NTRsupport Product Overview

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NTR Support Ultimate

Increase Support Service Levels While Reducing Costs

On-Demand Remote Support for Multi-Agent Teams

NTR Support Ultimate is the SaaS remote customer support solution that enables

Why NTRglobal?
support teams of any size to deliver fast, effective multi-platform problem resolution.
Customer Support Agents can virtually see, reach into and repair devices via the

»» SaaS IT Management and Remote

Deliver the Ultimate Support Experience
Support Providers for 10+ Years
Increase customer loyalty by offering one-click, multi-channel support from a customizable live
»» Flexible, Modular Solutions chat button on your website. Equip your customer support team with remote diagnostic and
troubleshooting tools to work across Windows, Mac and Linux computers and smartphones.
»» Ease of Implementation

»» Simplify Complex Processes Centralize Team Management

Manage, monitor and report on all support center activity from a one-stop administration console
»» M
ultiple OS Support for PC, Mac, to discover team strengths and weaknesses and pinpoint training needs. Automatically route
Linux and Mobile Devices calls to language or domain experts to optimize first call resolution and minimize callbacks and
incident backlogs.
»» Globally Distributed Data Centers

»» Open API Architecture Safeguard Operations

Strong passwords, SSL and 256-bit Rijndael AES encryption seal all remote support sessions
»» Integration with Hundreds of Apps
– from login to logout. The NTRglobal SaaS model relieves your organization of the burden
»» Designed for Growing Businesses of security and maintenance, while providing enterprise-grade security that protects against
vulnerabilities of any kind.
»» Enterprise-Grade Security
Leverage Business System Integration
Open API architecture integrates with other business systems. You leverage your investments
in CRM, help desk, billing, backup and other solutions. NTR Support Ultimate Functionality
Easily integrate into your applications.


Secure & Reliable
·· ISO 27001 Certified (NTRglobal
Facility and all Data Centers)
·· TRUSTe Certified
·· Qualys® SECURE Seal
·· Safe Harbor-Certified Data Centers
·· D
ata Privacy and Integrity
·· 256-bit AES encryption
·· At rest customer data encryption
·· TLS/SSL protocol
·· Authentication and Authorization
·· Attack and Malware Detection
·· OWASP Testing Standards

Unattended and Attended Remote Control

Robust Remote Troubleshooting Advanced Management English, Spanish, German, French, Italian
Toolkit »» Personalized metrics to analyze Catalan, Dutch, Portuguese, Japanese
»» Multi-platform remote support across connection times and session activity Chinese, Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian
Windows, Mac and Linux computers »» Full chat transcript and file transfer Polish, Slovenian, Russian
and smartphones records
»» Instant remote system diagnostics for fast, »» Post-chat surveys to gauge customer
comprehensive visibility satisfaction
System Requirements
»» Clientless remote control in 5 modes, »» Support session recording for
from observer to full administrator control accountability and training needs Operators
»» Drag and drop file transfer, remote assessment Internet connection: 56 kpbs
printing, drawing tools and more »» Call routing to issue experts for minimum, 512 kbps recommended
»» Reboot and reconnect – in regular or improved first call resolution Supported Operating Systems:
safe mode »» Export customer support usage statistics ·· Windows XP / Vista / 7
»» Installable remote control for incident for use with billing systems ·· Windows 2000 / 2003 / 2008
resolution on computers with no end user Supported Browsers (oldest supported
Enterprise-Grade Security version):
Ultimate Customer Service Features »» Failsafe multilevel security with 256-bit ·· Internet Explorer 6+
»» Instant access to live chat from a AES encryption ·· Mozilla Firefox 1.0+
customizable button on your website »» Secure access, data transfer and End Users
»» One-click to support from within Windows- storage Internet Connection: 56 kpbs
based applications »» ISO 27001-certified platforms minimum, 512 kbps recommended
»» Self-service help portal that can and data centers Supported Operating Systems:
be customized with FAQs, news, tips »» No need to open special ports, change ·· indows XP / Vista / 7
and offers network or firewall configurations or ·· Windows 2000 / 2003 / 2008
»» Intelligent routing through pre-chat modify NAT tables ·· Mac OS X 10.3.9+
surveys ·· Linux Kernel 2.6 12+
»» Automatic footprint removal eliminates Business Integration ·· Konqueror Epiphany (on Linux only)
any trace of support sessions from end »» Open API architecture enables easy Supported Smartphones:
user machines integration with other business apps and ·· Windows Mobile, Blackberry, Symbian
optimizes workflows Supported Browsers (oldest supported
SaaS »» Leverage your investments in CRM, help version):
»» NTRglobal absorbs maintenance costs desk, billing, backup and other solutions ·· I nternet Explorer 6+
»» Immediate ROI with 5-minute self- »» Support session initiation from inside ·· Mozilla Firefox 1.0+
configuring implementation support tickets ·· Safari 1, Camino 1 (Mac only)
·· Chrome
»» Product optimization and new features
rolled out continuously Additional requirements
333MHz CPU or higher, 256 MB of RAM,
55 MB of free disk space
To view our most current system
Unsure? requirements, please visit:
Test drive it for Free at www.ntrglobal.com/ntrsupport www.ntrglobal.com/ntrsupport/techspecs

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