01 Midway Maritime V Castro

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The dispute is about ownership of a residential building located on two parcels of land that have changed ownership several times.

The dispute is about whether the petitioner or respondents own a residential building located on two parcels of land in Cabanatuan City.

The Court ruled that the sale of the property only included the two parcels of land and not the residential building.

G.R. No.


August 6, 2014


Chairman/President PhD in Education DR. SABINO M. MANGLICMOT, Petitioner,
MARISSA E. CASTRO, ET AL., Respondents.

Midway Maritime and Technological Foundation (petitioner) is the lessee of two

parcels of land in Cabanatuan City. The president of the company is Dr. Sabino
Manglicmot. He is married to Adoracion Cloma, the registered owner of the land.
Inside said property stands a residential building owned by the respondents.
The two parcels of land were originally owned by the respondents father Louis
Castro, Sr. The elder Castro was also the president of Cabanatuan City Colleges
On August 15, 1974, Castro mortgaged the property to Bancom Development
Corporation (Bancom) to secure a loan.
During the subsistence of the mortgage, CCCs board of directors agreed to a 15year lease of a portion of the property to the Castros children, herein respondents,
who subsequently built the residential house nowin dispute.
The lease was to expire in 1992.
When CCC failed to pay its obligation, Bancom foreclosed the mortgage and the
property was sold at public auction in 1979, with Bancom as the highest bidder.
Bancom thereafter assigned the credit to Union Bank of the Philippines (Union
Bank), and later on, Union Bank consolidated its ownership over the properties in
1984 due to CCCs failure to redeem the property.
When Union Bank sought the issuance of a writ of possession over the properties,
which included the residential building, respondents opposed the same.
The case reached the Court entitled, Castro, Jr. v. CA, and in a Decision, the Court
ruled that the residential house was owned by the respondents.
In the meantime, Adoracions father, Tomas Cloma (Tomas), bought the two parcels
of land from Union Bank in an auction sale conducted on July 13, 1993. Tomas
subsequently leased the property to the petitioner and thereafter, sold the same to
Several suits were brought by the respondents against the petitioner, including the
case at bench, which is an action for Ownership, Recovery of Possession and
Damages, docketed as Civil Case No. 3700 (AF).
In their Amended Complaint the respondents alleged:
(1) they are the owners of the residential building, which they used from 1977 to
1985 when they left for the United States of America and instituted their uncle, Josefino C.
Castro (Josefino), as the caretaker; (2) Manglicmot, leased the building (except for the
portion occupied by Josefino) from Lourdes Castro, mother of the respondents; (3) the
petitioner failed to pay rent starting August 1995, thus prompting the respondents to file the

The petitioner, however, denied respondents ownership of the residential building

and claimed that Adoracion owns the building, having bought the same together with
the land on which it stands.
Regional Trial Court: rendered judgment in favor of the respondents, declared them
as the absolute owners of the residential building
CA: dismissed the petitioners appeal

WON there was a lease agreement between the petitioner and respondent regarding the
residential building? YES, the petitioner thus cannot claim ownership over the building.

Such issue is a question of fact already resolved by the RTC in the affirmative.
From June 1993 to July 25, 1995 or for a period of 26 months, the [petitioner] has
been paying rentals for the building in question and paid a rental of [P]156,000.00
which rental was increased to P10,000.00 beginning October 1995 when the
caretaker of the [respondents] Mr. Josefino Castro was ejected therefrom and the
entire building was leased to the [petitioner], represented by Dr. Sabino
Evidence: cash disbursement voucher issued by the petitioner to Mrs. Lourdes
Castro. The voucher contained the statement "payment of building rentals x x x from
June 01 to December 01, 1993" in the total amount of P36,000.00.
[TOPICAL] It is settled that "[o]nce a contact of lease is shown to exist
between the parties, the lessee cannot by any proof, however strong, overturn
the conclusive presumption that the lessor has a valid title to or a better right
of possession to the subject premises than the lessee." Section 2(b), Rule 131
of the Rules of Court prohibits a tenant from denying the title of his landlord at
the time of the commencement of the relation of landlord and tenant between them.
Santos v. National Statistics Office - Court expounded on the rule on estoppel
against a tenant and further clarified that what a tenant is estopped from denying
is the title of his landlord at the time of the commencement of the landlordtenant relation. If the title asserted is one that is alleged to have been acquired
subsequent to the commencement of that relation, the presumption will not apply.
In this case, Adoracions ownership dates back to her purchase of the two parcels of
land from her father, Tomas. It was Tomas who bought the property in an auction sale
by Union Bank in 1993 and leased the same to the petitioner in the same year. Note
must be made that the petitioners president, Manglicmot, is the husband of
Adoracion and son-in-law of Tomas. It is not improbable that at the time the petitioner
leased the residential building from the respondents mother in 1993, it was aware of
the circumstances surrounding the sale of the two parcels of land and the natureof
the respondents claim over the residential house. Yet, the petitioner still chose to
lease the building. Consequently, the petitioner is now estopped from denying the
respondents title over the residential building.
What Tomas bought from Union Bank in the auction sale were the two parcels of land
originally owned and mortgaged by CCC to Bancom, and which mortgage was later
assigned by Bancom to Union Bank. Contrary to the petitioners assertion, the
property subject of the mortgage and consequently the auction sale pertains
only to these two parcels of land and did not include the residential house
In Castro, Jr. v. CA, the Court nullified the writ of possession issued by the trial court
insofar as it affected the residential house constructed by the respondents on the
mortgaged property as it was not owned by CCC, which was the mortgagor.

WON the sale of the property included all improvements, including the building? NO.

As regards the ruling of the RTC of Cabanatuan City that the advertised sale of the
property included all the improvements thereon, that said case involved an action for
ejectment and any resolution by the RTC on the matter of the ownership of the
improvements of the property is merely provisional and cannot surpass the Courts
pronouncement in Castro and in the present case.
Also, Adoracions subsequent acquisition of the two parcels of land from her father
does not necessarily entail the acquisition of the residential building. "A building by
itself is a real or immovable property distinct from the land on which it is constructed
and therefore can be a separate subject of contracts."

WON the lease had already expired when Adoracion bought the property from Tomas?
The issue cannot be resolved in the present case, but nothing supports that view.

The petitioner also insists that the lease between CCC and the respondents already
expired when Adoracion bought the property from Tomas. The foregoing issue,
however, cannot be considered in the present action. There is also nothing on record
that will prove the petitioners claim that the lease between CCC and the
respondents already expired. The fact that Adoracion subsequently bought the
property did not ipso facto terminate the lease. While the lease between CCC and
the respondents contained a 15-year period, to end in 1992, the petitioner failed to
show that the subsequent transferors/purchasers of the two parcels of land opted to
terminate the lease or instituted any action for its termination.
Bancom bought the property at an auction sale in 1979; Union Bank, in 1984; Tomas,
and later, Adoracion, acquired the property in 1993. It cannot be denied that the
transferors/purchasers of the property all had knowledge of the lease between CCC
and the respondents; yet, not any of the transferors/purchasers moved to terminate
the lease.

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