The Wizard and I

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PIANO/VOCAL Morrible 4 Elphaba “Wicked” The Wizard And I StoReIBLeE: {F 12051 orchestration: Wi GALINDA: "Whaat?!" 1m David Broha Freely (AD 1B) MORRIBLE: 2, + Man-y years I have — wait fora gift like yous to ap- | pear, 4.4 Why I pre = dict the © Wiz - ard mihi make you his ELPHABA: 7 “The Wiad Mag ~ ic “Grand Vi - ier"! my — dear, TM write at a sored Miter Mri Serice 251 WABI Street WY 10024 2123625882 once to the Wiz-ard, Tell him of you in ad-vance! i —=_ 4 e 5 = = 5 - ——— = a a With a tal-ent like yours, dear, there isa def - i- nish chance, if 6 you'll be mak - ing GALINDA: fe] *But-- Madame Morible~!" ‘MORRIBLE: 20 2 "Not 0%, deat! zo Mater Susie Serice 251 W. 48th ret NYC 10034 212 3625832 “The Wizard an I 12-08) Py * IND! smething's wrong. didn't get my way!" 208 ELPHABA: 23 ee a Did that real = ly just ac = mal - ty— stood? This weird quirk T've tried — to sup = press or hide S poco zit. In Tempo that could help me meet the Wizard mf Gan, | ‘Mater Mase Serie 251 W. 8th ret NYC 10024 212 362-5832

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