Catholics: Ten Areas of

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Ten Areas




you are acquainted with the teachings of Roman

Catholicism and the message of the Bible, you are
aware of the irreconcilable differences between the
two. Some of the areas are lesser in significance and
will not be cited here. On the other hand, some are clearly
related to salvation. It is important, especially for Catholics,
to know about the most serious false teachings they have
been taught so they can make the vital needed changes and
find the only salvation the Bible offers.
Below are the most dangerous false doctrines believed
by millions of Roman Catholics, past and present:


Roman Catholics are dangerously taught

they were born again at infant baptism.

This single concept alone has been responsible for hundreds of millions of Catholics going to hell over the centuries.
Folks, if you think you already have what is needed to enter
Gods kingdom, you wont be trying to find it. In their minds,
Catholics got this when they were babies, without repentance
and faith in Jesus.
The truth is, one gets Biblically born again only
when he turns away from his sins and places his faith in
the Lord Jesus to the point of dedication and commitment. The concept of infant baptism is not found anywhere
in the Bible.

Roman Catholics dangerously think they

receive Christ when they partake of the
communion wafer.

This false and deadly concept is the result of the bogus

idea that the communion elements (bread and wine) have
been transubstantiated by the priest into the literal body,
blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ. This has also led

people into the worship of the consecrated communion wafer

as one would worship God himself. Hence, the fruit of this
false doctrine is also idolatry, a soul-damning sin.
The truth is: one receives Christ when he believes on
his name (John 1:12). This is another way of saying when
one turns from his idols to serve the true and living God (1
Thess. 1:9). (No one receives Christ in his mouth, then swallows him to be digested.)

Roman Catholics wrongly think their

church system was founded by Jesus on
Peter the first pope.

The superiority the Roman Catholic Church claims for

itself comes from this fallacious concept, which has led people into increasing error especially as Catholicism has drifted
further and further into darkness over the centuries. Most
Catholics are not aware of the doctrines that were added over
the centuries or that certain popes were denounced as heretics by other popes. The whole idea of a papacy itself is unscriptural.
After Jesus spoke Mt. 16:18, Peter was not recognized
as the chief Apostle among the Twelve. Mk. 8:29 is the parallel account to Mt. 16:18. Less than one full chapter later,
the disciples were arguing which of them was the greatest
(Mk. 9:24). Hence, they didnt understand Peter to be the
chief. See also Acts 15 where Peter did not preside over
the Jerusalem church council.

Catholics think Mary is their life, sweetness and hope and proclaim her as such
when they recite the Rosary, which they
say is the epitome of the whole gospel.

The idea that Mary could possibly be our life, sweetness and hope is impossible, according to the pages of the
New Testament. Catholicism has erected a false Mary, which
has a primary role in peoples salvation. Such has misled
many sincere people.
The truth is: Mary plays absolutely no role in our
salvation. For one to become Biblically saved, he will have
to place all 100% of his faith (a submissive faith) in the
Lord Jesus or he will be damned. This means you cannot
trust in being a Catholic, the sacraments and/or Mary
along with the Lord Jesus. You must trust in Jesus alone
(100%). That implies a turning away from your sins.

Catholics think if they die wearing the

brown scapular they will not suffer the
fires of hell.

There is no way to calculate how many sincere people

have been misled by Roman Catholic Marian visions, which
they have endorsed as being from God. Of all of these, perhaps the most misleading are the Fatima, Portugal visions,
which would have one look to Mary for his refuge and the
way to God. Such an error is a sure way to miss Gods
paradise kingdom and end up in hell. God is our refuge
and Jesus is the only way to God (Psa. 16:1; John 14:6;

Many Catholics are just hoping to enter

Purgatory and there get purged of their
sins to afterwards get to Heaven.

Such a teaching is so strange that it is hard to believe

anyone would accept it, but this is what Catholics have been
taught. Such a teaching also reflects the spiritual inabilities
and darkness of their hierarchy (papacy) for allowing this
dangerous concept to be taught as truth.

Because the Catholic Church teaches the purging of

sins after physical death in the fires of Purgatory, many
Catholics are only hoping to get there and afterwards make
their way to heaven. Folks, there is no such place as Purgatory. We can only get cleansed from our sins by contacting
the blood of Jesus when we repent and have faith. After getting born again, we must forgive others who sin against us
(Mt. 6:14,15) and confess the sins to God (1 John 1:9).

Catholics think the sacraments are a

means of them receiving grace needed
for salvation.

Because Catholics have been taught this way, they are

trusting in the sacraments for salvation instead of the Lord
Jesus as the Bible declares. Such a false teaching has also
placed the Catholic in the mind set of thinking he must remain in the Catholic system to go to Penance and get communion (Holy Eucharist), which they also think should be
worshiped as God.

Catholics confess their sins to a priest

instead of to God.

This false concept goes back again to the false authority the papacy (and its priesthood) claims for itself. The
Bible speaks of a royal priesthood for all believers (1 Pet.
2:9). There is no unique priesthood with the ability to forgive
We can go directly to God, without a priest or Mary
and get forgiven, if we go in repentance, sincerity and humility (Luke 18:13,14).

Catholics who read and believe the Fatima Visions are dangerously thinking
that Mary is our refuge and the way that
will lead us to God.

Catholics have been lethally misinformed about how to show their love for
the Lord Jesus.

Catholics think they show their love for Jesus by bowing before an image (they think is of him) and kissing that
The truth is: we show our love for Jesus by obeying
his commands (John 14:15), and bowing before images is
disobedience and idolatry (Exodus 20:4-6).
For any person, Catholic or non-Catholic, to find the
vital truths about salvation, as found in the Bible, it will take
a sincere heart-felt effort from a heart which loves Gods
truth regardless what it says.
The clear message of salvation as found in the Bible
centers around Jesus Christ. We must have a faith that will
loyally following him until death for our salvation. (There
is no once saved always saved.)
[Please make copies of this article and pass them on to
your Catholic friends and family. Their souls are in the
greatest danger because of these false teachings.] GOD


Evangelical Outreach
PO Box 265, Washington, PA 15301

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