FASTest For ATMs Training Guide

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Table of Contents

FASTest for ATMs (including Training Labs)

LAB 1 Data Maintenance Functions

LAB 2 Running Tests

LAB 3 Test Results

LAB 4 Dynamic Scripting

Host Connectivity
Paragon Utilities
Configuring EMV Testing for FASTest for ATMs



FASTest ATM Training

FASTest ATM Training

How do I start FASTest for ATMs?

1. Select Start/Programs/FASTest/FASTest for MDS, or
Start/Programs/FASTest/FASTest for NCR.
2. The FASTest for Diebold or FASTest for NDC splash screen is displayed while the
data files are being loaded.
3. After the data files have been loaded, the Component Maintenance panel will be

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems

FASTest ATM Training

An Example of How to Use FASTest in

Your Host Environment


Use FASTest for ATM to simulate transactions coming from an ATM.

Use FASTest for ISO to authorize transactions going to a backend Host or Switch.

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FASTest ATM Training

Using FASTest in this Lab

FASTest as an ATM

FASTest as a HOST

In this class, we will be using FASTest as an ATM and FASTest as a Host. We will not
be connected to your Host platform.

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FASTest ATM Training

Settings Maintenance

The first time you start FASTest, you must set or confirm general system settings. These
settings can be considered execution profiles that control file names, on-demand , as
well as automated testing parameters, and other miscellaneous parameters used during
FASTest processing.
To set the default system settings, do the following:
1. Select Settings from the Component Maintenance panel menu bar.
The Settings panel appears.
2. Set the values on the Settings folder tabs, as needed. Click Apply before selecting
next folder tab

Default Test Values
Miscellaneous Settings
Automated Test Settings

3. When changes are complete, click OK to save the settings and return to the
Component Maintenance panel.

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FASTest ATM Training

Settings Maintenance File Names

File Names
All the locations of the data files that are used by FASTest can be set from this panel.

Host Translate File specifies ASCII-to-EBCDIC translate file. (Leave blank if ACSII
host). The file is called ASCTOEBC.DAT.

Field Override File is a text file containing a list of fields and the corresponding
override values that you want to use when testing.

Field Validate File is a text file containing a list of fields and the corresponding
values that you want to validate when testing.

Persistent Log Data Base is a database that contains the messages, transactions,
and scripts that have been run. To use this feature, you must have a flag enabled in

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems

FASTest ATM Training

Settings Maintenance Default Test Session Values

Default Test Values

Terminal ID - This field specifies the default terminal to be used during the test. Check the Connect Terminal ID
on start up box to automatically connect this terminal to the Paragon Communication Server when FASTest
Card Number - This field specifies the default card number of the card used during the test session.
Application ID Only applies to EMV. If you selected an ICC as the default Card Number, use this field to select
the default application on that card to use when testing.
Run Mode - This field specifies the default run mode used during the test session.
Auto Reply Script Set - This field specifies the default Auto Reply Script Set used during the test session.
Error Limit - This field specifies the maximum number of messages that contain errors during a test session
before FASTest aborts the test session. A value of 999 indicates that FASTest will not abort the session
regardless of how many errors are encountered.
Host Timeout - This field specifies the number of seconds FASTest waits to respond to a message from FASTest
during a test session. A value of 999 indicates that FASTest will wait indefinitely.
Reply Delay - This field affects all outbound messages during testing. To apply a delay to specific messages, use
a WAIT statement in a User Exit.
Time Offset (Min.) - This field specifies the number of minutes to be added or subtracted from the current time
when generating the date/time values in a message.
Host Format - The ASCII or EBCDIC radio button is set to indicate the format you wish to send and receive data.
If you select EBCDIC, you must point the Host Translate file to ASCTOEBC.dat on the previous page.
Reset bill counters at the start of each test - This field resets the bill counters and is used in FASTest ATM
Save test results in persistent log at the end of each test - Must be set if you want to use Persistent Log
Utility. You also need a persistent log database in previous SETTINGS screen.
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FASTest ATM Training

Settings Maintenance - CommWatch Settings

Default Test Values CommWatch Settings

This feature is only used if a message is received by FASTest while a test is not

Auto Reply Script - Use this field to select the Auto Reply Script that FASTest
executes if a message is received and a test is not actively being executed.

Inbound Messages - Use this field to select the Inbound User Exit that FASTest
executes if a message is received and a test is not actively being executed.

Outbound Messages - Use this field to select the Outbound User Exit that
FASTest executes if a message is received and a test is not actively being

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems

FASTest ATM Training

Settings Maintenance Miscellaneous Settings

Miscellaneous Settings

Description - This field contains the description of the simulator that is displayed in the launcher
Print Lines per Page - This field specifies the maximum number of lines printed on a page for all
FASTest reports.
Max File Buffer Length - This field is used by FASTest when importing an external ASCII text file.
The field specifies the maximum number of bytes read at one time by FASTest.
Default Import File Record Delimiter - This field is used by FASTest when importing an external
ASCII text file. The field identifies the character(s) used to indicate the end of each record.
Default Printer Font - The field specifies the default font that FASTest uses when printing reports.
Number of File Backups to Keep - This field sets the number of files that are created as backups
before overwriting old backup files.
Packing Options - This field is used to enable/disable packing options. (Only for FASTest ISO.)
Host Sim. Reply File Name - This field is used by the demo version of FASTest.
Click OK to save the changes and exit the Settings panel. Other options include: Cancel, Apply, Save As,
and/or Print.

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FASTest ATM Training

Settings Maintenance Automated Test Settings

Automated Test Settings

For automated testing, FASTest uses the parameters you set on the Automated Test Settings tab of the
Settings panel to process the results of a scheduled test group.

Enable Results Logging Check this box to log results from automated tests. When checked, the Directory,
Log File Name, and File Options headings are enabled.
Drive This field specifies the drive to store the FASTest results. If email notification is enabled, the Log File
Name you choose will include the drive and directory path.
Directory This field specifies the directory to store the FASTest results. If email notification is enabled, the
Log File Name you choose will include the drive and directory path.
Log File Name Choose from the following:
Click Automatic Naming if you want FASTest to automatically name the log file with a prefix you specify
using the format Prefix[Num(1-n)].log
Click Fixed File Name and type a name in the field to be used for test results.
File Options Choose to append the new results to an existing file or overwrite the existing results file with the
new results. FASTest automatically creates a backup file of the overwritten data, if selected.
Email Notification Option If checked, FASTest automatically sends an email to the Email Notification List
using the SMTP Server Name specified. Use a comma to separate each email address in the list.
Comm Line Contention Choose to override the communication line immediately to start a scheduled task or
specify the maximum time (in minutes) before overriding the line to start FASTest automatically. If immediate
override is not selected, a warning box displays a countdown of the time left before the line is seized.

Click OK to save the changes and exit the Settings panel. Other options include: Cancel, Apply, or Save
As. Click Print to view a formatted report of all the information on the Settings panel.

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FASTest ATM Training

Settings Maintenance Formatted Report

Navigation tools



The formatted report includes a standard header with the product name, report name,
date/time stamp, and Paragon (or company) logo.

The standard footer displays the current page vs. total pages of the report.

From the Report Preview window, you can:

Navigate through the pages of a report
Export and save a report to a .pdf file
Print a report to a local printer
Open/close a subreport view
Zoom the current view of a report in/out
Search for text in a report

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FASTest ATM Training

FASTest Maintenance Display

Run opens
Execute a Test
panel, icon is for
Quick Run

Product is
delivered with a
database of all
possible message
fields (based on
the customer data
submitted to

F5 is the hot
key for quick
run option


1st two characters

identify the
message type

Mailbox = inbound,
(Placeholders for
Letter = outbound

A text note can be added,

edited, or deleted from any test
group, script, or transaction

Note area

Resource pool

The FASTest Component Maintenance panel describes the following primary components
(displayed on the tab headings):

Templates: Models of messages included in FASTest that can be edited to create new messages. New
templates can also be created by the user.

Fields: A database of fields, based on customer input, is included with each product. Fields are the
smallest element used to create a message.

Messages: A set of fields conforming to certain specifications can be created, edited, and used to build

Transactions: A set of messages arranged in logical groups.

Scripts: A set of transactions arranged in logical groups to test various scenarios. If desired, you can set
script properties to bypass setting any runtime options on the Execute a Test panel before running a

Test Groups: A set of scripts arranged in logical groups to test various scenarios that can used to run
FASTest in auto-mode.

Select Run from the menu or click the traffic light icon on the toolbar to display the Execute
a Test panel.

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FASTest ATM Training

Message Maintenance

First 2 characters (up to blank) identifies the message type as described in Bitmaps
Mailbox icon = Inbound message; Postal letter = Outbound message
Drag-and-drop fields into messages
Right-click message name to Copy, Paste, Rename, Delete, Change Direction, or
Add to Templates
Expand message and right-click field name to Modify Value, Modify All Values,
Copy, Paste, Rename, or Delete
Only need to define one of each type of inbound message
Determine whether or not to wait for reply from partner application
Validate received message type was as expected
Special message types
Generic inbound
Auto reply
Only expanded entries are validated and (re)saved
Auto message expand

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FASTest ATM Training

Transaction Maintenance

Free-format transaction name (max 30 characters)

Drag-and-drop messages into transactions

Expand Message Pool entries

For Transactions, you can:

Right-click transaction name to Copy, Paste, Rename, Delete and create
New transaction
Expand transactions and right-click message name to Copy, Paste, Rename,
Delete (if enabled)

Auto message expand

Add text in the Note area to add a text note to selected transaction

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FASTest ATM Training

Script Maintenance

Free-format script name (max 30 characters)

Drag-and-drop transactions onto scripts

Expand Transaction Pool entries

For Scripts, you can:

Right-click script name to Copy, Paste, Rename, Delete, create a New script,
and set the script Properties
Expand script and right-click transaction to change the Card, Copy, Paste,
Rename, Delete

Add text in the Note area to add a note to selected script

Auto message expand

Use <CTRL> + left click to select a single transaction or to create a script by selecting
transactions individually.

Use <SHIFT> + left click to select a range of transactions

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FASTest ATM Training

Script Maintenance
Setting Script Properties

When a test is executed, FASTest uses script properties in two different ways:
For a single script, FASTest loads the scripts properties into the override panel on the Execute
a Test panel and you can modify any options before running a test.
For a script within a test group, FASTest applies the properties you explicitly set for each script
first and then the default settings are applied. Each script runs independently from the other
scripts in the test group and you cannot modify any options before running a test.
To set the properties of a script:
1. Click the Scripts folder tab on the Component Maintenance panel.
2. Right-click a script from the list and select Properties from the menu. The Script Properties
panel appears.
3. Set parameters by selecting the property description field and clicking the down arrow to access
the drop-down list. **Some properties require file selection. Click Edit... to access the Open File
window and select file.
4. Make your selections from the list for each property.
5. Click OK to apply the settings and return to the Script Maintenance library panel. Click
File/Save or File/Save As from the Component Maintenance menu bar to save the settings for
future test runs.
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FASTest ATM Training

Test Group Maintenance

Free-format script name (max 30 characters)

Drag-and-drop scripts onto test groups

Expand Script Pool entries

For Test Groups, you can:

Right-click test group name to Copy, Paste, Rename, Delete, create a New
test group, and schedule a test group (to run FASTest automatically) via
Right-click script name to Copy, Paste, Rename, Delete

Add text in the Note area to add a note to selected test group

Auto message expand

Use <CTRL> + left click to select a single script or to create a test group by selecting
scripts individually.

Use <SHIFT> + left click to select a range of scripts

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FASTest ATM Training

Card Database Maintenance

This field data is not

used for FASTest for

Card DataBase Maintenance

Card Number - The card number or PAN.

Description - A free-form 30-character description associated with the card to be displayed on other
FASTest panels.

Discretionary Data - This field contains the data which is appended to the card number field value when
generating the track 2 data file value in the transaction request messages that use this card.

Expiration Date - This field is not used for FASTest for ATMs.

Scheme - This field is for support of Smart Cards (chip-based cards).

Type - This field is for support of Smart Cards (chip-based cards).

PIN Value - This field describes the clear PIN block value entered by the cardholder during a financial
transaction. If Enable Auto PIN Update is checked, the PIN for the card is updated when a PIN change
message is approved. (PIN changes can be performed using the CSP buffers to send the new PIN.)

Encryption Type -This field describes the encryption method (Single, Double, or None) used by FASTest
when encrypting the PIN block data for this card.

1st Encryption Key Type -This field specifies the first encryption key to be used when the encryption type
field value is single or double.

2nd Encryption Key Type - This field specifies the second encryption key to be used when the encryption
type field value is double.

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FASTest ATM Training

Card Database Maintenance

Card DataBase Maintenance (continued)

Max PIN Digits - This field describes the maximum number of PIN digits which may be entered in the PIN
value field.

PIN Pad Character - This field specifies the value used to pad the PIN value field when the number of
digits in the PIN value is less that the Max PIN Digits field.

Decimalization Table -(Future Use) This field describes the decimalization table used by FASTest when
encrypting PIN block data for this card.

Clear PIN Key - This field describes the unencrypted PIN key used by FASTest when encrypting PIN block
data for this card.

Track 1 Data and Track 3 Data - These fields contain data that is not used for FASTest for ATMs.

To create a card group, do the following:

1. Select Cards/Edit card groups from the Component Maintenance panel menu.
2. From the Card Group Maintenance panel, click the name of the group from the pull-down list that
closely resembles the group to be created.
3. Click New and enter the name of the new card group on the Create New Card Group panel, then click
4. Choose the cards to include in the group from the Cards in Database area. Select the card
description and then drag and drop it in the Cards in Group Area.
5. Click OK to save the current group and exit the Card Group Maintenance panel.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training

FASTest ATM Training

Please complete LAB 1{Data Maintenance Functions} before continuing

FASTest for ATMs training.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


LAB 1 - Data Maintenance Functions

In this lab, students will learn about the various features on the Component
Maintenance Screen.
This lab:

Tests your knowledge of how to edit a Message

Tests your knowledge of how to edit a Transaction
Tests your knowledge of how to edit a Script
Tests your knowledge of how to edit a Test Group
Tests your knowledge of how to edit a Card

At the end of this lab, you will be able to:

Edit a Message
Edit a Transaction
Edit a Script
Set Properties for a Script
Edit a Test Group
Edit a Card

Editing Messages

Copy outbound message called SS Dispense Fault - No $

Paste it
Rename it SS Renamed Message
Change the LUNO field value in the new transaction named SS Renamed Message
to 123
Change the STATUS field value (using the Wizard). Select any type of fault you
wish. Notice how your selections change the Generated value Field.
Add Message Identifier field to the message.
Remove Message Identifier field from the message.
Save the message file contents.

Editing Transactions


Use Windows Copy and Paste shortcut keys to copy an existing transaction called
W/D Sav (Disp. Fault). Rename the new transaction Renamed Transaction.
Replace the SS Dispense Fault - No $ message in the transaction with SS Renamed
Run the transaction.
Create a new transaction from scratch. Name the new transaction New
Transaction. The New Transaction should consist of one outbound RQ message, one
inbound RP Reply Placeholder message, and one SS Ready 'B' message.
Add a note to the transaction.
Run the transaction.

Editing Scripts
15. Use Windows Copy and Paste shortcut keys to copy an existing script called
Dispense Fault. Rename the new script Renamed Script.
16. Add Renamed Transaction to Renamed Script.
17. Run the script.
18. Change the card assigned to the first transaction in the script to Default.
19. Change the card assigned to the last transaction in the script to None.
20. Run the script.

Setting Script Properties


Create a new script from scratch. Name the new script New Script.
Add New Transaction to New Script.
Set the properties for New Script.
Add a note to the script.
Run the script.

Editing Test Groups


Create a new test group from scratch. Name the new test group Test Group 1
Add New Script to Test Group 1.
Run the test group.
Use Windows Copy and Paste shortcut keys to copy Test Group 1. Rename the new
test group Test Group 2.
Add Renamed Script to Test Group 2.
Delete New Script from Test Group 2.
Add a note to the test group.
Run the test group.

Editing Cards
34. Create a new card by copying an existing card
35. Set the new card up so that:

The card number is 8888880010000111

The PIN is 1234

The discretionary data is 051200000

The Expiration Date is 0512

The Encryption Type is Single

The 1st Encryption Key Type Master Key

The 2nd Encryption Key Type None

The Track 2 is B8888880010000111^TEST-ACOUNT^051200000

The Track 3 is 8888880010000111=051200000

36. Create a new Card Group - named My Card Group consisting of any three cards in
the database.

FASTest ATM Training

Execute A Test Panel

A test session is the exchanging of a series of messages with the partner application
for the purpose of examining message processing.

The Execute a Test panel allows the user to specify a card, override a terminal, select
scripts and many other options and settings.

Simply click the Run option or press the hot key (F5) to run a test from this panel.

You can also access Help from this screen without having to go back to the
Component Maintenance screen.

The ESC key closes the panel.

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FASTest ATM Training

Run Options for Execute A Test Panel

Increment date/time during test

This option will automatically increment the data and time during a test.

Reset terminal bill counters before test

This option only pertains for FASTest Diebold and FASTest NCR.

Show results at the end of a test

The default action is to show test results at the end of a test. To change this option,
click this menu item.

Write Script Trace to Log

Writes messages to the Persistent Log File. You must have this option set in the
Settings panel. To view the Persistent Log File, user the Persistent Log File Utility.

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FASTest ATM Training

Run Options for Execute A Test Panel

Run Mode allows the user to select one of the following options:

Pause after each message - As FASTest receives each message, it temporarily

stops the test to enable you to review the messages processed up to that point. You
are given the choice of resuming or terminating the test.

Run complete test - The entire test is run to completion with no interruptions, unless
an error is encountered during the test.

Run continuously - After processing the last message in the test, FASTest reruns
the test, beginning again with the first test message. The test is only terminated if
errors occur or if you press the CANCEL button.

Run for interval - Allows the test to run a specified number of times or for a specified
amount of minutes.

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FASTest ATM Training

Run Options for Execute A Test Panel

Error Notification allows the user to select one of the following options:

Pause at each message - As FASTest receives each message, it temporarily stops

the test to enable the user to review the messages processed up to that point. The
user is given the choice of resuming or terminating the test.

Show errors at end of test - When the user selects this option, FASTest stops the
test prematurely only if the error tolerance has been exceeded.

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FASTest ATM Training

Run Options for Execute A Test Panel

Message Validation

All Messages - This option will validate both inbound and outbound messages.

Inbound Only - This option will validate inbound messages.

Outbound Only - This option will validate outbound messages.

None - This option will NOT validate inbound or outbound messages.

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FASTest ATM Training

Execute a Test Overrides

Card Override specifies the Cards Database entry to use for Track 2 and PIN block
values except when None is specified.

Terminal Override specifies the terminal settings to use for the test.
A Host Timeout value of 999 indicates FASTest should wait indefinitely before host

You can specify Auto Reply and Active User Exits for scripts.

Other Execute a Test panel menu options include:

Setting a Breakpoint for an outbound messages only.
Viewing the test session Results and setting the results display filter.
View Trace which shows Auto Reply and Inbound/Outbound User Exit
processing for last message processed.

Select Run from the menu to execute the test.

Select Exit from the menu or press the ESC key to close this panel.

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FASTest ATM Training

Field-Level Override Parameters - From a List

Important Note
Please Read

The user can override the current field values with user-specified values by following these steps:
1. From the Execute A Test panel, select the Field/Override/Selected Messages From a List
menu items to open the Field-Level Override Parameters screen.
2. To add a field to the list, click on the desired field description form the list of displayed fields,
then click Add. Each field may be used only once and duplicates are not permitted.
3. Set the field override Value either by typing the value directly in the field or by clicking Alias
Wiz to retrieve the value from the alias file.
4. Enter the field value in the Value field. FASTest interprets an asterisk (*) at the beginning or
end of the value as a wild card matching character. For example, the value *01/01/03* is
considered a match in the string 01/01/03 occurs anywhere in the message field.
5. After selecting all override entries, click OK to return to the Execute A Test panel.
The user can specify up to 10 fields to be overridden for each test. For more than 10 fields, the All
Messages From a File option should be used.

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FASTest ATM Training

Field-Level Override Parameters - From a File

Use the Field Override file to override any values for any messages. You can also
validate (check) for any value or combination of values in any messages.

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FASTest ATM Training

FASTest Automated Testing

Test Groups can be scheduled

to run automatically via the
FASTest Scheduler.

From the Scheduled Tasks

window you can Run, Delete,
view and modify the
Properties, etc. of scheduled
tests without opening a
FASTest session. However,
you cannot create a new
schedule from this window.

You can run FASTest automatically by scheduling an existing test group to run at a specific time
via the FASTest Scheduler.
The test results (including the option to archive and receive email notification) are processed
according to the parameters set on the Automated Test Settings tab of the Settings panel.
The Scheduler panel is completely compatible with the Windows Scheduler, therefore, you can
create a schedule in FASTest and view or modify it in the Windows Scheduler.
The Windows utility is located in Start/Control Panel/Scheduled Tasks and is only available
with Windows 2000 (or later) operating systems.

To schedule a test group to run automatically:

1. Click the Test Groups tab on the Component Maintenance panel.
2. Right-click a test group from the list and select Scheduler, then Create/ Open Scheduler
from the menu.
The test group Scheduler panel appears. Delete Scheduler is only enabled when a test
group has at least one scheduled task.

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FASTest ATM Training

Automated Testing
Test Group Scheduler

Automated Testing (continued)

3. Set options by selecting the Task, Schedule, and Settings tabs.
4. Make your selections on each panel as needed and click Apply.
Detailed information for each panel can be found in the FASTest User Guide.
5. When you have completed setting your options, click OK to return to the Component
Maintenance panel.
6. Click File/Save or File/Save As from the Component Maintenance menu bar to save the
settings for future test runs.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training

FASTest ATM Training

Please complete LAB 2 {Running Tests} before continuing FASTest for

ATMs training.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


LAB 2 - Running Tests

In this lab, the students will learn how to run a test on-demand and automatically
using all the various options available.
This lab:

Tests your knowledge of the various Execution Options

Tests your knowledge of the various Execution Values
Tests your knowledge of scheduling options for Automatic Execution

At the end of this lab, you will be able to:

Run a test using various On-Demand Execution Options

Run a test using various On-Demand Execution Values
Run a test group using various Automated Scheduling Options

On-Demand Execution Options

Set the Error Tolerance to 50 so that no tests will terminate without running to
Run a script in normal mode, making sure it runs successfully with no errors
Run a script such that it will run continuously until the error tolerance is reached or
the user manually cancels the test
Run a script such that it will run exactly 3 times, then terminate
Run a script such that it will run for 1 minute, then terminate
Run a script, pausing after every message
Run a script, waiting only 10 seconds for the response

On-Demand Execution Values


Run a script, overriding the Amount Entry field with 00004000 in the first RQ
message and 00002000 in the second RQ message
Run a script, using an external file to override the Amount Entry field with
00004000 in the first RQ message and 00002000 in the second RQ message

Automated Scheduling Options

10. Configure the FASTest Settings to log the automated results in the C:\Program
Files\Paragon\Shared Directory with Automatic Naming prefix AutoTestRun. If a
manual FASTest session is open when a test group is scheduled to run, override the
communication line In Use after 2 minutes.
11. Use Scheduler to schedule Test Group 1 to run once, 5 minutes from the current
time, using the current FASTest version, local system user ID and password.
12. Save schedule, exit FASTest session and wait 5 minutes.
13. Verify FASTest starts and runs test group to completion.
14. Verify test results are logged.
15. Use Scheduler to schedule Test Group 2 to run once (then deleted), 5 minutes from
the current time, using the current FASTest version.
16. Save schedule and wait 5 minutes.
17. Verify Override IN USE Line warning box appears.
18. Verify scheduled test group overrides current session and runs test group to
19. Verify test results are logged.

FASTest ATM Training

View Test Results

The Session Results panel displays a list of all messages processed as well as the terminal dispense
totals for the last financial transaction executed during the test session
This screen is displayed after a test is run when the Options/Show results at end of test menu item
is selected on the Execute a Test panel. Otherwise, the results can be viewed by selecting the
Results/Show Results from the Execute a Test panel menu.
You may need to drag to resize window to view the Dispense Totals area. Dispense Totals only
reflects the last dispense transaction (not the last transaction executed).
Messages (and fields in selected messages) that pass all FASTest validation are displayed with a
check mark (3).
Messages (and fields in selected messages) containing one or more errors are displayed with a red
To quickly view errors in a message, select the error message and then right-click to select the View
Errors menu item.
Select a message and then click the View button from the panel menu or double-click the message
description to view the contents.
Select Print to view, print, and export (if desired) a formatted report of the session results.
Results are available for review until the next test is executed or FASTest is terminated.
Save the results for later comparison.
The ESC key closes the panel.

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FASTest ATM Training

View Test Results Formatted Report




You can view the entire results of a test session in the Report Preview window by selecting the
Print/All Message Data menu item on the Session Results panel.
To print, export, and save the formatted report, complete the following steps.
1. Click the Printer icon on the Report Preview window tool bar.
2. When the Print window appears, select a printer, set the printer properties, as well as the
print options, then click OK.
3. If desired, export the report to PDF format and save it to a location you specify by clicking
the Export icon on the Report Preview window tool bar.
4. When the Export Report window appears, confirm the directory path or select a different
path from the Save in pull-down list, type a file name in the File name field, then click
Save. Click OK to confirm Export Completed.
To view and print individual results messages, select the message to be printed, then click the
Printer tool bar icon on the Session Results panel.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training

Filtering Test Results

To filter your test results to include only messages you specify, select the
Results/Set Display Filter from the Component Maintenance panel menu.

On the Results Display Filters panel, click New to create a new filter.

On the New Filter pop-up panel, type a name for the new filter, then click OK.

On the Result Display Filters panel, select the specific field descriptions to display on
the Session Results panel.

Click OK to close the Result Display Filters panel and then click Yes to save the
changes when prompted.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training

Compare Test Results

The compare algorithm is described in the FASTest online help and in the FASTest User

To compare the current session results to the results of previous tests, select the
Compare vs. Previous menu item. The Open Previous Results File pop-up panel

Double-click the name of the previous results file.

The contents of the Current Results and the Previous Results of the test sessions
are displayed side-by-side on the Results Comparison panel.

Before beginning the compare operation, click the Options button on the Results
Comparison panel
Options allow the user to exclude fields from being compared (e.g., Message
Coordination Number) and specify an error tolerance.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training

The value of
this field sets
the error

Test Results Compare Options

Hold the <SHIFT>

key down to select
a range of

To set options on the Compare Criteria window, do the following:

The Error Tolerance sets the maximum number of messages that may contain errors
or mismatched values before FASTest terminates the compare operation.

Select the scope of the Validation Criteria

Validate all fields, or
Validate only selected fields

Select fields from either the Fields to Ignore or Fields to Validate list.

Hold down the <Shift> or <Ctrl> key to highlight multiple fields.

Click OK to return to the Results Comparison panel, then click Go to begin the
compare operation.
Messages containing errors are indicated by a red light.

Click Print to view a formatted report of the comparison results.

Click Exit or press the ESC key to close the panel.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training

Compare Test Results Formatted Report

To view and print a formatted report of the comparison results, do the following:

Click Print from the Results Comparison panel.

The Print Options window appears.

Click one of the options to select the type of information you want to include in the
report, then click OK.
FASTest generates a comparison report of the selected test session results in the
Report Preview window.

Use the window tool bar to:

Navigate through the report
Send the report to a local printer
Export and save the report to a .pdf file

Click the X in the upper right corner of the window to close the report and return to the
Results Comparison panel.

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FASTest ATM Training

Configuring Automated Test Results:


To process the results of an automated FASTest session, you must first configure the
Automated Test Settings tab of the Settings panel.

Make modifications according to the setting options described in the FASTest User
Guide, including:
Specifying the results log directory and file name (automatic or fixed)
Specifying an e-mail list and SMTP server for notification of results

Click Apply, then OK to save the settings and return to the Component Maintenance

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training

Configuring Automated Test Results:

Script Properties

You can specify the comparison file in the properties of the last script in the test group
since FASTest uses the last set of script parameters as the baseline for comparison
when the scheduled test group has completed execution.

Click to select the Results Comparison File description field, then click Edit to
access your automated results log directory and choose a file from the list for

When e-mail notification is enabled, a summary of the automatic file comparison is

appended to the general test results and e-mailed to the addresses on your list. The
information reported is limited to:
The number of messages that passed comparison
The number of messages that failed comparison
The names of the failed messages
The names of the comparison and results log file

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training

Viewing Automated Test Results

Select Results/Show Scheduled Results from the Component Maintenance panel

to view the results of an automated test. A pull-down list displays the most recent log
files (up to 10) and automatic file names are grouped together in successive order.

Click to select a file from the list or click More to access the results log directory you
set on the Automated Test Settings panel.

FASTest displays the results on the Session Results panel.

During an open FASTest session, you can view and compare automated test results
using the same options available for on-demand test results.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training

Verifying Automated Test Results:

Email Notification

The information summary for

automatic comparison is
limited to the number of
messages that pass/fail, the
name of the failed messages,
and the names of the results
and comparison files.

Check the Send Email Notification box on the Automated Test Settings panel and
FASTest emails a summarry of the automated test results in text format to all of the
addresses on you Email Notification List. A copy of the email is also placed in your
log directory with the name AutoReport.txt.

Be sure that your SMTP server is operational and accessible from the terminal that is
running a FASTest session. If you do not receive an email, your SMTP server may
require user authentication.

Click Apply, then OK to save settings and return to Component Maintenance panel.

The information summarized in the e-mail includes:

The test group results file name
The number of scripts, transactions, and messages in the test group
The scheduled task start/end time
The owner of the scheduled task
The baseline file name for comparison and the results, if requested
Any note attached to the test group

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training

Field Level Validation

Expand the inbound message by

clicking on the message. Drag the
field you want to validate from the
Field Pool to the Messages area.
Change the field value, if
necessary, by double-clicking the
field and using the Message Field
Maintenance panel.

To validate fields, select the Messages tab from the Component Maintenance panel
to access the Message Maintenance panel.

Double-click the inbound message that contains the field or fields you want to

Click-and-drag the fields from the Field Pool area to the incoming message in the
Messages area.

If checking for a specific value in the field, double-click the field name and use the
Message Field Maintenance panel to specify the value.

Also, you can delete incoming message fields (from the Messages area) that you do
not want to validate, however, FASTest does not allow the user to delete all message

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training

Terminal Database Maintenance

Admin Data and Security

The Terminal Data panel displays various parameters required for the test session such as connection,
encryption, and profile settings. To access, click the Terminals menu option on the Component Maintenance
Admin Data heading
Identifier - This is the terminal name FASTest uses.
Vendor Name and Description These are free-format fields used for informational purposes only.
LU or TCP/IP Addr Content depends on communications protocol used, as follows.
SNA through SNA Server - This field contains the LU Name defined in SNA Server. It is a fourcharacter alphanumeric entry (such as, FC09).
Legacy Converter - This field is the Legacy Converter terminal address. It consists of the following
sub-fields separated by colons (for example,
TCP/IP - This field is the TCP/IP terminal address. The information in the terminal address depends
on FASTests role as client or server. It consists of two sub-fields separated by a colon. For
example, if FASTest acts as the client, a TCP/IP terminal address of would
represent the IP address ( and the IP port (6004)
Security heading
Enter the initial ATM Master Key, ATM Communications Key, and ATM Message Authentication Code
(MAC) key.
The initial values may be changed during a FASTest session by key change commands from the partner
**For FASTest for Diebold only, the ATMs A, B, or MAC keys can be generated using the Generate
Key button.
Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training

Terminal Database Maintenance

Receipt and Statement Printer
An example of a FontMap.xml file for Diebold

An example of a FontMap.xml file for NCR

A sample image for a

simulated check

Terminal Data parameters (continued)

Receipt Printer and Statement Printer headings describe the current printer data settings. FASTest
uses these values to display formatted printer data in transaction reply messages received from the
partner application.
Some advanced options available for printing receipts includes:

Adding non-English fonts to the FontMap.xml file by specifying the name and location of the
copied fonts and incorporating the escape sequences (defined by the terminal manufacturer)
into the ATM configurations for FASTest.

Displaying check images on receipts that are displayed or printed during testing. Receipts will
include a default check image (FASTests BlankCheck.bmp or a user-default image. The
image file is located in the image folder for the application, which is generally
<installdir>\Program Files\Paragon\version\Graphics\, where version is the
name of the FASTest version (NDC, Diebold, etc.)

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training

Terminal Database Maintenance

Dispense Media and PIN Block Type

Terminal Data parameters (continued)

The Dispense Media heading allows the user to select the amounts to be dispensed from each cartridge
(Documents) or hopper (Coins) from the field drop-down lists. To define a new type of media (currency or noncurrency), the user can click the Edit Dispense Media button and access the Dispense Media Maintenance
PIN Block Type heading
The user can indicate the PIN block type by clicking one of the following radio buttons:


ANSI (If selected, the user must also use the radio buttons to specify on the following ANSI PIN Block
PAN Characters)

Left-most 12 characters

Right-most 12 characters including the Check Digit

Right-most 12 characters excluding the Check Digit

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training

Terminal Database Maintenance Current Data: Cash Position and Transaction Data

Terminal Data parameters (continued)

When using FASTest for ATMs (for Diebold or NCR terminals), the user can display the terminals current
data by clicking the More button on the right side of the Terminal Data panel.
The Current Data panel displays the following information under three tabbed headings:
Cash Position
The Cartridges and Coin Hoppers fields describe the currency and coin denominations for the
terminal. The bill cartridge fields and coin hopper fields enabled on the Terminal Data panels are
controlled by fields updated using the Terminal Data Wizard
The Bills/Coin headings represent the number of bills/coin present in each dispense cartridge. These
counters are decremented by each transaction reply message from the partner application that contains
non-zero bills to dispense fields.
Reset Counts at Start of Test - These fields specify the values that the Coins fields should be reset to
when Reset button is clicked.
Last Transaction Data
The fields under the General Information heading reflect the results of the most recently processed
financial transaction processed by FASTest.
The Bills Dispensed are the number of bills dispensed by cartridge.
The Coins Dispensed are the number of coins dispensed by hopper
Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training

Terminal Database Maintenance Current Data: BNA

Terminal Data parameters (continued)


The ID field is the numeric identifier for the note type.

The Count field is the number of notes deposited, by type.

Click OK to return to the Terminal Data panel.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training

Terminal Profile for NDC+

Terminal Data parameters (continued)

Under the Profile-Maintained Settings heading, the user can select the NDC+ terminal profile from
the drop-down list in the Profile Name field. To make changes to the terminal profile, click Edit to
open the Terminal Profile panel.
The user can make the following NDC+ terminal profile changes by clicking the Configuration tab.

Configure the Encryptor by clicking the description in the Encryptor field and selecting the
desired Encryptor description from the drop-down list.

Change the Depositories listed by clicking the description in the Depository or Night Safe
Depository and selecting the desired description from the drop-down list.

By clicking the Supplies tab, the user can make additional NDC+ terminal profile changes.

Enable Bills cartridges by clicking the description in one of the Currency Cassettes fields and
selecting the desired cassette description from the drop-down list.

Change the Receipt Paper or Journal Paper status by clicking the field description and
selecting the desired description from the drop-down list.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training

Terminal Profile for MDS

Terminal Data parameters (continued)

Under the Profile-Maintained Settings heading, the user can select the Diebold terminal profile from the
drop-down list in the Profile Name field. To make changes to the terminal profile, click Edit to open the
Terminal Profile panel.
The user can make the following Diebold terminal profile changes by clicking the Expanded left menu item.

Change the Paper Width on the Printer Data by clicking the drop-down arrow on the Printer Width
field and selected the printer width from the list.

Enable Cartridges A-H by clicking the check boxes in the Cartridges Configured area.

By clicking the Cassettes left menu item, the user can make additional Diebold terminal profile changes.

Specify the status of Cartridges A-H by clicking the crop-down arrow on the Status field and
selecting the desired status from the list.

Specify the type of Cartridges A-H by clicking the drop-down arrow on the Type field and selecting
the desired type from the list.

Click OK to save the changes and return to the Terminal Data panel. After examining the associated fields
on the Terminal Data panel to verify the changes made, click OK to save the changes and close the
Terminal Data panel.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training

FASTest ATM Training

Please complete LAB 3 {Test Results} before continuing FASTest for ATMs

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


LAB 3 - Test Results

In this lab, the students will learn how to save the results of on-demand and
automated tests and use the Comparison Feature to compare the current vs.
previous results.
This lab:

Tests your knowledge of viewing and comparing on-demand test results

Tests your knowledge of verifying automated test results
Tests your knowledge of how to edit a Terminal

At the end of this lab, you will be able to:

Use the Comparison Feature for on-demand and automated testing

Edit a Terminal

Saving/Comparing On-Demand Results

Run a transaction, saving the results to a file named Results1.log

Run the same transaction, comparing the results against the results in Results1.log
(make sure the compare runs with no fields flagged)
Run the same transaction, saving the results to a file named Results2.log
Stop and restart FASTest
Compare the contents of Results1.log and Results2.log. Make sure the compare runs
with no fields flagged.

Comparing test results automatically


Run Test Group 1, saving the results to a file named Results3.log

Set Results1.log as the Results Comparison File of New Script.
Use Windows Scheduler to schedule Test Group 1 to run FASTest
FASTest runs the test group and automatically compares the results of the scheduled
test with Results1.log. Make sure the compare runs with no fields flagged.

Editing Terminals
10. Create a new terminal record and name it New Class Terminal.
11. Set the new terminal up so that:

It will send to IP address and listen on port 0579

PIN Blocks will be sent in ANSI format using the rightmost 12 digits of the
PAN, excluding the check digit

The PIN Block in outbound messages will be encrypted under the key

FASTest ATM Training

Alias File Maintenance/Display

FASTest uses the alias file during the import process to assign meaningful descriptions or easy-toremember mnemonics (names) to the fields of selected messages. The user can maintain the values
in the alias file using the Alias Wizard. This panel is displayed when you click the Alias File button
while doing one of the following:

Modifying the value of a field in a message from the Component Maintenance panel

Setting an Override value from the Execute a Test panel

Setting a Field Level Validation value from the Execute a Test panel

The Alias Wizard displays the following information:

File Name This is the name of the currently-loaded alias file. The file is a standard ASCII text
file that can be edited with Notepad.

Mnemonic This list contains all previously defined mnemonics. (Entry format:

Value for Selected Mnemonic This field contains the real value associated with the selected

The Alias Wizard enables the deletion or addition of aliases and their associated values from the
alias file by selecting the mnemonic and clicking either New or Delete.
Click OK to save and confirm any changes. The ESC key closes the panel.
Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training

Import Processing

The Import feature is used to import/view your audit file production data or ATMulator log. Remember that
the Alias File can be used to assign meaningful descriptions to imported messages. At the end of Import,
FASTest builds a single transaction containing all imported messages in the order they occurred.
Import File
File Identifier - This allows Paragon to know the layout of your host audit file.
File Name - The name of the file you want to import from your PC. You can use the BROWSE button to locate the file on your PC.
Remember that you need to have transferred the file from your Host platform to your PC.
Block size - This specifies the number of bytes FASTest reads from each block of data.
Record Delimiter - (Only applies to ASCII files). This identifies the inter-record separator value to be used by FASTest when extracting
individual records from a block of data.
Terminal ID - By entering a value in this field, FASTest filters the audit and imports only messages that contain this particular Terminal ID.
Format - By selecting an option (ASCII or EBCDIC), you can control the format of the file to be imported.
All Messages - This imports all messages in the audit file.
Messages From / Through - This feature allows you to set a date and time range when importing a file to FASTest.
Message Types
Outbound To Host Only - This option imports only outbound to Host messages.
Inbound From Holy Only - This option imports only inbound to Host messages.
Outbound to Host and Inbound From Host - This option imports both inbound and outbound messages.
Maximum Number of Messages to Import
Validate Imported Messages - This option validates imported messages and reports any errors.
Reverse Message Directions - This option reverses the direction of imported messages.
Save only first field of inbound messages - This automatically deletes all but the first field of imported inbound messages.
Import Progress
Last Message Imported -Shows the last message imported into FASTest.
# Messages Imported -Shows the number of messages imported into FASTest.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training

Auto Reply Script Maintenance

selected script
statement for edit
pull-down menu

FASTest allows the user to create or modify an auto reply script from the Script
Maintenance panel by selecting the User Scripts/Auto Reply Scripts from the
Component Maintenance panel.
Auto Reply scripts enable dynamic replies based on message interrogation.
The user can drag-and-drop script statements into scripts.
The source message is received from the partner application and the current
message is sent to the partner application.
Use the {EXIT AUTO REPLY LOOP} statement when using an auto reply repeat
message in a FASTest script.
Right-click the selected script statement to copy, paste, edit, and/or delete.
Right-click the selected script library statement for a description of the statement.
All references to messages and message fields must refer to currently-loaded
entries. By renaming a message, for example, the user can corrupt an auto reply
script statement, FASTest warns the user that this may occur.
The ESC key closes the panel.
A complete list of script statements can be found in the FASTest User Guide.
Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training

User Exit Script Maintenance

selected script
statement for edit
pull-down menu

FASTest allows the user to create or modify user exit scripts from the Script Maintenance panel
by selecting the User Scripts/User Exits from the Component Maintenance panel.

User exits are designed to allow the user to interrogate and manipulate messages by
controlling only the initial or final response to messages from the partner application.

The user can apply user exits to accomplish many of the same tasks for which an auto reply
script might be applicable, or the user can apply them in combination with an auto reply

Since user exit scripts are used as a last minute control for the message, the user can
even apply a user exit to change the message type just before FASTest sends the message
to or receives the message from a partner application.

Some examples of inbound and outbound user exits are:

An inbound user exit can save the sequence number from the response message and
hold it in a user variable. When FASTest composes the completion, the completion
can contain the sequence number that was saved in the user variable.

An outbound user exit can increment a sequence number before returning it to the
partner application.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training

Auto Reply Script Set Maintenance

With FASTest, the user can define auto reply scripts to dynamically determine the type and
content of user-specified messages to automatically return to the partner application during a test

Drag-and-drop script statements into the script.

Source messages are received from the partner application and current messages are sent
to the partner application.

Use the {EXIT AUTO REPLY LOOP} statement when using an auto reply repeat message
in a FASTest script.

Right-click the selected script statement to copy, paste, edit, and/or delete.

Right-click the selected script library statement for description of statement.

All references to messages and message fields must refer to currently-loaded entries. By
renaming a message, for example, the user might corrupt an auto reply script statement,
FASTest warns the user that this may occur.

The ESC key closes the panel.

A complete list of script statements can be found in the FASTest User Guide.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training

User Exit Script Set Maintenance

Same format as Auto Reply Script Set Maintenance

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FASTest ATM Training

FASTest Launcher

To limit what is displayed in the Launcher, create a text file listing the descriptions you want displayed.
Save the text file in the same directory as the Launcher application, for example:
C:\Program Files\PARAGON\FASTest NDC
Append :filename to the Launcher path and file name. For example,
C:\Program Files\Paragon\FASTest NDC\LauncherApp.exe NDC:NDCFilter.txt

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training

FASTest ATM Training

Please complete LAB 4 {Dynamic Scripting} before continuing FASTest for

ATMs training.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


LAB 4 - Dynamic Scripting

In this lab, the students will learn about Dynamic Scripting.
This lab:

Tests your knowledge of User Exits

Tests your knowledge of Auto Replies

At the end of this lab, you will be able to:

Modify a User Exit

Modify an Auto Replies

User Exits

Create a User Exit to set the fifth character of Amount Entry field to a six.
Create a User Exit to change the LUNO filed to 123 only if the Transaction Amount
is greater than $5.00.

Auto Replies

Create an Auto Reply script that approves any transaction request over $10.00. Run
the test. (have to run as Issuer)
Create an Auto Reply script that responds to RQ messages with a RP Dispense Reply

Miscellaneous Functions

Set up the FASTest Issuer side so that if an unsolicited message is received at any
time (e.g. a handshake) that FASTest will not respond, even if a test is not currently

FASTest ATM Training

Sharing Test Cases


A test case encompasses all of the primary components and referenced data files you need to execute a
FASTest test session including test groups, scripts, transactions, and messages. FASTests export/import
utility allows you to easily share specific test cases or data files with other users; for example, for training or
support purposes.

When using the export/import utility, note the following.

There is no installer associated with this utility, therefore users must have access to import

When exporting individual test cases, the following items are not included in the data file:

Properties explicitly set for a script

Table validations
Token profiles
Fields database
Schedule test group settings

Establish a standard file location and employ a simple naming convention to distinguish each
test case and its associated items from items already defined in the current FASTest session.
Deselecting a referenced item (when exporting a test case) may yield unexpected results when
the test is subsequently imported and used.
To begin the export process, select File/Export Test Cases from the Component Maintenance

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training

Sharing Test Cases

The Export Package

Click Export to
initiate the export
The Items Excluded From Export window
displays any available items deselected from
the export package. Click Yes to confirm and
complete the export process.

To build your export package, update information in the following fields as needed:
Export File Type the shared directory and a new file name or click Browse to open the Open Export File
window to select the shared file location and an existing file name to overwrite.
Description Type an editable, plain text description of the file being exported.
Category Displays all the categories containing selectable items for export. Select a category to display
its associated items in the Contents area. You can:
Click Select All Categories to select all the categories listed
Click Deselect All Categories to deselect all the categories listed
Contents Displays all items associated with the selected Category. When an individual item is selected,
a check mark is displayed and the item with its associated items are included in the export package. Click
a checked item to deselect or exclude it from the export package. If you exclude an associated item, a
warning message box appears to confirm your action. You can also:
Click Select All Contents to quickly select (check) all of the Category items listed in the Contents
Click Deselect All Contents to quickly deselect (uncheck) all of the Category items listed in the
Contents area
Number of selectable items Displays (for informational purposes only) the number of items available to
be selected for the current FASTest session.
Number of items selected Displays (for informational purposes only) the total number of items checked
for the current FASTest session.
Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training

Sharing Test Cases

Viewing the Export Results

The Export Results window confirms a successful export and prompts to view the

The results displayed in the Export Successful window cannot be edited and the
window cannot be resized. Scroll to view the full report.

Click OK to close the window and return to the Component Maintenance panel,
-or Click Print to display the formatted results in the Report Preview window. You
can print and save (in PDF) a formal report of the results using the tool bar
Click Save to save the results in a text file and location you specify.

The exported data files are now ready for import.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training

Sharing Test Cases


Before importing shared data, note the following.

You should know the name and location of the file(s) you want to import.
To avoid naming conflicts when importing files, it is recommended to employ a simple
naming convention for files being exported.

A backup of your system software will be created. You will be prompted to save any
unsaved work.
To begin the import process, select File/Import Test Cases from the Component
Maintenance panel.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training

Sharing Test Cases

The Import Package

If errors are
found, a warning
box appears.
Click Yes to
import with

Click Import to
initiate the FASTest
import process.

Click Validate Import to check for any

errors before importing shared data files.

The Import Errors window displays a

list of naming conflicts. Click OK to
return to the Import Package panel.

To build your import package, update information in the following fields as needed:
Import File By default, the most recently exported file is displayed in this field. You can type the name
or click Browse to open the Open Import File window and select the name of an existing file you want to
Description Plain text, read-only description of the file being imported.
Category Displays all the categories containing selectable items for import. Select a category to display
its associated items in the Contents area. You can:
Click Select All Categories to select all the categories listed
Click Deselect All Categories to deselect all the categories listed
Contents Displays all items associated with the selected Category. When an individual item is
selected, a check mark is displayed and the item with its associated items are included in the import
package. Click a checked item to deselect or exclude it from the import package. If you exclude an
associated item, a warning message box appears to confirm your action. You can also:
Click Select All Contents to quickly select (check) all of the items listed in the Contents area.
Click Deselect All Contents to quickly deselect (uncheck) all of the items listed in the Contents
Number of selectable items Displays (for informational purposes only) the number of exported items
available for selection (import) into the current FASTest session.
Number of items selected Displays (for informational purposes only) the total number of items
selected (checked) for import into the current FASTest session.
Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training

Sharing Test Cases

Viewing the Import Results

The Import Successful Restart window confirms a successful import. To use the newly
imported data, you are required to restart FASTest (see note below).
Click Yes to view the results.
The results displayed in the Import Successful window cannot be edited and the window
cannot be resized. Scroll to view the full report.
Click OK to close the window and return to the Component Maintenance panel, -or Click Print to display the formatted results in the Report Preview window. You can
print and save (in PDF) a formal report of the results using the tool bar icons.
Click Save to save the results in a text file and location you specify.
Select File/Exit from the Component Maintenance panel to close the current FASTest
The newly imported data is written to various data files but it is not visible in the current
FASTest session. A new session is required to use the imported data. Failure to restart
may cause unexpected results when running an imported test case.
It is essential that you do not save your FASTest session before exiting. Saving your
current settings will overwrite the imported data files and void the import.
Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems




Host Connectivity

Host Connectivity

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems

Host Connectivity

Host Connectivity

Select the Paragon Communication Server icon or View/Connections from

the Flow facility menu to display the Paragon Communication Server panel
Click Settings to specify protocol-specific settings
The Communications Settings panel is displayed

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems

Host Connectivity

Host Connectivity

Click Modem to specify the modem settings that affect all connections from
ATMulator or FASTest for dial-up protocol.

Details on setting up the modem and creating a dial-up terminal are available in
the FASTest User Guide.

For institutions that need to test dial-up support (for remote terminals or as a
backup when your primary communications are not available), Paragon offers dialup support as an extra cost option.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems

Host Connectivity

Host Connectivity: Configuring the

Communications Settings Panel
General Settings
Tracing activates tracing at the communication server level
The Connection Timeout field specifies how long the terminal waits for a connection before timing
TCP/IP Specific settings
Include Length in header if the length field includes both the message and length field lengths
(i.e., a 25-byte message plus a 2-byte length field combine for a 27-byte total length field)
Output Length Format
No length
Binary Low First (2-character binary --1900)
Binary High First (2-character binary -- 0019)
Character 2-bytes (2-byte displayable -- 25)
Character 4-bytes (4-byte displayable -- 0025)
JBM Extended (used for coonections via the JBM Gateway protocol converter)
Input Header Settings
Input Header Length
Header length of input messages from the host
SNA/SDLC Specific settings
Specify the Receive Rate for SNA Server or how often (in milliseconds) the Communications Server
polls the SNA Server to check for data
Use a lower number to receive responses in a timely manner, however, a low number also causes a
high polling rate which may impact system performance

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems

Host Connectivity

Host Connectivity: Terminating a Session or

Disconnecting an Application

Terminating a session
1. From the Flow facility, select the Paragon Communication Server icon or
View/Connections to display the Communication Server window
2. Left-click to highlight the connection
3. Right-click to select Terminate
Disconnecting an application
1. From the Flow facility, select the Communication Server icon or
View/Connections to display the Communication Server window
2. Left-click to highlight the application
3. Right-click to select Disconnect

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems

Host Connectivity

Host Connectivity: Communication Server Trace

Start a Paragon
Communications Server
trace file from the
Communications Settings
panel by clicking the
Tracing check box
The file is located in the
directory or Windows
temp directory
The file name format is
where xxxxxxxxxxx =
the LU or TCP/IP
The file can be viewed
using any program that
displays text files
(Notepad, etc.)

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems

Host Connectivity

Host Connectivity: Troubleshooting

Cannot establish TCP/IP connection
ATMulator or FASTest are not attempting to connect. Select
View/Connections and verify that ATMulator or FASTest are trying to connect.
Problems with the host connection. Verify that you can PING the host.
Verify that your host has an application monitoring the port to which
ATMulator or FASTest are connecting.
Host requires that messages come from a static IP address. Ensure your
PC has an IP address that the host will accept.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems

Host Connectivity

Host Connectivity: Troubleshooting

Cannot establish SNA Server PU connection
Card is connected to the incorrect RS232 cable. Ensure you have the SNA
Server SDLC card connected to the correct RS232 cable.
SDLC card is not seated or defined properly. Ensure your SDLC card is seated
properly and defined to the SNA Server.
Incorrect SNA Server polling address. Verify that the settings for the SNA
Server polling address are correct for the terminal that your are emulating.
Incorrect NRZ/NRZI setting. Verify that the NRZ/NRZI setting is correct.
Incorrect polling address. Ensure your host is polling the polling address you
defined in the SNA Server.
SNA Server or SNA Server Client not installed correctly. Ensure you have
either SNA Server or SNA Server Client installed on your machine.
SNA Server Client is not configured properly. If you have SNA Server Client
installed, ensure that it is configured to point to the SNA Server with your PU
defined on it.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems

Host Connectivity

Host Connectivity: Troubleshooting

Cannot establish SNA Server LU connection
ATMulator or FASTest are not attempting to connect. Display the Paragon
Communication Server window. Verify that ATMulator or FASTest are trying
to connect.
Host LU is in the incorrect state. Ensure your host LU is in the pending
SNA Server LU is pointing to the incorrect line. Ensure the SNA Server LU
is pointing to the correct line.
Cannot establish DemoGateway connection
Problems with Legacy Converter. Ensure the Legacy Converter service is
running. Verify that your PU and LU settings are in the
LegacyConverter.INI file. Ensure the Legacy Converter cable is attached
to the correct Legacy Converter port.
Problems with DemoGateway. Ensure DemoGateway is running. Ensure
the startup directory for DemoGateway has the correct DemoGateway.CFG

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems

Host Connectivity

Host Connectivity: Troubleshooting

Cannot establish DemoGateway connection (cont.)
Incorrect terminal definition. Ensure your terminal definition in ATMulator or
FASTest are correct. Check each setting against the DemoGateway.CFG and
LegacyConverter.INI files.
Incorrect polling address. Ensure your host is polling the polling address you
defined in the SNA Server.
Host LU is in the incorrect state. Ensure your host LU is in the pending state.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems




Paragon/FASTest Utilities

Paragon Utilities

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems

Paragon/FASTest Utilities

Paragon Utilities
Paragon Utilities can be found in the following directories:
-orSTART/PROGRAMS/FASTest/FASTest Utilities.
Paragon WorkSmart Utilities:

FASTest Utilities:

Data File Compressor

Diebold Status Wizard
DLL Checker
FASTest Data Distributor
Field Maintenance
NDC Status Wizard Display
WinDES 21 (Triple DES)
WinDES (Single DES)

Conditional Field Maintenance Launcher

Persistent Log Maintenance Launder
Persistent Log Reporter Launcher
Profile Editor
Token Editor

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems

Paragon/FASTest Utilities

Paragon Data Compressor (ISO)

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems

Paragon/FASTest Utilities

Diebold Status Wizard

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems

Paragon/FASTest Utilities

DLL Checker

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems

Paragon/FASTest Utilities

Using the FASTest Data Distributor

The FASTest Data
Distributor allows the user to
extract the settings and files
associated with a FASTest
configuration and install the
configuration onto another
To begin, select a
FASTest model and click
Then, specify the location
for the distribution files
from the FASTest
Distributor list
A subfolder with the
name of the Registry Key
for the selected
configuration is
automatically created
under the selected path

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems

Paragon/FASTest Utilities

Using the FASTest Data Distributor

Select the replace
options for files and the
prompts displayed
during the installation
Set options for selected
files from the Files
drop-down list by
activating the Options
for Selected File radio
Set options for all files
by clicking the buttons
under the Set Options
for All Files heading
Click Apply after each
file option setting
When all option have
been applied, Click OK

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems

Paragon/FASTest Utilities

Using the FASTest Data Distributor

If desired, change the

description and/or the
registry key
The files will be extracted
and moved to the specified

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems

Paragon/FASTest Utilities

Field Maintenance

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems

Paragon/FASTest Utilities

NDC Status Wizard

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


Paragon/FASTest Utilities

Displaying Product Information

The Product
Information Display
lists the products
installed on the PC

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Paragon/FASTest Utilities


Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


Paragon/FASTest Utilities

Triple DES

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


Paragon/FASTest Utilities

Using the Conditional Field Maintenance Launcher

The Conditional Field

Maintenance Utility
enables the user to
specify validation
parameters for
conditional fields
Once file settings are
defined and processed,
the utility examines the
presence (and value, if
required) of other fields
in the message and
uses that information to
validate the presence
(and value) of the
conditional field

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


Paragon/FASTest Utilities

Persistent Log Maintenance

The persistent log is a
database of automatically
saved FASTest test results
Test results are defined as
the set of messages (raw
data and validation results)
that occurred for one test
The Persistent Log
Maintenance Utility panel
enables the user to set
options that filter the test
results displayed under
User Selected Tests to be
Select results for deletion
by specifying Record
Deletion Criteria or
manually selecting files
from the list and click

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


Paragon/FASTest Utilities

Persistent Log Reporter

Use the Persistent Log Reporter utility
to select and print tests from the log

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


Paragon/FASTest Utilities

Persistent Log Reporter

You can use the Report
Preview window tool bar to
do one or more of the
Click to navigate
through the report.
Click to send the report
to a local printer.
Click to export and save
the report to a .pdf file
you specify.
Click the X in the upper right
corner of the window to close
the Report Preview window.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems




FASTest ATM Training: EMV Testing

Configuring EMV Testing for

FASTest for ATMs

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems

FASTest ATM Training: EMV Testing

Configuring FASTest for EMV

From the Start menu, select the user-specified FASTest terminal host system (Diebold, NCR, or
Wincor) to display the Component Maintenance panel.
Start/Programs/FASTest/FASTest for Diebold 2.4
Start/Programs/FASTest/FASTest for NDC 2.4
Start/Programs/FASTest/FASTest for Wincor for NDC
Start/Programs/FASTest/FASTest for Wincor for 91x

There are two ways to provide FASTest with the EMV data needed to process EMV test
transactions. The user can download the EMV data into FASTest, or configure the
specific information in the terminal (AIDs, Terminal Tags, etc.).
The Basic Steps for configuring FASTest for EMV are outlined in the following sections.
1. Configure the terminal record by executing an EMV download or configuring data
from the Terminal Data screen (AIDs, terminal tags, etc.)
2. Add EMV test cards to the FASTest cards database
3. Set up EMV transactions (based on FASTests templates)
4. Run the tests

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems

FASTest ATM Training: EMV Testing

Configuring FASTest for EMV:

NCR Terminal Profile Only

Note for NCR/NDC+ terminals only:

Before configuring NDC+ terminals to process EMV test transactions, the user must set
the Magnetic Card Reader/Writer on the Configuration tab of the NCR Terminal Profile

Click the Terminals menu item on the Component Maintenance panel. The
Terminal Data panel will be displayed.

To access the Terminal Profile panel, select a file name from the Profile Name field
pull-down list under the Profile-Maintained Settings and click Edit.

Select the Configuration tab on the Terminal Profile panel and right-click the
setting option for the Magnetic Card Reader/Writer.
Select the [0C - Track 1/2/3 CIM86 MCRW] option from the pull-down list

Click OK to save changes and close the panel.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems

FASTest ATM Training: EMV Testing

Configuring the Terminal Record:

Accepting an EMV Download

Downloading EMV information from the user-host system to FASTest enables FASTest
to correctly format its messages with the EMV data elements expected by the user-host
system. The user can set up FASTest to accept the download by completing the
following steps.
1. From the Component Maintenance panel, click the Transactions tab.
2. Select the Download Sequence transaction and click Run. FASTest listens for
the download from your host.
3. On the host system, initiate the download sequence used for ATMs supporting
EMV. (Steps for initiating this download vary based on the type of host system.
Consult your system administrators, if necessary, for the procedure used on your
Once FASTest accepts the download from the host system, the EMV tests conducted by
FASTest will contain the correct ICC data.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems

FASTest ATM Training: EMV Testing

Configuring the Terminal Record:

Editing the Terminal Data

Click the Terminals menu item on the Component Maintenance panel to display the
Terminal Data panel and make the configuration changes described below.
App IDs The user can define the terminals acceptable application identifiers
(AIDs) by clicking the App IDs button to access the EMV Terminal Configuration
screen (for Diebold) or the ICC Terminal Acceptable AIDs table (for NCR and
Wincor). These entries are used selectively based on the application found on the
ICC being processed.
Tags The user can display and edit any terminal tags required for testing by
clicking the Tags button to access the Terminal Tag Display screen.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems

FASTest ATM Training: EMV Testing

Configuring the Terminal Record:

Acceptable Application IDs (Diebold)

To configure Diebold AIDs, modify the following fields as desired.

Application Identifiers - This area displays the acceptable AIDs. To add a new
Application ID, click New. Otherwise, click one of the displayed Application IDs to
change the configuration settings related it and click Apply to save your changes.
AID - Enter the Full/Partial Primary AID Value as a binary value stored as ASCII
hex. If this is a partial AID, check the Partial AID check box.
Next State - This field is used by Paragons ATMulator product and can be
disregarded if you use FASTest only. See the ATMulator documentation for further
Scheme - From the drop-down list, select the scheme for this application ID.
Visa Credit - For the terminal, set the Currency Code and Country Code. Check the
Enabled check box to ensure that your selections are saved.
MasterCard/Europay - For the terminal, set the Currency Code and Country Code.
Check the Enabled check box to ensure that your selections are saved.
Click OK to save your changes and close the panel.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems

FASTest ATM Training: EMV Testing

Configuring the Terminal Record:

Acceptable Application IDs (NCR)

To configure NDC+ AIDs, modify the following fields as desired.

Applications - This area displays the acceptable AIDs and their entry numbers (that is, Identifiers). To add a
new transaction data object, click New. Otherwise, click one of the displayed transaction types to change the
configuration settings related it.
Secondary Application Identifiers - Enter the Full/Partial Primary AID Value as a binary value stored as
ASCII hex.
Identifier - Enter the entry number (as a two-digit ASCII hex value in the range 00 to FF inclusive).
AID - Enter the Full/Partial Primary AID Value as a binary value stored as ASCII hex.
Label - Enter the default value (a text string of characters in the range 0x20 to 0x7E inclusive) to be used for
the Application Label data object. (The default Application Label is Self Service, transmitted with length 0C.)
Lowest Version - Enter the Primary AID Lowest Application Version Number as a binary value stored as
ASCII hex.
Highest Version - Enter the Primary AID Highest Application Version Number as a binary value stored as
ASCII hex.
Action Code - Enter the Primary AID Terminal Action Code for a decline as a binary value stored as ASCII
hex. The decline value indicates that a transaction should be declined offline by the terminal under the
circumstances defined by this action code. (See the ATM manufacturers documentation for specific values.)
Request Tags - Enter the list of BER-TLV tags to be sent in the transaction request.
Completion Tags - Enter the list of BER-TLV formatted tags that are to be sent on the next solicited status
message (except command rejects or specific command rejects) in response to a valid transaction reply
containing valid CAM (Card Authentication Method, or process for authenticating an ICC) data.

Click OK to save your changes and close the panel.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems

FASTest ATM Training: EMV Testing

Configuring the Terminal Record:

Acceptable Application IDs (Wincor)

To configure Wincor AIDs, modify the following fields as desired.

Applications - This area displays the acceptable AIDs and their entry numbers (that is, Identifiers). To add
a new transaction data object, click New. Otherwise, click one of the displayed transaction types to change
the configuration settings related it.
Secondary Application Identifiers - Enter the Full/Partial Primary AID Value as a binary value stored as
ASCII hex.
Identifier - Enter the entry number (as a two-digit ASCII hex value in the range 00 to FF inclusive).
AID - Enter the Full/Partial Primary AID Value as a binary value stored as ASCII hex.
Label - Enter the default value (a text string of characters in the range 0x20 to 0x7E inclusive) to be used
for the Application Label data object. (The default Application Label is Self Service, transmitted with length
Lowest Version - Enter the Primary AID Lowest Application Version Number as a binary value stored as
ASCII hex.
Highest Version - Enter the Primary AID Highest Application Version Number as a binary value stored as
ASCII hex.
Action Code - Enter the Primary AID Terminal Action Code for a decline as a binary value stored as ASCII
hex. The decline value indicates that a transaction should be declined offline by the terminal under the
circumstances defined by this action code. (See the ATM manufacturers documentation for specific
Request Tags - Enter the list of BER-TLV tags to be sent in the transaction request.
Completion Tags - Enter the list of BER-TLV formatted tags that are to be sent on the next solicited status
message (except command rejects or specific command rejects) in response to a valid transaction reply
containing valid CAM (Card Authentication Method, or process for authenticating an ICC) data.

Click OK to save your changes and close the panel.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems

FASTest ATM Training: EMV Testing

Configuring the Terminal Record:

Editing Terminal Tag Values

To configure terminal tags, select Tags, under the ICC heading of the Terminal Data
panel, to open the Terminal Tags Display panel.
From the Terminal Tag Display panel, the user can perform any of the following

Edit an existing terminal tag by editing the Value text entry area at the bottom of the
panel for the selected tag description,

Add a new terminal tag by clicking Add Tag, selecting a tag from the Tag drop-down
list, and typing the new tag value in the Value text entry area for the selected blank

Delete an existing terminal tag by selecting a tag description from the list and
clicking Remove Tag.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems

FASTest ATM Training: EMV Testing

Configuring Smart Card Applications:

Adding Smart Cards to the Database

Adding ICCs (Smart Cards) to the database

To simulate ICCs (Integrated Circuit Cards aka Smart Cards), the user can install and
use a swipe card reader (which is covered later in this section) or follow the same
procedure for adding any test card via the Card Database Maintenance panel. However,
the user must follow these additional steps specific to ICC configuration.
1. First specify the Description, then the Type. When ICC/Smart Card is selected, the
Configure ICC button is displayed.
2. Specify the Scheme and make sure this card type matches the application type you
will enter (Visa cards must use Visa applications and MasterCards must use
MasterCard applications, and so forth).
3. Click Configure ICC to open the ICC Smart Card Maintenance panel.
4. Click New to add a new application to the card. The specified (Visa or Mastercard)
Application Maintenance panel appears.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training: EMV Testing

Configuring Smart Card Applications:

Tagged Values

In the Application ID (AID) field, enter the AID. The AID value must correspond to the card type that you selected on the
Card Database Maintenance panel as well as the applications defined for the terminal.

On the Tagged Values tab, select an item from the list, then edit the Value text entry area at the bottom of the screen.
Tagged Values are the ICC application properties that are accessible from the terminal. Often these are values that are sent
to the host during a transaction or used to calculate values in transaction processing.

As you select subsequent items, the values you have entered are displayed in the Value column by the Description.

For NCR only: Ensure that you set the Language Preference (the 5F2D tagged data element) so the value you specify maps
to one of the languages supported in the ICC Language Support table. (Ask your system administrator how to view this table
[that is downloaded from your Host system].)

For MasterCard ICC configuration only: If you are configuring a MasterCard ICC, be aware that the following settings are

The Derivation Key Index and the Cryptogram Version Number (in the Issuer Application Data [IAD]) in tag 9F10 on the
Tagged Values settings panel.

The Derivation Key Method (either EPI/MCI or EMV 2000) on the Internal Values settings panel. Note that if your
organization is using EPI/MCI, you must specify which M/Chip Session Key is being used.

The M/Chip Card Specifications (either M/Chip 4 or M/Chip 2.1) on the Internal Values settings panel. If EPI/MCI is
specified and no value is specified for the session key, FASTest defaults to M/Chip 2.1.

Changes to the IAD or Derivation Key Method will result in automated changes to the related settings. For details, see About
MasterCard processing in the FASTest documentation.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training: EMV Testing

Configuring Smart Card Applications:

Internal Values

On the Internal Values tab, enter values by selecting the item Description from the list,
then editing the Value text entry area at the bottom of the screen. Typically, you will enter
(at a minimum) the following values.

Confidentiality Master Key

Cryptogram Master Key

Integrity Master Key

For MasterCard ICC only:

Several of the Internal Values settings are interrelated and must be configured properly
so that FASTest can automate some of the ICC settings based on user-supplied
information in other settings. The FASTest User Guide provides details about how
FASTest processes MasterCard IC data.
Note: You must enter the key values for the Host Security Module (HSM); not enter the
key values on the test card.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training: EMV Testing

Configuring Smart Card Applications:

Editing the ICC Application Files

If you need to manually edit (or simply verify) the ICC Application Files, complete the
following steps.
1. Click Edit Files to view and edit the ICC Applications unformatted internal Short
File Index file structure. (Typically, you will use this operation to verify that an
Update Record script command executed successfully.)
2. Use the File Index and the Record Index drop-down lists to display a specific
portion of the ICC Application Files panel. (The Short File Index file structure is
comprised of files, which are further comprised of records.)
3. Make your desired changes in the text entry area.
4. Click OK to save your changes and close the ICC Application Files panel.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training: EMV Testing

Configuring Smart Card Applications:

Smart Card Installation

To enter test card

data into FASTest,
use a PCSCcompliant Smart
Card swipe reader,
such as the ACR305
(serial) card reader
This card reader can
plug into you PC,
read the inserted
Smart Card, and
transmit the data to
your PC

Using a card reader may reduce the data entry required for adding test cards through the
Card Dabase Maintenance panel.
To import ICC data using a card reader, complete the following steps.
1. Install the Smart Card reader and reboot your PC to ensure the device is recognized
by FASTest
The Import ICC button is only visible on the Card Database Maintenance panel if the
Smart Card reader is installed before FASTest is initialized

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training: EMV Testing

Configuring Smart Card Applications:

Importing ICC Data From Smart Cards

2. Insert the Smart Card into the reader.

3. Click Import ICC to open the ICC Import Wizard dialog box.
4. Follow the ICC Import Wizard instructions by clicking Next to continue through the
ICC import process.
One of the first steps in importing the data is to select the card reader installed. Message
boxes will appear to indicate when the card is being read and also when the ICC data
has been successfully imported.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training: EMV Testing

Configuring Smart Card Applications:

Viewing and Editing Imported ICC Card Data

Before attempting an EMV

transaction, add the internal
application data
Enter a PIN for use in the Flow
facility if you have the Quick
Run/Skip PIN Entry option
activated (There is not enough
data for ATMulator to calculate
or retrieve the correct PIN)

Viewing the ICC data

6. Click Finish to close the wizard and view the ICC data in the Card Database
Maintenance panel.
7. Edit the card data as desired by manually adding internal application information
(such as keys, PIN, cryptographic options, and so forth).
8. Click OK to close the window and save the scanned and edited card data.
Important Note:
The captured card data is maintained until you make a new card selection. When a
different card is selected, the captured card data is lost and you must repeat this
procedure to recapture the card data.
This concludes the procedure for using a card reader to import ICC Smart Card data.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training: EMV Testing

Setting up EMV Transactions (Diebold)

Transactions supplied
with FASTest include
valid data and can be
used as templates.
See FASTest
documentation for
specific requirements
when building
The request message
and completion should
be formatted for
Diebold terminals as

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training: EMV Testing

Setting up EMV Transactions (NCR)

Transactions supplied
with FASTest include
valid data and can be
used as templates.
See FASTest
documentation for
specific requirements
when building your own
The request message
and completion should
be formatted for NDC
terminals as displayed.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training: EMV Testing

Setting up EMV Transactions (Wincor)

Transactions supplied
with FASTest include
valid data and can be
used as templates.
See FASTest
documentation for
specific requirements
when building your own
The request message
and completion should
be formatted for Wincor
terminals as displayed.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


FASTest ATM Training: EMV Testing

Running EMV Transactions

When running an EMV transaction, note that you can override cards and applications at
runtime using the Card Override and Application fields on the Execute a Test panel.
If you do not select an application, FASTest sends the Smart Card data unmodified. This
is useful when you need to test a specific card or other static card-related data.

Copyright 2014 Paragon Application Systems


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