Continuing Care Advisory Council (CCAC) Meeting Materials

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A. Introduction&Greetings


B. ReadingofConflictofInterestStatement(Chapter112,FloridaStatutes)


C. PurposeoftheCouncil


D. RemindersandDistributionofTravelReimbursementForms


E. Review&ApprovalofSeptember29,2016MeetingMinutes



A. OpeningStatementsregardingrequestforSpecialMeeting




B. ProposedAmendments,Additions,orDeletionsofFloridaStatutes


C. FLiCRA/LeadingAgeCommentsregardingproposedstatutorychanges FLiCRA/LAF

D. OpportunityforPublicComments*

E. AdvicetotheOfficeregardingproposedstatutorychanges



A. NextScheduledCouncilMeetingDate,Time,andPlaceofMeeting
B. Other



Presentation to the Governors

Continuing Care Advisory
Special Meeting
January 18, 2017

Reading of the Conflict of Interest


Duties of the Advisory Council

Meet at least once a year

Elect officers

Hold other meetings as required

Keep a record of its proceedings

Act in an advisory capacity to the Office

Recommend to the Office needed changes in statutes and rules

Upon the request of the Office, assist with any corrective action,
rehabilitation, or cessation of business plan of a provider

Travel Reimbursement Forms

Review & Approval of Minutes of

the Governors Continuing Care
Advisory Council Meeting
(September 29, 2016)

Opening Statements regarding

request for Special Meeting
Joel Anderson, Chairman of Governors
Continuing Care Advisory Council

Opening Statements regarding

request for Special Meeting
Rich Robleto, Deputy Commissioner, Life &
Health, Office of Insurance Regulation

Proposed Statutory Amendments,

Additions, or Deletions of Florida

Promote Financial Stability
Enhance Consumer Protections
Improve Regulatory Efficiencies

Promote Financial Stability: To protect the

substantial investments of residents and
prospective residents and to provide CCRCs
with a framework in which to operate.


Authorize the Office to intervene if a provider attempts
to mortgage a facility to remove assets or to engage in
other transactions that are hazardous to the residents. (s.
651.019, F.S.)
Clarify that the Office can intervene if a facility closes on
a hazardous financing transaction and can require the
facility to remove any officer or director participating in
the closing. (s. 651.019, F.S.)
Clarify that the Office can file an Immediate Final Order
to cease and desist if a person exercises authority as an
officer or director without the requisite approval. (s.
651.1141, F.S.)

Clarify that a feasibility study must be
prepared by an independent consultant. (s.
651.021, F.S.)
In an expansion, remove the prohibition on
marketing before a provider has 50% presales
and require only initial approval to expand. (s.
651.021, F.S.)

Streamline filings by removing the
requirement to file 4th quarter financial
statements and including the actuarial opinion
in the annual filing due in April. (s. 651.026,
Codify in statute the existing rule regarding
monthly financial statements. (s. 651.0261,

A provider must maintain a reserve on the balance sheet (not
required to be held in escrow) for the benefit of residents
based on actuarial projections to ensure that the provider is
prepared to meet its contractual liabilities. (s. 651.034, F.S.)
Reserves may be:
Cash, cash equivalent
Mutual funds, equities, investment grade bonds
Real property: up to 70% of reserves may be backed using
up to 50% of the net equity in the real property
The Office is looking for input on an appropriate phase in
period for existing facilities.

Prevent improper removal of funds by requiring
prior written approval before payment of a
dividend or distribution of an asset. (s. 651.036,
Allows dividends less than 10% of reported net
income. (s. 651.036, F.S.)
For proposed dividends greater than 10% of
reported net income, requires a finding that the
dividend does not jeopardize the financial
condition of the facility. (s. 651.036, F.S.)

Enhance Consumer Protections Prohibit

practices and transactions that are detrimental
to resident interests and clarify OIRs authority
to intervene.


Enhance the Offices ability to monitor
changes in control requiring the seller of a
controlling interest to notify the office before
the sale. (s. 651.024, F.S.)


Financial Examinations
Create consistency between exams of CCRCs and other
Enhance tools to more effectively examine a providers books
and records.
Clarify that records includes all documents regardless of form.
(s. 651.011, F.S.)
Clarify the duty to make freely available to the Office the
accounts, records, documents during an examination or
investigation. (s. 624.318, F.S.)


Financial Examinations
Specify that any individual who willfully obstructs the
department, the office, or the examiner in the examinations
or investigations authorized by this part is guilty of a
misdemeanor. (s. 624.318, F.S.)
Require that all records and assets shall be maintained in the
state. (s. 651.051, F.S.)
Specify that the Office may examine any provider and relevant
records of affiliates to ascertain the financial condition of the
CCRC. (s. 651.105, F.S.)


Create consistency between licensing of CCRCs and
other entities.
Apply standard of competent and trustworthy
rather than reputable and of responsible character.
(ss. 651.022 and 651.0245, F.S.)
Require future provider applicants to be corporations
while grandfathering in existing licensees. (s.
651.011, F.S.)

Minimum Liquid Reserve

Require MLR funds to be held with Bureau of
Collateral Management. (s. 651.035, F.S.)
Document requests to withdraw renewal and
replacement funds with a board resolution and
affidavit signed by two officers stating that funds are
required and unavailable from current operating and
capital expenditure funds. (s. 651.035, F.S.)
Provide a mechanism for release of funds from the
debt service reserve or the operating reserve. (s.
651.035, F.S.)

Create consistency between insolvency provisions applicable
to CCRCs and other entities.
Require an Officer, Director, or Manager of an insolvent
facility to demonstrate that his or her personal actions or
omissions were not a significant contributing cause to the
insolvency before they assume such role in the future. (s.
651.025, F.S.)
Require an insolvent provider to receive prior approval of the
Office before writing new contracts if its Officers, Directors, or
Managers know, or reasonably should know, that the CCRC is
insolvent. (s. 651.1065, F.S.)

Changes in Management
Clarify the current requirement to file notice of any changes in
management within 5 days. (s. 651.041, F.S.)
The Office is looking for input to refine the term
Establish criteria for approval of a new manager. (s. 651.041,
Provide action to be taken if a manager does not meet the
criteria including an immediate final order in extreme cases.
(s. 651.041, F.S.)


Management Contracts
Establish criteria for review and approval of
management contracts. (s. 651.1151, F.S.)
Requires managers to be competent and
experienced. (s. 651.1151, F.S.)


Disclosures to Current Residents and Prospective Residents

Require timely notice to the chair of the residents council
of issued examination reports and the initiation of any
legal or administrative proceedings. (s. 651.114, F.S.)
Require that information available to prospective
residents be available to current residents. (s. 651.114,
Require notice to prospective residents of issued
examination reports and any ongoing legal or
administrative proceedings. (s. 651.114, F.S.)


Administrative Action
Clarify that the Office may deny an application or
suspend or revoke a certificate of authority if
owners, managers or controlling persons are found
to be unqualified. (s. 651.107, F.S.)
Establish that a CCRC has not more than 2 years to
cure any deficiencies that are the basis of a
suspension of a providers certificate of authority
before the certificate of authority is revoked by
operation of law. (s. 651.107, F.S.)

Administrative Action
Specify violations that constitute an immediate danger to the
public health, safety or welfare and authorize the Office to
issue an immediate final order. (s. 651.1141, F.S.)
Specific violations include:
s. 651.019, F.S. - New financing, additional financing, or refinancing
s. 651.0245, F.S. Application for the simultaneous acquisition of a
facility and issuance of a certificate of authority
s. 651.025, F.S. Insolvent facilities or providers
s. 651.036, F.S. Dividends and other distributions of assets
s. 651.041, F.S. Approval of change in management
s. 651.083, F.S. Residents Rights

Improve Regulatory Efficiencies Streamline

regulations in order to clarify filing
requirements, reduce burdens on providers and
applicants and speed up processing times
without sacrificing quality oversight.


Clarify that the assumption of the role of a General Partner of a
CCRC or the assumption of ownership or possession of or control
over 10% or more of a specialty insurers assets requires an
acquisition filing. (s. 651. 651.024, F.S.)
Establish that the Office can petition the circuit court to take
action if an acquisition occurs that has not been approved by the
Office. (s. 651.024, F.S.)
Establish that a Form 13g maybe be filed in lieu of a disclaimer
of control or acquisition application. (s. 651.024, F.S.)
Creates a streamlined acquisition statute and clarifies which
statute applies to each type of transaction. (s. 651.024)

Create a hybrid licensing statute for the simultaneous
acquisition of a facility and issuance of a certificate of
authority. (s. 651.0245, F.S.)
Standardize language regarding deadlines for
approving licensing applications to be consistent with
other entities. (ss. 651.022 and 651.023, F.S.)


Unfair and Deceptive Trade Practices

Remove reference to inapplicable unfair and
deceptive trade practices and creates a new
section in Chapter 651 specific to CCRCs. (s.
651.064, F.S.)
The Office is looking for input on additional


Contract Form Filings

Provide flexibility to pay refunds from operating funds
or refund reserve within 90 days. (s. 651.055, F.S.)
Specify a unique identifier must appear on each
contract form. (s. 651.055, F.S.)
Establish a 60-day timeframe to pay a refund to a
prospective resident who cancels due to death, illness
or incapacity. (s. 651.055, F.S.)
Clarify criteria for approval of contract form filings. (s.
651.058, F.S.)

Department of Financial Services

Proposed Changes to Chapter 651


Comments regarding proposed

statutory changes

Comments regarding proposed

statutory changes

Public Comments


Advice to the Office regarding

proposed statutory changes


Other Administrative Matters


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Table of Contents
628.4615 Acquisition of a specialty insurer ................................................................................ 3
651.011 Definitions...................................................................................................................... 5

Exempted facility; written disclosure of exemption ...................................................... 7

651.013 Chapter exclusive; applicability of other laws ............................................................... 7


Insurance business not authorized ................................................................................. 7

651.015 Administration; forms; fees; rules; fines........................................................................ 7

651.018 Administrative supervision ............................................................................................ 8
651.019 New financing, additional financing, or refinancing ..................................................... 8
651.021 Certificate of authority required..................................................................................... 8
651.022 Provisional certificate of authority; application. ............................................................ 9
651.023 Certificate of authority; application ............................................................................. 12
651.0235 Validity of provisional certificates of authority and certificates of authority ............ 15
651.024 Acquisition ................................................................................................................... 16
651.0245 Application for the simultaneous acquisition of a facility and issuance of a certificate
of authority .................................................................................................................................... 16
651.025 Insolvent facilities or providers .................................................................................. 22
651.026 Annual reports .............................................................................................................. 22
651.0261 Quarterly and monthly statements ............................................................................. 24
651.028 Accredited facilities ..................................................................................................... 24
651.033 Escrow accounts........................................................................................................... 24
651.034 Refund Reserve ............................................................................................................... 26
651.035 Minimum liquid reserve requirements ......................................................................... 27
651.036 Dividends and other distributions of assets .................................................................... 30
651.041 Approval of change in management ............................................................................... 31
651.051 Maintenance of assets and records in state .................................................................. 32
651.055 Continuing care contracts; right to rescind .................................................................. 32
651.057 Continuing care at-home contracts .............................................................................. 36
651.058 Grounds for disapproval. ......................................................................................... 37
651.061 Dismissal or discharge of resident; refund................................................................... 37
651.064 Unfair and deceptive trade practices prohibited .......................................................... 38
651.065 Waiver of statutory protection ..................................................................................... 43
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651.071 Contracts as preferred claims on liquidation or receivership....................................... 43
651.081 Residents council ........................................................................................................ 43
651.083 Residents rights........................................................................................................... 44
651.085 Quarterly meetings between residents and the governing body of the provider; resident
representation before the governing body of the provider ............................................................ 45
651.091 Availability, distribution, and posting of reports and records; requirement of full
disclosure ...................................................................................................................................... 46
651.095 Advertisements; requirements; penalties ..................................................................... 48
651.105 Examination and inspections ....................................................................................... 48
651.106 Grounds for discretionary denial refusal, suspension, or revocation of certificate of
authority ........................................................................................................................................ 49
651.1065 Soliciting or accepting new continuing care contracts by insolvent facilities or providers
....................................................................................................................................................... 51
651.107 Duration of suspension; obligations during suspension period; reinstatement ............ 51
651.108 Administrative fines ..................................................................................................... 52
651.1081 Remedies available in cases of unlawful sale ............................................................ 52
651.111 Requests for inspections .............................................................................................. 52
651.114 Delinquency proceedings; remedial rights................................................................... 53
651.1141 Immediate Final Orders ................................................................................................ 54
651.1151 Administrative, vendor, and management contracts .................................................. 54
651.116 Delinquency proceedings; additional provisions ......................................................... 55
651.117 Order of liquidation; duties of the Department of Children and Families and the Agency
for Health Care Administration .................................................................................................... 56
651.118 Agency for Health Care Administration; certificates of need; sheltered beds; community
beds ............................................................................................................................................... 56
651.119 Assistance to persons affected by closure due to liquidation or pending liquidation .. 58
651.121 Continuing Care Advisory Council ............................................................................. 59
651.123 Alternative dispute resolution ...................................................................................... 60
651.125 Criminal penalties; injunctive relief............................................................................. 60
651.13 Civil action ..................................................................................................................... 61
651.131 Actions under prior law ............................................................................................... 61
651.132 Amendment or renewal of existing contracts .............................................................. 61

Investigatory records .................................................................................................... 61

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628.4615 Acquisition of a specialty insurer
(2) A person may not, individually or in conjunction with any affiliated person of such person,
directly or indirectly, conclude a tender offer or exchange offer for, enter into any agreement to
exchange securities for, or otherwise finally acquire, 10 percent or more of the outstanding voting
securities of a specialty insurer which is a stock corporation or of a controlling company of a
specialty insurer which is a stock corporation; conclude an acquisition of, or otherwise finally
acquire, 10 percent or more of the ownership interest of a specialty insurer which is not a stock
corporation or of a controlling company of a specialty insurer which is not a stock corporation;
assume the role of general partner of a specialty insurer; or otherwise assume ownership or
possession of or control over 10% or more of a specialty insurers assets unless:
(9) No vote by the stockholder of record, or by any other person, of any security acquired in
contravention of the provisions of this section is valid. Any acquisition contrary to the provisions
of this section is void. Upon the petition of the office, the specialty insurer or the controlling
company, the circuit court for the county in which the principal office of the specialty insurer is
located may, without limiting the generality of its authority, order the issuance or entry of an
injunction or other order to enforce the provisions of this section. There shall be a private right of
action in favor of the specialty insurer or controlling company to enforce the provisions of this
section. No demand upon the office that it perform its functions shall be required as a prerequisite
to any suit by the specialty insurer or controlling company against any other person, and in no case
shall the office be deemed a necessary party to any action by the specialty insurer or controlling
company to enforce the provisions of this section. Any person who makes or proposes an
acquisition requiring the filing of an application pursuant to this section, or who files such an
application, shall be deemed to have thereby designated the Chief Financial Officer, or his or her
assistant or deputy or another person in charge of his or her office, as such person's agent for
service of process under this section and shall thereby be deemed to have submitted himself or
herself to the administrative jurisdiction of the office and to the jurisdiction of the circuit court.
(11) A person may rebut a presumption of control by filing a disclaimer of control with the office
on a form prescribed by the office. The disclaimer must fully disclose all material relationships
and bases for affiliation between the person and the provider or facility as well as the basis for
disclaiming the affiliation. In lieu of such form, a person or acquiring party may file with the office
a copy of a Schedule 13G filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to rules
13d-1(b) or 13d-1(c) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. After a disclaimer
has been filed, the provider or facility is relieved of any duty to register or report under this section
which may arise out of the provider or facility's relationship with the person unless the office
disallows the disclaimer.
(b) A controlling person of a specialty insurer who seeks to divest the person's controlling interest
in the specialty insurer in any manner shall file with the office, with a copy provided to the insurer,
confidential notice, not subject to public inspection as provided under s. 624.4212, of the person's
proposed divestiture at least 30 days before the cessation of control. The office shall determine
those instances in which the party seeking to divest or to acquire a controlling interest in an insurer
must file for and obtain approval of the transaction. The information remains confidential until the
conclusion of the transaction unless the office, in its discretion, determines that confidential
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treatment interferes with enforcement of this section. If the statement referred to in subsection (1)
is otherwise filed, this paragraph does not apply.
(132)(a) The office shall, if necessary to protect the public interest, suspend or revoke the
certificate of authority of any specialty insurer or controlling company acquired in violation of this
(b) If any specialty insurer is subject to suspension or revocation pursuant to paragraph (a), the
specialty insurer shall be deemed to be in such condition, or to be using or to have been subject to
such methods or practices in the conduct of its business, as to render its further transaction of
insurance presently or prospectively hazardous to its insureds, creditors, or stockholders or to the
(143)(a) For the purpose of this section, the term acquisition includes:
1. A tender offer or exchange offer for securities, assets, or other ownership interest;
2. An agreement to exchange securities for other securities, assets, or other ownership interest;
3. A merger of a person or affiliated person into a specialty insurer or a merger of any person
with a specialty insurer;
4. A consolidation; or
5. Any other form of change of control whereby any person or affiliated person acquires or
attempts to acquire or assume control of, directly or indirectly, 10 percent or more of the ownership
interest or assets of a specialty insurer or of a controlling company. However, in the case of a
health maintenance organization organized as a for-profit corporation, the provisions of s. 628.451
shall govern with respect to any merger or consolidation, and, in the case of a health maintenance
organization organized as a not-for-profit corporation, the provisions of s. 628.471 shall govern
with respect to any merger or consolidation.
(b) For the purpose of this section, the term affiliated person of another person includes:
1. The spouse of such other natural person;
2. The parents of such other natural person and their lineal descendants and the parents of such
other natural persons spouse and their lineal descendants;
3. Any person who directly or indirectly owns or controls, or holds with power to vote, 10 percent
or more of the outstanding voting securities of such other person;
4. Any person who directly or indirectly owns 10 percent or more of the outstanding voting
securities which are directly or indirectly owned or controlled, or held with power to vote, by such
other person;
5. Any person or group of persons who directly or indirectly control, are controlled by, or are
under common control with such other person;
6. Any director, officer, trustee, partner, owner, manager, joint venturer, or employee, or other
person performing duties similar to those of persons in the aforementioned positions, of such other
7. If such other person is an investment company, any investment adviser of such company or
any member of an advisory board of such company;
8. If such other person is an unincorporated investment company not having a board of directors,
the depositor of such company; or
9. Any person who has entered into an agreement, written or unwritten, to act in concert with
such other person in acquiring, or limiting the disposition of, securities of a specialty insurer or
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controlling company which is a stock corporation or in acquiring, or limiting the disposition of, an
ownership interest of a specialty insurer or controlling company which is not a stock corporation.
(c) For the purposes of this section, the term controlling company means any corporation, trust,
or association owning, directly or indirectly, 25 percent or more of the voting securities of one or
more specialty insurance companies which are stock corporations, or 25 percent or more of the
ownership interest of one or more specialty insurance companies which are not stock corporations.
(d) For the purpose of this section, the term natural person means an individual.
(e) For the purpose of this section, the term person includes a natural person, corporation,
association, trust, general partnership, limited partnership, joint venture, firm, proprietorship, or
any other entity which may hold a license or certificate as a specialty insurer.
(154) The commission may adopt, amend, or repeal rules that are necessary to implement the
provisions of this section, pursuant to chapter 120.
651.011 Definitions.As used in this chapter, the term:
(1) Actuary means an individual who is qualified to sign an actuarial opinion in accordance
with the American Academy of Actuaries qualification standards for actuaries signing such
statements and who is a member in good standing of the American Academy of Actuaries.
(2) Actuarial opinion means an opinion issued by an actuary in accordance with the standards
of practice adopted by the Actuarial Standards Board.
(3)"Actuarial study" means an analysis that addresses the current actuarial financial condition
of a provider that is performed by an actuary in accordance with accepted actuarial principles and
the standards of practice adopted by the Actuarial Standards Board. An actuarial study shall
include all of the following:
(a) An actuarial report.
(b) A statement of actuarial opinion.
(c) An actuarial balance sheet.
(d) A cohort pricing analysis.
(e) A cashflow projection.
(f) A description of the actuarial methodology, formulae, and assumptions used in the study.
(41) Advertising means the dissemination of written, visual, or electronic information by a
provider, or any person affiliated with or controlled by a provider, to potential residents or their
representatives for the purpose of inducing such persons to subscribe to or enter into a contract for
continuing care or continuing care at-home.
(52) Continuing care or care means, pursuant to a contract, furnishing shelter and nursing
care or personal services to a resident who resides in a facility, whether such nursing care or
personal services are provided in the facility or in another setting designated in the contract for
continuing care, by an individual not related by consanguinity or affinity to the resident, upon
payment of an entrance fee.
(63) Continuing Care Advisory Council or advisory council means the council established
in s. 651.121.
(74) Continuing care at-home means, pursuant to a contract other than a contract described in
subsection (52), furnishing to a resident who resides outside the facility the right to future access
to shelter and nursing care or personal services, whether such services are provided in the facility
or in another setting designated in the contract, by an individual not related by consanguinity or
affinity to the resident, upon payment of an entrance fee.
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(85) Entrance fee means an initial or deferred payment of a sum of money or property made
as full or partial payment for continuing care or continuing care at-home. An accommodation fee,
admission fee, member fee, or other fee of similar form and application are considered to be an
entrance fee.
(96) Facility means a place where continuing care is furnished and may include one or more
physical plants on a primary or contiguous site or an immediately accessible site. As used in this
subsection, the term immediately accessible site means a parcel of real property separated by a
reasonable distance from the facility as measured along public thoroughfares, and the term
primary or contiguous site means the real property contemplated in the feasibility study required
by this chapter.
(107) Generally accepted accounting principles means those accounting principles and
practices adopted by the Financial Accounting Standards Board and the American Institute of
Certified Public Accountants, including Statement of Position 90-8 with respect to any full year to
which the statement applies.
(118) Insolvency means the condition in which the provider is unable to pay its obligations as
they come due in the normal course of business.
(129) Licensed means that the provider has obtained a certificate of authority from the
(13) Manager or management company means a person who administers the day-to-day
business operations of a facility for a provider, subject to the policies, directives, and oversight of
the provider.
(1410) Nursing care means those services or acts rendered to a resident by an individual
licensed or certified pursuant to chapter 464.
(1511) Personal services has the same meaning as in s. 429.02.
(1612) Provider means the corporation, whether operated for profit or not, that owns or
operates the owner or operator, whether a natural person, partnership or other unincorporated
association, however organized, trust, or corporation, of an institution, building, residence, or other
place, whether operated for profit or not, which owner or operator and provides continuing care or
continuing care at-home for a fixed or variable fee, or for any other remuneration of any type,
whether fixed or variable, for the period of care, payable in a lump sum or lump sum and monthly
maintenance charges or in installments. The term does not apply to an entity that has existed and
continuously operated a facility located on at least 63 acres in this state providing residential
lodging to members and their spouses for at least 66 years on or before July 1, 1989, and has the
residential capacity of 500 persons, is directly or indirectly owned or operated by a nationally
recognized fraternal organization, is not open to the public, and accepts only its members and their
spouses as residents or to an entity holding a certificate of authority in good standing on or before
July 1, 2017.
(1713) Records means all documents, correspondence, and the permanent financial, directory,
and personnel information and data maintained by a provider pursuant to this chapter, regardless
of the physical form, characteristics, or means of transmission.
(1814) Resident means a purchaser of, a nominee of, or a subscriber to a continuing care or
continuing care at-home contract. Such contract does not give the resident a part ownership of the
facility in which the resident is to reside, unless expressly provided in the contract.
(1915) Shelter means an independent living unit, room, apartment, cottage, villa, personal care
unit, nursing bed, or other living area within a facility set aside for the exclusive use of one or more
identified residents.
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(20) Type A contract means a continuing care contract granting the resident the right to receive
lifetime care in the facilitys assisted living or nursing facility at a below-market rate. These
contracts may also be known as a life care contract or an extended contract.
(21) Type B contract means a continuing care contract granting the resident the right to receive
care in the facilitys assisted living or nursing facility at a below-market rate for a fixed period of
time. These contracts may also be known as a modified contract.
(22) Type C contract means a continuing care contract providing guaranteed or priority
admission into the facilitys assisted living or nursing facility to a resident at market rate. These
contracts may also be known as a fee-for-service contract.
651.012 Exempted facility; written disclosure of exemption.Any facility exempted under ss.
632.637(1)(e) and 651.011(12) must provide written disclosure of such exemption to each person
admitted to the facility after October 1, 1996. This disclosure must be written using language likely
to be understood by the person and must briefly explain the exemption.
651.013 Chapter exclusive; applicability of other laws.
(1) Except as herein provided, providers of continuing care and continuing care at-home are
governed by the provisions of this chapter and are exempt from all other provisions of the Florida
Insurance Code.
(2) In addition to other applicable provisions cited in this chapter, the office has the authority
granted under ss. 624.302 and 624.303, 624.308-624.312, 624.318, 624.319(1)-(3), 624.320624.321, 624.324, and 624.34 of the Florida Insurance Code to regulate providers of continuing
care and continuing care at-home.
651.014 Insurance business not authorized.Nothing in the Florida Insurance Code or this
chapter shall be deemed to authorize any provider of a continuing care facility to transact any
insurance business other than that of continuing care insurance or otherwise to engage in any other
type of insurance unless it is authorized under a certificate of authority issued by the office under
the provisions of the Florida Insurance Code.
651.015 Administration; forms; fees; rules; fines.The administration of this chapter is vested
in the commission, office, and department, which shall:
(1) Prepare and furnish all forms necessary under the provisions of this chapter in relation to
applications for provisional certificates of authority, certificates of authority or renewals thereof,
statements, examinations, and other required reports. The office is authorized to accept any
application statement, report, or information submitted electronically or by facsimile to comply
with requirements in this chapter or rules adopted under this section. The commission may adopt
rules to implement the provisions of this subsection.
(2) Collect in advance, and the applicant shall pay in advance, the following fees:
(a) At the time of filing an application for a certificate of authority, an application fee in the
amount of $75 for each facility.
(b) At the time of filing the annual report required by s. 651.026, a fee in the amount of $100 for
each year or part thereof for each facility.
(c) A late fee not to exceed $50 a day for each day of noncompliance.
(d) A fee to cover the actual cost of a credit report and fingerprint processing.
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(e) At the time of filing an application for a provisional certificate of authority, a fee in the
amount of $50.
(3) Adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement the provisions of this
(4) Impose administrative fines and penalties pursuant to this chapter.
(5) Deposit all fees and fines collected under the provisions of this chapter into the Insurance
Regulatory Trust Fund.
651.018 Administrative supervision.The office may place a facility in administrative
supervision pursuant to part VI of chapter 624.
651.019 New financing, additional financing, or refinancing.
(1) After issuance of a certificate of authority, the provider shall submit to the office a general
outline, including intended use of proceeds, with respect to any new financing, additional
financing, or refinancing at least 30 days before the closing date of such financing transaction.
(2) The provider shall furnish any information the office may reasonably request in connection
with any new financing, additional financing, or refinancing, including, but not limited to, the
financing agreements and any related documents, escrow or trust agreements, and statistical or
financial data. The provider shall also submit to the office copies of executed financing documents
within 30 days after the closing date.
(3) The office may disapprove any new financing, additional financing, or refinancing before the
closing date as indicated on the submitted documents if it finds:
(a) That the financing is to be used to pay a dividend or distribution to stockholders, officers,
directors, owners, partners, or members as described in s. 651.036.
(b) That the terms of the financing agreement are so onerous as to jeopardize the providers ability
to meet its ongoing obligations, including, but not limited to, outstanding debt service, facility
maintenance, healthcare obligations, and refunds due to residents.
(c) That the provider unreasonably withheld or failed to timely produce information requested by
the office.
(4) The office may suspend, revoke, or take other administrative action against, the certificate of
authority of a facility that closes on a financing agreement that has been disapproved by the office,
including requiring the facility to remove an officer or director participating in such closing.
651.021 Certificate of authority required.
(1) No person may engage in the business of providing continuing care, issuing contracts for
continuing care or continuing care at-home, or constructing a facility for the purpose of providing
continuing care in this state without a certificate of authority obtained from the office as provided
in this chapter. This subsection does not prohibit the preparation of a construction site or
construction of a model residence unit for marketing purposes, or both. The office may allow the
purchase of an existing building for the purpose of providing continuing care if the office
determines that the purchase is not being made to circumvent the prohibitions in this section.
(2) Written approval must be obtained from the office before commencing construction or
marketing for an expansion of a certificated facility equivalent to the addition of at least 20 percent
of existing units or 20 percent or more in the number of continuing care at-home contracts. This

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provision does not apply to construction for which a certificate of need from the Agency for Health
Care Administration is required.
(a) For providers that offer both continuing care and continuing care at-home, the 20 percent is
based on the total of both existing units and existing contracts for continuing care at-home. For
purposes of this subsection, an expansion includes increases in the number of constructed units or
continuing care at-home contracts or a combination of both.
(b) The application for such approval shall be on forms adopted by the commission and provided
by the office. The application must include the feasibility study required by s. 651.022(3) or s.
651.023(1)(b) and such other information as required by s. 651.023 or as reasonably requested by
the office. If the expansion is only for continuing care at-home contracts, an actuarial study
prepared by an independent actuary in accordance with standards adopted by the American
Academy of Actuaries which presents the financial impact of the expansion may be substituted for
the feasibility study.
(c) In determining whether an expansion should be approved, the office shall use the criteria
provided in ss. 651.022(6) and 651.023(4).
651.022 Provisional certificate of authority; application.
(1) Each applicant for a certificate of authority shall first apply for and obtain a provisional
certificate of authority pursuant to this section.
(2) The application for a provisional certificate of authority shall be on a form prescribed by the
commission and shall contain the following information:
(a) A copy of the articles of incorporation and bylaws.; if the applicant or provider is a
partnership or other unincorporated association, a copy of the partnership agreement, articles of
association, or other membership agreement; and, if the applicant or provider is a trust, a copy of
the trust agreement or instrument.
(b) The full names, residences, and business addresses of:
1. The proprietor, if the applicant or provider is an individual.
2. Every partner or member, if the applicant or provider is a partnership or other unincorporated
association, however organized, having fewer than 50 partners or members, together with the
business name and address of the partnership or other organization.
3. The principal partners or members, if the applicant or provider is a partnership or other
unincorporated association, however organized, having 50 or more partners or members, together
with the business name and business address of the partnership or other organization. If such
unincorporated organization has officers and a board of directors, the full name and business
address of each officer and director may be set forth in lieu of the full name and business address
of its principal members.
14. The corporation and each officer and director thereof, if the applicant or provider is a
5. Every trustee and officer, if the applicant or provider is a trust.
26. The manager, whether an individual, corporation, partnership, or association.
37. Any stockholder holding at least a 10 percent interest in the operations of the facility in which
the care is to be offered.
48. Any person whose name is required to be provided in the application under this paragraph
and who owns any interest in or receives any remuneration from, directly or indirectly, any
professional service firm, association, trust, partnership, or corporation providing goods, leases, or
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services to the facility for which the application is made, with a real or anticipated value of $10,000
or more, and the name and address of the professional service firm, association, trust, partnership,
or corporation in which such interest is held. The applicant shall describe such goods, leases, or
services and the probable cost to the facility or provider and shall describe why such goods, leases,
or services should not be purchased from an independent entity.
59. Any person, corporation, partnership, association, or trust owning land or property leased to
the facility, along with a copy of the lease agreement.
610. Any affiliated parent or subsidiary corporation or partnership.
(c)1. Evidence that the applicant is competent and trustworthy reputable and of responsible
character. If the applicant is a firm, association, organization, partnership, business trust,
corporation, or company, Tthe form shall require evidence that the members or shareholders are
competent and trustworthy reputable and of responsible character, and the person in charge of
providing care under a certificate of authority shall likewise be required to produce evidence of
being competent and trustworthy reputable and of responsible character.
2. Evidence satisfactory to the office of the ability of the applicant to comply with the provisions
of this chapter and with rules adopted by the commission pursuant to this chapter.
3. A statement of whether a person identified in the application for a provisional certificate of
authority or the administrator or manager of the facility, if such person has been designated, or any
such person living in the same location:
a. Has been convicted of a felony or has pleaded nolo contendere to a felony charge, or has been
held liable or has been enjoined in a civil action by final judgment, if the felony or civil action
involved fraud, embezzlement, fraudulent conversion, or misappropriation of property.
b. Is subject to a currently effective injunctive or restrictive order or federal or state
administrative order relating to business activity or health care as a result of an action brought by
a public agency or department, including, without limitation, an action affecting a license under
chapter 400 or chapter 429.
The statement shall set forth the court or agency, the date of conviction or judgment, and the
penalty imposed or damages assessed, or the date, nature, and issuer of the order. Before
determining whether a provisional certificate of authority is to be issued, the office may make an
inquiry to determine the accuracy of the information submitted pursuant to subparagraphs 1. and
(d) The contracts for continuing care and continuing care at-home to be entered into between the
provider and residents which meet the minimum requirements of s. 651.055 or s. 651.057 and
which include a statement describing the procedures required by law relating to the release of
escrowed entrance fees. Such statement may be furnished through an addendum.
(e) Any advertisement or other written material proposed to be used in the solicitation of
(f) Such other reasonable data, financial statements, and pertinent information as the commission
or office may reasonably require with respect to the provider or the facility, including the most
recent audited financial statements of comparable facilities currently or previously owned,
managed, or developed by the applicant or its principal, to assist in determining the financial
viability of the project and the management capabilities of its managers and owners.
(g) The forms of the residency contracts, reservation contracts, escrow agreements, and wait list
contracts, if applicable, which are proposed to be used by the provider in the furnishing of care.
The office shall approve contracts and escrow agreements that comply with ss. 651.023(1)(c),
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651.033, 651.055, and 651.057. Thereafter, no other form of contract or agreement may be used
by the provider until it has been submitted to the office and approved.
(h) An actuarial study.
(3) In addition to the information required in subsection (2), an applicant for a provisional
certificate of authority shall submit a market feasibility study. The market feasibility study shall
include at least the following information:
(a) A description of the proposed facility, including the location, size, anticipated completion
date, and the proposed construction program.
(b) An identification and evaluation of the primary and secondary market areas of the facility
and the projected unit sales per month.
(c) Projected revenues, including anticipated entrance fees; monthly service fees; nursing care
rates, if applicable; and all other sources of revenue, including the total amount of debt financing
(d) Projected expenses, including staffing requirements and salaries; cost of property, plant, and
equipment, including depreciation expense; interest expense; marketing expense; and other
operating expenses.
(e) Current assets and liabilities of the applicant.
(f) Expectations of the financial condition of the project, including the projected cash flow and
a projected balance sheet and an estimate of the funds anticipated to be necessary to cover startup
(g) The inflation factor, if any, assumed in the study for the proposed facility and how and where
it is applied.
(h) Project costs, marketing projections, resident fees and charges, the competition, resident
contract provisions, and other factors which affect the feasibility of the facility.
(i) The name of the person who prepared the feasibility study and the experience of such person
in preparing similar studies or otherwise consulting in the field of continuing care.
(4) If an applicant has or proposes to have more than one facility offering continuing care or
continuing care at-home, a separate provisional certificate of authority and a separate certificate of
authority must be obtained for each facility.
(5)(a) Within 30 days after receipt of an application for a provisional certificate of authority, the
office shall examine the application and shall notify the applicant in writing, specifically setting
forth and specifically requesting any additional information the office is permitted by law to
require. If the application submitted is determined by the office to be substantially incomplete so
as to require substantial additional information, including biographical information, the office may
return the application to the applicant with a written notice that the application as received is
substantially incomplete and, therefore, unacceptable for filing without further action required by
the office. Any filing fee received shall be refunded to the applicant.
(b) An application is complete upon receipt of all requested information and correction of any
error or omission for which the applicant was timely notified or when the time for such notification
has expired. Within 15 days after receipt of all of the requested additional information, the office
shall notify the applicant in writing that all of the requested information has been received and the
application is deemed to be complete as of the date of the notice. Failure to so notify the applicant
in writing within the 15-day period shall constitute acknowledgment by the office that it has
received all requested additional information, and the application shall be deemed to be complete
for purposes of review upon the date of the filing of all of the requested additional information.
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(6) Within 9045 days after the date an application is deemed complete as set forth in paragraph
(5)(b), the office shall complete its review and issue a provisional certificate of authority to the
applicant based upon its review and a determination that the application meets all requirements of
law, that the feasibility study was based on sufficient data and reasonable assumptions, and that
the applicant will be able to provide continuing care or continuing care at-home as proposed and
meet all financial obligations related to its operations, including the financial requirements of this
chapter. If the application is denied, the office shall notify the applicant in writing, citing the
specific failures to meet the provisions of this chapter. Such denial entitles the applicant to a
hearing pursuant to chapter 120.
(7) The issuance of a provisional certificate of authority entitles the applicant to collect entrance
fees and reservation deposits from prospective residents. All or any part of an entrance fee or
deposit collected shall be placed in an escrow account or on deposit with the department, pursuant
to s. 651.033, until a certificate of authority is issued by the office.
(8) The office shall not approve any application which includes in the plan of financing any
encumbrance of the operating reserves required by this chapter.
651.023 Certificate of authority; application.
(1) After issuance of a provisional certificate of authority, the office shall issue to the holder of
such provisional certificate a certificate of authority if the holder of the provisional certificate
provides the office with the following information:
(a) Any material change in status with respect to the information required to be filed under s.
651.022(2) in the application for the provisional certificate.
(b) A feasibility study prepared by an independent consultant which contains all of the
information required by s. 651.022(3) and financial forecasts or projections prepared in accordance
with standards adopted by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants or in accordance
with standards for feasibility studies or continuing care retirement communities adopted by the
Actuarial Standards Board.
1. The study must also contain an independent evaluation and examination opinion, or a
comparable opinion acceptable to the office, by the consultant who prepared the study, of the
underlying assumptions used as a basis for the forecasts or projections in the study and that the
assumptions are reasonable and proper and the project as proposed is feasible.
2. The study must take into account project costs, actual marketing results to date and marketing
projections, resident fees and charges, competition, resident contract provisions, and any other
factors which affect the feasibility of operating the facility.
3. If the study is prepared by an independent certified public accountant, it must contain an
examination opinion for the first 3 years of operations and financial projections having a
compilation opinion for the next 3 years. If the study is prepared by an independent consulting
actuary, it must contain mortality and morbidity data and an actuarys signed opinion that the
project as proposed is feasible and that the study has been prepared in accordance with standards
adopted by the American Academy of Actuaries.
(c) Subject to subsection (4), a provider may submit an application for a certificate of authority
and any required exhibits upon submission of proof that the project has a minimum of 5030 percent
of the units reserved for which the provider is charging an entrance fee. This does not apply to an
application for a certificate of authority for the acquisition of a facility for which a certificate of
authority was issued before October 1, 1983, to a provider who subsequently becomes a debtor in
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a case under the United States Bankruptcy Code, 11 U.S.C. ss. 101 et seq., or to a provider for
which the department has been appointed receiver pursuant to part II of chapter 631.
(d) Proof that commitments have been secured for both construction financing and long-term
financing or a documented plan acceptable to the office has been adopted by the applicant for longterm financing.
(e) Proof that all conditions of the lender have been satisfied to activate the commitment to
disburse funds other than the obtaining of the certificate of authority, the completion of
construction, or the closing of the purchase of realty or buildings for the facility.
(f) Proof that the aggregate amount of entrance fees received by or pledged to the applicant, plus
anticipated proceeds from any long-term financing commitment, plus funds from all other sources
in the actual possession of the applicant, equal at least 100 percent of the aggregate cost of
constructing or purchasing, equipping, and furnishing the facility plus 100 percent of the
anticipated startup losses of the facility.
(g) Complete audited financial statements of the applicant, prepared by an independent certified
public accountant in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, as of the date the
applicant commenced business operations or for the fiscal year that ended immediately preceding
the date of application, whichever is later, and complete unaudited quarterly financial statements
attested to by the applicant after the date of the last audit.
(h) Proof that the applicant has complied with the escrow requirements of subsection (5) or
subsection (7) and will be able to comply with s. 651.035.
(i) An actuarial study.
(ji) Such other reasonable data, financial statements, and pertinent information as the
commission or office may require with respect to the applicant or the facility, to determine the
financial status of the facility and the management capabilities of its managers and owners.
(2) Within 30 days after receipt of the information required under subsection (1), the office shall
examine such information and notify the provider in writing, specifically requesting any additional
information the office is permitted by law to require. An application is complete upon receipt of
all requested information and correction of any error or omission for which the applicant was
timely notified or when the time for such notification has expired. Within 15 days after receipt of
all of the requested additional information, the office shall notify the provider in writing that all of
the requested information has been received and the application is deemed to be complete as of
the date of the notice. Failure to notify the applicant in writing within the 15-day period constitutes
acknowledgment by the office that it has received all requested additional information, and the
application shall be deemed complete for purposes of review on the date of filing all of the required
additional information.
(3) Within 9045 days after an application is deemed complete as set forth in subsection (2), and
upon completion of the remaining requirements of this section, the office shall complete its review
and issue or deny a certificate of authority to the holder of a provisional certificate of authority. If
a certificate of authority is denied, the office must notify the holder of the provisional certificate
in writing, citing the specific failures to satisfy the provisions of this chapter. If denied, the holder
of the provisional certificate is entitled to an administrative hearing pursuant to chapter 120.
(4) The office shall issue a certificate of authority upon determining that the applicant meets all
requirements of law and has submitted all of the information required by this section, that all
escrow requirements have been satisfied, and that the fees prescribed in s. 651.015(2) have been
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(a) Notwithstanding satisfaction of the 30-percent minimum reservation requirement of
paragraph (1)(c), nNo certificate of authority shall be issued until the project has a minimum of 50
percent of the units reserved for which the provider is charging an entrance fee, and proof is
provided to the office. If a provider offering continuing care at-home is applying for a certificate
of authority or approval of an expansion pursuant to s. 651.021(2), the same minimum reservation
requirements must be met for the continuing care and continuing care at-home contracts,
independently of each other.
(b) In order for a unit to be considered reserved under this section, the provider must collect a
minimum deposit of 10 percent of the then-current entrance fee for that unit, and assess a forfeiture
penalty of 2 percent of the entrance fee due to termination of the reservation contract after 30 days
for any reason other than the death or serious illness of the resident, the failure of the provider to
meet its obligations under the reservation contract, or other circumstances beyond the control of
the resident that equitably entitle the resident to a refund of the residents deposit. The reservation
contract must state the cancellation policy and the terms of the continuing care or continuing care
at-home contract to be entered into.
(5) Up to 25 percent of the moneys paid for all or any part of an initial entrance fee may be
included or pledged for the construction or purchase of the facility or as security for long-term
financing. The term initial entrance fee means the total entrance fee charged by the facility to
the first occupant of a unit.
(a) A minimum of 75 percent of the moneys paid for all or any part of an initial entrance fee
collected for continuing care or continuing care at-home shall be placed in an escrow account or
on deposit with the department as prescribed in s. 651.033.
(b) For an expansion as provided in s. 651.021(2), a minimum of 75 percent of the moneys paid
for all or any part of an initial entrance fee collected for continuing care and 50 percent of the
moneys paid for all or any part of an initial fee collected for continuing care at-home shall be
placed in an escrow account or on deposit with the department as prescribed in s. 651.033.
(6) The provider is entitled to secure release of the moneys held in escrow within 7 days after
receipt by the office of an affidavit from the provider, along with appropriate copies to verify, and
notification to the escrow agent by certified mail, that the following conditions have been satisfied:
(a) A certificate of occupancy has been issued.
(b) Payment in full has been received for at least 70 percent of the total units of a phase or of the
total of the combined phases constructed. If a provider offering continuing care at-home is
applying for a release of escrowed entrance fees, the same minimum requirement must be met for
the continuing care and continuing care at-home contracts, independently of each other.
(c) The consultant who prepared the feasibility study required by this section or a substitute
approved by the office certifies within 12 months before the date of filing for office approval that
there has been no material adverse change in status with regard to the feasibility study. If a material
adverse change exists at the time of submission, sufficient information acceptable to the office and
the feasibility consultant must be submitted which remedies the adverse condition.
(d) Proof that commitments have been secured or a documented plan adopted by the applicant
has been approved by the office for long-term financing.
(e) Proof that the provider has sufficient funds to meet the requirements of s. 651.035, which
may include funds deposited in the initial entrance fee account.
(f) Proof as to the intended application of the proceeds upon release and proof that the entrance
fees when released will be applied as represented to the office.
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Notwithstanding chapter 120, no person, other than the provider, the escrow agent, and the office,
may have a substantial interest in any office decision regarding release of escrow funds in any
proceedings under chapter 120 or this chapter regarding release of escrow funds.
(7) In lieu of the provider fulfilling the requirements in subsection (5) and paragraphs (6)(b) and
(d), the office may authorize the release of escrowed funds to retire all outstanding debts on the
facility and equipment upon application of the provider and upon the providers showing that the
provider will grant to the residents a first mortgage on the land, buildings, and equipment that
constitute the facility, and that the provider has satisfied paragraphs (6)(a), (c), and (e). Such
mortgage shall secure the refund of the entrance fee in the amount required by this chapter. The
granting of such mortgage is subject to the following:
(a) The first mortgage is granted to an independent trust that is beneficially held by the residents.
The document creating the trust must include a provision that agrees to an annual audit and will
furnish to the office all information the office may reasonably require. The mortgage may secure
payment on bonds issued to the residents or trustee. Such bonds are redeemable after termination
of the residency contract in the amount and manner required by this chapter for the refund of an
entrance fee.
(b) Before granting a first mortgage to the residents, all construction must be substantially
completed and substantially all equipment must be purchased. No part of the entrance fees may be
pledged as security for a construction loan or otherwise used for construction expenses before the
completion of construction.
(8)(c) If the provider is leasing the land or buildings used by the facility, the leasehold interest
must be for a term of at least 30 years.
(98) The timeframes provided under s. 651.022(5) and (6) apply to applications submitted under
s. 651.021(2). The office may not issue a certificate of authority to a facility that does not have a
component that is to be licensed pursuant to part II of chapter 400 or to part I of chapter 429 or
that does not offer personal services or nursing services through written contractual agreement. A
written contractual agreement must be disclosed in the contract for continuing care or continuing
care at-home and is subject to the provisions of s. 651.1151, relating to administrative, vendor, and
management contracts.
(109) The office may not approve an application that includes in the plan of financing any
encumbrance of the operating reserves required by this chapter.
651.0235 Validity of provisional certificates of authority and certificates of authority.
(1) The provisional certificate of authority and certificate of authority shall be valid for as long
as the office determines that the provider continues to meet the requirements of this chapter.
(2) If the provider fails to meet the requirements of this chapter for a provisional certificate of
authority or a certificate of authority, the office may notify the provider of any deficiencies and
require the provider to correct such deficiencies within a period to be determined by the office. If
such deficiencies are not corrected within 20 days after the notice to the provider, or within less
time at the discretion of the office, the office shall notify the Continuing Care Advisory Council,
which may assist the facility in formulating a remedial plan to be submitted to the office within 60
days after the date of notification. The time period for correcting the deficiencies may be extended
upon submission of a plan for corrective action approved by the office. If such deficiencies have
not been cleared by the expiration of such time period, as extended, the office shall petition for a
delinquency proceeding or pursue such other relief as provided under this chapter, as the
circumstances may require.
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(3) The office shall notify the Agency for Health Care Administration of any facility for which
a provisional certificate of authority or certificate of authority is no longer valid.
651.024 Acquisition.
(1) A person who seeks to acquire, as described in s. 628.4615(2), a provider or the assets of a
provider holding a valid certificate of authority shall be subject to the provisions of s. 628.4615 A
person issued a certificate of authority to operate a continuing care facility or a provisional
certificate of authority shall be subject to the and shall not be required to make filings pursuant to
ss. 651.022 or 651.023.
(2) A person who seeks to acquire and become the provider for a facility shall be subject to s.
651.0245 and shall not be required to make filings pursuant to ss. 628.4615, 651.022, and 651.023.
651.0245 Application for the simultaneous acquisition of a facility and issuance of a certificate
of authority
(1) A person may not, individually or in conjunction with any affiliated person of such person,
directly or indirectly, acquire a facility with a valid certificate of authority and engage in the
business of providing continuing care unless:
(a) The person or affiliated person has filed with the office and sent by registered mail to the
principal office of the facility and controlling company a letter of notification regarding the
transaction or proposed transaction no later than 5 days after entering into an agreement to
purchase the facility. The notification must be provided on forms prescribed by the commission
containing information determined necessary to understand the transaction and identify all
purchasers and owners involved;
(b) The person or affiliated person has filed with the office an application signed under oath and
prepared on forms prescribed by the commission which contains the information specified in
subsection (2). The application must be completed and filed within 30 days after entering into an
agreement to purchase the facility; and
(c) The office has approved the application to purchase the facility and has issued a certificate
of authority to applicant.
(2) The application to be filed with the office and furnished to the facility and controlling
company shall contain the following information and any additional information as the office
deems necessary to determine the character, experience, ability, and other qualifications of the
person or affiliated person of such person for the protection of the residents of the facility and of
the public:
(a) A copy of the articles of incorporation and bylaws.
(b) The full names, residences, and business addresses of:
1. The corporation and each officer and director thereof.
2. The manager, whether an individual, corporation, partnership, or association.
3. Any stockholder holding at least a 10 percent interest in the operations of the facility in which
the care is to be offered.
4. Any person whose name is required to be provided in the application under this paragraph and
who owns any interest in or receives any remuneration from, directly or indirectly, any
professional service firm, association, trust, partnership, or corporation providing goods, leases, or
services to the facility for which the application is made, with a real or anticipated value of $10,000
or more, and the name and address of the professional service firm, association, trust, partnership,
or corporation in which such interest is held. The applicant shall describe such goods, leases, or
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services and the probable cost to the facility or provider and shall describe why such goods, leases,
or services should not be purchased from an independent entity.
5. Any person, corporation, partnership, association, or trust owning land or property leased to
the facility, along with a copy of the lease agreement.
6. Any affiliated parent or subsidiary corporation or partnership.
7. Any other person performing duties similar to those of persons in the aforementioned
(c)1. Evidence that the applicant is competent and trustworthy. The form shall require evidence
that the members or shareholders are competent and trustworthy, and the person in charge of
providing care under a certificate of authority shall likewise be required to produce evidence of
being competent and trustworthy.
2. Evidence satisfactory to the office of the ability of the applicant to comply with the provisions
of this chapter and with rules adopted by the commission pursuant to this chapter.
3. A statement of whether a person identified in the application or the administrator or manager
of the facility, if such person has been designated, or any such person living in the same location:
a. Has been convicted of a felony or has pleaded nolo contendere to a felony charge, or has been
held liable or has been enjoined in a civil action by final judgment, if the felony or civil action
involved fraud, embezzlement, fraudulent conversion, or misappropriation of property.
b. Is subject to a currently effective injunctive or restrictive order or federal or state
administrative order relating to business activity or health care as a result of an action brought by
a public agency or department, including, without limitation, an action affecting a license under
chapter 400 or chapter 429.
The statement shall set forth the court or agency, the date of conviction or judgment, and the
penalty imposed or damages assessed, or the date, nature, and issuer of the order. Before
determining whether a provisional certificate of authority is to be issued, the office may make an
inquiry to determine the accuracy of the information submitted pursuant to subparagraphs 1. and
4. For each natural person about whom information is required to be furnished pursuant to
paragraph (2)(b) a statement describing:
a. The natural persons occupations, positions of employment, and offices held during the past
10 years.
b. The principal business and address of any business, corporation, or organization in which each
such office of the natural person was held, or in which each such occupation or position of
employment was carried on.
c. Whether the natural person was, at any time during such 10-year period, convicted of any
crime other than a traffic violation.
d. Whether the natural person has been, during such 10-year period, the subject of any
proceeding for the revocation of any license and, if so, the nature of the proceeding and the
disposition of the proceeding.
e. Whether, during the 10-year period, the natural person has been the subject of any proceeding
under the federal Bankruptcy Act; or whether, during the 10-year period, any person or other
business or organization in which the natural person was a director, officer, trustee, partner, owner,
manager, or other official has been subject to any such proceeding, either during the time in which
the natural person was a director, officer, or trustee, if a corporation, or a partner, owner, manager,
joint venturer, or other official, if not a corporation, or within 12 months thereafter.
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f. Whether, during the 10-year period, the natural person has been enjoined, either temporarily
or permanently, by a court of competent jurisdiction from violating any federal or state law
regulating the business of continuing care, insurance, securities, or banking, or from carrying out
any particular practice or practices in the course of the business of continuing care, insurance,
securities, or banking, together with details as to any such event.
g. Fingerprints of each person referred to in subsection (2)(b).
Any person filing the statement required by this subparagraph shall give all required information
that is within the knowledge of the directors, officers, or trustees of the person making the filing
and of any person controlling either directly or indirectly such person. If any material change
occurs in the facts set forth in the application filed with the office pursuant to this section, an
amendment setting forth such changes shall be filed immediately with the office, and a copy of the
amendment shall be sent by registered mail to the principal office of the facility and to the principal
office of the controlling company.
(d) The source and amount of the funds or other consideration used, or to be used, in making the
(e) Any plans or proposals which such persons may have made to liquidate the facility, to sell
any of its assets or merge or consolidate it with any person, or to make any other major change in
its business or corporate structure or management; and any plans or proposals which such persons
may have made to liquidate any controlling company of the facility, to sell any of its assets or
merge or consolidate it with any person, or to make any other major change in its business or
corporate structure or management.
(f) The contracts for continuing care and continuing care at-home to be entered into between the
provider and residents which meet the minimum requirements of s. 651.055 or s. 651.057 and
which include a statement describing the procedures required by law relating to the release of
escrowed entrance fees. Such statement may be furnished through an addendum.
(g) Such other reasonable data, financial statements, and pertinent information as the
commission or office may reasonably require with respect to the provider or the facility, including
the most recent audited financial statements of comparable facilities currently or previously
owned, managed, or developed by the applicant or its principal, to assist in determining the
financial viability of the project and the management capabilities of its managers and owners.
(h) The forms of the residency contracts, reservation contracts, escrow agreements, and wait list
contracts, if applicable, which are proposed to be used by the provider in the furnishing of care.
The office shall approve contracts and escrow agreements that comply with ss. 651.023(1)(c),
651.033, 651.055, and 651.057. Thereafter, no other form of contract or agreement may be used
by the provider until it has been submitted to the office and approved.
(i) An actuarial study.
(j) Any advertisement or other written material proposed to be used in the solicitation of
(3) In addition to the information required in subsection (2), an applicant shall submit a
feasibility study prepared by an independent consultant and financial forecasts or projections
prepared in accordance with standards adopted by the American Institute of Certified Public
Accountants. The feasibility study shall include at least the following information:
(a) A description of the facility, including the location, size, occupancy level, and description of
the continuing care and continuing-care-at-home contracts in force.
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(b) Projected revenues, including anticipated entrance fees; monthly service fees; nursing care
rates, if applicable; and all other sources of revenue, including the total amount of debt financing
(c) Projected expenses, including staffing requirements and salaries; cost of property, plant, and
equipment, including depreciation expense; interest expense; marketing expense; and other
operating expenses.
(d) Current assets and liabilities of the applicant.
(e) Expectations of the financial condition of the project, including the projected cash flow and
a projected balance sheet and an estimate of the funds anticipated to be necessary to cover startup
losses, if any, for three years.
(f) The inflation factor, if any, assumed in the study for the proposed facility and how and where
it is applied.
(g) Project costs, marketing projections, resident fees and charges, the competition, resident
contract provisions, and other factors which affect the feasibility of the facility.
(h) The name of the person who prepared the feasibility study and the experience of such person
in preparing similar studies or otherwise consulting in the field of continuing care.
(i) 1. The study must also contain an independent evaluation and examination opinion, or a
comparable opinion acceptable to the office, by the consultant who prepared the study, of the
underlying assumptions used as a basis for the forecasts or projections in the study and that the
assumptions are reasonable and proper and the project as proposed is feasible.
2. The study must take into account project costs, actual marketing results to date and marketing
projections, resident fees and charges, competition, resident contract provisions, and any other
factors which affect the feasibility of operating the facility.
3. If the study is prepared by an independent certified public accountant, it must contain an
examination opinion for the first 3 years of operations and financial projections having a
compilation opinion for the next 3 years. If the study is prepared by an independent consulting
actuary, it must contain mortality and morbidity data and an actuarys signed opinion that the
project as proposed is feasible and that the study has been prepared in accordance with standards
adopted by the American Academy of Actuaries.
(4)(a) The application shall be reviewed in accordance with chapter 120. The office may on its
own initiate, or, if requested to do so in writing by a substantially affected person, shall conduct, a
proceeding to consider the appropriateness of the proposed acquisition. Time periods for purposes
of chapter 120 shall be tolled during the pendency of the proceeding. Any written request for a
proceeding must be filed with the office within 10 days of the date notice is given pursuant to
paragraph (1)(a). During the pendency of the proceeding or review period by the office, any person
or affiliated person complying with the filing requirements of this section may proceed and take
all steps necessary to conclude the acquisition so long as the acquisition becoming final is
conditioned upon obtaining office approval. The office shall, however, at any time it finds an
immediate danger to the public health, safety, and welfare of the residents exists, immediately
order, pursuant to s. 120.569(2)(n), the proposed acquisition disapproved and any further steps to
conclude the acquisition ceased.
(c) If a request for a proceeding is filed, the proceeding shall be conducted within 60 days after
the date the written request for a proceeding is received by the office. A recommended order shall
be issued within 20 days of the date of the close of the proceedings. A final order shall be issued
within 20 days of the date of the recommended order or, if exceptions to the recommended order
are filed, within 20 days of the date the exceptions are filed.
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(5) The office may disapprove any acquisition subject to the provisions of this section by any
person or any affiliated person of such person who:
(a) Willfully violates this section;
(b) Fails to divest any ownership interest obtained in violation of this section or fails to divest
any direct or indirect control of such ownership interest, within 25 days after the issuance of an
order by the office; or
(c) Acquires any ownership interest in a facility or controlling company or direct or indirect
control of such ownership interest, without complying with this section.
(6) The applicant shall have the burden of proof. The office shall approve any such acquisition
and issue a certificate of authority if it finds, on the basis of the record made during any proceeding
or on the basis of the filed application if no proceeding is conducted, that:
(a) Upon completion of the acquisition, the applicant will be able to satisfy the requirements for
the issuance of a certificate of authority to provide continuing care.
(b) The financial condition of the acquiring person or persons will not jeopardize the financial
stability of the facility or prejudice the interests of its residents or the public.
(c) Any plan or proposal which the acquiring person has, or acquiring persons have, made:
1. To liquidate the facility, sell its assets, or merge or consolidate it with any person, or to make
any other major change in its business or corporate structure or management, or
2. To liquidate any controlling company, sell its assets, or merge or consolidate it with any
person, or to make any major change in its business or corporate structure or management which
would have an effect upon the facility,
is fair and free of prejudice to the residents of the facility or to the public.
(d) The competence, experience, and integrity of those persons who will control directly or
indirectly the operation of the applicant indicate that the acquisition is in the best interest of the
residents of the facility and in the public interest.
(e) The natural persons for whom background information is required to be furnished pursuant
to this section have such backgrounds as to indicate that it is in the best interests of the residents
of the facility and in the public interest to permit such persons to exercise control over the
(f) The directors and officers or other persons performing duties similar to those of persons to be
employed after the acquisition have sufficient continuing care experience and ability to assure
reasonable promise of successful operation.
(g) The management of the applicant after the acquisition will be competent and trustworthy,
and will possess sufficient managerial experience so as to make the proposed operation of the
facility not hazardous to the public.
(h) The management of the applicant and facility after the acquisition shall not include any
person who has directly or indirectly through ownership, control, reinsurance transactions, or other
business relations unlawfully manipulated the assets, accounts, finances, or books of any facility
or provider or otherwise acted in bad faith with respect thereto.
(i) The acquisition is not likely to be hazardous or prejudicial to the residents of the facility or to
the public.
(j) The effect of the acquisition would not substantially lessen competition or would not tend to
create a monopoly therein.
(7) No vote by the stockholder of record, or by any other person, of any security acquired in
contravention of the provisions of this section is valid. Any acquisition contrary to the provisions
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of this section is void. Upon the petition of the office, the facility or the controlling company, the
circuit court for the county in which the principal office of the facility is located may, without
limiting the generality of its authority, order the issuance or entry of an injunction or other order
to enforce the provisions of this section. There shall be a private right of action in favor of the
facility or controlling company to enforce the provisions of this section. No demand upon the
office that it perform its functions shall be required as a prerequisite to any suit by the facility or
controlling company against any other person, and in no case shall the office be deemed a
necessary party to any action by the facility or controlling company to enforce the provisions of
this section. Any person who makes or proposes an acquisition requiring the filing of an application
pursuant to this section, or who files such an application, shall be deemed to have thereby
designated the Chief Financial Officer, or his or her assistant or deputy or another person in charge
of his or her office, as such persons agent for service of process under this section and shall
thereby be deemed to have submitted himself or herself to the administrative jurisdiction of the
office and to the jurisdiction of the circuit court.
(8) Any approval by the office under this section does not constitute a recommendation by the
office of the tender offer or exchange offer, or acquisition, if no tender offer or exchange offer is
involved. It is unlawful for a person to represent that the offices approval constitutes a
recommendation. A person who violates the provisions of this subsection commits a felony of the
third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. The statute-oflimitations period for the prosecution of an offense committed under this subsection is 5 years.
(9) The office shall not approve any application which includes in the plan of financing any
encumbrance of the operating reserves required by this chapter.
(10) A facility acquired in violation of this section holds no certificate of authority and shall be
deemed to be in such condition, or to be using or to have been subject to such methods or practices
in the conduct of its business, as to render its further operation presently or prospectively hazardous
to its residents, creditors, or stockholders or to the public.
(11) A person may rebut a presumption of control by filing a disclaimer of control with the office
on a form prescribed by the office. The disclaimer must fully disclose all material relationships
and bases for affiliation between the person and the provider or facility as well as the basis for
disclaiming the affiliation. In lieu of such form, a person or acquiring party may file with the office
a copy of a Schedule 13G filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to rules
13d-1(b) or 13d-1(c) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. After a disclaimer
has been filed, the provider or facility is relieved of any duty to register or report under this section
which may arise out of the provider or facility's relationship with the person unless the office
disallows the disclaimer.
(12) For the purposes of this section:
(a) The term controlling company means any corporation, trust, or association owning, directly
or indirectly, 25 percent or more of the voting securities of one or more facilities which are stock
corporations, or 25 percent or more of the ownership interest of one or more facilities which are
not stock corporations.
(b) The term natural person means an individual.
(c) The term person includes a natural person, corporation, association, trust, general
partnership, limited partnership, joint venture, firm, proprietorship, or any other entity which may
hold a license or certificate as a facility.
(13) The commission may adopt, amend, or repeal rules that are necessary to implement the
provisions of this section, pursuant to chapter 120.
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651.025 Insolvent facilities or providers

Any person who was a proprietor, general partner, member, officer, director, trustee, or manager
of a facility or provider doing business in this state and who served in that capacity within the 2year period prior to the date the facility or provider became insolvent, for any insolvency that
occurs on or after July 1, 2017, may not thereafter serve as a proprietor, general partner, member,
officer, director, trustee, or manager of a facility or provider authorized in this state unless the
proprietor, general partner, member, officer, director, trustee, or manager demonstrates that his or
her personal actions or omissions were not a significant contributing cause to the insolvency.
651.026 Annual reports.
(1) Annually, on or before AprilMay 1, the provider shall file an annual report and such other
information and data showing its condition as of the last day of the preceding calendar year, except
as provided in subsection (5). If the office does not receive the required information on or before
AprilMay 1, a late fee may be charged pursuant to s. 651.015(2)(c). The office may approve an
extension of up to 30 days.
(2) The annual report shall be in such form as the commission prescribes and shall contain at
least the following:
(a) Any change in status with respect to the information required to be filed under s. 651.022(2).
(b) Financial statements audited by an independent certified public accountant which must
contain, for two or more periods if the facility has been in existence that long, all of the following:
1. An accountants opinion and, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles:
a. A balance sheet;
b. A statement of income and expenses;
c. A statement of equity or fund balances; and
d. A statement of changes in cash flows.
2. Notes to the financial statements considered customary or necessary for full disclosure or
adequate understanding of the financial statements, financial condition, and operation.
(c) The following financial information:
1. A detailed listing of the assets maintained in the liquid reserve as required under s. 651.035
and in accordance with part II of chapter 625;
2. A schedule giving additional information relating to property, plant, and equipment having an
original cost of at least $25,000, so as to show in reasonable detail with respect to each separate
facility original costs, accumulated depreciation, net book value, appraised value or insurable value
and date thereof, insurance coverage, encumbrances, and net equity of appraised or insured value
over encumbrances. Any property not used in continuing care must be shown separately from
property used in continuing care;
3. The level of participation in Medicare or Medicaid programs, or both;
4. A statement of all fees required of residents, including, but not limited to, a statement of the
entrance fee charged, the monthly service charges, the proposed application of the proceeds of the
entrance fee by the provider, and the plan by which the amount of the entrance fee is determined
if the entrance fee is not the same in all cases; and
5. Any change or increase in fees if the provider changes the scope of, or the rates for, care or
services, regardless of whether the change involves the basic rate or only those services available
at additional costs to the resident.
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6. If the provider has more than one certificated facility, or has operations that are not licensed
under this chapter, it shall submit a balance sheet, statement of income and expenses, statement of
equity or fund balances, and statement of cash flows for each facility licensed under this chapter
as supplemental information to the audited financial statements required under paragraph (b).
(3) In addition to the information required in paragraph (2), the provider shall submit the following:
(a)(d) Such other reasonable data, financial statements, and pertinent information as the
commission or office may require with respect to the provider or the facility, or its directors,
trustees, members, branches, subsidiaries, or affiliates, to determine the financial status of the
facility and the management capabilities of its managers and owners.
(be) Each facility shall file with the office annually, together with the annual report required by
this section, aA computation of its minimum liquid reserve calculated in accordance with s.
651.035 on a form prescribed by the commission.
(c) An actuarial opinion for each facility operated in this state stating whether the reserves and
related actuarial items held in support of the policies and contracts are computed appropriately, are
based on assumptions that satisfy contractual provisions, are consistent with prior reported
amounts, and comply with applicable state law.
1. The actuarial opinion must state whether the provider has adequate resources to meet all its
actuarial liabilities and related statement items for each operated facility and whether the provider's
financial condition is actuarially sound.
2. The amount to be held in the reserve shall be determined and certified by an actuary.
(4f) If, due to a change in generally accepted accounting principles, the balance sheet, statement
of income and expenses, statement of equity or fund balances, or statement of cash flows is known
by any other name or title, the annual report must contain financial statements using the changed
names or titles that most closely correspond to a balance sheet, statement of income and expenses,
statement of equity or fund balances, and statement of changes in cash flows.
(53) The commission shall adopt by rule meaningful measures of assessing the financial viability
of a provider. The rule may include the following factors:
(a) Debt service coverage ratios.
(b) Current ratios.
(c) Adjusted current ratios.
(d) Cash flows.
(e) Occupancy rates.
(f) Other measures, ratios, or trends.
(g) Other factors as may be appropriate.
(64) If the provider is an individual, the annual statement shall be sworn to by him or her; if a
limited partnership, by the general partner; if a partnership other than a limited partnership, by all
the partners; if any other unincorporated association, by all its members or officers and directors;
if a trust, by all its trustees and officers; and, if a corporation, by the president and secretary thereof.
(75) A provider may declare at the time of application a fiscal year other than the calendar year,
and may use such fiscal year for its accounting period. A provider may subsequently adopt a fiscal
year upon providing the office with a copy of the Internal Revenue Service approval of such
change, if such approval is required. The annual report filing with the office must be made within
90120 days of the last day of the fiscal year of the provider.
(86) The workpapers, account analyses, descriptions of basic assumptions, and other information
necessary for a full understanding of the annual statement of a provider as filed with the office
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shall be made available for visual inspection by the office at the facility or, if the office requests,
at another agreed-upon site. Photocopies may not be made unless consented to by the provider.
(97) A filing fee in the amount of $100 shall accompany each annual report required by this
(108) All financial reports and any supplemental financial information submitted to the office
shall be prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.
(119) The commission may by rule require all or part of the statements or filings required under
this section to be submitted by electronic means in a computer-readable form compatible with the
electronic data format specified by the commission.
651.0261 Quarterly and monthly statements.
(1) If the office finds, pursuant to rules of the commission, that such information is needed to
properly monitor the financial condition of a provider or facility or is otherwise needed to protect
the public interest, the office may require the provider to file:
(a) Wwithin 45 days after the end of each fiscal quarter, a quarterly unaudited financial statement
of the provider or of the facility in the form prescribed by the commission by rule, except the
annual report required by s. 651.026 shall substitute for the statement for the fourth fiscal quarter.
The commission may by rule require all or part of the statements or filings required under this
section to be submitted by electronic means in a computer-readable form compatible with the
electronic data format specified by the commission.
(b) Monthly unaudited financial statement of the provider or of the facility in the form prescribed
by the commission by rule.
(c) Such other reasonable data, financial statements, and pertinent information as the commission
or office may require with respect to the provider or the facility, or its directors, trustees, members,
branches, subsidiaries, or affiliates, to determine the financial status of the facility and the
management capabilities of its managers and owners.
(2) The commission may by rule require all or part of the statements or filings required under this
section to be submitted by electronic means in a computer-readable form compatible with the
electronic data format specified by the commission.
651.028 Accredited facilities.If a provider is accredited without stipulations or conditions by
a process found by the office to be acceptable and substantially equivalent to the provisions of this
chapter, the office may, pursuant to rule of the commission, waive any requirements of this chapter
with respect to the provider if the office finds that such waivers are not inconsistent with the
security protections intended by this chapter.
651.033 Escrow accounts.
(1) When funds are required to be deposited in an escrow account pursuant to s. 651.022, s.
651.023, s. 651.035, or s. 651.055:
(a) The escrow account shall be established in a Florida bank, Florida savings and loan
association, or Florida trust company acceptable to the office or on deposit with the department;
and the funds deposited therein shall be kept and maintained in an account separate and apart from
the providers business accounts.
(b) An escrow agreement shall be entered into between the bank, savings and loan association,
or trust company and the provider of the facility; the agreement shall state that its purpose is to
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protect the resident or the prospective resident; and, upon presentation of evidence of compliance
with applicable portions of this chapter, or upon order of a court of competent jurisdiction, the
escrow agent shall release and pay over the funds, or portions thereof, together with any interest
accrued thereon or earned from investment of the funds, to the provider or resident as directed.
(c) Any agreement establishing an escrow account required under the provisions of this chapter
shall be subject to approval by the office. The agreement shall be in writing and shall contain, in
addition to any other provisions required by law, a provision whereby the escrow agent agrees to
abide by the duties imposed under this section.
(d) All funds deposited in an escrow account, if invested, shall be invested as set forth in part II
of chapter 625; however, such investment may not diminish the funds held in escrow below the
amount required by this chapter. Funds deposited in an escrow account are not subject to charges
by the escrow agent except escrow agent fees associated with administering the accounts, or
subject to any liens, judgments, garnishments, creditors claims, or other encumbrances against
the provider or facility except as provided in s. 651.035(1).
(e) At the request of either the provider or the office, the escrow agent shall issue a statement
indicating the status of the escrow account.
(2) In addition, the escrow agreement shall provide that the escrow agent or another person
designated to act in the escrow agents place and the provider, except as otherwise provided in s.
651.035, shall notify the office in writing at least 10 days before the withdrawal of any portion of
any funds required to be escrowed under the provisions of s. 651.035. However, in the event of an
emergency and upon petition by the provider, the office may waive the 10-day notification period
and allow a withdrawal of up to 10 percent of the required minimum liquid reserve. The office
shall have 3 working days to deny the petition for the emergency 10-percent withdrawal. If the
office fails to deny the petition within 3 working days, the petition shall be deemed to have been
granted by the office. For the purpose of this section, working day means each day that is not a
Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday as defined by Florida law. Also for the purpose of this section,
the day the petition is received by the office shall not be counted as one of the 3 days.
(3) In addition, when entrance fees are required to be deposited in an escrow account pursuant
to s. 651.022, s. 651.023, or s. 651.055:
(a) The provider shall deliver to the resident a written receipt. The receipt must show the payors
name and address, the date, the price of the care contract, and the amount of money paid. A copy
of each receipt, together with the funds, shall be deposited with the escrow agent or as provided in
paragraph (c). The escrow agent shall release such funds to the provider 7 days after the date of
receipt of the funds by the escrow agent if the provider, operating under a certificate of authority
issued by the office, has met the requirements of s. 651.023(6). However, if the resident rescinds
the contract within the 7-day period, the escrow agent shall release the escrowed fees to the
(b) At the request of an individual resident of a facility, the escrow agent shall issue a statement
indicating the status of the residents portion of the escrow account.
(c) At the request of an individual resident of a facility, the provider may hold the check for the
7-day period and shall not deposit it during this time period. If the resident rescinds the contract
within the 7-day period, the check shall be immediately returned to the resident. Upon the
expiration of the 7 days, the provider shall deposit the check.
(d) A provider may assess a nonrefundable fee, which is separate from the entrance fee, for
processing a prospective residents application for continuing care or continuing care at-home.
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(34) Any fees of $1,500 or less which are assessed with respect to prospective residents to have
their names placed on a facilitys waiting list shall not be subject to the escrow provisions of this
(45) When funds are required to be deposited in an escrow account pursuant to s. 651.022, or s.
651.023, or s. 651.035, the following shall apply:
(a) The escrow agreement shall require that the escrow agent furnish the provider with a quarterly
statement indicating the amount of any disbursements from or deposits to the escrow account and
the condition of the account during the period covered by the statement. The agreement shall
require that the statement be furnished to the provider by the escrow agent on or before the 10th
day of the month following the end of the quarter for which the statement is due. If the escrow
agent does not provide the quarterly statement to the provider on or before the 10th day of the
month following the month for which the statement is due, the office may, in its discretion, levy
against the escrow agent a fine not to exceed $25 a day for each day of noncompliance with the
provisions of this subsection.
(b) If the escrow agent does not provide the quarterly statement to the provider on or before the
10th day of the month following the quarter for which the statement is due, the provider shall, on
or before the 15th day of the month following the quarter for which the statement is due, send a
written request for the statement to the escrow agent by certified mail return receipt requested.
(c) On or before the 20th day of the month following the quarter for which the statement is due,
the provider shall file with the office a copy of the escrow agents statement or, if the provider has
not received the escrow agents statement, a copy of the written request to the escrow agent for the
(d) The office may, in its discretion, in addition to any other penalty that may be provided for
under this chapter, levy a fine against the provider not to exceed $25 a day for each day the provider
fails to comply with the provisions of this subsection.
(e) Funds held on deposit with the department are exempt from the reporting requirements of
this subsection.
651.034 Refund Reserve

Any provider offering Type A contracts, Type B contracts, or refundable Type C contracts
shall maintain a refund reserve for the benefit of residents holding such contracts in an amount
determined by an actuary.
The amount of the refund reserve shall be revised annually by the provider and the provider
shall submit its calculation of the refund reserve amount to the office in conjunction with the annual
This reserve shall accumulate interest and earnings and shall be invested in any of the
(a) Cash, cash equivalents, mutual funds, equities, and investment grade bonds;
(b) Real property, subject to all of the following conditions:
1. With the prior written approval of the office, up to 70 percent of the refund
reserves may be held as net equity in the facility.
2. Not more than 50 percent of the providers net equity in the real property may be
allocated as part of the refund reserve. The net equity shall be the book value, assessed value, or
current appraised value within 12 months prior to the end of the fiscal year, less any depreciation
and encumbrances, as recorded on audited financial statements acceptable to the office.
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The reserve for refundable contracts shall be revised annually using the interest rate, refund
obligation amount, and individual life expectancies current at that time.
Such provider shall submit to the office, at least once every three years with the annual
report, an actuarial opinion as to the provider's actuarial financial condition along with the
supporting actuarial study. The actuarial opinion shall be based on an actuarial study completed
by the actuary. The actuarial opinion, and supporting actuarial study, shall examine, refer to, and
opine on the provider's actuarial financial condition as of December 31 of the reporting year.
The office may suspend, revoke, or take other administrative action against, the certificate
of authority of a facility that violates this section.
The commission may adopt rules providing the standards of the actuarial opinion consistent
with standards adopted by the Actuarial Standards Board on December 31, 2016, and subsequent
revisions thereto.
651.035 Minimum liquid reserve requirements.
(1) A provider shall maintain in escrow a minimum liquid reserve consisting of the following
reserves, as applicable:
(a) Each provider shall maintain in escrow a debt service reserve equal to the aggregate amount
of all principal and interest payments due during the fiscal year on any mortgage loan or other
long-term financing of the facility and, including property taxes as recorded in the audited financial
statements required under s. 651.026. The amount must include any leasehold payments and all
costs related to such payments. If principal payments are not due during the fiscal year, the provider
shall maintain in escrow as a minimum liquid reserve an amount equal to interest payments due
during the next 12 months on any mortgage loan or other long-term financing of the facility and,
including property taxes. Beginning January 1, 2018, the debt service reserve must be held on
deposit with the department, pursuant to Part III of Chapter 625, F.S.
(b) A provider that has outstanding indebtedness that requires a debt service reserve to be held
in escrow pursuant to a trust indenture or mortgage lien on the facility and for which the debt
service reserve may only be used to pay principal and interest payments on the debt that the debtor
is obligated to pay, and which may include property taxes and insurance, may include such debt
service reserve in computing the minimum liquid reserve needed to satisfy this subsection if the
provider furnishes to the office a copy of the agreement under which such debt service is held,
together with a statement of the amount being held in escrow for the debt service reserve, certified
by the lender or trustee and the provider to be correct. The trustee shall provide the office with any
information concerning the debt service reserve account upon request of the provider or the office.
(c) Each provider shall maintain on deposit with the department, pursuant to Part III of Chapter
625 in escrow an operating reserve equal to 30 percent of the total operating expenses projected in
the feasibility study required by s. 651.023 for the first 12 months of operation. Thereafter, each
provider shall maintain on deposit with the department, pursuant to Part III of Chapter 625 in
escrow an operating reserve equal to 15 percent of the total operating expenses in the annual report
filed pursuant to s. 651.026. If a provider has been in operation for more than 12 months, the total
annual operating expenses shall be determined by averaging the total annual operating expenses
reported to the office by the number of annual reports filed with the office within the preceding 3year period subject to adjustment if there is a change in the number of facilities owned. For
purposes of this subsection, total annual operating expenses include all expenses of the facility
except: depreciation and amortization; interest and property taxes included in paragraph (a);
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extraordinary expenses that are adequately explained and documented in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles; liability insurance premiums in excess of those paid in
calendar year 1999; and changes in the obligation to provide future services to current residents.
For providers initially licensed during or after calendar year 1999, liability insurance shall be
included in the total operating expenses in an amount not to exceed the premium paid during the
first 12 months of facility operation. Beginning January 1, 20181993, the operating reserves
required under this subsection shall be in an unencumbered account held on deposit with the
department, pursuant to Part III of Chapter 625 in escrow for the benefit of the residents. Such
funds may not be encumbered or subject to any liens or charges by the escrow agent or judgments,
garnishments, or creditors claims against the provider or facility. However, if a facility had a lien,
mortgage, trust indenture, or similar debt instrument in place before January 1, 1993, which
encumbered all or any part of the reserves required by this subsection and such funds were used to
meet the requirements of this subsection, then such arrangement may be continued, unless a
refinancing or acquisition has occurred, and the provider shall be in compliance with this
(d) Each provider shall maintain in escrow a renewal and replacement reserve equal to 15 percent
of the total accumulated depreciation based on the audited financial statement required to be filed
pursuant to s. 651.026, not to exceed 15 percent of the facilitys average operating expenses for
the past 3 fiscal years based on the audited financial statements for each of those years. For a
provider who is an operator of a facility but is not the owner and depreciation is not included as
part of the providers financial statement, the renewal and replacement reserve required by this
paragraph must equal 15 percent of the total operating expenses of the provider, as described in
this section. Each provider licensed before October 1, 1983, shall fully fund the renewal and
replacement reserve by October 1, 2003, by multiplying the difference between the former escrow
requirement and the present escrow requirement by the number of years the facility has been in
operation after October 1, 1983. Beginning January 1, 2018, the renewal and replacement reserve
must be held on deposit with the department, pursuant to Part III of Chapter 625, F.S..
(2)(a) In facilities where not all residents are under continuing care or continuing care at-home
contracts, the reserve requirements of subsection (1) shall be computed only with respect to the
proportional share of operating expenses that are applicable to residents. For purposes of this
calculation, the proportional share shall be based upon the ratio of residents under continuing care
or continuing care at-home contracts to those residents who do not hold such contracts.
(b) In facilities that have voluntarily and permanently discontinued marketing continuing care
and continuing care at-home contracts, the office may allow a reduced debt service reserve as
required in subsection (1) based upon the ratio of residents under continuing care or continuing
care at-home contracts to those residents who do not hold such contracts if the office finds that
such reduction is not inconsistent with the security protections intended by this chapter. In making
this determination, the office may consider such factors as the financial condition of the facility,
the provisions of outstanding continuing care and continuing care at-home contracts, the ratio of
residents under continuing care or continuing care at-home contracts to those residents who do not
hold such contracts, the current occupancy rates, the previous sales and marketing efforts, the life
expectancy of the remaining residents, and the written policies of the board of directors of the
provider or a similar board.
(3) If principal and interest payments are paid to a trust that is beneficially held by the residents
as described in s. 651.023(7), the office may waive all or any portion of the escrow requirements

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for mortgage principal and interest contained in subsection (1) if the office finds that such waiver
is not inconsistent with the security protections intended by this chapter.
(4) The office, upon approval of a plan for fulfilling the requirements of this section and upon
demonstration by the facility of an annual increase in liquid reserves, may extend the time for
(5) A provider may satisfy the minimum liquid reserve requirements of this section by acquiring
from a financial institution, as specified in paragraph (b), a clean, unconditional irrevocable letter
of credit equal to the requirements of this section.
(a) The letter of credit must be issued by a financial institution participating in the State of Florida
Treasury Certificate of Deposit Program, and must be approved by the office before issuance and
before any renewal or modification thereof. At a minimum, the letter of credit must provide for:
1. Ninety days prior written notice to both the provider and the office of the financial
institutions determination not to renew or extend the term of the letter of credit.
2. Unless otherwise arranged by the provider to the satisfaction of the office, deposit by the
financial institution of letter of credit funds in an account designated by the office no later than 30
days before the expiration of the letter of credit.
3. Deposit by the financial institution of letter of credit funds in an account designated by the
office within 4 business days following written instructions from the office that, in the sole
judgment of the office, funding of the minimum liquid reserve is required.
(b) The terms of the letter of credit must be approved by the office and the long-term debt of the
financial institution providing such letter of credit must be rated in one of their top three long-term
debt rating categories by either Moodys Investors Service, Standard & Poors Corporation, or a
recognized securities rating agency acceptable to the office.
(c) The letter of credit must name the office as beneficiary.
(d) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, a provider using a letter of credit
pursuant to this subsection shall, at all times, have and maintain in escrow an operating cash reserve
equal to 2 months operating expenses as determined pursuant to s. 651.026.
(e) If the issuing financial institution no longer participates in the State of Florida Treasury
Certificate of Deposit Program, such financial institution shall deposit as collateral with the
department eligible securities, as prescribed by s. 625.52, having a market value equal to or greater
than 100 percent of the stated amount of the letter of credit.
(6) Each fiscal year, a provider may withdraw up to 33 percent of the total renewal and
replacement reserve available. The reserve available is equal to the market value of the invested
reserves at the end of the providers prior fiscal year. The withdrawal must be used for capital
items or major repairs.
(a) Before any funds are eligible for withdrawal, the provider must obtain written permission
from the office by submitting the following:
1. The amount of the withdrawal and the intended use of the proceeds.
2. A board resolution and sworn affidavit signed by two officers or general partners of the
provider that which indicates approval of the withdrawal and use of the funds. and that states that
the funds are required and unavailable from current operating and capital expenditure funds.
3. Proof that the provider has met all funding requirements for the operating, debt service, and
renewal and replacement reserves computed for the previous fiscal year. and that the provider
current with the filing requirements of ss. 651.026 and 651.0261.
4. Anticipated payment schedule for refunding the renewal and replacement reserve fund.
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(b) Within 30 days after the withdrawal of funds, the provider must begin refunding the reserve
account in equal monthly payments that allow for a complete funding of the withdrawal within 36
months. If the payment schedule required under subparagraph (a)4. has changed, the provider must
update the office with the new payment schedule. If the provider fails to make a required monthly
payment or the payment is late, the provider must notify the office within 5 days after the due date
of the payment. No additional withdrawals from the renewal and replacement reserve will be
allowed until all scheduled payments are current.
(7) A provider may withdraw funds from the debt service reserve or the operating reserve as
provided in s. 625.62 with the written consent of the office.
(a) In order to receive the consent of the office, the provider must provide the following:
1. The reason for such request;
2. Proof that the amount held on such reserve is in excess of the amount required under this section
or documentation showing why the withdrawal in necessary for the continued operation of the
facility; and
3. Such additional information as the office reasonably requires.
(b) The office shall notify the provider when the application is deemed complete. If the provider
has complied with all prior requests for information, the application shall be deemed complete
after 30 days without communication from the office.
(c) Within 30 days after the date an application is deemed complete, the office shall provide the
provider with written notice of its approval or disapproval of the request. The office may
disapprove any request to withdraw such funds if it determines that the withdrawal is not in the
best interest of the residents.
(8) In the event of an emergency and upon petition by the provider, the office may allow a
withdrawal of up to 10 percent of the required minimum liquid reserve. The office shall have 3
working days to deny the petition for the emergency 10-percent withdrawal. If the office fails to
deny the petition within 3 working days, the petition shall be deemed to have been granted by the
office. For the purpose of this section, working day means each day that is not a Saturday,
Sunday, or legal holiday as defined by Florida law. Also for the purpose of this section, the day
the petition is received by the office shall not be counted as one of the 3 days.
651.036 Dividends and other distributions of assets.
(1) A provider shall obtain the approval of the office prior to paying any dividend or distributing
cash or other property to stockholders, officers, directors, owners, partners, or members.
(2) The office shall not approve a dividend or distribution in excess of ten percent of the reported
net income unless, considering the following factors, it determines that the distribution or dividend
would not jeopardize the financial condition of the facility:
(a) The liquidity, quality, and diversification of the facilitys assets and the effect on its ability to
meet its obligations.
(b) Reduction of investment portfolio and investment income.
(c) Effects on the facilitys ability to pay resident refunds.
(d) Industrywide financial conditions.
(e) Prior dividend distributions of the facility.
(f) Whether the dividend is only a pass-through dividend from a subsidiary or affiliate of the
(g) The ongoing maintenance obligations of the facility.
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(3) The office shall disapprove any dividend or distribution to be paid from:
(a) Minimum liquid reserve funds.
(b) Funds raised by undertaking debt collateralized by facility assets.
(c) Refund reserves
(4) Any director of a facility who knowingly votes for or concurs in declaration or payment of a
dividend to stockholders or members other than as authorized under this section is guilty of a
misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083, and shall
be jointly and severally liable, together with other such directors likewise voting for or concurring,
for any loss thereby sustained by creditors of the facility to the extent of such dividend.
(5) Any partner or stockholder receiving such an illegal dividend shall be liable in the amount
thereof to the facility.
(6) Any partner voting for, concurring in, or otherwise facilitating or cooperating in the payment
of a distribution other than as authorized under this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second
degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083, and shall be jointly and severally liable,
together with other such partners likewise voting for, concurring in, facilitating or cooperating in
the payment, for any loss thereby sustained by creditors of the facility to the extent of such
(7) The office may revoke or suspend, or take other administrative action against the certificate of
authority of a provider that has declared or paid such an illegal dividend or distribution.
651.041 Approval of change in management
(1) A provider must file notice with the office of any change in management staff within five days
of the appointment of a new manager or the removal of an approved manager, whichever is sooner.
For each new manager, the provider must submit the information required by s. 651.022(2).
(2) The office may disapprove a new manager if it finds that manager is incompetent or
untrustworthy; or is so lacking in continuing care retirement community managerial experience as
to make the proposed operation hazardous to the residents or potential residents; or is so lacking
in continuing care experience, ability, and standing as to jeopardize the reasonable promise of
successful operation; or that the office has good reason to believe that the manager is affiliated
directly or indirectly through ownership, control, reinsurance transactions, or other insurance or
business relations, with any person or persons whose business operations are or have been marked,
to the detriment of policyholders or stockholders or investors or creditors or of the public, by
manipulation of assets, accounts, or reinsurance or by bad faith.
(3) A manager disapproved by the office shall be removed within 30 days of receipt by the facility
of such disapproval.
(4) Failure to timely remove a manager disapproved by the office; failure to timely notify the office
of a change in management; or the repeated appointment of persons previously disapproved by the
office or who are not approvable pursuant to paragraph (2) may result in the revocation,
suspension, or the taking of other administrative action by the office against the certificate of
authority of the provider.
(5) The provider shall remove any such person immediately upon discovery of the following
conditions when applicable to such person:
(a) Any person, including any stock subscriber, stockholder, or incorporator, who exercises or has
the ability to exercise effective control of the provider, or who influences or has the ability to
influence the transaction of the business of the provider, has been found guilty of, or has pled
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guilty or no contest to, any felony or crime punishable by imprisonment of 1 year or more under
the laws of the United States or any state thereof or under the laws of any other country, which
involves moral turpitude, without regard to whether a judgment or conviction has been entered by
the court having jurisdiction in such case.
(b) Any person, including any stock subscriber, stockholder, or incorporator, who exercises or has
the ability to exercise effective control of the organization, or who influences or has the ability to
influence the transaction of the business of the provider, is now or was in the past affiliated, directly
or indirectly, through ownership interest of 10 percent or more, control, or reinsurance
transactions, with any business, corporation, or other entity that has been found guilty of or has
pleaded guilty or nolo contendere to any felony or crime punishable by imprisonment for 1 year
or more under the laws of the United States, any state, or any other country, regardless of
The failure to remove such persons is grounds for revocation or suspension of the providers
certificate of authority
651.051 Maintenance of assets and records in state.All records and assets shall be maintained
in this state. No records or assets may be removed from this state by a provider unless the office
consents to such removal in writing before such removal. Such consent shall be based upon the
providers submitting satisfactory evidence that the removal will facilitate and make more
economical the operations of the provider and will not diminish the service or protection thereafter
to be given the providers residents in this state. Prior to such removal, the provider shall give
notice to the president or chair of the facilitys residents council. If such removal is part of a cash
management system which has been approved by the office, disclosure of the system shall meet
the notification requirements.
651.055 Continuing care contracts; right to rescind.
(1) Each continuing care contract and each addendum to such contract shall be submitted to and
approved by the office before its use in this state. Thereafter, no other form of contract shall be
used by the provider until it has been submitted to and approved by the office. Each contract must:
(a) Provide for the continuing care of only one resident, or for two persons occupying space
designed for double occupancy, under appropriate regulations established by the provider, and
must list all properties transferred and their market value at the time of transfer, including
donations, subscriptions, fees, and any other amounts paid or payable by, or on behalf of, the
resident or residents.
(b) Specify all services that are to be provided by the provider to each resident, including, in
detail, all items that each resident will receive, whether the items will be provided for a designated
time period or for life, and whether the services will be available on the premises or at another
specified location. The provider shall indicate which services or items are included in the contract
for continuing care and which services or items are made available at or by the facility at extra
charge. Such items include, but are not limited to, food, shelter, personal services or nursing care,
drugs, burial, and incidentals.
(c) Describe the terms and conditions under which a contract for continuing care may be canceled
by the provider or by a resident and the conditions, if any, under which all or any portion of the
entrance fee will be refunded in the event of cancellation of the contract by the provider or by the
resident, including the effect of any change in the health or financial condition of a person between
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the date of entering a contract for continuing care and the date of initial occupancy of a living unit
by that person.
(d) Describe the health and financial conditions required for a person to be accepted as a resident
and to continue as a resident, once accepted, including the effect of any change in the health or
financial condition of the person between the date of submitting an application for admission to
the facility and entering into a continuing care contract. If a prospective resident signs a contract
but postpones moving into the facility, the individual is deemed to be occupying a unit at the
facility when he or she pays the entrance fee or any portion of the fee, other than a reservation
deposit, and begins making monthly maintenance fee payments. Such resident may rescind the
contract and receive a full refund of any funds paid, without penalty or forfeiture, within 7 days
after executing the contract as specified in subsection (2).
(e) Describe the circumstances under which the resident will be permitted to remain in the facility
in the event of financial difficulties of the resident. The stated policy may not be less than the terms
stated in s. 651.061.
(f) State the fees that will be charged if the resident marries while at the designated facility, the
terms concerning the entry of a spouse to the facility, and the consequences if the spouse does not
meet the requirements for entry.
(g) Provide that the contract may be canceled by giving at least 30 days written notice of
cancellation by the provider, the resident, or the person who provided the transfer of property or
funds for the care of such resident. However, if a contract is canceled because there has been a
good faith determination that a resident is a danger to himself or herself or others, only such notice
as is reasonable under the circumstances is required.
(h) Describe in clear and understandable language, in print no smaller than the largest type used
in the body of the contract, the terms governing the refund of any portion of the entrance fee.
1. For a resident whose contract with the facility provides that the resident does not receive a
transferable membership or ownership right in the facility, and who has occupied his or her unit,
the refund shall be calculated on a pro rata basis with the facility retaining up to 2 percent per
month of occupancy by the resident and up to a 5 percent processing fee. Such refund must be paid
within 120 days after giving the notice of intention to cancel. For contracts entered into on or after
January 1, 2016, refunds must be made within 90 days after the contract is terminated and the unit
is vacated. A resident who enters into a contract before January 1, 2016, may voluntarily sign a
contract addendum approved by the office that provides for such revised refund requirement.
2. In addition to a processing fee not to exceed 5 percent, if the contract provides for the facility
to retain no more than 1 percent per month of occupancy by the resident and the resident does not
receive a transferable membership or ownership right in the facility, the contract shall provide that
such refund will be paid from one of the following:
a. The proceeds of the next entrance fees received by the provider for units for which there are
no prior claims by any resident until paid in full;
b. The proceeds of the next entrance fee received by the provider for a like or similar unit as
specified in the residency or reservation contract signed by the resident for which there are no prior
claims by any resident until paid in full; or
c. The proceeds of the next entrance fee received by the provider for the unit that is vacated if
the contract is approved by the office before October 1, 2015. Providers may not use this refund
option after October 1, 2016, and must submit a new or amended contract with an alternative
refund provision to the office for approval by August 2, 2016.; or
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d. From provider operating funds or refund reserves within 90 days after the contract is terminated
and the unit is vacated.
3. For contracts entered into on or after January 1, 2016, that provide for a refund in accordance
with sub-subparagraph 2.b., the following provisions apply:
a. Any refund that is due upon the residents death or relocation of the resident to another level
of care that results in the termination of the contract must be paid the earlier of:
(I) Thirty days after receipt by the provider of the next entrance fee received for a like or similar
unit for which there is no prior claim by any resident until paid in full; or
(II) No later than a specified maximum number of months or years, determined by the provider
and specified in the contract, after the contract is terminated and the unit is vacated.
b. Any refund that is due to a resident who vacates the unit and voluntarily terminates a contract
after the 7-day rescission period required in subsection (2) must be paid within 30 days after receipt
by the provider of the next entrance fee for a like or similar unit for which there are no prior claims
by any resident until paid in full and is not subject to the provisions in sub-subparagraph a. A
contract is voluntarily terminated when a resident provides written notice of intent to leave and
moves out of the continuing care facility after the 7-day rescission period.
4. For purposes of this paragraph, the term like or similar unit means a residential dwelling
categorized into a group of units which have similar characteristics such as comparable square
footage, number of bedrooms, location, age of construction, or a combination of one or more of
these features as specified in the residency or reservation contract. Each category must consist of
at least 5 percent of the total number of residential units designated for independent living or 10
residential units designated for independent living, whichever is less. However, a group of units
consisting of single family homes may contain fewer than 10 units.
5. If the provider has discontinued marketing continuing care contracts, any refund due to a
resident must be paid within 200 days after the contract is terminated and the unit is vacated.
6. Unless subsection (5) applies, for any prospective resident, regardless of whether or not such
a resident receives a transferable membership or ownership right in the facility, who cancels the
contract before occupancy of the unit, the entire amount paid toward the entrance fee shall be
refunded, less a processing fee of up to 5 percent of the entire entrance fee; however, the processing
fee may not exceed the amount paid by the prospective resident. Such refund must be paid within
60 days after the resident gives notice of intention to cancel. For a resident who has occupied his
or her unit and who has received a transferable membership or ownership right in the facility, the
foregoing refund provisions do not apply but are deemed satisfied by the acquisition or receipt of
a transferable membership or an ownership right in the facility. The provider may not charge any
fee for the transfer of membership or sale of an ownership right.
(i) State the terms under which a contract is canceled by the death of the resident. These terms
may contain a provision that, upon the death of a resident, the entrance fee of such resident is
considered earned and becomes the property of the provider. If the unit is shared, the conditions
with respect to the effect of the death or removal of one of the residents must be included in the
(j) Describe the policies that may lead to changes in monthly recurring and nonrecurring charges
or fees for goods and services received. The contract must provide for advance notice to the
resident, of at least 60 days, before any change in fees or charges or the scope of care or services
is effective, except for changes required by state or federal assistance programs.

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(k) Provide that charges for care paid in one lump sum may not be increased or changed during
the duration of the agreed upon care, except for changes required by state or federal assistance
(l) Specify whether the facility is, or is affiliated with, a religious, nonprofit, or proprietary
organization, or management entity or whether other facilities are owned or operated by a common
provider; the extent to which the affiliate organization will be responsible for the financial and
contractual obligations of the provider; and the provisions of the federal Internal Revenue Code,
if any, under which the provider or affiliate is exempt from the payment of federal income tax.
(m) Be marked with a combination of letters or figures identifying the contract and differentiating
that contract from other contracts issued by the same provider. Whenever any change is made to a
contract, the designating letters or figures thereon shall be correspondingly changed.
(2) A resident has the right to rescind a continuing care contract and receive a full refund of any
funds paid, without penalty or forfeiture, within 7 days after executing the contract. A resident
may not be required to move into the facility designated in the contract before the expiration of
the 7-day period. During the 7-day period, the residents funds must be held in an escrow account
unless otherwise requested by the resident pursuant to s. 651.033(3)(c).
(3) The contract must include or be accompanied by a statement, printed in boldfaced type, which
reads: This facility and all other continuing care facilities in the State of Florida are regulated by
chapter 651, Florida Statutes. A copy of the law is on file in this facility. The law gives you or
your legal representative the right to inspect our most recent financial statement and inspection
report before signing the contract.
(4) Before the transfer of any money or other property to a provider by or on behalf of a
prospective resident, the provider shall present a typewritten or printed copy of the contract to the
prospective resident and all other parties to the contract. The provider shall secure a signed, dated
statement from each party to the contract certifying that a copy of the contract with the specified
attachment, as required pursuant to this chapter, was received.
(5) Except for a resident who postpones moving into the facility but is deemed to have occupied
a unit as described in paragraph (1)(d), if a prospective resident dies before occupying the facility
or, through illness, injury, or incapacity, is precluded from becoming a resident under the terms of
the continuing care contract, the contract is automatically canceled, and the prospective resident
or his or her legal representative shall receive a full refund of all moneys paid to the facility, except
those costs specifically incurred by the facility at the request of the prospective resident and set
forth in writing in a separate addendum, signed by both parties, to the contract. Such refund must
be paid within 60 days after the facility receives notice of the prospective residents death, illness,
injury, or incapacity.
(6) In order to comply with this section, a provider may furnish information not contained in his
or her continuing care contract through an addendum.
(7) Contracts to provide continuing care, including contracts that are terminable by either party,
may include agreements to provide care for any duration.
(8) Those contracts entered into after July 1, 1977, and before the issuance of a certificate of
authority to the provider are valid and binding upon both parties in accordance with their terms.
Within 30 days after receipt of a letter from the office notifying the provider of a noncompliant
residency contract, the provider shall file a new residency contract for approval that complies with
Florida law. Pending review and approval of the new residency contract, the provider may continue
to use the previously approved contract.
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(9) A prospective resident, resident, or residents estate is not entitled to interest of any type on
a deposit or entrance fee unless interest is specified in the continuing care contract. This subsection
is remedial in nature and clarifies existing law.
(10) The provisions of this section control over any conflicting provisions contained in part II of
chapter 400 or in part I of chapter 429.
651.057 Continuing care at-home contracts.
(1) In addition to the requirements of s. 651.055, a provider offering contracts for continuing
care at-home must:
(a) Disclose the following in the continuing care at-home contract:
1. Whether transportation will be provided to residents when traveling to and from the facility
for services;
2. That the provider has no liability for residents residing outside the facility beyond the delivery
of services specified in the contract and future access to nursing care or personal services at the
facility or in another setting designated in the contract;
3. The mechanism for monitoring residents who live outside the facility;
4. The process that will be followed to establish priority if a resident wishes to exercise his or
her right to move into the facility; and
5. The policy that will be followed if a resident living outside the facility relocates to a different
residence and no longer avails himself or herself of services provided by the facility.
(b) Ensure that persons employed by or under contract with the provider who assist in the
delivery of services to residents residing outside the facility are appropriately licensed or certified
as required by law.
(c) Include operating expenses for continuing care at-home contracts in the calculation of the
operating reserve required by s. 651.035(1)(c).
(d) Include the operating activities for continuing care at-home contracts in the total operation
of the facility when submitting financial reports to the office as required by s. 651.026.
(2) A provider that holds a certificate of authority and wishes to offer continuing care at-home
must also:
(a) Submit a business plan to the office with the following information:
1. A description of the continuing care at-home services that will be provided, the market to be
served, and the fees to be charged;
2. A copy of the proposed continuing care at-home contract;
3. An actuarial study prepared by an independent actuary in accordance with the standards
adopted by the American Academy of Actuaries which presents the impact of providing continuing
care at-home on the overall operation of the facility; and
4. A market feasibility study that meets the requirements of s. 651.022(3) and documents that
there is sufficient interest in continuing care at-home contracts to support such a program;
(b) Demonstrate to the office that the proposal to offer continuing care at-home contracts to
individuals who do not immediately move into the facility will not place the provider in an unsound
financial condition;
(c) Comply with the requirements of s. 651.021(2), except that an actuarial study may be
substituted for the feasibility study; and
(d) Comply with the requirements of this chapter.

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(3) Contracts to provide continuing care at-home, including contracts that are terminable by
either party, may include agreements to provide care for any duration.
(4) A provider offering continuing care at-home contracts must, at a minimum, have a facility
that is licensed under this chapter and has accommodations for independent living which are
primarily intended for residents who do not require staff supervision. The facility need not offer
assisted living units licensed under part I of chapter 429 or nursing home units licensed under part
II of chapter 400 in order to be able to offer continuing care at-home contracts.
(a) The combined number of outstanding continuing care (CCRC) and continuing care at-home
(CCAH) contracts allowed at the facility may be the greater of:
1. One and one-half times the combined number of independent living units (ILU), assisted
living units (ALF) that are licensed under part I of chapter 429, and nursing home units licensed
under part II of chapter 400 at the facility; or
2. Four times the combined number of assisted living units (ALF) that are licensed under part I
of chapter 429 and nursing home units that are licensed under part II of chapter 400 at that facility.
(b) The number of independent living units at the facility must be equal to or greater than 10
percent of the initial 100 continuing care (CCRC) and continuing care at-home (CCAH) contracts
and 5 percent of the combined number of outstanding continuing care (CCRC) and continuing care
at-home (CCAH) contracts in excess of 100 issued by that facility.
651.058 Grounds for disapproval.
(1) The office shall disapprove any contract filed under s. 651.055, or withdraw any previous
approval thereof, only if the contract:
(a) Is in any respect in violation of, or does not comply with, this chapter or any section herein
incorporated by reference.
(b) Contains or incorporates by reference, where such incorporation is otherwise permissible,
any inconsistent, ambiguous, or misleading clauses, exceptions, or conditions.
(c) Has any title, heading, or other indication of its provisions which is misleading.
(d) Is printed or otherwise reproduced in such manner as to render any material provision of the
form substantially illegible.

651.061 Dismissal or discharge of resident; refund.

(1) No contract for care shall permit dismissal or discharge of the resident from the facility
providing care before the expiration of the contract, without just cause for such a removal. For any
contract entered into on or after October 1, 1997, and terminated by a provider for just cause, the
provider shall pay to the resident any refund due upon the residents vacating the facility, less a
reasonable amount to cover the anticipated cost of utilities, telephone, or other obligations, if
applicable and as documented by the provider. Any funds retained and not used for such purposes
will be refunded to the resident within 45 days of vacating the unit. For contracts written prior to
October 1, 1997, any refund due shall be made in accordance with the terms of the contract. The
term just cause includes, but is not limited to, a good faith determination that a resident is a
danger to herself or himself or others while remaining in the facility. The term just cause does
not include termination of contract holders for the purpose of decertifying a facility from this
(2) It shall not be deemed just cause if the resident is unable to pay monthly maintenance fees
until the entire unearned entrance fee, plus, when applicable, any Medicare benefits under Title
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XVIII of the Social Security Act and/or third-party insurance benefits received, is earned by the
facility. For this purpose, the unearned portion shall be the difference between all amounts paid in
by the resident and the cost of caring for the resident based upon the per capita cost to the facility.
In any case where a consideration greater than the minimum charge has been paid for
accommodations which are above-standard, the facility may include an additional amount in the
residents cost of care based upon the ratio of the amount paid to the minimum consideration for
standard accommodations times the current per capita cost and applied to the period the aged
person was in residence. Should these entrance fees be exhausted within 90 days of the date of
failure to pay, the facility may not require the resident to leave before 90 days from the date of
failure to pay, during which time the resident shall continue to pay the facility a reduced fee based
on her or his current income.
651.064 Unfair and deceptive trade practices prohibited
(1) No person shall engage in this state in any trade practice that is defined in this section as, or
that is determined by the office to be, an unfair method of competition or an unfair or deceptive
act or practice involving the business of continuing care.
(2) Any person who violates any provision of this part is subject to a fine in an amount not greater
than $5,000 for each nonwillful violation and not greater than $40,000 for each willful violation.
Fines under this subsection imposed against an provider may not exceed an aggregate amount of
$20,000 for all nonwillful violations arising out of the same action or an aggregate amount of
$200,000 for all willful violations arising out of the same action. The fines may be imposed in
addition to any other applicable penalty, including revocation or suspension of the providers
certificate of authority. Such fines may not be used as justification for a rate increase.
(3) The following are defined as unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or
(a) Misrepresentations and false advertising of continuing care contracts.--Knowingly making,
issuing, circulating, or causing to be made, issued, or circulated, any estimate, illustration, circular,
statement, sales presentation, omission, comparison, or continuing care contract altered after being
issued, which:
1. Misrepresents the benefits, advantages, conditions, or terms of any continuing care contract.
2. Misrepresents the dividends or share of the surplus to be received on any continuing care
3. Makes any false or misleading statements as to the dividends or share of surplus previously paid
on any continuing care contract.
4. Is misleading, or is a misrepresentation, as to the financial condition of any person.
5. Uses any name or title of any continuing care contract or continuing care contracts
misrepresenting the true nature thereof.
6. Is a misrepresentation for the purpose of inducing, or tending to induce, the lapse, forfeiture,
exchange, conversion, or surrender of any continuing care contract.
7. Is a misrepresentation for the purpose of effecting a pledge or assignment of, or effecting a loan
against, any continuing care contract.
8. Misrepresents any continuing care contract as being shares of stock or misrepresents ownership
interest in the provider or facility.
9. Uses any advertisement that would mislead or otherwise cause a reasonable person to believe
mistakenly that the state or the Federal Government is responsible for the continuing care sales
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activities of any person or stands behind any person's credit or that any person, the state, or the
Federal Government guarantees any returns on continuing care contract or is a source of payment
of any continuing care obligation of or sold by any person.
(b) False information and advertising generally.--Knowingly making, publishing, disseminating,
circulating, or placing before the public, or causing, directly or indirectly, to be made, published,
disseminated, circulated, or placed before the public:
1. In a newspaper, magazine, or other publication;
2. In the form of a notice, circular, pamphlet, letter, or poster;
3. Over any radio or television station; or
4. In any other way,
an advertisement, announcement, or statement containing any assertion, representation, or
statement with respect to the business continuing care, which is untrue, deceptive, or misleading.
(c) Defamation.--Knowingly making, publishing, disseminating, or circulating, directly or
indirectly, or aiding, abetting, or encouraging the making, publishing, disseminating, or circulating
of, any oral or written statement, or any pamphlet, circular, article, or literature, which is false or
maliciously critical of, or derogatory to, any person and which is calculated to injure such person.
(d) Boycott, coercion, and intimidation.--Entering into any agreement to commit, or by any
concerted action committing, any act of boycott, coercion, or intimidation resulting in, or tending
to result in, unreasonable restraint of, or monopoly in, the business of continuing care.
(e) False statements and entries.-1. Knowingly:
a. Filing with any supervisory or other public official,
b. Making, publishing, disseminating, circulating,
c. Delivering to any person,
d. Placing before the public,
e. Causing, directly or indirectly, to be made, published, disseminated, circulated, delivered to any
person, or placed before the public,
any false material statement.
2. Knowingly making any false entry of a material fact in any book, report, or statement of any
person, or knowingly omitting to make a true entry of any material fact pertaining to the business
of such person in any book, report, or statement of such person.
(f) Stock operations and advisory board contracts.--Issuing or delivering, promising to issue or
deliver, or permitting officers or employees to issue or deliver capital stock, benefit certificates or
shares in any common-law corporation, or securities or any special or advisory board contracts or
other contracts of any kind promising returns or profits as an inducement to a continuing care
(g) Unfair discrimination.-1. Knowingly making or permitting unfair discrimination between individuals of the same
actuarially supportable class and equal expectation of life, in the rates charged for continuing care
contract, in the dividends or other benefits payable thereon, or in any other term or condition of
such contract.
2. Knowingly making or permitting unfair discrimination between individuals of the same
actuarially supportable class, as determined at the time of initial issuance of the coverage, and
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essentially the same hazard, in the amount of premium, policy fees, or rates charged for a policy
or contract of accident, disability, or health insurance, in the benefits payable thereunder, in the
terms or conditions of such contract, or in any other manner.
3. Knowingly refusing to issue, canceling or otherwise terminating a continuing care contract
based upon the fact that resident or potential resident has sought or should have sought medical or
psychological treatment in the past for abuse. A provider may refuse to issue a contract based on
the potential resident's medical condition, but may not consider whether such condition was caused
by an act of abuse. For purposes of this section, the term abuse means the occurrence of one or
more of the following acts:
a. Attempting or committing assault, battery, sexual assault, or sexual battery;
b. Placing another in fear of imminent serious bodily injury by physical menace;
c. False imprisonment;
d. Physically or sexually abusing a minor child; or
e. An act of domestic violence as defined in s. 741.28.
(h) Failure to maintain complaint-handling procedures.--Failure of any person to maintain a
complete record of all the complaints received since the date of the last examination. For purposes
of this paragraph, complaint means any written communication primarily expressing a
(i) Misrepresentation in applications.-1. Knowingly making a false or fraudulent written or oral statement or representation on, or relative
to, an application or negotiation for a continuing care contract for the purpose of obtaining a fee,
commission, money, or other benefit from any insurer, agent, broker, or individual.
2. Knowingly making a material omission in the comparison of a continuing care contract with the
contract it replaces for the purpose of obtaining a fee, commission, money, or other benefit from
any insurer, agent, broker, or individual. For the purposes of this subparagraph, a material omission
includes the failure to advise the resident or potential resident of the existence and operation of a
preexisting condition clause in the replacement contract.
(j) Twisting.--Knowingly making any misleading representations or incomplete or fraudulent
comparisons or fraudulent material omissions of or with respect to any continuing care contracts,
facilities, or providers for the purpose of inducing, or tending to induce, any person to lapse, forfeit,
surrender, terminate, retain, pledge, assign, borrow on, or convert any continuing care contract or
to buy a continuing care contract in another facility.
(k) Advertising gifts permitted.--No provision of paragraph (f) or paragraph (g) shall be deemed
to prohibit a licensed provider or facility from giving to residents, potential residents, and others,
for the purpose of advertising, any article of merchandise having a value of not more than $25.
(l) Free care prohibited.-1. Advertising, offering, or providing free continuing care as an inducement to the purchase or sale
of real or personal property or of services directly or indirectly connected with such real or personal
2. For the purposes of this paragraph, free continuing care is:
a. Continuing care for which no identifiable and additional charge is made to the purchaser of such
real property, personal property, or services.
b. Continuing care for which an identifiable or additional charge is made in an amount less than
the cost of such continuing care as to the seller or other person, other than the provider or facility,
providing the same.
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(m) Illegal dealings in charges for care.-1. Knowingly collecting any sum for continuing care, which is not then provided, or is not in due
course to be provided under a continuing care contract as permitted by this code.
2. Knowingly collecting any sum for continuing care in excess of or less than the charge applicable
to continuing as specified in the continuing care contract and as fixed by the provider. 3. No
provider may cancel or otherwise terminate any continuing care contract, or require execution of
a consent to rate endorsement, during the stated contract term for the purpose of offering to issue,
or issuing, a similar or identical contract to the same resident at a higher cost or continuing an
existing contract at an increased cost.
4. No provider shall cancel or issue a nonrenewal notice on any continuing care contract without
complying with any applicable cancellation or nonrenewal provision required under the Florida
Insurance Code.
(n) Interlocking ownership and management.-1. Any provider may retain, invest in, or acquire the whole or any part of the capital stock of any
other provider or providers, or have a common management with any other provider or providers,
unless such retention, investment, acquisition, or common management is inconsistent with any
other provision of this code, or unless by reason thereof the business of such providers with the
public is conducted in a manner which substantially lessens competition generally in the
continuing care business.
2. Any person otherwise qualified may be a director of two or more providers that are competitors,
unless the effect thereof is substantially to lessen competition between providers generally or
materially tend to create a monopoly.
3. Any limitation contained in this paragraph does not apply to any person who is a director of two
or more providers under common control or management.
(o) Prohibited arrangements as to funerals.-1. No provider shall designate in any continuing care contract the person to conduct the funeral of
the resident, or organize, promote, or operate any enterprise or plan to enter into any contract with
any resident under which the freedom of choice in the open market of the person having the legal
right to such choice is restricted as to the purchase, arrangement, and conduct of a funeral service
or any part thereof for any resident.
2. No provider shall contract or agree to furnish funeral merchandise or services in connection
with the disposition of any person upon the death of any resident.
3. No provider shall contract or agree with any funeral director or direct disposer to the effect that
such funeral director or direct disposer shall conduct the funeral of any resident.
(p) Certain relations with funeral directors prohibited.-1. No provider shall:
a. Affix, or permit to be affixed, advertising matter of any kind or character of any licensed funeral
director or direct disposer to such continuing care contract.
b. Circulate, or permit to be circulated, any such advertising matter with such continuing care
c. Attempt in any manner or form to influence residents to employ the services of any particular
licensed funeral director or direct disposer.
2. No such provider shall maintain, or permit its agent to maintain, an office or place of business
in the office, establishment, or place of business of any funeral director or direct disposer in this
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(q) False claims; obtaining or retaining money dishonestly.-1. Any agent, physician, resident, or other person who causes to be presented to any provider a
false claim for payment, knowing the same to be false; or
2. Any agent, collector, or other person who represents any provider or collects or does business
without the authority of the provider, secures cash advances by false statements, or fails to turn
over when required, or satisfactorily account for, all collections of such provider,
shall, in addition to the other penalties provided in this act, be guilty of a misdemeanor of the
second degree and, upon conviction thereof, shall be subject to the penalties provided by s. 775.082
or s. 775.083.
(r) Refusal to contract.--In addition to other provisions of this code, the refusal issue a continuing
care contract to any individual solely because of:
1. Race, color, creed, marital status, sex, or national origin;
2. The age, or lawful occupation of the individual, unless there is a reasonable relationship between
the age or lawful occupation of the individual and the continuing care contract;
3. The residents or potential residents failure to agree to place collateral business with any
4. The residents or potential residents failure to purchase noninsurance services or commodities;
5. The fact that the resident or potential resident is a public official; or
6. The fact that the resident or potential resident had been previously a continuing care contract by
any provider, when such refusal for this reason occurs with such frequency as to indicate a general
business practice.
(s) Powers of attorney.--Except as provided in s. 627.842(2):
1. Requiring, as a condition to issuance of a continuing care contract, that a potential resident or
resident execute a power of attorney in favor of provider, facility, or an employee thereof; or
2. Presenting to the resident or potential resident, as a routine business practice, a form that
authorizes the provider or facility to sign the residents or potential residents name on any
continuing care document. To be valid, a power of attorney must be an act or practice other than
as described in this paragraph, must be a separate writing in a separate document, must be executed
with the full knowledge and consent of the resident or potential resident who grants the power of
attorney, must be in the best interests of the resident or potential resident, and a copy of the power
of attorney must be provided to the resident or potential resident at the time of the transaction.
(t) Sliding.--Sliding is the act or practice of:
1. Representing to the applicant that a specific ancillary coverage or product is required by law in
conjunction with the purchase of a continuing care contract when such coverage or product is not
2. Representing to the applicant that a specific ancillary coverage or product is included in the
continuing care contract applied for without an additional charge when such charge is required; or
3. Charging an applicant for a specific ancillary coverage or product, in addition to the cost of the
continuing care contract applied for, without the informed consent of the applicant.
(q) Deceptive use of name.--Using the name or logo of a financial institution, as defined in s.
655.005(1), or its affiliates or subsidiaries when marketing or soliciting existing or prospective
residents if such marketing materials are used without the written consent of the financial
institution and in a manner that would lead a reasonable person to believe that the material or
solicitation originated from, was endorsed by, or is related to or the responsibility of the financial
institution or its affiliates or subsidiaries.
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(r) Fraudulent signatures on an application or policy-related document.--Willfully submitting to
an insurer or provider on behalf of a consumer an insurance application, continuing care contract,
or policy-related document bearing a false or fraudulent signature.
(4) Alternative rates of payment.--Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit provider
or providers from negotiating or entering into contracts with licensed health care providers for
alternative rates of payment, or from limiting payments under policies pursuant to agreements with
residents, as long as the continuing care provider offers the benefit of such alternative rates to
residents who select designated health care providers.
(5) Participation in a wellness or health improvement program.-(a) Authorization to offer rewards or incentives for participation.--A provider may offer a
voluntary wellness or health improvement program and may encourage or reward participation in
the program by authorizing rewards or incentives, including, but not limited to, merchandise, gift
cards, debit cards, or discounts on fees. Any advertisement of the program is not subject to the
limitations set forth in paragraph (1)(m).
(b) Verification of medical condition by nonparticipants due to medical condition.--A provider
may require a resident to provide verification, such as an affirming statement from the resident's
physician, that the residents's medical condition makes it unreasonably difficult or inadvisable to
participate in the wellness or health improvement program in order for that nonparticipant to
receive the reward or incentive.
(c) Disclosure requirement.--A reward or incentive offered under this subsection shall be disclosed
in the contract.
(d) Other incentives.--This subsection does not prohibit providers from offering other incentives
or rewards for adherence to a wellness or health improvement program if otherwise authorized by
state or federal law.
651.065 Waiver of statutory protection.No act, agreement, or statement of any resident, or of
an individual purchasing care for a resident, under any contract to furnish care to the resident shall
constitute a valid waiver of any provision of this chapter intended for the benefit or protection of
the resident or the individual purchasing care for the resident.
651.071 Contracts as preferred claims on liquidation or receivership.
(1) In the event of receivership or liquidation proceedings against a provider, all continuing care
and continuing care at-home contracts executed by a provider shall be deemed preferred claims
against all assets owned by the provider; however, such claims are subordinate to any secured
(2) Any other claims not set forth in subsection (1) shall be considered as general creditors
(3) Nothing in this section shall be construed to impair the priority, with respect to the lien
property, of mortgages, security agreements, or lease agreements or installment sales agreements
on property not otherwise encumbered entered into by a provider with an issuer of bonds or notes,
which has financed a facility, and which bonds are secured by a resolution, ordinance, or indenture
of trust, if such mortgages or agreements were duly recorded at least 4 months prior to the
institution of receivership or liquidation proceedings.
651.081 Residents council.
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(1) Residents living in a facility holding a valid certificate of authority under this chapter have
the right of self-organization, the right to be represented by an individual of their own choosing,
and the right to engage in concerted activities for the purpose of keeping informed on the operation
of the facility that is caring for them or for the purpose of other mutual aid or protection.
(2)(a) Each facility shall establish a residents council created for the purpose of representing
residents on matters set forth in s. 651.085. The residents council shall be established through an
election in which the residents, as defined in s. 651.011, vote by ballot, physically or by proxy. If
the election is to be held during a meeting, a notice of the organizational meeting must be provided
to all residents of the community at least 10 business days before the meeting. Notice may be given
through internal mailboxes, communitywide newsletters, bulletin boards, in-house television
stations, and other similar means of communication. An election creating a residents council is
valid if at least 40 percent of the total resident population participates in the election and a majority
of the participants vote affirmatively for the council. The initial residents council created under
this section is valid for at least 12 months. A residents organization formalized by bylaws and
elected officials must be recognized as the residents council under this section and s. 651.085.
Within 30 days after the election of a newly elected president or chair of the residents council, the
provider shall give the president or chair a copy of this chapter and rules adopted thereunder, or
direct him or her to the appropriate public website to obtain this information. Only one residents
council may represent residents before the governing body of the provider as described in s.
(b) In addition to those matters provided in s. 651.085, a residents council shall provide a forum
in which a resident may submit issues or make inquiries related to, but not limited to, subjects that
impact the general residential quality of life and cultural environment. The residents council shall
serve as a formal liaison to provide input related to such matters to the appropriate representative
of the provider.
(c) The activities of a residents council are independent of the provider. The provider is not
responsible for ensuring, or for the associated costs of, compliance of the residents council with
the provisions of this section with respect to the operation of a residents council.
(d) A residents council shall adopt its own bylaws and governance documents subject to the
vote and approval of the residents. The residents council shall provide for open meetings when
appropriate. The governing documents shall define the manner in which residents may submit an
issue to the council and define a reasonable timeframe in which the residents council shall respond
to a resident submission or inquiry. A residents council may include term limits in its governing
documents to ensure consistent integration of new leaders. If a licensed facility files for bankruptcy
under chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code, 11 U.S.C. chapter 11, the facility, in its
required filing of the 20 largest unsecured creditors with the United States Trustee, shall include
the name and contact information of a designated resident selected by the residents council, and
a statement explaining that the designated resident was chosen by the residents council to serve
as a representative of the residents interest on the creditors committee, if appropriate.
651.083 Residents rights.
(1) No resident of any facility shall be deprived of any civil or legal rights, benefits, or privileges
guaranteed by law, by the State Constitution, or by the United States Constitution solely by reason
of status as a resident of a facility. Each resident of a facility has the right to:
(a) Live in a safe and decent living environment, free from abuse and neglect.

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(b) Be treated with consideration and respect and with due recognition of personal dignity,
individuality, and the need for privacy.
(c) Unrestricted private communication, including receiving and sending unopened
correspondence. This includes the right to receive memos or announcements from or approved for
distribution by the residents council.
(d) Freedom to participate in and benefit from community services and activities and to achieve
the highest possible level of independence, autonomy, and interaction within the community.
(e) Exercise civil and religious liberties. No religious beliefs or practices, and no requirement of
attendance at religious services, may be imposed upon any resident.
(f) Present grievances and recommend changes in policies, procedures, and services to the staff
of the facility, governing officials, or any other person without restraint, interference, coercion,
discrimination, or reprisal. This right includes access to ombudsman volunteers and advocates and
the right to be a member of, and active in, and to associate with, advocacy or special interest groups
or associations.
(g) Freedom from governmental intrusion into the private life of the resident, as provided in s.
23, Art. I of the State Constitution.
(2) The provider shall provide a copy of the bill of rights provided by subsection (1) to each
resident at or before the residents admission to the facility.
(3) Any violation of the residents rights set forth in subsection (1) constitutes grounds for
disciplinary action by the office under ss. 651.106 and 651.108.
(4) Any person who submits or reports a complaint concerning a suspected violation of a
residents rights or concerning services or conditions in a facility or who testifies in any
administrative or judicial proceeding arising from such complaint is immune from any civil or
criminal liability therefor, unless such person has acted in bad faith or with malicious purpose or
if the court finds that there was a complete absence of a justiciable issue of either law or fact raised
by the losing party.
(5) The provider may not restrict a residents access to the residents council.
(6) This section does not supersede any bill of rights provided by law for residents of nursing
homes or assisted living facilities.
651.085 Quarterly meetings between residents and the governing body of the provider; resident
representation before the governing body of the provider.
(1) The governing body of a provider, or the designated representative of the provider, shall hold
quarterly meetings with the residents of the continuing care facility for the purpose of free
discussion of subjects including, but not limited to, income, expenditures, and financial trends and
problems as they apply to the facility, as well as a discussion on proposed changes in policies,
programs, and services. At quarterly meetings where monthly maintenance fee increases are
discussed, a summary of the reasons for raising the fee as specified in subsection (4) must be
provided in writing to the president or chair of the residents council. Upon request of the residents
council, a member of the governing body of the provider, such as a board member, general partner,
principal owner, or designated representative shall attend such meetings. Residents are entitled to
at least 7 days advance notice of each quarterly meeting. An agenda and any materials that will
be distributed by the governing body or representative of the provider shall be posted in a
conspicuous place at the facility and shall be available upon request to residents of the facility. The
office shall request verification from a facility that quarterly meetings are held and open to all
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residents. In addition, a facility shall report to the office in the annual report required under s.
651.026 the dates on which quarterly meetings were held during the reporting period.
(2) A residents council formed pursuant to s. 651.081, members of which are elected by the
residents, shall designate a resident to represent them before the governing body of the provider.
The initial designated representative elected under this section shall be elected to serve at least 12
(3) The designated representative shall be notified at least 14 days in advance of any meeting of
the full governing body at which proposed changes in resident fees or services will be discussed.
The representative shall be invited to attend and participate in that portion of the meeting
designated for the discussion of such changes.
(4) At a quarterly meeting prior to the implementation of any increase in the monthly
maintenance fee, the designated representative of the provider must provide the reasons, by
department cost centers, for any increase in the fee that exceeds the most recently published
Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, all items, Class A Areas of the Southern Region.
Nothing in this subsection shall be construed as placing a cap or limitation on the amount of any
increase in the monthly maintenance fee, establishing a presumption of the appropriateness of the
Consumer Price Index as the basis for any increase in the monthly maintenance fee, or limiting or
restricting the right of a provider to establish or set monthly maintenance fee increases.
(5) The board of directors or governing board of a licensed provider may at its sole discretion
allow a resident of the facility to be a voting member of the board or governing body of the facility.
The board of directors or governing board of a licensed provider may establish specific criteria for
the nomination, selection, and term of a resident as a member of the board or governing body. If
the board or governing body of a licensed provider operates more than one licensed facility,
regardless of whether the facility is in-state or out-of-state, the board or governing body may select
at its sole discretion one resident from among its facilities to serve on the board of directors or
governing body on a rotating basis.
651.091 Availability, distribution, and posting of reports and records; requirement of full
(1) Each continuing care facility shall maintain as public information, available upon
request, records of all cost and inspection reports pertaining to that facility which have been filed
with or issued by any governmental agency. A copy of each report shall be retained for at least 5
years after the date the report is filed or issued. Each facility shall also maintain as public
information, available upon request, all annual statements that have been filed with the office. For
purposes of this section, a management company or operator is considered an agent of the provider.
(2) Every continuing care facility shall:
(a) Display the certificate of authority in a conspicuous place inside the facility.
(b) Post in a prominent position in the facility which is accessible to all residents and the
general public a concise summary of the last examination report issued by the office, with
references to the page numbers of the full report noting any deficiencies found by the office, and
the actions taken by the provider to rectify such deficiencies, indicating in such summary where
the full report may be inspected in the facility.
Provide notice to the president or chair of the residents council within 3 business
days of issuance of an examination report or the initiation of any legal or administrative proceeding
by the office or the department, including a copy of such document.
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(d) Post in a prominent position in the facility which is accessible to all residents and the
general public a summary of the latest annual statement, indicating in the summary where the full
annual statement may be inspected in the facility . A listing of any proposed changes in policies,
programs, and services must also be posted.
(e) Distribute a copy of the full annual statement and a copy of the most recent third party
financial audit filed with the annual report to the president or chair of the residents council within
30 days after filing the annual report with the office, and designate a staff person to provide
explanation thereof.
(f) Notify the residents council of any plans filed with the office to obtain new financing,
additional financing, or refinancing for the facility and of any applications to the office for any
expansion of the facility.
(g) Deliver to the president or chair of the residents council a summary of entrance fees
collected and refunds made during the time period covered in the annual report and the refund
balances due at the end of the report period.
(h) Deliver to the president or chair of the residents council a copy of each quarterly
statement within 30 days after the quarterly statement is filed with the office if the facility is
required to file quarterly.
(i) Upon request, deliver to the president or chair of the residents council a copy of any
newly approved continuing care or continuing care at-home contract within 30 days after approval
by the office.
Provide to the president or chair of the residents council a copy of any notice filed
with the office relating to any change in ownership within 3 business days of the receipt of such
filing by the provider.
(k) Make the information available to prospective residents pursuant to paragraph (3)(d)
available to current residents and provide notice of changes to that information to the president or
chair of the residents council within 3 business days.
(3) Before entering into a contract to furnish continuing care or continuing care at-home,
the provider undertaking to furnish the care, or the agent of the provider, shall make full disclosure,
and provide copies of the disclosure documents to the prospective resident or his or her legal
representative, of the following information:
(a) The contract to furnish continuing care or continuing care at-home.
(b) The summary listed in paragraph (2)(b).
(c) All ownership interests and lease agreements, including information specified in s.
(d) In keeping with the intent of this subsection relating to disclosure, the provider shall
make available for review master plans approved by the providers governing board and any plans
for expansion or phased development, to the extent that the availability of such plans does not put
at risk real estate, financing, acquisition, negotiations, or other implementation of operational plans
and thus jeopardize the success of negotiations, operations, and development.
(e) Copies of the rules and regulations of the facility and an explanation of the
responsibilities of the resident.
(f) The policy of the facility with respect to admission to and discharge from the various
levels of health care offered by the facility.

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(g) The amount and location of any reserve funds required by this chapter, and the name
of the person or entity having a claim to such funds in the event of a bankruptcy, foreclosure, or
rehabilitation proceeding.
(h) A copy of s. 651.071.
(i) A copy of the residents rights as described in s. 651.083.
(j) Notice of the issuance of an examination report or the initiation of any legal or
administrative proceeding by the office or the department, including a copy of such document.
(4) A true and complete copy of the full disclosure document to be used must be filed
with the office before use. A resident or prospective resident or his or her legal representative may
inspect the full reports referred to in paragraph (2)(b); the charter or other agreement or instrument
required to be filed with the office pursuant to s. 651.022(2), together with all amendments thereto;
and the bylaws of the corporation or association, if any. Upon request, copies of the reports and
information shall be provided to the individual requesting them if the individual agrees to pay a
reasonable charge to cover copying costs.
651.095 Advertisements; requirements; penalties.
(1) Upon application for a provisional certificate of authority, the office shall require the
applicant to submit for approval all advertising. Approval of the application constitutes approval
of the advertising, unless the office has otherwise notified the applicant. The office shall
disapprove any document which is a violation of any provision of part IX of chapter 626.
(2) After an application has been approved, a provider is not required to submit new advertising
to the office for approval; however, a provider may not use, and may not have published, and a
person may not use or may not have published, any advertisement which is a violation of any
provision of part IX of chapter 626 or which has previously been disapproved by the office.
(3) This chapter does not impose liability, civil or criminal, upon a person or publisher who is
regularly engaged in the business of publishing a bona fide newspaper or operating a radio or
television station and who, acting solely in her or his official capacity, publishes an advertisement
in good faith and without knowledge that the advertisement or publication constitutes a violation
of this chapter.
(4) It is unlawful for any person, other than a provider licensed pursuant to this chapter, to
advertise or market to the general public any product similar to continuing care through the use of
such terms as life care, continuing care, or guaranteed care for life, or similar terms, words,
or phrases.
(5) The provisions of this section shall control over any conflicting provisions contained in part
II of chapter 400 or in part I of chapter 429.
651.105 Examination and inspections.
(1) The office may at any time, and shall at least once every 3 years, examine the business of
any applicant for a certificate of authority and any provider engaged in the execution of care
contracts or engaged in the performance of obligations under such contracts, in the same manner
as is provided for the examination of insurance companies pursuant to ss. 624.316 and 624.318.
For a provider as defined in s. 651.028, such examinations shall take place at least once every 5
years. Such examinations shall be made by a representative or examiner designated by the office
whose compensation will be fixed by the office pursuant to s. 624.320. Routine examinations may
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be made by having the necessary documents submitted to the office; and, for this purpose, financial
documents and records conforming to commonly accepted accounting principles and practices, as
required under s. 651.026, are deemed adequate. The final written report of each examination must
be filed with the office and, when so filed, constitutes a public record. Any provider being
examined shall, upon request, give reasonable and timely access to all of its records. The
representative or examiner designated by the office may at any time examine the records and
affairs and inspect the physical property of any provider, whether in connection with a formal
examination or not.
(2) Any duly authorized officer, employee, or agent of the office may, upon presentation of
proper identification, have access to, and inspect, any records, with or without advance notice, to
secure compliance with, or to prevent a violation of, any provision of this chapter.
(3) Reports of the results of such financial examinations must be kept on file by the office. Any
investigatory records, reports, or documents held by the office are confidential and exempt from
the provisions of s. 119.07(1), until the investigation is completed or ceases to be active. For the
purpose of this section, an investigation is active while it is being conducted by the office with a
reasonable, good faith belief that it could lead to the filing of administrative, civil, or criminal
proceedings. An investigation does not cease to be active if the office is proceeding with reasonable
dispatch and has a good faith belief that action could be initiated by the office or other
administrative or law enforcement agency.
(4) The office shall notify the provider and the executive officer of the governing body of the
provider in writing of all deficiencies in its compliance with the provisions of this chapter and the
rules adopted pursuant to this chapter and shall set a reasonable length of time for compliance by
the provider. In addition, the office shall require corrective action or request a corrective action
plan from the provider which plan demonstrates a good faith attempt to remedy the deficiencies
by a specified date. If the provider fails to comply within the established length of time, the office
may initiate action against the provider in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
(5) At the time of the routine examination, the office shall determine if all disclosures required
under this chapter have been made to the president or chair of the residents council and the
executive officer of the governing body of the provider.
(6) A representative of the provider must give a copy of the final examination report and
corrective action plan, if one is required by the office, to the executive officer of the governing
body of the provider within 60 days after issuance of the report.
(7) (a) Effective January 1, 2018, the office may examine any provider and its affiliates to ascertain
the financial condition of the provider, including the enterprise risk to the provider by the ultimate
controlling party, or by any entity or combination of entities within the holding company system,
or by the holding company system on a consolidated basis.
(b) The term enterprise risk means an activity, circumstance, event, or series of events involving
one or more affiliates of a provider which, if not remedied promptly, are likely to have a materially
adverse effect upon the financial condition or liquidity of the provider or its holding company
system as a whole, including anything that would cause the provider to be in a hazardous financial
651.106 Grounds for discretionary denial refusal, suspension, or revocation of certificate of
authority.The office may deny an application or, suspend, or revoke the provisional certificate
of authority or the certificate of authority of any applicant or provider if it finds that any one or
more of the following grounds applicable to the applicant or provider exist:
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(1) Failure by the provider to continue to meet the requirements for the authority originally
(2) Failure by the provider to meet one or more of the qualifications for the authority specified
by this chapter.
(3) Material misstatement, misrepresentation, or fraud in obtaining the authority, or in attempting
to obtain the same.
(4) Demonstrated lack of fitness or trustworthiness.
(5) Fraudulent or dishonest practices of management in the conduct of business.
(6) Misappropriation, conversion, or withholding of moneys.
(7) Failure to comply with, or violation of, any proper order or rule of the office or commission
or violation of any provision of this chapter.
(8) The insolvent condition of the provider or the providers being in such condition or using
such methods and practices in the conduct of its business as to render its further transactions in
this state hazardous or injurious to the public.
(9) Refusal by the provider to be examined or to produce its accounts, records, and files for
examination, or refusal by any of its officers to give information with respect to its affairs or to
perform any other legal obligation under this chapter when required by the office.
(10) Failure by the provider to comply with the requirements of s. 651.026 or s. 651.033.
(11) Failure by the provider to maintain escrow accounts or funds as required by this chapter.
(12) Failure by the provider to meet the requirements of this chapter for disclosure of information
to residents concerning the facility, its ownership, its management, its development, or its financial
condition or failure to honor its continuing care or continuing care at-home contracts.
(13) Any cause for which issuance of the license could have been refused had it then existed and
been known to the office.
(14) Having been found guilty of, or having pleaded guilty or nolo contendere to, a felony in this
state or any other state, without regard to whether a judgment or conviction has been entered by
the court having jurisdiction of such cases.
(15) In the conduct of business under the license, engaging in unfair methods of competition or
in unfair or deceptive acts or practices prohibited under s. 651.064.
(16) A pattern of bankrupt enterprises.
(17) (a) The ownership, control, or management of the organization includes any person:
1. Who is incompetent or untrustworthy;
2. Who is so lacking in continuing care expertise as to make the operation of the provider
hazardous to potential and existing subscribers;
3. Who is so lacking in continuing care experience, ability, and standing as to jeopardize the
reasonable promise of successful operation;
4. Who is affiliated, directly or indirectly, through ownership, control, reinsurance transactions,
or other business relations, with any person whose business operations are or have been marked
by business practices or conduct that is to the detriment of the public, stockholders, investors, or
creditors; or
5. Whose business operations are or have been marked by business practices or conduct that is
to the detriment of the public, stockholders, investors, or creditors;
(b) Any person, including any stock subscriber, stockholder, or incorporator, who exercises or
has the ability to exercise effective control of the organization, or who influences or has the ability

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to influence the transaction of the business of the provider, does not possess the financial standing
and business experience for the successful operation of the provider.
(18) The provider has not filed a notice of change in management, fails to remove a disapproved
manager or persists in appointing disapproved or unapprovable managers.
Revocation of a certificate of authority under this section does not relieve a provider from the
providers obligation to residents under the terms and conditions of any continuing care or
continuing care at-home contract between the provider and residents or the provisions of this
chapter. The provider shall continue to file its annual statement and pay license fees to the office
as required under this chapter as if the certificate of authority had continued in full force, but the
provider shall not issue any new contracts. The office may seek an action in the circuit court of
Leon County to enforce the offices order and the provisions of this section.
651.1065 Soliciting or accepting new continuing care contracts by insolvent facilities or providers
(1) Whether or not delinquency proceedings as to continuing care retirement community have been
or are to be initiated, a proprietor, general partner, member, officer, director, trustee, or manager
of a continuing care retirement community, except with the written permission of the office, may
not authorize or permit the continuing care retirement community to solicit or accept new
continuing care contracts in this state after the proprietor, general partner, member, officer,
director, trustee, or manager knew, or reasonably should have known, that the continuing care
retirement community was insolvent.
(2) Any proprietor, general partner, member, officer, director, trustee, or manager who violates
this section is guilty of a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s.
775.083, or s. 775.084.
651.107 Duration of suspension; obligations during suspension period; reinstatement.
(1) Suspension of a certificate of authority shall be for such period, not to exceed 2 years1 year,
as is fixed by the office in the order of suspension, or until the occurrence of a specific event
necessary for remedying the reasons for suspension unless the office shortens or rescinds such
suspension or the order of suspension is modified, rescinded, or reversed.
(2) During the period of suspension, the provider shall file its annual statement and pay license
fees and taxes as required under this chapter as if the certificate had continued in full force; but the
provider shall issue no new contracts.
(3) Upon expiration of the suspension period, if within such period the certificate of authority
has not otherwise terminated, the providers certificate of authority shall automatically be
reinstated unless the office finds that the causes for the suspension have not been removed or that
the provider is otherwise not in compliance with the requirements of this chapter. If not so
automatically reinstated, the certificate of authority shall be deemed to be revoked as of the end of
the suspension period or upon failure of the provider to continue the certificate during the
suspension period, whichever event first occurs.
(4) If the suspension of the certificate of authority was until the occurrence of a specific event or
events and the certificate of authority has not been otherwise terminated, upon the presentation of
evidence satisfactory to the office that the specific event or events have occurred, the provider's
certificate of authority shall be reinstated unless the office finds that the provider is otherwise not
in compliance with the requirements of this code. The office shall promptly notify the provider of
such reinstatement, and the provider shall not consider its certificate of authority reinstated until
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so notified by the office. If satisfactory evidence as to the occurrence of the specific event or events
has not been presented to the office within 2 years of the date of such suspension, the certificate
of authority shall be deemed to have expired as of 2 years from the date of suspension or upon
failure of the provider to continue the certificate during the suspension period in accordance with
subsection (2), whichever first occurs.
651.108 Administrative fines.
(1) If the office finds that one or more grounds exist for the discretionary revocation or
suspension of a certificate of authority issued under this chapter, the office, in lieu of such
revocation or suspension, may impose a fine upon the provider in an amount not to exceed $1,000
per violation.
(2) If it is found that the provider has knowingly and willfully violated a lawful order of the
office or a provision of this chapter, the office may impose a fine in an amount not to exceed
$10,000 for each such violation.
651.1081 Remedies available in cases of unlawful sale.
(1) Upon a determination by the office that a provider is or has been violating the provisions of
this chapter, the office may order the provider to cease sales and make a rescission offer to the
resident in accordance with the provisions of this section.
(2) Upon such order by the office, every unlawful sale made in violation of this chapter may be
rescinded at the election of the resident without penalty.
(3) No resident shall have the benefit of this section who, within 30 days of receipt, has refused
or failed to accept an offer made in writing by the provider to rescind the contract in question and
to refund the full amount paid by the resident with interest on the full amount paid for the contract
at the legal rate, pursuant to s. 55.03, for the period from the date of payment by the resident to the
date of repayment, less the amount of the cost of care provided, if applicable, and the amount of
any costs specifically incurred by the provider at the request of the resident and set forth in writing
in a separate addendum, signed by both parties to the contract.
651.111 Requests for inspections.
(1) Any interested party may request an inspection of the records and related financial affairs of
a provider providing care in accordance with the provisions of this chapter by transmitting to the
office notice of an alleged violation of applicable requirements prescribed by statute or by rule,
specifying to a reasonable extent the details of the alleged violation, which notice shall be signed
by the complainant.
(2) The substance of the complaint shall be given to the provider no earlier than the time of the
inspection. Unless the complainant specifically requests otherwise, neither the substance of the
complaint which is provided to the provider nor any copy of the complaint or any record which is
published, released, or otherwise made available to the provider shall disclose the name of any
person mentioned in the complaint except the name of any duly authorized officer, employee, or
agent of the office conducting the investigation or inspection pursuant to this chapter.
(3) Upon receipt of a complaint, the office shall make a preliminary review; and, unless the office
determines that the complaint is without any reasonable basis, the office shall make an inspection.
The complainant shall be advised, within 30 days after the receipt of the complaint by the office,
of the proposed course of action of the office.
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(4) No provider operating under a certificate of authority under this chapter may discriminate or
retaliate in any manner against a resident or an employee of a facility providing care because such
resident or employee or any other person has initiated a complaint pursuant to this section.
651.114 Delinquency proceedings; remedial rights.
(1) Upon determination by the office that a provider is not in compliance with this
chapter, the office may notify the chair of the Continuing Care Advisory Council, who may assist
the office in formulating a corrective action plan.
(2) A provider shall make available to the advisory council, within 30 days after being
requested to do so by the council, a plan for obtaining compliance or solvency.
(3) Within 30 days after notification, the advisory council shall:
(a) Consider and evaluate the plan submitted by the provider.
(b) Discuss the problem and solutions with the provider.
(c) Conduct such other business as is necessary.
(d) Report its findings and recommendations to the office, which may require additional
modification of the plan.
(4) After receiving approval of a plan by the office, the provider shall submit a progress
report monthly to the advisory council or the office, or both, in a manner prescribed by the office.
After 3 months, or at any earlier time deemed necessary, the council shall evaluate the progress by
the provider and shall advise the office of its findings.
(5) Should the office find that sufficient grounds exist for rehabilitation, liquidation,
conservation, reorganization, seizure, or summary proceedings of an insurer as set forth in ss.
631.051, 631.061, and 631.071, the office may petition for an appropriate court order or may
pursue such other relief as is afforded in part I of chapter 631. Before invoking its powers under
part I of chapter 631, the office shall notify the chair of the advisory council.
(6) In the event an order of rehabilitation, liquidation, conservation, reorganization,
seizure, or summary proceeding has been entered against a provider, the department and office are
vested with all of the powers and duties they have under the provisions of part I of chapter 631 in
regard to delinquency proceedings of insurance companies.
(7) If the financial condition of the continuing care facility or provider is such that, if not
modified or corrected, its continued operation would result in insolvency, the office may direct the
provider to formulate and file with the office a corrective action plan. If the provider fails to submit
a plan within 30 days after the offices directive or submits a plan that is insufficient to correct the
condition, the office may specify a plan and direct the provider to implement the plan.
(8)(a) If the offices petition for rehabilitation, liquidation, conservation, reorganization,
seizure, or summary proceedings is based solely upon the default of the provider under the terms
of a resolution, ordinance, loan agreement, indenture of trust, mortgage, lease, security agreement,
or other instrument creating or securing bonds or notes issued to finance a facility, tThe rights of
the office described in this section are subordinate to the rights of a trustee or lender pursuant to
the terms of the instrument a resolution, ordinance, loan agreement, indenture of trust, mortgage,
lease, security agreement, or other instrument creating or securing bonds or notes issued to finance
a facility, and the office, subject to the provisions of paragraph (c), shall not exercise its remedial
rights provided under this section and ss. 651.018, 651.106, 651.108, and 651.116 with respect to
a facility that is subject to a lien, mortgage, lease, or other encumbrance or trust indenture securing
bonds or notes issued in connection with the financing of the facility, if the trustee or lender, by
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inclusion or by amendment to the loan documents or by a separate contract with the office, agrees
that the rights of residents under a continuing care or continuing care at-home contract will be
honored and will not be disturbed by a foreclosure or conveyance in lieu thereof as long as the
1. Is current in the payment of all monetary obligations required by the contract;
2. Is in compliance and continues to comply with all provisions of the contract; and
3. Has asserted no claim inconsistent with the rights of the trustee or lender.
(b) This subsection does not require a trustee or lender to:
1. Continue to engage in the marketing or resale of new continuing care or continuing
care at-home contracts;
2. Pay any rebate of entrance fees as may be required by a residents continuing care or
continuing care at-home contract as of the date of acquisition of the facility by the trustee or lender
and until expiration of the period described in paragraph (d);
3. Be responsible for any act or omission of any owner or operator of the facility arising
before the acquisition of the facility by the trustee or lender; or
4. Provide services to the residents to the extent that the trustee or lender would be
required to advance or expend funds that have not been designated or set aside for such purposes.
(c) Should the office determine, at any time during the suspension of its remedial rights
as provided in paragraph (a), that the trustee or lender is not in compliance with paragraph
(a), or that a lender or trustee has assigned or has agreed to assign all or a portion of a
delinquent or defaulted loan to a third party without the offices written consent, the office shall
notify the trustee or lender in writing of its determination, setting forth the reasons giving rise to
the determination and specifying those remedial rights afforded to the office which the office shall
then reinstate.
(d) Upon acquisition of a facility by a trustee or lender and evidence satisfactory to the
office that the requirements of paragraph (a) have been met, the office shall issue a 90-day
temporary certificate of authority granting the trustee or lender the authority to engage in the
business of providing continuing care or continuing care at-home and to issue continuing care or
continuing care at-home contracts subject to the offices right to immediately suspend or revoke
the temporary certificate of authority if the office determines that any of the grounds described in
s. 651.106 apply to the trustee or lender or that the terms of the contract used as the basis for the
issuance of the temporary certificate of authority by the office have not been or are not being met
by the trustee or lender since the date of acquisition.

651.1141 Immediate Final Orders

Pursuant to s. 120.569, the office may issue an immediate final order to cease and desist if it finds
that a provider is in violation of ss. 651.019, 651.0245, 651.025, 651.036, 651.041, or 651.083 and
such violation constitutes an immediate danger to the public health, safety, or welfare.
651.1151 Administrative, vendor, and management contracts.
(1) A provider may not enter into a management contract without the approval of the office. A
provider must submit all proposed management contracts to the office, including the information
required by s. 651.041. The office shall complete its review and issue an approval or disapproval
of the management contract within 30 days of the filing being deemed complete. A filing is
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complete upon receipt of all requested information and correction of any error or omission for
which the applicant was timely notified. The office may require a provider to submit any contract
for administrative, vendor, or management services if the office has information and belief that a
provider has entered into a contract with an affiliate, an entity controlled by the provider, or an
entity controlled by an affiliate of the provider, which has not been disclosed to the office or which
contract requires the provider to pay a fee that is unreasonably high in relation to the service
(2) The office may disapprove a management contract if it finds that:
(a) The management, officers, or directors of the entity providing management services are
incompetent or untrustworthy; or so lacking in continuing care retirement community managerial
experience as to make the proposed operation hazardous to the residents or potential residents; or
so lacking in continuing care experience, ability, and standing as to jeopardize the reasonable
promise of successful operation; or who the office has good reason to believe are affiliated directly
or indirectly through ownership, control, reinsurance transactions, or other insurance or business
relations, with any person or persons whose business operations are or have been marked, to the
detriment of policyholders or stockholders or investors or creditors or of the public, by
manipulation of assets, accounts, or reinsurance or by bad faith.
(b) The fees to be paid are so unreasonably high as compared with similar contracts entered into
by other providers in similar circumstances that the contract is detrimental to the facility or its
(3) The office may require a provider to submit any contract for administrative or vendor services,
if the office has information and belief that a provider has entered into a contract with an affiliate,
an entity controlled by the provider, or an entity controlled by an affiliate of the provider, which
has not been disclosed to the office or which contract requires the provider to pay a fee that is
unreasonably high in relation to the service provided.
(2) After review of the contract, the office may order the provider to cancel the contract in
accordance with the terms of the contract and applicable law if it determines that the fees to be
paid are so unreasonably high as compared with similar contracts entered into by other providers
in similar circumstances that the contract is detrimental to the facility or its residents.
(3) Any contract with an affiliate, an entity controlled by the provider, or an entity controlled by
an affiliate of the provider for administrative, vendor, or management services entered into or
renewed after October 1, 1991, must include a provision that the contract will be canceled upon
issuance of an order by the office pursuant to this section. A copy of the current management
services contract, pursuant to this section, if any, must be on file in the marketing office or other
area accessible to residents and the appropriate residents council.
(4) Any action of the office under this section is subject to review pursuant to the procedures
provided in chapter 120.
651.116 Delinquency proceedings; additional provisions.Whenever the department has been
appointed pursuant to the provisions of part I of chapter 631 as receiver of a provider, the circuit
court in which the receivership proceeding is pending is authorized, upon a petition of the receiver
and a showing of good cause by the receiver, to enjoin a secured creditor from seeking to dispose
of collateral securing her or his mortgage, debt, or other security instrument. The court shall grant
the petition upon a showing by the receiver that the collateral should be retained in order to protect
the life, health, safety, or welfare of the residents of the facility or to provide sufficient time for
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the relocation of the residents. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no bond shall be
required of the receiver as a prerequisite for the issuance of any injunction pursuant to this section.
No injunction issued under this section shall exceed 12 months in duration.
651.117 Order of liquidation; duties of the Department of Children and Families and the Agency
for Health Care Administration.Whenever an order of liquidation has been entered against a
provider, the receiver shall notify the Department of Children and Families and the Agency for
Health Care Administration by sending to the Department of Children and Families and the
Agency for Health Care Administration by certified mail a copy of the order of liquidation. Upon
receipt of any such order or when requested by the receiver as being in the best interest of the
residents of a facility, in addition to any other duty of the Department of Children and Families
and the Agency for Health Care Administration with respect to residents of a facility, the
Department of Children and Families and the Agency for Health Care Administration shall
evaluate the status of the residents of the facility to determine whether they are eligible for
assistance or for programs administered by the Department of Children and Families and the
Agency for Health Care Administration, shall develop a plan of relocation with respect to residents
requesting assistance regarding relocation, and shall counsel the residents regarding such
eligibility and such relocation.
651.118 Agency for Health Care Administration; certificates of need; sheltered beds; community
(1) The provisions of this section shall control in the case of conflict with the provisions of the
Health Facility and Services Development Act, ss. 408.031-408.045; the provisions of chapter 395;
the provisions of part II of chapter 400; or the provisions of part I of chapter 429.
(2) The Agency for Health Care Administration shall issue a certificate of need to any holder of
a provisional certificate of authority pursuant to s. 651.022 to construct nursing home beds for the
exclusive use of the prospective residents of the proposed continuing care facility if the holder of
the provisional certificate of authority meets the agencys applicable review criteria, utilizing the
bed need provisions of subsection (4).
(3) Nursing home beds located within a continuing care facility for which a certificate of need is
issued pursuant to subsection (2) shall be known as sheltered nursing home beds.
(4) Not including the residences of residents residing outside the facility pursuant to a continuing
care at-home contract, the Agency for Health Care Administration shall approve one sheltered
nursing home bed for every four proposed residential units, including those that are licensed under
part I of chapter 429, in the continuing care facility unless the provider demonstrates the need for
a lesser number of sheltered nursing home beds based on proposed utilization by prospective
residents or demonstrates the need for additional sheltered nursing home beds based on actual
utilization and demand by current residents.
(5) Construction on any sheltered nursing home beds may not begin until the holder of the
provisional certificate of authority has been issued a certificate of authority under s. 651.021 and
a certificate of need from the Agency for Health Care Administration.
(6) Unless the provider already has a component that is to be a part of the continuing care facility
and that is licensed under chapter 395, part II of chapter 400, or part I of chapter 429 at the time
of construction of the continuing care facility, the provider must construct the nonnursing home
portion of the facility and the nursing home portion of the facility at the same time. If a provider
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constructs less than the number of residential units approved in the certificate of authority, the
number of licensed sheltered nursing home beds shall be reduced by a proportionate share.
(7) Notwithstanding subsection (2), at the discretion of the provider, sheltered nursing home beds
may be used for persons who are not residents of the continuing care facility and who are not
parties to a continuing care contract for up to 5 years after the date of issuance of the initial nursing
home license. A provider whose 5-year period has expired or is expiring may request an extension
from the Agency for Health Care Administration, not to exceed 30 percent of the total sheltered
nursing home beds or 30 sheltered beds, whichever is greater, if the utilization by residents of the
nursing home facility in the sheltered beds will not generate sufficient income to cover nursing
home facility expenses, as evidenced by one of the following:
(a) The nursing home facility has a net loss for the most recent fiscal year as determined under
generally accepted accounting principles, excluding the effects of extraordinary or unusual items,
as demonstrated in the most recently audited financial statement.
(b) The nursing home facility would have had a pro forma loss for the most recent fiscal year,
excluding the effects of extraordinary or unusual items, if revenues were reduced by the amount
of revenues from persons in sheltered beds who were not residents, as reported by a certified public
The Agency for Health Care Administration may grant an extension to the provider based on the
evidence required in this subsection. The Agency for Health Care Administration may request a
continuing care facility to use up to 25 percent of the patient days generated by new admissions of
nonresidents during the extension period to serve Medicaid recipients for those beds authorized
for extended use if there is a demonstrated need in the respective service area and if funds are
available. A provider who obtains an extension is prohibited from applying for additional sheltered
beds under subsection (2), unless additional residential units are built or the provider can
demonstrate need by continuing care facility residents to the Agency for Health Care
Administration. The 5-year limit does not apply to up to five sheltered beds designated for inpatient
hospice care as part of a contractual arrangement with a hospice licensed under part IV of chapter
400. A continuing care facility that uses such beds after the 5-year period shall report such use to
the Agency for Health Care Administration. For purposes of this subsection, resident means a
person who, upon admission to the continuing care facility, initially resides in a part of the
continuing care facility not licensed under part II of chapter 400, or who contracts for continuing
care at-home.
(8) A provider may petition the Agency for Health Care Administration to use a designated
number of sheltered nursing home beds to provide assisted living if the beds are in a distinct area
of the nursing home which can be adapted to meet the requirements for an assisted living facility
as defined in s. 429.02. The provider may subsequently use such beds as sheltered beds after
notifying the agency of the intended change. Any sheltered beds used to provide assisted living
pursuant to this subsection may not qualify for funding under the Medicaid waiver. Any sheltered
beds used to provide assisted living pursuant to this subsection may share common areas, services,
and staff with beds designated for nursing home care, provided that all of the beds are under
common ownership. For the purposes of this subsection, fire and life safety codes applicable to
nursing home facilities shall apply.
(9) This section does not preclude a provider from applying to the Agency for Health Care
Administration for a certificate of need for community nursing home beds or a combination of
community and sheltered nursing home beds. Any nursing home bed located in a continuing care
facility which is or has been issued for nonrestrictive use retains its legal status as a community
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nursing home bed unless the provider requests a change in status. Any nursing home bed located
in a continuing care facility and not issued as a sheltered nursing home bed before 1979 must be
classified as a community bed. The Agency for Health Care Administration may require
continuing care facilities to submit bed utilization reports for the purpose of determining
community and sheltered nursing home bed inventories based on historical utilization by residents
and nonresidents.
(10) Whenever the department has been appointed receiver of a provider pursuant to the
provisions of part I of chapter 631, the receiver may petition, upon approval of the court having
jurisdiction as being in the best interest of the residents, the Agency for Health Care Administration
for the conversion of sheltered nursing home beds of the facility to community nursing home beds.
The agency shall, upon petition of the receiver and through an expedited review, issue a certificate
of need converting the sheltered nursing home beds to community nursing home beds. The court
having jurisdiction of the delinquency proceeding shall enforce the provisions of this section.
(11) For a provider issued a provisional certificate of authority after July 1, 1986, to operate a
facility not previously regulated under this chapter, the following criteria must be met in order to
obtain a certificate of need for sheltered beds pursuant to subsections (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), and (7):
(a) Seventy percent or more of the current residents hold continuing care or continuing care athome contracts or, if the facility is not occupied, 70 percent or more of the prospective residents
will hold such contracts as projected in the feasibility study and demonstrated by the providers
marketing practices; and
(b) The continuing care or continuing care at-home contracts entered into or to be entered into
by 70 percent or more of the current residents or prospective residents must provide nursing home
care for a minimum of 360 cumulative days, and such residents shall be charged at rates that are
80 percent or less than the rates charged by the provider to persons receiving nursing home care
who have not entered into such contracts.
(12) A facility that is under administrative supervision for financial problems pursuant to s.
651.018 may petition the Agency for Health Care Administration for the conversion of sheltered
beds to community nursing home beds in accordance with the corrective action plan approved by
the office. The agency shall, upon petition by the facility and through an expedited review, issue a
certificate of need converting the sheltered nursing home beds to community nursing home beds.
(13) Residents, as defined in this chapter, are not considered new admissions for the purpose of
s. 400.141(1)(n)1.
651.119 Assistance to persons affected by closure due to liquidation or pending liquidation.
(1) If a facility closes and ceases to operate as a result of liquidation or pending liquidation and
residents are forced to relocate, the department shall become a creditor of the facility for the
purpose of providing moving expenses for displaced residents and such other care or services as
is made possible by the unencumbered assets of the facility. To the extent that another provider
provides, as approved by the office, direct assistance to such residents, the cost of such direct
assistance shall be offset against reserves pursuant to subsection (4). The department shall provide
proportional reimbursements of such costs to the respective providers from such unencumbered
(2) If the moneys and direct assistance made available under subsection (1) are not sufficient to
cover moving costs, the office may seek voluntary contributions from the reserves maintained by
providers under s. 651.035 in amounts approved by the office to provide for the moving expenses
of the residents in moving to another residence within the state.
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(3) If the moneys and direct assistance provided under subsections (1) and (2) are not sufficient
to provide for the moving expenses of displaced residents in moving to other residences within the
state, the office may levy pro rata assessments on the reserves of providers maintained under s.
651.035 for such moving expenses of any displaced resident who lacks sufficient assets to pay for
such moving expenses. The assessments for such moving expenses on any particular provider may
not exceed for any 12-month period an aggregate of 1 percent of the unencumbered portion of the
reserves maintained by the provider under s. 651.035. If the office determines that payment of an
assessment under this subsection would impair the financial standing of a facility or its residents,
the office may waive or temporarily defer all or part of the assessment with respect to that provider.
The office shall apply any moneys voluntarily paid by a provider under subsection (1) or
subsection (2) to satisfaction of assessments under this subsection.
(4) The office shall permanently reduce the reserves required of a provider under s. 651.035 to
the extent of the providers costs under subsection (1), voluntary contributions under subsection
(2), and assessments under subsection (3). However, the office shall thereafter raise the reserve
requirements of a provider to the extent of reimbursements paid to the provider under subsection
(1) unless such increase would raise the reserve requirement above the amount required under s.
(5) No payment, contribution, or assessment may be paid by a provider under this section if the
release of funds from the reserves of the provider would violate a bond or lending commitment or
(6) Moneys received under this section for the support of residents shall be kept in a separate
fund maintained and administered by the department. The Continuing Care Advisory Council shall
monitor the collection and use of such funds and shall advise the office or department on plans for
resident relocation. The council shall seek the assistance of providers licensed under this chapter
and other service providers in locating alternative housing and care arrangements.
(7) For the purposes of this section, moving expenses means transportation expenses and the
cost of packing and relocating personal belongings.
651.121 Continuing Care Advisory Council.
(1) The Continuing Care Advisory Council to the office is created consisting of 10 members who
are residents of this state appointed by the Governor and geographically representative of this state.
Three members shall be administrators of facilities that hold valid certificates of authority under
this chapter and shall have been actively engaged in the offering of continuing care contracts in
this state for 5 years before appointment. The remaining members include:
(a) A representative of the business community whose expertise is in the area of management.
(b) A representative of the financial community who is not a facility owner or administrator.
(c) A certified public accountant.
(d) An attorney.
(e) Three residents who hold continuing care or continuing care at-home contracts with a facility
certified in this state.
(2) The term of office for each member shall be 3 years, or until the members successor has
been appointed and qualifies.
(3) The council members shall serve without pay, but shall be reimbursed for per diem and travel
expenses by the office in accordance with s. 112.061.

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(4) Each prospective council member shall submit to the appointing officer a statement detailing
any financial interest of 10 percent or more in one or more continuing care facilities, including,
but not limited to, ownership interest in a facility, property leased to a facility, and ownership in
any company providing goods or services to a facility. This statement shall include the name and
address of each facility involved and the extent and character of the financial interest of the
applicant. Upon appointment of the council member, this statement shall become a public
(5) The council shall:
(a) Meet at least once a year and, at such annual meeting, elect a chair from their number and
elect or appoint a vice chair, each of whom shall hold office for 1 year and thereafter until a
successor is elected and qualified.
(b) Hold other meetings at such times and places as the office or the chair of the council may
(c) Keep a record of its proceedings. The books and records of the council shall be prima facie
evidence of all matters reported therein and, except for proceedings conducted under s. 651.018,
shall be open to inspection at all times.
(d) Act in an advisory capacity to the office on matters pertaining to the operation and regulation
of continuing care facilities.
(e) Recommend to the office needed changes in statutes and rules.
(f) Upon the request of the office, assist, with any corrective action, rehabilitation or cessation
of business plan of a provider.
(6) A provider shall furnish to the council, no later than 14 business days after being requested
to do so by the council, all documents and information reasonably requested by the council.
(7) The council chair shall report annually the councils findings and recommendations
concerning continuing care facilities to the Executive Office of the Governor and the
Commissioner of Insurance Regulation.
(8) At the councils annual meeting, the office shall provide members with a summary and
comparison of data on continuing care facilities submitted in the most recent two annual reports
and a summary of the number, type, and status of complaints related to continuing care facilities
which were filed with the Division of Consumer Services in the Department of Financial Services
during the preceding fiscal year.
(9) The office shall notify the council by written memorandum or electronic means of proposed
rule changes and scheduled rule workshops and hearings related to the administration of this
651.123 Alternative dispute resolution.The commission shall, by rule, adopt alternative
procedures for resolution of disputes between residents and providers. The rules shall provide for
an informal, nonbinding mediation process, and for binding arbitration when mediation fails to
resolve a dispute, and shall provide minimum qualifications for arbitrators substantially similar to
other arbitration programs under the Florida Insurance Code. The rules shall specify the types of
disputes that are subject to mediation or arbitration, and shall provide that disputes over increases
in monthly maintenance fees are not subject to mediation or arbitration. Arbitration is available
only if all parties agree in advance to be bound by the result.
651.125 Criminal penalties; injunctive relief.
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(1) Any person who maintains, enters into, or, as manager or officer or in any other
administrative capacity, assists in entering into, maintaining, or performing any continuing care or
continuing care at-home contract subject to this chapter without doing so in pursuance of a valid
certificate of authority or renewal thereof, as contemplated by or provided in this chapter, or who
otherwise violates any provision of this chapter or rule adopted in pursuance of this chapter,
commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. Each
violation of this chapter constitutes a separate offense.
(2) The state attorney for a circuit shall, upon application of the office or its authorized
representative, institute and conduct the prosecution of an action for violation, within such circuit,
of any provision of this chapter.
(3) The office may bring an action to enjoin a violation, threatened violation, or continued
violation of this chapter in the circuit court in and for the county in which the violation occurred,
is occurring, or is about to occur.
(4) Any action brought by the office against a provider shall not abate by reason of a sale or other
transfer of ownership of the facility used to provide care, which provider is a party to the action,
except with the express written consent of the director of the office.
(5) The provisions of s. 624.310 apply to any person whose identity is required to be disclosed
pursuant to s. 651.022(2) or s. 651.023(1)(a).
651.13 Civil action.Any resident injured by a violation of this chapter may bring an action for
the recovery of damages plus reasonable attorneys fees.
651.131 Actions under prior law.
(1) With respect to any proceedings hereafter instituted by any person believing himself or
herself to be aggrieved by a violation of any of the provisions of former s. 651.01, s. 651.02, s.
651.03, s. 651.04, s. 651.05, s. 651.06, s. 651.07, s. 651.072, s. 651.074, s. 651.076, s. 651.08, s.
651.09, s. 651.10, s. 651.11, s. 651.115, or s. 651.12, any resulting judgment shall be limited to
the actual monetary loss suffered by such person plus reasonable attorneys fees.
(2) With respect to the provisions of former s. 651.12, any prosecution hereafter instituted under
the provisions of said section shall require an affirmative finding of intent to defraud.
651.132 Amendment or renewal of existing contracts.Any contract or agreement executed
before October 1, 1983, which is amended or renewed subsequent to October 1, 1983, is subject
to this act.
651.134 Investigatory records.Any active investigatory record of the office made or received
under this chapter, and any active examination record necessary to complete an active
investigation, is confidential and exempt from s. 119.07(1) until such investigation is completed
or ceases to be active. For the purpose of this section, an investigation is active while it is being
conducted by the office with a reasonable, good faith belief that it could lead to the filing of
administrative, civil, or criminal proceedings. An investigation does not cease to be active if the
office is proceeding with reasonable dispatch and has a good faith belief that action could be
initiated by the office or other administrative or law enforcement agency.

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