*/coin*')

Note also that Gurobi commands that read or write les will also function correctly with compressed
les. If gzip, bzip2, or 7zip are installed on your machine and available in your default path, then
you simply need to add the appropriate sux (.gz, .bz2, .zip, or .7z) to the le name to read or
write compressed versions.
The next statement in the example, m.optimize() , invokes the optimize method on the Model object
(you can obtain a list of all methods on Model objects by typing help(Model) or help(m)). The
Gurobi optimization engine nds an optimal solution with objective 113.45.

Inspecting the solution

Once a model has been solved, you can inspect the values of the model variables in the optimal
solution with the printAttr() method on the Model object:
gurobi> m.printAttr('X')

This routine prints all non-zero values of the specied attribute X. Attributes play a major role in
the Gurobi optimizer. We'll discuss them in more detail shortly.
You can also inspect the results of the optimization at a ner grain by retrieving a list of all the
variables in the model using the getVars() method on the Model object (m.getVars() in our example):
gurobi> v = m.getVars()
gurobi> print(len(v))

The rst command assigns the list of all Var objects in model m to variable v. The Python len()
command gives the length of the array (our example model coins has 9 variables). You can then
query various attributes of the individual variables in the list. For example, to obtain the variable
name and solution value for the rst variable in list v, you would issue the following command:

gurobi> print(v[0].varName, v[0].x)

Pennies 0.0

You can type help(Var) or help(v[0]) to get a list of all methods on a Var object. You can type
help(GRB.Attr) to get a list of all attributes.

Simple model modication

We will now demonstrate a simple model modication. Imagine that you only want to consider
solutions where you make at least 10 pennies (i.e., where the Pennies variable has a lower bound
of 10.0). This is done by setting the lb attribute on the appropriate variable (the rst variable in
the list v in our example)...
gurobi> v = m.getVars()
gurobi> v[0].lb = 10

The Gurobi optimizer keeps track of the state of the model, so it knows that the currently loaded
solution is not necessarily optimal for the modied model. When you invoke the optimize() method
again, it performs a new optimization on the modied model...
gurobi> m.optimize()
Optimize a model with 4 rows, 9 columns and 16 nonzeros
Variable types: 4 continuous, 5 integer (0 binary)
Coefficient statistics:
Matrix range
[6e-02, 7e+00]
Objective range [1e-02, 1e+00]
Bounds range
[1e+01, 1e+03]
RHS range
[0e+00, 0e+00]
Presolve removed 2 rows and 5 columns
Presolve time: 0.00s
Presolved: 2 rows, 4 columns, 5 nonzeros
MIP start did not produce a new incumbent solution
Variable types: 0 continuous, 4 integer (0 binary)
Found heuristic solution: objective 25.9500000
Root relaxation: objective 7.190000e+01, 2 iterations, 0.00 seconds
Expl Unexpl |



Current Node
Objective Bounds
Obj Depth IntInf | Incumbent


Gap | It/Node Time

71.90000 177%
71.90000 0.07%
71.90000 0.00%



Explored 0 nodes (2 simplex iterations) in 0.01 seconds

Thread count was 8 (of 8 available processors)
Solution count 3: 71.9 71.85 25.95
Pool objective bound 71.9
Optimal solution found (tolerance 1.00e-04)
Best objective 7.190000000000e+01, best bound 7.190000000000e+01, gap 0.0000%

The result shows that, if you force the solution to include at least 10 pennies, the maximum possible
objective value for the model decreases from 113.45 to 71.9. A simple check conrms that the new
lower bound is respected:
gurobi> print(v[0].x)

Simple experimentation with a more dicult model

Let us now consider a more dicult model, glass4.mps. Again, we read the model and begin the
gurobi> m = read('c:/gurobi700/win64/examples/data/glass4')
Read MPS format model from file c:/gurobi700/win64/examples/data/glass4.mps
Reading time = 0.00 seconds
glass4: 396 Rows, 322 Columns, 1815 NonZeros
gurobi> m.optimize()
Optimize a model with 396 Rows, 322 Columns and 1815 NonZeros
Presolve removed 4 rows and 5 columns
Presolve time: 0.00s
Presolved: 392 Rows, 317 Columns, 1815 Nonzeros
Found heuristic solution: objective 3.691696e+09
Root relaxation: objective 8.000024e+08, 72 iterations, 0.00 seconds
Expl Unexpl |
H 769
H 834



Current Node
Objective Bounds
Obj Depth IntInf | Incumbent



72 3.6917e+09
72 3.6917e+09
72 3.6917e+09
72 3.6917e+09
72 3.6917e+09


Gap | It/Node Time



H 1091 984
H 1092 986
H 1092 984
H 1095 988
* 1845 1543
* 2131 1627
H 2244 1580
H 2248 1341
H 3345 1816
H 3346 1744
H15979 10383
H19540 13051
*21124 13489
*23011 14690
*25630 15679
*28365 15421
H29910 16333
*30582 16765
*33238 16251
*37319 18258
H40623 19584
81781 42951 1.1000e+09 49
199990 100088 1.6000e+09 82
*242810 116891
*243703 116786

2.475023e+09 8.0000e+08 67.7%

2.400020e+09 8.0000e+08 66.7%
2.380021e+09 8.0000e+08 66.4%
2.350020e+09 8.0000e+08 66.0%
2.316685e+09 8.0000e+08 65.5%
2.150018e+09 8.0000e+08 62.8%
2.100019e+09 8.0000e+08 61.9%
1.900018e+09 8.0000e+08 57.9%
1.900018e+09 8.0000e+08 57.9%
1.900017e+09 8.0000e+08 57.9%
1.900017e+09 8.0000e+08 57.9%
1.900016e+09 8.0000e+08 57.9%
1.866683e+09 8.0000e+08 57.1%
1.850015e+09 8.0000e+08 56.8%
1.800016e+09 8.0000e+08 55.6%
1.700015e+09 8.0000e+08 52.9%
1.700014e+09 8.0000e+08 52.9%
1.700014e+09 8.0000e+08 52.9%
1.677794e+09 8.0000e+08 52.3%
1.633349e+09 8.0000e+08 51.0%
1.600015e+09 8.0000e+08 50.0%
51 1.6000e+09 8.0001e+08 50.0%
28 1.6000e+09 8.0001e+08 50.0%
1.600015e+09 8.2001e+08 48.8%
1.600014e+09 8.2001e+08 48.8%



Interrupt request received

Explored 255558 nodes (588336 simplex iterations) in 12.36 seconds
Thread count was 8 (of 8 available processors)
Solution count 10: 1.600014e+09 1.100015e+09 1.600015e+09 ... 3.691696e+09
Pool objective bound: 8.50005
Solve interrupted
Best objective 1.6000142000e+09, best bound 8.5000490000e+08, gap 46.8752%

It quickly becomes apparent that this model is quite a bit more dicult than the earlier coins model.
The optimal solution is actually 1,200,000,000, but nding that solution takes a while. After
letting the model run for 10 seconds, we interrupt the run (by hitting CTRL-C, which produces the
Interrupt request received message) and consider our options. Typing m.optimize() would resume
the run from the point at which it was interrupted.

Changing parameters
Rather than continuing optimization on a dicult model like glass4, it is sometimes useful to try
dierent parameter settings. When the lower bound moves slowly, as it does on this model, one
potentially useful parameter is MIPFocus, which adjusts the high-level MIP solution strategy. Let
us now set this parameter to value 1, which changes the focus of the MIP search to nding good
feasible solutions. There are two ways to change the parameter value. You can either use method
m.setParam() :
gurobi> m.setParam('MIPFocus', 1)
Changed value of parameter MIPFocus to 1
Prev: 0 Min: 0
Max: 3 Default: 0

...or you can use the m.Params class...

gurobi> m.Params.MIPFocus = 1
Changed value of parameter MIPFocus to 1
Prev: 0 Min: 0
Max: 3 Default: 0

Once the parameter has been changed, we call m.reset() to reset the optimization on our model and
then m.optimize() to start a new optimization run:
gurobi> m.reset()
gurobi> m.optimize()
Optimize a model with 396 Rows, 322 Columns and 1815 NonZeros
Presolve removed 4 rows and 5 columns
Presolve time: 0.00s
Presolved: 392 Rows, 317 Columns, 1815 Nonzeros
Found heuristic solution: objective 3.691696e+09
Root relaxation: objective 8.000024e+08, 72 iterations, 0.00 seconds
Expl Unexpl |





Current Node
Objective Bounds
Obj Depth IntInf | Incumbent





72 3.6917e+09
72 3.6917e+09
72 3.6917e+09
73 3.6917e+09
76 3.0200e+09
75 3.0200e+09


Gap | It/Node Time


H 95
H 96
H 101
H 110
H 352
H 406
H 1074
H 1078
H 1107
H 1696
H 1845
H 1863
H 2353
H 2517
H 2598
H 2733

2 8.0000e+08
7927 1.5000e+09
14278 1.1000e+09


75 2.1750e+09
28 1.6333e+09
55 1.6333e+09





Interrupt request received

Cutting planes:
Gomory: 6
Implied bound: 26
MIR: 60
Explored 30546 nodes (107810 simplex iterations) in 11.81 seconds
Thread count was 8 (of 8 available processors)
Solution count 10: 1.525016e+09 1.566682e+09 1.575016e+09 ... 3.691696e+09
Pool objective bound: 8.0001
Solve interrupted
Best objective 1.5250155750e+09, best bound 8.0000520000e+08, gap 47.5412%

Results are consistent with our expectations. We nd a better solution sooner by shifting the focus
towards nding feasible solutions (objective value 1.525e9 versus 1.6e9).

The setParam() method is designed to be quite exible and forgiving. It accepts wildcards as
arguments, and it ignores character case. Thus, the following commands are all equivalent:

m.setParam('NODELIMIT', 100)
m.setParam('NodeLimit', 100)
m.setParam('Node*', 100)
m.setParam('N???Limit, 100)

You can use wildcards to get a list of matching parameters:

gurobi> m.setParam('*Cuts', 2)
Matching parameters: ['Cuts', 'CliqueCuts', 'CoverCuts', 'FlowCoverCuts',
'FlowPathCuts', 'GUBCoverCuts', 'ImpliedCuts', 'MIPSepCuts', 'MIRCuts', 'ModKCuts',
'NetworkCuts', 'SubMIPCuts', 'ZeroHalfCuts']

Note that Model.Params is a bit less forgiving than setParam() . In particular, wildcards are not
allowed with this approach. You don't have to worry about capitalization of parameter names in
either approach, though, so m.Params.Heuristics and m.Params.heuristics are equivalent.
The full set of available parameters can be browsed using the paramHelp() command. You can
obtain further information on a specic parameter (e.g., MIPGap) by typing paramHelp('MIPGap').

Parameter tuning tool

When confronted with the task of choosing parameter values that might lead to better performance
on a model, the long list of Gurobi parameters may seem intimidating. To simplify the process,
we include a simple automated parameter tuning tool. From the interactive shell, the command is
gurobi> m = read('misc07')
gurobi> m.tune()

The tool tries a number of dierent parameter settings, and eventually outputs the best ones that
it nds. For example:
Tested 12 parameter sets in 47.77s
Baseline parameter set: runtime 2.39s
Improved parameter set 1 (runtime 1.72s):

In this case, it found that setting the RINS parameter to 0 for model misc07 reduced the runtime
from 2.39s to 1.72s.

Note that tuning is meant to give general suggestions for parameters that might help performance.
You should make sure that the results it gives on one model are helpful on the full range of models
you plan to solve. You may sometimes nd that performance problems can't be xed with parameter
changes alone, particulary if your model has severe numerical issues.
Tuning is also available as a standalone program. From a command prompt, you can type:
> grbtune c:\gurobi700\win64\examples\data\p0033

Please consult the Automated Tuning Tool section of the Gurobi Reference Manual for more information.

Using a gurobi.env le

When you want to change the values of Gurobi parameters, you actually have several options
available for doing so. We've already discussed parameter changes through the command-line tool
(e.g., gurobi_cl Threads=1 coins.lp), and through interactive shell commands
(e.g., m.setParam('Threads', 1)). Each of our language APIs also provides methods for setting
parameters. The other option we'd like to mention now is the gurobi.env le.
Whenever the Gurobi library starts, it will look for le gurobi.env in the current working directory,
and will apply any parameter changes contained therein. This is true whether the Gurobi library
is invoked from the command-line, from the interactive shell, or from any of the Gurobi APIs.
Parameter settings are stored one per line in this le, with the parameter name rst, followed by at
least one space, followed by the desired value. Lines beginning with the # sign are comments and
are ignored. To give an example, the following (Linux) commands:
echo "Threads 1" > gurobi.env
gurobi_cl coins.lp

would read the new value of the Threads parameter from le gurobi.env and then optimize model
coins.lp using one thread. Note that if the same parameter is changed in both gurobi.env and in
your program (or through the Gurobi command-line), the value from gurobi.env will be overridden.
The distribution includes a sample gurobi.env le (in the bin directory). The sample includes
every parameter, with the default value for each, but with all settings commented out.

Working with multiple models

The Gurobi shell allows you to work with multiple models simultaneously. For example...
gurobi> a = read('c:/gurobi700/win64/examples/data/p0033')
Read MPS format model from file c:/gurobi700/win64/examples/data/p0033.mps
Reading time = 0.00 seconds
P0033: 16 Rows, 33 Columns, 98 NonZeros.
gurobi> b = read('c:/gurobi700/win64/examples/data/stein9')


Read MPS format model from file c:/gurobi700/win64/examples/data/stein9.mps

Reading time = 0.00 seconds
STEIN9: 13 Rows, 9 Columns, 45 NonZeros.

The models() command gives a list of all active models.

gurobi> models()
Currently loaded models:
a : <gurobi.Model MIP instance P0033: 16 constrs, 33 vars>
b : <gurobi.Model MIP instance STEIN9: 13 constrs, 9 vars>

Note that parameters can be set for a particular model with the Model.setParam() method or the
Model.Params class, or they can be changed for all models in the Gurobi shell by using the global
setParam() method.

The interactive shell includes an extensive help facility. To access it, simply type help() at the
prompt. As previously mentioned, help is available for all of the important objects in the interface. For example, as explained in the help facility, you can type help(Model), help(Var), or
help(Constr). You can also obtain detailed help on any of the available methods on these objects. For example, help(Model.setParam) gives help on setting model parameters. You can also
use a variable, or a method on a variable, to ask for help. For example, if variable m contains a
Model object, then help(m) is equivalent to help(Model), and help(m.setParam) is equivalent to

Interface customization
The Gurobi interactive shell lives within a full-featured scripting language. This allows you to
perform a wide range of customizations to suit your particular needs. Creating custom functions
requires some knowledge of the Python language, but you can achieve a lot by using a very limited
set of language features.
Let us consider a simple example. Imagine that you store your models in a certain directory on
your disk. Rather than having to type the full path whenever you read a model, you can create
your own custom read method:
gurobi> def myread(filename):
....... return read('/home/john/models/'+filename)

Note that the indentation of the second line is required.

Dening this function allows you to do the following:
gurobi> m = myread('stein9')
Read MPS format model from file /home/john/models/stein9.mps


If you don't want to type this function in each time you start the Gurobi shell, you can store it in
a le. The le would look like the following:
from gurobipy import *
def myread(filename):
return read('/home/john/models/'+filename)

The from gurobipy import * line is required in order to allow you to use the read method from
the Gurobi shell in your custom function. The name of your customization le must end with a .py
sux. If the le is named custom.py, you would then type the following to import this function:
gurobi> from custom import *

One le can contain as many custom functions as you'd like (see custom.py in <installdir>/examples/python
for an example). If you wish to make site-wide customizations, you can also customize the gurobi.py
le that is included in <installdir>/lib.

Customization through callbacks

Another type of customization we'd like to touch on briey can be achieved through Gurobi callbacks. Callbacks allow you to track the progress of the optimization process. For the sake of
our example, let's say you want the MIP optimizer to run for 10 seconds before quitting, but you
don't want it to terminate before it nds a feasible solution. The following callback method would
implement this condition:
from gurobipy import *
def mycallback(model, where):
if where == GRB.Callback.MIP:
time = model.cbGet(GRB.Callback.RUNTIME)
best = model.cbGet(GRB.Callback.MIP_OBJBST)
if time > 10 and best < GRB.INFINITY:

Once you import this function (from custom import *), you can then say m.optimize(mycallback)
to obtain the desired termination behavior. Alternatively, you could dene your own custom optimize method that always invokes the callback:
def myopt(model):

This would allow you to say myopt(m).


You can pass arbitrary data into your callback through the model object. For example, if you set
m._mydata = 1 before calling optimize() , you can query m._mydata inside your callback function.
Note that the names of user data elds must begin with an underscore.
This callback example is included in <installdir>/examples/python/custom.py.
Type from custom import * to import the callback and the myopt() function.
You can type help(GRB.Callback) for more information on callbacks. You can also refer to the
Callback class documentation in the Gurobi Reference Manual.

The Gurobi Python Interface for Python Users

While the Gurobi installation includes everything you need to use Gurobi from within Python, we
understand that some users would prefer to use Gurobi from within their own Python environment.
Doing so requires you to install the gurobipy module. The steps for doing this depend on your platform. On Windows, you can double-click on the pysetup program in the Gurobi <installdir>/bin
directory. This program will prompt you for the location of your Python installation; it handles all
of the details of the installation. On Linux or Mac OS, you will need to open a terminal window,
change your current directory to the Gurobi <installdir> (the directory that contains the le
setup.py), and issue the following command:
python setup.py install

Unless you are using your own private Python installation, you will need to run this command as
super-user. Once gurobipy is successfully installed, you can type import gurobipy or from gurobipy import *
from your Python shell and access all of the Gurobi classes and methods.
Note that Gurobi distributes an Anaconda package, so you don't need to perform these steps if you
are using Anaconda Python. Please refer to the instructions for setting up Gurobi for use within
the Anaconda distribution for details.
Note that for this installation to succeed, your Python environment must be compatible with the
Gurobi Python module. You should only install 32-bit Gurobi libraries into a 32-bit Python shell
(similarly for 64-bit versions). In addition, your Python version must be compatible. With this
release, gurobipy can be used with Python 2.7 or 3.5 on Windows and Linux, and with Python 2.7
on Mac OS.


As mentioned in the previous section, most of the information associated with a Gurobi model is
stored in a set of attributes . Some attributes are associated with the variables of the model, some
with the constraints of the model, and some with the model itself. After you optimize a model, for
example, the solution is stored in the X variable attribute. Attributes that are computed by the
Gurobi optimizer (such as the solution attribute) cannot be modied directly by the user, while
those that represent input data (such as the LB attribute which stores variable lower bounds) can.
Each of the Gurobi language interfaces contains routines for querying or modifying attribute values.
To retrieve or modify the value of a particular attribute, you simply pass the name of the attribute
to the appropriate query or modication routine. In the C interface, for example, you'd make the
following call to query the current solution value on variable 1:
double x1;
error = GRBgetdblattrelement(model, GRB_DBL_ATTR_X, 1, &x1);

This routine returns a single element from an array-valued attribute containing double-precision
data. Routines are provided to query and modify scalar-valued and array-valued attributes of type
int, double, char, or char *.
In the object oriented interfaces, you query or modify attribute values through the appropriate
objects. For example, if variable v is a Gurobi variable object (a GRBVar), then the following calls
would be used to modify the lower bound on v:

v.set(GRB_DoubleAttr_LB, 0.0)
v.set(GRB.DoubleAttr.LB, 0.0)
v.Set(GRB.DoubleAttr.LB, 0.0) or v.LB = 0.0
v.lb = 0.0

The exact syntax for querying or modifying an attribute varies slightly from one language to another,
but the basic approach remains consistent: you call the appropriate query or modication method
using the name of the desired attribute as an argument.
The full list of Gurobi attributes can be found in the Attributes section of the Gurobi Reference


C Interface
This section will work through a simple C example in order to illustrate the use of the Gurobi
C interface. The example builds a simple Mixed Integer Programming model, optimizes it, and
outputs the optimal objective value. This section assumes that you are already familiar with the
C programming language. If not, a variety of books are available for learning the language (for
example, The C Programming Language , by Kernighan and Ritchie).
Our example optimizes the following model:
maximize x +
y + 2z
subject to x + 2 y + 3 z 4
x +
x, y, z binary

Example mip1_c.c
This is the complete source code for our example (also available as
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "gurobi_c.h"
main(int argc,
char *argv[])
GRBenv *env = NULL;
GRBmodel *model = NULL;
error = 0;
zero = 0;
/* Create environment */


error = GRBloadenv(&env, "mip1.log");

if (error || env == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not create environment\n");
/* Create an empty model */
error = GRBnewmodel(env, &model, "mip1", 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (error) goto QUIT;
/* Add variables */
obj[0] = 1; obj[1] = 1; obj[2] = 2;
vtype[0] = GRB_BINARY; vtype[1] = GRB_BINARY; vtype[2] = GRB_BINARY;
error = GRBaddvars(model, 3, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, obj, NULL, NULL, vtype,
if (error) goto QUIT;
/* Change objective sense to maximization */
error = GRBsetintattr(model, GRB_INT_ATTR_MODELSENSE, GRB_MAXIMIZE);
if (error) goto QUIT;
/* First constraint: x + 2 y + 3 z <= 4 */
ind[0] = 0; ind[1] = 1; ind[2] = 2;
val[0] = 1; val[1] = 2; val[2] = 3;
error = GRBaddconstr(model, 3, ind, val, GRB_LESS_EQUAL, 4.0, NULL);
if (error) goto QUIT;
/* Second constraint: x + y >= 1 */
ind[0] = 0; ind[1] = 1;
val[0] = 1; val[1] = 1;
error = GRBaddconstr(model, 2, ind, val, GRB_GREATER_EQUAL, 1.0, NULL);
if (error) goto QUIT;
/* Optimize model */


error = GRBoptimize(model);
if (error) goto QUIT;
/* Write model to 'mip1.lp' */
error = GRBwrite(model, "mip1.lp");
if (error) goto QUIT;
/* Capture solution information */
error = GRBgetintattr(model, GRB_INT_ATTR_STATUS, &optimstatus);
if (error) goto QUIT;
error = GRBgetdblattr(model, GRB_DBL_ATTR_OBJVAL, &objval);
if (error) goto QUIT;
error = GRBgetdblattrarray(model, GRB_DBL_ATTR_X, 0, 3, sol);
if (error) goto QUIT;
printf("\nOptimization complete\n");
if (optimstatus == GRB_OPTIMAL) {
printf("Optimal objective: %.4e\n", objval);
printf(" x=%.0f, y=%.0f, z=%.0f\n", sol[0], sol[1], sol[2]);
} else if (optimstatus == GRB_INF_OR_UNBD) {
printf("Model is infeasible or unbounded\n");
} else {
printf("Optimization was stopped early\n");
/* Error reporting */
if (error) {
printf("ERROR: %s\n", GRBgeterrormsg(env));
/* Free model */
/* Free environment */



return 0;

Example details
Let us now walk through the example, line by line, to understand how it achieves the desired result
of optimizing the indicated model.
The example begins by including a few include les. Gurobi C applications should always start by
including gurobi_c.h, along with the standard C include les (stdlib.h and stdio.h).

Creating the environment

After declaring the necessary program variables, the example continues by creating an environment:
error = GRBloadenv(&env, "mip1.log");
if (error || env == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not create environment\n");

Later requests to create optimization models will always require an environment, so environment
creation should always be the rst step when using the Gurobi optimizer. The second argument to
GRBloadenv() provides the name of the Gurobi log le. If the argument is an empty string or NULL,
no log le will be written.
Note that environment creation may fail, so you should check the return value of the call.

Creating the model

Once an environment has been created, the next step is to create a model. A Gurobi model
holds a single optimization problem. It consists of a set of variables, a set of constraints, and the
associated attributes (variable bounds, objective coecients, variable integrality types, constraint
senses, constraint right-hand side values, etc.). The rst step towards building a model that contains
all of this information is to create an empty model object:
/* Create an empty model */
error = GRBnewmodel(env, &model, "mip1", 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (error) goto QUIT;

The rst argument to GRBnewmodel() is the previously created environment. The second is a
pointer to the location where the pointer to the new model should be stored. The third is the name

of the model. The fourth is the number of variables to initially add to the model. Since we're
creating an empty model, the number of initial variables is 0. The remaining arguments would
describe the initial variables (lower bounds, upper bounds, variable types, etc.), had they been

Adding variables to the model

Once we create a Gurobi model, we can start adding variables and constraints to it. In our example,
we'll begin by adding variables:
/* Add variables */
obj[0] = 1; obj[1] = 1; obj[2] = 2;
vtype[0] = GRB_BINARY; vtype[1] = GRB_BINARY; vtype[2] = GRB_BINARY;
error = GRBaddvars(model, 3, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, obj, NULL, NULL, vtype,

The rst argument to GRBaddvars() is the model to which the variables are being added. The
second is the number of added variables (3 in our example).
Arguments three through six describe the constraint matrix coecients associated with the new
variables. The third argument gives the number of non-zero constraint matrix entries associated
with the new variables, and the next three arguments give details on these non-zeros. In our
example, we'll be adding these non-zeros when we add the constraints. Thus, the non-zero count
here is zero, and the following three arguments are all NULL.
The seventh argument to GRBaddvars() is the linear objective coecient for each new variable.
Since our example aims to maximize the objective, and by default Gurobi will minimize the objective,
we'll need to change the objective sense. This is done in the next statement. Note we could have
multiplied the objective coecients by -1 instead (since maximizing c0 x is equivalent to minimizing
c0 x).
The next two arguments specify the lower and upper bounds of the variables, respectively. The
NULL values indicate that these variables should take their default values (0.0 and 1.0 for binary
The tenth argument species the types of the variables. In this example, the variables are all binary
The nal argument gives the names of the variables. In this case, we allow the variable names to
take their default values (x0, x1, and x2).

Changing the objective sense

As we just noted, the default sense for the objective function is minimization. Since our example
aims to maximize the objective, we need to modify the ModelSense attribute:
/* Change objective sense to maximization */


error = GRBsetintattr(model, GRB_INT_ATTR_MODELSENSE, GRB_MAXIMIZE);

if (error) goto QUIT;

Adding constraints to the model

Once the new variables are integrated into the model, the next step is to add our two linear
constraints. These constraints are added through the GRBaddconstr() routine. To add a constraint,
you must specify several pieces of information, including the non-zero values associated with the
constraint, the constraint sense, the right-hand side value, and the constraint name. These are all
specied as arguments to GRBaddconstr() :
/* First constraint: x + 2 y + 3 z <= 4 */
ind[0] = 0; ind[1] = 1; ind[2] = 2;
val[0] = 1; val[1] = 2; val[2] = 3;
error = GRBaddconstr(model, 3, ind, val, GRB_LESS_EQUAL, 4.0, NULL);
if (error) goto QUIT;

The rst argument of GRBaddconstr() is the model to which the constraint is being added. The
second is the total number of non-zero coecients associated with the new constraint. The next
two arguments describe the non-zeros in the new constraint. Constraint coecients are specied
using a list of index-value pairs, one for each non-zero value. In our example, the rst constraint to
be added is x + 2y + 3z 4. We have chosen to make x the rst variable in our constraint matrix, y
the second, and z the third (note that this choice is arbitrary). Given our variable ordering choice,
the index-value pairs that are required for our rst constraint are (0, 1.0), (1, 2.0), and (2, 3.0).
These pairs are placed in the ind and val arrays.
The fth argument to GRBaddconstr() provides the sense of the new constraint. Possible values
are GRB_LESS_EQUAL, GRB_GREATER_EQUAL, or GRB_EQUAL. The sixth argument gives the right-hand
side value. The nal argument gives the name of the constraint (we allow the constraint to take its
default name here by specifying NULL for the argument).
The second constraint is added in a similar fashion:
/* Second constraint: x + y >= 1 */
ind[0] = 0; ind[1] = 1;
val[0] = 1; val[1] = 1;
error = GRBaddconstr(model, 2, ind, val, GRB_GREATER_EQUAL, 1.0, NULL);
if (error) goto QUIT;

Note that routine GRBaddconstrs() would allow you to add both constraints in a single call. The
arguments for this routine are much more complex, though, without providing any signicant advantages, so we recommend that you add one constraint at a time.

Optimizing the model

Now that the model has been built, the next step is to optimize it:
error = GRBoptimize(model);
if (error) goto QUIT;

This routine performs the optimization and populates several internal model attributes, including
the status of the optimization, the solution, etc. Once the function returns, we can query the values
of these attributes. In particular, we can query the status of the optimization process by retrieving
the value of the Status attribute...
error = GRBgetintattr(model, GRB_INT_ATTR_STATUS, &optimstatus);
if (error) goto QUIT;

The optimization status has many possible values. An optimal solution to the model may have been
found, or the model have been determined to be infeasible or unbounded, or the solution process
may have been interrupted. A list of possible statuses can be found in the Gurobi Reference Manual.
For our example, we know that the model is feasible, and we haven't modied any parameters that
might cause the optimization to stop early (e.g., a time limit), so the status will be GRB_OPTIMAL.
Another important model attribute is the value of the objective function for the computed solution.
This is accessed through this call:
error = GRBgetdoubleattr(model, GRB_DBL_ATTR_OBJVAL, &objval);
if (error) goto QUIT;

Note that this call would return a non-zero error result if no solution was found for this model.
Once we know that the model was solved, we can extract the X attribute of the model, which
contains the value for each variable in the computed solution:
error = GRBgetdoublearrayattr(model, GRB_DBL_ATTR_X, 0, 3, x);
if (error) goto QUIT;
printf(" x=%.0f, y=%.0f, z=%.0f", x[0], x[1], x[2]);

This routine retrieves the values of an array-valued attribute. The third and fourth arguments
indicate the index of the rst array element to be retrieved, and the number of elements to retrieve,
respectively. In this example we retrieve entries 0 through 2 (i.e., all three of them)

Error reporting
We would like to point out one additional aspect of the example. Almost all of the Gurobi methods
return an error code. The code will typically be zero, indicating that no error was encountered, but
it is important to check the value of the code in case an error arises.

While you may want to print a specialized error code at each point where an error may occur,
the Gurobi interface provides a more exible facility for reporting errors. The GRBgeterrormsg()
routine returns a textual description of the most recent error associated with an environment:
if (error) {
printf("ERROR: %s\n", GRBgeterrormsg(env));

Once the error reporting is done, the only remaining task in our example is to release the resources
associated with our optimization task. In this case, we populated one model and created one
environment. We call GRBfreemodel(model) to free the model, and GRBfreeenv(env) to free the
environment (in that order).

Building and running the example

To build and run the example, please refer to the les in <installdir>/examples/build. For Windows platforms, this directory contains C_examples_2010.sln, C_examples_2012.sln, C_examples_2013.sln,
and C_examples_2015.sln (Visual Studio 2010, 2012, 2013, and 2015 solution les for the C examples). Double-clicking on the solution le will bring up Visual Studio. Clicking on the mip1_c
project, and then selecting Run from the Build menu will compile and run the example. For Linux
or Mac OS platforms, the <installdir>/examples/build directory contains an example Makele.
Typing make mip1_c will build and run this example.
The C example directory <installdir>/examples/c contains a number of examples. We encourage
you to browse and modify them in order to become more familiar with the Gurobi C interface. We
also encourage you to read the Gurobi Example Tour for more information.


C++ Interface
This section will work through a simple C++ example in order to illustrate the use of the Gurobi
C++ interface. The example builds a model, optimizes it, and outputs the optimal objective value.
This section assumes that you are already familiar with the C++ programming language. If not,
a variety of books are available for learning the language (for example, The C++ Programming
Language , by Stroustrup).
Our example optimizes the following model:
maximize x +
y + 2z
subject to x + 2 y + 3 z 4
x +
x, y, z binary

Note that this is the same model that was modeled and optimized in the C Interface section.

Example mip1_c++.cpp
This is the complete source code for our example (also available in
#include "gurobi_c++.h"
using namespace std;
main(int argc,
char *argv[])
try {
GRBEnv env = GRBEnv();
GRBModel model = GRBModel(env);
// Create variables
GRBVar x = model.addVar(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, GRB_BINARY, "x");
GRBVar y = model.addVar(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, GRB_BINARY, "y");
GRBVar z = model.addVar(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, GRB_BINARY, "z");
// Set objective: maximize x + y + 2 z


model.setObjective(x + y + 2 * z, GRB_MAXIMIZE);
// Add constraint: x + 2 y + 3 z <= 4
model.addConstr(x + 2 * y + 3 * z <= 4, "c0");
// Add constraint: x + y >= 1
model.addConstr(x + y >= 1, "c1");
// Optimize model
cout <<
cout <<
cout <<

x.get(GRB_StringAttr_VarName) << " "

x.get(GRB_DoubleAttr_X) << endl;
y.get(GRB_StringAttr_VarName) << " "
y.get(GRB_DoubleAttr_X) << endl;
z.get(GRB_StringAttr_VarName) << " "
z.get(GRB_DoubleAttr_X) << endl;

cout << "Obj: " << model.get(GRB_DoubleAttr_ObjVal) << endl;

} catch(GRBException e) {
cout << "Error code = " << e.getErrorCode() << endl;
cout << e.getMessage() << endl;
} catch(...) {
cout << "Exception during optimization" << endl;

return 0;

Example details
Let us now walk through the example, line by line, to understand how it achieves the desired result
of optimizing the indicated model.
The example begins by including le gurobi_c++.h. Gurobi C++ applications should always start
by including this le.

Creating the environment

The rst executable statement in our example obtains a Gurobi environment (using the GRBEnv()
GRBEnv env = GRBEnv();

Later calls to create an optimization model will always require an environment, so environment
creation is typically the rst step in a Gurobi application.

Creating the model

Once an environment has been created, the next step is to create a model. A Gurobi model
holds a single optimization problem. It consists of a set of variables, a set of constraints, and the
associated attributes (variable bounds, objective coecients, variable integrality types, constraint
senses, constraint right-hand side values, etc.). The rst step towards building a model that contains
all of this information is to create an empty model object:
GRBModel model = GRBModel(env);

The constructor takes the previously created environment as its argument.

Adding variables to the model

The next step in our example is to add variables to the model.
// Create variables
GRBVar x = model.addVar(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, GRB_BINARY, "x");
GRBVar y = model.addVar(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, GRB_BINARY, "y");
GRBVar z = model.addVar(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, GRB_BINARY, "z");

Variables are added through the addVar() method on the model object (or addVars() if you wish
to add more than one at a time). A variable is always associated with a particular model.
The rst and second arguments to the addVar() call are the variable lower and upper bounds,
respectively. The third argument is the linear objective coecient (zero here - we'll set the objective
later). The fourth argument is the variable type. Our variables are all binary in this example. The
nal argument is the name of the variable.
The addVar() method has been overloaded to accept several dierent argument lists. Please refer
to the Gurobi Reference Manual for further details.

Setting the objective

The next step in the example is to set the optimization objective:

// Set objective: maximize x + y + 2 z

model.setObjective(x + y + 2 * z, GRB_MAXIMIZE);

The objective is built here using overloaded operators. The C++ API overloads the arithmetic
operators to allow you to build linear and quadratic expressions involving Gurobi variables.
The second argument indicates that the sense is maximization.
Note that while this simple example builds the objective in a single statement using an explicit list
of terms, more complex programs will typically build it incrementally. For example:
GRBLinExpr obj = 0.0;
obj += x;
obj += y;
obj += 2*z;
model.setObjective(obj, GRB_MAXIMIZE);

Adding constraints to the model

The next step in the example is to add the linear constraints. The rst constraint is added here:
// Add constraint: x + 2 y + 3 z <= 4
model.addConstr(x + 2 * y + 3 * z <= 4, "c0");

As with variables, constraints are always associated with a specic model. They are created using
the addConstr() or addConstrs() methods on the model object.
We again use overloaded arithmetic operators to build the linear expression. The comparison
operators are also overloaded to make it easier to build constraints.
The second argument to addConstr gives the (optional) constraint name.
Again, this simple example builds the linear expression for the constraint in a single statement using
an explicit list of terms. More complex programs will typically build the expression incrementally.
The second constraint in our model is added with this similar call:
// Add constraint: x + y >= 1
model.addConstr(x + y >= 1, "c1");

Optimizing the model

Now that the model has been built, the next step is to optimize it:
// Optimize model

This routine performs the optimization and populates several internal model attributes (including
the status of the optimization, the solution, etc.).

Reporting results - attributes

Once the optimization is complete, we can query the values of the attributes. In particular, we can
query the VarName and X attributes to obtain the name and solution value of each variable:
cout <<
cout <<
cout <<

x.get(GRB_StringAttr_VarName) << " "

x.get(GRB_DoubleAttr_X) << endl;
y.get(GRB_StringAttr_VarName) << " "
y.get(GRB_DoubleAttr_X) << endl;
z.get(GRB_StringAttr_VarName) << " "
z.get(GRB_DoubleAttr_X) << endl;

We can also query the ObjVal attribute on the model to obtain the objective value for the current
cout << "Obj: " << model.get(GRB_DoubleAttr_ObjVal) << endl;

The names and types of all model, variable, and constraint attributes can be found in the Attributes
section of the Gurobi Reference Manual.

Error handling
Errors in the Gurobi C++ interface are handled through the C++ exception mechanism. In the
example, all Gurobi statements are enclosed inside a try block, and any associated errors would be
caught by the catch block.

Building and running the example

To build and run the example, we refer the user to the les in <installdir>/examples/build.
For Windows platforms, this directory contains C++_examples_2010.sln, C++_examples_2012.sln,
C++_examples_2013.sln, and C++_examples_2015.sln (Visual Studio 2010, 2012, 2013, and 2015
solution les for the C++ examples). Double-clicking on the solution le will bring up Visual Studio.
Clicking on the mip1_c++ project, and then selecting Run from the Build menu will compile and
run the example. For Linux or Mac OS platforms, the <installdir>/examples/build directory
contains an example Makele. Typing make mip1_c++ will build and run this example.
If you want to create your own project or makele to build a C++ program that calls Gurobi, the
details will depend on your platform and development environment, but we'd like to point out a
few common pitfalls:
On Windows, be sure to choose the Gurobi C++ library that is compatible with your Vi-

sual Studio version and your choice of runtime library (Gurobi supports runtime library
options /MD, /MDd, /MT, and /MTd). To give an example, use le gurobi_c++md2010.lib
when you choose runtime library option /MD in Visual Studio 2010. Similarly, use le


gurobi_c++mtd2012.lib when you choose runtime library option /MTd in Visual Studio


A C++ program that uses Gurobi must link in both the Gurobi C++ library (e.g., gurobi_c++mt2010.lib
on Windows, libgurobi_c++.a on Linux and Mac) and the Gurobi C library (gurobi70.lib
on Windows, libgurobi70.so on Linux and Mac).

The C++ example directory <installdir>/examples/c++ contains a number of examples. We

encourage you to browse and modify them in order to become more familiar with the Gurobi C++
interface. We also encourage you to read the Gurobi Example Tour for more information.


Java Interface
This section will work through a simple Java example in order to illustrate the use of the Gurobi
Java interface. The example builds a model, optimizes it, and outputs the optimal objective value.
This section assumes that you are already familiar with the Java programming language. If not, a
variety of books and websites are available for learning the language (for example, the online Java
Our example optimizes the following model:
maximize x +
y + 2z
subject to x + 2 y + 3 z 4
x +
x, y, z binary

Note that this is the same model that was modeled and optimized in the C Interface section.

Example Mip1.java
This is the complete source code for our example (also available in
import gurobi.*;
public class Mip1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
env = new GRBEnv("mip1.log");
GRBModel model = new GRBModel(env);
// Create variables
GRBVar x = model.addVar(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, GRB.BINARY, "x");
GRBVar y = model.addVar(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, GRB.BINARY, "y");
GRBVar z = model.addVar(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, GRB.BINARY, "z");
// Set objective: maximize x + y + 2 z
GRBLinExpr expr = new GRBLinExpr();
expr.addTerm(1.0, x); expr.addTerm(1.0, y); expr.addTerm(2.0, z);
model.setObjective(expr, GRB.MAXIMIZE);


// Add constraint: x + 2 y + 3 z <= 4

expr = new GRBLinExpr();
expr.addTerm(1.0, x); expr.addTerm(2.0, y); expr.addTerm(3.0, z);
model.addConstr(expr, GRB.LESS_EQUAL, 4.0, "c0");
// Add constraint: x + y >= 1
expr = new GRBLinExpr();
expr.addTerm(1.0, x); expr.addTerm(1.0, y);
model.addConstr(expr, GRB.GREATER_EQUAL, 1.0, "c1");
// Optimize model
+ " " +x.get(GRB.DoubleAttr.X));
+ " " +y.get(GRB.DoubleAttr.X));
+ " " +z.get(GRB.DoubleAttr.X));
System.out.println("Obj: " + model.get(GRB.DoubleAttr.ObjVal));
// Dispose of model and environment

} catch (GRBException e) {
System.out.println("Error code: " + e.getErrorCode() + ". " +

Example details
Let us now walk through the example, line by line, to understand how it achieves the desired result
of optimizing the indicated model.
The example begins by importing the Gurobi classes (import gurobi.*). Gurobi Java applications
should always start with this line.

Creating the environment

The rst executable statement in our example obtains a Gurobi environment (using the GRBEnv()
GRBEnv env = new GRBEnv("mip1.log");

Later calls to create an optimization model will always require an environment, so environment
creation is typically the rst step in a Gurobi application. The constructor argument species the
name of the log le.

Creating the model

Once an environment has been created, the next step is to create a model. A Gurobi model
holds a single optimization problem. It consists of a set of variables, a set of constraints, and the
associated attributes (variable bounds, objective coecients, variable integrality types, constraint
senses, constraint right-hand side values, etc.). The rst step towards building a model that contains
all of this information is to create an empty model object:
GRBModel model = new GRBModel(env);

The constructor takes the previously created environment as its argument.

Adding variables to the model

The next step in our example is to add variables to the model.
// Create variables
GRBVar x = model.addVar(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, GRB.BINARY, "x");
GRBVar y = model.addVar(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, GRB.BINARY, "y");
GRBVar z = model.addVar(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, GRB.BINARY, "z");

Variables are added through the addVar() method on a model object (or addVars() if you wish to
add more than one at a time). A variable is always associated with a particular model.
The rst and second arguments to the addVar() call are the variable lower and upper bounds,
respectively. The third argument is the linear objective coecient (zero here - we'll set the objective
later). The fourth argument is the variable type. Our variables are all binary in this example. The
nal argument is the name of the variable.
The addVar() method has been overloaded to accept several dierent argument lists. Please refer
to the Gurobi Reference Manual for further details.

Setting the objective

The next step in the example is to set the optimization objective:
// Set objective: maximize x + y + 2 z
GRBLinExpr expr = new GRBLinExpr();
expr.addTerm(1.0, x); expr.addTerm(1.0, y); expr.addTerm(2.0, z);
model.setObjective(expr, GRB.MAXIMIZE);

The objective must be a linear or quadratic function of the variables in the model. In our example,
we build our objective by rst constructing an empty linear expression and adding three terms to
The second argument to setObjective indicates that the optimization sense is maximization.

Adding constraints to the model

The next step in the example is to add the linear constraints. The rst constraint is added here:
// Add constraint: x + 2 y + 3 z <= 4
GRBLinExpr expr;
expr = new GRBLinExpr();
expr.addTerm(1.0, x); expr.addTerm(2.0, y); expr.addTerm(3.0, z);
model.addConstr(expr, GRB.LESS_EQUAL, 4.0, "c0");

As with variables, constraints are always associated with a specic model. They are created using
the addConstr() or addConstrs() methods on the model object.
The rst argument to addConstr() is the left-hand side of the constraint. We built the left-hand side
by rst creating an empty linear expression object, and then adding three terms to it. The second
argument is the constraint sense (GRB_LESS_EQUAL, GRB_GREATER_EQUAL, or GRB_EQUAL). The third
argument is the right-hand side (a constant in our example). The nal argument is the constraint
name. Several signatures are available for addConstr() . Please consult the Gurobi Reference Manual
for details.
The second constraint is created in a similar manner:
// Add constraint: x + y >= 1
expr = new GRBLinExpr();
expr.addTerm(1.0, x); expr.addTerm(1.0, y);
model.addConstr(expr, GRB.GREATER_EQUAL, 1.0, "c1");


Optimizing the model

Now that the model has been built, the next step is to optimize it:
// Optimize model

This routine performs the optimization and populates several internal model attributes (including
the status of the optimization, the solution, etc.).

Reporting results - attributes

Once the optimization is complete, we can query the values of the attributes. In particular, we can
query the VarName and X attributes to obtain the name and solution value for each variable:
+ " " +x.get(GRB.DoubleAttr.X));
+ " " +y.get(GRB.DoubleAttr.X));
+ " " +z.get(GRB.DoubleAttr.X));

We can also query the ObjVal attribute on the model to obtain the objective value for the current
System.out.println("Obj: " + model.get(GRB.DoubleAttr.ObjVal));

The names and types of all model, variable, and constraint attributes can be found in the Attributes
section of the Gurobi Reference Manual.

Cleaning up
The example concludes with dispose calls:

These reclaim the resources associated with the model and environment. Garbage collection would
reclaim these eventually, but if your program doesn't exit immediately after performing the optimization, it is best to reclaim them explicitly.
Note that all models associated with an environment must be disposed before the environment itself
is disposed.

Error handling
Errors in the Gurobi Java interface are handled through the Java exception mechanism. In the
example, all Gurobi statements are enclosed inside a try block, and any associated errors would be
caught by the catch block.

Building and running the example

To build and run the example, please refer to the les in <installdir>/examples/build. For
Windows platforms, this directory contains runjava.bat, a simple script to compile and run a
java example. Say runjava Mip1 to run this example. For Linux or Mac OS platforms, the
<installdir>/examples/build directory contains an example Makele. Typing make Mip1 will
build and run this example.
The Java example directory <installdir>/examples/java contains a number of examples. We
encourage you to browse and modify them in order to become more familiar with the Gurobi Java
interface. We also encourage you to read the Gurobi Example Tour for more information.


.NET Interface (C#)

This section will work through a simple C# example in order to illustrate the use of the Gurobi
.NET interface. The example builds a model, optimizes it, and outputs the optimal objective value.
This section assumes that you are already familiar with the C# programming language. If not, a
variety of books and websites are available for learning the language (for example, the Microsoft
online C# documentation).
Our example optimizes the following model:
maximize x +
y + 2z
subject to x + 2 y + 3 z 4
x +
x, y, z binary

Note that this is the same model that was modeled and optimized in the C Interface section.

Example mip1_cs.cs
This is the complete source code for our example (also available in
using System;
using Gurobi;
class mip1_cs
static void Main()
try {
env = new GRBEnv("mip1.log");
GRBModel model = new GRBModel(env);
// Create variables
GRBVar x = model.AddVar(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, GRB.BINARY, "x");
GRBVar y = model.AddVar(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, GRB.BINARY, "y");
GRBVar z = model.AddVar(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, GRB.BINARY, "z");
// Set objective: maximize x + y + 2 z


model.SetObjective(x + y + 2 * z, GRB.MAXIMIZE);
// Add constraint: x + 2 y + 3 z <= 4
model.AddConstr(x + 2 * y + 3 * z <= 4.0, "c0");
// Add constraint: x + y >= 1
model.AddConstr(x + y >= 1.0, "c1");
// Optimize model
Console.WriteLine(x.VarName + " " + x.X);
Console.WriteLine(y.VarName + " " + y.X);
Console.WriteLine(z.VarName + " " + z.X);
Console.WriteLine("Obj: " + model.ObjVal);
// Dispose of model and env

} catch (GRBException e) {
Console.WriteLine("Error code: " + e.ErrorCode + ". " + e.Message);

Example details
Let us now walk through the example, line by line, to understand how it achieves the desired result
of optimizing the indicated model.
The example begins by importing the Gurobi namespace (using Gurobi). Gurobi .NET applications should always start with this line.

Creating the environment

The rst executable statement in our example obtains a Gurobi environment (using the GRBEnv()
GRBEnv env = new GRBEnv("mip1.log");


Later calls to create an optimization model will always require an environment, so environment
creation is typically the rst step in a Gurobi application. The constructor argument species the
name of the log le.

Creating the model

Once an environment has been created, the next step is to create a model. A Gurobi model
holds a single optimization problem. It consists of a set of variables, a set of constraints, and the
associated attributes (variable bounds, objective coecients, variable integrality types, constraint
senses, constraint right-hand side values, etc.). The rst step towards building a model that contains
all of this information is to create an empty model object:
GRBModel model = new GRBModel(env);

The constructor takes the previously created environment as its argument.

Adding variables to the model

The next step in our example is to add variables to the model.
// Create variables
GRBVar x = model.AddVar(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, GRB.BINARY, "x");
GRBVar y = model.AddVar(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, GRB.BINARY, "y");
GRBVar z = model.AddVar(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, GRB.BINARY, "z");

Variables are added through the AddVar() method on a model object (or AddVars if you wish to
add more than one at a time). A variable is always associated with a particular model.
The rst and second arguments to the AddVar() call are the variable lower and upper bounds,
respectively. The third argument is the linear objective coecient (zero here - we'll set the objective
later). The fourth argument is the variable type. Our variables are all binary in this example. The
nal argument is the name of the variable.
The AddVar() method has been overloaded to accept several dierent argument lists. Please refer
to the Gurobi Reference Manual for further details.

Setting the objective

The next step in the example is to set the optimization objective:
// Set objective: maximize x + y + 2 z
model.SetObjective(x + y + 2 * z, GRB.MAXIMIZE);

The objective is built here using overloaded operators. The C# API overloads the arithmetic
operators to allow you to build linear and quadratic expressions involving Gurobi variables.

The second argument indicates that the sense is maximization.

Note that while this simple example builds the objective in a single statement using an explicit list
of terms, more complex programs will typically build it incrementally. For example:
GRBLinExpr obj = 0.0;
obj.AddTerm(1.0, x);
obj.AddTerm(1.0, y);
obj.AddTerm(2.0, z);
model.SetObjective(obj, GRB.MAXIMIZE);

Adding constraints to the model

The next step in the example is to add the linear constraints:
// Add constraint: x + 2 y + 3 z <= 4
model.AddConstr(x + 2 * y + 3 * z <= 4.0, "c0");
// Add constraint: x + y >= 1
model.AddConstr(x + y >= 1.0, "c1");

As with variables, constraints are always associated with a specic model. They are created using
the AddConstr() or AddConstrs() methods on the model object.
We again use overloaded arithmetic operators to build linear expressions. The comparison operators
are also overloaded to make it easier to build constraints.
The second argument to AddConstr gives the constraint name.
The Gurobi .NET interface also allows you to add constraints by building linear expressions in a
term-by-term fashion:
GRBLinExpr expr = 0.0;
expr.AddTerm(1.0, x);
expr.AddTerm(2.0, y);
expr.AddTerm(3.0, z);
model.AddConstr(expr, GRB.LESS_EQUAL, 4.0, "c0");

This particular AddConstr() signature takes a linear expression that captures the left-hand side of
the constraint as its rst argument, the sense of the constraint as its second argument, and a linear
expression that captures the right-hand side of the constraint as its third argument. The constraint
name is given as the fourth argument.

Optimizing the model

Now that the model has been built, the next step is to optimize it:

// Optimize model

This routine performs the optimization and populates several internal model attributes (including
the status of the optimization, the solution, etc.).

Reporting results - attributes

Once the optimization is complete, we can query the values of the attributes (which are implemented
as .NET properties ). In particular, we can query the VarName and X attributes to obtain the name
and solution value for each variable:
Console.WriteLine(x.VarName + " " + x.X);
Console.WriteLine(y.VarName + " " + y.X);
Console.WriteLine(z.VarName + " " + z.X);

We can also query the ObjVal attribute on the model to obtain the objective value for the current
Console.WriteLine("Obj: " + model.ObjVal);

The names and types of all model, variable, and constraint attributes can be found in the Attributes
section of the Gurobi Reference Manual.

Cleaning up
The example concludes with Dispose calls:

These reclaim the resources associated with the model and environment. Garbage collection would
reclaim these eventually, but if your program doesn't exit immediately after performing the optimization, it is best to reclaim them explicitly.
Note that all models associated with an environment must be disposed before the environment itself
is disposed.

Error handling
Errors in the Gurobi .NET interface are handled through the .NET exception mechanism. In the
example, all Gurobi statements are enclosed inside a try block, and any associated errors would be
caught by the catch block.

Building and running the example

You can use the CS_examples_2010.sln, CS_examples_2012.sln, CS_examples_2013.sln, or CS_examples_2015.s

solution les in <installdir>/examples/build to build and run the example with Visual Studio
2010, 2012, 2013, or 2015, respectively. Clicking on the mip1_cs project, and then selecting Run
from the Build menu will compile and run the example.
The C# and Visual Basic example directories (<installdir>/examples/c# and
<installdir>/examples/vb) contain a number of examples. We encourage you to browse and
modify them in order to become more familiar with the Gurobi .NET interface. We also encourage
you to read the Gurobi Example Tour for more information.


Python Interface
The Gurobi Python interface can be used in a number of ways. It is the basis of our Interactive
Shell, where it is typically used to work with existing models. It can also be used to write standalone
programs that create and solve models, in much the same way that you would use our other language
interfaces. The Gurobi distribution includes a Python interpreter and a basic set of Python modules. If you'd like additional capabilities, you can also install the Anaconda Python distribution,
which includes both a graphical development environment (Spyder) and a notebook-style interface
When comparing our Python interface against our other language interfaces, you will nd that our
Python interface adds a few higher-level constructs that allow you to build models using a more
mathematical syntax, similar to the way you might work with a traditional modeling language. This
section will work through two Python modeling examples. The rst will present a Python program
that is similar to the C, C++, Java, and C# programs presented in previous sections. The second
demonstrates some of the higher-level modeling capabilities of our Python interface.
This section assumes that you are already familiar with the Python programming language, and
that you have read the preceding section on the Gurobi Interactive Shell. If you would like to learn
more about the Python language, we recommend that you visit the Python online tutorial.
As we noted, the Gurobi distribution includes all the tools you will need to run Python programs.
However, if you would prefer to use your own Python installation, we also provide tools for installing
the gurobipy module into your Python environment. You should refer to the instructions for
building and running the examples for further details.
One big advantage of working within Python is that the Python language is popular and well
supported. One aspect of this support is the breadth of powerful Python Integrated Development
Environments (IDEs) that are available, most of which can be downloaded for free from the internet.
This document includes instructions for setting up Gurobi for use within the Anaconda distribution.
Anaconda greatly simplies the task of installing Python packages, and it includes both a graphical
development environment (Spyder) and a notebook-style interface (Jupyter). If you plan to do
signicant Python development, we recommend that you install Anaconda now. You will also nd
pointers to other useful Python tools there.
Important note for AIX users: due to limited Python support on AIX, our AIX port does not
include the Interactive Shell or the Python interface. You can use the C, C++, or Java interfaces.

The Python example directory contains a number of examples. We encourage you to browse and
modify them in order to become more familiar with the Gurobi Python interface. We also encourage
you to read the Gurobi Example Tour for more information.


12.1 Simple Python Example

This section will work through a simple Python example in order to illustrate the use of the Gurobi
Python interface. The example builds a model, optimizes it, and outputs the optimal objective
Our example optimizes the following model:
maximize x +
y + 2z
subject to x + 2 y + 3 z 4
x +
x, y, z binary

Note that this is the same model that was modeled and optimized in the C Interface section.

Example mip1.py
This is the complete source code for our example (also available in
from gurobipy import *
# Create a new model
m = Model("mip1")

Create variables
= m.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="x")
= m.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="y")
= m.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="z")

# Set objective
m.setObjective(x + y + 2 * z, GRB.MAXIMIZE)
# Add constraint: x + 2 y + 3 z <= 4
m.addConstr(x + 2 * y + 3 * z <= 4, "c0")
# Add constraint: x + y >= 1
m.addConstr(x + y >= 1, "c1")
for v in m.getVars():
print(v.varName, v.x)


print('Obj:', m.objVal)
except GurobiError:
print('Error reported')

Example details
Let us now walk through the example, line by line, to understand how it achieves the desired result
of optimizing the indicated model.
The example begins by importing the Gurobi functions and classes:
from gurobipy import *

Gurobi Python applications should always start with this line.

Note that in order for this command to succeed, the Python application needs to know how to
nd the Gurobi functions and classes. Recall that you have three options here. The rst is to use
the Python les that are included with our distribution. You would run this example by typing
gurobi.bat mip1.py (Windows) or gurobi.sh mip1.py (Linux and Mac). The second is to install
the Anaconda Python distribution. The third is to install the Gurobi functions and classes into
your own Python installation.

Creating the model

The rst step in our example is to create a model. A Gurobi model holds a single optimization
problem. It consists of a set of variables, a set of constraints, and the associated attributes (variable
bounds, objective coecients, variable integrality types, constraint senses, constraint right-hand
side values, etc.). We start this example with an empty model object:
m = Model("mip1")

This function takes the desired model name as its argument.

Adding variables to the model

The next step in our example is to add variables to the model.

Create variables
= m.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="x")
= m.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="y")
= m.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="z")

Variables are added through the addVar() method on a model object (or addVars() if you wish to
add more than one at a time). A variable is always associated with a particular model.

Python allows you to pass arguments by position or by name. We've passed them by name here.
Each variable gets a type (binary), and a name. We use the default values for the other arguments.
Please refer to the online help (help(Model.addVar) in the Gurobi Shell) for further details on

Setting the objective

The next step in the example is to set the optimization objective:
# Set objective: maximize x + y + 2 z
model.setObjective(x + y + 2 * z, GRB.MAXIMIZE)

The objective is built here using overloaded operators. The Python API overloads the arithmetic
operators to allow you to build linear and quadratic expressions involving Gurobi variables.
The second argument indicates that the sense is maximization.
Note that while this simple example builds the objective in a single statement using an explicit list
of terms, more complex programs will typically build it incrementally. For example:
obj = LinExpr();
obj += x;
obj += y;
obj += 2*z;
model.setObjective(obj, GRB.MAXIMIZE);

Adding constraints to the model

The next step in the example is to add the linear constraints. The rst constraint is added here:
# Add constraint: x + 2 y + 3 z <= 4
m.addConstr(x + 2 * y + 3 * z <= 4, "c0")

As with variables, constraints are always associated with a specic model. They are created using
the addConstr() method on the model object.
We again use overloaded arithmetic operators to build linear expressions. The comparison operators
are also overloaded to make it easier to build constraints.
The second argument to addConstr gives the (optional) constraint name.
Again, this simple example builds the linear expression for the constraint in a single statement using
an explicit list of terms. More complex programs will typically build the expression incrementally.
The second constraint is created in a similar manner:
# Add constraint: x + y >= 1
m.addConstr(x + y >= 1, "c1")


Optimizing the model

Now that the model has been built, the next step is to optimize it:
# Optimize model

This routine performs the optimization and populates several internal model attributes (including
the status of the optimization, the solution, etc.).

Reporting results - attributes

Once the optimization is complete, we can query the values of the attributes. In particular, we can
query the varName and x variable attributes to obtain the name and solution value for each variable:
for v in m.getVars():
print(v.varName, v.x)

We can also query the objVal attribute on the model to obtain the objective value for the current
print('Obj:', m.objVal)

The names and types of all model, variable, and constraint attributes can be found in the online
Python documentation. Type help(GRB.Attr) in the Gurobi Shell for details.

Error handling
Errors in the Gurobi Python interface are handled through the Python exception mechanism. In
the example, all Gurobi statements are enclosed inside a try block, and any associated errors would
be caught by the except block.

Running the example

When you run the example (gurobi.bat mip1.py on Windows, or gurobi.sh mip1.py on Linux
or Mac), you should see the following output:
Optimize a model with 2 rows, 3 columns and 5 nonzeros
Presolve removed 2 rows and 3 columns
Presolve time: 0.00s
Explored 0 nodes (0 simplex iterations) in 0.00 seconds
Thread count was 1 (of 4 available processors)


Optimal solution found (tolerance 1.00e-04)

Best objective 3.000000000000e+00, best bound 3.000000000000e+00, gap 0.0%
x 1.0
y 0.0
z 1.0
Obj: 3.0

12.2 Python Dictionary Example

In order to provide a gentle introduction to our interfaces, the examples so far have demonstrated
only very basic capabilities. We will now attempt to demonstrate some of the power of our Python
interface by describing a more complex example. This example is intended to capture most of the
common ingredients of large, complex optimization models. Implementing this same example in
another API would most likely have required hundreds of lines of code (ours is around 70 lines of
Python code).
We'll need to present a few preliminaries before getting to the example itself. You'll need to learn
a bit about the Python language, and we'll need to describe a few custom classes and functions.
Our intent is that you will come away from this section with an appreciation for the power and
exibility of this interface. It can be used to create quite complex models using what we believe
are very concise and natural modeling constructs. Our goal with this interface has been to provide
something that feels more like a mathematical modeling language than a programming language
If you'd like to dig a bit deeper into the Python language constructs described here, we recommend
that you visit the online Python tutorial.

At the heart of any optimization model lies a set of decision variables. Finding a convenient way to
store and access these variables can often represent the main challenge in implementing the model.
While the variables in some models map naturally to simple programming language constructs
(e.g., x[i] for contiguous integer values i), other models can present a much greater challenge.
For example, consider a model that optimizes the ow of multiple dierent commodities through
a supply network. You might have a variable x['Pens', 'Denver', 'New York'] that captures
the ow of a manufactured item (pens in this example) from Denver to New York. At the same
time, you might not want to have a variable x['Pencils', 'Denver', 'Seattle'], since not all
combinations of commodities, source cities, and destination cities represent valid paths through the
network. Representing a sparse set of decision variables in a typical programming language can be
To compound the challenge, you typically need to build constraints that involve subsets of these
decision variables. For example, in our network ow model you might want to put an upper bound
on the total ow that enters a particular city. You could certainly collect the relevant decision
variables by iterating over all possible cities and selecting only those variables that capture possible
ow from that source city into the desired destination city. However, this is clearly wasteful if not all

origin-destination pairs are valid. In a large network problem, the ineciency of this approach could
lead to major performance issues. Handling this eciently can require complex data structures.
The Gurobi Python interface has been designed to make the issues we've just described quite
easy to manage. We'll present a specic example of how this is done shortly. Before we do,
though, we'll need to describe a few important Python constructs: lists, tuples, dictionaries,
list comprehension, and generator expressions. These are standard Python concepts that are
particularly important in our interface. We'll also introduce the tuplelist and tupledict classes,
which are custom classes that we've added to the Gurobi Python interface.
A quick reminder: you can consult the online Python documentation for additional information on
any of the Python data structures mentioned here.

Lists and Tuples

The list data structure is central to most Python programs; Gurobi Python programs are no
exception. We'll also rely heavily on a similar data structure, the tuple. Tuples are crucial to
providing ecient and convenient access to Gurobi decision variables in Gurobi Python programs.
The dierence between a list and a tuple is subtle but important. We'll discuss it shortly.
Lists and tuples are both just ordered collections of Python objects. A list is created and displayed as a comma-separated list of member objects, enclosed in square brackets. A tuple is
similar, except that the member objects are enclosed in parenthesis. For example, [1, 2, 3]
is a list, while (1, 2, 3) is a tuple. Similarly, ['Pens', 'Denver', 'New York'] is a list, while
('Pens', 'Denver', 'New York') is a tuple.
You can retrieve individual entries from a list or tuple using square brackets and zero-based indices:

l = [1, 2.0, 'abc']

t = (1, 2.0, 'abc')

What's the dierence between a list and a tuple? A tuple is immutable , meaning that you can't
modify it once it has been created. By contrast, you can add new members to a list, remove
members, change existing members, etc. This immutable property allows you to use tuples as
indices for dictionaries.

A Python dictionary allows you to map arbitrary key values to pieces of data. Any immutable
Python object can be used as a key: an integer, a oating-point number, a string, or even a tuple.

To give an example, the following statements create a dictionary x, and then associates a value 1
with key ('Pens', 'Denver', 'New York')
gurobi> x = {} # creates an empty dictionary
gurobi> x[('Pens', 'Denver', 'New York')] = 1
gurobi> print(x[('Pens', 'Denver', 'New York')])

Python allows you to omit the parenthesis when accessing a dictionary using a tuple, so the following
is also valid:
gurobi> x = {}
gurobi> x['Pens', 'Denver', 'New York'] = 2
gurobi> print(x['Pens', 'Denver', 'New York'])

We've stored integers in the dictionary here, but dictionaries can hold arbitrary objects. In particular, they can hold Gurobi decision variables:
gurobi> x['Pens', 'Denver', 'New York'] = model.addVar()
gurobi> print(x['Pens', 'Denver', 'New York'])
<gurobi.Var *Awaiting Model Update*>

To initialize a dictionary, you can of course simply perform assignments for each relevant key:

values = {}
values['zero'] = 0
values['one'] = 1
values['two'] = 2

You can also use the Python dictionary initialization construct:

gurobi> values = { 'zero': 0, 'one': 1, 'two': 2 }
gurobi> print(values['zero'])
gurobi> print(values['one'])

We have included a utility routine in the Gurobi Python interface that simplies dictionary initialization for a case that arises frequently in mathematical modeling. The multidict function allows
you to initialize one or more dictionaries in a single statement. The function takes a dictionary as
its argument, where the value associated with each key is a list of length n. The function splits
these lists into individual entries, creating n separate dictionaries. The function returns a list. The
rst result is the list of shared key values, followed by the n individual dictionaries:

gurobi> names, lower, upper = multidict({ 'x': [0, 1], 'y': [1, 2], 'z': [0, 3] })
gurobi> print(names)
['x', 'y', 'z']
gurobi> print(lower)
{'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'z': 0}
gurobi> print(upper)
{'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 3}

Note that you can also apply this function to a dictionary where each key maps to a scalar value. In
that case, the function simply returns the list of keys as the rst result, and the original dictionary
as the second.
You will see this function in several of our Python examples.

List comprehension and generator expressions

List comprehension and generator expressions are important Python features that allows you to do
implicit enumeration in a concise fashion. To give a simple example, the following list comprehension
builds a list containing the squares of the numbers from 1 through 5:
gurobi> [x*x for x in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]
[1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

A generator expression is very similar, but it is used to generate an Iterable (something that can
be iterated over). For example, suppose we want to compute the sum of the squares of the numbers
from 1 through 5. We could use list comprehension to build the list, and then pass that list to sum.
However, it is simpler and more ecient to use a generator expression:
gurobi> sum(x*x for x in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

A generator expression can be used whenever a method accepts an Iterable argument (something
that can be iterated over). For example, most Python methods that accept a list argument (the
most common type of Iterable) will also accept a generator expression.
Note that there's a Python routine for creating a contiguous list of integers: range. The above
would typically be written as follows:
gurobi> sum(x*x for x in range(1,6))

Details on the range function can be found here.

List comprehension and generator expressions can both contain more than one for clause, and one
or more if clauses. The following example builds a list of tuples containing all x,y pairs where x
and y are both less than 4 and x is less than y:
gurobi> [(x,y) for x in range(4) for y in range(4) if x < y]
[(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)]


Note that the for statements are executed left-to-right, and values from one can be used in the
next, so a more ecient way to write the above is:
gurobi> [(x,y) for x in range(4) for y in range(x+1, 4)]

Generator expressions are used extensively in our Python examples, primarily in the context of the
addConstrs method.

The tuplelist class

The next important item we would like to discuss is the tuplelist class. This is a custom sub-class
of the Python list class that is designed to allow you to eciently build sub-lists from a list of
tuples. To be more specic, you can use the select method on a tuplelist object to retrieve all
tuples that match one or more specied values in specic elds.
Let us give a simple example. We'll begin by creating a simple tuplelist (by passing a list of
tuples to the constructor):
gurobi> l = tuplelist([(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (2, 4)])

To select a sub-list where particular tuple entries match desired values, you specify the desired values
as arguments to the select method. The number of arguments to select is equal to the number
of entries in the members of the tuplelist (they should all have the same number of entries). You
use a '*' string to indicate that any value is acceptable in that position in the tuple.
Each tuple in our example contains two entries, so we can perform the following selections:
gurobi> print(l.select(1, '*'))
<gurobi.tuplelist (2 tuples, 2 values
( 1 , 2 )
( 1 , 3 )
gurobi> print(l.select('*', 3))
<gurobi.tuplelist (2 tuples, 2 values
( 1 , 3 )
( 2 , 3 )
gurobi> print(l.select(1, 3))
<gurobi.tuplelist (1 tuples, 2 values
( 1 , 3 )
gurobi> print(l.select('*', '*'))
<gurobi.tuplelist (4 tuples, 2 values
( 1 , 2 )
( 1 , 3 )
( 2 , 3 )






( 2 , 4 )

You may have noticed that similar results could have been achieved using list comprehension. For
gurobi> print(l.select(1, '*'))
<gurobi.tuplelist (2 tuples, 2 values each):
( 1 , 2 )
( 1 , 3 )
gurobi> print([(x,y) for x,y in l if x == 1])
[(1, 2), (1, 3)]

The problem is that the latter statement considers every member in the list, which can be quite
inecient for large lists. The select method builds internal data structures that make these
selections quite ecient.
Note that tuplelist is a sub-class of list, so you can use the standard list methods to access or
modify a tuplelist:
gurobi> print(l[1])
gurobi> l += [(3, 4)]
gurobi> print(l)
<gurobi.tuplelist (5 tuples, 2 values each):
( 1 , 2 )
( 1 , 3 )
( 2 , 3 )
( 2 , 4 )
( 3 , 4 )

The tupledict class

The nal important preliminary we would like to discuss is the tupledict class. This is a custom
sub-class of the Python dict class that allows you to eciently work with subsets of Gurobi variable
objects. To be more specic, you can use the sum and prod methods on a tupledict object to
easily and concisely build linear expressions. The keys for a tupledict are stored as a tuplelist,
so the same select syntax can be used to choose subsets of entries. Specically, by associating
a tuple with each Gurobi variable, you can eciently create expressions that contain a subset of
matching variables. For example, using the sum method on a tupledict object, you could easily
build an expression that captures the sum over all Gurobi variables for which the rst eld of the
corresponding tuple is equal to 3 (using x.sum(3, '*')).
While you can directly build your own tupledict, the Gurobi interface provides an addVars method
that adds one Gurobi decision variable to the model for each tuple in the input argument(s) and

returns the result as a tupledict. Let us give a simple example. We'll begin by constructing a list
of tuples, and then we'll create a set of Gurobi variables that are indexed using this list:
gurobi> l = list([(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (2, 4)])
gurobi> d = model.addVars(l, name="d")

The addVars method will create variables d(1,2), d(1,3), d(2,3), and d(2,4). Note that the name
argument is used to name the resulting variables, but it only gives the prex for the name - the
names are subscripted by the tuple keys (so the variables would be named d[1,2], d[1,3], etc.).
You can then use this tupledict to build linear expressions. For example, you could do:
gurobi> sum(d.select(1, '*'))

The select method returns a list of Gurobi variables where the rst eld of the associated tuple is 1.
The Python sum statement then creates a linear expression that captures the sum of these variables.
In this case, that expression would be d(1,2) + d(1,3). Similarly, sum(d.select('*', 3)) would
give d(1,3) + d(2,3). As with a tuplelist, you use a '*' string to indicate that any value is
acceptable in that position in the tuple.
The tupledict class includes a method that simplies the above. Rather than sum(d.select('*', 3)),
you can use d.sum('*', 3) instead.
The tupledict class also includes a prod method, for cases where your linear expression has coefcients that aren't all 1.0. Coecients are provided through a dict argument. They are indexed
using the same tuples as the tupledict. For example, given a dict named coeff with two entries: coeff(1,2) = 5 and coeff(2,3) = 7, a call to d.prod(coeff) would give the expression
5 d(1,2) + 7 d(2,3). You can also include a lter, so d.prod(coeff, 2, '*') would give just
7 d(2,3).
Note that tupledict is a sub-class of dict, so you can use the standard dict methods to access or
modify a tupledict:

gurobi> print(d[1,3])
<gurobi.Var d[1,3]>
gurobi> d[3, 4] = 0.3
gurobi> print(d[3, 4])
gurobi> print(d.values())
dict_values([<gurobi.Var d[1,2]>, 0.3, <gurobi.Var d[1,3]>, <gurobi.Var d[2,3]>, <gurobi.Var d[2

In our upcoming network ow example, once we've built a tupledict that contains a variable
for each valid commodity-source-destination combination on the network (we'll call it flows), we
can create a linear expression that captures the total ow on all arcs that empty into a specic
destination city as follows:
gurobi> inbound = flows.sum('*', '*', 'New York')

We now present an example that illustrates the use of all of the concepts discussed so far.

netow.py example
Our example solves a multi-commodity ow model on a small network. In the example, two commodities (Pencils and Pens) are produced in two cities (Detroit and Denver), and must be shipped
to warehouses in three cities (Boston, New York, and Seattle) to satisfy given demand. Each arc in
the transportation network has a cost associated with it, and a total capacity.
This is the complete source code for our example (also available in
from gurobipy import *
# Model data
commodities = ['Pencils', 'Pens']
nodes = ['Detroit', 'Denver', 'Boston', 'New York', 'Seattle']
arcs, capacity = multidict({
('Detroit', 'Boston'): 100,
('Detroit', 'New York'): 80,
('Detroit', 'Seattle'): 120,
('Denver', 'Boston'): 120,
('Denver', 'New York'): 120,
('Denver', 'Seattle'): 120 })
cost = {


inflow = {

'New York'):


'New York'):
'New York'):
'New York'):
'New York'):

30 }


'New York'):

-30 }

# Create optimization model

m = Model('netflow')
# Create variables
flow = m.addVars(commodities, arcs, obj=cost, name="flow")
# Arc capacity constraints
(flow.sum('*',i,j) <= capacity[i,j] for i,j in arcs), "cap")
# Flow conservation constraints
(flow.sum(h,'*',j) + inflow[h,j] == flow.sum(h,j,'*')
for h in commodities for j in nodes), "node")
# Compute optimal solution
# Print solution
if m.status == GRB.Status.OPTIMAL:
solution = m.getAttr('x', flow)
for h in commodities:
print('\nOptimal flows for %s:' % h)
for i,j in arcs:
if solution[h,i,j] > 0:
print('%s -> %s: %g' % (i, j, solution[h,i,j]))

netow.py example details

Let us now walk through the example, line by line, to understand how it achieves the desired result
of computing the optimal network ow. As with the simple Python example presented earlier, this
example begins by importing the Gurobi functions and classes:
from gurobipy import *

We then create a few lists that contain model data:

commodities = ['Pencils', 'Pens']
nodes = ['Detroit', 'Denver', 'Boston', 'New York', 'Seattle']


arcs, capacity = multidict({

('Detroit', 'Boston'): 100,
('Detroit', 'New York'): 80,
('Detroit', 'Seattle'): 120,
('Denver', 'Boston'): 120,
('Denver', 'New York'): 120,
('Denver', 'Seattle'): 120 })

The model works with two commodities (Pencils and Pens), and the network contains 5 nodes and
6 arcs. We initialize commodities and nodes as simple Python lists. We use the Gurobi multidict
function to initialize arcs (the list of keys) and capacity (a dictionary).
The model also requires cost data for each commodity-arc pair:
cost = {


'New York'):
'New York'):
'New York'):
'New York'):

30 }

Once this dictionary has been created, the cost of moving commodity h from node i to j can be
queried as cost[(h,i,j)]. Recall that Python allows you to omit the parenthesis when using a
tuple to index a dictionary, so this can be shortened to just cost[h,i,j].
A similar construct is used to initialize node demand data:
inflow = {


'New York'):
'New York'):

-30 }

Building a multi-dimensional array of variables

The next step in our example (after creating an empty Model object) is to add variables to the
model. The variables are created using addVars, and are returned in a tupledict which we'll call
m = Model('netflow')
flow = m.addVars(commodities, arcs, obj=cost, name="flow")

The rst, positional arguments to addVars give the index set. In this case, we'll be indexing flow
by commodities and arcs. In other words, flow[c,i,j] will capture the ow of commodity c from
node i to node j. Note that flow only contains variables for source, destination pairs that are
present in arcs.

Arc capacity constraints

We begin with a straightforward set of constraints. The sum of the ow variables on an arc must
be less than or equal to the capacity of that arc:
(flow.sum('*',i,j) <= capacity[i,j] for i,j in arcs), "cap")

Note that this one statement uses several of the concepts that were introduced earlier in this section.
The rst concept used here is the sum method on flow, which is used to create a linear expression
over a subset of the variables in the tupledict. In particular, it is summing over all commodities
(the '*' in the rst eld) associated with an edge between a pair of cities i and j.
The second concept used here is a generator expression, which iterates over all arcs in the network.
Specically, this portion of the statement...
for i,j in arcs

indicates that we are iterating over every edge in arcs. In each iteration, i and j will be populated
using the corresponding values from a tuple in arcs. In a particular iteration, flow.sum('*',i,j)
will be computed using those specic values, as will capacity[i,j].
The third thing to note is that we're passing the result as an argument to addConstrs. This method
will create a set of Gurobi constraints, one for each iteration of the generator expression.
The nal thing to note is that the last argument gives the base for the constraint name. The
addConstrs method will automatically append the corresponding indices for each constraint. Thus,
for example, the name of the constraint that limits ow from Denver to Boston will be cap[Denver,Boston].
Note that if you prefer to do your own looping, you could obtain the equivalent behavior with the
following loop:

for i,j in arcs:

m.addConstr(sum(flow[h,i,j] for h in commodities) <= capacity[i,j],
"cap[%s,%s]" % (i, j))

Flow conservation constraints

The next set of constraints are the ow conservation constraints. They require that, for each
commodity and node, the sum of the ow into the node plus the quantity of external inow at that
node must be equal to the sum of the ow out of the node:
(flow.sum(h,'*',j) + inflow[h,j] == flow.sum(h,j,'*')
for h in commodities for j in nodes), "node")

This call to addConstrs is similar to the previous one, although a bit more complex. We invoke the
sum method on a tupledict, wrapped inside of a generator expression, to add one linear constraint
for each commodity-node pair. In this instance, we call sum twice, and we use a generator expression
that contains of a pair of for loops, but the basic concepts remain the same.

Once we've added the model constraints, we call optimize and then output the optimal solution:
if m.status == GRB.Status.OPTIMAL:
solution = m.getAttr('x', flow)
for h in commodities:
print('\nOptimal flows for %s:' % h)
for i,j in arcs:
if solution[h,i,j] > 0:
print('%s -> %s: %g' % (i, j, solution[h,i,j]))

If you run the example (gurobi.bat netflow.py on Windows, or gurobi.sh netflow.py on Linux
and Mac), you should see the following output:
Optimize a model with 16 rows, 12 columns and 36 nonzeros
Presolve removed 16 rows and 12 columns
Presolve time: 0.00s
Presolve: All rows and columns removed
Primal Inf.
Dual Inf.
5.5000000e+03 0.000000e+00
Solved in 0 iterations and 0.00 seconds
Optimal objective 5.500000000e+03


Optimal flows for Pencils :

Detroit -> Boston : 50.0
Denver -> New York : 50.0
Denver -> Seattle : 10.0
Optimal flows for Pens :
Detroit -> Boston : 30.0
Detroit -> New York : 30.0
Denver -> Boston : 10.0
Denver -> Seattle : 30.0

12.3 Building and running the examples

Python is an interpreted language, so no explicit compilation step is required to run the examples.
For Windows platforms, you can simply type the following in the Gurobi Python example directory
gurobi.bat mip1.py

For Linux or Mac OS platforms, type:

gurobi.sh mip1.py

If you are a Python user and wish to use Gurobi from within your own Python environment, we
recommend that you use the Anaconda Python distribution. Anaconda includes a number of very
useful packages, and the Gurobi Anaconda package simplies the installation process.
You can also install the gurobipy module directly into other Python environments. The steps for
doing this depend on your platform. On Windows, you can double-click on the pysetup program
in the Gurobi <installdir>/bin directory. This program will prompt you for the location of your
Python installation; it handles all of the details of the installation. On Linux or Mac OS, you will
need to open a terminal window, change your current directory to the Gurobi <installdir> (the
directory that contains the le setup.py), and issue the following command:
python setup.py install

Unless you are using your own private Python installation, you will need to run this command as
super-user. Once gurobipy is successfully installed, you can type python mip1.py (more generally,
you can type from gurobipy import * in your Python environment).


MATLAB Interface
This section describes the Gurobi MATLAB interface. We begin with information on how to set up
Gurobi for use within MATLAB. An example of how to use the MATLAB interface follows.

Setting up Gurobi for MATLAB

To begin, you'll need to tell MATLAB where to nd the Gurobi routines. We've provided a script
to assist you with this. The Gurobi MATLAB setup script, gurobi_setup.m, can be found in
the <installdir>/matlab directory of your Gurobi installation (the default <installdir> for
Gurobi 7.01 is /opt/gurobi701/linux64 for Linux, c:\gurobi701\win64 for 64-bit Windows, and
/Library/gurobi701/mac64 for Mac). To get started, type the following commands within MATLAB to change to the matlab directory and call gurobi_setup:
>> cd /opt/gurobi700/linux64/matlab
>> gurobi_setup

You will need to be careful that the MATLAB binary and the Gurobi package you install both
use the same instruction set. For example, if you are using the 64-bit version of MATLAB, you'll
need to install the 64-bit version of Gurobi, and you'll need to use the 64-bit Gurobi MATLAB
libraries (i.e., the ones included with the 64-bit version of Gurobi). This is particularly important
on Windows systems, where the error messages that result from instruction set mismatches can be
quite cryptic.

Let us now turn our attention to an example of using Gurobi to solve a simple MIP model. Our
example optimizes the following model:
maximize x +
y + 2z
subject to x + 2 y + 3 z 4
x +
x, y, z binary

Note that this is the same model that was modeled and optimized in the C Interface section.
This is the complete source code for our example (also available in
names = {'x'; 'y'; 'z'};



clear model;
model.A = sparse([1 2 3; 1 1 0]);
model.obj = [1 1 2];
model.rhs = [4; 1];
model.sense = '<>';
model.vtype = 'B';
model.modelsense = 'max';
clear params;
params.outputflag = 0;
params.resultfile = 'mip1.lp';
result = gurobi(model, params);
for v=1:length(names)
fprintf('%s %d\n', names{v}, result.x(v));
fprintf('Obj: %e\n', result.objval);

catch gurobiError
fprintf('Error reported\n');

Example details
Let us now walk through the example, line by line, to understand how it achieves the desired result
of optimizing the indicated model.

Building the model

The example begins by building an optimization model. The data associated with an optimization
model must be stored in a MATLAB struct. Fields in this struct contain the dierent parts of
the model. A few elds are mandatory: the constraint matrix (A), the objective vector (obj), the
right-hand side vector (rhs), and the constraint sense vector (sense). A model can also include
optional elds (e.g., the objective sense modelsense).
The example uses the built-in sparse function to build the constraint matrix A. The Gurobi MATLAB interface only accepts sparse matrices as input. If you have a dense matrix, use sparse to
convert it to a sparse matrix before passing it to our interface.

Subsequent statements populate other elds of the model variable, including the objective vector,
the right-hand-side vector, and the constraint sense vector.
In addition to the mandatory elds, this example also sets two optional elds: modelsense and
vtype. The former is used to indicate the sense of the objective function. The default is minimization, so we've set the elds equal to 'max' to indicate that we would like to maximize the specied
objective. The vtype eld is used to indicate the types of the variables in the model. In our example, all variables are binary ('B'). Note that our interface allows you to specify a scalar value for
the sense and vtype arguments. The Gurobi interface will expand that scalar to a constant array
of the appropriate length. In this example, the scalar value 'B' will be expanded to an array of
length 3, containing one 'B' value for each column of A.

Modifying Gurobi parameters

The next statements create a struct variable that will be used to modify two Gurobi parameters:
params.outputflag = 0;
params.resultfile = 'mip1.lp';

In this example, we set the Gurobi OutputFlag parameter to 0 in order to shut o Gurobi output.
We also set the ResultFile parameter to request that Gurobi produce a le as output (in this case,
an LP format le that contains the optimization model). The Gurobi MATLAB interface allows
you to set as many Gurobi parameters as you like. The eld names in the parameter structure
simply need to match Gurobi parameter names, and the values of the elds should be set to the
desired parameter value. Please consult the Parameters section of the Gurobi Reference Manual for
a complete list of all Gurobi parameters.

Solving the model

The next statement is where the actual optimization occurs:
result = gurobi(model, params);

We pass the model and the optional list of parameter changes to the gurobi() function. It computes
an optimal solution to the specied model and returns the computed result.

Printing the solution

The gurobi() function returns a struct as its result. This struct contains a number of elds, where
each eld contains information about the computed solution. The available elds depend on the
result of the optimization, the type of model that was solved (LP, QP, QCP, SOCP, or MIP), and
the algorithm used to solve the model. The returned struct will always contain a status eld,
which indicates whether Gurobi was able to compute an optimal solution to the model. You should
consult the Status Codes section of the Gurobi Reference Manual for a complete list of all possible

status codes. If Gurobi was able to nd a solution to the model, the return value will also include
objval and x elds. The former gives the objective value for the computed solution, and the latter
is the computed solution vector (one entry per column of the constraint matrix). For continuous
models, we will also return dual information (reduced costs and dual multipliers), and possibly an
optimal basis.
In our example, we simply print the optimal objective value (result.objval) and the optimal
solution vector (result.x).

Running the example

The Gurobi MATLAB examples can be found in the <installdir>/examples/matlab/ directory
of your Gurobi installation (the default <installdir> for Gurobi 7.01 is /opt/gurobi701/linux64
for Linux, c:\gurobi701\win64 for 64-bit Windows, and /Library/gurobi701/mac64 for Mac).
To run one of the examples, rst change to this directory in MATLAB, then type its name into the
MATLAB prompt. For example, to run example mip1, you would say:
>> cd /opt/gurobi700/linux64/examples/matlab
>> mip1

If Gurobi was successfully set up for use in MATLAB, you should see the following output:

[1x1 struct]
[3x1 double]
[2x1 double]

x 1
y 0
z 1
Obj: 3.000000e+00

The MATLAB example directory contains a number of examples. We encourage you to browse and
modify them in order to become more familiar with the Gurobi MATLAB interface.


R Interface
This section describes the Gurobi R interface. We begin with information on how to set up Gurobi
for use within R. An example of how to use the R interface follows.

Installing the R Package

To begin, you'll need to install the Gurobi package in R. The R command for doing this is:
install.packages('<R-package-file>', repos=NULL)

The R package le can be found in the <installdir>/R directory of your Gurobi installation. For
a default installation of Gurobi 7.0.1, the command would be:

Windows: install.packages('c:\gurobi701\win64\R\gurobi_7.0-1.zip', repos=NULL)
Mac: install.packages('/Library/gurobi701/mac64/R/gurobi_7.0-1.tgz', repos=NULL)

You will need to adjust the path to match your install directory and version.
You will need to be careful that the R binary and the Gurobi package you install both use the same
instruction set. For example, if you are using the 64-bit version of R, you'll need to install the 64-bit
version of Gurobi, and the 64-bit Gurobi R package. This is particularly important on Windows
systems, where the error messages that result from instruction set mismatches can be quite cryptic.
If you are using R from RStudio Server, and you get an error indicating that R is unable to load
the Gurobi DLL or shared object, you may need to set the rsession-ld-library-path entry in
the server cong le. Please consult the RStudio documentation for more information.

Let us now turn our attention to an example of using Gurobi to solve a simple MIP model. Our
example optimizes the following model:
maximize x +
y + 2z
subject to x + 2 y + 3 z 4
x +
x, y, z binary


Note that this is the same model that was modeled and optimized in the C Interface section.
This is the complete source code for our example (also available in
model <- list()


matrix(c(1,2,3,1,1,0), nrow=2, ncol=3, byrow=T)

c('<', '>')

params <- list(OutputFlag=0)

result <- gurobi(model, params)

Example details
Let us now walk through the example, line by line, to understand how it achieves the desired result
of optimizing the indicated model.
The example begins by importing the Gurobi package (library('gurobi')). R programs that call
Gurobi must include this line.

Building the model

The example now builds an optimization model. The data associated with an optimization model
must be stored in a single list variable. Named components in this list contain the dierent parts
of the model. A few components are mandatory: the constraint matrix (A), the objective vector
(obj), the right-hand side vector (rhs), and the constraint sense vector (sense). A model variable
can also include optional components (e.g., the objective sense modelsense).
In our example, we use the built-in R matrix function to build the constraint matrix A. A is stored as a
dense matrix here. You can also store A as a sparse matrix, using either the sparse_triplet_matrix
function from the slam package or the sparseMatrix class from the Matrix package. Sparse input
matrices are illustrated in the lp2.R example.
Subsequent statements populate other components of the model variable, including the objective

vector, the right-hand-side vector, and the constraint sense vector. In each case, we use the built-in
c function to initialize the array arguments.
In addition to the mandatory components, this example also sets two optional components: modelsense
and vtype. The former is used to indicate the sense of the objective function. The default is minimization, so we've set the components equal to 'max' to indicate that we would like to maximize
the specied objective. The vtype component is used to indicate the types of the variables in the
model. In our example, all variables are binary ('B'). Note that our interface allows you to specify
a scalar value for any array argument. The Gurobi interface will expand that scalar to a constant
array of the appropriate length. In this example, the scalar value 'B' will be expanded to an array
of length 3, containing one 'B' value for each column of A.
One important note about default variable bounds: the convention in math programming is that
a variable will by default have a lower bound of 0 and an innite upper bound. If you'd like your
variables to have dierent bounds, you'll need to provide them explicitly.

Modifying Gurobi parameters

The next statement creates a list variable that will be used to modify a Gurobi parameter:
params <- list(OutputFlag=0)

In this example, we wish to set the Gurobi OutputFlag parameter to 0 in order to shut o Gurobi
output. The Gurobi R interface allows you to pass a list of the Gurobi parameters you would like
to change. Please consult the Parameters section of the Gurobi Reference Manual for a complete
list of all Gurobi parameters.

Solving the model

The next statement is where the actual optimization occurs:
result <- gurobi(model, params)

We pass the model and the optional list of parameter changes to the gurobi() function. It computes
an optimal solution to the specied model and returns the computed result.

Printing the solution

The gurobi() function returns a list as its result. This list contains a number of components, where
each component contains information about the computed solution. The available components
depend on the result of the optimization, the type of model that was solved (LP, QP, SOCP, or
MIP), and the algorithm used to solve the model. This result list will always contain an integer
status component, which indicates whether Gurobi was able to compute an optimal solution to
the model. You should consult the Status Codes section of the Gurobi Reference Manual for a

complete list of all possible status codes. If Gurobi was able to nd a solution to the model, the
return value will also include objval and x components. The former gives the objective value for
the computed solution, and the latter is the computed solution vector (one entry per column of the
constraint matrix). For continuous models, we will also return dual information (reduced costs and
dual multipliers), and possibly an optimal basis.
In our example, we simply print the optimal objective value (result$objval) and the optimal
solution vector (result$x).

Running the example

To run one of the R examples provided with the Gurobi distribution, you can use the source
command in R. For example, if you are running R from the Gurobi R examples directory, you can
> source('mip.R')

If the Gurobi package was successfully installed, you should see the following output:
[1] "Solution:"
[1] 3
[1] 1 0 1

The R example directory <installdir>/examples/R contains a number of examples. We encourage

you to browse and modify them in order to become more familiar with the Gurobi R interface.


Recommended Reading
The very basic introduction to mathematical programming and mathematical modeling in this
document barely scratches the surface of this very broad and rich eld. We've collected a set of
recommended books here that provide more information on various aspects of math programming.
If you want more information on the algorithms and mathematics underlying the solution of linear
programming problems, we recommend Introduction to Linear Optimization by Bertsimas, Tsitsiklis, and Tsitsiklis, or Linear Programming: Foundations and Extensions by R. Vanderbei. For a
detailed treatment of interior-point methods for linear programming, we recommend Primal-Dual
Interior-Point Methods by S. Wright.
For more information on the algorithms and mathematics underlying the solution of mixed-integer
programming problems, we recommend Integer Programming by L. Wolsey.
For an introduction to the process of creating mathematical programming representations of business
problems, we recommand Model Building in Mathematical Programming by H.P. Williams.


Installing the Anaconda Python distribution

The Gurobi distribution includes a Python interpreter and a basic set of Python modules. While
these are sucient for building and running simple optimization models, they provide just a glimpse
of the wealth of tools and modules that are available for Python. This section guides you through the
steps involved in installing Anaconda, a widely-used Python platform that includes an Integrated
Development Environment (Spyder), a notebook-style interface (Jupyter), and a broad set of Python
modules. These tools can signicantly increase the interactivity and productivity of your Python
model building experience.
Before we begin, we should note that Anaconda isn't your only choice in Python distributions
and/or IDEs. Popular alternatives include Canopy, Eric, iep, and PyDev. We won't be covering
the details of installing these other options for use with Gurobi, but the Anaconda instructions that
follow should provide a good outline for the steps involved. We've found that Anaconda provides a
nice balance between power and complexity, but we realize that people may look for dierent things
in their Python environments.

Step 1: Download and Install Anaconda

The rst step is to download and install Anaconda. You can nd it here.

Gurobi supports Python 2.7 and Python 3.5, in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. Click on the download button (Windows 64-Bit Python 2.7 in this case), and then download and run the Anaconda

Step 2: Install Gurobi into Anaconda

The next step is to install the Gurobi package into Anaconda. You do this by rst adding the Gurobi
channel to your Anaconda channels and then installing the gurobi package from this channel.
From an Anaconda terminal issue the following command to add the Gurobi channel to your default
search list

conda config --add channels http://conda.anaconda.org/gurobi

Now issue the following command to install the Gurobi package

conda install gurobi

You can remove the Gurobi package at any time by issuing the command

conda remove gurobi

Step 3: Install a Gurobi License

The third step is to install a Gurobi license (if you haven't already done so).
You are now ready to use Gurobi from within Anaconda. Your next step is to launch either the
Spyder IDE or Jupyter.

16.1 Using the Spyder IDE

You can launch the Spyder Python IDE from the Windows Program menu (the installer should
have placed it in the Anaconda folder). Gurobi Interactive Shell commands can be typed directly
into the Spyder Console window:


Note that a general-purpose Python IDE like Spyder requires one extra step that isn't required
when you launch the Gurobi shell from the Gurobi icon or by using the gurobi.bat command:
you must manually load the Gurobi module by typing from gurobipy import * before issuing any
Gurobi commands.
You can also use Spyder to run any of the Gurobi examples. For example, if you use Open under the
File menu to open Gurobi example mip1.py, and then click on the Run icon (the green triangle),
you should see:

Some Gurobi examples require command-line arguments. Those can be input from the Configure...
item of the Run menu. For example, to run the sudoku.py example with le sudoku1 as input...


Anaconda Python includes all of the Python modules used in the Gurobi examples, but feel free to
explore the vast library of additional Python modules. A list of available modules can be found at
the PyPI site. You can use the conda command to install additional modules. Type conda into a
terminal window with no arguments to get additional information on this command.

16.2 Using Jupyter

You can launch Jupyter from the Windows Program menu (the installer should have placed it in
the Anaconda folder). You can create a new notebook by clicking on the New icon (in the upper
right) and choosing one of the Notebook options. Once your new notebook starts, you can type
standard Python commands or Gurobi Interactive Shell commands directly into the In window:

Our simple example shows a set of commands that create and solve a simple linear programming
model, and then plot the resulting constraints and the computed optimal vertex.
For those of you who aren't familiar with notebook-style interfaces, they allow you to mix executable
code, text, and graphics to create a self-documenting stream of results. Notebooks can be saved and
continued later, which make them particularly well suited for prototyping and experimentation.


Windows Command Line

Setting up and using Gurobi on a Windows system sometimes requires you to type command-line
commands. This can be unfamiliar to Windows users, so this section provides a bit of help.
Windows provides a few dierent options for inputting commands. For simple commands, you can
open a Run window, by pressing the Start key and the letter R simultaneously: A command can

be typed or pasted directly into this window.

You can also type or paste commands directly into the Search box (available under the Start button
on Windows Vista and Windows 7, and toward the bottom left of the desktop on Windows 10):

While these two interfaces are useful for issuing simple commands, they aren't suited for extensive
interactive usage. If you want to launch Gurobi command-line commands and see the resulting

output, for example, you'll need a Console window (also known as a Command Prompt window or
just a cmd window). To launch a Console window, type cmd into either the Run window or the
Search box (as described above). This window will remain open, displaying the output from the

previous command and waiting for the next command, until you close it.


File Overview
This section briey describes the purposes of the more important les in the Gurobi distribution.
Note that the list below may not precisely agree with your installation. We've omitted a few less
important les. In addition, a few le names depend on the exact version of the Gurobi optimizer
that you installed.
The following les and directories are created in your installation directory (c:\gurobi701\win64
by default for the 64-bit Windows distribution):
EULA.doc - Gurobi End User License Agreement - Microsoft Word format
EULA.pdf - Gurobi End User License Agreement - PDF format
ReleaseNotes.html - release notes

aes70.dll - Gurobi communication library (used for Compute Server and Instant Cloud)
Gurobi70.NET.XML - Visual Studio help for .NET wrapper
Gurobi70.NET.dll - .NET wrapper
GurobiJni70.dll - Java JNI wrapper
grb_rs.exe - Gurobi Remote Services executable
grb_rsw.exe - Gurobi Remote Services executable
grb_ts.exe - Gurobi Token Server executable
grbgetkey.exe - retrieves your Gurobi license key from the Gurobi key server
grbprobe.exe - probes system details (typically not used)
grbtune.exe - parameter tuning tool
gurobi.bat - starts the Gurobi interactive shell
gurobi.env - sample parameter initialization le
gurobi70.dll - Gurobi native DLL (used by all Gurobi interfaces)
gurobi_cl.exe - simple command-line binary
libcurl.dll - CURL library (used for Instant Cloud)


 examples - Example Tour - HTML (open index.html in this directory)

 examples.pdf - Example Tour - PDF
 quickstart - Quick Start guide - HTML (open index.html in this directory)


 quickstart.pdf - Quick Start guide - PDF

 refman - Reference Manual - HTML (open index.html in this directory)
 refman.pdf - Reference Manual - PDF

 build - Visual Studio projects for C, C++, C#, and Visual Basic examples; run*.bat
les for Java and Python examples
 c - source code for C examples
 c# - source code for C# examples
 c++ - source code for C++ examples
 data - data les for examples
 java - source code for Java examples
 matlab - source code for MATLAB examples
 python - source code for Python examples
 R - source code for R examples
 vb - source code for Visual Basic examples

 gurobi_c++.h - C++ include le

 gurobi_c.h - C include le

gurobi.jar - Java interface

gurobi.py - Python startup le
gurobi70.lib - Gurobi library import le
gurobi_c++md2010.lib - C++ interface (when using -MD compiler switch with Visual
Studio 2010)
gurobi_c++md2012.lib - C++ interface (when using -MD compiler switch with Visual
Studio 2012)
gurobi_c++md2013.lib - C++ interface (when using -MD compiler switch with Visual
Studio 2013)
gurobi_c++md2015.lib - C++ interface (when using -MD compiler switch with Visual
Studio 2015)
gurobi_c++mdd2010.lib - C++ interface (when using -MDd compiler switch with Visual
Studio 2010)
gurobi_c++mdd2012.lib - C++ interface (when using -MDd compiler switch with Visual
Studio 2012)
gurobi_c++mdd2013.lib - C++ interface (when using -MDd compiler switch with Visual
Studio 2013)

 gurobi_c++mdd2015.lib - C++ interface (when using -MDd compiler switch with Visual
Studio 2015)
 gurobi_c++mt2010.lib - C++ interface (when using -MT compiler switch with Visual
Studio 2010)
 gurobi_c++mt2012.lib - C++ interface (when using -MT compiler switch with Visual
Studio 2012)
 gurobi_c++mt2013.lib - C++ interface (when using -MT compiler switch with Visual
Studio 2013)
 gurobi_c++mt2015.lib - C++ interface (when using -MT compiler switch with Visual
Studio 2015)
 gurobi_c++mtd2010.lib - C++ interface (when using -MTd compiler switch with Visual
Studio 2010)
 gurobi_c++mtd2012.lib - C++ interface (when using -MTd compiler switch with Visual
Studio 2012)
 gurobi_c++mtd2013.lib - C++ interface (when using -MTd compiler switch with Visual
Studio 2013)
 gurobi_c++mtd2015.lib - C++ interface (when using -MTd compiler switch with Visual
Studio 2015)
matlab - Gurobi MATLAB interface
python27 - Python 2.7 les used by the interactive shell and the Python interface (no need to

look inside this directory)

python35 - Python 3.5 les (no need to look inside this directory)
R - R Gurobi package
setup.py - Python setup le - for installing the gurobipy module into your own Python envi-



 build - Makele for Gurobi C++ interface

 cpp - Source for Gurobi C++ interface


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