Hergé first published Le Lotus Blew in the magazine Le Petit Vingtiéme in Brussels in 1934
the story itself is set in 1931. Ac that time Japanese troops were occupying parts of the Chinese
mainland, and Shanghai, the great seaport at the mouth of the Yangtze Kiang, possessed an
International Settlement, a trading base in China for Western nations, administered by the
British and Americans. Henge based his narrative freely upon the events of the time,
including the blowing-up of the South Manchurian railway, which led to further incursions
by Japan into China and ultimately to Japan’s resignation from the League of Nations in 1933.
‘The TINTIN books are published inthe following languages
fave DAR AL AARC, Caro
eee ‘cH, Tape
Dans CARLSEN I. Coprangen
Das ‘CASTERAN, ore
Pepsico Sout Anca: TRANS SA BOOK DSTAIDUTORS, taney
Fest ASTEAUAN, Psa Teen
Soran CAALSEN, Ronee hantss
‘coun: FOUN ean
nso FRORA Jara
ca ‘N08. ron
Nom: SEARC, O80
Ponuuoe: [CENTAO 00 LO BRASILEIRO, Linon
Prormea ‘CASTEMUAN, Pur
Seon SUVENTUD, Bacon
swt crower NRO, sees
Saas ARISEN, Sonim
wean ‘GWASG ¥ OREF WEN. carat
‘Translated by Lesie Lonsdale-Cooper
‘and Michal Turner
No pone no Se areca iy were neu fw batahrs ween Dot
‘tic gt ey Ere Care Pat Tosca
Text rn by ann Cro Boss Mein Hous 6 Fanam fee London SHS GRE
ernin a Pats Ras des Sv oe
Marca an pet of Ocoee Pasig 0THE BLUE LOTUS
are in India, guests of the
Maharaja of Gaipajama,
enjoying a well-earned
rest, The evil gang of
international drug
smugglers, encountered
in Cigars of the Pharaoh,
has been smashed andits
members are behind
bars. With one excep-
tion. Only the mys
terious gangleader is
unaccounted for: he
disappeared over a lift
madness”? Where were
the shipments of opium
‘going, hidden in the false
cigars? And who realy
twas the mastermind be-
hind the operation?
How cana dog
9c a wink of seep?
peace since he
Fell for short
There it is again That's
the station T've been
trying to identify
It docawe
make amy
What can it
possibly wean?
V [finest My direction-Finder
15.30 nave some shows WOW, ENE. In
gece "ip meaning... || theory the transmitter
1 AP but what? [ll should bealong a line in
ditt ety the same direction, pas
atte aged Ising through Gaipajama.
eee ally Naty 5
EE en
stone sali
ruin eee
ent pont
[[Tintin Saki, che Maharaja
requests your presence
Thank you
Til come.Uff riease ve seated |
[[Now... Aha, | see you have a taste Wf
for adventure... You have already |}I see anenemy! You
think him dead, but
he plans revenge
Be on your, guard!
From Shanghai?
That's a fair distance|
just to talk to me...
How peculiar.
Valso see a fakir, a
disgrace to our brother-
hood, dedicated to your
downfall. Heis close
toyou...very close to
you. He spies upon
you...He has a terrible
Wweapon...and there
ienodefence. 9
Mr Tintin, sir?
Me? Yes...
“| [feeware...1 sce another
man... man with a
yellow skin... His hair
is black... He wears
glasses... Take every
Care! He has sworn to
If Tintin sahib, there is a-stranger
in the gallery, asking for you
Yellow skin
hair. glasses}
-. Careful,
Tintin |
Thave something extremely
important to tell'you
Can we talk here?
MW Certainty
We're quite
A dart ..dipped in
Rajaijah juice... he
Poison of madness”!
He's gone
He didn't
needs you...1
Mitsuhirato... Mitsu
Mitsuhirato... Someone
Remember that name,
waste any 7
Guick! Speak! Whar
hhave you to tell me ?
TINTIN!The other fakir, Tintin, the poison of madness! Yf By Brahma! ]]|[ | must go to China at
the ont J sent t0 prison,
How awFul!... |] once....o0r chap... he just
the one with the poisoned had time to tell
darts, he's escaped... a me Tint needed in
Wooatl! Shanghai.
armas Sy wns
i [ ~ Tee an Well, wel soon sce!
the Crunk, ‘enemy!...You
think him dead,
but he plane
[Some Fours Later
They're bringing your crank
down. Youve really made
up your mind to go?
Hyes...and wo.
|] Lcanit gowithout
Most peculiar’ . |
Mitsuhirato... BE
now do we Find him?
| 15 certainly aJap-
(anese name, but.
How does anyone know
Vmhere yetExce
ent !
1 wonder how our Mr Mitsuhirato
knew | 2... ert
ae AST
be = HU
|Stop me punishing a useless nat-|
incerferina brat
Ive, would you’,
You'll hear more of thi:
‘You bet you will!
Peeved! Am 1
peeved! Get a
Joad of this!
old chap!
Some European kid had the |
nerve to back up a rickshaw
boy... He'd knocked me Flying
and Iwas teaching him a
lesson!... Trying to stop me
beating a native
What's the world coming to? Can't we even
teach that yellow rabble to mind their manners
Now? Ie'sup tous to cvilise the savages! We soon
won't have any control at all
done For tne, all the benerite.
‘and look what weve
of our
Superv western
Yes, cur superb western
You did that on purpose,
yellow scum!
respect for your betters!
Vil teach you
was 17... 0h, yes, our
b western civilisation
Tit try to find out the name oF
that young ruFfian, the one who
hhad a go at you. Since I'm Chief
of Police of the Shanghai Inter:
national Settlement that should
be difficult Then Ni teach our young]
Dow Quixote a lesson!For saving we.
IFmy dear Nir Tintin, you must go back to || |(Pespicable creat- | [Who are ‘they’? ) (1 see...thank |
India at once. The Maharaja of Gaipa- || |\ures! Such persons ese pardon ee Fy) || 92H: Maybe
jama is in great danger, | sent a Chinese || |lstop at nothing! Pleast pardon me, 1)! Il}s\tane ewe
messenger to tell you to guard the Believe, you cannot tell you more next beat ||
cet you soe hime? Mere ait eo my omn life would bein || Wen Pere |
Yes, but het Tack by a pols leave the Maharaja, Jdanger. eae ie be while I'll tele-
oned dart and only managed to Whe Koa wha ie bia Koad aad 6: erach the
say two words: your they will doin your Maharaja
[fExcattene plan. an, 1 was forgetting
|| Beware of everyons here, and especialy
Ehe Chinese. Your life hangs by a everything, how |
thread curable sir
it seedy pun
heré, eh?But I keep If And I'm telling you, That's great...What
telling you... || shut your you do with hina ?...
res [I]... !
f ey
By the way... that little ragamuffin you
brought in last night... Did you know he clouted
one of your chums”... JF f were ou s'd
give him a spot of corrective treat
Still, | hope they
don't knock him
about too much...Obviously they knew )] (A telegram for you,
J was innocent. And Mr Tintin, and a letter,|
yeh. they didvit go ||| and this. parcel.
Ufeer the attacker ig {fe
All very }
What's going |
on How,
Poisoned ?... No,
thank goodness! iis
| heart's stint beating \|
HThetea!...He ]
must have drunk |
the tea Fspilt on |
the Floor. ..But.
That shor... it was
providentiall.. 1 ta
| ceunk the a ten
1.” é
SA k
You sleep it off, Snowy old
fellow. And don't worry iF
Slate backOh well,
eet me here?
Le ur
‘Did you arrange to
{ "aeat?
Or is this some
7 -_
sort of joke?
(OK! iF yowvenotnina |
to tell me, fom OFF!
re you going to
‘say why you
go away
thing | can do is
time, too!
T want to tell you
‘And not before |i
Lao Tzu said
must Find the
Find it too
Ive found it. You must
know the tru
[fo 1m going to cut off — |
your head. Then you'llLook, you needn't be afraid.
Tonly have to cut your
head off
It won't take a
| minute, youl see
As 1 suspected... A
Puncture on his neck,
Officer, 1 found this poor
| madman. Canyou take
care of him? ae
Mare one!
[[Treard you wore leaving, eo 1 came
to say goodbye. | wish yous calm
ceful journey.
BY Thank you. mM
By "poo whotce eS
you. too.
m °.
Well, | haver't learnt
very much in
(See that young man
(sina onthe rail?
That's him! .That night
‘Are you coming Snowy?
Lets take a stroll
round the deck...
Allright. 1
catch you up.
There! It's done!:...You haven't
too much chloroform, have you?
That's it!
Here goes!You saw”.
They made
the signal !
There, ehe
sampan is
coming back.
Here are the boxe:
What do you make
oft Snowy?
Last might, sling
to Bombay, This
morning, here in|]
this Fo0mhem
‘Aka! There's
Someone who'll be
able to tell us,
Ay |
[Have you found the way
|... Good !... Then I'll cut of F
No?° idi!... Stop that!...
{Leave us...
and behave!
Yes, Papa.
‘Allow me to introduce myself: Wang
Chen-yee. Lam the Fatherof the poor
soul you saw just now. He was attacked
by our enemies and lost his miind tie
wight he to meet you in
Certainly, J owe you an
apology For sucha vilent
Kidnapping. Put he tele-
gram recalling you to
India was False. My son
T imust remain
in China?
But why?
Will you come with
we?... You will
Here is the friend who will be of
infinite help
These are the headquarters of the
Sons oF the Dragon. Weare a secret
‘society dedicated to the Fight aging
opium, the terrible drug causing
‘such havoc in our country. Our great—
Yes, Mitsuhirato. He's a Japanese secret
agent in China...and at the same time,
one oF the most active and evil of wen
= Not content with spying.
sre [eanco Prsmannd {he has jomed forces wit
Paeecey) onan] opium smugolers..e helps
rv [race H thom dietribue ail oer te
Hello, Tokye? |'4 one | aves sige i
acct | Spivm | eorex
T'm certain to succeed, Excellency)
provided your propagava is
fel organised. wil be |
Perfect... Now the coast is
clear for... you know what.
Succeed in that and you
will recieve, the Order of
Fugjiyama, first class!
Helle?.. Hello?
‘Tokyo here
Ay, it’s wou
{ Yes, Excellency...Allis |
well. Tintin?» Om the
way to India. recalled
by telegram, seme ym,
oF course. No, not easy
Tse idaing Sono
the Drago tried to ke
him here had rake
‘siren menue
That is good... Goodbye
then, Excellency...
We Woped you would be willing
to help us, 20 we sent a mes-
Senger to India... But Mitsubiraae
py network is excellent. They
attacked the messenger and he
wont mad...Yot you sill came, and.
‘going to nelpyou to find )| |{ Look how
theway. Dow't worry, there's || || sharp the
nothing to it... ft just means
Cutting gly off your head...
He's gone!We'll goand look in my
Good to be
egother again,
isan eeu stoned | Mit
rarer sare Pua ||. Whe yn stayed ete WH ay rece
conte TE en Ae ete
Set ig in
Tntle pokes, ace on the way back to india. WY trunic aboard
the *Ranchi’
- J could
Forgive my poor cov, MrTintin. He} |[ Now, when Miteunirato wad fated |] If By radio? Your trunk came
tent responsible for his actions... fl to stop you coming tochina,hetred Yl |] weil, well with you, dear rnd
We would not wish
to deprive you oF
2k. day n Genova] | (Thon. on my journey.) |( THe word Yokohama aa
Fiend areatarm| | Tava tsa || mate nse || 12
ears come rae exer eal gene Jaenese || “Ceo
m uasty oape in Saturday || || Word, and Chat and... Wait! A signal |]! [oC ay
patente” | sere, ye || ane ame wre] 4
Sour gud Loe cm
ence stone
tach weak. anttnint
“Take the First two let-
ters of each word...there
"Blue Lotus ten tonight
so: Well, Bhat doesn't
wake much more
Blue lotus. Be lotus... Wai..Yes, T
in Shanghai there's an
Bh den with that name...
“Bn opium den?
Rigi! Ti be there
tovigieNo, Mr Mitsuhirato
hag not yet arrived
{ Good evening, sir. Someone )
is waiting for you.-
Here are $000 dollars in advance
You get the same again ste;
tne job is done. But just remem-
ber, iF you talk... you diet... You
understand 7... Good '... Now,
we 90Crumbs, its
Cold Now what
are they doing?
Taking cover?
Cheng fu station”
bandits have just
track. At post 23
Someone over there...
Look!... A spy!Ministry of War
Tokyo Stop
Chinese bandi
hhave blown up
Shanghai -
Nanking rail-
teilofmany ||
killed trying to
defend them:
to property
vot signifi I
Twelve Japan
ese died.
After the
ease cies Sree
ent f Censure st
Nias taays ve pound’ Gi eran an
“Having blown Wf 422ACkea
sp the ate” I te inocent
he rigaucle | ff Passenger.
T Japan must never forget her duty
Special. Chinese towdits |} te Quardian of law and civilisation
attack passenger tran'.. I) in the Far East... Glory to eur brave
soldiers who have now gone to
defend this nobleyeause!
[and once agamJapantactit))| so
ed her mission as guardian of ||| He! he! Don't say 1
law and civilisation in the farEast!||| idn't warn you!... China |
IF wehavebeen forced, toour ||] if an unhealthy place |
Se eee out ||| for litte Nosy tarkers!
‘into China, itis for the ||| =~
‘good of China herself!Woy driver will take you back to
“Shanghai... have unfinished
business with our young friend! |
0 ext?
They've brought we
here and locked me
in... What will
they di
My dear Mr Tintin, do Forgive
sme for not paying attention
0 you sooner.
Well, what are
you going to
do witha wie?
You are at my mercy. IF 160
Wish, you will Vanish'... But
all things considered, i dow
want €o kill you. No, on the
contrary. Ive decided
0 let you go...
Tine going to or
joy myself, dear
friend, Here on
the outskirts of
Shanghai no ove
saw you arrive,
and noone will
fer see you leave if
thats what decd
Excuse me.
ina moment
oF couret,..Ae
you wish
Tmust say, J lI { Oc you know what Ill Juct ove little jab. Don't be afraid!
tant exécted | this ie? ‘and Fit se you fez.) |] Onlya litle dose
We don't
The poison of
man teed
1 simply
And Chang?.
He's still Hot
back either?
No, Venerable
ot yer.
J comes jJ Tomdd) Thumb! ... Ja
Each peach Ipear P plum 22 Iw
And now, my little mau,
Lout you go!
chick. enicken!Thana went to
Seven suffering J was hidden in the
Samurais ! watch the house of cpap olla
That's not Mitsuhirato, eendn el te ue
Rajaijah...so_|| Venerable... He
place of the Rajaijah,
‘and I've brought you
the real poison. 1
took care of his kwife
‘and his gues
what did |.2|
Tisepe Ped im We aa
ee sats tat a There
I could have
sworn my gun was}
loaded... Anyway,
I still have my
‘And perhaps that's made
of rubber as well |.
a Tar hada | aor, Tm
been half murdered by a young Euro
Chinese spy! His
Now we must go back
to Mr Wang .
“There isn't a mom-
ent to lose..J must
get out of the city.Hello?...Yes?.
Hide your-
Self! Quick’
paca Friend!
Blow we, if Chat ion
Wh) Tintin. Stopped me tence
MP) | ing manners to that
‘ Chinese chimpanzee!
Take me to your officer !..
J know where Tintin is, see? |507... You are sure oF | IF we walk fast we
be back with Mr Wang
by tonight.
| cm
vou facto?
Vi Absolutely certain
Major. sw i clearly
as I'm seeing you!
Lucky for me
Iwas hidden,
ET) We didn't Find bi,
Careful! Here y f, ; .
neta) eee | cece
ed car again! alons thatYou lied!
bedetained... And mark my words
plays the Fool with the wilitary authority
We found no trace of Tintin
‘Just let wie get out oF
inore and F'ifshow him
what I'm made of,
the little wine !
0 this is the mysterious
poison that's done 50
much damage..And if
had beer for yourservt
ous som is having enether
Fit of madnoes ang.
bat i's only a
‘And if | do that,
Hi have to get
back through the
Japanese lines.
Dow't cry, Mrs Wang... Tomorrow
morning T1lgo to Shanghai and I'l
have that poison analysed. Who
knows, perhaps we may Find a cure
Fi pm. £0r's madness,
1 Fear for you. Dow'e Forget
there is a price on your heas
Don't be afraid... 1F
can manage to reach the
International Settlement,
Fil be safe. They can't do
anything to me there...
Helio?... Yee, )]|{Qawsom here chet of
‘speaking...10 || W Police ofthe Internat
whom have 1 || [ional Settlement...
the honour. beliove youre holding |
‘A.chap called Gibkors
.N...From a large
let him go. Could
Wake aaah awful
(Agreed, vut on
I's a deal, Major...
You can count on
‘one condition
We're looking For
spy, name of
Tintin. IF he tae
refuge inthe Inter
national Settle
ment, you'll hand
ni oer.You've really made up Now, how am! going to get )||{ what?... Still not
your mind, then? t myself into the city? ) cauohe i’...
Yes. But don't worry. | ety suffering Sam
All will be well...And v sae one
11 keepin touch with you Cogn Hippel
| a
1 tell you, Tintin) Tae
it's absolutely a =
crazy! ...
YRS ag
There's anew general
coming here thi mr.
ving ona tourof ins
fection. | want even
hing i parecer
Taro, baracks A
Four daye detention 711
eee | a
2 a
Oa | ee
Eight days?"
very geod, sir!
piece of paper...
The paper ?...e just
blew here, General
Very sorry, sir.F char
ind that's our
new gi
Major, taere’sa Tittle)
man whe insists |
upon seeing you. He
claims to be the geneca
But. but the | And Tm telling you pick
general has. | cad, that 1M General
ust let:
Haranochi!... ] was atzack-
fd on the road bya young
Chinese who stripred we
| oF my uniform!!... |
Here we
Now let's release
my false stomach..
All right, Suowy?
‘Now to the Internat”
ional Settlement
And make it snappy!
made it!
ut my names Tin:
But look! You can see Vm a
ie] The boy hasnt any
papers, sir.
No use argu:
ing, sonny
Must have
proper papers
toenter the
A Japanese patrol!
J must get in. IF °|
I done... }Keep geing, Snowy! Fl
Be Shed os site dow.F which way
IL did he go?
eft ?...Right?..)
Straigint ahead?
‘At least they won't
come to look for
us in here!
Bl | enjoys a weil-
H | America. The
SEE a Faas
All know, sir, he was ayouglad]]
dressed lke a Chinese,andtetold} | Dieu rommee
sme his name nas Tintin... | MAtabia? Mr
755 Tin Tn.
BO Now aay ure he
“The President
of the Fil-
Republic opr
1...1' very happy to have
won...and...and I'll try to do
better next time
Professor Fang
Hsi-ying ishome
From his en
lecture tour ia
world authriy|
deserved rest
in his
That's the man to
cure Mr Wang's son!
() See Cigars of the Pharaoh
aa ee
T want Professor Fang Hi
You know where he lives?is Frofesser | Honourable master
Fong Hsi- | has not yet returned,
ying at home| But he will not be long.
please? | Will you qm wait?
My heart ianxious. | |( Yes, he went toa
Hovourable waster reception given in
told we he would tehome ||| his honour by his
by ten o'clock. Now it || |} friend Mr Liu Ju-lin
is after midnight inthe Street of the
Devries Purple Mountain
where he went ?
[What * My honourable friend has
wet reached home... Strange... He The Palace
left at about ten o'clock with one of Hotel, quicl
our guests, Mr Rastapopoulas, =
( Ractapoponios,
were feces
ire gp saying?
Professor Fang Hei-ying
never got home.
Tve just come from Mr Liu. He said
‘you left his house with Professor
Fang Hsi-ying.. Is that right ?..
Yes, quite right. | gave. the
professor a lift in my car
and left him at the comer of
the Street of Infinite Wisdom
where he lives.
Why do youasic?
Tintin! What a
pleasant surprise!
Good evening
Didw't get hows ?... But
it'sonly a few steps to his
door from the place
where I dropped him... |Hello 2... Yes, it's) | JE wasn’y
we... What is it? |} | my fault,
ewnae 2! You {| chief. The | Your master stilt
ddidn'e areest.” ||| porter didw' |) imen’e come home?.
him’? Dozy ||| warn me-soo| || very odd... Well,
dates enough He'd |] V1! see what I can
. already gove |l\ do...
Let's go over the
rofeasor's route
mi the tine he
got out of Rasta-
popoulos's car.
a a
He didn't wish to give
Gibbons... don't
Know age that name,
|Aha! A patch of oil.. WR. GIBBONS:
car must have a cin Wis wanes, Dat he
mwncinscimess || som he'd only be
| Please come
Isn't ib?...Well, | found icin the Street of
Infinite Wisco near thehouse of Frofes-
|| sor Fang Hsi-ying... Hedisappeared
aot wight
1/ | disappeared... That's vews
\ pe a= Fah ca ine
evening .(Z @
ya AS
‘ribbon, thie ie your business card, |
Gave nin my cae
He seemed
worried ..
| eto? icra J
Hetto!..ello | Take Grom and | Pease | I At the dovbie |.
Get me che goto he Fang Hs
Chief of
Wisdom. Tintin
isonhis way
there. Handcuff
him and bring
Fang Hsi-ying’s house!Oh, itis you, sir!... Come,
please’... have just receiv-|
ed a letter From Honourable|
Ym going £0 look for the Pro-
ooor..- While I'm gone will
you [00k after this package?
Please, take the greatest
care of it...
Td like to know why you've
arrested we.
Just a second, old
man, and youll be
in the picture...
Hello®...Japanese bor- |
der post?... Is that you, |
‘Major?...awson here.
You arrested hina”
Nes, that’s right...
]| Excellent...Jn haifan
Its disgraceful!...Tw on}
international tervitory
hhere and you have we right
to hand me over to the |
[(Excuse we, you're quite
wrong... Have you papers
Allowing you tobe in the
Settlement”... No, you
Fight toexpel you...JF the
Japanese arrest you, that's
none of my — business...Hello... yes...Tin-
tint... You got =
him?...His trial be-|| |(Venerable Master, Tinti
gins tomorrow?.._|||| a prisoner of the Japanese
How ongwillitlast?|| ||and they've condemned him!
V saw posters in
PeeComett Wr beth
ene NTN, ind
ey reer
2 Ate mrt
3. Aetking x eso ocr
“Tomorrow at
dawn Tintin
ends his career
leant see
any may to get
myself out of
this owe...
You really think
he'll accert?.
| come toyeuas a
friend, dear Tintin
«No, no Tim not
joking. I've come to
offer you your
‘Yes, Put on twa conditions
First, taat you join our
counter-espionage ser-
vice. Second, that you
tell we where you've
hidden the poison
you stole...
That's all?
are 10,000 dollars.
You accept wry prop.
sition, | get you cut
tomight, and the
money's yours.Well, that's torn it lomorrow morning We
z You see, te
Now | know what's have to cut off his head with one
in store forme... || _ chop.
The mouse went down there.
Perhaps there's a cellar...
Oh well, I've
nothing to lose...How can | thank you? Vit lead the
way ..
Ssh! Not a sound!
We must hurry !..
Follow me, quick!
(My howse, yes...1t@ the
one next to where you
were imprisoned. Ae soon
as 1 heard you'd been
sentenced I rented
this house. Then 1
madeuse of the three
days you were being |
paraded to dig twis
tanned ai
Are you
We must leave the
city at once. It will
‘500n be light and the
falar will be raised
Aly, is everything
Vanished? The prison}| |{ Escaped 7. noting
er vanished... lock: |||! blockhead. When you're
When you're || || guarding a prisoner you
prisoner || || watch him... And the
‘you don't let im escape || general?...Whaes the
‘And the wajer?. general going to say?
Wat's the major going
‘My brother told we, and he
had it from one of the guards.
Young Tintin escaped frow prizo
Tatiana ;
set aaa Mel haa
Tintin has escaped
Fujiyama! onthegates...
He can’t be
guarding import: Tintin has: Iy
Seles rennet es
you're on your out of tee city. y
‘quar. Now don We'd be a
it this news get Inughing - stock!
I ou i[Have you seen a cart go past
With sacks on it, pushed by
three chinese?
TO ves, 1caw Bh
it.’ why?
“They've wade a Foot oF you,
Lieutenant... Tintin was
Whidden in one of tose aac! H
Ser ‘major, the sentry)
‘guarding the armoured
care has disap. aap«=
Wy Se
The sentry! He's here
Hello?..Yes... What ?.
Someone stole an arm
ured car?... isn't
| possible...you must be
| mad ...1.. Very well,
Why didnt you go |
ater them
immediately ?
Answer me!
Why nok?
TPs our lucky day! [
Everyhing were ike decor! |
we couldn't, |
General. All the
other vehicles had
(Not to mention Finding
our brave Snowy wander:
ing in the road
|| ae. why cia
Yeu send aero
Ty 4
Tre pad ewough!
seal a whole regi.
Enough, d'you hear?... They'd
ail you'd se
"Turee- quarters of an
nour since they took
off! What are they
doing ?
‘Yes, General..we fund] |[ Bunglers, bunglere,
the armoured car hat- || || bunglers!.. Te tot
ed 20 kilometres of them! Whe
away...Yes, we land- |} || knows where Tin-
ed and had a look tin ig now?
Empty...Ne, no |||
one at all...J don't
| we're going to-save your son
we must find Fang Hoi-ying.
‘Then we'll take care oF
Mitsuhirato and his gangtze Kiang. That's where
the ransom For the
Tm going tomorrow
voliow, on te =
{Didn't you know?
Tue riverThat's better, eH? )
You almost swallowed
half the river’... Whats}
? Di Tintin}
[1am chang
Save my li
why did you
[Bt Chang al witmen
|aveate wicked, Yusee,
|aitferent peoples dott
vow enough about
each other: Lots of Eo
Thought all white
devils were wicked, lke
these who killed my
aranaather and grand
‘mother long age. Bucing
the Warcf Righteous
and Harmer (iss Boxer
ious Fists mr| Rebellion,
that al chinese
Gre cunning and
cruel and wear pig-
tail, are always
inventing tortures,
‘ind eating rotten
2995 and svallons
“The same stupid
Europeans are quite
convinced that all
Chinese have tiny
feet, and even wow
libtle Chinese girls
with bandages...
«designed to pre
went their Feee develo-
Fing normally. Theyre
ven convinced
that Chinese rivers
are full of unwanted
babies, thrown in
when they are born,
‘G0 you see Chang,
that's what loos
of people believe
about China!
They must
be crazy
people in
your country
V have just
received a
telegram ...
He caught a
train this
morning for
Mukow 2
into Chinese territory. $0
long as he's there we
Cant touch Mim.
But thats deep }!
Now. hang, what.
are you going to do?
(My parents are
Tve wo:
e's just... F OK, then!
may berunning | || OFF to Hukow!
into great dave
‘But two of
us would
be farweccienr || QAP [food worsing, Mr wtitsuniato.
cccoue” pane a] || What Fair wind blows you here?
‘seomif thre Chief of J. PT wo i ATomaariced| pees
Foc wait agrees. lI ogo COM Semen’. VII) Me iiteuniat:
o o.
Oh, can vouch 2 s
for him, General.. ‘i
T come to beg favour. I yeu |
agree a rantit Chen in |
tury J Foractaliabout that |
trifling sum of money you |
{oF course, me ee |
| chinese wouldn't |
refuse you permis
| Sion to go.aFter ||
4 European,
No, maybe not...
But what reason
committed any
What are
getting 4 a
Chinese Police Head") |} Twat’ it... wet) [a srry arcergemen You arrest
fuarter...Good |! have te pass || f Tintin, and Ic fim go for lac of eviderce |
involvement in the kidnapping morning, Mirawson || |) tomorrow mor || |By chance he fails intoour hands... |
oF Frofessor Fang Hsi-ying, For ing. My men wil nen aid
example. leave as oon EB) v0 cancel coat
criflng debe
oF ine.OF course... Whar
‘greater Haprinces!
Ay friend's son unde
ry hurdle, a
You already have trav-
el permits. Thisis a
safe-conduct From the
Chinese authorities.
ft will Facilitate your
mission ay... >)
All Chinese
authorities are
hereby direct-
ed torender
whatever as-
sistance may
I |be required
by the bearer
*? | of this pass
‘A rotten
There's a teain later this evening
That gives us time to get
ourselves ready
Just as well we came iv
What a life.
All night in
the train.
then three
houre walk...
Imagine the sensation
we'd nave caused, coming
toa place like this in
European clothes.
someting tells me we're
| being FollowedPoor soul, iFonly T How to tell
And this... All Chinese
‘authorities Have to
render assistance to
the bearer of this
For my
‘All right, do what you Goodl mg
must. Sm ready to go Yin being arrested|
Thave t00
oe) oe
- 7 i L_| oT
[Fives heterrosted Ges yours wean Vour lorem "Cooaness araciow)| TT cot nave putt
Here ig owr authorisation to operate in Chinese It iswt there ‘away properly... 1
territory... dear! Where's it gone? cither!... what... Fl showed i tothe prisoner |
fat: 7 BA into cre 3
other pocket, Well, were
§ obviously! j is it?
What Tuck?
There itis!You're funny, all
right... Hal hat ha!
Here, you canhave
‘Your precious paper.
Then you'd better get
out, fast! Without
your !
What's 60 funny. Tove precise, why’
Your Worship? || waking Fun of us?
It's disgraceful!
We're a diegrac
OF course! {should
have realised
We need something
g} todo! Shanghai
(res, Free...but | can't imagine
thy. The Superintendent ook one
lookat the paper, oared with
laughter, and threw the detect-
ives out! les extraordinary,
don't: vou think?
Pgh Now realy. YouseeTwrate
TG te pape icy showed a exe
Superintendent ie waa line
mee Tie en ace
‘for you, young mat,
you're Free togo, oF
Thamk you very much,
[.Fetrcotve ground] ([now t under-—] [( Poor Th
Up, Ar nd! —— Kindly send this tele- Now we must
Erimcacaeine:! Ul gcse rans sre [bas ceotreon gram to ne Chief f Poe, || Wook For Professor
found sowepaper |IB Sr chang! LC Pow worry international Settlement,
just Che same, and i Tintin... They Shanghai.
deserved it.
wrote: case you
havent noticed we
‘arelunatics and
this proves it. Then|
Ipue my paper in
place of te cther one,Botheration | Telegraph lines
to Shanghai are cut because
OF the Floods. We'll have to
90 ourselves
ZR | 8
Here's the storwr,
[think we'd be
‘safer to go back
You're right, |
Here's my messenger!
You've got news of Tintin's
arrest, that's for sure!
‘Arrest failed.
Tintin free.
| tnstruc
T want this Finished!
Desperate cases call
for desperate remedies!
‘Liguidate!' One word,
that's enough !
What a beastly business.
Eravelling all night
Y{ All because oF that
rotten commissar!
[f Picture oF you togermer, entiemen?
f] Ready itive
That's the old
temple they
old temple. Look,
even a photographer
Chang, there'sInfernal machine!
My tommy-gun
Filthy Chinese’... Tl teach 4 5 fow ten, start alking! Jap
you to mind your own gangster, or || fanese, arewt you? -Mitaubinto
business! 3s 1 ‘photograph’ Dur tothis, didn't he?
= Se youat pointe &
ae > Blank range!
Yee, he's afrmid oF you...
You have the Rajaijah
Bo Wrote 3
Wsieying ig not in Bhe
"Tne ransom letter
That's a lie!
wasa fake tolead
Allright, we'll go
back down to Hukow.
Hai-ying, Wechinks the |||{ False trail teweh! is it Chang?
professor will develop swear'!..Only
favbaoes. That's why iano MD wis incky aw
he kidnapped the mows where uilet only grazee
ree I) ttcprtese|| IQ) Set rnd
Esmicarenit ss ‘
ae| Wheod
[e What about
Tnaes pat him behind |] |{ Allright, oFF
tolice can handle ||] bars... Now, Chang, [|| we 90 C0
this thug if Mitsuhirato Shanghai! "To be precise
a won't to come to us, here we aren't
we'll go to Mitsu. It's three hours,
hhirato!... What do walk to Hukow.
ou think? Wat aie Thom
ei ik son, what a life!
Tagreettripover the suitcase and
fall on tne. platform.
( Great snakes!
b) Thomson!... Lee's
fj hore ie doesn't
catch ust...
The train! Its leaving]
Ve tna
UG On the platform...
P| Waiting forthe
[1 was just catching it, but
didi notice I'd run out oF
platform !
Only one thing todo: warn Shang.
nai by telegram. Tuey'l arrest"
hhimt on arrivalThat's the last
of the passen
gers... and
‘till no sign
oF Tintin
‘No luck, chief...He
wasn't on the train. J
reckon he hopped off
Wretched litte brat
Always outwits
5 aE CW last imate!
It's dark mow.
Good thing we jumped |] |[ Mr Mitsuhirato?
when the train slowed || ...Yes it's we
outside the station. |} || hm afraid not.
Vm aure someone slipped trough
would have boon wait-||| our Fingers
Yes, Vm.as sorry
as youare
What doyou
expect? | did my
folicement | exppore)|[{ come i
Tit hawe to doiemmy. || |U Come
elf, For tne umpteen || BATU
fie! cad
‘Master, Tintin is in
Shavghai.J 3a Wine
with a Chinese boy. They
got into taxi, but |
Couldn't hear the address
thoy gave the driver.»
Pinere’s Miteunirato's
house. While I get
inside, you keep
wno's iding hiv
Understand ?
Listen, Yamato
Get busy...Try to
discover where he's
gone to ground, and
chance to heal
Twill. Then we
must deal with
gods be praised! we meet
int... You must rest For a
Few days... Give your wound a
No one'!...50
Far 0 good
You're sure it doren'e
inure amy more?
Not a Bit, Chang.
\] Look, ail back to
)| Snormat
You're sure Tintin is
there right now ?You're right, Yamato,
it's just thar mt
itching to get wy
hands on the lot of
All clear: you
What's the matter ?
1m worried
1 explain later,
Chang...Hurry! We
Look were, Fv not
‘you 50 this is a
private car?
Docent matter") No, novo!
fForncaven's | And when
aakeget | Vsayne,
cing mean no!
Lives are at,
They know everything, | heard
them. They krow Mr Wang has
bran looking acer us... They're
going te kidnap hint tomght
with his wife and son
And us too, if they find us
there.The door isn't closed!
All seems ¢
It's Mr Wang's
Servmt!... He's | Too tate! Taey've
been chloroformed! been kidnapped!
[Look what
ve found...The Blue Lotus ?...1's
an opium den in
Shanghai...How dol get
in without being rec
ised?...IM disguise:
(indeed, master... e
as tried to disguise
hinge. fake beard
‘and a biack wig, but
LT recognised wim
IAG Now for some
Oh, my goodness!
Someone Seems to hau
La bene to pick with me! (8
trick with the little bit oF paper, with a
srs ox
Not aad idea, was it, my Friend ?... That
Sennw! on it by Mr Wang...11 protest!....J protest !...
He! He! You |
protest. You've
| more of
Untie hina
No, lam not Tinzin! |
} Tam the Consul for |
Poldaviat...Yut! hear_|
Not el
Fogo we si, jrwnsallay
ta eon yout Somerdy co. |
cece, By
dear @N for this!
Samurnis!..Wait till | get
him, jst wai bil | get ire!
“3 OF
le ai
[ Goodbye! Telephone we iF f think Tintin will come... |
| sean developmen. s ae
No, he'll be |
IG || se ess
‘Midnight tomorrow?...
BE 1! ene wich you.
Als weil, Chow,
discovered quite a No, Chang, I cnn it's
lor..Come quickly, better if 1 go alone.
We mustn't stayhere Pi tell you why:
put you in
ihe picture
[ft going home... Yamato, be ready with
] the lorry at midnight: tomorrow, at godown
No.9. The ‘Harika Maru’ will moor alongside.
Load the goods and take them ro theIs that the last lot?
there they are! Yes, just these tobe
loaded, and we can go.
Take the opium OK, we can move
cout of the barrel, off now.
get inside... and
Bob's your
So you can abandon all hope
‘They say the chinese aren't afraid
to die, Well, 've propared a Fitting
| end for you'... Your son, Wang,
your own mad son, wil cut off
your head! Ficture the scene
Your wife, Tintin, and you, all
beheaded ‘by your on!
It was a mistake to pit your
wits against wine, my dear
Wang!..A big wistake!..Bueit's |
too late now...The time has come
For you to die!
“You smile.You init)
like a teil dew you?
Thebero cushesinat te
last moment avd saves
your life. favcon my
laughteri...At Enis very
moment your hero Tintin
is already in my
we've been
‘going for two
hours... 1
where to
Ani's you, Pleaseenter, dear \||{ Now for That's the one, Master ‘My dear Tintin, welcome to
Yamato!.... A |] | Mewang!..Wedowt ||| some fun! || marked with a cross the end of the road!
went welt? want you to wise
The ag Sho
Like clock
work, Master,
The barre are
in there...Something tells me you
werent expecting this
or oF rection hen you
Thnew perfectly well you
were inthe barre..You were
at the Blue Lotus tast night
aud had a good lauglt
fat my expense, no doubt...
You Weard "the orders 1
ave Yaaro... Everything
id gone your way... But
‘ne oF my men saw you
leave and alerted we.
‘old myselF you
they loosened the
wouldite Pe able to resist suck a
od opportunity, col seta bap.
‘etd hem olaave you alone,
barrel, and everything
nappevied as I'd foreseen!
Cleverer than you thought,
auyway'...Als, here's an
old friend of yours, He
doesn't want co miss
top of one. your execution !
well dowe, Mr
You're quite
Rastapopeuls'. Roberto Rastx
We got him
Grand Master. Porous Youvebeen trying to
si asia Mertastapopoos,singot
Me Ractepoteslagy dig smugglers... astapopou'
Sinhewane over a CPE near
Géipajamia.and you thought
Taled Rastapopoutes alive
Gand ci indo co
ington top You, leader
orche gang?
You aren't cowinced, oh?
Look at that '..Now clo you
belicwe we?
The sign oF
tae Pharaoh |
} Kis -Osch!
Wf Lao Tru said: ‘You must Find the way...
ve found it...1's quite eaay. It going to
H eur OFF your head. Then you
oo will know the true
‘You're... you're absolutely
sure there isn't any risk
For us?
, a8 000 as he's done
the job Yamato will take
(D) See Cigars of the PharaohBravo, Chang!
Y Only just in }
Chang! } thought
you hadn't succeed:
‘Yes, it went 1 bow my old head in Well, gentlemen! It's my turn to | knew perfectly welt I'd been
wiiowra item. |] eespecr Before tne courage |} eee eplammg Me itera | || Ze ving tie Bl Ls Nowe
The crew of the oF your yout, Chang! Were you really silly enough Noone Took a Few precautns
wien t tabive ta walk straight its |) ||MO Mt 00k a en precautions.
“hacior Maru were surprised
ty the Sons of the Seager
hal put in irovs' Some of our
revts Mid inthe barrels to
be delivered to you, Obuers
Stated for your men, then
Save theo Aad wloacing
he barrels.
Sou anow ta
"Harika Maru’
didn't have time
to say ‘Ouch
lent: uM e,
Ram cacy | eters ft Ste
y soul!
over the prisoners. The others
search the house. Chang and 1
‘Three men stay here to keep guard }
ta ae__ aes
FANG HSFYING FOUND: Professor Prisoner in Opium Den
SHANGHAI, Wedoeday mic cists vwutm) ‘TINTIN’'S OWN STORY
Flea Fang Faint bee [A sion fuser wos ue
fond The potienm te nhe lbypecs Hoe Lon rn a
Stu wate fil caraune war ust y te | THs orn, eo of he hour May man with nip ie i
im wek einen scholar Fang [gamle wo commie |i taeda usados |Your the worl
qparicahioey teeters [ois too Sigs cn de High we trey de ohm the my my
per genbyetiind Pulkeefire [nrmaton redone ta
to. tase him rou poraobe cms pee
eureang [ebareain ard uote,
fo cher wer | Home June br
found Misr was ao marched. No
Set Si, Peery my pes os pee
Vent weer [aie of tormow decane
iain isos [Crees red roses me te
Hic hun er the [paps once ucorones oicl
soem tiny svt pm
Ea bi fees ae ena
Pokey Fare JEPGs we reported irr |dlclowe recent’ Shanghai Nanking|
Sine te futeey belies ws peers
ag Tinks wail tn ccieris [amie homeo’ ogee
Japanese forces. Secret society Sons |League of Nations officials in [latlons, we asked Mr Tincin cotell us
‘of the Dragon aided Tintin In the Geneva will seady the captured how he suceeded in smashing the
wee, Feng Hing weet [oomene fo danas rsrnso
See reeceatee st
ng eepden one ale in
"Tne conclusions of the Sub-Commit>)| |[1 snail beinter )] [{Centiemen, make no ma-)] [|] am authorised to announce.
ne room for dout ro hear take! | categorically deny that my governiment has ordered
eeanty eterna ede | [tated concer II Pe aceuantione contained || bo troops to witndeaw fora
irrefutable proof. Tue attack upon delegate's news repert of Ene BSc Chee berrories rea
eaten ahi AES Comte Thee aco | atte he ieident onthe Shang
the Shanghti-Nanking railway ep ations ae aninsuile townie ||| hal-Nanking railway: To that,
‘pinned an exeeuted
ira lapaee
tet working upon
direct onder trom
Is government.
& Lagan declines towake any ‘entlemen | must add
with regret that 1
SEG solemn protest against
The affront tomy
country, Japan Finds
herself obliged to resign
From te League oF Nation!
Maanashile, i Lharghas
wo gentlemen wish
Thave wonderfal news for )) || to speak to Mr
you my som iscured! Tint
Professor Fang Hsi-ying
has discovered am antidote
tothe terrible poison oFGood
zy "To be precise: good
worning. Here We
are, last as
usual ..
ing Er... Here
&s: Se
(es, me... to offer our
congratulations, and to tell you
We... WE.
We nover Believed Fora
minute you were guilty.
But what could we do?
We had to obey orders.
Temakes we sick! ] Poor devi
Having tobetp crate | Sti he wad a
he trump oF that real vilain!
tittle sae! Le,
What cle do RG at sera i
vont ne | Sangh Se )
ca do isu ,
se Be Lot f
facadin the Be
fair and principal oF
ere ack
on. the
That reminds | Our Fal
me.weglad to_ | Fall?
8 you complerey | on,
recovered From
your Fal ,
{oh, yes o
Yes, yes
Ji Yee, we're Fully recover
ur Fallin Hukow!.
now { remeber |
-d now, How could we
sucha cropper ?
e've never Fallen 30
We shan't forget that downfal...We've
learnt our lesson. We'l be carefulin Future!
fou cam be sure we shan't
fall for that again!
ing our eyes open,
never Fear!
to go. Wemust
No, we'll be keep
leave you
Now it's time |
JTrice my alas fo your precious heath
intin. Yourcourage and noblity ave restored
happiness to this humble house. Your
mémory will engraved upon our hearts
fein Finest erystal
There is one who, i such is possible, will miss
you even more than J. Chang, who has already
known the sadness of losing his parents, Chang,
‘who found in you a brother. If be wishes, he
will be my son, the brother of wy own poor
@B, 50 to whom our honourable
Friend Fang Hsi-ying has
Farewell, noble Tintin. May
ather Friendships lighten your
fey Ay There is a rainbow in
my heart, Venerable
Lady... weep becouse
Tintin is going but the
sunshines because |
have a new mother
‘and father!
‘and accompany you along the way!
days in your country in the West, HOF TINTIN
rsa 0-7697-0465-9
4 a
ha ay
4 yy Di
oy J
THE SHOOTING wo we age
‘Aso in this series a Tintin film book based on the characters created by Hergé: TINTIN AND THE LAKE OF SHARKS.