Protest Music Project Grade Sheet For Audience Behavior
Protest Music Project Grade Sheet For Audience Behavior
PowerPoint Grading:
A=Amazing. You have everything I asked for, and then some. You went
above and beyond the basic requirements, put thought into the organization
of your presentation, and everything flows together well.
B=Beautiful. You have everything I asked for.
C=Cool. You have most of what I asked for.
D=Did you put enough effort into this? You are missing a significant
amount of what I asked for, and it doesnt seem like you put a lot of thought
and effort into this. You probably didnt use your four days of class time very
well at all.
F=Feeling like you just didnt try.
The Paper.
The duhs:
Your punctuation needs to be awesome
Your spelling needs to be awsome. If you are an awesome speller
naturally, make sure you spellcheck by sight; Word isnt smart
enough to catch youre usage issues. If youre not an awesome speller,
have someone else read through your paper.
12 point font,
with 1-inch margins.
You need a Works Cited page which includes an entry for your YouTube video, your news article, the source
you used for your lyrics, and any other outside research you did. Note: some teachers will also require you
to cite where you pulled your images from. I am not such a teacher.
I want an awesome title on this one. Something catchy. Something I wont soon forget. But not anything
thats going to burn out my corneas, k?
If youre looking for a little something extra for your paper, try eliminating there from your writing.
The following information represents slight changes
from what I told you before, so listen up:
Your paper should tell us more than your speech. It should go deeper, dig?
You can work your paragraphs how you want to, but make sure you include
all of this:
tell us why you chose this song as your protest song. Why/how does
this song and its message speak to you personally?
Grading: Same as the PowerPoint. The paper is worth 150 points, and counts as your final exam. It
is due at the beginning of the exam hour, and YES, you are required to stay for the exam hour, as we
will beI finishing
our speeches.
One final note:
your audience
have my
how do
I deliver
my speech?
Great question; Im glad you asked. When its your turn to deliver your speech, youll
tell us about your protest song, using your PowerPoint as your guide to introduce us to
your songs message and impact.
Introduce yourself.
Tell us which song you chose, who the artist is, what the songs message is, etc.
Talk about its relevance today, using the news article/summary to highlight your
Tell us how the organization you chose is making a difference with your social
Your PowerPoint is the visual aid to go along with your speech, so they should go in
the same order.
So tailor your speech to match your PowerPoint OR move your PowerPoint slides
around to match
your speech. Whichever is easier for YOU.
Remember: We are all in this together. Just as protest songs unite individuals in a common
purpose, so are we all connected in the horror that is public speaking. You will be FINE. People
love you. People love music. People love summer. And getting through this speech will get us
all one step closer to the sunshine. Peace.
Speech Grading:
A=Amazing. You are a born public speaker. You are dynamic and
engaging. You know your song, its message, the social issue. You know your
article. You make us feel the relevance to us today, in this moment. When
you sit down, we all feel like weve just been group-hugged.
B=Beautiful. Youre definitely a rock star, but maybe a bit wobbly in your
platform shoes.
C=Cool. Youre okay. We might not change the radio station, but were not
buying the album. You delivered your speech, but maybe you could have
practiced a bit more.
D=Did you put enough effort into this? Your speech is bleh. You got up
there in body, said some words to us, and sat down fast. You have forgotten
what giving a formal speech looks like.
F=you Fainted, man.